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IJMHSKAYA, Ye.l.; ARSHAKUNI, A.A. System kdamath oxide - genwAum dioxide. Zhuir, neorg. khIm. 9 no.2o414-421 F164, (MIRA 117s;.) 1, Institut obohaboy I nearganiaheskoy Wall Imeni Kumakava AN SSSR. ,:011. tion ir. 'on i e ov v ~-~ftLki z no. 2: ID, ~;_ 108 1; 1111 18:3) 1. , --.%rarrkiy imntltul, zliivotnr,,fcdtjtva I vato.-r-tia.vii, br.itselle!znvy Otdf 1. i -TT i -1 AI ZWP(q)/W(vk1/PA am/Am ArebAltual. R. G.2 A Mass apectroscolde. 0W0jd4'4 I- W ~T 2birmil fisiobaskay odio, V. A A mss.s spectroscold ho CV00 'to 4 0 Y* TEM 711 has boin develo;ad. For the awd a vapm The amouvrl. or Alatlat Is -iser is used. 0. 3-0.!i silligrams :of BaGoF6, v1deii Lik h4t, aIdaimm Wn, 1 1 4: ion ae q 0 "#;j ,Izmr with !Us acts wl.tb the materLal of the viipoj ~to 4110 4 G~e spectnim which is f =ed upon the ionization of tkM m6leal ,~,o o of stwt The expediency of r;.,, isotopic cAlysis of geromiug Vir $040 Of i0 low U ho and an analysis of t aample of mewUia germiwdum, In *-T ~ q1 made oj' random errcre in measurtmeht, Thom 4Lre Y fi&01 01 1: 0 ASSOCIATION: Hoakc-i'skiy gosud&i!sttrsnftyy unit*rsitat iftlaii V. D 16DVA 41 State Miversity 'AsJ4 K., V. LMMOV k i T T T SUBMTM: 22, 1962 Cad I YX Ro,~SIYEVSIKIY , G. 1. , doktcr tekhn. nauk; AM, HAKU.11, D.T.. irth. Effect Of ChMatie CondItIODS on indicen detsrxInIat Qu pw effi.-isney of municipal central heating systemo, Elsko sta. 35 no.11:21-25 N 164. 04M 1831) GIULIBUDAGUN, L.V.1 AMBUT ,b ~N, RSb,; HOSTOW, I.M.4 AWWKUN, Z P, New dorivatives of 4oqtdWdlwl* Ropat lo47j 6-4kay dorivativea of 3-(p,4wtbwcyb*ayl)- and 3(p-"~4qW*L)-4.qul=adiwl. Report lo,*7s 6-Alkao deriva"o o, WOOobmwj~)- and f 3~& 3-(p--etha3q,b*nsyl) ISr ~$M4~ A.LP.M.Oadd 15 no.5:489-492 G# (MM 16s2) le Terevanshy gosubrot"unyy wdversitetp ~ofmft argmtsboAay 1rhimij. (Quinoubol) ARSHANITSA, 5, of determining of plywood (veneer she*0 OozbuIrUbiUtY. Testis Latv &k no.8:73-78 160. (VAI 1019) (Plywood) ARSHAII.ITSA, Vii.tor Alt, xaorijivv h; (Operator of marine nemiautoratic welders] Swldcvo:L svar3hchik - poluaytomatchik. IArAngrrndq Su(iutroenle, 1964. 114 p. (1,11FA 18:2) N-P-J XTJOIAIRV, 1.1t) -D ~- m-, wav, A.V. ft%llftlrA" date on tb* OMM, Of 000" ftusit# cm Ow 101" or loop* bol;s wd the aw psuitle of rioe hoW. Troy didrob~,o:L. obvi 320 162. (Km Issw Hafedra biologii AWUsbmkop laWleftt"0040 seditsinokogo insUtutas, Andi (Cmw Sul (Nosq%dtob ton) (Algas) r;-, -1 -L IT .1 So V/ 109- 3-8-1.21111-1 AUTHCRS: Arahanskaya, It.G., ParkbomerAo, V.S. and RaEUna, PLI. ------------- TITLE: Technology of the Preparation of Hatrix Mckel-oxide Cathodes and the Results of Their 1m,eati$at.".on kTekhnologiya izgotovleniya Eubchatjy~ ,-h nikeloivo- okalftykh katodov I rezulltaty ikb ifisledovaiiya) PERIODICAL: Radiotekbntka I Zleictroniket, 191,58, Val 3, fir 8, PP 1058 - 1063 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two types of nickel-oxide cetbodes were - rodAced ead .P investigated. Both catLodes emplDyOd niOkel, t.Vpe ISO, nIKA or BIVO as their core metterial. Ove of the cathodes was cylindrical and it was prepared in a egecial graphite jig (Figure 1). The uatrix for this c4t a was prepared from nickel povder havinZ grain sizea of 45-60, 60-'J0 Snd 70-80 p . The other cathode vrMs in the form of a circular platt and ras also preparod in a sjecial~4is (ifigure 2); the same nickel povdex - wam use4. for ite matrix. The thickness of the matdx -sac about 200450 4 and itA porosity was about ?G-?5%. The oxi(lation of 'the cathode was done by usinG the normal, tripli, or double- enrbonate, either pure or with admixture of an activating agent. The triple carbonDte was iatroduced Into the L;Lq.rdl/3 matrix by cathaphoresis. In the cose of t1n, double Solf/1001 -3-e-12/1 8 Technology of the Preparps.tion of Vati-ix Cathodes and the Results of Their Investication cirbonate, the active iiiass was introduced into the pores of thp matri;: by "rubbinF,-inm the waterial 'nto a revolving cetbode. Me cathodes vwre Invosti6ated iu actual, electronic devices zad in sprcial, --xperimental djodes. w, a a "Ii t use* diedes. Onc e jr. gh !1o tube, furnished with a copper radiator. Thq results of the tests on such tubes are shown in 41 5,,~6 and Fik~ure 4 sLows the anode current, Ia I ih,!~ 2u e emission current 3~ and ttie slope of u nuAcr of tubes as a function of the oper.-ition. tize; tho full curves correspond to the, cr-tLAesof trinle aarbcric.-.e with Th, while the '&!zhedl curves show the parairete::z for the cathodes without Th; these curves tsi~!re tokea for the cathodes made with 1,110-nickel cores. SU-11ar curves for riIKA- and nIVO-nicllcel cores are Zi~,te:a In FiC-,,ares 5 and 6, respectively. Yrom the tcsts, it Is cowluded that the cathodes can give stable carrent dagislticw of about 2 vard2/3 0.5 Alcm . It is therefore poasibld-, to emplair the SOV/109- -3-E -- 12/18 Technology of the Prepar;ition ~)f J.Ntrix mickel-)xi(Je U-~tLodes and the Results of Vicir lriv~rjtigntion cathodes under the c-,)nditions where thf-, ivortal oxide cathodes become uarelinble due to W-A ir)arkln- ohenomena and lack of strength. There are 8 figares (1 photograph) aQ 3 refe~-onces, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 EnGlish and I Frewh- SUBMITM: January 29, 1958 Card 3/3 1. Oxide cathodes-Prepantion 2. Oxide 3athodes-Perforonce 3. Oxide*oathodes--Test results 4. Nickel-Affeativeneso sov/ tca~-3 -e- 1J"'/ 18 AUTHORS: "f1hQQM1rQq&,_ar~an'kovskiy, 11,G., GordiUL, ~!.YU.j Mel'nik, OONO, Serova, a.fl. tand Le6kova, A.A. TITIE: Thorium-oxide Uathodez for Pover Tubes (Oksidno- toriyevyy katod dlya moshchnykh Li.-nn.-ratorja~lcch lamp) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 19$8, Vol 3, hr 8, pp 1064 - 1022 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The preparation of the actual thoriam-oxIde cattodes was effected by the method of electropbarevis, which permitted the manufacture of robuipt captLiEa witb~ a smooth surfade on various types of the actlode core. The core material for the cathodes was taatalum since i i i t i ts expansion coefficient o mately equis s approx , that of tt~orium oxide. The cores viere de-Exeasod, etched, wphed and then de-eassed sit a tezlersture of 14600 C. Since the atterpts to ob,~aia satisfactory coatings by the normal, cataphoretic wetbo~_ were- unsuccessful, an ultrasonic-type *iixiq, of thorlum- oxide suspennion was employed. This was vcry successful and permitl'led obtaininL coati" of about 1-0 1- (16 mg/cm2) . The esthode cores viere -eith(tr ribboa-liIce (;ard 1/4 Thoriuri-oxide Crthodes fox Po-,7er Tubes SVY1 IC-' -3 -5-13/ 13 or were in the form of trou&s. Im either citse, they were coated by the cataphoretic-altrasonic nethod by employing the so-called technique of "extended meniscus". In this technique, the cathode core is plact!d horizon- tally in the vicinity of the surfore of tLe coatin& suspension and tLe cathode is lol,7ered until it very nearly touchea tLe substance. In tbis irV, a meniscus is formed; the cathode is then pulled oway. The cathodes thus prepared were investleatea in tbree types of e erimental tubes. The construotion of the first tubela diode) is shown in Figure 2; this '.s furtisLied with a cathode in the form of a cup. The socond ddode employs a directly heated ribbon-like catbode and its construction is illustrated in Pi&iLre 3. This cathode had an emissive surfEce of 0.5 cmd , TLc tUrd tube had a filamentary cathode having a diueter of 100 It, which. was coated with an oxide to a t-Ackness of' .,5-40 11. The temperature of ttc cethodes in Ihe :1ra,; two tubes was measured by neans of an o:)tieal microp.7rometer, wbile the temperature of tLe filamentary catbode voe determined Card2/4 from the change of the filament reolstance. The Influence Thorium-oxide Cvthodes for Po-z.,er Tubes of the activation teniporsture on the eaission eba t 8 ;so er- iz;tics of the a-tI':.odes is illuotrrt-ed in liZ%tre and G. The three curves o1 Fizure 5 are UP Ricbardson curves for a catLode based on a molybdenur corf: : CarveB.1 aiA 2 exe for catIaodcs ;:~ctivr-ted at 1600 and 1800 t respectivSly, while Curve 3 is for a catb3de activated at 2 000 K. Figure 6 shoix's a family Of Statie allarac eristics; Curve 2 was taken at 6 Opapexature of 11 820 after a purely thermal activntion -i,t a temperature ot 1 960 K, while the remainin,6 curves vere taLen at various temperatures after tte c-.W.Ve hLd bern actirated~at a 0 current density of 0.6 A/cm and a temper8ture of, 1 880 K. The thermal emission constants of well-actLvated cathodes were determined from the Richardson Srw,pbs (IiE=6 9) and it was found that the work funotion was .2.2 t6 2.4 eV, while the Richardson constant was about 0.5 to 2 2 5 A/cm per degree . The emission c)iaracterlatica itere also taken by means of abort pulseekless tbaa 1W,149 and these are shown in figure 9 for vnrious getivstinZ ) Card3/4 temperatures. From tle curves, it was round that. at a Thorium-oxide Catbodes f3r Pover Tubes temperature of 1 860 0K, the maxiriw de-,sitv in the static regime is about 1.5 JVCM,2 t i-hile ir, the pulse operation, it is about 2-3 Ma A? ; ot ierperat Fet, of 2)0(1(1 - 2 106 'K, the Pulse em"LlIUL01) Ville E-9 Vea, 1. The. cathodes ... are also subjected to ILfc, tpstu and it was found that a thorium-oxide layer of aboat 40 4 Zives a useful life of 500 at a curren'. ditnsit:- 3f 2. -;todez do not 0.6 A/cm It was farthcr found tha. tte ca ~ lose their emission even if the vacuum Invidii the tubes becomes as 1077 ar, 5 X 10-5 m1fi;. There. Eire S figures and 12 references, 7 of Which are In'-Iliethl 4 Freach and 1 Soviet. bUBAITTED: January 29, 1958 (;prd 4/4 1. Oxide cathodes--Properties 2. OxAe catholea--Prspa~mtion 3. Thorlum oxide--Applications 4. Tantalum-Applications aLY,IYEV, V,i-.; Y.ALiNACJISM.0, V.A.; YAJ:IMKJ;(,, L.Ji,; ,X- -',I.-.',,',-',- ITF:. Yu . Tt I ~4.'YXTJ) I, 14, 1 SHKLOM, Br. M.A.$ LS'iii-IOVA, V.T.; talUVIIIA, G.P.; iZGELISHt, Y..I;.l W.F.; Yi!,;L. iin.hWe of oxperlence. Zav.lAb. 28 w.W05-667 16Z, OlIm ) 5: 5) 1. Dimicheskiy savod imeni Vo-.*ova (for Oiklover). '* Ural I skiy nauchno,,-issledovatal I Wdy institut cherliyU rvta.Uov (far Buravlev, Ferapolkim,, Ustinme, llaxtpW). 30 lirgissidy Cosudarstyannyy universitet (for Mgallsht, Trapitayng flulum). (Spoetrum wia3yvis) SEHM-V., S.S.; BEFILITOSLIP P.V.; ARSUK=~ A.H.j SMXIYLTXFAp A.P. ... Conoentrated shale am an orlnwmineral fillor tv volded p)4dm of phowlic plastics obtained by the emlsiov mou3od" froo. MIT no.loilgo-W 061. (KDA ISO) (Phenol condensation pmOucts)(Shole) ARSHANSUT. __ , w , Vibration motor vitb a wire tr*noducor. Clsd.] 1014NMOR 51155-59 '59. (XW 12 02) (Vibration--Heasurement) ARSHANSKIT L.A. Semiconductor voltage converters for IUPPIyIOC current to strain- manuring equipment from low-voltage d.a. voiavol. clod.] IONITOMBS 51:92-" 159. (IM 22 02) Oftectric am-root convertors) (Btr*in gaagps) ARSH"SKIY M ...... Intrafactory specialisation and planning proAuction in the machinery Industry. Top.skon, to.9:19-32 S 156. (MLA 9tlD) (Machinery industry) BROVMAN, M.Ya.; G&NZELEV, S-M-; Te.sting and otartint, an oxygen-blown cormertior rith a 100--ton batche Stall 23 fi,** 241 no.41303-305 Ap lbr" (um v: 8) 1. Yuzhno-Urallskiy mushinostroitel'iVy zavod I Nishnm- Tagillskiy metallurgicheakiy kmiblnat. ARSHANSKIY, M,L,, Inzh. f Combined planning of the preparation for -the asWac" or pleas &W sh6rt_#as3A auafteture ot wazhiuory. Vest, mashlnostr, 43 no.7t?6*M JI 163. (XM :Asg) (Nashinery Imustry-ft4somt) ARAAN.'-,~! ! I y *,',,. Violatorg of !he 'aw wtre pLni3hed. Veterlnad,'it ~! nc.,?,,,iq F 164. (wRA I P..12) 1. Nacha:.'n,'k pledmWennoga otdals Prokuratury, TY!Aendkilya oblast'. Agwif, SXIT' Has. ELow-reactive-power aeramic condenearej gerealOtsklo ImatensatorIr w1ol reaktivnot moshohmostle Kookm, Go@. ourg, lit-r7. 19~3. 141 p, (KIAA 7:3) (CouUnmers (Ilectrialty)) S Y, H.Ta.; ILUCHKIM, Jo.K, Oral h;rgiene carried out owng children of tomingmd Provinces Stoustologita 38 uo,3t2)1.-23 Vq%.Jo 159. (NVA 120) -A-- a 1. Is Le - Asko3r ablastneW kliatebeekay 'bail' ultiqy (CL&vW vrach A.P.Yagarova). (LIMM" purtm-NWIS-Ow An OMMIN) MS H A N. " . -, I., ln~;h. rr~-.!-Js in the development of AJr-blaat awltahes. UlktrotskMika. 36 no.90-4 5 165. (MM 1819) ARSHANSKIY Ya.N 9 Insh. Use of an assotropic *ftturo for abarging the VA",t? "frigbyating lwdt, thol.t*A. 40 no.200 Ni-w4 163. (NIFt 1614) (Refrigeration and refrigmtIm NL*bUov7) (notrigerants) ',,,T,*'.:;-JT", YitkL~v N'aulijuvich; Ye.:~., :;pf3t.S, 1'ed.; K, L,': . IM'Y61, Ye,.!~.p vol. ~L:t.strjlllation ard raLntenmwe ot' nu+rvitic contra.] liml regulation deviceal Monta-.L I obsluzhIlwaiii ;.,rlt)t)r:iv av- t,l-vatiki I koritrolla. Ponkva, 1-id-vt) pro- n~ I , " 19&- 85 p. Olllil-. L7-. :',) WIN, Ye.V.; Yev9elityk V"ktcr.,vnm, Al", SM1,11a: V~ Yakwl Na=ovl~:v. "rimimai ochastive C.G.; UITMM, N.11., kani. tedin. nauk, rtAfloTizentl F,I,, retuenZenL; UtrMOVICH, V.L., retz:enzent; Ye.M., red. mach'itery arvi plarito] Rhoilodflloya I ustanovki. Yook-nip Fi;ihchevala proriyshla-moirtl, lt)6,o 551 P. (141.~",A Ist!) ARSHAS, A.M. [Arsaa, As Chjs mmuchAy sotrudnik --~I, aspadts of tubern1catt (camooma) of Choi ImS [wItk IWWW7 in Yrenchle Probletub. 36 wolt2l-26 158 (NIU life) I* Is terapsytichaskor kliniki (saw. - kwA*m*d.uavk A.t. PealkoVaim" Lito,vokogo usuchno-loolodavatel'okop tuberhalosmogo tutituta (dir. - kand,nedawk YuAo Gamporis, samet4ttoll direirtars po nauchnor ohnsti - prote Too A. tasakavich), (IMMULWO, POUMAIT, oass rwrtap ahomisy taborculoma (bas )) ) "C A:: L-C-3, 1` - Y I, -I I e d :,elt disr , .11W, c 'Ind , ~ C~'). (" t of r ~-il nur r., t-tb . " Yi I' lip' Ito 1951 4 '11-1 .-.! C bi Of tl!r;,%Or f 2~1) ca.-ies ,3duc- tiun ',)Ssic. ililln~-ut; ~~t tc; U li-i -- Vr;1s41:,-3 ) J` ( , . -;' - - - . , 1 () r~ ) - 3o 5 - , I . : , : I . ; I I . , I ARSULS A.D., naucbnyy setradidk t- -- Taborciams of the I=g and Its therapy. boblaftb. 37 w.8s 34-0 '59- (Nlu 1316) 1. ix litankage tobaWassage lustituta (dlr, - lmad,odovaik Tu.14 GM*rlmo un,Ur. ps nauabnoy chastl - Prof. laTes Usaboviob7o ( I 4p W PUWI)uv tber') -ARSILAS, A. Kh., kand. med. nank Pathogenesis of a pulmonary WborICALIONS, and late remilts -)f Its treatment. Probl, tuberk. a no.2930-35 10 (NIPA 1792) 1. Tz lAtovskogo nauchno-isslodovatel'sk 1wtituta tubuinae- za ( dir. - kand. nod. neuk Yu,L.Clamperilso. ARS~~.,, inzh. (Baku) I an-^ Vortex rescues fidwA61 .1-1. 31 mo,W" 163, NEU 160) (Od=0 Lqrjgjz"r4m&) (Fish populations) MI ARSHAVAO A., insh. (Baku) I Trapped oil spots& Tekhemol, 30 no.100~-36 IQ. WAA 25,22) (Petroleum vaste) ARSiAVA A-M- Hydrosleotric power stations and the reprodustim of fidw a, ?A takh.progr. 3 no.345-48 Mr 163. OMU 16s10) I* TSentrallnoye proyoktoo-korstruktorokqe %wo ff*,6 Mnisterstva morskogo flots, SM, , , ARSFIAU, A.Nlt- Blastic shells for a mv typs of freight ships. 1ST, AN Aserb. SSR no.12s39-51 D 157. (MIRA %W) (Alastic plates and shells) (Tank vessels) ARSHAVA, V. Engineering Instructor, Hineralirdye Tbd1y tooomotive D";*tP (194.5l)- Deputy to USSR Supreme Soviet# (1949). wConservatives Retard the Five Hodred Vorementtm Isv"jja, Wtoker, 1949. SO: T. I. No. 5261J., 52616-19 on file in L of Ct Air ARSHAVA, T.G.. in2h. Causes for gas and dust olvlosion in the latchowwV0 mim 50-31. BasoV.trwk v prom* 4 no*3t?-9 160. (KM 1336) 1. Upravlonlye Stallaskop okrop Gosprtekhnadsors USER. (Rmtobanko"-ftne explosions) ARSI-IAVA, V. F. "Vitwain BI in Rhematint." Cand Had Set, Onapropetrovok State Medical Inst, Dnepropetrovsk, 1954. (RWIol, No 6, %r 53) SO: Sun. go. 6?0, 29 Sep 5,r--Survey of Sclatifia 40 Teabdeal Dissertations Defended at UOSR Higher lduastl-~vial Instituttims (15) LUR'Yli, Z.L.. orof.: YAVCHUUOVSKAYA, N.A., kand.wd.wuk; AUIAVSUU B.I. Temporal arteritis. 21 no-8129-33 AS 057. (XXRA 1012) 1, Is nerynogo otdole" 4-y klinichaskoy bollattsjr (Clavr47 vr*ch - sasluzhennyy vrech MM X.V.Ivanyukov) Hoakvy. (AMMMIS face, oltuelanifest. (Rus)) (ARMITISO temperel (Run)) v . .......-pip I H ti rl 0i, so 00 W4 ld M6 WO trv W" *bad ma km 79 MA bi l Oi 0 a . s0'2 09 '1 sell 0 * * # # 0 * + # a + :*,, 0 If ~ I f ! t 0 1 11 * T " A W IL it- 19 f: not W46 wlA&%wwc6k t"Itat"I tkow*ff" 17; OTMI, go *goes a Mi HIM SM6 SAM* ARSHAVAKAU, Ye. 1. mLaven Reflex in Ontogenevis." Nis. 2hw., 34, Vo.2o 1,048 Ub. of Grmth PtWsiol.,, Irot. of Pedi&U-ics,, AMSO Moo*ov AMVSWAIY& I. A 16/4%76 00, 00 c 002 *Sol 094 lit unfalwe OAW a wit t I we 96496 a 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14n. I L P.. so Igo so so so as so so 3 0 06004 ARSHATSKIY. I. A., ARSHATRATA.Ts. I..'' ' T U.S. L. 00AMUN. A. A. 6~ --" -i"` ." ~...... " -"ii; - Mechanism of realivation and Ph"i0logic sipirleawo of skele"l muscular motor reactions in maosials in the Prenatal prxiod. 71%1*L zh. BSSR 3? no. IkWW04 JUY-Aus, 1951 (am 210) I 1. laboratory of Age-Group Physiology of the 11tatituts, of Peftatrics of the Ac&Aewq of Pledical Solsioes UM. - - - ---J, - - * .. Yp. 'I'vp,-4e. -kjy ~n 1 hi - . ?.r ~j. -~ ~f.ra -ir-. (), jo~~2, ns --y lf~ SC . 'e-tembe~ 11'2. ARSUVMTA, To. I. - * Nwhaniss of devolopmetit of &WlWlaotio *back in dogs of various &Cos., Fisiol. sh. SSSI 38 no,6:708-714 Nov-Doc 1952. (CM 23:4) 1. I"oratory of Age-ftoup PbWalology of tbg hwbitate Ce aswal *Ad JtK- porimental Patholoa ot Sho AcadmW of Medical kJances MW 1-1 1. . - . ~ ~ I -T - 1, 1 . '' I . -' ~'711 ... V - 11 11 1 - --- - -- - ---Y - - , - . - . -.,. . - ~ -.. ~ -- & '. ~~ . 1. . "The Signific/ance of the Nervous System In the Phyalological Wchantsms of the Reactivity of the Organism at Different Aps I on a W,,dol of lbqmrjmmtaL Dysentery and Staphylccoccus Intoxication) p. 1 )0 Problems Reaktivnosti v Patologii Medgiz, Moscow 1954, 3114 P- ADMIAVSKAYA, I.I..(Uoskva) Pavlovian method of dvalmatIng the vascular component of "I Infl6matory reactiolk of Intestinal *we" to OmmUmIc Intoxication In dogs at "rious otqpm of davelopw*t. ANW. W. 17 w.3i66-67 JI-S 035. (HMPA 6M) 1. Is laboratoril voormstow fisiologil I.A. Arekrskiy) Instituts obsbabiV I sksperiments,14ney petologli ANN SSSR (dir.-WM. A.D.turauskly) (DTSMMZ , BACIIJARr, aperimastal vase. factor In furAw. reactions of Ittestinal w1cosa) ARSHAVSKAU, R.I. Vascular reactions In nowborn of remotivity, Vop.okhommte I infants on au Inillastor of tbair state dot# I ao,3t23-)O N:-Jo 1156, (NM 919) 1. Is laborstoril vosraeftoy fistologit I patolqgil (sav, - prof* L.searshayakly) Instituta normallmW I patolugichsakAw fLmt*UVU Akadeali a9d1tsInskikh nauk SM (diro - d4qskvIks1'Wy chlim ANN SM prof., V.1.0bernigovskly) Moskva., ORAIRS (MDM~ (BMW ymma) ARSHAYSX&YA.Te.l.: YJDRASHKO. Y.Y.-. RATXLROVA. O.N. Complementary effect of proteins in food intaks at different times, Top.pit. 15 no.4:9-12 Jl-AC 056. (au 9:9) 1. Is otdola detskago, pitantys (say* - hadtUt seditsiaskiUb a&* Yu*K.Polteva) Iftatitnta pitaniya ANN SUR, Nook". (PROTNINS diotstry, mutual euricbment In Intake at different times) (DIMS, exper. proteins, mutual ouricbsont in intWo In different tine,s) . I ........ h I t flkh huh1l 9411 !vol.tjIlel ;, !, fill Y11 !111111 J L :~ i" Wil till fit 111W 01 111111toi ~,,ll till 10 11F.1 roolkylir, AHSUAVSXATA, S. 1. Feculiarities of the conditioned romponse act I-vity In vmll chIldm with dysentery kept on quelitativoIr difforaitt diets. PwAistrita n0-7:99-101 J1 '57. (NIU 10,10) 1. 1i otdola detskogo pitanip (tsy. - kentlidot medilminskikh nook Tu.K.Poltevm) Instituts pitadyn WIN SAR (dir. - toglinhipmW 4s"- tell muki ISM. chleb-turrempondont AM prof. D.P.XoIcbenows) (COUNTIOUD RJS?Ombx) OTSINUIty) (MLLINCY All-Union Gonfer#rA* ,.)u qq Theory alld pr4latlem 11!:trit, lop-pit. 16 no.,;:-96.93 jI.Ag 057. ;!L;, A 10-11) -AFSHAVSKMI E41., Pbysiological mechamlswo of reactivity (*ccord~q to vasaWar reactions) at various age periods. Ttudy Toss., ob-va ftsicl.9 biokbim. i fam. 09-16 1% Dmu 1432) 1, Iaboratorlya vomr9stnoy fisiologli Instituta obahokwy I eksperimentalincy patologii AM WR (zav, laboratorlymy prof@ I.A. Arshavakiy). (mnm) Unronditioned aM oonditioned vascular refle"a in children of ages 1 to 3. fistol.shuro 45 no.4:402-49 Ap 159,o (N%U 12W 1. From the departimont of children's imtrItIono Institute of Nutrition, AcadsvW of Kedifta Getsmem. x0scow. (PLENTOW&M, I eanditionod A nwooditioned plethymoognspMe reactions in Inf. Nus)) (RVM, COND111016M, pUthyamographle conditiond reselions LA lie. (BUOD (MMU wwonditioned In Ing, One)) ARSHAVSKIlt I.A.; ARSUV31LLIAt B.I. Features of motor (skeletammlar) and variou athar ren*w specific for the neonatal period in pkpiologically mto* iwd imatwe infants, Vop* okhr, mt. i dot, 6 no. 101-37 U 161. (MM'. 1414) L' Is laboratorU vosrastmay fisiologii i patalooil (SAV* - PWO I.A* Arshavakiy) lastitUta nwml I my I pat4cglObeakoy fi"logil ANN SWR (dir. dey#t*it*l'rqy ohlon ANN SSBR prof. VA Chernigovs)d,y) (IRA= (PMTUR%)) (DWAM (N*BOU)) (REPUM) -AMHAV31wiA, ~::. 1. Report of oymposium on homaostasis. VOP. Pit. 20 n0.5490.-93 S-0 161. (MIA UsIO) (METABOLISM-CCOIGIMSIM) ARSHAVSKj%YA, E.I.; AFS-1173KIY, I.A. Formntion and transfornrition of reflex motor "motions In wto- geny in connection with tfto nnnlyziB of their impwUnos in each aire. i-Fvrio-1. 1~-~ !.- Tnit. rorn. i pat., fizia1s. AlOr SM El I 57-59 i--" (MA 1731) 1. Laburat,.>riya %ozrastnoy fiziologii I patologli (snv* - prof. I.A. Arshavskiy) Inatitutt, norjualnoy i patologicheskO7 flat-)- logii kil SSSR. A fAar,tc w.i or the? r,. i ft mI't rm i I t(,,,ri t,,,) th m i ra n fi- forriwi!,,on of tht! Okale al imm-Ailiurv In t r; faiAll. Fltlolonlx. 50 iio,6007-7.15 Jo 164o (RAA 1812) o7imf. o ,f AMN S."O.M, mosikita. ARSHAVSKIT V A.; VAV r4 , A. Efficiency yromotorn help firs pre"nti=, P*sb.Wo 7 ntAM Ze 162. (IIRA Us 6) 1. Zavedttynshchiy ptaisvMstvcm ftbriki *Kmtt" g. Laninind U* Arshavokiy). 2., Ka" Inik rsbarwy okhromy ftbirlki 014"tpl g, leningr*4 (for YOU (laningrad-41actories-Fires fire prevention) FAVIZNXO, Go; AB3HAVS ..Aj novetnik yustitail; KATAMR, 0.; TS p, .0 inzb.1 WANNIKOV, A., shoforp ZRAWN, A. Readers' lett*rs, Ayt. transp, 41 no.6s57-58 h 163o (MM 16s 8) 1. Starshiy insh. Wasterstva avtmobiltuago transp~rta Kirgizakoy SSR (for gotaner). 2. Cktpbrtskqo &rt;oWtmyqotvo Volgogradekogo avtoupmvlsniya (fbr Krywvtik*v). ARSHAVSKIY, 1. Reviews. Zhur. evol. blokbims i fislol, I no*5o477-479 34 t6$. (XIRA IWO u 11 1. .1 All 0 19 W Af & A bol=d== of md -w tu '"toy of I. ri vmkwh Notfftwo 46-ofto w rw lima ths"bild to 111411 001 fit orwit4forv low-two W 4 s IN I Ito poor"ti In. Imb .4 4342 NOW 111 11djol 6.1 -Ior if malkid Now .4 1,J1411144wo f. 60 stiff 4 0 win tiod" 'd I tv pool""I W I wal on if I am ifWq 00 .3~11 000 WOW woo irl-M mat Do. J Ile ill, u 'I .0 Spo" 've 009 0 Ce 90 0: 0 0 *0 #0 0 " q, `_k AA tl!~ !:Mpt., Igo Vo -00 so so Vol i0 OR =t "ab I Woo 00 I. j! Ill 111:11A 11 JI..w a 1w *fee** 0, so** k. IF -sot i, . ......... ........ 00 4w pbdoomma j 5y 4, E. A- U. f* 6L 1A)(j an too ti;~ is lic Mopa ~44 do Of' bolb doc Pwollbb.- ,a,. lal of a all. monw =~drj71~ SM Pbw wig. too 00 od trill, to 111.4 110. [fee "'Offibl, to lea ON ciallikimoblY The VW. sea log . ............. I r0 r It re t .0 *nl -~,' 6f is 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 *0 00 .0 00 a 9 0 0 a 0 0 a 6 * 9 6 * 0 a + Wow, " A JI 72 IT Ill 'n, 13 21 A P. p H-M W 0,l .6 NIP -r 00 !'.Of 00 . .............. 00 Al CA 00 ~p~.OJM mallin *miq maollja~, A A Milli.. w M. 44 114811k h1twotOL famir. 6, 041111#141, , Ift Alllpffid tv*KVW4 a .,1 .14" *0 - I low A row -"-I nm on" f0 "WPuNq Car cis rltw do" mat Of -00 1,loeshim" in 44 b "am 40* fit - li of aoika 2-j do" saw gab* wo mwbw 40 low 1"Wh I at 00 Thb iis StOW&MI an essw* of pow4ve 101"m 4*0 :a i It A 60 : v too 060 see see see 4, "1a "'W-4 -3 u 11010 All ,OTT 000 *I'm 0-0 0 0, 0:0, 0 9 * 0 1A J-on of Pol-j-, OT' 1-tDzt,,Al vmv! cri rot'. ~Jwuva, Moq,-(;W, L4 -7 SO: r -11 L, Le ton - s hurnal Inyidi S lo. ~, 11 11 a 4 b ! t f 0 ; f 4 P a I W, 1 9 W 5 v F to 0 a 9 9 0 111 * 9 0 41 0 0 * 4 4. a 0 # a 4 04, 1 .Al ; . , , z ~ n 11 1, a a )I jL 4 v a fl a s;0 i, r4b of Growth "Jol e a- . Inst or Pedi&tries A d k6d ; -00 , u j cj , .49 mod"bm d 0=2 IWO 060 12% -to @s0 4, 190 r Vim ee 406 l 40d 44- a Al 4) 4. -W-Tvfli -$ -1 -3-6 a It 0 00 isoo , 1 3, , IT , ~r . 7 T . .. All rlj% . ~ 42613. 0 Wokotorykh T**tlbmlY&Wkb Rs&kt�LYW& I Oft"9026". *uU'm%dn' Ak"rim. Dialogit I Madit9ilkY. 1948. 1*- 12, B. 417-19- 1. L. wfhe Uachadem of the Tranmdtion of Hisspirat.ory Actions from h0mauUrins to Extrauterinem SUMBs Fiziol. Zhur. SSMs 34, No 1, 1948 ARSUVS,~R, 1. A. - - ---- - --- - *Differenose in the MagnitwW of Qn4mwda Almg the Mervoms $ystam ot Ujwhaow " an &xpression of the So-CalUd Clradiont,,* SOURCU Fisiol. Zhur. US9 35, No 1i 1949 t -I 1---FT;; - 1 , j I i ~ . !I ~1 11 1 . I i1 ;!, 1 16 1* lob of Phye-ol of' Orowth, "Child'a ftsiologiwa Gradient as a Devol*pment of N. Yso Vvvdonakiy's PerislscUmg SMSt Fisiol, Zhurs SM. Val 35, No 29 109 . ;.I I,, I IT1111i,il I'll I[INJ k ARMTSKIT, I.A. Nmm"Wmlv~ ftelological sochbales of immunity *Ad defence raction is tot= and new born* Akush.Cla. lejs32-37 8*pt-*c% 50, (CUM 20t5) 1. Of the leborstory of Ap4romp ftsioloo of the lutituto of Pediatrics (Director - P!t*f.0.1#bor*mIW Aetk** Member of the Academy of Medical $cloacae USSR),, Awdow of Moifteal Science$ USSR, -I ~ I -7,I- - -- -.- -I- .- . "The I'll. Yo. Ilvedenskiy" Froblem of Iability 1.1n, Connection vitil thO 1113ftlyl la Of the Wchanisms of Transformation of the Illeuro-14mcdar 3yatem's AclAvity :~n tle FTOCWB or Intogony," (ire Iq) by Argh4vgkiv. 14 A. SO: Aihievemnto -VT lWorn Did (VokpoW Sovrommay BiolWli) Val-o VJCII# 96. 1 (4) Mbscow-lAningradp July-Augwt, 1951. ARSHATSKIT. 1. A.. ARSHAVSU'[A,Ye. I.MMMA.S. I.. 0GAMMS, A. A, Mechanism of realizAtion and physiol*O* stpifloanco ofl vkalst4sl muscular motor reactions in awwals in this anatal portodLo ftsiol. sh. SSSR 37 no. 4:468-474 July-Aug. 1951 FCUM 21t3) 1 I, Laboratory of Ag6-Group Physiology of tho lostitut* of PolieArios of the Academy of Kodical Science$ M. Ile 1. ARMUVSYIY, I. A., Prof. 2. USSR (600) 4. Infants - Nutrition 7. Physiological basis for brest fsoding imedat4y after birth 1w IMMUOD of so-called physiological loss of weight. Vop. pediat. i okhr. jot. i dot. 20 no; 5, 1952 9. Monthly List of Rassism Aeasssidiss, Library of Comotess, ~ ~hgVW 1963. Oklamsifled. .A -.- - t I : - ~ - , I. . -.- . Application of 11. Ye. livedensildy's fnvestl~:iAforiji in IhA. -itodf of c%!j~ cal and patholoi7ical problems. KlIn. P.,ed. '30 no- lit 1952. SOr MLRA, September 1952* 1 1! 1 11 1!~! 111111111411,11d:11h I; ,"J'k7sily, LAO Specificity problems an related to studies in ths watanism of fusticlud chancom In ontogenotto processes. 'Uspekhl SoVTWMMOy 119L 340 A4W 152, (WA 3s22) (CA 47 no.14:7008 153) ARSFEAVSM, 1. A. ... -- I Sigalficance of Viredeaskil-"t theory In solution of pr*blm in evolutionarr and Me-0oups ftsloloa. Pistol. -sh. OUR 38 no. 2:160-170 Var-Avr 195Z, (OLML 22t3) 1. Moscow. SignUicance of N.A.Twedormkills theories in delving tko problem of opself laity In asmobtles with ontopsio *UO0* VahoomPolosolliko ne.176:68-85 1546 COMA 919) (COCIGINY) (WOUDY) ARSHATSIIT, I.A. - , ~M---- Analogy of principles goTorning the periodical activity of food and respiratory centers Is outogoussis. gab*, 26:0*30npax o till 0164&LI6- 135 154o (a" 101)) (USOInTORr ORGANS.-IXIMVATIOX) (DIGIL"Ift OMAN-INMUTION) (DWOD-OAYSIS AND CIMIUST41) ARSHAVAIYP 1. A., ARSH06KAYAO E. 1. and 0006 -F.ATWJllNl:XAVA., A. A. "TiLe significance of the Nervous System in the Pbyieloloillcal Wchenism of the Reacti-ity of the Orpnism at Difforent Ages (on a Model of lUperlmiltiLl DysezUry and SUpbylococcus Intoxication) P, 100 Problets Reaktivnosti v PstOl2fili, Wdaiz, Moscow 1954, 344 p. TSWEoblem of Reactivity in patbology) ARSKATSM, 1. A. Physiological analysis of sumals tomw In nowborn Isfeats in relation to bygisdic principles of clothine" PedIA-Mia. I' no.4:49-55 JI-Ag 155. Mm 8112) 1, Is laboratorit voir"twy f1*1610811 I IM610611 (saw. prof. I.A.Arshavokly) Intituta dUbobsy I *qsr. patologil (W.akad. A.D.Speraukly) (11PAIR, "Mu clothing, p1wsiol.sspocts) (CIOMING for newborn Inf.,phystolsespects) Alt;RAVSX,LY, I.A.,profeasor. I , Problems of the p1weialogy of growth discuse4d &t the Sighth All-Union Congress of ftsiologints. Blochasisto tuA ftwmact'logists. Pellatriia, uo.605-85 V-D 155 WU 9 -.6) (GROM) U501W-dicilne Neurophystology, Ia=ology Z Card 1/1 Pub. 146-24/24 Author Arsbavekiy, 1. A. Title The reflez principle In isfectio" pathology to the light at' data on the physiology of outogenests Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. I ISOM. 10., 104-110, Oct 1955 Abstract The relation of reflex reactions of an organism at varion otaps, of its development, eabryonic through adulto to pathopowtic stingLij, i.e. bacteria, toxic chemicals, etc. to disausiped. Ths differe=4 between these reactions and reactions caused by the action of the pathogen after it has established itself In the organtan to also treated. The works of various Soviet Scientists in this field are referred to in the article. There is no bibliopaphy. Institution submitted may 24, 1955 AW-HATSUT. I.A. '"'T'SMIZOOMIt'iti In oftnOction With the porlodialty *f astopnosis. Zhur.ob.blol. 16 no.6:493-4?9 N-D 155. (KM 9 -.3) (W"M) AR3HATSKlY. I.A.; ROKANOVA. V.D.(Moakvh) Mechanism of phasic cardiac reactions In doga In dreenterlal intoxication In various s4p groups. Arkh. pat. 17 aa,4:8344 O-D 155. (*LU 912) 1. Is laboratorit voureatucy fistologil I pa%o2q,111 (sow*-p:r*f* I.A. Arshaveldy) Institut& Oshabsy I eksperlwatallmV patologil ANN SSSR (4ir.-akad. A.D. B"ranakir) (SHIORU ", , 11 in, antigen, off. on heart) (ANIMS AND AWISMIX. Shlolla djrssutorias antigen, off. a hearl) (HRA . physlology, off. of Mdoll& dr"ntorlas &4$1"n,) 175SR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Reproduction Jibs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologlya, No 21,1958, 97771 J,uthor : Arshavskiy, 1. A. Inst : Kharkov Univdr#ity Title Dominanceof Oravidity and the Prob1cm of Physio- logically Fully Valid Ontogenesis Crig Pubs Uch. zap. KhdrtkoV3k. un-ta, 1956, 21+1 16i-iBi abstract: The conce-rt of dominance of progn*ncy (DP) ex- pressed in the creation of an excitation focus in CNS after fertilization and Implantation of the ovum is proved DP differing by its plWsiolo- gical content irom the sexual dominant, conditions those changes during pregnancy in the organism, of Card 1,13 I JSSR / Human and Animal Ptkysiology (Normal 4nd P&tholo- T gical). ReprodUction kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No all 1958o 97771 the mother each of which is sigatficoAt 40 11 fac- tor of ZvUroruaent 1)~P no Irmal of' the fetus. Helated inhil4tion) which ac~Oapmton DFI exp ains the increased level of Oganism exc.`~.ta- tion during pregnancy concerning anumber of lrri,- tants particularly pathogenetiab When, inthe seco~A and especially in the first threezonths of pregnancy, a-now patholo Ical dopInent foragn to to the organism is created by tho, acilon of suffi- ciently powerful. pathogenic irri4'nts the rolated inhibition which accompanies the UtUr deprossesi DP. The latter serves as a causeof Initiation of pathology of development defined ~y Om AUtkK)r && physiological izeaturityo It appears In divorse symptomatology of delayed development and is charac- C M 2/3 52 Vol.i-1111 P14-63ibcherl, ::0V 1856. ARSHAVSKI L A. Muicow. *'Per te I ect rotonic' mech it nts in of *7tent -TI -anf-Fperipheral inhibiton (Hussijin text) USP.50V11. BIOL. 1956, 41/2 (193-215) Graphs I I Tablet; 6 review of Hussian papers anti of me conception of perpheral and contra; Inhibition ccording to Vvedensky's theory. The excitability of nerve and muscle ftt r under i es the anode does not diminish bul increases. and uit(fer the cittlil?de diminishet. The (pposite change 14 observed in the neighbouring region of tht nerve or tw-scle ('perielectrotonus'). Vvedensky's *j:vssiinum atihibition' in neuruniustdar pre- ;arations it; parallel to the increase of muscular excitability and ta the diminution cf oxidative and glycolytic metabolitrn. Va I inhibition of the heart is parallel to tie shorterting of the chronaxte valuq~ and efeat-11ropozittivity of iuvocard4um. *Pessi- rium inhibition' of the muscle and v iigus inhibition have the ma~ne mechAnst i which depends accot-ding to the author's suggestion, on local catelectrotonus potemial kn nerve endings jr sinus nodal tissue. Local cat elect rotonu is cau..4es anelectrownic clange 'perielectrotonus' in the mass of the muticle. Dumng physiological sleep o' puppies the surface of cerebral ctirtex becomes elect ropos4tAve (110-50 mv.) in c)mpartson with the indifferent electrode (impedance B-12 I;Ct). The rapidity of e iterification of inorganic phosphate and of the glycolytic process it% cortical tissue d minishes during sleep. Opposite changes were observeld in the conscious state. According to the author's suggestion. local catelectrolonic activity in thalamic rt!gion is responsible for these chanijes of anelectrotonic type, All forms of physio- kgical inhibition are parallel to the increase of excitabilLty atid. membrane potentioa aii well as to anabolic process (protective inhibition of Pavlov). After a large dose of barbital-Na. (300-400 mg./kg.) elect ronegativity of the cortical surface is *b- at-rved. Inhibition of the spinal flexor reflex or the semitendinosus Muscle was ob~* st rved during stimulation of hypothalamic region. Spinal sectkart dots wt abolish this inhibition. Removal of abdominal and sacral sympathetic gonglia does abolish it. The suggestion is made that catelectrolonus is evoked by qmpathetic f,.bs-*s In Intermediary spinal neurons with aubsequent 'Imrielectrotoole' eluctrolms-tivity of motoneurons. Trz*bW - Warnaw ARS LAVSKIT LA PrftauncY domimat and %be problem of pW*joj*M~t*jjy norml ontogemsis Ucb.sxp.KKW 68:161-181 156. (mu its U) L Is laboratorit vosfts.twy floologil I latologil - gals pmf,, I.A. Arshavokly - Irtsiltata nonallmy I patolwohookv f1slologil AM SSSR- direttor. d*ystvjt*l'Wy ablen AM $SIR pftf. V.V. ChirrAgovskly. USSR/General Biology - Individual Dovelopwnt. ftbryonai B Development. Abe Jour Her Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 23602 Author ArshavSAVL~, Inst Title The Rol* or the Oestatioma Dominant Am the Factor that Determines the Pormal or Abnormal Development of an Embryo Orig Pub V eb.- Aktualln. vopr. akusheretva I S:Lzekol., H., 1957, 320-333 Abstract The gestational dominant (OD; author'$ tem) is a. god in the creation of the stimWAUon. focus in the con. tral nervous system vhich arises aftor fertiltrAtIon of the ovicell, all cbsups In the latiornal orpadva that create the medium for normal dvy~opwn% or ftbryo are conditioned by. it. aD regulates lb* sonafttroybW function .3f hmpoiysis, from Uhich UpWs, first of &U, 3ard 1/3 MR/General Biology - Wividial Developuent. kfty*ml 2 Development. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Siol., 14o 6, 1959, 23602 the hormoul function of tbo corNs luftiua Alch asoures the first changes In the mucosal meMbrome of the Aerus, the implaxtation oZ the embryo, and the development of the placents. The chareateiristics, of OD are expressed: 1) in ability to summarize and retaiA Ue atla"tion In nervous eanters and 2) in Gi=1twM*w Inhibition of other nerre aenters. The Increase ot Wwwlation thres. holds in ;=egnancy are explained*by ialbition. For ex- ample, In non-prelowt rats, the introduction of aroenous acid and caffelne ivAuces jostric ulasts; in prepant rate, ulcers do not form under the eam* conditlons. The interference of two different diomiumts induees in- hibition of one ot them. The inhibitlon of M disturbs the gonsdatTophic function of the hypop~ysis) comisequent- ly also tte hormonal function of the corpus luteum. Therefore, in the first trimester of prepaway, it Card 2/3 1359/Genern! Biology - 1-ndividuml N-clopment. F-Mbiwafil B Developatnt . Abs Jour Ref Zhur Pial., go 6, 459, 23602 terminatet the developumt of the embry*i In the second trimester, it induces insufficloot developmt of the placenta; which 'brings with It the Vbysicaog- cal imat%rity of the fetus,, In the ldst trImstor, insofar as Vlacentation is 4ready fibishedp the IAM~- bition of OD has lesser infl"nce on the develaymaut of fetus. The lack of sileceptibility to Infective diseasoo during the time or noimal pregnancy of an animal s*y'be eXplained by the presence of the dotkiwint or pregnan y. The phyviological immaturity which to the cuse of low reactivity and which leads to saysis, Vneumovia, and dysentery of now-born, my arise as a result of 0 in- hibition. -- P.O. Svetloy Card 3/3 AISHAVSKIY apectfic pecultsMOss ot tim ;:iytiLoloa *,' catrition in early periods; on the uporimentAl. evidence for scms priaviplas in ebild nulrition. Pediatrift no.?-;,4-2(> JI 157. (gnu 10: 10) 1. Ili laborstorit vasrostnoy firtologil I i1stolootil (say. - prot. I.A.Arsbavokly) Erstituts nomflRacr t pstVICgif~h9mkqF fistalegit AKN -55a. (dlr. - prof. 't-7-Ghsrni,%ovsIr%:r) AIMTUITO IoAo 'o ..............0..... I - N*dLIMM ,0 the OmU"wt of a pbyd*l*g4b3ut;;3r st"o la 20400 &dome@ OW ISO# wt. ddV. lo~a v* (am a$0 19' soon$"#& V""W filbusu 1104*1 AW 80k Oftiv"Wro onsiumtsaw of) (To"W" ft*s*Ua? NIL ARSHAYS11Y. 1.A. (Nookwo) .%ft."WWWWWOM, Gonforeace on problems to the plWatelva t)f pns~otsx outog~84516 hold in Prsp*, 140101,shur, 43 no.5tW-4W W 157. (PMIOI,WY) CHMA loci?)