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5/1 WJ62/00jt/00 /020/020 Reaction of titanium tetrachloride.,. B106/Bi11D combination of reagents, a black precipitate was formed, and titanium tetrachloride van reduced to titanium trichl*ride at a0-85 ~ only. Complex compounds of butyl lithium with titanium chlorils and lithium chloride, which do not participate in the reduction, mre probably formed with an excess of butyl lithium at the instant of combinatOm of reagw;~ts (Ref 6: see below) Thid circumstance led to the erroneous conolusion drarn by the above-mentioned authors concerning the poor reducing capacity of butyl lithium, There are 6 referencesi I Soviet and 5 non-Scviet, The four most recent references to English-language publications read as followal Ref. 2% M, H. Jones, L' Martius, K, P. Thorne, Canad. J. Chem., 36, 2;03, 1960; A. Zilkha, N.. Calderon. A,, Ottolenghi, M. Frankel, J. Polymer. ScA 40, 149. '919; Ref.6. W Glaze, R. Want, JACS, 82, 44371 1960; A. Frankel, J. Rabani, of. Zil4na, J. Polymer j~~i , ?8. 1956 SUBMITTED: 3epte;:iber Card 212 3/05 60/039/006/020/063 Boo6Y%4o56 AUTHORSe Artamonovs, 9. P., Gustova, L. V., Pod.~Opsydvp Yus X.p C h-uFfn-WkTy_,Y. _r. - TITLEt The ?--Spectrum of Na 24 in the Snergy Rtuige of 2.5 - 5.5 Rev PERIODICALt Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy I teorietichookoy fialki, 1960p Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1593 - 1593 TEXTo Th; 1-hodosoope of the 1fI?IiLOU (Soientifio Research Institute of Physics o Leningrad State Univers ty) was assd to examine the hard r-spectrum of Na 24. The gaama source was a ft 2C0, preparation with a primary activity of 3.4 curies. Five measurement series vere produced and examined at different magnetic field strengths (sto Table). Beside the known line with 3-850 Nov, a line with (4.23 0.050) Nov was found. The relative intensity of these two was determinelfrom the series I-III as I j 0.018, where the error Is 35 - 40%. Also the relative intensitieb of the ?-transitions hv - 2.75, 5-85, and 4.24 Nov tore determined by oom- paring the line areas of the 3.85-96v line and the 4.24-MOV line with the Card 1/2 The )--Spectrum of Na24 In the Energy Ranoe 5/05610/039/006/020/063 uf 2.5 - 5.5 Nev Boo6pc.56 2-75-116v line. 13.85 /1 2-75 - (91.2)-10'4 and 14.24 /1 2-75 * (1-5'to-O-io-5 was found. If one assumes that the intensity of trameltion hy a 2.75 Nov is equal to one quantum per decay, the intone it~ae of the 3.85- and 4.24-Ney transitions will be 9.10-4 and 1.5-10- quanta per decay. For the upper limit of the intensity of the r-transition hv,,- 5-22 Nov, which is possible according to the No 24 decay qcheme, a valuK of 2-10-7 quantal per decay is estimated. A 4.12-gov t-tramsition could not be fouad. For the A-transitions with the limitingf:nerlies 0.29 and 1.21 May, the reduced half-lives were eatimatodo log 0 .6 and 10.7, rompectively. The authors thank B. A. Yemellyanov for his help and 3. D. Novasilltsove. for placing the source at their disposal. There aria I figure, I table, and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Leningradakiy goeudaretvannyy universitot (Leningrad State Universitj) SUBMITTEDt July 15, 1960 Card 2/2 ARUMONOVA, L. A. Va- -A"A~ Unif ication of hospitals and polyclIU166 As A b"14 WAWA" f or improving the quality of diermtologio WA venwoologle services. Vest. vensr.. Moskva no.4tS-10 Jvl~--Aag 1951. (CUM 21:1) -ARTAMONOVA L _I-KALIYU ?--I - fmo ------ ) --- - -_ 0 . 4 sky& Outpatient and polyclinic servics for the urban popt4aUan. Swo *travo 20 no.1sI7-21 161. (Km us 5) (RWITAW-OMATWT MMIGM) .. !~MMONOVA, L.M. Morphology of oyetold yaommetonis in the lungs of children* Trudy mole matehe motre M(FIKI no,lsL36-li.0 *59 (HIM 16111) 1, Is 2-1 khirurgichookoy Xliziki Kookovskogo oblaatnqp nambno-issladovatel'skogo klinicheakop Inotituta bmi Vladimirskogo i is pato-marfologicheekoT laboratorli (aaw, prof. V.I.Pas1k) Institute. tuberkuLlesa AW WRe ARTAmOVA, L.M. Treatment of hemangioma with aleebd injeoti-ams im ul out- patient clinic. Tolp. klins pate noaksM-1" 161 (KM 16M) lo Is 2-y khtrurgiebaskoy klitiki (Savo - Pots UwOoDebrov) Moskovskop oblastaogo nsuobdoAliniobeskoss Instituta Jawl Vladimirsksgoe 3oq6g. JARMMONOVA, L. T. M PRZOBWEENSKATA, Yu. N. K kAzutstike izelkovoro perlortertits. V sb: Mproirr o!.tray vtititronmi kliniki. M, 1949, ,t. 274-83 ll~ i '. i ; ~: :I ~:: 11111, IV i-1: 11 1; fill 4- 1- Virt - 4iA 1; 'I ILI! WHIR 11fit'dillif L 16 K- I -n v, phanot ~crstltvtion or g:Lstjs materials pray,o*d -,i, the bnals of' *hs.1 tiya*ew M2C1 and A2,PO3 Stvk-'icobr. aost, 16,3# MRA 17110) ACCESSION NR: AT4019303 I AVTHOR: Kitaygorodddyl 1. 1. 1 Sovin, L, 8- 1 AXIAMOOM, U- V- * .......... TITLE: Investigation of the ph*" OompoeiUon of #W~y_ay1Wlj" fro"rWg ba"d as va the systems lithium oxide-aluming-91110% "A lithimn 0306-0w~P" silica i SOURCE: Simpozium po dekloobftmomu 8*"Nkk"- Ldowpud. I-Oss. stamo*r"I"s sostoyaniye. vy*p. 1: Katalizirov*wAya, kristallizatsip a6" (vitrODIM Bids, W- 1-0 Catalyzing crystallization of glass). Tru4y* simpoldum, V~ 0, w. I. MOSOM, tsd-vo AN SSSR. 1963, 137-140, top W of invert Wing P. 103 TOpIC TAGS: glass, glaegy-arystalUile material, evorypiltet spadw"of Ps"Uto, x-ray diffraction, lithium aluminOnflicate ABSTRACT: Roentgenographic sbulies were carried out to follow %0 owages in the Phom composition of glassy-crystallID0 materials of the systems L420-AI2 MgO-A12%-S'Of with different mOIecQW ration Of thO OXIdGM duribitrma traftiftL The ternarysys am includes thrte Minerals food in atore: M*Oryptits (molocalar rakio of oxides 1:1:2). spodumens (LIA) and petante (1:10). It to ftao4w that tM suvowd Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4019303 changes observed are connected with one of the tolkming phetsam*m: The f6mation of a second phase" (the composition of which cu=t be determined b~ the x-my data obtained for compounds of this system) or the modified transformation of,~-spotknwae from the low-temperature form, stable In a temperature range of 700-4000 to a high-tempershwe form, stable at temperatures higher than 900C. The formxUan of a semd pbase w6s ob- served in all cases with oxide ration between 1:14 and LWO. Ifithe Una of the 11seciond phase" was eliminated, the x-ray diagrams of the compowws with oxide rMos from la-.2 to 1: 1:10 were very similar and differed only by a shift of the Hass hnnu4 greater Values of 0 during the transition from the compound 1:14 to the ampoumd 1:100. TU9 effied ia probably connected with the formation of a wide ramp of solid soluMons. Lscluft*B- eucryptite, JB-spodumens and petalfte. However, both bypoftwo en be "rifled only by the preparation of monocrysWe ofj~-epoduwene. Orig. *A. bas; 8 BgWes. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra tekhoologii stekla MWdT 1M. D. L MeaddlyM Pepartmat Of Glass Technology, 19=) SUBMITTED: 17M&yU SUB CODE: XT card 2/2 DATE ACQ: SU%Y* INDIA 00 MOR,xv 90% ON OTHM 000 KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I.; BRUS, M.D.; ARTANDMOVAP M.V, Use of electron microscope and X-ray analyses in sudying glass crystal materials. DAL LN MR 154 tw,.2s4'V7-JJ9 Ja'64. (MIRk 17t2) 1. Moskovskly khIsd.ko-t&khno1ogIcIhoakIy iestitut In. D.1. Mandeleyeva. Prodstavlww akedealkom Vj.N. Ssuemovyu. ACCESSION NRt AP4022718 3/0020/6kA55/002M70/0373 AUTHORSs Kitaygorodakiy, I.I.; XhodakovskW-&,# R., U#; A TITLE: Phase changes In the proa"a of 'catmaytia orystallIxation of glass In the $102-AlgO3-XgO system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 15.5s no. 20 19"'T 3TO-373 TOPIC TAOS; glass arystallixationp aordlerite, titAnjua dioxide catalyst, solid solution, high teoperature qwwtx, quarts, s*36100 sapphirine, x ray analysis, thermal analysis, **rdierite ABSTRACT: The crystallization process In glass havift the cordierite composition,, and in such glass aantaUdoo 10 mol.% TiO2 as theicatalytic additive, was Invostigate 0 arystaulsao. tion of the following phasiss was obseryed: at &t. T900--a solid out solution based ?~ high temp&%aturt quart 900 30000 part 900-9500-spinel, 1000-2,3.000.."pphivUw;xl.2000.-'*:ru~i= Xj to. ft= card ACCESSION IM: A?4022718 x-ray analysis it was determined at oordloidt* 1A tot, formloo directly from glass$ b t through he fonowull; Pori" of intsih. mediate compounds,., (13 -separatip of the first arystallizat** phase, solid solutions of type 0 #111*a; (2) bPeakdom of tho~ solid solution with the formationlof quartsis Iml sqd rutUo) (3) conversion ot thi spinel to sfpphirinel intomation of sapphirine with quartz to form oo;%Uorite I). Thermal *W$'* -sis confirmed exothermic effects (fi 0 &MIUM Of 2102 did not cause separation or a low temperature tom or aordiet~te-" ,p-cordierite, as was repor b Do Mu4ch %Vala !*A* (J. Am. Ceram. 300.,'36, 1113.993f: Ira Oad Using t 0 ~ U -oordisrito was foruged on4 at or he& tor of synthesis,,AL It or hours. It is concluded thatw-aordiarlto is no a 4t wt, ~,j ~ constant composition, but,=* of the ambws 01 tho~* 3A xo~u based on high toWerature quartso.. Orige 4rto 4ass to"' figures. ASSOCIATION: AkAdwdi nauk SM (AcadwW of $6*646 am SUBMITTED: 10)(063 DATE AM% OWA ]IOU 0t card 2/ 5 Ire a r It I t7 armlinns ijind x--nav ot !0 1,16 clif v c) r, IIIv I-i 1 (1 I, va :.III 11111d d I!- o r wil 13 HE I!Diililp of' th-3 a rn th e!7 I s c),L* Foscow, 1957, 12 pp (Moscow Ghmmical &U~Inaerlnj.? ltistlt-uto Im D. 1. Fendeleyev), 120 cort e9 (KL, 37-57P 103) KITAMCRMIY, I.I,; AMXOMA.#,,,*MTP 1~1494~' " 1411 . 1,-, . Syntbasis of tlwrmsllr mUbU gUms aorA&j"jW a Urp of alvidas. TftdY WWI ne.941261-M 10. rwsuwa (fts") Ut ) I . ~ iir L, - li !, . . -- . f,- .v~~ tcr t#!iwTi-,hi-virVrh t)JLW, , ARIANDMU. 1.V. KS-16 WA LS-18 ty-pes of heat realmot glows. O,'tfik.i ker. 14 n,-.7:7-8 Jl 157. Oaa lo: 8) (Gisso rosovzctif~ 1;(0) SOY/72-59-11-3/18 AUTHORSt Kitaygorodekly, 1. Id, Professor, ArtamonWreat So Y- TITLE: Heat-resistant Insulation Material "Pento"il" PERIODICALt Steklo I keramika~ 1959, Nr 11, PP 4-T (USSR) ABSTRACTt The term "penosil" is the general name for a series of foam materials which or$ tbractmdud by a croat tbormal reein4anco and stability. In a Pronch patent (see Footnote 1) fAs possibIlity of obtaining foam quartz by aintering finol~ crushed quart& isndAn the presence of materials controlling tho foaming in reported on. This process Is said to take place within the tsmperaturo~rszV of 1538-1T320. 1. 1. Kitaygorodakly, in his oarlier Vapor (Pootnoto reported on the preparation of high-silloic porous 11~odies:at lor temperatures. The investigation of the slatem SO 2-3203-3b 203 it; ropresented In the diagram of figure 1. fte qualitative characterization of the results of tho briquiot sAntering At 14200 is given in figure 2. Purtherm*ro, tt.* production of the nixtures is described in detail. The theTmogTams of tbe initial components and their mixtures were rao*rlod bl, means of the V nard 1/2 apparatus designed by Kurnakov. The tha?rwal azinlyals was lfeat-r~3.-".,stant Insulation Material "Penosilm SOVI72--59.11-3110 carried out by Engineer T. V. PyatnitskaVa (Footnote 3), and the reaults are given In figtLres 3-9. Pezouil. constitutes a fine- porous material with non-communicatir4s pores. Its poroalty alid volume weight depend on the temperature of ninterizg and foaming. The mechanical strength of penosil Incroases vith the indreaso its volum weightt &0 Ito crushing st:rangth Is between $0 and 120 ke/em The curve of its thermal expmasion is given in figure 10, and its average thermal capa4ity at various temperatures in also given4 The expertmants "doo wLth pen0all, showed that it can be use& as 4 heat lttaulatoN On accouMdIUMA4 reaistance, it c4n also be used in ohoolliatl iftifilstry. There ave 10 figures and 2 references, I of ithioh It Soviet. Card 2/2 /3-. ; /.') 0 5t?t AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 1; ': ') ti'l Kitaygorodekly, 1.1.,Artamnnoya, R.Y. $OV/20-.1!0-2-38/69 "Penosillf, a Now ThermoinsulatinL Materital Resistant to Heat Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130. Ur 2, PP 377-316 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In 1957, the authors developed a now foam material of high resistance to heat and temperature stability. The material is prepared by simultaneous synthesis and foin formation of $lass with high 510 2 content, The resulting sei,ies of new foam~Alaps types was called P e n o s 1 1. They contain 90-94% of $10 2 and 10-64, of flux and gas-forming substance. The silloa alx- tures were prepared from anhydrous siliale acid (main comoonent), boric acid (flux) and antimony trioxido (foam-forming ag*ht).. The technical procedure comprises the following operatiouis: (1) Crushing of aomponents on n vibratiah mill, mixing siod formation of a large specific surface of about 30,000 One& This favors the aintering of the mixture and the fornatiosi of the liquid phase at lower temperatures, (2) Dry pressinof @labs and briquettes, (3) Sintering aiLd foam Wmation 104 an Card 1/3 electric high-temporature furnace on host-coadutting cera 014/ "Penooll", a Now Thermoinsulating Material 67 ~819 %V/20-110-2-38/69 Resistant to Beat underlays. Uniform heatinr and sintworing of the briquett" was attained by heating from room tomper&tUre up to 1400-14500 The samples more left at thle temperature for 20-30 minute C (4) The burning of the products takes pl."a In the same furnace as the foam formation undox gradul cooling. The *Oat' dangerous raw* of turning lies getwoon t~e foam-formation temperature and 700 , Below 700 , the swoples may be coolold in the air without any risk of dostruatioA. Pamosil is a finely porous material with closed pores. The meehanical strength of the products to directly dependent oxt the weig4t by volume. The compressive strength varion between 50 and 120 kg/om2 for samples with a waight by votums of from 0-5 to 0.8 glem 3. Cubes of fine-pored Ponosil (Odge P 30 mm) with. stood audden cooling from +10000 to -600 oad re-hosting to +10000 between I and 25 times. Ponasil is temperature-st4b1t, up to about 1300 IUe to its properties, ;onoail can be recommended an an insulating material subjette4 to cll:7111M temperatures. Thanks to its resiattace to acids, Pence, Card 2/3 prove to be suitable for use in corroding m*dia,, Ilp 'I') 04-JINIO A 1 .1A Ahs. 11141" Ref, jh, K,Iirn ji ya zhit" 11 0 j~g ,ku ;Ld.~'11~fj~lv' PUT -,ohli~ If 0 A ell I-T 1~ k1o 01:13 ymml IWS: pillriscosetill I-OV84 tMill lk, v Vi'd(`4 11, l0arn Mill I lim TI()N: red !A) 01011, 1 (if HIM IV, lilt Lion -1 1~41 N:,iw 1111 gin 14 1 91,C 1~ r: orn %jo moll)(1,41 iro brolul! C A, pircurlilliq; I t, 71 '1, Cafd 2/2 ACC N11: AP7000333 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0413/64;10001022/0084/0084 HWENTOR: Artamonova, N. V.; Ignatova, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Siliceous foam glass (announced by the State Scientific Infititute for Glase'l Research (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskty Lrotitut stekla)] Class 32, No. 188636 SOURCE: Izobretentya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarryye znaki. no. 22, 1966, 84 TOPIC TAGS: glass property, inwighm ABSTRACT: In order to prepare siliceous S102, B203, $b 0 T102, and Sic at a low volumetric weight of 0. 25-o. 35 g/cm3, the compositioalts, net as follows (wt V: 80-85 S102# 10-17 B203, 3-5 Sb 2031 2-4 Tt02, and 1-2 Sic in exceof of 100%. [Translation) IKPJ SUB CODE:'11/SUBM DATE: 29Dec64/ :.-Card IA.- UDC: $66. 160. 3 ARTAMONOV, K.V. Using self-recording devices for programed control. Priboro- stroanie no.l125-26 Ja 164, (XM l7t2) ARTAMONOV, Y.N. Self-ad:u3tlng -Xectit-ve unl-L r,,r oottmn ~cntr,:)'~, Pr--borostroenle no.ll'i24 D"),-,. (MMA V-51 A-0 V, 132-1-12/15 AUTHOR$# Artamonovo Loyd# Yrantow, O.S., and $1tuva.1-11orgeyerp I.X. TITLI o low Methods of Sleatria Prospecting. (0 wvyklt metodakb slaktroravveiki) MIODICALs Rosvedke L Okhrana Nedro 1950, # It pp 53-57 (9381) ABSTRACTs The efficiency of electric pros".oting operations isso considorabl,v~1zatoatod by ittroducOAS tb*.nothod of aerial electric pv~spootixg. Valuable &~%4 for nuporous'd"triato were Majaid by using aerial rsg~m*trla, s0"402% th doe At the present time, aerial pospo0fag Is WIS 06 juootood by a number of USSR Organisation$. ~flosldso~ the onfro Ahe following institutions tack part i-A this work# Institute for Mechanical toginsering and Automation of the Ukrainian OR Academy of Sciences (Inatitut mathimovediftiya i auto"titi)t the Mose** $tat@ vn1v*rs1t7 and the Institute, for Boil Physics of the USSR Academy of Soleness (Ustitut tisiki At present, there are four different Methods of aerial aspect. ins$ *gob of whiob has its aim 1) go study of an olectromagnetia fiold-of an Wbove soxfooo source In notion by establishing a directly oontaot with the earths 2) The method of measuring its own oleatromagAstio f1*14 Card 1/2 from the airl together with the device. J;~str;*.`~utiot, of AO-ri,.:,110,~Lm in %he SoU.", al.. A 11.117 Ukm~,Iol, Vol 22, No 1, pp 3-10 .1,1thors dermrlb,, "heir m-3pamh on "Iii aicroflom ot ~Inq- iloil in Varlow i4rts of :37% Their pmILdnari iurvey lished a I inda-Limule af a,cUacovca~es :Ln %hv ~-iny ~I-mert. .3jil (serozen), with ajitz,pwilntis afrecLiN,, priamwily rari-Imsitive 11"he ac',inomcete~n in que.,ition ;rv;-, r!3o fotc~i,! hi 1,urtur,--.ovt-rod son. a5V,In,~, haf Ie developreut or wtt.aon~cet,-.t ..i -,,,%.troIbad r faclcr:3 of ~hc, outlide envix-:)ivcnr,: cIL-witej t :;i;: ra~ui IC 4U % Ti , 1. 1 , M III "ItIll 'i, i ll:~:! ; , . - I I . :~ . lid, -, IULHIM KORMAND. A.I.; KUCHYSTA, A.G.; SIRTABIN, G.1,; wmTwA. Kx.; smum. ju.; AMM13111 I. .,-. Now antibiotics. Ve*t*AN SM 26 ao*6:95-96 J* 1156. (KM 9 99) (Awmarts) "Biosynthesto of Antiviral Substances ocr the Aci;izwWcwa Cr4;lw," paper presented at the 7th Lfttl. CorWsms for Micro'bio:UW In Stookbolm.. August 19%. comments: B- 3,117,864, 10 Doe 58 ZRABILINIKOV. N.A., SITADN, G.K.0 MAXONOTA. 0.1., A n4w mntiviral antibiotic violArin, prodwod by AotixmWc** Tlolacaus CwIth awwwr In Inglish]. Antiblotildo 3 no.111&22 ItpJ* 1:58 (MRA 1137) lo Inatitut sikftbiologii AN SSU* (Aft ISONUMS. T1618COUS, prod, of antiviral antibiotic vl*2*rU (*os)) (TIRMS, effoot of dr4g* on# vidlarin, antibiotic prod* 'by, Actizowces vlolmOem (RAWD (ANTIBIOPICS, vlolarin, antIvIrA propertlits & prod. by Actinauraw vidlacous Ohm)) AUTHORS: krasillnikov# K. A., Corresponding SOV/20-120-4-59/67 Member 'i Academy of Soience4 UssR, Korenyako, A. I., Artaxonoya, 0. 1. TITLE: On Self-Suppression in Actinomycetem (0 samoagnetenil u akti- A04+Aotov) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 120t Sr 4o PP- 900-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the study of the antagonism of Actinomyeetes the authors found a certain regularity in the particular nature of the inter- specific interaction. As a rule the cultures of the as." species do not suppress each other. Antibiotics doa:it suppress th#ir own producer (Rof 5). This specific n4ture of antagouism sorved an a basis for the method of grouping and for the determination of the species of Actinomycetes and for the differentiation of the antibiotics produced by thelk. Those methods permitted a comparatively accurate separation withovt a ftilure, for a mmabor of years. There are cases# however, where such a cult-ore of Actinomycetes, when applied to the nutrient cuedium suppresses the growth of Its own cells and of the cells of race* belonging Card 1/3 to its own species. No differences as compared to the inter- On Self-Supprtssion in Actinomycetes BOY/2o-12o-4-59/67 specific antagonism can be perceived. Zones of self-suppression are formed (Fig 1), this phenomenon, however# being rare. It Is observed with the greatest frequency It pigmented species as Act.violusus, Ag ,oaUgojQr, kstA r2geug, Lctq vidlighigno- - -tte Kents, but also in not pigmented gpeoles, as Act. Act.griseqs,- This phenomenon was studied. Ths? investigations showed, that this effect is caused by two faot*rs: a) by phages, which sometimes are the cause of self.suppr*osion of growth, or b) in other cases a particular substance musing the death and the dissolution of cells. Pending final decisions, it was called "nocrohormone". Long-term research furnished the result that many Actinomycetes contain phages in a bidden statie. These are so-called lysogenic cultures. They are not dissolved under normal conditions of growth. The phage appear$ only in a par- ticular stage of the Actinomyootes (Ref 9). 30ch lysogenie kotinomycetes are sometimes uncovered by the application of pellets of old culture on the recently sown p*tches of *ell*. The tone free of growth forming around these pellets is caused, by phages, which become active by an unknown t%anner (Fig 1b). According to the experiments the authors drew the Conclusion, Card 2/3 that other factors than vAtibiotice are to be made responsible "F7 I . knTl~ iI '1~111i On Self-Suppression in Actinomycetes $OY/20-120-4-59/67 here, that is to say a) acti"pMaeoj b) necrobormones. The ac- tion of the latter was proved for several Actinomycttess as Act.djg&tgt1ggjq in some gray species, 4nd in isolated races of blue Actinomycetes and in other, lecrohormone substances were found in races of Thty wer* isolated by physico- chemical methods and were obtained (w a red solution. They are apparently a mixture of different ahaiical compounds. Ktoro- hormones could not be obtainei as yet in a pure state. There are 3 figures and 9 referonesso 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCILTION: Institut mikrobiologii AkAdemii nault SSSR (Institute of M1cro- biology AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 6, 1951 1. ActinoiWoetales-OftAh 2. AotimiWoetales-Chesdoal analysis 3. Actinor4metalon-Physiology 4. Sact4wiopkAges Card 3/3 FURM, N.H.; 1FOXIIIA. I.P.; ART&HONOTA. O.Z.; DA ink, -,*,. 1. Antiviral effects of antiblotics prodwed Iq ActiaMess violacous. Antibiottki 4 no-3130-35 my%-Jo '59. 1. rafedro, ralkroblologil (sav, - ahloa-kersoponiiox4 AM SM prof Z.V.Yermol'yovs) 23entrallAogo 1xkmt1tu4m usovelmhonstvo- vanlys vrachey I otdol volmodayntviye mjkxowprA%1jov (%AV. - chlen-korraspondent AN SUR prof N.A. tramil0mikov) hetituu m1krobtalogii AS SM (ANTIBIOTICS, off. antiviral off. d antiblotlos prtd. by ActinmWees violaceus (1410)) - anKOWAS 0a.; KWILliaxmt x . CA -- - A ot ow T104"m CrOUN TrAY Ust. wUroblol. UOA275-337 We (WIMCITAW) (Kim 14i1) . 'I ; pil I 1~ I ~ i `~ IT 11 ~ . I.;, I ti -r 1 i!;:: MINOT, N.0; TAKUBOVp G.Z.j ARTAHORArAa1,.LKEjOMjW7A, TUA Isolation of antibiotics of the mycetirg-viclorin grovp by paper chromatograpbrf. Antibiotiki 7 no.120463-1069, D 162. (NDA 160) 1. Inatitut khimii prirodz#h soysdineuiy I Thetitut mikr*bU- logii AN SM (ANTIBIOTICB) (PAM CHWHATOWNY) KRASILINIKOV.- N.A.; YAKUBOV, G.Z.; KIVKIOWVA, Yu.M.1 ARTAPOWIA, o.r.; ULFZLOP I.V, Study of antibiotics pro&ood by actinomyeat*s of the violet group. Mikrobdologiia 32 no.504"54 8-0063 OIIRA 17 12) 1. Institut mikrobiologil MI SUR. 4- jj!!!-j'j'jj!j! IFITT1,1111 11 1 YIRIPLOVA, ru.14.; "UCHN.MA, A.V., ARTAX)MOVAt 0.10 r~,,4,&j Stjdy of the S&IM Cogpon~nt of Vjt'&W(lj". I Bl*khialls 29 no.5ig"-W JI-Ag 164, ()URA 18!11) 1* Inatitut m1krobdolagli AN MSR, Nook-#&, Myce-,Ins 31, B2 arld 1 the nfjw 11-11tibi-otlas or tho rlino-imycin grouo. nc,.9:771-'r!6 '61o Iso) 1'1:ltit.,'. kh'mii jr1rckinykh ocyladirienly i r,,mt;-tLt, -%.-kToL,,T:)jf)giJ All ~in:-kva. Category -USM/Optics - Optical wthods or Aakl~mis- lutmmate X-7 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1j 1957 No 2523 Author Artamnova, P - A - Title -T"-RTK-Jffa-1y-mT#-of Ri&41peed Tool Ste*l **4 Stauless. BUel. Orig Pub : Tr. Levingr. metall. z-4a, 1955, No 2, io6-ill Abstract : A spectral-analjois, procedure, based om the thremoistandaM nvtW, fts devel- oped for staluless and hIgh-spoed. tool steels. % datteodme tbo cmWat of chromium, tugstan &M vkwAim in M6-speed stro"I the U&t sourm'uss4 van the IG-2 sprk Vuerator. The followlag lairs of amlybie 'Ime vw* vied: 1 2397-11 -- Fe 2396.7; Cr 2782.35 -- V* M3.0; Ir 3330.' 97 h ",V. The 10-2 spark generator us vaed to determLim, tho dava costeat ia4tmmlsms; stea, and an &-c are genentor VS-39 vas uoed to datendu the ellidonj =a- gameme, wA nickel. Ihe fbIlaviug pairs of aamlyfte lime wers salmotedo- Si 2506.9 -- Fe 2507-9; MA2939.3 -- Ps 2944.4; Or 3147.2 -- Is 2154.4; 11 341k.0 -- Fe 3399-3. The amapis tIm van reduced by 1045 t1wao compared vith the chadca.1 wthod. Card 1/1 ARTANDVDVA, P.A., insh. 1, Spectrum analyols of stellitess Trudy LM no.9s299-263 162. OMA 1&0 (SWUU-460trfi) I Alffs,m, I-l'.Kh.; A.N.; i:i.l.-.'lI~'3KIY`, A.Ii.; SAIN, P.I.- S*,a:-sfl!y laborant; ~Jh'IVTNGAI R.A.,v BlArVIlY labcratnt Inves'Agating clefln.4 in g9Ln:,.'!nea frem ths IxLgh-spead nracking of ptrriff!n petrr-1w.un produlAs. Neftaknimtsi ol. no.4.-56*7-571 TI-Ag t64 (MIplk llglo) 1 . Inst l.tu#, rvittek:i1michotimcogn flnLaza Imi. A,,'?. To;eh'.jev& IN SSS4 ARMCKIOV, L-kadly Avakovi~14 AM"ku'r-A14C. -WL,. KAZAKOV, Leonid Iouit6vich; 1". Mad r Borloo-vichl XOTHEIVA, V,G.) veds red,, [Vykhim tank farta Is an entorprise of caW=Iat r] Vykhinskala nefteban - prodprilatis kommolistlabos op truda. Hoalmag Hipdrap 1965, 77 p,, (MDU 1837) SPITSYN, Vlkt.l., akadsmikj KOROI~-:V, A. Y*.; F.TIMMV, 7VIDAWIVA, L.M. Prinizals, uchastip ARTAMWOVA, R,V. Procems of polislAng aluminum otudisd by the radic*cltlvv tracer techniques Dokle All SSSR 159 no*4:865-468 D $64 OUR& 180) 1. Institut fizichaskoy khimii AN SM, (tt- a if va 4-252, Nravc-~,7,! r~&nv it C, d. IkorpLt 62, ky.l,7;; SOV(L-P.-:-KATK Y.V- ik-d ~ 144C .9 A. 3tate of the h1cod comigulstion ayatem fel'cNine lmi;.irea of tho f swral neck In elderly persons. Ortmp, , tmvm. I proteme 26 no.lls49-51 9 165. (M A 18112) 1. '% travaFitologicheakay k',Inlk~ (rukarrAttell - prof. T.1,, Sokc1cv) 4. tmentrallnoy klimIchaskay IuWrmorii (mkov-0ditalt- V.V. Navosel.'skays, ''notituta Isoni SkIttmvqkngc (direktor - zasluzhennyy Yra,~h 11krSA M.M. rmramov'0,11 ACC N1. Ap6020" so= C=S VMS WESM Llel r Dom 11 : TrW I StWr of titadvis and SUIWAsi - wwvmvljAtxW IWdroxA4vv A~ MA smomrz am of titanim wd owls SOMOS MurrAl rAmvmioMsbxW WdAIIq Y. lit no. 3o 1966o 464-,W TOM TAWS Wdrwddep titamitma Oomxw4t Amnim ompmWit load ooqwmd ABSn=t Titmim wd viroonim hydroal4as obtained br pmipltotton witb w1mmda from nitric aaid solutions. ond hydroxides obtained by copreadpitoAon with swwdA frcm nitric acid solutions of t1todim MA IOM AM Ilroordvo and load w $A"11- tigated thermogrsphically with an M-39 Kunakov pp-mastor and thormogravlootricall$ It is shown that titanium. and sirmd= hpboaddes dried at 60 OC r"sont vwtati- tanic a,old TIO(OH)2 - H2TiO3 and orthosiromic sold Zr(004 - H~U% rospoertiveIr. The coorecipitated bydroxids-o dried at 600C correspond to the oct"sitions Pb(CH)j-Ti(OH)4 and Pb(011)2'ZV(06)4, It It POOSN ma k*ox- idea are respectively I"d bydrawtitaxatat wA lead IVdroxosiroomUp Am sIVIest formul" ara' Fb[TL(CK)61 WA Pbltr(CU)61 at VbTU~-A* OW Pb"-PO- Otut art* has I I figure and I tibI SUB CqIXI Q?/j SUN DAMS g5Nq&/ WM IWI 010/ ON We 003 "Biosynthesis of Antiviral Substan,~e of Actinowyces OrLgin." "PW GWW"sd rw me - -- - - - coal" for *411malqw, ftobma%. " Avg X". ftlefto DZIJEUSOV, F.A.; DIDORA, II.F.j CHUSOVA, T.F.1 ARTMV.11107A, e. '(I Electrode function of the carbon oxide elautriAe fl LIZ ~) - in chloride malts contAining trivalent nOOjiyIJ:IAIM ablorlds, lim, 80 AN SSSR no*7 Seri, khims, nauk no*2tlO-14 'I~L (wRA isa) 1. Inatitut neorganicheekoy khimil, SiblrskoWo ot-ielmnllya JLN SSSR, Novosibirsk. tv 1100 ~2341 8/200/61/000/004/001/003 D228/0305 AIMIORS: Valltsev, V. K., AqaV=M_S 1, Kravchenko, L. Kh. Didora, N. F. and TITIE: Precipitation of elements from fused salts. Report 1. Precipitation of some elements frow. fused mmonium nitrate PERIODICAL: Akademiya nmik SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeloniye. Izvealtiya, no. 4, 1961, 38-42 TEXT: This article reports on an investigation into separating rare earth metals by means of precipitation of their insoluble compounds by different precipitants from fased ammonium nitrate. It is known that rare earth oxides react with fused amonium nitrate forming soluble double 9titrates as cited by L.- Ordi and Ya. Xleyn- berg / Abstracterts not*: Vames taken from Russian (Ref. It Nevo- dnyye rastvoriteli (Non-aqueous Solvents) IL, M. 1 55). At hi5h temperatures double rare earth nitrates react with annonium. SUL- phate at the formation of double rare earth sulphates, eg. double Card 1/5 22341 S/200/,61/000/004/001/005 Precipitation of elements... D228/D305 lanthanum, sulpahte at 330'DC as cited by V. K. Valltsev wid V. P. Kovyrzina (Ref. 4: Izv. SO AN SSSR, No 10, 1960). The some reaction in fused ammonium nitrate used as a solvent takes place at 1800C. The use of fused ammonium nitrate allows work at lower temperatures, mainly at 1800C. The following experiments were conducted: Rare earth oxides previously ignited to 9000C - La2O3, NdIO3, Er2O3, DY203 and alkaline earth oxides - MgO, CaO, SrO, BsO, uranium nit- rate and thorium nitrate, were dissolved in fused ammonium nitrate at a temperature of 1800C concurrently with the formation of soluble double nitrates. The solubility of double lanthanum nitrate is 60% by weight. The oxides do not react with fused NH4N0 The reactivity of uranium oxide with fhsed ammonium. taitrate 1; very Icv., The solution of Th and U was produced as follows4 hydrated nitrates of U and Th were fused with ammonium nitrate at 250OCt tirice, to a dry cake, a part of which (assumed to be double oitrates) was sol- uble in fused solvent. A precipitant in the form of salt: or dis- solved in fused ammonium nitrate was then added to the molution of metal nitrates. The precipitate formed was separated from the CRrd 2/5 22341 5/200161/000/004/001/005 Precipitation of elements&,, 0228/U305 mother-liquor by filtrat-ibn (c entrifusion could ~c used instci~e. state the authors) and washed with a fused solvent fron the czx o~ precipitxa, maintaining the temperature of 1,300C. '&n tlT~' 0 precipitate was analyzed in the case of zx.-nonium sulplurta for amnonium ion and sul.3hatc ion. 'i'he recults o2l' p,.xcipitzte auz'.'.-y--.;C are given in tabulatc,~ form. Legend: (1) Results P"YAbTarm xaftn"ecooro son" *CM- of chemical analysis of precipitates; (2) Fomula; (3) Con- *""vat tent %; (4) Calcula- IdO to Ntl 4. Id" 3073 jjj4- ted; (5) Found 2Ndt(M)s 3(NIQ*30, 5,6 37.50 1.55.40 7.10 V.,d 2Erj(SOj)j S(NNAOs 35.32 65A_ 1 2Lft(SO4)j'S(NHJtSOs -35.191 M.61 W,97 154.90 8.12 Card 315 Precipitation ot elements... 3/200/61/000/004/001/003 D228/0305 Temperature does.not alter the reaction but it,does change the ratio x and y in the double lanthanum sulphate - x La2 (S04)3 Y (IIH4)2 S04, Ammonium oxalate precipitates La, Nd, Dy, Ca,*Hg, Sr, Ba, Thorium. Double thorium OXA14tO is'soluble in the excesai of precipitant. Uranium under.these conditions ts tot precipitated. Alkali oxalate can be used instead of ammonium otalate idth exactly the same results. Time of precipitation varies from immdiate to 30 hours for different rare earth metals. The Muthors conclude that on the basis of new ideas on.thc structure of solventsp it may be suggested thut this ratio varies also, depending on the precipitant concentration. The different behavior of rare earth metals during, precipitation by different precipitants opens up new possibilities for their separation. There is 1 table and 6 ralerences: 3 Soviet- bloc and 3 non-joviet-blo~. The references to the IM' l--,'sh- language nublications ro~ad-as follovs: A. C. Vickery. 1. Client. ';oc*, 10, ~,,100 (1949), T. I-cij.*ir, D.- Aftandilian. Inorg. 41nitheriez., 5, 37 (1957), 1). 1". Gruen. 1. Inorg. Aucl. Ghem. Soc., Z,, 1, 74 (19.57) A;SLCI.OION: Institut neorganicheskoy 1-hinJU jibirskogo otdoleniya CarC. 4/5 4AI S/200/61/000/004/001/005 Precipitation of elements... D22BA3,05 AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Division, AS USSR, Novosibirsk) SUBMITTED: July 19, 1960 Card 5/5 VAL'TSU# V.1.1 ARTAMNOVA. SX: KRAVCHWO# L.Kh. Precipitation of elements froni molten saltso bpart Xo,,2s Precipitation of nitrates and nitritas of Us &IWI ustAls tea meltso IsveSibootd#AN SW no.5t59-65 161. (MW IWO I* Institut neorgonicbeakey khImli Bibirskago otdolodya AN U04 Novosibirsk. (Auaii metal #site) AFETA)UNOVA, S.V.; MEDVEMA, A.M. Methods for the isolation of spores w0 pollons from oils and all- field vaters. Paltont.zhur. no.11157-158 '(12. (NM 150) 1. Institut geologii i ratrabotki goryuch:Lkh iskopaysrVkh AN $=, Moskva. (Palynology) (Petroleum-kwaysja) ~w mELONIXOVA, le.A., dotssntj PANASWOp Z.O.v Vm%o*j AITAROOMA, T.A. vrach Changes in the "ran proteins in persom *wWng with psolins and ethy2ated poollne, Naucha trudy lob. gom. rod imst. 198 77-83 162* NTU 1718) 1. Is kafedry obsh*My gigireny (savedqusbably - samlohenM deptell nauki Kirgisekoy SSR prof. mo okoicy) Umnokago gosuciarstvonnogo jwditsinakogo inotituta, 14.A7tin -17 IN in 7(111 rr-, "i oil (1,(E.r of !.I'. 1w 11 1 1 1 oil Jill 1 11 Ilia DENISEM, Z.F.1 ARTANDNOU T.Ye. =2~ Machanim of rosgol jamdlces IWA*IUC btkjm Is dismso. Tr* LSGMI tio.69t98-IM 061. (nu 15,11) 1. Utedra propedi&vUki vmtronMkb sabolmdr tmingmAstoo "niurno-oorenialmokw mwiWbskogo losamo. (Sir. karoWror chleii-korrupondeftt ANN Ml Prof. SiCRY06). KOFMV, H#p _WANOOO!4 XIIUUq:lt, A.1 Technical information, ftbro trift I motso stnkh be 41630 10 ivy Lutitut (for low 2. Sto"My imiti. ps fokbOwboopw. U00ti UOUSATO&I W0111 IM N*yl*b %OMWAdIU*IWObIV P0411 80"tokfto Sopmao hku (for Unbmt). (Toobnologloal Innovations) Card Autbon I Zillbar,. L. A. AcUv* NO. af Aidatd. 4C t~O~~ Ile. IATI~, "a A V. A. Tlue t ouT'the so-calloA blocking of viruses stwoUALS Peftodicel t Doki. AN 960 bi, 50 loll -1060J A** 1~9,% Abetmt The so-called blatk~Ln of, t"r-oootn r ~il iili tous viruses lose th"Oft, d1aftot c4uiina i f t4vozi~vil aftetr contaA with ulbumioa of cam~rous tissrue*~.11 it all tl~,srtmeno I the t=ar causing virus was mixed VIth V-W *P-aot "~Nq fr*M,O*L ~ AMA cerow tissue In ral,io of 1 it, was cohil 141 Kcl~ktd and ring' inoculation of such mixture paptUor%w appe4goil in rliiw~t Ot the teat C41ses. The experiments word mide an live rabbits 44~more 10-iilad reau to are given in tablos. Ona refiorencit. TabloCi~ Institution Acad. o* Med. Sc. U313Rj The N. F. T~l t![tuti Ppide4l vay and Hipr'obiology. Submitted I April 19~4 1-41"H A V.A.: "Astudy of thm *ntitrenic proywrtl-~s 01' rari-110matotle ind cancercuF ti5sue of r-mbbitr". MOBCow, 1955. licael Y.*.d Sci MSR :Msiertitions for the Ngree of Cqrdidate or Biblagleal SO- KnUhnaya I-p-to-P19-11 No 44, P9 Octob,"r 1955- YOSCOW "Experiviental Date on the Study of the Puthopimals of Nblipent Grovth." (paper read at an unidentified sclentifto: confmvneo bold by the inAtItub during the first talf of 1954.1 Proceadtags of lost. lpIdem nod Weroblo in. Gawleye 1954-56. Division of Virology, Zillber, L. A., lirofe4sor, Active Nestmer, AcadevW of Medical Scientes, USM, bead, Inst. SpHam and Ricrobiol. is. Ommeleys AMS USSR so: sum 1186, 11 ibn 57. 'RT V- ;~. "Changes in the Antigen Stote of Tissues In the Process of lbllgmoncy." Proceedings of rAst BVIdem and Mcrobiol It. Gumajoys 190 56. Pei-sonnel Identified as Portleponts In $41*01fic Conferences helO by the tnstitut* in 1953 Inst. EpIdem and 91-crobiol Is. 0owlep AM USSR SO: 3um 1186 11 Jon 57- IP, 41, IN 1111 Hp. 11 Hill, i LITINA. D.K., ARTAIMOVA.- T4A. StUdY Of the AUtPlItO PrOpOrtits of certain *orVasimlar and 11914bl$ fractions Isolated from tumors of lAbrsd sic* tvith suaw7 In *gUQ hul.sksp,biole I med, 46 no*8977-ft Ag 058 (XUA 1.1914) I* Is otdola inawalogil s1oksch#stvenzWO OpUkholor (%W. dW*tvitoll Ivy chlen AM Nal teA4. Sill'ber) Instituta op.14salologil I m1krobI63#41 Iteal 1.10 Gamalot (dirs - Prot* Solo lbroidip) AM SSSS, Moskva Predstaylens dsVstTItsIfV% ahleaft ANK SSUXXo ShukcvywVor*dm1.k*vya. (nmu", Imwmol; antl&nio properties of corpus*ulnr A soluble fractions Isolated from tumors of 1twWo4 vice (Rap)) MIT Till ii, ZILIBIR, L.A.; ARTAXONOTA, V.A* Natwe of ohaz~ps in the antigaia strmftm of protolu due to the affoots of iontsbg radiationo. Reds rad, 4 no.50-6 Or 159,, (NM 3247) 1. Is otdala lammologit I sUWh*sk%"wjM opn%UUw Instiftts spidamilogil i m1krobiologil imal N,Y UmItl AM OBOL (LIM, mtt%b, proteins, auttgaula stmotar* &svgea in x-iryadlatod mlk'blts (ams)) Oa 0 owtabb No*) (ROMMIS RAI$# off., on antiosia struotisre of rroma A IspiLtic protelam iki ralbbite (Ra)) (PROM=, m#tab, k1dwWs & l1vor. off. of x-irrmdL*tlou an autipula structare In ral0alls Nms)) Agk4QMYA,-L,&-. (goakra, ArbiLtakays, p1. d. 2/4, kV. 15); MINA, D.M., (NOBWa, ", BryUsavokly per.: d. 2/14, korp. A, kv, 23) Study on the autigan4a properties of oor#Ai* protot* ftlatla= of tumors In tnaor-bOwlng lines of sloe. Top. cok. 5 tw.U29-32 059. (MM UW 1. Is otde)A lawovologli i slak&*h*vtvwWk?A opuftoDW (sav. - der- stvitellwy chlen ANN SM prof. L4. %1111w) bw-tfttt% qpU~wjologji i mirkoblologit lasal N.Y. Omlays AM $$$It t 41r, . prof, 6,1. Flaroatsev). (NNOMBAN 6 anttgimic pro"rties of protals fmablotte in tumor- bearift nice (Ra)) ARTAM170VA, V.A. Further studios an to question of t1le offe0% of Ionising rsdi&tJoug on antigenle properties of proteins. no.8:42-49 Ag 159. (MMA U 112 1. Is otdola issimaologil I Oulmlogil laltitaU nPideviologil I vlkTo- blologil imenl Gavalol ANN SUk (ANIMS raftallem offj in an," ;t ari; r: -,I tlf~ I; -')f r Rpkm, ~.; flip Of I :.CIO ! 1 mo ~.dlj f ro-T, turrict a. t a k1i ~ m. 9 no. 6:6 144~! iIN,, 0,, (WRA 17:10'~, "del -nkD' '411 t I.Tmunolrigll histituta opidealtilogii i m!k-,Y~;!c,gIJ ~.ijpnl N.F. ltw-a,.lt~! )Mt- L;ZSRo Mlokva.. ARTAMONOVA, V.A, -'1fWQNEs'AO W',,W~IYITMA. 1.D. lffe-i* o' r wi .-,f. gru-dth of Wour ml2s. Vop. onk. 10 vo.302 -;4, SG4. (MIRA Y%8) 1. 1z ot,Aleia obsh-.hp"y 1nat1trita opi- demlol.)g1i i llmdtil Oftiuk.W, AM S41311 (gar. nt'ielca - doystv te:.Irqy ,th'..on AMN ';S.S pr,~t. L.A. ti'Alix,r". Adron ev'irovi Moskva, D--82,. Malaya Sr.nukinskav&, 'j, Ins-411,1,u. epidamiol%qii 4" imunologl.i imni X.F. c"MA".1.1, ARTAK)NOVA, 'TIKHOWNKOf T... Method of fractionation of nWlelo ulds an 4t ;irotftIn porbent. Blokhimila 30 no.4:6(16-815 JI-Ag 165. 011u, 10:8) 1. Otdel obahchey ImmologiA i onkolctfl Intilltuta optdomjo- logli i m1krobiologli imeni R.F. Gamlel i ImbirataTtya I)lc- khImAj' Ins',I!uta viTusologll I.meni D.I. lvmcwskop. MY SSU, mosima. Mt lilt IM! ARTAMDMOVAV V.F. Remilts of testing the Siberian larch In Dabookisgam, TjiW last. bot.All Kasakh.SSR 17s1&21 163. WPA 17 13) A:lAYCA'XVA, V. G. ARTA.,,'ONCVA, V. G.i "Vibration Disease Among hwumatli: W(rkera atd In Attempt to Trmst it." Rin Hmalth MISR. l4nitograd Sanitary-Hygisra YMIcal Insto Lezirgradt 1956. (Diestrtation for th* Dept* *f Undliata ist Modical science) Sot Knishneya latonial, No. 18, 1956. SOVII 1 )7 -57-11-22778 Trans I at ion from: Re fe rat ivnyyzhurna I. Metal lurgiya, 19S7, Nr 11, p 306 (USSR) AUTHOR: Artarnonova, V.G. %---------- TITLE: Vibration Sickness and Experience in its rreatment (Vibra- tsionnaya bolezn' i opyt yeye lecheniya) PERIODICAL: Tr. Yubileyn. nauchn. sessii, posvyashch. 10-letney deyat- sti. Gos, n. -i. in-ta gigiyeny truda i prolzaboles-aniy. Leningrad. 1957, pp 107-111 ABSTRACT: The following symptoms were observed on the examination of foundry cleaners: cyanosis of the wrisLs. hypothermia, edema- tosis, "pastosity" of the fingers, especially of the terminal phalanges; in advanced cases a deformalion of the fingers. especialty in inter-phalange joints, a sharply defined hyper- hydrosis of the wrists, trophic disruptions in the form of hyperkeratosis, change in the color of the nails, and an increase in their brittleness. The following sympvtorns appeared in more advanced cases: Loss of mobility in thot inter-phalange joints of Card ilz finger contraction, atrophy of the muscles (especially of the SOVII 37- 57- 11 -ZZ778 Vibration Sickness and Experience in its Treatment inter-osseous musctes). For the treatment of the vibration disease it is recommended that novocaine, "difatsyl", and paraffirif dressings be employed. Ye, L, Card 2/2 AMNOMNA, V. 0. 2~29atwut of vibration disoaso With difacil" *Vdr UMa 37:80-94 058, (mm lose) le Xmf4dl 8140V truda s kliMkqr p 14MIAPPAskW ftolurno-gi slyessousug* Japilltuto Prof. TOM 4 "ArOvalo. disor*. in &IN. bmwor Mer, &d&phWm* (j6o)) (TASCUM Drswm, ia4mp AUDI. Boos) (00CM01OUL XUAM $a6) FMSMAT~Myflcs. there adipbsulue 14 POPIpberal air hftmwr o"rator M10- 4:18*04, In a (mur ARTAMONOVA, V.G. Gastrointestinal CoWitiong in vibration slaknommo 121 .1 man. 26 no.1:73-76 -T& 161. (9u Ut 6) (VIBRATIOP-4USIOLOGICAL IMCt) (AIDMMTAVjQd4j;435UM) 4UTAMONOVA. V.G. glactrocardiogmphle data on vibration sickmesm. 01g.t, am. 26 noelt 77-85 A '61. (NDA UsQ (VIBRLTION-PMIOLOGICAL EMCT) (%LEOtW=IOGMnY) ANDREYEVA-GALANINk, Yevgenira Uezarevm; DMCHIM.. gefivi Abramovwj AVRYtA~MONOVA~ vol.Ta GeorKjxqmj BURMA, L.7a, p red.; CVJNAMAp Z.V., tekhn. red. (Vibration siolmosal Vibrataiobuaia bolemnlo Lmingradp Msdgis, 1961. 173 P. (VIBUTIOK.PiffsloLOGICAL IMM) (M331A 14s 12) TARASOVA, A.V.; ARTAMDNOVA. V.G.; WLONSKAYA, F.L. Specific character of morbidity among upholstorers. Urav.Ros Feder. 6 no.9:19-22 5 162. (MM 151101 1. Iz kafedry gigiy*ny truds. a klimiko protsissionall"Ykh boles6ey (zav. - prof. Ye.TS.Andreyeva-GalaniruLl Leningradslogo sanitarn6- glgiyericheekogo meditsinsloogo instituta I samitarw-epideniolo., gicheskoy stantaii Oktyabrlakogo rayons. Leningrada. (FURNITURE WORMS-WEASES AND HYGrM) GRATSIAKSKATA, Lyubov XikoWous; GRINBERG, Alsksandr Voealaminoirid(j prof.; ELIM, Mikball AkimovIchl AMMO A #-VG redo; LZEEDEVA, Z.V., takhm. -rod. [occupational dissmaod of the hand from ovo"t"in] Pftfes- sionalloys saboliva MiK ruk ot perempriadmails. PW ob- shobei red. A3.6rili Leningrad, )%Wst 1963. 223 P. KMA 16s 5) (HAND-DISMSES) (OCCUPATIONAL DISIAM) ANDRETEVA-GALANINA, Tevgenlya TSetarevzia; kRTAMON69k Val-ra Georglyevna; ZATYUSHMV, A.I., ra.- A"I'l. P, (Expertise on work capacity in vibration diseasm' I tiss. trudooposobnooti pri vibratsionnol. Went. Limin- grad, Me s, 1963. 177 p. (MTPA 16:10) 6TVIBRATION-PHYSIOLOGICAl UPECT) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) AiCAMONOVA, V.G.; STWA, M.F. Functi-mal state of the neuromuscular apparatus in vibratim disease. Trudy IJSGHI 75tD-39 163. (MIRA 17W 1, Kafedra giglyeny truda s klinikoy professiormlInykh zabolevaniy (zav. kafedray - prof. YO.TS. Andre'reva - Galimina) i kafedra normallnoy Ciziologii (salv. - prof. N.M. Uf:Lyand) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiy%nicheskogo maditsinakogo instituta. ARTMONOVA, V.G.; ZIJYEV, G.1.1 KIIADIOVICII, M.L. Characteristics of vibration pathology in poreass working on vibrational compaction of concrete. Trudy LS014I 75.-71*- so 63, (141RA 1734) 1, Kafedra gigiyeny truda. a klinikoy professionallnykh zabolevaniy (zave kafedroy - prof. To.TS, Androyeve, - Galanina) Leningradskogo sanitarno-giglyanicheakogo me- ditsinskogo instituta. ARTAXONOVAP V.G.; ZUYEV, G.I.; XHAIMOVICH, M.L. Some clinicophysiological data an the hygiania evaluation of now types of riveting hamrs, Trudy LSGMI 75tI19-124. 163. (KIU 17t4) 1. Kafedra gigiyony t,,ruda a klinikoy professionallnvkh sabolevaniy (sav. kafedroy - prof. Ys.TS. Azdrayeva- Galanina) Leningradskago sanitarno-Cigiyunichmmkogo no- ditainskogo inatituta, Physiological and hygionic evaluatim of ribratUn in electric ramming. Trudy LSGMI 75tI32-137 16), (DIJU '17,14) i.%AM~y ,igiyony truda s klInikoy profosoitwW%nykh za.L,~-vaniy (zave kafodroy - pror, T*.TS. Andreyeva - Galanina) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Gorlkovskiy nauabno-issledovatell- skiy institut gigiyany trdda i professionalInykh zabolevaniy (dir. ifistituta - kand. made nauk 0.14., Gayrugeyko). ERM, Iosif Kikhaylavich; PIMWKVA-CALA)iINA, TsMov prof*# red.; ARTAMONOVA, V,C.p red. [ftidainentala of the IWgiene of ths Industrial micro- climate in hot plantdj Oarovy gigieny pr*izvodstvenwgo w1kroklimats v goriach:Lkh tsekhakh. Leidm do Medi- tsinap 1964. 263 p. M.. 18,2) I-. F-11--.7 VIADLUMA, N.A.; ARTAMONOVA V G Use of sme types of phpiothsrapy in the first; and second stages of vibration dixemae, Tnidy TSIU 72:69-41 164, (KMA 18:U) 1. Kafedra fislobeskoy terapli (zar, dotsent N.P. Sperarokir) i kafedra professional lnykh mabolevaniy (myo prof. U,TS, Andreym-CALlinium.) Leningradskogo, sszI%am"Jgi)*niab*skogc meditainskago instituta. VIADDUROU, M-A-; U" of tb& som fanw..Af p4&iothorsp In tb* f1rat and seeond &,.agas of the vibr&Uon diss"s. Yap, kar.0 fisiot4r, I Isab* fig. haV o 30- ao.N215-219 *I-Ja 165. (MM ISM) 1. Wodra. flai nha-kay ~AWApU. TS*Atral 'up Instl tut* uover- &h*a&U*vwdj& vraahq (MV.- -dauant A*P, slorawkV) I katedra prof"skaWapkh "bWAvmdy (mav.- prof. le.TS. ArAM*va- Gitlanins) L4ningradskogo Sanitarn"Igiyenlabostogo afiditalaskago institutae Submittod Tobruary 26, 19U, ARTAMOIIOVA, V.K. vrach-dermatolog. Fungi diseeses. Nauka i shyttia U no. 4t52 Ap 161.. (Hadical myoology) Ai.. I L Y (HIM 140)