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SOV/177-58-9-4/51 The Mechanism of Injuries of the Hip Caused by Parachute Jumps during jumping. Most fractures by entanglement of the legs occur during the release of the parachute. All hip fractures sustained. in the air were spiral fractures. The location of' the in,-*iury depends on the position of the parachutist and hi,,:~ extremities during his opening of the chute. Some authors, including B.G. Kaufman (1949) think a poo-*Yly-.fitted harness is the cause of fractures in the air. A.V. Shatskiy who analyzed fractures of the d1aphysis of the hip in parachutists at the moment of landing, assumes that the bending of the hip of that extremity which reaches the ground first plays the main role in the fractures' mechanism. The author thirdcs a continuous improvement in parachutes and aircraft is the best prophylaxis. There are 2 diagrams and 1 table. Card 2/2 .,r ARYAYEV,; -KULAZHF.NKO; V.I. (Odessa) Nitrogen oxide anesthesia at -the stage of analgesia during stomato- logic operations by means of it portable anesthetic apparatus Stomatologiia 40 no-4Q9-42 JI-Ag 161. ( IRk ~,:3-1) (ANESTHM-IA) (NITROGEN WIPE) (STOMTOLOGY) ARYAY-~T, I. Y. I,jejitenant Colonel of' the Yedical 'S'rrvice, Cnndidat.T of the I-c-- Medica Sci-r-ne-e-'s-The Use of 'YcOern Types of Ank,.isthe%~-ia under (N-nditions of a ~filitary Rosnital. lyoymnnc,-~'~-ciitsinskiy Ahurnal, 11, 1961, pr. 70-7r'. ARYAYEV, L.N., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, kand.wd.nauk Control of a termiml state under conditions or a military hospital. Voon.-med. zhur. no.11:59-.61 N 161. (MIRA 15:6) (MEDICINE I MILITARY) (DEATH, APPARMT) ARUIEV L.N., podpolkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby, U-~- Use of modern anesthetic methods under the ctinditions of a military hospital, Voen.-med. zhur, no.11:76-77 11 161. - (AMSTHWYA) (MIRA 15:6) AR~AY~-Vp- I.E., Aneotheoia in operatiots on amlulatorY patientso Vest.kbir. 89 no.76-92-95 Jl 162. WIRA 15:8) 1. Iz Odesokogo okruzhnogo voymmogo gospitalva. (OWTHESIA) (SURGERY, m6fi)- ARYAYEV, L.N. podpolkovnik meditsinekoy sluzhby,; 0 V.I., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; GRIDNEV, A.V., kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby Clinical picture of poisoning following the bite of the karakurt. Voen.-med.zhur. no.9:83 8 161. (MIRk 15:10) (VENOM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ARYAYEV L .. kand.mod,nauk Use of ourarelike preparations for die~pootio paWsese Vest. khir. no.5t86-87 162. (KMA 15M) 1. Iz Odeaskogo okrazhnogo voyannogo goapitalya, (CURARELIKE SUBSTAUCES) (DIAGNOSIS) BXA)~g~L.N., kandmed.nauk Anesthesia in operations on ambulatory pationte,~ Vcst.khir. 89 no.702-95 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8) 4 1. Iz Odesskogo okruzhnogo vo mogo gospital a. Y" "-'I (KNESTHESIA) (SURGERY, HIVOR ,ARYAYF,,V, L.N., kand.mado nauk Modification of mask aneethesias, KMmrgiia 39 ncl.7:122-124 J1163 WIRA 16tl2) I!?. ~-.ft "! . - BAYANDIN, ?.A. (Itumansk); SIIVETSOVt IJI.; TMI'OFEYEVA, N.V.; KOVAL', V.P.; KOZLOVA, E.Z.j TRETIYAKOV N.I. (Kaliningrad); MODOV, E.Sh. (Poselok Martuni AzerSSRJ; BOROVYY, Y,s.M.; DULAYEV, S.G. (Grodno); GERAMOV, B.A. ~Lugansk); IMIIIIIII L.A, (Chemovtsy) ; MIGALI,L.A.; GUBANOV, A.G.; GOROVENKO, G.G. (Kiyev)~,j SHAROV, B.K. (Chelyabinsk); SHUALOVA, Z.A. (Sverdlovsk) NEYMARX, 31.1.- ARYAYEV L.N. (Odessa); YUBANOV, A.N.; HNOVALOW, Yu.S,; ZAK, V.I. t (OrenA3;m-rtg),-;TrfkHAYLov, m.m., SEZIKO, A.D. (Voronezh),- SHALAYEIT, 14.1.; DONIN, IT.I. Sarator;). Abstracts, Gz%dn. khir. 5 no-3:11.0-126 ttr-Je'63 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry nomallnoy anatomii Ryazanskogo meditainskogo in- stituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (for Shevtsov). 2. Iz Sochin- skogo naucbno-iseledovatellskogo bistituta kurort)logii :1 fizio- terapii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya FSFSR ( for Timofeyeva). 3. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya, Temopollskoy klinicheskoy gorodsko7 bollnitay ( for Koval). 4. Iz kafedry topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii ( zav6 - prof. A.P. Sokolov). Permskogo meditsinskogo institute. (for Koz-lova)- 5;- Iz khirur- gicheskogo otdeleniya, ( zav. - Ye. 14. Borovyy) Rovenskoy oblast- noy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - UkrSSR VJI. Vellskiy) (for BorovyY)o (Continued on next cEa-d) BAYANDIN, P.A.- (continuad) Card 2o 6.I.z fakul I tetakoy khirVrgicheskoy kliniki ( dir. - prof o LM& PopovIyan) i gospital noy terapevtichaskoy klinil:i ( dir. - prof. L.S.Shvarts) le6hetnogo fakultteta Saratovekogo meditsin- skogo instituta ( for Migalt). 7. Iz katedry fakulltetskoy khi- rurgii zav, - prof. I.I.Neymark) Alta:yskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta for Neymark), 8. Iz Novosibim-,kogo goroiskogo protivo- tuberkuleznogo dispansera ( for Kabanov~,I. 9. Iz kafedry fakull- tetakoy khirurgii tzav. - prof o I.A.Ivarov) Permskogo maditsinslio- go instituta ( for Slialayev). ZALITSWP Ya.I.; ARYAYEV, L.H., Therapeutic anesthesia. Vest. khir. 92 no.3-122-125 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:12) FOLDESP I.; NAGY, Me.; BENKO# K.; LEVAIO G.; ARY-BAIDGM, P. Electron microscopic studies on the postemb7onal apipbyseal cartilage in albino rate. Aota morph. acad. sci. Hung. 13 no.4t283-299 165. 1. Institut fur Anatomie, Histologie uni Embryole-gie und Zentrales Forachungelaboratorium der Modiziniseben Uni- versitat, Debrecen. Submitted June 28, .1963. TKACIIENKO., I.A.; FIIATOV, A.D.; UZIYENKO~ A.M.; GRU.NOV, A.K.; DEYNEKO, D.I.; ARYCHENKOV V.P.P* ZAYAKIN, B.I. Quick pouring and the quality of rimied steel. Metallurg 10 no.8: 17-19 Ag 164. (MIRA 17ill) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgichookiy kordbinat. VORONOVY F.D., prof.; FILATOV, A,D., 'inzh,j DITNEKO, DJ.~ InAh~; BIGETEV, A.M,, kand. te~Jin. nauk; TMACHENKO, LA., Jnzh,; SELIVANOV, N.M., kand. tekhn. nau1c; ARYCHENKOV, V.P., inzh. Use of boil intensifiers In the rapid pouring of rimmed steel. Stall 25 no.4,,317-319 Ap 165, (MIRA 1811l) 1. Magnitogorskjy- metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorskly gornometall-argicheskiy institut. AR I YE, F. M. New device for checking the disposition of holes. Izm.tokh. no.4t 20 Ap 163. (MIRA 1615) (Gaugeis) P'TF,.Ill7;,- L. 1. 2832-L K biologii i sistyematichyekoinu polozzhyeniyu nitela Irtreille i ~,irui.yikh pryodstivityelyey miscophinae (hpuenopt.,7ra, ~--phecidne). Dokl&(iy akA, Nauk 35S'.~R, Novay- , Sy-ri.-.-,,, T. L)ITIII, No. 21 150 S. 1113 - 15 - Bibliogr: 15 Na,!v. o: Letopis No. 3h S I ARIYEIIIIS. A.Ya. , oft Sowing ornamental plants in open ground. Biol. v shkole no.4:96-87 J.-Ag 158. (14IRA 11-.9) (Plericulture--Study and teaching) E_Z2740-6 '.b-v[T(m)/EPF(c)/Zip(v)/EPR/;-",IP(J)/T Pc-4/Pr-4/Pa-4 WIPJ4 el ACCESSTGN NR- AP5006719 S/0282/65/000/00110107/0107 SOURCE: Ref. A. Khimicheskoye i Wholodil'noye mash!.nnatroyeniye. Otd. vyp., ;Abs. 1.47.636 WITHDR- Pem anenko, I, D,; AT'yev A -raprojj-~ storage hattory cap ~CITED SOURCE.' Sb. tr. fi'Z.,-Iugiinakiy_masbirgatroit* in-t, v. 4, 1964, 51-57, Kafidry ',TOPIC TAGS4 resin bonding, bonding film property, polyviny1chloride, plastic tub- ~Iing / adhesive PKhVS-22 I 'TRANSIATION: The authors descrite the results of ttsts on bond_#g of polyyinyl- chloride tubiiig to a caprone stol-age batter,i cap usiug adheslve"KWS-22.1~-jhe ad- he5ive represQnts a 221 solution of perchlo,.-ovinyl iesi-n-Tn-Myren-e--w =tbenzoyl peroxide adde-1 (1.5% by wetghL o14 the styreme). Thu bonded Beam should bt Jried for 225 min. under 16000 lux of ultraviolet irradiation. The obtained film is elas.tic, bonds strongly vith both basic materialt, and insures a hermetic seal. Four ies, tvo illustrations@ Nt Bilenina. ENCL: SUR C? -- -- N . ARIYEVI A. M. Method of 'measuring the angle of stability of synchronous motors working in parallel. Trudy Rost. Inst. inzh. zhel. tranap., No. 15, 1949. SO. MLRA. October 1952. 1 ARITZV, A.M. kandidat fizikba-matematicheakikh nauk, Xethed for measuriag dielectric and magnalsic characteriatis, Nauch. trudy M 26-.460-"6 153. (Mim 9112) ODielectric constants) (Magnetic measuremeats) ~'S-o 0 68186 BOV/58-59-5-10858 Translation n,om: Referativnyy Zhumal Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 136 (USSR) AUTHORS: Arlyev, A,M.,.Ashraflyan, A.P. 19 TITLE: Effect of Beta-Radiation on the Electric Conductivity of Synthetic Ceresin ~ _P11 PERIODICAL: V sb.: Piz. dielektrikov. Moscow, AS USSR, 1958, PP 50 - 51 ABSTRACT: The author studied the effect of ~ -radiation on the electric conductivity (Ingle cryatal.3 in '!irgc. 1101y,'(Irri) 'mrq. ljl,-r. fiz, ~hjr. L .1 10 no.7:80,1-803 JI 165. (i,IRA I , Luganskiy naqlj Inos tro I to I I nyy I ns t I tu t. Wj, i, Koll"i t unt- n., FOIWOVI Ohl A.' f20 ~eaz-s the -,.Ineel] 20 Irzt --a rule:T.. oevero-lup,dnoe hmizhnoe -izd-vo, IN . 29 p. 6,4 ARIYBV. M.. professor. saalushonM7 dyatell nauki Letter to the editors Terape arkhe 26 no.3189 W-Je 154. (MLRA 70) (ASTHKA) ARITET, M.T. --- Pathology of rupture of the ventricular septum in infarction of the myocardium. Sovet.vrach.oborn. no.17:25-27 S 149.(CLKL 19:2) 1. Leningrad. ARIUVA-M. Ya.- -and ARIYEVA.,-YOO M.--- "Postwar Pathology," Klin, med.. 26, No.l. 1948 Prof. Doctor, C,Inic of Internal Diseases., Leningrad Stomatological Inst, ARIYEV, X. Yu. Prof. Honored Worker of Science, Leningrad "In Confiection with Prof. L. M. Rakhlinla Observations on M. Yi. Arlyev's and Ye. P. Kartsevayals Work 'Hypo- and Anoxy-Mvocardial.," Klin. med., 269 No.4, 1948 32, ARIYV., M. Ya, "Review of Prof. Yu. 1. krkusekiyle Mofiograph 11-Ray Diagnostics of Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vesselef.- Klin. med.p 27, No.6. 1949 ARIYXV, X.Ta.,professor,zaelushennyy deyatell naukt. (Leningrad) -, ~,, ~ ~ ~, ~. . , Cardiac astbma; clinical problems and pathogenesis. Klin. mod. 34 no.1;82-87 Ja 156- (WA 9.5) 1. Iz kliniki vnutrennikh bolezney stomatolgoichaskogo fakulitata LaningreAskogo sanitarno-giglyanicheakogo inatituts. (DTSPM, PAROXTS14#-L clin. aspects & pa*hogeu.) ARIYIT. K.Ta., sasluthenW deystell nauki., professor (Ieningrad) ~ " . N I- On A.F.Tur's article published in "Mmicheeksia meditsina," No.8, 1956. concerning xV report on tho pathogenesis of cardiac aethm , X11nowede 33 noe3:153 Mr 157. (MMA 10.-7) (ASTHKA) AR,yEV I-joisey Yakovlevich; RMIND., B.N., red.; SMONOVA, I-M-S p . - -f5RRF.-r-e-d-.-,-jUffjOVA, T.I., teklm. red. [Cardiac asthma] Serdechnaia astna. Unirgrad, Medgic, 1962. 66 p. (AsTIM) (11EART-DUSEASEES) (MIRA 15t7) ARIYEV, T.J. Pathology of local and general cooling off., Moskva no.3:15-24 Kr 150. (CLML 19:2) 1. Of the Group for the Study of Oryopathology of the Academy of" Medical Sciences USSR (Head of Groap -- Prof. S.'S.Girgolav, Active Member AX3 U33R), leningrad. __ ARYFVP-T. Ya. -- -- - - - - - _ - --- Frostbite. Pew Findings Re the Pathology and Clinical Concept of Frostbite Sovetski Vrachebny Mmial, 1938, 7~ 392-1102 ARr--V, T.Ya. Frostbite. Translations from the Russian of a collection of sixteen papers pu4ished between 1939 and 1944; titles as fol-lowst (~) New FindizL,,B Ae the Pathology and Clinical Concept of Frostbite. SDvetski Vrachebny Zhurnal, 1939, 71 392-402. Trans'lation-2524467 30 Apr 1954. GIF6011kv, S. -S. --- AAMIE.V. T. ya. Clinical Handling and Treatment of Frostbite. Vrachebnoye Delo. 1940, 6, 416 I, ,I I I 1-1 INI T I P. 20302" ~--WR OtIllorozIlenil. (Voenno-medit-Sinskil zhurnal, Dec. 1946. no. 12, p. 3-8) Title tr.: The prophylaxis of frostbite. Contains a review article based on the experience of World Wars I and 11? and dealing with the causes of frost injurN -. low temperature, moibture, mechanictil slowing of circulation (e. g. through tight clothing:, footwear), general an(] local decrease of resistance. This is foHowed by adiscussion and presentation of preventivd measures of three kinds: (1) group prophylaxis (organization of hygienic field covers and quarters; proper food supply, etc.); (2) proper and hygienic clothing and footgear.: (3) personal hygiene. The problem of foot-wear and -care is discussed in deta-11. Copy seen: DIX. 203n AR'EV, T. [A. Za!zwrzau~4,~, 9n&ik.1ope,diche*kVi GAny, ed. E. T. Simimov. Nlckskva, t. 2., col. 751-53) Titbe tr.: Fret--siii)z, (In Encyclopedic diclimitir.4, t~( mir sw,~4- rime) !11 ntairis a definition of the term a,; 1,0 applied to humign beings and information on the crit,ical J.,emperat tire of hypoRwi- inic deat-li, symptoms at various lowert,ti body temperatures, mass occurrences of freezing in peat,,e and war. Stievessive Byrriptonis during freezing, therapy, wid prophylaxis are discussed. Bibliography is given tinder the heading: "Otmoro- zhenie" (Frostbite). Copy eeen: DSG. AR'11V, T. U. Unit"IOL" Don-osi Mo6ases :'Hediolnq Ontewyelitie PA 1014M )kr/Apr 46 "Xjtoplasty for Bone Cavities Canoed by Chronic OstoomyeLitlsp* T. U. Arlyev, Clinic of Houp Barg, Nil Mod Aoad Imeal S. M. Kirov,, 9 pp *#'@at Xhirargil" Vol LUMp No 2 Don6ribeo development of myopluty since first 1woposed by Prof Sobulten of Holsingfors In 1097. Gives details of its application In oasep: ,of bone cavities caused by chronic ostoomyelitle. WAM8 M4IRNCVp Ye.l.p general-polkovnik meditsinskoy aluzliby, glav. red.; GIMOLAV, SaS41 general-loyteziant meditsinskoy aluzlibyo otv. red.; AVrcExov,, N.u., genciral-leytenant meditsinskoy'sluzhbyp red.; YELANSKlYp N.F.f red.; LVIT9 V.S.j red.; PRIOROV9 P.N.9 zasluzheinnyy deyatelt nauki, prof., red.; RUFAVOV9 I.G.,'g red.i SHAMOV9 V.N., general-leytenant meditsinakoy alu2,hbyp red.j,.-AR!YlVr-=*,q red.; SMOTKINp B,,A*q kando meds naukq podpolkovnik mea-.--sTu-z"fibFq-red,, (Soviet me0icine in the Great Patriotio War 1941-19451 Opyt sovetokol meditsiny v Velikoi Oteihestvennoi voine 1941-1945 99. MosWap Medgiz, Vol-4. 1949. 547 P. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Daystvitellw chlen Akademil. meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Girgolavt Shamov), 2, D6ystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk SSSR i Akademil. i,~edltsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for Anichkov) (WORLD WAR9 1939-1945--MICAL AND SANITARY AFFAIRS) (SKULL-WOUNDS AND INTURIES) I I N- I I Y 111- -4 1 1 - ARIEV, T, YA, 23644. KHRONIChESKIY OGNESTRELINYY OSTEOMIELIT I EGO LEChENIYE. (PO OFYTU VElKOY'OTEChESTV VOYNY 1941--1945 GG) KHRURGIYA, 1949, NO. 7, a. 35-5D.--BIBLIOGR: S. 49-50. SO: LETOPISI NO. 31, 1949 20298. AR'EV, T. IA. K voprosu o patologii i klinike obslicliego i inest.nogo oklilazHenifa'. (Miniclieskata medilsina, 1950. t. 28, no. 3, p. 15-24) Title tr.: On the problem of the pathology and clinical aspects of general and local livpotlieri-nia. Contains a general account and. review of the problem with sections on: the effect-, of cold on the life oi warm-blooded animals and on their tissues in culture; lei on their physiology, especially heart function, blood circulation and on the nervotissyst. v tit; physiology and pathology of general and locai hypothermia (frost, bite); therapy in its general and practical aspects; various views and methods of therapy. Bibliography (1) items). Copy seen: D1,C. AR' VO T. and othvrs. IA.9 00'riorozhenif-it. (In: Opyt sovetskol medif-Ainv v Velikol Otechestvennof Volne II',41-19i5 gg. Aloskva, Aledgm, 1951. t. 1 1). 191-331, illus. plates, diagr.,;., tables) Other authors: V. S. C-amov, S. S. Girgolav an,.l D. G. Rokhlin. Title tr.: Frost injuries. ([n: Practice of 8oviet inedicine during the Great Patriotic NVIar 1941-1945). Contains an extensive monograph on frostbite written by leading Russian authorities, with the following chapters: 1. Historical data (p. dealing with frostbite losses in wars since Napoleon's Russian campaign. 2. Sta- tistical, data (p. 196-210) on localization, extent., degree of damage; wound and frost damage combined, freezing to death. 3. Etiology and pathogenesis of frost, injury (p. 211-37), dealing with kinds of i frost daniaze: theorv of mthogenesis: WITII rostbi C osses in-- wars Napoleon's Russian campaign, 2. Sta- tistical data (p. 196--210) on localization, extent,, degree of damage; wound and frost damage combined, freezing to deat h. 3. Etiology and pathogenesis of frost injury (p. 211-37), dealing with kinds of ,ffrost damage; theory of pathogenesis; disseminative necrosis; conditions creat- ing and assisting frostbite: mechanical impediments to circulation, local and general loss of resistance, effect of the tactical position. 4. Some data on tissue chanoes, due to frostbite (p. 238 -30). 5. Diagnosis (p. 241--51), presenting general and x-ray diagnosis. 6. Clas- sification and symptomatology of frost- bite (1). 252-59), discussing four degrees of frostbite, symptoms, x-ray pictures, etc. 7. Complications (p. 266-80), deal- _C:X 43 ng with local complicatiom of soft -issues, joints and bones; general com- Aications; late complicatimis aiid so- juelae. 8. Therapy (1). 281-32.1), in- !luding first aid; c0mqervative therapy; iurgical therapy; post-operative treat- Aent; therapy accorditig to the degree ,)f frostbite. 9. Prophylaxis (p. 329 93), '-ollective and geiieral. 10. Results aii(I ~~onclusions (p. 326-31), stresshig the ,I,altie of instructing the soldier about Irostbite and its prophylaxis; the im- ~ortance of proper clothing and shoegear; lie great success of therapy by quick e-warming, and the prefereuce for early keerotoiny and necrectomy. Copy seen: DIX. ARIYU. T.Ta.; NMTIN, G.D. Tmspl,antatlon of =eels flaps from one extremity into the other In plastic "pair of bone cavities. Vest. khIr. 71 no-2:23-31 1951. (cum 20:8) 1. Of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Military Medical Academy Ineni. S.M. Kirov (Head of 11spartment-S.S. Girgolav). -rJ ILLY, SMIRNOT. Ye,I., general polkovnik moditainskoy slushby, glavr47 redaktor; GIRGOLOT, rodaktor:' ANICHKOV. redaktor; 71LANSKIT, N.N., rodaktor-, ISTIT, V.S., radaktor; PRI(FROV, N.N., relakior; RUFANOV, I.G., redaktor; BRAHOV, Y.N., rodaktor; ARITEV, Mae, redaktor; BAUM, A.Ne, rodaktor; ZHM, V.A&, profi-8-8-0r~- raMtor CIL-rperience acquired by Soviet medicine in the Great Fe,triotic Yar, 1941-19453 Opyt sovetskoi meditoiny v Velikoi Otechestvannoi volne 1941-1945 gg. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo moditoinskoi lit-ry. Vol.11. 1952. 415 P. (MLRA 8:2) 1. Doystvitellrqy ohlon Akademii nauk SSSR I Akademii-meditsinaKkh nauk SSSR (for Anichkov) 2. Beystvitell W chlen Akademii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for Bakulav) (Spine-Wounde and Injuries) --l"U'A'Siv NA - ~t T~ * y _ v. v Y a- . - AIKEIATIOVA. O.A. (Sarator). AR'YZIr. T.Ya., professor. Dieplacement of the heart into the free ubdominal cavity as a result of a traumatic defeat of the diaphragm. Xhirurgiia no.6:75-76 Je '53. (KLRA 6-.8) (Heart--Displacement) . 4~1UVI-T.U. [Plastic muscle surgery for bone cavities] Myshechsais, plastiks kostn.vkh polostai. Moskva, Medgiz, 1955. 174 p. (KLPk qt6) (BONES-SURGERY) (MUSCIA) USSR/Hunan and Animl Morphology - Normal and Pathological. S Anomalies of Development and Patholc)gical Anatomy Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 11, 1958, 5o44o Aut'hor Inst Title On the Diagnosis, Distribution in Tissues Course and Outcome of Necrosis. Orig Pub Eksperim. khirurgiya, 1956, No 5, 10-17 Abstract The course and otitcone of necrosis in 29 sick animals with gangrene of the extrenities, necrotized transplants~ ostemccrosis and massive oxfoliation of the skin were traced. Apart fron this, an incheraic gangrene of an ex- treraity was induced in 44 rabbits by applying a tourvi- quet. Histological investigation showed that tissues which are less differentiated die more slowly. In the orCpnization of necrosis, the norphological structuxe of necrotic tissues renains vachanged for a prolonged tine Card 1/2 55 - USSR/Hunan and Animl Morp4ology - Norml and Pathological. S Anonalios of Development and Pathological Anator.W Abs Jour Ref 2hur Biol6, No ll~ 1956, 50440 and provides a reason for considering these tisures as living ones. -- K'N. monakova Card 2/2 AR",RLJAUA-A,X,FTAMONOVA, II.I. Surgical methods in bilateral severance and ajacerations of the lower extremities. Ortopstran, i protes, 17 no..6.;120 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) 1, Iz khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy - professor T#Ta., Arlyev) 1-y klinicheakoy bolluitsy im, Y.I.Lenina v Saratovee (BXMMITIBS, LOWBR--SMBRY) ARIYF,V, T.Yn. On the denth of S.S. Girgolnv (1881-19!;7) Ilhirurgiin 11 no.81132-133 (MMA 11:4) Ag '57. (GIRGOLAV, PM SSMOVICH, 3.681-1957) IAROYNV 1 ro., prof.; POVSTYANOT, Y.Ye. ".,!. I Primary surgical treatment of butna; determination of the concept; indicationso technico and results [with summary in Hnglish). Khirurgiia 33 no.g-.14-22 S '57. (MIRA 11:4) 1e Iz khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. T.Ya.Arlyev) 1-y Sovetakoy kliniki imeni V.Lloenina, So,ratova (BUM. surg.) KDLESNIKOV, I.So, prof ,j-.AR,",YIV, T.Ta., prof. Local treatmeii of burns. Ihirurgiia 35 no-7;26-30 JI 059, (MM& 12:12) 1. Iz I-y gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nach. - prof. 1.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordona Iienins. akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (BURNS, therapy) KOLESNIKOV, I.S.; Allln'V, T.Xa. Glas3ification of burns. Nov. khir. arkh. no.21lS-24 Yx~Ap 160. (MIRA 14t11) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii 1 (nachallnik - prof, I.S.Kolesnikov) Voyonno-meditsinskoy ordena Lanina alcademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (BURNS AM SGALDS~GJASSIFIGATION) AWYLY,-T.Y.a., polkovnik.meditsinskoy sluzhby, prof. Clinical aspects and operative treatment of burns. Voen.-mede Zhur* no68%20-23 Ag 160, (BURNS AND SCALDS) (MIRA 3-07) KOLESNIKGV, IJ-1 ARIEV, T.Ya. ~ --- 7-, Lesions of tho locomotor apparatus in burns and principles of troa nt. Ortop,, travm. i protez. 21 no.11s3-7 160. 17 .. NIRA U14) 0 (BURNS AND SCALDS) (EXTRUITIES (ANATOMY) -WOUIMS AND INJURIES) KOLESNIKOV, I.S.; ARIYEVtT.Ya. I Varlous controversial qa-e-strans in the current treatment of burno. Vest.Kbir. 84 no.6t48-53 Je 160. (MIRA 13:12) (BONS AND SCALDS) ARIYEV, Tuviy Yakovlevich, prof.; TIMOFEYEV, N.S., red.; KHAWH, k--I -t9 a- RYin-. reae [Burns; what one should know about burns] Ozhogi; chto po- lezno znat' ob ozhogakh. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1961 47 P. (WRA 25:7) (BIWS AND SCALDS) ARIYEV, T.Ya. Moderm free dermatoplasty and its place in treating patuineto vith surgical diseaw. Mdrurgiia no.8t644t7 Ag 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliviki Nool (nach. - prof. I.S. Noleanikov) Voyenno-maditsinskoy ordena Ionina akademii Imeni S.M. Kirova. (SM GRAFTING) GEORGIYEVSKIY, A.S., general-layterant maditainskoy sluzhby.. prof*,, ARIYEV T.7a., polkovnik maditainakoy aluzhb7, prof.; SHEYNIS, =1-- - 9, polkovnik med.sluzhbyp doktor madonauk Organizational and clinical principles. for medical aid and treat- ment of bums xmder the condition of modern war. Voene-medezInire to.10t21-26 0 161. (MIRA 1515) (BUMS AND SCALDS) (MEDICIINH, MILITARY) AROYSTO T,,Ya, Modern therapy for burns, Vestderm,i vene 35 vo*40-8 Ap 161. NIR~ 1485) 1. Is gospitallnoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki No.1 (rach, - prof. 1.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenim akademii imeni SoM, l1rovas (BIWS AND SCALDS) m ARIYEV, T.Ya. (laningrad) Burn dinease (clinical aspectoo pathogenesis, principles of treatment). n0.3:7-19 162.. (MIRA 15:3) (B='S AND SCALDS) ARNYEV, T. Ya., prof. Effect of surface Odn lososis on lethality,, pathogenesis and therapeutic principles in burn disease. Khirurglia 311 no.71. 101-106 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Is Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena, Ionina, akademiA imani S. M. Kirova, (SMS AND SCALDS) ARIYEV, T.Ya. (Leningrad F-2t ul.Dostoyevskogo, d.2, kv.8) Surgery in h=s; a critical eevietr of contemporary foreign literaturi. Ortopep travv(*i protess 23 no.3-1-.76-86 N 162. I F (MIRA 16:4) 1. Iz Tovenno-ineditsinskoy ordena Lenina aWemli imeni S.M.- Kirova. (BMM SCALDS) (SIIRGERY.-OPERkTIVE) ARI EV prof. (Leningrad); BABCHIN, I.S.., prof. (Leainpad); VAYNSHTEYN# V,G,, prof, (Leningrad); GORODETSKIY,.Yo.M., kand. mod. nauk (Moskva); GRATSIANSKIY, V.P., prof., (Leningrad); KORNEV, P.G., prof.(Leningrad); KAPLAN, A.V.,prof. (Moskva); LEVIT, V.S.1, aaal. dayatell nauki, prof.(decaaaed); PSHENICHNIKOV9 V.I., prof.(Hoskya); RUFANOV, I.G.-,-prof. (Moskva); SITENKO, V.M., prof.(Leningrad); SMIRNOV, le.V., prof. (Leningrad)j FRIDLAND, M.O., zaal. dayatell nauki, prof.(Moekva); SHEYNIS, V.N,, doktor mod. nauk..(Lenlngrad); SHLAPOBERSKIT9 V.Ya., prof. Moskva); VISHNEVSKIY, A.A., prof., red.; GOLIDGAMMER, K.K., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Y%S., tekkin. red. [Specialized surgery) Chastnaia khirurgiia; rukovodatvo dlia vra- chei v trekh tomakh. Pod rec4 AOA~Oshnevskogo i.V.S.Levita. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol,3.[The extremities] Konechnosti. 1963. 670 p. (MIRAL 16:5) 1. Deystvitell hl Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSH (for .7 c en Kornev, Rufan V . (EXTREMITIES (ANATOMY))--SURGERY) -Offiliv AR')TVj T.Ya.p prof. (Leningrad) I'll-, Contemporary treatment of burns* Vest, kbir, 92 no,1026-118 Ja 164. (KIRA 1701) ARIYP.7, T. 7a., prof. (Leningrad) Snrgery in barne. Khirurgiia 39 no.12:29-31 D t63 (Mil-Lk 18:1) AR IYEV P. I --f-f 0 J, n1lizIlln, gone-ral-myor mcditBini!kay fhirnc and their treatment. Vorin. man. 41 no.9:18-19 S f65 jMIRA ISSIO) ARlyalp Yll.A., inzli.; I inzi... . I ~. CalltilUl,fir oruction of sl4lils made of blWks With dry Saw-mr, Transp. sti-ol- 13 no.1:17-22 Ja 163 18:2) ARtYEV,, Y-orly Alekseyevich; PAXrLUSHKOV, Vladimir Vqevulodnvich; -.", CITrZirM")'Vladlttir"A-Ieksctndrovich; 1VAIIOVSKA-YA, F.M., red. (Cantilever erection of reinforced concrete bridges] So- oruzbenie zhelezobotonnogo mosta navennoi sborkoi. Mo- skva, Transport, 1965. 31 p. (MIRA 18%4) A - - AR~M, Yu. , inzhe Over-all reconstruotion, of bridges. Zhel. dor. transp. no.3:74-76 147.. (MIRA 13:2) (Leningrad--Railroad bridges--Repairing) AROYNY. Yuriy Aleksoyerich; LUGA, Alekaandr Alakeandrovich; PAYLUMOVI SOBAKIN, Aleksandr Vladimirovich: CHNZHINj Vladimir Aleksandrovich: WGIVIV, A.P., red.; GALAKTIONOVA. Ye.H., [Construoting large bridges with supports on pile rafts] Postroika bollshogo mosta a oporami na evainykh rostverkakh. Hooky&. Naucbno- tokhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shostainykh dorog RSM, 1959. 50 P. (HIRA 13:4) (Bridges--Foundations and piers) -AR!Yk",V, N.A.1-TEUNKOVAt O.N., lnzli.;l TIGAZIN, G.A. Experionce in using a hellcopter In the construction of an automobile bridge. Transp.strol. 14 no.12:11-15 D 164, (MIRA 19cl) ARI TIVA , To, X, Plasma proteins In rheumatism and, subacuto septic andocardities,Xoekya 29 no.lt75-76 Jan 51. (CrAL 2045) 1. Leningrad. ARIMAp Te.Ms,, kandomedenauk Clinical and electrocardiographic obvervations of bilateral ligation of the internal mmmary artewy in patiente with'ohrmdc coronary inauffioiancyo Terapearkhe 33 nooW&-33 F 161, (KMA 340) Is 1z terapevticheskogo otdeleniya bolluitq imeril Urittkogo (nauobrqT rukovoditell - prof* V,,Io Volesov)p LeniqTade (CORONARY HEART DISEASE) (SUCTROCARDIOGRAPHY) ARIPAIA, r o h y in efircrit- cor(;ri~iry innulfl~-Aency. Trudy Inot. kl-ln. L t~koper. kard. '~N Gro-,. SSH dtlyj~ :~N ~enlngrm.l., ARYKWV, S.G., inrh.; TENENGOWTS, S.M., inzh. - ------ Self-reFenerating filter for feed-water, purification. Energetik 9 no.?.20-22 JI 161. (MIRA 1419) (Fee4-water purificsition) USSR/Geopuyeics Canal Constrilction Jun 51 "The Tractor Aggregate BUTA-1 I,T-io6) in Irriga- tion-Conservation Works," 1. 0. Arykin, Cand Tech Sci, M. P. Lebedev, V. Ye. Yuz,ruk, Engineers "Gidrotekh i Meliorat" No 6, pp 71-75 Describe tech characteristics of so-called univer- sal tractor aggregate SUTA-I (r-lo6), e.g.i 80 hpp wt of draglini with tractor and bulldozer: 18,2001, kg, grab bucket with tractor and bulldozer: 18,00 kg, piledriver with tractor and bulldozer,. *(SW kg, crane with tractor and bulldozer: 18 17,500 kg. Nov it is being proposed,that shovel be added to attachments of thIs tractor to in-., crease its usefulness. ARM, 1. G. 7671. aYkili, 1. G. -- PaRyatku po tokhnike bouipannosti rabochemy na molevom rplave. M. - L., Goalenbumizdat, 1954. 135. 11 am. (H-VQ leanoy prom-sti SSSR. Upr. Truda, zarabotnoy platy I tekhnikibezopusnoBti). 88.000 ekz- 5K. - V vyp. dan. soat 1. G. ARYK114 - (55-4142) 634.982.54:6513.283 bL): Knizhntt-va Letoysis', Vol.. 7, 1955