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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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AHK-INUZI..&K., rtikoyoditell brigady; BUENSHTEYN, A.F.; KUZNBTSOV, N.M.; JOINOVICH, B.D.: CRATSXIY. ?.A.; SIDOEMMO, D.P.; ICOVALIVSKAYA, A.I., red..; YAROT, N.M., [Continuous thermal processing of starchy raw materials] Nepre- ryvasia toplovaia obrabotkn krakhmalistogo syrlia. Moskva, Pishohe- prouLsdat, 1957, 59 p. WRx 12:4) 1. Kiyevskiy filial Vaesoyusnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo insti- tuta spirtovoy promyshlonnosti (for Ashkinuzi). (Distilling industries) ASHKIIIUZIj, L. K. KAKUNTA~ A.U'.!aH_ %WPj.*,-,SA*tTBRW11GH1KSK1Tj VIM* Direct-action liquid level regulator with a sector-type valve. Spirt. prom, 23 uo,4:40-41 '57. NWA 10:5) 1. Kiyerskiy filial Veeso7wnogo nauchno-lesledovatel'alcogo instituta spirtovoy proviyahlennosti (for KanWa and Ashkinusi). 2. Korosty- sheyokiy spirtovoy savod. (for Vereshchinekly). (Dietilllng industrisq-&FIptient and supplies) (Valves) ASHKIMMI, Z.K.; UG011011, A.S.; MAMTYA. A.U.; SMCWYA, V.M.; YANOVSKIY, V.S. -.1 - - -_ i-iapid cooking of raw materials in a tubular cooker. Spirt. prom. 25 no-1:28-31 '59. (MIRL 12:2) (Dititilling industries--Equipment and supplies) CASHKINUZI, ZUB' Kivovich; M&WWA, Anton Ustinovich; SEMERNYA, Vladini MIR -- lovich; TANUMIY) Vitally Sergeyevich; MALCHENKO, A.L., doktor tekhn. naukp prof., opetes red.; FUKS, B.K., red.1 FERF, DERIY; S.P.,, tekhn. re4. [Continuous rapid cooking of starcby raw materials in the distilling industry] Nepreryvnoe skorostnoe razvarivanie krakhmalistogo syrlia v spirtwom proizvodstve. Moskva, Piabcbepromizdat, 1960. 54 p. (MIRA 14-.10) (Distillation) DRAZHM, T.M.; MAMUNTA, A.U.; SDMNTA, V.M.; TANOVSKIT, vese Reducing the duration of holding in the continuous cooking of ground starchy raw material according to the Chemer flow system. Spirteprom. 26 to.20.6-12 160. (KIU 13-6) (Zhemer-Alodhol) ASHKINUZI. " X.;;YBMOV# A.B.; MANUMA, A.U.; AGIOMMA, A.I.: .9 SYCH, P.N.; TrUZ113ff, K.7. Oontinuous cooking at the Trilessidy Alcohol Plant. Spirit.prome 26 no.4:15-19 160. (MM 13:8) (Xiev-Alcohol) 14ER , T." Fffect. of the heat troutment oL' tmi cultime obtilined in the production of' feed blomycin on the fIltrLticn. rate arl losses of' chlorLetracycline and vJtamin B12- Rep:Ir. No.-. Tinidy UkrN13,3F, no.9:100-105 164. KOCHKINA, L.V.1 ASID;INUZI, Z.K. Drying of the filtr&tion micelle mas in the production of vita-minized feed bionWain. Khar.prom. no.2s7l-73 Ap-.Te 162. (mm trig) 1. Lalwatorlya kormovykb antibiotikov Ukrainskogo nauchno- iseledovatelleltogo Institut I%kdpirtovoy prowyahlennosti. P ortetracyclins) (Feeds) ( LMIKINUZI. Z.K.,- -MCROVA. N.Ya.; DIUMMRI 11I.M. Utilization of alkali protein waste waters and malt shoots in thD pivdaction of feed biomycin. Khar.prom. no-3:61-64 J1-S 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Ulc.-ainskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'6kiy institut spirtovoy pronroshlennosti. (Feeds) (Chlortotracycline) (Distilling industries--By-products) DRAZHNERP T.M,.- ASHKINUZJ,_Z.X.; WHLOVKINA, T.I. Investigating biomycin losses in the filtration of culture liquors. Khar.prom. no.4$50-51 G-D f62. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut spirtovoy promyshlonnosti. (Feeds) (Chlortetracycline) FRWELI, Valorian Borisovich; A -SHKINUZI Z K retsenzent; KOIrALEVSKAYA9 A.I., red-.j-i-!A%-HCWRhi, L.*N., tekhn. red. (Production of feed biomycin in distilleries] Proizvodatvo komovogo, biomitsina na apirt