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ASKARKHOD2HAYEVA, N. (Moskva) Effect of overheating on the couree and reoults of treatment of experimental streptococcal focal infection in ratz. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 7 no,6134-37 N-D 163, (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz otdela k1da-doterapil (zav. - prof. A.M. Chernykh) Instituta farmakologil i khimioterapii (direktor - dayst- vitallnyy chlen AMN SSISR prof. V.V. Zakusov) AMN SSSR.. ASKARKHOWHAYEVA, N.; PROKHOROVA, A.M. Course of experimental focal streptococcal infection and bicillin treatment of it In white mice exposed to hyperthermia. Pathomorpho- logical studies. Antibiatiki 9 no.4:355-360 Ap 164. (MIRA 19:3.) 1. Otdal khimioterapii (zav. - prof. A.M. Chernukh) Inatituta farmakologii i kh1mioterapii AMN SSSR, Moskva. ASILAROV, -A* --- A. 29278 Pora'zhenlye pecheni pri khroniclieskikh bataillyar-nvkh yazvemykh kolitakh. V sb: Nauch. seeslya Almd' nauk UsSSH 24-28 yanv. 3.949 g. Doklady Mod. sektsli. Tashkent, 1949, a. 52-64 SO: Letopsil Uarnalinykh Statoyi Vol- 39, Moskva, 1949 MI1MOVO So M-1 ASKAROV, A. A. (dir.Vetvitelomyy chlen) IOCertain Peadliarition In the Structure of the Receptor of tie I Solar Plezo in FAn,, and Its Relmdon to Blood Vesselms" Dokl. AN U5SSR,. No. 12,, pp. 43-47v 1949 I. Chai.! of Histology,, Tasbkent Modioal, Institute (for Milankov) 2, AcaIwW of Sciences UsSSR ( ;fi)r Askarov) ASMTI--V, A. A. 29261 Lecheniye yazvennoy bol,3'zni slitlym salepa. V. 9b: Nauch. sessiya Akad. Nauk UzSSR 24-28 yanv. 1949 g. Doklady Med. sektati. Tashkent, 1949, a- 97-113 SO: Letopsil Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 ASKAROV, A. A. "Atypical Forms of Dysentery.," Voprosy Krayevoy Patologii (Questions of Pathology in the Kray), Tashkent, Vol. ).) 1952, pp 24-42. f ~/ I ASKAROV, A.A.; FINKEL', A*A* Gastritis and the tonic function of the otomach. 12V, AN US, SSR. Ser. med. no.1:45-50 158. (MIRA 12:7) loInstitut krayevoy meditsiny AN UrSSR. (STOMACH-DISUSICS) ASKAROV, A.A.; TAKHONTOVA. Yu,,V., Biomycin treatment of right-sided colitle. Izv.All Uz.BSIL. no.4:5-9 '58. (MMk 12:5) 1, Tashkentakiy goeudnxmtvennyy meditsinakly inotitut. (COLITIS) (AMINOMYCIN) ASKAROV, A.A.; BLANPELID, A.Ye. Changes in the psychological condition of patients with diseases of the largi intestine. Izv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.mod. , no.4:67-76 '58. (MIR& 12:5) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy moditsinskiy institut. (COLITIS-PSYCHOSONATIC ASTACTS) ASUROV, AA,, prof.; TAKHOUTOTA, Tu.T.,; FAMMY, K.K. Clinical aspects of right-sided colit1s. kdahur,Usb, U0.8-91 M-23 Ag-S 158. (Klu 13 t 6) 1. It 2-y terapevticbeskoy kliniki Taohkentskogo gosudar8t- Younogo moditsiuskogo instituta. (COLITIS) I ASWOV, A.A.,- prof.; FINMI, A.A,, dotsent S~rmptomatology of stomah diseases in Abu rbn Slua. Med.shur. Usb. no."t95-98 Ait-llt 158. (MM 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondeut AN UzSSR (for AL91mroy) (STomAcH--3)jtsmAsxs) (Aviagm, 98o?-io57) .-ASKAROV, A.A.; YAKHONTOV. Tu.V.,- ILIKHAIUV, A.I. Diet of national Uz'bek disbeB in the treatment of gastritle with secretory insufficiency. Isy.AN Uz.$SR.Ser.mod. no-5:3-8 159- (MIRA 13:3) 1. TaahkantRkiv Rosiadurstvannyy meditsinakiy institut. (DINT IN DISUS31) (STONACH.1NMIMTION) (COOK=, uzMM) v ASKMV, A.A#; FIMM, A.A. Terminal Ileitis in insufficiency of Sauhin's valve in chronic colitis patients. Izv. AN Uz.SSR. Ser.ined. no.6t49-54 159. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Institut krayevoy mfOltsiny AN UsUR. (UMM-DISIASMS) (COLITIS) ABU ALI IBN SIKA (AVICAM) (deceased]; KARIMOV, U.I., kand.filolog. nauk (tranalatorj; TIMIOVEM, Y.N., prof., skademik.; ARENDS, A.K., kand.fllolog.nauk,; MROV14.D.s bnd.wd. nauk, red,j AZINDMUMOVA, S.A., kand.iator.nauk, red.; ASEAROV. A-All red.; DZHUKAYBV, V.I., )aind,wd.nauk, red.; KAMASIK, Y.M., red.; HASULHV, A., starehly, nauchnyy sotrudnik, red.; MILIKAN, Z.A., red.; BABAKHANOVA, A.G., (Canon of medical soienctil Kanon vrachobnol nauki. Tashkent. 12d-vo Akad.nauk Usbakskoi SM. Book 5. 1960. 329 p. (MIRA 13:12.) le Zaveduyushchiy~otdisloz nauchnogo opisaniya i katalogizataii rakopiney Inatituts vi3stokovedeniya Akademii nauk UzSSR (for Xarimov). 2. Akademiyu meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Ternovskiy). 3. Zaveduyushchly otdolom izucheniya i publikatsil rukopianykh pamyatnikov Instituta vosl',okovedeniya AN UxSSR (for Arende). 4. Zaveduyushohiy kefeidroir istorii meditsiny Moskovskogo wditsinBko- go instituta (for Petkov).. 5. Chlon-korrespondent AN UzSSR (fcr Askarov). 6. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSSR (TUT-Ka-ar We 7. Inctitut vostokovedeniya AN UzSSR (for Rasulev). (MM110INN, ARABIC) ABU ALI IBN SUA (AVIGMA) [deceased); SAWYE, M.A., kand.filol.neuk, starshiy nauchnyy sotmdnik [translator]; TMIOVSKIT, V.N's prof., akademik, otv.:red.; PXTROV, B.D.,, red.; ASK"Y- W., red.; JEARIMOV, U.I., Irand.filol.nauk, red.; AZIMDZHANOVA, S.A., laind.1stor.nauk, red.; ARENDS, A.K., kand. filol.nauk, red.; D2MIMAYN, V.K..; RAStM, A., starshiy.nauohnyy notrudnik; MILWAR, Z.A., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., (Ganon of medical science'l Kanon vraehebnoi nauki. Tashkent. Izd-vo Akad..nauk Usbakskoi, SsR. Book 4. 1960. 767 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Inetitut vostokovedianiya AN UzSSR (for Sullye). 2. Akademiya meditalnekikh nauk SSS:R (for Ternovskiy). 3. Zavoduyuahchiy kafedroy istorii meditsiny Moskovelcogo meditsinskogo inatituta (for Petrov). 4. Zaveduyushchij, labo:ratoriyey Inatltuta'krayevoy meditsiny, chlen- korrespondeat AN UzSSR (fox Askaroy). (Kniculs, AUMILT-- MAMIKA14OV, G.M. I POGOSYANTS, A.I. 1! SVINKIN, S.N.;. AUWOV. _A.A. zaal. deyptell nauki, prof., red.; C)LEMIYAVSKAYA, red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P.0 takhn. red. fftbekistan flat broad; tochnology and bakery formmlao]Uz- lmkskie lepeshki; tekhnologiia i retseptura. Tashkent, lzd- vo A14 UzSSR 1961. 68 (MIRA 15: 10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Uzbokskoy SSR (for Askarov). Mbekistan-Bread) ASKAROVt I.A., prof. Irgent pro! gastrointestinal patholo,nr. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.4:34 Ap 161 - (MIRA 14.5) (UZBEKISTAN-41)IGUITIVE ORGANS-DISIMES) .-ASIKAhOV,.A.A~, prof. Pathogenesis of amebiasis. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.8:23-30 A 161. (MEKISTAN-4MBIASI.3) WAA 15:1) I It - ASKMOV., A.I,j prof* 1 -SVIMMANOVA, G.S., prof,; ASKAROV, U,Aep kand, mod, nank Dynamics of olinical~ IAochemical and iytological changes in the liver in heliotropic tacicosis t,~eated by dry plasm transfusions. Mod. zhw,. Uzb. no.9-.&12 S 162. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tatskoy terapil. Tanhkentskogo gosu- darstvannogo meditsinskogo instituta, Uzbekskogo instituta gematologii i perelivanlya krovi i Instituta krayevoy eksperimentalIncy moditainy AN UzSSR. K 'IV ("I ..'e~~r,Aory fun,-,tlon ct the poo(,~~ ill ci'mate. Tiu,iy Inst. 'extiov. okspe~r. Tloii. W 7 6'~ ASKA~~,()V, A. A., zas I. doyu to l I nauhi, prof., "' ~.KIAILXIV , Kh. I.. I ~ med. mul.., prof.; DALIMCV, dots., glav. red.; KADYROV, A.A.p kand. mBd. nLiuk, zarl. g1tiv. --ed. [Latin-Uzbek-Hussian dictionary of' normal anracmyj Latino-uzbeksko-ruaskil slovarl pc, normallno! anatordi. Tashkent, Gos.,uied.izd-iro Uzb..;.5R, 196.. 265 1). (VIT%;, 17:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent fili' Uzbck.,3,SFl. (-fOr A.-karov), TYULENEV, A.M.; BUZOOV, I.A.I,AIIKAIZOV A.A., kand. tokhn. nauk; I'VANOV, P.I., kand. 0:ffALKOV, A.G., kand. Ley. A tekhn. nauk (deceased]; ?.JIOHST, G.O., kand. tokhri. nauk; BUTYRIN, M., kand. teklm. nauk; PUUNMUN, S.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRIVONOSOVA, N.A., red. (Manual for irrigation engineers] SpravocImik gidrotekhnika- irrigatora. Tasil-ent, Umbekistan. I't.2. 1964. 328 p. (MIRA 18:10) ~ o- 6 nw(i) _h26 6 RO ACC ?iRi imrrm -SOURCE OOD& W0242/65/000/003/0024/0025 ..WTHOR.", 'ORG: .11.Zrchiatric Department, Andizlaall Institu;te of Medicine (Kafedra palkhiatrii 'Andizh-anskogo.maditsinskog-0 institutaj 1100~ TITLE:'.~Mental disorders in mercaPtDphoS poisoning (prelimifipi7 report) SOURCEI lfeditsinskiy zhurnal, not is .1965. 24-25 TOPIC "AGS: psychoneurotic disorder,'organic phosphorus compound, poison ef ect, f toxico*jtgy, cerebral cortex ABSTRA(v 1:. Abis orngnoi)hospho us colMI)ynd enters the human body throuah the' jrespira iory,tracts mucosa) skins and.ii1imentary vanal, Since it has cumu- lative liffects, A is dangerous eviiii :in small doses. Early Wiptoms of mercap;.~)phoa poisoning include generalt weaknesiss headache, vertigo* nausea* NomitWit adynamiat and lowering ot Wood precsure* In time some dievelop pain iii tho epigastriumo hidrosiss caj).ious 8014VIktiofts and spasms in the ,,extrem*, ~.ies. In severe cases there Is a locs ol.1 consciousness and .respira,ory standstill, which results in death. Four persons studied by :the au,,~ior were tractor drivers whol sprayed marcAptophos: for 3 months wl th- !out tak~ing the necessary precautions liuch as putting on a mask) wearing Ispecia7 clothing, and washing their hands after worke 11tey sought medical ICard L/2 ACC NRs APW17770 'help Only Of tar 4 general detarloraii,14 14 hevlth,~ - weaknesso' ready fatlw ~billtys headachat vertigot pain In al'i I the JoInts, poor sleep, and night- ,mares. Complaints Included absent-mindedneass decreased effiefency, forget- Ifulness of recent happeningst anxiety .v weepAness, extreme Irrivabilityip.and su,icide wishes, Treatment relieved~m'aot of. the phy~lcal aymptpt~s�,, _but had--n-o-Wifect on--th`e1-o-ss*o-f* 'unmory:i weaknesss, and lack of -The clinical! manifestations of mercapbi)phos poisotting sten from disruption of the connections between the highor xegulatory Eunctions of the central nervous systems* The various nourodynamic disordlers In tAs cerebral cortex are the pathophysioloalcal basis of tha asthento ioyndromd-, Depending on the intensity and dynamics of this syndromes It It% reasonable to assume that active Internal inhlbltiorL Is wtaltened In some caseso whereas excitation Is weakened In others.,- suB com 66 suBM DATF,% 18sop(A Card 2/2 L C- ASKAROVI,~F.P.; BIGAYEVA, A.R. Geological time of rmignatio processes in the KyzyJ Kum. tizlj. geol. zhur. 9 no.404-63 165. (MIRA 18M 1. Institut geologii I gOOfl2lki Jm. Kh.M.PbdiLllayeva AN :,h. A. ~run,,,l." Ta.-Aikant) tn',ionn for of 03.nclid,,jtc of Su: 1, ni -I..] na-~,Z, Icuo", ;1l 1: o 1; 'G, .2(i L k _0 , I I " I ASKAROV. Kb. ~, .-I Stnictural propertioei of' soils of the region of the T~nWa-Buguz Reservoir. Do),-LAK Uz.SSR no.1.1:45-48 ' 58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Institut vodzWkh problem i gidrotokhniki All UzSSR. Predstavlono akademikom LN UzSSR V'.V. Poslavskim. (AN~ren Valloy-Soll mechanics) ROZHDESTVMISKrY, Ye.D.; ASXAROV, rn.AO Zffeat of the qualitrttlve composition of colloid-containing loess soils on sagging. Dold. All Uz.,SSR no-2:35-37 159,. (mimA 12:4) 1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotelthniki AN UzSSR. Predstavlano akademikom AN UZSSR k.S., Sadykovym. (Soil mechnnics) (Loalus) ASKAROV, M.A.; UWAKOVA, G.L. Settling chtxacteristics of soils in the central part of the Golodnaya Steppe. Hat, PD proizv. oil. Uzb. no.15:80-89. 16o. (MIRA 14:13) L Institut vodnylch probRem i ildrotekliniki AN Uzbekskoy S.13R. (Golo4naya Steppe-Soil mechmics) .i ROZHDESM-VSKIY,, Ye.D.; ASIWil)V, Kh.l.; UIUW'OVA,, G.L%j SIIEIIMT,, I.M. Deep :=paction of e!oils as a seepage preventing measure in canals. Mat. po proizv. oil, Uib. no,,15,.214-220 160. (MIRA 1.14:8) 1. institut Yodnykh prc)))I.-- 4 fdflroteUpAld AN IT,71-1,,rikoy SSR. (Golodivi~m StapPe In-igatim ckna.U and f1mes) (Son etablh~zation) )v) IM. A. ASKAROVI :-I. A. Optical Measurements Applicat.lXn of the method of lurdnous cross section in measuring the profile of the cutter socket. Stan. i inst:r. 23 no. 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conflreas. i'vlovember, 1952. UN':LASSIFII,,D, ungfm v 1 1'. A. , I., ~'. ~I 11 ~ Dissertation: "Cn the Cocling of Cutters in Yachining Hard and Alloy Steels." Ctnd Tech Sci, Georgian l'olytechnic Inst, 10 ~ay 54. (Zerya Vostoka, Tbilisi, 16 Arz 1/4) SC; 5X1" 243, 19 Cet 19154 94 AUTHOR: Askarovy N.A. TITLE: The Use of Cooling wid Lubricating Cutting Liquid in Turning Heat-Treated and Alloy Steels. (Primenelliye okhlazhdayushol,ie.-smazyvayushchey zhidkosti pri tochenii tverdyk1i i legirovannyldi staley) PERIODICAL: Stanki i Instnunont.. 1957, Uo- 1. Pp. 31-33 (U.S,,S.R.). ABSTRACT: A flat, powerful jet of coolant directed along the cutting edge can increase the life of a tool. A supply of 1.5 litres/min at, the rate of 375 m/min is effective. The transfer of head Is increased manifold when bubble type boiling takes place in a layer of liquid. F 8r this the front flank temperature should not exceed 125 C. Graphs for tool wear are shown for different conditions of cutting. The addition of' oleic acid to the coolant (1%) substantially improves oooling, and reduces tool wear by about 30%, in cutting heat-treated and stain- less steel. Thin effect is absent in cutting low oarbon steel. The explanation lies in the lubricating erfect, which is compenuated in low carbon steel by the increased strength. Card 1/2 94 TITLE: The Use of Cooling anti Lubricating Cutting Liquid in Turning Heat-Treated and Alloy Steels. (Primeneniye o.khlazhdayushche-smazyvayushchey zhidkosti pri tochenli tverdykh i legirovannykh Staley.) 11 illustrations, including 2 photographs and 9 graphs, 1 Soviet reference. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congreas Card 2/2 the (7t]" and churnistI.., , 2 ---'cb 57, norco'll. I nd 0-t ed n, Of C!"Vic 11". I's 2r' Jar--- J, 5Km(~ov Name t ASKAROV, M. A. Diasertation Synthesis and study ot arylaliphatic polyamides Degree Cand Tech Sci Defended At Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow order of Lenin Chemicotechnological Inst imeni D. I. Mendeleyev Pablication. Date, Place t 1956, Mc.scow Source KnizMaya Letopist No 6, 1957 and H-1sotioulkyltof to- tineA vritlt HC110 it, 0-,. arm JUCCJUM rltdm?s--i:t diauidft-in-,O-W%ytld&. -h*JA;--z1kr1-.- hAttiftea (1) were Prt P tht AC-t1-- of 01 C I ~Cm 6 I'vre e1cess 01 0-1 lw;. W wnd- 1 X-EthyluAvadlu, dm,~! w K, I'Cl ~-~ 2a; w~ h,(I~ ~Aed 11~' 4 dimctrly"i)- pi~- -~r[ft2ne UOwr diamines vze 1) prepd. Lim p;~4;~ tsy vacuum 413tti, at I mm . C :D 166' i~z I,, yk)d, N,N -d)-Ei a-r-1, g, n). 03' , hi 264' 36%, P-", '41 A."N'-di-Pr An-41-g al JY, N 1-di .8 dH... d -Bu, W7 b, L analog, -, b2 298% s 57P, Wij 4 If;,, 81k. The pigiiiiiMes wem oinkw '~Y bistitif it it Ala. of th t. , mostiq d1mrAne and ad :L In so butt 1, as CL9 Ak womi A )4tW lath at 144-2W' 11bout 0 hm, The ciam cl jbt ,K.uq wav followed by " wm.p. ot product, vls ;4- In aw4hanial VMd Wertsol. Ile pwly~ Mtn V'm rrpptd, by &ddn, cd water to jht j? 1k. U in a-011c b4m. pol)OX-di-nothrldip4ray1r. c- mrvr~a,!-i- midt), w. 3W. rm-4 W-. gw-t- : k E J , , ~ :- .1 rrrsol ,*4..V' d 1, 1 ~ Y 91 - X)- I I ; - - 46 'm methAroz, N-Y 6~ av'r, CO 10 11 U 7 :".N -dibutyl.-fle RL41.c~ Ai it N diis,,-,,: 45-4s' p ~u, t eww tn tbt Itarth a tit fi-alkyl -L rom tsl&ld .0maW.FtIC t~i' ftstmm to the alkyi mbWt2=4 r-th;.- Co-qd(mmtwU of ammatk- diamiWas with bdfpk s,44 Imb Polyamwes, mi. WT. 3000-NAO. PA. In art A ihtza, The NX-410W tubstitamts,in met siYmtiy dtxrra%E-~ viv rv ~d,,ity q - J pt;y.. prov-r!*~ ,:Clt Us L-tt) mol Q1 the ~.. U~, It,- " -.1 J 1:1 , I 4 int ;~2yaxurjcs vrito twicot to 1tw ClArreatw nad tate" dbtribUftu , U(M; ~~r wt shown St 4 tublvs mad 7 firwt3 ? B R.- . L~!- C if q lei I - 10. 'i n T, I Oter -'i "Ind 4" z re ilt, L-I 110! , ~ j f_ - , t u j - lf" ""'. tj . -.11le? tic]. Cnt - if, off, s' 1(,-fp , n ""', " . '. . I ' - m ~ms zz! " " 'rs T, f 4 i1 I M - , r bc bj , 1 - iri ta 4 tirt Tz, s9. If 7p , , C, 621 b, F, MEN 5'(3 4 ) 11 ,,, T 17 C -: SPoo otova, 0. Y,;.. , A2!-,, rov, 1:. A. , Sc~'ov, L. 1. TITLE: of -cltin, on T:-.eir ot V-11 -Ilroz~clli.,--) i'ERIODICAL: Iz-,-coztiya vycchi."-. Maimiya i l-,hi-iche0- ha-a tcl:hnologij-,,~, li J~l ;.r 4, PI) lou" - 111 (u,~S~q) ADSTRACT; The physical prol3ortics of t"Ic polly.1--ddes ,ire, as iL is kno-.-n, detormincil by tl,c, c:iomical ct:cucture of' t,ae 0 cl. ..I,,cromolocules, by the pola., jroup-, cont:,il in t- the number of the ator-s in the memt-cr of the chain, -nd the precence and of the lietcroptom~n in the polymer ch,aip. Thus, the meltInc te7pcr--tm,e of the polyanidec dependo on the str-Icture of the initial substant-es (Rc-fc 1-7~). The for:-mla Y= 7x + 110 (1) eit,,,.bl.42hez a correction beiTleon the meltine toriperature of the even polycmides (Rith tin even nu:,-,ber of methylenc groups in the eleinentary members) and the number of hydroL,en bindi.-C,s in tho basic me.-,ilher, where y denotes the Card 1/4 melting temperature, and x the number of hylroUen bonds Dependence of Polyamides Meli;ing Temperature on Their S011/1~3-58-4-17/22 Structure in mole per cent. However, the meltinE; temperztures calculated according to the for--ula (1) do not always agree Nrith those. experimentally found. Tho authora rei;are,.c,J it ao possible to prove the dependence of the meltine., tenperat tires of the even aliphPtic polyamides on the number'of the methylene groups in a basic member of the chain. To determine the in- fluence exerted by e,-Icli pair of Tziethylene groups in the aliphatic! chain the differences of the experi- izientally found i-elting temperatures of various pairs of even polyanmides were calculated. Therefrom the mean value q m was calculated as arithmetic mean from several values ' q. turned out to be 22.2, i.e. the increase in number of the methylene groups by two decreases the melting temperature by 22.20. From the experimental dat,t the authors derived the eouation T= 375 - 22.2q := 37'5 - 11.1 n (2), where T denotes the melting ten,:pr,rature in OC, q the number of methylene groups pairs, n -the number of mc,Viylene grou-ps in a. Card 2/4 main member. The same expression can be dete~.-Aned Dependence of Polyamides MoltinU, Tenl~erature on Their SOV/153-516-4-17/22 Structure graphically. The data. in table I shoxy a better aGree- ment of the melting temperatures calculated according to formula (2) with the experimental datz~,, than those of formula (1). In a similar way the formula T. 214 (3a) is augeested for the polyum.~h4W- The melting tomperature of -111 aliphatic and aryl aliphatic polyamides with an -even number of methylene groups in the aliphatic part of the elementary member and with a linear structure can be expressed by the formula T = 375 - 11.,On + 20m2 (6), if there are no substituents; in this case m denotes the number of phenylene grGU?S in the elementary member. Table 3 gives the melt-1'ng temperatures of the -ryl aliphatic polyamides obtained experlimentally as well as by the calculation with formula (6). There are I figure, 3 tables, and 22 references, 11 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 Dependence of Polyan, ides 1WltinL,, Temperature on Their SOV/153-`8-4-17/22 Structure ASSOCIATION: Moskovckiy R:h.imiko-t e khnol ogic lie skiy institut im.D.I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical Technological Institute imeni D.I.Mendeleyeir) Kafedra tekhnologii vysokomolektiyarnykh soyedineniy (Chair of t'-e TechnoloGy of Bigh-11olecular Compounds) SUB'1ITTED: January 10, 1958 Card 4/4 ASLAAOV, H.A.; KUCHXkUY, A.B. -, CHKBOUUVA, Y.M. Aryl aliphatic polyamides. Uzb.khim.zhur. no.5:63-67 '58. - (HEM 12.-2) 1. SredneaziateMy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Amides) nDOTOVA, O.Ya.-; ASKAROT, KUCHXAREV', A.B. Cond9C9-at1-,o-nof 'aQm0c amines with formaldehyde in acid media and synthesis of. symmetrioal diaminodiarylmnthanes. DokJ. IS Ut. SSR no.601-35 '58. (MIRA lltg) 1,Sredneaziatskiy pollb)khnicheeldy institut. Predstavlono chlonom- korrespondentom AN UzSSR Kh. U. Usmanovym. (Toluidine) (Formaldehyde) (Condensation products (Chemietr7)) AUTHORS: Fedotova, 0. Ya. , Aska zQdov, L.. 11- 79-28.. 13-47/61 TITLE: The Synthesis and the Investigation of the Yoly- 3, 31 -Dime thyl- diphenylmethaneadipin- N, III -Diothylamidp (Sintez i issledovan- iye poli-3,31--diiuetildifenilmotatiadipin-N,NI-dietilamida) PER10DICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol. 28, Nr 3, 1,P, 775-779 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authrrs vianted to investigate the effect of' tho suboti- tution at nitrogen and to synthesize a polymer soluble in usual sol-,-ents. Therefore they used in this work one of the widely app_~ied mathods of the modification of polyamides, that is to say usinf,,- an If-alkylated diamine as initial product. N.Nl-diethyl-4,,41-diamino--3,3'-dimethyldiphenyl.methane (re- ference 2) served~ for this, which enters react).on with adipic acid according tc the given scheme. The final product of poly- uoudensation was a low-melting, brittle, vitreous yellow pro- duct soluble in most of the usual solvents. Lxperiments made it possible to find the best conditions for the synthesis of the polyamide: the highest nolecular polymer ia obtained by Card 1/3 carrying out the reaction in the flow of an inert gas for five The Synthesis and the Investigiltion. of the POIY-3,3'-Dimet)iyl-'T9-P-8-3-,47/61 diphon.vlmethaneadipin-N,NI-D~[eA;Iiylamide hours with a ~iubsequent vaouum treatment (3-5 mm) at. 240- -2600 C. This made it poss:i'blo to increao,3 tho molecular weight of the polytuiiide frOM 5500-6500 to 9050-9330. For the purpose of furthor increasing the molecular weigh'. of the poly- amide the effei)t of an excess diamine (0,5 tc~ 101,"a above the equi-molecular weight) on the molecular weig"It and the melt- ing point was examined. It t1urned out that with 2~~ excess di- ai-Ane in the policondensation process - in molten as well as in dissolved state - the molecular weight of the polyamide can be increased from 8500--8780 to 11130-12000 and the melting point can be ra~.sed from 46 to 76%. From the mentioned melting points and the d,ata on the molecular weight can be seea (table 1) that an interdeperidence exists between their. The analyti- cal expression of this dependence is graphically repreuented by the equation , 9-4000 Bp denoting the boiling point, It .5p . 96,2 the molecular weight. In order to support the validity of this equation a great number of samples of the poly- 3 9 31 -dimethyl- diphen,ylmethancadj.,-)in-N,111-('~iethyl-waide were synthesized, Card 2/3 their melting points and molecular weights being determined. The Synthesis and the Investigation of the Poly-3,31-Dimethyl- 79.-28.3-47/61 dipheny1methaneadipin-R,V I -Die-thylamide The comparison of these molecular weights with the values of those calculated from the melting point completely proves the above mentioned rules (table 2). There are 1 figure, 4 tables, and 6 references, which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnolot-5,icheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Chemical Technological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTEDt may 9, 1957 Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/5,436 Askarov, M. A. I- Polimernyye materialy (Polymeric Materials) Tashk.ent, GOS. Izd-vo WSRj 1959. 70 P. 20000 coples printed. Ed.: S. M. Kogan; Tech. Ed.; A. B. Bakhtiyarov. PURPOSE :. This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in polymerization and the various types of polymers end polymer products. COVERAGE: The booklet reviews the stages of polymerization and the composition, properties, and applications of various types of polymers and polymer products,, Numerous Soviet scientists out- standing in polymer science are cited. No personalities are menc,ioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 CArd--1/37 50), 15(s) 5: 6 4 1 j5 4 AUTIC ~',S. Losov, I. F. , redotova, "'. Ya. As-.aruv L. "I. 06 A. S, -CV , , , T IT 1, The Syiithesis aiii Investi -aticiii of !,.ixed 11olyomidot,' Gii ILIT.0 Basis of Aromatic Xaniiics avd. Adi-~ic Ac--*,d i issledo- vaiiiye sine eharinyl:h poliaziti,,~ iia osiiove Iia- minov '-' adipixiovoy "j,oloty ) PERIODICAL: llauchryya do'clady vyssl,ey ohl.-uI.Y. 1:1ii::~.7;ya i teklinologiya, 195~', ..r 1, pp 1 1~ - 161 I , ABSTRACT: The followii,.a subvt~%r;ees vica,u uooO fcr tl,.~, coi,.deiizatiun with adij,ic acV., and its N,111-dicthyl-, diiropyl- ai-,"' dibuiyl derivativea. Three bi,:ary systems of mixed polyamides weie obt-~ivcd, All of thern are zol,,,bl,,, In tricresol, -,ul,)hu,.-ic formic acids, tho ox.ooptiozi of those ir, vhich the ratio of Vie rioii-,;ubotiti.ted dia,:A.,io to t2.o al'.ylated diariii-c vas 0.2:M. Those substauces a-,,,c ale le, indopeiider'Lly of the si,.-.o of the all.:yl radical. Tie aiiO N,'~:--Jibutyl derivativcs all briii~,- about. a more ~~:-,aeiitiuj C!, V.(" point Card 1/3 thall of t':"-o TheSynffvds aid Investigation of Iixed P~lya:.ndidr--. on tl.c 311,V 'l 17 Basic of Aromatic Diaminos and Adi:~ic Acid / order to study tile J-nfl~ clice of tile arc-ratin, 3-in-S Oil the Melting Point of t"', CO-n-dorts all i,) 11 .,~(,duct m-'.xed were p-~oduc.Dd from ~~C-.salt, Vic above-mentic.ned diarlines, and adipic acid. T,.,,,o ty,-co wore th-as obtained. The first Group (corxtitlited by metha'..0) yields Uttle trnnspnxont to opa.~ue stibotazicezq. It is only with t~ Twlar ratio of 0,2:0.8 betwoor, fatted and aromatic diwnino6 thal. a yollovlsh, vitreous pr,~~dLtct -.vas ob- taincd. Tho filoions of the polymors viith alip',`,atic tu aro,-,iatic diaminu r,%ti:)s of 0.8:0.2, 0-6:0.4, and O.,j:o.6 yield elastic Mai-.ents. Risiii.- aliphatic dia,-Anc addition-, (AG-salt) result in a linear lovrerin- of the pointu (Dia-1-2am). The 3econd, ,roup (constituted by E'plienyl-mut)iano) yields opaqiie white substaiiccs tiat are i,-.--cluble in t,,.e Qrdiilary or-anic -ol,.rc,,-+s. As in V-10 "irr;t crou~(-,~ only the mixed. Vallyamide with ratio of a.1jTj"jjtiC: aronatic 0.2-.(),,9 w,)n--U'~utes an exception and fvri%; a Yellcl7ic:i glass t*iat divsol,7os on hoatin..- in that !,.as an ~.ssolif.nlly lower meltirl- 'Cint V~a,,- t'.O Card 2 products There are -9 fic-ures, 1 table, -and 6 rcifer- The Synthesis and InveutiCatioil of lk,ixed Folyamiden on the Basis of Armiatic Diamines and A~lilic Acid elices, 4 of which al'a ~'OvJlet.. -1 ~ A S S ~; C I A~--'I 1," 1Kafedra tehhnolo~:il vysu',-omol,--!-.03wny!:h instituta in. '). I. lljci,~,oleycva (Chair of the of HiCh-molecular l3ompound's of the Mor,COW Institute of Chemical TQc'hrolc.,-,Yimeni D. 1. SUBMITTED: March 21, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/79-29-2-65/71 AUTHORS: Fedotova, 0. Losevq 1. P.9 Askarov Kostina, R. G. TITLE: Polycondensation of Some NtNt-Dialkyl-substituted Derivatives of 4,4t-Diaminc-3,31-DimethyldiphonyI Methane With Adipinio Acid (Polikondensatsiya nekotorykh NpNv-dialk'.lzameshchennykh proizvodn,,rkh 4,41--diamino-3,31-dimetildifeniltAetana a adipino- voy kislotoy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshche,,.- khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 2, pp 672-676 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authora earlie.r described the synthesis of polyamides, which they had obtained by polycondensation of 4,41-diamino- 3,31-dimetlWldiphenyl methane and its N,NLdiethyl-subs,."ituted derivative with adipinic acid. Reactions are dealt with here, taking place according to the same scheme, with the exteption that the diaminect used possess larger substituents at the nitrogen (R-C 3H71 C'1H9' C5H11' 06H13 and C8H17 ). The.po'~'.y- condensation of propyl and butyl- substituted diamines with adipinic acid yieldriz,d two products, namely, poly-N,NO-dipropyl- 3,31-dimethyldiphanyl methane adipine amide and poly-N,10-di- Card 1/3 butyl-3,36-dimethy,ldiphenyl methane adipine amide. These are SOV/79-29-2-65/7'f Polycondensation of Somit N,NI.-D!,alkyl-substituted Derivatives of 4,41..Diamino- 3,31-Dimethyldiphenyl Methane With Adipinic Acid glass-like products, easily soluble in organic solvents; the former melts at 571 and the latter at 550. Their molecular weights are between 4500 and 5200. The condensation of D1,HI.-di- propyl-4, i~' -dia.mirto-3, 31 -dime tl-qldiphenyl methane with adipinir., acid at 1600 was found to lead chiefly to the monomer amide, while the other likewise yields the monomer and, in a smaller quantity, a dimcitr. Polyamides having the highest polycon.- densation degrec- (10-12) and the lowest amino and a~,-id numbere formed at 4.he optimum reaction temperature (2600). moreover, also N,Nt-diisoamy.1,-N,N'-dihexy1 and N,Nt-dioctyl-substituted diamine wav causad to react in the same way (Table 1). A comparison was made of the properties of the polycondensation productal these properties depend on the amount of the sut- stituent radical at the nitrogen atom, as well as on the dis- appearance of the krdrogen bonds. There are 6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D. le Ven- deleyeva. (Moscow Offiemico-technological Institute imeni Card 2/3 D. I. Mendeleyev) SOV/79-29-2-65/71 Polycendensation of Some NON'.-DAalkyl-substituted Derivatives of 4,41-Diamino- 3,3'-Dimethyldiphenyl Methane With Adipinic Acid SUBMITTED: December 28,. 1958 Card 3/3 FFMTOVAP 0. Ya.; ASKAFDV, M.A.1- CHEBOTAREVA, V.M. Ary.1 aliphatic polyam-ldev. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.1:71-80 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Sredneaziats1dy politekbnicheskiy institut. (Polyamides) AM"OV, N.A.; MOTOVA, O.Ta.; CRIBOTAREVA, V-M- Synthesis of mixed po~jramldes. Uzb. khim. zhux. no-3:62-65 ,6o. (MIRA 13tlO) 1. Sredneaziatak,~y polltelthnioheskiy inatitut. (Ibl,vamidaa) 6/oal/62/000/009/064/075 B101/BI44 X", HO", As%arov,..~.;. it. , Fedoto,?.-,, 0. Ya. , Chebotareva, V. M. 'JL:,;: .1roduction of poly--,S,31-,,Iii,-)ethyldi,)henylmgthanazelainamide and its copol, miers Nith hit salt and caprolectup C.,!,: Ieferativnyy zhurn:,.l. Khimiyat no. 9, 19621, 591, abstract ,',1?36 (Ookl. AN UZS3R, no. 4, 1960, 29 3i-I Pol~-alzide~ 'PA) -with molectila:r wei8hts of 10, OdC- 15oOOO vere pro- 7uced by polycondens~,tion of, 4,41-Aiainino-3,31-dimeth~ldiphenylme.hane.. i ) ....i t:- azel,-ic acid ( 11 1, 11 and AH salt; and, L, 1.1 and ., acaprolact ...Llen 1 is *aclyoondensed x-,ith II,vitreous ?A with a m.p. .pf 233 C, eClublq,* 11---' in forii-.ic, acetic and sulfuric acids, are formQA. The polycondeti-- srAtion of 1, 11 and All salt, as viell as that of 1, 11 and E-caprolactam nt various molir ratios, gives rise'to mixed PA with properties rhich vary.- re,-ulz:.rl,y auvording to the ra,tios between their components; their M.p. are IVhcn those of the homoreneous PA and they are more soluble. The physicochemical properties of' the polyamides obtained are given. notet Comilete tranelation.3 Oard 1/1 YAKUBOV, Anvar Mirabidovich,, kard,, khim. nauk; AqURQVM.JL,__jcand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent -~ IS1101LOV I Z. EVA jR. , tekhn. red. [Polymers and their uses; textbook for teachers and students of the senior grades of secondary schools] Polimerlar va. ularning ishlatilishi; wrta maktab Wcitavchilari va iukori ginf ukavchilari uchun kullama. Toshkent, Urta v o1ii maktab) 1961. 174 P. (In Uzbek) (MIRA 15:6) (Polymers) 41369 B168/B186 AUT!,.O%, Askarov, L. it., 1'jk~vranska.,a, S. D., Trubits~na, j. 14. -T!Tll~;: Radl.ative polymerization of skrylonitrile in solid for::i, zus,)cnuion and emulsion MIODIC;,L; ReferativnXv zhurnal. * Rhi:Aya, no. 16,'1962, 612, nbutract 1'H63 (In o-ollection* Vopr. iqpollzovariya mineralln. i r~ictitf nyrl~(a li-r-edn. Azii. Tashkent, AN Uz.53R, 1961, llia - 122) TEATt Pol,v-Merization of nt:rylonitrile under the action of 4--radir-tion of C060 with aores of r is more rapid in an. e,,'ulsion stabilized witlo polyvinyl r1cohol tnd illso in an aquerus solutibn,(accoi,qpanicd for- nation of zi suspenuion of the poljmer) than in mass polymerization these doz;cz the rate of maso polj6erilation in a modium of 142 iEs bi(hur 'than in air, and the polyiner is insoluble ir dimethv~formamide thereas aolulble.pulya,era form in air. [Abstracter's notit -Complete translation.) tt Ctird 1/1 'A - AS-KAROV,_M.A.; SAVRANSKA,YA., S.D. I Study of radical polymerization of acrylonitrile in the presence of silvin. Uab.1chim.zhur. 6 no.2:47-50 162. MIRA 15:7) 1. InBtitut khJiaii polime,,.-ov, AN UzSSR. (Acrylonit-rile) (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Furan) Ak --- - ASKAROV, M. A.; BANKI A.S, Synthesis of somo aorylic aoid esters by the motion of acryloyl ohloride with alcohols. Xhim. i fiz.-Ichim. prirod. i Sint. Poll-M. no.ltl72-176 162 (MTRA l8tj) ASKARDV,r M.A.; SWENOVA', L.N. Copolymerization of acrylonitrile with itacania acid. Kh,im,. i f1z.-khim. pr1ro6. I sinte polim, noelil77-182 162 (MIRA 18:1) SAVRANSKAYA, S.D.1 ASKAROVI M.A.; A7,IZKHP11OV, T. Kho Polymerization of' acrylonitrile in tho preswice of organomagnesivM catalysts. Khime i fiz.-khin. prirod. i sint6 polim. no.ltl83-188 t62 (MIR& 181l) ASKAROV, M.A.; DWIT-RUS, N.D.; PINKHASOV, S.R. Copol~merlzation of acrylonitrils with a,%rylic acid esters. Xhim. i flz.-khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.lsl89-196 IfO (MIRA 18;1) -114-64 EPR1EWF(J)/EPF(o)1EWr(m)1BD3 ASD P8-4/PC-h/Pj:1-4 IWMI/MY ACCBSS1*0N NR: AP~006872 3/029l/63/000/q04/0053/00.5T J AUTHORSt AAkarovs_M. A.; Muratova) us TITLE: Investigation of copolymerization eaction of Alpha- ohl-Oroacrylio et~hhir_sv wIT acid nitrile 0 If SOURCE: AN UzbSSR. Uzbekskiy 1(himicheskiy zhurnal, n 4, 1961) 53-57 ~~TOPIG TAGS: blocic copolymerization, acrylonitrile, methyl-Alpha- i chloroaorylate$ et:hyl-Alpha-chloro-aorylatep butyl- Alpha-chl0roacrylete, specific viscosity, molecular,. weight, reactivity 14,BkRACT: The authors investigated the copolymerization reaction of,,, acrylonitrile with chloroacrylates which contain a chloride atom -position and possezqises properties of ,in the Alpha acrylic acid i ethers. The block copolymerization of acrylonitrile was conducted with methyl-p ethyl-, and butyl-Alpha-chloroacrylates in the 1/2 [Card W W ACC9SSIONWRI AP3oo68,r2 presence of 0.4% benzoyl peroxide at a temperature of 60 to 70C. The obtained polymers have a wide, range of properties ranging from I ebony-like to*a glass-like, and with solubilities ran811aSfrom dimethylformamide soluble to thei*ones soluble in dichloroethane-and i'acetone. The specific viscosities and the molecular weights of lh..omopolymers were determined. 7he composition of copolymers according to their nitrogen and chloride contentz showed that$ Of lAlpha-ahloroaerylatesp the most reactive one is methyl-Alpha-. -chlOroacrylato. With an increase of molecular weight of other,, its. reaction ability decreases. The least reactive one is butyl-Alpha-,~- chlOroaorylabe. Orig. art. hass 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut lEhimii polymerav AN UzSSR (Inat=e Q:r Polymek Qhemistr:~ L14j- UZML StrUMMED: 03jul62 LATE ACQ,,,. ,30Sep63 1WCL 1 00 SUB CODEi CH ND REF SOV.,, 002 OTHIMI 006 2/2 'Card AOCESSION NR: AP4010562 3/OZ?l/63/060/O06r IODWOO'A) AUTHORSS Asiarov, X.A~J- Stratu, Z.A* TITM Investigation oj! the polymerization of aorylonitrile ead butyl methaorylate in tho presenoe of metallic lithium and lithium amide in aqueous ammonia SOURCE: Uzbekskiy khim1oheskiy zhurnalp no. 6. 1963t 66-70 TOPIO TAGS: polymerizationp aorylonitrilel, butylmethaorylatel, lithium, metallic lithiLun, lithiun amide,, aqueous a=onia ABSTRACT: The polymeriMation of acrylonitrile and buty1methaor,'r- late in aqueous ammonia was carried out tit low temperature in the presence of blue lithium, and lithLum amide solutions, Polymers 132 high yieldsq with a specific ViSCOSIty' Of 0.23 for polyaorylonitrile and 0.8 for polybuty1methaorylate, were obtained, It was found that the amount of catalysiss the reaction time, temperature, and.the medium In wbich the polymerization was carried out exert an infln- once on the polymerization, The xeaotion process Is described, Card 1/2 AOOESSION NRs AP4010562 orig, art,- has I table*, nU VE PF(c ~/ETA;t(a~/BDS A~kTq/kSD pe-4/ ]WON JLCCEWION NRS A?.~ 004 09. S/0190, 63/00 008/_ 'AUTHORSt --- I TITLEt . Aniord~'cvpolymerizatiljn fac. ni~rile ith vinyl monomers at low temperatures _SDURCEs Vy*sokomolokulyaryw*~e" aoyedit eniya V* no, 8$ 1963p 1235-2239 TOPIC TAGSv~ coooi~~meritation., .'~'iniicinic 6opolymerliiiion, homopolymerizationi Acrylonitrile 'v1r0,1 e ate,~,Llw temperature ABSTRACTi',The teohrdquo is desc~~ibed - in-an e6r~ier, publichtio n -_ -_ -- q e by H. A. Askarov, N.- - T-rubitsy*r4t--'-Z*. A Stratu'I(Sb.t Voprosy* ispolizovardya. minerallnogo i I rastiteltnogo ey*rlra, Sr;dney lzd-,' -AN UzSM, 1961, str. 123). It consists 4n copolymerization in a liquid I'amonia medium in the presence of sodium amtle as catalyst at Homopolymeiization, of the acrylonitrile, methylmetacxYlatill and vinyl acetate =qomers was coWuctod for periods up to 3 hours, using various amounts of catalyst. It was fouril that for acrylonitrile the opti:raum concen-, tration of sodium &aide was 0.002'~) gram-atom per mol, and that the polymerizati6it .,proceeded instantaneously,_ For the_meth3r1metac!Z1At and-vinyl acetate inonomiwa' 7! ASKAROVP M.A.; TADZHIYEVAj-M.A.; RkKHMANBERDYYEV, R.I. Study of acrylonitrile polymerization in the two- and three- component ayotemse Uzb.-.1khim. zhur. 7 no.2165-70 163. (MIRA 16:8) li Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR (Acrylonitrile) (Polymerization) IIASKAROV, M.A . MURATOVA, U.M. Reactio--ar, involved-in the copolymerization ofA-chloroacrylic eaters with acrylonitriXe. Uzb. Wm. zbur. 7 no.4:53-57 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut khimii polinjerov All UzSSR. ASKAROV, M.A.; AVLYANOVt K.A.; ALOV.ITDIIA)V, A.B. Synthesis and study of OC -bromoarcylic eaters. Uzb. khim. zhur. 7 no.5:50-55 163. (MIRA 17:2) I. Institut khiraii polimerciv AN UzSSR. ASKAROV, M.A.; STRATU, Z.A. Polymer1iiation of acrylonitrile and butyl mothaorylate in the presence of metallic lithium and lithium amide in li uid n-onia. Uzb. khim. zhur. 7 no.6t66-70 163. URA 170) 1. Institut 1-him:U pollmorov JW UzSSR. ACCESSION NI: AT4040806 S/3099/62/000/001/0189/0196 AUTHOR: Askarov,'M. A. ;DzuMeikas,, N. D.; Pinkhasov, S. R* TITLE: A study of the copolymerization of acrylonitrile with asters of acrylic ,acid :SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Institut khimll polimerov. Flzika i khimlya prirodny*kh I ;Sinteticheskikh polimerov, no. 1, 1962, 189-196 ~TOPIC TAGS: copolymerization, acrylic ester copolymer, acry)onitrile copolymer, ,polymer structure, polymer physical property, propylacrylate, butylacrylate, :amylacrylate, polymer solubility The authors first describe the synthesis of n-prb'pyl, n-butyl and n-amyl jacryiate by the simultaneous saponification and esterification of acrylonitri)e In ,the presence of the appropriate alcohol H S04 and hydroquinone. After purification ,of both the ester and the acrylonitrile: their block copolymerization was then studied at 60C. Measured amounts of themonomers were placed into ampules with a peroxide catalyst (0 5% by weight), sealed and placed into an oven at 60C ,jor 32 hours. The yields we;e 63-91%'of the theoretical. A detailed -.investigation .of the properties of the copolymers at ratios of acrylonitrile to esters of 90:10, .715, 52:50, 25-75, 10:90, and 0:100 showed a consistent relationship between ~~5 ACCESSION NR: AT~020697 8/0000/63/000/000/0020/0026 AUTHOR: Savranskaya, S. D. Trubitsy*na, S. N. Askarov, M. A. TITLE: Polymerization of acrylonitrile in the presence of furan derivatives SOURCE: Karbotsepny*ye vy*sokomo1ekuJyam3r*ye sayedinenlya (Carbon-chain macro- molecular compounds); abornik statey. Moscow, Isd-vo AN SSSN 1963, 20-25 TOPIC TAGS: acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile polyrner, radiation polymerization, furan, furfural, furfuryl alcohol, sylvan, polymerization ABSTRACT: In view of the possible Importance of nerylonitrite copolymers In the manu- facture of synthetic fibers, the radical polymerization of acrylonitrfle in aqueous medium in the presence of ammonium persulfato and furan derivatives such as furfural, furfuryl alcohol and sylvan was investigated and the inhibitory effect of furans on the polymerizatioa process was demonstrated. Furfural was n, stronger inhibitor than furfuryl alcohol and sylvan. Similar results were obtained wheii the radiation-induced polymerization of acrylonitrile was carried out in a nitrogen cir air atniosphere in the presence of furan derivatives under the influence of I-rays from Co-60 (27-45 r/sec.). The experimental conditions and data are given and somo of the otlier factors affecting radiation polymeriza- tion are discussed. OrIg. art. hae: 2 formulas and 2 tables. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4020697 ASSOCIATION: Institut khiMiL polimerov AN UzSSR (Institute of Polymer Chemistry, AN UzSSR) SUBMITTED: 02Apr62 SUB CODE. 0C DATE ACQf 20Mar64 NO REF BOV: 007-, ENCL: 00 OnIEFL. 001 Card 2/2 T, -,,~7.,: M4. _'A 5r 4 4 ?D 7 7, 4 SAID ".,.k Alt ,J QN, ~P~ biw yvi ly~, Ft, MAN Cq~~srl aBoh -~jmuivti Ao th Vim' AM Oars 77-A', f -s- 196to-1586- low rbo ixty 40 ifs:06. ;s- :,;; ~ OOPO T AC ywor i~kl ift, "Ustor, diazoltobd romdtrlj~,;,~, 41 yk lwqr -0, lb~ou6~ -N- spro ac omo v -___--* - - Y. .etber, vbyll ether! IOWA 6 -Abs OT.-'' th lpitlator In:n dy Ofthe copol x on of 60 x6mv Ulu ft 1.0458) abd N-virtyleeprola.btaw .-tb. 13~ 94:w F.A)i lr* end ~i4: -n- 17 74-niii; d-ju-- ~'029) wiWidi ietb: I th r, Wnylisopropy, eft -I 6thm S'S Onomi 0.25, 0.60j-Oi.75,4i9OvAnd,l.,O Of-0 AMO IndM munamers vowt row I tA dual WO A 60 10 for 72 bra with 0. 2% Of the ditd Jn__soalo&nmpDuluO gassed _i w-Ni.: fle-produced- 17-oopolywerlulilth-a-YI(twor ;g up of_thepry m0 iq 61emdazive 450-uO- L KltrwenvmtDnt-#:~pRWI ime-0 -ilMerlgAlin voliffu 6 toodagui t~ the wI;yO-jAWis intogVel vquauon).~ to- r~m~ hif 6talml _w6re-,6stta)UAbbd I& tho-liftolwatl6h i4l~ , Pon ~7777- .......... t 168, "4~ Al ----------- ACCESSION HR: -, ~ -"' i, I t"i i.; -$" P6 k;ftiowpbV~poi~ Wwb6d'881m11.i % gig ci*varodl to -56 blb?'A: % Of th6 V41kw 1 orls. pit. h ASS 0 C1 ATI'ON1.1 ba u tu t km 1101110), of pv~aw .11% i A I$ i A 'Alt, ill ill 1110111,'441 ililv. SUMMV --mill ii Ow NO BEV 130v: 008 MIMI: 0 M tilt. ~Al )''m N i'myll-if lam. 1*1 ill., i'l'; ill4ow: wl~i liql1fil Ii. ti &I voill. W to I Cord d LLLa-"-U4 i I,-,' vi -I 7" 1079~ VL 11~9 0(m) 3 ACCESSION WR-0 AP4047207 5/0190/64/006/010111:10/1813 141P A -s. AUTHOR: MdWkwskaya' P~ -Askiri IV jbra F _A7-- - TITLES C?polym2erlzatlon F W-vIML)lai. Inylphenyl and viny!qc1ohex"ll ethe t7-":!`TZt1h V SOURC~E-- Vy*sokomolekulya,tny*ya-ioyedii4enl,?a, v. 6, no. 10. 1964, )81O-1813 JOPIC TAGS., 'N-vinyllactam, vinylpbenyl' ether, vinficyclobexyl other, copolymeriza' ~tIon,.-dialolsobtityronitrIle c -*olactiim, N-vinylpyrrolidone op ABSTRACT.* T tam -(VCY:41th-vJ-nyIpheny1 eth-er-(-Vft)- 4;;FvlnYlcyclohixy1 ether (VCE) wa!i lnv,estlqeted~ In the presence qf dlazolsob~jtyrtnltrlle. 'The conditions for synthe-;Is of the new' copolymers are described, and thirelationship between the mole fractions of the copolymer and t1te monomer mixture Is 9.-aphed. The new copolymers are Ins,)Iublle i In water, diethyl and petroleum ethers, and soluble In acetone, benatne, -.hloro- form, carbon tetrachlarlde and di-nethy Ifornimide. An Increase fit the con,.^entra- tion of H-viny))actlam In the Initial mi'Mure resulted In an Increased yield o~ copolymer. Go~clltlons were established for the formation of H-vinyll,tictan enrich- If ed copolymers. Polymer or copolyiter yields as high as 61-67% and nol,~cijlar weight:$ ,,,193-1490 werv obtained under optImal --conditlons.. The solubl I I ties and the MA &2t~V Jff';hM% IM117PIWIR M.~MTVA _ffLWj4kS40AT M, rag k 5.1 rpm Cie It, ~7~ L 10759-65 ACCESSIDN HR-. AP4047'idi - ----- monaner reactivity ratios a,- S ta~kulatod,v For vp~~ VCE, ri-4-43 0401, r,wo. 12 + 0.001; for VP - VCC, r1=3.811, r2mo; far vc The genera; rsactivj ty fact,)rs w, VPE r1-2-S3 0.0j, r?-0-39 + o.oj,. .re a,so Calcula;ed: for VC, q 0 A . for VPE, Q1-0.27, j.;j3. Orig, art. has: i figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Instiltut orgaillchankoy $hlmll '141- W.-D. ZeMnskogo AN SSSR (Instltvti rof Organic Chwlwy, AN SS!~R) DMITTED: Wfte-63 FNCU, 00 C SUD CODE: 0 U.- IEXI., M TT ~0 _kP ~~a up lwz -0 -T L -4/pr I Vio - -OF -2 5639w65.- V )/SPV-0 Q ft- "/P I HH: :,AP50( Au"CESSION )5263 S/029i/6h/ooo/oo60o45/oo5o 4 e AUMDR, Askarov, M A., Plihhaxo ean d) 1~ntbeaa and p, some-chloroacrylates, 4 TITIZ:_~. The s, iL _U 3 iit-e-, nith -chloroalky, TOPIC TAGS: ry reVaacrylate, polymer solubility, 5rgonic solvent, flame resistant plastin corrosion resistant-plastic, ~cbloroethyj mid 6-cblor6l~4tyl acrylates 'and Methacrylattis were ob- ABSTRACT: 0 tainid in higb yields -by -a A Irect qut-o'Wiciation--of -ethylene oi* tetriumithyl ene cblorohydrin with the corresponbing,fti:1d in the prerence of 3.5-h% !f[2SO4 adi-led as catalyst. The cbtained -nononers polyriDrized readily mder Vie efro,0. c,f ben-WI e i P=2dde, df~JL. or iU-V-Iight,, or heeting to 60 :t1C. Glassy, colorlent, transf)arpnt V, polyzers were obtained which were Jasoiuble in the organic solvents iiina Only ivelle4 SM641!~ hydtocarbond). It w f that oxyge in polar solvents (sligbUv [n as ound n y evows inhibits- this- polymrisation doutle' bonds: formed as the -splitting- off of kl#'-~ The -chloro-- Cord .112 BANK, A.S.; ASKAROV M.A. Emu2nion copo:'.,yiwrizaticn of acrylonitrile with acrylates. Uzb.khin.shur, 8 no,401-75 164, (MIRA 18:32) 1. Nauchno-issledovatallskiy institut khimil i tekhnolagli khlopkovoy teellyVlozy i furanovykh soyedinenly. ACCESSION.NR: ATW42430 S/3103/64/0PO/002/0118/0123 !AUTHOR; Askarov, M. A., Trubitsy*na, S. N. -TITLE: Low-temperature copolymerization of vinyl pyrrolldo~e with acrylonltrlla~' ,methyl methacrylate and vinyl acetate ;SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Institut khImII pollmerov. KhImlya I flzlko-khlmlya priri)dny*kh .I sinteticheskikh-polimerov, no. 2; 1964, 118-123 TOPIC TAGS: copolymerization. low-temporature copolymerization,. vinyl pyrraildone.i acrylonitrile, methyl mothacrylate ABSTRACT: Copolymers with higher concentrations of the more active components werel obtained by the anionic copolynerization of vinyl pyrrolldone with acrylonitrile. vinyl acetate or methyl methacr late In -aqueous ammonia, In the presence of sodium amide as a catalyst (0.5 9/mole~. at -601:. Experiments showed'that the molecular weight and specific viscosity oF the copolymers varied with variations Inthe ratio of Initial components. Thus an Increaso in the,amount of the.loss,active monomer (vinyl pyrrolidone In Its combinations with acryl'onltrile or methyl methac~ylate, but vinyl acetate in the mixturo of vinyl acetate and vinyl pyrrolldone) In the sys~ tem lowered tho'copolymer yield, molecular weight, viscosity and temperature cif de-' ~cwnosltlon.. The anionic pc~lymerlzatlon of vinyl pyrrolldone.w,as found'to depend 112 !ACCdSION NR: AT042430 :only'slightly on the amount of catalyst because of the chain transfqr reaction ithrough the monomer. The efiect of the amount of sodium amide (0.17-1.7 9/mole and. of polymerization time (0.5-4.0 hrs.) on polymer.yield Is shown, The activity co- efficients of the monomers In relatlon to the composition of the copolymers ara [ 'tabulated.and the differences*In experimbntal data for the three different pairs of2 monomers are Interpreted. Copolymers containing 40-30% vinyl pyrrolldone were found: ;to be water-soluble. Orig, art. has*. 2 tables,, .ASSOCIATION: ln5tItut khImIj pollmerov AN UzSSR1(1nstItute offolymer Chemistri, 'AN UzSSR) ,SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB 'CODE: OC QC NO REF SOV: 00~ OTHER: 004 2/2 Crird-- -- -- 7- I Ls IM13P444 M-U!"IM17 ACqESSION NR: AT4042431 S/3103/64/oOO/002/0149/0152 AUTHOR: Yuldashev, A.; As"r-ov, M. A4; Ibragmov, F. TITLE: Synthesis of the dichloroanhydride of vinylphosphinic acid SOURCE: AN UzSSR. institut khImll 'ollmerov. KhImlya I flzlko-khimlya prlrodn),*kh I sinteticheskikh polimerov, no. 2, 1964, 149-152 TOPIC TAGS: vinylphosphinic acid, thtirmosetting polymer,.z-chlorethylphosphinic acid, triethylamine,' diethylamine, attillne, dimethylformamide, z-chloroathilphos- Phinyl chloride, vipylphosphinyl chloride, organophosphorus polymer ABSTRACT: The dichloroanhydride of vinylphosohinic acid Is the basis for the syn- thesis of a great variety of derjvativis of this acid which can, in turn, Pe usied for the preparation-of thermosetting cirganophosphorus polymers and the phosphor,,ila-' tion of cellulose. in the present paper, laboratory methods are described for the : synthesis of the dichloroanhydride of vinylphosphinic acid by the reaction of amlines or amides of lower carboxylic acids with the dichloroanhydride-of A-chlor6ethylphos- phinic acid In an Inert solvent (dry henzene) at different temperatures. Trlethyl-' amlne, diethylamine' Tnl)iqo and dimel:hylformamldo were used In the reactiont and the other experimenta conditions wero the same'"In all cases. The yield of v yl- ftqsp~~21c acid dichloroanhydride decrdased with Increasing temperature. Thl Is 1~p ! ACCESSION'NR: "AT4o42431' due to the fact that amines,' a s alcohols., react activel'y with the chloro- anhydrides of the phosphoric acids, yielding amides, at high t6veratures. The optimal experimental con'ditl'6ns were found to be~equlmolar amounts of the amino or amide and 04chloroethylphosRhinic acid dichlor4aahhydrlde at OC' gradually Increas- Ing to 40 and then 60C. 'Yllilds of*the product Are 61.3-64.5% with the Wines and only 41-52% of the theoretical with dimethylf(irmiamide."A. 0. 01yarov took part In ciarrying gut the experiments.9 - Orig. art. ~has; 2 chemical-,eqiatloAs* ASS06ATION: Institut khImI'l pollme.rov AN Uz$SR' (institute of,polymer Chemistry, AN UzSSR) ENCL: 00 SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: OC NO,REF SOV: 005 OTHERt. 001 YULDASJIEV, A.; WRATOVA, U.M.; ASICAROV, M.A. , Phosphor-ylation of cotton cellulose by phosphorous neld enters via chlorocellulose. Vysokom. mood. 7 no.llil923-1926 N 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Nauchno-issledcrvatellskiy inatitut khimil i tekhnologii khlopkovoy t.sellyulozyo Submitted December 11, 1964. -~L 23,13 ~1-w66 Evfr(m ACC Nits APk06M AUTIMRSo 1krgjdMv,-F.,.j S1t1eIkoYsk!;!sj,F, P I Ask&roy, No A* 01M1 Institute of Organic Chemistry im. N~,D. Zolinskly, AN SSSR (Inatitut orgamn cheskoy khimll AN 3&5R) TITLE-. Synthesis of a or *f oellulose and 221yvinyleamuddoLl SOUMEt Vysokomolokulyarny7e soyedinonAya, V. 8p no. 2) 19660 247-250 TVWIG TAGSt cellulose plastio, graft c(ipolymer, redox reaction ABSTRACTe Investigation of the synthesis of a graft copolymer of cellulose (1) and N-vinylcaprolactam (11) is described as a part of a general effort initiated earlier by F. lbraginov, As D. Virnik, F. P. Sid.ellkovskayaj M. A. Askarov,, and Z. A. Rogovin (ZliVKhO im. Mendeloyova,, 11.,, No, 2, 1966), This work was carried out to determine the effect of the size and structure of the lactam ring upon the grafting process and the properties of the product. As in previous work, tile grprking was performed using H202-FO2* redox systema Fabric of viscose staple 12001.1r"ryed as a sotirce of 1. Tito off ect or the concetitration Of 11202 in the syste; -upon the content of grafted n in illustrated in Fig. 1 (the optimal concentration is 0.008%). The effect of the temperature upon the reaction is shown in Fig, 2 (70G is most suitable), The optimal reaction time is 3 hours. The graft copolymer of I and Ii readily UDGt 541.64+661.728#678*746 1;1!4 1/ - L 23331-66 I ACC NRs AP600691 4-4 0 ilia i HA .. concentration , % It V to S OC , Temperature, Fig* 1. Effect ofHA concentration Fig# 2 Effect of temperature upon the upon the amount of graftedn(% of the amount of graLf ted 11 (weight % of copolymer weight)* Graft conditions: copolymer). Graft conditionst ratio ratio 50iij temperature 70C., time 3 50119 time 3 hourej CH 8%0 Oj O.OD ours* .1 - II - 10%., 2 - 11 - 15%,, . 1 - I - 10%9 P. - 11 5 j absorbs acid dyes and is resistant to Ught. orig. art* hass 4 fi preso SUB. CODE 3 01" SUM DATSs 270,065/ C d O . ORIG IU71' 006/ M RIW i O(a w .L, 2/2- WW/RM 6- 'EWT(N)JEWP(J)jTALC(m) .6 YV6-,F ACC NRs AP6008974 SOURCE CODE ACC NRs URToiqO46 7 AUTHORSs Yuldashey.9 Ao; Mwatova, U. Me; Askarov,! Me At CRGs Scientific Researdli InstitaU, -'Chemistry and TechnologZ of cotton Collulotto chno-iseled(yvate tltu~jt,tlimi~i i tekhnologii khlopkovoy tselwo2r) 7 TITLE3 Phosphorylation of oottow cellulose by phosphorous acid asters via chlorocellulose SOURCEt Vysokomalekulyarnyye soyedineniyat'v. 71 no. 11, 19651 1923-1926 TOPIC TAGS: oellulosep oellulose-plaetiop phosphorylation, phosphorous acid ABSTRACTs This investigation was conduot-ad to deteraine whether Arbuzov's rearrange- ment (A* Ye. Arbuzov. Izbrannyye trudy, I:td. AN SSSR, M.p 1952f str- 41) can be induced when the alkjrl halide is replaced by chla-rocelluloso. The reactions between chloro-; cellulose and trimethylp triethyl and tri!propyl phoophites, and dimethyl and diethyl phosphites were studied. The effect of ti~mperature, extent of reaction, ratio of initial reaotant39 and chlorine content in the chlorocelluloue on the degree of phosphorylation ivere aleo investigated. The experinental results are tabulated. It was found that phosphorylation was more rupid for aoid esters than for neutral asters# and that the degree of 0813110 ation wan greater at the smaller size of -the radioeeOl of the phosphite esterrThe synthesized products were found to possess strong b~aoteri--~~ ,and-l w combustibility. .Orig. artt hast 4 tables and 2 equations& oidal properties So CODER 'i1/ BUB)i DATER IlDe ARIG: RJWs 013/ OTH RVi 006 Ymn. 441 7!)A A7.1-47A.t Card 1 0 WWALM ~_8_/OW/_1612/1014 ACC NRt AP6019539 SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/0 q AUTHOR: Askarov, M. A.; Bank, A. S. ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Memistry and Technology of Cellulose, AN UzSSR (Na%ic-hno_-_Fs_sledovatel1skiy institut khimii i tekhnologii tsellyulozy AN TITLE: Investigation of the copolymeri:ationlof acrylon trile1with benzyl- and tetra-~ hydrofuryl -Intec- SOURCE: Vysokomolekul arnyye soyedineniya, v. 9. no. 6, 1'966, 1012-1014 TOPIC TAGS: acrylic plastic, polyacrylonitrile, capolymerization,filler, acrylic co- polymer , /90,ey.4041 roqel4. F_ ABSTRACT: Copolymerization of acrylonitrile with benzyl- and tetrahydrofuryl esters of acrylic- and methacrylic acids was studied in oil solvent at 600C with 1.22-10 2 mol/I dinitrile of azoisobutric acid. ThL object of the work was to examine the ef- fect of structue of the acrylic esters on their reactivity in copolymerization reac- tion with acrylonitrile. The dependence of the copolymer composition upon the ratio between starting monomers and the dependence of copolymer softening temperature upon their composition are graphed. It was found that the benzylic- and tecrahydrofuryl esters of the acrylic- and methacrylic acids are more reactive in copolymerization with acrylonitrile than the corresponding (same carbon number) aliphatic esters. This 1/2 UDC: (i6.095.26+678.13+678.744+678.745 1, 0101"7 ACC NRs AP6019539 difference in reactivity is due to the steric effect. Very small variation in reacti-- vity was found among various benzyl- and tetrahydrofuryl eaters of the acrylic- and methacrylic acids. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 07/ SUN DATE: 29May65/ OPJG REF: 001/ OTH RM 009 awm Card 2/2 RH At'C-NRI AR008087 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0063/66/011/001/0119/0120 AUTHOR: Jb A 112IMov A. D.; Virnik, A. D. / Sidellkovskaya, F. P. / ABkarov, M. ORG: Moscow Textile Institute (Moskovsl;ty tekBtIlInyy institut); Institute of Organic Chemistry im. N. D (Institut organicheskoy khtmit) I olidinon '~j!jco ~Irner~ TITLE: Synthesis of a cellulose-polyvin )~pyrr e SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoye khtmicheskoye obshchestvo. Zhurnal, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 119-120 TOPIC TAGS: cellulose, graft copolymer, hydrogen peroxide ABSTRACT: A cellitlose-polyvinylpyrrolidinone graft copolymer was synthesized by using n method proposed by D. 1. Bridgeford (Ind. Eng. Chem., Prod. Res. Develop. 1, No. 1, 45, 1962) for the synthesis of other graft copolymers of cellulose. The ef','ect of ~l202 concentration, temperatuve, and reaction time on the content of graft polyvinylpyrrolictinone (PVP) in the copolymer wa '~ Investigated. It was found that the PVP content of the copolymer increases up to a 0. 01% concentration limit of H 202 , beyond which the amount of graft PVP decreases. Up to 70C th(, content of graft PVP increases, but a further rise In temperature causes it to diminish. Both of these phenomena are Interpreted in terms of the chain break- ing process. The monomer concentration also has a substantial effect on the composition of 1/2 UDC: 678.51 L 31562-66. C NR, AP6008087 6 the graft copolymer formed, It Is concluded that the modification of cellulose materials by the grafting of PVP enables one to alter their properties considerably. The cellulose-.PVP graft copolymer adsorbs acid dyes well and displays a high degree of lightfastness. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE- 07 / SUBM DATE: 15Jun65 / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 001 ~ ZC- ACC NRi Ap7003782 SOURGIS COD81 VR/0291/66/000/006/0025/0027 I AUTHORI Savranakayag S. D.1 Kravte*vag L. V.1 A!karn I j IORGi NIUNTra TITLEI Copolymoritation of aerylonitrile and n-butyl yeathaorylate under the influence or organormagnestum catalysts SOURCEI Utbokskiy khimicheekiy thurnall no, 61 19669 25-27 TOPIC TAG31 acrylonitriUl oopolymerisationp methaoryl&tep Orignard reagant ABSTRACTI In order to determine the influence of the nature of the solvent on the properties of an acrylonitrile - n-butyl methaor7late copolymorl the capolj7lerization was carried out at different temperatures with different monomer ratios in othyl ether and toluene in the-presence of the catalyst n-buty1magnesium bromide (0.4 m;)le of cat- alyst per mole of acr7lonitrile was used). The specific viscosities of the products showed the presence of low-molecular substances. A decrease in reaction temperature raised the specific visoosity of the cooolymerp this being characteristic of an anion- ic mechanism of polymerization of the monomers. Since the Grignard reagents consti- tuto a complex equilibrium mixture and because of the presence of (MgX)+, (RY,9)+ or (Mg)++ ions, the'initiation of the copolymerization may involve a stage of formation of intermediate complexosl in this casep the nature of the solvent and the conditions of the reaction medium play a considerable jurt in the initiation process. grig. art., NRI AP7003782 h&31 1. figure and I table* SUB CODES 07/ SUBH DAT91, Wun65/' ORM 11EFS OOJ/ OTH REF 005 ~ 2 ASKAROV, Flikhail Arkadl.vevich; KAPANADZE, Alekaandr Aleksandrovich [Use of ultrasonics in industry) [Prilnenenie ul'trazvuka v promyshlennosti. Tbilisi Gos.izd-vo "Sabchota Sakartvelo"I 1963. 75 P. (In Georgiani (MIRA l7t4) Sh.A. Multiple sclerosis E;nd :-hour.~.tlc fever. Zhur. ne-r. i 1 65 no.11:1653-10'55 165. lp-:11) I.. Karedra nervnykh bo:lezne-y (zaveduyuslichly - prof. Ya.'Ya. Gordon) llashkentskngo imitit,lia vi,szhey.