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MW/13P~c) jD ACUMION HR* AP5014183 UR/0382/651000/01/0110,-f .0114 53B.4 t 62L.313.933 Doktorova, T. V M J..' 11povate AWHOR: Ayllova,, Ye. H. n V A *_x Tumhin _11V _-Do ndu i~n-pwiq URCE: Hapitnaya. 'Aarika, no. 1. IL965 -110-1141 so _10PIC TAGS:- liquId Meta~ ump, =a xob deod ics, r6dioact: Ive material Ynam IIMTRACT--71 fthiL and MtIon ni" h^11calAnd6a mpg with-imi 11 ?9"Unp Ing xutaa (from 0,.4 to 150 M3/hr:) is reported. The sustained operat.tcn of i:bv Na- i -K- pump's - 4130--cpamting 'Idth Na only)--in -the -5500K to GOOOK tentsd for 209000-hours.- Advantages and disadvantagcs 9f helical-purps are ds- CUS a&- Specific -units,. INIV-6--and ENIV-3 are described -in -forwance is presented gralkIcally. The laigest unit ENIV-6 has a diameter Of 53.7 1 fcm ana Its-length Is-131-cm.-- These devicen are also capable Df punping radiozmtivel~ retals. Or1g. art. )iaw 14 figures, I table. CCMj 1/2 62214-65 AMESSION XR: AP5014,18; ASSOMATIONs. Tione SUBMITUD: 25Ju164- ENC11"i 00 ~SUB ODIE9 JEI! VO REt SOV3 001 0*17ipil Doi., t EL-31 L 1-1- 12 Mm tt -1 of .1.", 1,nic (".,r1unt.'07n cr r; vrrt,orr in tho chr-rii-c~,I re-ort oul'-.11tteo ~t tile I'M) All-"IdOll Of Ir IIJ-A' A' Ye M., DMIONC;VA, T.V. ; VAlt I 'I, N.'i . ', I , V . A. - ~'P'X' H I N, I)f,.iit,,n and o;,oratton of" hollord. induction liumpo. jyidr. nl--j.l:!',".'- I I.,, ";r). (YIRA 18s5) 9719-65 r:011101!; PA 1% 2jft rr-M7- Mz- 7r+,vv--- nv,0- ACCLSSION IlRj APS009113 S/0089/65/018/001/02391/0242 AUTHOR: Ha-r1n. N. I,; ~_avstan' V. h.; Voktorova, T. V Avilova, Ye TITLE i E 1 Bet Vona Rne t fc-p~PAS forall~a!A metals SOURCE: Atomnaya energlya,_ V.- -1-8, no., 3, 1965, 2 119-242 TOPIC TAGSi electranagnatic purip, alkatt netal, Itent ~.riansfer asente, alkali metal P110vp 115~u a~ ABSTRACT: Design char acti~rlstlcm, or~tr,ptjng_princlpletti-,~- 11a~ta__XTe--Pre6ente -- 0-1 a 11-e -snal A-size laboratory screw-type -4 d f r C3 of electromagnot-it- verticti-I jlubqib~ operat:Ing fron a 3-phasit et-c power source and intended fo!r porping liquid toetals and alloys (K, Nag) which are used 83 heat tr4in-.4fer agento. 1 Paranateto of the following' Pulaps of the saria desilin Ilut different: iiize are givens EINIV-1, -2# -3, -4, -5, and -6, havinji tapacitles oil 0.4p 2* 10, $0, 85 and 150 n3/hr-~7Pre3SUTeS oit 4i.7v 2.5, 6, 15, 4.5, and 6 X 1075 n;-,na; and workin 71~152 R temperature 875o_6751~ 03) 675, ahd 775K, respec- tively, The first 5 pitlnps! of this aa~oiiov are already in operation. IJ L 39719-65 .j ACCESSION NR: AP5009 3 3ra~ed? for' 20,000 ;hr at an 11ax allol The ENIV-3 has opt tenperature of. 530K. The ENIV-11 h-4j operated for 500 hr at 325-4575K (liquid X), 10 hr at 615K, and 1 hr~~st 90M Mork Is under :way irin improvements o-f-fllh-a- c-o-n-sftnuctlow-ich-ai act i T1 -VLO 1---t ht-PUMPA --to-- k-akse-the---oper~-- ating temperature tc 82,5-875K anil hilher. Orill. art. bast I table and 4 figuTes. ASSOCIATION: none L SUBMITTEDi HaT674 -T.N-L-t--00 No REF SOVj 000 i Card2 2 OTH E It 1 000 ATD IMESS3 3229 AVILOVA, Is.M.; DOKTOROVA, T.V*j LIITIKOV, V.K.1 MARIN, N.I.; POVSTENI, V.A.1 TURCHINt N.M. Construatica features and text results of conduction pumps. Hag.' gidr. no,3tl2:L-126 165o (MIRA 3.8110) AVIN, G.Sh., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; POGONOV, Yu.P., podpolkovnik ins koy sluzhby Use of vitamin A for Increasing night vision in m1litary personnel. Voen.-med.zhur. no.9175-76 S 161. (RIPA 15:10) (VITAMIW--A) (NIGHT VISION) (1-TDICIIIF, MILITARY) YELISTRATOV, A.M.; LVINGHUK, R.,k Calculation of transformations of a crystallim? polyhedron. Kristallogra,fiia 7 no.2:199-207 Fir-Ap '62. WiLA 15:4) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. (Crystallograpby, Mathemat',Ical) AVINEUR, 4-ya., in7h. Asspmbly operations in the construction of comprosvor stations in Belvorod ind Kursk. Stroi. truboprov. (- no.9:12-11 S '6b., (MIRA 14:9) 1. Stroitel'nrr uchartok Nojl~ Svarochno-monta7b,iof-o tresta, g. Lyul)ert%y. (Compressors) (Pitelines--Equipmpnt and supplies) = I J-9 AVIMZSR, Z,T4,p_ irmho Raising and ammabling heavy equipmont with A-shapod boow. Stroi. truboprove 7 n0-1:15 A 162o (MIRA 16:7) 1. Stroitellnyy uchastok No.14 Svarochno-montazl4nogo trestap g. Lyubertay. (Hoiating machinory) -- - ~~4_- -Amaadl.~ M2LQLwmffl-- - -M~~ -- =-, I ITTL7 --~~LEavcfl ~ ~ - .- -~~ 16~1 I L=.P~ k- AVINFZER, Z.Ya. of technical piping at compressor stations. Strol. truboprov. 8 no.5t27-29 My 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1, Stroitellnoye upravlanlye No.ll+ 3varochno-montazhnogo tresta, Lyubertay. (Pipelines-Build-Ings and structures) AVINCO, E. "Let us build collective fam buildings also in the winter period." p. 556 (Sotsialistlik Pollumajandus) Vol. 12, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Tallinn, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East, European Accessions (ZLAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 AIINGO, F. Closer tasks of building dwellings on collective ferns. P. 42- SOTSILIKTLIK POLLUMJ.IIDUS. POLI&UPXDJS 1%114ISTEIRIUM. Tallin, Hungary. No, 1~ 1.958- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EBAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 11 November 1959. Uncl. -AVLiNGO, ~E. I Marking the buildin sites. p.474 SOTSIALISTLIK PMU]MAJAND11S. Tallin, Estonia. Vol. 14, No', 3.0, May 1959 MonthI7 List of East European Acoessions (MIT), LO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 U1101. AVINGO, E. - - ----- Housing construction on collective fame. ',P. 283. SOTSIALISTLIK POLLUMAJANM'S. (Pollmajandutis Ministeerlux) Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 11, no. 6. June 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. "li't'01 T. . u A AGRIC LTM P!,-'vu-(1DICALt SOTSIALSTLIK K.1LU11,JIMUS Vol- Ih, no. 2, Jan. V,,59 'VIN e A NGO~ T. Makiiij, an) the use of' hotbeds. p. 69. Monthly List of Ea,!t European Accessinns (E-1.1) LO, Vol. % No. 5. May lq~)Q,, Unclas:-. AVINOV -~~j ,0,00* Regaluting load* acoording to th* deoignationot and typse of rolling @took. .1hel.dor.tranep. 36 no.6s?B Js 155% (MIRA M4) 1. %chiillnik otilelenlys Sverdlovskoy dorogi, stantsiya Chusovskuyse (Railroad e-Pre I ght) BOLOTIN) V.V., doktor takhn.nauk, prof,; AVINQMS1JX-,-S.A,-) .4n2h.; BIAGONADEZHINt V.L., inzh.; KIIROMCH-EiiiO, G.Ye. Choice of the tower apan diataneea in stringing alvminum sheathed power cablea. Elektriehestvo no.5-9-12 Hy 161. "%MIRA 14-,-.9) (Electric lines-Overhead) AVINOVITSKIT, Inar Yakovlevich; SOLOVITIV, P.P., red,,; BORUNOV, W61**, [Terminations of power cables] Okonteovante silovykh kabelei. Moskva. Gon.anarg.izd-yo, 1960. 39 p. (Bibli.otekn el.ektromonters, n0.21). (KIRA 13:11) (Blectric cables) MhOVITSKIY, Inar Yakov3evkch; FAYMM, A.L., red.; 11301'MOVp R.I.,, tekhn. iwd-0 (connection of cables) Soedinenie kabelei. HoAvav Goo, enorge i7od-TO, 1960. 44 p. (Biblioteka. alektromoriterag no.40:1 (MIIU, 3-4:7) (Electric cables) AVINOVITSKlYt LY~_O ALEKSh"YEV, S.V.; BAI-:)J:OV, 13.14.; GELIM', R.Ye.j, DOLGINOVt A.I.; YMILOV, 14.k; ZAaSSK17, Yu.Ye.; K/MTVA, V.V.; UMMMMEV, V.1,1,; FJ.YAM1,S'Y,:Y, i).A.; KIMETSOVO P.V.; RNKIN, G.A.; FEDOROV, A.A.; S~2193110VSKIY, G.V., rol.; BOLISIM, U.M., red.; BlUIM121BITi~.GSKAYA, E.Yet., red.; VORCNIP, K.P., tokhn. red. (Nanual for power engineers of industrial enl;orprisen In ;."our volumes] Siravochnik energetika F,rorVrhlenTq1:h prodpi-iiatji v chetyrokh tomakh. Voskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.l. (Electric power supply) Siehtroanabzlienle. Pod ot-shchei red. A.A.FndOL-ovap G.V. Serbinovskogo I IA.H.Bollsham. 1961, 840 (l,,IRA 15:6) (Electric engineering~ GOLIDGOF, Boris Grigorlyevich; LKYBZON, Yakov lzrailev-.Lch; SOSKIN, Emil? Artrxovich; MIMER, G.R., kand. t-?khn. naukp retsenzent; SHELKCVVlKOV, N.1., inzh., retsenzeiat; AVINOVITSKIY, I.Ya,,, red.-. (Automatic and remote control of the power supp. ly networks of industrial enterprises] Avtomatizatsiia i te'lemekhaniza- tsila energosnabzheniia promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Energlia," 1964. 279 p. 'MIRA 17:5) 0 0 If XW %fill% 004 Wiles.-011 eon 004 411009, 008 0% 0 am 00 00 Ago" on gn 9"Pow, 4"A 1w, am's 2 P" oe coo 000 odds vMA ON WO 119M PO VO 'A '6"= 00 r 0o 00.1 00 so oo'. Oo_: 0 1*1 101 10, ;4"); 0 0 a 0 0 41 00 0 0-0 0 0 000 , 400- 000900 000000 0004100000000:000000* 0 a 41 a a 0 IF f cm a a n craset w is: 200 00, '00 L-V- 77~ 000.9*000000660000 0 "'o 0 0 0 v Y~ ;;;; 694100 0 0 ~ 1 9.1 TrF71-UP, ii Ju a m m % I., it " ..SOP 4.41 St. a" (CAP.) 0. L A"~ Ila 1 4712 low tMe AM vt Mood or bumalkUke b6d; Mary A MAIDS fn"=VX% IB ~"Apg` The i aw"ll, 410110010"m rems, fermskma. c".-um was ka-W is, wAomdiU% mad Is &egrded b*M%ghdmu*(OA3pWhumkh6 F.T. goo Soo see too too %Bata "14tIvItsocak 01-116 --1( 0,1- goo f too. 11~4111- too I so- -4 !;.;1 af$ oil I ilw 081, 11 dw 0 to 4% -1-,. t f -r- T- -T-r-r-F v s 0 -" , 0 a a 0 1, loops[ mallft its a *::Ooooooooooooo ... 0.10000006069090060419 0 1 0 0001000 0000 0 9 0 0 0 0 0-0-0 0111000004100: 0 a as a in "Tr )I U I- A, too a a '00 I, . 6 A r 6 it I I V. I 1 0 CC ilt U 4 L I A 11 0 lie 00 A it "t. Out 141,111111 o 00 0 __ &,* .00 Tbooo "on clilowille'tostoost of Me twolbrospbW .4 at diflatest soliall" of blood cirtulatlos. 161, L. -0: A Momit- lif I'llrosills 10. CA n"'1 'Lroo. t~d "'); cf. C. A. 33. 14311. X71W. 0* citrultatury dislittliAltip tilt Cl civown. lit the ove. lee so a the 111101111.1 ICOWRIIkV%l AIIC 4VIVINIA101ly IfiltUltAlItIr. TIW GII)Y lee 9e raw"Itio" **& the 3C.1 (iffirvVirtiblor) star. In which the 00 No 0 4 w test * ali forla it Y*JV ditnitiltheId orixtipalval with III# go 400 inmosse In N&CI loor 4 wearkm W Cl III the oij,4111.111 46 so bilkv wAch 4 Moratiori it" boms drinutioltrafrof low il,,ur 00 .3 il~ atoJ calettia, fivids. wtth whiito tilt tvictetbiliIII&I duij 1%, 10111" Onlikill" P"Witon. it con &too Ile &wws,Ik%J Ix Ill,. 0 00 letter- 110re0m, in the ifICTMIC44 the NsCloroittcn~ oil re 0 go 13 thol -etteve0noll duid. tilt vorromis totolVialloolu ill The ell:llr 09 w hotcentoraftworvoto,,sysicill.prfaw-Ay Joe fee go V from the dilostord txxxty ullow"xi wells u( tile ot-wit to I lit celebrospirls, Blow %solew. it con favor a sulnelluilit Fos Irwabill" of NACI into t cf 0 Acti'liOn to The 9tworat ruk coto lot awnhed to the ill. ductKv Of A Poratolosted saltIm mrsisms aild ill tlw 31.1 fee 111114,e t-3 the effect of the "Uortm'r of tlIV 140w.twsill to lattice. Ruth liefirgrell we 11-4 -V- ~A'.V be Sf#*" *6 Mit a- 404 4111JI110411 io'i.i.i- G-V lit 0 T Or to 9 a 4 3 u Aw 3111 ;lip 0 0 000 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 40-0 0 000 0 goto 00 0 041 0 0 .01 I- AVIOSOR.-N.-Lo. prof.; SHVEDENKO, L. A. (Stanislav) Clinical aspects of gastric syphilis. Klin. med. no.11:134-:L35 161o i,KIRA 1012) 1. Is kafedry fakulltatakoy teparii (zav. - prof. M. L. Avioaor) Stanislavskogo meditsinakogo Instituta (dir. - dotBent G. A. Babenko) (STOMACH-ZrPHILIS) VASILIKKO, Vladimir Kharitonovich; AV10SOR H L' , proftiesor; ARTEX11XV, S.G., reduktor; BORROU, Te.N a eokly retAktar. (Internal medicine] Vautrennie bolesui. Pri uchustii H.L.Aviosora. 7-e isd. Moskva, Gois. isd-vo mad. Ilt-ry, 1954. 503 P. [Microfilm) (Medioine) (MIRA 8:1) - AV1060R. X.L. , rprof assor MOVIONIM .I Coat raindicat t ows for the sargical treatment of hyperthyroid forms of endemic goiter. Vrach.dello nos2:209 r 157. (KLRA 10:6) lo Xafodra fakulltatelroy terepit (sav. - prof. N.L.Aviosor) Stanislavskogo widitsinskogo instituts. (GOIM) AVIOSOR, X.L., professo:r; OLIGUA, F.P., kandidat meditainakikh nauk ,_."WOMMOMMOMMANNOMP State of the cardiovascular systeim In patients with endemic goiter before and after treatment. Vrach.delo no-7:765 JI '57. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Xafedra f&W.Itetakoy terapti (sav. - prof. H.L.Aytosor) Stenislavskogo meditsinskogo Institute (GOITXR) (CARDIOVASOUIAR SYSTXN--Dl.,;RASES) AVIOSOR H.L. prof.; BEREUNITSKIY, M.N.; SHVEDHIKO, L.A. Combination of myocardial infarct with hemorrhagio, ancreatitis. Vrach.delo no.8t133 kg 162. - ~MIRA 15tll) 1. Kafedra fakulftetikoy terapii (zav,, - prof. M.L.Avlosor) Stanislavokogo meditoinskogo institutAt. (HEART-INFlaCTION) (PANCREAS-DISEASES) AVIDSM,.H.L., prof.1 GE.USDMXOp N.I.; BEREUNITSKII!, M.N.; SHVELENKO, L.A. (Stanislav) Interaction of the thyroid gland and pancreas. Kline mods 4.1 no.7s137-138 J3.1163 (MIM 161l-2) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tetskoy torapJA (zav. - prDfo M.L.Aviosor) Stanislavskogo, meditsinskogo instituta, AVIOSOR, M.L.0 prof.; DU.5"MINA, V.Lev dotgent; BEREZI]NITSKIY, M.N. Diagnosia of rhoumatic and theumitoid polyarthritis, Vrach, delo no.llt127-128 N163 (MIRA 1012) lo Klinika fakul.Itetskoy terapii Ivano-Frankovskogo meditain- skogo institutam AVIOSORP.M.I..; BOBR, I.P.; MFLIMAN, Ye.P.; SOPILINIK, A.Yu. Relation of the degree of exp,~,rimvntal disorders of the artt3rial supply of the liver to peripheral blood proteins. Put. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.042-47 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Kafedra fakulltetakoy terapli (zavo- prof, H.L. Aviosor) I kafedra normallnoy anatomil (zav.- prof. Ye.P. Mellman) Tvanovo-Frankovskogo meditsinakogo inatitutas Y(-.1'.; A.YU.; A'J MCH, M.L.; BODER, i.p. Stru.~,,tural clurqree in t~.e artericil bed of the dz,17 Ii'ver and dynamics of soce of Its Aintizvvil Indicen In experivinntal IscLer!i1n. Arkh. 7 arat., gist. I timbr. A~, no.l0123--35 0 164. (MMRA 16:6) Is Kafedra norullnoy anatonAU (nav. - prof. fe.P.Mellzan) 1. kafodra fakulltetskoy t~erapll (zav. - prof. M,%Aviosor.) ivano- Frunkovskogo meditginskogo Ck, LIE'x p- k (,.,t r myocardial Y; r me n A',. 165. 18.9) AVI-RMMv A.; RESHETNIOU, L.P.; NUMIELMA, A.V. SimLltaneo%w solubility of 11114hiust aW beryWim sulfateo in sulfurio add. Test.Moak.un.8er."%',: Khim. 17 no.2:47-49 Mr- Ap 162. (HIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra noorganicheakoy khimdi MDskovskogo imiversiteta. (Lithium milfate) (BeryUlum eulfaie) (So:Lubility) A I - - -a- -%V~C~ -- ---7 - v - , - AVfROH, L., inzh. - a Mxactness in manufacturirg plain and reinforced Concrete gtructuml conponants for laite-panal buildir4je, Biul, W6. infnrm, 3 no.12.- 26-29 D 157. (MIRA 11-.1) (Precast concrete construction) AMON. L.S., insh. 7:=-- Wneuration tolenincee in housing and civil construction used In the Germn Democriktio Repiblic. BDil. takh, inform, 4 no,3:29-30 Mr 158. (MIRA 110) (Oarmny, East-Tolarance (ftinearing)-Standards) ITIROK, L.S., iuth, I., Method for calculating the allomble size of foms for plain and reinforced concrete products& Hiul, takh. imforso; 4 no.3t23-25 yV '58. (min lite) (Concrete coustruotim-7brwaork) AVIRCM, L. S., Cand Tech bci. -- (diss) "System of permissible varia- tions and fittings for miscellaneous living and civic buildings.,' Leningrad, 1960. 19 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leningrad Order of Labor Red Bantier Construction En- gineering Inst); 220 copies; price not given; (KL, 26-60, 134) AVIROM p LO-S-.p Imd. taklin. _rw%&;_PI_TLY-UK, DA, , kand. tokhn.naukj RTRDINJI IU.r kand. tekhn.nauk; GHEDOVSKII, V.I,,,, prof., zaal. dayatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSRp rotsenzentj PRIIS, F.V., nrof.., nauchrWy red.1 GAIGORIYEVA, I.B., xed, izd--va; JULIKINA, Ta.A.,, tekhns red. [Joints for slemerts of lexce-pane], and large-block buildings] Styki elementov knipnopanellrWkh i kurpnoblochMkh zdanii. Le- ningrad) Goeatroiiisdat, 1962. 215 P. (RIRA 150) (Building-Details) AVJItOF,, Leon Sandiyevich kand. tekhn. nauk; bELYAYEV,, B.I.. A.I., red.izd-va; CHELKA&MAYAl F.T., tekhn. red. (Toleranceo in larae-block house conatnictioril Dopuski v krupnoelementnom ahilishchnom stroitellstvo. Leningrad, Goestroiizdat, 1963. 162 p. (MRA 17s1) 6~0* ** 0110, 0 . gw*-* 0-0 6 0 0 4 W-0 W-W w W- 0000000000060000600 k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *.* 0 0 0 0 0-0 u %1 11 Is tt tlot 4 a a ske s a a so X-A Imp j6 m I a A- it WA41-11. a -1-Al-1-s C 011C)CIMS Aw OpMer-11 -of- of c -1 ATircm &ad A. Tatarinovs. Slid It". No. 7, 0-9; Khm. Rc(OW, thar, IM. No. It, W-Treat the slik fibe" Whit sumanin. 8O&$ III a- Butttr vellow. wath:1 tims In W% sk. for 10 mic.. phre in a dmp of sly"M ~011111 go a :nd tum. uruk-r a wkiovwe at 350 mapifirstims with .00 00 a hint-light Altef. Dtt. tht pnrentage of Pat 00 4r im tile prvpn. with a -'smi-A -low wmle. CR07"' .00 go a doe 00 w goo goo coo goo bp 0 be 0 be 0 28108a .0 d I F I , F , 'I ,.a I T'A An I a 5d it a a 1 9 0 0 a 4 3 9 9 OR it KID a 114 X 0 0 01, 41 go 0, 't 0" g 0 oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 00 0 *1 00 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 9 01 09 0 009 : : :1: *0 0 All 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &a nall Ws. lull) C 710-V *-v f A--L-J L M A- A, h. r I; 'g- A,- 1 41 V.~ J, I a q. w a,. b 0411 A eww vt~ let molsksift SA gak. Imm. 19. -1, W 44(1"11; U. .1014-W-Re"Iltsk of Ish. t"I% %hTs"I that 11) IIK hightf The IvIative bumiciaty in IIw so mvileming cbmtwm Ow Ig,tef t1he n%*jUrr g"I~ffl by talk and (21 the hanotity in t kww chanitw" thould lw Ix-ld at 92-98% in order topm it m1drntallon w W111tj tah, 1"I. "at rheekill no* of W% rviatitm hil"'WHIV at 18 :W. t %I '3 AliI11411111ful Ott)@ the M-W nwthttl slumvl many owIvItil- go* festo. hwfwas"l tho ykkl fit eardni filwfs And 1111rWilvill uAlity of the wMas. 400 the 4 LcvjwAl Rchedan 00 -3 too 400 No 9 see I W& a I voo fill ISO* A sITALtOWAL Lnl#AtL&t CIASSIVICA1100 4*4' u III AV I el It 1A R It 6 1 Ilk 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 111 0 0000000 00 0 OALS =* 0 0 - 0 a a 0 0 a :A AVIROH.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; IILTAMM,K., Inzhener Production ancluse of "carbonized" wool. Prom.koop. no.3:53-56 Hr '55, (HLRA 8:11) (Wool Industry) VIXI 1). S..,l I.., stax-sUy na;lir-:inyy sotrudnik Wool :. ovics fi,o,-,, fiir waoto. :'ciit. nrom. i limdj pranyo. 2 )io.6:1:' Jc 16J., Il+:7) 1. I!attchno-iscladovrtcllrl-.-.Ly llO'l-,h~'-,'ic*-e.~ 'i77 '.notit,-t (fcr (':colcii nnd wrstc(ll, -,anufactitre) e.,- - AVIROMP S., kand.tekhnonaukj KILICIUSKAIA, Z., starshiy natichriyy aotrudaik They make good varpets. Moat.prom.i 3 no.3r28-20 Mr 162. MIA 15-3) 1. Nauchno-ioultdovatellskiy inotitut khudozhostvennoy pronWaklennosti (for Killchevokeya). (carpets) will'UM'. ;. M. 29093- AMUM, 5. M. I MGM. Yz:. G. -- Skonustnoy holorisl;ichekiy Metod. Opredelenlya Stopeni 0drevasnenipt Llnyanogo Volokna, Nauch-iaslot~. Trudy (t9 &C;r. Nauch-is,,-led. IN-T Lubyanvkh Volokon) T. 111, 1949, s. 5-15 Bibliogr: 7 nazv. SO: Letopial Zhurntil'nykh Stn-tey, Vol. 39, Hosk-Ta, 1949 kmitl, tokin.wiuk, nauclin. .3otr.; L.I . , kand., tbklul.nauk, nauchn. votr.; a1iilUM, S.A.0 tekhn. nnuk$ nauctin. -~.otr.; LFlYTE"), L.G., tol"1111. nlyull, nnuelill. votr.; Il-j.'TONOVA, Yo. I., nauchn. A. TI-,. IT. kand. teklin. nauk) nauclui. -otr.; PrAiWiill ucllnctlyv:ZOTCVl V.A., nauchn. not.r.; Fill-AlOVA, 1-%V., navchn. ,:otr.; NIKITIN, G.N., nauchn. vot.r.; !l'%Q.AzH0V, A.I.; GC-DINER) F.yo.' red. [ltecovoz7 and uso of secondary wocl in eon.=ersl Foods] Fo- luchenie i primemnie. vtor!cY-iol nhor.-Ai v izdoliJakh narod.- nogo lotreblenilitt. (By] ~;J%A-i iron, i dr. Moskva, 1,m-vo "Legkala industriia," 196-1. 260 p. (14 ~- 11"U'l 1": 5 ) 1. Yachallnik pr-yadillnogo Lsokha TlasWcinskoy inbril:i No.13 (for aomshov). 17(14) SOV,/177-58-7-13/28 AUTHOR- Geyro; S.3., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Avisov P.B. Yajor of the Medical Corps, and Rybakoi- -=W-1 " TITLE: Changes o1' the Perilleral Blood and the Vedulla Ossium due to Osteosynthesis by Moans of a Metal Fin in Fractures of Hollow Cylindrical Bones PERIODICAL: Voyenna-m(iditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 7, Pp 58-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article discusses changes of the peripheral blood and of the medulla ossium inpatients vrith various fractures of hollow cylindric bones and local changes of the med-alla ossium prior to the introduction of the pin and after its extraction. A great many scientists including Raysh (1941.1), Slani (1941), R.L. Ginzburg (1952), Ya.137. Dubrov (1952), A.S. Ignatlyev (1956) who studied the red blood of patients after osteosynthesis, observed Card 1/3 in several cases anemia of different degrees. Ya. SOV/177-58-7-13/28 Changes of the Periphoral Blood and the Medulla Ossium due to 0steosynthesia by Meaiia of a Metal Pin in Fractures of Hollow Cylindrical Bones G. Dubroir experimentally proved :Local changes of the modulla. ossium after osteosynth.esis of the hip bone. The author of thit; article sums up the results of his investigations in the followinf; conclusions: 1) ConcarninE the blood s stem osteosynthesis Is not contra-in.dicate-d. 2~ Ostecisynthesis of the hollow cylindrical bones by means of a metal pintakes no effect on hema.- topoiesifis The changes of the blood system fol- lowing the operation are temporary or reversible. 3) After osteosynthesis, active hematopoiei3is is to be obe;erved in the punctate of' the patient's sternium, 4) In long hollow bories without active and general hematopoiesis the steel pin is an in- significEaitly negative effect on the hematopoietic Card 2/3 functionc. Only in the zone directly adjacent to SOV/1 77- 58-?-.'L 3/28 Changes of the Peripheral Blood and the Medulla Ossium due to Osteosynthesis by Mear.s of a Metal Pin in Fractures of Hollow Cylindrical Bones the pin's canal an excrescence of the strome of the connectivum and a restraint of the active paren- chyma take place. 5) It is to ba supposed that changes of the blood system due to osteosynthesis result from the metal pin as stimiilus of the re- ceptors of the medulla ossium and from the effect of the very injury and the surgical intervention. 6) During 3 to 6 months following operation the compound of the peripheric blood In most of the patients was normal and only in a few cases was a tendency to moderate leucopenia wAth relative lymphocytosis and neutropenia observed. There are 2 tables. Card 3/3 t EXCERPTA YEDICA Sca 11 Vol 12/4 O.R.L. Apr 59 694. AQUEDUCT OF TnE COCHLEA AND ITS SI PPLEMEN'rAll'e CANAL.S IIN MAN (TOMMA1111O.ANATOMICAL IIESEARCII) (IluRsian lexi) - Avisov 11. 13. Leningrad, I'S!,I( - VESMOTO-RINO-LARING. 1958, :!OffTr--7ZJ- 7TTu-r . 4 The differences in the struct,sre and topography of the aqueduct or ar cochlea. as wellas ofits supplenientarycanals, werrobserved as a result of studying series of histntOPORraphical sections nr pyramids of temporal hones of 46 persons. The length of thr aqueduct of the cochlea amounted to 7-IG.7 mm. . Its -A idth in tile narrowest point 0-275 g. In :!G out of 46 subjects it was overgrown %rith hone. The content of the canal consisted or connective tissur of a reticuloendothelial nature. Supplementary canals contained veins through which the labyrinthint, blood poured out into the Inferior sagittal sinus. (XI. 10) PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovivh [deceased]; AV;~j~VPtB.;_,BISMIKOV. nope; DYSKIN. Ye.A.; HIMILOT, S.S.; DAMOV. I.V., prof,O retwenzent; MJFAIIOVP La.. prof., retsonzent; MAISIMENKOV, A.N., profet red@ toma; RUIFANOV,; BIMWV, A.M.9 tam.otv*redo; VISHUNTSKIT, A.A., red.; GICSRIVECH, A.M., red.; DAVYDOVSICIY, I.V.. red.; KOIUIEYEV, V.M.~Ired.~; KOCHERGIN. I.G., red.; XROTKOV, F.Q., red.; PIMIOV* B.D., xam,,; SJDMA, S.I., red,; MIMYLOV, S.S., red.; RULKYA, H.S., Ecollected works in eight volumes) Sobranie sochinenii v voolmi tomkh, Ko9kva, Goo.izd-vo med,lit-ry, Vol,3. [Articles on experimontal, oporative, and pdlitary field Ijurgeryl 1e47-1854] Trudy po okeperimentalinoi, operativnoi, i voenno-polevol khirurgil, 1847-1934, 1939. 533 p. (WA 1431) AVIZOV, A.G. Study of some characteristics of the milk yield of ccws. Uzb. biol. zhur. 8 no.Ot62-65 164. (MIRA -180) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut zhivotnovodstva Ministerntva proizvodstva i zajotovok sel'khokho%yayotvennyki produktov U-.ZSR. Country: USSR Categorli. Virolo7.~-. W.c,Wri,%l Virusua Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, lo348i. Author J'Lvk,)nt 1-ave Alatyrtcevc.., I. Yc.; Burlakina, 45:."; ~Zffna, K. S.; Gel'ohmi., L.S.; Kumatzova, G.S.; 11in1tovioh) Yo. I. Inst Title Me Problem ot Increasing the Thorapeutic Effectiveness of Dysentery .'L"eteriophage. Orig Pub: Sb. Baktariofa'Aya) Tbilisi, Gruimodgiz, lS5'(, 115-121. Abstract: Of 337 dyaont3ry cultures isolatid, in children who weru cicl: wit-,i chronic dynentory only 60 percent proved to be 3ensitive to the usual standaid phagas. The pliagos ware adapted (to oa2h culture irdividually) Card 1/2 Country : USSR Category: ViroloLL,,. Bac~crial Viruses (Plia~;cs) Abs Jour; Raf M'hur--Biol., No 23, 1958; 103481 to culturos ticlected for their biochunical and sere- logical praoortion but chiofj~r for their phago-Maiat.- anco. .1 rii:.,.urc was made of those phcgos (polyphage) which war, ucod for treatment. The troatmint. was given in throe courses consisting or throe eyelco each. Of ,)6 childron sick with chronic dysenter,, vho wor.3 given Y .~ (94.1-o/o) woro tliaclunrgod hunlthy. phngo truntmont 3Y Wenty poracna (5-9 c/o) romaincLl clironic carriarc. Ya. I. 1hutonalitayn. Card 2/2 L 38491-66 EiiT(d)/EVT(1 up(c) aal - kt ACC N" AP6017620 1Y) SOURCE CODE: UR/0147,166/000/002/0003/0008 AUTHOR: Avkbimovioh,. B. N. ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of the unsteady state beat conductivity of multilayer plates., U 'I'V F SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionneys tekhnikap no, 2. 1906# 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: beat conductivity, flat plate ASSTRACT: Most previous solutions of the problem have been In the form of,converging series. Tbe basic difficulty in their use is the necessity of finding the roots of coipplex transcendental characteristic eq4ationse The present article Is an attempt to obtain approximate solutions for infinite wiltileyer plates which are free of the above mentioned shortcoming. The dimensionless tempertitura of such a plate ,satisfies the equations 1, 2, 3,..., a) with the following boundary and initial conditiCn3: L Card 1/2 UDC: 536.212 ACC NRs AP6017820 t, (1-1) . - hot (11), "It V ax dK (2) i - 1, 2, 3,..., n-- 1, do' (0) - !D, Ox 81 (X, 0) - 02 (x. 0) 0) - I. The author first prooseds to obtain a solution of the Initial equations in the form (X. %) 11 to 44 (.C) + 'h (t) AT (X) + - - . + '14 (T),41) (X), (3) 1 -.1, 2t 30...., This in followed by a deterininstion of the position of the beating front* Orige arte has: 21 formulas and 2 figures, SUB CODE. 20/ SUBM DATE-. ORIG REP.. 004~ 25jan65/ ~2 L 0110 -64 (q) WW,1'QP P PF ~~_AT60318h7 SOURCE CODE: UR/OOOC,/66/0001000/0003/0034 AUT1iOR: Avkhimovich, B. M.- ..,!Candidate of technical sciences) t ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of nonatationary temperature fields in structures by the method of momentis SOURCE: Metody ranchetov temperaturnykh poley i tepliZOIYEitflii letatellnykh apparatov (Methods for the calculation of temperature fields and heat. insulation of aircraft); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-v,) Mashinostroyeniye, 1966, 3-2)1 TOPIC TAGS: flight vehicle hoating, heat conduction, heat conduction equation, moments method) Al"Foqle oprorn ro/P .0 AlIj-'Ce'er %5PO(We. 4 / le 01e,7 -- 7- ABSTRACT: The problem of calculating nonstationary temperature fields ill heated flight vehicles is analyzed. It is pointed out that simple approximate analytic solutions for a certain type cT such problems were obtained recently by raeans of an integral method (the true temrcrature profile is approximated by an n-th degree polynomial) wb~ich in of the Galerkin type and whose successful applieation deDends on the! proper selection of the system of basis functions. However, for nore compiex structures (for example a stiffened skin), there are no recommendations on how to select the basis functions and the integral method cannot be applied. In this arti- cle, a sufficiently general method (the method of moments) for selecting the basis Card UDC: 629.13* 4;~- QP1 L 4'7-U-66 ACC NRI AT60318147 functions, based on the properties of linear bounded operators in Hilbert space, is prenented. The method of mom-!nts makes it possible to conE;truct a system of basis functions defined only by the initial heat conduction equations and the boundary conditions of the problem whb.,h ensure the fast convergence. of the solution (the aolu- tion of the problem is sought In the form of series in basis functions). The question of selecting the initial basin function in considered. The-applicatioll of the method to calculating nonstationary *.emperature fields is presented for the following typical elements of flight vehicles: 1) indefinite solid plate; 2) indefinite multilayer plate; and 3) stiffened skin panel. Some design formulas are derived. The peculiarities of calculations at the initial stage of heat transfer are analyzed. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 74 formulas. [LKI 12 SUB CODE.: 010 20V SUBM DATE: 25Mar66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 50119 Ce'rd [7AM -MC-jj~6036856 SOURM CODE, UWG40~56-6TO-O -070-0 740- "63 AUTHOR: AvkhimovLcht a. M.~ ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of the temperature equelization time in multilayer cylinders SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1966, 63-67 TOPIC TAGS: solid fuel, solid iuel rocket, heat condensation, tftiperature equalization ABSTRACT: The rapid determination of the time required for temperature equalization in a part immersed in a medium of constant temperature is of interest for many technical problemese.g., for the thermostating of solid fuel rocket engines. Previously published analytical solutions of nonsteady-state heat conduction pro- lems have involved laborious numerical calculations; therefore, in the present study$ an .1malysis was made by the wethod of momenteland the following approximate solution (not in series form) was obtainad for calculating the time re!quired for temperature equalization in a -multilayer cilinder(see Fig. 1): B 4.6 e14-1 - Rj rO JR'j.1 (In R,+ I - 1) - R, (In.R, -d, (Rl+t -Rd) R1 RN 124j' Ll - 1L.2. 3,' 536.248.1 ACC Nks AP6036856 where the radii'at the zontect surface of the layers; Ci + c 2ai+l 2ai + 41g, A 12al twemal conductivity 1 ad a is the thermal di f fusivity. For aplain cylinder the formula reduces to 2.3 (1 + --9 where Fo Is the Froude number, and Bi is the Hot number. Orig. act. hast 21 formlas and 2 figures. SUB ODDR.- 21/ SUBM DAM 15Mikr65/ ORIG REF: 002/ ATD PRESSi 5107 1-K-7r-- T".. It L'xa, z, 1C., A; d,,iz 1 71 ivs o' oT L. -L 1.1 . A. y - Met3bois- T A149 Joiir Re.C Mur Bliol., ho 3, 1950,, 12415 Author Avkh xm Inst Minsk Modical Institute Title Basal Motabooism in ratients with Carliovascular Insufficiency and Factors Influencing Its Condition Crig Pub Sb. nauchn. rabot. Idnskiy med., in-t, 1957, 18, 129-139 Abstract In severe cases of disease of the cariiovaocular system an inerc-ase of the basal metaboLism (:Bv,) rate was es- tabl--'shcid. But in sharply expressed 2ongested mnifes- tations and decompon6utimis the BM went down to norrnI.. In pati(!nts with cardiopulmnary insufficiency the BM was depressed in a majority of cases* The function of the thyroid gland of thoije patiints t,,.-sted with the Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 12415 application of 1131 was usually norrmil, and oiAy in in- dividual cases was it below normal. -- Ye-M. Berkovich Card 2/2 r, 1.21-5 .,t V ti ,, 11. 4 N ?, I .N . V . ,,, N ,, K I N IA . " . ~,", . 1.1 . T I.ffe~,.L of' twir"mcintAl or. thr, villul, cf, Lho distribation coefff-cient Jn :ton-~ irvalting. ;,hur. f;z. khlfn. 39 no.6;111:07-1,508 Je 165, (K.-RA 18-,1l) 1. Moskovskly pnsulnrstvermv,( i:'A-n-*. Apr..1 2, k064*. I L 12211-66- EWT(n)1EW_(j)1BW(b) 4D AGO NAs Ar5O22662 51"'U31:4 GOD41 UO)OA15MIA01/0539/0549 I AUTHORI @I rMroka, 14..Yjsv OROt Novosibtr k Merftroto ~njnlj not 40 0) Of Communteft4i -n5 Ibirskly 9 electrotekhtxhwkly Institut sv)r&j,jj TITLEs Internal stressits 1n'a-* Aeposited c%romtua plate SIURCES Zaa%c%it& to-Willovp ve 1. nos 5. 1965p 539-542 TorIC TArSs electrolytic deposition, SItstmating current#, catuoAs polarizationo -A" tA , curomium pLathag, tensile titress, vardnesa ABSIL ACT a Aawy was maAe Dr t,-e erroot of alt9mating vilnusotelal 6urrent on cat'LoAe polarization# Internml atresep nni -nicros-sransw ar c%rondum coatings do- positel at 56OG from an electrolyte containins, ani H;IS01. in the amounts. of 160 and 1.6 g/11, respsativelre I%e catio4o polarizAtion %ras rjoiaeured oscillol- grAjAlcallyp aM t%e micro%aHneas was datermineii by the VW-3 apparatus at 200 g prosgure on t%e irmentors 76o value of 0a Internal strenses In c%romium depended on t1ke t%kickness of %%e !12jposIte4 layerl It decreased from 9 x IOS newtobb~ %X j .0.214 coatinp to 20.0 D/W In,I watir p T%oreforep sla mose-arments and VW& 6:11-3$7.7 L _1i2 -"5.T.- f 2! 1' 17~1~~`_ L 2?03146 ACG NR AM2662 calculations Vero made at a constant V40most of 0.2A, Tntemal tensile stress leareared wit% Increase In t,%e amplituAm of t%6 a---c compormtt At relatively low 6-0 densities- (30 nmp/ dm2) and-oomparn.tively uij- a-c deinsitioat t%o Internal stresses 0-anged t%eir sign. 7%.xis, all'fornating current-nmy be one of t%9 factors pqrmitting production of atress-froo cl-ilamium plate. P-ti internal ttnelle stresses decreaend witt. Increased froquency of 0--a alternating currant (in sonic ranges)p but less so t6an during increased amplitudes and wit%out c%~,Lnglng tNe si p, of internal stress. T,,e frequency depenlenos on current officielley was complext in t',,e ran.", of 50-500 cps t%e current efll.oiency deoreaaeA wit% increased froquencys but it increalAod wit% increased frequency at froquencies> 500 cps, Ve micro- *-ardnns;s of-c%romium coatings decreasei witt, Increasei amplituie of t%e alternating!. current. D-o curve of tue rrequTincy elTect on t1,e microt,arIness 1,0 a vdni=n at frequaticies of 400 - 500 cps. T",e oscOlograms of catxode polirization indicatel tuat tl,,e application of 91nusoidal 'Current affected t%e elisplaooment of tle average' value of t%e catl6odo potgntL&l to t',o modo side, I.e. it resulW in tj~a depolarization of tno electrode* Orig4 art, %set 3 figures. SUB.CMES 07,461SUBH DATEs 14Dso64/ GRIG'RU1. W7/ M31 M 1 003 AVESENTIM, A.A. - -- StArtinp, diesels frc-m power rectifier units. S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Diesel engines) UMSHIV, I.I., akademik;:AjKA&XL'.Uj"j6, kandidat pologo-minere log iche- okikh nauk, redaktor; JMOLYAVSKIT, S., redaktor izdatellstra'-, AIMBANDROVICH, Ikk.,, takhnicheekiy redaktor (Rare metals an& their use in induati7l Redkie inetally i ikh ispollsovania v promyshlennosti. Minsk, Isd-vo Akademil nauk 3SSR. 1956. 178 p. (MLIA 10;1) lo Akademlya nauk BSSR (for Lukaihev) (metals) A CTS' LUKASHOU, K. I A.N. FURSINKA, A.V.; HAIMACH. A.S. Geological Investigations on the White during 40 years (1917-1957). Vestei AN nnv. no.3:71-87 '57. (White RuBsta-Geological Russian territoz7 BSSR Sor. fiz.-tekh. (MIRA 11,I) resenrch) Over the gologbWl mp of VhIte Russia. Ims. oils, 32 no.11i2l N 157. (NMA 10111) 1. Chlen-korreepondent AN BSSR, direktor Instituta. goologii. (WhIte Russia-Minem and mineral resource@) 3(5) ITASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2077 Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SEIR, Minsk, Institut geologicheskikh nauk Trudy,, Vyp. 1 (Transactions cf the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Belorussian SSR Academy of'Sciences) Nr 1. Minsk, 1958, 227 P. 700 copies printed. Errata slip inserted. Editorial Board: A.N. Avksentlyev, A,V. Fursenko, and VX Shcherbine.; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye. 0. Barsbanova; Tech. Ed.: I. Volokhanovich. PURPOSE: This issue of the Institute's Transactions is inll,ended for geologists interested in both the physical and historical geology of Belorussia.. COVERAGE- This collection of articles on the geology of Bolorussis has been prepared by members of that republic's Geological Institute. Individual papers discuss the prospects of fature development; of Belorussia's geological and geophysical studies, problems in the petrogTaphy of sedJmentary rocks, and questions in paleontology Exnd hydrogeology. Among the papers on historical geology are a study of the development of Pbraminifera und one on spore-pollen analysis of Lover Carboniferous horizons. References accompany each article. Card 1/5 Transactions of the Instititto (Cont.) SOV/2077 TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editor lukashev, K.I., and A.N. Avkt.entlyev. Problems in the Geology of Belorussia 5 Fursenko,'A.V. Basic Stages in the Development of Foraminifers, in the Geologic Past 10 Makhnach,, A.S. Basic data ort the Early Paleomoic in Belorussia 30 Kedo, G.I. The Spore - Pollon Characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous Horizons in Belorussia 46 Golubtsov. V.K. The Stratigraphic Pattern of the Permian-Irriassic of the Pripyatskiy Dovnvarp 57 Card 2/5 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SO1r/' 2077 Manykin, S.S., The Importance of Spom - Pollen Group Stu(Iies in the Stratigraphic Identification of Tertiary Deposits,in Belorussia 61 140titz, V.M. Main Features of the Loess Beds of the Novogrudsko- Korel.icheskiy Massif of Grodnenskays. Oblast', Belorussia 68 Kolpashnikov, G.A. Certain .1haracteristics of Sediment Accumulation by the Lateral Migration of the Pripyat, Rivqr Within the Region of Farov1ya Township 78 Stefanenko, A. Ya. (deceased) The 2batonic 6tructure and the Oil- bearing Possibilities of the Pripyatskiy Downwarp 81 Kozlov, M.F. The Geologic S*,ructures of the Pripyatskoye Poleslye go Bondarenko, B.V. Tectonic Rogularities in the Manifestation of Paleozoic Volcanism in Soutborn Belorussia According to Magnetic Surveys 102 Card 3/5 Transactions of the Institw',e (Coat.) SOV/207 Markova, A.P. Iodine and Bromine in Waters Emd Brines of Belorussia 181 Gorelik,, Z.A, The Outlook Vor Utilizing the Glauconite RDeks of Belorussia 192 Zaytseva, N.V. Data on the Marl-chalk Rock Inclusions in Belorussia 197 Shevyakov, B.V. The Boulder-pebble Rock of Belorussia 207 Bogomolov, G.V. Rare Compownts in Grotmd Wwler Formation at Deep 11orizons 214 Kiselev, P.A. The Ground Water Balance AVAIIABIE: Library of Congmsis (QEI.A376) 218 Card 5/5 w/mas 8-4-59 Lz- :76 KALININ, S.N.,doteent, kand.ekon.neuk,; LUPINOVICH, I.S., dokto-.r sellskokhoz.naWc. akademik, zemouttitell; UWJSOV, V.V., po vyptsku; LUXASHHV, X.I., doktor goologo-mineral.nouk, skademik, red.;_ AYXSMIYZVP,Jk.N.,,, red..; ROGOVOT, P.P.. iioktor sellskokhoI3i.nauk. skademik, red. Sostaviteli kart: BOBYLZVA. Ye.A.-, VOLKOVA,V..V.; VORONTSOITA. G.V.; KAIMOVA, N.T.; TINHONRAVOYA, Ye.V.. ILIYUSHIN, I.M., bnd.filosof.nauk, rod.kart; KRAVCHENKO, 1,3,, bud.istor.nnuk:, red.knrt; IDDREVICH. T.F.. doktor biolog.nauk, aktdomik, red.kart; BURZGAL, T.S,,, red,-kartograf; GULYUK. G.I.. rod.-kartograf; LEVSHINOV, A.0.1 red,,--kartograf; RUTKOVSLATA. H.5.. red.-kartograf; SVIRSKIT, A.S., red.-kertograf (Atlas of the White Ikestan Soviet Socialist Republic] Atlas Belo- rueskoy Sovetskoy Sotnialisticheskoy Respubliki. Minsk, Akad.nauk BSSR. Glav.upr.geodes. i kartografti XVD SSSR. 1958. XTY, 140 maps. (MIRIL 12:4) 1. Predsedatell 1)oaplnna BSSR (for Xalinin). 24 AN BSSRI president Akademii sel'sko)choz.nauk BSSR (for Lupinovicb). 3. Direktor Kinskoy kartograficheako:r fabriki (for Urusov). 4. AN BSSR; vitse-proxident M BSSR (for Luktishev). 5. AN BSSH (for Rogovoy)j 6. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for I11.1mishin). 7. AN BS!M; chlen-korrespondent M SM: president AN BSSR (for Kuprevich), (White Russia-Plaps) LUXASHEY, K.I.: AVKSE-Rr.,IYNV. A.N. Geological stutr of the White Runsian territory. Tru4y Inst. goal.nav. AN BS3R nn.1:5-9 1 58.. OGRA 12a) (1hita Ruse la-Geology) GORELIK,, Zalman Abranovioh; 141SHAGOVAp FAlit Donalldovich; LEVKQVp Ernat Arkadlyevich; AVKSMTIYEVp A.N., red.; BARABJNOVA, Ye., red. izd- va; VOIDKEPNOVI 'k#H 'I '- "teklime - r6d. ,P of [&wds of the V.2ite Russian S.S.R. and their industrial utilization) Feski BSSR i DO prorgahlennoe ispolIzovanie. Minskp Izd-vo Akado nauk B&qRq 1961., 170 p. (KMA 14: 11) (White Russimt-Sand) AUSK14TIYEVO 4404 USSRitlectronics - Personalities Oct 53 "Diagemination of Radio Engineering Infoiiwtion," 'D. Avksent'yev, Riga Radicp No 10, p 10 Members of House of Sci and Eng Latvian SSR.include E. Damberg (worker in VEF planti 1. Olyn'sh and I. Auns. E. Freydenfelld lectured on "Oxide Ferro- magnetia.Materials for High-Frequency Apparatus." In 1953 workers at Power Eng Inst) Acad Sci Latvian SSR :Ieveloped cltuips for cold welding of nonferrous 276T19 metalti. House organized conference on theory and application of progressive experience VEFplant and 'Trastaya Zaryu" plant in Leningrad. AYISINTIYHV, G,A.. insh.; CUISHCHWO, O.A.. tnzh.; YAKOVXNKO, I.M. '__KM6�ftw1CEMiKO, Ir. V. Collective responsibility fnr the enforcement of safety rules. B"Zop. truda v prow. 2 no. 6:27~-2'9 Ja, 158. (MINA 11:7) 1, Preisedatell ahekhtkome shakhty No. 32(for Yakovonko). 2. Predevastel, komissil okhrany truda(for Miroshnichanko). (Donato Basin--Coal mines and mining-41afety measures) AVMENTYEV~ to, STETSENIS), P. No, ---------------------- :. "Effective Internal Fieldr, on Nuclei of the Anti ferromagnetic Transition K~-ttas" report presented at the ~E'ympositwi on rerroelectricity iruid Leningrad, 30 N%Y-5 Jk"10 1963. AVK.-,T-l;TlyVv I 0 Efficioncy promo-ers of the Factory. Kozh.-obuv. proms 7 no.3133 Rr 1659 (MIRA 18t10) Candidate of Technical Sciences "Goometrie'Accuracy and 4hir-Consumption in lathe Production" Stanki I Instrument, 17, No. 2-3, 191~6 Sol MM. IW- 1-1 _,~, - - __ ., - , I- - w, o. 1. Avkr,e rt 1 Yev ) T .G. - "Planing, of enst irr,n with widi) culter:,," rrul., ""' !~-), Eksnerlm. nnuch.-i-sled. in---. 1.'I!-,UC 1, .1 P. - DIbl I or: 5 Items SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 1"hurnnI lnykh Stntriy, No. 15, 191.9) A-,", 7. 1 '17 ~: -1, 1- . . I T "I . Avk~.ct it I Y,'Vp T. G. - '"'YperlmontnI itwiy or the cuttitir, Corce whon nlnnin- cF),,t lr(,-n," I Trudy E:.T:3, naueh.-Isslod. Jn-t. stw,"~Ov, Issue 1, 194C', p. 90-112, - Biblio,,,: 5 Items SO$ U-4355, 14 AuLlust 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnnl "'Y'k!) St"teY, 11:0- 15, 1949) No. 3?341-,RoT-oFtn*oc rarpaqle rezllbv. (~:z doklada na korXerentsil monitormash I,o skorcAnyr, metodw.. cbrabJ~I. Moskva. Ic4c). Stmiki iiii-trumr-nt, 194~i, No.12, 12-15. So: Letopie, ZhurnelliXekk Statey, Vol. 'It 1949 ,4 V45 P "TTir V, r wsn/ miscelianeous Card 1/1 1 Pub. 103 14/29 ),uthore I Avk-,,entyev, 1. 0. Title Problem of utilizing rever-sc motion of planing machines Periodical t Stan. i instr. 9, 30-31, Sep 1954 Abstract The probleniof utilizing the reverse motton of universal type planing machines is discussed. The disadvantages of utilizing the reverse motion of planers is explained. Graphs; drawings. Institution s ... Submitted A K T_ V, UMM/ ELVihearing Threaj cutting cara iA j Pub. 12 8 - 16/31 Autbariv I Avksentlev,, TWO i Wtting f03-ce and poimr consumption during high-speed Cutting of screw threads Perlodltal Veat, mash, 10.9 68 - 71.9 Oct 54 Abstmt The editorial gives somit information on methode for calculating Ule required power and power consumption during high-speed cutting of acrew threadii.. Now methods for cutting ecrew threads with four.. point cuttern made of Mark 4DKh steel are also described. DiagrafiB; drawingsl gmphs. Irstitution 5xibmittod I I ~ !I . . I . I .~ t I . . I 1 1. ; I:, i : i1, *.' , I , ; F ~ - . , 1. ., ., ; . ~ ~ : , . 1'l., I , : . J . f , I .. . . ; f : 9 .. I- , , -. I it . I . ; 1 '. , - I f(eviewo, ano b.,),) I I c;-i,ai i ; ,:-, 'I , c .. i., It 5. 18:9) ABRAM P.Ya.; ALEKSANDEOVA, G.I.; VOLISJUY, V.S p- GORDON Kh.l.; KLIMOVICH, A.I.; LIFSHITS, V.A.; FEDOTMOVY F.G. deceased); AVKSENT11EVy- enzent' II.N.fretsenzent); .1; ZAKHAROV, z K064iOV, M.1 ~[rs`=sen ant LE:KSASHOV, P.P.[retsenzent]; NOVIKOVt V.F. etsenzentI SOEOLOV, MA[retsenvqnfl; SHESTOPAL, V.4.[retsenzent); YAKOBSON, M.0.[retsazentl; 0A.LkTSOV, A.D., red.; STRUZHF-S~TRAKH, Ye.I., red.1 KHISIN, R.I., red.; SEMENOVk, N.M., red. izdva; POCHTAREXA, A.V., red. izd- va; TIKHANOV, A.U., tekhri. red.; MODEL, 11.1., tekhn. red. (Handbook forthe establishment of norms in the nachinery industry in 4 volumes]Spravochnik normirovahchikii-mashinostroi- telia v 4 tonmikh. Moskva, Mashgiz, Vol. 4. (Engineering norms in auxiliary iihops]Tekhnicheekoe normirovanie vo vspomogatell- nykh taekhakh, 1962. 478 p. NIRA 16-2) (Machinery industry--Production standards) 7478. AVKSECIRV. C. I. KontrollrArre raboty po obshobay fisike. (makhmAka I akusttka)* Diya studentov-soochnikov I korsa fLao-mateme Tak. Pedo in-tov. m., uchpadgiz, 1954* .11s, a ill, 20sm. ('31avc upr. I)odgotovki uchitelay m-va proeveshchaniya RSIPSR. nauoh.-metode kabinet po zaoche obucher4ju uchltelay)e 10,000 EKZ- 35k.--(,r,5-421'S) 53 (071-4) CIO 0Kni "01 L ShM latopim . - 7. 1955 AUSINTOYNT, S.I,, dote., red.; PWOWWA, A.A., tiokhn. red. [Programs of pedagogical Institutes; progrwe of state examinations- in physics: major: physical Nograisw pedagogichookikh institutov; programma gosudLarstrennykh sksamenov po fidice (epet alai Inost I fizika)e (Hookwal Uchpodgin, 1958, ',? p, (XISA litg) 1. phassia (1917- RS,F.S,R.) Glaynoye upravleidys vyeskhM I arednikh pedagogichaskikh uchebnykh savedetly. (Physies-Study and teatihing) AVKSIKNTIYIV, S.I., dotii.; VOIKOVA, Z.V., lirof.; KAPUSTIN, A.Pe. :prof,,, V= V.L., tekhn. red. (Programs of podagogloal institatom; general physics for physics and mathematloo faculties; majort physical ProgrwvV pedagoglohe- skikh institutoy; obahchaia fizik& dlia fizik6-matematicheeklkh fakulltetor (spetsiallnost' - fizika). Nookwa, Goo. uoheibno- pedagog. ixd-v(i N-va prosy. RSISR, 1958. 20 p. (1111A 110) 1. Rusin (191,41- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoys upravlaidye rrsahikh I erednikh pedagagicheakikh uchobnykh savedenly, (Physiou-Study and teaching) V-S-MEMMI'M I AVK S'I'-, doto.; VOLKOVA. Z.V., prof.; KAFUSTU, A.P., prof.; A YOWHXK, V.L., Oekhn, red. (Programs of pedagogical institutes; general physics for Rhysios and mathematias faculties; major: mathematics and physiosJ Rrogra*- uV podagoglohosirikh Institutov; obehohala fisika dlia fisiko- matematicheskildi fakulltstov (e;etsiallnootl - matoms.ttka i fizilca). Moskva. Goo. ucliabno-podagog. Izd-vo H-va prosy. IMFSR, 1958. 21 P. (MINA llt9) 1. JUssia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upraylenlyo vyaohtkh i orednikh pedagogicheskikh uchebmykh savedeniy-. (Phyaics-Study and teaching) I- - - '", , , I z . - -, i~ * , 'i~I. i. ", 'i", "I";rIVI . .1. . . ... .' "Tned'fectivc internal fi-~Ids on nucl~.-i of suitic transition mr-Auls and thill " report nubmitted for Intl Conf on W4.,uletibm) Nottfilgharl, UK, 6-13 Sep 64. Nbs'~ow Stute Ulliv. pt,., jpo,, u j I FJ9 5 t.,o cc nko, P N TITLE. 1`1' 4-'f P c t i v e ri a(jn i ii c SOURCE.- 2buripal e-k-sperimdritalln-y nc). 3, 19b4, 806-811 i A 1,,J,,; s f; ri tyvYuI f i e I d i i a t L h o nu c I e i o f j i ii 4L:1 f V. r ror.,av n 0 tc", 4C e, Vot i-,hc:g?X0,%r fizil-A, x7. 4- TOPIC TAGS: ni,ticlear magnetic f: eL0(1, trann-ifrif-m 24' I vretal, manganeso, chmnj.ump magiwt Le mv,-ment, cluctrun spin, speciftc. 1heat, hyperfine structure, magnetic clooling All ;TW wat A riethod was develope-ld for zacwuring the SpecifiC I in tDo region off: very Ic7w tenwereituron, for the- puy-I)ose of deternj..n.-' inj the mutual correlati-on betweein the local riagnct:,c field at a nn in n nu ~-Ifrjq and thn, IN eld dne to snoyitanooun tnaannt- I V~ 1; j0' MIN i-LarA Lao Uluffala-A .12 ~ _M11 L 'I A1952-6:150 AiTESSION NR: AP404631'sO magnetic fields at the nuclei of Tnariganeve and chromium, which 1mve an ordered distrihutinji of the 6- oil f---Ii~ctron spins, but -not a )-,),i,,[rjetjc moment. TbiD. offectivo fitild was, di-AeriziAned by rpI ASUrinq t1w nuclear npncific b,~at. TI(A-1-1 metalf" exhibIt comsider- ~A lo hyporfine-, interaci:ion. Tii4) rpetl-.od omqploys magrit-itic cclolli.nq, 'I o Ule sp-ecif.Lc iicat ,.9 determined In it not from .3 sudden teim )c-fa- tt re r1 se due ro receipt Of a Cel7tain amount of enorg y, but frorl U e rat!o of continuous clizaige or te-q)erat,ur--- follm71-ng zippl4catiol-I o1 a knovm amount of Vim, equipmont I~i domf-rLbr~,-, li.-, TI L, re:cmI--,-s 111iow ~--he effectl-vt, 1': eld to L"? 11,0, 1-1-Do ht- msnganoi3v and Chrol"liurii iluc-1-0.1, ~L,;ISPCCLIVCI~l. The ro.,Sults aarve weli wIth thor~a obtainod by Otlv~rs. "Tbo autlmra -ar-o deoply grateful, ;tc Ye. 1. 11ondorsIciv fo.r continuous interest in tho work and for valuable, romarlm." Orb]* -art. bize 5 figures atid 5 formulaD. ;ASSOCIATIO,Nz MoAova%iy qoi3t.AdarvtvemXy,*y vnive:rzitot (Moacow State ---- ---- - -- Cv el am Card 3/5- L A 1952-V5 ---- -- - -- - - - -I, -. -. 7.-. ~ Z, = -. ~ -_- . .- T jeo tSSION NRf AP4046390 "j, T-,TMj I Ccn,-atr3*.tAan of caloriiietex, Pi I I - Glals nrpCAiu-),,-2 - glzsi3 t4w~ for f i Ilb with holit-no.- 3 - grajjO glasto atcpper, 4 - ctm-rent lcpds,, 5 - shlt bWk holderp 6 - cmling sialt# 7 - cold pilwij 8 - a holOur, 1.9 - rumm wtim, -imrom-1; 10 - smplej centering UA&Aens