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L Ll 9~52-65 Atm&SICN NR% aV,%1046390 "9Mf-S=t D2 Fig. 2. 131m% diagravi of mmsmisig set-q~,, ,C 'llob=ticrmters 2 cam, itation b lc)ck a -Irmlmv- A cal-a r 7 potendamttr, 8 swple,, ---- - ------ 9 =.ntar. ID. F3tand~lld ru-i. str-m 14 cxTT.-Utatz,,--Ti b, CarJ rmEamm ) P T 11 r`_6 66,4T ', I )/EW"T %"0' D 01588 SOURCE _cors~ UR/012(1/65/0001006/0176/1)183 AUTUDR: Steteenko,_P. N.; Aviceent'vevo Y%11. 1. ORG: Physical Facu'Ity ~_Mu "Flzicheskiy fakuMtet MOU) TITU~.': Outfit for measuring: the sp.!!cifi~. heat of metals and alloys i~t v~ery lovE 2c rature a Le m SOM-PE: Pribory I takhnika eksperimenla, no. 6, 1965, 178-1113 TOPIG TAGS: specific heat, low temperature specific heiLt, calorimeter, meta:L, temperature instrument, beat measurement ;L Io ~" -%'~-~~- A B %T, ---An outfit in des-.-rIbed for rneaswring specific: heiat of metals and ealoys at 0 . 2 . _r ~i.` Ur,. K, the temperatures below IK being achieved by adiabatic demagnatiza- tion o.~ a lump of a paramagnotic salt which contacts the test upecimen. The specific heat was measured by deterndrdng the tate of temperaturc variation for a known supplied power. A glass calorimeter (*ee figtire below) was used in the measure- ments. Vial I exhausted through tubing 2 Is closed by glass block 3 carrying electrical lead-ins. Block 6 held by suPport 5 is made from chromium-potassium M AP6001588 alum. Other parts: 7 - cool duct; 8 - specimon holder; 9 -superconducting bridge; 10 - specimen; I I - thermometeri 12 - beater; 13 - centering quartz guys. A special electronic device with a sensitivity of 5:t 10-4' K/cpit was developed for recorling the temperatures ii)volved (circuit diagrams anal nonte data supplied); see B. Sandlin et al. , Rev. Sc. Instr. , 1959, v. 30, P. 659. An electronic switch was tined for measuring time intervals and automaticiaiy switching the circuits. Soacific: heat of molybdenum vs. temlerature (0. 21--l. 1K) in reported agi an exi,Lmple of measurements (with an error of � 3%) madef by t1mi 0alorimeter for rmeasuring specific heat near 1K ~~,emperature Q-t 114-�7 W/2YP (0/1111--- [ACC NR', AP6029108 SDURCE ODDE: UR/0048/66/030/006/0962/0963 AUTHOR: Stetsenko,P.N,; 4~vksontlyovp Yuole ORO: MDSCOW StAtO University im. M,V,Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudar,stvennyy univer- 122, especially concerning the theoretical predict!Lon of transition pro'5abilit ratios~ Near the limits of this range (for Sm152, 11054, o,3186, IDOL and 0090), h')wever, experimental observations partly deviate from theoretical ptedictions considerably. A. S. Davydov, G. F. M and V. S. Rostovskiy (Refs. 6-9) developed it theory of ppov I rotations. level-a-_'57 even-even nuclei based on the asi3umption that the /C Card 1/4 A Comparison Between the Theory of S/048/60/024/03/12/019 Nonaxial Nuclei and Experiment B006/BO14 nuclei have a non-axisymmetrio equilibrium shape. The deformation parameter I is between 00 and 600. These two limits correspond to the oases of axial ymmetry. Y - 300 describes the maximum of deviation from-axial symm:tr- (ellipeoid of revolution). The conclusions to be drain from this theory are discussed here, and it is shown that ex- perlmental results (oono err~!ng the nuclei on the edges of the above- mentioned range of atomio v ight) may be better desorlbed by corrections to level energies based on this theory. Davydov and Filippov derived forculas for determining tbe level energy as functions of y; here, the energy is given in units 01' Jk2/W2. The respective functions E - f(y) for a series of elements aii compared to experimental results are givon in Fig. 1 (B is the inertin parameter, P the deformation parameter). The formulas for the energies (if 2+, 5+, and 3+ levels aro given by equations (1)$ (2), and (3:1. The theory of nonaxial nuolei permits a dettirmination of the probabilities of EP. transitions between all roteitional levels. These pi!obabilities are functions of y. Equations (9)--(11) give three ouch formulas. Theoretical transition probabilities are compared with experimental values in Figs. 2 and I,i. Next, the VC Card 2/4 A Conparison Between the Thoory of S/048/6()/024/03/12/019 Nonaxial Nuclei and Experimont B006/11014 authors discuss the portionto of E2- and M1 multipolee Jin 2~----)2t se(;ond part of the tranoitions which result from Davydov's theory. The presont paper deals with a oomparison tetween theoretical relations and experimental results. Theorotioal corrections to the level energies for '15 nuclei are contained in Table 1. The transition probability ratios for several E2 transitions are discussed, and the in-tensity ratios 62 . IOW for 2+--42 + transitions resulting from Dairydov's theory are I(Xi) 2 1 given and compared with exporimental results (Table 2)., Exporimental data on nuclei the spectra of which may be explained by the theory of nonaxial nuclei, are euppliod in a table attached to this puper. In conclusion, it is noted that Davydov's theory gives an exact definition of cortain nuclear-speotroscopio data. The authors thank L. K, Poker and 11. A. Listengarten for their assistance and interest. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 76 reiferences, '16 of which are Soviet. V/C Card 3/4 A Comparison Between the Thipory of 8/048i'60/D24/03/12/019 Non&tial Nuclei and Experimut B006/11014 ASSOCUATIONt Nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy fitichookiy inotitut Leningradekogo goo* universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Rosearoh Institute of Phzaiov of Leningrad._-_ State Univere'.3y imeni A. A. Zhdanov) V/C Card 4/4 A232 3/569/61/000/05;1-/002/006 0 D051/D113 0 C 0 AUTHORS: Avotina, M.P.; Catromukhova, G.P. TITLEi Device for absolute measurements (in roentgens) of X-ray radiation from 20 to 60 kv SOURCE1 USSR. Komitet titandartcv, mer i izmeritelinykh priborov. Trudy inatitutoir Komiteta, no. 55 (115), Morcow, 1961. Isslodovaniya v oblasti iziaereniya ionizirttyushchikh izluch,aniy, 35-11 TEXT: The design and theoxy of a device for X-ray dosimeters ,~~:itnin aq excitation volta,;e range from 20 to 60 kv are givens The device, which wcs built in 1959 at VNIIM, shows a measuring error of - 1-5~- It consists of the following 'oasic partat a feeding and a measuring instal- lation, a calibration bono:i with a small table for chamber installation, and a standard ionization -hambor of the plane-parallol type. The lattor consists of measuring, potential, and protection elec'~rodee, It was Card 1/3 A282 S/58 61/000/055/002/006 Device for absoluto measurements... D051YD113 found that a 30 mm long measuring electrode rjurrounded by a 50 mm thick protection electrode at a distance of 40 mm between potential &nA meaauring electrodes, are most suitable. The chamber is placed in a three- layer casing of brassp lead and aluminum, the ionization currents being meai;ured with a Townsend ocmponsation system. Th~ device permits measur- ing currents from 10-9 to 10-12eLwith an error of - (0.5Sl.O)%. The feeding installation consiEts of a setv of dry batteries, a relay, and a switchboard. In an idle state, the chain of serially connected batteries is disconnected by seotionEi of 400 v each. Serial connoction of all sections guarantees potential differences of UP to 45CO v- An P -7 y U~M (RU:9-7) X-ray apparatus with a 1-b-U-1-60 (1-BPV-1-60) X-ra t e serves as radiation source. Various aspocts of the standard v-hamber for verify- ing the uniformity of the (ilectrical field in the measurement volume and for selecting the optimum distanc-a between the potential and the measuring electrodes are described. The measurement of the volt-ampere characteris- tics showed that for dose xates of 50,000 r/min, the saturation current in the chamber is obtained by applying a potential ~f 4.1,00 v. The device Card 2/3 39214 S/263/62/OW/007/013/014 1007/1207 AUTHOR: Avotina, M. P. and Cistromukhova, G. P. TITLE: Absolute measurement (in roentgen units) of X-rays having an intensity range of 20-60 kv PERLODICAL: Rcrerativnyy zhurnal. otdcl'nyy vypusk. Isnicritel'itaya teklinika, no. 7, 1962, 52, abstract 32.7.348 "Tr. in-tov koni-ta standartov. iner i izmcrit, priborov pri Sov. Min SSSR", no. 55 (115). 1961, 35-41 TEXT: A system, designed at the VNIIIA-Vsesoyiuzniy nauchno-isslcdovatel'skii institut mctrologii im. D. 1. Mcnilelcycva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology im. 1). 1. Mcndclcycv) for measuring X-rays of an intensity from 20 to 60 k-v (in roentgen units). "the system consisu of a rcrici-crice ionization chamber, feeding and clectrometric devices and a graduation bench with table ror fastening the measuring chamber. The plan-parallel chamber comprises measuring. voltage and protection clectrodes. Since the ionivation capacity of soft X-rays is suticct to marked v;iriaticins on their path fiom the inlet diaphragm to the k:cntcr of the measuring electrode tis well as along it, a inininium admissible distance was established betueen the electrode and the diaphrapin. The length of the el(,ctrodc was reduced to 30 mm. A special pro- tection electrode, designed to equalize the electric field. enveloped the measuring electrode at 4 points. The ioni;,ation currents are measured by ml:ans of the Townsend compensating device containing the cr-i-M Card 1/2 Absolute measurement... S/263/62/000/007/013/014 1007/1207 (SG-1-M) type electrometer. The device permits measurements or currents from 10-9 to 10-12 Amp with an accuracy of �0.5 to LO!, .. The radiation source in the ionization chamber is a PYNI-7 (RUM-7) X-ray unit pro%ided with a I-SnB-60 (I-BPV-60) tube in which the radiation outlet window is covered with a I mm bcryllium cover. The final part of this report deals with the problem of graduation of working dosimeters for X-rays having an intensity range firorn 20 to 60 kv. There are 4 figures, I table and I reference. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Carol 2/2 I I . ~ 1 . . . I I I, - ~ , - . :. : 1, . - .. 1. MKL~la kL AVOTINA, M.P.; GRIGORIYEV, Ye'.P.; DZIiH.LFPCfV, B.S,; ZOLXAVIN, A.11. Auger electrons fron Er160 and Fc,16C'. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fJz. 29 no.71 1098-1102 ii 165. OGRA 180) 1. Nauchno-issledovitel'skly fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo unLversiteta. L 230'11z~6t6 EW--TIrAAAIT-JA)--2/1 SiEUYWL(bL)--jj)AX4I(1 'IFIDW ATC--rI Coj,71 f i~2- 3 SOURCE CODE Ult/0367/65/001,/OC)6/095i/'09601 A P*--Gr~,gqrypy thel r B. AUTUOR* Avotina M. P.I_qr~p~ye y, jt; Zolot 8LI;,n--r.-V.- ORG: . Len.ingrad State Univern Lty (Leningradskly gosudarstvimnyy iiniVers-Aet) TITIE: Three-hour activity or lutetium 11 -1 SOJRC.E: Yadernaya fizikaj, v. 1. no. 6, 1565, 958-960 TOPIC TAGSt lutetiurn, isomerv tantalum 41roton ABSTFACT: The presenoe'of the isomer -L~176m aMo,jg tall piroduo- is' .of the deep splitting of tantalum by 660 MEV protons 19 confirmed.-I, .The Lix-9 LIII-) Mjj-, VIII-1, and 11-line Intensitle's 45t. the 3? 76 were meAsurod,f The authors thank t 0-03 KEV.transition izA Hf~ K. Yt.. Gromov for discus.aione 'of,the results; N. A. Lebedev for the eepexation of the lutetium particles; YO. Ter-Nerse_sy~q -L and G. A. Mironov for asElistance with the meanuremonts. The vork was carried out at tho Joint Institute of Nuclear Resetxch. Orig. art. has: 3, figure and 1 table. SUB GIODE 120 / SUBM DAM 28Dec64 / ORIG MF: 005 OTH WN C03 21 L 25171 EVIT(m) WAAP JD1JG ACC Vito Ap6o16396 A1171103i Avotina, M. P.; Grig,Lrjyevj_ Ye. P.; D,~Li~21p2yj . S.; Zajotavin, A. V. ORG: Scientific Research M lice Institute,lAtningrad State UniversLty (Nauchno- C_IFO_Vatefy~~ ~ Os inatit ir'sl frich ut Leningrndskogo gosudarstve go universiteta) TITIE :: Auger electrons of Er sup 160 axYLj1o sup 160 on SOURM.: AM SSSR. Izveutiya- Seriya fiziqffeskayap v. 29, no. 7, 1965, 1098-1102 TOPIC TAGS: erbium, holmium, radioactive dect4r, dysprosium, protm, tanta',unij, spectrometer, radioisotope, e:Lectron .AR;TR'ICT: This article In a description of an erperiment intended for rurthor Investigation of the propoaed existerioecf a second ;.exltod level of 11 In the experiment the K-capture during the decay of d,ttermined. EtooordInG to the Intensity oC ,Auge:r K-LL-elootrons of holmium and dfuroslum ociouring during -'tha deony of E000 and 110t)(). The Er ties obtailned by Irradi- -J atlon of tantalum with p:,*otons with an enert3y of 660 Plev and sub.- -.sequont ohemical and chromatio separation of the products of the reaoil;lon, The measurements were maAl an a$ -spectrometer with domble f oouains at an aq;le of Tt -V-2, The measurements were made. 50-70 hours after neparat;lon of the erblum fraotion from the rare earthal therefore# a state of dynamto equillbriun was not up, Card L 2576.3-66 F;iC-C1q-1t, AP601 90 duritig the time of the e:cperiment betweien the various Isotopee *making up the decay chaln, Analyvig of' the results shows that An spite of the high deg:,*ee of nocurao), In the determination of ,the Intensity of AuBer e:~eotrone# It lei not pooolble to dr 90"y ,oonoLusione regarding thiij nature of eleiotron capture In Er? . ~It iti stated, howeverl that the resultai of the experiment do not contradict the earlier conclusion that It Is necessary to Int f0 duoe a second excited leirel of Ho* Pth the oharmoterl o ties 0 and I,** It Is oovoluded that the 1' leival must tie 196'"a to the. basio state of Ho I MA opparently bhe decay of Me bakes - place at this level. Orig. avt. has: 3 V.gureap 2 formulas, and 3 tables. 'WPILCO SUB CODEI 20, 18 SUEM DAVEt none ORIC. REN 004 CrTH REF1 002 L 314Ld=L6 .1 _ _E__T ACC NR, ~p6oZ2576 SOURCE CODE: UK/0048/66/030/003/0530/0553 AUTHOR: Avotirm- M--- GrijnKX21, __97 jtj._~Dzhelepov, B. S.; Zoj9tavjn,-A,-YL -0 8 exey ORG: �cientitic Rey2ar_qh_Pbjaics Institute, Leningrad State University (Hauchno- issledovatel'skiy fizichoskiy-inatitut Leningradskogo gosularstvennogolonivers3.teta) - 0 '). e TITLEt Decay of Ho sup 16 this paper was presented at the 16th Annual Confer9ne on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure held in Moscow 26 jan-3 Feb 19 SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fisicheskayap v. 3OP no. 3# 1966P 5.30-553 TOPIC TAGS% spectrometer, radioactive Oecay, nuclear physies conference, conversion electron spectrum, beta spectroseopyp'particle accelerator target, synchrocyclotron, rare earth element, chromatography, kMV~'AM This Is part*.~.y a review and partly an experime paus reporhng a continuation of work on the decay of Er Ho + Hol 0 under improved conditions for studying the conver- 1 slori elootron spectrum. The study was carried out with two modernized# high-reBolution, double focussing beta speotrometerst one wilgop equilibrium orbit of 140 mm; and the other, 500 mm ,The Ho and HoI60 samples were obtained from the isotope Er160., A tantalum target vas Irradiated by 660 mev protons for 1.5 to .8 hr-s, In a synohrooyolc,trons and the rare earth group was sepa- rated ohemloally and then fraotioned In a ohromatographio oolumn. ACC NRa iWbQZ457() 1gation mqs gathered on the oonve:rsion eleotron "Extensive Infor ,speetrum of Er 0 + Ho160 and Is presented in a 3-page table whi0h :shows transition energies, eonversion lines, 1.0 multipolarity of :the gamma transition, conversion ooefflolentg gamma ray Intensity, .total Intensity of tho transitiont and position of the trnnsit ,in the decay seheme. Detailed data is also given on many Dy levels and transitions, and three rotational bands are established., Ex,perimental results are compared with theory and the result's of ,other authorg. The muLtipolarity and Intensity of the Isomerio trans Ition of HoIbO Is disoussedg as well as the quantum oharaoteristies! of its levels, positron dsoayt and aleotron oapture,' The'authors thtA X. Ya-.*Gromov and Zh. I- r ansistance, L. K. ,.MLJI~Lfor this -intireet a6d' _EJeML-- and V. G. Soloyley for discussing the reaultst,_L A. Le idev for the chemical isolation of Er 160# and G. A. Hironov and M. 1. C ;soy or help with the.'-_ measurements. Orig. art. bast 8 figures and 10 tables* JjPF 4 _S/ . SUB CODFt 20,, 18/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG RM OIS/ OTH REFt 012 C, ,IAVOTS,, A. GENMAL PERIODICAISt WSTIS, 110. 5, 1958 AVOrS, A. The nuestion of the preparative obtaining of new ganglio- blockaders, pentapyrrolidinium and tetrapiperidinium. In Russian. p. 79 Monthly list of East Ei=opean Accessioms (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2 February 1959, Unclass. KIRMINS11TRY11, A., akadenik, Geroy Sotsialisticheekogo Truda; KALIHIIIISH, A. LKalnipi A.J, ahademik; STRADIIIISM, P. [Stradinl, P.1, akademik; SUIRABUIN, Tan [Sudrabkalug, Anial, nurodnyy,po9t.IatviySkoy SSR KUMRDIS, K., I:hudozhnik; LAPINISH, A. [Lapipt, A.], narodnyy khudoLhnik Latv!.yakoy SSR; YLMOVSXIY, Yu., narodnvy artist SSSR; AVOTS, A., foto:Lyubitall; VARDMIS, E., khudozhnik, zaeluzhennyy '4-~e~lskueel;v LatviVsko7 SSR-, GAYLIS. V., kinooperator; RIDZINIYEKS, V., fotograf; XALIMI'M. R. [Kalnins, 1.1; IDDANSON. R. [Iohanson# Rjq stareyehiy mastur khudozhestvennoy fotografii; RIEKSTS. Ya. CR-'Lekats, J.1, fotograf: ISM, Tu.; FADOSEYEV, B., fotograf; RITMIAIll E., zaaluzheiuW doyatell k-tilltury Latvi7skov SSR; GROMAH. Ya. [Grobman. J.1, fotograf; OZOLS. Th. [Ozole, J.], fotograf; TIMM-6, B., fotograf; FAISYEV, To., fotograf; RAKE, I., fotograf; HWTIS, A.,.fo,,.ograf; RAKE, K., fotograf; LPIT, V., fotograf; SITADKHAN, M., fotolyubitell; RITICRS. G., fotalyubitall. Organize a society of Soviet photographers! I'lov.foto 18 no.4:77 AP*158., (MIRk 11:6) 1,Rishokaya kinDStudiya (for Gaylis, Fedoseycv),3.AN LatvirskoY SSR (for Ridienleke). 4.ChUn-korreepondent likademli khudozheetr SSSR (for Kallmynsh,.E). 5.Zhurnel "Rigas fol;o" (for Rieksts, Gorman. Ozols). 6.Latviyokoye teatrallnoys obahchostiro (for LeTkh). 7.Direktor Doma narodnogo tvorchestva imeni 1. Malngayll,sa (for Reykhman). 8.Prodeadatell Tvorcheekoeo soveta.(for Grobisau). g.Cb.lon TvorchaskDgo soveta (for Ozols). 10.Gazeta OTSinya" (for Tikuuo). 2.1.lPotokhronika Latviyekogo, telegraftogo agentstva (for Fadalrev). 12.Irtutitut latgiproprom (for Rake, I.). I ML- &- 1 MMIS, E.ot. nauchn. sotr.; AVOTS, M.p I'AI'kZ'3PV.? red. [General chernical teelmology] Visparigas kiw.Ljas toluiolo- gijn. Riga, L-8tvijas Valsts izd-ba, 1964. 33E p. [In Latvian] (FjRA 18.1) AVOTTAN, M.P.; SUMRAYIV, 0.1. /--10 Prpgision measurIgInts of I -linq,snerg of 1.7 and 1-3 Key ' co0u; 428 lev Hf it 158 aficl 208 Xev Auto. Div. AN S.S.S.R. Ser. fiz. 22 no.7t879-882 Jl 158. (min 1119) l.Vseso.vuzrW neuchno-issledovatellskiy instillut metrolt-FU in. D.I. Mandeleyevs. (Gamma rays) AVOYAN, G.L.; STRUGHKOVp YU.T. Crystal structure of 4W-dichlorooenaphthene, Zhur. strakt. khim. 2 no.ls67-69 Jm-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) I, Iwtitut elemientoorganicheskikh soyedineni:r AN SSSR. (Aa4asphthalkO KITAYGORODSKIY, A.I.; 'ITRUCHKOVp Yu.T.j- AYOYANt G.L.; DK'VYDQVA, M.A. Steric ihteractiormi in some halo derivatives of naphthalene. D~kl. AN SSSR 136 no. 30W-" J& 161. (MM W2) I, Inotitut elemerrWorgauicheskikh soyedinenA7 AN SSSR. Predetavleno akade:%ikom A.N. Hemmeyan vym =;m, (Naphthaltme) (Steric ce) A!gp.,-RJ,.j-~RUCHKOV, 'lu.T* Cryota.Uographic data of some derivatives of acenaphthene, Zinw, strukt.khim. 3 m0,1199 Ja-F 162, (MDU 1583) le Institut elemeatoorganicheukikh soyedinaniy AN MR. (Acanitphthene) (Cryat&Uograpkty) A710YAN$ R_LL,; STRUCHKOV, Yu,T* Crystallographic data of some derivatives of bi..,yclo (2,, 2,, 1)heptane. Zhur,atruktokhime 3 no,1:100 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyodineniy AN SSSR. (Norbornans) (Crystallography) S/192 05/002/003 ,/62/003/0 D267/D308 'AUTHOAS: Kaluskiy, Z.L., 4yo Yu.T. yan, R.L. and Struchkov, TITLE! X-ray diffraction investigation of diferroccnyl, its'derivatives and terferrocenyl PERIODICAL: Zhurnal strulcturnoy Ithiviii, v. 3, -no. 5, 1962, 599- 602 TZ;'%T: The primary purpose of the research was to confirm the structural formulas attributed to these compounds on the basis of the method of preparat:'.on and of the chemical arid spectrizi prop- erties. The following compounds were subipcted tc X-ray diffraction analysis: diferrocenyl, b-is-I.-W-chloroferrcenyl), bis-l-(Ilethyl- ferrocenyl), bjs_l_(l'acc-:ylfcrrocenyl), bis-l-(l'carbtnethoxyfcrro- cenyl), and terferrocanyl (or:'1,11-diferroceiiylferrocene). Their .molecules ware found to bz centrally symmetrical, which bears out the coplanarity of the tWD cyclopentadiene rings. The tabulated results. provide the follo~Ang data: 8tructural formula and moleculM~ weight, description of crystalat space group, cell. parameters, dard 1/2