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KHMAKOV, V.G.; kVql~~M, G.A.,, oty.-red.; QGILNOVSKIY, P.N., red. (The Arctiv UrLl]Poliamyi Ural. MoskY4. (Its Materialy glia- tsiologichooki'ch inaledovanii). (Alilatian. F=off)Abliataiia. Stok. 1962. L40 p. (MIRk 1612) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut goografti. (Ur&l Moufttaine-Glaciology) (Ural Moufttaine-Ranoff) BAZHEV, A.B.; BAZHEVA, Mae; AVSYUKP G.A., otv. red.; OGANOVSKIY, P.N., red.; UGEVAp [Novaya ZemlysjNovaia Zealia. Mosliva. (its Materialy gllatBio- logiohookikh Iseledovanii). [Ice atructure],ftniktura I'd&. 1962. 173 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akadmiya muk SSSR. Institut giwgreLfii. (Novaya Zemlya.-Ice) RARKINP V.A.; AVSYUK, G.A.; OGANOVSKIYp P.N.p red. (Franz Jdpef Land: Meteorology]ZeAllm Frantsa~Iosifa: Meteoro- logiia. Moskva, (Its: Materialy ilistsiologioheskikh issledo- vanii) No.5.[Gradient observationslGradientnye nabliudeniia. 1962. 170, P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya naik SSSR. Institut geografii. (Fmnz Josef Land--Meteorology--Cbaervatic,ne) "SYUK.. G.A. Artificial ini;ensification of the malting of mountain glaciers Vi Lncreaae Ute dincharge of Central Aoian rivers. Izv. AN SSSR# Ser. g#bo. no.,5:83-89 " 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut jMpgrafii AN SSSR9 (Ada, Central-Glaciera) (Melting) AVSYUK G A v oty, ped.; VOLYNSKAYA, V.S. , red.; MAKUNI, I Ye. V. j to khn. red. (Study of glociers and glacial regional Ias:Lodovanila-led- nikov i ladnilovykh raionov. Mosivra, No.l. 1961. 225 p. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Akademiya rittuk SSSR. Mezhduvedoinstvannyy komitet po pro- vedeniyu Mezhdunarodnolo 980fisichaskogo goda. 2, Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR for Avsyuk). (Glaciero) AV ~Al- K G A otv. red.; ljl:lIVA, A.V., rod. iid-va; LJ.UT, V.G. , ickhri. red. [Studier: of g1neierc-, and glacial regions) Issledovan!ia .Lednikov i lednikovykh mionov. lloskvat lzd-vo AN SSSR. D No.3- 1l? 6~ . 235 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1 . AJ.,, 'deriya navir SS&H. llczhduvedomstvcmyy komitet po provedenlyu Xezlduliarodnogo ecofizichoskogo Coda. 2. Chlen- korreupon(lent. AN SM" (for Avsyuk). (Gluitirs) AVSYUK, G.A., otv. red.i~ GANGNUS, A.A., red.izd-va; GUSIKOVA, O-m--, '-'-----'-1ekhn. red. (Glnoiologialil studies] Gliatniologicheakto inaledovaniia; abornik statoi. Moskva. No.9. 1963. 196 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvannyy korO..tat po pro- vedeniyu MeWidunarodnogo, geofisicheakogo god&. IX rasdel prog- rammy MGG. I. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Avoyuk). (Glaciological research) ,,,AVSYUK, G.A. Work of the G'Laciological Section at !-he First All-Union Conference on the Resulta of the International Geophysical Year. Izv. AN SSSR. ' Ser. geog. n,).3tl39-W Fq-Je 163. (HIRA 16:8) (Glaciological research) AVSYUK, G.A.; BUDYKO, M.I.; GEWIMOV, LP,; GRIGORI)IrV, A.A.; DAVITAYA, F.F.; , KOLESNIK, S.V.j SOCHAVA, V.G. Geography in Via system of scienos studying the earth. Ity. AN SSSR. Ser. geoig. no.4:102-111 JlAg 163. (MIRA 160) (Geography) GERASIMOVp I.P.p akadeuik; GRIGORlYFVj A.As, akademik; DAVITAYA, F.F., akademik;.AVS"UK,, G.A.; KALESNIK, S.V.; BUDYKO, M.I., doktor fiz, matem. nauk Physical geography and Its position In the system of sciences of the earth. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.lOt24-28 0 163. (MIRA 161ll) 1. AN Gruzins;,.oy SSR (for Davitaya), 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for itvsyuk). AVSYUK, G,A. (Moskva) Artificial acceleration of glacier thawing. Priroda 52 no.7s 61-66 ii 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Tien Shan Mountains-Thawing) (Soviet Central Asia-Water resources developmeiqt) I ~. OENKE, A.N.j VORONINA, L.S.;.AVSYUK, G.A.j, oti. reo.i OGANOVSKrY, P.N., red. [Franz Josef Lanc.t Meteorology] Zemllit Frantsa-loBli*u. Meteorologita. iloskvap Nos. 1 - 2. 1963. 2-v. (MIRA 16.5) lo Akademiya naW-. SSSR. Institut geografl3. PIVSIVIV r* , -_ O'ka-, , I I () 11.1 T',t I , r ; tj! , ~~ !..~ , -. I . : , , - , I 't , - . - " :, I * ? r, (ji I , U!t I I ~ !, .; I , f -, , ~ . . t, t, I-~ j . ~ , I- . ' I T ; , 1 .,l I : : : k ~ 7 - . I I ~. i , '- f') 1) " ' 17 163, i" Iol:o) .! . 1 no i- , v..' ccrg -,Ifj I t,!!! " , , , 1~ AV3YUK, G.A.; GRAVE, N.A. The 13th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and tic Symposium on the Results of the International Geophysical Year In the U.S.A. Itv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.l-.113-122 Ja-F 164. (MIM 17-- 3) ,iVSYt)K, (,,A.p otv. rud. Illeat and water "ORIMO Of BDOW-illf1cit'l Teplovoi i vodnyl rezhim anozhno-lednikovykii tol.,,brlt, 14oskva) Naukag 1965. 24 3 p. W,~,?) 1. Akademlyu rauk SSSI(. Institut geografil. A,VS,YUKS.P.A.j MOW, 1,.L.; VENDROV, S.L.; GELLER, S.Yu.; GERASIMDV, I.P., GRIGORIYEVO A.A.; GRICTIUK, V.P.; DZERDZEYEVSKIY, B.L.; M-PLANIII, L.G.; ISAMOV, Yu.A.; LEONTIYEV, N.F.; L111OVICH, M.I.; 10171YEV, E.M.; . NEYSHTADT, M.I.; RMITER, G.D.; SOI)OLEVOL.N. On Academician *71adimir Nikolaevich Sukachev's 85th birthday. .Izv. AN SSSR. Sor. geog. no.4:3-4 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) OMMMIN. 0.G.. m1ndiihiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; AVSY"LT.K, Tu.N., m1adshiy nauchn.vy sotritdnik; KOPTFV, V.I., mliashly nauchnyy sotrudnik Results of determining the thickness of the ice sheet in eastern Anturcticc. j':nform.biul.Sov.antsrk.e),sp. -no-11:9-13 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Tretlya kontinentalinaya ekspediteiya. (Antm-otic regions--Geolcgy, Btruct-aral) . tl* - 1UTHORSo Sorokhtin, 0.--C.!j K 3/030/60/000/03/004,1044 ~Cyiayuk, yu. N. B015/Booe TITLIN Structure of Vie Eastern Antarctica in tho Light of Now Data PnIODICALo Vestnik Akadevii nauk SSSR, 1960, Nr 3, pp 31-35 (USSR) TEM On the basis of scientific investigation results of the Int*rzotional Geophysical Year, the authos describe the icipoap of the Antarctica and its substratum. These investigations were carried out b the 2nd and 3rd Multipurpose Antarkticheskays, ekspeditsiya. (Antarctic Expedition ill 1956-195" a section or of 2,100 km length between the observatoriya Kirny3,Mksorvator. the y stantsaya. Polyus nedostupzostiV(4tation Pole of Inacconsibilit, -Virnyr, an?,> J~r_Dvrg~_T) . A lon udinal sooVon of thit ioeo&r,#zw-x&dv--v,, the tor ts a oo Shoneive AAW210 Not and =xvimetrioNnvestigat-Lons (Fig 2). In 1!)59 a ridge was named the "pod11F8-ryy-* gory 10-11%syna- (-Subglaoial Colitsyn Mountains") in honor of loademloian B. 11. Golitsyn, the "podlednaya ravnina Shmidta" (w$ubglacial Shmidt Plain-) in honor of Academician 0. Yu. Shmidt and the "podlednyye gory Gamburtseva" ("Subglaois-I Gamburtsey Mountains") in honor of Aoademioian G. 1. Gamburtnev, the position of which is shown in figure 1. A longitudinal tootion of' the earth's crust along the profile Mirnyy - Poly-is nedostupnosti. (11irnyy - Vole of Inaocessibility) IIL.-11,111 Card 1/2 Structure of the RasterA inturatica in the Light S/03 60/000/03/004/'044 of Nov Data DO i 5YBOOB shown in figure 3. The authors finally state that the average height of the main.- land before glaciation was cailculated to be 1500 a above so& level. The presence of a mainland of such a height in the polar region of the Southern Hemisphers explains tho formation of such a huge glaciation as can be observed at present. The Gamburtsev Mountains are described as the presumable center of glaciation. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 69096 49/W/000/0 3,6oo 1131/3691 AUTHORGs Soroithtin, 0.0s. KO0dr&tfysv,-0,K. and rak. TU,16 TITLIs methods " MA Results OP-Seismic's and Gray'limstri 0\7investigliti OVA of the Sast AAArcUe M10DIULtIsvestip Abadamii nauk 333R. Seriya goofisitheekaya, 1960, Ir 3, .pp 396-401 (U36R) ABS MOT s The 1zvsat1W;ionx were carried out by the second and third Antarctic Upaditions (UN) as a part of the programs of the I.G.T. The pusdAtions penotrat,94 to a di,stance of 2100 ka along the route Nvth, Pole of Inaccessibility. Soin1c mesa, a MWIN-IM 70 potAs and the gravinstrie ones at 84 points (gisvinstAc results of the third expedition only are reported herto). The results Of the measurozents are sham in Fig 1. According to the gravimetric ancatalies, the heights of the rook famidations are aa follow. For the first 200 km of the routs, the base of the Lee cover lies appro:djwtely at the sea levels Betwo4a 200 and 400-im the underlying rocks rise to SM-700 a forming a platiou. CA rd 1/2 A deep canycn 1130 ia belov'sea level me discovered at a distance of about 500 b1i along the route, whore the thickest ice cover vas fouad 3/00 4/019 8/0 69096 3/049/60/OM/03/004/01 0 Methods and Main Results ol, Saimlo and Orsilm9tric 2131/2691 Bast AAtLratto Invaltigations of the (4060 a) , At distances of 550 to lo()o bm no 41zagglive heights were fOurA. BOYOnd tko IGIR481101talmYs st"tion, thc rack foundation rises with some ranges reaching a, height oir 3000 a (at 1700 in). in this region the ice awor reaches 40M a. The rock: height decreases down to 800 a at'the oud of the route. IPron the seimic data " th** interpretation w', the gravitational field, it mas conclude4 that the area has adefiW.t* contineatLl character. The thickutwo of the orue-b at the central 1wrtion of the routs, m&s *LleuUt%4 to 10 ka greater them that at the coastal area near the station Mirs". There are 1 figure and 7 Stmiet references. ASSOCIATIOlls Adadmiya mauk SUR, Institut f4sik:i &dnli (Acadmay of Soieness USSR, Institute of ftymics of the Barth) SUWTTIDs July 2, 1969 Card 2/2 sill MR, 5... 61'.. TEXT: Prow luy 10-14. 19" St. .~.Zoy. kt.-J. L-st.t. C.Od"". I ~~.vy of %to C-Itt.. Of 1-1-y ulobv.. -.S--Jl) _d %~ !. J flaiLl Z-li As nzl (Lbr.s.ry for of -- ;n.t.1-t4is-~!_ f It. Y.;;h of t". AS t~U). 21i took ;.-% It th.. I.:-tb I.rA. sId .! tr~ Vs=l. sibl- tort 1/6 y L..rmy 2b .. key SIR of of th. 7 .. 1.. k.y.. LI%ovalmya. aad lz-rlaaydZ~AAk6yA ;a.z.%...1'. $ or d..C. ^xA S.Co 'So '7* fp..L.z of _~ =311. I_ C. ek:XrZ;os.dr "ZI (3a.-.1:7 of r~d~*~u ~d Of asamrc*a). K"ltqt muzdorl.'. _.- I -rjl*.-cykz ;;r-.t.*r:v prl Z)vote '= (-ooa ........ . Ittoo I..1ruses of b. co%awal. .......... I of A.t.mlloo -4 :;_Ull.- C-lru.lloo .1 1- -ly ~f Usloters C=R). a. ~11 " rk-sontatlyos of the factorlos of u- 20"0..Xly .~kho. (Zasoa. _d u4 oov~brk*t (LatLaCrad Z~kboz) ttat ;ro4oc. gT-1-tric 70 Uct-.. -r. hold. MCIMMU AS S=l (l,-j;_.?_ I ~.t- _- *::k, W.the :U,:rl,~- Yr.. Ct..~~t of C-4 214 Ert T-Ald ;.%., 1-tt- of 1- tX:= I. L. t.' t tt e.- .1.1 1 tr.: ':nz Ls J.:;a ':i- ~j to.% --t. Z_ "..1 4of ....... -tt. 1--. T b t .7 of T.Ot- by, "I.,c Tt- 't;- I t,7 (P rA -4 Cord lot r .4;.L 41-or. of A- 1-9 ..... -4 On a &mt 1- Ah. t--- ...... W-Y St-ft- Of t- AA "Ct-ga ACCOrd-C -ir.W.tLao th. bystb. P-3 A;r.11 to :2 So.,: C...I.r.... of %4. :;*,k.r. of I- T, S."t- of tv. _01. r of 1~ :-'CIII of 6. 14 _-i'. :t th. -1 Z-.V-rd ..rk 1. th. t 0U.C.Olovy. U:sx C-d 416 A. !tit ix~i . . ...... . of t- to, "..b. k. .,I; T~o* -ZhId. 4 Or. t- .4.1p"d .1th;'y ._d. _ Ir- t1a.. -4 --.rl- tT I-k zf th- ("-Zimr7 of A. or fto' T- th4o alto's"I". ?or I.;;Pwl&C Shm qoO-fcatioOs Of ZzO --ra ".9 mf.ra.ze .K~P.t.d to soo...# ..d .4rf.' .... 2 C., "du:.r ft. I*;T.'-Ac L.for-11.. f*r Tp.. of -?- %0W-1 of th. ..s -k.4 %c -ttOo fol to of tho hi: rv JZ' JCO f .".&T P~ 1. .;Yd.r %~,':r, -%f%. of or or t. CkZr .3 tZ. k. 0 t% '-t-1 cazd 6/6 SDIIDIMIN, O.G., AVMUKo YU.N., IMIT, V-1- Stnicture of the central sector of eastern Antarctica according to the data of seismic and gravivietric obser- vations. Kezhdunar. geofix. god mo-8:35-41. 160. (MYRA 13:6) (kntarctIc%-Geoln&y, Stnicturikl) (Prospect iw-Geophys icea methDds) IV169/61/000/008/039/053 wo6/A1O.' AUTHORS: Avayuk, Yu. N, Koptev, V. I. TITLE: Results of magnttio observations ovetr the route from Pionerskaya to the Pole of relitive inaccessibility PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhlxmal, Geoflzika, no. 8, 1961, 32, abstract 80227 ("Inform, byul. Sov. antarkt. ekspeditsti", 1960, no. 24, 42-45) TEM From October to December 1958, the authors carried out magnetic measurements together with g'7avimetrio and saiamcgraphia Investigations. Results of measuring A Z at 39 point.,s of the 1,700-km long route are presented In the form of graphs of the values observed and corrected with allowance for the field gradient of homogeneous magntitization. Magnetio profiles are oompaLred with grapla of gravity variation (A g) iuid profiles of ice and primary rook surfaces. An evident correlation of A Z g,%aphs with other graphs has not been obtained. Magnetic anomalies of local and regional nature were discovered. There are indications as to the conneo,*.ion of changes in AZ with tho world magnetic anomaly in the southern part of the ::ndian Ocean. V. Orlov [Abatraoterls note: Completo translation] Card 1/1 S/169/62/000/006/001/093 D228/1)305 Ali TH"ORS Sorokh-.-,in, O.G., Avsyuk, Yu. 1L and Xondrat1yev,O.K,, TITIE: Structare of East Antarctica's central sector accord- ing to seismic and gravimeiric data. (Discourse theses) PERIODICAL: Referutivnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 3-4, abstract 6A11 (V sb. Sostoyan:Lye i perspektivy rass- vitiya geofiz. metodov poisko-v i razvedki polezn. Iskopayemykh, Fl., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 107-108) TE'XT: The results are given for complex setismogravimetric investi- gations of the ice sheet and the geologic iotructure of the part of 41'4ntarctica, extending 2100 km along the profile Mirnyy-Fole of Inaccessibility. T*ae ice sheet is subdivided into a snow-firn lay- er, pure ice, and moraine. The velocity of elastic waves in the V/ ice increases from 380 m/sec near Mirnyy to 400 m/sec at the polo; t',*Iis is mainly explained by the decrease in the ice iumperature. The ice sheet's maximum thickness is 4 km, the mean being 2.2 km. Card 1/2 3/169/62/000/006/001/093 Structure of East ... D226/D304 The bed drops below sea-level only in a 300 lkm section. Too maxi- mur. depth to bedrock Ls 3 km; the average depth is 600 m above sea-lovel; the miniz=a depth is 1 km beLow sea-level. The gravity anomalies have a continental charao-rer. The load of the ice sheet is isostatically comp,,,,nsated by the continent's general.subsidence, for 1/3 of the glacia,;ion's thickness. The crust's thickness in- creases from Mirnyy towards the continent's conter by about 18 km, reaching an order of ~13 km. Z-Abstracter's nol;e: Complete trans- laiion,-7 Card 2/2 WA, 8/035/62/000/010/107/128 1,001/AlOl AUTHOR: Avsyuk, Yu. 11. TITLF: On a possibl-i systematic error of altitude determination In the Antarctic by aerological leveling PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I aeode:clya, no. 10, 1962, 33, abstract 100175 ("Geofiz. byul. 14ezhduved. geofiz, kom-t'pri Pre- zidiume AN :JSSR", 1962, no. 11, '36'- 39) TMA: Aerological leveling Is understood by thei author as a method in which altitudes are measured by radio from aircraft whose flight altitude in maintained constant by means of a meteorograph. The hisights of 30 gravlmetrio points obtained by the Pourth complex antarctic expedition (USSR) along the route Mirnyy-Komsomol'shaya (-880 km) by th~a trigonometric leveling method* are compared with their heights determined earlier by the aerologic&l leveling .method. The error of trigonometric leveling is estimsited/to be of the -)rder of I m per 600 km. Height divergence on account of non-nolpq1denca of coordinates of the points attains, in the authort a estimate, 1.5 - 2 m. Conclusions: 1) There existpo systeriatic height difference (H trig'Haer=40 100) which is Card 1/2 8,4035/62/ooo/olO/107/128 On a possible systematic erro~rof,.. AOOI/AlOl F I ascribed by the author to ref1dation of electromagnotila'v?aves from a layer at a depth of 15 M'(more compnot'snow layer) rather than fit(;m the ground surface. 2) The rms erroi, In heights aAdunts, after excluding th~~aystematlo part, to 8 m. There are 6 references. ~ I I ft 0. Sheynin (Abstracter's note: Complet-i translation] Card 2/2 ACCESSION XR: AT4024453 0010/63/000/013/0041/004 2 AUTHMS, Avayuk, Yu. X. ISulanshop Yu. D. :TITLEI Use gr&viaotrio sltati=w iA Antarctica SOMICSo AN SSSR. Mozhduv*do&&ty*nny*y goofixidhoakiy :koait*t,, Goof isjoholiki'y byulletonlp no. 13l 196~0 41-42 TOPIC TAGSt gravimetryt gr&vlaotery base station, bass gravimetrio stationt La Costa. gravimeter ASTUM The Mirny statiDu has been established as tho primax7 base station for all Saviet work in Antaratloa. The bench mark, a ooncrote slab in the cosaic-ray building, is at 660 33.24 3. lat., 93' 00.91 E. long., und at an elevation of 20.7 m. The value of g at this station, determined by V. Sparkman with a La Costs, gravinater and tied to the value at Washington, is 982 4.07.4 t 2.0 zpl (on the Potedam base). The authorio have verified this value through several Soviet stations, checking the grwrity difference between these stations and the ILirny*y station on the one hand azut between these stations and the Amundsen-Soott station of the U.S.A. on the other, and they agree with the Sparkman determination within 3.0 zPl# which they ocusiCer to be within the limits of measurement error. They carcl ACCESSION M AT4024453 ~thorefore aooept Sparkmantis value as a prelimi=7 base value, subjeot to the ref inezents of more detailod work. Orig. art. has 1 1 Uble. ASSOCUTION: Me%hduvsd=s1y*xmy*y goof isidbeekLy kozitct U SSSR (Intex-AeWt- mental Geopbysical Comittoo AN SSSR) SUBMI?Mi 00 1fikpr64 DLTE ACQi ENCLi 00 iSUB CODEt AS 10 REV SOVs OCIO OMMS CW Card POKAMMOP L.I., mladshir nauchnyy sotrudmik; AMIM, Yn.H., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnLk Subglacial relle.,' and the thickness of the Lazarey Shelf Ice. Infombiul.Sov.itntark.eksp. no-44143-48 163. (KRA l7v-14) 1. Institut fizil-1 Zemli imeni O.Yu.Shmidta. AN SSSR. AMUKI YUJI. Study of the counting dovicon in GV-,'-3 gravliwtero. Trudy Inat. fiz. Zorn. no,31:77-78 164. Uso or the m)thod of slope in standardizing and orienting zMaltive GAL-Z and GA:,-P gravimotor systmo. Tru:iy Inst. fi-,. Zam. no.31:79-- i I'll) 1 64, (,rIRA 17:9) L 14494-66 ENT- Acc HRo AT6006265 SOURCE CODE: URitoooo/65/000/000/0116/0120 AMOR: kvayuk, Yu. N. Kusi-ranov, V. A. OAG: nono TITLE: Experiment in detailed. iUavimetric survey jig at sea SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fJ,Ziki Zemli. Apparatura i metody morskikh gravimetri- cheskikh nablyudenii'(Apparatt-is and methods of marine gravimetric observations). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 118-120 TOPIC TAGS: survey ship, graitimetry, oceanic grallimetry, gravimeter ABSTRACM The paper is a repc~.rt on asmall-scale maritime Igravimetric mapping ex- pedition organized in 1963 by-the InRtitute of Physics of the Earth,AN SSSR. Ail area of 20 x 30 miles was gravimetrically surveyed to develop methods of observation and data analysis for detailed mapping In regions in which the gravity anomalies varied from I to 2Q mgal/mile. Two t, E!~vi-snterl'wera used for the observa- ypes of tions: two GAL-SliWith scale divisions of 15 and 12 mgal/mm, and the Graf' with scalit divisions of 3 Wd 2-T mgal/=. An experimental w)del of a string gravimeter waS also used. The readings of the GAL-S gravimeters were recoided on photographic film, while those of the Graf instrument were potentiometrically recorded on a paper ctart. All instruments were mounted in Cardan suspennions. The observations were made at a depth of 80 m &ad a speed of 3 knots. The readings were corrected 1/2 -i IL4WL-44 ACC NRt ATOG062b5 Jor zero drift of the instruments and for the Eatv8s effect. Laboratory tests shoved an Instrument accuracy of 1.5-2.0 mgal. "aiysis or the observational materi, &ls showd that the root -me an- square ex-ror in determining the force of gravity at ocean stations using readings from four instruments is t3-51mgal. MB CODE - 08/ MM DATE: 29Dct65/ An PREss: Cwd 2/2 ACC NR. Ar6oo6556 SOLECE CODE: LE/0335165/000/00510024/00'6 ,AUTHOA; Avsyukovich, V.; Go:.ovanov. A. W-13; Moscow Technological Ix,stituto of Moat and Dairy Industry (Moskovskiy takhnalogichoskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlonnosti)l Moscow Lonin Order I-loat Packing Plant (Moskovaldy "sokombinat) ~TIT": Inspection of yellow pigmented moat using a caustic reaction technique ';SOURCE; Flyasnaya industriya SSSR. noe 5, 1965. 24-26 IOPIC TAGS: food processing. animal disease, chemical identification, causticization :ABSTRACT; Yellow pigmented moat of slaughtered animals may be caused by a pathological! ;type of jaundice or by a psoulojaundice. The pathological typos include hemolytic, :p so oja di(e OarenchymAtic. and mechanical jaundices producod by differont diseases. F ud un t :rosults from animals eating 1krge quantities of beets, bagsisse or certain other foods.. The distinguishing ch"racterlitio of pathological jaundicer is that the yellow pigmentation is found not onl;r in the fatty tissues, as in the care of psoudojaundico, but also in the intramuscular connective tissues, bones and mucous membranes. HAvviorvor. !moat inspectors do not always correctly identify the typo of jaundice and at timez meat !of s3Aughtered animals has bevn needlessly rejected as uncertifiable. To facilitate [identification of pathological. and pasudojaundioss, the author conducted oxPorimants Card 1/2 UDC 1 -6,37 t3i s 614 ACC NRi Ap6oo6556 on cattle and pig carcasses idth ye3-Iow pigmented meat using a caustic reaction technique (details not given; and compared it to Xh. S. Goreglyad's technique Ci,962).. Iho caustic reaction tochniqve proved far more sensitive in determining bilirubin in ,fatty tissues and positive rcaults were found only in cases of pathological jaundice., :This technique is relatively simple, more economical, fautor (5 to 10 min) and a ivaluable aid in moat inspection.. Orig. art. hasi I table. ISU CODE: 06, 07/ SUBM DkTl;l none Card 212 FALIMIN, V.V.; TETERNIK, D.M.; AVSYUKEVICH, V.S.; ASLANOV, V.G.; GOLIDMAN, Ye.I.; ZELIMANOV, I.S.; SIEFANOV, A.V.; KHOUIDNOVA, O.S. Stadying the po3sibility of applying preslaughter adrenal treatment in the meat indastry. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; p1shch.te1rh. no.li66-71 163. (MRA 16s3) 1. MoskovBkiy t3khnologicheakiy institut myacnoy i molochnoy promyshlonnosti i ~bskovskiy myasokombinat. (Adrenalin) (Slaughtering and slatghterhouBes) ppp"- 'FA -Ao 'o, ;a Ov 0 00 40 1~ i-6, o" 00 i% e(0 j., 0 00 VA 0 elieloo 00 C,o e A 0 (D c% 0 Pe Yo vie o e. 'A Ile 0 e %p0 AYTANDILOV, O.G. Connection of the subamohnoid space of the breAn with the lymphatic systm of the nasal cavity. Vest. oto-rin. 18 no.101-32 Ja-]P 156. (KUU W) 1. Is kafedr7 noisallnoy anatomil (say.-prof. A.N. Gennadiyey) Savero-O*9t1nskcq;o maditsinakogo institutR, Ordshonikidse. (SUBARACHIOID SPACS detere. of relation to 1ruphatic system of naval cavity in dogs) USSR / Human and mimal Morphology (Norma:j and Patho- S-5 logical). Blood-Vascular System. Vossels. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 79120. Author : Avtandklov G. G. Inst :Not giitn~, - Title :On the Intermediate Substance of the Walls of the Blood Vessels of the Pia Mater. Crig Pub: Vopr. neynokhirurgii, 1957, No 6, 18-20. Abstract. A sol-ition of iron bi-sulfate and isotonic am- monia was introduced into the common carotid artery of live and dead dogs and of human corp- ses. In 15-30 minutes, an isotonic solution of potassium ferricynade was injected into the cav- ity of the lateral ventricle. Turnbull's blue separated out into the intermeidiate substance of the internal and middle membranes of the vessels, Card 1/2 36 ATTANDILkys -4-Sib- Functional state of epithelium of huawn brain vessel plexi in tuberculous meningitis [with summary in Unglich). Biul.eksp.blol. i cede 43 noo);Ill-114 Mr '579 (K14 10:7) 1. Is kafedry normallnoy anatomil (zeiv. prof'. A-M-9annadiyev [deceased)) Severo-Ometintikogo gosudairstyennol;o maditsinakogo insti- tuts (dir. - dotsent B.N.Pblikarpow), go Ordshonikidse i patologo- anatomicheakogo otdolanlywRespublikeinskoy ob"yedinenrioy bollnitsy (glavvrach T-K-Untsaliyev) Kabardin-Balkarskoy ASSR. Nelichik. Predstavlena daystvitellaye chlenom ANN SSSR :(.V.Davydovskim. (TUMOUIOSIS, NIMINOUL, blocd in funot.condition of vase. epitheliwi in plexi of cerebral vIOntricies (Rua)) (C]fJOW1, VINTR101AS, blood stq)ply vase. epithelium in plext, funot, condition in tubero. menirsitis (Rua)) AVrANDIL N, G.G., Caqd Med Sci -- (diss) "Cone e rning the 41 functional loum 4 and pathological rrorc~holoj!y of exper-imett al the vascalar plexi or the cerebrum (ArLatome-O -i;kl Len 1958 and patnologic 19 pp (Len Orcer of Lenin Inst for the Advancel 1'raining of Phy3icians im S.M. Kirov) (KLj 10-58, 117) - 57 - AVTANDILOV, O.G.: MALIKOV, X.I. Illm adapter for tho W%_2 slorophatography apparatus to be used with the MIM2 atorophotograptT oamorac Ub.delo 6 no,3t 46-47 m~-jo 16 D. (MIRA 13 l?) 1. rafedra patoloelabookpy anstomil, (sav, - prof, P*V, 31povskly) Laningradekego ordena Lenina Institutik usoveirshoustvoyaniYa Trachey Iment Box. Kirov& (dir, R prof, lel, Blinov), (MICROPHOTOGRAPHY) A7ANDILOV,-O,Goo kandomildenauk Kabardino-Balkar A,S.S,R, Medical society, Zdravo Ros. Feder. no* 1OW-46 0 '60o (MIRA 13U (KABMIIK)-ULKAR A.B.S.R*--NWICAL SOGINTIM) AVTANDIIA) G.G. (Nallchik) Plan:bnetric rtilers for the quantitative evaluation of athero- oolerotio vas(mlar lesions. Arkh.pit. 23 no-4:89-90 161# (HIRA 106) I& Iz patologoanatmiobeskogo otde:Leniya (nv. - G.G. Avtanclilcv) Respublikanskoy ballnitsy (glavnyy vrach T.K. Kantsaliyev) Eabardino-Wkarakoy ASSR. (ARTMOSCUMMS) AYIANDIMY,-S&orgiy-GenljpA!~9y~q~hj SIPOVSKIY, P.V.j prof., otv. red.; KUMUKOVA,S.S., tekhn. red. N.- , (Vascular plexises of the brain; their morphology, function, pathology) Soa-adistye spletaniia. golovnogo nozga; morfologiia, funktaiia, patologiia. Nallchik, KRbardino-Balkarskoe kaish- nos izd-vo, 1%2. 126 p, (MIRA 160) (BRAIN-BLOOD SUPPLY) AV,TANDILOV, G.G. iNalIc'Ak) Pathohistolog-r and classification of tumors of the choroid plexuses of the brain. Arkh. pat. 10:32-38 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz patolog,mnatomichaskoy laboratorli (zav. - prof. T.V. Chayka) Leningradskogo nauchno-iavledovatellako nay,r9khirurgit:hsskoqo inutituta imeni A.L. Polenova, ~doir. prof. V.Ms Ug)-fumov) i patologoanatmicheskogo otdalaniya (zav. - kand. mad. nauk G.G. A,.'-,dilov) Reepublikanskoy bolinitay (glt,viiyy vrach T.K. Kantsaliyov) Kabardino- Balkarskoy AVTANDILOV, G.G., (Ntj'jl~jjlk) -- Rqnlp reaularities in age-related dvna.mics of the development of athero. sclerotio lesiong in the aorta and coronary vesvels; a planimetric atuly,, Arx.h. pat. 25 no.11:23-29 163. (MIRA 17:12) I 0 k, 1. Tz patologoanatomicheskogo otdelenlya (zav. - kand. mee nauk G.G. Avtandilov) Nallciikskoy gorodskoy bol.Initsy (g-lavnyy vrach T.K. Kantsallyev) I Byiro sudebnomeditsinskoy eksper-tlzy Mlnisterstva zdravookhrantmiya Kabarxilno-Balkarskoy ASSR (nachallnik V.I.Kolenova). ~. u r.-O'. ~, I.' s rate or development of the athercisclorotio proosots in thf; .,I~ . - ,A-' tr -1.9 " 05 or .1. r,,,- 7 no.1.-?!-" ( I 1. 14alZwk, AVTI,Nf)ll,C,V, C,.(-,. (Nril ' h1k) Correlation be,;ween the fundamental typeo of the morThological mnifestations of atheronclerosia In the aorta and the coronary arteries of tho human heart; a planlmetric study. Arkh. pat. 27 no.3:18-25 165. WIRA ISO) 1. Patologoana,~omicheskoye otdeleni:yo (zav. - kand. mad. nauk G.G. Avtandilo,r) Nallchikskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach T.K. Kantsaliyliv) J. RespiffilikanskoyD byaro sudobnomeditainakoy ekspertizy (na.,hal.Inik V.I. Kolenov,ii) MinisterstvEk 7,dravookhra- neniya Kabardilio-Balkarskoy ASSR. AVTANDILOV, Georgiy Geiasirnovich,; IACHINOVA,L. A.,, red. .,.I' " I (Manual for co3or determination] Posobie dlia opredele- niia toveta. Nallchikp Kabardino-Bilkarskoo knizlinoo izd- vo, 1964. 39 p. (IIII(A 18:7) ~tnl the dc,-r- (-.F ;",I n ~i f a Fl~ rd 1 , I oIr :t ';,' ~' '~',5# P"O -.n,1 I c, i Ni c 111 F. 0 v g 0 r (A S'x "y 4A m 1 ([;1 av ly'y n!!ri h ti 1 njkl'.1. Koll-Inciva), I-linl9torst.-v, zdrq'v-I-okhro-lrrJpi AVTANDILOV9 G.G. (11allchik) Results of the use of some elements of biometry in the practicaol. work of the pathemorphologist. Arkh. pat. 27 no.903-4t 465. (KRA 18,12) 1. Submilted November 16, 196~. AVTAI.'D!:.O'V, G.G. (Niakhat!hkala) Mett:od of complox incision of the aorta and heart wi.ti,,Out divirlon of the corcrittry arterlos. Arkh. pat.. 2-4 no.11:719-8;Z 162 * 041 RA 18: 12) 1, Tz pit.ologoattatomIchenkopo otdelculya (zav, - G,.G.AvtazAilov) Mallchikskoy t~cro-~.,4.Qy WlInit,-~v (i7l.-tvily-v vracli T.K.Kant.saliyev:, KAMrdtno-Nil~i,rs~.ay!% KOVALEV, V.; WBD, A.; Yu., rod.; OUNNIKOV, A.# zed.; TURADAYLV, 13.~ -tekhn. red. [Wages for automotive transportation workers In Kazakhstan) Opleta truda rabotnikov %vtotransporta Kazakhstana. Alrm-Ata, Kazgosizdat, 1963. 71) p. (V TRA -17: -1) (Kazakhstan-l-li.iges--Transl)ortatioti, Aatomotive) AVTOKOVj E. "Atomic locomotives." p.24 (Transportno Delop Vol. 10, not 3, 1958., Sofiiav Fulgaria) Monthly Index of East 5vopean Acces3lons (EW) LC, VD1, 79 No, 8, August 19511 T.- T A%'Tk-FRATCV, E. Anv--,cry cf domestic rnlrr~-Is. Ac-riculture. lul-lishing 11,149,. 348 wIth il'urtrction,.,; izlcr- Icurd. copies. Source: Veterincriya; A,6; 9; September 1949 'anc-I TALCON 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 slo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVTOKIATOV, R. Consolidate imtomotive transport servicing agriculture. Awt, tr&nap, 35 no.800 At, 157. (MLIA 10#9) 1. Upraylyayushchly Tyumenskim oblaytotrestom, (Pkrm produce transportatiDU) AVTOKRATOV,,R.,,; , - -, 1. ,I PaReenger traffia in Tyumen' Provinac, Ayt. tl%nBP. 36 no.5t5 IV 158, (KIBA il:6) 1. t~ravlyayush6hiy Tyumenskim oblavtotrestom. (Tyumen' Province-TransT.*rtation, Automotive) WMP I moil ACCESSION NR: AP4038434 S,/0294/641/002/002/0192/0198 AUTHORSs Bill, V. S.1 Avtokratova, N. D. TITLE: Temperature dependences of the heat conductivity and tempera-I ture conductivity of some unadulterated polymers I SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, 'v. 2, no. 2. 1964, 192-198' TAGS: polymer property# thermal conductivity, temperature gradien-l.-, phenolic resin, furfurol, formaldehyde ~:ABSTRACT: The purpose of the tests was not only to obtain experi- mental data on the thermophysical properties of some unadulterated polymers, but also to entablish whether individual groups of the in-% vestigated polymers difj!er in their thermal conductivity and tempera-' ture conductivity. The procedure used is that of Ye. S. Platunov (IVUZ. Priborostroyeniyo Noo 1 and Noe 4, 1961)1 and the instrument used was described by V., V. Hurenin and Ye. S. Platunov (XVUZo Pri- L Card' 1/3 L 2167-66 EWT(m)/EPP(ti)./.EWP(J)/T/ET(,'P(m) WW/RM ACCESSION NR- AP50245)6 IJR/0191/05/000/010/003710030 678, 01:536. 2 AUTHOR: Bill, V. S.j. Avtokratova, N. D.#V'ge TITLE: Temperature depindence of the thermal conductivity and of the tempeft- ture coefficient of UjQrmyl conductivity of certain polyineric materials SOURCE- Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10, 1965, 37-39. TOPIC TAGS: heat condAictivity, hea insulation eat resistance, heat conduction, _! h resin, thermosetting maierial, thermoplastic material, composite material, heat resistant plastic, pclyrner ABSTRACT: The effect )f temperaturetj in the 20-400C range on the thermal conductivity and on the tomperature coefficient of thermal conductivity of five groups of resins was studied to help in the selection or thermal insulators. The following were investigated; (1) condensed thermosets - phenol-formaldehy& 1.~' .!r polymer R211?furane polymer FG-2.1 organosilicon polymer KM-2 and epoxy resin ED-5; (P condensfld thermoplastics- polyamide resin -54an(fR2y rboqatit; ~a _ (3) po-lyyneriz"'ed thermoset- styrene solution. of diethylene glycol and maleic and Card 112 L 210-66 ACCESSION NH: AP5024506 phthalic anhydride condionsation product PN-1; (4) polymerized thermoplastics- polyvinylbutyral, polysiyrene, polymethylmethacr (5) modified reninii- ylate; and, furfuryl-phen formal(lehyde-acetal resin 1-74-10j5organosiltcon polymer-modified epoxy TFE-9~-and 5410, a mixture of reskas ED-5 and PDT-1. Maximum differ- ences between the therraal conductivity coefficients within each of these groups did not exceed about 101%. The difference in the thermophysical characterictics of the individual groups is about the same. Of the rosins e,,xamined the following are the better thermal insulators: F- 10,% TFE-9 11-21,and 54. Inpomposit tons based on F- 10 and TFF!-9 and glass cl2th I.LLO I It-and nitron~ thermal conductivity increased as temperature was increased, the increase being factev in filled compositions, Orig. art. has: 3 Pl~gures anti 2 tables ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL.- 00 SUB. CODE: MT.-M NP. REV SOV- 0.0 6 OTHER: 000 i Card 2& A V7 0 K I -.% -'C-'v'A 2 0. D . u3jt/Che.-iistry - Aldehydes I,ztr 1~1:7 Chcinh,try - Conden!3atlcn, Cherdcul "The Reversibility of the Esteric Condensation of Aldehydev," Ya, ::. 510bodir, F. Yu. Rachinskiy, 0. D. AvtokrutovV 6 pp "Zhur Cl.,~!,.ch Yhijrivl Vol XVII) No 3 The Canizzaro-Tishchenko re;ction was fotuid to lie rever5ibl( . FqUlibrium was rot est;,blished in the tyutcia a cetulde.-hyde-et-:ylaceti,-'Lle due to a number of simultaneous ,JAc raictiom PA 15T90 443(,q-~)~ __E"'j-jT-(Rj&,-jp(j)jT ACC NR, AP6023061 SOURCE CODE: UP:/0191/66/000/004/0022/001?i AUTHORt Renard, T. Ls ; ~orxhak-, V. V. -, Kamensk~y, 1. V. Toeytlin. G. M. , Belova b --- - P ; Kafanoya. V. E.; AMKMULYA,~~ ORG: none TITLE: Polytetrarrathylolcy:lopentan-nmaleinateAand &Lass-textolite based on it SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 4, 1966, 22-23 TOPIC TAGS: glass textolits, polyester plastic, maleic anhydride, ketone, IR speatrum ABSTRACT: Them qShjknjcal properties of unsatmated p~~lyester olinomers (UPO) p:re- pared by fusing 2,2,5,5-tetra(oxymethyl)-cyclopentanon with maleic anhydride were stud ied. The fusion was carried out at 1500C in an inert gas and the liberated water was continually removed from the reaction zone. The physiccuiechanical properties of glass textolites based on several commercial glass cloths and UPO were examined and tab,ilat- ed. The unsaturated polyester oligonters were hardened by holding at 120-2500C for 0.5-, -10 hrs. It was found that the lower the hardening temperature, the lower the tempera-& ture of initial deformation and the percentage of insoluble matter. At 2000C c0 plete hardening was achieved in 30 mfnutea. The structure of the unsaturated j;oa1y:esnt;r1 oligomers hardened at 2000C for 0.5-6 hours was determined from IR spectra. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11107/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REr: 0(16/ OTH ~Er: 002 CU-Ial r dhs 08.5.06 : 677.521 ~ 1 ACC NRs AP6030846 i . Thermogravimetric curves of the resit specimens showeavi~f j in the 100-3000C range, weil,,ht loss and decomposition rate are low; !the weight loss is 2.0876 for R-21 and 7.476 for R- 12. However, at ilabove 30000,,the decomposPIon rate increases and it is highest at i.4,50-.5200C. Also at 450-5'4:(rC, differential thermal analysis curves show peaks which indicate tEat the decomposition taking place is ,:exothermic. At higher temp,~ratures, decomposition slows down and not associated with thermal effects. At 9000C (the highest tempera- ture), the weight loss is 46. D76 for R- 21 and 52.476 for R- 12. Unilateral heating of the resit specimens with an oxyacetylene - ~Iflame-unde'r normal conditions (no excess oxygen; distancq% from burner,130 mm) showed that R- 12 gives off more volatiles than R-21: after 30 see of exposure, the'respective weight losses were 23.5 and '20.60316, However, the rever:;e was true after removal of the char I layers (6.4 and 7.9 mm deep): the weight loss figures were 30.1 and ,38.4%, respectively. These data indicate the slower decomposition of R- 12, under the experimental conditions, which is attributed to the heat shield effect of evolving volatiles. In the case of the reinforced plastics,unilateral heating-with LCard 2/4 ACC NRj AP603o646 'After 70 sec of exposure, th,.% temperature of the opposite side of [an St-12 specimen 6 *- 0.5 mm in thickness rises to only 1,800C., while in.the case of St-21 thf s temperature reaches 2500C, 'Orig. art, hast and 7 ta'bios. * 'LrFSBs ' V.'2 ~ no. 1;7 SUB-CODEt 11 /SUBM DATEs none / ORIG REF: 002 OTH IXFs 009 5 f igures ,_qord 414 It a It P 9 A4 to 0 st F a A 4 v Al 4 M MR* .0 Tv aTi Una i Warn, 10t, .01 is I #A OL a W~s A S ~A_A I I lk A 1 0 1 A -I "t J. 04e. C*W-At1,R.S k,) R, 1371`401'rVi~ Itu-i"I; a 63121.-11" nl,)thtf littiltv after iswiltion ,3 Al of Et tI) (from' the Intmiction of sisttartildine-11CI with Et formylmm:. .00 cints e) deposits. on instAng. appreciable qusntities of a product. a. which analyses Identically with 1. .00 liov evtr. It forms a ticrate m. 12D-l', whrms I picraie. 1141111 ell. 1.47-81. On the other hand, the tiew prudoct with N114 giv" The assidev. M-W. Idtatkal with the ami't - go prep 1. from 1. it forms a pictrate. M. SICS-101. slon id", alp* tkW TrIth the proftilt deriml from 1. AMiftntly tEe C,b 0 =at 00 to attiotber =46mHort. polyrrKwphic cc Hierm. The yield Is about 4,411~c. vil that rJ 1'. thus Inaking the am--all yield of the oduct M70. GO M. Kosolspoff aloe ffilo -400" -A 18108,0 .6# Oftv W 4n' @loll 010 U a AT go as 01, it, It All a I I N 9 a 0 it I W 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 IS, 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 10 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 6 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 AVTOKRATOVA, 0. D. "Reaction of Epoxy Compounis With Phenols and With AmirAis.w Cand Chen Sci Inst of High-Molecular Compounds, lAningrad, 1954. (KL, No I., Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defendod at USSR Higher Educational Tnstitutions (13) SOt Sun. No. 598, 29 Jul 55 is 00 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Or is 10 0 0 0 #1 lk A 0 0 0 at so go 0 0 *a 0; 0 0 ap"Ifiefe 41 0 0 VOW- O?:fOOO?&OOf 4101!0 00009000 0 Ole A rs I I A. AA CA W it a t I- I t A j - a 00 A. A%V1PK-,vATc-VA T-' ..410 cmww" of hydtalins consolactilds W futilismilum. V. I. Garairnylarts and L 1). AirlolargoYL-B&M. sor-sil. Ui. 00 V.N.A.A.. (Jaiss us. ISM 7111017-07-MIR lituaka).- 1410 flowit's 11J. Am. CAWN. Sar. 1), 77MIKII); CA. 11, :1441) salt, Kill'tul"(114))CId (if. for "olklIC414160. VI cl 00 11:! 04 It.. ralien Mostly ground arnil Isolated by portions; to IIA) I so 4! Rd. watil. N.11, 110. Pliots., with a yield of 6340r, red N1 11. Rai '.Call, x, 11, Ilia Nall. towtothrairal crystals. dectrinap, 40',111* (with r.xplzW;), a 1.77, numalliartic Imontrat A. - SAS MAT namogractons. 111dach manalyre it, 1 (U,I. The prootatimird surtwillrar W the oration ii with each of tlw four N"I 1. ml-upying I cl C1 by Ila. (III. for tiatiall. Cul"ll. substiluln III, UUtVfCl. IAIIIA 111VIIIII 08111 JIMIIII, IIN(I, girnat pUfl4,,. *Go)! NJI, I x, 11, No 11 Nil 1, lotaick m4n. plies. line ty.tal,, ram furtim-I, Injr.411tat"j. RU 11tu Coucall. IN11.0 I gi%vs an intrnor rd r4mr. Hot AgINO, **as cl n a I cl ppts. 2.6 stmis Cl I%r al"Tar Rai; mM AgNOS. 2.4 a 111110"" Gtiadusalad,InA I.& 24,'o Kjola.ltra I'/# f-oldruvits) 10't go, in a , III I& With AINO, it 1,Afr,, A p1c; alvnitt. lloiO. I-lots. the out. - im-tortariji. yo I fair; K,PIC4 I,atm~ a llim,k atioutphows total.; Calls firit (M. cruIves If, with tho, miter Ila, tha,t with the inner 110. g N' nit at 11110, - - 2-M. Grinding .1 goo y 9 'If I H51', aa.-dull to glvt,~ after a few dairs, the sulfate coo On histing in 110 IAn , 11 loirs 5 110, going or!r into (111). yelli)v, vorlaticalml cirysimik. IN-A-VII/dICIRWIS00, M. cmtw yellow ritig-shill,"I 11 11 &1S0 OWAVICII. 1:;.2 by healing 1. 1900 I with W tvil. ~' Nil ..If( Uharn first try0d. crystals. tramitly wit. in IfaO. oo - 2 95. Recarvsta. of V : when re -f m If.itc. A.,-ioned to be I#umd&qr;,4n.. III I, hotrAted vith 1 110). - from III llgU), givi, anotht I f 111.1. it I% anhyllfous. "e T/W by Amatory With -4 birdirtia" , x 0. the Ir cilimpits., consiment with the delta. of Ru. Tbw tie 0 :)A I./Ilk) till. at 1-41P64; del" qf -not. imbirliv,, a Cl,; a 3.13 aboire struirtuirs me beiril on Ihr values of 0. (oramalent with 2 unpikirid arlerinva a in the "miaples. N lum $300 4111411 It$ .1 too 4 l;,K #I LITC.&TV1111 ftS%jWKAIMft It - use 1-11-4 Its 0 0 0 1 IF IN -19! 11 a 1, so It a Pi a a it a ma a 1 1. Ar 000:00 00000*10600 600006 see lital so** Oo:!,A ZVYAGllVl'.S~,V, (w~tjt Yovj:onlyovIoll, prof., (Inktor xhIM, 11"All) ; LVILIRATOVA, Tittlyana Dmitriyevnny kind. 1:1.!rr,. dote.; CIORY11NOV., Anatoliy AlekscyevLch, knrid.khIn. rAuk, assistent; KOLBIN, Nikola-y lvanovJch, kund.khirr,.vvluk, dDtS.IRYABOV, Allbor Niko3aytivicht kan3. khim. na", aasistentl KORCWMNAYA, YO.K,p red. (chemistry of :,-uthenium) Khimiia rut#niiia. [fty) O.E,Zvla In- tsev I dr. Mo,,kvap NaDkap 1965. 299 P. (MIRA 18:6~ 1. LeningradakLy gosudarstveruiyy urOversite-t Im. A.A.Zhia- nova (for Kulb~n. Hyabcjv, lorvitnov). 2. Poskovskiy institut I splavo-t(kor Avtokratova). R IDOV av VIIIQG A.P., akaderik, g1 rod.; TANATTAYFf, IN., skademikp red. toma; FiYABCHIKOV, D.I., doktor khim. niuk, red. tona; GERLIT, Yu.B., rod.; SUSHKOVA, L.A., tokhn.rod.; GUSIKOVA, O.M... tekhn. rod. [Analytical ch-mistry of ruthenium]Analitiolockaia khimiia ruteniia. Mims Izd-,Y-o Akad. nauk SSSR,.)962. 263 P- (MMA 15: 3-1) (Rutbenium-Analysis) A.170K~tATQ-V*.,~.D.; ANDRIANOVA, O.N.; BABAYEVA, A.V.; BELOVA, V.I.; GOLOVNYA, V.A.; DERBISHER, G.V.j MAYOROVA, A.G.; MURAVEYSKAYA, G.S.; NAZAROVA, L.A.; NOVOMENYUK, Z.M.; ORLCrVA, V.S.; USHAKOVA, N.I.; kTsDOROV, [.A.; FILIMONOVAp V.N.; SHENDFRETSKAYA, Ye.V.; SIMBOCHKINA, Ye.F.; KHANANOVA, E.Ya.; CHMNYANEV, I.I., akademik, otv. red. [Synthesis of cDmplex compounds of platinum F,,:roup metals; a handbook) Sintez kompleksnykh uoedinenii meta,llov platinovoi gruppy; spravochnik. MoE:kva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 33E p. (MIAtA 17:5) 1. Akadoniya naAk SSSR. Institut obshchey i reorganiche.9koy khimii. 2. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskcy khimii All ~;SSR (for all except Chernyayev). FYDICHKIN, I.K., prof.; OVCHARENKO, I.M., inzh.; AVT)WMOV, B.P., inzh.;. KONOCHKIN, F.G., inzh. Features of water intake from a river during the low-water period by port-type wEter intakes. Izv. vys. ucheb, zav.; energ 6 no.6tlll-114 A 163. (MIRA i6:11) 1. NovocherkaBEkiy inzheiierno-meliorativnyy Anstitut. Predatftvlena neuchno-teklinicheakoy konferent:siyey. AVTONOMOV, B.V.1 BDNDAREV, I.I.; BORI3ENKO, P.I.1 BURLAXA, B.A.1 VESELOV,, N.D.; ZUBANOVp K.V.; KLIHENI(Op G.A,; XOTILEVSKU, D.G.; M)DISH,, A.D.; LAVRENEEKKO, X.D.; MALYUTIN, N.P.; MARINOV, A.M.; X)IDKANOV, S.I.; FIDGATYREV, A.A.; POBEGATW, K.M.; POGATEVSKIYj VA.; SAVINYKH, A.I.; SAPOZIINIKOV, F.V.; SERDYMCOV, N.P.; I FINOGENOV, Ya.l.; CHALDRAKYAN, V.P.; CHMKOVp Yo.I.; SHANIN, V.P.1 SHISHOV, V.V. Ivan Konstantinovich Khivrenko; obituary. Elek,sta. 34 no.2t96 F 163, (MIRA 16s4) (Khivronko, Ivan Konstantinovich, 1"..1962) AVTONCMDV, G.Ye.; KARTVELISHVILI, N.A.; CHER4YATIN, L.A. Results of the wt1culations of a wat-ir hammer by the effective curves of the ehitting-off of turbine deflactc,ra. Izv.AN SSSR.Makh. i masiinostr. no.5sl55-159 S-0 163. (MIRA 16t12) AVTOKONOV, I,, inshaner. Yodder-preparing uz-1t. HTS 14 no.3122-24 Ur 054. (W-RA 7%4) 1. Podollskays. wAsjjnojmpyt&Asj'uy& stantaiya. (hod grinders) AVTO)UIIOV, I.Ta., inth. Calculatlug pkrameters for ensilage rommers, 14okh.i elek. sota.sel"khos,, 1789 '59- (MI11h 121.12) 1. Mnskovskly inatitut mokhanizataii i elaktrifikatell sell- ekogo khosympitva. (Zneilej;e) (Agricultural m.chinery) AVTOMCINOV-A )..V. Effect Gf iso- and heterotransfusiono on the properdin system and bactRricidal activity of the recipient's blocd. Gemat. i perel. krovJ. 103-35 165. (MrRA VNIO) 1. Kharlkovskly institut perelivanlys. krovi. "TOMONOVA, L.V. (Eliarlkov) Sonsitivi of microflora to certain antibiotics. Vrach. delo no.l:Lt 99-103 N V (RIRA 14: n) 1. Klinika (kousulltant - prof. N.H.Milostanov) i bakteriologi- cheakaya laborutoriya (rukovoditelt - nauchnyy votrudnik L.V. Avtomonqva) Ulvainakogo nauchnd-imiledovatellskogo instituta perelivaniya krovi i nec.tlozhnoy khirurgii, (14ICPZ -ORGANISM., PATHOGENIC) (ARrmioTics) MASLYA.NSKIY, G.N.; RABIROVICH, G.L.; AVTONCUOVA, N.K1. Catalytic dealky:lation of ethyl benzeme, NoftaPhilrija 4 no.3142-1- 42 5 Ys-Je 164. (MIRA 1832) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'okly institut neftekh1micheskikh protoeosove POLYAKOV, V.F., inzh.; (IBOROTISTOVA, M.L., inzh.; Z.M., inz11. HISIN, V.I., ini.h.; AVTOKSYEV, S.A., inzh.; POLYAKOV, V.F., inzh. Exchange of experience of the enterprises of aconomic councils. Torf. prom. 38 ro.6-.33-36 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Fabrika izollit trest4t Montazhtorm,,oizdoliFa (for Polyakov). 2.*..5haturskiy torfotrost Moskovskogo Soveta marodnogo khozyuystva (for Oborotistova). 3. Torfoprodpriyatlye Pellgorskoye Lersovnarkhoza '%-for Mokler). 4. Torfoprod- paiyati~m RzLdovJ.tskiy nokh Maskovskogo oblantaoro saveta narodnogo khozyo-yatva (far Rysin). :5. Torfopredpriyatiye imeni KlQaabna (for Avtonoyev), 6, Fabrika Izoplit troota Montazhtermoizdeliya (for Polyakov). (Peat machinory) SXRGEUVA-ALAUTA, V.N.; AVTONSTXVA, N.P.; FROWYA, R.H.; VOLYMNA, L.A.; BOCKLMY. O.A.: GUM ' "'-- Use of aloe extract and novocaine in combined treatment of parodontitis. Stomatolojiia no-2:22-23 Kr-Ap 154. Wak 7:4) 1. In otomatologichookogo otdoloniya (saveduyushohiy G.A.Kallyan) polikliniks No.1 (ispolnyayushchiy otyezannost' zaveduyushchago A.G.Chernova), Moskya. (Teeth-D,seoves) (Kqviocalne-Therapeutic use) zr ~,' Kh (MIA - 8 t 6) t'! oc I~A- t-;: rii'. tpkhnA-,heokoy DAMIRAYEV, A.D., almdemLk, glavnyy red.; KANASH, S.S,. aksdemik, sameati- tell glavnogo rod.; UCIWATKIN, F.I., rod,; ALSKSANMDV; A.S,, kand.sellskokhoz.natkq red.; ARUTYUNOVA9 L.G., kand.biol.nauk, red.; VILIUV, I.H.. kstid.sellskokhoz.nauk. red.; KASSIRSKir, A.A., rad.; KRASICHKOV, I.P., skademik, red.; masimm, i.x., akeaemik, red,; KALITSEV, I.M., red.; YANNANOV, N.M., akademik, red.; MUZHAMEDUU-NOV. H.V.. akedemik, red.; SADYKOV. S.S.. :ted.-, STRAUMAL. B.P., kand.sellskokhox.nauk, red*; SHAFRIN, A.N., :gasluzhennyy agronom Uzbekskoy, SO, red,; KlmqNOVAI, L.I., red.; KED)VAR, TS.I., red.; SOROKINA, I.I., [Materials of the All-Union Conference on Cotton Breading and the Production of Cottonseed] Materialy Vaesoiugnogo soveshchaniis po solelctaii i saiminovodstvu khlopchatnika. Tashkent, Uzbekskaia Akad.sellkhez.nauk, 1960. )83 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Vaosoyusnoye soveshchaniye po seIvkt9ii i semenovodstvu khlopchat- nika. 2. Usbakskays Akademiya sellskokhozyay-j3tvennykh nauk (for Dadaboyev. Mannonov. Mukhomedzhanov). 3. Vaesovusnoya okedemiya sellskokhoz.naii,c im. Y.I,Lenine (for Kanash). 4* AN UzSSR (for Kanash, Mukhamedzhanov), 5, Chlon-korreepondent UsbekskoyAkademii Gellako- khoz.nauk (for 11chavatkin). 6. Chleny-korrospondenty AN MESSR (for Avtonomov, Hall,%sev, Sadykov). 7. AN Tadzh.SSU (for Krasichkov, Mekei- menko). (Cotton (Cottonseed) -.01-- .111, 1 .1. 2~i3hl: Sicor -,tn,,y ~rm-italbnyy rve-riont t:Ovyetgro~p ,ryanotochnop kol;l.,,. 'Apsktr. 3tantsii, 19111, 0 . ~, S. (,-). So: L~topis, No - 34 AVTONL)MOV, G. Fair for new equipment. NTO 6 no.lt45-46 Js 161, (MIRA l7v2) 1. Zamestitall predsedatelya Kuybyahavskogo oblastnogo soveta nauchno.- tekhnichaskiUh obshchastv. AMNOMOV, LYS., inal.. wfaicator for deternining Q'ompactness of swillap. Zhivo4vnoyodetro 20 no.8:37J4 Ag 158. (mru litio) leKoskovskiy Institut ankhanizatsit t slakti-IM&UH sallskogo khosyaptya,, ~Insllage) Ir AVTOMONOV, I . YA. CAND Cl "f*ft -T.T0T-T--V*4 OF THE fkROOfW-Of,-COl4PREC*IN? rUA~i-R7~-L AND DEVELOP- MENT OVIFP UPRESSORSo" LENINGRAD, OF METHODS FCR 1961. (MIN OF AGA RSFSR, LENINGRAD Aon INST). (KL-DVt 11-61t 217). AVTOMDNOV, I.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZHURBA, Z.F. Reoent developm(ints in maohine milking of cowe, Yakh. I elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.3155-59 163, (MIRA 160) 1. Podol'Bkap Yashinoispytatelinqa stantsiya (for Avtomonov). 2. Starshiy zootekhnik PoJol'skoy mashinoispytatellnoy stantaii (for Zhurba), % (Kilking maohines) SHLPGVALOV,g V.F. ; RABINUVICH,, N.G.; INOZEWSEV, G.G.j A QMV V a-, ., V_T_M #_ A 'COMRIately autcmatic arealor machinivg We.-type parts# Biuletekh,,b skonsinformeGoesnauch.-iiieloinst.nauch. i tolth.inform. 16 no.11:37- 40 163. (MBU 16.,U) I AVIONUMV, V-A-, "DIIJUVIGI;, ';-G., inzh.; SHAPOVALOV, V.F., inzh. Installing tho IA730 semiautomatic multicut lathe in an automatic production line. Mekh. i aytom. proizv. 17 no.8: 1-3 Ag t63. (MIRA 16t10) AYTOROMOV, V, 1. Now method of' inspecting finished cotton &:ad staple fabrics. Obm. takh. olyt. END] no.1.1:40-42 136. (KIRA 11:11.) '(Toxtile fabrics) (Produotioix control) SYCER, I.I.; ATTOYONOVOJlw,,w----; - Continuous bydrolyals of lignocellulose reelftes obtained.from i7love production. Zbmr.prlkl.khis. 30 no.4~582-505 Ap 157. (KRA 10: 7) (Mgmoeell-21ove) (Tylose) (Hyd"Irsis) pl, vp '008 law ~t in of vor gowots 0) 4i0 01,04 Cot aeon J'v%r#'t4.v* to OOW 4 1 itmdo Wier otv" *sob*" RAGOZ1Nj W.S., kand. toikhn. nauk; ATrOWFi)V,..Yu.V`., kand. tekIn. nauk Investigating the precision of turning Rtepped sbafts and part3 fastened in stopped mandrels. Vest. mashinostr. 43 no.7t64-M Jl 163. (MIRA 160) (Turning) r T r F r~ v.-i r i -i VOIOVIGH. N.I.; MIASOVITSKATA. A.M.; MIKULINSKAYA, U.M.; ZLA OPOL8SKAYA, R.D.; IMISMIM, R.I.; SAVITSFATA. A.K.; PARKHOKWIKO, L.I.; MMK H, V.S., professor. direktor; ZIMINA, 0.1.; SOKOLOV. G.S.; ISTOMDU, I.D.; GURDITINKO, Te.0,; KLTUGHNIIOVA, L.ShL; NADTOIA. V.L.; KOCHINA, Y.N.; A71TONOMOVA, L.Y.; BEMM. L.G.; GOLIDIUB]MG, R.A.; BEATA, O.S.; "Ilill".wo ~.~* Btudy of efflaaar of the anteral Imminization apinst dysentery. Authors, a:bstract. Zlmr.mlkrobiol.*pid.i I~ln- no-8:27 Ag '53- (MM 6:11) 1. Ukrainakiy Inatitut spideviologil i mikrob!.ologit in. I.I.Nachnikova v Kharlkove. (Bysentery-) AVTONOMOVA$,-L. V., KONCHMO, A. P., DERFJ,.CH, V. S.,, SAVCHENKO, A. M., SOGOMONOVI S. A.S MKHINA, N. A., GORGURMI, D. M.,, LEYBOVA., 1. M.., BALGODMUNA, V. A., EMMA, YE. V. "The atudy of antitutor substances fomed by micrciorganisms.11 report sulvdtt3d at the 13th All-Union Congress of W(,~enists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959- L 35073~65 'ACCESSION N?;* AR50063681 u Oct i10,400 is PxiDd ~ ced at -the- - Pol' andi+transv ture- of co y1ner chai',is. Them copolymerizatl~ .:the effect of phosphorus at is copolymerized wit h t Z* ratio of 1-2 in the pr:syen~ mers produced have a molecu -'3r I . . ~water and-diiute solutions' with styrene ~ in a 1:1 r4ti6 1producta.with molecular wet, ;-Is- also-copclyiner zed with ;esterate of BF3 (as catalyd, 1.1, 1:2, and 2.,1 at 100-1010C. weights of -118,500-92,000. jj0polymers; iin mass an n; N-4kinylacrUb -e-n.- uls ion and also H-Viiiy,iaci~idone, ucts have molecular veights'bf plastic was the lattei a)poj'"er, acrylonitri1a in the ratio 3~16:29:22. increases thi? hardness o:, tfP,copolymbrs. -i_~brd_ 2/3 u s_ Df,vinylb tyl_cister-l redominate Chain, n a", PPOsellt erss; e bond. 4 vinyl of vir(V'lbutyl eater with ydride 4,.,hd ferric rchloride. Jhe y -.1) An the presence of f brric (I oif, the ilinitrile of azoiso~4tyric '7 th, ar weighi'Z'of 50,000-76,000 a d i w e il f acids ;krjd bases. ~ Vinylbut I f a c and I. (FeC13 c'tll catalyst)~c atio t Feel ht of form d-. bt of ratios of 1: 1 and r e rene , an .. .31 also copolymerizediw1ith an. Solid copolyme.~s are obitained 0 f N -~Liny lacridonAand e,--styre)je- and dilviny styrene, div.~nyl and Qicxylonitrile.., -200,006-650,000. Of the ubber-like ~coAalning Y-vinylacrii~ne, N-viny1;.1;crkdone tt~duces S. Dcas In the sty account of the divinYl 4008 not Qccuv ulldcri' 'r PolYvinYlethYl, AStL rhloride and in the acid. The copoly form films resistant to I ester is coppl crized ya, taly6t), Or, as ca --The vinylp henyl- -e-ther 1 In the presence - of the heating i-n ratios of with moltt.-cular styrene ar,~ produced or ced in The prod- materials most styre-ne, -divinyl, andll~ the solubility nd