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ATZMOUN, B.13. Antibiotic substances of microbes as an indication of evolution and adaptat Mikrobiol.shur. 14 no.3:78-86 '52. (HLRA 6:11) (Microorganisms ) (Adaptation (Biology)) ATZINXkN, B.TtL- Uynergetic effect; of eyntomycin with other antibiotice and certain compounds upon the typhoid fever bacillus. Iflkrobiol.zhur. 14 no.4:36-45 '52. (MLRA 6:11) (Antibiotics) (Typhoid favor) AYZgM4A.N, B.Yif,; SHUYGER, M.O.; ZIELNPUKIbi, S.I.; M&NIRIK, T.P. Classification of antimicrobic alibEtan.,es: remarks on the article by Kh.Kh.Planelles. Mikrobiol.zhxtr. 15 no.1:77-79 '53. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Z Institutu mikrobiologii Akademii nnuk URSR. (Bactericides) (Planel'es, Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No., 9 May 10, 1954 Biolop,ical Chemistry Sbme cbmu-micterlatics of the metabolisf~ of the tyiiii-ol'd bacillus. ". YA-., Alzennian. AUkrobiol. Vim, Akad. Natti Ukr. R.S.R. 15, No.3, 17-2Nin Russlan,20XI953).- rryptophan wa% neres-utry in ZI strains of typhoid bneillm, liot requited 111 7. The requirtnivrit (Or tr~rptophnn Is specific. but the Imcillus can synthesize It oin indole. The straimq tot requiring it are nliparently capable of syn- thesizing tile ludole ting. B. Gutoff iL ATZMTMF, B.T11. ]tffect of loycluWastin on Salmonella lyphosa in vitro and on am- perimental typhoid fever in whilte mioe. Mikrobiol. sh., Kiev. 15 no.2:260-34 19!i3. (GIML 25:5) 1. Of the Institute of Microbiology of the Acaden7 of Sciences U=ainJaA SSR., -AYMENMAN. B.Ye. OMMOMM" NFL Certain eharact*ristiee of the pbleiology of nutrition of the typhoid bacillus. Second report: Formtion of thiamIne and biotin bir the typhoid bacillus. Kikroblol.zhur. 15 no.4:20-25 '53. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Z Institutu mikrobiologii Akaeismii nauk Ukrainallcoi RSR. (Nberthella typhosus) (Vitamins) AY~~!NM-WIV Berta Yefiroimn (Inrtt of Illicrobiolo,gy of V-c J!,Iin.Istr:i of Yealth UBSP.) - Acade. ic elegree -f Ioctor of Piolof-imil Sci-nnc-7~s, ba tel -Ti I -r def-mse, 13 ',-~a--r 1955, in the Council of the Fiev Veterinary Dist, of ler Oisse-tt!tion entitled: "Scns~ tivit f Vie TThoidi Fever NAllus to Aiit'.biotloe in Connect'on L y o ~.,ith C~!rtnin Characte~istlcs of It's ~`(ItF!bolisr. Acw`,~!--'c derro,~ an(]/(-)r title: Doctor of Sclri;ices SO: D,?cisi.ons of VAY3, List no. 27, 24 rec 55, Bpill-etenl '-70 SSSR, Uncl. JPRS/NY 548 AYZBNKRH, B.Yu. Second conference on the problem of phrtonicideB. Mikrobiol.zhtLr. 18 no.4:65-69 156. (WIRA 10:2) (IIHYTONCIDBS) AUMEAN, B.Yu. Study of the eubject "Antiblotlai frots higher vlants" nt the Institute of Mllicrobloloa of the Acadomy of Sciences of the Ukrninifin S.S.R. Vienyk AE URSR 28 n-3.1o:61-64 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (An-bibiotics) SOV/20-121-5 -4 5/50 ALUNORSt Boldyrev, B. G., Drobot1ko, 1'. G., Ayzenman, B. Ye., Z-3lepukha, S. 1. TITLE: On the Antimicrobic Activity of Alkyl Esters of Thiosulfuric Acids (0 protivomikrobnoy aktivnosti alkilefirov tio- sullfokislot) PERIODICAL3 Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 5, pp. 924-927 f~'USSR) ABSTRACT: The above mentioned prapert:11es of the eaters (1) of the thio- salfuric acids were only recently properly investigated for the first time. According to the authors the synthesis of these esters and the study oT their bactericidal properties is prom- ising (Refs 1, 2). Thi:3 is supposed to be the way to develop new active medicaments. First of all, alkyl esters (V) of alkane-thiosulfuric acids which correspond best to the natural antibioticum "Allizyl" werv synthesized by the first author (Ref 3). The antimicrobic ixtivity was studied on Sta2hylo- coc-cus aureus, B. coli, Myoobacterium Bq, and on various spe- cies of fungi, also on w~Z_tar Infusoria,"on the dysentery bac- Card terium, on blight spores, and on others. The activity of the 13OV/2CI-121-5-45/50 On the J.ntimicrohlc Activity of Alkyl Esters of Thiosalfuric Acids Academy of Sciences, Ukrainis.n SSR) PRESEIITJ:',D.- March 20, 1956, by V. N. Shaposhnikov, Member, AcadeiV of S,ziences, USSR S UBMITT.',D s March 20, 1958 I Card 3/3 ZATULOVSKIY, B.G. [Zatulovalkyl, B.H.J. kand.biolog.nmik; ArL3NKU, B.I., doktor biolog.nauk, glEkvnyy red. (Antibiotics] Antyblotyky- Kyiv, 1959. 43 p. (Tovarystvo d1la poah7rannia. litychnykh i naukovykh snan' Ukrainalkoi RSR. Sere5, no~3.350 (min 12:12) (AWTIBIOTICS) 6OV/21-59-3-21/27 "L 1.UTHORS: Ayzenman, B,YU., Mandrik, T,P. and Shvayger, M.O. TITLE; A Quick Method of Primary !3election of Inhibitors of Ascitic Cells of Ehrlich's Adenoca--cinoma (By- st:ryy metod pervichnogo ot')ora ingibitorov astsit- ny:,ch kletok Adenokartninom:r Fh:-lichla.) PERIODI"dAL: Dopovidi. Akademii naul: Ukrains:koi RSR, 1959, Nr 3, pp 317-321 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors recommend',AsirgtvoIiiethods Of microscopic examinations for finding aead and damaged cells, for the primary selection of preparations for ascertaining ant1blastomous ac,".-ivity with respect to the ascitic cells of Ehrlich's adenocarcinoma. Both methods are simple and can ascertain antiblast- omous activity within 5-30 minutet3. Both methods are recommended for testing other c~:].la of animal and human tumors, where the nature of -the growth permits it.- The firs'; method is worked out by Drobot'Ico /Ref .57, by way of borrowing the ideas of Japanese sc '~`ntists Mijamura. ~R_ef 2-7 and Card 1/3 i so-v/101 -59-34-21/27 A Quick Method cf PrimaU 6election of inhatitors o,.F Ascitic Cells of Ehrlieb's Adenocarcinome, Yarr.azaki ZR-ef _37. The ,4eccnd metl oa. hu-- been worked out by the authors. IL consisti of the foll3wing: OnE. drop of 0.1% water solul-io:i of Congc-red is put on the glass plate and it drcp of the ascitic aiquid to be examined in admixed The plate is covered by anot.her i_,,-laqs Plate. AfTer 1-5 hours the plate (still d[Imp ') is tiulijectt~d I-o a microscopic examinaticn. The live. cel- ~, :,hov, no .:olor. The dead and semi.-dead (injured) ce-"-,-: appea-r 14n ruqset -:or of various intens,_ti~~-.. The ul,)-,e the oell is c o., damage.,zi, the brighter is the Of four varie- ties of Congc-red, +he bep-, Yo8ul't,; were obtained with the vse of Congo-red applied in the fluorescein microscopy. There are 7 rs?ferences, of which are Ja-oanese and 5 Soviet. Card 2/?', SOV./2*L - 5 9 -.3 -21127 A Quick Method of Primary Selec-tion of Inhibitors of Ascitic Cells of Ehrlich?s Adenocarcinoma AS50CIATION: Ineititut mikrobiologii AN CkrSSR (Institute of Microbiology of the AS UkrL~-.~SR) PREbENTKD: November 22, 1958, by V-G~ Drobot'ko, Member of the AS UkrSSR Card 3/3 RABINOVICII, A.3. [Itabinovych, A.S.]; AYZMMII, 13-Ye. [Aizenmn, Bau.]; zRT muh, S. 1. Iaolat!ion and inveatiption of antibactorial proparationa from wild homp (Cannabia ruderalis) growing in the Ukraine. Hikro- biolahur. 21 no.2:4o-48 '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Z Institutu mikrobiologii AN UFM (PLAIUS) (AHrIBIOTICS) I Ma AY'MIMN, 13-Ye. Wzenruin, B.IU.1; WOMIUK, T.P. L ndr.-,rk, T.P.1; SIMAYGER, M.O. [Shvai'Ier, 14.0.1 Stiuliea on methods for the determination of antitumor properties of antLbiotics and synthetic preparations. Report No.l: Rapid Tinthod for the primary selection of Ehrlich aecites carcinoma call inaiibitors in vitro. Hikrobiol.zhur. 21 no.2:49-56 '59. (141RIL 12: 9) 1. Z Institutu mikro'biologii AN USSR. ("fIBIOTICS - pharmacology) (ANTINHOPIASTIC ACHUTS - pharmacology) DERBEETSEVA, N.A.; RABINOVICH, A.S. [Rabinov;-ch, A.S.]; ArgzNw. zae, CAYEenman, B.IU#]; ZFJJIPUKHA. SJ.; ILUMIK, T.P. ~?.&ndryk, T.P.J,- SHVATGHR, X.O. [Shvalher, K.O,] Antimicrobial substancee of Hyper'icuai perforatum. IRikrobiol.zhur. 21 no.5-.52-57 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Is Inetituta mikrobiologii AN USM.. (AIVISMICS pharmcol. ) (PLANTS MIGINAL pharmacol. ) AYZBNIIAxs BeYet, [Ayzenman, B.rU.]; MANDRIK, r.P. [Mandryk, T.P.1; . . SHVAYGIM, M.O. [Shvalher, M.O.j-, KIFRIANOVA, Ye.A. (Kiprianova. O*A.] aapia method for in vitro detection :)f injured and dead cells of Ehrlichlo adenocarcinoma during primiry selection of antiueoplastic aubstances. MI-krobiol.zhur. 21 no.5;66 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (NMPUSMS exper.) (ANTINEOPLASTIC AGNO'S pbtrmacol.) AMMU.N.. B.Ye.1 MLNDRIK, T.P.;..SHVAYGER, M~Ojj; KIPRIANOVA) Ye.A. Rapid nathod for theln, vitro detectlon of inju: d and 46d oel3j of L"nr3ichls aarcinuma. Autibiotiki 5 no.3397-4,; MY-Je 960s- WRL 14#6) 1, Institut mikrobiologii AN USSR. (CANCO (STAIRS AND STAINING (?g(4tOjlCCFY)) ZELF RABINOVICH, A.!;.; AYU E~. TUEHA S. 1. Antimicrobial substances In Ukrainiaa hemp. Antibiotiki 6 no.1; 74-76 &"a 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut =Lkrobiologii Akademii nauk USSR. (HEM?) (BACTMA) AYZIOMAR, B.Yq.; MAPDREK, T.Pa; SHVAYGER, F.O.; KIPRIAIOV.A, Ye.A. Sensitivity of Ehrlich cancer cells to dyes* Vopwonke 7 no.81133-90 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Inatitut inikrobiologii AN USSR (dir - akad. AN UkrSSR V.G. Drobotlko). 1:CANCER) (STAINS AND STAIREG (MICR3SOOPY)) (DYES) AYMIFJX~ D.Ye. (Aizenraany B.IU.] Variability of ricro-organismakunder the influence of environmental conditiona. Mik-robiolaburi Ukno.31:50-56 162. (MIRE' 151C) MICIM-BIOIOCY) HUMAN, B.Ye* [Aizenman, B.IU] - L -11 __ Variability of microorganisms under tie influence ar the condi- tions of the medium. Mikroblol. 2,hur. 24. no.4244-50 162. (MIRA 1615) (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURM AED CULIURP, MEDIA) (VARIATIOV (BIOIDM)) [Aizenr-m., B.IUJ; MAMR1K. T.F,'[Mandryir, T.P.); SWAYGIRs M.O. [Shvaiher, 14,0*1; BIM]II9MU,, A.11, [Bredi3china..A.M.1; BONDARENKO J, *43 Testing the antitumorigenic activity of extracts; h,om higher plants in vitro. Mikrobiol. zhure 25 no-4346-52163. (MIRA 16439) 1. Institut mik obiologii AN UkrSSR. (MATERIL MEDIGAp V19GLTIBLE) (CYTOTOXIC DRTICS) JUZEMAV. B!Ye; [Aizenman, B.IUJ, SINAYGM, 11.0. (Shvaiher, M.O.J; iWOMP T.P. [Mandryk,, T.P.1; BIUMMNA, A.11. [6-edikhina) A.M.) Testing the ",ntitumorigenic activity of alkaloids. Mikrobiol, zhur. 25 no,402-57163. (M:RA 16:9) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN UkrSSR. (ALKALOIDS) (CrTOTCD[IC DRUGS) D4131OT".-:0, V.G., otv. red.; MZEM-Ydi, Mo., md.;MAJlDRTK,T. P. red., BEL ITMOVA, K. I ru U, S. 1. , red. A.K.p red.: KULIKOVSMYA, M.D.p red.; 11-1AWSIEWSKAYA, IN.5.1 red.; FOCIdNOK, P.Ya., red.; SINAYGER, IM.0.0 red.-, KUZNETSOVA, A.S., red. [Fliytono ides In the national e~~ononyj Fitontsidy v mnc.,nom khoziaistve. Kiev. Naukova duinka 1964. 350 p. (VIRA Vill) 1. Akadem.1~7a nauk UIL~lt, Kiev. lm~tytvt ullkrobiologii -.1 vi- rusologi.l. 2. Inottitut milkrobiologli .4% Ukr-S.111H (for Zolepukba, Pochinok: Nigrrash, Kulikovskt~ut). AYZENIRN, B.Ye. [Aizenman B-IU-]; SHVAYGER, M.O.; MANDPIK, T.P.; BREDIMINA, A.N. [BrediYhina, A.M.); OR1SIIChIJK, L.F. [Oryshchuk, L.F.j; KOLESOVAP E.A. [Kolesova O.A.1; MISHMIKOVA, Ye.L. [Mishenkova, G.L.]; GALKINA, T.A. (Halkina, T.O.]; ZA191AROVA, I.Ya.; RASIIBA, Ye.Ya. [Rashba, O.IA.1; IAUSHNIK, G.M. [lauijhnyk, H.M.]; PRFOBRAZHENSKAYA, N.Ye. (Preobrazhemilka, 11.111.1 Effect of substances of bacterial orAgin on Ehrlich's carcinoma. Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no.6:61-67 165. (MRA 19:1) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. T- ~71UT ------- '-'Ipcl,ric Ciibhs, Delivery of cil.blen Trovi. !~;wrC. 7", no. MonLhlz , -I-, I Librrxy :T Con.-res--:, April T ~C I - . 14LU :) ' L . ., ~ IF!i~D. RODZEVICHY V.; ~ Group production practices Frof.-to,'Ch.obr. 22 nc).B.-')-30 Ag '6!~. (MIRA 18:32) 1. Intipektor Gortkovskogo, oblastnogo upravlanlya prof e-sair-nal 'no- tiWmichaskogo obramviinlyn (for Rulzovich). 01. Dimktor Gorl-Atovskmvo sollskoflyo uch.111-01C.11"i No.8 (for Ayzenshtadt . -AYMMATAT, A.I.; LISIDIEVSKIY, S-M-; DUBAS, D.K. Progrossive osteolysis. Ortop. trarn. protez. 24 no.7148-51 ,11163 (MIRA 1712) Iz RiLhskogo instituta travmatologiL i ortopediii ( dir. - dotsent V.K.Kidnberw [Kalnberzop V.D i tranmtologiches~ogo otdeleniya (zav. - zasluzhennyy vrach Estonsko~7 SSR - B. Kh. &,iline) Talliziskoy respublilcanskoy bollnits-ir. Adres a%toxvv-. Riga, u1. Duntev, d.129 Institut travmatologiL i ortopedii. AYZEN3HTATY A.I. (Riga) Clinical significance of hiatal hernia. Klin. ruid. 41 no.4: 18-2:5 Ap 163. (MIPI 17:2) 1. Is rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (2av. A.I. Ayzenshtat) 3-y -)b"yedinennoy bollnitsy (glavmyy vrach A.A. Durov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Iatviyskoy SSR. AYZENMITEYN, A.] . High-voltage dividers for vibratory and electronic oscillographs. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.ltl32-135 Ja-F 164. (KRA l7t4) A)2Er43HTADT, A.Ya, . ~~2- Semisiraraex semigroups of andomorphisits, of ordered sets. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 noil-.5-11 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) Id Prodstavleno akademikom A.I. Mailtsovym. (Groupaj Theory of) (Aggregates) VAGAtlEii, V.V.; (',I,IJSUNP L.M.; qZENSHTAT, A.Ya. Evgenl.~ SergefivichiJapin, 1914-; or his "0th birthd&y. Usp. mat. nauk 2.0 iiu.l*.244-24,5 Ja-F 165. (MJRA 18:4) MUMINCV, Fatikh Abdumalikovich; AYZENS11TAT E A. kand. fis.-mat. nauk, red.; EELF.NIKAIX-,- A.G., [Themal balance and meteorological characteristics of a potato field) Teplovoi balanm i meteorologicheskii reshim kartofellnogo polia. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdnt, 1963. 149 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Uzbekistan-Potittoes) (Uzbekistan-Meteorology, Agricultural) ACCESSIM NR-. A24018345 8i,"03/00/016/000/000 AUMOR: Aponabtato Be A* TITLE: Diurnal variation and co"arstive charsaterif Alas of the- tarbalonso Cost_ ficient for c4irtaia region@ in Central Asia. SOURCE: Tash%tent. Brodneaziatakiy a,-i. gid"a*1W-oj!, lastitut. TrW j no 16(31), 1963. Voprooy* aktinometril, matoorelogil i agromtoor#14,gii (pr"10104 of actinonotjqrl nateprology, and agricultural n9to**i)logy)$ %-60 TOPIC TAGM jostoGrologys turbulence eseflislonAl 0twepberio t%AMlsna*j air t*wp*r&tur*, toapsratw-e inversion ABSTRACT: A study van made of dl%~wnal variability of the turbulence coefficient for various geographic are" in Central Asia *(,-cupiqd by samy deserts, o*aid*- sort, uAirrilstod landa, irrigated fields and muntain regions. In all the mn- .tioned areas KI -turbulence coifficient at 1 isater sibove surface) Vag high the daytime said lover -at night. In the desert and 4somidenert Kl is 0.25-0.40 sea during tkis day and near go" at night@ Near Loidagrad duriAg'daytime in sun- mar Ki. - 0. 2"-30 m2/sec. Becawn of strong tranapiration by plants over irri- ! s, uhich in wintalited throu&sut the days ?her*- atod fi*lds an inversion develo g p . V2 Cwd ACCESSION NR: AT400-4729 S/ft'12/63/007/000/0230/0240 AUTHOR; Aysonslitaft B. A. TITLE: The heat balopice of Uis principal geomorphological areas of Central Asia SOURCE: Wee. nauchn. meteorologich. soveshch. Trudy*, v. 7. Fizika prizemnogo SIOYIL. Leningrad, 1963, 230-240 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, micrometeorvlogy, microclimakilogy, boundary layer., beat baltuice, desert. heat balance, mountainow3 area heat balance, oasis heat balance, valley heat balance, bDundary layer dynamics, Central Asia geomorTihology ADs,rRACT: The heat balance of an acUre surface appears an effective method of inveatigating the interaction between the surfaco and the atmosphere. Research has established a series of significant thermal and dynamic properties of the lowest atmos- pheric layer. 'During it period of 12 years the I)epartmenta of Meteorology and Clima- I tology of SANIGIMI organized special expeditions to study the: heat balance in CQntral Asia.. Areas Included In Uds study were isandy deserts, Kara--Kum, Kizil-Kum, clay deserts, irrigated territories located in oases, and mountainous regions. Complete data characterizing the nature of the best balance in the lowest atmospheric layer were obtained. These &ta elucidate the mochanism governing the formation of a meteorological Cwd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4004729 regime. Research data of stationary stations wEa also utilized. The totals of heat for day wid night in calories per square centimeter mad the intensity of the currents in calorLes per square centimeter per minute are shown. For measurements of the radiation balance R, thermoelectric balance meters were used. The turIbulent heat current P was measured by a inethod of heat compensatics. I'm heat losses In evaporation V were calculated using; the equation for the heat balanco R'- P + B + V it is concluded ithat during war= semiannual periods the plains of Central Asia serve as a sigaificant saarce for heating the air a=l for sative transformation of the air masses, Orig. art. has: 1 figure and]. table. ASSOCIATION: 8ANWKI SUB14ITT Dt. 01) DATE ACQ; 271)eqa ENCL: 00 000 BUD CODE: ZA NO REF SIN: 018 OTHEP. Cwd 2AI ACCESSION NR: AT4004729 8/2922/63/007/000/0230/0240 AUTKOR- Ayzeiasl%U4, B. A. TrMig: The hent balance of the principal 1pomorphological miss of Central Asia SOURCE: Was, nauchn. meteorologich. eoveshch. Trudy*,. v. 7. Fizika prizemnoso sloya, Leningrad, 1963, 230-240 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, micrometeorWogy, microclimatology, boundary layer beat balance, desert heat balance, mountainous area heat balance, oasis heat balance, 41ley heat balance, boundary layer dynamics, Central Asia geomorphology ABSTRACT: The heat balance of an active surface appears an effective method of invesUgating tho interaction between the surface and the atmosphore. Research has estaUlished a series of significant thermal and dynamic properties of the lowest atmos- pheril: layer. During a period of 12 years the Departments of Meteorology and Clima- tology of SANK'11M1 organized special expcditious to study the heat balance in Cqntral Asia. Areas Included In this study were sandy Ceserts, KaraACum, KIZil-Kum, clay deserts, irrigaled territories located in osa6s, and mountainous regions. Complete data characterizing the nature of the beat balance in 1;he lowest atmospheric layer were teorological obtained. These data elucidati-) t1emechanism poverning the formationofame Cwd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4004729 regime. Research data of stationary stations was also utilized. The totals of beat for day and night In calories per square centimeter sad the Intensity of the currents in calories per square centimeter per minute are shown. For inessuremients of the radiatloa balance R, thennoelectric balance meters ivere used. The turbulent heat current P Vag measured by a niethod of heat compensation. The beat losses in evaporation V were calculated using the equation for the heat bodance R - P + B + V It is ODneluded that during waim. semiannual periods the plains of Central Ae~& serve as a significant sou.rce for heating- the air and for antive transformnUon of the air MaSses, Orig. art. has; :I figure &W I table. ASSOCIATION: IMMMI SUMMED: 00, DATE ACQ: 27Dtc63 ENCL: 00 NOREFSOV: 019. SUB C:ODE:. ZA OTHCR.. 000 CWd 3/; AYZENSHTAT, B.A., kw.d. fiz.-ratem. wuuk Climatic factors of landscape diffo.*-enves of moitntain slopes of earntern and westorn wq)osuro. Motoor. i g1drol. no.11:22-2u F 166. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Srodneazint.9kiy iiaiic-lino-i.ssledov3Lt(,Ilskiy gidrcmeteovologicheskiy inotitut. Submitted October 25, 1965. ",YZFNSPTAJ)T, !~J% 1~xfwnisivf, introduction of advanced experience on dust elimination i in tho refractory Industry. Ogneupory 30 no.9sl--3 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Vansoyuznyy institut ognsuporov, AMMMADT, V.S.; ARSENIM, A.A. Bradics,tion of gray rate in sewer orjalse Gigs I situ, , no~8:45-47 Ag 154. (MLRA 7:9) 1. Is eanitarno-epidemlolceicheskogo otryada I Odevskogo gorodskogo otdelerlya profilaktichaskoy desinfelitsit. (RATS$ control in city canalisattim In Russia) (SANrTATIO9. canalization, control of rate in Russia) As *-4 't,56T 'n OIT c T" 7(--.-,' T-01, . . TT") 'M'11C.':1117 MiC,"ITS-11CF7 - )t - SITTr-(YT Palsa-10~1 V UT SqUOI)ON JO UOTj'~'-IT%uop7:r .:~ '(7 ',!(~iT. 0--lif i AYONS11TADT.D.S.; ARSXNIYICV.Ji.A. line phoaphide for poisoning the Norway rat. Trudy probl. i tom. Gov- no-5-93-98 '55. (KLRA 8:12) I. Sanitmmo-epidemiologiohaskiy o'.1del Odeaskogo voyannogo okruga CRnts-Exterminntion) ( PIONMOVSKAYA. S.F.; SIHOHOYICH, Te.N.; AYICNZHrAX,-D.S. Posuibil.ities of contact between man and the ectoparasitegi of rodents., VopArsev.,obe i ekep.paritz. i med.zool. 9:50-64 155. (RODENTS AS CARRIERS OF DISUSI) (KERA 10: 1) (PARASITES-RODINTIA) AYZENSITADT, D.S.., RUSSUKH, P.A., and PIO]MMVSKAYA, S.P. "The Faunc, of Extoparasites of Mouselike Rodents and Hnsectivorse of Thans- carpathis", Problems of Regional, General, and ExperimentalL Poraw-'tology and Medical Zoology, Vol. 9, 1955. Division of Parasitology and Medical Zoology, Inst. Epidemlology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Uscialeya, MI8 USSR Sum- 1305 - - - --- - -- ---- - -- - 11-- - - -- - - V~-~kwm~ - -~Mm AYZENSHTADT, D.Sw SIMONOVICH, Ye.N., t)nd PIOTMOVSKAYA, S.:.) "The Conditions for the Man's Contact with the Ectoperesites of Rodents", Problens of Regional, General,, and Experimenial Parasitology and Medical Zoology, Vol, 9., 1955- Mvision of Parasitology and Medical ~~oology, Inst. Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, MSS USSR Sum. 1305 IYZIINSHTADT, 11.3. I ; -, -" History and routes of settlement of Ihe common braim rat (Rattus norreglaus aarfbgicuo Darken.) within the bou'adarios of the U.S.S.R. 2ool.zhur. 34 n6-5:n45-115:! 8-0 155- (KLRA 9:1) 1.8anitrano-apidemlologichaski otrynd. (Rats~ SOSNOVSKIT, I.Y.; AYMSHTADT, D.S. (Wessa) Doublo-headed serpents. Priroda 45 !50-3:2.19-120 Xr 156. (MLILA 9:7) I.Nookovskly seepark (ter Ssonavski:r) (Serpents) SHAVIMSHTETN, V.L.; Ar4XXq4T4pT,.P.S. Studying the susceptibility of Norvity rats to Infection by lepto- spirosis in the southwestern Vkraino; authorla at)etract. Zhur.mikro- biol.,epid.1 immun. 30 no.llt116 11 159. (MIRA 13:3) (I&,FTOSPIROSIS) (MMAINII--RATS AS CARRIKRS 0? DlSFASB) AYZENSHTADT, D.S. Nature of relationabip between I;he black rat (Rattus rattue L.) ard the brown rat (R.norvee;icus Berk.). Zool.zhur. 38 no.9: 13196-140,5 8 '59. (MIRA 132-1) 1. Aserbaydahanskaya protivochuinnaya stantisip, (Baku). (Rats) AY'4" 1F, N S i i T.-% 013ame Relplarities in Distributica of Petroleum In Southern Embe. Regioap" G. Yo. ApaiwMadt, All-Uniam Petroleum Solentiflo Ressaroh Geological Prospeeting Institute, 2 pp Obok Ak Nauk" Vol LTE3:Ep No 4 DIscuooos results of isme 335 anayssa omdueted to detezvWie petroleum-bearing area In southern Ibba 2*4gicn. Lists general areas vhere tbase tests verip taken. Submitted by Madeadolem, S. 1. Mronov, 28 Apr 1947. )W92 AYZENSIITAU',', 0. Yo - "Condl.tions Governing the Sedbnentation-A ccumulat ion of' the South Embe in the Jurassic Period." Dokl. AN SSSR) 68, No.5, 1949 1 AlL-Union Petroleum Sci,Res, Geol.Pmepecting Inste BAKIRDV, A.A.,doktor nauk, redaktor: VASS)YLVICH, N.B., doktor nauk; VEBREL, V.V. , doktor nauk; IHILI, t4.F., doktor nauk; DOBETANSKIY, A.Y. , doktor na)tk; MATNU, S.L., loktor nauk; HIRCHUX, M.T., reduk-tor; ANDRRTKV, P.F., kandidat nauk; AXZM kandidat nauk: B000HOLOVA, A..I.. icandidat nauk: GORSKAWYAJ."iI., karididat riauk;ZIIABREV, D.V.. kandidat nauk, redaktor; KAZMINA, T.A.., kandi(lat nauk; nssiuvu, M.A., kandidat nauk, PETROVA, Yu.11., kandidat nauk; ROCENKO, D.A., kandidat nauk; TATARSKIY, V.T,., kandAdat nauk; TIKHIY, V.N., kandidat nauk; USPOSKIY, V.A. kandidat nauk. DTAKOV, B.F., rndaktor; SAVINA, Z.A., redaktar; TROTKMOV, A.V. , toftnicheakiir redaktor. (OrIgin of oil) Proiakhothdanie nefti. Pod red. M.F.Mirchinka i 4r. lloskva, Gos.nauchnn-tnkhn.12d-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-3-7, 1955. 483 P. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Chlen Icorrespondent 0 SSSR (for Mirchink) (Petroleum geology) AYMIhSRTADT. G.Ye.-A. ...... Some nawdata on the tectonics of' domes. GeD! 215-21B 155, (M-RIL 8:6) (Jeology, Structural) AYZENSHTADT, I.Te.-A, On the DOcurrence of salt cornices in the Imba domcs.Geol.abor. no.3:219-M '55. (KLoA 8:6) (Kazakbstan--Geology, Structural) f~Y-LCLW o \i -v (I ~1) T, ~V- . AIZKRSHT&IR,G.Ye.A. Oil-bearIng series of the southern Bob% region. Tntdy VNIGRI n0-0:1)0-1-139 '55- (KLRA 8:10) (11abs, Vallay-Patroleum geology) ATZENSHTADY, G.E.-A.; AVTONOV, K.V. FactorB in the formation of slat domea and oil poolB in the southern part of the Emba oil region* Avtoref, nauoh. trud. VNIGRI no,17: 214-4).19 156. (MIRA 11:6) (Kazakhstan--Petroleum geology) AMONOV, X.V.; AYZENS11TAX, O.Y*.; GRACHN, R.I.; DZUMAGAI,IYFV, T.N.; KOWYPIN' S.x. bwmm,, "Oil-bearina strata of the 36~a region and the-orIgin of oil pools,* N.K.Chukesv. Reviewed by X.1'.Anteso-Y and others. Neft.khes.34 zo,W5 Ag 15 6. (KW 9110) (Emba region-Petrolem geology) (Chukeev, N.M.) ATZEN.1311TADT, G.Te.-A. %41,,- ~ Classification schna" of oil po,)ls in the Imba isalt domes. Trudy VNIGRI no.95:21-30 '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Imba Valley-4etro%eum geologr) 15-57-5-5997 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologlya, 1957, Nr 5, pp 42-43 (US"~'R) AUTHOR: Ayzenshtadt, G.Ye .-A. TI Tl.*jE An Outline Classification of the Stilt Domes of Southern Embil (Skhoma klassi.fikatsli solyanykh kupolov Yuzhnoy Emb Y ) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses, neft. n.--i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, pp 214-221. ABSPRACT: Ten types of salt; domes are differontiated. The type "Suyeshbeic" is associated with the zones where salt tectonic movement Is nearly ended and a transition to a platform structure is taking place; the salt core is a gently sloping, doine-shaped bulge with its apex at a depth of about 3 kin. Ihere are but weakly defined anconformitivs. Dips cf limbs are up to 50. There are few faults; the grilben may be 5 kni to 6 km wide, but may be completely absent; sections of limbs are similar. Card 1/4 The type "Karaton" is cijaracteriZEid by IA slightly An Outline Classification of thE, Salt Domes (Cont.) asyrimetrical salt cove. Its cap bre9ks'through the Permo-Triassic at '-.-.he depth of about 2 km. Depth of erosion in the layer above the sall: reache:3 60 m to 70 in; walls sloj)e at anglen not exceeding 81. Aside from the faults in the graben and the radial faults, there are,,, faults In the limbs. This amplitude is froin 3 m to 15 m. Width of the grabon is from 2 km to 3 km. We obsorve clear-cut differences in -~he sectlons of the limbs and of the graben. The type "Narmun- danak" is characterized by asymmetrizal salt cores at a depth of 900 in to 1200 m, where they pierce the Permo-Traassic and, in part, the Jurassio. Erosion in the portion near the nap reaches 50 m to 60 in. Slopes of limbs are up to 100. The grab,)n is 1.5 km to 2.5 km ivide. The sections are not oqually complete on the upthrow and the downthrow sides. The type "Kulsary" is cha:racterized by a narrow, markedly asymmetrical salt core with it:3 cap at a depth of 250 m to 3 00 m. It breaks thrOUgh the layers above the salt to the Ap t'. an. Erosion in the parts of the raised walls near the cap reach 100 m to 150 m; slopes of limbs are ap to 250- The graben Is 300 m to 500 m wi d e. The depressed 1!.mbs show a relatively full section, while in tho raised ones, sepELI-ILte horizons, series and layers are mis3ing. The type "Dossor" has a horizontally 3tellate salt core Card 2/4 An Ciatline Classification of tile Salt, Doines (Cont.) 15-57-5-5997 witl,,. a complex rE)J.tCf at a depth of 2~00 m to 500 in. Slopes of limbs are up to 100. The system of narrow criss-cross grabens is charac- teristic for this typp. Unconformitlas and erosional. features reach 100 m to 150 m. The type '%ychunas" has an oval salt core with gently sloping sides, at a depth of %500 m to 500 in. The slope along its long axis may be vory steep. Tho layer above the salt is pierced through to the Aptian. Erosion reaches 500 m to 600 m. Whole systems may be missing. Dips of strE.ta are up to 150. There are few faults. The type "Iskine" has a flat, tal)10-shaped top of the salt; core at a dopth of 100 m to 200 m, and the sides of the core sloping at 400 tc. 701. The layer above th~ salt, is brokbn through to the Upper Cr-etacoous and Tertiary deposits. Tho total depth of erosion may exceed 1000 ni. At the top of the dc(ne whole systems are lacking. Slopes of' the layers are up to 700. There are numerous transverse and longitudinal faults. The subtype "Chernaya Rechkall is distinguiShed by the outcrop of the cap rock. The type "Kuttubay" has a salt core with comparatively gantly sloping sides (300 to 450) and a flat ~,ome up to 150 km2 in extont, and iying at a depth of Card. 3/4 AYZENSHTA,-Z, G.'fo,-A. , Mastarn Callplan Npression. Trudy VNIGRI no.96;5-27 1,56. (Catipian Lepression-Goology, Stratigraphic) (VIM 10:1) *I. '~c. -A. "The HIS*;'Dry of the Tectonic Development of the (Prjkarpi)rskiy) I're-l.'aspinn Pe:presslou." p - 179 Geologichoskiy aborn:UK, 3, (Collection of Articles In Geology, Vol- 3), Leningrad Gostoptekhlzdat, 1958, 471pp. (TmAy, v)lp 126, Vsei;o)uznvy neftyanoy nauchno-Iscledovat.--j'skly geologorszvedochny), institut) AYZINSHTADT, DNIUMOV, V.S.; KOLTr."IN, S.N.; SOROLOVA, Ye.I. Oil and gas potentials of the southirn Jm1xh reg!;on and adjacent soutbern territories. Geol.nefti 2 no.9:19--25 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) l.VsesoMny7 neftyanoy nauchno-istledovatiollskiy geologo-razvedochnyy institut. (Kazakhstan--Gas, 1iR%ura1---Geo1vg)r) AYZBNSHTAM,_G.YFt-t.A-4--MFONDV, N.K.; ClU2WjNDV,, hT.N. Basic problems relative to oil and gas potentials of western Kazakhstan. Sov.geol. 2 nn.q:fi6-6q 3 159. OCIRk 13:2) 1. Veesoy-uzw ~qftyanoy nauchnn-issledovittel.19kiy goologoraz- vedochnyy institut (VNIGRI). (Kazak-hatan-Pevrolewt geology) ?,al--GeolojO,) (Kazakbetan-Gas, xatu. AMA511TOT, G.To.-A. .-1 11 1-1 .; I t -';', - I---,k Zorutl structure of salt dones in the northern part of the Caspian Sea region. Geol.2xofti i raza 1 no-8:13-18 4' '59. (141RA 12:11) 1. Vaosoyusnyy neftyunoy nauchno-Isaledovatelloldy goologo- rtx2,jcdochrqy inatitut (VIIIGRI). (Canplan Sua region-Geolog-f, Stru.,tural) AYZENSHTADT, G.Ye.-A. ... I . Geology and oil potential of the southern Exiba region. Trudy VIGGRI no.132t29-43 159. (HIRA 17t1) i;'027 ~BC 7 '6 AUTHORS: Gr:.nberg, I. G., Dlyakov, B. F., 4evolln, N. %F., Trof-1mov, 11. K., Cherepanov, N. N., Eventov, Ya. S. TlTLE: Petroleum and Gas ProspectE of Western Kazakhstan and Principal Trends of Regione.1 Exploration and Prospecting PERIODICAL: Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1960, No. 2, pp. 10 - 15 "'EX' .: In accordance with the resolutions of the XXI 'Party Congress of the ,FSU, the petrDleufr. industry in Kazakhstan was assJL:-ned the task of pr-,ducing lax-go industrial petroleum and gas stocks wLthin the Seven-year Plan. Western Xazakhstan includes the Ca3Dian depression with one of the largest salt domes in the world. Prospecting for petroleum and gas in this territory is to be carried out in four d1rections cor:?esponding to geo- IcEical formations: 1) in the complex of salt domea above the salt layer,- 2) in the Paleozoic zone beneath the salt. layeri 3) in the Yesozoic zone of North Ustyirt and the Buzachi peninsUIU; and 4) in the Mesozoic zone Card 1/3 Petroleum and. Gas Prospects of Western S/009/60/000'002/001/002 Kazaklistan arid Principal Trends of Regional B027/B076 Explori,Aion c.nd Prospecting of South MaiVy~hlak and South Ustyur-L. Two million meters of deep drilling will be neceEsary. The most promising directions and regions for the expl:)ration are now being determined. These are: 1) the Mesozoic structures and. the sea bottom at Karaton; 2) the region north of' Dossor-Makat where high-quality fatty oil is suspected; 3) the north-eastern part of the Caepian depression in the direction from Makat toward Shuburkuduk; and 4) the region between Volga and UraL where abundant natural escape of Etas has already been attracting the attention of geologists for a long time. Of the other regions, South MangyshLak and South Ustyurt are the most promising petroleum deposits. In the time of the Sevon-year Plan a number of scientific explorations are planned in %7estern Ka,:akhstan, geological ~iorveying of the entire territory of Ustyurt and most of the Caspian J----pression ort a scale 1 - 200 000, c;eisiric exploration, trial drilling -,,~Iectroe):ploratory work according tc the, telluric current method with -,ich the Presence of tectonic elements of first and second order has been i stied. For the exploration of PalEozoic deposits In the central part '.;i(! Caspian depression 10 drillings are planned, one of them to be to " ~ tL('1LLZ1i'1 11111, Gas Preospects of' Western i/009/60/000/002/001/002 Kazakhstan and Principal Trends of Regional 13027//B076 Exploration and Prospecting a depth of 6 or 7 kms. The main aim of --,he regional ivork is the explora- tion of the facies and of the petroleum-- and gas-bearing Faleozoic Mesozoic and Cainozoic deposits in the various tecto-.,.Iic formations. Further the determination of the large twopected salt plug in the central part, of the Caspian depression and also the geological and geophysical inv-,:,stigation on the Ustyart and Mangyshlak in order to determine the peculiaritiea, physical properties, depth, and age of the folding of the beds and the general construction of large tectonic formations in these reFions. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: VNIGRI (All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Institute for Geological Exploration), VNIIGeofizika (All-Union Scientific Research Institt.te of Geophynical Exploration Methoda), VNIGNI (All-11nior. Petroleum Soientific Research Institute for GeoloLical Eyploration) Card 3/3 AI'ZEN3HTADT, G.Yo..-As; NSVOLINj 14.V,,- VENTOVt U.S. Drillizig extradeep weUo in the cent,-al Gaspian Lowland. Sov. geol. 3 no* 32:33-43 D 160. (MIRA 14-.2) 1. VseEiovuzzVr neftyanoy nauchno-ios.Ledovateliskiy geologorazve- dochrinr institut, Vsesoyuznyy namahm-issledovatellskiy institut geofizichaskilch metodov raEvedki i Vwaoyuznyy nauchno-issledova- tellskly geologorazvadcohnyy nefty&nV institut. (Cag-pian Lowlind-Boripg) AIZXNMTADT,, G.Te.-A. PrD11PeCtG for finding heaTv oil 13oole In wester, Uzakhatan, Geol. nefti 1. gaza 4 no.9:1-5 3 100. (KIRA 13:8) 1. 1rseaoyuzny7 neftvanoy natwhnc-loaledovatellakiy institut. (Kazakhatan-Petroleum geologV) ANUSHTAIN, G.Te.-A.; XDLTYPIN, S.N.; TRIFONOV, H.K. HAictonie structure and historizil development of the Caspian lowland and. adjacent regions in connect.",)n with gan aril oil potentials' by M.P.Kazakov and others. RevieweL by G. X-A. Alzenshtadt. S.N.Koltypin, andl H.K.5?ifonov. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 no.4:109-112 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Caspian Lowland-Geolo Structursl) (Kazakov, M.P*f AIZENSIITAD','P G. Ye.-A. Problem area of 255 160. of evaluating the oil and gas potentials of the salt dome the northern Caspian Sea region. I~rudy V14IGRI no.163:233~- (Cuspian Sea region-Petrolem (;eulogy) (MIRA 1416) (Caspian See region-Gas, Naturttl-Geology) A72;ENSIITADT, G. Ye-A.; YAKUTSENY, V.P. Us.'Lng the characteristics of free and dissoloved gaves in estimating tho outlook for petroleum in the southeastern dispian Lowland. Trudy VNIGRI no.163:571-575 160* (MIRA 14:6) (Caspian Lowland--Petroleum geolft7) (Ca,splan Imland-Gas, Ritural-Analysis) AYZEb[SHTADT) G.Ye.-A. Stratig.caphy of the lower and middle Jurassic of the southern Emba ofl-bearing province. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:64-71 vol. 2., 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Embs, region-Gealogyj Stratigraphic) AYZI'.NSHTADT, G.Ye.-A.; GRATSIANOVA, O.P.; NEVOLIN, N.V.; EVENTOV, U.S. Efficient methods for geological mapping ard prospecting in salt--dome regions. Sov.geo*'L,. 4 no.12:113-116 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ministerstvo geolcgii i oklira:ay nedr SSSR. (Goology-Haps) I (it, 9spe -tin ) (iklt d,cceall AYZENSHTADT,, G.Ye. .-A.1 BIREZOVSKAYAS V.L.; IMASHBV, 11.1J, Proarpects for oil potential in the southern Ibba region Geolo neft*i i gaza 6 noo4:17-24 Ap 062. iMM 15:4) 1. V,3esoyumiyy neftyanoy nauchno-Issledovatelloldy geologorazvedochnyy instItut i Zapadno-YazakhatarLskoye geologichoskoye upravleniye. (EmImL region-Pettroleum geology) AURNSHTADT,.Airph-m-levelt Aronovichl 'PINCIIUK, Irima Amb!ianovna; lh~VEI.ISHTEYN' .veaiiahchty red.i YASHCHURZILINSKAYA, A.B., tekhri,red. [luzlmaya Raba 2 and Tugarakc)mn 5 key wells) .111zhno-Embenskaia 2 i Tupmkchanskaia 5 opornye mkvaz~ainy Leningrad, Gos'nauohno- tekhriiaheskoe izd-w neft.i gornot3plivnoi Le;Z. otd-nis 1961, 293 ps (Leningrad, Vsi)soiusnyi neftiamd. nauchno-insledovatelf- skii geolo oravedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.lta ~, (MUM 15 1 U) Iftra: Lowland region-Petroleum geology) (Kura Loi~land region--Gas, Natural-ClIvology) (Ust-Urt region-Petroleum geology) (Ust,-Urt region-Gas, Natural-Geololp,) AYZFNSIITADT Girsh Yesell-A.ronovich; ANTONOI, Karp Vasillyevich; i red,; SAFRONOVA, I.M., (Fornation of salt. domes and oil pools in the southern part of the ~mbaj Formirovanie solianykh kupolov i zRlezhel nefti IUshnoi "'mby, Leningrad. Gontoptekhizdat, 196). 315 p. (Leningrad. Vsosctiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-issbdovatellskil geologorazvedoch- nyi institut. Trudy, no.207). (MIRA 16:8) (Emba region-Oil fields) (Emba regicn--Salt domes) AXZENSHTADT, G.Te.; EVENTOV, U.S.; YENIKE)MV, P.N.; LII?OVETSKIY, I.A.; NEVOLINP N.V. More on the problem of drilling extra-deep holes in tj:te Caspian Lowland. Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.9:17-20 S 163. (MM 16:10) 1. Vs-esoy-uznyy neftyanoy nauchno-Iesledovatel'slAy geologoraivedochnyy institut (for Aysenshtadt). 2. Vseso),uzny)r nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy Institut (for Eventov). - 3. Gogudarstvennyy geologicheskiy ~omitet SSSR (for Tonikeyev). 4. V&3soyumnyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut geofizicheskikh metod,)v razvedki (for Lipoiretskiy, Nuvolin). GERSHTEYN, E. I. Initial thickness of the Kurgur salt-bearing complex in the Caspian Lowland. Dokl. AN SSSR 151. no.5$1156-1158 15.3. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Iraesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-Issledavatellskiy goologo- raziredochnyy institut. Fredstavlano akademikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Caspian Loqland--Salt domes) A'YZE'N,6HVdYT, G. Ye.; 1EVOLIE', 11. V..,, EVEIMN, Ya. S. it Gcological i;tructure and oi-l depa:-,its of t)-,e Caal.dan depresr,Lon." rejort submitted for 22nd Sess, Intl Goolo;,,.icELl Cong, NE!w Delhi, 14-22 Dec 1964. ATZEMHTADT1, G,Ye.,-A. ) DKEFROVp V.S. Evaluating the proepects for,finding oil in the southwestern Caspian La,41and and basic trends in prospect-Ing operations. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.70-1,! 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Veiesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno,' isle dovatell sUy geologorazve-- dochriyy institut, Leningrad. ACF NRs AT5028971 SORCE CODE: URtt)ooo/61i/(ioo/c)oo/o~~30/oL~143 Asze jbtadt. G. Ye Et~vpiin ]~Kentov, ra.G AUTHOR:: N. V!; ORO: none TITLE: &1212-1 al structure ud deposits of i;he Caspian depression nal Geolo SOURCE:: Internatio I ical CongTess. 22d, New Di~lhi, 196h. Geologiya nefti.:.. (PetroleuR geolo'). Moscow, T& -vo R&A-a-,"'196 k, 230-243 9y TOPIC 17AGS: geclogy, earth crust, natural gas, petrolei=, fuel phy!3ical geology, seismology, Moharovicic discontinuity ABSTRACT: In recent years nev data have been obtained on the G-ological structure of the Caspian depression--onle of the vety promising new oil and gas areas. Region- al seiiimic profiles obtained 'by the ccmbined refracted i3nd reflected wave methods gave an idea of the depths of the mantle and erystalline basemen',, as well as of the made of occurence of the .1~re-Kungur Taleo,.oic deposits (subsalt bed) in the near- flank s:one and central parts of the depr-ession. Sevekc~l ke- and parametric wells are betng drilled there, one of them to a deplih of 7000 meters. This will be one of the first vells drilled to such a depth in Eurasia. The Caspian depression is a de 'eply sunken part (pericr&ton fore-deep) oi! the Russian platform consisting of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozo:Lc deposi-be from 15 to VT kilometers thick. The oldest rocks unCDvered within the central parts of the depression belong to the X6 NP- AT50289Ti PermiEui system. Those are hy1rochemical sedbientD, wetly rock valt, anhydriteo# and gypsum of Kungur age occuring in coren of sali; plugs. rhey were drilled to the maximLui depths of 2000-4000 meters in wells on the Dossor, Kulsary, Inder, Chernaya Rechka,, and other domes. Acooraing to the U,;a of seismic prospecting the thickness of salt in some cores reaches seven to nine hilometers'. In the light of new geolog!Lcal and geophysical dats. the main featiires of the deep geological structure of the Caspian depression appear to bra. as folLows: Seismic observations by the combined method of refracted vwires revealed f-Yur seismic surfaceFi characterized by abrupt (saltatory) changes in the velocities -)f elastic flijctuations within the Caspian depression in the crystalline rock ma-,s of the earth cruc;t. Judging by the va:Lues of the top velocities (8.0--8.1 km1sec), the lolgest si:Lrface (M) corre- sponds to the surface of the -upper mantle of "he earth (Moborovicie discontinuity).. It extends a3xioet horizontally at a depth of 38-h2 kilometers. The third and second surfaces are discernible only In the c~~-.ntral part of the Canpian depression (in the area of the Mhobdinsk gravity maximum). The third surface there is at a depth of 24 kilcmeters. Its -top velocity is S.6 km/sec. The toj velocity of the first i3eismic si;Lrface is from 6.0 to 6-5 km/sec. In Khobdinsk region it occurs at a depth of lh, kilometers and then rises st,!plike towarda north and south. The Pre-Kwigur Palecizoic rocks descent stepvise from the flanks of tbe depression towardi3 its center, where their surface is seismically detected at depths from 7 to 11) kilometers. hi Paleozoic deposits local upliftE: and doummarps, as well as lar,~e faults can be developed. The Caspiaa depression is, cbaracterized by extensive develcipment of more than 10CIO salt lome structures. WitUn the south- Card 2/3 N' eastern part of the depression.and In its east-trn and soifteastern framing there are oil fields with Upper Permian, Triass1c, Jlirassic, ani 1,Dwer Cretaceous productive deposits; in central parts of -the d,~pression Intense gas shows are observed in Mesozoic and Plicene formations. rhe supposed oil and. gas reserves are associated with Paleozoic '[Devonian, 1" arbo.3iferous, Lower Permian) deposits primarily in the near-flank zoneis of the depre3sion where they occur at depths up to five kilometers, and with Upper Permian and Mesozoic rDcks, throughout the entire ares. of tbe depression; in some parts of the depression coixmercial accumula- tions oj, ' oil and gas can also 'be found in PaleDgene and Neogene rocks. Orig. art. hail: 5 figures. (Based on author's abstract.] SUB CODH: 08/ EUBM DATE: oB)ct65/ ORIG REFt 0191 -Card AYZENSHTADTO G.Ye,,A. -111-,- .1-1. . . .1 .. . Twiards a history of the develorment of the oJ.1 industry in the Emba region. Geol. nefti. i gaza 8 no.9356-59 S 164.. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchnc-issledovatel.'skiy geologorazVedochnyy Institut, Leningrad. AYZFJISMIJ;T~t I..~o._A; DIJBININ, A.Z.; YRNMEYMI, P.N.; MAYSIMOV. 5.P.; -TOV, 'OVA. YP.A. ; SOKOL 14, Eri.G. ; IWEN YEL.S..; FZDII:iN, M.B., Outlooks of a new oil and gas pmdu~Jng center in tho Caspian Lowland and adjacent m-gions. Gcol. neftui i gE~za 9 no.10-8 J11 1 "15. OCRA 18:3) 1. 3osudarstvenriyy geologicheskI3 komitet SSSR; Vsesc)yuzrivy neftyanoy nauchno-icsledovatells~Ay geologoraz"vedochn.'ry instil~ut, Leningrad; Vsesoyuznyy viaiichno-J~slc-(Iovtitellskaya gecilcgorazve- dochnyy neftyanoy instlMit, Mosk-ia; Nauchno-Isgledow,tellskayn laboratoriya geologicheskJkh kirlariyev otsenk! persPektiv neftegazonosnosti 1 Nizhnevclzhsliy nauchno-issledovF-tellskiy institut goologiJ J geOfi2dki. AY,"lBNSUADT,__I.A.; VOLIPSON, N.B.; 1401SQY, S.A.; MUSIN, R.A. Gencitic connection between copper, %mo lybd enum oro formition in the Almalyk region and intruitione, and its itq)ortunce for copper aro prospecting, Uzb.j; 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. G-lavgeologiya UzSSR i Institut geologil AR UuSSR. (Llmalyk region--Copper ores)~,Almalyk regiau--M~rbdenum ores) 0 Saga .14 0 a