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Em M~ mm glite,% lire pre.selli its tile jililljoll, c(gltilillill lx)lyjikLr coutpollild wllkll dissoeiate at W.-gher dillalo;ls (below oh"llur vulli-it). C-.1wAymerization -I IN-villyl- Molt'! (VI') and Y.N11- voillil I)%. vjlrtivtj imt, uttly it .1 :oospht-rt: of nitritgva ajid it uas f.1111.1 that tile Vf)-mv izatmi rate hivrvzi~ejj %%-jIjj ill(: collientof tile, intillulovy illixtiltv. A lovilleriv tbw%t'.;LA ill tile 6,1: (A \ Mll. illso 'xi'tr. ilk thi, woctioll LeNct-11 liw c(alt-clitlation of the hlit !at ilig. k-mllpollud (If,0d alid tile loolecallar Iwvi 'lit (if lift- polymer pi-ndlict. I'lle vari~ltlull Ill tilt- g likol CC%jIaT Wk-igIll Of like JAA57111VT IMAIld w% a fillivii'm f tilt. rehitive emll jul4tioll of t lc Starting loollmller l lixtuic Nvas illvesligated by lisilil, illclitival illitiator Coll Cold tilt lolls ill cach rim. According to the lilentall data it') 'lirt-vt lit-1),11.1ellce was follild Ill this Ulm tvlt .. ... . -j LY, 11-IN le,vii.11 tu 1'. Distr: 4E2o(j) le Synthesis of n1jivinyltwrolidVe and of fts analogs.* gef et1b) ind. and synthetic t In. resfi-9,-Budapest). Ada chim. Acad. &s. Rust. 19, --(IM)(in Engfish)~A synthesis of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (1), based on furfural (H), is described, which avoids the use of high-pressure C,11s. -Y-Butyrolactone (obtained by standard methods from 11) Is treated with NHI(CII,NOII to give N-(p-hydroxyethyIY2-pyrrolidone, which, with SOCIs, lelds N-(O-chloroethyl)-2-pyrrolidone. This is deh7dro- alogenated with NaOII in CtHs to N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone K (IU)(jPuetzer,eIaI..CA48,l36M). Mispol)-merizedtol in aq. soln. with Ht% as catalyst. By a similar route to M, the following are.also obtained: PrCONHCH:CHs,. EtCONHCH:Clll, McCONHCII:Cllt, and N-vinyl-5- methyl-2-pyrrolidone. Viscosities of the resulting poly- mers in dil. aq. soins. are measured. The presence of polymer aggregates is suggested. C. A. Am!h _j.; HATTIOS, L. , Polymers dissolvable in water. 1. Synthesis of N-vinyl butramide and polyvinyl butyr-amide. p. 8. (Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat, Budapest, Vol. 60, no. 1, Jan.1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAL), LC Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl . docens What is the significance of the now currency parity'of the Soviet rubel and what is its effect on Hungarian-S6viit economic relations? Elet tud 15 no&1+9.*1562 4 D 160. 1. Marx Karoly Koagamdaaagtudomanyi Egyetem Penzugyi Tanszeke, Budapest. BACSKAI,, Tamas, dr. Ghana between yesterday and tomorrow. Elet tud 17 no-44:1379-1383 4 N 162. -BAGSKAY,, Gyula, a kamiai tudomanyok kandidatusa; P. NAGY, Sandor An account of the Warsaw Conference on Corrosion* Kem tud kozl 20 no,3:409-410 163. 1. Nehezvegyipari Kutato Inteset, Veszpreme BACSKO, Mihaly The first Hungarian 200 kw. experimental wind-power plant. Musz elet 15 no.19:4 S 260. (EEAI 9.12) (Hungar7--Wind power) OCSAI, Mihaly; BACSKO, Mihaly; HAIZL Jozoef; TOW, Miklos; P HEJJ, Attila operational correlation between power developments on regular and fission basesm. Energia es atom 24 no.4/5.-W-231+ My '61. - . 1. Eromuveket Tervezo Iroda (for Ocsai, Bacsko, Hojj). 2. HOTERV pror HaIzl and Torma)e - BAICSO, A. - --- ------- TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAL: MELYEPITESTUDOIMANYI SWiLE. Vol. 8, no. 8/9, Aug./Sept. 1958 Bacso, A. The new section of State Highway No. 7 between Balatonkeresztur and Nagykanizaa. p. 351. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EW) LC, Vol..Al,"No. 2., February 1959, Unclass. ~~O,_gjDrt,;-MAUL, Ferenc; SZABO., Bela Data on the study of the brown forest soils of Kemeneshat. Agrokem talajtan 2 no.1:1-12 Mr 162. 1. Agratudomanyi Eastem, Talajtani Tanazek, GodoUo. ~ACSO, Antal.. olcl.mornok Development of main roads leading to Budapest and the establishment of new roads. Auto motor 14 no.19;27 0 161. _ 1. Ut-Vasuttervezo Vallalat. BACSON GnUAMiskole) Socialist brigade leaderol corterences in Borood Count7, Ifaa vaout 6 no,24t2 15 D 162, BAGSO, Gyu2a (Misko2o'l 0 the now safet7 appliances at Vamosgyork. Magy vaBut 7 no.l.-3 .1 Ja 193. HUNGARY/Pharmacology - Toxicology - General Problems. V Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18433 Author Porszasz, J., Nador, K., Gibiszer, -Porsazasz, K.) Bacso,, I. Inst Rungarian Academy of Sciencec Title PharmacoloU of fainoketones. Ill. Comparative Investi- gation with Largictyl (3-dimethylarLinopropyl-3-chlor-10- phenothiazin), Pacatal (N-Methyl-piperydil-3-methyl- phenothiazin) and P-933 (l.-Piperidino-methyl-benzodioxan) Orig Pub : Acta physiol. Acad. sci. hung., 1957, 11, No ~L, 95-107 Abstract : Rectal TO and r~bsorption of 02 were determined in rate and mice. The experiments were conducted with substances which possess strong antinicotinic (1-piperidyl-propio- phenone; NA-65; I) and strong adrenclyLic action (N-pi- peridyl-l-oxo-2-methyl- 1,2,3,4-tetrehy,~,ronaphtalene; Card 1/3 fX,,,A5Xit2, HUNGARY/Pharmacology - Toxicology - General Problems. V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18433 The interrelations between the adrenolytic and potentia- ting action of substances were not determined. I is a synergist of the analger;ic zv,~ition of morphine; in in- troduction of Il with morphine only stmmtion of action is observed. kminoketones w-ith antinicotinic action are regarded as central ganglio-blockers. -- L.V. Mitina Card 3/3 MaQ.-I.IJORSUSZ. J.; NADOR. X. Adrenelytic amino ketones. Acta phyniol. hung. 11(suppi):96-97 1957. 1. Pharmakologische Abteilung des Forachungsinstituts fur experi- mentelle medizin der ungarischen akademie der Wissenschaften. Pharmakologisches Institut der Nediziniechan Universitat, 3udapeat und J~byBiologisohen Inatitut der Mediziniachen Universitat, Szeged. (SYMPATHOLYTICS amino ketones, analysis of structural groups required for sympatholytic action (Gar)) BACHOP Y. [Bacso, J.]; CHIKAI, Yu. [Csikai, Gy.j; DAROTSI, A. ~:- [-N:--oczy,-A. ) Studies on the energy dependence of the cross-cut..ratios of isomers. AT014KI kozl 5 no. 3/4 '1-8 D 163. 1. Institht yadernykh issledovaniy Vengersvoy AN, Debretsen [Debrecen]. S/058/62/000/010/031/093 Ao6i/Aloi AUTHORS: Szalay, A., Csikai, J., Bacs6,--J-. TITLE: Critical comments on the cloud chamber study of the electron- neutrino angular correlation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 36, abstract 1OB281 ("Acta phys. Acad. scien-U. hung.", 1961, *v. 13, no. 4, 437 - 445, English; summary in Russian) - - .. J1_ TEXT: Some important problems arising with the use of the cloud chamber in measuring the electron-neutrino angular correlation in He6 beta decay are discussed. Three possible modes of measuring the e'-V'angular correlation using the cloud chamber are considered: 1) the measurement of the energy distribution of recoil nuclei; 2) the measurement of the aligles formed by beta particles and recoil nuclei when simultaneously measuring the beta particle momenta; 3) ihe measurement of the energy of recoil nuclei for a given beta particle energy. Merits and deficiencies of these modes are analyzed, and their relative accuracy is apprai.sed. The second mode is shown to be the most reliable. On the basis Card 1/2 Critical comments on the... S/058/62/000/010/031/093 Ao6i/Aloi of this analysis the results obtained in a previous work (RZhP4Z, 1958, no. 1, 340) from the measurement of the e-~- angular correlation in He6 beta decay are revised. For 93 cases left over after a critical revision of all (381) cases, the coefficient of angular correlation ~ is fowid to be +0.278+0.243. This value of X makes it possible to exclude the scalar (A - -1) and- the vector . +1) interaction between fermions. Owing to the large statistical errors, how- ever, it has not been possible to choose unambiguously between the axial and the tensor interaction. The authors renounce the specific conclusion they had reached in the previous paper regarding the existence of a tensor interaction, and inform of their intention to continue their studies in this field. L. Sokolov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 DARWZY, Sandcr; BAGSO, Jozsef Analysis of fast neutron r(,ar-,tLons in connection with statistical models. Fiz szemle 15 no.12-:378-380 D '64. 1. Niclear Research Institute of the Hunga-rian Academy of Sci,,ncps, Debrecen. BAGSG, Jozaef; DAR=Y., Sandor; GSIKAI, Gyula,,, dr.. kandidatus Correlation between the oross section of neutron-reactiche and the activity of reaction products during the process of.-activation performed with a f]-14 variable in tim. ATOMKI kozl 5 no.1:17-23 MY t63* - 1. -ATOMKI &04emenyekm szerkeazto bizotts'agi tagja. k GSIKAI, Gyula; BAGSO, Jozsef- DAROCZY, Sandor I , Cross section examingtion of neutron reactions in the RhlO3 nucleus. Magy fiz foly-oir 3-1 no.1:7-17 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete, Debrecen. U/"- (- -1 1 , , LAJOS, I.; JOBST, K.; ,BAGS6-,-K. I The chemical composition and biological role of the fat of the amnionic epithelium. Kiserletes orvostud. 2 no.1:43-50 150. (01ML 19:2) 1. Obstetrical and Gynecological Glinic and the Ghemical Institute, both of Pece University. LARS, L.; JOBST, K.; BACSO, Ir. Relation between the fatty content of the amniotic epithelium and the quantity of the vernix caseose. Orv.hatil. 91 no.20: 621-624 14 My 150. (CDCL 19:2) 1. Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic (Director -- Dr. laszlo Lajos), Peas 'University'. SS1 ssizoof to wcathm. UtZthet Condition% atul Climate.] litbjd~jji, 56(114):5t1-55, j1pril 1952, DLC-The problem a finding a brief yet accurate ~defiuirlan of "clicuate" nit! outhor defiam arnateas a*icrivat;vvoi the coivmpt "wcatber." flcalo o`e ",b]", ,0 Ile 'r, i3 '"wWde, Ohmloot a mwr* al,,gcol weadw,condi, tions, without aLcouoting for extreine -values and other fuctort. 1lic fiecund curmot mistake Is to Consider climate III rclation to a finite Wiod, Amording to the atithor's derujitiou le "climme is the totalit y of all, mfit and future weather deveWpinents M 4 given place," Subject ftrr-pr 3.ttcso, 86cso, V. "c."eather of Hung-ary in January and i,'ebruary 1953." ,~. 43. 11 - (Idoiara*. Vol. 57, no.1, jan./Feb. 1953, BudapcsL.) SO: 1-:onthl-~- List of East European Acces-ions, Vol. 2, no. 0, Librar,~ of Cor=es3, Septwber I - 1953, Uncl. BACS0, N. -, .. BACSO.. N. - Idojaras - Vol. 58, no. 5,, Sept./Oct. 1954. Operative questions in climatology. p. 298. SOS Monthly list of East European Accessions, (ERAT), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uh0l. BACSO, N. Visit of Czechoslovak meteoroiogi3tso p, 247. IDOJARAS. Budapest. Vol. 59, no. 4.9 July/Augo 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol- 5., No. 2,, February 1956 PACSO, NAUDDR. AGRICIJ1TURE i I-evezetes az agrometeorologiaba. Budapest, Yezof~azdasaj; Kiado, 1958. 330 P. Monthly List of East European A 'ssions (EEAI), LC, Vol. CA, N'o. 3 q9 E.-rch 1959 Unclass. Given N~it Co-w-v6ry: Hungai-j Acadenic Degrees:(Doctor of geographical sciences.] Affiliation: [Professor of Szeged University (Szegedi Tudamanyegyetem)l Source: Budapest, Foldrjazi Kozlemenyek, No 2, 61, pp 109-124 Data: "The TransPort and Conversion of Climatic Energy over Hungary." Gpo 9s1643 11 BACSO, fiandor.. dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok db)Ltora SUpammatic world atlas of olimateow by [Dr) H. Waltero (DrI H.,Ueth. Reviewed by Nandor Bacoo. Foldrajzi ert 12 no.2: 30144M 163. KOPPANY, Gy.; HILLE, Alfred; KAKAS, Jozeef; FUTO, Jozsef; KMI, Menyhert; PECZELY, Gyorgy; KOZMA, Bela; SZAPPANOS, Andras; AMBROZY, Pal; GOTZ, Gusztav; PAPP, Laszlo; BELL, Bela; HARTOS, Andras; BACSO, Nandor; HAJOSY, Ferenc; GSAPODY, Istvan; NAGY, Laszlo, igazgato foorvos; DONASZY, Erno; BORONKAIJ, Pal; ANTAL, Emanuel; TANCZER, Tibor; OZORAI, Zoltan The 10th itinerant meeting of the Hungarian Meteorological Society in Sopron. Idojaras 68 no.4:249-250 JI-Ag 164. 1. President, Hungarian Meteorological Society (for Hille). 2. Editor, "Idojaras" (for Kakas). 3. Editorial Board Member "Idojaras", Budapest (for Ambrozy, Bell, Keri, Ozorai~- I BACSO, Sandor, dr.; KISS, Janos, dr. ...... ~.' I - Data to the clinical picture and treatment of intrathoracic sarcoma with special reference to pulmonary sarcoma. Orvo hetil. 106 no.11:492-497 14 ~b~ 165 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem, Tbc. KIinika (mb. igazgato: Pongor, Ferenc, dr.) Sebeszeti Ositaly (vezeto: Schnitzler, Jozsef, dr.). BAGSO, Vasile Calculatiqa of the avexage of achievements in close connection with the specific objects of--each section and place of work. Munca- sindic ? no.11.,204,12 N 163. 1. Secretarul comitetului sindicatului Uzinele de pielarie si incaltaminte., Cluj. c~ BACSVANIN., "Oraln, dr. A case of gastric bezoai in a 9-year-old child. ayermekgrogyastat 12 no.4tng-121 Ap 161. 1. ToIna Megyei Tanacs "Balassa Janos" Korbaza (~rermekovztalyanak kozlemenye Ugazgato: Dr. Pelikan Emsebet. Foorvos: Dr. Konig Imrs) (BEZOARS in inf & child) I BACSY, Brno . , Evolution of the forms of metabolism. Elovilag 7 no.2:10-16 Mr-Ap 162. BACSYY E.r.po.,,$~ VI. eves orvostanhallgato, demostrato." Spring and man. Elovilag 8 no.3!32-37 My"Je 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szovet- es Feilodes"'ZIP! Intezete. BACU, 4ton, ing, Stresses and b,#Siavior of car couplings. Rev min 12 no.11:504-W! N 161, (Mine railroads-Carsl (Strains and stresses) RUWJM/Farm Animals. Honeybees q,_6 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol... No 11, 1958., No 50127 Author : Baculinschi H. Inst : Title : Secretion of Nectar in Sunflowers of Steppe Zones Orig Pub : Apiculturap 1957) No 61 9-10 Abstract : When the amunt of nectar was Oeternined by rinsinG 400 blooms in 50 ml of water for 24 hours, it was shown that mi average of 56.82 kg (from 42*8 to 74-87 kg) of honey per hectare was obtained for the years of 1953-1956, The duration of blooming was 33-40 clays, the number of blossoms on basic crowns amunted to 1,410-3,776, on secondary crowns and on branchlets to 508-1,416. As the size of the bloons dirainishes towarO.-s the center of the crown., their nectar content grows smaller. It is recomended that 0-5-1 beehive per 1 hectare be kept* --V.A. Kanzyuba Card 1/1 81 I-IIH&LIEVIC, FranaLdr. -", BACUN, Marija, dr.; BMAX,Branko, dr.; nPLUGA, Gvijeta, .; fD,,tLMMkGIi-,-ffe-1dna, dr; KI\TLZrVIC, Mira., dr.; KOSUTIC, Zvonko, dr. Bornholm disease in Yugoslavia. Lijecn. vjesn. 83 no.8:771-781 161. 1. Iz Bolnice za zarazne bolesti u Zagrebu. (PLEURODYNIA EFIMIC epidemiol) BACUN-KuBoVIC., M., dr.; MIHALJEVIC, F.P Prof., dr. Parenteral use Of ultracorten H In Infectious diseases. Med. glas. 16 no.3:124-127 Mr 162. 1. Bolnica za zarazne bolesti u Zagrebu (Upravnik: prof. dr F. Mihaljevic) (MWNISONE ther) (CGWMNICABLE DISEASES ther) f Virus Diseases YUGOSLAVIA FAIdSEVAC, Josip,Drp SVARA, Vesnav Dr,_DAV.1M~_J-QW Dr, RUINJEVIC, Juraj, Dr, SMERDBL, Stanislav, Dr; Fever Hospital, and A. Stampar School of Public Health, Zagreb (Bolnica za zarazne bolesti i Skola narodnog zdravlja "Andrija Stampar", Zagreb), Zagreb. ItClinical Observation in Diseases Caused by 13nteroviruses in 19631, Zagreb, Lijeenicki Vjesnik, Vol 87, No 11, 1965, pp 1207-1216 Abstract: L"A-uthors, '-4',nglish summary modifieg In 1963 a major epidemic of Bornholm diseaset serous meningitis, and other ill- nesses which are known to be possibly caused by Coxsackie and ECHO viruses, occurred in the surroundings of 3agreb and the city itself. Many of the patients were seen in the field and 178 were admitted to Fever Hospital, Zagreb. Seventy-five of them were classified as Bornholm disease with various manifestations(Pleuro- dynia accompanied by pleurisy, pericarditis, vesicular phaxyn- gitis and serous meningitis, respectively). Two cases presented themselves as herpangina, 74 as serous meningitis, with or with- out a rash, one with picture of paralytic poliomyelitis. five as meningoencephalitis and 21 as febrile illness with or without a rash. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of those �Pnmt ig made to aive criteria for REVVIDA, Jan; BACUROVA, Emilia; TIAN, Jan 'T ... Contribution to the furfural and cresol selectivity. Ropa a uhlie (S no.12:36/v-375 T) '0'4. GOBIG, Timotej,, inz,O asistent (Novi Sad,, Maksima Gorkog 26); 44q'~AIIPKI., Stevan., inzop naucni saradnik,-, VUCETIC, Sofija.. inz.,t asistent Comparison of various systems of meehanical milking applied on Yugoslav large farms. Tehnika Jug:Suppl.'. OrganizaciJaBO'pd-a 13 no.2-.391-398 Fe 163o 1e, Naueni institut s& stocarstrop Novis, Sad. 13jILC 7~---K, Z. "Directives Concernina Instructions for Exploiting Sluice Chambers." 0 P. 115, (GOSPODARKA WODUA, Vol. 13, No. 3, Mar. 1953- 14arsmia, Poland.) SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions, (E-EA-L), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. BACZEK, Z The strength of concrete in humid conditions. P. 332. INZYNIERIE I 3UDO1WNICTdO Vol. 12, No. 10, Oct. 1955 (Naczelna Organizzcja Techniczn2 i Polski Zwiazek Insynierow i Technikow Budowlanych) Warzawa. SOURCE., EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1956 T3 V)(t 2'. E, t~ Poland/Chwical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Khimiya,, No 1. 1957, 1732 Author: Baczek Z. Institution: None Title: The Strength of Concrete Exposed to a Humid Environment Original Periodical: Inz-ia i budown., 1955, Vol 12, No 10, 332-333; Polish Abstract: None Card .1/1 BACZ11-TSKI, A. BACZI-I,ISKI, A. Training of cadres for sea fishing. p. 1. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1955 ODSPODAIMA RYBNA. Warszawa, Poland. SOURCE: Fast F,iropean Accessions List (FYAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 j Spra-iim, equipn-3nt at the 2t",-Lh Poznan Inti,,maticnal vair. p. 638. (Sto:.---irzyszeni,-) i TIr-,c-~iIccw Mechani-kcw Polb'cicch) 'Harszawa, Poland. Vol. 1C., no. 15'/20, C,^!,. 1555. .1 ~ U. i. onthl- List of i,a:3'u Euro-rioan L;C, ~Iul. 9, no. 2, -',' jc~"C- l Uncl. BACZEWSKIV Jerzy; KOZLOdSKI, Andrzej Methods of determining the optimal drying para'meters for paint coatings in infrared driers. Problemy proj hut maszyn 12 no.1:8-10 Ja 164. 1. Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Warszawa. J L. -C~~df 24 --u 1: uc eL -Z- S LL~,- 7'f ed by 0 C:60. RYCHI.&WSKI., J.p mgr inz.; BACZEWKI, Z., inz. Furdamentalp of a rational selection of a remote control system. .+ no.3:68-70 Mr 162, Przegl kolej elektrotech V BACZKO, Aurelia '.- - - , - ate"k4l Now achievements in pathophysiology and therapy of thyroid diseases. Polaki tygod. lek. 12 no.8:299-305 18 Fab 57, 1. (Z 11 Kliniki Chorob WewnetrzEVch A.M. w Warezawie; kierownik: prof. dr. med. D. Aleksandrow). Adres: Warszawa, ul. Nowogrodzka 59, 11 Klinika Chorob W*wn. A.M. (THUDID GLAND, din. pathogbysiol. & ther., review (Pol)) BACZKO. Aurelia;WASOWSKA. T. Case of chronic myopathy in bypertbyroidiss. Polski tyrod..lek. 12 no,22:837-838 27 WY 57. 1. Z II Iliniki Chorob Vewnetrz.rWoh Akademii Nedycznej w Waresevie; kierownik: prof. AlsksandrW.-A4res: Warszawa, 11 Klin. Chor. Wevn. A. N. (HYPERTHMIDISM, complications, *opathy (Pol)) (MUSCIMS, diseases, hyperthyroid myopatir (Pol)) N L", "-,co cr in "ov 5' Vol I)/Jl 213G. CUSHICG'S SYNIDRWME WITH GROVITH INHIBITION INN A CHILD - Ze SP61 Cushinria u dziecka pr-zcbiegajkcy z %ahamovianicin, xvzrostu - Ba C z ho A. II Min. Chor. Wevin. A. M., Warsmawa - POL. TYG. LEK. I5n-,-TTP-O (763- 766) Illus. 6- Report of a case in a 14-year-old boy, treated by X-irradiation of the hypophysis and adrenalectomy, with good results. The growth inhibition remained, however. The rarity of Cushing's syndrome in children is emphasized. The growth inhibition is explained by effects of cortisone on protein metabolism and growth in general. RACZKO,Xurelia The action of estrogens an experimental coronary atheromatosis. Polski tygod Isk 15 no.5:161-168 1 7 160. 1. :4 11 Kliniki Ghorob Wiwnotrsnveh A.M.,w Warasawis; kierownik: prof. dr mod. D. AlskeRndrow " (ISTROGIM pharmack. ) (C,ORONARY DISIABI exper.) ALEKSANDROW, Dymitr; WYSZNACKA, Wanda; BAGZKO...Aurelia Studies on the mechanism of hy"teAvive effects of diuril. III. Effect of bydrechlorothiamide oiktbw eledtrelyte content in arterial valls and skeletal muscles~iu rate with experimental hypertension. Polskie arch. mad. wown. 31 no.7:921-928 161. 1. z II Kliniki Ghmvb Wewnetrznych AM w Warszawis Kierownik: Prof. dr, med. D. Aleksandrow.; (CHLOROTHIAZIDE pharmacol) (HYPERTENSION exper) (ARTERM pharmacol) (MUSCIES pharmacol) (KMTROLYTES metab) ALEKSANDROW, D.; BACZKO, A.,-- NOWOSLAWSKI, A. An attempt to produce coronary atherosclerosis and nyocqdia3. infarction in the rat. Bul Ac Pol biol 10 no.7:971-214 162. 1. Second Medical Clinic, School of Medicine, Warsaw and Depart- ment of Pathological Anatomy, School of Ybdicine, Warsaw. Presented by L.Paszkiewicz. WYSIZNACKA-ALEKSAJTDROW, Wanda DACZKO, Aurelial DZIDUSZKO,, Tadousay OBTASZE4SKA, Janinay 16-1-1 -Aw-~-q ...L^JKI, Slawomi-r Evaluation with the aid of the "blindK test of geriocaine therapy of the elder3,y. Pol. t7g. lek. 18 no.8z287-.291 18 F 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Warazawie; kieromike prof. dr med. D, Alsksandraw i z Oddzialu Psychiatryesnego Institutu Poychoneurologianego w Pruszkowiel dyrektor Instytutuso prof. dr mod. Z. Wo Kulligowskil kierownik Oddzialuss doe. dr zed. J. Jaroazynski. (PROCAINE) BAGZKO, Aurelia; BEVENDO, Bogualawa; RYLSKI, Miroslaw. Two cases of staphylococcal septicemia associated with pneu- monia. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.44-.16/,9-1651 28 0163. 16 Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Warsz!~wie (kierowniki D.Aleksandrow))z Zakladu Radiologii Lekarskiej AM w Warszuwie-(kierownik: doc. dr,med. S,I*Zgliczynaki), YA BACZKQI._~;, CISWICKA-SHUDERMATI, H.; JAKIJBOWICZ, Y.; SZNAJDERWN, m. "l- I".. . - A case of essential hyperlipemia treated with atromid. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no.2:135-141 165. 1. Z II Kldniki Chorob Wewnetrznych (Kiemmik: prof. dr. D. Aleksandrow) i z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AM w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Jablonska). BACZKO, A._; BRZOSKO, W. Effect of hydrodiuril of renal'dhanges in rats with experimental hypertension Induced by desoxycorticosterona. Bul Ao Pol biol 9 no.10-423-427 161.: 1. Second Medical Glinic, School of Medicine, Warsaw. 2. Depart- ment of the Pathological Anatomy, School of Medicine, Warsaw. presented by L. Paszkiewicz. 1POLAND Attrelia: rOIDUSZKO, T-adeuzz; %)S'_A_qZ7E,,TSYA, Janine.; PYLILYI, '1~ ozlaw and rMLSKI Slawomir; Second Clinic of lntcrnal Disoases (11 Minika . 17 - Chorob Wwmatrznvch', of the A:,~ tkad-mla T'ad-u-c-Ma, -- Vedl- ./ in. Warsaw, Director: Prof Dr `!od D, ALEKSAVEROW~ cal Schoo2l _v (Odd_z1al ?s,,,*ch1atrvczny) and the Dap~.rt;.,ient of Psycblatr of the Institute of Psycboneurology (Instv,rtu t Psych oneu- rolo! zicznv) In Rruszlkov, Director of the Institute: F-r-of Dr Med Z. W, MM1,10"ISKI" Head of the Department: "Docezit Dr I'lled. J. JARLOSM7MENI. "Comparlec.n of Gericcaine and Placebo -Res-ultc in Old Feople' ' Warsaw, Polski TvftodrAk Lekarski, Vc," V!TjTT, "0 ~rA, IR U rd 2 '1-201 L -pp "? I I Abstract! ~7,Wthors' Enc Tiodlfled717 Reeiilts of Se- lb _;llsi, swriiary riocainr. ard Placebo administration for a to healthe 11112 1 . -1 1 SENTEK, W.; RYS, R., doc. dr.; BACZKOWSKA, H. Digestibility of the nutritive compounds of standard -food mixture for broilers and effect of some additions on the nitrogen balance. Zesz probl post.nauk roln no.54:31-36 164. 1 1. Department of Animal Feeding of the Institute of Zootechnics, Krakow. Head of Department: Dr.Rys. LLak, i, LM , C . "Uhexploited possibilities of economizing timber"q ps 16 (Przemyel Drzewny, Vol. 4. no. 12. Dec. 1953, W&rs2awa) Vol- 3, No- 3 SO: Monthly I AjLt MI j4Uk Europe Ag-cessioag,/Library of Congresa, March 1954. Uw-l. BACZKO, Aurelia; ZAKIE41CZ, Marek Notes on the production of renal hypertension in the dog. Pat. polska 14 no-4:487-489 O-D'63 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vownetrznych AM w Varnawie (kie- rownik: D.Aleksandrow) i a Zakladu Chirurgii Doswiadczalnej AM w Warszawie (kierownik: J.Nielubowiez.). BAGMOWSKA, Helena o%- Pork meat or broilersl Wszechswiat no.3-19263-265 V161 BACZKOWSKA, H.; KAMINSKA, B.; KMNSKI, J.; FRI-INDLICH, A. Studies on the value of reciprocal crossbreeding of White American with Meat Sussex as broilers. Rocz nauk roln zootechn 84 no.3:589-605 64. 1. Department of Poultry Breeding of the Zootechnical Institute and Department of Feeding of the School of Agriculture, Krakow. RACZKOWSKI, Jerzy, mgr inz. New products of the BET14A Electromechanical Works in BydgoszCS. Wiad elektrotechn 31 no. 5:1Z-103 My 163. BAC2IKUv4SKT, Tadeuv_r, KROCIN, Andrzej Contraction of chronnickel steel alloy in the light of our oun experiments. Czas. stomat. 1-9 no.1-59-.62 Ja 1 456 1. Z Kliniki Stomatologicznej AM v Warszawie (Merownlk., prof. dr. J. Calasinska-Landsbergeroua) i % PanstwoweJ Medycznej Szkoly Tecbnikow Dentyst cznych w Warszawle (Fieroumik: lek. med. lek. dent. R. Tracz J, B;C Nov -10 Bi -n Of a IL 10 F '65- recision Machine BACZONYI, 7. Responsibility of the shipping enterprise for riefer-tive wrappinIg. p. h29. (Kozlekedesi Kozlony, Vol. 13, no. 23, June 1957. Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. BAGZONYI. Z. TIECHNOIDGY KOZLEMMESI KOZLONY (Hungary, Kozponti Szaliitasi Tanacs. Budapest.) BACZONYI, Z. Responsibility of railroads in short weight and faulty measuring. P. 844. Vol. 14, no. 50, Ded. 1958. Plonthly List of East European A4ssion (BEAI) W Vol- 8) No. 3 March 1959, Unclass. BACWIIYI, Zoltanpdr. Will there be a shipping problefn for the centralized railroad- highwkv unified transportation? Kozleked kozl 18 no.71lOl-103 F 162. BACOZON11, Zoltan, dr. The quostion of internal organization of uniform motor Vehicle railroad transportation. Kozleked kool 18 no,/+0:724-726 7 0 162. BAGZONYI, Zoltan, dr. The unifoxmrailroad-highway transportation and the packing of goods. Kozleked kozl 19 no.9.-229-130 3 Mr 163. 1 BACZONYI, Zoltan, dr. Some problems of regulating the Hungarian law on freightage. Kozieked kozl 18 no.47:845-847 25 N 162. BAC""ONYI, Zoltan,, dr. Developmont of the rail-road veight system. Kozleked kozI 20 no.32: 538-542 9 Ag 164. BAC71ONY1, Zoltan, dr. Basic principles of laws regulating freightage at contra! rallroad terminals. Kozloked kozl 20 no.42s683-685 18 0 '614. BACZYK) Jan, mgr. (Torun, ul. Mickiewicza 30, m.2) "Second Coastal Geography Conference," by the Coastal Studies Institute Louisiana State University; "Coastal classification maps, by J.Mc Gill; "An anaiysis of coastal c2imates, with particular reference to humid mij latitudes," by H.P.Bailey; "Origin and development of Texas shoreline," by R.Ls Blanc and W.P.Hodgson; "Padre Island and the Laguna Madre Flats," by 11.1,1.Fisk; "The geonorphology of the Guiana Coast."by J.H.Vann; "Coastal sand ridqes and marshes and their continental environment near Grand Popo and Ouidahy Dahomey," by A.Guilcher; "Geomorphological re- connaissance of the Yorth-West coast of Cape York Peninsula (Forthern Australi&),Q by H.Valentin; "Littoral and submarine morphology of the latone delta" by L.M.J.U. van Straaten; "The development of the coast3ine c-f the Wash," by G.Evans; "Dutch post-war coastal studies" by Ph.H. Kuenen; "The Danish moraine archipelagoas a resenrch fi7eld for coastal morphology and dyTamics" by A.Schou-, "Archaeology and physiography in coastal studie% by J.A. Steers; "Methods of correlating cultural remains with stages of coastal development)" by W.G. Me Intire..Reviewed by J.Baczyk. .,raficzne 32 no-4:451-457 161. Czasopismo geop 1. Uniwarsytet, Torun, Poland no title no affiliation Warsaw 11 PrzeQad Geograficznyt Vol 34, No 3v 1962, pp be-5-z5e "Committee on Sea Research of the Polish Academy of Sciencea--Geologio-Geographic Section". BACZYK,, Joz?If Committee for Sea Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences,- Geologic-Geographical Section, Przegl geogr 34 no.3:623-625 162. BACZYK Jozef ( Fan); NOWAK, Boleslaw (Gdynia) ~P i, M nn~L Influence of relief on the differentiation of mineral composition of surface deposits on Hel Peninsula. Czasop geograf 34 no.3t2O9-240 163. RACZYK, JR~p;~_ Third Maritime Seminar of the Geologic-Geographical Section of the Committee for Maritimp Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Przegl geogr 35 no.2:318-320 16j. BACZYK, JO:,cf Oc( anography in France. Przegl geogr 36 no. 2,.- -3:~-1-348 164. 30 BACZYK Jozef, dr. .- ~, -.9 .. The sandbar on the Hel Peninsula and the compaction of coastal sediments. -Foldrajzi art 13 no.3.-277-290 164. 1. Institute of Geography of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Torun. ~ICI--PITA IVZMCA See. 6 Vol. 11/8 Aug. 57 EA C z ~/< A'. 4900. BAXCZYK K. 11 Klin. Chor. Wewn. A. M., Poznad. Wplyw nickt6rych "CZY111110W I niczyqh na wielko4d przes;kczania klqbkowego wody i jej wchlaniania zwrotnego w cewkach nerkowych. I n f I u e n c c o f ~ e r t a i n therapeutic factors on the water filtration in the glomerules and on its reabsorption in renal tubes POL.ARCILMED.WEWNET. 1956, 26/8(1261-1265)Graphs4 The investigations concerned th6 influence of tapping the ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity, of puncturingthe s. c. oedema (drainage), of diuretic mercurial drugs andoftherapeutic sleeponthe filtrationand reabsorptionof water in tile kidnev. They were conducted by determining the amount of the endogenic creatinine clear- ance (the creatine level in T. Orlowski's modification). Water filtration in the renal glomerules decreased distinctly during the first 6-8 hr. only after letting out the ascitic fluid; after 24 hr. it reached values higher than the initial ones. The in- crease of water filtration occurred also 24 hr. after drainage and after the use of mercurial drugs. After the lapse of further 24 hr. there was a tendency to another decrease of filtration; most distinctly in the persons. who had the ascitic fluid removed. The reabsorption of water in renal tubes underwent the greatest de- crease between the 4th and 6th hr. after administration of mercurial drugs; how- ever, after letting out the ascitic fluid, as well as after the beginning of drain- age, a tendency to increased reabsorption is noted. After the lapse of the first and second 24-hour period the reabsorption increases in all 3 groups; most dis- tinctly, however, in persons with ascites, 1),iring treatment with prolonged sleep (with luminal) there takes place a real decr~--,e of the amount of urine; it depends mostly on the increase of the reabsorption, and to a smaller degree on the decrease of the glomerular filtration. Z'II Kliniki Chorob We,~ni. A. M. w Poznaniu, Kier.: prof, dr. med. Jan Roguski, Poznan, II Klinika Chorob Wewn. A. M. WsNM' ~ieczysla'w; BA-CZ'YK, Kazimierz; GUTOWSKI, Jerzy Renal function & excretion of 17-ketosteroids in hepatolenticular degeneration. Neur. &c-~Polska 7 no.5:725-738 Sept-Oat 57. 1, Z Kliniki Nourologiasnej A. M. w Poznaniu. lisrownik: prof. A. Dowzenko,z Il Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrzrqch A. M. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. J. Roguski i z Zakladu Chemii Pit-jologiomej A. M. w Pos"Aniu. lierownik: prof. Z. Stolzmanns (HEPATOIMTIOULkR DIDINARATION, Physiol. renal f=ot. & 17-katooteroid excretion (Pol)) (KIDMU, in n*ioud dis. hepatolenticular degen. (Pol)) (17-KBTOSTIROIDS. in urine in hepatolenticular deqen. (Pol)) BAGZYK. Razimiers;.KUH9. Maria; WOJTCZkK, Andrzej; KOSOWIGZ, Jerzy Influence of desoxycorticesterone and cortisone on kidney function in Addison's disease. Polskie arch. mad. wewn. 28 no.1:1-12 IM, 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzr4ych A.M. w Poznaniu Kierovnik: prof. dr mod. J. Roguaki. Adres-, Poznan, Przybyssewskiego 49. (AMISORIS DISUSE, metabolism in off. of cortiso ne & desoxycorticosterone on kidney fUnct. (Pol)) (CORTISONI, effects on metab. & kidney funct. in Addison's dis. (Pol)) (IMOXTCORTIGOSTERONN, effects on metab... & kidney fanct. in Addison's diB. (Pol)) (KIDIMM, in various diseases Addison's dis., off. of cortisone & desoxyaorticosterono on kidney funct. (Pol)) KOSOVICZ, Jerzy; GRACZYKOWSKA-KOCZCROWSKA, Ilicja; WOJTCZAK, Andrzej; IM. Maria; BAGZTK,JrAzlmior-z-.-- Water-electrolyte disorders in endocrine syndromes. Polskie arche mod. wewn. 28 no.49*529-534 1958o 1. Z II Iliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Poznaniu lierown1k: prof. dr mod. J. Roguski. Adres Autorar Poznan, Przybyszewskiego 49. II Ilinika Chorob Vewn. A.M. (MOCRINR DISHASES, manifest. water-electrolyte disord. (Pol)) (BODY FIUID BALANCZ. in various die. water-electrolyte disord. in endocrine dis. (Fol)) BAGZYX, lazimierz; WOJTCZAK, Andrzej; MJHN, Maria Effects of treatment with mercurial diuretic drugs on water-electrolyte metaboliame- Polskie archo*mede' wewne 26 no*4:561-564 1958* 1. Z II niniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Poznaniu lierownik: prof'. dr zed. J. Rogaeki; (CONGESTIVE Emm nILURE, there mercurial dinretids.,-eff. on water-electrolyte metab; (POl)) (DIURETICS. MERCURIAL. THER.use congestive heart failure, eff. an water-electrolyte metab; (Poi)) (BODY FWID BALANCI, eff. of drugs on mercurial diuretics on water-electrolyte metab; in congestive heart failure OPol)) :BACZYK, Kazipiers; WOJTCZAK, Andrzej; 11T , Maria Iffecto of withdrawing ascitic fluid on water and electrolyte metabolims. Polskie arch* mod. vewn. 28 no.4'-564-568 1958.' 1' Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. V Pozn'aniu. Kierownik: prof; dr sed. J. Roguski. Adres autora: Poznan, Prsybyszewskiego 49 II Klin. Chor' Vewn' A.M. (C~;GNST;B HEART FAILURE, manifest a cites, off. of withdrawing ascitic fluid on water- electrolyte metab. (Pol)) (ASCITES, otiol & pathogen, congestive hetrt failures eff. of withdrawing ascitic fluid on water-electrolyte metab.' (Pol)) (BMT FLUD BALANCE off. of withdrawing ascitic fluid o4 vater-electrolyto metabe in congestive heart failure kPol)) a ONSIEW i EXCERPTA MMICA --ec 6/Vol 13/6 Internal Xelicine 'June 3162. WATER AND ELECTROLYTE NIETABOLISNI IN' PATIENTS TREATED WITH PROLONGED SLEEP - Gospodarka wodna i elektrolitowa u chorych leczonych snern przedluto"m -~~Bc ~kK , Wojtczak A. and K u h n M . 11. Klin. Chor. Wewn. A.M.. PoznAn - POL. ARCH.MED. WEWNET. 1958, 261!4 (583-584) In 80 persons with peptic ulcer treated with prolonged sleep the changes occurring in the water and electrolyte metabolism were evaluated. The function of kidneys, water content in the blood cells and in the plasma, extracellular hydration of tis- sues, extracellular and intravascular space were examined. In the period before treatment, water and electrolyte deficiencies were found in the extracellular space of some patients. During treatment with sleep a decrease of glomerular filtration and an increase of the tubular reabsorption of water were observed, with a simultaneous increase of creatinine concentration in the blood serum. K", re- absorption was decreased in a majority of the cases. After treatment a correction of water and electrolyte deficiencies was noted in the extracellular space. ROGUSKI, J..;-,.BACZYK, K.; WOJMZAK, A.; KUHN, M. Water and electrolyte metabolism in patients treated by prolonged sleep. Poznan. tAw.przyjaciol nauk, wydz.lek. 17 n0-5:57-80 159- WATER ELECTRMYTE BALAICE) EEP off.) W NOVACZYK,J.; BACZYK, K.; CZAMCXI,R.;,K0SOWICZ,J.; ADAMoW- Kidney function tests in primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency in patiepte treated with cortiame.'Polskie 30 no.6: 803-8o4 6o. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A.H, w Poznaniu lisrownik: prof. dr J.Roguski (KIDNEY FUNCTION TESTS) (CORTISONE ther) (ADRENAL CORTEX die) CZARNECKI, Ry82ard; BIALECKI, Mieczyslaw; BACZYK, Kazimierz; KOPCZYK, Teresa Effect of therapeutic use of hemodialyais on riboflavin concentration in the blood. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.43/44:1691-1693 24 0 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M., w Poznaniu; kierownik: prof,.dr J.Roguski i z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej A.M. v Poznaniu; kierownik: prof.dr A.Horst. (DIALYSIS)' (VITAMIN B2 blood) BACZYK) Kazimierz ------------------------ Effect of the treatment of chronic circulatory insufficiency on glomeiular and tubular activity. Poznan. tow. przyjaciol, nauk wydz. lek. 21 no.2:37-82 161. (DIURETICS pharmacol) (KIDNEYS pharmacol)