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L 1687-66 ACCESSION NR: APS020652 water. The emission spectra were measured with a DFS-13 spectrograph. The temperature of te are was -determined from two pairs of copper lines: 5105. 5.: 5153. 2 A and 5105. 5 : 4530. 8 A~ Using the theoretical value of the Stark C 0 g 6btained,c nstant and thi -xperimen al values, the article cites 6 value of (1.111 Q.3) for-the concentration of charged particles in a pl6sma'in.a -_-dii*i~t-~C-urrent-.-g-r'cbot"en-.copper-electr6det;.u de Aer- e conce of n r wa -Th'- ntration charg- e, p,artic-io6in''creases compared to the same arc In the atmospMre, for which a value of--1015,cm-3-is quoted. The temperature rises to-appro*imateily _K___ "In -c'onclusion --the -authors -wish tothank_.M.- A.-Mlyashipvich hi 1500 constant interest in the for his discussion of the results.-0 has: 3 tables ASSOCIATIOM, Institut ftzikfj~ Akademit nauk BSSR (Ikbtitute of Physicrjj~ AdadejW Of Scienceep BM) SUBPMTTED.- 2i~t~i~~ ENCLs, 00 SUB CODE' GCj EM OTAft. 6C, NR REP SOV: 006 0 ,d. GEMPEL', V.V.; BAKANOVSKIT, K.A. (Podollsk) --.- ~ -I - .. ~ ~ - ~- ~ - --. ~-- - Organization of medical care in shops with the new equipment. Gig. truda I prof,zab, 3 no,5s49 B-0 159, (MIRA 13:2) (PMDLSK--IIMUSnIAL HYGIM) BAKANOVSKIY, K.A. (Podol'sk) Results of the implementation of hygienic working cond-itions for metallurgists in a tin-processing plant. Gig. ta--adeL i prof.zab. 6 no.12:41-42 D162. (MIRA l6j7) (TIN INDUSTRY-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) r- --:3 ~.- . - , - ~ V -.. - ~,-' .1 1 ~~ ~ 1, "--, - Cm < I I I - Z, BAKAN8KAYA) V&,V3 "The Rate of'Appearance of IdIodine 131-Tagged Albumin in the Lymph of the Thoracic Duct During Disturbance of Permeability of the Vascular System (Peptone Shock and Aseptic Inflamation), " Trudy Stalin. Med. Inst. Vol 13, No 2, 1954, pp 65-73 (from Ref. Zhurn. --hhim., Biolog. Khim., No. 12 25 Jun '56, Abs. No 11677 by K.SH.) It was xsJzims established that during peptone shock and also during aseptic turpentine inflammation of dogs, intravenously administered iodine 131 tagped albumin from serum of human blood appeared in th lymphatic duct signi- ficantly sooner than in normal animals. SO; Sum 1204 , Jan 28, 1957. .--I F, IF % 17 BAKANSKAYA,j V. V. "Hatorials on Pathology of Pertwability of the Uscular System. (An Experimental Study)." Stalinabad State Medical Inst imeni, Abuali ibn-Sina (Avicenna),, Stalinbad,, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Ifedical Sciences) SO - 14-955, 16 Feb 56 BAKANSKAYA, V. V. ii "Data on the Pathology of Vascular Permeability,," a report presented at the First Conference of Pathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingrad, 12-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol., 17, No 3, pp 83-87, 1955 Abstract Sum. 1003, 2D Jul 56 BAKMSX&YA, V.V. Causes-for different pharmacological results intrnvenous and intra-arterUl lnjectlom; concentration of substances in the blood following Intravenous and intra-arterial inJections, Trudy Stal. med.inst. 21:39-43 156 (MIRA 11:8) (INJECTIOUS) 9 BAKANSK-AYA. V.V. Rnte of passage of I 131-labellsd albumin, injected Intravenously, Into the tissues and lymph In dogs with burns; Impairment of vascular permeabilitv In burns. Trudy 21:45-51 (MIRA 11:8) (BLOOD VESSICLS-MMABI LITT) (BONS AND SCALMS) TJSSR/General Problems of Pathology - Shook U-1 ,,,oe'OO'Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bid j, No@ 18,, 1958j, 84809 Author V. V. Institute lb institute Ts-Wven Title DisturbanceB of.Vasoular Permeability In Shook (Electrophoretic Studies of the Protein Composition of Lymph In.the Development of PeptoneShock) Orig Pub BpA. Eksper. Biol; i Medo.0 1957., Vol. 44, No, 11.0 45-48 Abstract In 17 dogs shook was produced by the intravenous in- Jectibn of a 40 percent solution of paptone (P) in phym; siclogio saline solution (0,7 gm/4), 20-30 seconds after the injeotion of P the blood pressure fell to two-thirds Its original level, By five minutes after the injection, the concentration of-protein (0), the ratio between the protein fractions,, and-the.A/G ratio in the serum of the dogs had not changed, whereas in Card 1/2 the lymph of the thoracic duct the OP had Increased 14 BAKAKSKAYA, V.T. Disorders of vnacular permeability in burns; eleotrophoretic invest- igation of the Drotein composition of lymph drainig irom the burned arena [with summary in Bnglishl. Biul.eksp.biol. I med. 45 UO.5: 36-39 W58 (MMA 11:6) 1. Is knfedrY DEtologicheekoy fiziologii (zav. - dots. Ye.P. Smolicher, nauchW rukovoditell raboty - prof. I.A. Oyvin) Stalinnbadekogo meditainakogo instituta Imeni Avitsenny. Predstnvlena deystviteltnym chlenom ANN SSSR A.Y. Brnunahteynom. (BUM, experimental, eff. on lymph proteins in damaged area, electrophoresis (Rus)) (PROTHINt metabolism lymph, in damaged areas in exper. burns, electrophoresis (Rus)) (LYMM, metabolism proteins, In dnmnged areas in exper. burns, electro- phoresia (Rua)) BAKANSKAYAp V.V.9 Radioactive isotopea in medicine, Wrave Tadzh. 7 no. 3:62-63 My-je '6d. (ISOTOPES-THMLVEUTIC USE) (MM 14:4) BAKANSYJ.YAJ, V.V. Dynamics of vascular permeability disorders in acute radiation sickness in dogs in ch-y subtropical climatic conditions. Radio- biologiia 4 no.4:638-640 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Meditoinskiy institut, Grodno i Meditsinskiy institut, Dushanbe. BAKAUU, M. CumputinF the natron concentration of Derr thickener. p. 240. 1:0.14SZATI LAPOK. (MaFyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Eaesnlet) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 14, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (ELPAII), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, Au.-ust 1959. Uncla. BAKAIP-I, M. Measuring the sludge content of Dorr th-l'akeners. p. 243. KOHASZAT1 LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesvlet) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 14, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessl4cns (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8. August 1959. Uncia. ATLASOV, I.P.; BAKAR, V.A.j,BONDAREV, V.I.; SYAGAYEV, N.A.; SOKOLOV, V.N.; DIBNE~,'--r. Sketches of the tectonic structure of the central sector of the Soviet Arctic. Trudy NIIGA 135:3-69 163. (MI RA 18: Til"AF il Z. Bakar, Z. Results and fUtLire prospects of standardization on Yugoslav railroads. p.179 SO: Kontbly List of East European Accessions List (FEAT.) LG, Vol h, No. 11 Novenber 1955, Uncl. ussR / soil science. cultivation. Improvomont. Erosion. T-4 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya., No 16, 19A, No- 72747 Author :Bakeradze. D. bl. Inst :Georgian Scloirbific-Research Instituto of Hydroengimering and Amolioration Titlo :On the Problem of the 1~bthod of Figuring the Economic Effectiveness of Projected Irrigation Systems Orig Pub :Tr. Gruz. n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn. i molior., 1957, vYP- 18- 19, 41-44 Abstract :No abstract given 39 BAKARADZE, T. L., Cand of Med Sci -- (diss) "Gamothropic action of certaJbn antimala.11a. synthetic preparations (exoerimental and epidemiological investigations)," TDij1jLb19 I-Y:)7, ev pp (TD111si State Medical Institute) .200 copies (KL, 32-57,96) /7 /T i1W SHCHERBOV. D.P.; PASHSVKM. I.N.; SAXARASOV.1, V.P. Use of polarimetrie determinations in bulk analysis of area. Trmdy labegeoloupr. no.1:31-50 151. (MIRA 7:n) 1. TBentralluaya laboratoriya lasakhakago goologichookogo upraylenlys. (Polariscops) (Ores-Sampling and estimation) 98-66 __459 ACC NRS AP6034o65 GE/0065/66/231/05-/0382/0390 Iwa stitute for General and inorganic Chemistry --p, of the 11D. L draria Academy-of Sciences (original-language version not at t~__Aj_t given] in Sofia, Bulgaria. "Investigation of the Adsorption 11yeteresis with a Physically Modified Technique" Leipzig, Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemiep Vol 231, No 5-6, 1966, pp 382-390. g~ag~: This paper described the method for the determination of the Abs geomecric factor, (y, characterizing the differential curvature distri- bution of the surface, by employing basically the technique described. by the author Ibid., Vol 225, 1964, p 273. It was found that this sub- , V.; I , ject is closely related 'to capillary-condensation adsorption hysteresis, The theory and practice of the technique was described in some detail,: and its applications we" ~ptitlined. SUB CODEs 07 / SUBM DATFU '04Jan65/ OrdG REFs 005 SOV MWI 0041 OTH REFs 012 1/1 V'Vr 13AJ=7,HM, - -- 'Mairy cows on collective faritz and the basis for foragell (P-3) E, X6Nr't,'IIATM6 Z .1b"EME (Itinisterstvo na zemcdelieto'; D"ofiya Vol 8 llo a 1953 SO: East EurolDean Accessions List Vol 2 No 7 Aug 1954 - STEFANOVA, Lo-; BAMRDZHIEV, Iv. Stabilizing vitamin C in cerbonated, salted, and sweetened irater. Izv bial med RAN 3 no-3:147-150 '59. (EEAK 10:4) 1. Institut po eksperimentalna meditsina, pri BAN (Direktor: akad. D.Crakhovats) (ASCORBIC ACID) (WATER) USSR/Cbemistry Catalysts, Hydrogenation Sep 53 :_1 i."Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Presence of Kati- num Deposited on Activated Carbon," D.V. Sokol, skiy, T. Bakardzhiyeva Iz Ak Vauk KazSSR, No 118, Ser Khim, Issue 6, PP 107-118 With increased filling of the surface of C wi'th Pt, the activity of the catalyst increases up to a certain limit, then remains const, and finally drops. In the hydrogenation of cyclohexene or vinyl phenyl ether, the rate of the reaction-Is directly proportional to the quantity of Pt vithin 2 6ft8 a vide range. The most active catalyst contains.. InL the hydrogenation of cininiamic 4-Wof Pt '6y'vt- acid, the reaction product inhibits the catalyet.- Thi activity of the catalyst is not affected mate- rially by the method of deposition of Pt. 268r8 L-322 ACC NRt -AUTHOR: ORG , nYtTtMV"'bf~'Gdh-6r-al7d-nd'Inorganic Chemistry, BAN T TL-E; Determination of surface distribution TuR-Mons according to curvature in porous oblects SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Dokla4~. v.. 18, no. 6p %5-50 TOPIC TAGS: porosity, adsorption, distribution function, surface propertyp deeorptil ABSTRACT: Adsorption met hGds are widely used for the study of Dore properties in adsorbers and catelyzers. Numerous authors developed If met6ds for the determination of pore distributions according to volume and ,area by sorption in the domain of capillary condensation and polymolocular covering (see, e.g., E. P. Barret, P. Q. Joyner, P. P. Hallendat J., hier. AGM, 73, 19511 373; M- M. Dubinint A 1956, 184o). In j'a-eailiir' h Paper (Z0-, phys; 42 *P 225t,1964t 273) the author characterized the pore size by the diir~6tiAro o1r, The surface elements on which the condensation according to the Thomson-Gibbs equation occurs; he proposed also an equation for the a surface change during isothermal sorption which contains a parameter ok characterizing the shape of the above-mentioned surface elements. In the Drimentallyl present study of the hysteresis, the author determines expt a ti aso' 0. the value of &* for idsor ion nd desorption. Results show that th~ capillary condensation plays th same role during the filling and emptying of jh The article.contains do ailed desertptions of the experiments with 6 pores. c I tlal'sh' industrial catallzgr prolves. This per wag presented b dd-e n ev on 12 February 9 5e The author-toks Prof.,Dliznakov ofthD f'or us u~dis' ssions of the results. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. 40rig. art. in UerMq jP jpe SUB C 07 7 SUBM DATE: 12Feb65/ 0111 REFI- 008/ SOV BEFS 004 Cord IA 1.5 - - BA-KHLI KALINIUCHMO, V.N.; VOYEVOL)IN, S.A. Advantages of rubber granulating in the preparation proceas. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.2:43-45 F 1165. (MIRLA 18:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy filial Nauclino-issledovatellskogo instituta shinnoy promyshlenncsti. BAKARYV -F. and SFAFCVALOV, I. Iz opyta kajdtallnoro vosstan6vleniia'mostov. Z-Fron the exper'i'nce' of laige scale restoration of bridge2s. (Zhel-dor. transport, 1948, no.61 _F . 67-74., illus.), DLC: EE?.Z5 SO: SOVIET TMSPORTATION AND CORAMIGATIONS, A BIBLTCGRAFHY, Library of Congress ge-ference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. ACC NR~__A_P-6_0_3_0_3_03_ (A ) SOURCE CODE: UR/0416/66/000/008/0069-/-O-O--7-5 AUTHOR: Bak-~ vt.P.,(Major general, Technical forces, Hero of socialist labor) ORG: none TITLE: The work of-Soviet railroad construction forces SOURCE: Tyl i snabzheniye sovetskikh vooruzhennykh sil, no. 8, 1966, 69-75 TOPIC TAGS: military engineeriAg, railway construction, construction machinery ABSTRACT: The duties and responsibilities of the Soviet Army railroad construction forces in the current five-year plan and the improved technical means available for building railroads are discussed. The new semiautomatic rail assembly lines consist of four basic mechanisms: crosstie feeder, automatic drilling unit, conveyer and aut matic assembly unit. The following operations am perfomed automatically: the del very of the cmssties to the drilling unit, drilling of holes in the crossties and their treatment, the driving of spikes and the ejection of the assemblies. The pre- assembled 25-30 m track lengths am laid by type PB-2 and PB-3 equipment. Photogray~, of some of the hea%-f equipment used in railroad construction are shown. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 13V SUBM DATEt none 1 A AUTHORS: Bakarej, _P.I. and Prytkov, V.N., Ingenieurs. 184 TITLE: Centrifugal method of manufacturing reinforced concrete masts supporting overhead electrical wiring. (Iz gotovleniye tsentrifugirovannykh zhelezobetonnykh opor kontaktnoi seti). PERIODICAL: "Beton i Zhelezobeton" (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete), 1957, No.2, pp. 54 - 57 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The above mentioned masts were designed according to plans of Gipropromtransstroi of the Soviet Ministry of Transport. They are employed in the electrified Kurgan - Makushino Yuzhno-Ural line. The masts are 11.5 m high, the weight is 1.7 ton, the mast being bolted to the concrete foundation by steel shoes. The reinforcement consists of a base ring, longitudinal bars and spiral reinforcement. The base ring and welded on lugs are made of steel St- 3. Concrete Mark 400 is used. The external minimum diameter of the mast is 29 cm. and the tapering 1 1/2 %. The basic equipment is the centrifuge which is driven by two 3-phase dynatos of 36 kilowatt with 4 speeds: 175, 270, 350 and 540 rot./min. The steel formwork in which the centrifuging is carried out is made of 8 mm thick steel sheeting. The manufacturing process has the following phases: the formation of the reinforcement, mixing of concrete, the preparation of the forms for centrifuging, the centri- fuging process, the curing of the masts in the forms, 184 Centrifugal method of manufacturing reinforced concrete masts supporting overhead eleC4-rical wiring. W the striking of the'forms and the final curing in chambers. The bottom rings are fixed by welding. The longitudinal reinforcement is of 5 to 6 mm dia. The sand for the concrete mix has a modulus of coarseness of 2.46 with an average grain diameter 0.37 mm, the coarse aggregate having a content of 6 1/2% of stones over 20 mm and 2 1/2% less than 5 mm. The nominal concrete mix is 1 : 1.36 : 2.17, the water:cement ratio being 0.5. The quantity of used cement is 460 kg/m3 The curing was carri8d out for 3 to 4 hours, the 0 temperature being 50 C during the first hour and 80 C during the rest of the process. The final curing Ig the chambers is carried out for 8 hours at 70 to 80 C. 4 masts were tested from each- batch of 100 masts manufactured by this method. The masts were erected with the aid of lorry-mounted cranes which had a capacity of 5 to 10 tons. Steel consoles are fixed after erection. There are 4 photographs, 4 diagram and 1 table. RA.Y"Vy P.I. , inzh., Geroy Sotsiallsticheskogo Troaj GALKIN, Yuj., - - lx, Laying track in 25 M. sections with a tractor-type gantry 'track layer. Transp. stroi. 31 no.5:7-10 My 161. ~ (MM 14:6) (Railroads-Tracklaying machinery) BAUMV" ?.I. of Geroy Sotsialioticheokogo Truda; TRIFONOV,, S.M., inzh. Construction of the footingo of a bridge over the Ugra River on columnar foundations. Transp. stroi. 12 no.6:17-19 Je 162. (MM 15:6) (Ugra, River-Bridges-Foundations and piers) BAKAREV.1 P.I., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, inzh.; M OV, O.Ye. inzh. Construction vorkers employed by ~he transportation industry need immeuverable, highly productive eqV4ment. Transp. stroi. 12 no.11: 1043 N 162, (Railroads-Construction) (MIRA 15:12) BOGDAROV, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, prof.; KOROUTA, A.I., retsenzent; BAKAREVA A.I , retsenzent; TKALI, T.K., retsenzent; SUB-~A, V.A., retsenzent; KOROIEVA, N.S., retsenzent; CHERRASOVA, M.P., red.; ZARSHCHIiOVA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Microbiology of milk and milk products]Mikrobiologiia moloka i molochnykh produktov. 4 izd., perer. i dop. Moskva, Pishche- promizdat, 1962. 307 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Prepodavateli Khartkovskogo tekhnikuma molochnoy proryshlen- nosti (for Koroleva, Bakareva, Tkall,, Suima). 2. Starshiy mikro- biolog Moskovskogo molochnogo kombinata (for Koroleva',,N.S.). (Dairy bacteriology) f Tokl~)ir-'~ o-jjf:M -maia sanilar'izi v !,-uzncc!uiy',:i, 1-uznec u sntua:~,. ovoc'mykia ltsel~'Lialkh SP-'.7-ty cn~- ncerinC an-I in-liasturial u -rcos --Porring sho:,Z). Oborongiz, sanita'don in for-in~., rop, f'0 1-0,51. 1.92 ;,. 'Vd.nnrallnvye Vody); BAKARTNIOV, M, shturman -n 5ralInTle Vody) The tpchni5isris did nA go lr;t&) the citLaJts. Gra-zhd. av. 22. jo 10.5. (YJRA 1816), GOFMAN, I.L.; ZOTOVA) K,.S.; ALEKSPMINA, L.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: VINNIK, M.M.; LYSENKO, M.G.;!BAK IINOVA, N.M.; NIKITINA, N A. Preparation of a tetrasodium pyrophosphate decahydrate food product based on phosphoric acid obtained by the extraction method. Khim.- prom. no.9s630-632 S 162. (MIn 1511l) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po udobreniyam i insekto- fungisidam imeni Samoylova i Opytnyy zavod Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta po udobreniyam i insektofungididam imni Samoylova. (Phosphoric acid) (Sodium pyrophosphate) BAKARSIC, Su3.ejman Sarajevo. Geogr hor 7 no.3:16-28 161. BAKARSIC , S. ... , Husein Brkic, 1889-!-1861; obituary. Geogr glas 24 208-209 162o 23879 1-1-TAS'DWA, L. Dasyatf 1) 7 1 1-1 a n vtorom. Pro fso,,-inov~ 7, SO: Letopis, E0. 32, 1949. BkKASHOVA., L. "Militant Organization of the Wvridng Class.," Prof. Soyuz., No.9, 1952 BAKASHOVA, L. "Defending the Vital Interests of the Workers3 Their Democratic Rights and Liberties (Results of the bession of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions)" V. prom. profaktuvu, 13, No.13, 1952 2 1. BAKA,~ECVA, L. 2. IUSSR (600) 4. Insurance, Social - Congresses 7. Internation conference for social insurance and social security, Prof. .qoiUzy) 8, no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, firril -1953, Uncl. BAKASH(NA, L-. , World Federation of Trade-Unions For a better life, freedom, and peace, V -Dom. profaktiv-u 14 No. 7, 1953 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June --1953, Uncl. BATA HOVA, L, On the road indicated by the Third World Congress of Trade Unions. Sov.profsoiuzy 2 no.5:68-72 My '54. (KLRA 7:6) (World Federation of Trade Unions) BAKASHOVA,L. In defense of the vital interests of workers. Sov. profsoiury 3 no.6:79-83 Je 155. (NMA 8:8) (Trade unions) BAKAMOVA, L. For strengthening International unity of the working class; on the results of the 28th session of the executive office of the World Federation of Trade Unions. Sov.profmoiuzY 3 n0-11: 64-67 N '55. (KMA 9: 1) (World Federation of Trade Unions) IBAKksap . pi Militant organization of workers. ("World Federation of Trade Unions in the struggle for mity of workers action" by A. Tklmashnov. Re- viewed by L. Bakambova).;ov. profsoiuzy 5 no.5:92-93 Vq '57- (World Federation of Trade Unions) (NLRA lOs6) BAKASO.1',A -R - ATAYEVA -Ch.,, kand, ekon. nauk red.; MAXOROVA, Yu.Y,.y I-- ) 11,0-- p p red. izd-va; MARITONOVA, Ye.I., red. izd-va; MIROYEDOVA, A.N., tekhn. red. [Fror. the histox-y of economic thought in Turkmenistan in the !8th century) Iz istorii ekonomicheskoi r7sli v Turknienistane v XVIII veke. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad. naak Turkmenskoi SSR, 1961. 89 p. (Turkmenistan-Economics) (19RA 15:6) DRUZHININ$ I.G.; BAKASOVA.9-9~; ARBAYEVY S.A.; IMANAKUNOV.9 B.,; -VOZ'--.3'YKOj.V., red.izd-va; ANOKHINA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Reaction of saccharose with sodium, potassium, calsium, and magnesium] Vzaimodeistvie sakbarozy s khloridami natriia, kaliial kalltsiia i magniia. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kirgizakoi SSR, 1962. 11+5 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Sucrose) (Chlorides) BZ~KASOVIA , Zaryl, Cand Chem Sci -- diss )"S'udy of chemical inter- act-ion ?t caccbaroce %vO*6~tla-g chlorides of calcium. and i-,v-C~ nesium." Frw~ze$ 1',-591. 12 pp (Lcnd of Sci Uz,5SR. In8t of Obemistry of Polymerc. Inst of 611011listry of Vecotlldl~_, subst,~nces),*- 125 coPiOs OM,30-59, 118) DRUZHININ, I.G.; BAU_�PVA, Z.--ARBAYEV S.A.; IMA-NAKUNOV, B., otv. red.; VAZHEyKo, I.V., red. izd-va; ANOKHINA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Reaction of saccha--ose with sodiumj potassium, calcium, and magnesium chlorides]Vzaimodeistvie sakharozy s khloridami nar- tiiat kallia, kalltaiia i wgniia. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kirgizskoi SSR 1962. 145 P. (MM 16:2) (Sucrose) tAlkali metal chloridO- (Alkaline earth chlorides) v F" PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV13618 Akademiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR Izvestiya. Se.riya yestestyennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, tom 1, vyp. 1 (News. Series on Natural and Technical Sciences, Vol 1, No. 1) Frunze, 1959. 164 P. 500 copies printed. Ed.: F.T. Kashirin; Tech. Ed.: M.G. Anokhina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for research scientists and teachers i'n institutes of higher education who may be interested in develop- ments and research trends in various scientific fields. COVERAGE: The book contains 12 articles by persons affiliated with the Academy.of Sciences Kirgiz SSR on studies in physical chemistry, industrial chemistry, applied physics (blasting dynamics), electric power engineering, electronics, agronomy, metallurgy,* pure mathematics, etc. A bibliography of 1957 publications of the Academy includes works on history, archeology, economics, linguis- tics, literature, geology, biological sciences (botany, zoology, medicine), and technology. No Dersonalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. Card 1/3 News. Series (Cont.) sov/3618 TABLE OF CONTENTS: DrUzhinin, I.G., and Z. Bakasova. Physicochemical, Properties of -Z~ -Equilibrium Solutions of__'S_ad_c_ha~r_oses With Calcium Chloridea and Magnesium Chlorides 3 Petrik, G.K., and R.I. Makeyeva. Gas Exchange in Coal Piles 21 Aymukhamedova, G.B., N.P. Shelukhina, and Z.A. Maslinkovskaya. Tur- bidimetric Determination of-Pectins 43 Zakharov, K.'P. Determination of the-Saturation Coefficient of Feed Molasses 53 Danchev, P.S., and M K. Termetchikov. Effect of the Weight of an Expldsive Charge on the Scattering Speed of Ground Particles During Blasting 57 Lebedev, M.M. Electric Power Systems in High Mountainous Regions 69 Filippov, N.A. Methods of Transformation of Time Functions With Time 85 Card 2/3 News. Series (Cont..) SOV/3618 Bakalo, V.Ya. Indices of Moisture Adequacy in Kirgiz Pasture Lands 95 Buyko, V.M., N.A. Imanaliyeva, A.V. Poltavskiy, and Yu.S. Terminasov. X-Ray Study of the Thermal Effect on Steel Samples Hardened After 'Surface Heating by High-Frequency Current ill Konyuk, M.M., A.V. Poltavskiy, and Yu.S. Terminasov. X-Ray Study of Fragmentation and Grain Deformations in Steel During Torsion 123 Imanaliyev, M. General Boundary Value Problem for a Nonlinear Integrodiffdrential Equation With Small Parameter at the Highest Derivati-ve 129 Erman, L.M., and M.M. Gerasimova. Bibliography of Publications of the Kirgiz SSR Academy of Sciences in 1957' 145 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (Q 60.A516A2) TM/j b Card 3/3 6-7-6o kYMTJKHAMEDOVA, ~',arjya (Gullmlyn) buranovna; RUKAVISHNIKOVA, YOlizaVeta Prokhorovna; BAKASQVA,.Z.,'Otv. red.; RASPONOMAREVA, V.I., realf. -~---~;;:--'- [Chemical control of the processes of production of glutamic acid, betainep and their derivatives by the ion exchange method] Khimicheskii kontroll protsessov poluche- niia glutaminovoi kisloty, betaina i ikh proizvodrqkh io- noobmennym metodom. Frunzep Izd-vo AN Kirg.SSR, 1963. 57 p. (MIRA 17:4) RMIUKHAMEDOVA) Mariya Nirlell Petrovna; otv. red. [Pectic substances and vie'%.Ihods of their doteriidnritionl Peklu,inovye vez~hehastva i matody ikh opr-xieleniia. Frunze, lzd-vo "Ilim "1 1964. 118 ral) BAKASTOV, S.S. Effect of sewage from Cherepovets on the temperature of the adjacent part of Rybinsk Reservoir. Biul.Inst.biol.vodokhran. no.11:57-60 t6l. (M[RA 15:8) 1- Institut biologii vodokhranilishch AN SSSR. (Llii~POIJETS-SEWAGE DISPOSAL) (RYBINSK RESERVOIR-TEMPERATURE) BAKASP Some data on the hydrology of the Oka River from Kaluga to the estuarys Trudy Zool, inst, 32ill-23 164. (MM l7sll) H 1~ V CHKMIISKIT, Boris Mendeleyevich; TOKARIV, Dmitriy Georgiyevich; SHAPKIN, 111,ya Fedorovich; ZOTCV, Petr Petrovich; S114KIN,M.Ye., rednk-tor; PIX14YANNINOV.M.N., redaktor; 3AKASTOVV.N., retsenzent; BRAZHKI~I, M.I., retsenzent; RATTELI,K.N., retsenzent; SHV'n'W,S.B., retsenzent; NEKRASOVA,O.I., takhnicheek-iy redaktor Cftnual of power engineering for the textile industry] Spravochnik energetiks. tekstillnoi promyshlennosti. Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd--vo Ministerstva tekstillnoi promysh. SSSR. Vol.Z.[Thermotechnies] Tepl.otekhnika. Pod red.M.E.Simkina. 1955. 510 P. 0CM 9:2) (Thermodynamics) BkKASTOV, Y.N., inzhener, Misinterpretation Of the most important problem. Izobr. v SSSR 1 no.4:~5-26 0 156. (M M- 10:3) (Inventions-Astimates and eosts) BAKASTOV, V.N., inzhener. Desirable changes in tfie *Regulations on remuneration for Inventions, technical improvements, and efficiency suggestions.0 I:zobr. T SSSR 2*no.4:25-28 Ap 157. (nu 1o:6) (Patent laws and legislation) BAKASTOV, Y.N., inzh. Inventing and efficiency promotion in the enterprises of Czochoslovakia (to be continued). Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.10:41-43 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Czechoslovakia--InventionB) (Czachoslovskia--3fficiency,IndUBtrial) ~,_ '- ~, , -, -~ Q) 14 -1 ', , k4 t BAXASTOV, V.N., insh. Inveinting and efficiency promotion in enterprises of Czechoslovakia. Isobr.v SSSR 2 no.12:43-45 3) '57. (MIRA 10:12) (C2echoslovakia--Inventions) (Czechoslovakia--Incentives in industry) ( BAXASTOV, V. \1 ----------- Reasonable generosity. Izobr. i rate. no.3-1:44-45 N 16o. (MIRA 13: 10) (Technological innovations) GIRSHIN, Pinkhos Izrailevich; BAX4_MOV, V.N., retsenzent; KALININA, M.N., red.; SHVETSOVt S.V.p tokbn.--rW-. [How to calculate economy resulting from the practical applica- tion of inventions and efficiency proposals in thn textile industry) Metody podsobsta ekonomii ot vnedreniia izobretenii i rat"sionalizatorakikh predlozbsnii v tekstillnoi pyoryablennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo nsuchno-tekbn. lit-ry RSFSRq 1961. 225 P- (NM 34:7) (Textile industry-Costs) (Inventions, Employees) BAKA TOV, V. Is your spWastion useful? Izobr*i rats. no.12:42-43 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Chlen, Komitsta po delam izobreteniy i otkrytiy pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. (Technological innovations) . BAKASTPVp V..,, inzh. FormLlation.of the invention should be simple.* Izobr. i rates no. 5:38-39 My 161.' .(Technological innovations) (MIRA 14:5) I ANGARSKIY, Viktor Vinediktovich; KUZNL7SOV, S.T., retsenzent; BAUTIN, V.A.-, retsenzent; ARKEIPOV, N.A., otv. red.; (Metal and precast reinforced concrete mine supports in the Kuznetsk Basin] Metallicheskaia i sbornaia zhelezobetomaia krept shakht Kuzbassa. Moskva, lzd-,.,o "Nedra," 1964. 211 p. (MIRA 17:7) Contact catalytic conversion of normal tridecane and hexadecane under pressure in a hydrogen atmosphere. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 21 no.4:421-428 0 '58. (MIRA 12:4) 1. AN GrU2SSR, Institut khtmii im. P.G. Nelikishvili. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom Akademii Me Witsishvili. (Tridecane) (Hexadecane) f I - - 1 .", ~~ t -., , - - , , - - ; - - - -_ - .1 1~ BAKAY, A. Recent development in the air cooled condensing equipment "System Heller" and the slotted rib heat exchangers uSystem FaragoO. Periodica polytechn eng 5 no.3:299-306 161. 1. Thermotechnical Design office. (Air conditioning) (Heat exchangers) RAK&Y, Arpad Up-to-date cooling water saving possibilities. Hidrologiai kozlony 42 no.6.-490-492 D 162. 1. Hoenergiagazd4sagi es Tervezo Vallalat, Budapest. BAKAY, A.,F,. a,-irant; PROKOFIYEVA, M.T., doktor veter. nauk, nauchnyy .Z , - - tell ralx)ty- urv. la S ival of poultry Wcop smas in deep littar kept unchanged for a long period. Veterinarlia 42 no,8~10-1-105 tz 165. (MI.RA 18sl:L) I* nrainskly nauchno-issledovatellskiv institut eksperimentallnoy vaterinarii. B,*,K,iY P, %; L.TTVJNJ,.',NK(, A.,';. "I Fifth All-Union Intercol-legiate CaSerence on the Theory of ,t Elementary Particles. Atom. energ. 3.6 no.6-539--5/4) Jo 164. (MIRL 17:7) BAKAY, A.S. Escal.e of particles from a storage device due to the instability of the amplitude and frequency of the compen- sating field. Atom. energ. 19 no.4:386-388 0 165 (MIL 18: 11) 2 7777777777777771.1 6 EWT W/EPAM -21MW ACCESSION HRt APS024025 UR/0057/05/035/009/1525/1531 AmOR: Bakay, A.S.; L TITLE: Asyzptotic'solution of-a diffusion problem and its application to the theory of cyclic particle-storage devices SOUFM Zhurnal tekbuicheskoy fiziki vo 35, no, 91 1965, 1525-1531 TOPIC TAGS: particle notion, particle scatter, Mlic acceleratoraphysical dif- fusion, stochastic.prooesB, mathematic method, mathematic.-operator-.---------- ABSTRACT: The authors-show largely by verbal arguments that if a system has ~gn asymptotically stable orbit and is destroyed when itFs representative point crosses a certain closed surface in phase space, then under certain conditions its mean life time when it is subjected to stochastic forces can be calculated by finding the smallest eigenvalue-and the corresponding eigenfunction of,the Fokker-Planck- Holmogorov operator that describes its motion. This method is employed to calcu-. late the mean lifetime of A charged particle in a storage ring when it is subjected to stochastic forces arising from collisions withresidual gas molecules and from the quantum nature of the radiation,proceso, The equfil-ions for the radial and the Card L 44163-66 'P 41 Ijf>(c) ACC NRs AP6023966 SOURCE CODE: UR/0376/66/01 AUTHOR: Bakay, A. ORG: Physics-Engineerinic Institute, AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheakly institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Resonant effect in nonlinear systems SOURCE: Differentsial'nyye uravneniye,'v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 479-491 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear differential equation, nonlinear theory, resonatorp oscillator theory ABSTRACT: The study of nonlinear /(~ stems subjected to outside forces is vary dif- ficult, hence the author selected a system which can be simply .and thoroughly de-- scribed and which permits the investigation of effects caused by nonlinearity. -An oscillator whose frequency w depends on its energy is subjected to an external sinusoidal force with a slowly changing frequency v and amplitude. The amplitude is such that Aw/w