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BORNMSZA. Oyorgy, dr.; BAKO, Oesa, dr.; PARWo Laszlo, dr, Romotransplantation of preserved bradytrophic tissues. Haa. seUsset 10 bo.D21-29 Mar 57. 1. A Dobneeni OrvottoomaWl Baotou Sebesseti Anatomial se, Nutettani Intesetenek.Tranesekwesetot Bornemissa. Oyorgy. dr. (TWSPLAWATIPS honotranspl. of I]ropMltzed bradytrophic tissues (Run)) SZABO, L. A., Dr,; SZIIAGYI# I., lAr.t Auto- and homotrAnsplantation of skin preserved by adiiorptive lyophilima- tion. Ther. hune. no.5t6-10 1957. 1, Yrom the Second Department of Surgery (Director: Prof. J. ladanyl)t Medical University of Debrecen, the Antibiotic Division (Headi Prof, T. Valyi-Nagy) of the 3rperimental Medical Research Institute of the 3=- garian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery (Director: Prof. G. Bornemissa). Medical University. (SKIN TRAYSPrANTATION auto- & homotranspl. of grafts preserved by adsorptive lyophilisation) --BAXDP, (1498 7,--- -- - ---- --- - --- Modification of the glycerin method for the preparation of dry anatomical rvtorial. Kisarletes oryostud 9 no.3-6t661-"2 oot-Dea 38, 1, Dabreoent Orvostudom"I jastem Sebesseti AnatomiAl Intesets jkWATOXY pren. of dry &nit* material by me)41fied glycerin method (Rau)) SZABO. I.; TOKPA, GT.; BAKO. G. "rimental segmental resection of the esophagus with the aid of tubular skin graft from the omentum6 Kagysebeezet 13 no.1149-54 7 160. 1, A Debreceni Oryostudomanyl Fastem 11,, sti, Sebesseti Klinikajanak koslemenys Igazgatol ladanyi Joses, dr. egyatemi tanar. (ASOPHAGUS surg) L 13423-66 ACC Nit, AUT11OR: thko _2!~,q,,(Doctor)$ Garny, riarill, Ge (Doctor) 0 Mt Surgical Departmentj, Kalocsn ri ty r-1 nci I Hospital (Kni 'r- sn Wir-sl I Inneq, Korhaza, 3ebeezeti 0.,;ztaly)l Rntliolvey 1%ca-Kiskiti, , 0-ilt-11 Hospitn1 46acs-Klskun Megyel Tannes Enrivi7.- TITIE t Influence of the oral admini Ox-0. 1,,n or nAtqjAj0lttj .,,j i ho~ mtit. I i I i of t,h,. normal i%ni resected stnmach .,(X1rWFt R-invar rndlolkndn, tio. 2. 196"-. 1)1-911 TOPIC TA('.'*: drug effoctp digesti.v", ga0,ropnterolory, snrr-ry AMTRACT: The offep, of orally Administerel wipha%olln on tho norm-ki- aTA raseetf-1 stomeh was investigated* The motllity -)f the stomach was tound f- have increased; this effect of naphazolin was especially evident in stomachs with n dinLinished tone. In the presence of disorders of stomach evacuation following resectionp the beneficinl effect of nVhazolin wall apparent not only in the reduction of the swollen stoma but in the increase in gastric tone as woll o Orig. art. hass 2 tables JPM:7 SUB COM: 06 / SUBM DATKI none Mif" REFt 001 (911 PEN 006 V ? IN: I k 1, V 11AK0 Gfnta, P-l", 11111JARCZY, Istvari, Dr; Cit.), Council of Kalocsa, Hospital ;; )ctor-chwf- phystnian: HORVATH, Bert-rilan, Dr), Surrical Wami (chief t~ly,Aci--An: 1101-M;Y, Karoly, Dr) (Kalocsal Vii,o:;i Tanacs Korhaza, Sebeszeti t-,.1 ly "16-- R-)Ie of DiverUcultim in IjiU--,m.,,cvpti.on Involving Adults." ul,-, Mavvnr "obejzut. Vol XX, No 1. Feb 67, pares 50-%. Alb : t t: [AUU,Ur.,;' Hungarian sunmary] Following a veview of the pertinent 10,t~r.ouri, data, '3 ca,.;o:i of Iloo-ileal inva,,-,Ination caused by a Mackel's djVL-t*t,&CUjUM a.,Ul involving adult patient~j aro dincussed including the dtag- mo3tic and thorajr!utic po~i3ibilitles. 16 1,i!,tern European, 31 Western I-Cace3, J'j ACC NRo AP6028486 SOURCE C061~t HU 1~ 657017, AUTHCRt Bako. Gezal-AnAZA1,Ferenq.-Andlyal, F. ORG: Hospital, Surgical Ward and Prosectura, City Council of Kaloce (Kaloesai Varosi Tanaes Korhazanak Sebeszeti Osztalya so Prosecturaja) TITLEt Effect of peroral administration of a Naptiasolin solution on the gastric mucosa and liver of experimental rats 217-1 SOURGEs Kiserletes. orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 6. 1965, 581-584 TOPIC TAGSt rat,, drug effect,, gastroenterology, liver# digestine drug ABSTRACTt Naphasolin solutionj used in the conservative treatment of disturbances in stomach evacuation after resection, was administered orally to experimental rats over an extended period of time in order to investigate whether any change in the lining of the stomach or in the liver is caused by the drug. The macroscopic and microscopic examinations performed indicated no pathological changes. This finding led to the conclusion by the authors that the peroral administration of Naphasolin does not cause any changes in the gastric mucosa and liver of man either* Orige art. has, 3 figures. LJMt 34#1611 SUB CODE 1 06 / SUBM UTR t UJan65 / MIG Iff 1 001 / OTH REF a 004 cc" IEWARY BAKO.- Ge;&. - Pg., City Council of Kalocsa, Hospital, SurGical Ward (chief Thysiciani HOLLOSY, Karoly, Dr) (Kaloc3ai Varosi Tames Korhaza, Sebeszeti Osztaly). 11 Peritriquetrolunar Luxation." Budapest, Yaryar Radiologia, Vol XVIII, No 2, Apr 66, pages 102-105, Abstractt [Author's English summary modified) The case described is the first such literature report known to the author. Therefore it appears probable that this is the first observation of a luxation taking place in the ar. ticular line. Perilunar luxations appear, in general, after a fall on a dorsoflected hand. The traumatic force was directed from the direction of the palm in the present case as well. 1 Russian, 12 Western references. 211 - UK , - an- RnIticing tho cost of constructinR imdumtrial buildings. Epites itzemle 5 mo.7021-223 161. 1. BrItesugyi Miniazterium Iparl Epulettervezo Vallalat muazaki oattrilyVezotoje. - --- - BAM Istyan - On the industrial architectural typization. Muaz elet 17 no.3s 4 F 62. RAKO,, Intvan, Cooperation between technologists and architoot-designers. EpiteB azemle 6 noolt25--29 t64* 1., Epitesugyi HiniBitterium IPARTERV musx&ki oaztalyvezetojee BAKOV Janoo Let us implement the decree on wagon weighing machines. Magy vaeut 7 nolls6 1 Je 163* 1. Miakolei Igasgatosag. BA.KOI .1. PU09 J. Remarks,. on the problen of breading heirers. p. 16 Vol. 110 no. 8. AprI 1956 MAGYAR HE7,OGAZNSAG AGRICULTURE Budapast, Hungary Sot East European Accession, Vol, 6, No* 3. ?.%rch 1957 BAKO, J. BAKO, J. The green soybeans as ensilai,~e. p. 11. Vol. 11, No. 9, May 1956. MAGYAR MEXOOAZDASAG MCULTURE Budapest, Hunt7ary Sot Last European Accessions Vol# 6p Noo 21 Feb.1957 BAKO I J. BAKO, J. - Alfalfa is our most valuble fodder plant; alfalfa 13 a green fodder for cows, ps. ?v Vol* 111 no. 13, July 1956 - Magyar Yezogazdasag. B%Aapest, Hungary SOURC& East European Accessions List (EM) Vol. 6, No, 4 - April 1957 .;'~O, J. Cur hzi-ned cattle in Zeptei1cr. p. 23. Corjlmnl~,-Aion of the ,Anistrny of 1.17riculture, ard the Finistry of Stnte Forns on the results ,fter nlnr~ montht; of th" second national PAlking contc-A. 1, 24. Vol. 11, -no. 1'11, Lopt. 1956 Bulap~st, Hurigrry -o: --st ",.urop~,-,n ;,c,.-esslon, Vol. r, No. 5, I%ay 1957 UKO.t J. MO., J. Our exewq)lary collective farm in the Alfold for stock breeding. p. 25. A communication of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of State Farms on the Results after ton months of the second national milking contest. p. 26, Vol. 119 no. 189 Sept, 1956 MAGYAR MEZOGAZDASAO AGRICULTURE Budapest, Hungary So$ East European Accession# Vol. 6j No. 5p May 1957 Country i HUNGARY Catogory S Farm Animals* cattle.' Abe& Jour % Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21$ 1958p 96867 Author : Bako, Zwios Inatitut, TIt1o i I iome Practical Problems in tho Nursing of calves, OrIg I?ub. : Magyar mexogazd.9 1958, 139 No 29 1344 Abatraot tA simplified method for the nwaing of oalvos on large farms is presented* Instead of the usual methods with daily changes of milk norms intervals of 10 days are proposed. A31 oalVes born on the 2nd and 3rdl the 12th and 13th, th 22nd and 123rd of each month reasive z= as if ' the were born on the lot the llth and the t f th th Th N e me e mou hod shortens o , 21 days the =reing period by 2-3_ days and the celves h 8 receive 0-20 kg less milk than t ey should Cardto 1/2 Country i HMAIM CatoSory Farm Animals, GattlG6 Abe. Jour I Ref Zhur-Bjol,j No 21, 1958, 96867 Author Institut, Titlo OrIg Pubs Abstract i according to planj exact rations after the first deoadeq howeverg compensate for this deviation. The beat formula for the nursing of calves consists in 390 kg of whole and 570 kg of skim milk with maximal daily rations of 9 kg of whole milk (which corresponds to 1350 9 of starch equivalents and 340 g of protein) which assures a daily weight gain of about 800 g until solid fodder may be consumed, - V, Ae Kanzyuba Card: 2/2 BMj Janois laqding rooord oa,AO, torritory of Oe Minkolo RxUroad Dirtatorate. Wgy nout 7 no.2011 17 0163 I BAKO A . Janos I- ~' ~ Record achiement in loading, Magy v&sut 9 no. 9:1 4 My 164. BAKO, Laszlo; MELYKUTI, Caaba Application of "AC-400" harvester-thresher for ingathering small-size grains. Jarma meso gap 4 no.1:29-33 Ap 157. 1. Mesogazdasagi Gapkiserleti Intolst. I - I,) z I o , v-,At,)tj,roofing. llnU tcxtil 1.7 n0.0171-171, ip '65. HIGTIP Pal, dr-,k .~O ta, dr, Antibiotic sensitivity of dysp##tlo coli stmins. Orr. hatil, 103 no.11:493-495 18 Mr ~'62. 1. Paesi Orrostudommyi faeteu,, Vakrobiologiai Inteset. ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) RSCHMICHIA COLI pharmacol) ~ TOLSMV t Tu. - G.0 , L-- Take-off of pover from dot transmission lines. Ilaktroonergatika no.20--]A 160, (MIM 1413) (k1sotrio paver distribution.-Direct current) .0! .. f-I V-143. RN.R. RZ!3iol., '110. No. "'.1110? Laslc, r IT L-i.' New Emthod bf Earvcsting und Glover -'-'F-Cd with a Grubi Comblre. CRIG. PU S. : Eezy,dunur. zit., 1(~.5111 tic ll~ 134-136 A '-:I 11 0 T : Use of an Improved eqi;l]xRnt which Us to combine 'M a single cilt--rat, Ion ','I!e seiar-ition of pc\is "rem the st~llls a !'E;...GVa- Of ~Cds frov. the poas of alf,ilfa and c-'-vcr. C A.*: ", D -/// 7. 7 1 Use of the "AC-400" threshing-harvestini, machine for the harvestint: of small seeds. P. 21) I-MILIALIVa "IE"'OGAZDALAGI CFi,D:) F-Witpest, 11unf-al-Y Vol. 4 no 1 Apr 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East Daropeon Acessions (AL"J) Vol 6 no 21 Novemter 1957 ~-Aw, L. ; UGH, F. Do we use the harvesting-thmshing machine? p. 6. (ALLAMT UA'91.-)AFAGj Vvi. 9p no, op June 1-11-7. BouRpest, %nt-ary) SO: Yonthly List, of &-ist biroppan Accerntonr (Ek-AL) W,, Voi. 0, no. Y, Set). ly~7. uncl. BAKO., Undor lawbUTevownts in ths. innovation ammgnt in the S"mbathely Vehicle Repair Shop of the amgarian State Milvap. Vasut 8 no.20 15 Mr 158. -- - - -MVSKIY, A.M.; BAKO. - V.N* - - - - - - - lnv*stlgatlon of el*ctromWetle prposisep In three-pha".6stas- sig-sagg reotifler cir(mit In normal and emergency condItIon Is, IsY.Al SM Otdattkhsnauk. no.11:1561-1576 1 153. MU 6s12) 1, Predstavleso akadesikon G.R.Krahishanovskis. Wootrio current rectifiers)- K A,, I. H.; BAKOP To N. Role of the regulation of rectified voltage in do. power transmission systems with Intermediate power take-off Elsktro- onergotika no.6997-M 162. (MM i6a4l (Bleatrio power distribution--Diroot current) TRIPSA, Alexi.:Lndni, ing.- BAKOW, Gulorrvin) -'ACHH, V;trjlhp CAZAOU, itilitin Raltlm setting, for mat(irlal. consumption. Problim econ 17 no.lOtl48-1c.0 0 164. 1. Director GenereLl, t1to Arftd Pl,*Lrit of' HiOlrond Ceirs (for Trips&). 2. Chief Engineer, Arai Flnnt of Pa!"road Car6 (for Bakony). 3. Technioal Dir-3ctor, 117notoru-I'l-Prasov Plant (for Se,-hel). 4. Chl-ef Fngtnoor, Brasov Plftnt (for Cazacu~'i. SAKONYI, Antal, dr. (Peos) PreparAtion for technical education. Vasut 1.5 no.213O-31 i 165. DAKOVYI, Forenc Forum of innovators. Ujit lap 17 no.200 25 Ja 165. 1. Road, Division of Conatruction, Transpoitation sni Water of tho Zxocutiva Covrdttee of tho Bacs-KiskiLn County G(7micil. BAKONYI, Gabor,, dr. (Rudapeet) An account of the 7tb Balaton Public Health Dep, ElOvilag 9 Uo~4; 63 164- LANYI, Mikics, dr.; [JAKONYI, 'Zoltmn, dr.; HORTUS), dr. F I ...... The Jmportance of diagnosis in the treatment oll chronic bronchitla. Orv. hetil. 105 no.320508-1511 9 Ag 164. 1. Budspesti, Orvostudomanyi Fryptem, Tudoryogyaszatl Klinika es 111. ker. Tanacs, Tudobetegeondozo Intozet. 4! ~~j S, T :;Z- BAKONYI, Sebestyen Endre,, gepeezmei-nok Opening address delivered at the 4th general meeting of the Scientific Association of the Machine Industry. Jarmu meto gep 5 no.4t97-102 Je 158. 1, Koho- es gopipari miniszter oleo helyettese. PSUODICIL I ORP* Voli, 10, rA* hp Apr. 1958 Bakonyi Sebestyens Be Openj% add"" at the hth Regular Axn*ly of the Soientifto Assoeiation of the Machim Industrye pe 121. Monthly Ust of East European Aocessions (MW ) LCj Vale 8j Not 2# February 1959, Unclass. BAK01M, Sebostyon Endre Current problems of the machinery industry. Jarmu mozo gop 7 no.7%248-253 160. 1. Koho- on Capipari. min-iszter olso helyetteoe; Gopipari Tudomanyou ftyesulet alelnoke. BL.KONYI, Sebestyen Endre The 2d National Conference of Innovators and Inventions of the Iron Industry* Ujit lap 12 no,200-4 25 0 160. 1. Koho- es Gepipari Hinisaterium 41so miniasterholyettese. -BAKONYI SEBESTYEH, Endre Central work plan for the development of technology. Gepgyartaatechn 1 no.lil-2 Ap 161. 1. Koho- es gepipari minisster elso helyettese, WPNj;,,SE - Immediate.,tasks of the machine industry. Jarmu mozo gap 8 no*14-1 Jet 161. I* Koho- so Gepipari. miniester oleo helyetteae, Budapest. LOLS&Iol SAMS kt~orj DOD" JOZSA 0 1 J.0,za "t I M. Jossal 'A Lao PATAICys a lie Dft&rtM4nt Of Inters: m ftOO&I Amtozz " " Measi KorbAz Korbo lital ox US NO& of the ROB B6j0Sst&jy&)j toookeset. Mo0a Reparin Content IAAlUmRtM "*&met in miss" Vol 14, xo 50 oat 62~ Buda Get undm&musmm "3; ,, 5 Tine-depandento Van- bs 0 JAUthOrs' H rian In =t lipania an& in blood MWIA OWN *bange& in hepa%r level dzops.$&:rlier than Us level vers studied# The at a bigh dietM tat d*006 tat toncentretian rises, in 04,60 -in level 6" oon6entration GAd lowest he as The bighest UtLms After teedirl, %G rise U hapaLlin Oon- observed 2-4 hOl 0 anp In at oontente The oonolusi= tent oo*Vxs bofor# th Ily involved in the r0gula- is dttwn that hTarin Is irtia-M D"tly Vestems J tjoA at the tat Vol at MAHUNKA, Imre; LAKATOS, TP-mmi-I FUNUZ, Tibor; KAROLYI, Gyula, "IzIkua; BUOCZY Mihaly,, mernok; CSUKA, Iwep mernok; NAGY, Jozaef,, Charge sensitive amplifier system vith low noise level for nuclear sewdoonductor spectrometer. ATOIMKI kosl 5 no.2t 65-75 t63 PAL,,Sandor; SCHUBERT, Belal._BAKOMYI,, Oyorgy I Role of metallurgla otook i9tandarts in the field of industrial management. Koh lap 96 no,3.11515-518 W163. BIKONDI, Karoly, dr.,, dooons, a muzzaki tudomanyok kundidatusa Measuring the cutting temperature during ptool cutting& Gop 14 no.8005-309 Ag '62. BAKONIDI,, Karoly.. dr.., docenev a musaaki tudomanyok kandidatuas. Zff,)ct of the cutting data and tool dmaing on the cutting forcee Gap 15 n0.8:311-316 Ag '263, .1, Budapenti Munzaki Egyetem Go pgyar taste chnologiai Twozek, TwozAvazoto Dr. Lattner Forene eMtemi taxiar, BAKONDI, Karoly, dr., egyeteml. docenao a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Testing of cutting conditions of gear scraping tools. Gap 16 no.5sl69-175 W164. 1. Department of Machine Building Technology, Budapest University of Technical Sciences. Department Headt Dr, Fereno Lettner, -1. DAMNINA, N. A. 2. IWR (6M) h. Breawaters 7, Floating crib breakwater for logging harbores Less prom, 12 no* 10v 1952. 9. Xonthlj LIst af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _JBnuary, --1953. Unclassified. -~,. A. 'I-';7xPerirentaI Investigation3 of Floating Wave-Inhibitin-7 Structnrt~s for Forest R02ds." Cand Tech Sol. Leningrad Forestry Zngineeringr Adadeirg. Leniwrad, 1954. (R--W.ekh. Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific ard Technical Dissertations DefeMed at USIM Higher 'Mucational Institutioni (16). MEMO Antal Preventing lighting breakdown3 on the Pannonia motorcycle. Auto motor 12 no,3e2O F 159, 1. A Osepeli Motorkerokpartow tachnikusa, V &I' NO N - ---- -- --- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - --- - - - ~ M, ~ - - PIR -- - -- - DMIOPMent of the H=9krian motorcycle wilufacture, Jarmu i8 meso gep 8 noo4tl53-154 Ap 161. BAKONY1 . Antal, tir. SOMO of' professionnI education. Vasut '" no.12:32-3 of cover 1) 164. BAKONnv Antal, dro The training of newly hired railroadmen. Vasut 12 no.9t6-8 29s 162., le. Igasgatosags, has, rAMMArvin Petar, okle"lex memok; BAKOKYI, Deno, okleveles epite- azaamokp teruleti fospitesz. Some probIfte "lating to Che city transportation in 33itzer- land. Xosl t-ad az 13 no.81376-380 Ag'63 1. OTescoO Xulkereakedelai Tallaiat (for Paludy). 2. Epitesu- gyi Miniazterium (for Bakonyl). BUO okleveles a*rnok MachanivAtion of higlxweq lWmmentot Melyspistootud assals 13 no,2/3&76-83 F-Ar 163a lo, Keaskowti Dmti Usemi Vallalat fmarnokpo a v, s - --- ^y -- ---= -- .'1.W 1-me problor,-.s oE' rRvln,- mnterlals In the textile lndiisfry. p. 21,1 I I'MIYA11 Tr,*CTr,.T".P.TMTrrA TUMPEST VOL 11~ No 7t Tiffl~- 1155 notri-I't; FAST 11"Mon"N UST (FFAL) TJbrAry or t~onj;rnss Vol. 5, t~o. ~,, -Tuie 19!6 PALp Sandor; SCMERT, Bela; AAkCgI,__qVrV ____ Role of atook standarda in the field of industrial awmgemont. Koh lap 96 noolOti#78-480 0 163o VAGAS, Istvan; BAKONYI, Ivan Society and technical news. Hidrologlai koslony 42 no.3tl9l,, 2040216t2320266 Jl 162. 1. "Hidrologiai Kozlo7" szerkeazto b1zottsagi tagja as ro- e vatvesetoje (for Vag a . HAXONYI, Janos; STEINER, Tamas Operation and characteristics of the vidikon-type picture pick- up tin~,Pt.2.(To be contd.) Radiotechnika 12 no.7s216-217 Jl 162. BAKONYI, Janos; STEINER, Tarms Ilk- -- -.- - - - - -,-- -- - Function and characterietice of tho vidlkon-type picture pitkup tube* Pt93, (Conclusion) Radiotechnika 12 no,8*.259 162,, BAXONY1, Janos; SISSIMR, Twms operation and charaotoristica of the vidikon-tn~o picture pick-up tube. (To be contd.) Radiotechnika 12 ro.6,.176-178 Je 162. BAKONYI, Janosp foeloadoj CSONTOS, Gyula Development and perspectives of the standardization in the clothing industry. Szbvany koal 16 no.7:114-118 JI 164. 1, Ministry or Light Industry,, Budapest (for Bakonyi). 2. Head) Standardization Center, Research Institute of the Textile Indus- try, Budapest (for Csontos). GONKXIEWICZ, H.; MRWt P.; BAKOKYI# Z.i UNYI, M. Oh th" treatment of patienta ruffering from chronic broneHVs. Orv.llotil,105 no.22slO50-1051 My -11 164. LANN, Miklos, dr.1 BAKONYI, Zoltan, dre M&M96hent of chronic bronchitis (4-yearst experience with the cooperation of the clinic and outpatient service). Orv. hatil. 104 no.,42:1974-1977 20 0 163. 1. EUdapeati Orwoetudomanyl Egyatem, Tudogyogyaszati Klinika an Dorogi Jarasi Tanacs Tudobstaggondozo Intezet. BRONCHITIS) (BRONCHIAL SPAM) MWONARY EKPHYSEKA) PHEUMOPERITONSOM, ARTIFICIAL) ONCHOGRAPHY) (SMOKING) M (PREDNISOLONS) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) , I T- ^- ConditionF. for teclinolo,,lcal -11!~cipltne qnd qualitntivp -rr):!v,,7t-4-n in tlin cottnn-spi mil tie in,tvstryj also, renarks by Bela Toth qn,i others. p. h1l. (WrvAR TUTTIETICHTNKA, Budapest, Hureary), No. 11112, Dec. 19514. "0 - , . Yonthly List of East European Pecessions, (EEAl ), I C., Vol. ~,, Vo. 5, Vav 19.55- B ,~- 0 St Ej. Applic,tion of rigid saw-toothed CAM cItAhIng ot, c,-irdln,- ri.,kciAres. 1- 396. YACYAR TMTILT.~;CHNIKA. (Textilip-tri Yu,:-.,4:'i. a,,, Tudua-,i,yo: Egyssulst, udapast, Hungar7. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oc 05). t 1, Ponthly Lict of '-,'Uv~ eni Accen, 4r T,C. Vo', . 0, no. 12, Dec. 195~1. BAKOS, Balaza, dr.; TEIIYI, Mria, dr. -- Pernioioua anomia oonamitant vith chronic lymphoid loukemia. Orv. hotil. 103 no,4OjjqO6-l9Oa- 7 0 162. 1. Szogedi Orvostudomanyl Egyatem, Il. P"Igyogynotati Klinika. (ANMIA, POVICIOUS) IL%-'UKOaA, LDUIIIOC)rrIC) (VITAKIN B Rix - Modernization possibilities of flyer machines by using PR 407 stretching tranes Hagy textil 13 no,9075-377 S 161. BAKOS , Byula Rapid serum protein determination by mema of the UNIM SP 5W spootrophotometer vith ultraviolet aboorptimo Aots. morphe aoads scie Hunge 12 nob/+1331-334 164 1. Povarosi Tatenyi-uti Korhaa Kosponti taboratoriuma. Apropos of the determination of creatinine using JaLffets method. Kiaerl& orwoetud, 16 noo,2t221-224 Ap'64 I. Fovarosi Tetenyi uti Korhaz,, Kozponti laboratorium. BAXOS, Gyula, dr. Practical problems of erythrocyte co=tj hazogl6btA' and hemato- crit determination, Ory.hetil. 104 no.50t2474-2476 29 D 163. 1. F%vorosi Tetenyi utl Korhaxj Kisponti Laboratorium,, FERKO,Sandor, dr.; SAKOS, 'Gyula, dr. GYORVARY, Vilmos, dr.; MZMMZp Xmopdrej SZILASSY, Kornelia#dr_r, The role of glycocorticoids In the treatment of severe In- fectious obstetrical and Mmecological diseases. Orv. hetilo 105 no.132577-584 29 Hr164 1. Fovarosi Tetenyi uti korhasp Szuleszeti- Mogyogyaszati Osztaly (oaztalyvezetot Forko Sandor dr.) es laboratorium (oaztalyvezetot Phloczyp Jozsef, dr.~. BAKOS, Gyula, dr. Spectrophotometric evaluation of protein-detormination ty the bluret method. Orv.Hetil,105 no.23tlO77-1079 Je 7 164. 1. Fovaroai Tetenyi. uti Korhaz, Kospon'A' lAboratorium. - - ----BAKOS , Gyula , d r.- Rapid blood sugar determination by means of phenol-sul-furle acid. Orva hetil. 105 no.37:1758 13 S 164. Is Fovarosi Tstenyl-uti Korhas, Kozponti Laboratorlum. Gyula, dr. A simplo rapid mothod for sen,= potissitim dol,onii!ii,tion. Onf'. h6LI1. 106 m),2S.-1177-1179 20 Jt- 165 1. Fowrnsi Teteny.1 utl Korlinz, K--,~fK-,nti 1AN)rat-rium (foorvost dr.). PERKO, S.. dr.; BAKOS,Gy.; GYORVARI, V.; MHHESZ, R.; SZIIASSY, K. On dexamethaeone therapy or infectious obstetric and gynecologic diaeasese Act& chir* acad. sci, Hung, 5 no,4007-318 164. - -..- 1. GeburtshilflIche und Wnaakologische Abiteilung (Chefarzts Dr.S. Perko) undLaloratorium (Chefarztt Dr. J. Paloczy) des Tetanyi-Kran'Kenhauass,, Budapest. Tests HUNGARY BAKOS, Gy!L"a Dr; Capital City Tatenyi Ave Hospital, Central Laboratory '76MT-1p7hysiclin: PALOCZY, Jozsef, Dr) (Fovarosi Tetenyi Uti Korhaz, Koz- ponti Laboratorium), Budapest. "Data on Orthotoluidine (OT) Blood Sugar Daterminationell Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 49, 4 Doc 66, paGes 2320-2323. Abstracti (Author's Hungarian summary] The author reports his own modifica- tion of orthotoluidine blood sugar determination, the control measure- ments carried out on the reagent and the reaction, as well as the comparative evaluation of the orthotoluidine method and the classical Hagerdorn-Jonsen method. 4 Hungarian, 15 Western references. PAK ; -PViHkRf-K.- PAKOS, L; BOfZAR, K. Mechanizing protection In a sandy vineyard. r.. 367 Vol. 89 No. 8, August 1956 AIMARTUDOVANY ACRICULTURE pudarest SO: EAST EUROFFAN ACGF-9S1CNSj Vol- 6, No. 3, March 11057 "mv"q, 1. Ihe use of the airplane in aprictiltum.n-3E.- (Jarmuvek Yezogazdasagi [19pek. Budapest. Vol. 3 no. 2, Feb. 1056.) SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessiohs (EEAL) LCI Vol. 6, no. 7, July 10.57. Uncl. BAKOSP Istvan, romernok I . ~ ~ 1. - ~ .1 -7 1 Mechanization of frult ingathering. Jamu mezo gap 12 no.104-37 Ja 165. 1. InstItuts of Developing Agricultural and Milling Machinery, Budapeat. XMRAS, Janoa, dr.; GOHDRI, Andras, dr.; PATkII, Ienke, dr.; tachmikai xunkata": BkKOS LIa. - On the significance of preoperative d" dilution curves in auricular eaptal defects. Oyarmekgyogyaszat 12 no.81239-244 Ag 161. 1. A Budapasti OrvostudomWi RMtem I as. OyarmakklinikajanO (Igasgato: Gogeni Kies Pal dr. akademikus, agratemi tanar) as IV as. Sebasseti Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Kudass Jozaef dr, egyetwd tanar) koslemanys. (HEART SEPTUM atnom) LOWUSj J.; GOMORIj Ael PATAKIj Ls; technische mitarbeit: UKOSY I. On the preoperative and postoperative importance of dye dilution curves in auricular sept&I defect. Cor Vasa 4 no.102-81 162. 1. 1 Kinderklinik und IV. Chirurgische Klinik der Medizinisphen Universitat Budapest. (Ek SEPTUM abnorm) (HEART CATHETERIEkTION) BAKOS, Istv&n Fruit huvoist machmization, Muez slat 20 no.5115 11 Mr 165. BAKOS, Istvan Comparative operational tests of orchard spraying inachines, Jamu mezo gep 9 no.2t6l-65 F 162. 1. Mezogazdasagi Gapkinerleti Intemet BLIOS, Istvan,, okleveloo gopeo=ernok Moohanization of sandy vineyards.. Jarmu moso gop 9 no.5-.184-189 MY 162. I% Mozogazdasagi, Gopkiserleti Inteset, -BA1108, Jossefl ERDOXURTI,, Zoltan Adjustable driving shaft* Kos fis koal MTA 9 no.4&273-276 161. Rkms. jozapf 4 Aj~, "-'- '- - -" 1~ - Innovation news* Cukor 16 no.7t2D7-209 Jl 163. HUNMRY/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. C. Method of Measurement and Research Abs JDur : Rot Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1959, 14749 Author : Bakqoj Jotsef Inst : . 6 Title Decade Scaler with Resolution of 10- Seconds Orig Pub Magyar tud. eked. Kozp. fit. kutato int. kozl,p 19506p 6p No 1-2, 98-102 Abstract Description of the electronic circuit and the operating characteristic of the circuit. The problem of the con- trol of the operation of the setup Is considered. Card 1/1 BAXOSq Jozsofl KANTOR# Karoly Light diffraction of slits for extended light sources. Kos fit kotl MT,A 8 no.2/31131-144 160. (ESAI l0s4) 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Xotponti Fitikai Xutato Intezets. (Light) BAKOSj, Jozstf T,qe Huygens' principle in vacuum. Koz fis kozl XTA 8 no.2 3t145-153 ,6o. iEZAI 10t4) 1. A Vlagyar Ndmanyos Akademia Kotponti Fitikai Kutato Intezete, Fizikal Optikal Laboratorium. (waves) DAKOS) Jossef; XAPTORO Karoly i~;iial doetribution of the visibility of the $nterforence piatw* in Michelson's interferometer. Kos fis k8sl MTA 9 no. 3:129-140 161, 2. Fivikat Optikai Laboratorium, BAKOS, Jozsef; ERKCKURTI, Zoltan; KAIMR, Karoly . .......I Laboratory mechanical unit system In special regard to optical and semi-automatic measurements. Koz fiz kozl MTA 9 no.3:171- 180 161. 1. Fizikai Optikei Laboratoriums BAKOSI Jozsaf; KANTOR# - Namly;--VARGA, Peter- Interference In the Michelson's interfarometer in cane of extended light sources. Kos fis kosl MTA 9 no-41207-226 161. 3/058/6-VOOO/001/063./)20 A160/AIOI AUTHORSt _Ba4oa,_J&&aat,, Kintor, Kiroly, Aray, Zoolt TITLEI 'The interference between aeries of wave trains obtained by the method of aeries amplitude fission PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal, Pialka, no, 1, 1963, 65, abstraut ID461 ("Magyar tud.. eked. KBzp. fiz. kutatd int, Azl.", no. 5 - 6. 1961, 9. 307 - 316, IV, X, HungaLrianj summaries in Russian and English). TFMt By,meansof amplitude fission, for instance, with the help of a plano-parallel plate, the given train of waves may be transformed into a series of coherent wave trains. The Interference of such series In studied, AM an in- vestigation of*the possibility of using this method in carried out. (Abstractor's notei Complete translation] Ream Thdowanym Akaftals, Ko&pmt:i naw jutato Intowterak cam 1/1 A KO&1*a=jvI azerlwnto blzottaq~L togja (k for Naray) BAXGSj Jozoef; CSIIJAG, 1"alo Users. Piz asmle 13 no,10004-311 Ot63 1. Kozponti Fislkai Kutato Intezet. BAXOS, Jozsef; CSILIAG, Laszlo 1. ..1 - - 1-1 , " Wor types and their applications* Fin szemle 13 no.121 359-367 D163. lo. Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet. BAKOS, Jozaef; SZIGETI, Janos Endurance of the excitation levels of helium. Koz fiz kozl MTA 12 no.2:125-134 164. BAWS, Joteer; SZIGETI, Janos Measuring the decay time distribution and average endurances of nuclear excitmUon levels by pulsed electron excitation and time analysis. Koz fiz kozl MTA 12 nb.2:159-174 164. BAKOS, Jo2sef Ncay curve of excited at(-q-.!3 lqvelm and' the beat of I!ght. Koz fiakozl MTA 12 no.6t425-4,33 11,%z,.