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BALADANOTAq Z.M., kand,ld&t biologlobookikh. nauk, -mommommomwamft~ bote'at the waters of the Urals from pollution* Prlrod& 46 notgr 5~-60 V157. (NM lote) 1. Ural'skoys otdolenlye Vaescy=nogo nauchno-Iseledovatel'skogo Institute. ozornogo I rechnogo rybnogo khosyaystva, fterdlovsk. (Ural Mountain rtgion-Vater--Pollution) BALikBAMVA. . Z. H. Iffect of Industrial pollution on the Kam Reservoir during the spring fillings OldrokhIssmats 29:73-W 139, (KUL 130) 1. laborstorlya gidrokbiall Urallskogo otdolenlya Yessoyusnogo nauchno-jesladovktol'skogo Institute, osernogo I reehnogo rybnoco khozyaystva, Byerdlosk. (K&= Reservoir-Water-Pollution) -- ---IAIAWOVA-f zx-~ -bio1O-9IO-h-O-skIW -1 The waters of the Urals must not be polluted* Okhre pr1re na Urals no.143-46 160. WRA 14s4) (Ural Mountain region-Water-Pollution) BAIADANOVAP Z.M.; ZHARIKOV, S.S.; TROITSKAYA, V.I. -.-W, Lakes of the Ural Mountains that need to be preserved and declared natural monuments. Okhre prir, na Urale no.2:131-134 161. (MIRA 17:7), RAIABANOVA Z.M., kand. bioliog. nauk; DEKSBAKII, H.K., doktor biolog. nauk; G.M., nauchnyy ootrudnik Vladimir Vasillevich Epshtsin (1902-1960). Okhr. prir. na Umle no.2!163-1(,6 161. (MIM 170) BMUNDVIj, Z.M., kand.biolog.nauk Preventing the suffocation of fish in the Ural lakes. Okhr;prir, na Urals no.307-50 162. (MM& 16 6) (Ural Mountains-Pishes) (Ural Mountain"ater-Oxygen content) _JklAp~j;( ;A, kand. Ll~, *~--,,, Development of Ir tlj,,- ..-Infx. -r FAt the flrbt flll-)n .7-qge In ..!i by indur.-, trial sawnge. Okl:r~ t-A llra,'A I 1,~l - ''f A- CH-P D61r, Multiple traumatic imagination of the small intestine. Mod. shur* Usb. no. ls7O-7:.L A 160-0 (KIRA 130) 1. Is khirurgioheakogo otdoleniya (zav. - S.P. Skvortsov) Kaganskoy gorodskoy bolinitsy (glavW vraoh - R.Kh, Killkeyeva), (INIESTIMS-41MSSUSMPTION) LESOXHIM9 I.G.; TSITOVICH, O.B.;-BAIABANOVICHt G.H.1 VIN?IIKOvv L.I. Analyzing the speed rate in the forsation of a fluidized bed. Trudy LTI no.5903-94 161. (MIRA 1719) , VINNIKOVp L.1,; LESOKHIN, I.G. DALA ~~V I~Hj-p Resistance to acids of acid-resistant bricks. Trud LTI no.59#95-100 161. TMrRA 170) "Jubilee Exhibition of Archives in the Governmental Museun of Literature on the Life and Acecmplishments of Chekhov* Vest. Ak. Nauk SSSR, No. 9, 1944 Br-52059019 - -TIXROT, -- Al-eksandr Dmitriyevic-h;-BAUBANOVICH, T**Z.; D--UD--O--RO-VI,---L.-, -red,-;- -- - MTKO Hj takhn. red. - ~ (Prishvin in Mosoow region) Prishvin v Hoakovokom kfte. ~oskva, Hoskovskii raboohii 1963 135 p# (MIM 1616) (Prishvin, Mikhail Gi:il6vi;h, 1873-1954) UMAW10i", - Tian Thwapy, 'M Sk, "Tissus Therapy In the'Trestment or Ulcers and Bronchial- Asthvws" B. Te4 Glutbarg, 0. L. Bala- banovskiy). Lspibgro Basin Clinical Hosp of the Worthvest Water Sanitation District "Soy. Ked", No pp 11,, 12 The tissue therapy method of treatment for ulcers and:brohchial aiathm hei given good results. Skin or'tissue from a hernia sac can be used and the -use of-other human tissues (in the absence of suitable anival'tissue) is being studied. PXIIGHIV, ly.;PAPAZOVp G.; DINITHOTA, IL,; DAIAUNKI, L, On certain characteristics of the appearance, course and therapy of Basedov's disease according to data of the $soon& Internal Clinic of ISUL daring 1953-56o Suvrem;owds,6of i& no.6,39-53 139o 1, Is Natedrats. po, andokrinologils, I bolesti n& obaianata pri IM. Zav.kiLtedratas prof. Iv. Piqnahev. (Hn%RTMOIDISK statistl EAT-AM 611, L. I DOMY, G. A case of oartival tuberculous lixtphadonitle amaoolattd with h"to- lieml taberculosis* Suvremened,98ofis 2 no*ltlO2-105 160, I* Is Xediko-sanitarusta chast - gr. Dinitrovo, Glaven lekart B. Pavlov. (TUBMULOSIS LYMM 1= covT1.) RIBIRMLOSIS RIPATIO ooupl,) MULOSIS SPLINIC Oompl.) M BAIABARS114 LO_ Angina pectoris an an Oftial sign of oardiao decomponsation, In patients vith altral defeat@. Mlyr. mod. 12 no,20193-96 162. 1, Is Obedinenats praviteletyena bolnitea - Sofiia (Direk-tor A, Filipm). ANOINA, MTORIS) KURT FAIVM CONONSTIVS) imitm STEMOSIS) BALABANSK[, L.; SMIIDV, Zh.j ZAREV, V.; MEREVEV, At. Hypertension in some'selected settlements of the Pleven District. Isv Inat khra4ene BAN 3:135-143 164. BAIABANSKI, L. Nutrition and the incidence range of diabetes mellitus in some selected settlements of the Pleven Districts Izv Inst khranens BAN 3tl65-173 164, tBUL(;A1.'IA DALADAULL-IL "" Derartnient of Gastroenterology and Die- ---fence (1~atedra po Gastrocnteroloqiya I dietetika) , Hedical srecialization Institute (Inatitut zu sj;etsial_ Izatelya I usuvurshenetvuvaneto na lekarite). "Application of Aldacton (bp1rolacton) iii Treatment of Edcmata and Asoiteo.11 Sof In, Suvremenna Vleditslna, Vol 14, i4o 3, 19639 pp 19-25. Abstract: ZA-uthor's Russian sunmry/ tipirolacton (Aldactong C 9420) was uted to treat three patients sufferint; from edeirata and necitee. An Increase in sodium, chlorinet and water diuresis was observed. do rarticular effect on the edemata or ancites %.:as observed. u fact explicable In terms of the brief rcriod of al,filication. Tite serum ;ev- els, of sodium and the chlorides' appeared stableo ',A favo,,P- able effect was evident on the preceding hypopotassomia caused by the Xygkoton preparation. Several questions cof the treatment of spirolactons are discussed. i(ecent Vi/Weetern references. .1 BAIABANSKII, L.T. Administration of aldaotone (aptronolactone) In the treatwnt of dropsy and asaites, Suvr, nod. 14 no.3sl9-25 163. (SPIRONOIACTONS) (EDENA) (ASCITES) BAUBAS,-G.. nauchnyy notradnik Knotweed Polygons Veyrichil, lauka I persdoop. v sallkhoss 8 noolls 43-45 N 158. (MIRA Ils12) 1. Botanichookly Institut In. T.L. Xonarova AN SSSR. (Knotweed) BALLUS, 0. H. Polygomis Wayrichil F. Schmidt In Leningrad Province. Trudy Bot,In9t*S*r*6 no,71262-263 '39, (WRA 13 t 4) 1. Botanicheskiy, Institut lot V,L,Komarova AN SSSR (BIN), Leningrad, (Leningrad Proyluo"notweed) BLIABA . 0.JL Flowering and fruiting of the knotweed Polygonum weyriobil Schaldt, Botesbar. 43 no,,M201-1207 Ag 060. (MIU 130) (LeningreA Province-Amotweed) BALA8A$j G, M,t CAND 810 Sol# "THE WEYRICH KNOTWEED (POLYOONUM WEYRICHi F. SammiDT) AND ITS BIOLOGY I" Lit- NINGRADSKAYA OBLASTo" LININGRADI 1961# (MIN or ED RSFSRq LENINGRAD STATE PED IN8T im GERTSEMp CHAIR or BOTANY)* (KLV 3-61, 210). 128 PAIABA34-0~.H.; BUYKOp R.A.1 GRASHCIUKOV, A.Ye.; SATSYPEROVAp T.F.; SANDINAp SINITSKIYj V.S.j SOKOLOV, V.S. (Introduction of medicinall aromatic, and technical plants; results of the. work of the introduction nursery of the Botanical Institute of the Acadeny of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. for 250 years) Introduktaiia lekarstvennykh, aro- matichookikb i takhnicheakikh rastaniij itogi rabot intro- duktsionnogo pitomnika BIN AN SM %a 250 let. Hoskvaj Nauka, 2965. 424 pe , (MIRA l8s9) lo Akademiya nauk SSSR,. Botanicheskiy institut. 13AIABAv", G. V.; I'llit'Y I ~ i:" ~Vitj, 1 -; - -..' - "' ~~ . H! a -,.ory of t ~u v I -.zd,e vf r-,- -" I : i '~. i I - I - t ~ C, '.1 llr,~. 1: - " on - surve-ly of tile Botanical I n cf ~f ' t.' t!~Q Ratst.res. I no*.1:451-4~0 I C"~ 5 , (MIFLA )8:1()) 1. BoUtni chask I y 1 vist I tijt ' -i I ['~-M A!! , I' -"L, fw~4tgl F th., vu_'i~ -%.,rA, 'Z_ ". , F 2 Windbreaks# Shelterbeltap Sto, Merging forest nurseries with shelter belt stations* Less khos 5 no- A2)t 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress., July 1952, Unclassified, I . -: - . 11 .V , ,, ;j-_ Tree Plantinr Dense plantirq-s are more productive than slaraf, platitbij,,a, 14a i atepl 5, No. 2, '53. Howt-hly List of ilizagi%n Acovanicn-s, Library of Contress June 1953. IINCL. p V&KoJ LINURp UsVol V5MLIAMp Role; LYW LJL4j_L-I~#lw Comparative stability of trihydrosqglutarate, malate, 9 and-fluoonate complexes of nickj1 and cobalt. Ukrokhim,zhur. 29 no.10-4 163. (KMA 160) 1. L'voyskiy gosu4arstvennyy univerafteto (Nickel compoWide) (Cobalt compounds) (Aoidal Organic). I -go klasva;-IW~IM8ITO-A,,Y - DYATWV, 0.1., podpolkoynikl voyannyy letchik I . ---- DA podpolkoynikl SYCWp S*Pop podpolkovnikp kand, voymnykh naikf- dotoents Taotioal training of naval pilots. Mon, abor. 49 no. 1208-4 D 1 65 (Mmk 1921) r ALC'WWs_1P60l5400 SOURCE CODE: UR/0375/65/000/01210038/0042 AUTHOR, Dyatlov, G. 1. (Lieutenant colonel, Military pilot first class);,ftlabasev A. Lieutenitnt colonel)l Sychav, S. P. (Candidate of military sciancesp Docent# is&enant colonel) ORG: none ITITLE: Tactical training of navy fliers SOURCE: Morskoy sborntkv no. 12, 1965, 38-42 TOPIC TAGS: naval aircraft, naval training, tactical warfare ABSTRACT- Suggestions for Improving the organization of tactical training of navy fli. 4irs are ;ffered by Morekoy abornik readers. The rwgne of each reader appears in brack- At& following his comments. The independent solution of a complex tactical problem bi ch member of the crew is suggested as a means of improving the level of tactical t'aining. The five-point system for evaluating the tactical level of pilots and nav*_ tore should be replaced by exams [Dyatlov]. Training flight exercises and combat.;:., robleas should be carried out In conjunction with other flight groups, ships and a units. Joint planning of such tactical exercises would involve all participating arms and units. The Black Sea fleet has tried joint training exercises with good re-, sults. In these exerciseat representatives of the air arm should be stationed on . a ACC NRi ships to direct flights, and promote flight safety. Closer collaboration between n ships and ASW aircraft is urged [Balabasev]. It is proposed that pilots be confront n1t nd ed with unfamiliar situations (in which they are supplied with insufficient data an a short time in which to mact) so that they may learn how to react am tly and hesitatingly in critical situations. The individual approach to the solution of ta aj, tical. problem is deemed time-consuming and unsuited to naval aviation [Sychev3. SUB CODE: 0191S/ StMM DATM none/ ORIG Wt 001 AUTHOR: Balabasev, A. F. (Lieutenant colonel) ORG: none TITLE: ~brc attention to naval training of pilots SOURCE: Marskoy abornik, no. 10, 1966, 50-52 TOPIC TAGS: pilot training, seaplane, naval training, flying training, naval aviation ABSTRACT: It is now the duty'of the com-.under and staff of aviation units to provide pilots with adequate naval training. The crew members of a seaplane should master all' operational procedures as to how to control a seaplane afloat, 'to perform a smooth takeoff and landing, -and to moor a seaplane a-. a seaplane port. They should be capable of performing joint military operations with the fleet, be able to identity the classes of ships, know signal codes, and use rescue equipment In case of a forced landing on water. Pilots should know how to swim, to row a boat, read Ilight signals, and navigate by the stars. The intensive practical training of pilots is the responsibility of the commanders of naval aircraft, air staff, and political organs. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: OS', 15/ SUBM DATE: none BALABASMIN J.V,; KIFER, 7.14. Mechanization of hauling operations in meat and fat proce ising shoDs. 11 182 Khar. prom. no.WO-21. Ap-Je 165. (MIRA 5) BAUMIs A. Teaoh by aotuAl practicee Save profsolusy 16 no,22s"-46 X 160~ (WA 14ol)~ 1. Prednedatell Khereonskogo oblastnogo sovets. profsoywwT& (Kherson Provim-Trade unions) (Kherson Provinoe-4Wapir arA supply stations) SHANIN, S.A.; BUABAT, F.I. UsIqjffte%8i'iA70i-mjor mA-filtering C"Oltv In pw1fring water, voa. I san. tekh. no,6:11-14 Js 158. (MIRA 11t5) (Alma-Ata-Tilters atA filtration) SHANINP S.A.; BALABAY F.I.; KONONFAO, D.F.; MIXULIN, G.I. [Vqkulins, HOI&J'j V.-[Borm kit, NIVI.]; SHINMCH, A.P. [Shynkevyahp.A.PJ; LIBWONq L*M#; AMELIN G. (Amelin, A.H.11 BLWAKp X A PECHONKINs V V (pia0honkint V .V.11 YATSENKO, N.N,l GALIPMUN, N.I*e'Nallperin, N:I:ll PEBALK.,, V.L.1 CHEKHOMOV, Yu.K, Inventions and lWavements; oartificates of inventions, Rhim,prom, [Ukr.] noo2a62-64 Ap-je 165o (KIM 18 16) BALABATCIMMO, Too Ix"nsion of road construction in Rostov Province, Avtodoro 1 23 no.lQ8 J& 160* (MIRA 1315) 1. Glavr47 inth6nor trosta *Rostablaytodorstro 0 (Rostov Provincow-Road construotlon5o BAIABAYCHEKKO I(q,_ Construction of mountain roads in Afghanistan, Avt, dor, 26 no.600 Je 163. (HIM 160) (Afghanistan-Mountain roads) R01,11ADIN, Fetr Vasillyevich; '-'0-- rod. [origin and development of the fundamental concepts of dynamics] VowUmovenle i razvitie osnovrWkh poniatli di- namiki. Saransk, Fjordovskoe knizlmoe izd-vo 1963. 102 p. IMIRA 17M BE ~BAYEVp G. . red. [BuUders at the forefront) Stroiteli na perednem rubeshe. Saransks, Mordovakoe kniahnos izd-vol, 1963. 62 p. WRA 18:3) x --] -Rlin auk -- -- - - BALABAYEV G.M., inzh.; ROMANOVAU O.G., kant Ilc- . r, Characteristics of the kinetics of drying wooi matcrials in elettromagnetic chambera. Sudostroen'.1o 30 ro.2-44-46 F '64. (VIIU. 17:4) BAIABAMV j G.K. # is zh BASOV s Yn. Eliminating the elamentr of heavy work in a necessarT condition to improve vork sanitation in shipbuilding, Sudontroanie 28 no,P65 Hy 162, (Shipbuilding-Hygien1c aspects) (MIRA 3.5-.7) ---------BALAUYEV,-- -- - -- IG.M I insh.; DZHEVAGA, 1.1"kand. tekhn, nauki ZHURAVLEV, Yu.A., insh.; UPOROZHETS, Ye.A.' insh. Automatio welding under flux of shaft liners, Sudoetroanie 30 no.M4547 0 164, (KRA M12) ji.i " : 1L." Y~k -;%&.~nzhe; I)ZIrFVAG', I. I., kund, teki . 7", 'fu*A,0 -tr *1 - I , j, ~ ~q,. ( ti ill IvJL~; ; ~ 1wh.; ZAPaiOMETS, Inzh, Negative effect of the sold 'ing of linern nn the rnri%-s'(,n and fatigue strength of tan shifts. Sudostroonle 30 no-,?.~5.-55 JI 164. (:"A,~,~ 18:Q) "Oscillating regimes of heat treatment by means of an electromagnetic heat supply with currents of Industrial frequency." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Milisk, 4-12 may 1964.: Nosenko Factory, Nikolayev BAWAY39V V.A$ insh,; GASSOIR, A.0.0 insh.; SWJBAYNT, N.M., Inzh. - ~=L. Parallel operation of SW generaton. HOMI. I elsk.10t8.011- khos. no.4:42-44 137 1319otric generators) (MIRA 1214) ITNOTO I.S., oty.ried.1-MAUliff, _T*Tog oty,red,j BARKTITM,, A,L,, redoisd-val BMZMKIY, I.A,,, [Beat and wool exchange In froson, soils and roolml Toplo- I mosoobson v Mrslykh poahvakh I, gorn*h porodakh. Xoskyal 1961. 142 p. (MIRA 1413) It Akedowdys nauk WO, Inotitut maralotovedeniya. 86varo- 'Tootoohnoys otdolonlys, (Frozen ground) BALADAYFN.,M.D.1 SHARKOVAl Ye.?,; ZHBANKOV, R.G.; VIRNIK, A.D.1 ROGOVIN, Z.A. Infrared spectrosoolV method of studying the struature of some graft oopolymers of asilulose. Vyeokom.sood. 7 no.1031763-1766 0 165. (MIRA 3-8all) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilln" inatitut. BAIAMWV", 1.D.; VL,'d',1v:!POVA, i"V. . C, ' T 1" 3-'- I- 'LLA-!!:=2- ., -" jl"~.-iL:i I i S. ; , !::-. :' -.' ~' , 4-,. '. 7=7', 7.A. Infrared spectroscopic study of the ion exchange of graft coril,ymers o5 cel.lulose und pol~mcrylhydroxnmic acld with Fe and Cu4* Ions. Vysokom. rioed. 7 no.'2:-105-210 F 165. O',litA 19:3) 1. Monkovskly tekatillnyy institut. outym, S.Y. , doktor med.naukl BAIABA]]ffA,.P N-- ClinlChl features of necronephrools. Vrach.dolo no.2:143-145 Y 158. (KIRA 11:1) 1. Xatedra terapil (sar.-doktor med. nouk S.Y.Oleybik) Zaporoshokogo instituta usovershonstvoyanlya vrechey. (EID)MYS.-DISBASES) AMA$ R.A. (TSiuhank", m;A. 11 LISMSKAYA, M107MM"ro" MN'A. I itithying tb~~4truoture of now technleaily~.,~&Iuable cellulose derivatives by methods of Wrared spectroscopy. Veato' AN BSM. Ser. Fix.-takh,, nay, no.20841 163. (KMA 17 11) DAIABAYWA-9 P. N. C&W Mod Sci (dies) "On the non-contract- Ing movements of the heart in the ohest cavity,," Lvov, 1960,t 19 pps 200 cope (Lvov State Idedical Institute) (KL, 42-608, n6) OLNUM, S*IP*p profel BAIABAWA P*N. =nrtfML-=2- Nature and wobaition of the ow-diao impulse. Wauoh.trudy LIVW,, oblotsrap.ob-,wa no.D62-65 161. (HPA 1613) lo tafedra fakulltetakoy terapii lechaboogo fakulltsts. Ltvov,- okogo moditainskogo instituta. (save kafedroy - prof. S.Fo Moynik)o (HURT EM) V, CLgn,lXl S.F., prof.; ULUIAYXVA,,-P*,,W., Isovoluminal phases of 'W,he heart. Yrachdelo no.011-16 AptOo (MIM 160) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii leohebnoeo faWVteta Vrov- skogo meditainako 0 instituta. NRW) (ELOOD-CIRCULATIOli) N w~ =ssay on the history of conservation anil transformation of lenerfr Vah,sap,Chkal. goo.pedeinst. no.9:10W76 136, (KML 1013 (Torm and enersy) -- -- - - - --- - - - - - ---- - - - '*!~m 11 ~0- I. a Review of the book uYundamentals of the theor7 of the electric field,$ tV Kj. 931sarove Reviewed. by Oslo Balabekien. Fizo v obkole 20 noo6t99-M N-D 160* Slactric fieldis) (MM 34s2) Rlisaravq Kjo) BABAMMY, lu.K.; BAUBEKXAL 0.1. (Orenburg); FEIMM., D.I.; AYRUKINA9 T.E. Discassion,of the draft program of physics for the eight-year school and the secondary school of general education with Industrial training* Fizov Bhkole 20 no,,1:62-65 Ja-F 160o (KIU 14: 10) 1. Gosudarstvenrqy podagogicheakiy inatitut, Rostov-na-Donu (for Babanakiy), 2, Podagogichookiy institut, Sverdlovsk (for Penner). ("ies-Study wA teaching) USSR,tMedicine Veterinary, Tick Paralysis Card 1/1 Author Balabekyan, To. P., Veterinary Physician Title Tick paralysis of foals Periodical Veterinarlya, 31, 44, May 1954 Abstract In April 1953 an epidemic of tick paralysis was noted among foals, 1-1 1/2 months old, in 4 kolkhozes, of Nukhinskiy Rayon, Azerbaydzhai SSR. Mist of the ticks round on dead foals and healthy horses uere, Ixodes ricinus. Dermacentor silvarum ticks were also found on a fe-.1 healthy foals and horses. Sick foals and horses that were sprayed with hexachlorane dust recovered from tick paralysis within 3-4 days. Institution Nukhinskiy Rayon Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory, Azerbaydzhan SSR Submitted WMI M . P. in, WT41,1114, ~ I, V-terl. "ar.": L-logy-l"t - , - -I ~11- is - r&- . A-- - - BJUJABE "Setting Up the Agglutination Reaction for the Diagnosis of Brucellosis at Room Temperature," Veterinariya, No. 6, 1950. BALAESKYAN -TS.-P. - - BAIABEKYANj TS9 P. 'Therapy In nsoascarldosis of calves and buffaloes and some data on the opizootio- logy, and prophylaxix of this disease6m Min Agriculture USSR, All-Union Inst of Helminthology-imeni Academician No L Mcryabin. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Veterinary Science). Sot Knithnaya letopial, No. 15, 1956. Moscow. __ BALABEKYANI Ts. P., Canct Ve-t Sci___ (diss)-HStudy of_neo_asc9ridosD3____ - of large horned cattle in Azerbaydzhan, Therapyt epizootology and test of health improvement." Yerevan, 1959. 27 pp; (Ministry of Agri- culture Armenian SSRI Yerevan Zooveterinary Inatt Helmintholoeical Lab- oratory of the Academy of-Sciences USSR); 120 copies; price not given; (KL2 25-609 137) ,;. i'. "Neossearidoois of cattle." veterinariyap Vol# 37) No. 2, 1960) P- 27 (RmABwAN) To. P.) - Zaveduyushchiy Nukhinakoy nezhrayonnoy vetbaklaboratoriey BAIABIS, G.H.; WMT18M, A.r., red.; ZININA, Y., tekM,red, (Growinj oranberries In the U.S&Aaj a survey of fore4m literature]. Itullturs, kliukvy v GShAt obsor Inostrannol literatury. Kooky&, Isd-vo TSentrosoitia, 1958. 13 p, (UM 12:5) 1. Sotrudak Botaniahmakogo institute. Is. T.L,Xomroya Akadeall nauk GSIM (g.Laningrad) (for Dalabss)'. (Cranberries) BkWIN.. I.V. Distribution of loads in automobile wbeel disks* Ayt. pr9no 29 noo7tl3-15 JI 163, (MIRA 16t8) I* 73entralincV9 konstruktorskoys byura po obodan, (Autowbiles-Wbeels) -BALABINI-I.V41 ZUBAREV.- N.A. - - - ---------- Investigating foro* Interaotion between a wide-bas* tire and a wheel Mao Avto prom, 30 no.6tl6-l9 Jo 164. (fGRA 17112) L TSentrallnoyakonstruktorskoys byuro po obodam. -- -LUA=,.Igorj--Vanodiktorivh;.,PUTn-, ,-Valentin -Alektinndrovichi -- -- - --- SMp Ye.B., red, (Motor vehicle and tractor wheels) Avtomobil'rWe i traktor- nye koloeaG Cheliabinskj Cheliabinokoe knizhnoe izd-vol 1963. 334 P. (MIRA l7t6) A(:C NR, APSU73261 /0001 '�OURCE CODE: UR//0113/64 006/DO 16/001 D AUTHOR: Balabin, I. V.; Zubarev, N. A. ORG: Ceyrjtr~&Ifflm Design Bureau (Teentrallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po oboiiam) TITLE: The study of stress interaction between a wide tire and a wheel rim SOURCE.- Avtomobillnaya promyshlonnost', no. 6, 1904, 16-19 TOPIC TAGS: vehicle tire, friction, wear material, weox ~144 ABSTRACT: Research on the design of wide tires which could replace the double tires on trucks and buses includes the endurance tests of 1100 x 600 - 608 and 940 x 350 - 508 wide tires mounted on 450 - 508 and 300D - 508 rime performed by TsKB for Rime (TnKB p0 obodam). The edges were 7. 0-20 and 6. 011-20, respectively. The first tire was used on ZIL-164 automobiles with a 4000-kg per wheel load; the second on the Ural-355M vehicle with a 2000-kg wheel load. The article contains detailed data concerning the conditions and results of the testa All tires cracked ultimately along the side walls. A comprehensive analysis of fitting edge caused by tightening -up-doee-not -remain - constant but decreases to zero at a pressure of 4 kg/cm2. The Interaction of the side of the wide tire and the edge side of the rim differs from that observed In ordinary tires by a smaller pressing zone, 1. e. p the interaction zone to concentrated mostly at the vertical surface of the rim. This and other peoullarities of tire-rim interaction must be taken into account in the UDC: 629.11.012.6 ACC Nk, AP5023261 design of wide Ursa. The necessary tight fitting may be achieved, e.g., by increasing the Inclination angle A the rim's edge up to 160. This allows the reductIon In edge wift which, in turn, removes the cause for the destruction of the eidea of the tires. Further tests are needed for the determination of the optimum values of the various tire and rim parameters. OrIg. aft. has: I formula, 4 figures, and I table. BUD CODE: 33 SUBM DATE: none /ORIG REF: 001/OTHREF: 001 Cmd-2 oo8c-4-66 ION Ut AP5015865 UR/0119/6,,000/006/0005/0007 681.122t621.3.088 ~1 ~Moltt Balabin, 1. To. _(Fngineer)j Frangulyan, L. A. (EngineErr) i~Mul_ -s -M-oasuri" gas raio-of-flow with automatic pro s;iure -variation correction U\vi\ SOURCEI PriborostroyeaVel no-0, 6s 1)65,- 5-7 low. measurompoz gas measurement iTOPIC TAOS i rate of ABSTRAM It is issumed that the gas rate-of-flow is measu~,ca by linoar-diaraotoriall itic rotame'.orev-1th or without quadratic-characteristic differential Mano-neters, In practice, the correction of -.he rate-of-flow measurement can be realized L-~,r Soviet standard measuring modules (RAUSO, such as PD-36A, RS-33A, BS-34A, ate. ~Tvo cases are examineds (1) When the gas rate-of-flow is measured by a li;iear- icharacteristic instrument and (2) When the gas rate-of-flow in mea3ured by a i iquadratio-charaoteristio primary detector. Orig. art. hast 3 figures and 9 formulas.~ 'ASSOCIATIONt none' SUMUTTED: 00 ENCL t 00 SUB CODEj KE 1E -NO RV SOVI 005 OTRERt 000 Fc'ard. -7 BALABIN, N.; ROMMOV, N. Men vith a searching mind. Mtallurg 8 no.804-36 Ag, 163. MIRA 16 110) 1. Vykmmskiy metallurgicheakiy savod. 140) BOV/67-59-3-7/27 AUTHORSt Yeroyan, R. S., Engineer, Balabin, V. S., Engineer TITLEs Reduction of the Entering of Oil Into the Separating Apparatus XG-300-2D (Snizhaniye zanose, masla v razdalitellnyr apperat KO-300-2D) PERIODICALs Kielorod, 19591 Nr 31 PP 33 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRAM For the proossaing of high-presoure-sir in the separating apparatus mentioned in the title the air mast contain a minimum of oils from the oompressor lubrication, the engine driven by compressed gas, and others. In order to avoid this, the following measures were taken in the "Elektroutall" works in the course of three yearei the lubrication for the high-pressure compressor of the tYPe 3P-7/220 was reduced as far as possible in order to guarantee normal work. Table I shows the old and the new standards. The watertemperatare in the cooler of the IV stage *as lowered from 25 to 90 for a better separation of the steam and the oil. Besidest the absorbing material of the oil and humidity separator of the IV stage was renewed once a month. In the weantims control analyses of the compressed air flowing out from the oompressor Card 1/2 were made in order to be able to detect pollutions in time. Reduction of the Entoring of Oil Into the Separating BOV/67-59-3-7/27 Ipparatus KG-300-2D In the passage of a high-pressure-air throuGh au engine driven by oomprcozed gas (EDCG) the following measuron were takens above all, as is the case also with the compressor, lubrication was reduced as far as possible (Table 2). The thin flannel filter of the EDOG was replaced by a denser one. This filter and the filtering vessels were washed every 6C- days with C01 46 Purtherpaooording to data by the VIIIIKILIASh two felt semi- oollape were applied to the LDOO rod as well as an additional filter. The measures guaranteed that no lubri..ator oil penetrated into the air. Some measur. a were also taken for the air whi'ch enters the uentioned separating block over the regenerator and the compressor 2P-20/8 i.e. reduction of the lubrication (old and new standards in table 3) as well as reduction of the temperature of the cooling water after the Il stage. The lubrication was examined every 10th day. The asbestos filters were equally improved and repeatedly washed. The further precautionary measures taken were the followings complete washing of the entire apparatus once a year, examination of the oil content in the air In the vapo- rizer and the condenser. There are 3 tables. Card 2/2 250) SOV/67-59-4-9/19 AUTHORSt Yeroyan, R. S., Engineer, Balabin, V. S., Engineer TITLEs Drying of Oxygen in the Oxygen Department of the Factory "Eloktrostall" PERIODICAW Kielorod-1 1959, Nr 4s PY 39-41 (USSR) ABSTRkCTt The oxygen needed for the stool melting department of the factory "Blektrostall" must be dried. Raw humid oxygen is first compressed and then cooled in a coil condenser. A first drying of the gas then taken place in two filters containing active alumina. The remaining humidity in the oxygen is removed In the drying chamber. In the latter, the adsorbent is likewise active alumina. The gas is pushed through the chamber with 130 ata excess pressurg. To obtain optimum drying, temperature should not exceed + 30 0. The humidity content of oxygen dried in this way amounts to 0-03 - 0-01 g/m3. The described drying system KO-300-ZD with the test block DK-300 is shown by a figure and discussed In all detail 0The adsorbent is regener- - 28; ated with heated nitrogen (240 6 C) which is pressed through Card 1/2 the system until all of the water is expelled from the alumina.. 1 SOY/67-59-4-9/19 ~.,nt, of n-~ezn in the Oxygen Department of the Factory "Blektrostall" T-o drying chamberu of this type are operated at the above f,.-,.otoryl they. work and are regenerated alternately. There is I figure. Card 2/2 YMUNo H.S- e Insho I - PAIABINg To$* ~ 109h. wm_~ Decreasing tW6--&_%`o`u~nt of oil carried air separation apparatus, Kielorod 12 . (Ga see-separation) over Into the ED-300.2D no.303-36 159. OaRk i2tio) TIRDTANg R.S. 9 insh.;, DAIMI& j,�j a trih. Removal of lubricant from the ZG-300-2D air-s#parstlon units 11slorod 12 no.503-37 '39. (MRA 1312) (Osses--separation) Dissertation: "InvestigAion cf the Gate Syster for Cuotirq, Gray Cu-A Iron Iloriu-As into I' tul 1011S ig/6/50 ~bscow Order of tho L.,)tor Red bannir Higher Technical &hool li:eni N. E. bauran. 60 Vecheryayet Moskvp SUM 71 6 (4) SOV/107-59-3-39/52 AUTHOR: Balabina, A.,(Gorlkiy) TITLE: An Ohmmeter with an Evenly Divided Dial (Ommetr s ravnomernoy shkaloy) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 3s P 50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Conventional ohmmeters have dials with an irregular division. At the beginning the dials are extended while the graduation is compressed towards the end, Therefore it is difficult for radio amateurs to build suN an instrument. An ohmmeter with an evenly divided dial was suggested in Radio, 1956, Nr 2, but this meter had the 'disadvantage that in each measuring range a separate variable resistor was reqnired for the zero setting. The ohmmeter suggested by the auth- or is free of this disadvantage and only one switch is used for the zero setting. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagran and Figure 2 the general view of the Card 1/2 instrument, It contains one tube 6K4P which performs ,r')OV/107-59-3-39/52 An Ohmmeter with an Evonly Divided Dial the role of a variable rC31StOl', because the interior resistance of a tube chnnges in w1de ranges with a variation of the voltaCc at the cereen and control grids. The metc~r ii,.ay be used for measuring resistances from 0.2 ohm to I merohm vdicreby six ranges are ivail- able- up to 10 ohm, 100 ohm,, 1 kilo-ohm, 10 kilo-ohm$ 100 kilo-ohm and up to I megohm, The meter was tested with a KMS-G resistor and the results showed that the measuring error in all ranCes does exceed the accuracy class of the galvanometer which is equal to 1.0. There is I circuit diagram and 1 illustrntion. Card 2/2 Uoc"R/ Pny:311c s A :7.-,53 3' 1/1 Put. Z2 17/53 Authors r-ibrovi:., A. V., an', Title -c, g,~ n e t e e % F 7-7. 1 ---A !k 3 f 5 Ppri--Atcal 5 Abstract I Experiments with a a vini, a non-rw~-,)Sf rt, ou a~ag-ne'. c N~ld are described. "-,e t') U30 or mass 5pectr,-n-,er!~ -i, tr uspr~ f.,r -,,p prt?cise e, -rr.t -.4, a va' c n.:i 5 s . 7~%re~ W;5;?---',)5S). Disgrams. Institution v The Acad. ot Sc.,-MM, S. 1. Vavilov InstitUte of Physical Problems Presented by : Academician A. P. Aleksandrov, February 18, 1955 S/135/60/000/009/005/015 Aoo6/Aoo2 AUTHORi Balabina, 0. V., Engineer ................... TITLEt The Use of.Radioactive 170-Thulium Ar Quality Controloof Weld Joints. PERIODICALt Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 9, pp. 16-17 TEXT& 7he author investigated the possibility of using 170-thulium as a universal (multi-purpose) radiator with variable radiation energy for the examination of weld Joints In aluminum, titanium and magnesium. 170-thullum belongs to isotopes wh1rh irradiate beta and gamma-rays during decay. The half life period of 170 thulium is 129 days. The energy of gamma rays is 84 kilo- eleetron-voltl the energy of beta rays Is 968 kev (76%) and. 884 kev (24%). Since the gamma yield of 170-thullum is only 3% It Is not suitable as a gamma- radiator. In the basic line of game. rays with 84 kev energy In 170-thulluim there is a self-bremostrahlung, arising on account of beta-ray absorption by the source, equal to about 200 kev. The author Investigated the possibility of using 170-thultum beta radiation to obtain X-ray bremsetrahlung with different energy. For this purpose an experimental device was developed (Fig. OR permitting radioscopy with gamma rays and bremastrahlung from various targets. Card 8/135/60/000/009/005/015 Aoo6/AO02 The Use of Radioactive. 170-Thullum for Quality Control of Weld Joints On the basis of the bromestrahlung -theory the maximun energy of bremsetrahlung was calculated. It was 25 kev Cron aluminum target, 58 kov for a lead target; 64 kev for a copper, and 97 kev for a cadmium target. On the basis of calcula-' tIons and experimental verification the sensitivity of these targets to the revealing of defects In magnesium, aluminum and titanium was determined, Sensitivity curves are shown in Oraphs 2, 3, and 4. Moreover radioscopy of full-scale specimens of weld Joints on aluminum, titanium and magnesium alloys was carried out. It appears from the curves that the sensitivity of gammagraphs to the detection of minor defects of welding in the aftrementioned metals approaches that of roentgenographs. The experiments showed new possibilities of using the 170-thulium isotope as a radiation source of variable energy (from 24-84 kev) for the examination of thin weld Joints (0.5 - 10 mm) on light alloys (aluminum and magnesium) and on steel alloys, up to 2 mm thickness. There are 4 sets of figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt MVTU imeni Bauman Card 2,/2 I j"WINA, to inshanere ./ Antomatizatios of cosa dumpers. Xastougl*5 no.4:23 Ap 156. (Automatto oontrbl) (AIMPIng applianoss) (XM 917) .LXA- J~ensr. 4W Xfficiency suggestions submitted at the Kopeisk mines. kast.ugl. 5 no.10:19-20 0 036. (nU 9112) (Chelyabinsk Basin--Coal mining machinery) SAIJBKIN, A.K.; SOU*MYA, A.D. ......; SusO*Ptlhllity of dnrk-clmwod jlrds vInve In uperimentnI Inoaulation. isel.protlyochim. Ins t, no,l: 1-4 155. (01"im) Owul) (Werlones unViculatue) to Tos.1 dokl.konf.Irk.go*.nauah.. (MIRA 11:1) 0 ftsceptibility of obarp-olaved corblls (Norlones ungulamlatum Kelldwj to experimatal pUgue laftation. lav.1*.gom slub.- Isel.protivoohum,lust, 14tl9-25 157, NnA 13t?) (OUDILS) (PUM) A"BKTI", A.K.; SUAMOVA, A.M.; LAZAREVA, L.A. Study of a tularemia focus In the &1pinA zone of Altat. Dokl, Irk* goo. nauch.-iselo protivochum. Inot. -a.5s 9-12 163 (MIRA Ail) MUM I BOOK EEPWMTION ODV/4771 BalsbUnp Petr Ivanovich Proizvodstvo nakanykh rezinovykh indelly (Production of Dipped Rubber Ooods) Moscow, Goelchl-Isdat,, XW. 930 p. Irmts slip, Inserted. 6,000 copies printed. Id.: 8. 1. Babushk1nal Tisch. Ed. i V. Vs Kogan. MUM This book Is Intended for personnel of rubber-Industry astablish- ments taking courses in production technology, and my be used as a text- book by students at tekhalkmo. OUMM: The author gives detailed data on raw msterials used In the produa- tion, of dipped rubber goods, discusses methods of preparing rubber cement and latex mixesp and describes equIpisent and technological processes. Par- ticular attention Is given to problems of safety engineering and Industrial 80&,),o IS79100 3/138/60/000/01/08Plo AUTHORS: Wsbkin, P.I. Blokh G.A Borisov&, T.S., Burmistrov, 3,1,., --ffl11e0Y.L only-7M.T., Fedor'in'a. Zh,A., Chugay, A.D TITLE-, Organic AoQe1er--cJfor,ContInuous Vulcanization Dipped Rubber Goods PERIODICALi Kauchuk I RezinaP 1960, No. 1, pp. 48 - 51 TEXTs Development work performed In the plant In 1954 has shown that it Is possible to carry out vulcanization of dipped articles in the medium of hot air without pressure by Individual dipping In sulfur-containing glue and subsequent processing of the film In a benzole solution of accelerator K-48. The toxicity of benzale and of the accelerator solutions rendered this technology prohibitive for industrial applicat'.on. In this connection, the necessity arose of searching for ultra-accelerators highly soluble In less toxic solvents, e.g. in gasoline. For the synthesis of highly active accelerators dithio-carbamates were employed in conjunction with amino-containing compounds. The article lists a number of synthesized compounds, which were tested in standard rubber mixtures based on natural rubber and industrial glues ueed In the manufacture of dipped goods. The Card 1/3 80a" V, I S/138/60/000/*01/08PIO Organic Accelerators for Continuous Vulcanization of Dipped Rubber Goods I rubber mixture had the following composition (weight parts)l natural rubber 100, sulfur 3, BaPtax 0.7, zinc oxide 5, atearic acid 0.5. Industrial glues of the No. 252 and No. 252-1 types were used. The results of the physico-mechanical tents of the samples of rubber, obtained on the base of a standard rubber compound with the addition of amino of dialkyl-dithio-carbamio acids are shown in Table 1. As can be seen the synthesized salts-of the dialkyl-dithio-carbamia acids are effective accelerators for vulcanization of dipped articles in an air medium. Optimum. vulcanization Is achieved in much less time as compared with control compounds with Captax accelerator. Experiments have revealed. the possibility of vulcanizing dipped articles in an atmosphere of hot air of 100-11500 without pressure with the aid of the following compounds: dibutyl-dithio-oarbamate of dibutylamine, dibutyl- dithio-caLrbamate of trieWlamine, dibutyl-dithio-carbamate of tributylamine, dilso- wql-dithio-oarbamate of tri-ethylamine, dilso-aaWl-dithlo-carbamate of di- and tri-isoamyl-amine, di-ethyl-dithio-carbamate of di- and tri-ethylamine, hex&- methylene-dithio oarbamate of hexa_methf~ene_amine. The solubility of these com- Card 2/) S/ 138/60/000/0 1 P8/b 10 Organic Accelerators for Continuous Vulcanization of Dipped Rubber Goods pounds in gasolint permits individual dipping of articles in sulfurous and in accelerator gluedrto, be carried out, as well as the continuous vulcanization of dipped Artlefe-9. There are 3 tables and 1 reference. ASSOCIATIONSs Kiyevski xavod "Krasnyy rezinshchl)e (Klyev Plant. "Red Rubber ~grkere ~ Dnepropetrovskly khtmiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute) Card 3/~ BAJABOo A.N. I KRSBATNj M.B. Control of helminthissis In coal mines. Modeporass I paressbol, supplement to noolt63-64 157a (MMA 11:2) 1. Is A renskoy gorolskoy protivouskyarlynoy stantsit. IMUISTAN-HODOMN DISJUU) (COAL MINUS-DISNAM AND XMIJU) BALABOLIN', 1".. A., Cand. Agri. Sol. "Crops precedln~ Sprin,,: 'ejhoat In Field Rotations of Irkutsk Oblast," Irkutsk, 1961, 23 Tp:-). (Irkutsk Xyl. Inst.) 150 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 278). jl~ smart kandesellskokhos.nauk Sver7 hectare. of land should be used to produce Urge oropo* Waledelle 24 n0.3111643 N '62, (NM 1611) lo rrkutakiy sellskokhos"t"nW, intUtutt (Irimtok Provino"hast) KHILTAGUHOV,--G*-DO--;-- SH]WAXD-V--#--T&Ao to IA~!ELKINl A.M. .W. Basic Indexes of the effectiveness of high yield mining systems In certain complex metal ors mines* Trudy Alto OMNII AN Xasakho SSR noo3tllO-121 156o (NM IM) (A,Ital Nountains-Nines and mineral resources) UUDOLZIN, A.N. - Now technology and mans of reducing the danger of 9111cosis In mining Zyryanovsk deposit hard ores, Trudy Alt, GHNII AN Kasakh, SSR no.W154-167 158. (MIRA 1217) (last Xuakhotan Province-Om deposits) (Mining engineering-Safety manures) (Boring machinery)