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Kinetics of Dehydrogenation of Isopentenes 67920 SOV/20-129-5-30/64 ASSOCIATIONe Institut organicheakoy khImli im. N. D. Zelinakogo Aka4emii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistrz imeni N. D..Ze- linakiy of the Academy of Sciences, U55R) e SUBMITTEDi August 2, 1959 Card 4/4 ,573.200 AUTHORS., TITLE: PERIODICAL: 68162 -Dogdanova, 0. K., Shchoglova, A. P., SOV/20-129-6-26/69 Kinetics of Dehydrogenatiog of Butylene Dokl ady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 6, pp 1293 - 1296 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors proved in a previous paper (Ref 3) that butadiene is adsorbed on the aluminum chromium catalyst, that the relative adsorption coefficient of butadiene is high, and that ita numer- ical value increases with decreasing temperature. In their in- vestig&tions of butylene dehydrogenation, N. A. Shcheglova and S. Ya. Paheshetskiy (Ref 4) found a deviating equaiivu kz) which Is elmliar %,, ~juavion (1) of the authors (Ref 3). Absorption was not considered in deriving equation (2), and it was main- tained that the addition of hydrogen and butadiene does not re- markably influence the reaction rate. This contradicts the au- thors$ assumptions mentioned in the beginning. The paper under review describes the investigation of the kinetics mentioned in the title on a mixed oxide catalyst. The investi ations were carried out In a device described earlier (Ref 61. The a-buty- Card 1/3 lens used contained about 7~ of P-butylens. The pure butylene 68162 Kinetics of Dehydrogenation of Butylene SOV/20-129-6-26/69 as well as butylone-hydrogen-butadiene mixturee were diluted. with 8team (I : 10 mol). The hydrogen content was varied from 21.e to 75 mold* (Table 1). Figure I shows the curves of buty- lone displacement by hydrogen at 6000 (a) and at 6200 (b). Table 2 shown the dehydrogenation rates of the mixt res buty- lene-butadiene at 5809 600, and 6250. The butadionelcontent was varied between 26.4 and 92j4. It appeared that butadiene is formed as well as disintegrated in the catalyst. Its- decomposi- tion increases With temperature and its increase in the mix.. ture (Fig 2:1j2)s The correction with regard to butadiene dis- integration was determined from the results and considered in the data on the reaction of butylone-butadiene mixtures. The curves 3 (Fig 2) were found by subtracting curves 2 from curve 1. The relative adsorption coefficients were computed according to formula (5). For butadiene, this coefficient z 4.9 at 5800. It decreases at 6200: m 2 - 2.9. For hydrogen, 0. z3 0.81 it depends on temperature between 580 and 620 . Steam does not influence the reaction rate. The reaction constant Card 2/3 - 7.26 at 5000, 9.3 at 6000, and 12.1 at 6200. Figure 3 chows Kinetics of Dohydrogenation of Butylene 162 ASV'720-129-6-26/69 the linear dependence between log k. and the reciprocal absolute temperature. The activation energy, computed from the velocity constants (k .), was 19.1 kcal, the pre-exponential term of the Arrhenius equation was 5,75 The change of free energy~ of heat capacity, and of entropyl(T;ble 3), as well as the displacement of butylene rrom the active catalyst centers by butadiene due to adsorption (Table 3), could be computed from the adsorption coefficients and their temperature dependence according to known formulas (Ref 7). The adsorption coefficients of butylene , buta- diene, and hydrogen (equation (1)) are I : 4.9 : 0-8 at 5800, and 1 : 3-7 . 0.6 at 6000. The names of Podbillnyak and Bushmarin are mentioned in the text. There are 3 fif;uree, 3 tables,and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organichaskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinekogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni. N. D~ Zelin of the-Acad4ij of Sciences-, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1959 Card 3/3 --i - - -"Ps A.A. I KOKENKOO I.R.; TOU3TOPIATOVA, A.A. Kinetics of dehydrogenation and dehydration of ethyl wA isopropyl, alcohols on yttqi= oxide. KinJ kat. 2 no.6%90Q-906 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut, orgatichaskoy Ithisli imeni N,D, Zelinakogo AN -SSSR. (Ethyl alcohol) (Isopropyl alcohol) (Dehydrogenation) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) TUT TSYAYUN Chia-ywlj, UIANDINt A.A.1 SLOVOKHOTOVA, T.A. -Using, gas-21quid chromatography for the quantitative analysis of products of the eaWytio transformations of isomeric cresols, Vest. Hosk.Un.Serd2t khim, 16 no.6t62-" N-D 161* (MIRA 1415) 1. MoakovskiT gosudaretvennyy universitet. Kafedra organiaheskogo kataliza. (CresoA (Catalysis) (Chromatographic analysis) BAUNDIN, A.A.1 hIlIDEXELI, H.L,; PATIUKEYEV, V.v, Effect of the structure of compounds on the k Itics and direction of their q4talytic hydrojenationo Part lt CO%Ilugation energy and the kinetics of hydrogenation of benzene, pyridine, and pyrrole, Zhur.obokhima, 31 noo5il"f-W3 MY 161* (MIRA 1415) le Institut *rganicheskoy khimLii imeni N.D.Ze~inskogo Akadmii nauk SSSR. (Denseno) (pyridine) (pyrrole) (Rydrogenatign) BAT-A IN, A.A.; UIDEM1,0 H.L.j PATRMM., V.V. . ........ Ufoot of the structure of compounds on the kinetics and direction of tMir oat&IyUo by&ogenatione Part 21 Hydrogenation kinatiom of furan thiophans, and Wrocons on rhodiume Zburaobokhime noe6&l879-5U is 161. (MIPA R16) I* Inatitut organichookoy- khiaLL imani N*D.Zelinako o AN SM. (Fursz) (Tbio*no) (Iron) (WrogenatiM BAIANDIN* A,A - kva) TRTKNIp P. (Mos Kinetics of the dehydrogenation of alcohols of various tyms.-an copper* Zhur, fis, khim. 35 no.lt62-71 Je, 161, (MM 1412) 1. Hookoveldy gosudaretyannyy universite im H V Lanomosova. (Deb7drogenation) ObVeri - - (Alcohols) ULANDINg A.A. I.- . On the one hundredth snnivermU7 of the birth of N.D. Zellaskil. Zhur. f1s. Miss 35 nojt481-4v Mr'61* (Min 1433) (Zelinskiis Nikolal 'Dwitriovichl, 1861-1953) VASSERBERG, V.S.; BALANDIN, A.A.j MWIMINA, M.P. (Moskva) 1- - - -- - ---------------------, Adsorption of lower aliphatio alcohols on alumina catalysts 'ard the orientation of the adsorbed molecules. Zhur. fis, khim. 35 r,*- 4&85M66 Ap 161. (MIRA 140) is A~ SSSR, Institut organicheskoy khimii im, N.D.Zolinakogoe (Alcohols) (Adsorption) 89617 3/020/61 136100210261034 5 mq 0 12,09 B004fBOX AUTEORBs Vasserbergi V* Sol. Balandln_~At__A-,.,._Academiciang and Davydova, 1. R. - TITLEt Formation of Radical-like Intermediary Forms of Surfaces in Heterogeneous Catalysis PERIODICAW Doklady Akademli nauk SSSRO 1961t Vol. 136, No* 2, pp. 377-380 TEXTt The: formation of free radicals on the surface of catalysts 10 dealt with. The experimental material (Refs. 1-14) led many researchers to the assumption that heterogeneous catalysis takes place with the participation of free radical@ loosely bound to the catalyst& However, no experimental proof has hitherto been obtained. To supply this proof# the reaction of isopropanol dehydration was chosen, because it takes place at low temperatures in the adsorbed layer, and thus the lifetime of the radical-like complexes oould be expected. to be longer than at high temperatures. As such complexes are characteri2ed by unpaired electrons# the method was based upon proving their paramagnetism which accelerates Card 1/5 Formation of Radical-like Intermediary S/02 61/136/002/026/034 Forms of Surfaces in Heterogeneous Catalysis B004YB056 k the para-ortho transformation of hydrogen. 1n aelecting the suitable catalyst, ouch were not found to be eligible as, like Al 20 3' were them- selves active catalysts of'p-o transformation, HgSO 4 was chosen as a catalyst of alcohol dehydration, because the latter does not activate the p-o transformation below- 3000C, and thus does not produce any effect on this transformation at the dehydration temperature (150-18000)* For each experiment, fresh MgSO 4 was used, because, a regeneration could not be carried out (reduction and formation of H 2S in hydrogen at 30000- A con- tinuous-flow glass device was used for the purp3se. The- atalyst in- stalled In it was annealed at 3000C for 3 hours at 1.10 ~ mm Hg. Before each experiment, the question was examined as to whether the catalyst itself did not bring about the p-o transformation* For this purpose, a mixture of 50% para.- and ortho-hydrogen was in each case made to circulate at the temperature of dehydration In the apparatus, and-,samples were periodically taken, whose thermal conductivity was examined. For this pur ose, a test tube made of molybdenum glass with a tungsten wire (d - 20X wh1ch had a resistance of 300 ohms at room tomperaturep was used& Card 2/5 89617 Formation of Radicai-like Intermediary F:)rme 510201611136100210261034 of Surfaces In Hotorogeneous Cat-1ya.'a B004/BO56 Thereuponp evacuation was carried out to 1.10-5 mm Ng, and the ampoule with i-C H OH was smashed by means of an electromagnet. All processes were carried (Vt7 under exclusion of oxygen which was also paramagnetic. As soon as the alcohol had evaporated and Leon adsorbedt a 50% mIxture of p- and O-H2 was introduced, and after 10-15 min samples were taken for determin- ing thermal conductivity. After the exporiment had been completed, evacuation to isio-5 mm Hg again followeit and the Inactivity of the catalyst alone with respect to p-o transformation was again tested with 50% p- and o-H2* Experimental results are given In Table 1. The following results'were ob 'taineds 1) The 50% p-and o-H2 mixture undergoes no change in contact with the catalyst, with the vapors of the reaction products and of the alcohol In the absence of a catalyst. 2) In contact with the catalyst, on which the dehydration of the alcohol is carried out, a p-o transformation occurs, which attains 13-5~. This result Is considered to be a direct proof of the formation of multiplet complexes dIth para- magnetic properties* The formation of such complexe-9 le assumed also for other heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Proof Is, however, rendered Card 3/5 690W Formation of Radical-like Intermediary Forms S/020/61/136/002/026/034 of Surfaces in Heterogeneous Catalynis B004/BO56 difficult by the nuthoret mothadbecnuse all catalysts uaed for hydro- genation and dehydrogenatiou catalyzed the p-o transformation of H2 them- selves but, in the case of catalyt..- oxidation, paramagnetic oxygen disturbs. Mention In made of N. D. Zelinekly, V. V. Voyevodaklyt Fo F. Vollkonshtoynt Ne Ns Semenovo Yas T. Eydus, S. Z. Roginakly, M'. I* Temkin, and S# L# Kiperman. There are I figure, I tablep and 17 referencesi 15 Soviet, I Belgian, and I German. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut organicheakoy khimii Im. N. D. Zelinakogo Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imenl N. D. glelinakiy of the kcaJomy of Sciencea USSR) SUBMITTEDs August 30, 1960 Legend to Table It a) Number of experimenti, b) quantity of catalyst, gi c) temperature, OCi d) quantity of initial a:cohol, m!; e) duration of circulation, mini t) degree of ortho-parn transfomation; g) infinite* Card 4/5 89617 Forriation of Udical-like Intermediary YOM) 8/020/61/136/002/026/034 of Surfaces in Heterogeneous OA",~is B004/BO56 NOT&- AN r "j sc 4) 0 180 0,2 4exom. 0 , 2 0 200 0.4 6 0 3 m 150 0.0 0 Ol 3,3 156 0,03 13 13.3 3,3 156 0,05 6ecxoN. )13,3 4 t0,7 ISS 00 0 10.7 165 0:4 13 13.5 t0.7 195 0.4 6emm 13.5 5 11,0 187 0.0 0 11,0 t87 0.2 15 5,3 11,0 187 0,2 Omov, ) 5,3 6 11.0 m 0 6 0 It,O 193 0,4 13 13.2 11,0 03 0,4 6mxom V3.2 Card 5/5 3/020J61/137/003/023/030 B101/B208 AUTHORS. Balandin, Ao A.p Academician, Vikt. I. Spitsyn, Academician, -D6ViF(iii1'skiy-a-q- N. P., and Mikhaylenko, 1. Ye. TITLE: Radioactive catalysts. Dehydration of cyclohexanol on magnesium sulfate and calcium chloride PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadsmii nauk SSSR, v. M, no. 3, 1961, 628-630 TEXT: The authors reported in a previous paper (Ref. i: DAN# 121, 495, (1958)) that catalytic dehydration of cyclohexanol was affected by the presence of S35 in the catalyst (MgSO ). They have now made a study of 4 the effect of the radiant energy of the isotope on the yield at constant absolute activity of the radioactive catalyst. To compare it with the offect of S 35 (E max 0. 0.167 Mev) a beta-emitter, Ca 45 (Emax '0.254 Mev), was chosen again. Ca45 was obtained by irradiating CaCO, enriched with Ca44 with slow neutrons (0.8-10 13/cm2 seo). The resultant radioactive Card 11A 3/020161/137/003/023/030 Radioactive catalysts. Dehydration ... B101/B208 Isotopes were identified with a scintillation spectrometer equipped with a 100-ohannel-pulse height analyzer. The presence or ca45 was confirmed. The low gamma activity (OsO10 mgoequ Ha per g CaCG,) was due to an Fe 59 impurity. CaCO 3 was dissolved by adding 18% HCI, and 6aCl 2 was annealed at 4000C. The absolute activity of 6c1 2 was measured by an end-window counter and a 4X counter. Cyalohexanol was dehydrated by a mixture of MgSO4 + CaCl 2' MgSO4 was wetted with a certain am ount of a solution of radioactive and inactive CaC121 and heated to 4000C within 2 hr. Table 1 gives the characteristics of the catalysts applied. Dehydration took place at 350-4200C in an apparatus described in Ref. I. The content of unsaturated hydrocarbons was determined bromometrically in the reaction products collected in the water-cooled receiver. Pure MgSO 4 proved to be the most active catalyst. Addition of inactive CaCl 2 reduuea its activity. Pure CaCl 2, both the active and the inactive one, was completely Card 24 S/020 61/1,37/003/023/030 Radioactive catalysts. Dehydration ... B101/008 inert On the other hand, all mixtures containing Ca 45 showed an increna- ed catalytic activity as compared. with mixtures containing the sama amount of inactive Ca. Those results are presented in Fig. 2. The nunbarn corroupond to those of the catalysts in Table 1. -The radioactive catalysts are denoted by an asterisk. It is concluded that. the P-radiation of the isotope does not influence the dehydration kinetics# and that MgSO Is 4 excited by the P-partioles and by secondary electrons knocked-out by ~them, Fig, 3& represents the degree of oyclohexanol convorsion as 4% function of the logarithm of the specific activity of the catalyetq and oompa res it with the data obtained in Ref. I.for XgS0 4 + Na2so 4 contain- ing 35 3 - Pig- 3 6 shows the degree of conversion as a function of radiant power. The increased degree of conversion in the presence of 45 Ca Cl is said to be due to the higher energy of tte P-partiolea,. 2 There are 4 figures, I table, and 1 Soviet-bloo reference. Card 311 MANDIN, akadomik; DOGDAMVA, O.K.1 BELOMZTNMO I.P. Kinetics of the dehydrogenation,of ethyl benzene to styrene* Doklm AN SWR 138 noJiM-597 W 161, (KLU 346) lo Institut organichookoy kh'ali, in* N,D,Z9lInskogaAN SSSRs (Debydrogenation) (Benzene) (Styrene) 25323 S/020/61/158/005/013/025 B103/B215 AUTHORS: Bogdonova, 0. K., Balandin, A. A., AcademJoi&n, and Bel ones t nykh, 1. P' TITLE: Effect of the structure of alkyl-aromntic hydrocarbons on the kinetics of their dehydrogenation PERIODICAL: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 150, no- 5, 1961, 1089-1092 TEXT: The authors explain the affoot of the introduntion of n second radical Into the benzene ring of ethyl toluene on the dehydrogertation rate of the ethyl radical. They had already proved (Ref. t: DAN, 132, No. 2, 343 (1960); Ref. 2: DAN, 138, No. 3 (1961)) that isopropyl benzene (ramified radical) is dehydrogenatea faster than ethyl benzene (straight chain). The experiments were condueted In the apparatus of Ref. I by the same methoda. The reaction rate was bromometrically determined b~ the method of G. D. Gallpern (Ref. 3: Tr. Inst. neftl, 4, 141 (1954) accord- ing to the amount of vinyl toluene produced. The cutalyzate was n1so chromatoCraphj,~ally analyzed. A mixture of dinonyl-didecyl sebacatee (Neozone D content 2 ~,) 18 % of %hich %us applied to diatomite bricks Card 1/4 S/020/61/138/005/013/025 Effect of the structure of ... 25313 B103//B215 served as liquid phase. The temperature was 524-5600C, the flow ratee 1000 MI/1-hr (0-5 ml per 3 min) diluted "ith H 0 vapor, in the ratio of 1:16 or 1:32. The experiment proceeded far fr9m equilibrium. The amount of by-products (xylene, toluene) in the catalyzate was low. The contact gas contained only 0.2-0.4% of olefins and 0.5-0.9 % of saturated hydro- carbons. The relative adsorption coefficients were determined by measuring the rate of dehydrogenation of ethyl toluene - vinyl toluene (21 moles of vinyl toluene) mixtures. The zoefficiente z 2 of vinyl toluene drop from 3.8 at 5500C to 1-51 at 5600C. The function log z 2 F(I/T) is linear. The coefficient z3 '0.7 for hydrogen does not change with temperature. The above kinetic results may be expressed by the general kinetic equation for monomolecular reactions in the continuous system (A. A. Balandin, Ref- 7: ZhOKh, 12, 160 (1942)). The dependence of the logarithm of the velocity conetant on the reciprocal Absolute tempereture is also linear. The Arrheniun equation in observed. The energy of activation calculated from these constants is 34.6 kcal/mole and log k0 .7-3. On the basis of the adsorption coefficients determined for vinyl toluene on the active surface Card 2/4 25313 S10201611138100510131025 Effect of the structure of..t B103/B215 of the catalyst, the authors calculated the changes In free energy, of enthalpy and entropy during the adsorptive displaoement from the catalytic surface. The velocity constant of ethyl toluene dehydrogenation 0.731-1-704 at 530-560,10 is higher than Wit of ethyl benzene 0-376-1-058- Hence, the authora conclude that the dehydrogenation of ~ the ethyl. radical in accolerated by introducing a methyl radical Into the benzene ring. Since vinyl toluene Is an important raw material for the production of synthetic rubber (copolymer production), perfumes, eto., the authors studied Its dehydrogenation on a mixpd oxide catalyst at 5800C and flow rates of 1000, 820, and 5?0 ml/1-hr, The experiments shoved that the vinyl toluene yield (with respect to the flow of ethyl toluene) ino-reased from 42.6 to 56.6 ~ an the velocity of flow decreases. Since the yields calculated with respect to decomposed ethyl toluene drop from 86.1 to 60.7 ~o, the authors assume the formation of by-products. Chromatographicnl studies showed thnt the amount of toluene increased from 0.6 to 1.4 ;111 (at 570 MI/1-hr) and that of xylene from 4.3 to 10.8 0.1 % of benzene was also formed. The authors therefore conclude that high yielda of vinyl toluene are obtainable at 5800C and a high flow rate of ethyl toluene on the oxide catalyst. A. V. Bondarenko is mentioned. Card 3/4 25M Effect of the structure of... S10201611130100510131025 BIOVD215 There tire 3 figures, 4 tables, and 9 referencen: 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet--blo,-!. The two references to Englich-language publicatlons read as follows; T. W. Evans (Ref. 9: J~ Chem. Educatlon ,~2, 6 (1955)1 F. G. Buege, (Ref. 9: Ind. and Eng. Chem., ~Lfl, 1695 (1954). SUBMITTED: February 20, lq~61 Card 4/4 -411 11 -6 - TOISTOPYATOVAI A.A.1 BALUDIfio A.A. akadenik Regularities in the oatalytic properties of rare eartba. Dokl.AN S*R 138 no.6t1365m1368 je 161. (KIRA 14 t 6) 1e InbUtut organiohhkoy kbi-Ii. In, %Melinakogo. AN SSSR I Mookovskiy gosudantyennyy universitet In. M.Lommosovao (Rars eartba) (Catalysis) ISAGULYANTSO G.V.; BALMIDINO A,A.p akademik; POPOV, YO.I. Determination of rolativo adsorption coefficients by isotopic dilution. Dokl. AN SWR 139 no.ltl39-141 J1 161* (KIRA 14:7) (Adsorption) (Radioactive tracers) KLAbUNOV.,KIY, Yo.I.; BALANDINO A.A., akademik, PETROV, Yu.I. --- L(ydrogenation ofoL-kato Adds over a colloidal ralladium catalyst. Dokl. AN SSSR 13c no.2:377-380 J1 161. (MIRA l4k7). 1. Inutitut organicheskoy khimii im N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Acids, Organic) (Hydrogenation)' .. - ---BAIAIIDIII, A.A.-, ak,~Aemikl KAWEY5KAYA, le.Ial KLr4OVl;Ir.OVp B.D. Rhuium as a catalyst.of hydrogsnation, Doklo AN =R 339 no - 5: nOl-nO4 AgJ 1 61. (MIRA 340) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii ime RD, Zelinskogo AN ssm. (Rhanium) (Hydrogenation) if v,,-~-I- /I - -- --- - A-.-. - -- - - - -- GWR- -r 1AMABUrr, V.F6.; NkLANDIN, A # .akademDk, G YEVSKAYA, Tov. R"iprocal effect of reacting molecules at the, surface of dehydration catalysts. Dokl. AN 5= W no.4:8,119-862 0 '61. (H1M 14:9) 1. Institut organicbeskoy khimli im. N.D.Zelinskoro AN SSSR. (Dehydration) (Cat&lysts) VISSEREMR V.E.;. UIANDIN, A.A., akademik; G-LorZIMbi~;iYA, 7.V. InhiXtion of ourfacs reactions on catalysts and the mobility or adsorbed moleculeas Dukle. AN SSSR UO ilo.5-1310-UI3 0 '61, (MBA 15:2) L Institut organiche koy khinii ime N.D,Zelinakogo All SSSR. Dehydration) Etalyoto) (Adsorption) BALANDIN, A.Ae, akadomik; MARUKYAN, G.M.1 SEYMOVICH, R.G. ft-~ Catalytic dehydrogenation of alkylphanoles Dokle AH SSSR. 141 no.3t6l6-619 N 161, (MIRA 14in) 1, Institut organicheakoy kh1m1i im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Phenol) (Dehydrogenation) BAIANDIN,j A.Aj_akademik; SLOVOKIIOTOVAO T.A, I YUY TSZTA-M [IM Chft-YMCI Catalytio demethylation of isomerie cresols to phonol, under the effoot of water vapors. Dokl., AN SWR 14.1 no.4i839-W: D 161. (miRA 14in) 1. Hookovskiy gopudaretvonnyy univeraitet im. M.V. Lcimonosove. (cresols) (Phenol) (Catalysis) PATHIMMVI V.V., SUANDINs A.A. BUTKOV,. H.A. Investigations carried out at 1OXbAnMR on gasification of sulfurous petroleum residues, Report presented at the 3.2th Conference on high molecular weights compounds dsvoted to monomers,, Baku, 3-7 April 62 SAIOWA $.'A Now 0 VLiw]X, I.F., OVA *lot NALMIMp A-As, TITURIUM# lop*# limtloa of deb7drogematlos. Report presented at the Ifth coefemce oa ugh "I %a&.r weight oftpmmds "Tot" to uOu0mrs, Sakt, 3-T April 62 RODE, Tatlyana Vladimirovna; kLANDIN A.As akadera., otv. red,j MUGW,OV,, E.S.,, red. izd-va; 11 P.S.0 takhn. red.; DOROKHINAl I.N.p takhn. red. [O.vgen compounds of chrozium, and chromium catalysts] Kis- lorodnys ooedinoniia khromai khromovye katalizatorys Mo- skva.. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 278 p. (MIRA 1513) (Catalysts, Chromium) ULANDIN. A.A akadenik,, red.; KOWZEV, N.I.,. prof.,, red.j UBEDEV, siam. red.1 HALITSEV, A*H.p zam, red.; AGROZU',CV, doto., sm. red.; TOPCII.IYEVA, X.V.,, prof.9 red.1 TMIYEV, Yu*K.p lxof,,, red. PANCIUWKOVp G#H.q profog red.; SOKOLISKIT, D.Y., akademik, red.1 VOLOW'SMU, F.F.p prof.9 red.jLA7-UXVA, LoVep tekbn, red, [Cata3,vais in the institutions of higher leamingl papers of the First Interuniveroity Conferenoe on CatalysiolKataliz v vycehei shkole; trudy. Moskva# led-vo Mook. univ. No.l. Pt.2. 1962. 325 P. WRA 15 % 10) 1. mashvamifte soveaMhapiys po katalizu. lat. 1958, 2. Aka- derdya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Sokov of" I ' I kly to- .1WIltet Moskovskogo gosudar4vonnogo univerBiteta (for Yurlyov). (Catalysis) BALANDIN akad.., r*d.; KOBDZEV, N.I., prof.0 !EBEDEV---- L& V.P., dote., same red.1 MALITSEV, A.N., dote., sam. red.; AGRONOMVt A.Ye., dots.t &m, rod.; GROMOV, VA, rod.1 LAZAIMVA9 L.V.0 tskhn, red, [Transactions of the First Interuniversity Conference on Catalysis] Trudy Meshvusovskogo soysifichaniia po katalizu"let. Moskva, lad-yo Moak. univ. No.l. Pt.l. 1962. 475 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Mezhvusovskoye sovsehohaniye po katalisut let, 2, Khimithe- skii fakul'tat Mookovskogo goaudarst"nnogo universiteta (for Balandin, Kobosev, IAbedev). (Catalysts-Congrasses) SLOVOKHOTOVA, T*A.; BALARDIN, A.A., POLETAYEVA, T.I.1, YUY CYU Chia-yunlfj-------"- Kinetics of toluene demethylation in the presence of the excess of water over nickel catalysts. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.I: 120-121 ja 162. (MM 1511) 1. Moskovskiy gosudar3tvenrW universitet in. M.V.Lononosova. (Toluene) (Methyl group) S/062/62/000/001/011/015 BIOI/BIIO AUTHORSt Patrikeyev, V. V., Kozarenhot T, D., an4 Balandin, A. A. TITLEi Specific polycondensation of amino acid eaters PERIODICALo Akademiya nauk $$SR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1962# 170 - 171 TEM Experiments showed that the polycondeneation of dl-alanino methyl ester was greatly accelerated by silica gel. Diketo piperazine (of the cyclic alanine dimer) and polypeptide, ratio 96 1 4, are formed. The mole- cular weight of the polypeptide was higher than in polycondensation by CO 2* The effect of silica gel modified by- organic substances was studied. Freshly precipitated silica gel roduced according to V. V, Patrikeyev at al. (Dokl. AN SSSR, no. 4, 851 M60)) was treated (1) with 2% diketo piperazine solution (produced from alanine)l (2) with 2% tripeptide-slanyl glyoyl glycine solutiong (3) an untreated silica gel sample was. used for control. The impregnated silica gels were dried, pulverized, treated on the water bath with perhydrol, washed with hot water, and dried on the Card 0 S/062/62/000/001/011/015 Specific polycondensation of ... BIOI/BIIO -:-ater0bath. Then, they were reacted with alanina, methyl eater (ratio I I at 37 C. The course of reaction was observed by determining, at certain intervals, the content of nonreacted monomer by extracting with ether. About 2VI of monomer only was polycondensed after 100 hr without sillcA r,cl, With silica gel, monomer consumption was about 90%. The polyconden- sates ware extracted with hot water, and evaporatel in vacuo. The linear polymers vere adsorbed by an ion exchanger (poly3tyrene with 4% divinyl bonzene, sulfonated under mild conditions), the nonpolar diketo piperazine was eluted in-ith H20. The cyclic dimer was identified by Moore and Stein's ninhydrin -.ethod (see below). The following was found& The silica gel treated according to (1) yielded a diketo piperazine t polypeptide ratio of 96.5 1 3.51 the silica gel treated accordinr to (2) yielded a ratio of 86 t 14. The control sample (3) had a ratio of 96 1 4. A silica gel pre- trented "'Ith canoin yielded a ratio of 50 1 50. Thus. the specifically modified turf,ico of silica gel acts as a matrix for nn oriented, specific polycondensation of amino acids. There are I figure. I table, and 7 refe-r- encest 6 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads an followas Moore, W. H. Stein. J. Biol. Chem., 21,1~ Card 2/3 8/062/62/000/00t/011/0!5 Specific polycondensation of ... BIOI/BIIO 907 (1954)- ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute, of Organic Cbemletry Imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBVITTEW July 3, 1961 -V/ Card 3/3 KARZHF VASYUNIKA p N.A. I AIANDIN Vp M.1 RABIIIOVICH~ B.Yaej CHSPIGO, S.V.; GRIGCRYAN, Ya.3#1 SLUTSKIN, R.L. Production of glycerol and glycols by hydrogenolysis of xylitol.. Xhim.prom. no.2t82-86 F 162. (MIRA 15t2) 1. Institut organiobeekoy khlmii AN SSSR# Vaesoyusnyy nauchno- isaledovatellakiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza I polu- chaniyu iskusetrennogo sUdkogo toplival i HONIIGS. (Glycerol) (Xylitol) (Glycols) BALASIDIN, A.A.1 KUKINAV A.I.1 MALENBERGI N.Ye. .. - - Catalytic properties of iron phosphate, of alcohols. Izv.AN SM Otd.khim,nauk 1, Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitat (Alcohols) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) Report Dehydration no,4074-581 Ap 162. (MIRA 154) Lm. M.V.Lomonosova, (Iron phosphate) BALANDIN, A.A.; TOLSTOPYATOVA, A.A.; PYN BI-SYAN [PIAng Pi-haiang] Catalytic properties of dysprosium oxide with respect to the motion of drhydrogenation and dehydration of alcohols and, dehydrogenation of tatraUn. ImAN 888R.OtdAhim.nauk no.61 974-980 '64, (KRA l5s8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet in. M.V.Lomononova. (DY3prosium oxide) (Catalysis) (Dehydrogenation) BkLtN M".A.; TOISTOPYATOVAp A.A.; HAUMOV, V.A. Q Determination of bond energies or the reacting &to= of organic molecules with the WOZ catalyst surface using a kinetic methode lzv.All SM*Otd.khim.nauk no.7sl.150-1154 Jl 162. (KERA 15:7) L Hwkovskiy gosudarstvenM universitat im, H.Moomonosova. (Chemical bonds) Oblybdenum oxide) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) TOLSTOFUTOVAP A.A,j_44;!qpYj_A.A,, PIN BI-SyAN fplgng pi_hsiaMj - ------ Kinetics of dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol mid dehydrogenation of tetralin of dysprosium oxide. Izv.AN SSSR. Otdokhimonauk no*7sl.154-1163 Jl 162. (MIRA 150) lo Hoskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet ime H*V,L-omonosovae (Chemical reaction, Rate of) (Catalysis) (Dysprosium oxide) S/062j62/000/008/002/016 B101/B180 AUTHORS: Tolstopyatovap A. A., Ping Pi-heiang, and Balaadjn- AZ--A. TITLE: Kinetics of the dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropanol and the dehydration of tetralin on ytterbium oxide PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. .0tdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk,. no. St 1962j 1322-1329 TM: Data was obtained on the catalytic dehydration of i-propanol and the dehydrogenation of i-propanol and tetralin on Yb 203' using methods deacribod earlier (Doklt AN SSBRo 138, 1365 (1961)1 Izv. AN SSSRj Otd. khim. n., 1962, 974, li54). The low specific surface area of the catalyst (9.1 M2/g) precluded capillary condensation and complications due to diffusion. When the catalyst was mixed with quartz powder in a 10 ratio, the reaction took place isothermally. z, the relative adsorption coeffi- cient of the reaction products (R20, a 3U31 acetonep, H2, naphthalene)$ and the thermodynamic functions AH (kcal/mole), A? (kcal/mole), AS Card 113 3/062/62/000/008/002/016 Kinetics of the dehydroganation ... Bloi/B180 (kcal/mole-dog) were calculated: dehydration of i-propanol, dehydrogenation of i-propanol 0 C zH20 &H AF As 0C zacet, AH AF AS 325 7.23 -18-7 -2.39 -10-4 345 2-56 -21.9 -103 -33-5 365 3.48 it of It D -1-57 -10-3 365 1.54 -0.54 3C3U6 aH2 329 1.80 -23.8 -0.69 -38-3 325 0-15 34-7 2.24 54-4 0 to It it 60 o.61 0-40 345 0.40 1-13 54-5 3 dehydrogenation of tetralin z napht' Z112 -4864 500 1-37 26-5 -0-49 34-9 500 1-40 -0-49 -62.0 524-5 2.32 ki -1-35 530 0-42 it 1.39 -620 '~he real and apparent aotivation energies and the energy of adsorption of the ClIt and 0 atoms onto the surface of the Yb2o 3were calculated from the Card 2/3 8/062/62/000/008/002/016 Xinetics of the dehydrogenation BIOI/B180 above data (the first figure being the apparent value, the second the true value, in kcal/mole); dehydration of i-propanol 6 U20 25.1t 30.61 dehydrogenation of i-propanol 6a 20,61 22.91 dehydrogenation of tetralin 2 ell,234.7, 36.6; QC-oat 22.1, 19-41 QH-oat 53.51 55.1; QO-cat 52.5, 49-7. There are 3 figures and 13 tables. ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M. V. LomonosOVA (Mosoow State University imeni Id. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 13, 1962 Card 3/3 BALMINS A,Aq FrN BI-SXAN EPIU6 pi-bulang) I TOWTUXATOVAI - - Kinetics of dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol and of dehydrogenation of tetralin on gadolinium oxide, IZV*All MR.Otd,khimenauk no~8:1330-1336 Ag 162, (MIRA 150) I* Hookovskiy gosudantvenW universitet im. M.Moomonoeova. (Isopropyl alcohol) (Hapthth&lene) (Dehydrogenation) TOLSTOFXATOVAp A.A.; FXN BI-SYAK [PIOng Pi-4wiavg] Kinteice of the dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol and of the dehydrogenation of tetralla on thullum oxides Izv*AN SSSR* Otdokhimonauk no.9&1524-1533 S J62,* (HIRA 15tlO)! 1, MDskovskiy gosudaLretyamyy universitet im, H.VA4mowsovao (Isopropyl alcohol) (Dehydrogenation) (Dehydration (Chsaistry)) (Naphthalene) VASSKRBSWj V.E.1 BALANDIN, A.A,; KWIN)VAO H.P. Geometric configuration of adoqbate nolecul" &M- the dimensions of elementary surface areas in the adsorption Iayer. Izv. AN SSSR*Otdokhim,, nauk no.IW1865-186f~O 162. (KrU 15110) I* Institut organiablakoy khinii in* N.D.Zolinskogo AN &WR, (Adsorption) BUWDUp A*Ao-;. IKUKINA# A*16J TOMOINAt N.V. Rydropmation of aldebyden and ketones in the presence of irm catalysts. Izv.IN IM Otdkhim.nuk no.3-111925-1932 N 162, (MIRA 15212) I* Moskovikiy gomWarstreaW universitat Im. M*Vo Imonosovae (Aldobydes) Netwen) (Hydrogenation) (Iron catalysts) BMANDIN A.A - FA7FIKFY,-1' V.V.i SHAKIII01H.. -- I t 0 J, I . I Dotermir,ation of chemical cq---iiIjb-,-um by the dllfforential thermocouple method. Zhurr. fiz. khir., 36 r,0,991952-1957 S 162. (M--RA 17:6) 1. 1notiltut orgunicheskoy khIrd! LN SSSR. S/062/62/000/oil/009/02i B101/B144 IUrHORSI Balang".-ASI Uarukyan, 0. M., Lavrovokaya, T. Koo 'Soymovich, R. G.9 and Gryzlova, L. V. TITM Catalytic dehydrogenation of chloro-ethyl benzene PERIODICKLi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2051 - 2056 TEXTs Chloro styrene, an important raw material for polymer chemistry$ was obtained by dehydrogenation or chloro-ethyl benzene on a mized oxid* I catalyst at 6oooe, volume rate 0.2 - 0.55 hr- . The dehydrogenation was carried out in a continuous apparatus; the chloro-ethyl benzene was di- luted with water vapor or CO 2' Preliminary,tests with chloro benzene showed that it was not chan8ed by the catalyst in the presence of water vapor, whereas about 50)4 of it was disintegrated to benzene and HCI in the presence of H2' The catalyzate, which contained up to 36% chloro styrene and, ~n heating, formed a solid polymer, was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The chromatograph contained a detector for thermal con- ductivity, the column was fillei witS diatomite and 15% dinonyl sebsoinste Card 1/2 5/06Z/62/000/011/009/021 Catalytic dehydrogenation of*** BIOI/B144 as solid phase, and nitroatn was used as carrier gas. The analysis was made at 1500C. For deciphering the ohromatogram, mixtures of possible components of the catalyzate were subjected to comparative chromatographyl. Ethyl benzene could not be separated from chloro benzene. The chromato- graphic analysis of six experiments yielded (in ~ by weight)t- composition of the initial substances o-ohloro-ethyl benzene, 48-57; p-chloro-ethyl benzene, 45-40; ethyl benzene, 0-4; composition of the reaction producti benzene, 0.1-0,61 toluene, 0.1-0.8; ethyl benzene + chloro benzene, 1-7 -13.2 (the higher values with CO2 as diluent); styrene, 0-5-7.7 (the higher values in the presence of CO2)1ohloro toluene, 1.0-4.0; o-ohloro-othyl benzene, 26-5-44-31 p-chloro-ethyl benzene, 16.6-33.5; o-chloro-styrene, 10.1-16.01 p-chloro styrene, 8.2-19.3. There are 4 figures and 4 tables. The most important English-language references aret S. Freeman, Analyt. Chem., 32, 1304 (1960); H. Nadeon, D. Oakst Analyt. Chem., 33, 1157 (1961). ASSOCIATION& Institut organichuskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelibskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (In3lki6l-aze of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 5, 1962 Card 2/2 S/204/62/002/004/002/019 E071/E433 AUTHORS: Bogdanova, O*K., ShcheglovA, A*P*j Balandin, A,A. TITLE: Catalytic dehydrogenation of the individual isopentenes into isoprene PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v,2, no.4, 1962, k42-447 TEXTt Kinetics of dehydrogenat 'ion of isomeric i3opentenes into isoprene an an oxide catalyst in the temperature range 560-to 620*C at a volume velocity of about 5 h-l and-dilution with steam'in a wt ratio of 1:3 were studied. The composition of the products was determined by the method of gAs-liquid chromatography, Comparison of the obtained data indicates that an overall degree or transformation of the individual isomers in the abovementioned temperature range varies as followas 2-methylbutene-2 (53.2 to 71.5%) > 2-mothylbutene-1 (72.8 to 80.6%) > 3-mothylbutene-I (90 to 921,60, From the obtained experimental data the ratio of the velocity constants of the dohydrogenation reaction for the individual isomerst 2-mothylbutens-2 t2-mothylbutene-1: 3 mothylbuteno-1 was found to equal 1,44 il.151 1,,0. Dehydrogenation of 2-mothylbutono-2 proceeds at a higher velocity Card 1/2 S/204/62/002/004/002/01-9 Catalytic dehydrogenation E071/E433 than that of the remaining two isomers. Isomerization of the starting hydrocarbons with a shift of the double bond occurs simultaneously with the dehydrogenation reaction. According to the degree of isomerization the isomers can be placed in the following order, 3-methylbutene-l,'~ 2-methylbutene-1 > 2-methyl- buteno-2. The most stable structure is that of 2-mothylbutene-2 the least stable that of 3-methylbutene-I with branching in the saturated part of the molecule. At 580 to 620*C, volume velocity of about 4.5 to 5.5 litre per litre of catalyst per hour and a dilution with steam in a ratio of 1 12.5 to 3 by wt, the'yield3 of isoprene amounted to 25 to 41% on passed and 91 to 8214 on reacted isopent*nes. There are 3 figures and 3 tablese ASSOCIATIONs.Institut organicheakoy khimii AN SSSR im. N.D,Zelinskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS USSR imeni N~D#Zelinakiy) Card 2/2 TOISTOPYATlDVA, A*A* Bond energies of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms of organic molecules with yttrium oxide. KinA kat. 3 no.D103-106 '62, (MIRA 15%3) 1. Ins titut oreanicheskoy khimli imeni N-D.Zelinskogo AN =R. (Chemical bonds) (Ittrium oxede) (Catalysie) (Organic compounds) 6/204/62/002/004/003/019 9071/E433 AUTHORSj Belomestnykh, I.P., Bogdanova, O*K., Balandint A*A# ocarbons on that TITLEj The influence of the structure of kinetics of their dehydrogenation PERIODICAL: Neftokhimiya, v.2, no.4, 1962, 467-472 TEXT: The influence or the structure of hydrocarbon molecules on the kinetics of their dehydrogenation was studied on isopeopyl- benzene, ethyl, ethyl-, 1-methyl-3-ethyl-i, 1,4-dimethyl-g-othyl, n.propyl- and diethylbontenes, using the same oxide catalyst, The experiments were carried out in a straight through apparatus,. with dilution of hydrocarbons with steam in a proportion of 1:2 to 3 (by wt) , in the temp*ratur rangM 500 to 5600C with a volume velocity of 0.8 to 1.0 hour-1 (for diethylbencene temperature range 520 to 6200C at feeding rates of 1500, 700, 500 and 300 ml per litr* of catalyst per hour). The velocity of dehydrogenation was determined on the basis of the evolution of fiydrogen and alkenylbenzene formed, The compositions of catalysates were analysed by the chromatographic method* It was shown that alkylaromatic hydrocarbons with a branched radical and with substituents in the ring are dehydrogenated with a high Card 1/2 5/204/62/002/004/003/019 The influence of the structure ... 9071/2433 velocity. From the experimental data the. velocity constants of the dehydrogenation reaction were calculated for the individual hydrocarbons and the existence of the logarithmic dependence between the reaction constant and activation energy was confirmed. Changes in free energy, heat content and entropy of the adsorption displacement front active centres of the catalyst were calculated, It was shown that with the catalyst used the de hydrogenation products can be obtained with high yields at 565 to 620*C and high feeding ratest e.g. vinyltoluol can be obtained with a yield per Pass Of 43 to 57' (feeding rate 0.5 to 1.0 hour-1), divinylbenzene wZth a yield per pass of 30 to 36% + 22 to 20% of ethylvinylbenzene (feeding rate 0.5 to 0&7 hour-1). Thor* are 7 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organichoskoy khimii AN SSSR im. NoDoZelinskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS USSR imeni N.D.Zellnskly) Card 2/2 VA-',YIJNINA ? N A A V Y. f 911 S&Mt kfor, MILIL., t ~v f tt'l~' 9111, -,','.VCIY pr,,-ixnshj erw. s f BAIARDIN, A.A.1 STSHIZHMKIY, V.; TOISTIUPYATUVAp A.A. Thermal effect of the rea4tion of alcohol dehydration affecting the results of kinetic measurements. Vest.Mosk. un. Ser.2tkhim. 17 no.100-33 J&-F 162,. (MIRA 15:1) Hookovokiy goeudarstvennyy universitot, kafedre, orpnicheekop katalisa. (Alcohols) (Heat of denervation) (catalysis) 'aAIA IN, A,A, Haltipl4t theory of catalydk. Structural factors in cawris, Usp.kWA- 31w.n31265-1308 N 162. AN SSSR i Moskovskiy goaudarstvannyy uniTlitet imeni H.V. Lomonoteva. (Catalysis) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimil. imni N' Zelluskogo, BARSOU0 L,I*j FIMIZV, A.K,j SPITSIN, Vikt&I,, akademik; BAIA - INVA.A., akademik I Radiol,vais of aqueous solutions of certain rhodium compounds. Dokl*AN WSR 144 no*2s3/A-346 Vq 162. (KIM 1515) L Iwtitut fisichookoy WWI A.N SSSR i Hoakovskiy goeudaretvennyy univeraltet ime MoVeLomomovas (Rhodiun conpounds) (Padiation) S/020/62/144/003/025/0-40 B124/Biol AUTHORSZ Spitsyn, Vikt. I., Academician, Balandin, A. Al AcademiciaN Barsovap L. Ia., and Pikayov, TITLE'. Radiochemistry of aqueous solutions of bivalent palladium salts P-7iIOD:CAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 3, 1962, 588-591 TEXT: The radiolytic reduction of aqueous solutions of 0.1-0.001 M palladous chloride (1), 0.01-0.001 1.11 potassium tatrachloropalladate (IT.), 0.03 '.U' palladous sulfate (III), and 0.01-0.W Y, palladous nitrate Iv) by 0.7-0.9 Mev electrons from a direct-acceleration electron tube has beer. studied. Irradiation of 1, 11, 111, gives palladium 'black and irradiation of IV Lives palladous hydroxide. The radiochemicall yields of palladium were determined by measuring the optical density of the solutions 1) at 415 mo us a function of tho time of radiation, with parallel weighing of the precipitated metal. The respective curve were used to determine the radiochemical yield, G(-Pd2+), of reduced Pdll+. The yield of palla- diu.-. black,*G(Pd), obtained with various radiation doses is determined Card 1/4 Ma Radiochomiutry of aqueous ... S/020/62/144/003/02-5/030 B124/3101 , from the slope of the ourves (Yig. 2), O(Pd) and 0(-Pd2*) are generally found to increase with decreasinE dose rate absorbedl and to be dependent, moreover, on. the concentration of the irradiated solution in some way. The reduction of (I) to metallic palladium is incomplete in the presence 00 palladium black and added metallic palladium (O.OC16 Z Pd in 8 Ml I solution) which is probably due, to its interaction with 1he CH radicals ,2- and chloride ions present leading to the formation of Pd + and TF?dC1 4J ions and to an increased acidity ol.' the solutions. The relation G(Pd) - 0 + (1/2)FG H_ - a01d (10) iz derived. The experimental results H 2.0 L of G(?d) boine somewhat lower is explained by the partial sorption of atonic and molecular hydrogen forced by hydrolysis of the palladium black, and by the partial decomposition of H 2 01) by palladium. In aqueous solu- tions of (V), the formation of ?dO-x!120 is probably duo'to an increase in the pH as a result of radiation. There are 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziche3koy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSI)i luloskovskiy gosudarstvonnyy.univorsitet im. 14. V. Lomonosova 'Card 2/# (I:oscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonoeov) ladioclheziistry of aqueous ... January 29, 1962 3/020/62/144/r'C3/025/030 B120101 S. 1 - Clhange of the optical density (at 415 mii) of a 0.01 \1 solution of Palladous chloride in dependence on the time of radiation (Do being the opz.4cal density of *%he original solution and D that of4he irradiatud solution). Dose rates (ev/ml-sec):: (1) 8-6-10 (2) 9.10 17 ; (3) 9-101a.Legend: (,k) min. -'ii;. 2. Dependence of the &Mount Of precipitated metallic palladium on the time of radiation for a 0.1 11 solution of palladous chloride (the volume of the solution being 6 ml). Dose rate (ev/ml-sec): (i) e.6-ioI7 ; (2) 6.6-1018. Legend: (A) g; (B) min. 7 Card 3/4 "'#-, PCUOVNIKOVO B.D.; BALAWIII, -A.A., akademik; TABER, AM, Catalytic proportion of platimua metal boridea. DALAN SSSR 145 no,0809.4M Ag 162, (KEPA 1517) le Institut organichaskoy khimii im, N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Borides) (Platimm metals) (Catalysis) SPITSYN, VIKT, I., akademik;_B4WDIN A.A.. akademik; MIKHAYIXMO LIS.; DOBROSELISKAYA, N.P. _ _ 0 Dehydration nf isopropyl alcholq on a radioactive tricalcium phosphate catalyst* Dokl, AN SSA 146 no.511.128-1131 C 162. (NIPA l5zlO) I* Institut fixicheakoy khimli AN &)8H, (Isopropyl al4ohol) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) (Calcium phosph4te) ,.* JF BOGDAIUVAS 07K !akademilk; BELMSTNWO I.P. Dehydrogenation kinetics of alkylaromatic hydrocarbons as dependent on their structure, Dokl. AN &5M 11+6 no*6.-1327-1330 0 162, (MMA 15tlO) (Hydrocarbons) (Dehydrogenation) 5/062j63/000/001/003/025 .B101[B186 AUTHORS: Makaimovap M. Fos Vasserberg, V. E., and-Balandint A* A*" TITLE: Effect of the degree of dehydration of the A120 3 surface on its adsorptive properties and on the elementary area of the moleaulavadsorbed PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk SSSRb Isventiya. otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1963t 17-21 T:-;XT,. The elementary area.t) populated by- an adsorbed Ar atom or N*, 2 C H OR) n-C H or molecules was d9telmined, In Al 0 samplee 2 5 5 12 06H12 2 3 calcined at 3000C (sample 1) up to 1OOeC (sample IV). The adsorption of Ar and N2 was measured at -1950C, that of the organic compounds at 250C.' 0 Ar wa 9 assumed constant at all tompvratures.and e4ual to 16e6 %20 %2_, values found for sample I; w N2 a 17-21 (jC2115OR 28.2; Gj n-0 5H 2 54.21 Card 113 5/06 63/000/001/003/025 Effect of the degree of ... MiYM6 ~,C 6 H12 "54.5; for sample IV: 151 24 1.3; 46.5 and 44-5, respectively, W was aluos% constant for'all A120 3 samples heated to more than 5009CO Conclusions: The determination of the specific area of Al 203 catalysts by N adsorption is not affected by the degree of surface dehydration. 2 The slight changes of W C If Oil do not explain the previously observed 2 5 (Zh. fiz. khimii, 35, 858 (1961)) large differences of tj when alcohol was adsorbed on A120 3 samples of various orlgin, which were dehydrated 0 at 500 C. The reduction of W C it 011 with increasing dehydration may be 2 5 explained by formation of highly active oxygen bridges between the aluminum atoms in intensely calcined samples. The (..)-of the two hydrocarbons varieh between physical values. The anomalous Increase of C.) observed by M. R. Dubinin (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n. 1960, 1739) in fluorized silicagels was not observed with Al 203 although interaction Card 2/3 Effect of the degree of to.* 3/062/631/000/001/003/025 BIOI/B186 between the molecules of tho adsorbato is equally possible. Hence, the BW (Brunnauer, k;mmett, and Teller) equations can be used for Al 20 3as its surface is only slightly inhomogeneoua. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. The most important English-language reference is: 1. B. Pori, R. B. Hannan, J. Phys. Chem., 64,1526 (196o).4 OSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. No Do Zolinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Org&nie Chomi atry imeni N. D, Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) S~BMITTED: April 23, 1962 Card 3/3 - - --- - - I - - .1 -- ZAKUUCHIVA, 1. 1. 1 ISAGULYUPt 0. V.; Formation of *than* during decomposition of ethyl alcohol on titanium dioxide. Isy. AN SM, Otd. khim. nauk no.ltl79-180 163. (MIRA 161l) 1. Institut organiabookoy khimii in, N. D, Zelinekogo AN SSSR. (Ithane) (Ethyl alcohol) KIABUNOVSXIYP Ye.I.1 IGFGNOMDVp Me.; VOLKOVA, L.M.1 BALANDIN, A.A. Adsorption of raoemic and (+ ) -Isomers of 2-butano n steraospecific, silica gels. Izv.kN SWR.Otd.khim.n!uok no.2: 228-234 F 163, OML 1614) 1, Inatitut,organichaskoy Wall in, N,D,,Zelinekogo AN SSM I Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitat in. M.V.Lomonosovae (Butanol) (Adsorption) (silica) YMPONTOV, V.A.; B&IANDINS_A,,&d_TOIBMFTAMVA# A.A. Catalytic doWrogenation of etrqlbensons to styrene on O&Wum oxide in the presence of water vaporse Izv*AN SSSR.Otdo khim.nauk no.31414-A 3 Mr 163o (HIRA 1614) 1. Institut organiche k05 khJuli in. N.D.Zelinskogo AX MR* oxo (Benzene (Styrene) TOISTOFrATOVA, A.A.; BAIANDIN, A.A-.I XAUMOVp V.A. Kinetic method used in the deteridnation of bond energies of the reacting atoms of organic molecules having a blue mD*Wenum oxide surface, Izv,AN SWR.Otd.khim.nauk no.3423-4,29 ar A3. - (MIRA 16W 1. ~bskovskiy goeudaratyennyy universitet im. M.Lomonosova, (Chemical bondva) (Molybdenum oxides) (Organic compounds) Atri POR - Bogdano-~,a, 0. K., Balandin, A.A., and Belomestrxykh, 1. P. MLE i Regularities in tho catalytic datqdroganation of lkylaram-atic hydrocarb~ons PMXODICALt Akadomiya nauk SSSR. Isvestiya. Ot4eleniye khimichoskikh nauk, no. 4, 1963. 611-616 MT: The regularlIties found In studying tho effect of the molemlar structure of alkylbonzona pn the kinetics of their dehydrogenation were exminod. It was found the molecul--r structure of hytLroca-rbons regularly affects Vie rate con-;tarit, actAvitior, er.ergy arx! cons~-.nt of doFq~Lrogmation and ttie thermxiymu:dc ft.nctlor. cf a,~snrptlon -Aisplacezont on -in OxIde Cat-alyst. 7-.e ox-istance of a logarithzdc relationship ~-etwper' the -ictivation energy and the reactdon cons"rit was comf1rmod. A parallolis= exAsts betureen the chant-a of heat cortan'.. &nd entropy durlnZ the adsorptior, dAsplaoomont by the dehydrogena- tion products from the active centers of the ca taiy s t. 7hare are figures 2 tables. j "Ll i . IiL " -1, (, . ~ -4 1, , -".,-~C 3/322 4 '774,~R -c,-' -s t,),,)yitovA , A Dad r '.x ou-~d Fka-l 9~nd!~rA 7 71 LF properties of alp~ia-Uj , in dekydrogonation &rid roaotdons uj.-4 tha bb~~ nnergle.-; of carbon. hydrogen. &.n_4 QXy6et~ Wjt?j tho dat.&IySt PERIODICALt AkAdomiya SSSR. Izvestlya. OtAeloriye khinicheskikh nauz, no. 4, 1963, 616-619 T-EXT- The kinetics of the dq~hyd ragqp and dehydration of Isopropyl ' . --N&q A' CObo' of tetra-1-in 'Vas studia4~. using alpha-U 0, I _j and the n mixod actor),- catLys-, Ir-t1atinj t,~o danyL, ;O~Orla- A V CA *,;A L the catalytic propartlos of ThG2. The t>anni-Ini, uner6-v of H. and witti alph&-U 0 ch&nges In Lne order A- 3 8 QO-Catalyst 'H-c a t.&L, s t QC-Catalyst There are 3 figures and 3 tables. t - c- r. n v i r, r 7. C r C', KLLBUNOVSKIYO Te-I6;-BAUNDIN, A.A.; GODUNOVAO L.F. Inversion of 1-menthone. Izv,AN SSSR OtdAhimInauk no.5486-89D * 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Inatitut organiche4oy Waii in. N.D.Zolinakogo AN SSSR. (Ne%thanono--Optical properties) BAWDIN, A.A.; DUDZIK, Z.1 TOLSTOPYAMVA, A.A. Determination of the bond energies of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen at3me of organic molecules with copper by using the kinetic method. lay. AN SSSR. Otd,khim.nauk no.6t996-999 Je 163. (NIRA 1617) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvannjrj universitet imeni Lomona~ova, (Chdmical bonds) (Alcohols) (Copper catalysts) ~,- 12 T )-~- 4~ 1 UF ( c ) 1FWF f I ) 'FW71 rr. A. L fr-1, Pr- . Tum ~~ ACCESSION NP: A P300228 3 -1/0062/630'000 '006/099C, I I 00-j A','NOR: Shcheglova, A. P.; bogdanova, 0. K. Balar~dln, A. A. drogairla, -1 -fi o=e r 1. De h'y d r" - TITLE! Cntalytif! dol. tion _p 9-n -ta n 0 ;zenation of 2-metnylli ne-2 SOURCE: AN SSSR. IzvestVa. Otde~eniye khImichoskikh nauk no. 6, 1063. 999-100', "OP'l"' 'A,33: preparation of Isoprore. Jeriyd-o~onaton rate L't Iso:)"43- ABSTRAM. Tno oblent of this work is foma s op r-"i r. rjv of anj which are ob~,l:.,!d I 1%);Cr a t107, f 7.1 J1 w in of *h4~ d r -c. rq 0 rl taket, placo b:~ rao-Ims o," e C. f tn o I mop n I--, n ez or. q r s w a r e Jwnn r-, J ha s: I t44ble and 3 ftprea. Associationt Organic ,Chemistrl Inate, Acad*rV of Sclencem Card 1/l/ SHCHEGLOVA, A.P.; BLX;DAIIUVA, O.K.; BALANDIN, A.A. Catalytic dehydrogenation of Issmeric Isopantenes. Report Vo.~: Dehydroganation of 2-methyl-l-butene and lv-. All SSSR. Ser,khims no.7:1210-L!15 JI 163. 160) 1. Institut, organicheskey khindi im. N.D.Zelinskoro AN (Wtone) (Dah)drog*nation) SLOVOKBOTUVAP T.A.; JJALAIMIN. YUY TSZYA-YUN [Yu Chia-yung] _!!~A~~ Thermodynamics of the reaction of demothylation of toluene aW cresols with water vapor* Khimsprome no.7s513-517 JI 163. 1 (HIM 160-1) VASTUNINA~ N.A., OALANDIN A.A.1 MAMATOV# Yu. Hydropnolysis of xylitoo Part 1: Stfect of temperature wW pressure, Kinsi kat, 4 nov1#156-162 Ja-F 163. IKM 16q) 1. Inatituf organichookoy kbi-li imed N.D.Zelinokogo AN S.5.SR. (Xylitol) (Hydroge"!Ii). VASrUNINA, N.A.; BAUNDIN A L MkMATOV., Yu. Fqdrogenolyels of xylital, Part 21 Effect of promotere. Kin. i kat. 4 no.3t"3-449 MY-Je 163.~ (NIRA 16:7) 1. Inatitut organichaskoy khWi imeni Zelinakogo. (Xylitol) (Hydrogenation) (Catakysin) TOLSTOPYATOYAP A.A.; STSHrZMMKIY, V.; W1AN131N,-,-A.A*, Effect of the structure of alcohols on the activition energy of their dehydration an tungsten oxide. Ust. Moak. un. Ser. 21 Dim. 18 no.3t52-56 MY,-Je 161. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Kafedra organichaskogo kataliza Moskovskogo universiteta. (Alcohols) (Debydration(Chemistry)) (Tungsten oxides) BA!ARI&_.A-tA.0 akadenlkl TOLSTOPYATIOVA# A.A.; NAUMVt V.A, Bond energies of interaction between organogens and the surface of oxide catalysts. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 n0.4025-= F 163. (KM 16W 1, ~bskovskly gosudarstvannyy universitet In* M.Lomonosove. (Chomioal bonds), (Chodcal elements) (Catalysts) -F TOLSTOPYATOVA, A.A.; -BALANDIN, A.A.1 YUY TS1-T,4;YUANI [YU Chfi-ch'Uan). Kinetics of de hydroge nation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol and of the dehydrogenation of tatralin on lanthanum oxide. 2hur.fiz.khim. 37 no.lOt2220-2227 0 163. (MIRA 1712) 1. Institut organicheskoy khinii AN SSSR, TABER, A.M,; BALANDINj A.A. akademik; SOKOLISKIYj D.V. , akaderik; POLKOVNIKOV', BbDo- Charging curves of the borids catalysts of Pt-group metals. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.2079-381 S 163. (MIRA 16oll) 1. Institut organicheakoy khinii in. N,D, Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. AN WSSR (for Sokol'skiy) BALAINDIN', A. A. i TOLSTUPYAWVIA, -A, A, "Selectivity of catalysis and bond energies." report submi-tted to 3rd Intl Cong on Catalysis) Amaterdam, 20-25 jui 64. Inst or Organic Chemistry im Zelinakiy, AS USSR, Moscow. CHERKASOVA9 Y*.M.;_BAIAND1~.j A.A.,, akademik Structure and anesthetic netion 6f anifumarbinol eaters. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.6r1409-1411 F 164. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Hoskovakiy institut tonkoy khimichookoy tekhnologii im. M.V.Lomonooov&. ANTIKp L.V.; KIABUNOVSKIY, Ye.I.; BALANDIN A A.; LOPAT,1111, B.V.; PL7UKIIOV, V.A. - Synthesis and transfomations of dihvdrodioxotribenzotriptycone. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.7t1260-1267 Jl 164. (MIRA l7t8) I* Inatitut organiohoskoy khimil imeni Zellnskogo AN SSSR. BAIANDIN, Aleksey Aleksandrovich., akademikj AGRONWOV.. A.Ye.p red.; YE W KOV, H.S., tekhn. red. (Multiplet theory of cata3,voial Mulltiplatnaia teorila kataliza. Moskva., Izd-vo Moak. univ. Pt.l. 1963. 101 p. (MIRA 17:2) SPITSYN, 71kt.l.t DALANDIN, A.A.; POb,;iO.-)FL'3KAYA, N.P.; WYACHKOVA, R.A. Catnlytln. dehydration of cyclohexanol over mngneslum sulfate doped with protactinium-231. Izv. Al 333R. oer.h-him. no. 3: 564-565 Px 164. MRA 17W 1. InstItut fizicheakoy khimli AN 33SH I Kiskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraltet Im. Tjoironcl!maa