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-1 . A . ~ "AIA%*-'l!. 31 I . I , - . of Ya. i. ~'ialkovls boik Or c ic"i"I :~'o ") 1""149 'o.) ~ - MUNDIN, rto-Ai 20083 UUNDIN, D. A. Zameniteli Insulina pri takhamom diabete. Vmeheb.. delo, 190, No. 6~ stb. %748- SOt LWOPTIS ZMUL STATEYp Vol. 27,. Moskva, 1949. BAIANDIN, Do A* .- - - , Gingesug. Peldshor & almah. no.806-48 Aug. 1950. (CLML 2011) 1. RALANDINI D. At V. MM (600) 4, Oinseng 7. Tincture of the ginseng rootq Apt, delo no* 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, 1953. Unclassified. --- - -- SALAXM,-D.A. - - - - -- - - - Conference on ginsenge Aptodelo 3 no,2:63 Mr-Ap '54. (KLRA ?t4) (Olumens) Bibliographic sources an CInseng. Apt. delo, 3 no.4:59-60 JI-AC 154. (nANS, (NlaA 718) *glneou, review) too.'"Orst'ma '4 Vrx,n, .._, A t. llnl.,~~n ,., 1",I,r -, m I,- -_i- - BAIANDIN. D.A. M"M - ___ Chemical composition of ginseng; survey of literature. Hat. k Isuch. shoul-shouts, I, lime no~2:77-96 155. (KLRA 9:10) (01 1")R); a CHIRNIY. Y.F.; BMAIMIN. D.A. N9-I.-I a ginseng preparation. '57. i I Boob.Prim.otd.TM no-3t145-i5i (MIRA 13:6) 1. Dallnevostochuyy filial im. T.L.Komarova Akadenil n&uk SSSR. (Ginseng) UQ-SR / Cultivatod Flantso- Medicinal Planta. Z"sauntial" H Oil Plants. Poisonous Plants. Ref Zhur - Biologlyap No 6p 1959v No# 25105 Author : A,;. Chernyyp Ve Fv Inst :Far-Ea8tern bFanch AS USSR Title :Ginseng Extracts Orig Pub :Soobahch. Dallnevost, fil* AN SSSRj 1958p vyp 91 99-108 Abstract :Investigations of the Far-Ea9tern Branch AS USSR.Indicated that the number of extractive substances In ginseng Is not constant and depends not only upon the root's part but also upon the method of extraction and the size of the specimens grind. Water (up to 50%) and 20% ethyl Card 1/3 V0 Cultivated- Plants*- - Medicinal Plant3* Essential- M Oil Plants. Poisonous Plants, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 6, 1959, Noe 25105 alcohol, (UP to 56,1) are used mostly to isolate the extractive substances. For hydroxyl-containing solvontsp the larger the radical the smaller Is the solubility* Extraction by heat causoa hydrolysis of unstable compounds. Wild-growing ginseng contains oonsidorably more substances dissolved by ethyl alcohol (31%) than the slightly ohaneed Korean white Sinsengo Iii the Korean white ginseng during extraction by heat, the smaller the concentration of ethyl alcoholt the greater is the, yield of tho extractive substances# The quantity of extractive substancos, isolated from the Card 2/3 188 USSRI Cultivatod Tlaiits- -medicinil Plants.- --2;s-cnt1al_ -- If- Oil Plants. Poisonous Plants. Abs Jour 1; Ref Zhur - Blologlyal No 6p 1959, No, 25105 Korean rod ginseng, depends upon the solvent's polarity: the greater Its polarity, the larger is the yield of the extractivo substanoeas -- I. K. Fortunatov Card 3/3 --BAlA)W,iNP-G -A, -- --- - - - - -- ---- Salandin,, Ue A. "Rapid and proiressive methodology in milk researca on undulant fever," Trudy (Rost* n/D gos. nauch.-Lailed. protivochum, in-t)p Vol. VII,, 1948j, P, 81-88 - WhIlogs 18 items. Soo U-2888, Iepltos Znuxmallnykh Stateyp No. 1,, 1949 BALODINs G.A. =Mof7~atural fooi In brueellosts. Zhs mikroblolo, Nowya No.1:14-17 Ja=&rr 1934. (OUG 25t5) 1. Oflostav 6uts so Lent if ia-Relwah luti"te (Diroot'tr -- A.Z. Shishkin). Nialstry of Poblic Rsalth OW& U-9SR/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Chemothera- v peutical Preparations Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 37680 Author :BgLlandin 9-r-A. Prostetova N. P. Inst :Rost-ov na Donu State Scientific-Research Intiplahue Institute Title ;On the Problem of the Mechanism of the Thera- peutic Effect of Syntomycin and Levomycin in Brucellosis (K voprosu o mekhanizme teravne- ticheskovo deystviya sintomitsina i levomit- sina Dri brutoelleze), Orig Pub : Tr. Rostovsk.-n-Donu Gos. n-i in-ta, 1956, 10, 364-391 Abstract ; Literary data indicate that when patients afflicted with brucellosis are treated with syntomycin (1) and levomycetin (11) the Card 1/2 USSH/Phnrmacolovy. Toxicoloiry- Chenotherapau- v ti.eal I'ven'trations IUSSR/Mloroblology - Sanitation Microbiology F-4 Abe Jour Her Zhur - Biol.,, No 4. 1958, lh769 Author Foxicheve, AOS., Balandin, G. Inst Title Rxperimental Use of a Specific Antiphage Serum in Isolatin g Brucella from Ooat and Sheep Kilk. Orig Pub Tr. Rostovsk. n/Do goo* n*-io protivochvun. in-ta, 1956, 10, 370-374 Abstract The authors, folloving experiments by Drzhevkina, uVlized a phage serum to facilitate brucella isolation from sheep and gDat milk. 0.1 ml of serum was applied to the surface of Martenov agar slightay dried in a thermostat (at PH 6.9) for 20 minutes before inoculation. Simultaneously the same milk was inoculated.on agar without the antiphage serum. Altogether 198 swWles of milk from 98 sheep " 2 goats were checked in this monner. To 14 cues brucella. cultures were isolated on aW with antiphage serum, and Card 1/2 7- USP~/ ,Microbiology. Sanitary microbiology F-4 Abs Jour; Ref Zhur - Biol.9 No 6, 19580 24189 Author :,_BajAnd1n,_0.A., Ovanesova, N.G., Minkov, G.B. Inst Not given Title On the Problem of the Method of Investigating Cows' Milk for Brucellosis. Orig Pub: Tr. Rostovsk. n D. gos. n.-I. protivochtimn. in-ta, 1956, 10, 375-383 Abstract: Samples of milk were tested for brucellosis by three parallel methods: by the Khedlson method in whole milk and whey obtained by curdling with rennin, and a ring reaction. Altogether the milk of 212 cows was examined, 848 samples from each quarter of the udder, and 212 aggregate samples. In addition, milk from 15 cows was tested in moving, through the field 3 times at 10 and 12 day intervals (10 cows) Card 1/2 USSR/ Microbiology. Sanitary micrGbiollo--Fy IT-4 Abn Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 24189 Abstract: and at 16 and.23 days (5 cows). The most reliable results were obtained from the Khedloon whey reaction. The ring reaction is less sensitive than the Khedlson reaction with whole milk, and even more so with whey. The content of antibrucellosis agglutinins in milk of cows with brucellosis does not depend on their content in the blood and is inconstant, as they may disappear and appear anew, and may be contained In all parts of the udder or only In separate quarters. Card 212 ---\4kLMIKj-Q.A.- fbthod for preparing Wright's reaction. Lab. delo 7 no.202-54 F 161, (HEU 1411) 01. 1, Rostoys m gosudarstyeraW nauohno-UsledovatellokLy protivwhu*n tituto (BRUGMINIS) : BALANDIN, 0. A. Brucenosisi is it an intestinal infootion? Zhur, mikrobiol,, epid. i immun. 33 no.7:141-1" Jl 162. (M RA 17 11) 1, Is Rontovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-isaledovatellakogo proti- vochumnogo Wtituta Hinisterstva sdravooklu-anenlya SSSR* PALODINO G.A. Inexpedinney of vaccinal prevention of the bovine type of brucelloals. Zhur. m1krJoblol., epid. i Imum. 40 no.6t8-12 Je 163. (MMA M6) 1. Iz Rostovskogn-nu-Donu nauchno-iseledovatellskogo protivochumnogo institute. BALANDIN, G.A.; SAZYKIN, S.P. Postvaccinal pathergy in brucello4to. Report No. 1. Zhur. mlkrobiol., epid. i Imm. 40 no, 8t4-49 Ag 163, (M RA 17 3 9) 1. Is Rostovskogo-na-Donit nauchno-iseledovatellskogo protivochumnogo inatituta. BALANDIN G.A.j SAZYKIN, sa. ~ --.- j_ PostvaccInal pathergy In br-ucellosls. Report No.l. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. I immun. 41 no.1%81-84 Ja 164. (MIPA 18-.2) 1. Rostovokly-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatel'sMy protivorhunnyy Inetitut, Use of safratilne frr th!~, Jlrferorit!at!(.n of bric-Alti. Zbur.milcroblol., opid. i ir-min. 42 nc..4:89-91 An 165. OMIRA 18: 5) 1. RostovskJy-na-Donu niitichiio,-ii;.,,,IeioviAt,,llt3kiy protivochulrAvy lnv~titut. ", '' , -1 1 IIT,~ T-- I --. - - . 1 0 rialundin, 3. F. - "The theory of cast Tru-iy Stu-,'~,,rch. nnuch.-takhri. o-va, (Voscow technical collep in. Bittran), 1, 1946p ?,. I','-40 u SOt U,1.355, 14 Augmst 53, (LAopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stqt.--y, ':o. 15, 1949) BAWMIN, 0. F., Engr USSR/Engineering - Casting Apr 52 "Influence of the Wall Thickness of a Mold on Ingot Solidifications" No N. Rubtsovs Honored Scip Laureate Stalin Price,, 0. F. Balandins. Engr,. Moscow Higher Tech School imeni Bauman "Litey Proizvod" No h, pp 16-19 Analyzes process of ingot solidification and effect of mold wans on rate of proceBse Discusses effect of gap between ingot and mold during solidification and adopts metl-od of successive approximation for calen of mold, States great variety and, contradiction in conclusions or various investigations on the subject, PA 213T67 - i - A -- -- ~-' -- - -I . - .t ~~ q% vlrc~, '. ~t- t'~A , f t'n, arf-. rcot. Lit. 'iroizv- :0. ", 1, Igw n I I . k-w I IAI r-i ry of C ~ n~ ro, ns ollr,c 11 :c 1'. "An InvestiCation of the FroceBs of Crystallization in Cast Iron Under Various Conditions of Therml Interaction Botween the Gast Latorial and the Isold," a dissertation presented to the Scientific Council of Oic I!oscow Hirlier School imLni Bauman on 8 1:arch 1954. Basing his work primarily an the theoretical assurptions of It'. T. Gudtsov, Balandin biiilt a special instrunent to' record the tem, Prature curve of Oie cooling of cast Iron. lie also devised a oonstitution dingri-n for cast iron wMch provides heretofore unavailable datas and built an instrimient stith sensing element." which contact the crystals inside a molten metal md inpart thoir speed of growth to a recorder. This instrument measures the rate of crystallization of cast material more accurately than any former netliod. - S. Revzin Sun A96, 30 Aue 54 DAUDIN'D 0 7 # )madld&t Ukhatchealtikh nauk, 0~- Onetles -of the crystallisation of caltIngs. LTrudy) XM no,45:- 25-65 155. (XLRA IOW (Orystalliastioll) (steel castlace) 18(5), 25(5) SOV/159-58-3-18/31 AUTHOR: WLaadiuj, G. TITLE: Tile Theory of Comracting Casting Molds PERIODICAL-,, Nauchnyye doklady vysshey Bhkoly, Mashinostroyeniye i. priboroutroyerliye, 1958, Nr 3, pp 1212-131. (USSR) ABSTRACT: This report was delivered at the Inter-vuz scientific- technological conference held at MVTU imeni Zaumana in January 1958. In foundry practice, the experimental formula of N.P. Akeenov described the dependence of the mixture cc.mpa., 1; ness -talue ~ g/cu cm on the pressure p kg/eq cm under the pressure block during pressing: J= I + CP 0.25 whereby C is the compressibility factor of the mixture. The strict correapondence of the mix- ture density to the external load value indicates, that the external forces acting on a mixture are opposed by internal forces whose magnitude is determined by the mixture properties and the external pressure. There- fore, the mixturc comp%cting process should be con- Card 1/3 aidered as a process of overcoming the internal foxcesq The Theory of Com-pacting- Casting Molds SOV/159-58-3-18/31 opposed to a free reduction of the mixture volume. M oompacting Is terminated as soon as the external forces are balanced by the internal ones. Por renew- ing this process an increase of the external forces is required. Por developing more rationp' compact- Ing methode and designs of molding machines, it is ,necessary to have a clear picture of the character of the connections, existing between the mixture proper- ties and those internal forces opposing the mold con- deneation under the influence of different external pressures. In his investigation, the author considers mold and core mixtures as an claoto-viscous compres- sible material with strongly accentuated viscosity properties. He presents equations in a general form for the mixtur, compactness, which express the de- pendance of the degree of mol,,' compactness on the impule magnitude of the external load. He recommends the equations for practical application. The author explains the structure of molding mixtures, the mecha- nics of mixtur.- compacting, the characteristics of Card 2/3 the mixture state, changes occurring in the mixture The Theory of ccmX,a.,-#,jrg Casting Molds SOV/159-58-3-18/31 structure durin; ~_ompaotlng, the characteristics of the mixture properties, tho mixture viscosity durinp compression, the Initial resistance to mr- pac "i!ig and equations for determining the mechani- cal work spent for compactIng if mixtures. There are 2 graphs, I photograph, I sketch and 7 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: March 19, 1958 Card. 3/3 Theory of the compression of molding mixtures Lwith summary in Saglish),lashe-fise shur, no, 9:63-73 6 158, (MIRA n-.10) 1. Yjasheye tokhnAchoskoys uahilishche imsul Bausans. g. Xoskva. (Nolding(lounding)) GOLOVIN, Sergey Takovlevioh; RUBTSOV, R.N., prof.p doktor tekhn.nauk# saal. dayatell naukl I takhniki, reteensent; HATONOT, P.N,. lnsh,p reteensentl kand.tokhn,nauk, redo; LITKINA. T.L., red.lad-vag SgdMININA. L.T.. [ftecial kinds of casting; conolse reference data] Onobys, vidy litlia; kratkis sprevochnyo materialy. Moskva, Oos. nauchno-takhn,isd-vo mehinostrolt,lit-rys 1959. 462 p. (Pounding) (min 12:6) 18(5j7) 90,V1/1 2 7-5 (1-7-7/2 c AUTHOR: Rubtsov, R.N,t Doctor of Technical qciencesl qnvkln, n.Ya. and 9tepanov, Yu.A., rngineers, and Palandin, Candidste of Technicnl. "Iciences TITLE: Producing Steel jastings by the Squeezing-Out Ilet),.od PERIODICAL: Titeynoye rroizvodptvo, 195(), Mr 7, pp 17-1n (TT!,ctT?~ ABSTRACTt According to the method developed by P.0 '. qtebakov (T-itcynoye rroizvodstvo, ~Tr 12, 1056) many loorge c-s- ting shapes, with thin wnlls, for Pirernft manuf~ict.~)rp can be produced from nluminum alloys. The laborn4-ory of the foundry at ~IVTU "Tmeni. '"numann" has carried out similar experiments for work pieces of 5nO by 000 cm with wall thickness of 4 to 5 rLm made -fror. oteel. 11'.~e experiments with steel have been execi)ted in the --an- ner as the above-mentioned experimpnts mRde with rilu- minum (T.P. 12/1956). One drnivinr explains only Vie special method of pouring the metal into 11-he molds. Card 1/? T'lere follows a description 0 explanation of -'OV/120-90-7-7 /27. Producing qteel Cantings by the Iqueezing-Out "ethod important it is to have n quick flow and a frist coo- ling-off for the metal. Tn cpse the flow of tI-e ne+ql wns slower than 2 m per second, +1J,,in-v-alled c-stin,-s could not be produced during the experiments. Tl,,e no- complishment of the roquired velocity of flow cnn oaly be achieved by means of automatically controlled noeba- nical installations. There are 1 dingram and 1 micro- photogrRph Card 212 TITNIK, Allbart Iosefoviah; NOVIXOT, P.O.$ kand.takhn.nank, retsensent: BALANDIAN...%pIrt, kandetekhn,nomko, red,: OSIPOVA, L.A., red.izd-va; XO m 09 B*Ieo takhneredo EThsory of the solidification of castings) Teorlia satwerdevanlis otlIvkI. Moskva, Oo~.nauchno-tekhn.Ixd-vo mashinostroltellt-ryg 1960. 434 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Solidification) (Younding) Bku)vDi Gennad;Z_Fodorovioh; POGODIN-ALYMMV, Georgiy Ivanovicht doktor Nikolay Aleksayevich; 'SHPITAL'ffr# Borls OayrUovioh; SHCHWIM, Nikolay Avkmentlywichi KOKOSHKO# A.G., red.1 WIMOV, K.M.,. tekhn.'red. (Hot vorking or metals) Goriao4iia obrabotka metallov. Mookwat Iw--ro VPSh i SUP'jwi TeX KPSSp 1960, 148 po (DestishoUta nould i takhniki i peredovoi opyt v promyahlennosti i stroitelletya, no*3)0 (meteavork) (MIRA Via) SOV1125-60-1-2118 AUTHORSt Yerokhin, A.A.,.Balandi4j G.F., Kodolov, V.D-. TITLEt The Influence of Supersonic Oscillations 6n the Crys- tallization of the Beam In.151ectroslag Welding__ 11 PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarkaj 1960, Nr 1, Pp 15-20 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In the welding laboratory-of the Institute of Metallurgy iMeni ABA, Ba-vkov AS USSR experiments are Ue-rn-g conduc- ted on the possibility of using ultrasound in welding, particularly in the electroslag welding of chromo- nickel austenite steels.. Two methods of introducing ul- trasound into the molten pool have been testedt direc- t3jy with the aid of a waveguide (Figure 1) and by means ofa wire passing through a special slip-device in a steel resilient oscillations wavegUide linked to a magnetostrietive vibrator (Figure 2). Both methods are discussed in detail and compared* The experiments proved that ultrasound can be used to influence the orystalli- Card 112 zation process of the metal in the electroslag seam. BAUNDIN, G.F,_,-JW.tekhn.z&uk, dots~ntj STEPANOV, Yu*Ao, aspirant, rateraction of stresaes in molds &W soliMying castings, Isy, ns.ucheb.savej. mashinostr. no.1:139-149 161, (HIU 14 t4) 1. Mosko*tskoys Ypsheye teMmichaskoye uohilishohe iment. Bwmaana. (Holding (rounding)) -BAUDINP G,F. 0 xand stekhn,,nauk.. doteent SUMOMI zones in castings. lxvovpouchobosav4,j mashirlostr, nools 150"163 161. (KrM 14W I* Moskovskoye vyssboyo takhnicheakoye uchilishche imai Bauximaa* (low3ding) ~ BAIANDIK~ G.F.~ dotsentt kand.tekhn.nauk Crystallization of castings under the action of vibration and ultrasonic waves on molten metal* Izvovosuohebosav ; mashinostr. no.024-34 160. iKUIA ]A$4) 1. Morkovskoye vyssheye tokhnicheakoyo uohIliehahe im. N.E.Baumana. (Founding) (Ultrasonic vayos-Indwitrial applications) A U694 1,2110 S/18o/60/000/006/QO%1030 E021/E335 AUTHORS3 4alandin, G.F. and Silin, L.L. TITLKt The Role of Friction During Ultrasonic Welding PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, ig6o, No. 6, pp. 42 - 46 TEXT3 An investigation of the distribution of the temperature in welded components in the process of ultrasonic welding has been carried out . Curve I of Fig.; I shows the change of temperature (t. C) with time (1b,, see) when plate& of chromel and alumel or thickness 0.1 mm were joined. Curve 2 in Fig. I shows the change in the strength (Qavt kg) of the joint with time. The maximum temperature occurred at the time when the strength of the compound had become constant. Zero strength did not coincide with the time of the beginning of the increase in temperature. The results can, be explained in terms of friction. The increase in temperature is caused by heat generated by the relative movement of the two components. When a joint is made, there is no relative movement and the Card 1/3 8669t/004/030 S/180/60/000/00 E021/E335 The Role of Friction During Ultrasonic Welding temperature drops. The strength of the joint does not increase from the moment when the temperature increases because the surface films (oxides, etc.) on the components must first be destroyed. Fig. 2 shows the temperature change at the point of contact between the tip of the ultrasonic instrument and the higher component (Curve 1) and at the contact between the two component-& (Curve 2). it can be seen that a joint in first established between the tip of the instrument and the top component. The characters of the two joints are different because the tip of the instrument in very hard and the two components are relatively plastic materials. Fig. 5 is a microphotograph of a joint between two copper plates and shows the region where intensive plastic deformation has takenplace. fig. 4 shows the distribution of temperature in the top and lower components during welding. There is a high temperature gradient at the surface of contact between the two components. More heat is generated directly below the ultrasonic Card 2/3 8W4 s/18o/6o/ooo/oo6/004/030 E021/E335 The Role of' Friction During Ultrasonic Welding instrument because the relative movement of the two components in greatest at this point. There are 4 figures and 7 referencosi 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. SUB14ITTED: June 18, 1960 V Card 3/3 Lfcoa S/128/60/000/007/004/017 A105/AO33 AUTHORSt Balandin. G.?., Gini. E.Ch., Stevanov. Yu.A. and Yakovlev, Yu.P. TlTLEs Casting With a Vibration Pouring Device PERIODICALt Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1960, Noe 7t Ppe 34-36 TEXTt The authora mention the effect of vibration on metal crystallization and describe tests performed with a vibration pouring device (Fig. 1 ~ designed by the members of the Inotitut metallurgii imeni A.A. , , AN SSSR (In- stitute of Metallurgy imoni A.A. Baykov of the AS USSR), G.F. Balandin and V.A. Petrunichey. Fig.2 shows macrosectiono of A2 aluminum ingots. The In got shown In FIg.2a Was poured with the aid of a non-vibrating device, ingo; shown in Fig.2b through a vibrating funnel with a frequency of 230 oscilla- tions//seC 6c, an amplitude of 0.1 mm, power 1 kw, temperature of liquid alu- Millum 720 , ingot weight 2 kg and pouring tilue 4 seconds. The ingot obtain- ed with the vibration pouring device was finer grained and its plaoticity increased by 20~ (ace Tnbl.o). Testa showed that casting through a vibrating pouring 4ovico produces the same effect no pouring Into vibrating moldo. A Card 113 8/128/60/000/007/004/017 Citating With a Vibration Pouring Device A105/AO33 conaidorable 7ruahing of grains in the in,-,ot-.-. indicates an increase of the crystallization centers in the liquid metal during vibration. Pig.5 shows specimens on which the tendency of aluminum alloys to hot cracks was tested. The specimen cf AD1 aluminum (Fig,3a) wan poiired '.hrough a non-vibrating funne 11 the one shown in Fig.3b waa poured through a vibrating funnal at 720')C and showed no hot cranks. As the metal Is poured through the vibrat- ing funnel the walls become coated with a hard layer of metal. This layer is broken by the vibration of overheated liquid metal and solid metal pieces are carried into the mold together with liquid motal, where they melt partly or completely. If no complete melting in reached by the time the metal be- gins to solidify, thene solid, phases become centers of crystallization. Fig-4 shows a macrophollograph of the longitudinal qeotion of the coating removed from the funnel walln after pouring of aluminum tinder vibration while Fig-5 showsthe longitudinal Pootion of an ingot completely oolidifiod in a vibrat- Ing funnel. A distinct boundary can tic, observed between the acicular crys- tal. zone and the central crushed grains zone. The grain size depends on the temperature of the motal. during pouring. Higher temperatures ensure complete molting of the solid phase by the time crystallization of the metal begins. Higher rQsistance to hot cracks in attributed to an increase in plasticity Card 2/3 Casting With a Vibration Pouring Device 3/128/60/000/007/004/017 A105/AO33 of fine-grained alloys. This method improves the,machanical properties of alloys and increases their resistance to hot cracks. It can be applied to every type of mold and to a great number of alloys without changing the vi- brating conditions, -A sitisfactory vibration effect was obtained with AL-4t. AL-2, "&vial"-type alloys and 15L steel. There are 6 figures, I table and* 13 roferenceet 11 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. Card 3/1 I"o -T. tem ctl or. :3ctq,e(,r. V e ~lt; ly 9,0 "rilld 1: rel-ort ymsci.tcd tit tl~e 70: ronferez,ca ,-n to 7ritle-,.ctlci~ cf 41)(! zind tl~c I,.,, t1o 7nnt. of 'cai. !::; , 1,p 'Vinvnry mmm p Vladim& Koustantinovicb, inshel RLLWIVp O.IP.t kwAt*kb3uwukp retsensentl SIROTB,A.I.p ixmh.t 'i4d;lzd-vAVGMDEIZVAt L.P.t tokbn.r*d, [Lov-pressure casting] Litle pod alskin daylenism. Moskva# Gox,m&uohn*A*kbn*i9d-vo mashinostroit.lit-r7t 1961 227 pe (Die casting) NM 107) kwA#t*kbn4rAukO dotsentjOINI, I.Ch.p "Pirant, Intoraotion of melt with tba crystallisatio4 front of the oolidify- ing: oasting, Isy.vp.uaheb.say.; =kshim&tc. no*4sl99-204 161e (KML W6) lo Nbakovskays vyesheys to 1-40 0 ye uohilishahe imeni Bviams (Founding 100 27727 S/128/61/000/008/004/004 A054/A127 AUTHORS: Wandin, 0. F., Gini, E. Ch., Sokolov, Ye& A., Stepanovs Yu. A. Y-aro-vre-v 7757 -F. TITLE: Casting thin-wa1led, large-sized panel compounds In green aand-olay molds PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 8. icg6l, 38 - 39 TEXT: The casting of thin-walled, 1&rge-size panel parts of aluminum and mAgnesium alloys ensures a considerable saving in the weight of these components and in time. On the other hand some difficulties must be overcome, In the first place those, encountered in filling the mold with the liquid metal. In the Soviet Union thin-w&lled panels are cast by successive crystalliiation or extrusion. The latter method Is applied for A.,0.4 (AL4) aluminum alloy sheets 800 x 1,500 x 2 - - 5 mm In size, moreover for AL2 and t4j.5 (M15) alloy panels. However, when apply- ing the method for heat-resistant and high-strength AIB, AL19,B15 (V]5) alloys, hot cracks are forming. In order to establish the cause of this defect tests were carried out at the Liteynaya Laboratoriya MVTU Im. Baumana (Foundry Labora- tory MVTU im. Baumai) and it was found tha*w panel elements 500 X 800 x 3 - 4 mm Card 1/4 N\ 27727 S/128/61/000/008/004/004 Casting thln-walled, large-sized A054/A127 In size could be cast from AL19 and V15 alloys by applying the conventional cast- Ing and using green sand-clay molds. Test panels, 250 x 300 x 2 mm In size were ea%'. using a channel (12 x 12 mm) around the panel which considerably facilitated the filling of the mold. The removal of air and gases from the mold cavities is al3c, impcrtant In this proce3g. When applying 0.3 - 0.4 mm thick inserts on the parting surface of the mold during the assembly, the filling of the mold improved, the ventilation through the narrow aperture at the parting surface of the mold be- came more Intensive. The circumferential channelj the slot-type feeding system operating over the entire periphery of the casting, a high-capacity slag-chamber and a riser with a considerable cross section ensure a great intake of the liquid mtal and an instantaneous filling of the mold. Moreover, ribs formed on the casting also promote a rapid filling of the narrow spaces. The gate and the ven- tilatlon system bnaid on the above prlncipl,~s for casting 500 x 800 x 3 - 4 mm panels are shown. The molding mixtnre used consists of 55 - 6o % nol (Pol) type Tambovak sand, 4;; - 50 % quartz sand and chalk, having a humidity of 6 %ja gas permeability of ~4 units and a compresssion strength of 0.24 - 0.27 kgloW . The bin-!er contained 10 % Tambovsk sand and 90 % burnt sand and had a humidity of 4.5 % and a compression strength of 0.35 kg/cm2. It was found that the applica- Card 2/4 27727 3/128/61/000/008/004/004 Casting thin-walled, large-sized .... A054/A127' tion of inserts at the parting surface of the mold had an adverse effect on the accuracy of the panel dimensions. Therefore, to promote ventilation, Instead of using inserts, 1.0 - 1,5 mm wide grooves were cut in the parting surface al9ng the periphery of the casting. This arrangement required a high casting tempera- ture, (for the AL 4 alloys; 820 - 8300C, for the AL 19 and V15 alloys: 850 - 8600 C). On the other hand the high temperature promoted the formation of cavitAffstin some cases the casting split Into two parts). This could be eliminated by con- trolling the density of the mixture in the upper part of the mold by changing its composition and the intensity of ramming. In this way panels can be cast also from X1849T (Kh18N9T) steel in dry sand molds. The mechanical properties of AL4, V15 and Kh18N9T steel panels meet the standards set. A deterioration of the me- ohanical characteristics could only be observed in AL 19 panels. This was caused by a lack of heat resistance In the metal. When coating the casting surface with hexachlorethane, however, the casting temperature of the AL19 alloy sheets could be reduced from 850 to 7300C. The dimensional accuracy of the castings depended on the assembling accuracy of the mold and on the stability of the bottom plate. During assembling the mold showed a deformation of 0.1 - 0.25 mm, while during transportation (shocks) the deformation of the thickness of the casting attained 0.4 - 0.5 mm (20 - 30 %). For this reason the- application of dry sand core or Card 3A 27.727 S/128/61/000/008/004/004 Casting thin-walled, large-sized .... Ao54/A127 shell molds is indicated. There are 1 figure and 9 referenoest 7 Soviet-bloo, 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference& to gnglish-language publ Icatiorn read as follows R. H. Osbrink, "Modern Castings", October 1958, N. C. Flemings et. al., Transac- tions A.P.S.," 1959. card 4A 3/14 61/000/004/008/008 D221YD301 AUTHORSt Bjklandixis-L-P.o. Candidate of Technical Scienceep Docent, and Gini, E.Ch., Aspirant TITLEt Interaction of melt with the crystallization front in a casting during Its solidification PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashin- ostroyeniye, no. 4p 1961p 199 - 204 TEXTt The foundry laboratory of MVTU im. Baumana (MVTU im. Bauman) carried out research on the solidification in a.flow in order to determine the effect of the velocity of motion of the metal on so- lidification. The solidification took place over a rotating cast iron or sand rodp held in a vertiole spindle and lowered into a melt maintained at a constant temperature, Heating of the rod was eliminated by the use of asbestos lining on the end face of the rod where no deposit was noticed. The experiment lasted only 3 se- conds and the rod did not heat throughout. The author gives graphs of the relationship between the thickness of crust and the tempera- Card 1/3 8/14 61/000/004/008/008 Interaction of melt with the ... D221YD301 ture of mel-tt with the rod being at rest. A different result was obtained with a rotating rod and AJ14 (AU) alloy. The analysis of data permits the assumption that there is a simultaneous solidifi.- cation and partial melting of the hard core. This process is deter- mined by the interaction between the liquid metal and the hard core on the boundary line. Its intensity depends on the coefficient of heat transfer am between these two phases. It is assumed that t(TO) is the thickness of core hardened in,3 seconds when the overheating was zero; is the thickness of the hardened core during the same period To 3 see. and an overheating tcast tor / 0. Then k is given by ), 8 i!p M# Pill or n n The theory of heat transfer providea a n = am + Av , where all is the coefficient of heat transfer in the absence of forced motion; v is the speed of the forced motion and A and n are constants. The redu-. %jard 2/3 33178 2L09 s/18o/Wooo/oWoWo2o ISIS'" E071/Z335 AUTHORS.', Amfiteatrova, T-A palandin, G.F., Kodolov, V.D. and Silin, L.L. ~11 o 5 c ; TITLE; The breaking-up of grnins of solidifyin- metal under the action of ultrasonic vibrations PERIODICAL: Akademiya naulc SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniyo toldinichoskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no. 6, 1961, 79 - 87 TEXT. The action of ultrasonic vibrations on the solidifi- cation of aluminium in stool moulds, of 50 mm in diameter was investigated by metallographic examination of the castings produced at the Laboratoriya toorii svarochny1ch protsessov Instituta motallurgii imeni A.A. Baykova (Lnboratory of the Theory of Welding Processes of the Institute of Metallurgy im. A.A. Baykov). Ultrasonic vibrations were produced by means of a magnotostrictive generator, the end face of which oscillated with a froquoney of 20 kc/a and an amplitudo of 32 ji; the power input was 2.0 to 2.5 kW. The diameter of the contact face was 22 ram and the ingot-mould diameter was 50 mm. The first Card 1/3 33178 s/ift/61/bdo/oWoo8/020 The breaking-up of grains .... E071/E335 experiments were carried out by decanting tho liquid metal re:-.iaining after different lengths of time. Metallographic examination if longitudinal sections showed that solidification took place from the periphery inwards. The structure irmuediately adjacent to the walls was not destroyed by the ultrasonic vibrations and was still columnar. The remainder of the casting was fine-grainod. It is proposed that the fine grain size is due to nucleation by solid fr-Agmonts broken frorl, the columnar zone under the action of ultrasonic vibrations. Further experiments showed that the columnar peripheral zone was not present0when metal was poured into a mould preliminarily heated to 700 C. In this case solidification begins only from the contact with the ultrasonic instrument. The solid metal so formed is broken up by the vibrations and causef; grain refinement of the cnating. Tho next experiments were carried out by heating the aluminium to 740 - 750 OC and allowing solidification in the crucible in air (cooling rate about 0.5 OC/sec). Froia the moment when solidification temperature was reached, vibrations were introduced into the melt for different lengths of time Card 2/3 33178 S/180/61/000/006/008/020 The breaking-up of arains E071/E335 (from I to 10 secs). The metal was more finely grained with longer treatment time. Tests using a pouring temperature of 740 OC and casting into a steel mould showed that the minimum time required for the vibrations to act was 3-5 sec. With a slower rate of cooling longer treatments with ultrasonic vibrations are reqdired to obtain complete grain refinement. The results confirm that it is advantageous to use vibrations on the liquid metal of a welding bath during clectro-slag or arc-welding of metals. There are 8 figures and 14 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sovict-bloc. SUBMITTED; August 2, 1960 Card 3/3 UUNDINI O.F.;, GIXI, E-Ch,I SONDWVI TeIA-1 UKDVLEV I TUOP* I Canting of thin-valled large-oized sand and alay molds* Lit. Proisv. (Molding (Founding)) panel Parts in gresnp no.808-39 Ag 161.. (HI A 14M A006 VO I AUTHORS; Balandin 0 F Silin, L. L_ C&-ididate of 'TeJLnt-il T17U Means of stabilizing oonditiors of ul"rasont" weldirg of mrttk'~:~ PERIODICAL- Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 12, 1951, !-6 TM: There Is as yet no established theory on the mf-che4r-ism o-~ -I.tra- sonic welding. Previous investigations in this field have. sh,-%-r. tna*, *ne quality of the joint depends mainly or, the degree of hev%tng me parts ..o -Le welded at the spot of contaot and that thermal cycles obtAlned ~;nder welding conditions can be divided Into the following 4 types, 1) the tempora- ture raises to a maximum and then decreases monotonously; 2) during welding, the temperature~ohanges more smoothly and remains constant or lr,-reasts slightly after the maximum has been attained; 3) temperature raises rapidly unill a certain point and then remains almost constant; 4) mono'~onoul:- ~-~MperAtu-e Increase until thermal saturation at a low rate. Considerirg the klratis In the formation of welds Lhe authors studied the aforementioned typeq of -Yrlt and their combinations. and Investigated changes in the os--illation and the structure of joints. it was found that ultrasoni,, weldf~d ~ar, t, card 1/3 Means of stabilizing conditions A0064101 produced within a wide temperature rang*, and that its highnrl va~jo, a- 'ho contact spot of the parts Is entirely determinel ty oscilla'. ~r sm-P, VA the contact for,~e. A great part is played by the os~illRt!-Dr. ampi ~de ot IMP Instrament. it was found that slight charges in -he /X the oscillations to the parts produce weld joints who~~, are sharply different.(Fig. 71. 71h@ str~lrgth of 'he 3o!n*s on the hardness and the material of the welding tip. Scvnp given for the purpose of raising the quality &-J cf jolr"!S. -dj''~ losses In ultrasonic energy, it is tuggested that ttps le --ihl irutyrim friotion factors with th4! material welded. The sarfa,-~- -, j .I)- tool shouid bo. maintained constant. A parameter of w',11,,h makes It possible to :,ontrol the quality of -Iiold parameter would possibly be the ai:ovstic. power, pn2s !rjz :hro.41, the oscillation amplIllvde transmitted to 'he S~Jppor- 'A.-nc`~ 'f~7- 127471 with priority from January 7th, 1960). -%~~,Ald 4- stabilized And the cripacity of ultra3orl."., ojulrmt%r~ 8 figures and 10 references, 6 Sovlel-blo~ ;ind 4 'ro* ence to the most recent Fng1Ish-1aV-u&ge pil-I e 4. W1. Thoma,-w, J., Mtyer, F.. Ultr&2oric weldllng of ~i. Vr: 1: Card 2/3 31231 S/135/6i/ooo/oi2/6Oi/bo8 Means or stabilizing conditions... A006/A101 finds growing application In structural electric and electronic fields "Welding Journal. no. 12, 1960. 11 ASSOCIATIONt Institut metallurgil im. a) b) c) A. A. Baykov& AN SSSR stitute of M tallur (I r"n I _ e n gy Iment A. A. DAykov, AS USSR) '"Fall Fig. 7t Classification of types of therval cycle in ultrasonic welding and the loca- tion of the respective zones of plastic deformation'In the joint Legendt a) Type of thermal cycle; b) Nature of thermal eyalej 2) Zone of plastic metal flow In the joint; d) Quality number of joint. Card 3/3 I t m cv 1 ALEKSUBVIC Alekiandar, inz asistent, [translator) (Zagreb), E301410, AIA:, [YegoWn., KOD01-oV, B.D. Influence of ultrano-ic oscillations on the crystallization of' the weld in electric welding under 31tig. Zavarivanje 4 no.4:82- 84 Ap '61. 1. Yetalurski institut A.A.Baik6v&p A.M. S13R (for Egcb;"q " Balandin and )Codolvv). 2. Visoka tahnicka i1kola u Zmgre~U'1, 'Zagreb. -STEBAKOV, Yemellyan Semonovich; TARUTDI~ VaailV Yakovlevich; UWDIN, .Q.Z,t-kand. tekhn, nauk, retsonzent; IWIDVp V.I., inah., redo; CMUIYAKj O.V., red. iod-va; SOKOIDVAj T.F., tekhn, red. [Compression casting] Litle vyzhimiem. Moskva, Mashgiz.. 1962. 250 p, (Founding) (MIRA 150) v A iv MASS I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6020 Silin, Lev Leonidovich, Gennadiy Fedoroviah Balandirip and Moisey Grigorly*vich Kogan U11trasvukovaya evarka; noyedineniye metallov v tvardoa sostoyanii i uluchahaniye kachestva avarnykh shvoy (Ultrasonic Welding; Joining Metals in a Solid State and Improvement of the Vold Quality) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. 251 P. 11tOOO copies printed. Ed. (Title page)i N. N. Rykalinj Reviewerso K. K. Khrenovq Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and P. K. Oahchopkovp Doctor of Technical Sci- ences; Ed.t 0. V. Chernyak; Tech. Ed.t B. I. Model'; Managing Ed. for Litera- ture on the Hot Working of Metalst S. Ya. Golovin~ Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel of pinata, scientific research institutes, and planning organizations. COVERAGE: The book is the first Soviet monograph devoted to the application of ultrasound to welding processes. Part I,, written by L. L. Silinj, discusses the question of joining metals in a solid state; Part II, by G. F. Balandin, the Card 1/A Ultrasonic Welding (Cont.) SOV/6020 affect of ultrasound on the crystallizing metall and Part III$ by M. 0. Kogan, the methods of generation of ultrasonic vibration in parts. Particular at- tention is given to the technology of ultrasonic welding and to the utiliza- tion of elastic oscillations for iMrovement of thoweld metal quality. Prob- lems of the calculation and design of generators of ultrasonic vibration are reviewed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 167 references,, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF C ENTS1 'ABLE OF C 0 Edito a Foreword a Forewo to ,~dl 1 roduotion. 5 roduoti,on Card 21A BAIANDri-,- Goenriadiy Fedorovicbj KMSYUBINSKIY - kard,-- tekhn.- - - -- --- - --ma, retsen2eml LoIU"UAA, V*V.p inzh., red.; CfWTOVAp Z.I., tokhn, red, (Chill casting] Lit's namorathivaniome Moskvap Mashgiz, 1962. 261 p. (Founding) (MIRA 150) BALANDINp G.F.1 STEPANOV, Yu.A. Force interaction between a castinr in process of solidification and the mold. Lit. proltv. no.4937-41 Ap 162. (MIRA l5tO (Holding (Founding)) .S/145/62/000/007/001/003 D262/.,303 UMO, ts: .4aLmn0'a, 0 udidatc of Technical Sciancoci, , Ca Jocent and Uini, i;.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Asaistant .CITLE: Character of dectraction oZ the front of crystals grwing, fron, tho.wallr. of the half-forms, 'uri4 casting by pressing, out, in the process of Yormina thin-walled cast pancls -;.IUQDICAL: Izvestiya vys.-,hiIh uchcl)nyl&-.h zavedeniy, Lashinostroy- cniya, no. 7, 1962, 132-139 "he authors survey tI e1 moulding I he procesa of the par. during f Idt, parallel and magular prostiag out operations, i.e. -by -)arallel and angular dio,,-ilacc-mcnts with respect to the moving hal-f - mould. '2he method of opc-ation and the phanomena tcde-ing place dur- in" the o2cration arc described in detail. The mathe-matical analy- sis of the process for the a%r-ular o?cration, with reference to a prcviounn aork, (dealing with thi .:)arallel operation) by t1ble same C ard 1/2 j/145/62/000/007/001/003 Character of dentmiction D-202/0303 authors (I:ashinostroyaniye, 1961, no. 5), and the ex-peritaci-ital results show that thf, conditiollsioL for7ang, oi~ thin-wallee. panels durinG castinS bv pre3.siag out are analo-tous to those during normal castinr, in sand fortir- There are 5 fi;5ures. ,z -SCIO 1XI'lLIN: I!V!'U i-.. 3aumana (INN im. Bauman) ~; U M'. D I'lovember 20, 1961 Card 2/2 S/126/62/013/003/015/023 C193/E383 AVrHORS; Dalandin, GaFs and Yakovlev, Yu,.P. TITLE; On the problem of the effect of vibration on solidification of alloys in castings PERIODICAL: Fiziha metnllov i metallovedoniye, v, 13, no. 3. 1962, 436 - 44o TM-i It has already been established that the effective- ness of vibration as; a ineans of grain-refining of the structure of castings varied from alloy to alloy. It has been possible in. the case of some materials, to determine the optimum conditions of this treatment; in the case of other (pure zinc and the 18-8 stainless steel. in particular) materials, the treatment seems to be ineffective irrespective of the frequency, amplitud* and intensity of vibrations employed. The-prosent author analymed the relevant experimental evidence and caz~e to the concluaion that the most likely explanation of the different res,)onse- of various metals to vibration is beat explained in corms of the theory according to which the grain-rofinament brought about by the application of vibration to a molten alloy Card 18 3/1-6/6"/013/007/015/023 On the problem of .... E193/E383 during casting is due to the fact that this treatment increases the number of crystal fragments broken away from the solidifying skin, providing additional crystallization nuclei. If this theory is correct, then, all other conditions being equal, the beneficial effect of the vibration should be closely related to the strength of the crystals of a given alloy near its solidus. Using his own experimental results and data obtained by M.N. Bochay (Mechanical propertieft of aluminium-alloys during solidification in relation to the formation of hot-welding cracks (Malthanicheskiy svoystva alyuminiyevylth. aplavov v protsesse kristallizataii, i ikh svy&z') - Dissertation, Moscow, 1958), the present authors constructed a graph, reproduced in Fig- 3, where the VrS ((Y, kg/tiun) of Al-Si alloys near the solidus temperature, the thickness (11, mm) of tho columnar-crystals zone and the average grain size (dj rmi) in ingots cast from a vibrated, tundish are plotted atainst the silicon content of the alloy. It will be seen that the concentration depandenci of these three proportion follows the samecourse. Since x Card,2/4 S/126/62/013/003/015/023 On the problem of .... E193/E383 graphs constructed for Al-Cu alloys and stools showed a similar relationship, it was concluded that the extent of the columnar- crystal zone and the average grain size in metal castings were in fact related to tho strength at tanporatures near the solidus and that this relationship determined the effectiveness of vibration treatment as a means of grain-refining of cast structures. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskoye vyssheye takhnichealtoye uchilishche ime Baumana (~Ioscour School of Higher Technical EducatIon im. Bauman) SUBMITTEDt June 24, 1961 Card 3/4 4522h S/77516Z/002/000/007/011 A'UTHORS- Balandin. G. F., Kodolov, V. D. I I --------------- TITLE: Ultrasonics in submerged automatic electric slag welding. SOURCE:' Avtomatizatsiya protsessov mashinostroyaniya. t. Z: Goryachaya obrabotka metallov. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, Z09-213. TEXT: The welding lab of the Institute of Metallurgy iment A. A. Baykov, AS USSR, has investigated the use of ultrasonics (US) in the welding (WG) of metals and, more especially, in the submerged automatic electric slag WG of austenitic steels. In WG of XZ5HZO (KhZ5NZO) steel and XZOH80 (KhZON80) alloy the use of US reduces the hot-cracking tendency, probably by disrupting their columnar structure and reducing the grain size. US was introduced into the welding bath: (1) Directly through the wave guide that is rigidly connected to the magnetostriction transformer; (Z) through an extension welding rod slide-fitted into an aperture in the wave guide. Method (1) is suitable for vertical WG and for slag-bath and Thermit WG of rods. Problem: Even a water-cooled Cu wave guide disintegrates soon when in contact with the molten slag bath; on the other hand, a. contact between the wave guide and the solid metal just below the bath is not equally effective. A water-cooled steel wave-guide with a water-cooled copper tip serves best. The grain size in the weld metal is reduced (photon), its strength and elongation Card 1/2 Ultrasonics in submerged automatic electric S/775/62/002/000/007/011 is not altered, its notch toughness it; increassed If the wave-guide tip to permitted to become welded onto the weld metal, the US effectiveness increases, but this method Is applicable to short welds only. Method tZ) is also practicable and effective, but it incurs a special problem i~ the welding-rod feed rate: If the rod feeds too fast, it penetrates deeply into the bath and the US effect Is strong, but the rod does not malt evenly and whole hunks of it are found floating in the bath; if the rod feeds too slowly, it melts before it can attain an appreciable immersion depth in the bath, and the US effect is scant or nonexisting. Hence, the feed rate must be selected for optimal compromise performance. On balance, method (Z) has proved more effective and was employed in the tests in which the effectiveness of US in re- ducing hot-cracking tendency was ascertained. The possibilities inherent in the use, of an US welding rod that is chemically different and electrically insulated from the weldino wire are far-reaching, especially in inhibiting grain growth and intercrystal- line corrosion in austenitic steals, elements that are of great essence in improving their creep behavior. Also ofAnterest is the US welding of chromous ferrite steels with up to Z7% Cr, which are eminently notch- sensitive. regardless of their heat treatment. These steels have a notch toughness at room temperature of some tenths of one kgm and a tendency toward irreversible grain growth. The US work of Ya. V. Gurevich, V. 1. Leontlyev, and 1. 1. Teumin has shown that the notch toughness of the Cr steel X27 (KhZ7) can be increased significantly by reducing the grain size. There are 3 figures; no tables or references. ASSOCIATION: None -given. Gard Z/2 BALANDIN, 0. F. Approximate analysis of the kinetics of crystallization durirg the continuous cooling of welts! in foundry molds, Fiso met, i metalloveds 14 no,0595-01 0 162, 04rRA 15 t io) 1. Moskovskoys vyvaheye tekhnichookoys uchilishche imeni Baumana, (Yotal castings-Cooling) (Crystallization) -BALANDIN, 0. T's kand. takha. nauk, doteents Gixr, z. o, kLnd, t6ldid-e- nauk, assistant Role of the 4estruotion of the front of m7itals growing froa senlaold vsLUx in pressure "sting during the prooess of the forsation or thin-imnoa pansi castings, ilve vys* ucbob# savos nashinostr, no,7sl32-139 162, (MIRA 1611) 1. Moskovskore Y"sbm teMnlohaskoye uohilishobe imeni Bavmana. (&ohino molaing(Fourding)) S/136/6i/ooo/oui/oo6/oio E021/E206 AUTHORS i Balandin. G. F. and Yakovlev, Yu. P. TITLE: Tile Use of Vibration During the Continuous Casting of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1961, No. 1, pp. 75-78 TEXT: Experiments have been carried out on casting alumin- ium alloys using a vibrating pouring arrangement. with the mould remaining still. The macrophotos (Fig. 1) show 0the effect of this treatment on alloys Min, AV and Al cast at 720 C into a water cooled mould, 1,a without any vibration and 1..b with a vibrating funnel. The method was also tried for continuous casting. Fig. 2 shows the simple apparatus used, consisting of a mould and a vibrating channel down which the liquid metal flows. The frequency used was 14 000 c.p.a. and the amplitude 0.1 mm. Fig. 3 shows photographs of the fractures 0of zinc ingots (diameter 100 mm) made by continuous casting at 1130 C (a - without vibration, b - with vibration). The vibration produced a uituch finer grain. Similar, results were tAbtaincd with aluininium. The following mechallism of grain refinement is suggested. Dviring castiiig, solid metal forms Card 1/2 5/136/61/000/001/006/010 E02l/E206 The Use of Vibration During the Continuotts Casting of Non-forrous Metals and Alloys on the walls of thepDuring channel. Under the action of the vibr-- ations and the liquid metal, this is removed and results in solid fragments being present in the liquid motnl poured into the mould. These become the crystallisation nuclei. The theory was tested by using a pouring channel at 650 0C for aluminium. At this temper- ature no solid metal formed and no refinement occurred. Figs. 4a and 4b show that no change in structure occurred at this temper- ature when vibrations were used. If aluminium wire was fed into the pouring channel, however, grain refinement occurred (Fig. 4c). This confirmed the theory that solid fragments of metal were causing nucleation. In the continuous casting of aluminium and magnesium alloys, it is therefore necessary to use a cooled pouring arrangement to obtain grain refinement by vibrations. There are 5 figures and 8 referencesi 7 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 2/2 D263/-D308 4MORS -301andin C.P. Candidate of Technical Sciences, 15i~66fi;F, E.Gh. , ~--;pirant, Sol~olov, Ye.,... , iLvajin- eer, Stepanov, Yxi.A. , Assintant anal YakovIev, Y,.;.e. Aspirant TWLE: Filling capabilities of raw sand forms in casting of alumirom alloys P'ZRIODICAL: Izvestiya vysslxil-,h uchebnyhh zavedeniy. liashinostroy- eniye, no. 10, 1962, 1,84-191 TENT: The article describes n series of e)qinriments, with various types of pairirT, nyntemir3 and differviit moth(As 3f cliliv.~' sand fortio for tMIX-valled (2 - 2.5 mn) panei type cnzst.ings, conduct- I, solutions. onclunions: impro- C': in Order to "'in'Cl the most practicall vc-zn47,r,t8 in fillir-w, cipabilittes cnil 1v by usin-.T pouring sy6- tem~; 1',i:mJ*nV, ininimal, theiinal aii6 hv,lrau!~(- Ioti~-,OE;. ,ourir~, I . I ~A, i c I ;)rcvc.- filling capability but requir~,s 1-,oo~l v~nt~lat-,on. 0 0 D t " kl' 1, reqk',ire(l accuritcy aiv~ tliicktiess of iz-xcrcare(~ Gard 112 S/145/62/000/010/006/006 Filling capabilities ... D263/1)308 ---riuldixv iariecest; High overheating (160 -_180'0C abow__Iinui_dua-~--- y __; --make s-it- -pose _500~ - -800 mi~ size with-ural-I Uhick-ness of 1.5 mm. FiLling capabilities can also be improved con- siderably by treatiiig form, surfaces with special coverings (chaLlc, amor,>ho-,~.s carbon) this lowers the tcmperatiirc, and conse- (,-,L,.cntly castings can be made usinj-'illoys whose ~,)roperties are reduc- ed nt 'high overheatings. There are 4 figures ond 2 tab:es. A.SS CC I AT 10 EVTU im. N. I. Baximann S 7-131 ,1 W -E D December 8, 1961 Gard 2/2 ACCESSION NR-. AT4016073 8/2698/63/000/000/0275/0280 AUTHOR: Balandin, _G. F.; DIM, E. Ch.; Sokolov, Yo. A.; Stepanov, Yu. A.; Yakovlov,'ru.- 1'.. TITLE: Influenco of toohnologled factors on Uio inochanical proportlog of thin-wallod castings SOURCE: Soveshchanlyo po teoril IItcyny*kh protsossov. 8th, 1962. Mckbanichoskiyo svoystva litogo metalla (McclianicaLproporUes of cast metal), Trudy* soveshchanlya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 276-280 TOPIC TAGS: casting, casting technology, sqpcozo casting, thin walled casting, aircraft. part, casting mechanical property, aluminurn alloy, magnesium alloy, crack formation ABSTRACT: Many aircraft parts, ospocIRIIy remoto-controlled guidance structures, are made of large thin-wallod pieces which are difficult to fabricato by rolling or pressing. These structures are now often cast, but this becomes difficult if areas of I x 2 m and thicknesses of only 2-2. 6 mm aro to bo produced. Tlio now technique of squeeze e-wUng has proven satisfactory for thin castings and largo sizos. Tlio disadvantitgo of thie motliod, howovor, la tho formation of hot cracks whilo casting lilgh-strongth or high- temperature aluminum and maposlum alloys. rn tho casting laborary of tho DIVTU tin. rd 14-, ACCESSION NR.- AT4016073 Batunkna, parts with thicimessos below 2 mm'wero found to have low strength although most specimens conformcd to the specifications of GOST 2685-55. In analyzing some of Ute reasons ror VIC fliFfIVU1140B, partlcular attention Is Ivild to casUng temperature and thcj thickness of the cast (see the Enclosure). 11to Icniporaturo gradients arising In tho alloy during and aftor squeeze casting are also considered and hold to be responsible for VLriZtt1QT11q in mechanical propor(les. 71io aulliors did not come to any final conclusions -but suggc6t (but further tents undor actual working conditions should be porroi-mod, In ordor to find ouL %vhc(.Ii(.,r thvi;o castings can be used tind are actually stronger Uian riveted or welded structures. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 Lablo, ASSOCIATION#- MVTU im. Daur ftna a SUDIMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27DocG3 ENCL:02 SUD CODH,: MM,AS NO REF SOVt 003 OT11811i (102 2/4 :,-Card ACCESSION NR: AT4016074 S/2698/63/000/000/0287/0291 AUTHOR: Balandin, G F ,Yakoviev, Yu. P. TITLE: Effect of vibrations on the properties of cast metal SOURCE: Soveshchanlye po tooril litayny*kh protsossoy. 8th, 1962. Makhanichosklys' svoystva Iltogo metalla (Mechanical properties of cast metal). Trudy* soveshchani- ya Moscow, lzd-vo AN sssR, 1963, 287-291 TOPIC TAGS; casting, cast aluminum, cast steel, crystallization, grain size, vibration casting ASSTRACT: Many laboratory and factory investigations have shown that the me- chanical properties of castings are generally improved (hot crack formation and liquation are reduced, corrosion resistance and density are Increased) when cast- Ing is performed with vibrations. In the casting laboratory of the M%1rU, a pro- cedure was developed for casting through a vibrating chute or funnel (shown In Fig. I of the Enclosure) at 1,000 oscillations per minute. Vibrations of both the mold and the funnel led to finer grain stze because of the disintegratton of the solid phase. Tests were performed with Al-SI and AI-Cu alloys of known strength near the solidus point. Alloys with higher strength near the solidus LC-60FT, nt 11"ed less disruption under the Influence of vibrations than alloys of ACCESSION NR: AT4016074 lower strength. Orig. art. has: 5 f1gures. ASSOCIATION: MVTU Im. Bauman& SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AC4; 270ac63 ENCL% 01 sue CODE.. Mm NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 ACCESSION MR: AT4016074 t it: ZNCLOSVRZ% ()I Figure 1. Semi-continuous casting through a vibrating chute (a) and vibrating funnel (b) crystalilzer; 2 - vibrating pouring daylee; 3 - vibrator; 4 - fastening bracket Card 3/3 L 12604-6-1 ACC&SSION KRi M001693 8/0126/63/015/C!05/0673/0677 AUTHOR: TITLEt Balandin,, 0. P. Influence of vibration R-On ffletal strvature In castings and ingots SOURCEt Mika metallov I metanavederdye, v. 15, no. 5, 1963, 673-677 I TOPIC TAG$s vibration, crystallization,, refinement of structure, Impurity, over- heating APSTRAM The AUthor "visuba existing theories on the inflasnee of vibratiot upon orystall.1tation of castings and Ingots. tie, concluded that none of these'theo- ries give convincirg reasons vhy vibration causce refining or the grain. He points out that any comercial metal or alloy Includes insoluble active impurities vhich lose their activity In molten motal and do not effeet the pr)cess of crystalliza- tion. On cooling, howevvr, these insoluble Impurities are, t-apped by the solid phase of metal and regain their activity. The vibration of itolten rnetal destroys the first layar of crystalm FTowing along walls of the mold. Fragmonte of these crystals inolude reactivated impurities which a" set free e'tar smelting. The" particles of impurities have a modifying effect on cryst-&M-3ation. Sini1w con.. clusions were arrived at by French investirators in 1961, Tte article includes Card 1/2 L 12604-63 ACCESSION JM# M001693 photographs showing structure of almimm melted at varlous twe"ratures &M autw. jectea to vlbratlcm for 1*5 to 2 secondq while being pourbd. Vibration aLffect9d the structure only in metal melted at GOOC without overhelating. Orig. art. hast 2 photographa. ASSMIATIONt Moskovskoye "Yesheye toMmicheakoye uchiliAche im. N. E. PawmrA -(Moscow Higher Technical Education School) SUBMTTED, lUU162 DATE ACQt 12JuI63 MCM 00 SUB CODES 00 WO RV SM 016 OTHERS 001 Card 2/2 ACCESS.1011 NR3 AT401118i S/0000/63/000/M/0330/0339 AUTHORI -841andint, 4. F. (Moscow) TITLE*. Holding of soilmentod costs. SOURCEt AN BSSR. Fit.-tokhn. Institut. Toploflzlka v litaynom prolayodstvo (Thermal physics In the foundry Induitry). Minsk, 1963, 330-339 TOPIC TAGSt casting, foundry Industry, sedimented cast ABSTRACT: The latest types of costsand casting techniques are r~vlewed and evalu-, ated. Various types of sedimented casting are described In detail', Including .1 those proposed b~ V. 0. Khramov (sedimentation In a mold), A. loV.0n* (pU o eedlman- i 1tation In a mold , V. Go Golovkln (wire casting), and A. V6 Stepanov (continuous sedimentation). These processes-yield thin-walled quality casts of different types. Amon the peculiarities of the processes are the striqly directed Partial or to I(In continuous sedimentation) solidification*of the liquid metal whi4h yle =ds,' t conirast to the usual processes, f I awless, very -thin 6ksts, but call for great ~Iacut Ion to prevent the f I no crysto I structure f ram bel ng dvaged by the oncoml ng f It of the overheated metal , TechnologI ca I parameter control by auto- motion Is colNed for to onsuro smooth opera;lonso Orlg. art. host 4 figures and Z grop ~Cqrd ACCEMON M- AT4a7l86----- ASMATIOMs Fiss-takhoo lutitut AN M (PaysicotodUA061 Lwtitutes AN BSSR) SLMKE=s 19Ajv63 DAn AOQt 'O&Iua INCLI 00 SUB Come I ML No &we, 009 OTHM 000 t1 Poo"" C014 2/2 ACCESSION KRt APhO3O38l 8/0145/64/ft/002/0160/0173 AUTHORr...Balandin,,.Q..,F. (Candidate of technical sciences., Docent); Gini., E. Ch. (Candidate of technical sciences)j Hatveyko, Yu. P. (Aspirant); Sokolovp Ye. A. (Engineer)l Stepanov, Yu, A. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent); Yakovlov, Yu, P, (Aap4rant) TITIAt The role of technological factors in producing strength in tW walled. castings SOURCEt MZ. Mashinostroyenlye,,no. 2, 1964, 160-173 TOPIC TAGSt mechanical property, thin walled casting, aluminum, magnesium alloy,, mold, microatxucture, nonuniform porosity, hardening process, hexacholroethane, acetyline ABSTRAM The mechanical properties of large-scale thin-walled castings used as panels vere investigated at the MV1U foundry. Sample panels, 370 wm by 35 mm and 4 to 1.5 mm in thickneaso were cast from various aluminux 40 magnesium alloys (e.g. AU, AM, AS15, ML15, etc.). Before pouring the katerial, the mold was covered by hwmchloroethans (C2C3,6) for alumimun alloys and with acetylene carbon black for the ML15 alloy. The aluminum alloy specimens had a strength withjn_the GMT 2685-55 standard* Card 1JZ ACCESSION NRf 04030361 Lowering the specimen thickness to below 2 mm revealed a definite reduction :in mechnical properties of the cast. The microstructure of the panels showed no observable effects caused by minimum or maximum superheat conditions. Howeverv there was a noticeagle increase in nonuniform porosity for very thin-walled specimens cast from V15 and AL19 alloys, There was considerable scatter in the measured strength of various specimens, caused primarily by a nonuniform temperature distribution in the casting during the pouring of the alloy in the mold. It is shown that the melt temperature distribution In the moldj the method of pouring the melt 'in the mold, and the method of feeding, the alloy during the hardedning process &re'aignificant factors contributing to the nonuniformity between specimens and within the given specimen itself. A detailed comparison is made between casting in aandatone molds and a pressing-out methos to enhance uniform temperature distributions in the molten alloy. In general, the two methods yield similar data acatter in the strength of the casting, Orig. art. has, 7 figures ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITTEDt 04M&r63 ENGM 00 SUB CODEt MM NO REP SOVt 022 OTHM 010 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NA: AT4017182 S/0000/63/000/000/0364/0370 AUTHOR: ealandin, 0. F. (Moscowig Yakoviev, Yus P, (Moscow) TITLEj The action of vibration on metals during crystallization SOURCE:' AN BSSR. Fiz.-takhn, Institut,)Teploflzlka nom proizvodstva I . Minsk, 19v Ilta (Thermal physics In the foundry ndustr 3, 3 -370 TOPIC TAGS: meta) crysto'llIzation. crystallization, vibration ABSTRACT; Experience vA th vibration during casting,shows that It Is possible to eliminate or decrease defects In coatings, specifically macro-chemical and structural heterogeneity, porosity, and cracks. Under the prolonged action of vibration on the malt (in a vibrating mol4), rapid cooling of the overheated malt Is observed. This may be explained by the Intensive malting of the hard crust on the surface. it Is noted that the action of vibration on the molt during cry- stallization can also be produced by other types of external Influences (ultra- sonic treatment$ of malts for casting and welding, periodic variation of speed for centrifugal casting, pouring of large coatings through a cooled shaft, and Induction mixing of the malt during continuous casting). Orig. art. host 3 figures. Card 1/2 ACCESSION HR: AT4017182 ASSOCIATION: FIz.-tekhn. InstItut, AN OSSR. (institute of Physics and Technology. AN OSSR) SUBMITTED: 19Ape63 DATE ACQ: 06M&r&4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: KM NO REF SOVt 014 OTHERt 000