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BALAZS iro Rewrk about Iwo Katbris article entitled *The future of the village," Tom tud kosl 7 no.10469-1,70 0 063- BAJA7S, 1J., dr. Foreign body in the St--neen's duct. Stomatologla (Bucur.) 12 1--o.5: 447-449 '65. 1. Lucrare ofectuata la S.M.B. -- Borsec (director: dr. A. Baler). BAIAZSO Beka,, dr.1 SPIRCHEZ, Nicolaet dr. Treateent of pulpitin Jn 1 sovolon. Fogorv. ozemle 59 n(-,. 2t 49-51 F 0 66. 1. A Bmevol Stcmatologlai Koapont (Igasgato toorvout Cristian, Alexandru, dr.) koslamenye. MLNAR, Lassio: PALM, Oyorgy; BAWS. Bel& Aemts effects of electric shock on the nervous system, Ideg. staule 9 no.4:97-101 Aug 56. 1. A Poest Orvostudozanyl Avetem Ideg-es 11meklinikajan (Igasgato: Koraray. Istvan, dr.) koslowarqe. (SHOCK THEDYT. ALICTRIC. off. on NS funct., elimination & regen. processes (Ran)) (NIRVOUS SYSTIM, physiol. off, of electric shock on elimination & regen. processes of funct. (Hun)) d 6WS-, Bela. dr. r PAM Or Polygang1tonitis In goster. Ideg. stools 9 no.4tlO2-104 Aug 5 6. le A Pecst Oryostudomarql lastem IdWas 11maklinikajanak (Ig~Lsgatot lornyer, Istvan, dr, egretent %&mar) kaslemenys. (MM2181 stiol, & pathogen. herpes zoster, thoracic, causing polyganglionie radimiloneuritle, histopatbole (Hun)) (HWES ZOSTIR, compl. polyganglionic radiculonsuritte, in thoracic &outer, histopathol. (Hun)) Sala*99 By.1 Killans J. Shrinking and slow deformation of oonorstes contai" crushed additive wAte., rials. p.h23 11WITESTUDOMAM 37M . (KozIehde3-es Koslakedesepitestudorunyt 111yesulet) Budapest, Hungary. Vol.9, no.9,, September 1959 Monthly List of East European Aeceasiona (EW) LCI Vol,8# no.11 November 1959 Urbele - - - --- BALAZS -* Bela-- --- -- -- - --- -- -- - - - - -- --- --- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- / Formation Of Chemical elements. Elet tud 15 n0.44:1400-140,2 30 0 160. -GOSCHY B- -Dr,- Kandidat der tachnisahan WissensoMftenj BMAZS, B. techn., Critical condition of reinforced concrete sections under combined bending and shear. Acta techn flung34 no.1/2:5549 161. 1. Ungarisches Porachungsinstitut fur Hoch- und Tiefbau.(for Goseby) 2 Budapeater Technische Univernitat, Lehrstuhl fur Bruakenbau II. (ior Balass) SAUW 0 Bola How did astronomm wasure tho:velocity of light? Blot tud .15 noe7s203-205 14 1''60o ALMAR, I.; BALAZHV B. Ilwasso B.]; TOT, K. [Toth, 1.] IpproximatA oalcrulation of the orbits of space rockets. Biul.- Inst.toor.astron. 8 no.6t4O5420 162. (MM 1518) 1. Astronomichaskaya observatoriya imeni Konkolya Akademii nauk Vangrit, Bud&peaht, (Space traJectories) ACCESSION NRt AP4040004 R/0016/64/0001003/0133/0138 AUTHORt Ulass, Bela (Balazhp B.)j Fodor, LaJos TITLE i Measurement of astronomical distancest I (first of a series of articles) SOURCEj nsikai szemle, no. 5. 1964, 133w-138 TOPIC TAGS: astronomical distance measurementp astronomical unitq trigonometrict socular, star-streaming, dynamic-, rotational parallaxt Au ABSTRACTt After a very brief histoz7 of astronomical measurements since Aristarchust the two authors give the latest value of the "astronomical unit" (mean distance betusen earth and sun) as 149.6+ 0-03 million km, mid discuss rather briefly trigonometric, secular (or statisticalTg star-streaming, dynudo and rotational parallax# summarizing the studies, methods and theories on these subject. apparently without making any original oontrib0lon. Orig, art, hast I tab lot 3 figures and 7 formlase 'ASSOCIATIONt MTA Csillagwizogalo Utesete Bu4pest-Ssabadsaghegy (Antronomica Institute of the.Hungarian AaadoW of Sciences) BALAZS' Bela Astronomical and physical foundations of chronometry. Fis axemle 14 no.W17-121 Ap 164. 1, Astronomical Observatory, Hungariar Academy of Sciences. BAIAZS, Bela, tudomanyos munkatars Signifioance of astronomy frost the points of view of sciancep technology and ideology. Term tud kosl. 8 no.7004-307 Jl 164, I* Astronomical Observatory# Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. BALAZ3.,_BaIaw FODOR, Lajos Heasuring astronomical diatences.R.2. Fiz szonle 14 no.6s 181-186 Je '64. 1, Astroftoodeal Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. iACCESSION NRt "404233S IV0016/64/000/006/0181/0186 AUTHORSt Salaza, Belal Fodor, Lajos TITLEt The measurement.,of astronomical distances. 11. SOURCEs Fizikai szemle, no. 6, 1964, 181-166 TOPIC TAGSs astronometry# photoelectric method, variable star, spectroheliography, galactic spectrum ABSTRACTs This is the second part of a survey article. The follVW1_ ing methods for measuring astronomical distances, their relative merit and accuracy, and the assumptions made in using them are dis- cussed% photoelectric methods, the rarely employed radiation-energy parallax method, the spectroscopic parallax method, the variable- star method (applicable in the case of stars with periodically varying brightness), the Copheido.method, and the Hubble method ,(applicable in the case of very distant galaxies). A table summar- 9. '_ i fCard. -1 1/2 --i . - --- JACCESSION NR: AP4042335 lizes the salient points of each method. Orig. art# hass,11 figures and 1 table. :ASSOCIATIONs MTA Chillagvizhgalo Intezet (MTA Astronomic Inatitute) )SUBMITTEW 00 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: AA NR REP SOVt 000 OTHERs 004 a Card 2/2 BALA'~;, D, 11 Food industry Of Gbina. P.; 303. IP0. We'.1w~'az,aWi f2s Elalmiw,.-ri-pari. TudonaiyoB Budai.,est, 11wigrry. Vol. ,:,. 10, oct. 1959. Monthly list of !-;Pst 14rorecui Acces:3ions (;-~Al) T~-'j vol. ~, 11o. 1, Jan. IIXO Un c 7. . -- iiAIA-7A -Denes--- Profit sharing in the food industry, Blelm ipar 16 no.D25-30 A 162. lo 'Ielmeteougyi Minisaterlum-, Budapest, UIAZS, Donee Food industry of China. Elelm ipor 13 no.10:30,3-310 0 159, 1. Elelmezesugyi Minlozterium. RITA7Aj, Denes - Hydrography of the karstic region in South China. Hidrologiai kozlony 40 uo16:485-493 D 060,, BAIAZS, Done# Mpical pogmphy of the karstic areas of South China. Fol& kosl 9 no.4&327-346 161. , BALAZS, Denes Problems on the genesis of karstic topography. Foldrajzi art 12 no. 4t487-494 163. BALAZ3,_Anoq_ Karstic regions of Scandinavia. Foldr kozl 12 no.4033-338 164. a - 9 v a a a a a w a a a i. T . 0 . a a t 9 a 9 0 . 0 - a 4*0 4*0 90 4, 14 4 vi- 4 1 e-, i - -i~ icr w - - -, ~ 7 " 4 - 4 k 6~ I iL 0 It fL ir if it .,A . II -1111 -'r. W tt I I I 1 0 1 1 00 - . ~ , . - - - - Ohm, %-,,, th It Ilk h 1h,""ah d1t lot Poe see coo ilk' Ike* 410 1% s I be 0 " 0 Ji; Ok ~ 0.141: off 44 at" 609 0 0 16 0 00 0 * 0: 0 0 0 00,1110 a 090 6 006 06 0 0 0 41 0 0 e 00 0 0 41 so 0 0 41 0 Y~a I u,_ .1urT;1cal Giiric z~r.~d 'LA_~ -.-ruaent, fjr 7-Avor- f F", a s Az izuleti n~dv ke- zWer-a T`io 1*Qz-,z-tion f synovial 1*1 d ".6 g~ ui Orvoal Atchivur 190, 44/3 (255-265) On investiratinp the rogeneratiun, of -;r ovia in dogs, Ow cuthors came to the con- clusion that the ruticulo-endothelial cello of the joint capsule do not take PL,rt in the formation of synovis. It was nossible to obtain the $an* quantity of synovia with the sanic mucin content 24 hours following poisoning with araonous acid and trypan blue, but flocc,,ilation of fibrin was observed. Further experiments showed that tho number of newly fovined frrA Oells of the synovia had increased greatly. Szebehel)i-Pudapest Sot Physiology, Piochemtistr7 & Phtrtracology, Section U. Vol. 1,, dl-6 .-BAIMS, Endre, kohom*mok Electrolytic manufacture of aluminum" by Sz, I. Kuzny-ecov utnetsov, S. IO]p A. M. Epstein (Epahtsyn, A. M.I. R Reviewed by Endro Balass, Koh lap 9 no, 9: 431 S 154s POZSGAI, Vilmos,, dr.., a mussaki, i-idomanyok kandidetomaj BALAZS, Ondre, dr,# a mussaki tudomany4k kandidatusao - Subbalogenide distillation for preparing pure anluminum. Koh lap 97 no.4sl79-195 Ap'64 BALAZS, Endre, dr., a muezaki tudcmnyok kandidatusa Calculations of the lateral heat isolation of alur-Inum electrolyzing baths. Koh lap 97 no.6:265-271 J064. BALAZS, EvAre, dr., a mizaki tixdmanyck knndicint,-,sA CnIculntion or the lateral hent Innulation of' nluminum elactrolyzors. Koh lap 97 no.7013-315 71 164. VARY,, Istvanj BALAW#. Srssebot Contribution to surgery of complicated cataract and complications following catanot surgory. Ssemesset 99 no.200-87 Js 162. 1. &Aapenti Orfts~udcmanyi F~Vetem II. Smem1dinikajanak, kozlemnys. (1galgatol Nomy Tibor e taw, as oryostudarAnyok kandidatusa. FC;IARACT EXTRACTION) BALAZS, Erzoobatj NAGY, Fereno; VARY, Istvan. Congenit&1 inveraion of the upper eyelid. Szomeazet. 99 no.3:157-159 s 162. 1. A Budapeeti Orvoatudamnyi Egyatem II. as. Stemklinikajanak kozlemenye (Igazgatot Nonay Tibor dr. egyat. tanar). (EYMIDS almorm) n 1 7,1~ 11 -n- - Pit &A-0 DIV L, fA 11 cmr"wt Den*r, and the ExpWistIon of Copmelly of Alsomftm floats. (Ifew X,irian.)WrWro "Airm. KohdszMl bal-P-7. V. 9, sm 1. Jan. 1934. P. ReLdrs mmomit-41 vurruM t1cmily orml forimv "midnKO)m kikkidAing tivt"sary omm-ni Ctaph%, labk,%. I id. P u N G j Alv""u, 'N'. ".%". a I ~ j, - I I (l - xv .2.1, J~XA, % ,W. rw I ),]I) )45"~ p I - " - J. 11, 1 f,,r,, " ~ #".,] , . ,,, 1, . ,., ., - , 1~6 M I- f BALAZSO-E.--- 3, 1, Kusnateov and A, M. Epstein's Elegtr2wia turim Qr LIOLLMI a book review* p. 4310 KOHASZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyassati as Kohassati Egresulet) Budapest. Volt 9P nos 9P Sept- 1954. SOURCEs East European Acoessions List (EM),Libmry of Congress Vol. 5. no. 6, June 1966 BATAZS, F. Innovators in the development of aluminvm metallurgy p. 5 Vol. 7 no. 18, Sept 1955 UJITOK TAPJA (Or3sa-os Talaranyl Hivatal) Run-ary k"'OURCF: Fast Furopean Accessions List (TFAT) Library of Congress Vol. 5 no. 6p June 1956 - --- - - --- - - ---- -- - Production of suparpure aluminum, p, 17. KOHASZATI LOOK. (PAVar Banyanzati as Kohassati Egyesul*t) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1955. SOURCE% East European Accessions *'lot (EEAL), 4brary of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6# June 1956 ELALAZS, E. Anodic problems in constructing a furnace with perpendicular mandrelal remarks on A. Romwalter's article "Causes of Formation ef Carbonic Slag in Aluminum Furnaces." p. 118 VOL 11, no. 3, Mar 1956. -IOURCE: EEAL, Vol 5, no, 7, JUlY 1956, rALA7S E. Pe3cription of a modern American aluminum foundry. p.62. (Kohaszati LapokI Budapest. Vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 1956-) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions 4EFAL) I.C., Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Lncl. BALAZH, C, a zo Anode of ahmimm electrolytic colls with vertical. reed of the olectric current. Isv. vys. ucheb. sav.1 tovet. met, 4 40,401-79 161. (MIRA 140) 16 Krasnoyarskiy institut tevetufth metanovp kafedra metallurgii legkikh metallov. (Alusimm--Electrometallurgy) BAIAZHI E. (BalAzal S.) (Vongerskayn Narodnayn Respubliks) SEI?TIIVAKI,, D. -.--J~SuhtlvaT p D.) (Vengerakayn Harodnays jllespublika~; SAX~, Sh. LSzabo, S. (Vougeral-&ya Narodns~m Respubliks) Method and equipment for the contimiouss autmatic feeding of alumina to alunimm aLlectrolytic tollmr. Izv. vys. uchob. s& trwet, met* 4 no.5:179-185 161. (MMA WIN 1. Rokomendovana kafedroy setallurgii legkikh metalloy-Kras- noyarskogo instituta tevetnykh metallov. (Itungu7-Alumimn~.~lectrmotallurgy) (Food mochwUsms) BALAZS, Indrepkohomer_nok V- - . - - Anode problems of electrolyzers made of vertically spiked aluminum. (To be co"td.) Koh lap 95 "o.206-W Y 162. BALAZS, Endre,kohomernok Anode problems of vertioal aluminum aleotrolvzing tube. Koh lap 95 no.3:103-107 Mr 162. B& E kohocernok; SZENT1VANY1, Gyulap okI.gcp9s%mrnok; SUBO,, Sardw.. oki.gopesamrnok Method and installatiorwifor the automatia fooding of aluminum olootrolytors with alumina. Koh lap 94 no.12:562-565 D 161. --BAlA732 11-ndre dr.,, a musza)d tudomanyok kandidatusa; BS1JAJLV, A.I. !Nl;~Ovv A.I.] egyatemi tanar., a mazaki tudomanyok doktora On the correlatim between aluminum losseo and current efficiency on maltedp cryolite-alminum oxide electrolytee, Koh lap 95 no.9z4O3- 405 S 162. HMAU, Endre, ar . a mss&ki tudom"yok kaMidatuma;. BEIJAM, A.I. -JBO,Yayev; A,I.]j a xusz&ki tudomrqok doktorap egyatemi tanar On the optimom aluminumoodde concentration of the electrolyte of alumimm-electrolysis baths. Koh lap 95 no.lOa443-447 0 162. I - ----13A-UAZS , Entire , dr--. -, laMldafmsj~-BECKER -E--r--vi-n , koho-worn-ok ---- Possihillties for eleotroUiermal silumin manufactwe In Hungary. Koh lap 96 no.lt2O-25 A 163. TI 7 S, E. GHUN-, . I t T HEOMSY, Gyula, Dr, KUUNTI. (Mrs). SCRdANN R,a LAMIG, Zoltan, Dr. ALAZ~Stbat. Dri ' .4-Wo-nal : Dr, Publ lth Institute (Orst&Cos Kftetestsoguryi Intezet). Capital. City Public Health mi Medical ClWc for ConWious Diseases (Fonrosi Xosereststguak Jar. vanyugA Allomas), National Institute for Rheumatism and Balneology (Orstaros Rhouna. so Furdou"ri Int~zot) Department of Ophthalmolo" (Szen*szeti Osstaly), and V*dical University of Pidapest. 11. 91* Cliao (Bwlapesti Orvostudonanyi Scyoten 11. SismossoU Xlinbm). 'Eye Diseases Caused by LeptospIres In HurCary." Budape3t, QrvQst Hatilap, Vol 104, So 17. 28 Apr 6). pages ?W?91. Abstracto [Authors' Hungarim sumary)Durlng examination of 284 oases or-u-v-eMs of unknown etiology. 6 cases were found In which the ananne. sis. clinical data and seroloCical *xminations pointed to leptospifts as Causative agents. The authors point out that in villages, eye dis. "a## caused by leptospir&v are probably not rare. It is r*oommWed that patients who bad leptoopirosis be chocked b7 *" speciallate &,nd Ithat oases of uYsitis of unknown cause undergo mological tests for ble pins. 4 Eastern turop"n. 26 Wostern, rateremos. BALAZS Endres aspirmts; PALOVITS, Pall kohomemoki MOLNAR, 1=91 okleveles 'FiUo-kcWtrnok Reducing the speoifio power conmption and the question of the simultaneems considerable increase of production. Koh lap 93 no,l:Ls5O5-521 N 160, POGANr, Frigysaj, dr., a muaz&U tudomaVok kunlidatuaaj AALAZ-5, Eva Problem of eontent and form. Epites kozleked tud kozI 7 no.4% 375-380 163. 1, Editorial board member, wEpite&- so Kozlekedeotudomanyi Koz- lemenyok" (for Fogany), k - HIGMSYt Gyula, dr..; KUBINTINS SCHWANNER, Martal dr,j 1AFFERS, Zoltant dr,; SALAW . Rr bet# Bye diseases of leptospiral origin in Hungary. Orv. betil. 104 no.1727"1 28 Ap 063. 1. Orssagoe Kostgoossagugyi Inteset, PovarosilosegessesgugyL -Tarvanyugyi A.Uoms, Orstagoe Rheum- an Furdougyi Inteset Ssmes"ti Oestaly es Budapesti Oryostudomanvi S"etem' II. Ssemesetilliniks, (UVEITIS) (LEMPIROSIS (OICULTURAL WDPJWSI DISZASES) 1, i , ~j r .I 'I 2q...R! A k I !~ulcrutllvr- x ktin,!, euf-ir,~ , .~: "q., "t, - J"*"~~Iy~i 1~ . * xuiik~ita- -, , . . 0 lk Yjrli.5 2 f'~.,: ~7-,Pf : ~%~-,ory cxyer~encea with aluruiwum vomcf-rolyzini-, tviths equ:q'PtA With 8*1 wltomntc alu.-r"r.ur. ox!ef., 61-ercor. Kch Irip I-o7 no.n:409-414 Z'- 't-4. BA IA~ZS 1. Endre, dr., a mustaki tudorAnyok Mndidatusa; MAR, IAs2loj - - . , -okleVeles vegyeamernok; RCMALTER, Alfred, okleveles kohomernok Data on the anode problems of alumimm electrolyzere with vertical .spikes. Koh lap 97 no,,S'.372-375 Ag 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Kohastati Lapok" (for Romwalter). L 16569-66 b-rC(f)/kWG(n)/T/EWP(t) TJP(c) M31M ACC NR: AP6"%12 SOURCE CODE: itu/0014/65/098/001/oc)09/0013 AUDIOR- Endre Doctorl Candidate of technical sciencea)l Qrkppr~, Jo%Bef (Metallurg ca eng neer CRGO. none //J~ TITLE1 Condition of the anode with vertical spike current input In alminin- electrolyal tanks SOURCEi ilazati lapok, v. 98p no. 1, 1965, 9-13 TOPIC TAGS: electrolysi5o Alw6nump electrode, electrode potential, temperature dependance, electric current AMTRAM 'Laboratory tests were conducted to invis jWte the spread of voltage drop values in aluginum-electrolyal at e,uipped with verti-. -4,., t cal spike current input. It was estoblishe he absolute value of the potential drop and also the spread of the individual values is sig- nificantly influenced by the temperature an$ anode quality. Of especial importance are the volatile-matter content of the anode and the tempera- ture at which It was heat-treated during manufacture. The spread of voltage drop could be decreased by decreasing the tmWerstures ewployed in manufacturep employing lower currents during electrolysis, and redu- cing-the binder content in the anode mass* Orig. art* hast 4 figures and Card 1/2 _UDCt 669.71:621.3.035/36#6*001#14 16c69-66 ACC W ANYOOM 5 tables- CJPRS] e9 SUB CODEI 06,w 09 SUBM DATEI none ORIG W 1 003 GOV REFI 001 Ciu*d 2/2 I ACC Nki AP601'il7g 3-- MOR: 1'0 7 1 v V. Noctor; Caadidam. of ncivilc0s, 1j, a Flw C~mdid'lt-l of 0 7. fj~ science 0 RG *. none Ti'mr: rrel,mration of 9Q.999-- th-~' SOURCE: Kol~asznLl lapok, it(,. 5, 1966, 2*~'7-233 TOPIC TAGS: tatuvilnun, high purity nittravun, altiitnu-m al,iminum f-mi)- fluoride, subfJuoridu disLIllation AT15TRACT: As art eXtennion of Lheir prcvIvils wr)rk (1)1-. po7fg ,jiy vilror - 1w. nalann Fildre: KohaszaLi Lapok 97. 19614. ft. 179 - 185) 01C Mlthoir:s rcport In detall on riteir successful experimoott; wtth t1w preparation of aliminufl, I ducted at the ~,zseftrch Institute for Metnl Industry. Cn7-nzerfal prode AlF, ilumninum fluoride purified by sut-4imition was brought in Contact wfth griide a I urn i n ur;3. Aluminum !~obflijorlde fumed 1~y 1,eaction betweett All', aT1d al'AMAMMI VAS dim- tilled and decompoged yielding A lilgh povity n1umfimm. About 1100-1000 g of h1gh purity aluminu.-a wns obtained Im Line cycle. OHS. art. Imes: 17 figures and 8 tablet :i SUB CODE: III SUBM DAT8, none/ ORtC. REP: 003/ OT11 REF: 003/ SOV NX: 001/ F- Cord j/1 j 14_kTIL) PRE,~. ,y 669 14.1; LQ H U N G - ~,~ 40yokopowal ft off" F li.,Lifl A'f. .1- S~, J-4 )AM 4. C6 la)~ ".4 4-l"P -., - ~)- -t-I 1-.- 1 1--l .- --%-I 1 11 BJUA7L, F. rl d! cal h~,i."LLAA~i I i a 1100 ;,:,t of pre; MONOPW Copper alloys with silvsr content which could be refined. Pt. 2. po 420. KOHk3ZATI LAFOK. (Magyar Banyassatt an Kohastati 9"Olulet) Belapeet, Vol, 91 no. 9, Sept. 1954. SOURCM East European Accessions List (EFAL)p Library of Congress Vol. 5P no~. 6, Juno 1956 74: 1 '~ F. ; t, *:~~' Y, .1 . !'? i,.cial rIvet mlitertnis of the ty!.., an,~ "-Ir iin-ro i,. ~(P K. . ~ (Ynh,iszptI Taj%,)P. ",Watost- Vol. 11, no. 6, Iunt, 11~1( VOIIA?-~ati "-)l. 9 (i.e. 11) no. 6) SO: Eonthly tist oil Fant Furo;.-an kccessions (ETF.Al ) tj~'. . (, n!). -,, J~ily 113r,7 I:ncl. SZENDROI, Tivadarl BALAZS, Fulop Duralwein type rivets suitablo.fpr lasting storage. Jarnu *ego gap 4 no.lt25-28 Ap 157. i P. T~ T Manufacturing tempered alloyed aluminum wire and cables used as electrical conductore. P. 488. (KOHASZATI LW~K.) (Budapest, Hungary) Vol. 12, No. 11/12, Nov./Dec. 1957 SOt Monthly Index of East European Accession (IEAI) LC. V01. 7# ho. 5p 1958 DAJ-A~Z, F.; FAAR Lj Production and use of beryllium bron7e. Ft. (To bo, rontd.) p. KCCA5ZATI LAMIC. (Magyar Banyasjratj p % Koh,%s7,ati E&vpsulet) Budapest, 11ungery Vol.14, no. 2/3, Feb.j Mar. 1959. 'L Fonthkv list of E,-1st European Accessions (EEAI),LC, Vol. 8, Fo. 8, August 1959 uncle. ILZA"i"~; ,F . ."A"t" IA ~ L4a:~~- Proc'iictlon and tise of ber.~-lliium bronze. Pt. ?. P. 185. KORAF-ATT 1.00h. (~Iaj-yar Baityamt.1 es Kohnszetl F,-ye.-vilet) Ndapnst, Huni-any Vol. lb, no. 5, Mny 1959. Monthl~v 11st of Last 4iropeon Accessions IL, Vol. 8, No. 81 A,wist 1959. Uncla . Lhp alk'? h" a art-, and i&- t~tnuon~ th. n-%lm&mw,*J """th rf J.. BAUM., Foreno~ gopossurook Blast supply for blast furnmes, lob lap 93 DD.8037-342 Ag 162, 1, OW Kohassati Wvok foonergatikuna., BAUM$ toreno Simpler and cheaper pesticides are needed. )bsogaxd tochn 3 no,104 163, BAIAM, Fulop; KISS, Ubor 11 1 Preparation of inproved alloyed Area and cables for electric condv--.tors. Koh lap 12 no. 11/12 488-496 N-D '57, BALU~i, Fulop, oklevelea kohomornok !,nma apeelf ic mociinricul, properticcm of copj~v 1 -111 1 e,Y,, d sp. 1 np, m9ter In Is. Koh ltj,,) 97 no.110-.449-455 0 IU440 1. C,-,(!Icl Metalworks, -ind I'ditorial. 1-ourd , lAipok", Pudapent, BALkW , rulopp okleveles kohomer'nok) KATONA, Eva, oklevelies kohomernok Material mA.produotion of sliding ringe for electric machities. Koh lap 93 no.Ss Suppli Ontode 11 no.Sil7l-177 Ag 160. 1 Ovepe3l F6h=u. 2. N.Kohaazati Lapok" aserkessto bisottsagi tagja Ror Balavo). -11-ILIALIJ, ~-Y. ; UVE1, L. The new stable diesel notor for ngriculturel use. p.236 JAF.I9Nr-X. HELOGAZDA%'JAGI GUM. (Gepipari Tudormyos F.Uesulct) Budnpest ' Hung,-iry, Vol. 5.. no.7/S, 1959 Monthly List of East Wropean Accessions ('-IAI) 1,C., Vol. P, no.7, July 1959 Uncl. 0', 9 cf-, I vcli c0. J. n. FAI-AZ'J", GY. "Lmi Temperatm-c Hardening of Concrote Frowre(l With jZ=---.', Vol. 3, no. P/9, 1953, Smirco: I:ont!:I~y List of Enst European Acccsndon3, LC, Vol. 'I, no. 5, Eny lt~54/Uncl. UWE, Gy. a KILIV, J. ------------ "Incronsinf- Solldity of I'ortar awl Concrote by Vmns of ','et Cnishinr.", r. 351. (I'ELYFr-I-MIITC!--A!,'YI SWITLE) Val. 4, !76. 7/P, -T,,,lyAw-- 1~54, Buda;.---est, Fungery) SOt I'ontlly List of East &rorfmin lecessions, ("TAQ) Vp 'Vol, 4p lo. 1, Jan. 1~-55, Uncl. K~lian, J. .~ew Frocedure Of Acctr!CIIA~ -'Z.r M. t 0 IV- :;0 lli.e kilown -.rcccdu~~cs of acce'Ler:,ting the Trocessl lof harlor.liae, -.n co--ldt,red. A proccaure ir. for ;,ic:-cluratlng the haraeninp hy inco:-poration of lzatIcr 1.rimers. it is nc~cdl that this rcsultz; Ir. stren,..-th 11 c,-, C.. lincrease durine thc initial periods of InardenIng, by L in,:A 11cr. with ct.~c~r mel, I BALALS. ilye T-P,CIN(V riT ?, NZ w -riodical: PSLUPIMWIDC~UO I SZKIE Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1959 PAWS, Gy. Snme applicati,n of beton with bentonite in Fungr,;* pe B3* Monthly Ust of East European kcoessi~,ns (ERU) LC, Vol. 9, %'o- 5, Ma.v 1959, Unclass. BALAZSP GY.; KILIANp J. - --- - I Remarks Qtk Tibor Pal's article ioprojqe,,,~a of %fety as Reflected by the Material Froperties of our Concretes." p. 486. MELY9PIT667UDQ4AhYI SZW.LE. (Kozlekedes- es Kozlekedesepitestudomanyi. K"guesul-et) Budap)st, Hungary. Vol. 9, no. 1(,j Oct. P)59- Yonthly List of East Wropean Accessions 1,G. Vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1959. Uncl. IDVEI., IAjos; BLIAZS, Gyorgy A now agricultural stationary diesel engine. Jamu me2o gap 6 no.n:339-3" 059. BALAZS, (br.; GOSCHY, B.1 KILIM, 4.1 NOM, r. Frmw bridge of varying regidity on elastic foundation. Act& techn Hung 28 no.1/2t2O9-239 060. (Ma 90) le lAhratuhl II fur Bruckenbau der Technischen Universitat fur Bau-uml Verkehrowissenschaften, Budapeste (Elasticity) (Foundations) XILIAR, Joz~*fj DALAZSI Cyorgy Inster forests of circular-symetrical revolution surface tanks at unequal chenres of temperature. Melyspit tud as 12 no.2: 76-42 P 162, r- RUAZS, Janos; GAL, Janos Automatic control of the quality of products by means of the techMque..MuszakI kotl KTA 26 no.1/4:223-233 160. (ELM gtlO) 1e Tavkoalesi Kutato Intezets (Electron tubes) -leveles , ~ villano:neri.ok; , _4_qZ&i7jWj ol. I IIOVLI, Uijos, okleveles ppeamemck; I lbe 7 hop. new otationary Diesol onginee Janmu rlc7o gop 10 no.4:127-136. Ap 163 1. Pres-oa Kovacsoltarueyar. DALAZS GyDrgy., oklavalea m.ernok =az&ki egyetemi adjunktus =-, - - ~ -_". - ~- i An aocount of the 1961/62 work of the Seotion of Engineering Struotures.., Sciontifio Assooiation of Tranoportation, Helyepitentud azwae 13 no,8081-384 Ag 163& 1, gpitoiparl es Koslakedesi Muszald Egyatem Spitoanyag Tanazekee BAIAZS, Gyorgy, okleveles memoki a muez&ki tydomanyok kandidatusa, 1-- egyatemi adjunktus. Examination of corrosion on concrete stools caused by calcium chloride, Helyepitestud 52eMle 13 ao,12054-560 D 163e 1, Epitoiperi as Koslakedesi Mustaki Egyetem Epitoanyag Tansteks, BALAM, Oyorgy; KILIAN, Jozsef' Remark about the article by Tibor Pal entitled "Safety questions as reflected in the material qualities of Hungarian concretes," Melyepitestud azemle 9 no. 10:486-487 0 159. Mtk 1 1', ' I h n ~4) 17;!, 2 a pr, oklovnIsis wrnv~i, -vv3zaki k3gyeterr.! aJj,, Gyorp ir c, tcf th~, alhwillnn botwoon ooncrrtp, cunstrimllons and ort tho momor'. of r~,pturp 04' 'folyepItest--i nze-,,Io 14 n,--. ",wthnir ti I;nivr*rt,I16ly Of ri: `r4-sp--Atlon, Nrliap-o,it ri- Gyorgy- Ftfact of calcium chloride on the hardenIng and strength of slag portland coment.s. Epitoanyag 16 no.llt4"1-418 N I& . 1. Chair of Building Materials, Technical University of Building and Transportation, Budapest. -BALAZS, Gyorgy, dr. Hardening of the steam-treated concrete. Magy op ipar 13 no.10: 583-589 '64. 1. Chair of Building Materials, Teohnical University of Building and Transportation, Budapest. HUNDARY NAGY, Tibor, Dr,(BA A72-, n)M=-J=M*dioa1 Univvreity of Debrecen, 1. surgical Clinic direatort SZMECZKY, Gyula, Dr, professor) (Debreceni Or- vostudomanyi,ftystem, I* as. Sebesseti Klinlka). OExperiences with the Use of an interposed Jejunal Loop In the Course of Oastrectomy." Budapost, Mizyar Sebestat, Vol XIX, No 2, Apr 66, pages 81-86. Abstraoti [Authors' Hungarian sumary] Eighteen cases are reported in which$ in a course of gmatreatosW,for gastric carcinom, passage was reinstated with the help of an isolated jojunal loop Interposed between the esophagus and the duodenal loop, The Indloations for the use of an interposed loop and its advantages as well as the results 6VAIned by the authors with this method are discussed, 7 Hur4arlanj 10 Western mforences, 1/1 HINGARY r, KINCS~S, Eva, Dr, KOSA. Csaba. Dr; Medical University o Debrecen, I. Surgical Clinic (directori SZELECZKY, Gyula, Dr) and Oph- thalmological Clinic (directort YETTESY, Aladar, Dr) (Debreceni Orvos- tudomanyl Egyetem, 1. Sebeszeti KlInIka es Szemklinika). "latrogenic Damages Caused by Large Doses of 'Intrajod'.' Budapest, Orvo,,,i Hetila , Vol 108, No 9, 26 Feb 67, papes 407-409. Abstracti (Authors' Hungarian sur=ry moditipd] The complications arising from the use of large doses of Intrajod (hexacthyl-diamino-isopropanol- diiodido. 0.48 C in 2 ml. of water per ampoule), riven in preparation for thyroid operations, are discussed, These aret ti~mporary accomodation resis, temporary disturbance In urination, Iodine acne and exanthema. f laHungarian, 5 Western references. BAIA75, 1. Fack!ng and the decreave of prino coat. p. 21. 70B IT-1WELE-5p VOL. 9j, No. 7, July 1955 (Uteml Tergazdasagi e9 Szorvezesi Ndomanyos 4,vesulet) Budapest SCVRCE-. ELST EM01901 ACCES.SIONS LIST Vol. 5, No. 1 Soptember, 1956 VARGHA, &; ULMS I.; ULOGp A& Contributions to the chemistry of N-diacyl amino ImIdaroB. Pt.3. Studla Mir B-WS Chem 8 no,1011-319 063 1. tBabos-BolpLiO Universityp Mujo VARGHA, ftgen; BALOS, neana; HAMBURG, KH oa ------------- . Contributime to tho ohemintry of the N-diaoylaminoinidates. Pt*4, Studia Univ B-B 3 Chem 8 no.12321-329 163P 1, *Babes-Bolyai* tWiiversityp Cluj* DAUZS ~ Jossof An axondwnt to t1w doom on Innovation, Vaeut 8 no92s22 15 It 158* 1e Essald Jaromujavito Usomi VaILOAt uJitasi oloadojas BAIAZS, Jozsofj KLISER, Yerene Tasks and methods of practical industrial organization; experience4 of the Lorino Spinning Works. (To be contd.). Munk& szemle 6 no.31i 10-13 N 162. BALAVS, Jossef, KAIqw.R, Ferena Ta3ks and methods of practical industrial organization. Munk& szomle 6 no.1203-27 D 162.