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hu thorn Title Pericdicnl i A), r, t n i c t1 BALYASNIKOV, G.I. Mechanl2ing the operations in automatic lot production. Avt.i trakt.prom. no.7.,41 JT1 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Stalingradakiv trAktornyy zavod. (Tractor industry) 1. - PL-ILYASIN111KOV, 117.14. 2. USSR (600) 4. Fusarium 7. Fusarium control, Les i steP' 5 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. - , , - I , - - - - , - , , , GASTIV, A.P., kandidat tekhnicheekikh naukI BOGATOV, A.V., reteenzent; reteenzent; AMMNOLISKIY, S.S., re"ktor; 'NEUVEW;-'M.'TW,m,,~%ekhnichookiy redaktor [Reahanical spinning of wool) Apparatnos priadenie shersti. Moskva, Go*. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo, Hinisterstva promVehlonnykh tovarov shirokogo potrablonlia SSSR, 1954* 385 pe (K= 8:3) (Woolen and worsted spinning) B&LUSNMOV, P.S. g Who Increasing the speed of combining machines in the woolen industry of the Chinese People's Republice Toketeprome 20 no.2:88-91 7 1609 (MIRA l3s6)- (China-4ombining machines) ORSEV, Vladimir Yegorovich; RALYASHTKUP. P S retsenzent; KONONENKO, T.V.,, re~oenzent; SE-VOST-YANOV, A.G.',-re2;-e-nz-eIM; VERBITSKAYA, Ye.M., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Efficient methods of processing wool and synthetic fibers] RatsionalInye metody pererabotki shersti i khimichookikh V6- lokon. Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 357 p. (MIRA 16JA) (Wool and worsted manufacture) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) BALYASNIKOV;-V.I.; LISOVSKAYAj N. D6 Materials an the combined treatment vith antibiotics of pyodermatiteo. Zkop. i klim inal. p9 antibiot, 2164-68 1606' (MIRA 150) (SKIN-DISEASES) (ANTIBIOTICS) BALYASNIKOV, V.I.; LUMTOVIGH, V.A.; FROLUVA, N.A. Treatment of pyodermas vith antibiotics from the tetracycline series in combination with vitamins. Antibiotiki 6 no,12:11047 t77 D 161. ,~j ~',k 15: 2) 1. Leningrads1dy nauchno-ipsledovatellakiy institut ant3-bi-~Ukov (SKIN DISEASES) (TETRACYCLINE) (VITA141h TH~Wb ,a OGANESIANs, F.G.; BALYASNIKOV, V.I. Clinical evaluation of the detemination of antibiotic sensitivity of microorgani=s in pyodermao Vestsdomoi Voris no.8tl7-20 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz laningradek;go instituta antibiotikov (dir. - dotsent A.Va. 1,oginov). (SKIN-DISFMES) (ANTIBIOTICS) BALYASNIKOVI Diseeminated arjrthrasma. Vest. dorm. i ven. no.3:60-61 162, (MIFA 15:6) 1. Is koshnoy X11niki leningradskogo izuchno-issladovatellskogo instituta antibiotikov (dir. A. V. Loginov) Ministerstva zdravo- okhmneniya RSFSR.. (DMAT%ffGOSIS) RALYASNIKOV.. V.I., mladehiy nauclmyy sotrudnik ".. -11 .11". "o---d., , - .. -:'~ Characteristics of pathogenic atapbylococoal strains isolated from patients in a dermatological alinic. Vest, dem, i vene 37 no.80-6 A91'63 (KM 170 1. Laningradakiy nauolmo-isoledovatellskiy inatitut antibiotikov (dir. - doteent A.V. toginov). .BALTASNIKOV, Turly Mikha-vlovich; KHARITONOV, T.V., redaktor; TIIPISHXINA, .- ".. ", I a a 1 "0 Or*., TS, V.P., takhnicheekly'redaktor. [Damido*y bark-stripping mchinel Okorochm7 stawk Demidova. Moskva, Goolebumiudat, 1955. 18 P. (MLRA 8:12) (Bark peeling) 10GANSFIT, il.'I?,,~ 11IFNIMAY-41 SPIKINVA. G.N.- Pr.'nlmali unhas"Iyet .......... of Ihe prorllaal"B of the oxidatien ^.f cyclohexanb, pr.,ra, 42' no*9t660-661 "; 165. (MIRA 18i9) T BALYAShlY., M. M. -- "(hi Weal Disturbances of Arterial Pressure." Xharlkov State lied Instituta, Xharlkov, 1956. (Dissert!ition for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: -Knizhnaya Let2pis' No 43, October 1956, Moscow i4i,LYASIN-Ij -,i." ri. on rel-ional ccrebral hypei-tonia, )f Lie vesrels in the hypertinic illness. Soviet Medicine, No., 3, pp 16, 1953. BATALIN9 G.I.; ULYASNYYv A.L. Effect of carbon content on hydrogen diffusion in carijaz Steele, Izv.vys. ucheb. sav.; chern. met. no.3:120-125"61o (MMA .14:3) -I* Kiyevskly gosudaretvennyy univbksit~et. (Steel-Hydrogen content) 85133:~' 82/60/000/004/004/007: S/I A161/Ao2g AUTHOR: Balyasnyy.P',' I. M. TITLE; Theory for Calculating the Expansion Forging Process PERIODICAL: Kuzneohno.:shtampovoohnoye proizvodstvoi 1966; No. 4,' pp.-*19-23 TEXT: No method has yet been developed for calculating the process of expansion forging on a mandrel which is the basic operation in production of forged annular parts (rims, belts, flanges). Now, NIPIGORMASh, Department of Pressure Metalworking of Ural'skiy politekhnioheskiy institut im. Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute im. Kirov) and UZTM are working jointly on the probl-em and developing an automatic forging process with blank displacement by a mandrel rotated by an edger or manipulator. Theoretical formulae are developed, but as' they are not applicable to the present practice, a simplified formula is suggest- ed (Formula 9). The article explains the simplified calculation method assuming that drawing of metal in deformation has no effect on the position of the gravi- ty center of the blank. The optimum grip angle v~ (at whioh the mandrefdoes not slip) Is determined by the formula: m sin (v( - rmax) < r sin (9) Card 1/2 85133 P/182/60/000/004/004/007 Theory for Calculating the Expansion Forging Process A161/Ao2g where m is the center distance, between the mandrel and the blank center; r - mandrel radius and Irmax - the.angle (shown in Fig. 3) determined by the Appli- cation point of the pressure forces. The article includes a calculation table a (page 22) with empirical and theoretical values for the present time simplified pro tr IT cess calculation. There are 5 figures. S f L l91ffi-63- RWP(k)/9WP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS_4F%A D/8 ,ACCESSION NRs AR3004203 76 SYODO/00~V~ ;SOURCEs RCh, Tekhnologiya mashinostroyvniyap Abe* 5V44 4UTHORs Balyasny*y' 1,90 ~:TITM Study 3_y-9'1*6Pftft of group technology of rolling ~Mrs-ingk% ~CITBD.SOURCEt Tr. G"no-konstrukto in-t%.gorn. i obogatite mashi ostres ~;sb. 2, 1960 (1961)0 23-54 :TOPIC TAM group toohnology, rolling forging, bill6t-interaotion, mandrel iupsotting. broaching, large band produotion MANSLATIONt Regularities of enlargement in width during rolling were lnyeetigated~.- Me basis of the methods of investigation is given* Experimental studies of enlargement in width are described. The principal scheme of interaction between the billet and the mandrel at oequential feeding has been studied for establishing the procedure of reduation. The affect of draw out of forged piece and the mapi- tude of food has been investigated9 Limiting conditions and numerioal. formulas have been established for checking up billet grip oonditions. For establishing group technology of rolling forginga bases of technology standardization, typical Card'1/2 L 1918M3 ACCESSION NRs AR3004203 reduction procedure, typical methods for calculation of Increase In width# group values of minimum required passes of forged agregate at the typical rolling pro- cedure were suggestede Suggestions are offered for the Improvement of rolling on ,the basis of group technology. In industrial teats barlde have beep forged on a 10#000 t forging press and on a 5 t hammers Upsettin Pbroaohingt%nd rolling have beon made following the now technology in one process* Slin--ce--We- year 1960 at the Uralmash the group method was accepted as standard for production of large bands. Average annual savings in the pressing division amounts to 500#000 rubdae -Thirteen figures, 3 tables* 1. Gendli.nas PATE ACQs 2lJun63 SUB CODEt IR ENCLs 00 Card 2/2, )X4017082 BOCK MaWrIATION S/ Ganago.. 0. A. (Candidate of Technical Sciences); Shelakhovs Vo As (Engineer); Balyasr*,*y* L Me (Engineer) Improvements in forging; generalization of the experience of Ural plants (Sover" shenetvoyaniyo kutnechno-shtamporochnogo proizvodotval obobahohenlya opy*ta Urallskikh zavodov) Moscows U"hgizs 1963, 216 p. inuas, biblio, 3000 copies .printed* Covers, B. L Tyufyakova; Editor or the publishing houser 3. Le Kolosoya;. Technical editors No At Duginal Proofreaders No Ke Arsenlyeva. TOPID TAGS: forging,, hot pressing,, cold pressing,, die forging,, drop forgings heat treatment, stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for engineerss technicians, and scientific personnel connooted with forging production. It has been compiled from material having the general theme of improvement in forging In plants in the Svordlovsk and Chelyabinsk oblasts. Improvement in the organization of production and planning In forge @hopes Improvement-in the tachnolo&r of hot and cold pressing mid die forging and in heating methods., and the mechanization and automation of Card 2/3 AW17082 forging and pressing operations are analyzed, TABIS CF C01ASMs Foreword - - 3 Ch, I. Organization of production in forge shops - T., Paths of development of forging production in the Sradne-Ural economic region (Os A. Ganago, V. A. Shelekhov,, P. P, Vehivkov, A* M* Sych6vo L 6, Kate) Group method of producing wrought and press forgings (Zo Po Neyshtadto P, L Nekhayevao S. 1. Koltun) 12 Improvement in planning and revord-keeping In forge shops!(Oo Pe Bogomolorp No Fe Oykher) - - 26 Literature - - 30 Ch. II. Heating the-metal - - 31 Relation between the. heating power and the productivity of heat-treatment furnaces (B. F. Zobnin, V. P. Markin) - -- 31 Improvement in the processes of heating metal in the forging shop of the Chelya. binskiy Traktorkv*y Zavod (9. D. Shuster) Card 2/3 AM4017082 Literature 67 Ch. 11L Die forging - - 69 Selection of appropriate technological processes for forging steel ingots (Is rsto Tarnovskly,, V. No Trubin, So 09 Pachkov) 69 Optimum degrees of deformation in the manufacture of forgings of the shaft type from ingots of carbon and alloy steel weighing up to 5 tons (Vo No Trabin,, L Ya, Chernikhova., At Ve Khrustaleva) . . 85 Experience in Improving the technology of die forgingwith hammers and presses (A. Me Kazarinov) - - 96 Engineering method of calculating the technology of rollIng forgings of the typej of tires and wheels (1, Ya, TarnOV3kiy,, 1. Me Balyasny*y) 104 'Literature - - IV Ch, IV, Hot volumetric stamping 129 Some trends in Improving methods of volumetric sta#ing (Oo A, Ganago, le The Tarnovskiy,, V. 1, Stapananko) - - 129 Uethod of grooving forging rolls during forge rolling of billets in drop forging and pressing (1o Tao Tarnovskly., V, K, SmIrnov, So L, Notears Be To, Mmwkinj, No 1e Litvlnar) -P - 141 Card 315 t -AM4017082. Measuring forces when heading pipe on a;hot-forglng machine of-1250-ton force (V, N, Trubin, Re A* Vaysburd# So D,jSh&ly&gin) 172 Literature 177 Ch. V. Cold pressing 179 Experience ift,pressing bottoms of stainless stools and bimetal (V. Me- Potalov) 40179 i, Block-packet presses - progressive technology of equipping (A,A. Kozloy)4= W in Literature - - 189 Ch. VI. UechanIzation and automation in forging production - - 190 Low-level mechanization in a forging shop (9, L. Borinskly) ~ .0 190 Mechanization of loadihg and unloading an overh,3ad conveyor at the section for pressing the links of tractor treads (V, Ve Bassein, Ve Me GaybVs Ve Fe Keras . - -.199 Mechanization of'tiansport in the forge shop of the Chebarkallskiy Metallurgiches.-I kiy ** Zavod (Yu. A. Zhuravlev) 203 Literature 2~4 Card 4/5 AM4017082 SUB GODEt UL OrH&Ri 3 SUBUZ=s 13Feb63 NR REF SGVs .46 DATE ACQt' IODac63 _BA~LTASNIrIY*_LM,-, .~ ____I .Investigatimg the increase in width in the rotary rolling -of forgings. Kuz.-Shtam. proizv. 3 no. W-15 f 161. (Roning (Metalowrk)) (Steel forgings) (Min 14:1) a L AUTHOR: a!esnyy, -1. M. ORG: none TITLE: Study of the deformation of blanks during rqUWW,9n a mandrel SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 12, 1965, 6-11 TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, metal deformation, deformation rate, feeding technique ABSTRACT: In the process of rolling on a mandrel the blank, while advancing on the mandrel, undergoes multiple reductions in area to a definite extent during its every revolution. The first of these reductions, happening with the next revolution of the blank, always occurs in the presence of symmetry of the area of reduction with respect to a vertical axis drawn through the center of the mandrel (Fig. 1). The length of the areas of reduction is characterized by the chords tout and Im or the angle 2 a, corresponding to the arc of contact between the blank and the mandrel. As the ratio of the inside diameter Din of the blank to the diameter d of the mandrel increases to Din/d " 1. 5, the length of the area of deformation. on the side in contact with the mandrel becomes smaller than on the side in contact with the hainmer block. In this Card 1/3 UDC: 621.984.1 ACC NR "6013480 Fig. 1. connection, the authors investigated the distribution of deformations for varying rates of feed, fixqd and variable Ah (reduction in area per revolution of blank) and for different d (diameter of mandrel) on using ring-shaped blanks of lead which made it possible to simulate the process of the hot forging of steel, as, well as on performing comparative experiments with ring-shaped blanks of steel and aluminum alloys in cold state when the deformation was accompanied by the work hardening of the metal. Findings: the feed rate markedly affects the pattern of dis- tribution of deformations: as the feed rate is gradually reduced, the part of metal on the -L 44357-66 F _kCC_N1_tAP60l3480 mandrel side undergoes more intensive deformation than on the hammer-block side. For fixed A h and d, the deformation of the metal in depth and width is irregular. Rolling on mandrels with d = 70 and 20 mm produces qualitatively similar patterns of deformation but in the case of d = 20 mm the deformation on the mandrel side -is somewhat more intense. If A h is increased with every succeeding revolution, given the same overall deformation, the nonuniformity of deformation is reduced. For low Din/d raUosg I. e. for a large mandrel diameter, the lengthwise deformation is more uniform in the zone adjoining the mandrel side, whereas for high DIn/d ratios the deformation Is more uniform in the zone adjoining the flat hi,mmer -block. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 5 formulas. Sd)3 CODE: 13, U/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP; 003/ Card 3/3 hs BLYASKrY, M.M* Latent paralyote of vision (so-eaned pyramida4 9" aMtom)a Zhure nevre I.PBMo 61 no.1281793-1795 161:~/' OCM 1517) 1. Xlinika nerwWkh bolemney (zav. - prof. G.D. Loohahenko) Kharlkovako 0 meditainskogo inatitut& (dir. - dotsent B.A, Zadorozhnyy5 i KharlkovBlmya oblastnaya k3inicheekELya bollnitea (gla7 rEeh V.A. Pizhankova). PARALYSIS) IDAL TRACT-DISFASES) LESHCHENKOP A.G.; BALYASNYYj M.M. Syndrome of induced dynamic paresis In organic lesions of the diencephalone Zbur,nevr, i paikh, 66 no,1:45-51 166o (MIRA 19:1) 1. Odesskly nauchno-issledovatellakly paikhonevrologicheskoy institut (direktor A.G.Ushchenko) I kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - prof. G.D.Leshchenko) Kharikovskogo medi, tainskogo institutao Submitted May 151 1965. ULYASNXI NO NkZAROVP IOM. Statistics of the performance of differential computers, Priboi tekh.eksp. 6 no.5t7lo.77 S-0 161. (MMA 14-010) .1 1. Institut prikladnoy geofizIJd AN SSSR. (Electronic analog computers) S/08 61/010/006/007/011 B136YJ3201 AUTHORSs B~~l asnyyj N. D., Boltnevat L. I.j Dmitriyevt A. V.9 Ionov;-771.-,and Nazarov, I. M. TITLEt Determination of the content of radium, thorium, and potassium in rooks from an aircraft PERIODIC4t Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 6, 1961, 626-629 TEXTs A three-channel analyzer allowing measurements to be made in three energy ranges with automatic subtraction of the background has been used for effecting spectroscopic gamma measurements. The integral sensitivity was 350 Pulses/seo per microroentgen/hour. The channels worked (1) in integral operation with a out-off of 0-5 Mev to eliminate the effect of the soft scattered gamma radiation'; (2) in the 1.6-1.9 Mev energy range; (3) in the 1.9-2.7 Mev energy range. The contents of the individual elements were determi by equations th) - n 11 Ra + n12 Th + n 13K nj(h) = n 12 Ra + n22 Th Card 1/4 S/OL39/61/010/006/007/01 1 Determination of the content of ... B136/B201- n,j(h) = n 31 Ra + n32 Th Here, Th and K denote the peroentual thorium and potassium contents, Ra the peroentual radium content of equilibrated. uranium, n 1t2,3 the rates, f(h) the reference ooeffioient to the earth's surfaoel r11, - 8*10 51 *12 , 3.6-10 4n 13 -1.6-102~ n21 " 4.8-10 4, n22 ' 2.6-104, n31 - 2-7-104 V/ *32 - 4.6-1o 4 (h) is independent of the content of elements, and for altitudes of 10, 25, and 50 m equal to 1.08, 1.24, and 1-55. The oooffi- cients nij were determined by a direct method which, however, proved not to be very accur 'ate. Since the spectra of the standard specimens and of the semi-space differ, the standard speotra were taken without and with a 25-0m water screening. The root-mean-square error in the determination of the elements was calculated. after the fourth control flight and was found to amount to 25 %. The flightscovered an area of 5-5'10 km Card 2/4 S/06 61/010/006/007/011 Determination of the co intent of o.o B136YZ201 at intervale of 100 m at an altitude of 25 M, k olear relationship was found between the radium and thorium, contents and the eological at ture. The highest radium and thorium contents (7olO-4;, and 11.10-go,-re- spectively) calculated according to aerial survey results-are found in such regions where effusive rocks of a medium composition appear in- a- nite outcrops on the a face; the lo eat# on the oth,er hand (1.5 10 1; .0-10- for hor u I are found where effusive r*ck of for radium and 4 N t 1 0 8 a basic composition appear. The radium content determined from the air- craft is# on the averaget by 28%, and the thorium content by 21%t less V/ than the contents determined by radioohemical analysis. The introduction-- of a correction facior K-1.1 in n3 improves results considerably. As, howeverp the'number of analyses performed is small, their accuracy is insufficient.~ The conclusion is drawn that errors caused by tolerances in ptematurely introduced coefficients can be eliminated by this correction. The potassium content in effuaive-sedimentary rocks fluotuated between 1 and 2% and attained Z,5% in granite, which agrees with data available in the literature. V. N. Vasilenko, Z.V. Kuznetsova and 1. V. Yagodovskiy Card 3/4 S1089 Determination of the content of ,, 1611010100610071011 B136/3201 are thanked for having supplied.geological. material. There are 2 figuree, 1 tablep and 3 SOViet-bloo references. SUBMITTEDt JulY 14, 1960 Card 4/4 BALYASNYY, N.Dq_XOGAN, R.M.; NIKIFOROV, H.V.; RENNE, O.S.; TRUMAN, Sh.D. Radioisotopic analysis qt rocks and soils from the enargy spectrum of gamma rays In the troposphere. Dokl. PJ4 SIWSR 140 no.4:807-810 0 061. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut prikladnoy geoft.z1ki AN SSSR. Predstavleno skademikom Ye.K.Tedorovym. (Radioisotopes--Analysis) (Camma-ray spectrometry) AL~Aeraiya- nn-ak qSSR 11r.0 'fakly filial. Institut geo- fiziki, Trudy. no. 2, 19()2. Geofizichesiciy no, 3. 57-62 TZXT: A determination i-s reported of the ratio of the amounts of thorium and uranium in nabwal rocks. The apparatus c-t- -.7)loved incor?orated a cylindrical plastic scintillator with a ~31, -24 r'r at T)i., -,-)Iast4c phon-)hor c,n Card 1/2 S'/874/62/000/002/002/019 Spectrometri- studies ... L 218/rD308 phor. The resolution of the C8137 p1lotopenIt lag f oi)~ to be 22c,'.. The scintillation ?uIscs were exani-ciorl n fl*-,-,! ~r- BALYASNYY, N.P-.L KOGAN, R.M.; REME, O.S.; FRIDMAN, Sh.D. Experience in determining RaG', Thd' and K40 in homogenous granitoids from the energy, composition of T-rays. Izv. AN SSSP.. Ser.geofiz. no.5:664-676 Yor 162. (MIRA 15-8) 1. Institut prikladney geofiaiki AN SSSR. (Radioisotopes) (Gamma rays) BALTAsNyr, N.D.'; VASILEVXO~ V.M.; KOGLNj R.M.; FRIDMiNp Sh.D. Using the spectrum of gamma rays for detecting the dispersion halos of radium. Izv.IN SSSR.Ser.geofis. no.4:596-" Ap 163. (WRL 16s4) (Radium) (Gooohemistry) (Gamma rays.-Induotrial applicationo) L 1266-66 EVIT(l) ACCESSION NR: ARS008450 UFV027g640001002 /A 091 /A092 -5:6 - 5 62 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika. Svodnyy tom, Abe. ZA523 AUTHOR: 2t_Ejiev, A. V.) Ionov, V. A. Dp?L TITLE: Device for automatic subtraction of background (noise) CITED SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. priborostr. Vyp. 18, L. , Nedra, 1964, 17-25 TOPIC TAGS: background subtraction, automatic background subtraction, air gamma survey TRANSLATION: In automating the processing of air -_garnma -survey materials (intensity -flight -altitude calculations, channel rate -of -counting division, etc.), special device must be used for presubtracting the background components during the flight. A device is described which automatically subtracts the background rate -of-counting in the pulse form. The advantage of this method of isolating the desirable signal lies in the fact that the background is subtracted right at the radiometer input; hence, the automatic -stabilization circuit in the air-survey Card 1/2 L 1268-66 ACCESSION NR: AR5008450 system is simplified, the background compensation with sensitivity- s c ale switching becomes unnecessary, and the possibility of count recording in the pullse form with an accuracy of one pulse is retained. The equipment includes a two- position subtracting unit, an electronic delay circuit, a logical unit, and a memory unit. The subtracting -unit error is investigated for the particular case when the pulse sequence is set by a separate background f requency- stabilized generator, and the input pulses are statistically distributed according to the Poisson law. Lf the subtracting unit switch has more than two positions, missing of a pulse of the background generator will depend not only on the number of the arrived input pulses but also on the switch position at the start of the period; therefore, in this case, the operation would be described by a Markov-type -circuit probabilistic process. A table and a recurrent formula set up for various sequences of the input pulses are analyzed. A principal circuit realizing the simplest switch is described. Bibl. 3, figs. 3. SUB CODE: DP, EC ENCL: 00 LIDONIGHP A.G.; FVO,YASNYY, R.Ye Efficient uss of engineering spaces under floors in series 1-464P houseae Sbor. naudh. trud. KGRI 18s95-97 162. (KRA 17-5) Cand Hed Sci BALYASOV, K. D. Dissertation; "Morphology of the Venous Sinuses in a Cranium Fard Cover of Brain*" 21/3/50 Central Inst for Advancement of *sicians 80 Vecheryaya Moskva Surn 71 U'GV F. BALYAL 0 Afforestation Setting out gully and ravine plantings by the spot method. Les khoz. 5 no. 6, June 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Au0st, 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. Atit'nor; Falinsov, Fs D. Title- nva Assembly, Sepair and Adjustmont of Combining licchlivC. (,,b-,tavh, remo%t i nalavika 1:9droobasallity1ch i.,ashinT 112 P. City% 1.10semr Publichers *&hta&%Wj State Scientific and Tachnict.1 Publication of the -ftht, 7t;- tile. and P04iLIM Ind,,istry. Date: 10 Availables Library of Congress Source: Monthly UA ot Russian &-cossionc, Vol. 3, No. 12, P. 036 SHKVARTSEV,A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BORODIN,V.A., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk; BALUSOV,P.D.. inzhouer "The orgnnization of cotton manufacture." L.Zamakhovskii. T.Poliak, X.Fridenberg. Reviewed by A.A.Shkvartsev, V.A.Borodin, P.D.Baliasov. Teket.prom.8 no.2.-46-47 7148. (MLRA 8:11) (cotton manufacture) (Zamakhovskii,L.) (Polink,T.) (Fridenbarg,K.) `,n~-n~ar rairl Tech -'>'ci- Dissert-ition: "Conoolidation of Cotton ir the 1rocago rf Stretching or Spinning Francos." 15/6/50 kbscow Testile Inst IV Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 BAIZASOVs P. D. "Use of Packers for Hackle on Roving and Spinning Machines)" Moscows 1951 1. BALYAGOV, P. D. 2, USSR (600) 4. Textile Industry-History 7. For a Scientific elucidation of the historical development of Russian textile technology. Tekst.prom. 12 no, 11, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FebruarX 1953. Unclassified. BALYASOV. P.D.; IOFFR, I.G. -00-2 ----~Gotton manufacture during the years of the Soviet regime] Khlopoliatobumazhnaia promyehlennost' za gody sovetakoi vlasti. Moakvn, Biuro takhn.informataii logkol promyehl., 1937. 87 p. (MIRA 12:12) (cotton manufaoture) 1UTHORs Balyasovl~ P,D., Doteent, Deputy Director of the Mosoov Textile TITLEo Student* Acquire Working Hobits t3tudenty priobrotayut raboohiye navyki) PPRIODIOALi APSTRACTt ASSOCIATION: AVAILABLEo Card 1/1 Vestnik vyeshey shkoly, Fab 1957. # 2, p 29-32 (USSR) The article b 'agins with the statement that the majority of students entering the Moscow Textile Institute (Moskovskiy tekstilInyy institut) are Isoking and that this, explains the airficulty experienced by many students in becoming conversant with general engineering disciplines. This also makes the assimilation of hny special subjeot more diffioult. After considering the problem in detail it was decided that the students must acquire the necessary skill in operating textile machines during their first year of study, i,es before they begin to learn special subjects. The article then proceeds to explain how -this was done and on which ma-' ohinse the students worked~ In conclusion the author dwells on the good results obtained. Moscow Textile Institute (Mookovskiy tekstiltnyy institut) Library of Congress f- , ;' ~r , , , "' PSTROV, I.A., prof.-, BALYASOY,-P.D., dote.; SYROS, B.Tee-, dots. "Forging of specialista," Takst. prom, 17 no.8;16-19 Ag 157. (Textile industry-Study and'teaching) Mu 1089) RALYASOV, P.D. o nt teaching of specialized courses and courses in the principles of spinning. 11T.Tys. uoheb.sav.; tekh.tek-st.prow. no.2:193-194 158. OUU 11-5) (Textile industry--Study ond teaching) Combining the teaching of Moscow Textile Institute students with, practIq*l work In Iabsratories. Isvq'vysa uchebe say.; takho tokkt' .prom. n6.5:3.48-150 158. (Him MM 1.2amestitelldirektora pe uchabnor rabote Hoskovskoge, taketillnego institute, (Moscow-Textile schools) SOV-3-58-9-4/36 AUTHOR: _BA131asov P.D6, Dotoent, Deputy-Director of the Moscow Tex- tile Inatitufe- TITLE: Practical T;aining.Within the Precincts of the Institute to Be Expanded (Rasshiryat, proizvodstvennoye obucheniye v ste- nakh inatituta) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Wr 9, PP 15-19 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The main object of the KPSS 20th Congress resolution was to emphasize the necessity of an approximation of the higher school to life, practical activityg production, and to raise the students' ideological level of education and theoretical training. The Moskovskiy tekstillnyy inatitut (Moscow Tex- tile Institute), participating in discussions on this subject, states that its students of the first courses are acquiring the working skill needed to operate text'ile machines. The Inatitute,beginning in the 1957/5B school year, is carrying out this practical training 3 hours a week during the first 5 semesters. Yet this is not satisfactory as students in the practical training workshops (UPM) still feel uneasy and are afraid of interfering with ths workmen. Moreover, they are Card 1/3 not responsible for the operation and adjusting of machines. BOV-3-58-9-4/36 Practical Training Within the Precincts of the Institute to Be Expanded Thus it is not productive labor but only training. It is necessary to change this practical work so that practical training and produotive labor are better coordinated. The practical training workshops at textile and other technolog- ical vuzes (which have industrial type workshops) should be operated entirely by student's, with the qualified workmen and master-craftemen working as instructors. The next etep, in this direction would be the organization. of a unique vtdz.,factory where the students in the majority of special- ities combine training with productive labor. A similar suggestion has been submitted by a group of scientifia workers of the Kostromskoy tekstilInyy institut (Kostroma Textile Institute). A serious discussion of the question of organiz- ing a "test" vtuz-factoryc would help to find the best way of combining training with productive labor. Card 0 There is 1 Soviet reference. ~ --- - -- -- - - - - --- - -- ---- - ------ -- -- - -- - ---- - ---- -- - - - - - I - - - --- ---- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- ----- SOVT3- -- -- - /36 --- -- - Practical Training Within the Precincts of the Institute to Be Expanded I itut (Moscow Textile Institute) . ASSOCIATIONs Vookovskiy tekstillnyy inst Card 3/3 BALTASOV, P.D. - ------ Now curriculum for the preparation of engineers for the textile industry. Izv. vys. ucheb, tav,; tokh, taket. prom. no-3tl6l.-16Z 159. (MIRA 12tll): 1,Mookovskiy takstil'My institut. (Textile industry--Study and teaching) BALYASOV, P.D.; RMS9 B.Yeb Fortieth anniversary of the Moscov Textile Institute. Izvevys. uchob.z",; tekh,teket.prom. no.6:139-144i 159* (HIRL 13:4) 1. Hookovskiy toketil'u" institut. (Moscow--Textile schools) BALTASOVO- PsD doteent Reorganization of teaching methods in textile Institutea of higher learning. Taket. prom. 19 no,9:10-14 S '-59. (MM 12,-12) 1.Zamestitell direktora Moskovskogo teketillnogo instituta (NTI) po uchabnoy rabots. (Textile induBtry--Study and teaching) ---SALTASOV, F.D., dots. Strengthening, the links between textile schools of higher education and production. Tekstoproms 19 no.12:20-24 D Ica# (MM 1313) 1. Eamestitall direktora Moskovskogo tekstillnogo instituta po uchabnoy rabote. (Textile industry--Study and teaching) TERYUSHNOV, A.V.; BALYASOVO P.D. Topics of diploma projects on cotton spinning to be used by the students of.textile institutes. Izv.vys.ucheb~zav.; tekh.tekst.- prom. no.4:137-140 161. (MIRA 140) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. (Textile industry--Study and teaching) BAIXASOV Pavel AnItrinv_31ch; KONYUKOV, Pavel Mikhaylovich; SMELOVA, Alekseyevna; HFROSp Boris Yefinovich; ZOTIKOV,, V.Ye., prof.p retoemntj BARABANOV, L.G.D reteenzentl KOFELEVICH, Ye.lop red.; VINOGRADOVA, G,A., tekhn. red, (Laboratory ==al on cotton spinninglLaboratornyi praktikum po priadeniiu khlopka. lzd,2,,, perer, i dop, Moskva, Izd--vo nauchno-tekhn.lit--ry RSFSR "Rostekhizdatp" 1962. 491 P (Cotton Bpimimg) (Cotton machinery) (MIRA &9) BALYASOVF P.D.; VIDNIKOV, V.I., prof.; VANCHIKOV, A.N.; VLADIMIRDV, K-"r A.K.; KONYUKOV, P.M.; RAKOV, A.P., prof.; SMELOVA, N.A.; EFROS, B.Te.; ZOTIKOV, V.1e., retdenzent; li BET ITSINI N.M., retaenzent; KOSTIM, B.V., retsen2ent; TERTUSHNOV9 A.V., prof., red.; SOKOLOVA, V.Ye., red.; BATYREVA, G.G., tekhn. red. [Cotton spinning] Priadenis khlopka. (By) P.D.Ballasov i dr. Moskva, Rostekhizdat. Pt.1, 1962. 433 P. (MIRA 16t9) (Cotton spinning) BLLYA.qOV,, P2D.,., dotment; VLASOVP P,V... - dotnent First graduates from the Textile Faplty of the Moscow People's University of Technological Progress and Economic Sciences* Tekst.prom, 22 no,4100-12 0 162. (KIRA 151l1) 1, Prorektor po uahebnoy rabote Moskovskogo taketillnogo institutap dekan takstillmogo, fakulltets, Moskovokogo obahchagorodskogo marodnogo univeraitate, taWmicheskogo propma i skonomicbsekLkh anaMy (for Baly"ov), 2, Kafedra tkaahestva Mookovskogo tekstillnogo inetitutap smostitell dekana tekstilinogo fakulltata Mookovskogo tekstillnogo Instituta (for Vlasov). (Moscow-Textile SiAustry-Study and teaching) BkLYASOV, P D dotsent New Itypes of drawing ma.chinos* Tokst.promt 23 no.1:9-14 ja 63. (IURA 16:2) L Moskovskiy tokBtilinyy institut (MTI). (Spinning machinery) BALLYASOV, P2D*,* BUDNIKOV, V.I., prof.j VAN-CRIKOV.- A,,N,; VLADIMIROVP BA; KISELEV9 A.K.; XONYUKOV, P.M.1 RAKOV9* A.P.; SMELOVAg N.A-j EFROSp B.Ye.j ZOTIKOV, V.Ye., retsenzentj EELITSIN, N.M., :Ivt;enzentl KOSTIN, B.V., retsenzent; TERYUSHNOV, A.V., prof., red.; SOKOLOVA, V.Y%, red.; BATYREVA, G.G., teklui. red. (Cotton spinning] Priadenle khlopka. (By] P.D.Baliasov i dr. Pod red. V.I.Budnikovas A.P.Rakova,, A.V.[Teriushnova. Moskva, Roatekbisdat. Pt.2. 1963. 395 p. (MIRA 16s6) (Cotton spinning) BALYASOV, P,D. Effect of cotton fiber compression in the ma;3s on its characteriatica in technological processes. Izv.vy9,uchab,zav.j tekh,takst,prom, x9j; 7-18 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy ttkatilinyy institut. (Cotton-Testing) (Cotton handling) About those who work and atludy. Tekst. prom. 24 no.821-4 Ag 164. (MIRA 17tlO) 1. Prorektor Moskovskoga tekatlVnogo instituta (for Ralyasov). 2. Dekan vechernego fakullt-3ta Moskovskogo tekstillnogo instituta (for Efros). 3. Zamestitell dekana po Pavlo-Posadskomu filialu Moskovskogo tekstillnogo inatituta (for Lunev). tul,-S-Ejj,tj~~p dotsent; EH~W, B.Ye.., dotsont; ZEIMITShhYA, E.I. Reviews and bibliography. Tek3t. prom. 25 no.8:85-89 Ag 1 '5- 0 0 (WRA 18:9) 1. Prorektor Moskovskogo teksillnogo instituta (for Balyasov). 2. Dekan vechernego fakuliteta Moskovskogo tokstillnogo, in- stituta (for Efros). 3. Glavnyy bibliotekart TSentrallnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy bibliotaki (for Zernitskaya). -Act NR: AP6009263,~ 1AUMCR: Balasov. CODE: IORG: Moscow Thxtile Institute (Koskovakiy tekstillnyy institut) 13 TITIES Comprecsion of bulk wool f ers and Its significance in technological prooes SOURCE: IVUZ9 Tekhnologiya teks rillnoy promyshlennosti, no- 5, 1965. 17-28 ~ ITOPIC TAGS% textile, natural fiber, compressive stress, elasticity# rupture strength ABSTRACTs The effects of stress on the physical-mechanical properties. compressibilit, elasticity and resilience under compression of bulk wool fibers were examined and compared with the author's previously published data on cotton. Changes in volume and specific weight of bulk wool fibers under stress and their restoration upon removing the stress are about the same as those of cotton. The greatest changes occur in the first 10-15 minutes of loading or unloading and nearly cease after 1.5-2 hours* Under large loads of 200-3300 kg/c;2 the specific weight of the wool fiber mass reaches 1250-1280 kg/cm3, ioe. approaching the specific weight of wool itself. After removing the load, bulk wool fiber recovers its volume faster and better than does cotton-its resilience is 20-40% greater, and its elasticity is also about 40% greaPre Bulk wool fiber samples under compression require much higher loading (2000 kg/cm and more) to rupture than do cotton eamplese Decrease In strength, elasticity and resilience of Card L GOD90-67 ACC NRt AF6009263 wool.fibers an stretching Individual fibers after compression occurs at much lower stresses than the rupture load* A relationship between compressional resilience of. bulk wool fibers and their breaking on spinning was established, Orig. art* bast 10 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODEs it/ SUEN DATE, O6MAr65/ CRIG REF: 004/ OM -RSFs 007 VI Card 2/2 CODE; UR/0286/65/000/Ola/OOT5/OOT5 YLA 7J 10R: Yudia, YS. A.; Bal ov, Yu. Y.; Kiseleva,_N. M.; Piskunov, A. V. 68 Treatment of nitrop_enl'6ontaining vanadium. Class 40, No. 17479~ (Arknounced by t~'- sthte -P-sr-nr~h an(i e-f I- Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 18, 1965, 5 -AGS: vanadium, nitrogen containing vanadium, vanadium reflning ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces a method of treating vanadium which contains nitrogen. Raw vanadium is first converted to hydride, which is ground, nLixe` vith carbon black, and carbidized at about 1700C. [WW] SUB CODE: MM/ SUBM DATE., 06mar64/ ATD PRESS. j4dr KIC-':31N0%19 IMLYATINSKAYAv L.14.1 TURIYAN, Ya.l. Paterizination of the degree of purity of styrenn by the indireel potentiomoturic method in an anhydrous medium. Plast. massy no.2t 52-53 165. (MIRA 180) BALYATINSKAYA, L.N.;-KRESHKOV,, A.P.; TURIYAN-9 Ya.I. Potentiometric method for the determination of vinyl monomers. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.8:1025-1028 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut imeni, Mendeleyeva, i Yaroslavsl~iy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monomerov dlya sinteticheakogo kauchuka. KRISKOVO A.P.1,BALTATINSKAYA, L.N. Using the merour~-acetate method for determining the general non- saturation of butYl rubber. Kaueh. i.reso 24 no.10.55-56 165, (MIRA 18110) 1. Moskovskly ordena IAnina khimiko-takhnologicheakiy inatitut imeni D.I.Mandeleyeva. BAUSHOVA, Ann& Tagorovna;, CUM, Stame. Prano; GAVRIWYICH, IOTubov' Grigorlyevna; RAYZK r A.Ta., rodaktor; 13DWA, N.V., takhaichookly rodaktor. (Oar experience In handling long-distance tolephone calls) Nash opyt obaluzhivaniia abonextev mesbdugoroduoi telefounoi stantsti. Kookwa Gos.izd--vo lit-ry po voprosara aviazi I radio, 1955. 15 pAMIcrofIQ (Vilnius--Telephone stations) (m= 9..6) L 29610-66 EY1P(J)/9ff(m), IJP(c) RM ACC NR- AT6012818 SOURCE CODE: UR/2910165/005/001/9015/0104 AUTHOR: Rakaus-kas, R. I.; Rakauskas, R.., BalyavigLyus, M. Z.; Bolotin, A. B.;. Balevicius* M.; Bolot'nas, A. ORG: Vilnius State-University im. V. Kapsukas Villnyusekiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Use of the self-oonsistent field method for aromatic molecules. 1. The case :of the asymmetric molecule SOURCE*. AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy abornik, v. 5, no. 1, 1965, 95-104 TOPIC TAGS: aromatic hydrocarbon, Hamiltonian$ electron, ground state ABSTRACT: The authors solve self-consistent field equations for the ground state of ithe 1,2-benzanthracene molecule for 7t-electrons in the "zero differential overlap" :approximation. The eigenfunctions of the effective single-electron Hamiltonian for'~ :the molecular calculations are given in the form .)f a linear combination of atomic 1 orbitals. The resultant functions were used for studying the excited state of the molecule in the mono- and multiconfigurational approximations. The numerical Card 1/2 L 29610-66 'ACC NR: AT6012818 results are tabulated for the 112-benzanthraceJmolecule. The theoretical results am compared with experimental data where possible. All calculations were done on a BESM-2M computer. The comparison indicates that the choice of numerical values for the empirical parameters is essentially correct. However, the process of calcu- lating the single-electron functions and corresponding energy levels showed that the numerical values of the energy levels are extremely sensitive to the selection of these parameters. In conclusion the authors consider it their pleasant duty to thank Professor A. P. Yutsis for examining the manuscript and for his helpful com- .ments, and L V. Batarunas for his cooperation in bringing the work to a rapid con- clusion. O_rTg. art. h 2 figures, 4 tables, 26 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Jun64/ ORIG FEF: 002/ OTH REF: 008 Card 2/2 -BALYAYE7,-- A. --- - - - - - -- --- -- IlSwliks of Y,4zahjj~,tarj.ti Can.7 Biol "Oei, Inst of ~,,uojogy, Acad Sci Kankli SSR' Alma-I't1j, 1953. (WiDiol, NO 1, Sol) 54) SO: Sma 432, 29 Mar 55 BALYATEV,, B.N.j MLLITSEVA, N.S..j MEKHRDCV, V.N.; MIN NAM BUK; R.A. N Pormation of the isotopes At209 and At201 by bombarding biramth and,lead with high-energy protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor.'fis. 43 no.4:1129-1131+ 0 162. (MIRA 15: 11) 1. Ob"yedinannyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Astatine-Iootopoa) (Bismuth). tIaad) , I ~ - " , ~ I t I , ;- 1~,`u il a vi-h - I The strength of rate--ipla lzd. 7., ispr. i dop. Dopushcheno v kachestve uchebnikp dlia vtuzov. Mogkva, Goo. izd-vo tekhniko-teorst. lit-r7, 1951. 856 p. (52-26265) TA!-L05,V!8 1951 /-,, fi 4. / Ii ", Y- V rj, / j - - -J-- - - - --- - - -- --- --- _-__ - - - - -- --- - -- - - - --- - --- - - DAVILMOVO NON. #--akademik; B=AYWYA. Ta*I*#. Inshenero Investigating fatigas resistance to reported Impacts, KetalloveG I obr. met. mo.11:4-10 N 1569 (MM 10-.1) I. AkademlYa nauk US= ( for Davldsukoy ) . 2.1*:aingradskly Politakhnicheekly iussitut luent M.I.Kallaina, (Steel-Patigue) B'ALYf3EjlDTN# G. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Te3-ecommunication 7. At the Sergach communication office, Sov. sviaz., No. 10, 1951- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. 2%gh% h; Ifish.; MALIGIN, Andray Dmitriyevich, JWMIR, Insb ' ' I , VAj, 5. ., rid.;,BANNIXOT, $.A,, red.; XMTIOVA, A.F.,, GUOTICH, R.N., (Mechanization of heavy operations in stockbraedingl^ Nekhanizatalla truAoemkikb protsesmov proicyodetya v zhivotnovodetys Moskva Gos. itd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 495 p. 641RIL 11:12'.) Orarm macbanivation) (Stock and stockbreeding) BAWBERDIN_4-Grlgoriy Yakovlevich inish j MALIGIN, Andrey M.4, red.; DMEVA, V.M.., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of production processes on livestock fame] Me- khWzatsiia proizvodetyenrqkh protsessov v zhivotnovodstve. Mos3=0 Sellkhozizdatp 1962, 470 p. (MIRA 15:5) (Agricultural machinery) (Stock and stock breeding) inzhq WgIN, A.D., inzh.; ROZIN, M.A., red.; TRUKH114A) O.P., tekhn. red. (mechanization of work in animal husbandry] Mekhanizatsiis proizvodstvenwjkh protsessov v zhivotnovodstve. lzd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Sellkhozizdatp 1963. 486 p# (MIRA 17:3) V AUTHORi Balyberdin, 1.?. 132-1-10/15 TITLEs Light-Weight Hadiohydrogeologioal Field Laboratory gplMut ( chennaya polevaya radiogidrogeologicheskaya laboratoriya) PERIODICALs Razvedk& i Okhrana Nedr, 1958, # It pp 50 - 52 (USSR) ABSTRACTs During the past years geological prospecting teams were outfitted with portable radiohydrogeologioal laboratories designed by Aydinlyant which consisted of two boxes, measur- ing 360 x 220 x 250 mm and 540 x 260 x 290 mm. However, this laboratory h&.d several disadvantagest bulkiness, weightp eto. P.T. Voloshinp 'operator' of the Par Eastern Geologic Administrationt has designed a new field laboratoryt which contains all essential elements for field analysis, It is equipped with a muffle furnace, measures 230 x 180 x 90 mmt and weighs less than 2 kg. The author gives a description of the Toloshin laboratory, which proved its superiority in tests conducted in 1956. The Council for Rationalizing and Inventions of the Far Eastern Geological Administration Card 1/2 of the Laboratory of Voloshin approved this field laboratory Light-Weight Radiohydrogeological Field Laboratory 132-1-10/15 Equipment and recommended it for use by all geological prospecting teams. There are two figures. ASSOCIATION: Far East*=, Geological Administration (Dalinevostoohnoye Geo- upravleniye) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 BALYSKRDII~j L.L.0 ijjzh.j FINTSOVp A.M., kand.tokhn.nauk; SHILOVSKIY, A.A., Inzh. Exprimental industrial a(smiconduotor reet"fier for supplying powor to municipal olactric transportation systems. Elektrotekhnika 35 no.309-40 Mr .164, OffRA 17:5) -BALYMERDIN-P-LeonLa I eorddovjoh, D',)N,~KGY. A - - " ;t ' ' . .;E: "v K -7-17 777V-,-7TO-II ~.POI ~Se -v~J,.-.-I-. , S KRYCHIR, Iv's., red. (Use of i1varegulatei soml'--~Tdi;cT r !-rlduq- trial and transj-,~.,-rt cv~ifvmtj Fr-~m~.-Y:enle poIuprovodnLkoyykIt v)7,rJanItm, -;j',. v p',.,T,yshIennykh I t.'ransprrt,iykb ustuno-7kalkh. I,Mlimgrad, p. (MITH-A i 7'~- '11 ) TOV~, M. A; BUR Turbine-tne exhaust deflector. Sell, strol, no.9t12 S 162. (MIRA l5t1O) 1, Rakovoditell laboratorli mikroklimta sell skokhosyWtvannykh zdaay Zapadno-Sibirskogo filials. Almdemil, stroitelletva i Arkbitektury SSSR (for Balyberdin). 2. Starshiy inzhener labors- torii mikroklizata ssllokokhozMstvenrWkh sdaniy Zapaidno- Sibirokogo filiala Akademii otroitel'stva, i arkhitektury SSSR (for Beketov). (Barns-Ventilation) 3ALTBIRDIN, N. Conditions for the use of tractors within swine hounes. Sviuovadetvo 13 no.llt-39-41 N 159,. (MIRA l3t2) 1. llauebno-iseledo-7atellskiy institut, sellskikh zdaniV i, sooru- shanty Akademit stroitalletva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (Swine houses and equilment) (Tractors) BLLY~~~~.vetsrinainykh nauk; STARYKH, V., innh. Now developmenta-In ths.remoda.Ung of otalls for calvea. Sol'. atroi. 16 no*10:)* o 161. (MIRA 14t11) mvosibirsk Provivoo-Bam) BALTRI IN- NOS*,-aspirant Aerosol and wet methods for the dispersion of DVT and bonzene hexachloride In disinfecting buildInge and outdoor areas* Trudy VNIIVM 12:113-126 157. WRL n:12) 1. Vessoyusnyy institut okeperimentalluoy veterinaril, laboratoriya, soogigiyeny; nauahW rukavoditel profa.NoMeXomarov. (MT) (Benzene hexachloride) (Disinfection and disinfectants) BALTBIMDIN, I.S., asnirant. Liquid and 1jerosol disinfootim methods for ridding poultry houses of poultry mites. Veterinariia. 34 uo.4:80-81 Ap 057. XLPA lot4) 1, V9esoyuzrq7 Institut obperimentalluoy vaterinarii. (Poultry houses and quipment-Disinfection) (Kite:) BALYBERDIN', No So Cand Vat Sol (dlea) "The aerosol mind this mechanized K-0- methods of disperaiew of insecticides for the purpose of and open space#." Mon. 1959. 20 pp (All-Union Inst of Experimentol Legad Vat Medicine. All-Union Order of r~Au Sol im V. Is Lenin), 150 copies (KL, 52-59, 109) -1090- BALYBMIN, Effect of eXhAuSt gapes of a generator on the insecticidal effootiveness of DDT. Zaighob. rant. ot vred* i bol.,~ n0.11233 N 160-* (MIRA 16- OBT(Ineacticide))