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1_57 S~M 67913 44~T~ SOV/20 129-5-20/64. AUTHORS: Baranov, V~. I~, Khristianov, V. K., Karasev, B. V. TITLEo Photoneutronio Method of Determining the Concentration of Deuterium in Natural Water PERIODICAL: boklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, lir 5, PP 1035 - 1037 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The usual method of determining the deuterium concentration in water exhibits certain difficulties. They can be eliminated by the here described method, when making use of the photo- cleavage of heavy water (Refs 2,3). The deuterium concentra- tion can be easily and quickly determined in water within an accuracy of + 1 % by combining an adequately strong f-radia- tion source ';ith an efficient method of neutron modefation and recording. The water sample is irradiated by a,Lquanta beam from Na 4. The neutron resulting due to the r tion D2 (pn) Hi is recorded by appropriate counters. The thresh- old of this reaction is 2.22 Mev, its cross section being 1.2.10-27 cm2 (Ref 4)- Under etandard conditions of measurement the number of emitted neutrons is proportional to deuterium Card 1/3. concentration in water. By determining the counting rate of 1. 7 ~ 13, .1-hotoneutronic Method of Determining the Concentration SOV/20-129-5-20/64 of Deuterium in Natural Water both a standard sample of water and the sample to be in- vestigated, the deuterium concentration in the latter can be easily calculated. The above method was experimentally checked by the authors. Na24 served as -radiation source. With itsoPradiation energy (2-76 Mev) ,felement Be only is capable emitting neutrons under the action of hard r-quanta. The (~,n)-reaction cross sections are approximately th6 same for D20 and Be. Figure 1 shows the arrangement in which the measurements were made. It consists of a cylindrical lead block 1 which is bedded in a paraffin reflector 2. In the middle of the block there is a roughly spherical container 3 with three tubes 4,5,6. 20 proportional counters 7 with B10- concentrated boron fluoride are arranged in an annular spacing of the lead. The radiation source 8 is situated in the center of container 3. Due to the short lifetime of Na24 the authors were forced to content themselves with the accuracy of �2-5-1- 1-5% determined by a single calculation. Up to a D20 concentration of 0-1784% a linear dependence of the counting rate on the deuterium content was determined (Fig 2,1). The Card 2/3 error due to water contamination was determined. Such elements Photoneutronio Method of Determining the Concentration of Deuterium in Natural Water 67 9 13 SOV/20-129-5-20/64 as B,Cd, C1 are apt to distort the determination result. Figure 2, 11, shows the results of such an experiment. Thus C11 in an amount of 0.24~ causes the determination result Of D20 to appear lower by 1%. Apart from Na24, Y88 might be used for tht 4b:k>~4 purpose (T-105 days), but the required 24 amount should be larger by dozens of times as compared to Na Natural isotope ThC'' (T1208) seems to be promising. Its an- ceBtors RaTh (Th228) and MaThl(Ra228) have half-lives of 1.9 and 6-7 years respectively. The authors investigated the applicability of RaTh. The preparation generates neutrons it- self. Chemical purification reduced this emission to about 1/5. Another poseibility would be that of preparing metallic 99.9 - 99.99% pure thorium enriched by radio thorium. By pre- liminary experiments the authors confirmed on principle the determinability of deuterium in natural water within a high accuracy. There are 2 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. PRESENTEDi July 17, 1959, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTED; July 14, 1959 Card 3/3 STARIK, I.Ye.,; SHCHMAKOV, D.I., akademik, zamontitell; BAIMOV, V.I., prof., zamostitell; WMTSKIY, N.S., aka- demik, red.; POLKANOV, A.A., skademik, red.; VINOGRADOV, A.P.. akademik, red.; AFANASIYEV, S.D., red.; GFMING, E.K., prof., red.; PEKARSKAYA, T.B., kand.geologo-mineral.nauk, red.; IVANOVO B.V.j red.izd-va [deceased]; GUS-XVA, A.P., takhn.--ed. Uransactions of the sixth session of the Committee on the Deter- mination of the Absolute Chronology of Geolo.gical Formations, May 22-27. 1957J Trudy shestoi sessii komisaii po opredoleniiu absoliutnogo vozrasta geologicheskikh formataii; 22-27 maia 1957 9. Moskva, 1960. 306 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya po opredeliniyu absolyutnogo vozrasta geologicheskikh formatsiy. (Geological time) STARIK, I.Ye.,; SHCIMUAKOV, D.I., akalemik, zame~3titell otv. red.; BARANOV, V.I., prof.. zamestitW ;, VINOGRADOV, A.P., akademik, red.; POLKANOV, A.A., almdemik, red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., akademik, red.; AFANASIYEV, G.D.; GMING, E.K., prof., red.; PELARSY-;~YA, T.B., knnd.gool.-miner.nauk, rod.; S11-1K.114, S.M., rod. izd-va; MAKUNI, Ye.V., [Transactions of the Seventh on the Daterminstion of the Absolute Chronology of Goolo.-Ical Foi:imllionz] Trudy Sedlmoi sessii Komissil. po opredeleniiu absoll-atno-go vozrasta geologicheskikh formatsii, B-12 maia 1956 g. Mosk-va, 1960. 432 p. I kMIRA 13:6) 1. bkademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya po opredelenay:i absolyutnogo voz- rests geologicheskikh form3-tsiy. 2. Chleny-Irm.Tres-pondenty AN SSSR (for Starik. Afanasyev). (Geology, Stratigraphic) S/00 60/000/006/001/010 B002YB067 AUTHORS: Baranov V, I Khristianov, V K. Karasev, B, V TITLE. Neutron --borometr Prof 2_2 I'd? ly PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya? 1960, No 6. P,) 490 497 TEXT: At the radiogeokhimicheskaya laboratoriya Instituta -eokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V, I, Vernadskogo Ali SSSR (Radiolilyeochemical Laboratory of the I -ns-ti tute -- of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadsk.iy AS USSR) -an instrument for neutron-burometric profiling -Nas developed in the course of the last years. In principle it consists of a sleigh (Fig.1) carrying a 5 cm llh2t-.k paraffin reflector layer (3), a moderator (7) with the neutron source (8) and detectc)rs with oriented action for neutrons and gamins. quanta., The first one (9) is a proportionality coiniter in a boron- cadmium qcroen (11), the. second (4) is a packet of Ur-6 STS-6 aloCen counters ~rotecteci by a load coating (6), A small cadmium metal foil i~, placed b~~tvi-en thi, ~~ounters The detectors are arranred symmetrical]", to thp 1-11(il'it-lon oource at, a Card 11,3,~- ~5535 Neutron-borometr.ic Profiling S/007/60/000/006/001/010 B002/'Bo67 distance of 38 cw, The apparatus is drawn by/a car at a apew.d of 6. 8 km/h; the car carries the r!' 14 SC-1 Yecorder N3th a polonium ,07 beryllium source with 0,8 1 1 n/sec 200 t~' 300 Irflp/se- could be counted. The sensitivaty was experimentally examined between 0,01 and O~15% B 20 ) "The range of detection reaches to ab(,~O- Ili '20 .1-m Chlorinp is recorded as anomaly by the n.n probe i.e., 0.&'~ NaCl -C.-rrespond to the effect of 0.01% B 203' The limit of boron detectior is 6% NaCl. Disturbances due to uneven ground are unimp,-,rt,-int and ma,~. lie easily, corrected, The practical " estng of the instrument provi~.d its superiori. ty over recordings by means of individual test-s TherQ are 7 fiCures and 10 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; t)-eokhimii i analiticheskoy I-hiniii irn V. I Vornadskogo Mloqkva (1.1101-It-11"e of AN SSSR; 1 Geochemist,ry and Analytical Choinst-ty imt~-,zli V~ 1~ Vernadskiy AS USSR. Moscow) SUB14ITT ED April 7, 1960 Card 2/31~- ,BARA1iOV,.-V.I.; MISTIANOVA, L.A. Concerning the notes by S.M. Graahchenko and othero on V.I. 3aranov and L.A. Xhristianova's article "Radioactivity of waters in the Indian Ocoan.0 Geokhimita n0-7:651-652 ,6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Indian Ocean--Radicactive sustances) (Grashchanko, S.M.) .3a4LIO,V--Y,I.; KNORRE. K.G. The first Soviet geochronological scale. Geokhimiia no-7:6(l l6o. (MIPL,~ 13:11) (Geological time) i)r, -) 2 8 / D'5 o,17 AUTEORS Baranov, V. 1. and Vachnad:,e , Yu. A. TITLE: Correlation of natural rad-,.o.ictive emunation.,; -ill "11C air in rclat-ion to gcolo6,ic conditJons in Ui(, cx~-,Tlplc of areas of cortlain crystalline and scdir.-ien'L1;ir-,. rock--,7, PER10DICi~L:. Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, abstract 7B99 (Tr. ln-ta -,eofiz. :~T~' Gruz 603R, 19 19601 TEXT: The content of the decay products of -cadon an,,i t.horo- i i i air at a height of 1 Lind 4 m wa,-, i,,le-isured over ,;urfaces, 'v"ith a d 4 verse lithologic composition. The method of i-~ieasurement %,.,a.,; to (~x,- pose a negatively charged wire, 10 m in lon,-th, for _-' huurs -~it the same time of day. Re radia'Gion of the rOU31a Surface was deter- mined simultaneously by means of a Pa-1 (RP-1) device. 6even points were investigated in all. It was established as a reotilt that the concentration of thoron decay prodticts corralEitr-~-, ,-;ell _with th~e radioactivity of rocks ill the 1110,-ISUrement area. Viere is Card 1/2 Correlation of' natural ... i).1-',`,3/ D'-~ 07 no such correlation for the (luc;,ty pro(luoto, of It i,-, i.m1)o,.,,.-,- ible, to use the ~i,.T I licki Me t'-06 Uo 013 t ii:l: I iLo 4~- I, 10 11 u pe oi, t radioactivity, since thc concentrat.ion is averaged for aii itrea thut cmnoL bo coinp,,-ircii 1,o Lht~ ing off thoron. /-Abstracter', note; Complete Card 212 BARANOV, V. I.; NOVITSKAYA. A. P. Effect of moisture on emanation. hadiokhimlla 2 noolf:485-490 ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Radon) (Radioactive substances) 20622 A07 1 AUTHORS% Baran ov, V. 7 J, -Yakovi-e-7, Y-,~,V, TITLE. Radioautlva-.-n Developmen-, Kh:i:a.- r )g. PERIODICALF Zhurnal MendeLeye-rwL, i~-'10, N~, TEM The rad,'oa,1-'".-.,a-: 1. - r - . I--- " .1 ; I ~ '. f -, - riale ~n ~he pure mate It 14 highly sensitive, d e,~ c-.,- d r~S7P Maz- f x 1, particles and '.he its specificit~j traces of thG the more rec:ent air' .I cn if R T 1 " R e f 13-15) whi,,,h Card 1/10 2 ~-)6 2 2 AO: A,_;,_ Radioactiva' A.7-aly~ samples . By Y and purity t1he I I --~ o P, 7 ~t :7 a' tte usual ca1cu!ati,.,.-. :~f ~d leads to an estimat.ion q according to the energi,~.~ -I 2M a Tje of admixture preseDt i-.: sections t~ d m", v--.7 Thr measurement of the a7:e~, ~,17 p'r. photopeak contou-c of tie '2a-F:-,*.a-, gation does not en-ft -ft-a' it completely de3ayz; by the Lmt~ e e a e -n a Mad~, gf-a'MA.- G -,r L-,g -,v ithi[~ scintillation :3pp-.Y.. )!-C -de ----!~.7 )f 6 problem. Referen 7. th application of h, r a:: C e conducted a semiconductor --manuf act-rirg Card 2/10 2 2 2 1 Radioactivatior. mixture el tion spectrometei. A q G 10 N Y tector and the 3,,-, i rounded by a lea 1. i .1 T,,- f' Ir, 71 1 1 L 7 3 ltd t 50-chanziel .1 The analyzer -'I.c) baok-d -I I n time, combined with a t. e - o- 4 1 ray tube. R e,7~ E, to obtain the npE 7 T- 1~ 11 7 ',I'e a, -7 C D Y capacity. The 1, The estimated Zn i- ~C- -3~ 7 0 llo p ard ga, -.:-m 2-3-10-7,,, -1 irn p Fig. f -zh 'Ad e. ,r4 a' Further work wao --ri n-, processing of t~,-e f - Znq Cu, As and S~ f I (about 0.5 f e .7 ~7 Card 3/10 20~22 D I I ~D 2 1 1. 0 0~_ Rad i oac t iva t.. A-j a P- D e salts of the a I previously Int" ~,I~,M-' and ether. The wo~:~ num cases and i--radatc- for 24--2B houre. .4 f e -:~i p.: f -i Tr, p Y Na, the standsrd~. 7.-,. r, r 7. e e r I 1::Ti e f. F. analyzing thall' F,,- d f a T1204 for 1:. Ej med in the -F ~ ~.'j level , about 40,~6 e Tt,-, h E I Ye: _~:7 rer-ders th X-ray emission wi4-~-. a.- er s7gY n analysis diffici~.,. for, -.rT 43 1 q a.- F4,s. '2 A~-,vs ~,h,~ ---e I.:t' i!-- Th "v of the spectra of two 4n a:~; L e r _DW E (T photopeak of As+S- s, j7 Table 1 shows the no s, 1,,'i,, Cu Z-,-S*r, F_%d A~? ad- mixtures in the i L;.i a, t e a.-, a i Y a I s4 the adiEix- tures was carried ou.t t'~e t-le rh,-Yt.,)r;;ak+ heilghts of +VhE, Card 4/10 RadiouctiW.tit-M A-7 P-i- T. sample being analy..-.le-d End tl--3 m.")Mert Correction for tlh-~ g and w e r e m. e a s u r eY-.. dii 1 z n o. - 2 .Th e ~i .2 r% -t,-, C 0! i t f-t was cz3 tima ted aftei ca-I nulatf t1hf- a~ ---lute mas s of th admiytu-t- . a 1 a 2 gives 'the re'-luit"'. of thn of ,f carried out on tho jamma- ~~)c tr:,,:rPtr-r Y. I'l")"It in d-4, cussi ng the futu:~E- P:: :,z~ tA cf I I-g the -,,FLd4 t2 on Trr-. thc,4 o' ana lys i s th e ail th o:- t:.ra t of t:-,e d --' r-f 41 t i. ir. 11-C I ly iT~-~ i t -T h e main difficulty g-,sn, as tti'- fact Ih;it zdh,~. act- -t- ed with neutrons '~-eoTi~7 `~aelseivcs. _-,-s Eivcn a,:, an example. Another 11-*.-, ;.,. o th~? Sj7,-r-~ S It E,~ t ~- j! M obtained in th~, -,ue t.:. w h 1' c!% give a contin,.~ clu, t.- fl)~--,d diffi- culty ii3 the (I :~tF-o "r, 1 - o -I o- r 'a, e a t .,,n of which are weak in the main problerq Card 5/10 2 ,,-,22 0 1 /A C, Radioactival.; t new effective m p t Y, i:.~ f h e i 1 r F, - M, 1 of admixtures from ',-he ',--M3ir, t t.~:_ mm, ical purificatior i-i thi!4 case T-n)-it .7i;)t %p t-jo tho of *he short-liv4.rb arti.i.,ity, 1,-*,,,t,, Vic. lysis. By deve 10_4riZ the t r 0,--, -,,y 1 6 0 7: P a pp 1 i c ab 1 e f o _- an a I y L7,4- n g m, a ' -2 r i a h c E?. t e c T) t n s i -., e gamma-emitters them~eiverj. It- i f,., - t",e a- c c;;: mm e d 1 d e c r e i ~i c t 1, c C, L, LTI p - ton background by usintz mr~re 2e_-fecte3 %:,-pR-atuE-. Th& authors have developed a one-eh~-,-sl, automatic-, recordin of' ltl-lt~ h .9 C. 0 71 t E. 3 T + of the simult,,n&c-,..- '.r i7 ,vith subseouent cou-nting, )f tll~~ ence scheme. A third f.!~ t`r~= T, r I ry z t -a I s r. e c - I, A trometer fr)r sign-1, f-' t lessening the i Z~,) 1 2..:, -vit necessity of dt-.velopin- iii. o r 's h:- r d Card 6/1") 2o622 "/0( 7 /60/r it-.0, 51 /A020 Radioactivation Analysis of Pure Materials and Proopects of -1 tz Development isotopes. When investigating the admixtures of short-lived radioactivity, the activation analysis should be carried out near the reactor for this reason. The radio-chemical operations should be eliminated. Finally, the authors suggest that in order to detect, certain elements by the activation met'hod, it, would be most feasible to use fast neutron fluxes. in the case of detecting Al and 17C ~tdmiytures, for example the reaction on fast ne-atronz should be used: A127 I,- 24(n,p)Na24. (n,,3Qj,a24 and Mg The reaction on neutrons in the resonance ener,-y field might also prove useful in this connection. A si~;nificant incroase in the monochromatic neutron flux would then be ncc- essary .. The activation analysis method should be developed to,'.'ard a ccnl~ ant miri:imum' loss in its performance and toward increasing its productivity. Auto- :~_ation of nieasur~!,monti3 is sugCested, as wt~il as of tho ri~3ult procos3ing, yieldinj I L, ; a conplet~:! analytical chart of the S,,mplo. This can De facilitated by introducing into industry the activation netlhod of analysis of elements; by the computine technique. There are f igures, , 2 tables and 23 re- ferences: ~ Soviot, 14 English. Card 7/10 L0622 SZ06316010051005ZC11ZC2! A051/AO29 Radioactivation -'.nalysis of Pure 'Materials and Prospects of Its Development CIRI +. cd 0 0 5 channel Figure 1': Gamma-spectrum of an activated sample of Card 8/10 -9 ilicon. too As' 557ka cu~ Sb 55SvO 4- to 50. 4. r, 0 0 0 V to 30 WIWI- Figure 2 channel Gamma-3pectrum of two activated samples of thallium 20622 /c," " /~ C)I/oc,.-, /00 5/0' /0~ 1 A 0:-, ','// ANQ Radioactivation Anslysi-a. of P.2z-e F-:-pp:t4 -;~' -;:3 Dev,31opment, Table Re~qul ti, -~f gt" y, .1 f Sample Ni:-. 1 2, 9 0- 10-1 I C I "D 3 4 4 10- 3 0 1 f3 1 10 Card 9/10 20622 .A.,c "I /A 0 2 Radioaotivat4 Table 2.~ R e,.~,u I f -i f ...... ~,,z ie "era Sample No. 70 2 5 2, 6, Card 10/10 BUUMV, V.I.; GORBUSHINA., L.V. quantitative determination of lead and bismuth radioisotopes in the air of mines. Atom.energ. 9 no-1:56-57 Jl ,6o. (MIRA 13:7) Ojead-Isotopes) (Bismuth-Isotopes) (mine gases) BARANOV, V,I~; CHEN' YUYoVL?Y [CHIen V-6-wil Isolating radioactive calcium from mica for isotopic analysis Zhur,anal,khims 15 no.2:163-165 Y&r-Ap 160. (MIRA i3:7) 1. Institut (-,eokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I.Vornadskolplo All SSSR-;- Moskva. (Calcium--Isotopea) (MICA) A 83671 S/048/60/024/009/004/01; B01 5/'BOb_-') AUTHORS: Ba r a n ov , V ~ I G r 0 m 0 v D_z' _he_1_e_E_0Y_,__ -BS ZY Q n & Q h Q n g Bay, MalyshevA, T. V, Morozov, V. A. , Khot in, _B,_ A~_,__ Chumin, V, G~ TITLE; The New Isotopes Ir 184 and Pt187 71 __1 f PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicneskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 9t PP- 1079 - 1082 TEXT: The spectrum of the conversion electrons of the iridium fraction was analyzed by means of a P-spectrometer of the type Danish~ This fraction is formed during the disintegration of gold bombarded with 660-Mev protons. Radiochemically pure iridium without carriers was separated from a bombard- ed gold plate weighing 1 2 g (Ref. 1). The spectrum of the Ir conversion electrons showed some lines with a half-life of 3.1 0.3 hours. These were identified as L-120; M-120; K-264; L-264; M-264; K-391 and L-391 transitions,. Experimental data on these lines are collected in Table 1, The measured iridium spectrum ~Series 1) is shown in Fig. la, part of which is shown in a higher resolution in Fig. 1b. In addition, the L-., M-., and N-11ines of the Card 113 1,,', 6 71 The New Isotopes Ir 184 and Pt187 s/048/60/024/009/004/015 BO13/Bo63 120-kev gamma transition were studied by means of a -spectrometer with double focusing (of the type 7r-F2) and increased resolution (Ref. 2), The data obtained are given in Table 2, They indicate that the observed gamma transitions take place in the even-even osmium nucleus (Figs. 2 and 3). On the strength of the data obtained, the authors suggest a decay scheme for 184 Ir (Fig. 4). In addition to the above-mentioned lines, the iri.dium fraction contained numerous lines that belonged to other Ir isotopes~. '186 185 188 187 Ir ' Ir , and Ir .Next, the determination of the half-life of Pt is described. The half-life of this isotope was found to be 2.0 t 0.,4 hours. For comparison, tile half-life of the well-known isotope Pt186 was determined. Its half-life of 2.5 + 0-3 hours is in good agreement with the results of Ref. 7. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references-, 3 Soviet Card 213 b3b7l The New Isotopes Ir 184 and Pt lof", s/o48/60/024/ooq/oo4/ol5 B013/B063 ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analitichesko.) khimii im, V.. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemi5try imeni V. 1. Vernadakiv of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 3/3 B.~RANOV, V.I. ; KNORU, K.G. Yirst Soviet geochronological scale. Vent.0 SSSR 30 no.9: 102-103 5 160. (MI;iA 13:9) (Geological time) ZAYTSEVAp L.L.9 kand. khim. nauk; LEVSHINq B.V.;_BARANOVt V.I.p red.; KHLOPINq N.G.v red.; KNYAZEV, G.A,q otv. red,;- -AROlip-G.-M. 9 red* izd-va; BOCHEVERO V.T., tekhn. red. [Letters from V.G.Khlopin to V.I.Vernadskii; 1916-19431 Pislma V.G. Khlopina k V.I.Vernadskomu, 1916-191+3. Sost. L.L.Zaitseva i B.V.Lev- shin. Pod obshchei red. V.I.Bartinova i W.G.Khlopina, 1961, 88 (MIRA U,:46 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Arkhiv. (Khlopin, Vitalii Grigorlevich, 1890-1950) 1. J- ,9 KHLOPIN, Vitaliy Gcorp-1-7ovich W,9(~ T'50)- ZINTSEVA, L.L.; LEVS11ill, '~'V. , IMIYAM, G.A., otv, red.; BAI'LANOV, V.I.,--. - red. [Letters vritten to V.I.Vernadskii, 10,16-19431Pis'na k V.I. Vernedskomu, 1916-1943, Sost.: L.L.Zaitseva i B.Y.Levshin. Pod obsbchei red. M.Baranova i N.G.Khlopina, VoOlknra, Akad. nauk- 1961, 88 p. (M-iiA 15:9) (Vernadskii, Vladinir Ivanovich, 186,1--1945) 3/007/61/000/002/001/004 B107/B217 AUTHORS: Baranov, V. I., Titayeva, N. A. TITLE: Content of uranium, thorium, radium, and ionium in the Quaternary deposits of the valley of the Lena river PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, no. 2, 1961, 110-114 TEXT: The content of uranium, thorium, radium, and ionium (Th 232 ) in young and recent continental deposits at the Lena river was studied. The purpose of the work was to clarify the migration of these elements and the problem as to whether an absolute age determination with the aid of radioactive methods is possible. In 1958, 25 samples of peat, recent mud, and sandy loam have been collected; the larger part of the samples was from long fro- zen soil. The investigation of the samples was conducted jointly by the kafedra geokhimii (Department of Geochemistry)and the kafedra merzlotoveder.- iya (Department of Permafrost Study); K. I. Smirnova took part in the chemi- cal analyses. Uranium was determined by luminescence analysis according to L. L. Leonova (Geokhimiya, no. 8, 1956), ionium according to L. A. Khristia- nova, and radium and thorium were radiochemically determined. SiO 29 Cao, Card 1/4 S/007/61/000/002/001/004 Content of uranium ... B107/B217 Fe20,, MnO, C02 , and the humus content were determined in the spektrokhimi- cheskaya laboratoriya (Spectrochemical Laboratory). On the strength of these analytical values, the samples can be divided into two groups: 1) samples with more than 10% humus (11 samples): uranium 4.0 _ 15~O 10 g/g (average 9 10- 6g1g); thorium 0.1 - 1.2 10- 5glg (average 0.5 10- 5g/g); ionium 0.5 - 4,1 10- 6(in equilibrium units) (average 1.5 10- 6g1g); radium O~3 - 2z3 10 -6 g1g (in e uilibrium units) (average 1.2 10-6g1g); mean ratio Th/U = 0.5; U/jo = 6; UNa = 8; Jo/Ra = 1.2. (11) Samples with 'Lower humus content (14 samples): uranium 1.6 - 7.1 10- 6g1g (average 2.9 10- 6g1g); thorium 0.7 -- 1.4 10-5g1g (average 1.0 10- 5g1g); ionium 1.6 - 3.9 10- 6 g1g (in equilibrium units) (average 3.1 10- 6g/g); radium 2.0 .. 3.9 10- 6g/g (in equilibrium units) (average 2.8 10- 6g1g); mean ratio Th//U = 3.4; U/10 0.95; U/Ra = 1.05; Io/Ra = 1.2. Summing up: The first group with more than 1W~ humus is enriched in uranium but poor in thorium, ionium, and radium; Card 2/4 S/007/61/000/002/001/004 Content of uranium B107/B217 the radioactive equilibrium is considerably disturbed. The second group with lesb than 1C~ humus has a content of uranium, thorium, ionium, and radium that is about as high as the average content in sediments and soils; the radioactive ratio between uranium and radium is, independently of the age of the samples, not disturbed in contrast to the ratio uranium/ ionium, The parallf:1 behavior of radium, thorium, and ionium indicates a joint mi-. gration, most probably together with clastic and colloidal material. This is also confirmed by the correlation to the silicon and calcium content. A correlation to the iron and manganese content was not established. The sediments studied may, in used for the absolute age determina- tion by the ionium method, but further studies would be required. Professor V. A. Kudryavtsev is thanked for his help in field and laboraty work,, There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 14 references: 12 Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows K. M. Strom, Nature 162, no- 4128, 1948; R. F. Flint, Glacial and Pleistocene Geology, N- Y~, 10/47c Card 3/4 S/007/61/000/002/001/004 Content of uranium ... B107/B217 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra geokhimii Geologicheskogo fakul'teta Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Depart- ment of Geochemistry of the Geological Division of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 14, 1960 Card 4/4 -BA4AN(N,-V.I-,-DU LETYANI [Tu Lieh-Vion) Geochemistry of ur-anium and thorium in granite rocka of the Kyzyltau Massif (central Kazakhstan). Geokhimiia no.12:1059-1067 161. (II-MRA 15:3) 1. Chair of Geochemistry, Lomonosov State University, Moscow. (Kazakhstan-Uranium) (Kazakhstan-Thorium) BakNOV ~_ '~. 1 1 - T'iTIORRE y K. G. JAILge and evolution of mettioritic terrestrial natter in the light cf recent resoarch. ~ika xio.21:15-31 161, (IMMI 14-:11) (Meteorites--Age) (Earth--Age) BAILANW, V.I.: KNORRE, K.Cr. New dev,~-Iopment in determining the absolute reolopical age. Ves'" AN SSSR 31 no-10:131-232 0 '61. (maA 14:9) (Geological time-Congresses) BARANOV, Vladimir Illicb; GORBUSHINA, Lyudmila ValontlnoNma; VORONOVA, A.1cp reda; POPOVA, S~1-11., tokhn, red. [Safety measures in uranium mines] Voprosy bezopasnosti v urano- vykh rudnikakh. lloskva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 185 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Uranium mines and mining-Safety ireasures) S/169/6-2/000/011/003/077 D228/D307 ,'JJT I IOR - -13aranov, V.I. TITIL: The age of tile Earth P"ERIODICAL: Referativ-nyy zhurnal, Goofizika, no. 3.1, 1962, 9, abstract 11A42 (Byul. Komis. po oprodeleniyu absol- yutn. vozrasta geol. formatsiy, 'd4 SSSI~, no. 5, 1962t 7) TSX T Accordin,( to the data of O.Yu. Shraidt the primary condensation took place 7 billion years ago. According to the data of lead and other methods the age of the Larth is - 4.5 billion years, i.e. the -"arth must 'Llave been formed in the period betl-ieen 4.5 billion years, ago and the time of nucleogenesis. The author recommends that this circumstance should be taken into account when formulating a theory for the Zarth's formation. The advantage of considering jointly both the formation of chemical elements a-ad of the solar system is also noted. When determining the scale of rock ages, it is recommended that those figures which do not require the Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/011/003/077 The age of the Earth D223/D307 introduction of serious errors, based as a rule on hypotheses, should be taken into account. The practice of reckoning discordant figures to be rejects and of not taking them into account is, in the author's opinion, incorrect. Yk.i. Tugarinov is working on the use of these figures for the purpose of exposing the causes of cp their discrepancy. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete tra-nslatio,12 Card 2/2 i -c n o i: lent In ifl. arL t o Al Io ,71 r I~J, e BARAYOV, V.I.; VILENSKIY, V.D. Deter,unation of long-lived beta-particle radiators in atmospheric fallout. Radiokhimia 4 no-4:7*.86-492 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Radioactive fallout) (Beta rays) L 1;. 79 5/186/62/0014/001i/004/004 E071/E333 AUT110i,'LS: i3aranoy. V-T- and Vilensltiy, V.D. 010 TlTLE: Precipitation of Ilb- froi-ii the atmosphere F-Ei~IODICAL: Radioldiiiniyal v. 4t no. 4 t 1962, 49,-> - J.,C)G TEXT: A determination of the interisity of the precipitation of Fb 210 from the atmosphere i~as carried out using two vessels containing sortie distilled water ~~6uz%tvd about 3 it, apart. I r-I addition, the concentration of ~b in a number of samples of rain and snow and samples of ice on aeroplanes, collected from various points of the USSR, was dettrmined. 'rile fliethod used for the separation of 11b 210 before its d ,etermination will be described in a later communication. it was found that the intensity of precipitation varied greatly but the mean value-s were close to those calculated for a uniform distribution over the northern hemi~ybere, or somewhat higher. The data obtained indicated that Pb' could be an important component of the natural radioactive background of the Earth surface. On the basis of data on the content of Pb 21.0 in cloud droplets an CArd 1/2 1-recipitation of .... approximate estimation from air by cloud drvj)Lct~j cbud droplet.5 ab,5orbed the surroxinding air. S/186/62/004/004/004/001i E071/E333 of the efficiency of the removal of Pb 210 11 was carried out. T1 119 in(112W(l that % ronaiderable proporti. of Pb f rom There aro It tables SUBMITTLD: October 26, 1961 Card 2/2 BARANOV9, V.I.., prof. Radioactivity and geology. Veat. AN SSSR 32 no.2:17-22 F 162. (111RA 15s2) (Nuclear geophysics) : . 'j )j otv. red.; Zrm- otv- red.;, ',itJIANOV, V.I., i;rof., zar.. otv. r-C-cl.; rcel.; JULKAI"C"v, A.A., red.; G.D., rcd.; MURG, E.K., 1;rof., rod.; PEKARSKAYA, T.B.,,.kahd.-geo-I*-miner* nauk, red.; ARON, G.E., red. izd-va; GALIGPTOITA, L.M., teldm. red. (Tranonctions of the Tonth Session of the Comnission on the Doterviinp,tion of the Absolute Ago of Geological Formationsl 0 Jum 11-IC, Y,161ITrudy desiatoi .7~essii... ; 5-10 iiun:*L;~ 1961 1-fo'sIm%, Izet-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 379 p. (VIRA 15:11~* 1. Ahademiya nau]c SSSR. Komssiya po opredeleniyu absolk-utnogo vozi-astaLpologicheskikh formatsiy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akadoinii nauk SSM (for Starik, Afanns'~.ev). (Geological time) V.I. RARANOV, L.I. lOfEISTTANOVA (USSR) "Radioactivity of oceemic sedil:-)(nats." Rep,)rt -Prest-nted -at the Conference on Che,,:~istry ,i' Eirth's Crust.. 14-osoov,, 14-!,) Mar 63- LAVRUKIIINA, AvLusta ',,orstantinoviia; ' ALT'I'SHn'!i - qar--arr- Via d~ONT-a; -,-. - Cl ~71 . :~ro v FAITLOTSKAYA, Farmi IlliLi-chrla; ') ' I , . f-, 0-, - red.; E.S., red.; GUSEVA, A.P,., toklin. red. [Radiochemical analysis] lladiokhimicheskii analiz. Mloskva, ~jt.) ~. (Yr-Lk 16.12) 17.d-vo Al: S&Sli, 196-31. 1 , I ) BARMOV, V. 1., URUS, Ye. V.,, red KILIZ1117,TS(N, I. Vred, TIMUlLiCV. V.V,, red , 7!'~!UjV~ Yl.:,., red,; D.I.., red,, [Interaction of the 9ciences in the study of the earthl Vzaim.ode~stvie nauk pri -~michi---nii- AN ISSSIR, VlNCG,'-tAXV, A. P. , akademik, otv. red. ; BARANGV, V. 1. , red. ; BAf6UKGV, V. L. , red. ; BEUS, A.A. , red. ; W-L-TASSRO-,--R-G. , red.; GERASlMOVSKlY, V.I., red.; KORZHINSKIY, D.S., red.; RONOV, A.B., red.;'TUGARINOV, A.I., red.; KHITAROV, N.I., red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V.,, red.; TARASOV, L.S., red. izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn. red. [chemistry of the earth's cnist]Khimiia zemnoi kory; tnidy. Moskva, Izd-vo Aknd.nauk. Vol.l. 1963. 430 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Geokhimichaskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya stoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Akademika V.I.Vernadsliogo, T-loscow,i963. (Geochemistry) BA~-~MOV, V.I.; SEADYUKOVA, A.S.; GORBUSEINA, L.V.; NAMOlr, YEFRIKIDA, Z.11.; PANA,12111FOVA, red. [Lpboratory work and problems in radiometry] Laboratornye raboty i zadachi po radiometrii. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1964. 307 p. (MIRA 17:'~) AFPIIIAS'Yl',V) G.D., otv. red.; BAR.4Nov, v.j., prof., zam. otv. red.; SlICHERBAYOV, D.I., ~:'KacjeT~.ik, A.A., zA,:ademik. red. [deceased]; STAAIK, rodiiktor ; VINOGRADOV, A.F., akadeirilk, 'IFRLING, E.K., prof., red.; FEKARSKAYA, T.B., Rana. nauk, red.; BORSUK, A.1,11... red.izd-va; SINKINA, G.S., tekhr. red. [Iransactions of the Ilth session of the Cerixiission on the Detormination of the Absolute Age oC Goololyic,,;l Fc;rmationq., May 12-27, 19631 Trudy o(~innzicitsatoi ,:e,,;sil ... ; 1-'--"7 r,"aifl 1963 g. Mobkva, Izd-vo All SSSR, 1963. 390 p. -17:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSE!. Komissiya ~o opre~e-leniyu --bsolyut- nogo vozrasta geologicheskikh formatsiy. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN SS~R (for Afanaslyev, Starik). iih~a;uv) V.I.; ~--JhOZOVA, N.G.; YU:.';~SEILVA, K.G.; GRIGORIYEV, G.I. Geochemistry of some natural radioactive elements in soils. Pochvo- vedenie no.8.11-20 Ag 163. (MMA 16:9) 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni Vernadskogo. BARANOV, V.I., Prof. A conference on geological time hald at Moscow. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.9t89-90 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Geological time) BARANOV, V. I.; PAVLOTSKAYA, F. I.; TYURYUKANOVA, 'E. B.; et al "Some Regularities of the Distribution and Migration of Radioactive Elements in the Soi-l Stratum." report submitted for 2nd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 Aug- 9 Sep 64. BAIMOV, V.I., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, otv. red.; K111TROV, L.M., red. [Radioactive contmrination of seas and ocu-nnsl Radiw-3c- tivnaia zagriamennost' morei i olceanov. MoAva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1961,. ~27~ 1). (MIUA 17- 5) 1. Akadeti-ya nauk SSSR. Okeanograficheskaya korissiya. 2. Institut geoklAmii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo All SLZR (for Baranov, Khitrov). BARANOV, V.I.; KHRISTIANOV, V-K.; YARASEV, B.V.; PANOV, G.I. Neutron-boronometric sampling of outcrops and mine workings. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.3:349-353 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khiviii im. V.I Vernadskogo AN SSSR. T 5/00491 AGGESSION NRs AP4030336 (64/000/003/0349/0353 jx=RS1 Baranoyf Ve Iol Khristi&novp Ve Ko; Massy, Bo Vol Panoy# Go I* TITM Hoasuring baron by, the neutron method in outerops and rdne worldage SOURCEs AN SSM. Isv. Ser. soofis., no. 3# 1964, 349-353 !TOPIC TAGSt boron., neutron sonde.. neutron loggings SNW 5 counter ;ABSTRAM The authors describe a portable instrument used for boron detection and Imeasurement by neutron bombardment and furnish results of field tests. To make ithe instrument portable it was necessary to reduce the weight of current devices !and., consequently., to reduce the power of the neutron source. The neutron :retarder and reflector were combined in a single block. Sondes near the inversion !value were employed,, and this required a minimal length of 40 cm. Shorter sondes 'were too insensitive* The first instrument constructed weighed 16.5 kg and was tested in the field in 1960, A later model., tested for th3 present study., weigba ':but 8 kg. The instrument has three parts: 1) a retarder-reflector of 5-liter ,capacity; immersed in water; 2) a casette with two SM-5 counters it a P-shaped !boron-oadmium shield; and 3) a panel with amplifier, discriminator, transmitter, '.Card 1/2 1ACCESSION NR: Ap4o3O336 iactuator, generator, and rate counter. Sensitivity was found to be 0.01% B203 for la 10% decline in counter rate. Results on surface rocks and in mine workings show I ;the instrument to be satisfactory for rapid determination of boron mineralization without selection of rock samples. Results of profiling and of laboratory tests Ion the areas investigated are in good agreement. The Jnstrument is suitable for iexposed or slightly covered rocks* Either continuous or isolated readings may be made, and work may be carried out rapidlys permitting large areas to be covered !quickly* Orig, site haBt 4 figures. !ASSOGIATION: Akademiya nauk SM Institute gookhimii i analiticheskoy kbi-14 im, IV& L Vernadskogo, (Acadermy of Soienoes S=j, Institute of Geochemistr7 and Analytical Chemistry) SUBMUTED a Via& DATE AGQt 29Apr64 EML: 00 SUB GODEs 93 ND R1W SM OD2 OTEM ODO of* ...... . ACC NR, AP6033 173 SOUPICL' CODE: UR/0033/66/043/005/107411080 AUTHOR: Baranov, V. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Age of the Earth, heavy clements, and moicorites SOURCE: Astronomichcskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 5, 1966, 1074-1080 TOPIC TAGS: meteorite, radioactive decay, earth, heavy e) em ents, earth age, absolute age, uranium isotope, lead isotope ABSTRACT: Results obtained on the absolute age of the Earth, the chemical elements, and meteorites, using radioactive decay methods, are discussed. The value of 4. 5* 109 years for the age of the Earth and the meteorites is considered accurate if it is assumed 'hat both Nvere formed a' the same dime and from the same protoplanetary material through the process oA'differentiation. The upper limit of the Earth's age is found to correspond to that of the heavy chemical elements; this was computed by comparing the present and initial ratios of sotopes U235/U238 uranium i . The initial ratio, estimated empirically, was found to be equal to not more than 1. 64; this corresponds to a uranium age of 6. 6' 109 Card 1/2 UDC: 523. 231 -Cord BARANOVq V.I.; PAVLOTSYMA, F.I.; FFDOSFYFV, G.A.; TITRIT-KANOVA, F.B.; RODTONOVA, L.M.; BABICHEVA, Ye.V.; ZATSEPITI.,, L.-I.; VOSTrKID7'11.) Prinimali uchastiye: MICEL'YANOV, V.V.; BELYAY--7~'t, L.I.; "S.!.; MODCHANOVA, I.V. Di5tribution of Sr9O on the surfEce horizon of soils of the Soviet Union during 1959-1960. Atom. energ. IS no.3:246-250 Mr 165. (M1RA IS: 3) T ,1A"^.?*.( 1! , . ., :,T-C70'J.~ , *.." . Sl,o~-t-livinr, r-.f-(Ion d-'si.-Ae--ra',';(,,n in ~Victeor. 1 f- :~ . .( '.'T T ~~ ~ ( i - " ) . .-I P . ~ . . - , ACC NR, A1,6033 173 S()URCII CODL! AUTHOR: Baranov, V. I. ORG: none TITLE: Acyc of the Earth, heavy elements, and meteorites SOURCE-': Astronoinichuskiy vhurnal, v. zl~, no. 5, 1966, 1074-1080 TOPIC TAGS: meteorite, radioactive dcca, , earth, heavy elements, earth age, absolute age, uranium isotope, lead isotope ABSTRACT: Results obtained on the absolute age of the Earth, the chemical eloi-nents, and meteorites, using radioactive decay methods, are discussed. The value of 4. 5- 109 years for the aue of the Earth and the meteorites is considered accurate if it is assumed that both were formed at the sai-ne time and f-om the same protoplanetary material through tile Process of diffel-cliLiation. The uppcr limilt oil the Earth's a(fe is found to correspond to that of the heavy chemical elements; this was computed by comparing the present and initial ratios Of L k A -U235/-U238. The initial ratio, estimated ernpir-ca"ly, was found aranium isotopes L I -Lo be equal to not more than 1. 64; 'this corresponds to a uranium age of 6. 6* 100- Card 1 2 'UDC: 523. 231 ACC NR: APGO33173 years. The upper limit of the age of the Earth's crust is estimited ~7,s the time necessary for radiogenic lead isotopes to reach their present concentration in the Earth's crust. This time depends on the lead -to - uranium ratio, which -if taken as 33 (based on estimated abyssal rock age) indicates 7. 5- 109 years to be the upper limit of the age of the Earth's crust. Recent. estimates of 6* 109 years and over, therefore, for terrestrial rocks and meteorites are not considered unreasonable. Oria. art. has: 2 figures. [Author's abstract] [SP] SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 11Jan66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001/ C.,d 2 2 UAYANOV , '~ . .' ~ , P - (-, (I- , ~':! - , i, % ~ " Gron ', ~,c. i r-n U -i li - I.",, p '71 ., I . , I .. 1 .11 1,4 - '!~~ ": 1 , .; - 1-: :'',1" - I(', c . ., r a r ~d i I ~ 4 rl(, " A I , ~( " 1 " L " ) -. 1; " ;1 ~~ : 11 ), !- 4 -,. f - -- - - l7 7' I ~ 3 - . -- . -Cl - ; " 1 5 1 ~ ov I -,, ~ , "; , '. , I ~: ~ , ~~ i I ... I I . 'i .. 1. - . . . . V.I., profesaor; AMZOV, A.Ta., skadamik. glavnyy radaktor; LIVA- '7-AdVo.-N.A., professor, otvatstvennyy redaktor; RASSTRIGIN' M.A., tekh- nichaskiy redaktor. [Kuligaahl Kuligash. Izd-vo Kazanskogo filials, Akademii nauk S=, 1948. 72 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Xazenokii filial, Kazan. Trudy. Sariia biologichezkikh i sallskokhoziaistvennylch nauk, no.1) (MLU 10: 2) (Aktanysh District-Swamps) 7~ ': '~' 1.,~V ,'V . I 25440 ,:)vye -liotsenovoy 71ory `rLe. ED'U!-n. 110. 11 S. '10-9, SO: f I I I 30, l'ibb RARA OV, V.I. Forest history of the Volga-lama region. Izv.Kazan.fil.AN SM.Ser. biol.i sellkhoz.nauk no.1:37-61 149. (MLRL 10:2) (Volga Valley--Trees, Fossil) ti R M Pi () V, V. -P A 41P" j= Prei,.aration of the products of reduction of carbon dioxide, labelled with carbon 14" I by the chloroplasts outside a cell. A. P. V-1nogradov, E. A. Boichenko; an,d V. - -A '18, 32-- 7 44) 7937h.- ~ov, Doklady Akad. Naut S.S.S.R. 7-795l); cf. C.A. C!-J, ro4vas~ white clover or primala, isolated from the cells, were examd. in C(),,, labelled witli; C in t1ae preselice of 241- C) by ma.,iometric techi:ique. Control expts. w;Ji7 boiled ctloroplasts gave no C111 activity in the exts., but active cl,,loroplasts 6ave sig- n1ficant activity'A and almost all activity was pptd. by Ba as a complex, which contains O.,)c,'~ P and is free of N, consisting largely of carbo-hydrate-like materials, giving ~Lroilc acid reaction, and other carboxylic acids. The latter increase in proportion oil cloudy days, ti-,e former predominate in specimens taken on sunny days. In Prolonged expts. some 70% of the retain;d c14 is extractable with EtOll, in the ketose fractions. Thus, the process of reduction procceds via carboxyl)c acids do not reduce Cu, then uronic acids, then ketoses. G. M. Kosolapoff BARA-MV, V.I., professor; KIMBERG, V.A.: redaktor; KRASHIMINNIKOVii, V.F. --- rakhnicheakiy redaktor. [What the Kaqrshin sandstones and the Yergeni Hills sand tell us; the history of vegetation In the lower Volga Valley] 0 chem govoriat peschaniki Kaqrshina I peski Ergenei; k istorii rastitel'- nosti Nizhnego Povolozhlia. Stalingrad, Oblastnoe knigoizdatel'stvo 1952. 46 P. (MLRA 8:8) (Volga Valley--Paleontology) '-- BARASOV, V.I.: VASILsYZVA, I.M. On the way to the utilization and reorganization of the vegetation resources of the Tatar L.S.S.R. 1zv.X&zan.fil.AN SSM. Sar.biol.i sel'khoz.nauk no-3:23-48 '5Z. (HuL 10-.2) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Botany, Economic) BAPANOV, V. I. "Steps in the Development of Flora and Vegetation of the USSR DurinE the Tertliar~7 Period, " Re-viewed b37 A. Kbriahtofo-vich, Bot. Zhur., 7, 1-1,o.4, 19':)22. ~,, .1 1. 1 . -Ii / I BARANOV,V.1. New fossil flora from ferruginuuB anndatone of the Yergeni series discovered by V.A.Nikolsev. Izv.Kazan.fil.AN SSSR. Ser.geol.nnuk no.2:27-36 154. (MLRA 8.11) (Stalingrad Province--Paleobotany) .,RARANOV, V.I. (,Kazan') History of flora in the works of Kazan botanists. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 115 no.10:70 '55. (MLRA 10:5) (Kazan--Botanical research) RARANOV, V.I.; MOKSHINA, O.M. %Wm - , . New species of the Paloozons flora of Kamyshin. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 116 no.1:183-185 '55. (MLRA 10:5) 1.Kafedra sistematiki rastenly. (Kamyshin district--Trees, Fossil) BARANOV, V.I. "Middle Miocene flora of Zaleacy near Wisnioviec" [in Polish]. Hanna Gzaczettewa. Reviewed by V.I.Baraz*v. Bot.zhur.41 ite.2:280-281 F 156. (MlaA 9:7) l.Kazanskiy gesudarstvennyy universitet. (Vishnovats region-Palsobotany) (Czcczettowa, Hanna) BAR&NDV, V.I.; NIKOLAYEVA, O.G. Fossil wood from the qpper Gretaceous deposits of the Yenisei Ridge. Dokl.AN SSSR 107 no.1:125-127 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:7) l.Kazanskiy goeudarstvennyv universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova~ Lenina. Predatavleno akademikom V.N.Sukachevym. (Yenisei Ridge--Trees, Yossil) BAqANOV, V.I., professor. Developmental stagon of the flora and vegetation of the U.S.S.R. in the Tertiary poriod. Pt.4: Now materials on Tertiary flora. Indexes of plant and animal names mentioned in the text. Uch. zap.Kaz.un. 116 no-10:5-47 '56. (MLRA 10:3) (Paleobotany, Stratirraphic) AISKS YICV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich; GUSEV, Nikolay Alekseyevich; doktor biologicheskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy redaktor: MAKAROVA, O.V., redaktor Izdatel'stva; POLYAKOVA, T-V., takhnicheskiy redaktor CNffect of mineral nourishment on tho water balanca of plants] Vliianie minerallnogo pitaniia na vodnyl reatenii. Moskva, I2d-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 195?. 223 P. (MLRA 1():B) (Plants, Effect of minerals on) BARANOV, V. 1. Photography and drawing in a botaniE;t'E; work. Bot.zhur. 114 no.8:1117-1119 Ag '59- (MIU 13:2) 1. KazanBkiy gonudarstvannyy universitet im. V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Botanical resoarch) RARATIOV, V.I.; MIKMYLOVA, L.P. Pal7nological characteristics of Pliocene sediments of the Ik River in Menzelinsk District, Tatar A.S.S.R. UL ugh. zap. Xaz. un. 117 no.9:223-226 157. -(MRA 13:1) l.Kazanski7 gosudarstvenn7y univerBitet im. V.I. Ullyanova- Lenina. Kafedra sistematiki rasteniy. (Ik Valley--Pollen, Fossil) RARANOV,- Vladimir Isaakiyevich, prof.; YAKMOVSKAYA, T.A., red., SIDOROVA, V.I., red.izd-va; GRIGORCHUK, L.A.. [Stages of the development of Tertiary flora and vegetation in the U.S.S.R.] Etapy razvitiia flory i rastitel'nosti v tratichnom poriode no territorii SSSR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysahaia Bhkolz," 1959. 363 P. (MI11A 13:4) aloobotaay, Stratig-raphic) ARISKINA, Pins. Petrovna; BAMOV, V.I., prof., red.; GAYFULLIN, Sh.A., red.; SEMENOV, Yu.1'.-,-t&kh-n-.---r-ed. [Sedges of the Tatar A.S.S.R. (classifioation key)]Osokd Ta- tarskoi ASSR (opredelitell); posobie d1la studentov universi- tetov, pedagogicheskikh i sellskokhoziaistvemykh institutov, uchitelei i kraevedov-liubitelei. Kazan?, Izd-vo Kazanskogo Univ., 1961. 50 P. WIRA 15.6) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Sedges) BARANOV, V.L$ prof* New developments in the determination of absol-ute afe Vest. AN SSSR 31 no.4:119-120 AP 161. '1 iRA 14:4) (Geological time) 10~ - 4 Cv, V. I .ccont "ind of upper Oli,-ocmc, fic);-i, 'n Dokl. .d ~SST! 136 no. 3:678-67~ J:i 1!, :2) iii,.eni V.I. Lenina. Prodstav! cno al:1-o c:~ V. . -t (4,11; ~ t" 11 lc~y 1 -11, - -~ BAPUNOV y V. 1. ; YA'IAYKII;, L. A. Developuent of flora and v,;,.I~ctition during the Kinell time ill thEl loj4or Kviia Wdloy. Probl. '?,)t. o:18-1'1~ 162. (MRA 16:5) (Kwua Valley-Pale-botwtv 1, Stratigraphic) BARANOV, V.I. Studies -m linleofloristics and mi.cropnylcgeny at the N-1partment of Plant Cla~qsificatdon of the Kazan State University. B.,~t,-zbur. 49 no.10A1524-1527 0 164. (MMH~ :L8,,I) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V,:.Ul'.v&ncva-Ttlnina, 1. -T S/216/62/000/006/002,/002 Aoo4/'Ai27 AUTHORS: Gazenko, O.G., Limanskiy, Yu.P., Razumeyev, A.N., Izosimov, G.V., Darariov, V.I., Chicl-a(in, V.A., Gaydamakin, N.A. TITIX: Method of registering the action potentials of neurons of vestibular nuclei upon adequate stimulation of vestibular receptors In the cat PMIODICAL: Akademiya nauk QSSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 6, 1962, 925 - 928 TEX'T: The studies carried out were aimed at registering the action poten- tials of individual neurons of vestibular nuclei, particularly of the Deuters nu- cleus, during a motionless position of the animal and the reaction of these neu- rons on a stimulation of the vestibular apparatlis during a vertical passive dis- placement of the animal. The tests were conducted on 17 cats on which action po- tentials of more than 500 neurons in the area of-vestibular nuclei were regis- tered. The authors describe the test conditions and the special test stand on which the animls were placed. The data obtained are being analyzed at present. Of the action potentials of 500 neurons registered, 6 gr,ups of nerve cells were Card 1/2 Method of registering the action potent-1als of .... A004/A 127 separated, which were grouped according to the following symptoms: 1) Increase in the background rhythm in stimulating the receptors - 439 cells; 2) slowing down of the background rhythm - 20; 3) increase in the background rhythm when moving the platform downwards - 14; 14) increase in the background rhythm when moving the platform upwards - 7; 5) neurons detecting the restoration of the background rhythm after motion sickness - 70; 6) neurons not detecting the re- storation of the background rhythm in the period after motion sickness - 397. 51 neurons did not show any response to the stimulation of receptors. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4o42653 S/OOOO/63/OO0/OO0/O056/OO6O AUTHOR: Baranov, V. I.; Gyurdzhinn, A. A.; Lomova, M. A.; Radkevich, L. A.; Tutochkina, L. T.; Fedorova, T. A.; Furayeva, L. P.; Khn*chev, S. S.; Artemlyeva, N. S. TITLE: The effect of gravit.-f on the development of organisms SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviat6ionnoy i kosmicheskoy meditsine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy* konferentsii. MoGcow, 19063, 56-60 TOPIC TAGS: gravity, centrifuge, organism development, physiological function, rat, chronic centrifugation, blood compouition, urine composition, Coriolis acceleration ABSTRACT: In this investigation, &-iranov and his co-workers designed a centrifuge for small animals with an arm radiun of 135 cm which could be regulated to produce artificial gravitational fields of from 4 to 5 g. The centrifuge was arranged in such a way that the arms and cages at the end of the arms would simultaneously rotate around their axes producing Coriolis accelerations. A single control panel Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AT4042653 regulated the photography and illumination of cage interiors, automatic feeding of the animals, and the revolving rate of the centrifuge. It was possible to record five separate physiological functions from some specially prepared animals. Experiments were conducted on white rats, commencing on the first day after birth and continuing for 25 days. Litters consisting of 200 animals were divided into experimental and control groups. All animals were born at approximately the same time. Experimental animals were subjected to accelerations ranging from 1.5 to 3 g for periods of from it to 6 hours, 6 days per week. The weighing of all animals took place every three days as did biochemical assays of the blood and urine, tests of vestibular activity, and the determination of the time of sexual maturity in female animals. At the termination of the experiment, a comparative test of the response of both experimental and control animals to brief accelora- tions of 5, 10 and 20 g was conducted. After 20--25 days, the body weight of chronically centrifuged animals was 60--801% that of the controls. The composi- tion of erjLhrocytes (89.6%), leukocyten (93.16), and hemoglobin (99.1%) in the blood of experimental animals with respect to control animala reflected a slii:-htly anemic condition. 'Uhile blood albumin in experimental animals was some- 'i.hCAL lower than in the controls, serum mucoid composition was higher, indicating a ciiant-,c u" dycLrophic character. Urine nasaya of experimental animals showed that Lkte av,-Ia uf Dicho-pooitive i;ubatance (48%), nitro,.-vil (6;1~0' creatino (31%), I card 215