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L- 6451-66 A=SION 0: AX5019658 arl. The estimate of this'vibration to the static dielectric constant Is estimated to be -6. The temperature variation of the transmission coefficient vas measured in the range 295--150K. Altbovab the experimental setup did not make it possible to,reach the phase transition temperature (323K),, it io deduced from the shift of the absorption bWA (-10 art agilust the -theoretical -2b eel) that the - optical *or .cillations of MP04 have an anomalous ferroelectric behavior near the Curie point, Orig. art. bast 2 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Fizicbeskiy Institut in. Pe N. labeden AN SSSRr Moscow (Institute of PlWaics; AN 88SR) SUWTTHDt 09M&265 ENCLi 01 so COODE: IN., OP ICR MW SOVt 007 OTMM 1 008 Card 2/3 AREFIYEV, 1.M.; .~AZHULTH, P.A. , ZHEAUDEV, I.S. Long-wave infrared tranmaisaion spectra of NH442PO4. F-.z. tvar. tela 7 no.9--2834-.2836 S t65. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Fizichesk:~y institut imeni P.N.Lebodeva AN SSSR, Moskva. L-10859-66 EWT(M)AWMAWA(C) IJPW Rld ACC NR: AP5028255 SOME CODE: UR/0379/65/001/004/0536/0540 .5- 577 C~ ;,AUTHOR: Chekunov, A. V.; lazhulin, P. A. 575, W/ .ORG.*' Noscow State UniWrittl to, H. V. L~tgon2Ley_(Hooskovskly gosuniversitat)t2D ;TITLE: Study of intermotecular,*Lnteraction between pX!idine nd iodine by means I i a .of infrared absorption spectra ,SOURCE: Teoreticheskaya I eksperimental'naya khimiya,v. 1, no. 4, 1965, 536-540 TOPIC TAGS: pyridine, iodine, IR spectrum, intermolecular complex .ABSTRACT: The intensity, width, and shift of the most characteristic absorption r ~bands of pyridine weri studied In ternary systew(pyridine + Iodine.+ solvent), ! .I and the data obtained were used to determine the equilibrium constant (K) and bind- ing energy (U). Spectra of the solutions were recorded with an M-14 spectrometers :with an NaCl prism. The solvents were CC14, methylene chloride, and bromoform. An increase in the intensity of ths T12 IR band of pyridine indicated the formation' of a complGz botween the latter and iodine; this was confirmed by measurements of :, the binding energy. From the results obtained, some cAmclusions are drawn concern-:-- ~ing the magnitude of the shift of the vibrational frequency Yj; it to postulated :that th; degree of shift of Yl in the complex characterizes the strength of the Card I/ ------ L 21222:0 EWT(m)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD ACC NR'Q AP6003812 SOURCE CODE: uR/Wi/66/oWool/0272/027A AUTHORS: --Areflyev I M Gavrilova, .L- ~- * I ' 174 -1 Hri T _L ~ ~- $ I. V.: Zheludev', I. le-,eased ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev ANSSSR, Moscow (Fizi eskiy institut AN 33SR7- TITLE: Temperature dependence of the intensity of light scattering ~in oriented single crystals of KH' PO and Rochelle salt .2 4 ;SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tedal, _v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 272-274 ;'TOPIC TAGS:. ferroelectric crystal, phase transition, light scatter- ;ing, temperature dependence, light polarization, elastic modulus, crystal lattice vibration, Curie point, paraelectricity, piezoelectric ,property :ABSTRACT: The purpose o1' the measurement of the temperature-depend- lence was to check whether the ferroelectric phase transition in these, crystals is connected with Instability of the crystal against.optical' -lattice vibrations. The.experiment was made with a spectrometer Card 113 L 21222-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo3812 O~ ,(DFS-12) whose output was photoelectrically recorded. The illumina- .tor and the sampl6-cooling system are described elsewhere (A. V. ~;Rakov, Tr. PIAN v. 27, lllj 1964). The investigated crystals were ,transparent with cross sections 7.5 x 7.5 mm and lengths 20, 23, and 49 mm. The Rocbelle.-salt crystals measured 7.5 x 7.5 x 30 mm. The 0 intensity of scattering was measured at the maximum of the iig 4358 A Iine under smooth variation of the temperature. The results were.- .strongly.dependent on the polarization, and In the case of one. type ,'of polarization the intensity.of the scattered light had a variation similar to that of the reciprocal of.the elastic constant. It is ~concluded on this basis that the scattering is produced by~anomalous' :acoustic vibrations. In the case of Rochelle salt, the effectAs 'less pronounced in KHPO and no Increase in the scattering intensity, 41 This indicates that the '.is observed at the~second Curie point. !structure of the Rochelle salt crystal is different in the two para- .electric phases. No low frequency Raman scattering spectrum was ob iserved., and it is therefore deduced that the increase in the seat- tering intensity of the Curie point is connected with the anomalous behavior of the acoustic lattice vibrations. It is concluded on the Card L 21222-66 ACC NR: AP6003312 basis of these results and earlier data by the authors (FTT v.. 7., 2413, 1965) that tbe~ferroelectric phase transition In both salts is due to the instability of the crystal against the a.-oustic-and optical vibrations of the lattice, which are interelated by the piezoeffect. The authors thank 0. P. Motulevich and D. G. Sannikov 'for a useful discussion. .0rig. art. has: 2 figures :SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Aug65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF-- 003 Card AP6024483 AUTHOR: Bazhulin, P.A.; Rakhimov, A. A. SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/OOLiOOT/2163/216T (Fiziebeakiy institut AN ORG: Pbysics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev AN SSSR, Moscow SSSR)' TITLE: Investigation of the long-wave infrared abso tion spectrum of naphthalenJ diphenyl, and p-dichlorobenzene SOURCE: 1966, 21631-2167 lizika tverdogo tela, v. 8~ no. TOPIC TAGS: ir spectrum, absorption spectrum, Raman spectroscopy, naphthalene, diphenyl compound, line width, temperatke.;.-dependence, crystal symmetry, selection rule ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (FTT v. 7, 2088, 1965; Opt. i spektr. v. 16, 1027, 1964) of the natural-frequency lines of these substances by Raman spectroscopy. The present investigation used the ir absorption spectral method which has not been extensively used in the past for the study of lov-frequency spectr of molecular crystals. The absorption spectra were recorded with a long-wave Spec- trometer described elsewhere (Trudy kom=Issii po spektroakopii AN SSSR, no. 1, 14aterialy XV Vsesoyuz, soveshcbaniye po spektroakopii (Minsk, 1963) v. 2s 650, 196h). The frequency change at 93 and 328K was investigated in the spectral interval 30 - . 04M-67 ACC NR, AP6024483 200 cm-1. In addition, the temperature dependence of the line vidth of naphthalene vas also measured in the Raman and infrared bands. Attempts are made to identify the transitions corresponding to the different spectral lines and to reconcile some dis- crepancies in earlier investigations. Possible violations of the selection rules and violations in the symmetry of the real crystal are discussed. The authors thant 1. M. Areflyev for help with vork, and G. V. Peregudov and L. A. Shelepin for a dia- cussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 2 f1gures and 1 table MM OODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Dec65/ ORIG MW: 013/ MH MW: 008/ 2/2afs ACC NR4 AM028340 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/004/060~/"~ AUTHOR: Bazhuling P. A. (deceased); Kartashev, A* V.; Markovo M& N# ORG: no-fm-'-- TITLE: Study of the angular and spectral distribution terrestrial radiation In the Infrared spectral range from the Mosmos-45 earth satellite SOURCE: Xosmichaskiyo Isslodovanlyst v. 4. no. 41 1966, 601-618 TOPIC TAGSt atmospheric radiationp IR spectrometer, spectrometry, scientific satellites optic albodo / roamos-45 scientific satellite ABSTIUCT: Surnmarys A scanning infrared spectrometer system Is described which has an angular resolution of A % 10%jradians, covering the spectrum from Oe8 to The 6haracteristics and 31.9 with spectral resolution of bettor than t2A. operation of the spectrometer and the associated data-rocording equipment are given, together with the experimental data on Infrared atmospheric radiation and the Earth's albedo collected during *no orbit of the Kosmos-45 satellite. P. A. 13azhulin and his associates des'cribe a Wended for use in the study of the Earth s energy balance in the infrared region but which~, through interpretation of the results, may also supply data on the molecular content and temperature of the atmosphere at various altitudes. 77he spectrometer is capable of measuring angular and spectral infrared radiation simultaneously; it was used for this purpose in October 4962 and June 1963,__inyerticall launched rockets which eeached an altitude of 500 krn [27). CA'rd 1/13 , UDCt 551e521,2 1 ACC __ NR,_AP6028346--- As an extension.of these studies, a spectrometer"6f *the same tyipe'---1 but'with the addition of a iecording system scanned seven regions of the .Earth during one orbit of the Kosmos-45 satellite (launched on 13 September *1964) -. The atmbsph6re below the satellite war, scanned in a direction perpendicular to the satellite's trajectory. Even though the experiment was of limited duration, a wide variety of conditions were encountered. Both illuminated and dark regions of the Earth were observed. Three of the seven regions covered were in the southern hemisphere, 'four were over ocean bodies, and one was above a spiral cloud formation near Japan. In %eneral, the amount of cloud cover was different for each region. The spectrometer employed, in'these studies comprises a scanning mirror and lens system, a filter arrapgement, a bolometer, an amplifier,.a re- cording system, and a programming unit (Figs. I and.2)., -The spectrometers launched in the rockets operated i~ apnjunction with a telemetry system. In the satellite experiment, a'magpetic oiscillograph was used and the recorded film was recove .red. The spectrometer system operates as follows: A flat scanning mirror -is rotated twice thIrciugh 11 radians VLH/2 radians from the direction -f the nadir) every 10-15 minutesi with a scanning speed of 2 x 10-2 rad/bec (dete.rmingO.b.Y. a. heimq~tipally_ nealed. drive, niIkq4aqt3M). radiation ACC NRI'"'AP6028340 from the scanned region enters a* slotted rectangular iris diaphragm, whose', sides are in the ratio of 1:10 and 1:30, passes through a Cassegrainian reflector lens (effective diameter, 33 mm,, focal length, 200 *mm), and falls f' on the bolometer. detector. The path between the bolomet6r and the lens is-f periodicailyinter'ruptedby filters arranged nonsymmetrically along the druni :circumferenc* androtated et 7 rpm. quch-44. Arr$090.108.At-pr.0-490-mpuised. .!Ignals at the outpAotthe bolometer.1 Card 3/13 0 iv. Lens. J. 044 oof d- 4/13 ACC -NR, -A P6028340 5/13 1b --------------- ACC NRI AP6028340 Fig. 1. Diagram and photograph of spectrometer 1 Scanning mirror; 2 - bolometer; 3 - modulating filter; 4 - concentrating window; 5 - slotted diaphragm; 6 - internal tube; 7 spherical mirror l; 8 - spherical mirror 2. The filters - thin crystal plates - separate out different infrared spectrumbands. Four filters were used: a quartz crystal 1"m thick with bandpass between 4.5 and 38 ij; a 0.7-mm lithium fluoride crystal (8.5 to 38 p); a 0.7-mm fluorite crystal (12.5-38 19, and a nontransparent metallic plate with bandpass between 0.8 and 38 u. The bolometer has a sensing ,element made of a 0.3 x 9 mm calcium bromide crystal plate 1 mm thick 'which determines the, upper cut-off wavelength. It has a time constant of 5-7 msec, a resistance of 1.000 ohms, and a conversion factor of 40 v1w. At a mod0lating frequency of 30-4-0 cps, its detectivity is 1. 5 x 10 9 (Cps-cm)~ /W. The pulsed signals from the bolometer are amplified by a vacuum tube amplifier with two outputs. The permalloy- shielded amplifier has a voltage gain, passband, and sensitivity threshold of approximately 106, 0.5-200 cps, and 10-9 v/cps, respectively. To keep the sensitivity constant, t! detector- amDlifier.combinatiqn ~q.periodtcall calibrated by !npar)s ofli 4t r an om d 6/13 AC~ ?tR- AP6028340'-. 'Incandescent lamp. Calibration is accomplished at instants when the scanning 1. mirror Is directed at the horizon. The power consumption of the bolometer- .amplifier combination is 0,5 w'. The two outputs from the amplifier drive two magnetic osciUog;raph channels (see Fig. 24) which record the infrared radiation in two sensitivity ranges. The recbrding film transport speed is 25 mm/sec; 'thi roll contains 100 m of film. The length -of AAd scanning is cofitrolled by a special unit .(see Fig. 2b) which stops both the scanning system and the recorder during the intervals between I ~_ 15 recording sessions; The measurement accuracy, for total- radiation is �1%, which corresponds b. a to a change in effective temperature df the radiating object of only O.B*K. However, the Fig. 2. Magnetic oad3lowsph (a) and control unit (b) error in determining the radiation in narrow, sub-bands (�2 P) which werewithin the spectrum under -investigation was "�6%.* Ile total weight of the equipment is approxi- mately XO kg. The experimental data obtained by the satellite we-e in the form* of 10. 000-Mgh-quality spectroscopic samples., On the basis of these data a M_ Card 7/13 NRo AP6028340 -.table was prepared of the radiation flux corresponding to the radiation from ;I M2 of the Earth Is surface and the equivalent temperature corresponding to ,the black body temperature radiating the same flux. The readings from dif- 'ferent spectra were subtracted to derive the fol'lowing four narrow spectral -bands especially tailored to trap different energies: ~1) The 0. 8-4.5-9 band, where half of the energy from the Sun is concen- -trated. The thermal radiation from the Earth is small, however (only a I Ahe unDer Iraction-of-A per ent of the total terrestrial radiation), Nyhen layer of the atmosphere is scanned, hydroxyl radiation may be registerid here. 2) The 4.5-8.5-11 band, where, for a black body temperature of 250*K, ~016 of total terrestial radiation is found. The absorption bands of H20, NO, N;.O, CH4, and OH fall within this range. 3) The 8.5-12.5-11 band (atmospheric window) covers the absorption band of water vapor and Oz (10-15% of the total). In 7596*of the cases, radiation from clouds is recorded in this band. ~4) _ Th!i~ 12. 5- 38 u band.overlaps the CO 2 absorption band. Of the total ACC NRs AP6028340 i radiation registeied here, 80-90% is due to water vapor.' The data obtained Ftre subdivided into two types according to angle of view. On the basis of data of the first type (angle of view less than 1- 1. 5 rad from -the direction of the nadir), radiation due to the Earth and :the atmosphere, including clouds, maybe analyzed. Data of the second type (angle of view closetothe horizontal) make it possible to analyze the free. atmosphere and, particularly,, the effects of the. i.onosphere. Ime i L)ata Table I shows the average -radiation flux Q, equivalent temperature 'Teq- , and the radiation spectrum density I for various climatological con- 'ditions and geographic locations. The view angle corresponding to this !data was 0.6-0.8 rad from the direction of the nadir. It can be seen that there is no conspicuous variation in the table entries for different condi- tions. The variation in the radiation flux and temperature is greatest in the atmospheric window band. The average temperature in this band (2769K) A in good agroement with temper4tures me.asured by the Tiros J71 patellite by 11ordbarg 4-t al. (140rdbOrg, We, U." 1G. Bandeens Be Je COnrath, V. lUnde, and -L POrsano. Preliminary results of radiation measure nrq from the Tiros III MtOorological Satellite, Journal of the atmospheric sciences, ve 19t no. it 19629 2 -30. Card 0/1,4 ~kCC-NR AP602-8.340 The most interesting results were observed in the 4.5-8.5 ji band: -in this band inversion attains values of 40-45*K, and the average equiva- 'lent temperature (277*K) is somewhat higher than expected if the main 'Coiltribution is considered to be the radiation due to water vapor from the upper troposphere and stratosphere. The temperature in the 4.5-8.5 jj band was considerably higher in the Southern hemisphere and during the night.~ In 20-30*16 of the cases studied, the equivalent temperature in the 4.5-8.5 4 band exceeds.the.temperature in the atmospheric window band (8.5-12..S P), From'the temperature correiation dita, it was e-sitablished that tne same-. atmospheric radiation componentg contribute to the radiation flux for both the 8.5-12.5 and 12.5-38 v, bands. However, the radiation registered in the 4.5-8.5 P band was not recorded in the other bands.. This gave rise to speculation that the radiation in, this band is.due. to the.products of dis- sociation of H2(?,_ 1~4?, and 1~20~' Card 10/13 1A~C.NR, AP6028340 CO OOft W4. Arr g"r m orr Tr -TTT T l ?I .!M 81 0 .;S~D- up M - I al Cn rf 0. El > 0 Z "Wa C) ~ i, .~ Ca E " 0 3C~ , l . t o C" Ch Is CEO- W CA Cm n CA cc -4 m tn." to ~A Cr. ' The average albedo for scanning angles of 0.3-0.8 rad was* 3 976, the 2 average absorbed radiation from the sun was 600 W/M , and the radiation reflected into space was 230 W/M2. In all cases except one, th o incioming ' .radiation was greater than the outgoing radiation. The exception was accom-- panied by-a high value of the albedo and its variation -(~QT20%). -ACC NRs AM028340 -d, but the The inirared radiation at altitudes of 280 km wai studie results must be considered only preliminary, since the experiment was of limited duration, the satellite trajectory was such that it covered both the illuminated and dark sides of the Earth, and the latitudes varied with height. Nevertheless, it was established that the infrared radiation is con-, *centrated in the 4.5-8.5 P band and that its maximum is somewhere between' 1250 and 300 km. The total infrared radiation measured in the 0.8-38 11 band was 150 w/m a value which corresponds to a comparatively weak solar activitYo Orl arts has$ 15 f1gures and 4 tables& EFSB: v 2 . no, SUB COD8s 04,20,22 SUBM DATES 08jan66 / ORIC REFS 007 OTH REFS 005 13/13 ACC Nib AP7007719 x = const a- 600. 7his save a u - -(8+-l) kcal/mole and -(7-+1) kcal/mole for the complexes ofipyridine with formic acid and acatio acid respectively. These values i indicate that pyridine is.capable of dissociating the acid molemae3 and forming com-j plexes consisting of one molecule of acid and one molecule of pyridine. Orig, art. has$ 2 figuresp 2 tables &M I formla. SUB CODEs=,07SUBK DATEt 2OJurA5/ ORIG REFs 006/ OTH REFs 008 2/2 MDRO'.1101; 51 Y".'J.; BANUITNA,.-N.P., IVANOV, V.;.; KARPEY.-,KIY, X.Ya.1 KLJKLIN, U.-- Optic and luminescent properties of vitamin B6 and its derivatives. Blofizika 10 no.4%595-601 165. (MIRA M8) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy I flz!kckhim-icheskoy biolcgi! All SMR, Moskv9L. MkOSADZHYAN,, V.G.; SARUSYAN, G.S.; BAZhULINk, N.P.; VARSHAVSKIY, Ya,H, Use of the infrared spectroscopy method in studying short peptides and their derivatives. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 38 no.5:277-283 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchno-isoledovatel'skaya laboratoriya AN Arm- yanskoy M. Predstavleno chlonom-korrespondentom AN Armyamkoy SSR NgM,Kocharyanom, MANUSADZHYAN, V.G.; BAZIRIMNA, N.P.; SARXISYAN, G.S.; VARMAVSKIY, Ya.M. Infrared spectra of the hydrochloric salts of ethyl esters o' di- and tripeptidea and ethyl eaters of N-acetyl of di- and tripeptides. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 39 no.1:21-28 164. (MIRA 17*8) 1. Predstavlano chlenom-korrespondentom AN ArmSSR N.M.Kocharyanom. 4 BAZHURA? -Panteloly-_Sewnqvich. SERGIYENKO, Ivan Terentlyevich [go-r-Uiemko., I.T. j. agronmq Geroy Sotsialistichoskogo Truda; ZrUZIKO,, Yavgeniy Petrovich; FEDULAM, Andre7 Luklyanovioh; VINNITSXTY, S.[VinrWts'kyi.S.1, red.; MOWWWA, T.p telft. red, (Additional crops] Dodatkovi vrotbai. Odesa., Odes'ke knyzh- kove vyd-vo, 1959. 22 p. (NnA 15:7) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Bat'kivabob7za" Kotovskogo ray=s. (for Bay-Inma). 2 Glavnyy agronom kolkboza "Ukraina* Odeaskogo rayona (for Zyus;ko). 3. GlavzWy inspektor po rasteniyevod-. stvu Ode sakogo oblaetwp .7pravleniya ael'Bkogo khokbozyaystva (for Fedulayev) j (Odessa Province-Forage plants) 1/5", -rjOFKAN-j- -A- j- FREY t A.I.1 RUTSHWN, I.; OTT, Kh.j SHWAKIN, M.N.; KISHFALUDI, L.1 KOWTKOV, N.K.; MVVITSKAYI, V.A.; ?jIOKOFIYEV, M.A.; SHABAROVA, Z.A.; FILIPPOVAI L.A.; SWDIOp S.; XHAYGAt S.; LIVj F.1 RODEMO M.Y9.1 GAVRILOVI N.I.1 AKINDVA, L.N.; KMUDOVA, M.B.1 MAKSIMV, V.I.1 IZ&LIWj B.M.; SHEPPARD,, R.K.j SBODINSKAYA,, 16.1.1 VASINA, 0,3,1 OWN, A.Ya,j SOFIINA, Z.P,; IARIONOV, L.F.j KNMANTS, I.L.1 GOLUBEVA, N.Ye.j KAFtPAVICHUS., K,I.1 KILIZISHEVAp O.V.; WDZIGRADSXIY, X.1 KAFTARv M,; LEV9 M,; KORENSKI, F.; BUA&WNAp R.A.1 GUTTKO, St.; XHOYGENIN, R.L.; ZHAUNO, P*A*j MAN,-_St; IZffARDj X.1 DUALISKI, S.; SWDER, Ye.; SHMIKHEN, R.; KBOXHLOV,, A.S. Results of the Fourth European Symposium on the ohemistrjv of peptides, Abstracts of reports. Zhur. VKHO 7 no-4:468-476 162. (MIRA 15: 8) 1-.~'_Aktsionsrnoye obahchestvo "Sandonw, Bazell, Shveyteariya (for '-Gbf&=,, Frey, Otts Rutshmizo)'.. 2. Pazzatseytichaskaya, fabrika "GAikhter", Budapeaht, Vengriya. (for Kishfaludi, KorensId, 3. Institut kh1adi prirodnykh sovedinenly AN S=v a (.for Kochetkovo Dersvitekaya,"'I&wWakin, Khokhlov). 4. Lab*ktoriya khimii belka Nbskoviftd gosudaretvennogo univsrsiteta (for Prokof"yev, Shabarova, Filippm, Gavrilov, AkiAovap Khludova). 5. Pond maditainakikh issledovaniy, Paseadena, Kaliforniya, Sev.Spyad.Shtaty Ameriki (for Shankman, Khayga, Liv, Roberts). 6. Laboratoriya khimii balks, Instituts. organichookoy (Continued on next, card) Goftanp A.j-(Continued) Card 2. khimii AN SSSR; Moskva (for Maksimov). 7, Aktsionernoye obahchestvO OTSiball Basel', Shveytsariya (for Iselin). 8. Liverpullskiy universitat,, Angliya (for Sheppard). 9. Inatitut aksperimentallnoy i klinicheakoy onkolofii AM SSSR, Moskva (for Shkodinskaya, Vasina, Berlin, Soflina, Larionov). 10. Inatitut eleimentoorganloheakikh soyedinaniy AN SSSR,, Moskva (for Knuplants., Golubeva,, tarpavichus, Killdisheva). 11. Institut organichaskoy khimii Budapeahtskogo univeralteta,- Vengriya (for Medsigradskiy, Kaftar, Lev). 12. Farmatsevtichookiy Wel Aktsionernogo obahchestva PSandoem, Basel', Shveyteariya (for Buassona, Outtmant Khoygenin, Zhakeno, Rutshmann). 13. Issledovatell- skiy institut famatsevtiaheakoy pronVehlonnosti, Budapasht# Vengriya (for Bashus',- Lermrd). 14. Aktaicnarnoye obahchestvo *Sharing", Zmpadqyy Berlin for Shreder, Shmikhan). tPaptides-CongresBas) BAZHUTIN, A~'F. 1-- --A-- Method for calculating a sludge trap of the hydrocyclone type. Izv. vys. uchebs sav,; neft' i gaz 5 no.6:35-40 162. (XMA 16:5) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrushava. (Core drilling-Equipment and supplies) (Separators (Machines)) BAZHUTM A.N. Results of toots of a sinIcing pneumatic pioton pump with a special pipe for removing wad frw drilling fluid. Razved. i ckhr. mb,28 no-10254,57 0 162. (MIRA 15--11) 1. Svardlovskiy gornyy institute (Air pump-Testing) BUHUTIN, A.N, Wing formatiew vaters as flush fluids for inemasing the stability of *wat-4ffln valls. Isy. vye. ucheb. save; neft' i gaz 6 no.4t25-28 163, (XMA 16:7) lo S"rdlovskir gonVy Institut inani Vakbrusheva, (Oil WOII drilling fluids) B)ZHUTIVY A.N.-~ GOILIKOV,S.I.; ZVMYUGA, A.A.; LJJCIIIKIiIN, Yu.A.; I Up S.A.p nauchn. red. [Yiechanization of lowerin and hoisting operations in exploratory core drillingi Mekhanizataiia spusko- podllemykh opera-Ai v razvedochnorkolonkovom burenil. Morkva, 174-vo "Nedra," 1964. nO p. WIRA 17:5) BAMTINS V.V. Mobile barrel unloader for tank farms. Transp. i khran. nefti pt. c no.2.-28-30 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1, Leningradskiy filial apet~---lallnogo konstraktorskogo byuro "Trananeft' avtoxxtika". BAZHUTOV, F.IT. t - Prapnrntlon of patients for rectoscopy. Zhur.oil-robiol.epid. i Immn. no.1:133-133 Ja '58. WRA li-4) (PROCTOSCOPY, prop. of patients (Rue) 1\1,~ PAZHUT - - v SOme pecidiarities of the clinical cmirse Of 6Pidenic parotitis in adlilts. Zdrttv.Belor. 5 no.6:11-12 je 159. (miRk 12:9) (MUMPS) BAZRTTOV, ?.W. 1.4 yp cit forms of epidemic parotitle. Zdmv.Bolor. 5 no.9153-54 S 159. (MIRA 12:12) (MMS) MEA 0 VA., assistant; BAJZMT, 7.1, Clinical observations on the course of Influenza In the Brest Infirmary during the autumn of 1957. Zdravjelor. 4 no,3t12- 14 Mr 158- (NIn 13-.7) 1. Is kafedry lnfaktsioouykh bolesney Kinskogo ueditsinskW 1U~t1tUt& I TOYGUUOgO gO~Pitaln (naeballulk-polkornik med- alushby Cherallovskly), (aRm-nTyLuou) 3AZICHWKO,-.;*oul4 Prokof lyevich; MITWANOr, A,Ta., red.; POrMA, Bjm., red. lzd-vai'3RArDTW-9- L0,749 tekbu. red. [YAnnal for bulldozer operators] Pbsobis bulldozarlatu, Moskva, Obelesbunindatt 1958. 197 p$' (BuNozers) (KMA 1117) .2AZIMKQ,-.,L_e_omid ErokpLZevA_q,4; MITROFANOV, A.Ye., red.; SWTSKER, M.Z., red. izd-va; POPOVA, V.V.., ~*kbN red. (Manual for the bulldozer operator] Posobis bulidozeriatu. Izd.2., perer. i dop, Moskvu., Goelesbumizdat, 1963. 210 p. (KM 3.7 s 3) BAZIE LICH, Zygmant, mgr inz. Possibilities of utilizing copper flotation tailings. Rudy i metale 9 no. 3:150-152 Hr 164. . i 0 BAZIELICII, Zygmunt Climate studies in designing. Problemy proj hut maszym 13 no.3:80-87 Mr 165. 1. Bipromet, Katovice BAZIMCHOW14k, B. BAZIELTCHOWNA, B. Laces and the lace women of Cieszyn. p..5, No. 12, Dec. 1956 Warszawa, Poland Turysta. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL) Vol. 62 No. 4-April 1957 BAZIKA,, V.; JILEX, M.; RIEDL, 0. Plaza iontophoresis in the treatment of chronic venous and lynowtio Insufficiency of the lower extremity. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.29/36i 897-890 14 J1 161. 1. IV. interni klialka FakultY vasobacnebo Iskarstvi NU v Pmse, prednosta prof. dr. M. Fucik. Ustrefti vyzkumny uotav potravimarskeho pxwqelu,, redital ins. F. Vones. (HrALURONIDASE ther) (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHEREAL) (LYMPHATIC dis) BAZTKA .; HOUBI, J. "A nev Czechoslovak automatic diesel-electric power plant." Czechoslovak Heavy IMustry. Prague., Czechoslovakia. No. 2,, 2959. Monthly list of Inat European Aocesgions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8p NO. 6s Jun 59, Unclas BAZIKAO V.; STAIMUCH, J. OTbe latest Improvements in the universal electric indicator for oil engines.' Czechoslovak Heav7 Industry. Prague,, Csochoolovskia. No. 2, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6j, Jun 59,, Uncles SWAKOV, Aleksey Tirofeyevich; UIHOV, O.S., reteenzent; BAZICMKO., L..P.j, retsenzent; KHOTOV, V.R., red. [Manual for bulldozer# acraperp and grader operators] Posobis bulldozeristu, skreperistu i greideristu. Mo- skva,, Goslesbumizdatj 1963. 153 P. (MIRA 17:6) if FUCIK, M.; BAZIKA,IV.; NOVAK, S.; PRAZAK, J.1 SKOREPA, J. N the problem of bleeding from gastrointootinal divert1cula. Cas. lak.ceek 100 no.22:692-695 2 -To 161. 1. IV. vnitrai klialka KU v Pra-se, pradnosta prof. MUDr. MoJuir Puaik. (HSWRRHAGE GLTMINTESTINAL atiol) (DIVERTICULOSIS compl) KRCM= 1.1 PAWKI V ; PONOT.J.; SCUCKOU., I*; TODDEMOOTA., 14 Rem~mt pOjmary embolism as a cause of cUf'cnic pmi)mary' heart disease. Acta, Udiv. Carol. [md.] (Praba) 1G& 9~*Xz 31-.42 163 I* ITO Interni klinika fakulty vooobeenebo lekarstri University larlM v Prams (prednostat profs dro H.Tuaft) Ustrefti labora- tore FN; Uatra&i vojenska. nemocnice. REINIS, Z.; REYROIPSKY., A.; HORAKOVA, D.; SULC, M.; SCUKUPOVA, K.; PUCHMAYER, V.; KLENKA, L.; KRAUS, H. Epidemiology of atherosclerosis in the agricultural population of Northern Bohemia. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.38-1029-1034 24 S 165. 1. -kngiologicka laborator fakulty vaeobecheho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (vedouci prof. dr. Z. Reinis, Drqc.), IV. interni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lakarstvi Karlovy University v Fra2e (prednosta prof. dr. M. Fucik, DrSc.) a 11. ocni vlinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta akadem'Lk J. Kurz). IZRCHUK, V,j slebarl BAZIULM V alesarl; CHUFISTOVA, G. (g.Kostroma); HERMOV SHC , . g Vologd;jp On friends and comrades; read letters, Sov,profsoiUSY 7 no,9: 33-34 Yj 161. 81 (NnA 144) 1. Pryadilinaya. fabrika, kombizata lBaltiyakaya manufakturan.., g,?&IIjv% (for Tarchuk)e 2. ZaTod. imeni Oktyabriskoy revolyutskiif g.Lugansk (for Basikalov). (Trade unions) DAZT.KAWVA, A. ~. '!a!,hodka na o.-. ba~l~ca intoros-no,-o ra;.-oob.,,azno6o. I Frlroda. 19!,9. -No. 7, s. 63-64. SO: LctoPis, loo. 32, 1949. A, A. Yn. "The Annhinads of Lake Kossogol " Dok M 5~, No. 7 11946 (Tnst.'of Zool. Mos. State bniv. im. M.V. Lomonosov) BAZTKALCVA, A. Ya., Rr---1;1-7rFYII, Ya. A.; TALIIrFV, D.N. "Osmorefrulatory Ability of the AmphiDods of Lake Bafkal," Dok A14 53, No 4, 1946 (Inst. of Zool. '~oscov State Univ. im !".V. Innonosov) BAZIYALCOVA., A. Ya. "osmotic Pressure of the Body Fluids in the Amphipods of Lake Baykal," Dok AN 53, No. 3, 1946 Baykal Liminol. Sta.j Acad. Sol. U-sL Moscow State Univ. "Turbellaria Triclada of Eastern ~-iberia axyl Baykal Area" Dok. AN SFZR 55, No 7, 1947 Baykal Limol. Sta. Acad. Sci. BAZIKALOVA, A. Ya. Amphipoda - Baikal, Lake Notes on the amphipods of Lake Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol. sta. 12, 1948. 9. Monthl List of,Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. BA71YAUIVA) A. *.,a. "Some Deppndencies of Divergent Evolution of Amphiroda and CottoMei in Lake Baikal, 11 Dok AN 59, No 3, 1948 Baykal Limnil . Sta. Aead. n0j. DA"IYt',LVV.IP A. Ya. "Mantive Significance of the Sizes of Baikal Ar-phipods," Dok. AN, 61, No 3, 1948 Baik. Limol. Sta.. USSR Acal. Sci. A .Y-! 73AZI"'AUV!, A "Discovery of an Interesting Crustacean in Lake Baykal," Priroda, No. 7. 104t) BEKKAN, M.Tu; RAMIALOVA, A.YA* ~ ~ I '. -1, --. 4 Biology anit prelAuctive capacities of certain Baikal and Siberian wiphipods. Trudy problei temosoveao.1:61-67 151. (RLRA 9:7) (Baikal, Iake-Amphlpoda) BAZ IKALOVA A. I Ampb1poda of the b3gara, River. Trwly Baik. lianol. at&. 15:377-387 157. (XLRA 10:8) (Ancara Riv*r-Amphipoda) BAZIKALOVA, A.Ta.; VILISOVA, I,K. Nutrition of bottom-faeding fishes In the Haloye More, Trudy Baik.linnol.sta. 17-382-"7 159. (KIRL 12:12) (Naloys, More-71shes-Yood) RAZIULDVA, A.Ya. .1-1.1.1-1 -, .. -4.1. "... Now amphipod species from the Malays More. Trudy Balk.limnol. eta. 17012-319 139. (KaU 12. 12) (Malays More-Amphipoda) BAZIKALOVA, A. Ya. T~manaV, -eoo3Aa, and diatribUtioU of the genera Micrr-ropus Stabbin murl du) .g and Paeudomicrurqms novo geno (Amphinodal Gs Trudy Lim. inat. ~ pt. 1:3-140 162. , WRA 160) -1 . ". I . j", ._; - " -h. Ils"n 16-01 Diolo,f_-y (Gruntac~-a) ~~nliiatr- for Ph. D. In Biolor ,7 On- Cruntacea Ho eLtc'.. an-I llvreezinE &ni Openin - up of L. bayka! N: lostodhno-Siloirska.;a Prav !a No. 136 IG jul 45 Irkut!-T.- so In low saw to "r, of !k =64 ffm 4p! *a a HIP 0" A" an . --n 0 fc- - 1=1 WAi acc T, LI PI n I X.7 V. T-T Meteorological Abate Vol, 4 NO- 11 Nov. 1953 Part 2 BibIlograpby On Thurideratorm Sferies r V. A., A. S. Popov--asnatropoloslinit soviemennal radlometeatelocii. popov-0.1le onginator of modern radio wteat,,iogy.] Pytroda, Moscow. Mw. IISI- 6.reft. DLC-In 1895. A. S. Popov exhibited a devi~;e CA114ble o( detecting thun4--rmortp,;vpthiu a r4dius of 40 Lm (see W-I above), recorded procews teading to lite formatinn ,( cumuln- --lowt- qW, in general, electrical d4tuibancei in the atmosphere. The irtici-fewrib,-4 Vot-oO, the Wd of rad lo meleGraloily and lisv% his papers in this firld. (Su-se tirm as ~%,S-16. Ang. ou AD.) 5witfra fleadiigt: 1. R&ILMILLULdwy Z. AyRpsRheric eLVAdWy 3. Slerict; 4. PO";. S. 111story Qf r&dkCLtu"eoroItslly _6. U.S.S.R.-t U). DZIMEMON, V.T.; B&ZIKE3ZV,, D.G., water; IIESHKIN, N.V., elektroolevarl (Ufa) Redesigning the ASDF-50OG unit for velding pipes in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Stroi. truboprov. 7 no.10:24 0 162. (KM 15:11) 1. Glavnyy mekbanik otroitellno-montashnogo upravloniya No.74 tresta Nefteprovodmontash (for Kus%enkin). 2o Remoutno-mekhanicheakaya masterskaya tresta, Nefteprovodmontash (for Btzikeyev, Pembkin). (Pipe--Welding) BAZIL, Pops, prof. Using the lov-qpllty liquid boiler fuels in wsrins diesel engines. ZwgowshInostroonle 6 noo3sl7-20 W 160~ (XIBA 13:9) 1e Kluzhxk$7 politekbalchaskly InstItut, Rwigrnakaya, Narodnaya Reepublika. (Wrins diesel motors) (Puel) ARAMV, V.A.; 3AZILI, V.P. Time ofthe postmogmatic process in the Ura-Kazar Mountains. TTzb. geol.zhur. no.3:3-5 159. (MDU 1315) 1. laramazarsk" poiskovo-awyemochnaya tomatichastaya ekspeditsiya, (lare-Kazar Xpun~pn$-Ore deposits) Ilk I I;, - A -- a, i I k~T;,'- u i A'fE v , S . M.. , F9 A 2 11. 1,V'a . Scm~., chRracteristicri of tho dlstrJbutl,,;,,. -1' --4 wrftllza~lon in t~*..i. volcanic ~'ormation3 of the Karamazar Mountains. Uzb. geol. Zh',.T. 9 no.1:351-40 165. (1-',IRA ) 8 -. 5) 1. Institut geologii g. Dushanbe Gosuiarstvennogo gc-olcgi che sit ko,mitcla SSSR. M- A.; DFIMACHEVA, L.D.; D1STANOV, B.G.; G.V.; FROMIUROV) A.M.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, A.I.; SHIGORIN, D.N. Stimulated radiation in solutions of rare-earth chelates. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.3:526-529 Mr 165. (MlPA 18:5) L 40%46 W(d)IFSS-2, RB ACCESSION NR: ARS008076 S/0274/65/000/001/AOOI5/A005 621*391.133 SOURCE. Ref. xh. Radlotekbaika I elektroavyazl. Svodnyy tom, Abe. IA46 AUTHOR- i 77TLE: Speci and reliability of discrete -information transmission by a feedbackless system CITED SOURCE: T r. _2Zy_)~qqqrqnt sit Ic-.31 tekhn. n. Vyp. 1. Kishinavj Kartya Moldovanyaske. 19'.e. TOPIC TAGS; information transmission, discrete information transmission, information transmission reliability, information transmission speed TRANSIATION: By-the method of conditional probabilities, the transmission of :'discrete Information is analyzed in a transmission system consisting of an- information source, which creates, an input alphabet A (messages ac with probabilities Pi , with 11, 2. m)j- an encoder which forms an Input vbcabulary V (messages -with j a IZ) M); a channel with pulse noise F7. 1.~wd 113 L 4o56-& ACCESSION NR: ARS008076 and an output vocabulary U Imessages u,, with k s*r. m); and a decoder which forms an output alphabet B (messages Bj. These formulas for the compli mutual information IA-10 and for the speed of information transmission of R bits i of information per one character of the -alphabet are developec.: E P (blvl) - 2 T, P (vital) - P (a A/01) P (bjul). P (011-21) x P (VA) x 1091U Ul V A B U fit V 'A-8 A Here, U1 to a subgroup at the decoder inputp I OP It Ze ml subgroup U. in particular and to not used In the feedbacklese system; 1, is the message le'Agt_h_. the probability of whose appearance at the encoder output upon apptying the message a to. the input in ma3timum. In addition to the speed of transmission R. these criteria of evaluation of the information transmission system can be adopted: either the specific probability -of error, which to a ratio of the ave.rage Cwd.. 213. L ho56-66 w. ACCESSION NR; AR5008076 the i probability P. to the complete mutual information, or specific uncertainty I probability P,, (with P,, '* Pf. + P.? , where P., Is the average probability of occurrence of a meosage -corresponding to a particular decoding subgroup U,,) defined in a similar way. SUB CODE: DP ZNCL; 00 L 22120=9 EED-2/EWT(d) -GS, ;ACCESSION Mi A75W5427 S/ M 0/64/000/001/0129/0132 AITM: Ratilenko, 0. K. ~TITIZ: Speed and reliability of discrete Information trananission by von- feedback systems ~SOURC96. Nsuchnna konferentelyagolodykh ucheUkh Moldavii, 3d. Trudy, no. 1: :Yeatestvenno-tekbnicbeskiye nauki (Natural and technical WcMe-nces). Kishinev, Gosizdat Kartya Moldavenyaske, 1964, 129-132 ~TOPIC TiKCS: communication theory, information transmission, transmission Itellability, nonfeedback system, automation tASSTRACT: Equations are dtrived for the speed (as a function of the tharacteris ties of the transmitted information) and the probability of errors (an the ratio i of, the metn error probability to the total mutual information, or as the specific ~Pr9bability of uncertainty defined as the ratio of the meat uncertainty to the :tot.91 mutual information) for a system without feedback. Both of these quantities ;Mav be used as criteria of the quality of the system. In most practical cases the -gerived quations wLy be significantly simplified to make them mathematically ~msnageable. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas Card 1/2 L 32198-65 ACCESSION WR: AT5005427 ASSOCIATION: Wone card 2/2 S UB CODE: IE EC BAZILY,NKOP O*Kw. -- -.- -- ~-- , -- q.. Conversion of information by finite probability automata. Izv. AN Hold. SSR. no-3S16-25 163. (KIRA 17%12) 11-11 . b V I ACC N& A-R-6IWNfff OURCE CODE: UFt/Oi7i7l3roWrO-OT[A~l~i~-/-Af44--I SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avt tika, telemakhanika i vychislitelluaya takhaika, A'bs. 9A370, AUTHOR: Basil2nko. Ex"I TITLE; Errors in an ARQ-equipped information-transmi s #ion system CITED SOURCE: Inv. AN MoldSSR. Ser. fix.-tekhn. I matems'ne ~ no.' Za 1964, SZ-59 TOPIC TAGS: Information transmission, ARQ transmission TRANSLATION; In ARQ~equtpped Information transmission systems, errors .due to lack of reliability of the are possible. Aim error in thi's channel shifts the message forward or backward. A method is given for accurate calculation of the probability R,v-) of erroneous reception that occurs after transmitting K words; thjB 1probability depends on k. Accurate calculation of the above probability is very 1complicated. A great number of messages should not be transmitted in a row over an ARO system because this increases the probability of error. For a small number of I transmitted messages, a simple formula suitable for practical computations is given. 'SUB CODF.: 17 i HO UDGS 621. 398 -.6ZI 6 ZZ L 11073-66 EVITS-4) "3 ACC NRI ART66-0409 SOURCE CODE: URIOZ71/65/0001009/AO14/AOIS SOURCE:'Ref. &h. Avtomatik&, tolemokhanika I vychislitel'naya tekhni .ka,, Abs. 9A971 AUTHOR-' Bazilenkot TITLE: Unitized structure of tole-systems 44 CITED SOURCE: Izv. AN MolASSR. Ser. fix.-tokhn. I matem n.. no. 2. 1964, 60-64 1 TOPIC TAGSV remote control, communication channel. coded information TRANSLATION: Informatio n transmitted over tale-channe .Is can be subdivided into two kinds: information proper and Information protecting from distortions. The first kind of information is produced (used) directly by the source (customer); the second kind is Inserted 'into the signal In order to enhance the reliability of trans- mission and is not used, by tbi customer. As the volume of processed information increases, the equipment becomes more complicated and the probability of Its faults grows; hence, it is expedient to curtail the path of the second kind of information. -This can be attained by designing the system on"the principle of stopped encoding- decoding. In this case.. the information sent into the channel by the encoder Is L 11073-66 ACC NL AR6000409 supplemented by a act of check symbols which are later eliminated by & checking unit at the receiver while the information proper is delivered to the customer, Application of this principla permits designing the a not of units with standardized primary-encoding (decoding) units and with a set of secondary units for ensuring various characteristics. Bib 4.'fIgs 4. SUB CODE: 13,.17 Sard W M RAZILEV, A.; IGNATITIV, I. Simple radio receiver for "fox huntiy-w* co"titions. V pom. radioliub" nOO13:3-10 162. OGRA 16:4) Radio direction finders) adio-Reaelvere and reception) R BAZILEV, A. Elimination of simplest faults in radio receivers. V p0-.. radioliub. no.14:43-63 16-10, (XkRA 16:11) ITABOV, Valentin Nikolayevick; ~WZU 47,,ALP., red.; GARMASH, L.M. oty. sa vmsk,- SDIMAWA, R.A., [High proolsion oesting In removable oarazio molds] Lit's povy- shannoi toohnosti v raswomys keresiobaskis forwq. Kookva, 1939. 57 P. (Moskovskii dom usuchno-tekbnichoskol propegandy. Paredovoi opyt proizvodstys. Seriia: Progressivnais takhnologiia mehino- stroanlia, vyp. 6). (MTRA 13:9) (pnossion oastiug) PFDIYANIK, Georgly Vasillyevich; LMDEMONSKIY, Anatolly vladimirovich; .BAZT1E,V,_fi.P.., naucbrq7 red.; SIRDTIN, k.Lp -red.; TOKER, A.M., t a-kbn. red. (Making shell molds) IsgotovIenle oboloobkovykh fom. Mo skva,, Proftekhizdat.. 1963. 270 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Shell molding (Founding)) VOLYNSKIY, Aleksandr Yakovlevich; BAZj"Y.,jJ..P., nauchn. red.; SIROTINA, S.L., red,; IONOV, V.I., red. [Foundry molds and their assembly] Litairye formy i ikh sborka. Moskvaj, Vysshaia shkola., 1964. 290 p. (MIFA M10) NABIM, M.N.p akademik; VISHNMOVA, AKMATEV, Kh.M.; XLKEWV,, A.j RASULEVA., Sho; ARUTYUNOVA, N.M. Lwreasing the degree of phosphate decomposition by a partial substitution of n1iric acid for sulfuric acid and ammoniation of chamber ouperphosphatee Usbkhimzhure no*4:3-10 161* (KM 14:8) 1, Institat lrhimii AN Usbekskoy SaR. 2. Akademiys nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Nabiyev). (Phosphates) BAZI;;qTzAx,..IAkIG, Unit for automatic control of electroplating proceoBes. Hkohinostroenis no,11.54-55 -J&-F 163. (MIRA 1617) (Electroplating) (Electronic control) I z ILI- -/' ~' w of Colloids Diapersed Systew-0 Abs Jow. Referat 2hur _Xhimi7sp R0~6, 1957o 18782. Author Bazilevich. Inst LVO ~PCZ~1~vtai Institute. Title Phy31Cal Properties of Diphase Liquids. Orig Pub Dokl. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-tap 1955, 1, No 2,, 30-33 Abstract The author points out the dependence of the stability of clayey solution used at drilling on the acidity. Heavy clayey solutions of pH about U are verj stable, Sedimentation and, besides, equipment corrosion occur at lov pR. On the other hand,, the viscosity of solu- tions riaes vith the decrease of pH. Card 1/1 - 337 - SOV/124-58-3-3094 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 78 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Bazilevich, A. 1. TITLE: The Laws of Resistance During Pseudoplastic (Thixotropic)Motion of Two-phase Liquids (Zakony soprotivleniya pri strukturnom dvizhenii dvukhfaznykh zhidkostey) PERIODICAL: Nauch. zap. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1955, Nr 31, pp 93-108 ABSTRACT: The article briefly reviews the established facts about physico- chemical properties of clay slurries and presents the Bingham law and well-known considerations pertaining to the laws of motion for two-phase liquids. Item rv presents the established solutions for the motion of a two-phase liquid in a round pipe, in an annular space, and between two parallel plates. The article does not. contain new results. A. Kh. Mirzadzhanzade Card 1/1 j 7 i -i~ T Vir 124-57-2-Z088 Translation from: Reter'dtivnyy zhurnal, Mekharika, 1957, NY 2, p 88 (USSR) AUTHOR: B TITLE: The Laws Governing the Resistance in Turbulent Motion of Binary Fluids (Zakony soprotivleniya pri turbulentnom dvizhenit d ukh.azny~rh zhiakostey 1, PERIODICAL: Nauch. zap. Llvovsk. politelchn in-td, 1955, Nr 31. pp 114-126 ABSTRACT: A survey. The results of the works of R, 1. Shishchenko fGidr-avlikd glinistykh rastvorov (The H~drodynamics of Arg;.Ila- ceous Solutions). Azneftizdat. 1951 j on the determination of the generahzed Reynolds number for a visco-plastic flow by mearis of virious methods of velocity-grddient determination are set iorth. Also given are formulas by various authors for the determination of the head losses in a flow of argillaceous solutions, sewage. and woed and peat Pulp. Bibliography: 8 references. 1. Fluid flow--Turbulence 2. Turbulence--Matheina-uical 3. analysis 1. 1. Orlov Card 1/1 SOV/ I Z4-58-8-8724 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 54 (USSR) AUTHORS: -Bazilevich, A.-I., Levitskiy, B.F. TITLE, On the Energy Transformation Associated With an Abrupt Flow Divergence (0 preobrazovanii energii pri vnezapnom ras- shirenii potoka) PERIODICAL: Dokl. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Vol Z, Nr 1, pp 57-60 ABSTRACT: On the strength of experiments of their own, the authors confirm the experimental findings of other investigators to the effect that when the flow in a pressure conduit suddenly diverges the stretch of conduit in which the excess kinetic energy of flow undergoes attenuation measures 60-80 diameters. Neither the geometric dimensions of the conduits studied nor any data on the exact nature of the excess-energy attenuation that occurs along the length of the flow are included in the article. M.E. Faktorovich Card 1/1 124-58-9-9842 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 54 (USSR) AUTHORS: Bazilevich, A.I., Levitskiy, B.F. TITLE: On the Pressure Distribution During the Sudden Expansion of a Flow ( 0 raspredelenii davleniya pri vnezapnom rasshirenii potoka) PERIODICAL-. DokI. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 61-63 ABSTRACT: Presentation of the reaults of experimental investigations on the distribution of the hydrodynamic pressuries on a suddenly diverging #ector in a high-pressure conduit.' T'he pressure measurements within the mass of the flow were performed with the aid of a Pitof~-Prandtl probe. There are no data oh the geo- metric dimensions -of the conduits investigated; also lacking are direct observational data. Among the conclusions it is noted that the tests performed justify the statement that "the pressure distribution along the vertical sections may be assumed to be, uniform". This deduction. as well as the pressure -distribution diagrams shown in Fig. 2 of the paper, contradicts.the well-known propositions and experimental data of the hydrostatic or quasi- Card 1/2 hydrostatic law governing the pressure distribution in a suddenly 124 -58-9-9842 On the Pressure Distribution During the Sudden Expansion of a Flow diverging flow sector. The abovenoted contradiction may possibly be the result of an inadequate rigorousness in the language of the paper; the words "uniform pressure distribution" could perhaps be intended by the author to convey the meaning of a hydrostatic pressure distribution. and the contours shown in Fig. 2 may not be those of the hydrodynamic pressures but those of the hydrostatic head, (plt + Z). M. E. Faktorovich 1. Fluid flow--Pressure 2. Hydrodynamics--WSSR 3. Hydraulic conduits--Properties Card 2/2 9 -dj 11 wilt lit lit I 'K LESHCHIY Nikolay Antonovich [Leshebyi., N.P.); LEVITSKIY, B.F. tLevytskyip B.Fjj BAZILEVICH, A.I.[Bazylevych, A.I.1, dots... red, [Problems on underground bydraulics; for students specializing in the development of oil and gas fields and in the geology and development of oil and gas fields] Zbirnyk zadacb'z pidi6mnoi hidravliky; dlia studentiv spetsiallnostei rozrobka, naftovykh ta gazovykb rodovishch i'geologiia ta roxvidka naftovykh i gazovykh rodovisbch. Vviv, Vvivskii, politekbnicbrqi in-t. 1962. 83 p, (MIRA 17:10) A. S. T~XIIIWT;i t,7 r'r I,, ;F I HE DDNFTS i3 P~s "'T -A'- Y~ LAW -#%, S. z vich, 0 9, 15J-57 (190 t.*I,,~ntr., 1912, 1, 25"4; JLh.%T,. AbstrAc-,-a, 37.1, (194 3). - PInnt tnsts provei that thn ktiCAinite IyIn6 4~tween the coal measures of the Donets Basin main good refractories without grog. The keolinite can be minp-A simultruneously with tile pit coal and separated easily, BAZIIVICH, A.T.; TZVDOMOVA, H-Ne Pulmonary air cyst. Vrache delo nool:77 059o 1. Sanatorly MaischushIna" go Ta),%&* (LUMS-TUMM) (CrSTS) (NM 12:4) BJLZILTVICH, B.V.; BUTOVICH, A.A. W-1 antomatto feeder. XonsA ov.prom. 15 no.3:13-16 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Simforopol'okoye spetsialluoye konstruktorskoye bywo prodovolletvennogo mashinostroyeniya. (Simferopol'--Canniug Industry-Squipmout and supplies)