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BELETSKAYA, I.P.; REUTOV, O.A.; GURIYANOVA, T.P. Reaction substituting a halogen for a mercury atom combined with saturated carbon atom. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:2178- 2182 D 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Mercury compounds) (Iodine) REPTO~V, q.A.- S7ntheSis of aome organomerctwy sa2tB of the type -X"6XlfCH(H9Br) PPOR.- Zhur.ob.khim! 30 no.lOt3220-3223 0- 161, k= 34W lo Moskovskiy gosudarstveTuW universitet, (Norour'y orgaaic compoues) REUTOV., O.A.1 XHU KHUN-VEN,BELETSKAYA, I.P.; SNOLIKAJ, T.A.. (Moscow) Isotope exchange kineticp Of OthYl A-bromomercuripbenylacetate with Hg203-tagjed phenyl mercury bromide. Zhur.flj.khim..35 no.3-1:244-W8 N 161. (MM 24:12) (AaWe acid) (Hoicury-bot6pen (mercury compounds~ BriXTSKAYAS I.?.; RZUTCIVy O.A.; AHTAHKINA~ G,A. Synthesis of some organomercuric salts of the type XC6HCH(HgBr)CO2,C2H5. Part 2, Zhur, ob khim, 32 nool:241-244 A 162. S~Rk 1512) ,(Mercury organic compounds) (Acetic acid) (Eaters) BELETSKAU.-I.P~;-REUTOV,, O.A.; AZIZUN, T.A. Reactions of the substitution of halogen for mercury atom. combined with oaturated carbon atom. Report No.4: Interaction between benzylmercury cUoride and bromine in carbon tetracUoride. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khtm.nauk'no.2.*223-227 F T62. (MIU 15:2) 1, Moskvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. H.V.Lomonosova. (Mercury)compounds) (Bromine BELETSKAYA, I.P.; AZIZYAN, T.A,j REUTOV, O.A. Substitution of the mercury atom combined with a saturated carbon atom by halogen. Report No.5z Interaction of benzil mercury chloride with bromine in the presence of ammonium bromide in polar solvents. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.3: 424-430 Mr 162. (MRA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (mercury compounds) (Bromine) (Substitution (Chemistry)) REUTOV,, O.A.; BELET3:&&YA,-"; ALEYNIKOVA, M.Ya. Cleavage of a carbon-mercury bond under the effect of acids. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no-3:489-493 Mr 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. P. F ARTAMUNAP G. A. REUTOVI 0. A.;,Ag=KOA,, I Kinetics of 'rymetrization reaction of organomercury salts. Part 5: Effect of bilogen substitutes in compounds of the iype n= -=6H4CR(HgBr)COOr-2'H5 on the rate of oy=etrization under the action of a=onia. Zhur. fiz, kh1m, 36 no,12:2582- 2588 D 162. (MIU 1611) 1. Mookovskiy goeudarstvemW universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Halopna) (Substitution(Chemistry)) (Eaters) B=TSWA, I.P.; A~TAMNA, G.A.; REUTCFV, O.A. V OCosymmetrization": reaction of benzyl mercury bromide vith ethyl eaters of Ow-bromomercuriaryl acetic acids. Izv. AN SS6R. Otd, 6'" nauk no.-4: 765-767 Ap 163. ?MIU 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy gonudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Mercury compounds) (Acetic acid) . REUTOV, O.A.; SOKOLOV, V.I.; ~LZTSIS~Y~, I.P.; RTABOKOBYLKO, Tu.S. Study of electrophilic substitution reactions at a saturated carbon atom by the method of iootopic exchange, fteport No,5t Isotopic exchange of ethyl aster of cK -brommarcuriphonylacatic acid with mercury bromide,tagged with Rg203 in water-ethanol. Izv. AN SSSR, Otd.khim,naUk- no.6:965-969 Je 163. (KIRA 3.6:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Acetic acid) (Mercury bromides) (Mercury isotopes) REUTOV, O.A.; ~RAYSNAR, Bronislav;jkl!~TSKAY~,_I.P.; SCKOLOV, V.I. Study of electrophilic substitution reactions at a saturated carbon atom by the method of isotopic exchange. Report No.6: Kinetics of isotopic exchange of ethyl asters oft4 -bromomerouriarylaostic acids with mercury bromide tagged with Hg203 in dimethylsulfoxide. IZA- AN SSSR, Otd.khim.nauk no;6:970-976 Je 163. (KM 16t7) 1. Hoskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Acetic acid) (Mercury bromides) (Mercury isotopes) BELETSKAYA, I.P.; AZIZYAII, T.A.; REIJTCV, O.A. Effect of oxygen-containing additions an the mechanism underlying the reaction of banzyl mercury chloride with bromine in carbon tetrachloride. Izv. AJV SSSR. Ser.khim. no.7:1332-1333 J1 163. (MRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lanonesova. (Mercury organic compounds) (Bromine) EELETSKAYA, I.P.; ARTAMKINAq G.A.1 REUMV, O.A. "Gosymmetrization' reaction of organomercury salts. Dokl.AN SSSR 149 no.100-93 Mr 163. (KIRA 16:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyyl~dversitet im. N.V.Lomonosova. 2. Cheln-korresoondent AN SSSR"(for Reutov).- (Mercury organic compounds) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) .I- BELETSKAYi. * I.P ..,A*Q SMLYAMA, Ye.A.; RKUTOV, O.A. -.) , . ~e S.vntheais of some organomercury salts of the type X06H4CH(HgBr)Co2C 5* Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1021-324 Ja 164. (MIRA 17V 0 1 ~ ... . -:- I... ~ . ~ .. - ". ~~ w~j ARTAMKINA, G.A.;,_BUMKAYA,,~.j REUTOV, O.A. "Anomalcuo" effect of vubstituents in 3 reactionB. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3t588~-591 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Reutov SHABAROVA, Z.A. SAVELOYEV, Ye.P.; RYABOVA, T.S.; 4�aTRAIA Study of the kinetics of hydrolysis of thd phosphoAmide bond in adenilyl-(51.)4)-phan.vlalanins. Dok.l. AN SSSR 155 no.6tl457-1459 Ap 064. (MM 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova, Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Belozerskim. BEIETSKAYA, I.P.; FETISOVA, T.P.-. IIEUTOV, O.A. Influence of the :rubntituents in the electrophillo bimolecular sz~bjtltittion reaction. Dok*,,. AN SSSR 155 no. 5,-'09.-,-',C6)77 Ap 164- (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moskovskly gasudarswemiyy universitet Im. H.V.1.0monnsova. :~. Clilen-kox-respondent AN (for Reutcv). REUMV9 0,A.; UGLOVAp E.V.; BELETSKAYAj I.P.; SVETLANOVA, T.B. Reactions of substitution by halogen of a mercury atom combined t'o saturated carbon atom. Report No.7t Kinetics and stereochemistry of the reaction of optifally,active see. butylmercury bromide in carbon tetrachloride. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8.-1383-1387 Ag 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ims M,V. Lomonosova. REUTOV, O.A.,,,BELI-?TSKAYA, I.P,; ARMNUUNA2 G.As Four-lLnked eyvlic trAnsition state in the reactions of electrop4~lic substitution oe the organomercury compounds. Zhur. qb..k~~. 34 rio.8i'2817-2818 Ag !64. (41RA 17-9) .BELETSKAYA, I.P.; KARPOV, V.I.;-REUTOV, O*A* , ~~ : 7~ Stereochemistry of the reaction of the cis-trans isomers of StYZ71 mercury bromide with bromine, Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khime no.9:1707-1709 S 164. (W RA 3.7: 10) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarotvanrqy universitet im, M.V.Lomono3ovae BELETSKAYAY I.P.; BUTIN, K.P.; PMTOV, O.A. Reacti.on'cf some organomercur7 compounds with diazonium salts. Izv. AN SSSR.Sr:,r.khim. no.*91l7li-1712 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Moskovskiy gcaudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lemonosova. BELETSKAYA. I.P.; ERMANSONP A.V.,- REUTOV, O.A. Electrophilic substitution at the aromatic carbon atom. Report Cleavage of the C-Hg bond in a molecule of aromatic organomercury compounds under the action of halogens. Izv. AN SSSR Sers khime no,2: 231-239 t65. (MIRA 18-2) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy univeraitat. BELETSKAYAJ-I.P.,- MYSHKIN, A.Ye.; REUTOV, O.A. Electrophilic substitution at the aromatic carbon atom. Repor* No.2: Kinetics and mechanism of protolysis of phenyl mercury' bromide in 90% aqueous dioxane. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.2: 240-249 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy umiversitet. BELETSKAYA, I.P.; KARPOV, V.I.; REUTOV, O.A., akademik Mechanism of electrophilic and homolytic substitution at the olefin carbon atom. DAL AN SSSR 161 no-31586-589 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) BELETSKAYA I P.; KARPOV, MO; MOSKAIENKO, V.A.; REUTOV, O.A., akademik Frotolysis meebanism of clis- and trans-9-chlorovinyl mercury chlorides under the effect, of IM a-nd DOI. DOY1, Am SSSR 162 no.lt8&.89 My 165. (HIRA 180) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy uriiversitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. BELETSKAYA, I.P.; FEDOROV, L.A.; MOSKALENKO, V.A.; REUTOV, O.A. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of dibenzyl mercury. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.5s933 16~, (MIRA 180) I. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova. PENTIN, Yu.A.1 EFLETSKAYA,.Jt.P.;,PRAYSNAH, B.; HEUTOV, O.A. Infrared and ultraviolet spectra of organomercury 3qmpounds. Report No.1s Infrared spectra.of benzyl mercury halides. Izv. AN SSSR. khim. no.7s ino-n8a 65. (MIRA, 3-80) I.,Moskovskiy gosudarstyemW universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. BXMSKAYA, L.K.6 kanUdat maditaineldkh nauk Clinical charactaristics of ovarian fibromas. Ikush. i gin. no.3: 54-56 )b-Ja 154. OWA 7:8) 1. Is Institute. akusherstva i ginakologii (dir. L.G.Stepanov, nauebnyy rukovoditell prof. P.A.Beloshapko) Hinisteretva sdrevo- okhraneniya SSSR. (OVARIBS, neoplasin $fibroma, clin. aspects) (I MOM, *ovaries, clin. aspects) HUMSKATA, L.M., kandidat maditsinakikh nank Delivery In breach presentation. Akmah. I gin. no.6:39-42 S-D 154. (MLRA 6:2) 1. Is kafedry akuaheretva I genekologil (sav.-prof. K.11.7hmakin) I Moskovskogo ord na Lanina, meditsinskogo inatituta. (LABOR MWATION pelvic, management) USSR/S,-,ii Science - R~o133-y of Soils. fibs Jour : Ref Zhur Di:)19; No 22; 1958; low46 Author : Pzdrazhanskaya, B.S., Beletskaya, L.M. Inst : Khar'JEW Afyicultural Institute Title : The Effect -if Gr~nrth-ActivatinC; AGents during; Their Introduction into the Soil ToCether with Mineral Ferti- lizers on the Azotobacter Development. Ori~; Pub : Zap. Kbarlkovsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 13 (50), 53-58 Abstract : The count of azotobacter on soil slides, prepared from the soil fertilized by granulated superphosphate (I), I plus different dases of heter)auxin or I plus diffe- rent doses of the potassium salt of heteroauxin, on which wider laboratory conditions, in the course of 10 precedinC days, wheat had been Carninated, indicated that hetcroauxin and its potassium salt noticeably stimulated Card 1/2 49 - BXM,S[ATA.-.4,X.,.(Koakva, B-296, Lomonosovskly pr., d.14, kv.22) On granulosa-celt tumors of the ovarY. VOP.Onk. 5 no.9:305-309 159. (KIRL 12 -.12) 1. Is kafedry almhestva i ginalcologii (zav. - prof, X.N. Shmkin) I Ylbskovskozo ordena Lenin& meditainakogo instituta im. Sechenova. IGRAM- W-SA CELL TUMR case reports) (OVARIES neopl BELETS11YA, . L.4!~t, Certain hormon-producint tumors of the ovary. Bovet. meil, 23 no.2., 100-105 F '39. Offu 12:3 ) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. X.M. Zbmakin). I Moskovskogo ordem Ienina meditoinakogo instituta imerd I.X. Sechenova. (OVARIES, neoplasms masculinizing & feminizing tumors (RUB)) BELETSKAYA, L.M. (Moiskva) Hormone-producing tumors of the ovary. Felld. i akush. 26 no.9:19 23 S 161. .KU 14:10) (OVARM-TMIORS) (HORMOIES, SEX) - ~~ I_ , , BELETSKAYA., L.M. (Moskva) Modern aneatheeia in gpecological and rbotetrical surgery* Felld, i akuah. 26 no.12:ZO-24 D 161. (mm 14:12) (ANESTHIZIL IN OBSTETRICS) (GUIECOLOGY) ANISKOVA, F. D. ; BELETSKAYA, L. M. TMO-TEPA, treatment of neglected foms of ovarian cancer. Vop. onk. 8 no.2:68-71 162. (MIRA -15:2) 1. Is kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. K. N. Zlymkin) I Moskovskogo ordena Isnina Meditsinokogo instituta im, I, M. Seabenova. (THIO-TEPA) (OVARIES-CANCER) ANISKOVA, F. D.; BELETSKAYA PETUNINA, S. A. Menstrual and parturient functions in workers at "Kauchuku factory. Akush. i gin. no.2:99-92 162. (MM 25:6) 1. Is kafedry akusherstva-i ginekologii. (zav. - prof. K. N. Zbmakin) I Moskovskogo ordens. Lenina maditainakogo instituta imeni I. M. Secbenova i mediko-sanitarnoy chasti zavoda "Nauchuk" (glavnyy vrach.N. V. Hikhaylmkiy) (MENSTRUATION) (FREGNANCY) BELETSKAYA, L.M. (Moskva, V-296, Lomonocovskiy prospekt, Brenner tumors of the ovaries. Vop. onk. 9 no.9;t';4-6? 163. (MIRA 17s9) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologil 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova kafe-droy- zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. K.N. Zhmsik-An). BELETSWA, L. V. Cand. Biolo--,.Lcal Sci. "Effect of Colchicine, Its Derivativen and Natural Analog" on the Growth of Normal and Tumorous Tissue.5 Sub 26 Oct 51, All-Vnion Set Res ChomicopharmaceAtical Inet iment Sergo Ordshonlkt4z~ (VNIKh?I), Ministry of Public Health USSR. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951, SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 MAY 55 BEISTSKAYA, L. V. and SMUMV, P. V. "Experimental Rheumatism in Monkeys" a report prepared at Sukhumi Medico-Biological Station, AMS USSR, 1954. So: Reviewof Esstern Medical Sciences, Munich, No. 2) 1950". BMMSKAYAg L. V., and SMIRNOV, P. V. (deceased) "Experimental Rheumatism in White Rats." Proceedings of Inst. Epidem and Microbial im. Gemeleye 1954-56, List of Works Sponsored by the Institute [Authors are not identified with any specific division, laboratory, or other organizational component of the institute.) Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Ci6maleys ANS USSR. SO: Sum 1186, 32 Jon 57. '(fl) 7- US'ISPWdircfi~e M=tism Card 1/1 ; Pub. 148-17/28 FD-1637 Author : Smirnov, P. V. and Beletskaya, L. V. Title : Problems involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatism Periodical Zhur. mikro, epid. i immun- 7, 67-72, Jul 1954 Abstract. A review of recent and current theories on the etiology of rhelm- tism is given and the names of Soviet and non-Soviet scientists connected with them are mentioned. The role of desoxycorticosterone and hemolytic streptococci, both alone and in combination, as tile agents which produce experimental rheumatism in white rats is dis- cussed in detail. Desoxycorticosterone alone did not produce rheu- matism. Hemolytic streptococci alone caused rheumatism in about a third of the experimental animals. A combination of these two agents produced experimental rheumatism in 91 percent of the animals. No references are cited. Institution Submitted March 1, 1954 USSR/General PrableLs --if Pathology - Pathophysi,)L)a of the U. Infectijus Process Abs J.)ur : Ref Zhur - bioil' il-3 2, 1959, 8654 Author : Boridiyuk, N.A., Beletskaya, L.V. Inst : Title : Experimental Strept~;cjccus Lifectio;, in the Lif4it of the Role of the Streptococcus in the Pathoge-acsis 3f RheuLia- tic Fever Orig Pub : Zh. mikr.)biol., epide-.aial. i innunibijI., 1957, NJ 10, 66-70 Abstract : Virulent cultures of the heiiolytic streptjc~.ccus were repeatedly i:ijected int..) rabbits iatrac-xijLynctivally and intravenously iiito rats. A part Df the rats received DOCA simultaneously. In a considerable part of the a:-,i- mals a polyp )id-verruc.)us end.)carditis, zkyocarditis )r aseptic arthritides were fo-L--,Id. No Aschoff bodies ii~)r sclerotic chanaes in the ny.;cardiLn typical if rhciu.~.atic Card 1/2 USSR/General PrJbleris if PathiliMr - Pathophysiologj, if t':c U. Infectious Pricess Abs J.)ur Ref Zhur - Biol., N; 2, 1959~ 8654 fever were f.-)uiid. The anti-hy-aluronidase, antistreptily- sill 0 aiA aa&lutinin titers increased c~)asiderably in the rats. Large doses of DOCA did n)t exert any notable effect on the ejurse .)f the patlulogic process. - N.D. Bekle-mishev Card 2/2 7 SHIRNOV, F.V. [deceasedj,,;B=XLXTbTA7A, L.V.; BORODIYUK, N.A., Experimental streptococc al i C;;;Iio- in Macacus rhesus monkeys; nature of rhoixmatic fever and rheumatoid diseases. Zhur.mikro- biol.epid. i inwan. 30 no.5:61,66 Ky 159. (MMA 12:9) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Garialei (STRWTOCOCCAL INMTIONS, exper. in monkeys Otug)) smuky) POVS; BORODIYUK, N.Ae (Moskva) Morphological changes in experimental polyarthritis induced in white rats by 9-hemolytic Streptococcus. A. Arkh. pat. 21 no.9: 16-23. (KIU 14t 8) 1. 1z laboratorli lookkovykh infektoV OtdeI4 ranevykh infektsiy (Z&V. - deystvitelInyy chlen,AMH SSSR pi-40. d.V.Vygodchikov) Instituta apidemiologii i,mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamalej,AMN SSSR (dir. prof. S.N.Muromitsev); ) ~MEPTdCOCCAL nMCTI NS (ARTHRIT1S) IELETSKAYA., L.V. wChanges in the organs pf experimental animals caused by the introduction of streptococcal culture group A and homogenate of homologus tissue,. Report submitted to the Intl* Congress of Microbiology, Montreal., Canada 19-25 Aug 1962 LYAMFFM,, L.M.; W3,12TUM, L.V.; BORODIM, N.A.; SMNOVA., M.N. Antibodies reacting with Innnan heart tissue in antistreptococcie rabbit,nerun. Mir. mikrobiol., epid. i im=n. 33 no.2.62-68 F 162, (MIRA 150) 1. Iz Inatituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni W.F. Gamalei AMN SSSR, (RHEMATIC HEAM DISEASE) (SERUK) - - (STREPTOCOCCUS) (IMIGEMS AED ANTIBaDIRS) LYAMPERT, I.M.; GAIACH*YANTS, O*P.; -BEIMPU, L. ~.SHIRYOVA, M.N. AntIO.6dies against homologbus heart tissue in the am= of animals immunized by streptococcus. Vop.revm. 3 no.10-10 Ja-Hr 163. (KM 16s.4) 1. Iz Instituta. isdid N,F.Gamalei (dir. - prof. F.A.Vershilova) ANN SSSR. (STRiPrOCOCCUS) (ANTIGFM AND-ANTIBODIES) (REART-MUS CLE) BELETSKAYA L.V.; CHZHM VENI-YUY Utilization of filtrates of hyaluronidaae-active strains of Streptococcus in histoohamical, praetioe. Arkh. ate no.2t 66-69163 MRA 16M) 1. Iz otdela streptokokkovykh infektaiy (zav, - doktor med, nauk I.M.Lyampart) Instituta apidemiologii i mikrobiolo i imeni N.F.Gamalei AM SSSR (dir. - prof. P.A.Vershiloraf. BELETSKAYAP L.V.; LYAWWT, I,H, Changes in the organs of experimental animalibaused by the introduction of -hemolytic streptococcal culture and homologouB bomogenate-of the connective tussue. Vop,revm. 1 no*.3s25-31 J1-S, 161. (KMA 16:4) 1. Iz laboratorii streptokokkovykh infektsiy (sav, - doktor med.nauk P.V.Pavlov) Instituta ekspIrlmentallnoy meditsiny .imeni N.F.Gamalei ANN SWR (dir. - prof. S.N.Muromtsev [deceased)). (IIOMITY) (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (TISSUE EITRACTS) BELETSKAYA L.V. (Moskva) Development of experimental arteritis in anir-qls following introduction of group A streptococcus culture mixed with the homogenate of homologous connective tissue. Arkb. pat. 27 no.5a24-29 165- (MIRA 1825) 1. Otdel streptokokkovykh infektsiy (zav. - doktor med.riauk I.M. Lyampert) Inst-Ituta apidemiologii i mikrobiologii iment Gamalei (dlr. - eblen-korrespondent AMN MR P.A.Vershilova) MN SSSR. BZLE ' ~~ !,-. , IL. Y y TERL-d1i IT' T C , -.i&) C . . - 1. ,- . - . 1,947- Tashk-nt ll-.fedl:~ul Inst. llcau~--as of Leueomyosarkona of thp Heart" Arlhiv. Pa*01 Il. !1;,-. 1, Nbr., Chair Patholor-Ical Anto.,;i-,r, -1314',;-: Prol:edeAlc Them-eutl(~ -1," 7. 1 1 - 4 BELWSKAYA, L.Ye.- Antitoxic function of the liver in pregnancy. Akush. gin. no.5:31-33 SePt-Oct 1953. (GIKL 25:4) 1, Gandidate Medical Sciencese 2* Of %be Propedeutic Department of Internal Diseases (Head - Prof. G, A. Buosell# deceaed) of the Sanitation and Pediatrics Faculties of Tashkent Medical Institute. Z- - USSR/Ihimrm and Animal MorThologY. CirculatOrY SYSteM. S-2 Abe Jour: Referat Mi.-Biol.., No 11 10 .T=zary 1958) 2W Author Beletskava, L. Ye. Title Contribution to the Subject of Congenital Isthm, Aortae. Orig Pdb: Z& 2dravookhr. Utbekistana, 1955, No 6., 50-53- Abstract: A case of congenital isthIM, aortae, acccupaniea,by an elikmtecl bloocl pressure in the upper and normal pressure in the lower extremities, was presdatea. rn these cases hypertention :Iiiid bably'depended upon an interference with the central regulatory mechanism. Card 1/1 -7- hXCERPTA YEDICA 33ee 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Yed6 Jan 59 172. CAPILLARY 111311MEABILITY AND CHANGES IN PLASMA PROTEiNMN' FNTFRITIS AND EwrEROCOLI'ris ptussian text)-, fie let skaya ZURAVOOK11H.UZ. 1956, 3 J31-35) Capillary permenbility was investigated in 59 patirmu by the Landiii and Konchn. lovski tests; the McClure-Aldrich test threw light 6n the hydrophilic properties of the tissues, and total plasma proteins were etitimated by refractonietry. increased capillary permeability, attributed to histam lite -like sul)stances released by the intestinal tissues. was found in chronic and especially in acute enteritis and onto- rneolitis. The majority of cases also showed hypop rote inaemia. most marked (average 5.54%) in chronic enterttis and enterocolitis. KonchalQvski's test was found to be less sensitive than that of Landis. The data obt6ined show the need for more comprehensive treatment of both acute and chronic intestinal diseases. (S) '%-B]![MSXATA, L.Te., doteel3t; TJRIOMOV, O*Go Case of echinococaus of the heart. Ned.shur.Uzb. no.6:75-77 Je 158, (MM 13:6) 1. Is propedayticheekoy torapevticheekoy klinild saultarno- giglyenichaskogo I pedlatricheskogo fak-Iltotor (zav. - Prof. Me Atakhanov) Tashkeutskogo gosudarstTennogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (E3AR-4rYMIDS) BELE11SKA11, LoYe., dotsent Use of nikodine, Medo zhur, Uzb, no,5:58-60 My 161. (MIRA 146) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh boleaney sanitarno- gigiyenicheskogo i pediatricheskogo fakulltetov (zav. - prof. E.I.Atakhanov) Tachkentakogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo inst ituti. (PYRIDINETRICARBOXYLIC ACID) BELETSKAYAt M. K. Cand Biol Sci -- (dise) "The role of acids in a ricarbonio oxidizing cycle in the synthesis of I&c**6=Itbt in the organism of lact%A;;~,e animals." Kiev,1957- 15 ppr(Min Agr UkSSR. Ukrainian Acad Agr Sci. Chair of Organic and Biol Chemistry.) 100 copies. (KL, 8-58, 1o4) -12- USSR / Pam Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour t Ref 2hur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7356 Author : Gulyy, M. P.; Pshenichnyy, P. D.; Vasilonko, D. Ya. ; Role -qkAyn - IL Zhadan, A. B.; Kurbatov, I.; Ost!O~ova, M. M.; Chizh- ska-ya, G. Ya.; Shevchenko, N. I. Inst : Not given Title : Ways of Raising the Milk's Pat Content in Cows Orig Pub : Vestn. s.-kh. nauk, 1957, No 8, 41-50 Abstract In repeated experiments it was established that when brewer's yeast (3.3 liters per head daily) was temporarily fed to cows, their milk's fat content became increased (by 0.4 percent on the average) for a compa- ratively long time. When they were fed bre- Card 1/2 USSR / Pam Animals. Cattie. Abs Jour i Rof' Z6~ - hidib.giya, No 2, 1959, No--7356 worts yeast and then sulfuric acid ammonia (60-75 g per oow dailyt the milkla averngo fat content was additionally increased by 0.20-0,25 percent. Card 2/2 USSR / Pam Animals: General Problems. Abs Jour Ref Zhui- A Biologlya, No 2, 1959, Noi 7259 serves as a source for lactic fat, is related to the citric acid metabolism. As lactating sheep and cows were fed acetic acid sodium, the percentage of the milkts fat was raised (by 0.2-0.6 percent) as well as its daily secretion (by 4.0-19.3 percent). Increases in the percentage of fat and of its daily secretion were observed when citric acid and araber acid sodium were added to feeds. In the first case it was increased by 0.1-1.2 and 3.1 -20 percent, and in the second case by 0.5-1.0 and by 11.7-28.5 percent, respectively. Card 2/2 AVOW, T, L; RRINTSELYA, M.P. (10aarlkov) Talartan Origorlevich lashkavich, Botkin's successor. Klin. mad. 35 no.1:124-125 A '57 (KM 10: 4) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vautrannikh boleaney lachabnogo faidillteta (zav. kafedroi-zasluzhounyy dayatell uauki prof. V.M. Kogan-Yasnyy) Kharlkovskogo maditsinakogo instituta. (BIOMAPHIFIS lashkovicb, Valerian G.) BEIETSKAYA . N. I. Effectiveness of outpatient treatment of rheunatic fever in the prevention of relapses. Sov. med. 27 no.2:12(.-127 F t64. (MM 17:10) 1. Kardiorevmatologicli--ikiy kabinet (zav. IT.!. Beletskaya) mediko-sanitarnoy cha.-tj (glevnyy vrach A.S. Lachunskiy, zav. terapevticheskim otdele'nlyam M.N. Gordiyenko) khlopchatobwmazh- nogo kombinata, Fherson. C -Ac ~N& AP60607341. SOURCE CODE: UH/62 51/65/039/003/0599/0605 AUTHOR: Beletakaya H -ORG: Thilis State UniVersity (Tbi I i a sk1y gpeuderstvannyy universitet), TITLE.: -Effect of free-purines and,p7rimidines on ammonia production.. and glutemine breakdown in extracts from muscle tissue V. -no SOURCE: -AN GruzSSR., S.Oobshc6nkya, 39, 39 1965, 599-605 TOPIC TAGS: biologic metabolismi bio logic respiration, call. physiology$ organic nitrogen compoundl-glutevidacid. ABSTRACT:_-Tbis worklaime d: -at': d.eterminin g'.wbetber glutemine Interaots* with purine bases. in'incubated muscle. tissue to form a compound which. would,liberate-,ammonia, The,,study involved the affect of the following. bases on-ammonia;produption in the prefaence~.of endogenous and exogenous, glutimine" : adenine..guani-nes xantbine,,.bypoxentbinet uracyl.and cyto- Pines. . The tests were conducted with-incubated extracts from 9',bomogen- ate' of rat muscle.:tiesue,,and the.producte we* re determined by isothermic.distillations chemical analysis and speotropbotometry.~ The presence of-hypoxentbine at Incubation increased ammonia by 1e2 mg%* Glutamine utilization at Incubation was seen in the decrease-of~amldic. Card -112 BELErSkAYA, 5.N. Improvement of the method of gas feed in the.bxtra.otAil of dissemi- nated bitumens from-rocks using high pressurb 6441 .-TrvAy VNIGRI no.212, Gookhimesbor* no.8i2/+6 163. (MIRA 16s12) BEMTSKAYA, S.N. ModelinR the process of the prizary migration of a monophase gas condition..Trudy VNIGRI no.227 Gsokhim.sbor. no.9t 57-63 164. (MIRA 18%3.) ZHIZHNIVSKIY, G.00; 33IMSrAYA T.S. Now motion-picture equipment in television. Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no.10:8-9 0160. (MML 13: 10) (Notion pictures and television) (Television-Fiquipment and supplies) ACCESSION NR: AP4012185 S/ol9V64/000/002/0017/0019 AUTHORS: Omellchenko, S..I.; Sorokin, V9 P.;-Tkachuk, Be Me; Beletskaya,.,_T._.Y.; Zubkova, Z. A.; Piotrkovskaya., V. G.; Safonov, A* I* A ,TITLE: Unsaturated polyglycol maleinate resins modified by anthracene~ SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 2, 1964, 17-19 *PIC TAGS: unsaturated polyglycol maleinate resin, anthracene, %durat maleic an- uzisW ed polyester resin, glass-reinforced plastics ;hidride, contact method, filler, binder, heat resistance '~ABSTRACT: Effort directed toward broadening the raw material base :for synthesis of unsaturated polyester resins is acquiring great ;value in connection with the expansion of glass-reinforced plastic 'production.' Unsaturated polyester resins were synthesized by two methods: (1) joint polycondensation of maloic anhydtide with additive' ,of anthracene and glycol (ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol),D (2) introduction of anthracene during condensation polymerization of glycols and maleic anhydride. Two problems were simultaneously card 1/2. -ACCESSION NR: AP4012185 Isolved: obtaining unsaturated polyester bonds with,,improved prop- lerties and the expansion of the raw material base~for their produc- Optimum conditions for the'process were studied and it was by synthesis in one testablished that stable resins can be obtained ;stage (22-23 hrs.) and in-a two-stage process (16-2Thrs.). Glass- Ireinforced plastic was prepared on the basis of resins derived by !the contact method; glass cloth of brand T and ACTV(b) C with 1paraffin lubricant were used 'as filler. Physical-me'i:hanigal testing' lindicate.; that the resins.modified by additive or anthracene can be fused as binders. Glass-r6inforced plastic based on resin of cdrtain,- ibrands (PNA-D-2, PNAD-E-3s PNAD-2.5) possess increased heat resis- itance and the best physic'al-mechanical properties, ASSOCIATION: None' !SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 26Feb641 ENCL:.00 ,SUB CODE: CHI MA Nk REP SOV: 001 'OTMI 003 'kA card 2/2. BELETSKAYA T.V, ,[Bilet.,jlka, T.V.); ZIJBKCVi, Z.A.; (~Y:[,ICHEWO, s,!.; I'O'T-R-K'&VSKAYA, V,G. [Piotrkovslka, vm.); rFACHUY, B.I.I. Unsaturated polyester resins with increased heat resistance and improved dielectric properties for the inqnufacture of glass plastics. Khim. prom.(Ukr.) no.1:5-8 Ja-Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 0--q'G ollym modified t- TITLE:--'Effect; of ~~t-g oyst:6-M-q- ca th erization! of anthra6en4-, --,-Dolvglycol maleate reeinVith styrene. SOURCE: PlasUche6kiydlnasoy, no. .6, 1966, 3-6 h erizatign; po ymaleate, a ene copolymer, polyglycol resin TOPIC TAGS: copo ym tyr anthracene modifier, polymerization initiator, polymerization accelerator, cold hardening' ABSTRACT: The article describes systems for cold hardenIng, coaslsUng: of one initiator:. -T--a-n-d-o-ce-;ic-c-el6-mt-or-, -and-4oo-multico eat-systems-consistil..,r-of mpon lwoAnitiators and one: a-Mors, Two-componen M in accelerator,': or -onb -initiator and two -hecel t systen 9 ediSIS 9~ of pero)ddes of methylethyl kWne and -cyclobexanone, with a cobalt accelerator were found to be t~6e most euitahle for- the cold hardening of the anthracene-modified pdWlycol 17' maleate resin PNA-ED-2. Three-component systems (methylethyl ketone peroxide - benzoyl peroidde - cobalt naphthenate; or cyclohexanone peroyJde - isopropylbemene h ero;dde - cobalt na ena e). have no advantages aver two-component syutems. p4f1k. t '62171~ CEMION:NR*. "5014W C A TKACHMts, D.M.; OMICUMO, S.I.; ZUBKOVA, Z.A.1 PIOTRKOVSKATA, V,Gej BZIZTS Effect of initiating-eyoteme-on the copo3juerization of anthraoane zodified glycol maleic reeins with styrene. Plastmassy nos6t3-6 165o ()aR& 2,M) BEIRSKAYA Vanda Vladimirovna; MDIWEVp K.Ya.p nauchmyy red. jkand.tekhn.nauk; L.S,, [Technology and aesthetics] Tokbnika. i estatika. Moskva IrA-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1962. 95 p. (KMA i595) 1. Uchemyy sakretarl Instituta okhr=W truda Vaesoyanogo, tsentrallnogo soveta profoo7uzov (for Hokeyev). (Wuetrial Iqgiene) SAVITSKA4. M.N.; KHOLODOVA, Tu.D.; EEIETSKATk.. V.Ya. ------------------ Synthesis of polymeric soil conditioners. Naueh.trudy Ukr. nauch.-ioal.inst,finiol,rast. no.23:200-204 162. (KRA 16s2) (Soil conditioners) (Folymens) PROTSENKO, D.F.; MISIFUSTIVA, P.S.; BE1JEETSKA.YA,.,.Ye.K. Some features of haterotic corn plants in connecticn with frost ji-A , ., resistance. Fiziol. rast. 11 no.4:720-725 lt%9 04. (MIRA 17:11) 1 Ukrainshiy naticlino-isL:,'A-.iy instlti~t fiziologli rasteniy AN UkrSS.R, Klyev. BEUTSKAYA, Ye.KjBileto'ka? O.K.] A&~~ Dynamics of the formation of green plastids in potato leaves as related to soil conditions. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.205-39 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut fiziologii rasteniy. (Chromatophorea) (Crops and aoilo) (Potatoes) TSVETKOV, N.S.; BELETSKAYA. Ye.S. , Po2ymeric peroxides of dibasic organic acids. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.10:1072-.1075 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. LIvovekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Ivana Franko. TSVETKOV, N.S.; BELETSKAYA, Ye.S. Kinetics of mass polymerization of styrer*.under the effect of polymeric peroxide of aselaic &4d. ukr.khIm.zhur. 29 no.12t 1289-1294 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i-m. Ivana Franko. M ZWT( )/~PF(c)/EWP.(J w lu 7 ACCESS-ION 931/004/03V/03 Z:: R 00 3/05/ 9 2 ORo Tsvetkov,- N:: S AUTH i Beleto I -yet TITLE: Kinetics. and mech sm or-aym ani ymerization in the presence of the polymeric, acid peroxide of plm,e c SOTJRCE...~UkrainskiyWnilchi~s4k-ihurnAl, v. 31, No. 4, 1965, 387-392 TOPIC'TAGS: styrempo, ymer zation, p6lymerizatloA kinetics, pimelic. aold peroxide, p6lymerization irdtiator, chain propaption pol~ineric ~6rojod6, licarboxylic peroxidei, Po ~ABSTRACT: In order tocomparc the Initiating properties of polymeric peroxides of the homologous series of dibasic organic aclds~ the authors studied the kinetics of styrene polymerization initiated by a polymeric roxide of p1melic acid%t various temperatures aftd concentrations of initiator and monomer. The rates, order if reaction with respect to the initiator and-monomer, and polymerization rate constants were calculated for the initial period of the process. As the temperature and monomer concentration decrease, the participation of primary raWcala (formed by the thermal decomposition of the initiator molecules in the brealdng of MAetic chains)increases. In the process of polymerization. ~X only l-, 2-poroxide bonds are broken in the polymeric molecule of ptmelic ai.Ad perox:1de; the remaining groups are broken by reacting with tha growing polymer radicals. This 1/2 ~,E74 . 4F7-St-/Y,, 4, 13ELMMax- Results of an audit. Fin.SSSR 16 no.4:62-64 Ap 155. (MLR& 813) (Ukraine.-Commerce) BELETSKIY, A. F. BELETSKIY, A. F. -- "INVESTIGATION OF PRe)BLEMS OF DE31GIIING CERTAIN CLA3tE5 or LsHcAR ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS ACCORDING To THEIR ASSIGNED FnEQucNcy CHARACYCA15TICS." Sua 22 MAY 52, INST or AUTOMATICS ANo TCLCMCCHANIC3, ACAD 5Ct USSR (0133CRTATION ron THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR IN TECHNICAL SCIENCES) SO. VECHERNAYA M03KA, JANUARY DecEmseR tFj2 BILSTSKIY, A.F. Cbaracteristic of loading and 105-119 '53- (Blectric parameters as a basis for calculating the expansion filter ranges. Sbor.nauch.rab. po prov.sviazi no.2: Offmk 7:5) filters) M:LETSKIY, A.F. I Dissertation by A.F.Beletskii "Examining problems of calculations for some cla.zs~~s of linear electrical circuits according to given frequency charactei- istics'."' IzY.AN SSSR Otd.takh.nauk no.5:791-792 My '53- (HLRA 6:8) '(Electric circuits) (Beletskii, A.P.) PHASE I BCOK EXPLOITATION SOV13.-S6 Beletsk-iy, Aleksandr Fedorovich Teoreticheskiye osnovy elektroprovodnoy svyazi. Ch. 4111-., Sintez reaktivnykh chetyr,ekhpolyusnikov -I-eiekzri~.hesklkh filltroy (Theoretical Principles of Wire CommurA~iatlon. Ft. '1.~ Svnthesis Fill of Rea.-tive Four-Term.-Inal Netw6xks and Elen.. MOB-owj Svyazlizd,a.t, 1959. 3100 P. Er7ata &I.Ip Inserted. 6,250 copies printed. Resp. Ed.~~ N N,, Garnovsk-ty., Ed... N,N. !,Lrhet~kly~ Te(--.h, Ed., S_F~ Karabllova,, PURPOSE-. This book 15 Intended for engi,neerz~ and solentlats engaged in the design of communication systems wLth frequen,~y divislan .of channels and may also be used for term and thesis projectts in higher !,,ommunit.-ationb schools. COVERAGE,. The author dissusses the theojreri-:~al princlpie3 of reactive four-terminal networks and-methods of their synthesis ac'~ording to predetermined frequency-response requirements, Special empha- Card 1/7 ,Theoretical Principles (Cont.) SOV/3586 sis is placed on recent methods of synthesizing electrical filters a,ocording to their operating and image parameters. Methods of synthesizing some new types of reactive four-terminal networks are also.analyzed. The author thanks Ya.A, Sobenin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. There are no rqferences'. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Conventional.Symbols 5 L Ch. 1., Theor etleal Principles cf-Reactive Four-Terminal Networks 1. Statement of the problem 8 2, Conditions for physical realization of the impedance matrix in a four-terminal network 10 3. Frequency relationships of Image parameters in reactive four-terminal networks 19 4~ Conditions for physical realization of Image parameters in reactive four-terminal networks 25) Card 2/7 Theoretical Principles (Cont.) sovlm-,86 5, Operating characteristics of reactive four-terminal net- works 30 6. Conditions for physical. realization of eperating character- . istics In a reactive four-terminal network 37 7. Conditions for physical realization of operating character- istics in a reactive four-terminal network for maximum rated Impedance values in one of its loads 48 8. Realization of reactive four-terminal networks in bridge and ladder circuits 56 1. General remarks 56 2. Bridge reactive four-terminal networks 57 3. Separation of phase c1rcults - 61 4. Determination.of a ladder reactive four-terminal network by Its lvpat~ Inedance 62 5. Determ1nat-ion-of a ladder reactive four4erminal network by either its no-load or short-circuit impedances 65 6. Polynomial and quasipolynomial reactive four-terminal, networks 67 7. Determining a ladder reactive four-terminal network in a general case. 71 Card 3/7 Theoretical Principles (Cont.) SOV/3586 Ch. 2. Mathematical Bases for Solving the Problem of the Synthesis of Electrical Filters 78 1. Requirements for electrical filters 78 2. Formulation of the problem of the synthesis of electrical filters 80 3. Mathematical apparatus of the theory of the best approxi- mation'of functiohs for problems of t he synthesis of elec- , trical filters . 84 1. Chebyshev criterion 84 2. Chebysh6v fractions 85 3. Jacobian elliptic functions 99 4. Zolotaryev fractions ill 4. Solution of problems of synthesizing low-p4ss filters 114 5. Solution of problems of synthesizing bindpass filters 120 6. Representation of Chebyshev fractione by means of functions expressing frequency relationships of image paramete.-s in reactive four-terminal networks. 124 7. Classification of electrical filters aomording to their attenuation 132 8. Frequency conversion 134 Card 4/ 7 Theoretical Principles (cont.) SOV/3586 Ch. 3. Load-Matchea Electrical Filters and Their Synthesis 1. Statement of the problem 139 2. Classification of load-matched filters according to their image impedance 3. Variants of the realization of filter sections and half- sections 4. Seotions and half-seetions of low-pass filters 5. Sectionsand half-sections of high-pass filters 6. Sections and half-sectionB of bandp&ss and band-elimina- tion filters Synthesis of load-matched composite filters 8. Oraphical methods of developing Image attenuation of 'Load- matbhed filters 9. Synthesis of load-'matched low-pass filters with Isoextre- mal characteristics 10. Synthesis of load-matdked bandpass filters with isoextre- mal characteristics 11. Synthesis of.ladder load-matched filters 140 143 145 156 158 165 169 171 183 186 Ch. 4. Synthesis of Electrical Filters According to Their Image Parameters 1. Basic concepts 193 Card 5/7 Theoretical Principles (Cont.) SOV/3586 2. Optimal parameters of filter ipiage impedance 196 3. Phase characteristics of filtie'Ya 202 4. Effect of b 'ases Jn ft.fter --ompon'ents on attenuation chara- cteristics of'the filter 209 5. Application of general methods of four-terminal network synthesis-in problems of synthesizing electrical filters according to their image parameters 217 Ch. 5. Synthesis of Electrical Filters According to Their Opera- ting Parameters. 1. Basic concepts 2. ..Frequency relationships of effective attenuation'.of filters synthesized'according to their operating parameters 226 3..'Solution of'the general problem of the synthesis of elec- trical filters according to their operating parameters. 228 4. Determination of circuit diagrams and component values for possible filter variants 234 5. Frequency relationships of operating phase and filter in- put Impedance 238 6. Synthesis of filters with.lossy components, 241 Card 6Z7 Theoretical Principles (Cont.) SOV/3586 Ch. 6. Synthesis o *f Particular Types of Electrical Filters and Reactive Fdur-Teminal Networks According to Their Opera- ting Parameters ' 1. Statement of,the problem 248 2. Polynomial filters and their synthesis 248 3. Filtdis with i8oextremal characteristics and their 8ynthe- 8is .! 254 .4. Br6ad'-band phase-shifters and their synthesis 269 5. Compensating filters and their synthesis .288 6. Bandpas8 amplIfier8 and their synthesis 1. General remarks 288 2. Bandpas8 amolifiers with lumped selection 29CL 3. qua8'ipolynomial bandpas8 amplifiers 292 Appendixes 1. FiindamL-ntal Rated Relationships Used in Synthesi8,Problem8 of Reactive Four-Terminal Networks and Electrical-'Filter8 300 2. Examples of Designing Filters 347 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/jb Card 7/7 6-9-6o BELETSKIYy A.F. Amplitude difference method for shaping a single-band signal, Elektrosviaz! 18 no.10:17-24 0 164. (KMA 17 12) 67380 6,9000 SOV/106-59-9-8/13 AUTHOR: Belets A.F TITLE*- A Filterless Method of Analysis of Stationary Random Processes PERIODICAL: glektros:vyazl, 1959$ Nr 9, pp 60-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Existing methods of analysis of the spectra of random Processes and the design of the corresponding spectrum analysers are based on the division of the spectrum of the analysed process into a number of frequency bands. This division is realised by a filter bank or "comb". From the values of the powers at the filter outputs, averaged over a period of time, the-spectral density of 'average power of the analysed process can be found. Similar analysers can be used for measurement of "flowing" spectra. In this case, the voltages at the filter outputs are squared and averaged, and low- frequency filters are used to separate the low-frequency part of the squared voltages. Amongst the possible methods of approximation to S(f) is the method of Card least squares, in so far as identification of the 1/4 spectrum with one of the existing samples means finding the minimum of the mean square deviation. For this 67380 SOV/106- 59-9-8/13 A Filterless Method of Analysis of Stationary Random Processes methodg it Is convenient to present S(f) as a finite Fourier sum Sn(f) which approximates to a presented function with minimum mean square error, It is important to note that with transformation of the frequency scale by use of a single-valuedt uniforml a = a(f), the dependence increasing function B(f can be represented approximately by a functional frequency scale. Then S(a) = S(f) df (1) ra and a change of a(f) is equivalent to a change of the "weight" of the approximation. The author describes apparatus which will "model" the performance of S(a) as a finite Fourier sum. Spectra with negligibly small average power i'a the frequency band 0 K, f < fo are analysed. If the function a = a(f) changes between 0 -~, a ---5 7r . over the frequency band 0 4 f --