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SKURIDIM, Serafim Aleksandrovich [S"jrXdi4, S.O.); BALEVTSEV. Ya.IH4 [Biolievtsev, IA.M.]. otv.ped.; MILINIK. G.F. [Mellnyk. H.P.J. red.izd-va; YURCHISHIN, V.G. CIUrchiehin, V.H .1, tekhn.rod. [Detailed stratigraphic scalo of the central series in the, Sansagan' area of the Kr4yoy Rog Basin] Detalizataiin straty- grafichnoi skherV seredulot.svity Sakeahanalkoho raionu Yryvobo rohu. Kyiv, Vyd-vo, Akad.nauk Ukr. RSR 1958. 35 P. (Akadet3iia nauk URSR. KlRV.InRtytUt reologlebrqkh nauk. Trudy. no.2). A '(MM 13:2) Kilvoy Rog Basin.-iGeoloa, StriLtigraphic) MELINM, Y~riy'Petrovich (Mel'nyk, 1U.P.3; BKMTSBV. Ya.14. [Blelievtsev. 0- .(Malrn-v ~.x ' IA.14.]; IOLINIK, LFO ROZENTSVEYF,, Te.N. [Rozentsveig, M.N. 5, 't e~hrel. [Changes in rocks during the formation of iron ores In the central part of the Saksagan area in the Krivoy Rog Ba;in3 Zminy porid pry utvorenni zalizi7kh rud v sarednii chastyni Saksabans'koi smuby Kryvorizlkoho baaeinu' Kyiv, Izd-vo akad. nauk URSR. 1958. 74 p. (Akaderiiia nauk URSR, Instytut geologichrqkh nauk. Trucbr, n0.3). (UM 12:7) 1,Chlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Belevtsev). (Saksagan' Valley-Rocks) BMMVTSUV. Ya.H.;SKURIDIN, S.A. ...... Industry should be provided with thoroughly explored deposits Lwith summary in Engliahj. Sov. gool. no. 5;110-116 my 138. (KIRA 11:10) 1. Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN USSR* (Prospecting) I. BRI.NVTSHV, Ya.M. (Bielievtoev, U.M.] Genetic types of pro-Cambrian uranium ore deposits and manifes- tations* Geolzhur. 18 no 4:3-10 158* (HIU 12: 1) (Urani;; ores) JELM$ZVO Ta,#Nq [Bielievtoovp IA*Mtl Correlation of Pro-Cambrian iron ore *series of the U.S.S.R. and of the Chineue Peoplels Republiae Geol. zhur. 20 no. 1:56-67 160~ (KM 1415) (Tron ores) BEUVTSEV, Ya.NjZelievtsevj IA.M.]; YEPATKOp YU.N. [IEpatko, TU.M.1; G.N, [Petukhovat H.M.] Solubility of quartz and hematite in waters of varicrus -.omposit- ion. Geol. zhur. 20 nb. 5:51-56 160. (MIU 14:1) (Quartz) (Hematite) I BEU evich; Ptinimal uchastiye OMMMICHWO, A.I,,, SENKO.V IQS.y dokto-r-fool.-mineral.nauks, otvred.; ZAVMYUKINA, V.W.p redizd~va- RAKHLINA, N,,P.,o tekbured. [Str;,.ctural conditions in the formation of ore depositiel Strak- tur* usloviia obrasovaniia rudmfth mestorozbdenii. Kiev. Izd-vo Akad rauk Ukrainskoi SSR# 19619 232 p. (Akademiia nauk UMk Kiev. IM;tut geologiobnykh nauk. Trudvv noe7). (HIPJ. 3.5S2) (Ore depositis) BELMSEV, Ta,N. [Rieliavtoev,, IA.M-Ij RCDIONOVS S.P. [deceased) . *~ ; .1,T,,- '71iMp In the development of geology# Gool.shuro 21 wJiI449 - -"'# ~, 'i 161. (KU 14:10) i~. 1e Iustitmt geologicheokikb usuk AN USSR, (Geology) BELEVTSEV,-Ya.N. Structures of iron ore deposits. Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser.geol. 26 no.8: 3-20 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSR, Kiyev. (Iron ores) I I I I - I w BELUTSEVP Ta.y. (Bielievtoevi, IA.M* ; MELININ, Yu.p~; .-- STRIGINj 0-1- LStryhin$ 0.1.] Mineralogical characteristics of iron ores and migmatiteS in the Ingulets Val-ley. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk AN URSR. Ser,petr.,,min, ta geokhim. no.6:136-140 160. (MIRA 1 :12) (Arivoy Rog Basin-Iron ores) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Migmatites) JZ1,rvTSZY,-7a.N. [Bieliev-tsev, IA.M.); MELINIK, Yu.p,'; STRIGIN, 0.1. [Stryhin, 0.1.] Mineralogical characteristics of iron ores and migmatites in the Ingulets Valley. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk AN URSR. Ser.petre,min. ta, geokhim. no.6:136-140 160. (MIRA 15:12) (jKrivoy Rog Basin-Iron ores) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Migmatites) BELErVTS qE,-~1skQT--UkQ1aYAYL9hj TAWUYEV, Glob Vasillyevich; GOROSHNIKOV, Boris Ivanovich; BIRYUKOV, V.I., red.; OVCHINNIKOVA, S.V., red. izd-va; GUROVA,-O.A., tekhn. red. [Mining geology of iron ore deposits]Fmdnichnaia geologiia no 2helazorudnykh MeStOrO2hdeniiakh. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962. 233 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Iron ores) SEMENENKO, N.P., akademik, otv. red.; SUBBOTIN, S.I., akadsmW red.; TKACHUK, L.G., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, zam,; LAZARENKOt Te.K., red.- EELEVTSEV Ya N red.p POPOV,, V.S., red.; SOLLOGUB, V. B. sauk, red.; ZAVIRYUKHINAp V.N., red.; MELINIK, A.F., red.; DAKHMO, Yu.B., tekhn. red. [Hateriala of the Fifth-Conference of the Carpatho-Balksm Geological Association]MaterialyV allazda Karpato-Balkanskoi geologichaskoi aBaotsiataii. Kiev,*Izd-vo Akad, nauk URSR, 1962. 309 p. (MIRA 16W 1. Kexpato-Balkanskaya geolgicheskaya assotaiataiya. 5. s"yezd. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (;or Semenenko Subbotiz), (Carpathian Mountains--Geologyi (Balkan MbuntaixB-Geology) _RETEVTSEV,__Ya_X_; FOMENKO, V.Yu.; NOTkWV, V.D.; MOLYAVKOG.L;MEL1NIK, Yu. P. ; S IROSHTAN,: R. I. ;/ DOVGAN I , M. N. ; CHERNOVSKIY, M. I. SHCHERBAKOVA, K.F.; ZAPORUYKOp L.G.;.GOROSHNIKOVp B.I.; AKIMENKOV N.M.; SEMEFf%MVA, Ye.l.;.KUCEER, V.N.; TAKHTU V, G.V.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; ZkRUU, V.M.; NAZAROV, P.P.; MAKSIMVICH, V.L.; STRUYF.Vk, G.M.; KARSHENBAUM, A.P.j SKARZHINSKAYA, T.A.; CAREDNICUMO, A.I.; GERSHOYG, Yu.G.; FITADE, A.A.;. RADUTSKAYA, P.D.; ZHILKINSKIY,~S.L; KAZAK, V.M.; KACHAN, V.G.; STRYGIN, A.I., red.; LADIYEVA, V D red.; ZHUKOV, G.V., red.; YEPATKO, TU.M., red.; SHCHERBAKOi,'U., red.; SLENZAK, 0.1., red.izd-va; RAKHLINA, N.P., ttkhn. red. (Geology of Krivoy Rog iron-ore-deposits]Geologiia NrivorozbBkikh zhelezorudnykh mestorozhdenii. Kiev.-Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l.[General problems in the geology of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Geology and iron ores of the deposits of the "Ingalets," Rakhmanovo, and Illich Minee]Obshchie voprosy geologii Krivbaesa. Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdenii ruAnjkqv "Ingulets," Rakhmanovskogo i im. nlicha. 1962. 479 p. (Krivoy RSg Basin-Mining geology) (MIRA 16:3) (Krivby Rog Basin--Iron ores BLELVTSW Ya. N. - ZAGORUY.KO.. L.G.; KALYAYEV~ G.I.; MOLYAVKO, G.I.; SXURIDIMyS.L I.;;, Fmytmun, s. ye.; FOMF.NYO, V. Yu. U-oge4t~ic features of the UkranipA iron,--ore province, Zakonom6 ra2mi. polemi. iskop. 5:82-209 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1, Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN Ukrainakoy SSRo (Ukraine--Ore deposits) IZLEVTSEV,, U.N. [Pielievtoev., Ik.,M.]; MSS~ 14K. [Prue., A.K.] . Buie stages in the development of the Mcrainian Shield. Geol. zhur. 22 no.5:3-18 t62. (KM 15:12) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN McrSSR. (Adeper Valley-Geology) _,N otv. red. KRASHERI)WIKOVA* Oll ga Vladimirovna;,BELEXTSEY,-Lq _. 7,AVIRYUKRINA, V-1. , red. ; DAKHNG, Yu. B., tekhn. - red. ; -.-, I-VI (Lithogenesis of Riphean sediments in th southwestern part oft he Russian Platform) Litogenez rifeiskikh otlozhenii iugo-zapada Rusakoi platformy. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad nauk USSR,, 1962. 210 P. . imim 16.-S) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN7Ukir,,S-~R (for Belevtsev). (Russian Katform-Geology, Stratigraphic) BELEVTSEV, YA,Nj; FOMENKO~ V.YU.; NOTAROV9 V.D.; MOLYAVKO, aj.; MELINI-K, YU.P.; SIROSHTAN, R.I.; DOVGAN't M.N.; CHERNOVSKIY, M.I.; SHCHERBAKOVA, K.F.; ZAGORUYKO, L.G.; GOROSHNIKOV, B.I.; AKIMENKO, N.M.; SEMERGEYEVA., Ye.A.; KUCHER, V.N.; TAKHTUYEV, G.V.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; ZARUBA* V.M.; NAZAROV, P.P.; MAKSIM3VICH, V.L.; STRUYZVA,, G.M.; KARSHENBAUM, A.P.; SKARZHINSKAYA, T.A.; CHSREDHIGIMO~ A.I.; GERSHOIG, Tu.G,; FITADE, A.A.; RADUTSKAYAq P.D.; ZHILK.TN4KIY, S.I.; KAZO, V.M.; KACHANt V.G.; POLOVKON.I., red.; LADLUVA, V.D., red.; ZHUKOV, G.V., red.; YEPATKO, Yu.M.p red.; SLFNZAX,O.I., red. izd-va; KULICHENKO, V.G., red.; RAKHLINA, N.P.,- tekhn. red.; MATVEYCHUK, A.A., tekhn. red. (Geology of the Krivoy Rog iron ore deposits) Geologiia Krivo- rozhskikh zhelezorudnykh m"torozhdenii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l.[General problems of the geology of the.KrIvoy Rog Basin. Geology and iron ores of the "Ingulets," Ralchmanovskiy, and Illich ore deposits] Obshchie voprosy geologii Krivbassa. Geologicheskoe stroeale i zheleznyo rudy mestorozhdwdi rudnikov "Ingulets," Rakhmanovskogo i im. Illicha. 1962. 4" p.-Vol.2.[Ge- ology and iron ores of the Dzerzhinskiy, Kirov, Liebknecht, October Revolution., "Bol'shavik, " Frunze, 22d Partslezd, Red Guard, and Lenin deposits]Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdonii im. Derzhinskogo, im.Kirova, im.K.Linkenkhta, im.XX parts"ezda, im. Krasnoi Gvardii i im.Lenina. 1962. 564 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron ores) SEMENENKO, N.P., akademik, otv, red.; TKAGHUK, L.G., doktor geol.- miner. nauk, zam. otv. red.; SUBBOTIN, S.I., akademik, red. LAZARENKO, Ye.K., red.; BELEVTSEV. Ya,�... red.; POPOV, V.S., red.; SOLU)GUB, V.B., kRna. geol9--ffilffer, nauk, red.; MELINIK, Ai#., red.; ZAVIRYUKHINA, V.N., red.; DAKHNO, Yu.B., tekh-n. red. (Materials of the Fifth Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association; reports of Soviet geologists] Mate- rialy; doklady sovetskikh geologov. Kiev, Isd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1962. 309 P. . (MIRA 16:8) 1. Karpato-Balkanskaya geologicheakaya assotsiatsiya. 5th, Bucharest, 1961. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Semenenko, Subbotin). 3. Chleny-korrespondenty AN Ukr.SSR (for Lazarenko, Belevtsev, Popov)t (Carpathi~i Mounfins-Geology) (Balkan MountaiAa-Geology) POVAPMMM, A.S.., doktor &*I.-miner. nauk, prof., otv. red.; AGAFONOVA., T.W., kand. geol.-miner. nauk) dots.., red.; BELEVTSEV, Ya.N., prof., red.; GAVRUSEVICII, B.A., kand. dots*) red.; GLADKIY, V.N., inzh., red.; IVANTISHIN, M.N., doktor geol.-n-iner. nauk, red.; PLCONOV2 A.N., inzh., red.; KHATUNTSEVA, A.Ya., kand. geol.-mi-ner. nauk, red.; ZAVIMUKHWL,-V.N., red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Theoreticel and genetic pr9blems of mineralo&- and geo- chemistry) Teoreticheakig-4 Igeneticheskie voprosy minera- logii i geokhimii. KieV, Izd-vo AN UW,, 1963. 165 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya n>,&"~tRSIR5 Kiev. Ukrainskoye otdeleniye Vse- so:yuznogo mj,~~alogicheskogo obshchestva. 2. Chlen- Orre spor ';At Alt Ukr..',SR (for Belevtsev) ,eldneralogy) (Geochemistry) BELWSff.,.-.jAj(*,; BEYGULIENKO, I.L.; BETIN, D.I.; BORISENM, V.G.; GUBMAI N.N.; DZMZALOV, A.T.; ZHILKINSLU, & I., prof.; ZATATA,, L.F.; XAZAKj V.M.; MMUTINI Ye.I.; MUROMTSEVA, Z.G.; NATAROV2 V.D., doktor geol.-miner. nauk: PANASENKO, V.N.; PITADE, A.A.; RADUTSWA, P.D.; SLEKTOR j, S.M.; SMIRNOV, D.I.: TOKHTUYEV, G.V., kand. geol.-min. nauk; FOMENKO, V.7u.; SLENZAK, 0.1.., red.izd-va,- MATVEYCRUK, A.A., tekhn. red. [Methodological guide for the-geological servipe for the prospecting and mining of Krivoy Rog type deposits] Matodiche- skoe rukovodstvo Oda razvedochnoi i rudnichnoi geologicheskoi sluzhby mestorozhdenii krivorozhskogo tipa. Pod red. U.N. Be-levtseva. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 395 p. (HVIA 16:12) 1. Krivoy Rog, Gornoradrqy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Belevtsev). (Krivoy Rog Basin-Engineering geology) PLATONOV, A.N., inzh.,, otv. red.; POVARENNYKH, A.S.,, doktor ologo- min. nauk, prof., glav. red.; AGAMNOVA, T.Ne, Ly. geol- min. nauk, dots.p red.; BELEVTSEV, Y4.N.0 prof.,, red.; GAVRUSEVICHI B.A., kand. geole-mf~.nauk, dots., red.; GLADKIY, B.N.,.inzh.j red.; IVANTISHIN, M.N.j, doktor geol.- miner. nauk, red.; KHATUNTSEVAP A.Ya., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; UVIRYUKHINA,kV.N.., red.; DAKHNO., Yu.M.p tekbn. red. [Annals of the Ukrainian Branch of the All-Union Mineralogical Society) Zapiski Ukrainskogo otdoleniia Vsesoiuznogo mineralo- gicheakogo obshchestva. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1962. 184 (MIRA 17:3~ 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev, Ukrainskoye otdeleniye Vse- soyuznogo mineralogicbeskogo obshchestva. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN Ukr.SSR (for Belentsev). SnmSEv, U.N. IftellevtBevs IA.M. I Principlil chariapteriBtics of the meta1logeny'..-of the'Arainian shield. Geol.th4r. 23 no-30-22 163. (MMA 160) 1, Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN 1UkrSSFt (Dnieper Vaney-Ore ~~posita) BELEVTSEV, Ya.N.1 SKURIDIN, S.A.; USENKO.. I.S. Concerning A.V. Sidorenko and 0.1. Lunevoils book "Lithologic study of metamorphic layers." Sov. geol., 6 no-7:162-165 J1 163. (KRA 16:8) ,BELEVTSEV; Ia. N. Metallogeny of the Pre-Cambrian geQayncline of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield. Izv.AN SSSR.Sergeol. 29 no. 1:8-19 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSSR, Y4yev. B Ya.N.; I,EU'I';, A. K. . I -- New conioptions of the fonx-t-iGn of the Ulk-rain4an Shield. 1"~,,Ay fabo lAi~ms 1,44 (MORA 17t8) AYZFNWG, D.Ye.; BELE_USFVI Ya.N.; BORDUNOV, I.N.; BORISE24KO, S.T.; BULKIN, DOVGAN', M.N.; ZAGORUYKO, L.G.; KAZAKOV, L.R.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; KARASIK, M.A.; KACHAN, V.G.; KISELEV, A.S.; LAGUTRI, P.K.,- LAZAIUKNKO, Ye.K.; LAZARENKO, E.A.; LAPITSKIY, E.M.; LAPCHIK, F.Ye.; LASIKOV, V.A.; LEVENSHTEYN, M.L.; MALAK11OVSKIY, V.F.; MITKEYEV, M.V.; PRUSS, A.K.; SKARZHINISKIY, V.I.; SKURIDIN'S.A.; SOLOWYEV, F.I.; STRYGIh-, A.I.; SUSHCHUK, Ye.G.; IEPLITSKAYA, 1.'.V.; FEDYUSHIN, S.Ye.; FOMENKO, V.Yu.; SHKOLA,, T.N.; SHTERNOV, A.G.; YAROSHCHUK, M.A.; ZAVIRYUKHINA, V.N., red. (Problems of metallogeny in the Ukraine] Problemy m-etallo- genii Ukrainy. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1964. 254 p. (1-',IRA 18:1) 1. Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev. Instytut geologichrqkh nauk. BELEVTSEV, Ya.N. [Bielievtoev., 1A.M.) Problems of the genesis of ores at the 22d International G.eological Congress in India. Geol. zhur. 25 no.3:30-44 165. (YJ1RA 18-11) 1. Institut geologicheskilh nauk AN Ukr6SR. BELr-VTSEV, Ya. U. l-, ; I "I Characteristics of the metallogeny of Pre-Cambrian shields. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.peol. 30 no.ID17-28 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. Submitted January 25., 1965- HMVTSW. U.N. [Bialievtoov. U.N.] -, ZHUKOV, G.V. (Zhukov. H.V.) 'I-.--,-,--- I., - Second scientific conference on problems of geology and the . origin of iron-silicon formtions in the Ukraine. Geol.zhur. 18 no.4:123-125 158. (MIU 12:1) (Ukraine--Geolog3r) BELEVTSET, Ta.M. [Bialievtoev, IA.M.]; CHEREDNICHINIO, 0.1. [Cherednychenko, jl-r,.-d-0-1011. 1 . S tructumal conditions for secondary transformations in iron ores of the Kri-voy-Rog.2asin. Visnyk AN URBR-29 no*-2t5O-52 7 '158. (MIRA 11:4) l.Chlon-korrespondent AN URSR(for Belavtoev). (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron ores) TANATAR, Iosif Isaskovioh# prof,; BEUVTBEY, TA.N.,; FROKOPUKO, R.I., red.; MOFIK13NKO, A'.S,,,, [Principles of the theory of ore deposits] Osuovy ucheniia a rttdnykh M8GtOrO2hdsnHakh. Kharikov, Izd-vo Khapikovskago gas. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1959. 291 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Beleytsev). (Ore deposits) - . . ~;-- -- z~ -~ T. BMVTSAV, Takov Nikolavq_VkQh; BURA, Galins Georgiyevns; DUBINKINA, Raisa "~""ti6TKO Yuriy, Mikhaylovich; ISHCHENKO, Dmitriy Ivano A vich; MELINIK, Turi.*'Petrovich; SMTGIN, Aleksey Illich. Prinimali uchastiye: KOZWARA, 1. V.L.; KRAVCHMO, V.M.; TIKHTUTZ7, G.V.; SHCHKR- BAKOVA, K.F.. RODIONOV, S.F.,; ZAVIRTUKHINA, V,N.q red, izd-va; YHPIMOVA, M.I., (Genesis of iron ores in the rud Krivorozhakogo basseina. 306 p. 1. Chlon-korrespond6nt AN USSR (for Rodionov). (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron ores) Krivoy Rog Basin] Genesis zhelesnykh Xiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1959. (MIRA 13:2) .BBLEVTSEV, Tap. [Biallevtoov, 1A.9.) I Lights of people's China. Nauka I zhyttia, 9 no.6:53-55 is 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR. (China-Steel Industry) BBLEVTSEV, YR.N. [Bielievtoev, IAJIJ Role of metamorphism in ore formation. Geol. zhur. 19 no.143-15 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Ore deposits) (Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic) BELBWSEV, Ta.11. Results of the Second Conference on geology and Jenesis of FerrIosiliceous Formations in the Ukraine. Izv.AN SSSR. Seregeol, 24 no*1:127-128 -Ta '59. (MIRA 12:3) (ut=aine-Iron ores) RMXMSEY, U.N.; YIPATKO, Yu.M.; STRYGIN, A.I. 6ubsurface oxidation zones in the Krivo3r Rog Basin. Sov.geol. 2 no.11:110-123 N 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSR. (Krivoy Rog Baoin-Oxidation) -BEIZVTSEVY ra.eo Study off the Krivoy Rog geology dpring the 1+0 years of Soviet ra2e* Sbor. natch. trudo NIGRI no.2:~-Ip 15,9. (KM 14:1) 1. Chlen#orrespondent AN USSR. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Geology) .Dt (3ELEvT,,)F-v, � 7-V 4~ 19 .4 Y.Jyj- -0~ U 1 11-1 1 -iq 5- 1,4 - -. I F, 3 74 ig J w2 tZ.41 2 4, tit's A a 7A -4.2 'S I;f 9 3 3 -1 j ow 3 s v IrV r R & 1: - i .4 MA -41 i ; 9 P: 0* h -0 A V N v R.A.; zr QL z 9. 504 Id a d, SAI I all a, 0" BELEVTSEV9-Xa.N; KALTAYEVI~G ~I- ZAGORUYKOIL.6,; SKURIDINqS.A.;-V=jffq 4&jel ---777WS-HIN,p MrLvwjtoP6M?emwchu9 motallogenic zone. . Geol.ruds mestorozho no*6; 3-32 K--D 160* (MIRU40) 1. AN USSRp Geologiseheakiy institut, Kiyev., (Ukraine--Ore depoeits) SEMENENKO, N.P., akademik, otv. red.; TKACHUK, L.G., doktor geol.- miner. nauk, zam. otv. red.; VYALOV, O.S., red.; FORFIRIYM V.B.,, red.; ~%JBBOTIN, S.I., red.; IAZARENKO, Ye.K., red.; BELEVTS,EV,j~,~,,, red.; POPOV, V.S.2 red.; SOLLOGUB, V.B.p a7o-kTc~r j l.-miner. nauk, red.; CHEKHOVICH, N.Ya., red.; BYCHKOVA, R.I., red. (Materials of the Sixth.Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association; reports of the Soviet geologists] Vaterialy VI's"ezda Karpato-Balkanskoi geologicheskoi as- sotsiatsii; doklady sovetskikh geologov. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 461P. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Karpato-Balkanskaya geologicheskaya assotsiatsiya. 6.snyezd. 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Semenenko). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Lazarenko, Belevtsev, Popov). BELEVTSEVA, 0. V., "The Forestry Conditions and Forest Cultivation on the Naryn Sands." Cand Agr Sci, Saratov Agricultural Inst, Saratov, 1953. . (RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 54) - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) So: Sum. No. h81, 5 May 55 KUPSHKINO A.M.; BELEVTSEVA, V.S. Condensation and dehydration of residue from the clarification of neutralized sewage. Ochis. stoch. vod. no.3:64-71 162. (MIRA 160) (Sewage sludge) BX=SOT.. 0,A*; MUSAVTSUO N,I*; MISIICMMKO, N.M*; SOLDATKO, A.I.; MMCR, L.D.;, Prinizali uohastlysi FROLOV,, S,Ya.; SMTOPALOV# I&I#; MRMOVAf Z.A.; STOIBUNSKIY,, L.Z.; USOV9 V.W.; GLOM,# I.L.; VMXOVA:p A.Ya.; ALDOKHINA, V.P.; VOLOBM, TU.T.; SMMOV.. 1.S.; 7-AMMHETS,, N.P.; SUMHNIKOV# V'oP*; GWRAROVA, M.Ya. vestigation, of blast furnace smelting using natural gao. ull -22 no.6-.483-486 Je 162. (MIRA 16:7) P (Blast furnaces-Iquipment, and supplies) MISHCHENKO, N.M.; 5Ej9-Vj$QV G.A.1, OTMISTROVSKIY, B.M.; IVANENKO, A.Ya.; ,_ jt KONOVALOV, S.I.; MYTSENKO, D.I.; ANDREYEV, A.A.; GAYDUKOV, V.S. Complex automation of blast furnace air preheaters. Stall 23 no.6.-497-499 A 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Yenakiyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. SOV/124-57-8-9675 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 130 (USSR) AUTHOR: Beley, G. A. TITLE: The Bending-- torsion Vibrations of Blades (Izgibno-krutillnyye kolebaniya lopatok) PERIODICAL: Tr. Stud. nauch. o-va. Khar1kovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1956, Vol 1, Nr 1, pp 7-15 ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the combined natural periodic torsional and bending vibrations in the plane of least stiffness of a blade rigidly re- strained along the edge. The amplitude of the deflection and the angle of rotation about the center of flexure is expressed in the form of power series. The paper submits a numerical example of the calculation of the first two parts of the blade; the frequency of the vibrations, as Usual, turned out to be lower than the frequency of the pure-bending vibrations of the blade. E. 1. Grigolyuk Card I/l REMt G.A. Design of clamping draw-in chucks for automatic lathes. Stan.j instr. 32 no-3-w25-27 Mr 161. (Ch.ucks) (MM 340) i-),Z-z Z- / , -~ - BICT T, S., inzh, Using.fatty pork in the manufacture of sausages. Mlas. ind. SSSR 28 no.6:-18-19 157. Wu na) 1. Kharlkovskiy sovnarkhow. (Sausages) BELEY , S. F,fforts for greater profit in the sausage industry. Mias. ind. SSSR 31 no.409-43 260*' . (MIM .14:7) 1. Karlkovskiy sovnarkhoz. (sausages) .(Meat industry) EXCERPTA ISDICA Sec 16 Vol 7/12 Cancer Dee 59- *5"x. Ovarian graoulosa cell turnouri (Russiz~ text) BFLFZKAN-A L. M. Mcd. Inst., Nloscow Nfir. Onkol. 1959, 5/9 (.;()5-3(XJ) During the period Iq46-1957, Of -~ total of 70 ovarian tumours, if) granulosa cell 6) were seen. Acyclic I)Iccdi. g in the climacteric period or during tIlmollrS (1-30 tile menopause wws the inain symptom. lie tumour was bilatcral in i casc. E.X irpa on or uterus and adnexa was, pcrfoi ned in 5 cases; removal of tile affected ovary and its tube in i; removal of both at ltcxa in 3; in i case oil[)- exploratory laparotomy could be carried out. One wc man died 8 days after the operation, and another after 8 months. The remainin; 8 women are WC11, 2 having survived for ~j yr., i for 4 yr., i ror () yr., and j lot to yr. Taking into consideration the benign charactcr of most granulosa cell tum( urs the author regards as tile treatment of choice the removal of tile tumour only, lea ling t e uterus, tubes and contralateral ovary intact. BE4EZNAY, Ferene; HARGITTAY, Csaba f Resultate of the thermonuclear research. 1. (To be contd). Fiz szemle 11 ro.6t182-187 :a 161. . BELEZIRAY, Ferene; HARGITTAI, Cszba Results of thermonuclear research.II. (To be eontd.) Fiz szemle .I 11 no.7:217-223 JI 161. i r. ir - AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: H/01 60*00/008/002/002 B1 22/B227 Beleznay, Ferenc; Hargittay, Gyula Results of thermonuclear research. III Fizikai Szemle, no. 6, 1961, 251-256 TEXT: In this part of the paper, the authors describe methods of measuring the excitation temperature of plasma and various possib1litier of heating the plasma to the desired temperature in power reactors. Saha deduced a relatim of the thermodynamical equilibrium of the plasmal Fowler further investigated this state of equilibrium by methods of quantum statistics. Conclusion: In rather a long time, a state of equilibrium develops in the plasma to which a definite temperature and degree of ionization may be assigned. Thi ing, Teller, Simonyi, and Schmidt demonstrated that at a temperature of 10&~ the plasma is not black radiatingi therefore, pyrometric measurement is excluded. The electron temperature is determined from the continuous spectrum of recombination radiation. Measurement of the excitation tempera- ture: (a) spectroscopic methods: From publications Abstracter's note: References will be listed only at the end of the pape3~j a formula is Card 1/3 Results of thermonuclear research. III 26314 H/01 Y61/000/008/002/002 B122 B227 presented by Which the excitation temperature can be determined from a measurement of the relative intensity of radiation occurring in the case of transition of ions (following approximately Maxwellian distribution) from the m-th and n-th levels to a common r-th level. Another spectroscopic method is that based on the Doppler broadening, which is expedient in the case where thermodynamical equilibrium has developed between the ions building up the bulk of the plasma and the ions of impurity elements. (b) Acoustical method: The temperature is calculated from the known formula expressing the relation between the velocity of sound propagation in gases, their temperature and molecular weight. For this pupose, a sound wave of known frequency is*generated in the plasma in the direction of the magnetic field, and its wavelength is determined. Another acoustical method is that by measuring the velocity of the shock wave. Methods of heating the plasma: Joule or ohmic heating - Ohm's law holds for the relation electric current- field strength when the directions of the electric and of the confining magnetic fields coincide. According to Carvath's calculations, energy is imparted to ions through electron-ion collision. Berger, Berns tein, Friemangand Kulsrud found that in hydrogen plasma a temperature of 1060K could be attained in the optimum case. Above a certain current strength (the Card 2/3 26314 H/016/61/000/008/002/002 Results of thermonuclear research. III B122/B227 so-called Kruskal limit), "kink" instabilities will occur. Magnetic pump: Here, the electric field is induced by variation of the magnetic field normal to the former. According to the relations of characteristic times, there are three variants of this method: (a) Collisional heating. Like in ohmic heating, the rate of heating drops with increasing temperature. (b) Acoustic heating. By this method, in principle, arbitrary temperatures can be reached. (c) Transit-time heating (not treated in detail in this paper). (-d) Ion-cyclotron resonance heating. Herep the frequency of the heating field is identical with or very close to the cyclotron frequency of ions moving spirally under the influence of variation of the axial magnetic field. A space charge develops, the field of which tends to reduce the heating effect. To eliminate this, Stix suggests to arrange, in two adjacent zonesp fields with a phase lag of 1800 to each other. Conclusion: Experience will show which of the magnetic pumping methods will prove most expedient. There are 2 figures. Card 3/3 H/916111MI00/009/001/001 B122/B227 AUTHORS: Beleznay, Ferenc; Hargittai, Csaba TITLE; Results of thermonuclear research IV. PERIODICALs Fizikai'Szemle, no. 9, 1961, 281 - 285 TEXTs Shook waves: The first chapter concludes a series of articles on the methods of plasma heating. As against the methods previously dealt with, the application of shook waves can make use not only of electro- magnetic but also of chemical or nuclear energy. The propagation of shook waves is usually described in the literature on plasma physics with the aid of the universal laws of conservation. The authors write down the basic equations expressing relations between the density, pressure, and velocity of flow of the plasma, the strength of its magnetip field, and the compressibility factor X from an article of Professor J"os Szab6 to be published in the Magyar Fizikai Foly6irat. Therefrom, they draw the thermodynamical conclusion that the shook wave must be a compression wave (Zemplen's theorem). With a proper choice of the density ratio S+/g_ near Card 1/4 27999 Results of thermonuclear... H/016/61/000/009/001/001 B122/B227 the value of X +1/)(- 1, the temperature jump can be made, in principle, arbitrarily high. Final conclusiont The heating effect of shock waves is evidently the consequence of ths considerable increase of entropy during the passage through the wave front when the energy of the well- ordered motion of the plasma turns into the energy of the not-ordered motion of its particles. For details of the mechanism of this transformation, the authors refer to Refs. 16, 17 (see below). They describe shock-wave experiments according to H. Jordan's "Shock Wave Experiments". The arrangement of the double chamber of the gas-dynamical tests was: Capacitor - electrodes - first chamber - diaphragm - second chamber (R2 + 20 2) (low-pressure gas) The oxyhydrogen gas mixture was detonated by the discharge of the Capacitor across the electrodes, Disrupting the diaphragm, the explosion penetrated into the second (expansion) chamber from which a temperature duizpof -tip to 20,0000K resulted. Magnetodynamical shock-wave experimentst Arrangement of the double-T tube: Card 2/4 27099 Results of thermonuclear... H/016/61/000/009/001/001 B122/B227 Fre-a-tr-od~e lelectrode Capacitor Tube I ~coils prodUoing an WTI Tube II lCapacitor I ~electrodej mapelig field lelectrode II The magnetic field, normal to the tubes, accelerates the plasma particles toward the center of the tubes. By quick discharges across the electrodes, great current shoc),s, an with a magnetic field of 100 kG (kilogauss) temperatures of 105 - 1V OK were produced. Annular shook tube (MAST), Patrick's experiment (Ref. 19 see below). Data on 28 experimental reactors in operation, among them the Alpha toroidal pinch at Leningrad, the Moscow toroidal and linear pinch and the OGRA magnetic mirror in the Soviet Uniong are listed in a Table. Data for a reactor are calculated as followst tube diameter about 40 cm, 40 kG, 10151on/CM3 plasma density, 10- 1see collecting time, 108 OK ion temperature. Soviet nuclear fusion experiments started in 1950 under the leadership of Nobel Prize winner Tamm. In 1952, Soviet physicist Artkhimovich made Dinch-discharge investigations; in 1955, Kurchatov delivered - lecture at Harwell on Soviet thermonuclear research. Professor Anos Szab6, Department of Theoretical Card 3/4 27099 Results of thermonuclear... H/016/61/U00/009/U01/001 B122/B22'1 Physics, 26tvbs LoAnd UiLiversity, is thanked for advice and editing of this paper. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 26 referencess 9 Soviet-blcc and 17 non-Soviet-bloc. The 5 most important references to English- language publications read as follows: (16) J. H. Adlam, J. E. Allen: - 448 ('195T)- Phil. Mag. 3 (17) Fishman, Kantrowitz, Petscheks Rev. Mod Phys. 32. 959 (1960). (19) Landshoffs Magnet'ohydrodynamics. Standfort: Univ. Press (1957). ASSOCIATION: Ebtvds Lorand Tudomanyegyetem (Ebtvds Lorand University of Sciences) Card 4/4 MACSKASYO Hugoo tudomanyoa minkatars; BELEgNAY Gezall tudomanyos mmkatarg Plastio matar~als in architeoturs. Elet tud 14 no.44tl388-1390 2~ 0 1590M 1. Szervesvejyipari es Muanyagipari Kutato Intezet. BMXZUYI Geza Industrial application of plastic materials In the Council for HU42 toonordie.-Aps-istance cIountAes. Teohnika 6 no.5,:3 Vq 162. 1. I a I A. B. &POKU4L4 NUIRTRA 101XI ji),*,) 1% 13 ).TZNTYTJ JIMCIIJI-A.-x BoromMI(a AUCCCO1111110 113 Tony irRegenuir 6o.tbmux rynep. i-yaciox .4caux mycerdennuA nmevxoTvp.=rou, a cowmatu c 'mudamplia.mmu.1111 apetraparaimik. cowraium C 41IT1161K- UP1111JUH1,11111 Hp,-fl3paT,1NIIf UDIWIIIT~OT !:)Stu It nPOrstwelmomf Ty6epKv- a0moro npouccca D acrux, It3011OCT11 -,I ii i:iI.';JJ0I1eIIuOcTjt Noilizanca. a T;Ime~ OT AJ1IITWtbItOCTR nPUMCIleffliff a1tTIj6aKTepI;-i.,- Tepa.m.1; CI)O11HUM 110K11331111101 K AP11- mettemo wXyCaucituor.9 rutettMOTOpama ., faviwt c auradameptlailbKOR Teparmerf CAYAHT nermee XPODOTC4effile to cawaft Candidate of Medical Sciences Dissertations &PProved bby the Higher Attestation Comdasion in Jam8rY Rhd FGbruarY Of 1961. Terap, arkh. no.6tU7_121 161 ALEKSEYEV I N. 'Kand I , A. 0. ; MMWWWjrv R. K.; "A Study of the Initial Manifestations of Coronary Insufficiency on the Basis of Polyclinical, records". Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 4, 1962 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 362 Turkmen S.S.R. Statisticheakoye upravientye Narodnoye khozyaystvo, Turkmenskoy SSR; statisticheskiy sbornik (National Economy of the Turkmen S.S.R.; Statistical Tables) Ashkhabad., Goostatizdat, 1957, 171 P. 5,000 copies printed. ReSP. Ed.: Charyyev, A.; Tech. Ed.: Strelltsov, E. M. PURPOSE: This book contains a series of statistical tables,, and it is intended to provide statistical data on the growth of the national economy of the Turkmen S.S.R. COVERAGE: The tables which are included in this book give basic indexes on the development of the national economy of the Turkmen S.S.R. for various years during the period between 1913 and 1956, using 1913, 1928 and 1940 as a basis of comparison. Card 1/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Some of the data are tabulated by oblast. Data for 1956 are not yet complete. A few indexes indicate industrial targets for 1960 az di- rected by the 20th Congress of the CPSU. Data on some branches of the national economy Lre not included because the Statistical Depart- ment of the Turkmen S.S.R..intends to issue separate reports with more detailed information on these branches of the national economy. The following personalities took part in the preparation of various sections of this book,, agriculture: Lykos, B" A. (deceased), Ivant- sov, V.I., Grigorlyeva, S.I., and Bel!_fgX., -.; industry, transport and communications: Y6zhova ,, M.Ye. '.Kuznetsov, N.D.-, and Man' -a, K.V.; capital construction;.Donskova, N.I:~; employment: Timofeyev, B.G.-, Panhlov, V.V.I"- commodity trade: Mellk=ova.. A.1.-, Alferova.. A.V*"P culture, population, and public health: Roalyakov, A.A.-,, Alls-na- zarov, P.~, Gasanova, Kh.A.*-' editor of this volume: Charyyev, A.; P General Editor: Safarmamedov. A. Card 2/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Summary Section .Population 7 Population of various cities,, as of 1 January 1956 8 Number of-administrative-area units,, as of 1 January 195T 8 Districts (rayons) and district centers, as of 9 1 January 1557 c ard 3A 6 Basic indexes of natiDnal economic development, 1913-1956 Basic'indexes of national economic developments 1940-1956 Basic indexes of national economic development., 1950-1956 Number of Industrial enterprises in 1955 Grouping of industries.. according to aftinistrative subordination of enterprises Hational'Boonomy (cont.) Growth of the physical volume of gross production., 1913-1955 Growth of the physical volume of gross production,, 1928-1955 National Economy (cont.) 362 Growth of the physical volume of gross production., 1940-1955 19 Growth of-the physical volume of gross-production,, 1950-1955 20 Planned growth of major types of production for 1960 according to directives of the 20th Congress of the 6PSU 20 Growth of the Physical volume of gross production by oblast, 1950-1956 21 Growth of the physical volume of gross production in each industry, 1950-1956 22 Card 5A6 National Boonomy (cont.) 362 Peroentage of industrial workers in individual branches of industry 23 Average annual number of workers and employees in industrY. 1950-1955 24 Increases in the productivity of labor for workers in state and cooperative industries 25 Productivity of labor expressed in physical units 25 Industrial production in physical volume 26 Faeotrio power production 2T Petroleum production 2T Petroleum industries,, technical and economic indexes 28 Card 6/26 National Economy (oont.) 362 Building brick production 28 Brick produo6ion, technical and economic indexes of the Main Administration of Building-materials Industries 29 Raw cotton production 29 Productivity of cotton-gins in the ootton-aleaning industries of the Ministry of Light Industries 30 Cotton fabric production 30 Productivity of spinning and weaving equipment in the cotton industries of the Ministry of Light Industries 31 Raw silk production 31 Card 7/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Productivity of silk-winding equipment in the silk industries of the Ministry of Light Industries 32 Rug production 32 Production of leather shoes 33 Fish catch 33 Vegetable oil production 34 Ashkhabad City,, production In physical volume of the most important industries 34 Ashkhabadskaya Oblast'., production in physical volume of the most Important industries 35 Maryy5kaya, Oblast'., production in physical volume of the most Important industries 35 Card 8/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Tashanzakaya. Oblase, production in physical volume of the most important industries 36 Chardzhuyskaya, Oblast'., production in physical volume of the most important industries 36 Percentage distribution of different kinds of basic investments'in state industry, ' 37 Percentage distribution of basic investments,, by branches of industry 38 Percentage distribution of production costs in 1955 39 Change in the cost of comparable commodity production in industries administered by USSR and Turkmen SSR ministries 39 Electric power balance 40 Card 9/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Agriculture Collectivization of agriculture 43 Number of sovkhozes,, kolkhozes, and machine tractor stations 43 Raw cotton production and basic animal products 44 Production of basic agricultural products for 1960, according to directives of the 20th Congress of the CPSU 44 Raw cotton, state procurement in all branches of the cotton industry 45 Livestock,, state procurement 46 Dairy products, state procurement 47 Wool., state procurement 48 Caracul, state procurement 49 Card 10/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Caracul., state procurement in kolkhozes 49 Silk cocoons, state procurement 50 Total land'area and distribution of agricultural land according to types of land~iwers, as of 1 November 1955 51 Distribution of agricultural lidds according to types of land users, as of 1 November 1955 52 Irrigated areas, as of 1 September 1955 53 Sown area 54 Areas sown to all agricultural erops;'by type of fam 56 Sown area.,by oblast 58. Card 11/26 National Boonomy (cont.) ldvestook, according to type Cattle per oblast Dairy cattle per oblast Sheep and goats per oblast Caraoul sheep per oblast Pigs per oblast Horses per oblast 362 Camels per oblast Number of kolkhozes (sellkhozarteli) and attac~a farmsteads Distribution of koMozes by number of farmsteads Card 12/26 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 7~ 74 74 National Economy (cont.) 362 Distribution of kolkhozes by size of sown areaj, 1955 P Basic indexes of kolkhoz economic activities 75 Number of sovkhozes at the end of 1956 77 Number of oblast 77 Sovkhozes, basic indexes 78 Basic indexes of sovkhoz agricultural production 79 Number of MTS and MZhS by oblast T9 Basic operational indexes of machine-tractor stations 8o Card 13/26 National Economy (oont-,,) 362 Number of tractor and combine operators and drivers in MTS 81 Distribution of MTS by number of kolkhozes serviced 81 Distribution of MTS and MMS, according to the capacity of their traotor fleets 81 Mechanization of basic agricultural operations in kolkhozes 82 Number of tractors and trucks used in agriculture 83 Electrification of agricultural economies 84 Card 14/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Transport and Communications Transportation coverage 95 The shipment of goods by railroad and river transportation 95 Ashkhabad Railroad Lines basic indexes 96 Public motor carriers of the Ministry of Automotive 96 Transportation and Highways Automotive transportation of the national eoonomy., basic indexes 9T Communications 9T Number of Enployed Persons, Availability of Specialists, and Training of Skilled Workers Distribution of persons employed in different branches of the national economy 101 Distribution of persons employed in each oblast in September 1955 and 1956 102 Card 16/26 National Economy (cont.) Capital Construction 362 Volume of capital investments in the national economy., as of 1 July 1955 87 Housing, state construction 88 Housing, private and state-credited construction in cities, and houses built by colleative.famers and by the rural intelligentsia 89 Construction of elementary, seven-year, and secondary schools go Hospitals, polyclinics, kindergartens, and nurseries put into ser-trice, according to state construction plans 91 Card 15/ 26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Ratio of women among workers and employees, by branches of the national economy 102 Number of Turkmen workers and employees 103 Number of spec W ists with higher and secondary education employed in the national economy, (not including military personnel) 104 Number of specialists with higher education employed in the national noonomy,, by specialty groups (not including military personnel) 104 Number of specialists with secondary education employed in the national economy,, bT specialty groups (not in- cluding military personnel) 105 Card 17/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Training (graduation) in labor reserve schools of Young workers for industry# construction., and transport 105 Training (graduation) of mechanization personnel for 06 agriculture 1 Training and increasing the skill of workers and other personnel engaged in common trades 106 Commodity trade Retail trade,, Including public nutrition., in physical volume log Retail trade, Including public nutrition, in physical volume., by oblast log State.and cooperative retail trade, including public nutrition 110 Retail trade, including public nutrition.. by oblast 112 Card 18/ 26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Displacement of private trade from retail trade 11.4. Retail trade of consumer cooperatives 115 Yearly growth in sales of most important consumer goods, 1950-1955 116 Distribution of retail trade, including public nutrition 117 Percentage distribution of retail trade, including public nutrition 118 Supplies of goods in retail trade 119 Supplies of goods in daily retail trade 120 Card 19/26 National Economy (cont.) 362 Network of enterprises for retail trade and public nutrition 121 Network of retall-trade enterprises,, by oblast 122 Network of public-nutrition enterprises., by oblast 122 Specialized retail enterprises, by basic branches of State trade 123 Network of consumer cooperatives Number of trade workers 125 125 Kolkhoz markets, indexes of sales in physical volume 126 Kolkhoz markets, indexes of prices 126 Sale of basic agricultural products in kolkhoz markets located in five cities: Ashkhabad, Krasnovodsk, Mary, Tashauz, and Chardshou 127 Card 20/26 National Economy (coat.) 362 S&lqs of basic agricultural products In kolkhoz markets In the city of Ashkhabad 128 Culture Number of students in general education schools,, special secondary schools, and higher educattOnalinstitutions 131 Number of sohoolso studentsO and teachers 131 General eduoation sohools,, not inoluding young workers, rural youth, and adult education schools 132 General education schools in ci ies and towns, not including schools for young worlers and rural youth., and adult education schools 133 Card 21 26 National Economy (Oontq) 362 General education Schools in rural 00munitiess not inaluding i3ehools for young workers and rural youths and adult education schools 134 Distribution of students by grades in general education schools 135 Schools for young workers and rural youth, and adult education schools (including correspondence schools)., and number of students 136 Enrollement of students in the letv 5th., and 8th grades of general education' schools of the Ministry of Bduca- tion 137 Graduation of 7th and 10th graders from general edUcation sohools of the Ninistry of Education 138 Card 22/ 26 National Economy (cont.) S'C#% JrV4 General education schools of all types)by oblast 139 H14sher educational Institutions and special secondary schools 140 Enrollment and graduation of students in'higher eduoati"institutions and in special secondary schools,, not inoluding correspondence students 141 Scientific Institutions 141 Number of scientific workers 142 Libraries 143 Clubs 144 'Theaters, museums, and motion-pictures installations (of all -4histries) 145 Publications 146 Card 23/26 National Beonomy (contO 362 Number and eiroulation of books published, 1924-1955 Publio Health Number of medical personnel in each oblast, not including military personnel Hospitals and hospital beds, not Inoluding mili- tary hospitals Obstetrie and pediatrio institutions Undergartens .Permanent ohildren's nurseries in each oblast Card 24A6 147 151 151 152 152 153 National Economy (Oont.) 362 Sanatoria, rest homes, and number of available beds 153 Basic Indexes of the Development of the USSR; Axeas and Population of other Countries Population in the USSR: total., urban# and rural 15T Class composition of the USSR-population., percentage distribution 15T Number and types of administrative-area Y-Its in the USSR.. by early 1956 158 Basic indexes of,the development of the USSR national economy, 1913-1956, as compared to 1913 160 Basic indexes of the development of the USSR national economy, 1940-1956, as compared to 1940 161 Basic indexes of the development of the USSR national 162 'economy., 1950-1956, as compared to 1950 Card 25/ 26 National Economy (oont.) 362 Areas and population of the world., by continents 163 Areas and population of the union republics and of foreign countries 164 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/ED 7/10/1958 Card 26/26 DUBOVYYP S.Z., kand. veterin. nauk; BELIFER, I.M.; KUCHERUKp N.Kh. Iodinol, as a prophylactic and therapeutic preparation against fowl thphoid, infectious laryngotracheitia, and coccidiosis In poultry. Veterinariis, 41 no.2:50-51 F 164. (MM& 17:125 1. Checheno-Ingushskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya veterinarnaya stantsiya (for Dubovyy). 2. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach 5ovkhoza no.l. Grozneneskoye proizvodstvennoye upravlenlye (for Bellfer). 3. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach sovkhoza "Shalinskly", Groznentskoye proizvodstvennoye upravleniye (for Kucheruk). OSTROVSKIYj S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,- RABKIN, D.M... kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKARA$ A.M.$ kand. tekhn. nauk; SEEMWITSKIY) V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; ASNIS, A.Ye., kand. tekbn.nauk; POIaIODNE, I.K.., kand.tekhn. nauk; PODGAYETSKIY, V.V.y kand.tekhn.nauk; PATON,B.7e., laureat Leninskoy premii., akademik, doktor tekbn. nauk; BELIM,M.G., inzh.; MANDEL' BERG,S. L. . kand.tekhn.nauk; ~IEDOVAR,B.I.,-To-k-tor tekbfi-.nauk; GUIWICH,S.M.0 kand.tekhn.nauk; LATASH,Yu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KIRDO, LV.., kand.tokhn.nauk; SOROKA,M.S., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISWA, M.S.,,, (Technology of electric fusion welding]Tekhnologiia elektricbeskoi svarki plavleniem. Moskva, Hashgiz,.1962. 663 p. KRA 15:22) 1. NauchWye sotrudniki Instituta alektrouvarki imeni Ye.O.Patona (for all except Soroka, Gornostaypo"WBkoya). (Electric welding) FRMIN, A.S.; SH010KHOVA, A.B.; XROLI, M.S&: BILIM, S.I. Use Of synthetic adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resins in bonding asbestos cement. Plast.massy no.6:42-" 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Asbestos cement) (Adhesives) (Phenol condensation products) BELIFER, S.M. Effect of the characteristics of the composition of soil on the defor- mation of embankment foundations. Oan.jfund. i mekh.grun. 6 no.6tl3.-3,3 164. (MIU 18: 1) BELIFER., S.M., inzh. Studying the effect of soil condition characteristics on the foundation deformations in railroad embankments. Trudy HUT no.210:60-71 165. (KRA 18:12) "' ;w -' -- ' ". ;~ -,- %.,. - -, - 7 VAKHTELIt V.yu;j L Investigating residual stresses in cylinder beadiso' Trakt, j self~ Idiozmash. 31 no,ls:14-18 Ta.163., (KM& 34il) 1. dosudarOtV81MOYS spetsiallnoys ko"truktorskoys byuro zavoda "Serp i molot". (Tractors-Engineo-Cylinders) S/262/62/000/002/006/017 1008/1208 AUTHOR: Befferman, M. U. - ------------ - TITLE: On residual stresses in aluminum pistons PERIODICAL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 4Z Silovyyc ustanovki, no. 2, 1962, 51, abstract 42.2.273. "Traktory i sel'khozmashiny", no. 7. 1911, 5-8 TEXT: The residual stresses in the trial AJI I OB (ALI OV) alloy pistons of the CMA-7 (SM D-7) engine were investigated. In order to decrease the concentration of the residual and working stresses in the joints between the piston-pin boss and the head thin ribs, (5--6 mm) should be avoided. In cast pistons it is recommended to remove the thin ribs, and to ensure the strength of the piston boss by increasing the thickness of its walls to not less than 25 mm (with a pin's hole diameter of 40-50 mm). [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 BELIFERKAN, MIU.O_inzh. Prevention of,'the breaking of high-pressure pipelines. Tral,. i sell- khozmash. 32 no*7*.15-16 Jl 162* (HIM 15:7) (Traotore-Engines) t BELIFERMAN, M.U., inzh. . I Study of the strength of a piston. Trakt. i sellkhosmash. 32 . I no.10:11-14 0 162. 1 (WRA 15:9) (Diesel engines) BE=T) I. Experiments with the improved wage system in ccnstruction-asse.-ably yards. p. 1 (Constructcrul. Vol. 9,, no. 385, June 1~-57, Ducuresti, Rcur'-4nia) Monthly Index cf East European Accessicrs (EEP.1) LIC. Vol. 7,, no. 2, February 19,158 BELFERT; I., ing.; DRAGOL Gh., ing.; STRASUN, Sonia Reserves for increasing labor productivity. Constr Buc 16 no.776t2 21 N 164* 1. Institute of Building Research and Construction Economles (for Belfert, Strasun).