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U~,Z!;.VHuman L', eiiiwl %yciology - Physiology of Labor end V-10 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., Tio 4, 1958, 18718 Author : ON. lrachorovskaya, N.I. Belinskp-ya nnd A.?. D'yachenko Inst : The Kiev Institute of Physical Cult---e. Title ; Special Features of the Electrocardiograms of Young Athle- tes. Orig Pub : Tr. Kiyevsk. in-ta fiz. kulltury, 1957, 2, 75-81 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 GALLAK, V.M.;,_~L~LINSKSA~_,_!.~q PAUOVA, T.A. Chlorination of methane by chlorine oxide. Zhur.prikl.khim# 38 no.1112599-2602 N 165, (MIRA 18-.12) 1. Submitted October 14, 1963. AUTHORS: Skobets, Ye*M** 32-7-6149 TITLE; The Polarographic D termination of Manganese in Copper Alloys t by an oxidation on he Platinum Anode. (Polyarograficheskoye opredeleniye inargantsa v splavakh medi oki8leniyem na platinovom anode) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratorlya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 7, PP- 791-793 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With this method the waves of the ionic oxidation of the bi- valent manganese are determined in an ammonia milieu. The ex- periments were made on an automatic polarograph (constructed by the Institute for Idechanic Constructions of the AN USSR) with a mirror galvanometer of the Leningrad Institute for the Construction of Physical Apparatus. The anode is a platinum wire, the cathode a saturated calomel electrode, connected with the solution to be determined, in the electrolvtic cell by means of a special agar- agar anchor. For the registration of the polarogram the anode was overflowed with sulphuric acid (1:1) and distilled water. Here a deposit of manganese dioxid was to be observed on the platinum anode, In the paper the manganese oxid reaction in the ammonia milieu is figuratively presented as well as zhe dependence of the precipitation potential upon the concentration and the solution; it also deals with the chemical structure of the preparation for Card 1/2 the manganese anode reaction in the ammonia-aloali-milieu, with The Photographic Determination of Manganese in Copper Alloys 32-7-6/49 by an oxidation on the Platinum Anode. the results of a polarographic determination of manganese in copper alloys and the polarograms for manganesei which were re- gistered by the bronze solution. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainian Academy for Agriculture (Ukrainakaya sellsk$okhozyayst- vennays, akademiya) AVAILABDE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 llv~q 11~1 SKOBETS, Te.M.; M!~~ .-I - PolnrogrAphic study of manganese oxidation at a platinum micro- electrode (with summary in Inglish). Zhur.fis.khim-31 no-7:1474-1480 11 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Mrrainskva sellskokhozyavetvennaya akademiya, Kiyev. (Manganese) (Oxidation) (Polarography) (c&41A)SWnVfi /V-j- SKOMS, Ya9H,;ABAIOAR , I.L.; IMITSIR, X.P.; IMLINSELTA, N.I. . -, Polarographio soil analysis* Determining the intake capacitr of sollit Fochmedenis moolt99-103 Ja 138. 1(MIRA llt2) (Soils-Analysts) (Polarography) nira~ncnk.), 't. N. -F;elin~-kny%, I% T. OR t, raphIze Y,et_,rmination of' Iodino ane! '~,rom~nc in 7TL ',.d ol've ro crri.f ich.. --I- oye, opr~ide I en -1.y:-~: ~ycdn t) Ir moroL;oy kapusto) 7 .'.kT-,: Zak,odckayjr_. luboratoriva, 1953, Vol. `41, n 7e i o,4 i ne and b rom -inE, a rp -IX14 dzr, 1 ,~. t t -:a t inum Enoj(. h and sho7, polprogram Tavr- Fuitable !'or quent-itative determ- nations the polarojraphic method YjL3 u3i~d Ln th3 present inve,nigationa mi sea-weel. The tjeawec-d Y.--as dried, mixed wi th -potaoh, Puiv.~r-i2*--ld, and c,-lcinated. Th,, purm.-4,hite po-,~der ob- tained wu3 dissuved in IN. hlrdro0iloric acH the --xctract W-Ij Sdeterminfd polneogr -,phic,-.1 1y u _~ i i i ~g- -- n I -, t i n 11 m7, -; r ~~- ~ - 7 _1 , I ., _1 ~7,b 'ho anole. It wue foun! that a quantitutiv~ detarminat~'(_w:, o,;' io-Jine and bromin,~-. in th!_- o!' on,_~ ~ rnti,,or i~- -pcs- ~:wi in doiio~ _-r) tii,- bj~tiviin- L-. ,!early -.,.,ith a ztzitionnry c1cctroict. A t_1,i-_- trl!,t in calcinatine the ~,oaweod ct about IC-000 t!!o ,umount of jofj~inc is decreased. The cowvl-_,ten,~,es of the extraction 7i-F! check.--d, r~-nd it wr-.5 _,'ounl tl)-;t iodirc. %,n,,~ t.,_- 'nromin,~ h, d Ir.CL.~-,j bzen completely extracted. Thcr~ v.,J-1,2 rind 2 r-~-ferr-nc~:.~ij C " Y / 5 ~~ , ,1 -4 5 !" ~ Th" Folsvojtr~Aflhic of loti,'w! --:rvI, '?--ornint~ iii Sea,~:eed of k~hich i~ro ~-'-ovl-t. UkrvAMkaya s e1 I sk -t (Ukrainian Agricultural Academy) BELINSKAYA, N. I., Cand of Chem Sci -- "Poly6raphic Determination of ManEanese on a Platinum Anode," Kiev, (Kiev State Univ 1 1959, 19 PP Im Shevchanko) (KL, 2-60, 110i SKOBETSj Ye.N.p doktor k1himichaskikh nauk, prof.; BUINSKAU, N.J., assistent; ATAMANENKO, N,N-t dotsent Folarographic analysis of manganese in plants. Nauch. trudy UASM 10%1243-249 160. (KIu 14:3) (Naganese) (Plants-ChemicAl analysis) (Polarograpby) EELINSKAU.,. N I. - Cartograpi"Iz. paper. Standartizatellia 25- non:1+6 N l 61. (MM 14:3-1) (Cartogmphy-Fjquipwnt 8nd Oupplies) GAILAKj VAj BELINSKAYA X.1.1, PAReVI, T.J. Method of preparingchlorine zaide. Zhwaprik3.kb4m. 38 no.6-,=5~- 22-1.9 is 165- (W&k 18210) ADOLIF, Y.A.: POMIGALO, A.I.; KOIMO, A.N,;-ZWNMTA, U.N.; PATLOTA, A.M.; L3B3DINfXIT,,G.B., red.; irAsmoviCH'; SLIKIND, Y.D.. [Catalog of spare parts for the DSSh-14, DSM-14K, and DYM-16 (automotive chassis-type) tractors] Katalog %apasnykh chastei traktorov MSSh-14. DM-14K i DYSSh-16 (tipa samokhodnykh shassi)) (XUU 13:3) 1. Kharvkovskiy traktorosborochnyy savod. 2. Otdal glavnogo konstruktora Kharlkovskogo traktorosborochnogo zavoda (for Adollf, Podrigalo, Koden1co, Belinskaya. Pavlova). 3. Glavnyy inzhaner Kharlkovakogo traktorosborochnogo zavoda (for Lebedinskiy). (Tractors--Gataloge) L 16;32-6? E4TW/FPF(n)-Z/T/EPA(bb)-2 ACCE SION NR: AP4049536 r>-4 S3-/XF.VL S 0089 64/617/005/03.59/0366 AUTHORS; Ushakov, G. N. Kochetkov, L. A.; Konochkin, V. G., 3 K ver'vanov. V. S.; 2z1QYA_X._%Lj; Sudnitsy* -0. A.1 Belrnsk~ya, Slyusarev, P. N.; Iva v _v. I 7, ~no- 5, 19 -366 t OURCE: AtomnAya energila ', 44, 359 TITLE: Operating experience'with the first atomic electric station. as an experimental installation TOPIC TAM research reactor. reactor theory, r*actor operation ABSTRACT: Different experimental loops added to the f.rst atomic described. These include energy station for research purposes are the followings 1) double-passage steam superheating loopi 2),water loop with natural circulation'i;3) water loop for water-cbemistry researchl 4) high pressure water 'loopt 5)'loops for orgdnic-liquid research (with high and low mel~ting temperatures). Bach of the loops is briefly described. Other phases of the research are tests: of the behavior~of the graphitelcore at high temperatures, operating Card L/2 L 16282-65 ACCESSION NRz AP4049536 tests on various~channels and fuel elements of tubular construction,! investigations of the radionnalysis of water and superheated steam, investigation of deposition of radioactive impurities from the su- perheated steam on the turbine blades. Some of the brief reports are accompanied by tables showing the variation of the operating conditions of various'sections of the reactor with time. Orig.. art. bass 3 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTEDt 00 ENCLI 00 V SUB CODEs NP NR REP SOVS 000 OTHERs 000 Card 2/2 USHAKOV, G.N,; KOCHETKOVp L.A-; KONOCHKIN$ V.G.; SEVhM'YANOV, Y.S.; KOZLOV, V.Ya.; SUDNITSYN* O.A.; BELINSKAYAt N.T.; SLYUSWV, P.M.; IVANOV, V.A. ---- Fzcploitatlon of the First Atomic Power Station as an experimental plant. Atom. energ. 17 no-5059-366 N 164. (MRA 17t12) BELIE'SKAYA, 11. V. Role of toxop asmosis in some fonnns of obstetrics athology. Sov. med. 27 no.11:68-70 N t63 WrRA 18:1) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki No.2 (zav. - prof. Ya.M. Landau) Donetskogo raeditsinskogo instituta (r6ktor - prof. A.M. Genizzlikin) i Dozietskoy oblastnoy san i tarn o-epide- miologicheskoy stantsii (zav. N.F.Lazarenko). BELDISsa:'[P., o. i. BELINISKAYA, 0. T.- "Disentei- I T~;phoid-rxiratyphoid Bactpriophages Isolated in the i an( U City of Khabarovsk, and their Biological Fropertics." Khabarowsk Scl lRes Innt of Vaccines and Scl-wris of the Ilin of Public licalth USSR, Bliabarovsk, 19'511, (Dissertations for Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 26) June 1955', Moscow ~PIKOVXS, P,T,; ONSTAITINOT, &A&; NAUMIM, N.I&; BIMIYMTA, O-Is Plrotein fractions in antitoxic sera at different stages of production. Report 116.11 Nectrophoretic studies on senm proteins during the hyperimmunization of horses. Zhur.mikro- biol.,epid,i imun. 30 no-12024 D 159. (MM 13-.5) 1. Is M3abarovskogo institut a epidemlologli i gigiyeny. (BLOOD PROTEIN) . BELINSKAYA, P.N. LeninAlAd Stations Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.909-40 164. (MIRA 1701) 1, Zaveduyushchaya nektorom oluzhby ucheta i prognozov rayonov Severnogo Tadzhikistana, POGHINOK, V.Ta.; B31LINMYA. R.T.;8MCRWO, O.I.;XIJMAYLrcHwo, N.r. Thermal decomposition of fatty aromatic triazenes. Ukr. khtm. zhur. 24 no. 2:228-231 158. (KIRA 11:6) 1. ]Ciyevskiy goeudaretyanM universitat Im. T.G. Shavaheako. ICaf edri organichookoy khimii. (Triazene) .AUTHORS: Yagupol'skiy, L. M., Belinskaya, R. V. 79-28 .3-46161 TITLE: The Synthesis of Phenyldifluoroacetio Acid and Its Derivat- .4 ives (Sintez fenildiftorukausnoy kisloty i yeye proizvodnykh) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1958Y Vol. 2a, Nr 3, PP- 772-7T5 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The derivatives of phenylacetic acid were investigated in detail as many of them are physiologically active bodies with the capability of accelerating the growth of plants (reference 1). The authors intended to carry out the synthesis of phenyl- difluoroacetic acid and of its derivatives not mentioned in publications. For this purpose they began witli the re- action of the nitrile of pheny1dichloroacetic acid with anti- mony trifluoride. The benzylcyanide was used as initial pro- duct. It was chlorinated according to Claisen (reference 2) with sulfurylahloride (reference 2) and then fluorized with antimony trifluoride. Here it was observed that the oyano- group was not effected and was not substituted by fluorine. The reaction takes place according to the following reaction Card 1/2 schemes The Synthesis of Phenyldifluoroacetic Acid and its Derivatives79-28 3-46161 CH 2CN C12CN CF2CN so 2C1 SbP 3 The nitrile obtained was in cold state converted to the amide by the action of concentrated sulfuric acid; this amide furni- shed the phenyldifluoroacetic acid when heated with 10% potash lye. When this acid is nitrated the m-nitrophenyldifluoro- acetic acid is formed. These two acids are rather strong. In the reaction of the nitro compound the m-amino derivative was obtained. The silvery salt of phenvldifluoroacetic acid ie- acts with iodine in a peculiar way forming 4J,4;-difluoro- benzy1ester of.pheiiyldifluoroacetio acid according to the mentioned scheme 2. The experiments to form this reaction in another way to obtain pheny1difluoroiodomethane were not suc- cessful. There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskiy SSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry AS Ukrainskoy)'AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 21, 1957 Card 2/2 81()T9V6010301041541080 BOOI/ .002 A UT HORS I Yagupolleki I Le Not Butlerovskiy,__M. A-9 Belinskaya, R. V., Ivanoval V. I. TITLEt m- and p-AminoRhenylethylen glycolel PERIODICALt Zhurnal obshchey khimiit 1960j Vol- 30# No- 4P PP- 1288T1291 TEXTt The authors converted m- and p-nitrophenylahloromethylearbinols (Ref. 1) which are now easily aliilablef into m- and p-aminopheuylethylene- glycols which may serve as initial substauoes for the synthesis of dyes and highly molecular compounds. The synthesis of m- and p-nitrophenylethylene- glycols was caused by heating of the corresponding nitrophenylahloromethyl- carbinols with potassium carbonate dissolved in waters N0206H4CHORCH201------->NO2G6H4CHORCH20H. The two glycols which are easily soluble in waterg were extracted with ether or dichloroethane. a-nitro- phenylethyleneglycol was also obtained by saponification o-." diacetyl derivative (II), according to Scheme 2. After heating with 1% sulfuric acid, the oxide of p-nitrostyrene yields p-nitrophenylethyleneglycol. The hydration process of the oxide of m-nitrostyrene is much more complicated, Card 1/3 m- and p-Aminophanylethvloneglyoola 3/079/60/030/04/54/080 BOO1/BOO2 since many by-products develop which inhibit the separation of a-nitro- phenylethyleneglyool. During the oxidation of p-nitrophenylethyleneglycol with dilut ed-nitSic acidt p-nitrobenzoyloarbinol (III) develops which melts at 134 135 1 P-N02 a6R4CHORCH20H ~'P-N0206 H4~002 OR (III). The authors of the present paperj4n a similar way as other scientists by othei methods (Refs. 293)9 obtained the aostyl derivative of oarbinol ~III) from p-nitrochloroaoetophenone with the melting point also at 121-122 . The com- ound obtained by Engler and Zielke thus does not correspond to product I) whose melting point is 132-133 C, but to the acetyl derivativee In M the presence of a platinum catalyst, m- and p-nitrophenylethyleneglyool was reduced into amino compounds. High-melting products of unknown ' struct ur 'developed by the reduction of p-nitrophenylahloromethvlcarbinol. Azo dyes;wrere obtained from all amino compounds, by coupling with A-oxy phthoic acid. There are 3 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences# Ukrainskaya SS Card 2/3 a- and p-Aminophenylethyleneglycols SUBMITTEDs March 12, 1959 Card 3/3 ~10761 -9/079/60/030/04/54/080 BOOI/BO02 -TAGUPOLISKITp LAI ISLINBUTA, R.T. Batere of acetone cyanohydrin and,of aromatic acids, Zhuroob. khim. 3o no.6.-2oi4-2oi6 is 160. (KM 13W 1. Institut orgauicbeekoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (lactonitrile) (Benzoic waid) (Benzenesulfonic acid) POGHIROK, V.Ta.; MUSNA, S.D.; PrlAlmlilili~ iichfstlye: Pochincks ToUs; -!ni~~4-7--,studeut-, PZIXHBNKO, L.P., stucLent; AVRLMMO# L.P*, studgut; MMHMO, LGeg atudent Thiaxolotatrasoles and triasenes 8ynthesized from theme Zhur.prikl.khim. 33 no-7:351-355 Jl l6o. (KM 13:7) 1. Klyevskiy gosudaretvemV7 universitet im. T.G.Sheychenkot (Tatrasole) (Trlazozw) UGUFOLISKII.9 -L.M.; PEIMOUYAl R,V. Alkylation witb esters of fluorine-containing oarbm7lie wids. Zhur. ob. khim..31 no.1036-~337 A 161. (MM 34:1) 1, Institu =cheskoy khimli Akademii nauk UkminWwy SSR. on) (Eaters) 11""-~) TAGUPOL'SKIY, L.M.; BELINSKAYA,,-R,_V,,,.. Fluorination of derivatives of 1,1,3,3w'tetrachlorophthal4n. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t2358-2364 Jl 1-63. (KRA 16.-8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. (Phthalan) (Fluorination) YAGUIPOLISKI-Y. L.M.; _ ~LINLK~~YA_, R.V.- Isomerization of 1,1,3,3-tetrahalophthalans, Zhur, ob. khim, 35 no.6.969-977 Je 165. (MTRA 18t6) 1. Institut organicheakoy khl-mii AN UkrSSR. BILINOVICH, U.S., glavnyy inshener. Continuous and rapid building of apartment houses. Xekh.trud.rab. ? no.10: 35-38 0-H '53. MaA 6:10 1. Stroitellnoye upravlaniye no.181. (Building) BIMOVIOH, M.S. inshener.; GULIBE, 41., tuishener. Continuone work sohadals In praotice. Sborematoo novatekhoy strol. 15 n0,10:1-5 153. O= 60.2) (Building) BWN01119 K Se , inshenero ...M I H New telescoping packet-type scaffolds, Mov.tekh.i perad.op. v stroi. IS no.6:16-18 Ja '56, (ML 9:8) (Scaffolding) 'Imilmo ushener, , --- -- -4441i -Producing prestressed reinforced construction elements, Novqtjkh, i pered.OP. v start. 19 no 311-4 Wr 15?0' (Mmk 1014J (Prestressed c-;ncrete) rj - 11hF V AL" N, I -'r - 1- -13. -02 H.S., insh. amomm" length of time required for construction and its effect on costs. Nov.tekh. i pered, op, v otrol, 19 no.12:9-10 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) I (Construction industry-Costs) ALEKSAMOV, H. Q%J4 0 Assembly-line construct ion of a block. Stroitall no.11:7-8 1 58- (14IRA 11:121) 10 UprtLvlyayushchiy trestom N6.27 Mytisbchestroy (for Aleksandrov). 2. Gla;n~ inzhener tresta No,27 Mytiahcbestroy (for Belinovich). (Apartment houses) (Assembly-line methods) IMAUZI. L.S., inzh.~ Prinimal uchantiye Mmgo _x s.. soyALoy, I.G., kand-tekhn.nauk, nauchu" red,-7-.-ff TMIRA, Te.L., Naking mortars and concrete mWel Prigotovlenie rastvorov i betonnykh smesei. Moskva, Gos,lxd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt9materialams 1960, 178 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zataii. mekhanizateii i takhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitalletvu. 2. Glava" luzhener tresta No.27 Glavaosobletroya (for Belinovich). (Kortar) (concrete) SOSHIN, A.V.j doktor tekhn. nauk,, prnf., SOKOLOV, N.M., coktor tek~n. nauk, prof,; TOROPM, A.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, inzh.; PMROV, N.S., kand. tekhn. dots. BE t,~' L, I nauk; 4 NNE% .1 inzh., nauchn. red. I [Tecluiolog7 of the construction industry] Taklwologiia stroitelinogo proizvodstva. (Byl A.V.Soshir I dr. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 423 p. (MIRA 17:1Q) Squafto of %a WWU kft ffeeftm. U. A. Soku- ChXV4 AVALA. 11ol. Nhwmicch. fiWitiedytt CIAIWP Preis. fait" Sumil I t.-Tft MORIUS we" Wpd. into hsdkm: 4. by and "tradable vW rianctabito by Vtfte, ItC). by I b (Nif VO~ but mtnwftWr,*tth h .6 ~ t tura"ahk by WtO.Ac. pulyptim % ar-t "'* ~ 21 vWm Ot I fractions. mp- an. 3.42, 4A1: im. if. 6.42o mW 5.57, IU fractims us still mists. TU hations not pptd. with Inorg. %aft are torry in pyramtebol tanaw thr preciplimble frac- tioto Contain ordy W-09%.. a r relaticonAip "6tq in the phicroglucinat content. Diu* FeCim cokw is formro.1 toy A except the unpgeciphable frs"Im c%tmct&Me with FtOAc *Web gives giom color. NjW91N jilves ptakisb rtgox till em"A the abomv fraction which give% a WAI Orange color. Alk. pb(OArlb own. gives pink cAm 'With prteipliable and ex tructable by KIjO Imetion. aM.witb potypInmols-rateg-Mi; othm glim "low "es. Tft tannin not ppt4. by salt aml vW. in ftO or RIOAc Is mg ppid. by caftfite; all other t." err. pptd. 0. M. xcomotapoff Al" BBLINOV, Vl.-... Problem of calculi of the salivary glands. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:181483 1955. (CALCULI, salivary glands) (SALIVAU, GLANDS, calculi) BELI'-qov, V1. 4. Comple.x therapy of ozena. Khirurgiia. Sofia 8 no.4:331-336 1955. 1. Gradeki onkologichan diepanser--Sofiia G1.1ekar: P. Lukanov otdalente po ushni, noeni i Surleni zaboliavanlia. Zav.otdolenieto VI.Belinov. (RHINITIS, ATROPHIC, therapy) IANKOV,G. Prof.. B11LINDY, V1. Clinical mpects and therapy of foreign bodies In the lower respiratory tract. Khlrdrgiia. Sofia 8 no.6:499-503 1955. 1. Vissh medtainski kistitut 07. Chervenkovw- Sofiia kliniks, po ushni noent I Gurleni bolesti. (RIVIRAMRf TRLCT, foreign bodies, clin.ampecto & tber.) (FOPMGN BODIES, resp.tract, elin.aRmts & ther.) MUNN, VI. Treatment of third stage laryzzgeal cancer. Rhirurgiia, sofia .12 no.:): 246-253 Har 58. If Hauohnoizeledovatelski onkologichen inatitut---Sofiia Direktort prof. V. Mikhailov, (LLRMM, neoplasms laryMaotomy (Bul)) BELMOV9 VI.; BOZDUGANOV, A. Use of radioactive cobalt In otorhino-lar7nology. Khlrurgiia (Sofia) 24 no.10:947-955 161. 1. Haucbno-izoledovatelski onkologicben institut Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov, COBALT radioactive) (EAR neopl) SS neopl) (LARDIX neopl) M RAICHEV, R., dots.; BELINOV, Vl. Primary scleroma of the trachea in the differential diagnosis of tumors of the respiratory tract. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no,5:469-470 163. 1. Nauchno-izeledovatelski onkologichen institut - Sofiia. Direktor: dots. N. Anchev. (TRACHEA) (RESPIRATORY DISEASES) (RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) TRACHEAL NEOPLASMS) I -1J. Heavy-fuel motors in aviation. Yoskva, Gos. izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1944. 55 P. (49-55399) TL7o4a.B46 BELINKIY, L.M., and I.F. SOLDATOV. Dvigatel-i tiazhelogo topliva v aviatsii; pod red. A.I. Tolstova. Pbskya, Oborongiz, 1944. 55 P., illus. At Head of title: TSentrallnyi nauchno-issledovatellskii institut aviatsionnogo motorostroeniia. Title tr.: Heavy.-fuel engines in aviation. TL704.2.B46 SO Aeronautical S(siences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. BELINKIYI, 11. Assistance to financial workers (POrganization of financial work ir Anterprises of the meat industry" by M. Basovich. Reviewed-by IT* BelinkiiI. 'kae, inde SSSR 32 no.3:60161#'I. (MIM 14:7) (Meat ind 9tr -Fianance) u. (Basovich) M-5 J.. jAjjs_jjj AjgMjndr ich; BOGUSIAVSKIT, L.D., redaktor; RAC izdatelletya; KONTABRINA, A.D., to cbeskiy redaktor [Operation of water systems in central heating] Skepluatataionnri tsoutral'U090 OtOPlOuita. Moskva. Izi-vo roxhim vodianykh SiBUM Kinigiterst" k0mm"Balln0go khoslaistva RSySR. 1956. 1956. 78 p. (Heating from.central stations) (MM 10:1) BRODSKIT, Tellzar-7bdorovich, kand.takhu.nauk; AjMsAMmOVjcR, TU.B., ..ratsenzent.s- BILINKIT. To A. nauchnyy red.; GRIGORIMA, I.B., red.izd-va; PULIfRZ__'?"b.A., [Hot-water supply in connection with heating from central stations] Goriachee vodoenabzhenio pri teplofikateii. Leningrad# Gos,isd-vo Ut-ry po strolt., arkhtt. I strolt. 'materIalam, 1961. 133 N (XMA 14:12) (Hot-water owly) (Heating from central stations) BELDIKIY Tevgq#y--&ejwaAdro.Tlph,- KOGAN, I.I.., inzh.) nauchn. red.; -17-~~ODOV, A. I red.izd-va; PULIKINA, Ye.A.p [Efficient water-heating systems) Ratsionallmye sisterq vo dianogo otopleniia. Leningrad.. Goestroiizdat, 1963. 207 p. (MM 16:12) (Hot-water heating) 1 7 21L. -'a a'-re ro "!1 Lni: r-a rt:7 n,, 1 4-- d" t ta 04 1 'no 1"J, -1: n I 1 1 f i c a, - I f Hydrni-'. andi Sa n Shor. rab. BELINKIYp Ye.A., inzh. Check calculation of existing Bingle-pipe BystemB Of hot-WaOr heating. Sbor. rab.Lengiproinzhproektat4O-43 0 161. (MIRA 18il) BSUNKOV,, S. Yu. 166T42 1 Cis plan Sea :Sep/Pet 48i EaAhquaikes "Reason for the Present-Day Drop In the Level of the Caspian Sea,", S. Yu. Belinkov :"Meteorol i Gidrol" No 5j pp 104-108 :,Critical3,v discusses argument advanced by Prof B. L. Lichkoy and Docent V. A. Sergeyev in ar- ~ticle in "Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta," No 2, 1948, that result of movemen s of earth's t -.crust in the Caspian depression is a subsidence of the sea bottom vhich affects volume of basin drop.pea.level. Submitted 16 jul-48. 166A2 1. BALEZIN2 S.A.: MLINOVP.S.-: FILIKO, A.I. 29 WSR (600) Kok-Saghyz 7. Effect of nitrogen in nutrition on the accwnulation of rubber and on the physicoobemical properties of Kok--Sagnyz rubbers. Uch*,en* 44, 1947, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessi2ns, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. bELIN-Ov, Fed red. na G. IAnkov- razshirano izd. Soflia, 1,940 439 at head of title: St. Belinov i VI. Belinov. Dsi 1. Ear - Diseases. 2. liosa - biseas ea. Tnroat Diseues. I. 6clinov, vladislav. I!. IAnkov, Georgi, ad. I-M-M-T- ~,=-M--- EL) N K I Y, n- L, - SUBJECT UbSR / FHYbICb CARD I / 2 A - 1637 AUTHOR Bi~LINIAIJ, A.L. TITU The Investigation of the Production of the Crystals of the Martensits Phases by the Method of Microphotos. P L -RIODICAL Dokl.kkad.Nauk 110, fasc-4, 556 - 558 (1956) Issued: 12 / 19-56 Here the existence of the temperature dependence of the linear increase velocity of a martensite crystal on eutectoid bronze, which is denied by many authors, is to be proved. Furthermore, the theoretical conclusions drawn by B.A. LJUBOV are to be veri- fied experimentally (according to LJUBOV the isothermal growth of the martensite crystal along the radius must take place with considerably greater velocity than along its depths The following alloys were used for the experimentso Cu-bn eutectoid bronze ( I-24,8%bnj 75,2'/oCul Tm - - 8o') and ~aanganiferous, nickeliferous steel 5ON2OG2 with an average carbon content (0,55%,C; 19,916Ni; 2,30/oMn, the rest iron, Tm 1300). For experimen- tal methods see A.L. BELINKIJ and V.I. STANNIKOV, Zav.1ab. the factory laboratory), 62, N2 1 (1955). In the course of the present work.about 30 microphotos were made of the forming of crystals of the martensite-like pit-phase of the Cu--5n bronze at temperatures of from -79 to -1800 and with velocities Vc of from.21 to 600 pictures per second and from 11- to 18-fold enlargement on the film. bome pictures of two of the films are attached. in one case the increasing velocity along the radius was V,, - 0)03 mm/sec and a.Long the thickness VB - 0)016 mm/sec. In another case VR . 1,06 mm/see, VB - 0,1 mm/sec and Dokl.Akad.Nauk 110, fasc-4, 556 - 558 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1637 VR/VB - 11. Though-these figures are individual examples and must be worked out statistically, they nevertheless agree with respect to the character of their modifi- cations with the theoretical conclusions drawn by B.A. LJU80V , i.e. VR surpassed V. all the more the higher the temperature on the occasion of the pil-crystal happened to be VR and VB decreased noticeably with a reduction of transformation temperature. There follow technical data concerning(about 40) pictures taken on various deformed samples of-the steel 50N2OG2. In the case of the different samples martensite crystals were found to penetrate into the ends of previously formed crystals. An increase of previous plastic deformation exercises a particularly strong influence on the production of crystals of I'martensite cooling" and diminishes the growing velocity of the individual crystals. Growth took place zig-zag-wise. The data mentioned here are further proofs of the thermal character of the martensi've transformation and for the linear 3-ncrease-velocity of martensite crystals in steel and in bronze. The described penetration of martensite crystals into steel underlines the great influence exercised by stress on the production of marten- site centers. IN5TITUTION s ---------------------- BZLINKIY, A,.L.;. SHT4WP1OV# V.I. .1 Ma" Oft Characteristjo _&4r#Taed filming thro*h,a metallographle micro- - I. - scope. Zav. lab. 23 no.3.-365-367 157. Nm iotO (Photomicrography) (microscope) k BELINKIY, A.L., Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Study of- of crystal formation of mIertensite phases-4WM0%-bj MCAN'S MOTIed PAo&-MIC404AAPAIY_ 4KW Of MiMV~;iAWAMg.II MCS IY58, 11 pp. (Min of Higher Education USSR. Mos Order of Labor Red Banc,er Inst of Steel Lm I.V. Stal14 150 coPies (KL, 39-58, 108) 28 - 8025 S/129/60/000/07/011/013 E193/E235 AUTHORS: Belinkiy, A. L Candidate of Technical Sciences, and _Sh-c_K61fJH'Xdva. t-A., Engineer TITLE: Investigation of an Accelerated Method of Heat Treatmentk of Precision Steel Castings Produced by the Lost Wax Technique \q ~ W PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 19601 No. 7, PP. 55-5? + I plate TEXT: To improve the mechanical properties of precision castings, made of medium carbon steel, it has been the practice, adopted at a certain plant, to subject them to a-prolonged heat treatment, during which the castings were heated to 9000C in 3 h I held at the temperature for 3 h I cooled to 6500C in 1 hi held at the temperature for 3 h and then cooled slowly to room temperature (total - 11 h). The object of the present investigation was to explore the possibilities of shortening this heat treatment without affecting its efficiency. To this end, U,T.B., elongation, impact strength, hardness, and microstructure were studied on test pieces prepared from tapered castings made of two carbon steels, 45L (0.43% C) and Card 1,13 81825 S/129/60/000/07/011/013 E19MR235 Investigation of an Accelerated Method of Heat Treatment of Precision Steel Castings Produced by the Lost Wax Technique 25L (0.28% C), the analysis of which is given in Table 1. The heat f-reatments studied included normalising at temperatures between 900 and 87000 for periods rangiug from 3 to 0.5 h, alone or followed by a supplementary treatment at a lower temperature (670 to 6300C) lasting 3 to 0.5'h. Cast iron shavings were used to protect the test pieces from oxidation and decarburisation during the heat treatment. The following conclusions were reached: (1) There is no need to employ a long heat treatment of steels 45L and 25L, since the properties obtained after this treatment can be b.1-o obtained by short-time normalising treatment. (2) The appli- cat.L'-.-., of an additional heat treatment at,a lower temperature brings no sib,ificant improvement in the mechanical properties of normali,,Rd steel. (3) The heat treatment, recommended for precisioL castings made of steels 45L.and 25L, consists of normalisii~ at 8700C for 45 mi. Steel 25L, heat-treated in t#i-s manner has U.T.S. - 53.8 kg/mm , elongation - 19.3%, hardness Ir Card 2/3 SHAPIROj M.B.0 itsh.; KRISTALI, MA, inah.; SMTNIKOVA, Y*.N.p insh.; BELIMU,.~, kandtekhn,nauk Heat treatment of electrically welded Xhl8X9T ateel pipe. Metalloved, i term. obr. met. no.8t26-29 Ag 162. (MIRA 15s1l) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy i konstruktorskiy irstitut khImieheskogo mashinostroyaniya. (Pipe, Steel-Welding) (Steel alloys-Heat treatment) 0 'ACCESSION Mat AP4016336, 8/01AA/000/001/1064 SOURCE: kh.'Metallurgiya..Abs. 11538' AUTHOR: Frolov,, X. A,j Fedorov) V. K.; Ietrinap,Z, r. TITLE: The properties of new found Co .rrosion-reciutsnt.(Stainle~s) stial, type. Khl7MM and the iuva of its application, In,Phemical'machine building. CITED SOURCE: Tr, Voss. n..!i.: i'konatrukt. i~-!2t, khim'! mashinostral. vY*P- 431 84-0 ITOPIC'TAGS: s~aihless isLeelcasting. chmmiwn -nickel steelp acid resistant iteel, corrosion,resistant 3teel TRUSLATION: Steel has higher.canting',,properties than Cr-Ni-steel of the austepiti class. Casting shrinkage determined on an instrument designed by Bollshakov, amounts to 2.12-2.21~. The flowsbility, was determined according to a spiral probe' (with a pouring tcmperature of 1, 4W 'degrees the* length of the spiral in equal to 300 mm,* at 1p600 degrees.,, itis equal tP 740 mm)&' The -internal shrinkage blisters",;' -of were studied on,canical, and cylindrical probes&, In the former, e6 conceit:ration, Ishrinkage blistetp'-forvasy in,-the-latter.), a Urge.z6ne of shrinkage Poroeityj "A at TrAa i~! increasing as the temperature of pottring rised4,' Heit ~treatwnt -(anneijing' Card 1/g ACCESSTON NR: ARhO18336 degrees for 2 hours) of steel does not influence its mechanical propertiee and 780 . '. should be vonducted. for the purpooe'of remving casting stresses and for aiertins: , propensity for intercrystalline corrosion. Steel has good,corrosion resistance acetic acid and at 78$ themic phosphuric acid at 100 degreesp n 74$ boiling , .,iecopmended ail a substitute-for Or-Ni Steel type -18-8 " , SM COU Oq ~-k Card .2/2 _7 ...... ACCESSION M: ARW27703 S/O276/64/ooo/oo2/Goo?/ooo8 i SOURCE; RZh, TaIduiologiya mashinostroyvniya, Abs. 2G38' AUTHCR-. Frolov, V. A.; Belinkiy, A. L.-, Fedorov. V. K.; Istrina. Z. F. TITLE: High-stroneth casting of now corrosion-4osisting (stainless) stools with reduced nickel content CITM SOURCE: Tr. Voeso n.-t* i konctrukto in-t khizo mashinortr.t vy*p. 43# 1963, 88-95 TOPIC TAGS: high-strongth casting, oorrosion-resisting ste6l, low nickel content, heat tra,atmont, inter-crystal -lorrosion, steel, nickel steel MWISUTION: Steel Mi2lN5TL has satisfactory casting properties enabling sufficiently complex castings of high strength to be produced. As a result Of heat tr~oztzzontq the yield point of this steel exceeds by 1.3m-Z times that Qf type 18--8 chrozi=-nickel stools. Its resistance to corrosion in a number of nedia approachos'that of KhIBV97L steel. With * ratio Ti-.0 > a percentage ~' 5 it is not prono to inter-metal corrosion. Steel Xhl7AS2L has good casting 1/2 Card ACCESSION NRI AR4027703 properties,'con-liderably surpassing those of M8h'9TLe and can be used to make particularly ocuiplex castings, Heat treatment of it insures a yield point 2-2-5 times highar than that of Khl8*TL. Its*resistanoe to corrosion is considerably lower than that of WIN5TL# henoe castings from it can be used only for slightly aggressive media. Xhl7l4DZL has.botter casting properties than IQUU19TIL and Kh2lN5TL, but lower than,Khl71W2M" Khl7h4DZL surpasses austenitio stools by more than double in hardness, is not prone to inter-crystal corrosion as determined bythe AM method (GOST 6032-58), is resistant in a number of aggressive media and can be used to make equipment operating in sea w&ter arA c0- acids,-gas and oil wells and oil refineries. . tain DATE ACQ: Max~& *SUB CODEs ML EINMS 00 2/i --qctrd SHAPIRO, M.B., Inzb.; BKLINKIY, AeL., kand. tekbn. nauk; MOSKM, N.I,, Iltzbe a-oBpects of the development and Introduction of the new types of! steel in the-manufacture of chemical machinery. Xhim. maahino- str. no.l: 28-31 Ja.163 (MIRA 17:7) ~-J 188-34 65-: A OT (m) /WA (d /rAWP VAil C C -ES S i-6 -N NRr AP4041503: Wo 7- [0/ Pf- y JD 9/0149/64/00010610100,1210m L 41332.4;5 Etlr(m)/EPF(c)AWA(d)/tt)P(t)/eIP(z)/W(b) Pad IJP(c) XM/ JD/Xi/Jqf W ACCESSION MR: AR5000732 8/0277/64/000/009/0007/0007 SOURCE: Hof. zh. Hashinostroitalln matorialyo, konstruktaii I rADchot dotaloy mashin, Gidroprivodrgltod- vrP., Abe- 9-48-40. AVIUOR; Intrina Z. P.; Krutn V, ~. N.; Shovelkin B N Shapirc-P V A- 7 Kh1mahint yaj.11t frx-o-Ukova. M. B.; A a 0 tGov To rt X00 IASI 1 0 Lis TITLE: Onrrnnion Adetant proportion of chromium nickel stools with lcwored nickel content CITED SOURCE, Tr Vass. n;-i. L konstrukt; in-t Ichim. mashinostr. v7*p- h-5, 1993, 74-93 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion resistance, chromium nickoleateel, nickel Containing alloy, metal corrosionZ steel OKh2lN5Tjbvte*1 2MIZJX~W/ tool :IlQll( stool CKh17N509AB WqT',ratool N12M211 TRANSLATION: Re Es of an investigation of the stru9ture, heat treatment, weldabilityp prG58Ur9 WOrkinap GYA Corrosion resiatanes .of oorrosion resistant stools with reduced nickel content and thoir Card 2/2: L 4M2--65 ACCESSION NR: AR5000732 welded joints are presented, and the fi:ld of application of those stools In the construction of chemical quipment is determined Because of their corrosion resistance, stools OWINST, OMaWtM2T* and OHb617N5G9AB can be used as substitutes for stools lXhl6N9T and M18NI2142T in a variety of corrosive media, for example, in the production of oaprolaotam, adiplo said, dimethylter*phthalato, citric &old, uroa# nitria acid, and others,, BUD 00108S. HK INOLt 00 C-d ACC NR& AP70012 30 SOURCE CODE: UR/0314/66/000/012/0011 '0012--] AUTHOR: Galitskiy, B. A. (Engineer Belinkiy, A. L. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kolosova, L. P.Ce" ORG; none TITLE: Heat exchanger with titanium-clad steel tube plates SOURCE: Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1966, 11-12 TOPIC TAGS: metal cladding, titanium clad steel plate, --vvelding, titanium welding, heat exchanger "*'j4jA, /1,4 J- - ABSTRACT: A heat-exchanger with Vrl-l titanium tubes and titanium-clad-steel tube 1 plates has been designed and built by the All-Union Design Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Machinery. Titanium-clad steel plates were rolled on an experimental basis by the Izhorsk Plant im. A. A. Zhdanov,,which is planning to produce clad plates up to 45 mm thick (cladding layer up to 7 mm), 800-1300 mm wide, and 1500-2800 mm long. Titanium tubes were joined to the cladding layer by manual TlG welding. Visual inspection and hydraulic tests (32 g/cm2 pressure) of the welds did not reveal any defects. The welds were tested for corrosion resistance, in 10% hydrochloric acid. It was found that the corrosion rate amounted to 0.0029 to 0.0023 mm/year, calculated on the basis of 190-600 hr tests.. Orig. art, has: L 2 figVres. SUB CODE: 13, l1/ SUBM DATE. none Cri rd .1 /-1 TrntN, fit AAC 1 410 1. -Vic an . lie Me im tm ac ,L Y. I rX SULTA, MMS, IV, Mechanized loading and unloading on livestock farms of the U.BA, Mekhe' i elet. note. sallkhos. 15 no.l#.52-56 158. (MIRA: 11:3) (United States-Parm mechanization) (Ioading and unloading) JJZLIBSKAU, Te.A, Ilandtochnishche Yorachung'. Rovieved by I.A, $91imakala. Makh. i elek. sots. sellkhos. 16 no*6:52-53 158. (XIU 12:1) (Bibliographr-Agricultural mehinery) i I BILINSKLYA, Ye.A.; PAVLINOTA, V.V. Journal "Landtoohnische Forschung" In 1958 (list and summaries of principal articles). HekbA alsk.sote.selikhos. 17 no-5: 63-64 159. (MIR& 12:12) (Garmarq--Agricultural machinery-Periodicals) POPOVAj L.; BUSH, G., lnzh.; BARANOVA, P.; KUZNETSOV, P.; HER, N.; LADYGIN., A.; FREOBRAZMISKIY, Yu.; 'STEPANOV, V.; 2~~UM~A. SHUBIN, V.; SEROV, X.; 1494YAN, K. From speeches at a conference in Riga. Izobr.i rats. no.4:6-9 Ap 162. (KM 15:4) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl nauchno-matodicheakogo soveta po rabote naiodnylch universitetov kulltury Pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva po raspkostraneniyu politicbeskikh i nauchnykh znaniy (for Popov). 2. Rizhskiy myasokonservnyy kombinat (for Bush). 3. PredsedateV Llvovskogo.dorozhnogo soveta Vaedoyuznogo obahchestva izobretateley i ratzionali2atorov (for Baranova). 4. Prorektor universiteta tekhnicheskogo tvorchestva Amurskoy oblasti (for Kuznetsov), 5, Glavnyy inzh. lokomotivnogo depo, Moskva- Sortirovochnaya, zamestitell rektors. na can go Universiteta (for 149r). 6. Fredsedatell 6oveta Vsesoyuznogo obahchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov lbvo-Kramatorskogo-=hinoitroitellnogo zavoda (for LadYgin), 7- Fredsedatell Litovskogo respublikanskogo eoveta -9hes:0a izobretatcley i ratsionalizatorov (for~- yse~qqpznogo otah -IduAchaskogo Belinil4i a 8. Zamestitel3 dekana univeralteta ie tvo'rchostva pri Leningradskom Dvortse Imlitury-imeni Kirova (for (Continued on next card) POPOVA, L. - (Continued) Card 2. Smpin). 9. Obahchestvennyy rektor universiteta novoy tekhnild pri Vseso~uznom zaochnom institute inahenerov transporta,lbskva (for Serov). 10. Obshchestvennyy direktor Kirovakanskogo instituta. tekhnicheskogo tvorchestva molodykh ratsionalizatorov (for Mmmyan). 1~. Obshohestvennyy direktor Kiyovakogo universiteta po povyuheniyu'~ t6khaicheskikh znanA7 izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Stepanov). 12. Obshchestvennyy rakovoditell Bashkirskogo instituta novatorov stroitellnoy industril, (for Preobrazhenskiy). (Riga-Techaical education-tongresses) RUSAKOVp G.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; HII-YAVSKIY, 1.0.', kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SHILKO, V.P kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MARTINENAS, A.N.; BELINSK a r.-ekonom.; KARPUSHENKO, A.I., agr -1d;c'ea ed]; PO.%IITNYY, V.M.p ekonom.; PANCHENKO, Ya.I.4 agr,-ekonom.; KVACHEV, V,M&, agr,-ekonom.; SOBOLENKO, V.S.1 KRAVTSOV) D.S.j agronom.; LYSOV, V.F.., ekonom.; SHLYAKHTIN, V.I., kand. ekon. naukj TSYBULIKO, F.Ye,,- ORIKHOVSKIY, I.G., agr.- ekonom.#- TATUREVICH, N.M.$ agr.-ekonom.; GARMASH, I.I.; NOSACHENKOp V.F., inzb.-ekonom.,- MUKHTJSULIJNj, Sh.M., agr.-ekonom.; ROZENTSVAYG, A.L., agr.-ekonom.j BERLIN, M.z*J, dots.; IVANOV, K.I.p agr.-ekonom.; SILIN, A.G., ekonom.; LIKHOT., I.K.; CHANOV, G.I.,, kand. ekon. nauk, MIKHAYLOV$ M.V., kand. ekon. nauk; GORELIK, L.Ya., red. (Planning and economical operation on collective farms] Planirovanie i rezhim ekonomii v kolkhozakh. Moskva Ekonomika, 1965. 258 p. (MIRA 18:51 I* ZavediWushchiy otdelom ekonomiki i organizateii kol- khoznogo proizvodstva Naucbno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva Litovskoy SSR (for Martinenas). 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom, Stavropol'skogo krayevogo komiteta KPSS (for Likhot). BELI&KIT.-Andrey_ILM2y,L-ql6_agronom-ekonomintI LEONOVAp T.S.p red.; RAKITIN, I.T., takhn. red. (In a businesaiike vayl Po-khoziainki. Literaturnaia zapial V.E.Sokolovoi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 31 (Novoe v shizni nauke, takhnike. V Seriiat Sellskoe kho- ziaistvb, no.14i (MIRA 160) 1. Kolkhoz "Put' Lemina" Kashinakogo kolkhozno-sovkhoznogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniya Kalininskoy oblasti (for Belinskiy). (Vollective fama--Management) BELINSKIr A.L..,-kand.tekhn.nauk Temperature dependence of the rate of s -phatie cryetal grovib in tin bronze, H6talloved, I term, Or. met. no.3;25-27 Mr 16L (MM 14:6) Bronze-Metallography) WFV talsp Effect of temperature on) M 12, I-A. BIRLINSKIT, A.Ta., kand. tekhn, nauk; IRLIZAROV, D.P.. kand..tekhn. nauk. - M~ - ml- - - - M Feed-vater pmMs for electrical power plants cf super-high and xWer- critical parameters.* Toploonergetika 4 no.12.-78-81 V 157. .(Illectric pover ~Uuts) (Puping machinery) (XIRL lotil) BELINSKIYO B.A.; NOZDREV; V.F.; KHABIBULLAYEV, F.K. Absorption coefficient and rate of propagation ofultraaonIc t waves in binary mixtures of formic acid - ethyl formate. Akust. zhur. 10 no.1:112-114 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Krupskoy. I SINIY, L.L.; BFLI.NSKIY.. B..A,-, Possibility of applying ultrasonic waves for studying the sorpv-on of gases in porous media. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.5-1263-1265 1-tr 165. (LIRA 18;8) 1. Moskovskl4y oblastnoy pedagogi-.heskiy institur. imeni N.K. Krupskoy. BELINSCIY, B. A. "Investigation of the Absorption of Ultrasound by the Impulse Method in Acetate.-j".. a report presented at a conference of professors atifteachers of the institutes of the Ministry of Education RSFSR and published in the "Application of Ultrasonics to the Investigation of Substances," Moscow, 1955. 24(l) FILASS I WK MWITATIOX SOV/3150 VVerossl7skays konfamntaira profossorov, I prepodsvAteloY Pedaga- gICbOskIkh institutov .FrING4500179 ul'trxAWu8tIk1 k Jazledowanlyu vashchestva, trudy Won- fervotell. Vyp. 7 (Application of Ultrasonics for Analysis of SubStaneval TransletIona of the All-Russian Conforwnqe of Pro- ressars, and Toacherm of Pedagooleal Institut*s. Nr 7) Moscow, U4. Myl, 1958. 283 P. 1.500 copies printed. Tech. 311.1 S. P. ZhItOTS Zda. I V. P. Mosdrev, Professor. &M a. ludryaTteav. rMPOSIs This book Is Intended for phyalclAte, technicians. Rare hautlest, engineers and other persons concerned with ultrasonics. COTIZAaSs The book contains tw*nty eight articles which treat ultra *act* phenomena in five general cat*gorl*xt 1) historical data on the development or ult rasonles in the Soviet Union over the past forty years; 2) the speed of somW In suspensions of warylas concentration and number A" t"* of combonents &" the rotation- Of materials and the 4*t*rmIftLtLOn or physical and chealcal con- 4t&Dt41, 0. 6. density or aqueous solutions. adiabatic compressi. bi2ity. Polarity or solutions (with s2ven tomperstorva). viscositz. surface tension. saturation pressure and also ultrasonic Iavest&- Satlan or the carbon content and Petrographic state Of Coati 4) 1ndustrIal applications of ultrasonics, a. S. eaulaMeatIon or reagents.. cleansing of tanIle fibers and enhancing the suceptl- bizity or most synthetic fibers to oycing, *to. I and 5) appa re tua produce ultrasonic waves. X* personelltleol are mentioned. nces accompany each _,artIcle. = Xm5*vQvJ9_x. Application of Ultragoole Kethoda for Measure- meet Of the Depth Of a Tempered Surface Layer 169 _11~~ Slacentary, Theory or a rand I Cnl AA91-2-1, Kdamurseent of the coefficient of Aboarp- M O by it or Ultrasound In the Critical PAwg* of Nothy3 Acetate be ftlea K*tr1o4 " 2M XAI'YPAOV. D. 1. Kethodoloateal ]Peculiarities or jnVstI_ gating the coefficient Or Absorption of Substances in the critical Range by the Fula* Mtethoo -, -fKe-rp-;,Trc-.Tr.-. X P S . ~A8ur4mQnt Of the peed Of Ultrsacur4 by the Optical ,r th,od 217 "0v fr, and a__A~ Itaroatina. A low Pasign for the - L = & _ j_ & $1 0, K.4.2 ur AN or Of a rhotowTo M-Fre-XPparatux j 221 T )!sk Nov ". and A Demonstrator F4180 I' - WON M ; 1M Ultrasonic IAdIcAtor 225 xw~~ Bome Ach4oikld Itxperta4 ats with the APP41C or XIeCtrOAcOUGtIC Apparatus 229 "r7avtsGv-P-_Z_ The PrOPSCAtIon Of Bound In Liquids 257 The Theory Of 3P"4 010F*"10n and the NMMF ~ - R orptlon or Ultrasound IA "tdrg of Organic Acids 269 The Theory Or "was Transitions With Two Card 611 sov/58-59-5-11493 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 226 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Belinskiy. B.A. Tr=,~ On the Theory of the Velocity Dispersion and Absorption Coefficient Dispersion of Ultrasonic Waves In Organic Acid Esters PERIODICAL: V sb.: Primeneniye U11traakust. k issled. veshchestva. Nr 7, Moscow, 1958, pp 269 - 278 ABSTRACT: It is assumed that; 1) the excitation of molecular vibrations under St the influence of ultrasonic waves must be determined down to the fir n order of minuteness; 2) the excitation energy must depend linearly C the appropriate normal coordinates; and 3) the molecular vibration are quasi-hamonic. 'The author derives expressions for the dispersion of the velocity and absorption coefficients of ultrasonic waves. The resulting dispersion formulae agree with the experimental data and allow a description of a host of relaxation processes observed in the acetates and formates. From the analysis in conjunction with the ex- Card 1/2 perimental data the author concludes thattwo relaxation regions are