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SOV/58-59-5-11493 On the Theory of"the Velocity Dispersion and Absorption Coefficient Dispersion of Ultrasonic Waves in Organic Acid Eaters observed in ethyl acetate in the 3 - 30 Mo frequency range and that the observed velocity and absorption coefficient dispersion of ultrasonic waves is determined b y dispersion forces. The bibliography contains 6 titles. B.B. Kudryavtsev jail .48 DO HIT I Is I Po 41 if Ila 0 d 0 BELINSKIY, B. A.: MAster Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the abs9rV - tion of ultrasound in organic liquids by the impulse method at high frequencies". Moscow, 1959. 17 pp (Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst im N. K. Krupskaya) (KL, No 11, 1959, 114) PHASE I 1300K EXPLOITATION SOV/5644 Vsevossiyskaya honfcrcntstya protessorov i prepodavatelcy pedagoFicheskikh institutov Primenentye ull traakustiki k isilledovantyu veshchestva. vyp. 10. (Utilization of Ultrasonics for the Investigation of 'Materials. no. 10) Moscow. lzd-vo MOVI, 1060. 321 p. 1000 copies printed. Eds. : V. F. Nozdrev, Professor, and B. B. Kudryavtsev, Professor. PURPOSE: This boolt is intended for physicists and engineers interested in ultrasonic engineering. CGVERAGE: The collection of articles review a present-day research in the application of ultrasound in medicine, chemistry, physics, metallurgy. ce- ramics, petroleum and mining engineering, defectoscopy, and other fields. No personalities ore mentioned. References, accompany Individual articles. Card 1A0 26251 ,/61/000/001/018/038 S/194 2~ I, i7, 2 607 D216/D304 AUTHORS: Belinskaya, L.G. and Belinskly, B-A., TITLE: Energy losses in electrical and acoustical lines of pulse ultrasonic installations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no* 1 1961, 14 abstract 1 E125 (V Sb. Primeneniye u1 traakust. k Issled, veshchestva, no. 10, M49 1960, 2.5.5-263) TEXT: The Laboratory of Molecular Ac-%oustics of mono (MOPI) is investigating the absorption coefficie-4.t and the velocity of propa- gation of ultrasonic waves in liquids in the frequency range from a few to 200 Mc/s. A high-sensitivity receiver is being used, with special matching to eliminate losses between the generator and the receiver. The bloc-diagram of the receiver is iven together with the results of measurements and theoretical evafu'ation of losses in acoustical and electrical lines. The results have confirmed the Card 1/2 Energy losses... possibility of Using acetate type at valuas the order of 10-4 v. bation theory can be ments. 1 figure. 7 Card 2/2 26251 S/194/61/000/001/018/038 D216/D304 the installation with liquids of the ethyl- of the radiating quartz driving voltage of The experimental data proves that the pertur- applied for assessing the results of measure- references. S11 94/62/000/005/089/1.57 - D222/D309 -B.A.9 Vasillyevj V.N.j Karevskiyt V.A.t and AUTHORS: Belinski -h _3avffi1!Wna'~,.V. TITLE: Ultrasound device for the measurement of some standard parameters of stratified liquids' -zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat. PERIODICAL: Reterativnyy noo 5, 1962P 'abstract 5-5-49 shch (V eb. Primeneni e ulltraakust. kAssled. veshchestva, po. 14, M ilt 19 171 - 184) TEXT: A small-sised ultrasound device is described, which is suits- ble for investigations related to the measurement of absorbtion and velocity of propagation of ultrasound oscillations uiider extremely varied physico-chemical conditionst in particular those-relating to oil and oil products. The block diagram and the circuit diagram of the device are given. In order to determine the saturation priessure and crystallization temperature of paraffins it is sufficient to ob- tain data.on the attenuation of ultrasound. The device has a ther- mostatically controlled veask with two transducers, a pulse genera- Card 1/2 BFLINSKIY, B.A.; VASILOYEV, V.N.- KAREVSKIY, V.A.; SAVINIKHINAp A.V. Ultrasonic device for determining certain standard parameters of reservoir oils. Prim. ul'traakust. k issI, veshch, no,14:171-184 ,6i. (MIRA 14:12) (Petroleum) (Petroleum products) (Ultrasonic testing) NOZDREV, V.F.; BELINSKIY, B.A.; KIIABIBULLA ME , P.K. Ultrasonic wave absorption in a water - formic acid mixture. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk 7 no. 609-101 163. (HIRA 17 *. 6) 1. Takhkentakiy gosudarstvennyy institut. BELINSKIY, B.A., NOURRIP V.F.; KHABIDULLAYEV~ P.K. Absorption coefficient and the velocity of ultrasonic waves in mix- tures water - formic acid. Akust. zhur. 9 no-4:482--484 263. (MIRA 17:3) 1. 14osko-vsk-47 oblastnoy pedagogichaskiy institut. imeni Krupskoy. A. ; ~ASILI.KV, V.N.; T-1 ~113 a vt t~u s Afoi L he dt, Lp I-r,-L rva I on r., ur c3q tura t, ion p-0*!;Llrc ~',Ind the -urystallIzzation ~enaperature of Elauch.- tffl:~. po dc-lb. neftl A 12 al IS" iY' 111sti tut . BE IA rK 0 L6 .~.!:.vrj;jtIgaI,ing thl~ shtura-l-'-on of a fluid gazo iiyatam in a porous xi~.,dian iising the ultra5oni:2 method. Nauch. t;ikh. sbor. Fo dob. neftli no.27:61-60" 165. (1,!TIRA 18:9) 1. M-~sk3vskiy -;blastnoy ItNlij,~)gi,.-Imeakly institut imeni N.K. SiNly, L.I.; MLDISKY, 11,As-, Wr Yathods for datermin.Ing the phaise c--mpoolticn of pC-liquid syatAma in a porcus madiun, Zav.lab. 31 no.4t467-468 1, Moskovakiy oblastncry pedagogichaskly Institut Im. N,X, Krupskoya Y .66 EF .(k)_eBWTf I)LEwI(M) wp( ------ AR6025780 SOURCE CODE: U AUTHOR: TITLE: SOURCE: Belinakiy, B. A.; Khabibullayev, P. K. Determination of the effective relaxation time in V4,r4l,. A1,0 REF. SOURCE: Tr. issled. veshchest /EQ11/E011 TOPIC TAGS: relaxation process, formic acid, binary mixture, collision ABSTRACT: To determine the effective relaxation frequency of the investigated mix ture of formic acidland q_th_y1_fprmiatejthe following empirical formula is proposed: yQff- [bVAA+(I-b)vsb)-b(i-b)[bVAA+(I-b)VORI-,' where vAA is. the relaxation frequency of the component A, vBB the relaxation frequenc, of component B,. and b is the concentration. This expression was obtained under the assumption that the effective frequency of the relaxation of binary mixture is de-" termined by collisions of type AA and BB, while collisions of the type AB and BA arR ineffective in the relaxation process und---r consideration. The values of Veff calcl~- lated by the p,cposed formula are in satisfiLetory agreement with the experimental data. A. Osil r. ZT-ranslation of abstracy L,~~d 11 ;1b SUB CODE: 20 -L 168OL-66 EWT~1)/T/W(k) JW ACC NR,,%R6023306 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/003/HO71/HOT2 AUTHOR: 4ormatov, A.; ozdrev, V. F.; Bqinskiy, B. A. -')6~ 2. TITLE; Investigation of t he coefficient of absorptign and 1propagation Velackv, of 1~ ejNQ3L alco /a;rasonic vayge-in the quaternary system acetic acid ethyl acetate hol water SOUR%C*. Ref zh. Mika, Abs. 3Zh499 REP. SOURCE: Tr. ;-3r Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentaii po primeneniyu molekul. akust. ki issled. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 1964, 161-164 TOPIC TAGS- ultrasonic velocity, ultrasound absorption, aqueous solution, absorption coefficient, temperature dependence, acetic acid, frequency characteristic, relaxa-, tion process ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the coefficient of absorption and the veloi city of ultrasound in a system consisting of acetic acid (79.2%), ethyl acetate (0'8%), ,ethyl alcohol (20%), and 1 - 80% water added. The component liquids were subjected to chemical purification. The accuracy of measurement of the absorption coefficieiat .was from 5 to 2% at frequencies 5 -,85 Mcs, that of the velocity was 0.3%, and teat. 1/2 L 04092-67 EWP(k)/E:4T(I)/Y ACC NRs AR6023290 SOURCE MDE: AUTHOR: Belinslaha"L. TITM: Blements of'u1trasquie spectroscopy SOURCE: Ref zh. Fizika.-Abs- 3Zh472 REF SOURCE: Tr. 1_3~ Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentsii issled. veshchestva v nar. kh-ve, Tashkent, T9~1 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic spectroscopy, vibration spectrum, acoustic resonance, excited state, excitation speptrum, sound absorption i ABSTRACT: In the Debye-Born theory the equilibrium state of a solid body is char- acterized by a set of,acoustic osciliations with a definite spectrum (resonant- frequency spectrum). pere are grounds for assuming that the same concept can be ap- plied to gases and liqVids up to a certain degree. The nonequilibrium state cau5ed by the interaction of the "externaV acoustic field is characterized not only by the resonant-frequency spedtrump but also bythe spectrum of the frequencies correspondiA to the probabilities of..different transitions of the system to excited and unexcited states. A way of establishing the connection between the coefficients of absorption of the "external" sound on these spectra is then pointed out. in the author's opwo., this can be done by sending into the r,idium a signal with a broad spectrum and invests L. Zarembo. .1fiting the energy spectr= of the sigr a transmitted through the medium. Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 kh i Card I k 1 0408:5-67 C-GAM ACC NR: Ai6o23Lngg SOURCE CODE: Uli/0058/66/000/003/lID70/HD70 AUTHOR: K)~21~e~VS. ~A.; Belinskiy, B. A, -51 1V TTTLE: Universai automatic apparatus for high-speed measurements of different pari~e meters o u s SPURCE: Ref zh. Fizika$ Abs. 3zh4M REP SOURCE: Tr. 1-y Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentsii issled. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 19W, molekul. akust. k TOPIC TAGS: liquid property, ultrasonic equipment, ultrasonic velocity, ultrasound absorption, fluid viscosity measurement, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, auto- matic machine/ TS-224 thermostat ABSTRACT: An automatic pulsed ultrasonic installation has been developed for the measurement of the absorption coefficient, ultrasound velocity, shear viscos .,Idi- electric constant) and tangent of the dielectric-loss angle. The hydraulic unit of the apparatus consists of an autoclave, a manometer, a press, and a device for punpin out the air and filling with the investigated liquid. The electronic unit serves to measure and automatically record these parameters. A diagram of the longitudinal cross section of the autoclave and a block diagram of the complete apparatus are pre- sented. The quartz radiator is located outside the autoclsve, and the ultrasonic os- cillations are introduced into the autoclave through an acoustic delay line. The autoclave operates with the viscosimeter piston in a vertical position. As the pisto Card 1/2 T. 01085-67 ACC NR: AR602.3299 is lowered) continuous measurements are made of its position and descent time, the amplitude of the reflected ultrasonic pulse, and the time of its delay. The autoclave is contained in a liquid thermostat, the thermal conditions of which are regulated by..~ an instrument of the TS-24 type. The velocity of ultrasound is determined by the pulsed delay method in an acoustic chamber. Measurement of the capacitance of the cylindrical capacitor placed in the autoclave is by a resonance method with zero-beat indication. Me installation permits automatic and continuous measurement and record- ing of the parameters of the investigated liquid at pressures 0 500 atm. and temper- atures 20 200C. I. Nikolayeva. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 kh Carri 2/2 BELINSKIY, G., aspirant Pay more attention to marine piping. Mor. f lot 25 Ao. 3.- 32 mr 65. (MIRA 18t4) BF.LINSKIYP G.., In.ab. Mass-prodi.iced ships nood rup~itr bripdrin, Mor. flot 25 no.700-31 JI 165, (KMA 18:7) m PELINSKIY, I. A matter of great importance. Sov.profsoluzy 16 no.17:20--21 S 160. (MIRA 13'8) (Telegraph) -i- BELIMMY, I. The 1966 standard of labor productivity Is surpaseade-Sov. profnoiusy 7 n0-8:17-19 AP '59. (KM 12:7) (Textile workers) (Labor productivity) BELINSKIY, I. (Poselok OktyabrIskiy., Moskovskoy obl.' Accodding to onals own wish..* Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.18:25-26 S 162. (IaRA 15.9) 3.1 Spetoialtnyy korrespondent zhurnela 45ovetskiye profsoyuzyn. (Oktybriskiy (Moscow Province)-Textile industry) BELINSKIY. I. (Kbarlkov) 'The trade-union group corner. Sov. profaoiusy 18 no.24:21-22 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Spetsial'My korrespondent shurnala 'Sovetakiya profs (van neimpapeLv) LUZIN, Yu., inzh.; -BELINSKIY, I., inzh. Reinforced concrete crane girders with 32 spans under cranes with a 50-75 t. liftlr~g capacity. -Prom. atrol. i inzh. soor 5 no,505-40 3-0 '63s (MIRA 16%12) GLUSHCHENKOP P.M;j inzb.; BYAKOVTSEVp G.F., master-vzryvnik (g. Kadiyovka, Donbass); ~ MT SEIX*_L_., RUDENKOY I.., reyonny7 gornotakhnichookiy inspektor; OLIKHOVSKIY, A. Peaders' letters. %zop truda v prom. 7 no~4,OW, Ap 16 (MIRA 16: 4~~ 1. Biyakiy kotel$W zavod (for GlushchenQ. 2. Glavrory insh. shakbty im. Lutugina (for Belins3dy). 3. OVAhchestvennyy inspektor ov= truda, shakhta. IS bis, tresta Yemansholinugoll (for 011kho sky (IndustrialIsafety) LMERM.. A.D.., kand.tokhn.nauk; ~ ~LINS="-~. in2h. TnFMIated vall slabs with a length of 22 a. From*stroi. 40 no-8350-53 ~162. (MMA 1513-1) (concrete walls) LIBERMO, Allfred Davridovich,*XORSHMV, Dmitriy Andreyevichp HUBACH, 011ga Mikhaylovnal, EELINSKIY, Igo= ALlekse MV1nh2- KIYANICHFMO, N.S., red.; IMUSIGHOW, [Large reinforced concrete structures in industrial construction] Krupnoramernya-zhelezobetonnye konstruktaii v promyahlennom stroltellstve; iz opyta stroitellstva me- khanosborochnogo korpusa zavoda stankov-avtomatov im. Gorikogo v Kieve. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1963. 49 p. (MIRA 160) (Precast concrete construction) EELINSKlY.. I.A., inzh. '!,Jj venAssible sags In re.irLfcr,:,tl conci-f-ts roof trasz.:~o in Inn zig:! with overhead conveyllie; sYftems. strei. 42 " 1 ~'4'- C. j I, Llj I '/ ~ BELINSKIY, I*A,,, in,.7h, CalculatIng reinforced concrete trusses taking into account the rigidity of units during the prolonged action of a load. Stroi. konstr. no,2:122-127 165. (KRA 18:12) 1. Nauchno-lesledovatellakiy institut etroitellnykh konstruktsiy Gosstroya SSSRt Klyev. BELINSKIY, I.A,, inzh. Deformations of reinforced concrete truss girders by concrete shrinkage. Stroi.konstr. no.1:134-140 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitelInykh konstruktaiy Goestroya SSSR, Kiyev. caused 165. (MIFA l9ri) Relation between-drift timbering oosts and their cross"ections, U9011 31-U09*10:20-41 0. 156.. '(XLRL 9:11) 10.8hakhta ImOnI I*tUgiVA. (Mine timberl"Osts) ~lt-rfvs 2 --1- BARSHTMN, I.K., kand.takhn.nauk; BELMSKIY, I.Te., inxh. Operational characteristics of-iEsi-1-0-5-0-7460 mill ventilator Idesigned by the Central Scientific Research Inatitut for Boilers and turbines. Bnergomashinostroenis 3 no,12:16-21 D '5?. (MIRA 11:1) (Drying apparatus) OeLtIvjKly) I 310 ~a HOR: UT A J ht yn rs , j I.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Belinskiy, Engineer. TITLE: Experience of burning high moisture content broim coals in a boiler installation equipped with pulverising fans. (Opyt szhiganiya vysokovlazhnykh ugley v kotellnoy ustanovke oborudovannoy melyushchimi ventilyatorami.) PERIODICAL: "Energoaashinostroeniell, (Power Machinery Construction), 1957, No. 5, pp. 10 - 14, (u.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This article describes the results of tests on a boiler equipped with a pulverised fuel preparation system Including pulve-~,ising fans developed by the Central Boiler and Turbine Institute. The equipment is in the EMS Power Station (Kiev Regional Power Station?). Boiler No. 4 of the IMS station manufactured by the "Rota" Company was reconstructed and has a designed steam output of 40 tons-per hour with a drilm presgure of 31 atm and a super-heated steam temperature of 400 0. The heat4g surface of the boiler is 462 i~ , of the super-heater 182 m2, of the water economiser 492 m and of the air heater 2 240 m . Other furnace data are also given. The pulverised fuel preparation system consists of three indepen- dent dust a stems with pulverising fans. Coal from a r ~ is deliwere to drying shafts by drum-scraper feeders. In the drying shafts the fuel receives preliminary drying by gases drawn from the furnace because of 'suction set up by t~he pulverising fans, From the drying shafts the gas-fuel flow 310 Expbrience of burning high moisture content brown coals in a boiler installation equipped with pulverising fans. (Conto) passes through the pulverising fans in which the'fuel is pulverised and is intensively dried. It then passes to the burners. The pulverising fans have a rotor of 1 050 mm diameter with a blade width of 400 mm and height of 200 mm. The fan is driven at 1 460 r.p.m. by a 115 kW motor. The main fuel of the power station is Aleksandriysk brown coal produced by opencast working. The coal contains a high proportion of fines and a comparatively small quantity of large pieces and is low mechanical strength. The ash-content varies from 22 - 38,51o, the-moisture content from 50 - 56% and the calorific value is 1 500 - 2 000 kcal/kg. The ash is of high temperature characteristic. Operational observations and tusts made during initial setting-up reveal the following special features of operation: Ukrainian brown coals cause difficulties in the fuel supply lines only -under winter conditions. When the frost is hard, the coal freezes in the stacks and the upper layer of fuel has to be broken up by hand. There being no crushers the large lumps of frozen fuel are troublesome and delivery of coalto the pulverising fans is uneven. The magnetic metal separator did not operate well so that damage was caused to the pulver- ising fans. As the blades of the pulverising fans did not last long, and the rotors frequently became unbalanced, the Central Boiler and Turbine Institute has recentl-Y re-desigaed 310 Experience of burning high moisture content bro~ax,coals- in a boiler installation equipped with pulverising fans. (Cont.) required to move it. Although the scraper-drum feeder generally operated satisfactorily the absence of preliminary crushing of the coal greatly interfered with its normal operation. When pulverising fans are used the need for crushing should be carefully considered. The gas dampers on the front wall of the fuinace did not work well. The short distance between the gas intake apertures (from the furnace to the drying shaft) and the burners, which was about 2.5 M causes the temperature of the tapped-off gases to vary widel depending on the operating conditions of the boiler. A g%PtK is given showing that this temperature can range from about 800 to 1 100 C. Therefore, the gas intakes should be'located in the upper part of the furnace at a sufficient height above the burners. The horizontal gas pipes from the front of the furnace to the drying shafts are constantly clogged with ash and slag and require frequent cleaning. Appropriate arrange- ments should be made to prevent this. Balancing tests were carried okit when burning normal Aleksandriysk coal and also coal of lower quality with increased ash content and reduced calorific value. During the tests-the fuel properties vax~ied within the limits of: water- 48.9 - 56.?%; ash 13.0 - 18%; calorific valile 1 390 - 1 829 kcal/kg. The quantity of hot air passed to the drying shafts was 20 - 25,cj of the total air consumption of 310 Experience of burning high moisture content brown coals in a boiler installation equipped with pulv-erising fans. (Cont.) the furnace. The tests confirmed the possibility of ensuring reliable and economic combustion of the coal. With the high ash coal the burner.flame commenced rather a long way from the embrasure but combustion remained steady. A graph is given of the thermal losses and efficiency of the boiler as a function of the steam load and it is shoi-m that the efficiency is practically independent of the load. There were large leakages of air into the furnaces, mainly through the fuel feeders because of leaks in the gas ducts from the furnace to the drying shafts near the slag funnels and at places where the screen tubes pass through the lining. With a steam load of 40 t/h the temperature of the outgoing gases is only 185 OC. However, because of the high moisture content of the fuel the heat loss with the outgoing gases was consider- able and ranged from 12 - 16~-o. When buming normal fuel there was no loss of heat because of chemically incomplete combustion but with the low quality coal this loss was from 0.4 - 1.4% even with considerable excess air. A graph is plotted of the electric power consumption related to a ton of steam against boiler output and with an output of 40 t/h it is 8.6 kWh/ton. It is concluded that in addition to giving reliable combustion of Alel:sandriysk coal the installation equipped with Experience of burning high md1sture content brown coals a boiler installation equipped with pulverising fans. (Cont.) the fan construction. The milling parts have been considerably strengthened and made of wear-resistant materials, and protectivelinings on the milling blades can be replaced without; withdrawing the rotor. Operating experience and tests on the boiler under different conditions show that stable combustion of Aleksandriyek brown coal with a moisture content of up to 335". is achieved even in winter conditions and with- out a-orusher. Combustion wds stable even at loads of 40 - 5096 with only one pulverising fan in operation. During operation it was never necessary to light the fuel oil burneris and there were no enforced stoppages because of fuel supply or combustion cliff iculties. Ve ry little slag was formed in the furnace. Experiments which were carried out confi=ied the advisability of supplying hot air to the drying shafts with a somewhat increased oxygen content compared with the furnace gases. It was also found that losses due to incomplete combustion are very dependent on the excess air factori; the results are plotted on a graph. In new designs account should be taken of the following defects, that appeared in various parts of the equipment: If the bunkers -are filled to mom than a third of their capa- city the coal is not delivered continuously. The coal shutter of the damper type is inconvenient because great force is UO - Experience of burning high moisture content brown coals in a boiler installation equipped with pulverising fans. (Cont.) pulverising fans is of comparatively high economy. At rated load, the efficiency of the boiler is 97~6. The gross effici- ency of the boiler set when'burning-coal of normal quality at. the rated load on the boiler is 82.51,11, and the nett efficiency vith two milling systems working is 77'/S. The positive results of bunLing high moisture content brown coal in a furn ce equipped with pulverising fans makes it possible to recommend wide application of these installations on small and medium sized boilers. The limiting value of the relative moisture content; of coal that can be burnt reliably and with efficient economy in these installations is up to 36%. Work on the improvement of pulverising fans should be continued. 7 figures, no literature references. BHLINSKIY, L. un"Ma"M Innovations in Chistiakoro mines. Ka3t.ugl,5 no,11:3-6 N 156, (MLRA 10:1) 1. Gl&.vnyy inzhner tresta Chistyakoventrwtsit. I (Donate Basin-Coal mines and mining) BELrvsKiy. i,.r.; DBWNA, R.Y.; ROKOOTA, L.S. Aulf,orAtic air conditioning unit for laborstorlea. Taket. prom. 18 uo.9:49~-51 8 156. (MIR& Iwo) (Testing laboratorles-Air conditioning) AUTHORS# Belinskin L. L., AlIter-Penotakly, 1183160100010110241031 F - L. B004/B014 TITLEs The Inertia of Indicators of the System of Temperature.ReguiLation Which Are Protected by Chemically Resistant Coatings*/4' PERIODICALs lChimicheaklye volokna# 1960, Nr 1, YP 63-64 (USSR) TEXTs ETM-Kh rosistance thermometers are protected from corrosion by coatings. The authors studied the effect of such coatings on the delay of temperature indication. They studied coatings made of bakelite lacquer (0-03 on) poly- ethylene (0,03 oa)g lead (0.25 oz)s abonite (0.3 cm), and viniplast 10.4 on)- The delay constant was measured by taking the thermometers out of a medium of 200 and dipping them into media of 600 and 1000, and by determining the time passed until the temperature was exactly indicated. The temperature of the resistance thermometer was recorded by an electronic measuring bridge of the type MD-237- A table given the thermal conductivity of the protective coatings, and figures I and 2 illustrate experimental results. It In noted that coatings made of bakelite, polyethylene$ or lead do not produce an additional delay of temperature indioationg whereas the inertia of the indicator in increased by abonite and viniplaat, due to the larger thickness of such coatings. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 referenoeB9 2 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 The Inertia of Indicators of the System of B/183/60/000/01/024/031 Temperatur* Regulation Which Are Protected by B004/BO14 Chemically Resistant Coatings LBSOCIATION1 VNIIV (Vseeoyuznyy nauohno-issledovatellskiy institut iskusetvennogo volokus. Ill-Union Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Fibers) Card 2/2 S/119/60/000/010/009/014/x B012/BO63 AUTHORS: Belinskiy, L. I., Engineery Pikorskiy~ A. I., Engineer ----------------- TITLE; A Semiconductor Electrothermometer PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1960, No. 10, pp. 22 - 23 TEXT: The measuring bridge circuit of an electrothermometer with a con- stant feeding source#-shown in Fig. 1, was tested at the laboratoriya avtomatiki i KIP Nauchno-iseledovateltakogo instituta iskusstvennogo volokna (Laboratory of Automation and Control and Measuring Instruments of the Scienziiic Fibers). A microam- meter Is used for indication. Fig. 2 we the electrothirmometer, and its technical data are given. This quick-acting instrument was developed on the basis of the MT-14 (MT-54) microthermistor designed by 0 Karmanov, Bu. and is intended foXmTeasuring temperatures between 00 and 100 C. The small dimensions of the transmitter permit temperature measurement even at difficultly accessible points. This semiconductor electrothermometer has an error in measurement of I 0-50C between 00 and 500C. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1 BEL ~OJ,--M.-and I. F. SOLIATOV. Dvigateli tiazhelogo topliva i aviatsiij pod red. A. 11, Tolstova. Moskvap Oborongizj, 1944, 55 p. illus. (Heavy-oil engines and aircraft motors.) DW: TM.21B46 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering In the Soviet Union, Library of Congresaj, 1953 010-A wn I Un2 VWZOAL MWIF ft" L L: ft*l) low) I waii. M61- 32-33). Onotm-St voft-wAlf* f=r Amu 1"s. ' 32 bows ( LltbovA Whours --ov to to Obsof0d b 004 available), wbAm the operation would normally be" taken 100-150 boam. goo, ~ nos, 04, i# O kA SITALLMIC&L WINAlt" UASWUlft INN a"M b u %At 0 U Is &a to, wo 'a "t VA W 0 10 is 41 10a 41 41 0 4, a 0 0 4, 0 & 0 ss 0 S a * & OLS a a a a 0000 10 a 0 a 404 was 9-MZMASM moo 0 ulwp/ Mining Card 1/1 Authors Belinekly., L. M., Mining Engineer. ................................ Title Basic difficulties in constructing a special frontal unit Periodical Meldl. Trud. Fab.,: 2.,-0 32., March 1954 Abstract Author dee6ribee the foitr basic difficulties involved in the construe- tion of a special frontal unit for coal mining. Giving the Chistyako- vantrateit mine as an example he points out that the exploitation of such a machine raiuIrea.more'vorkersand time consuming labor and the gain In the.extraction of coal is Insignificant. Institution Submitted . ..... BRLINSKI:f,,,,~,.A..brigadir puti (stantsiya Tayncha Kazakhokoy dorogi); TWINS - -.- - V.D.,doroshnyv master (stantsiya rantemirovka Yugo-Vostochnoy dorogi); IMDIROT, A.,brigadir puti (stantstya Krasnovodek, Ashkhabadgkoy dorogi) How to plan maintenance operations. Puts i put.khoz. no.1:20 Ja '59. (Railroads--Kaintenance and repair) (UM 12:2) NEKRASOVSKIT, professor; LOKSIIIN, B.S.,,doteent; BILINSKIT, X.L., aspirant; SNITKD, AoA. Protective bore bit for the boring of ruixing shafts in steepiy pitching coal esams where coal and gas oqtburste''are likely to occur. Izv. DGI no.24:50-64 153. (KUL 10: 2) (Boring machiuez7) (Coal mines and mining--Safety'measures) IMLINSKIT, X.Lo, gorn,irzh, ~" ""' '' ' Preliminarr degasif ication of a seam being mined. ltv. MI 32-tZ41-244 138a (KM 11:7) (Mine gases) (Goal Canes, and mining-Safety measures) I - - - - ~ a .. W" W, ~ W " w Q if m is is it is ' is 1-1 Al 1 41 if 11 L-A Tb* doll. 01 Trask 1 Lw, P"4", S &" jw ",Ar Z I ~ pwif. 9w the conif-ti ( I-go 'tit 01 47 W 404% .419.1 Will, M.A""n' . 4111, - 6 is hu), "t t..4 ,11 1 "-h 4fj th.. (1-1 JLC. ' ..( It wat Uquinid *h;L.h A "' lj"q"j pprul -t) L and %Igo. The as a nkvh. -IrY r-1,1., the Wage I~UW Cuguu'nPfkM of %' sit I halk. 1) . -jolt tr ko o "bl"lkll whklh WAS Appr,s tn. ,I 3 "1 L 11% This Mg(oll o t con uf 0 C I it 0 0 keg 00 00 0 LAP too slow. 4Weliv. -k0 4.1 0#1 12, u u AV 10 to 0 It a alet law Ig Of 1 0; 01. 0- 0-1- -I" - . " 0 0 Ve 9 0 IVO 0 : o 0 000 090 400 04 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 a 0 000 1*0 ov lop 0900 1o9 .0 0 0 so f1loil 0 o 0 1o 0 * 00 00 000:00 of 0 0 00 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'w mutsm VMS 4 *--A ~ b ..,I A Q4 . 00 00 a foe I -Cftwaims wages aw the CO.W Um for thw !A=_" I t 0 n o lv~wtvr rese"Wa. 5,66-kAmm soma Rain-kif", r4t. 14. No. it, 'm Ch a 0 -- Z-11- JOW. 1. Won by be Cu pW_ b b _ , "*.Uy P,.,r.,d it it ftowns no C'. Such "*St- -t9. Cu Can h~ m n in"' r--Pairs vibnv it. hills a C" Vmle"t (toxic VI, OmIlnit) ran be nduml by ireatilwnt with Fr wilh q:. 004 . "Mjf~' Mm-41h) or with AI#(!k),Ij. sf. 40 4 4 3 4 v % av W3 As At x w it It a tt a 000000*00000000000000o 00000600004000*000 ooetoo*ooooooooooooeoo:oolooootoooooooeoeeoo .00 .00 .00 -00 .00 MOO 200 0 000 goo 0*0 see a 540 see ZOO goo goo oil I v a c 0 0 4 P8 A L it 0 PQ R I I Uv. it 31 n3o a phl shun bedluddiflawAyUnNi . I .- 6 1 %P- - - 9-11! 1 M, A~ 4SCUPS is boll ONLIXOSIV13 MUT1121111 UNIM111TA1141 VIVIrsf n so 002 00 0 a so olp C, go so= 99 13 puft 2 * 0 so, aqj 10 IgKkh!p 3qj 01 PMjOA0j ttu"Jdt~ 0(1) 'R -ON -st vu =--O if go t -Loop" VOW* PUPWM v ja $""A aftan~ so ow, so-. go 7 r w 09 T 1 3 1 0. 0 ; ; ; ; N :; -4~" ~ . ~! i 03" 1 1 1 4 11 a I I 1 0 It " is w is 4 it a a a is a A OF Al A nil U13 Is* bit xpw.l A I.-L-A L I ~L_ JL _A_ _1L_ La a I p 4It I-T. v" at A- J, #A Is CC 0n j 6 -F 0 -C tit 0-11 ow sw gout., .10 waterill of 60 Uses tooribillfs %1. 1 Ildsw News 44 .10,11i to 15.N POtdftdft W 00 DOW&V V4kfft* 61 bARO combine. IN4 X-P. It, It. t-0 -.3 Mr ~1-,W tw,44-ln- IkItIM" A1111 it 111,11141.1% .21 Irmil"Cut air Kiwn, it Lp 0 vo 0 lick, 11.1414W. 9410 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: n, if. 4456*0 U opyta raboty .ah.h I.-tr~#,i ((c,hiat, - , tratow). Staliw, oble W., - &k t , ya kovan 1954. 60 a. a chart; 4 L. chert. 20 SK. (Nito i dom Inzhonerai tekbnika kombinata ((Stalinugoll)) ). 5.000 ekz. ir. 20k. - (55-562) p ' 622-333t685.5 SO: Knizhnaya letopstal, Vol. 1, 1955 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 11-5 1and Their Appltcation Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958) 1792 Author : Karelin Ya. A., Belinskly M.L. Title : Sewer Systems at Petroleum Production Bases Orig Pub: Vodosnabzheniye i san. tekhnika, 1956, No 11, 13-17 Abstract: At petroleum production bases 2 sewer systems are planned,e an industrial and storm sewer sys- tem and a household system. In the industrial and storm sewer system are Installed 2 sectional petroleum traps, from which the sewage water passes into ponds. If the sewage water contains tetraethyl lead the latter is extracted with the lightest aviation gasoline containing no ethyl C ard 1/2 N USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment, Sewaee water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1., 1958, 1792 lead. After extraction the sewage water is allowed to settle for 10-20 hotr V. Card 2/2 BELINSKIY, M. L., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Determination of system basic elements of the xnx)a= of,~working,z'trata with high gas tFj- content urd ditions oftChistyakovskiy and Shakhterskiy 'Ic er con Rayons ofDonbass.11 Dnepropetrovsk, 1958. 20 pp (Min of Higher Education Ukr SSR, Dnepropetrovsk order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst im Artem, Chair of Working of Stratified Deposits)0,100 copies (KL., 35-58) 107) -29- TITKOV, V.I.;_AAjjj&KjXXjj BUNCMX, V.A.; BUT, P.P.; VINOGRADOV, A.F.; KOFKAY, S.R.; K=SHKIYA, R.N.; KATSKIN, L.A.; MOSUL'KOV, 191.; MISHIN, B.V.; NA IN, M.D.; UMM, N.M.; ROZRN. S.N.; NOVIKOVA. vedushchiy red.; TROPIMOV, I.V., (Handbook on oil tank equipment] Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu neftebas. Koskva, Gos.nsuohno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivad lit-ry, 1959. 463 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Pe troleum--St orage ) rARIU.TNO Th.A.; MILINSKIT, H.L. Sewerage schemes for sites,of main line VaMing stations. Tod. i san.takh. no.3:15-18 Kr 159~ (MIU 12:2) (Pumping stations.) (Sewerage) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5198 Titkov, V. I., ed. Spravochnik po oborudovaniyu neftebaz (manual on Petroleum Storage Depot Equipment) Moscowj Gostoptekhizdat, 1959. 463 P. 5o6OO copies printed. Authors: A-_J__Bej!"k 01g, V. A. Bunchuk, P. P. But, A. F. Vinogradov, S. R. Ko -an, R. N. KukuBhkina, L. A. Matskin, 1. 1. Moskallkov, B. V. Mishin, M. D. Nadezhdin, N. M. Olenev, S. N. Rozen, and V. I. Titkov; Scientific Ed.: M. P. Novikova; Tech. Ed.: A. V. Trofimov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians work- ing in the field of transportation and storage of petroleum and petroleum products. COVERAGE: The manual includes data on equipment used in loading and unloading, storage, and transfer of petroleum and petroleum products on tank farms. The characteristics of tanks and Card TA;5 UMLIN, YA.A.; MUNSKIY. M.L. Sewer systems for sections of filling stations of petroleum products pipelines. Neft. khoz. 1+0 no-1:58-64 A 162. (MM 15:2) (Petroleum waste) ROMENSKIY, L.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; FESIKOV, M.I., gornyy inzh.; BELINSKIY, M.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Planning and design of ventilation in the reorganization of Donets Basin mines. Ugoll Ukr.' 6 no.9:19-21 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kommarskiy gorno-metallurgicheakiy institut (for Romenskiy, FesIkov). 2. Shakhta No.1 "Krasnaya Zvezda" Chistyakovskogo tresta predpriyatiy ugollnoy promyshlennosti Donbassa Ministerstva ugollnoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for Belinskiy). (Donets Basin-'Mine ventilation) BELINSKIT MS. - AKINFIYET, B.F.,,- KDEDSOV, L.Y., red.; XAWIWVA, [Using precast reinforced concrete access pits In connection with automatic telephone stations] Sborrqe zbelezobstonnye kolodtay na stroitelletve ATS. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-r7 po voprosam aviazi, I radio, 1958. 43 p. (WRA 12:1) (Precast concrete construction) (Telephone cables) AIYIHOVA, Irina Alekseyevna; BI-MaW, Polins, Hotseyevna; ZAYTSWA, Antonina Ivanovna; BBL4LSITY, Mae, redaktor; KUZIMIN, D.G.p takhnichaskiy red9II'o7-ftwftftft%Aft [Problems in turning] Zadachnik po tokarnomu delu. Moskva. Tees. nehabno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrazervizdato 1956. 162 p. (HM 9:9) (Turning) -, - '~- /zt~ /Z). VZOROV, Nikolay Kikhayit)vich; JUSPAL'KO, Aleksondr Grigorlyevich-, BYSLI11SKIYA X.Ya., redaktor; C.',TAIROV, takiinichaskiy redektor Au*dWMfflmmO"mMW [Collection of problems in engineering, mechanics] Sbornik radach po tekhnichesko, makhanike, Moskva, Vnes.uchobno-pedagog, lzd-vo Trudrozerv17det, 1957. 159 P. ~ (HIYA 10:10) (Mechanics, applied--Problems, exercises, etc.) N, A, PR.LTW~X Approximate Met hod for CalculEting a Resonator of Complex Form for a Given Wave length" from Annotations of Woeics Completed in 1955 at the State Union Sci, Res, Iust: Min, of Radio Engineering Ind. So: B-5,080,964 IBSLINSFTY) 11i.As ko:3~j..,IE-e.d') - 1-1-..,-", ~--, ~ I, :M__ I ~ . I ~ llrolb-ie= of marine forecaotis ~L-jd informtIon. Trwtr MIF no.1420-22 165. (ULTRA 3.8:3.0) 1. 4Q91(7-66 EVJT(l) GW ACC NRt AT6006566 A/ SOURCE CODE: UR/2546/65/000/142/0005/0012 AUTHOR.- Belinskiy, N.. A. (Deceasea-P ORG: none TITLE. Maritime foreizasting problems .SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'M institut prognozov. Trudy, no. 142, 1965, Morskiye prog--- nozy i raschety (Marime forecasts and calculations); materialy Vsesoyuznogo sovesh- chaniya, noyabr' 1963 g., 5-12 TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting, sea ice, ship navigation, ocean dynamics ABSTRACT: The author defines the mission of the Hydrometeorological Service with re- spect to Soviet oceangoing and coastal vessels and makes recommendations for improving the work of the Service. The recommendations are prefaced by the remark that the Soviet Union is seriously lagging behind the USA and the German Federal Republic in charting optimal courses (both in terms of safety and economy) for merchant vessels. The author recommends the creation of a navigational station network, the study o coastal navigation, the study of the effect of meteorological conditions on ocean bulence, current levels, and ice and water temperature distribution. He further uurges improvements in buoy stations, the development of better methods for recordim precipk- tation and a better method for evaluating elements in the ocean heat-water balance. 7-- Card 1/2 L 40910-66 ACC NRs AT6006566 He notes the lack of systematic observation of ocean currents, temperature, and sali- nity as a function of depth. Methods and instrii~~nts for measuring water turbulence, and water and air temperatures are severely criticized. SUB CODE: 04,13,15/ SUBM DATE: none I-Card 2/2 in ACC NR& AP6025658 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/013/0110/0111 INVENTOR: Bleyvas, I. K.; Belinskiy, N.-A.; Zelinskiy, E. M.; Dubrovina, S. A.; Sergiyenko, V. I. ORG: None TITLE: A device for simultaneously solving equations of motion of charged particles and electric field,equations. Class 42, No. 183494 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no 13, 1966, no-ill TOPIC TAGS: motion equation, computer component, charged particle, electric field .ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for simultaneously Sol- ~:'V,4equaiions of motion of charged particles and electric field equations. The unit "'o tains an electrol;rtic bath with conductive elements, a probe head, a digital com- er which solves the motion".equation of a charged particle and servasystems which ;~_M! e the probe head idth respect to two coordinates.- Computational speed and ac- ~~.uracy are increased by using a magnetic operation9l memory with one input connected ~to the digital compuner through a s=ion unit and a diode which is controlled by pulses from the address formation unit. The second input of the magnetic operational memory is connected to the output of the address formation unit, and the memory out- Card M)c ACC NRt AP6025658 puts are connected -to the input of the summation unit and to the current leads for the conductive elements in the electrolytic bath. 2. A modification of this device in which the instantaneous address of the probe head is compared %ith that of a me- mory cell in the mapetic operational memory by making the address formation unit in the form of an electre-aechanical commutator consisting of two contact tracks located along the coordinate axes vith insulatED sections, and movable contacts mechanically connected to the probe head. The windings of the address relays are connected be- tween the corresponding commutator segments of the contact tracks. 3. A modification of this device in which currents are automatically fed to the conductive elements by using a step switch in the lead-in unit for synchronizing the operation of this unit with that of the address relays in the address formation unit. Card 213 ACC NRi AP60256~-8 L L- ----- 1--bath; 2-probe Jaead; 3- computer; 4-servosystems; 5-menory; 6-summation unit; T-diode; 8-addreiss formation unit; 9-current lead-in unit; 10 lectromechanical' commutator tracks; .11-address relays; 12-step switch suB com: o9/ sum DATE.. o6Apr63 Card 3/3 WaR/mathemuds Qnasicoutcrual I Au& 53 ."Behavior of Quasiconformal.Representation at an Isolated Point,#!P'. P. Be,linskiy .DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 4, pp, 7og-71o Presents a theorem1which is an essential improvement er the Wittich-Teicbmaeller theorem (Math Z. 51.6 -0V ,278 (1949)):an'd which generalizes the results d V. Shabat (Matem Sbornik, 17(59).-2., 193 (1946)) on the differentiability of a quasiconformal.reflection to the case of the fulfilment of the Helder integral-condi- .tion. Namely., proves,the following theorem: if 272T63 -/z/-'ds is finite over the interval 1, where go z is an element of area in the -zlrplane, then. there exists a limit w - w (z-+ 0) and tbe function'WO k(Z) is'sonogenic at point z 0 Ti-euented May 53 byAcad M. A. Lsvrentlyev 2, I. wte* - -- ,-of 1X1-