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w wjjzi,,- un rone.,viectrie pro ties -t =7 Lrrites iith ga=et ,trudturjf:. --per -.or:y -%q -re SOU11CE: Fizika'tverdogo t6la .7 no. 2* 1965 -479 477 .TOPIC TAGS: Ytt- rium iron garnei' territe, tempi~rature dependence, ele ,ctric'-resig=4L.~.~' tivity esistivity anomaly ,r ABSTRACT: The authors measured the temperature dependence of the electric reals- tivity of samples of the following com-position: YfeczO12, Y2.5?"n0.5Fe4.5(;eO-5Ol2, Y2.5 kbFe4-0C'e0l2' Y2.5NMF14.5mlio,5012 q and Y2.014Fe4.0U012. The samples were ie&- ty ear er: inve prepar. s~We~~cq7bdi to fliti etaLlMgra- - F."-- fi~n v# 7 240 -1962). Tbi'--Z44t di ements vere made in vac= -u4--- fact, cu r-rent A temperature-s -660--ro=--f6i 606k.* The results show that the sub- atitution of the Fe3+ ion by the tetravalent ions Ge4+ and Ti4+, which occury -dif- ferent crystallographic places in the iron-garnet structure, leads to a decr4aae in the electric resistivity (IV several orders of magnitude compared with the pure,_ 2 ACCESSION NR-_ APSOOSM6~~ _j ed e-: -is -dt~et Iappearance of Fe2+ I o thii I one located In both cases to o0tahedral, sites,' The temper" iature dependenc.-, of the electric resistivity displays kinks In the region of the Curie temnerature. These anmalles are similar to those observed for ferrites vith apinel structuree "The authors thank Yu, P. Irkhin for valuable advice and a discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 2 figures. A CCM11 T A MTAW tla University Y SUBMITTEDI 23jul6h EX C L t00 SUB COM ECI, EM At MTOR., NR: AnW698- UR10181M1OOVO(*1Oq8 Relovs K. P Ye.' V. RudrAvtoeva, T. V. T", JL t i i! iiti-mgmaome ferrIte-_ 7' no Aqzika-tvek~q'tiU-- v` ?~i 901'6rrite`~_t Pmawguet alvanomsgnetic~ T616 TAGS:' ferrite Mtg h ic -effect,g effect, magnetic ordering ABSTRACT: A simultalliec'us Ilivistigation was. ma4e--df the even thermct~netic and-* galvanomagnetic ef6cts in the same sample of single-ex7stal manganese ferrite. Two samples were tested, rine containing 6.% excess of manganese, and the other contaiming an exceIas . Iof iron with cam~=ition "10.877e2.13~4' The theracmagne.Ac otdcou-nensation microvolt-apnPere- effect was. measurec! by OL -r&A. iieth6d___- using~ I a,* Ii Weber meter F-18- The galvanboagnetic effect was measured by a bridge method# and the magnetization by a baMstle method. The resulto shoved that the thermomag- netic and galvanmadnatic effe*ta have different behaviors. The thermomaguetic ef- feet has a maximum growth in the region of weak fields (in displacement And rota- CardI L .5140f,~65~ ACMSION NR&. AP503-0698 tion processes), vhereae the galvanomagnetic effect has the maxlm-= g5rawth in strong fields (in the region of the para-process). The difference is attributed to the different mech~iams whereby the. magnetic ordering (damin and sp.'n) in the ferrite acts on the thermoelectric uover and on the electric conductivity. Crrig art. t4as: 4 v~gurea. ASSOCTATICN: Mookovakir zasudarstvermv univeraltat im. M. V. Lamonosam Nbacov State Univerai1g) sumn-M: Mui(A MCL: 00 SUB COM S$,, EM NR FM' SOV t 009 OTMt 000 17 nsrou HRV 4/010/00- S48.0:538 e TITIS. Th m~tic p OU.-siffistituted ga, o1i ropeftAe d ini and yttri garnet f ;e- r - rites -7, ~no- 351-356 SOUK4:1 Kii,, tal cgrafi~d v. 10 W PrC_ TAGS:. 40 magnetic prwery~.-~garn4i~ fdrrite_ ABSTRACT.- The tamPera ure- pon us magn' ization-was studied-Ln an s tan 16 et two systems of substituted'garnet ferrites: (Y3_,ZCaXFe5_1=Sn.Uj2 and GdS -Z Ca xFeS _x Sn X012;.LO-< X.1 3). The two w1stems were syntheslized using conventionai techniques. The fe,'" ions were replaced with nonmagnett c Sn 4+ ions and to preserve neutrality the Y3 and Gd3+ ions were replaced jith Ca2 ions. The variation in spontw-eous magnetization of'the C sub-latticesViras m~~urved. X-ray analysis show- ed that all compositions had a garnet structure. Magnetization was measured using bd1listic m-thods in fields up to 2000 oersteds. Th-a value of a was measured by 1/2 6 fie e: e sarapies-up. o-.'- th X= 1.2. Curie points uere'deter6~ed from the point where the tangent to the o (T) curve at the point of inflexion-intersects the x-axis. It was established j4hjti all ferrites of the Gd system have comensation points. The difference between the Curie point and the compensation point reaches a maximum value when ~rn~- O.S. Orig- art. has: 6 figures, I table, 2 formulas. 'ASSOCrA K66'k ':'k~ TION dar- 0" [State University) SUDHI MID: MuI64 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: EN, S9 ACCEMMUns -AS506876 AMMOR: Belovs. K. P.-; sq~olov.. Vg 1. Card ll$~,< t47 --A 5. o8 -tiir Yb and. Xr) eScrie _iqu~po ht , - unexplitined Sh he vicinity of the compensatle on ations of the mgmetcitriezion of acme. ie~ es t point are briefly discussed. Orig,art. ban-, 2 fIgure4- -~6D~ w sovi 000 ~_NR r w card 2/3 U ~_ CO. ACCMS10N MRt AP5013668 UR/0386/65/001/60110626i 0031: AUTHOR i Belay, K. Pt,- I~U 10 ---------- _B TITLE2 Kossb4&uer effect at Sn-Ult nuclai introduced bsto yttri= iron garnet lattice '94 to-u-mat zh,VXU361 fittki. Pislas v ireddktlayu Fri, 104tenlyep jvi 1i Mv TOPIC TAGSt Mossbauer effect# yttrium iron garnetv effective field,, Unp quadru- Pole splitting.. chemical ishift ABSTPACT.- The.effect vat neas-ured.-in 3ttrius-iron.gamet Ca.. SnO.-FaL. ID 3h.7 The resistmee of the YXG was _.i -.1 vbic~h -the pj+ ions were replaced by _. On tions On 46-th&t.-I `caal& e regarded as a dbae. aq A the orde~C7 wdered If The, sq=e-of.g gzadistijos via SU119 in po .1episited on a cower ra -4f j 77-777, tO MsAelddli 1. Lo MoUl amd to V. 1. Xiko- the irM atc I ..i I I I I I .-- ~ .1 -. :, ~. , * -~ ~ -1 ~- : .1", 7'.... 1. . I- .1 .1 .11 ~ : - - ~ - Ormff" t ro oc'magnet i ization, -high - tempera--~ per yk ;:ture effect, pre.sIsure effect, .ABSTRACT. Saturation maanetizati6n.-_ Curie.--- point- and temperature dependence.of para~: magnetic su~6iipiibility were meas-14 m--d- In-gadolinium to determine the cause for low-. s&tUrejtio6 ~_ gfidtI2Atibn___-I_6_& compared with-hexah6d 6r ;gadolinium.' X-ray analysis indicates'that most lines on the x-ray pattern for rhombohedral gadolinium correspond to a rhombohedral phase of the samarium type. A' few weak lines are due to a phase with double hexagonal (four-layer) packing-of the' lanthAnim tunp- ThA wpak in+nnnitv nf thpcp linaa ina;r-Ato~* th;vt tho vnItima m-rot_ :cc 1, 62118-65 IJP(c) TD/JG ACCESSION NR: AF'-iOll5O5' UR/0388/65/000/002/0092/0094.?& 5 3S. 145 AUTFORI'): -Belov, K.-P.; Kadomtseva, A. M.; Ovchinnikova, T. Lt' TITLE. Electric propertiesof certain orthoferrites of rare earth elements SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3, Fizika, jastranomiya, no. 2, 1965, 92-94 TOPIC TAGS; rare earth e.1 ment, ort-hofe-prite, electrip- resistivi le ty perature var a on -7. --~77 t ABSTRACT: T'he*-Aut'bors lnvesti-t6i t: ~-n'aias o .-ga d.the emperature dependL the electric resistivity of polycrystalline samples of erthoferrites !of La, Pr, Nd, and Yb, and of several composttlions in which part of the iron ions were replaced by other trivalent Ions, and also single icrystal YbFeO The po3yery-stals were prepared by ordinary cerainic Ila 62113 ACCESSION MR- AP5011505 w I th direct current. The magnetic properties of the orthoferrites of :rare earth elements were Investigated by the avthorB earlier (ZhETF 37, 1160, 1959; Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. No. 11, 1389, 1961). Al~ though most orthoferrites showed a nearly linear variation of log P '(P -- resistivity against !/T,,, some samples (NdF~--O YbFeO LaAl 31 31 0.2 jFe 0 ) showed maxima and kinks on the curves. A brief analysis ishM &t these dnomalies are not due to magnetic transformation but ito changes in the carrier mobility, although further experimental data: .are necezsary for a reliable interpretation of the results. 9T-he ~authors thank M. A. ZMI~aeVa for obtaining the polycrystaill-ne samples-i ~arA L'or a discussion of the measureme-nt. results.' Orlgiinal- ar tia le- as -ft udarstvenn6go univez-'Ai~t~~Ibe~ n-- t- -0- -r de n- e -ra- IPhysics,xdr --Moscow Iffie ft iSUB.MITTEDO. 225JUh64 IWO ~`00 M ODS-. FA UR RET SOVI 006, OTH-M. 003 Carci 2 ACC. "Rt -:APW2~4W the mapetizati on al th axis increases rapidly., 3e a ' O~c hi % reac m ng: a owing to tbel.reorientatiow mag- net a,--m6ment, from the of the c. axis to the.- -axii. , W ith er. ~furth -drop in ~ temperatur6j. the magnetizatlon~dea- - creases. sat66thlyg. vanishing at 18K.- Be lUj the low SPO aneous rogne Z ti ation saong the a. axis- a in -begins ga to,.'iicteaie. .. The vWiishing of the. spontaneous.-magneti-e, iitibill.18 6'646udy the result of compensatjon~of.tbj_. Iti3 -,of th, Mo e iron and thulium-ions,,-vhIch L 6hould be observed If the exchemge ter ction between, ' Fig*. 1. Temperature depen'-' these,io~s is riegiti4e. An analogous.phenomenon was. . .--~ denc6 -of - the:-Spontaneous- a ntl irved by the authors e ier _y~qbs( aPP-- -arl -for-samarkin - --- - - - ' i ' . agnetizatio;i:. of'singi : I. im- orthoferrite:.At 4.2K-(FWv.-1q, 778j.11965), b it ut Z :~ystalthulium ortbofer--~,an unambiguous explanation- of:the., : . -:1p14en6menon . *d . there I were . obsierve. ,.s nce no measurements' ' made beloir Ahe compensation point. It foll6im from -the 4P -easurements,that the magnatic-compinsation points observed for the majority, of rare- ' 1:earth:ferrites with, ga,rnet:structure~are also:posees4ed bysome orthoferrites 'of rare-earth.elements.- ig -,2 figures and I formula. ..Or art.1has: SM CODIR: 401 sum DATZ: M.: JU16 ORIG Wt 002/.. OM MW: 002.. 'Card: '9 URCk 'CODt -UR/0030/ 65/000/012/0092/-0 1 :~AUTHM Idy P'. so 'Profes r ORG: non, Id, 'of f6 -(Cowferenc4 12 -1965 92- .-93 ','T0PIC':-TAGS: uaghetiso'couf 4re-ri -solid state physics-conferencei -c69 ferromagnetion-'. . ferromagn tLs L, 2-4j-1196 -1 Sveidlov e A coil 3C ~ABSTRACTi L ad,; Khariov Krasnoyarsk.- Yerevan p.eIrts I ti a i--. os,cow-i 1. en-Lagr , citle, p - I' . i, I ~ 11 - * * '- - and o sr. d 'scusised,. .exp er mental and theoretIcal-..stud es:.0 the ferro 4' d'-'atiti arromagnetic, properties of metals, alloys err'iteiai n and, thing films. A',nUmber.-,:*f pappra-dealt with.ihe theory of tht,so-.- cdlled - ijid ire ct intp~a,4~tlon ~; in': metallic'.: ferromagnetice., IncontrasVto years,, a., -Consider-abie 'numbe'r:-of:,neutrdn' diffraction st"udies:.Of was netic. substances . was ~:pre`sented Auotherimportant problem: uqder -.dIs cue aidn.-Involved s,tic. waves and the spin-Ohonon: in-.~ o "ery t ca F eractioh in latticei~ f stallini:::ftrrda- and antiferromagnoi i oi 3 Card 1/2~ V-1 BELOV,j~tll..*,KAWHV~EVA, A.M.; OW"HINNIKOVA, T.L. Y'lectric propertles of (!,gztain orthoferrites of mra earth ele-ments. Vest.Mosk. un. Ser. 3. Piz., a3Lron. 20 no.2.-92-94 Mr-Ap 165. (MrRA 1815) 1. Kafe6ra obshchey fi.?Oki dlya biologL)v Moskovskogo universiteta, . . BELOVJ, K.F., prof. Go:loquium on ferromagnatiam held in Poland. Vest. AN SSSR 35 no.4:83 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) K#P6; LYUBUTIN) I.S. Mossbauer effect on SnlIo, nucle.i injected into the lattice of -yttrium ferrite garnet. Pie'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i teor, fIz. 1 no.1:26-31 Ap .165. (VJRA 18:9) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. SFLOV,,~.P.-, MGM, YL,.V.5 KATSNELISON, A.A.; PEDIKO, A.V. Mag-patic propertles of gadolicilum under high premre at alavhted temperatares, kis'. v red. '4$hur. ekspar, i teoret.. fiz. 1 no*Zt 8-14 Ap 165. klmlytt imo) 1 1. 14--skovsldy gasudarstvennyy un!versinet. I:ACC-NR. Ap5024692-: KADCMTS;:JA, A.M.; LEDNEVA, T.M.; OVCHINNIKOVA, T.L.; TTMOFEYEVA, V.A. Characteristics of the temperature dependence of the magnetization of thulium orthcfarrite, Pie'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i teor.fiz. 2 no.6*253-259 S -165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Fizicheakiy fakull,tat Moakovskogo gosudaratvennogo universiteta. imeni Lomonosova. Submitted July 8, 1965. SOURCE CODE: C/ AUTHOR: Belvvp K. P.;,Kadomtseva, A. M.; Ovchinnikova. V. __T.__L.; Uskov, V ORG: Physics Department of. the Moscow State Univqnsity_jzq_. M. V. Loponosay (Fizi- 49 TITLE: NAgnetostfletion. of thullum, orthoferrite single crystals in the region of the temperature of rqortentation of the "weak' ferromagnetic moment SOURCE: Zhurnal"~i&perimentallnoy i teoretichaskoy fiziki. Pialms, v rodaktaiyu. .Prilozhenlye., v. 4j, ~ no. 7P IWI 252-255 TOPIC TAGS: thulium compound, ferrite p magnetostr1ctionv magnetic moment,, tempei-ftre 4ependence. ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Pis Ima ZhETF v. 2,, 253, 3965). To I Ltj t~e occurrence of magnetostriction deformations ina-24-l'94hoferrite single Vpr c stals following superposition of a sufficiently strong field., the authors measured ry magnetostriction by means of strain gauges near the reorientation te f elds up to -13 kDe. The results show that when the field is aj)~.Ued along the c axis, w1d0h'.-js the antiferromagnetism axis below the transition temperatures positive magnetosti.tIdtion. of appreciable magnitude occurs in the inteml from 93 to 67K. In fields up, to 13 kOe the magnetostriction first increases with increasing departure --77 from the reorientation temperaturep reaching a mwdmum, at 78K W/A - 2D -x 30-G)p m6~ then decreases. Above the transition tempersturep magnet6striction Is dbaerved.onlar NRs AP6034269 3 when the field Is directed along the a axisy which is the antiferromagnetism, axle at these. temperatures. The magnetostriction deformation produced along the c axis was also measured with the field applied along the a axis of the crystal in the tempera- ture interval frovi'90 to 114K. The sign of the magnetostriction was different for fields applied along the c and a axes of the crystal., and the magnetoactriction de- creased at temperatures above 100K. 7he results are connected with the fact that the threshold fields"inerease noticeably with increasing departure from the reorientation temperature,,'ind exceed the fields in which the measurements were made. The relative- ly low threshold , fields (-10 kDe) in thz temperature interval -70 - IDOK Lre connected with the fact that the spontaneous magnetic moment can be readily rotated by the field from the c axis to the a axis of the crystal., owing to the low values of the aniso- tropy constant. When a magnetic field is applied along the b axis of the crystal,, no magnetostriction is observed in the entire investigated temperature range., since the b axis is perpendicualr to the plane contaiking the antiferromagnett6m vector, and con- sequently the field cannot cause flipping of the ironl'iublAtticesl land lead to magneto- striction deformation in the crystal. It'is'noted that it-is easy to derternine the threshold field from the magnetostriction vs. field curves. This is particularly im- portant for thulium orthoferrite,, where it is Impossible to determine the threshold field from the Jump In the magnetization curves during the instant of flipping of the antiferranagnetic miblattices. The authors thank V. A. Timcfeyeva for mwlying the single-crystal thullum orthoferrite. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. MM CODE: aD/ sm wm o2jui66/ oRm w.. oo2/ Pm: w7 aWM ob4/- -'-~m L 29970-66 SIT(l) IJP(c) ACC NRs AP6o12488 SOURCE CODE: Wbift/66/bOS/004/1217/1220 'AUTHORS: Belov, K. P.; Svirina, Ye, P. ORG: 14oscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovdkiy~4 gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Temperature dependence of the spontaneous Hall constant in ferromagnets SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1217-1220 TOPIC; TAGS: ferromagnetic material, Hall constant, temperature depend-, ence, Curie point, paramagnetic susceptibility ABSTRACT: The authors claim t '\the experimental results on the tem- hat perature dependence of the Terromagnetic Hall constant, which called for this constant to have a maximum At the Curie point, are incorrect, owing to Improper methods of calculating the ferromagnetic constant, and that ian analysis of their own experlmental results shows that there shc..,ld be no such maximum.. To prove their statement. the authors analyze their earlier experimental data (ZhETF v. 37, 12i2, 1959) on the Hall effect in Fe3Pt. It is shown in particular that at the Curie point the Hall coefficient goes over monotonically into the paramagnetic Hall constant, Card 1Z2 1 29970-66 ACC NRt AP6012488 and the reason for the maximum observed by others is the fact that,they neglected.the contribution of the classical part of the Hall field. The results are.further confirmed by means of a plot of the susceptibility ~of the Hall emf against the magnetization susceptibility for different temperatures above the Curie point., 7he authors thank Yu. P. Irkbin for! taking part in a discussion of the experimental results. 01-1g.-art. has: 3 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l4jul65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 WN 1111111. K L 07100-67' EWi(l)/EWTW/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) ~D/JG ACC NRi AP6029112 SOURCE CODE. UR/0048/66/030/006/0975/0978 43 AWHOR; -Belovo K,,P~; Yergins YuoVe ORG: Moscow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Concerning the magnetic structure of eport, All-Union Conference on the Physics of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetism held 2-7 July 1965 in.SverdlovaU7 O_ -. SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966p- 975-978 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, rare earth, electric resistance, temperature dependence, gadolinium 7j" a op Ai F.'r/ C_ L:?rR 0 C ro R e- ABSTRACT: The temperature and,,magnotic field.dependence of the electrical resis- tivity of gadolinium c stalsIgns been compared with the corresponding dependences in cry terbium and dysprosium in order to determine whether gadolinium has a noncollinear magnetic structure at temperatures slightly below the Curie point similar to that detected in terbium, dysprosium, and most rare earth ferromagnets by neutron diffrac- tion experiments (neutron diffraction in the case of gad6linium is difficult to in- vestigate because of the large absorption cross section),* The resistivity of gad- olinium, in the direction of.,the c axis was found to have a maximum at about 2900K analo-ous to (but less marked than) the maxima exhibited by the resistivities of terbium and dysprosium at 2200K and 1700K, respectively, The anomalous temperature C,,d 1/2 L 07100-67 ACC N& AP6029112 dependence of the resistivity along the c axis disappeared in a sufficiently strong magnetic field (above:0,3t 1.8, and 15 kOe for Tb, Gd, and Dy, respectively). From this behavior of the resistivity and from the temperature dependence of the galvano- magnetic effect and the magnetostriction of gadolinium reported elsewhere by the authors and others (Zh. eksper. I teor fiz., 47, 860 (1964); 49,414 (1965) it is concluded that gadolinium has a noncollinear atomic magnetic structure at temperatures above about 2100K, In the absence of accurate.neutron diffraction data it Is not possible to determine whether this complex structure is of the antiferromagnetic or th3 ferromagnetic type. The authors thank A.V.Pedlko for discussing the results* Orig, art. has: 3 figures,* SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE; 00 ORIG, REP: 005 OM REP:, 006 2/2 Card SOURCE CODE: Ult/004$/GG/030/006/1073/1076 LiAlov, Sokolov'V r-'N')artmenz. '%"'Oscow state Univorsity,im. M.V.Lomononov (Fizichookiy gosudarstv'Cano.90 univorsiteta) of rare earth garnot Q:~riz-zb Report, A.11-Union Conference on t sics of Ferro- and Antilorromagnatis he Phy m '--a' 42-7 july '116SSS in SvordlovsL,7 'SOURCL: AUX SSS-R. Izvostlya. Soriyo-tizichoskaya, v, 30, no. 6, 1066, 1073-1075. 1 !T3P:.'I'.TAGS; ma--notostricti-Ion, magnetic susceptibility, low temperature, rare earth e-...Qat farrit-3, garnet T:%a au-.4ors have measured the parAprocoss magnotostrict ion and S a 0 tbl.~I as "I a 4 to 1000 X of poly=ystallino specimens of_-Qd.; prepared by the usual'techniquo. The magnatostriction measure- waro mado wizh the old of a differential capacitor, with which, it Is said, die-1, as 10-7 cm ,pl;;.ccr.cats as &mall can be measured. A suporconducting magnet Fpable of lproducin- a 2S %Oo field uniform within.1% over a 7 ce volume was amployka. A con- zid-,rablo paraprocoss duo to the rare earth sublattico was evinced by all the i nvanti- ,Z.;,tod matorials at fields exceeding that required to sAturato the iron sublattico.Both :z:ie paraprocoss Auscoptibility and the paraprocoss magnotostriction of each of the * i ~inva.5rlgatad materials except the ytterbium, and terbium ferrite garnets showed a low ~tamporaturo maximum, the maximum being reached by both cAaaractoriatics 6f a given. 1/2 ACC NRt A~16003489 Monograph UR/I letrovich;. Be3,yanchikova., Mrianna Aleksandrovna; L-evitin, Rudoll f Minoveyevich; Aleksandrovich Rare-earth ferr6magnets and antiferromgnets (Redk6zemelIzWe ferromagnetiki i anti. ferromagnetiki) ~Nbscow,, Izd-vo "Nauka",, IMS., 319 P- illus.., biblio. 4,,000 copies printed. Series note: Sovremenrorye prdbleqr fiziki TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, ferromagnetic material, antiferromagnetic material, fexTomagnetism,, ferrite kxM+1 ~et-"I-Ial kle-h~sm PURPOSE AND CGrERAGE: Based on the published Soviet and foreign vorks of stuclentd and 6ngineers', a sxxvey is given of the present state of theoretical and. experimental studies of ferrorwgnetism and antiferromagnetism of rare earth metals, alloys arA coz*oxu,As. Also shown are the results obtained by the author. This book is recom- mended for scietrUsts vcrking with magnetism and solid pbYsics as well, as for pbysi- cists, chemists,,_ and engineers in research and application of magnetic materials. It can also be useful to aapir=ba wA students in advanced, co=ses of related specialties, Card 1/2 QDC'538-22 ACC NR: fil.fOOM9 TABIE CF CONTENTP (abridged): Preface -- 7 Ch. I Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism of rare earth metals 11 Ch. !I. Ferro- quid antiferromagnetism of rare earth allcors and compowids 13 0 Ch. 171. Ferromagnetism of rare earth ferrites 177 Bibliography -- 300 SUB CCD~: SUBM DAM: 07Dec65/ CRIG PM: 113/ ax~Pm: 382/ -;4-ACC NR% AP6037056 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0056/66/051/005/1306/131 0 AUTHOR: Belov. K. P.,; Kadomtseva, A. M.; Levitin, R. Z. ORG: Moscow State University (Moskovskiy gosudarstveonyy universitet) TITLE: Character of the magnetization curves for a single crystal of samarium orthoferrite near the reorientation temperature SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 5, 1966, 1306-1310 TOPIC TAGS: magnetization curve, single crystal growing, samarium, ferrite, reorientation temperature, Curie point ABSTRACT: Magnetization curves of a single crystal of samarium orthoferrite I have been measured from room temperature to the Curie point. Reorientation of a magnetic moment in a crystal of samarium orthoferrite from the a axis to the c axis was observed on heating to 210C. In the temperature 150-300C the threshold fields of this compound do not exceed 20 koe and, in the first approxima- tion, increase linearly on removal from the reorientation temperature. The measurements made in pulse magnetic fields showed that the threshold field of samarium orthoferrite is 50-60 koe at room temperature, while for europium and -_.,Card,__l/2 ACC NRI AP6037056 yitterb ium orthoferrites the value of the threshold field exceeds 200 koe. The experimental magnetization curves near the keorientation temperature coincide well with the calculated values. The authors wish to express their apprieciation to V. A. Timofeyeva for growing the single crystal orthoferriies. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 6 formulas. (Authors' abstract] [AVIIL] SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 31May661 ORIG REP: 0051 A Card 212 ACC NR,.'AP7003203 SOURCE CODE: W005 5110061 AUbfOR: Belov, K. P. -vitin, R. Z.;*Ponomarev) B. K. Ic '011G: Moscow.State-Un.iversity (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Magnetic and magnetastriction properties-of an erbium single crystal in the paramagnetic-region SOURCE; Zh eksper i'teor fiz, v. 51, no. 6, 1966., 1634-1638 TOPIC TAGS: erbium, magnetic property,'*magnotostriction, magnetization,, magnetic anisotropy- ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (zhETP v. 49, 17341- 1965), where it 'was shown that polycrystalline samples of terbium, dysprosium, and holmium, have rela- tivelyAarge positive magneto,striction in stronig magnetic fields, vheieas erbium has a much.lower and neg4tive magnetostriction.' The Present article deals with mersure- ments- of the. magne'tostriction, magnetization, and torque of an erbium single crystal ir~ pulsed magnetic fields up to 150 kOe. - The measurements. wexre made by procedures described elsewhere (FTE'no. 3., la, 1966). The magnetizatic?a was determined by a ponderomotive method. , The torque was measured with a piezoelectric picImp. The re- sults show that in the- paramagnetic region (between 90 and 3OOK), the magnetostric- -tiori of erbium. is'very-h and anisotropic.. it was positive along the hexagonal igh axis and negative perpe .ndieular to it. ItS7-value reached 240 x 10-6 at 22DK In a --field of 150 kOe (1.500..higher than the' point of-bransition to a magnAticall ordered 2 7;7 AP7003203 a of the mWetoatriction s-i "difentire- state). The temperature dependenci i Nowil-to.-Iii ly to,the temperature dependence of the -paramagnetic'~a.Wetization. The authors thank. Professor Ye* H.' Savitskly, V, P. Tere~lw; wA*V.. Yo. Kolesnikov for SWAYU4 the erbium'single crystal. art. has: ~5 fipres. SUB CODR: 20/, SMM DM: 01.ft~/ OM MW: 003/ 021 Mw: 004 C.aid 2/2 4CC NRI AP7003,--V4 SOURCIE.CODE: AUVHOR: Goryaga, A. N.; Shrinivasan, S. ORG! Moscow State University (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Behavior of the initial susceptibility of the paraprocess in ferromagnets and ferrimagnets near the Curie temperature SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 6, 1966, 1639-1642 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic susceptibility,sec)nd order phase transition, ferrite, Curie point, thermodynamic calculation ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to check whether the temperature de- pendence of the initial susceptibility, as derived from the molecular-field and the thermodynamic theory of second-order phase transitions, holds true for the descrip- tion of the magnetic susceptibility in ferrimagnets,, especially ferrites, near their Curie point. To this end, the magnetic susceptibility of an invar alloy of composi- tion 36 wt.d. Ni and 64 Fe and in ferrites of the system Hi1_xZnxFeA4 (x = 0.0 0.75) was measured in the vicinity of the Curie temperature in both weak and strong fields. In addition, the sample was subjected to two different homogenizing heat treatments.. The results obtained by the method of thermodynamic coefficients differ greatly from those determined in weak fields. Furthermore, the thermodynamic coeffi- cient-results did not depend on the heat. treatmento whereas those determined in weak fields were strongly dependent on the heat treatment. This is taken as evidence that Card -1/2 ACC NR: AF70032C4 inhomogeneities of the composition greatly -affect the behavior of the magnetization curves in weak fields near the Curie point. It is concluded that the theoretical formula X;3- = A(T - 9)7 can be used to describe the susceptibility for a number of ferrites near the Curie point, vith 7 having approximately the same value (1.30 - 1.37) as for ordinary, ferromagnetia. The values of 7 for ferrites and for the invar alloy are presented. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE 04JUY6/ ORIG W; 005/ OT~ REF: 012 Card 2/2 I P/5 - 755.012 *P4 Svetovyye signa3i na zheleznikh dorogak (Light Signals on Railroads) Yoskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1952. 142p. Mus., diagra.p tables. Bibliographical footnotes. 11-JI-C/0 kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. ..Ox Recognition of colored light signals. Vest.TSKII Wn no.3:13~- 18 N 9560- NLRA 10:1) (Railroads-, Signaling) ' BXWV, KIN, kand. tekhn, nauk, Requirements for light signaling under high-speed traffic conditions. Vast. TSYII MPS 17 no,404-47 is 158. (MM 11W (Railroads-Signaling) BrWV, K.P., kand, tekhn, nauk, atarshir nauchn" sotrudnik Atomic sources of light and their use in signaling. Avtom, telev. i eviazi 3 no.8:13-14 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:2) , I.Vaesoyuzuyy nauchno-iseledovatellskir inatitut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, Hinisterstva putey soobshcheuiya. (Railroads-Signaling) mov, X.P., kand.teMinnank . Atemic :Light sources* Zhol.dor.transps 41 no'12:85-87 7) 1390 (HIU 13W (I'Snpa) (H~d1olsotoPes-In4u6tri&I &PPlicatiObx) BELOVAj L.T-v kand-teklm-nal HLOV-v~ kand.tekhn.nmik New lighting systems for railroads.. Zhel.dor.tranap. 43 no&3:/+5-48 Mr 161, (MA 34: 3) (Railroads-Elootric equipment) L 447284)6 'EWT(1)/EW(e)/gvP(t)/L-TItEWT(m) im(c) JD/JGZ0 ACC NRo AM031989 SOURCE CODE: UlRIOW16610041005101MIO AUTHOR: Belovp Ke P.; SokolM V. 1. ORG::- Physics Department of- the Moscow State Univers JM. M. V. _LM11080V (JUiChe8-; kiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarRvennogo-univerlsiteta)/ TITLE: Magnetost'riction of rare-earth aallate garaets lb SOURCE. Zhurnal-eksperimentalIncV i eiicheskoy fiziki. Pielma v redaktBiyu. Prilozheniye, V. 4P no. 5,.1966., W_iw TOPIC TAGS: garnet, gallium compound, rare earth metal, magnetostriction, paramw notism~ temperati~re dependence,,.magnetic susceptibility, Curie point ABSTRACT: The authors investigated-the magnetostriction of paramagnetic garnets in v~ich all the iron was replaced by diamagnetic galliun-.1"Wince iron and gallium gar-; nets have very similar structures the investigait lono 1he'gallates was aimed at ing additional information on the behavior,of rare-earth ions in the garnet struc urej The magnetic and of polycrystalline gallate garnets 1?3Ga5O121 where R - Gd,-..Tb, Ho, and Dywere measured in the temperature interval 1.7 4 50K. The magnetostriction deformation was measured by the capacitive pickup metbodp 4 and the samples were magnetized with.a superconducting solenoid (magnetic fielcl _R to 25 kOe). The tests show that *ith decreasing temperature the magnetostriction in- creases abruptly, reaching the appreciable magnitude (for paramagnets) -60 x 10-6. In gadolinium gallate, the magnetostriction is' two orders of magnitude smaller and amountf- Card V2 OWT, X.TS.; MOLISHOVA, I.M.; YXLKIRA, TA.; ZATTSITA, M-A- NaLmetic properties of forritas with a cor"neation point. liv, AN SSSR. $or. fis. 22 no.10:1282-1292 U 158. kMIRk 12:3) Lfizicheskiy fakulltsto Moskovskogo goo. universiteta im. K.V, lomonosova. (Farrates-Maguetic properties) card 1/2 44, NP AP 04:8268 ~ACCESSIOW 4 ematic" awr oximat on un or t e assumption that there- kin is no spread in the electron velocities, that the electrodes are planar and the electron projectors aremormal to the elect-rode- 1 no, that-dpace chdrge.,dAn be,~~neglaictdd, and that there is no p a secondary electron emission. An analysis of the mechanism of cur- rent distribution in the klystron between the repeller and the cavity makes it possible to explain the phenomenon of phase focusing in the repeller current. The waveforms of the repeller and cavity pulses can then be plotted. Expressions are obtained for all har- monics of the cavity current in the general case, with allowance for repeller current. A harmonic analysis is made of the rep~!ller cur- rent, so that the first and higher harmonics can be estimated from the dc component of this current. In addition, methods of using thie7 --harmonics of the voltager , . r in- the gap is-.prqpp6edi- aai&,the -effects of repeller 'current on a klystron operating in- the o9cillator mode are considered. 11 thank M. V. Kapg~anqv for valuable.advice and interest in the work." Orig. Cord 2/3,_ i: 45176~65,- ACCESSION -NR: - AP40482~0- -ait. has.-- 6.:licrured~lari&.-l -fortiolas"' MOT, L. maw 0 Improving the fixing of fuel pumps. Avt.tranap. 36 no.8.51 Ag '58. (MIRA 11: 9) (Automobiles--Fuel systems) L 03620-67 EWT(1) ACC NR; AP6019012 SOURCE"CODE:_ UR/0106/66/000/006,/0044/OOS2--I AUTHOR: Belov, L. A.; Blagoveshcheneldy, M. V.; Ivanov, V. A.; Kapranov,'W. V.I,Unwn*-. G. M.; Khryunov, A. V. 13 ORG: none iTITLE: Automatic lphase control in amolifiers fReported at the MEI Annual lConference and at the NTOME Conference, 1969 SOURCE: Elektroevyaz', no. 6, 1966, 44-52 .TOPIC TAGS: electronic amplifier, rf amplifier, automatic phase control ABSTRACT: A possibility is discussed of stabilizing the phase of an rf amplifier Vel 10,_.,by means of an autatnatic -phase -control feedback loop. -lb- - . Phase modulator PhM (see figure) to intended for In RFA PhM Ottt .,compensating phase drifts that arise in rf amplifier RFA;' L 'these two devices may be designed an a joint unit or as separate units. Phase detector PhD produces an error L FF- signal which is due to a deviation of the output-input Pha" i-Card 1/2 UDC,. 621.396.6-V L 03620-67 !ACC NR: AP6019012 difference from its nominal value. To reduce this error signal to zero, a phase I shifter is connected to one of the PhD inputs., this makes a phase -difference Ireference unit. The error signal between PhD and PhM can be amplified by a d-c jamplifier with a 1-f filter LFF, which should take into account the inertia of the d-c amplifier and PhD. The error signal e applied to PhM corrects the pha e Ideviation. Stabilizing characteristics of the automatic phase control are studied by setting up and examining its differential equations. The operation of the auto- Imatic phase control is illustrated by an example of a simple single-circuit resonant rf amplifier, with a reactance tube playing the role of PhAt The small- disturbance stability of the automatic -phase -control system is inves gated for the !cases of single-section and two-section RC filters. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 29 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 2OJan65 ORIG REF: 003 Card awm BELOV, L.F.,-inzh. ~ Need for improvement in overhead contact system fixing devices. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 9 no.11:42-44 N 165. (UM 19: 1) L_2~207-66 EWT(1.) 1ACG NR: AP6010787 SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/66/000/00210OZ3/0030 AUTHOR: ,Belov, L. A.1,Blagoveshchens)dy, M. V.; Ivanov, V. A.j Kapranov, M-.V.-i Utkins~G* M.; 10tryunov, A. V. ORG: none !TITLE: Automatic phase control in reflex-type amplifiers ';SOURCE- Elaktrosvyaz?# no* 2, 1966, 23-30 'TOPIC TAGS. SHY amplifier, reflex klystron, electronic amplifier ABSTRACT. An automatic phase control (APC) is suggestedfor widening the band and stabilizing the operation of reflex-type SHF arnplifieroP A phase detector compares the input- and output-signal phases, and the error signal is used to control the phase shift; this can be done, for example, by controlling the repeller voltage. The article theoretically investigates the effect of signal-frequency Card 1/Z L,17~. _, CATEGORY Farm Animals. Poultry. ABS. JOUR. RZhBlol., No. 61 1959, 1,,0. 25930 AUTHOR , Ozerwr, A. V.; Shapovr-lov,* TITL~; Thte Rait4irq, ,).r Chic'-,-s of N;~,tive bre--~dc on Thick Badding arid rmy Fodder. ORIG. PUB. so Ptitsovodstvo~ 1958s No 2t 10-16 AB-Sr.,7111ACT The results of experiments aar~~- presentsd which are favorable both.from the point ot view of anizaa-I breeding rind economics, Also, sone factual and critical remarks are given pertal- ning to the work beinA done at our IPS and in the field of breeding viater birds. -- V, M, Borovskiy ard: *Yaj Ya.; Belov, L. 9,; Vbskresenskiy, B. A. BELOV, L. M.,,--Cand of Agric,Sei -- (diss) "Improving the Heat Maturity of Moscow Chickens," Moscow, 1959 ., 16 pp (Moscow Agricultural Academy im Timiryazev) . (KLo 5-60, 128) BELOV L. M. Coleopbors, hemeriobiola Fil* Zasboh.'rast. ot vred. i bel. 4 no.508 S-0 159. (MIRA 161l) 1. Nachal'Alk Ty~tllktibasskogo proisvodstvennogo uchastka Yuzhn(>- Nazakhatanskogo'oadovogo otryada. (Kazakhstan-Casebearers (Insects)-Extermination) 7' BUM, L.H., aspirant MWOMMft Improving the meat quality of broilers of Russian dual-purpose broods. Ptitsevodetvo 9 no.6:39-43 Je 159. (MIRA l2t1O) l.Kafedra ptitsevodstva Moskovskoy ordena lenina sel'skokhozyayatvannoy. akademii im. K.A. Timir7aseva. Pioultr7 breading) VDOVXNXO, V.H.; ISLOY-. Z.X.; CHAYEMMIY, A.A. - Complex formation in nonequeous solutions@ Radlokhimila I no*4: 439-444 '59. WMA 13: 1) (Complex compounds) BELOV L M otv. red. (Struggle of the Comnunist Party for the development of Soviet railroads] Is istorii bor'by Norcunistichaskoi partii za razvitie sovetakogo zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Lenin- grad, 1960. 248 p. (Its Uchenye zapiski kafedry marksi2ma- leninizma) (MM 15:2) 1. Leningrad. Itstitut inzhenerov zholeznodorozbnogo tran- sporta. . (Railroads) (Co=tmist Party of the Soviet Union) B/186/61/003/003/008/018 zo7i/z435 AUTHORSt Chaykhorskiy, A.A., Vdovenko, V.M., Tefimova, K.1, and B TITLE: On the Investigation of the Formation of Complexes in Non-Aqueous Solutions. III. The Determination of Thermodynamic Characteristics of Systems: Water- Trlbutylphosphate-Benzene-and'Water-Butylacetate-Benzene- PERIODICAL: Radlokhimlya, 1961, Vol.3, No-3, pp.295-301 TEXTs The mechanism of the distribution of water between aqueous And organic phases in the above systems was investigated previously (Ref.6: V.M.,Vdovenkd, L.M.Belov, A.A.Chaykhorskiy, RAdiokhimiya', 1, 4, 439 (1959)1 and Ref-71 V.M.Vdovenko KII.Yefimova and Chaykhorskiy, Radiokhimiya, 2,6,675'(l40))-*- It was then found that in aqueous and organic phases of the above, system, in the range of concentration of the organic component of up to 10%, molecular compounds of the composition TBPh*H20 and- BA.,H20 (TBPh-tributylphosphate; BA -butylacetate) are formed.. On the.basis of date on the distribution of water between the phases, the equilibrium constants for the above compounds in the- organic phase at 2O*C were calculated. In the present paper the Card*1/3 s/186/61/003/003/008/018 On the Investigation of ... E071/E435 results of an investigation of the chemical equilibrium in the- organic phase of the above system at 6, 13 and 200C are reported and, on the basis of these data, complete thermodynamic characteristics of the reaction of formation of TBPhaH20 and BA-H20 as well an of the process of distribution of water between water and benzene were calculated. The results obtained indicated that the process of formation of complexes T8Ph and BA with water are exothermic, the values of enthalpies are practically equal (&H* 3.84 + 4% and - 3.13 6% k cal/mole for TBPh#H20 and BA H 0 respectiveTY) while the i' bar potentials differ by one ord'er i OZT - 1.41 + 2% and 0.0546 3�03% kcal/mole, respectively) which indicated that the stability of TBPh'R20 is higher than thatof BA#Hao. The process of solution of benzene in water is andothermic (AH -5-19 + 6% kcal/mole). The numerical value of the heat'o'f the solution ;f benzene in water is higher than the heat effec t of the-reaction of the above complexes. Thus, despite the reaction of formation of complexes being exothermic, the overall process of the solution of water in a benzene solution of TBPh or BA remains endothermic. There are 5 figures, 5 tables and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The four references to Card 2/3 s/186/61/003/003/008/018 On the Investigation of ... 2071/2433 English publications re&d-as-follows: E.Gluecauf,*H,A,C.McKa-y and A.R.Mathieson, Trans,Fakad,Soc., 47, 5, 437 (1951)1 R.W.Gardher and'-H.A.C.McKay, Trans.Farad-.Soc., 48,12,1099 (1952); H.A.C.McKay, Trans.Farad.Soc., 47,12,1103 (1952); T,H.Siddell, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 81,16,4176 (1959). SUBMITTED': May 16, 1960 Card 3/3 YALKINO L.Z.; ALKHAZOV, I.D.;' KMOKKATSKIY,, A.S.; FETRZHkK, K.A.; EEWV,. L.M. Energy distribution of spontaneous fission fragments of 00". Atom. energe 15 no*3&249-250 8 163* (MrRA 16 t 10) (Curium) (Nuclear fission) MALKINO L.Z.1 AIXWOVl I.D.; MMOUATSKIYO A.S PSMRAK K.A.; -PELOVv L.M. Spontaneouo ftaoion of. ai~" with exiva4o imf a.long-raW c.~C -partiole. Atom. onarg. 3.61no.24148-149-~F 164. (MIRA 17:3) BELOV L.M. kand.sellskokhoz.tLauk Industrial breeding of broilers. Inform.biul.VDIM no.11.,20-21 N 161+, (MIRA 18:2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdel,ri broylerov Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta ptitsevodstvae .1 HMO Cand Tech 'Sci Diss:~rtation: "selective IAduction Preha.-ting in Wolding Process." 26/6/50 Foscow Order of the Labor Red Bawier High,:~r Technicil School inami N. E. Batrian 80 Vecheryaya M08091 Sum 71 abnail g by' todsO. of 84M x tjite% Sit-IL Axe jNgs", V. 13- gon to The so Tmaslstsd and L. $- ,wmkL9%: Tat. ( pgo. Dec. %Mr. I froni AVION-00 candstisso MUD" In. 95V.,,dltl~fts W1,10per ve are flux density. and MOWS inductor amag"m* 9,04SUOS and 1WITnults'"O" . .111. . be dODO C14. AV) table. IV RYLALI#-,. I.D.; IWLOV, -L.N. Processes of the local hosting of steel sheets with flat inductors. Trudy Sektaii po nauchn6i razrabotke problem elaktroevarki I elektrotermii Akademii nauk SSSR, no.2:140-163 153. 1=4 7:-6) (Welding) BELOV L.N. Gomparative microscopy of collagen and reticulin fibers ia polarized light. Izv. SO AN SSSR no-4 Ser. biol.-med. nauk no.1:84-06163. (tMU 16:8) 1. Institut aksperimentalluoybiologii i moditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (COLIAGEN) (RETICULIN) I ACC'*NR,--7AP6G21452__ __UR M/6670-006ff/075/0 INVENTOR: Ustinov, V. V.; Grigorlyeva, N. M.; Griahin, A. A.; Belov, L. V.; Bru- silovskiy, A. A.; Sinalayev, 0. P. ORG; None TITLE: A method for measuring the thickness and rate of application of films. Class 42, No. 182339 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, toyarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 75 TOPIC TAGS. surface film, resonator, quality control, industrial automation ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for using two piezoelectric resonators to measure the thickness and rate of deposition of a film on a base. The procedure is designed for a wide range of thicknesses and for obtaining information in a discrete form which is convenient for automation of the process. The monitored portion of the flow of material being applied to produce the film is switched from one resonator to the other and back again after the required thickness has been reached in the given section. Film thickness is determined from the number of re- versals while the rate of application is determined from the reversal frequency. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 03Apr65 Card 1/1 tYDC; 531.7;621,2,08;531.717.1;531-76T DAMSHEVSKSY, S.I.p kand. tekhrl. raukl 1,.V , inzh. arovement. of the :iyntem of vontrrl ~-T cenorit, manu- ficture. TSement 31, Ri-Ap 't.'5. MIRA .18:8) 1. Gosudarolvennyy vaesoyinn', iLlStitl!tv 0,~ rTCyt'kt,IrCl'Valliy'U 1 nauchno. -l:.3nj.(.,dowitoj ?skim Uningrai. B.T1,10 I I.I. Collect've f'-',-Lx rlr,-(--r; (los, iz-",-vo BSF~R, 1950 2. USSR (600) 4. Agricultural Machinery 7. Improving the work pattern of the VNIIL-TL-40 flax scutcher. UTS 12 no. 11. 1952. S). Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. April 1953, Uncl. GOLUBIV. Tevgeniy Petrovich; BELOT, M., red,; TREBUKHOV, N.,, [On the Tokhma Ri4r,- a sketch] Red Vokhmoi rekoi; ocherk. 12:2) Kostromskoe knizhnoo izd-vo. 1958. 5) P. (HIRA (Vokhm Valley-Description and-travel) MMANSK37, Yevgenly.Ivanovich; EELOV M,, red.; TREBUKHOV, N., _~KLM_j te)dm~ red. (Howmade. visual aide- In solid geozeU7] Samodel 'mys nagliadrqe, posobiia po.otereorbtrii. Kostroma,, Kostromskod knizhnoe I!'-'- .00) 1959 PO (MIRA 15:4) !Geometry, Solid) (Visual aids)