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I N. V.- -A 1114VI70U 77 'c. n in pro-Lect' i".7 of birls C.1 av. 0' . S al It LA il ULISXIT. N.V. , WWWAPIWWMAS~ Use of insectIvorcus birds to protect plants of the Main Botanical Garden. TrmV Gl&'sada 4:156-177 154, - (MML 8:5) (Plants, Protac;ion of) (Birds, InJurious and beneficial) IMLIS11T, N.V. - Biology of reproduction of the bee eater Kerope apiaster L, Ucho 2aps Hook* uno no.197:161-164 158. (MIRA 11:9). (Rollers (Birds)) BEWSKIY, N.V. ----------- Sporadic appearance of the honey buzzard in the parks of Moscow. Ornitologiia no.2*.150-152 159. (MIRA 14:7) (Moscow-Buzzards) BELISKlY. N.V, A case of insecticide poisoning of the pied wagtail at the Botanical Garden. Ornitologi# no.3434-435 160. (KMA 14:6) (MOSCOV.-Vagtaile) (MT (Iuxectieide)) BELISKIT., N.V. Common kestrel and loWcared owl in the Botanical Garden. Ornitologiia mo.4.-316-324 162. (MIRL 16-,4) (Moscow-Faleons) (Moscow-owls) BELISKUl N,V, Winter migrations of the in ti- , g*at titmouse and nuthatch vatedi s~reas. Omitologiiamo.5009-313 162. (KMAII s2 (Moscow re i0 itmice)' (Moscow r6gion-NiAhatches) f9scow region-Birds-Magration), N.V, Avifauzla Of M0500w,* Ornitologtia no.71457-458 16.5, (Him 18, 10) FRMYMI,Nsl.; MUMMYy A.Ye.; BELIBUY, N.V. Dispensary oorviaeo for patients vith oozematoide (emma-like epidermodemitoo), Testodaimai van. 34 no.12tUPZ7 t60. (MMA 1411) (SKB--DISWES) (EOZWA) BELISKIrv N.Ye. Determination of wcopeptidase in the urine. Vracb.delo no.3&4-47 Mr.163s (KM&, 16t4) 1. Kafedra ftltallno terapii (sef. - prof. L.TeMalaya) lechebnogo fakUlteta Xhar Ikovskogo-medits:Lnskogo instituta. (PEPTIDASE) (URDW.-ANALTSM, AND PATHOLOGY) GARBERI K.S., dotsent; NIKITIN, A.I.; LYAUDIS, B.V.; MALINOVSKIY, B.N., kand. takhn.nauk; M. -ISK-IY.- O.-L; VOLKOVP L.G.; XUZHETSOV, M.P.; KUTSENKO-j---A.V-,-j"86R0KINj A.A.; STAXHURSKIT, A.D.; TRUBITSYN,.L.M.; TRUSEYEV, A.I.; SHAFRAN, I.K., inzh.; SHESTAK, P.I.; ULIYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compW re, Stall 23 no. 7s6O8-610 Jl t63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva. (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Halinovskiy). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). J. S102861 W ooo/olo/oo62/0063 NR: AP4039806 AUTHOR: Beltskiy, 0. 1. Ti-LISE: Light radiation integrator., Class 42p No. 162674 SOURM: Pyul. izobre i tovar. znf%kovj no .lop 1964, 62-63 TOPIC TAGS: integrator, radiation integrator, lieht radiation Inteerator, light renerator, t~qratron, t)Wmtron pulse denorator, shaper amplifiers ,Antegrator, pulse L pulse counter L Pmsmcr: This author'fa certificate introduces a ligWradiation' intearatgr which:., contains a tl-Wratron pulse generators.shaper-amplifier arA pulse counter. In order -to-increase its accuracy and reliability of operations a vacuum phototub6 1A saturation conditions is used in'the condensor discharge circuiti The resistance iof',the phototube varies in proportion.with the stream of 06 a ASSOCTATION.* none A AcmW1011 NR AP40 806: : 39 SM.ITTED: Moi6j DUE AOQ: 19Jun64 SUCL: ol SUB ccmi.- Sov:- 006 . J 1 C ~ ar BIBLISKIT, P. ~Wild life preserves In a desert. IUn. njLt. no.9:29-31 5 158- (WRA 11:10) (Soviet Central Asia--National parks and reservos) BELISKIY, P.L. kontr-adm#al zapasa -------Sailors of the olga FIbtUl-a-are.herces,of the Battle.of the Volga. Morosbor, 46 no*2s2'7-30 F 163,, (KMA 16:2) 1. ByvsMy nachallnik p9liticheskogo otdela Voishokoy flotil_4i. (Volga River.-Sailors (Navy)) (Stalingrad,, Battle of.. 1942-1943) I 36338 Us: darvinakogo sapaveftika. (Po materiaUm Usoustroit. Ekspeditaii NRosorglas .) Nauch-mtod sapiski (Sovet ministrov referp glav. upr po Zapmdniken.) vyp. 12, 1949p S. 266-300 SO: Iatopial Zhulmall rqkh Statey, No. 49, 1949 AUTHOR: Bellskiy, P.S. SOV-26-58-8-49/51 ;b TITLE: Summer in the Belovezhakaya Pushcha (Leto v Belovezhskoy pushche) PERIODICALz Prirodaj 1958, Nr 8, pp 126-127 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The 4ariatione over a 7-Year period from 1951 to 57 in natu- ral phenomena (heat, cold, rain, snow, wind, etc.) bearing a strong influence on plant and animal life have been observed in the 4ast forest reservation in the Belorussian SSR and are presented on tables. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Upravleniye zapovednikov i okhotnichlyego khozyaystva Mini- sterstva 6ellskogo khozyaystva SSSR /Moskva (The Administra- tion-of Natural Reservations and the Hunting Economy of the Ministry of Agriculture of-the USSR /Moscow) 1. Plants--Meteorological factors 2. Animals--Meteorological factors 3. Plants--Ecology 4. Animals--Ecology Card 1/1 Ace *SIOI; NA 5611:1 VR/=0/6,5/OW/0Q0/Gl13/0l2G 'AUTHOFao. YerEgev, A. F#; Be 'ski R* III p L4 4 Choice of -construction parwiaters for tho fuel supply sy*tem in super- icharged diesel engines SOMME: Dvigateli vmtxazinego sgoreundya (Internal combuation anglinas) abornik rabot. Moscow, Izd-va 11-1-ashinostroymilye, U . ..... . ...... Topid -TAGS-.~:- i6sel in e's epg a uperchaiger) Nel dnject on., angUe Ifuel system ~-Az- isgif-cu sa paranta are -ob U a-h--444 1i~ p~lk sys wr. t for superchargel diesel engines., data on the fuel systems of 14 Sovie~ and 9 f oreign diesel engines (amng them Baldwin-LUna-Pamilton, C114, Crosley) obtairLed "',iNMI iaformation woro evaluated to datarmdna parareTar trends. From tho dal~-a was fourd that: a) as cylinder diamater DU increased fr-.-:r 100-350 am, fuel j~4~.c~ton diz.L%eter Increased linearly from 9-22 ma, suparchArVd, and 1-19 ~Lnsupercharaed; b) fuel piston diaxn~ter supezrc~argad could be tupressed as + lCard fTvn: Z, L - 63878-65 AGOSSION NR: AT5017702 '-](where dn piston diameter unsmpercharged); C), A b -19a, dr- tot (where n RPM; ai 1 and 0.71, b 3.175 and 0.02 res-pect-1vely for plain.and We dia-mater dk can wqitresaed as suparcharged engines); d) ve- le) the fuel volume puupGd by the supply valve VQMC is VM =& azIl where a2 w 13 and-20 for plain and supercharged eni,,ines,, and t~o ratio of T.., ~superchargcd to Vome plain is approximtely constant'56-56%1 f) the average Lei !pilton velocity on the supply stroke was found to be alrDst constant at 50,116 super- labargine arA changed as :nn C= 0,00D4 -1-0,93. supercharged and plain piston velocity) for 100% supercharging I (where Gr-1, CM ~w_) the injector nozzle area-could not be, expressed as a siup-lo relation but iexhibitf.ed a genex-al tendency to increase by 15-20% for 100% suporcbarged enginev. j Card 2/3 -7777= _-LA 63 e-65 IOZJ NR: AT5017,702 !A brief qualitative discussion of-ttirea different tnies of fuel supply valves is aLs~D presented. Orig* art. hasi 4 -fipres, fomulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION 3 none SUMAITTU): 00 ML 1 00 SUB COD& PR ilio Ra SOV: 003 OTLHER; 000 - 7i' E T( WT(Vk)_ 4 44 ACC N& AP5024631' SOUDCH ODDE: UR/iDO48/63/029/009/16,72/ AUTHOR: Bellskii S.A.-; Sonanoy.., A ORO: none -Angular dependence of the TITLE: trou-bMuging charged qoMe2qR",t_:0f. cosmic rays /Report, All-Union Conference on Cosmic Ray Physics held at Apatity 24-31 August 1964/ SOUR= AN SSBR. I zvestiya. SO-riya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 9, 1665-.-1672-1675 vy. TOPIC-TAGSt ''cosm'Ic ray pariiale,boomic ray anixotropy,-particle production, neui,row, ABSTRACT; ..7h6-authors have.measured'the dependence on 'zenith angle of..the lntensity,:~, of the ,charged. neut Iron-~pi6ducink'ccapo nIent IoIUthe:co Iaxle rays. The-ch .arged cosmic-4ay -particles were recorded.with'.&*telescope consisting of a I in diameter semicircle of 45 counters connected in 15, channels of-3 counters each and inner - concentric Ire-le of 30 6ounters.-.-The neutrons: produced 16 a.]L2_cm*dlsmeter-29 cm long, dylindrIcal-- absor-~- her of Pb Cu, 'oi Al were . no.dera ted, in' two i cyli ndrical shells of paraffin Iand d etec-., ted by a circle~of 18. borourcontaining counters.: The Inner and outer-dimeteks.of t6 paraffin moderators were 12.6 and 19.6, and 361and 68 on, respectively. Neutrons de- tected during:180 microsec following passage of a charged particle were recorded In the 0 c rresponding channel. The, apparatus was mounted on a rotating platform at ar. undis-' closed-statlon where the atmospheria,depth-le 1030 g/cm2._ mo azimuth dependence was. /2' Card B39LISKIY, S.A.; STARODIUBTSIff, S.V. Rayleigh scattering of rays from Co 60 at small angles. Zhw. eksp.1 teor.fiz. 37 no.,(:983-990 0 '59- (MUU 13:5) 1. Laningradskly fisiko-tekhnichsski7 institut Akademii nault SSSR. (Gamma rays-scattering) ,/63/033/002/012/023 S/057 B108/BI86 A UTHORS i kellski.V, S. A!.J L;Lyakininj Ye. V.t Petrov, Aq Mot Romanovp A. M., and Yurtyev, V. V. TITLEi The energy transfer to the wall of the discharge chamber in the "Alpha" machine PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 2, 1963, 212 - 213 T~M' The energy was measured with integral-type semiconductor and wire I~dlometers connected to a measuring bridge. The vacuum in the hydro6en plosma was 5.1o-5 - 2-1o-3 mm Hg. The energy measured by the detectors rises monotonically with the voltage at the discharge capacitor battery. This dependence is slightly less than in accordance with a square law. Experiments with scintillation and boron counters and with a CaSO 4-Yn thermo-luminophor showed that the energy transferred to the wall by short- wave electromagnetic radiation is not more than 10% of t 'he plasma energy. A larger part of energy lost to the walls must be due to other processes (neutral particles; ZhTF, 30, 12, 1419, ig6o). SUBMITTEDs April 99 1962 Card I/I I ACCESSION NR: AP4013414 S/0057/64/034/002/0272/0270 AUTHOR: Bel'skiv. S.A. TITLE: Ordered motion of particles in the 'Alpha" installation SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhn.fiz.,v.34,no.2,1964, 272-279 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma.flow, plasma diagnostl% electron temperature, bolomet- er, bolometer flow measurement, bolometer plasma diagnostic... Alpha installation ABSTRACT: Ordered motions of particlesin the plasma of the "Alpha" ("allfa") instal- lation were detected by means of bolometer measurements. The bolometer was construc- ted from a transistor and made use of the strong temperature dependence of the re- sistance of a p-n junction. The bolometer was mounted in a teflon head on a quartz rod and could be positioned,anywhere along a diameter of the discharge chamber and in any of four orientations. The bolometer was sensitive to particles arriving from one hemisphere. From the ratio of the energies received with the bolometer in each of two opposite-orientations, one can calculate the ratio of the component normal to the plane of the bolometer of the averagevelocity of the incident particles to the average thermal speed of the particles. The ordered notion of particles in the Card 1/3 AP4013414 axial and azimuthal directions was obeerved with the bolometer at many points on a diameter of the discharge chamber of the "Alpha" installation. The variations of these motions with conditions of the discharge (electric and magnetic field strengths, gas pressure) were deter-mined. The results are presented graphically. Ratios of ordered to thermal velocities greater than 0.3 were observed. The order- ed motions observed in the azimuthal direction were in the direction of the Larmor rotation of a positive ion. Throughout most of the discharge, the direction of the axial motion was opposite to that of the electric field. For small magnetic fields -and large electric fields the axial motion near the outer wall of the chamber was oppositely directed (i.e., in the direction of the electric field).'For very small magnetic fields such a region of opposite flow also developed near the inner wall of the chamber. Since the bolometer was permitted to float, its potential was not known, and it was not immediately clear whether the observed motions were due to electrons or to ions. Previous spectrographic observations (A.N.Zaydell, G.M.Chash- china.,ZhTF,30,1433,1960) have ahown that carbon and oxygen ions drift in the direc- tion of the electric field. It is concluded, therefore, that at least the observed axial flux was due to electrons. Electron temperature of 1 and 6 eV were calculat-, ed from the bolometer data. These are considered to be unrealistically low. It is, suggested that bolometric measurements of the type described could perhaps be suf-~- Card 2/3- - ficiently refined as to provide a direct method for measuring electron temperatures in-plasma. "In conclusion we wish to thank V.Ye.Golant and A.D.Piliy for valuable discussions of the experimental results, and R.s.rvanov for assisting with the sea- surements."' 3 formulas and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Pimiko-tekhnichookiy institut im.A.F. loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physico- ~&ehniczl Institute, AN SSSR) SPUITTED; 21Jun62 DATE ACQ; 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 007 0MR: 000 Card3/3 _,D-WKIYI V-._ _ Control of the inJection pump in a tractor. Tr. from the Russian. P. 450 (Mechanesace Zemedlstvi. Vol. 7, No. 19, Oct. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) akp. Demonstration of Zetor tractors. P. (4) of cover. (Mechanesace Zemed1stvi. Vol. 7, No. 19, Oct. 1957, Praha, Czecho- solvakia) Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC. V01. 7, No. 2, February 1958 BELISKIY, V., kand.tekhn.nauk 7heory of a'.mechanized laum.hing. Of gliderp .a &ylerod. 13 no,7.-17-19 JI 162, (MIRA 16:2) (Gliders (Aero-uties)) BELISEIY, V., kand.tekhn.nauk I .- Theory of the mechanized starting of a glider. Krykrod. 13 no.6t2l-23 JO 162. (MIRA lgtl) BEL I SO , V. I. The construction and assembly of industrial furnaces Hoskva, Gos. izd-vo stroit. lit-x-~, 1948. 397 P. (49-28435) TN677.B43 BX161SKIT VJ.: CHWOV. A.V., Inphener; TJBENIKOV. B.P.. k&ndidat tekh- n1ofteskikh na:4. nauchuyy rodaktor. (Building indue'trial fuzuaceel Stroltelistvo promyshlenafth pachel. Moskva, Oos. ita-ve lit-ry po stroitel'stvu. i arkhitekture, 1953. 411 p. (MI-H A 7:4) (Ilarnaces-Construction) mm'sny. V.1., Inshener; BOWMNIXDT, L.D., Inshener. ,Rupid usthodof fireproofing blast furnaosse Biul. strol. tekh A to.4:5-9 F 053. (MM 6:12) le,Proyektatalikonstruktaiye, (Steelworics) SOV/137-59-1-90 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 12 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bel'skiy. V. I. TITLE: Increasing Labor Productivity in the Construction of Industrial Furnaces (Povysheniye proizvoditel'nosti truda pri stroitel'stve promyshlennykh pechey) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Materialy Soveshchaniya po vopr. raboty pechey tsvetn. metallurgii i razvitiya pirometallurg. protsessov. Moscow, 1957, pp 533-540 ABSTRACT: The author describes measures to be taken for increasing labor pro- ductivity in the construction of furnaces by the following methods: Mechanization of loading- unloading and transportation work ( trans- portation of bricks in I - 2 ton packages, which decreases labor con- sumption in furnace building by 19.516 as compared with conveyor de- livery); decr6asing labor consumption in bricklaying by using low- tolerance shaped bricks and air-hardening mortars; constructing separate furnace sections of large blocks made of block brick and re- fractory concrete reinforced with steel which affords elimination of Card 1/1 steel framework in the furnace construction. Yu. 0. IMISKIT.-Tiktor-Isamayich; SOLODENNIKOY, Leonid Dmitriyevich; SER07BY, B.Y., nauchnyy red.; LITKINA, L.S., red.izd-va; GILENSOM, PA., (Kanual on the building of industrial furnaces] Rukovodetvo po kladke promyshlennykh pechei. Hookwa, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 256 PO (MIRA 13:2) (Furnaces--Construction) (Refractory materials) BELISKIT,_Yiktor Isenovich, insh.1 GORA. Aleksandr Petrovich, insh.; MWHANOVI,-Nik6li-t-Gifkorlyevich, ki3nd.takhn.naluk; CMNOT. Aleksandr Vasillyevich, insh.; TAGIN, A.A., red.izd-va; IMMITIVA, P.G.. EConstruction and repair of metallurgical furnaces] Stroitelletvo i remont metallurgicheskik-h pechei. Pod obahchei red. A.V.Cherno- vs. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry, po chernoi i tovetuoi metallurgii, 1959, 448 p. (MMA 13:5) (Metallurgical furnaces) YANIN# N.G.; SCHRTCHIKOV. I.I.; BILISKIYo Vol@@ otvoreds; PBVZNIM, A,S.t; GILMMCW,-P-.ftTtekhw. red. [Uniform time and pay standards for construction, assembly. and repair operations in 19601 Idinys normy i raatsenki na strol- tellnyev montaxbnya i remontuo-stroitellnye raboty, 1960 go Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkh1t. I atroit.materia- lam. Sbornik 15. [Installing industrial furnaces and flues] Kladka promyBhlannylrh pechei i trub. 1960. .96 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- UiS.S.RJ Goeudaretyewqy komitet po delam stroitalletva. 2. Normativao-,4seledovatelskeya otantsiya No.5 (NIS-5) Ministerstva stroitelletva RSM (for Tanin, Schatchikov). (wages) (Furnaces) (nues) -MMISKIY. V.I.; BORISOV# ia.; TOWNTSIT, V.A.; GOTIOLOY, YO.P.; ZKOVYI- ROVSKIY, N.T.;'ISSM, A.7ao;,KAX&ROV, NoSe; ROTNITSKIY*'"~; 110T. B.P.; TROITSKIM V.A,; CEMOT, Moo Insho; AGURINp A.P.. niuchn" red.; SOLOMMIKOV, L.D., nauchnyy red.; TOLZACENT, P,I., nauchnyy rsd,,;:XHL=7EVA, Te*Oo, redeisd-va; SLIKINA, N.M., [Handbook on special operations; construction of industrial furnace&] Spravochnik po.spettiallaym rabotam; soomzhenie pro- myshlennykh'pechei.- Pod red. A.V.Chernova. Izd-3-, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Gossisd-vo'lit-ry po strott., arkhit. i stroit.materialang 1960. 694 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. VaesoytLsnyy naachno-issladovateliskly i proyektnyy institut *To-ploproyekt. 0. (7urinces-Construction) BELISKIY V I - KUDRYAVTSEV) A.V.; G=BYEVj P.A., red.izd-va; (;p T.M., tekhn.' red. [Transporting materials in large units in connection with the construction of industrial furnaces] Transportirovanie materialov v paketakh pri atroitellstve prouWshlenmykh pe- chei. Moakvaj Goo, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. arkhit. i stroit. materialams 1961. .136 p. WRA 15-.3) (Materials' handl ing) BKLI zh.; KUDRYAVTSEVy A.V,v inzh. Operational layout for refractory lining of a 2000 m3 blest furnace. Mont, i opetom rab, v otroi, 23 no. 2s2l-25 F 161o (MIRA 14:1) 1. Teplopro yekt. (Blast furnaces) (Refractory materials) saw BELISKIYt V.L; VASIL'#V, Ye.S.; TOLKACHEV, P.I.; KUDRYAVTSEVt A.V.9 na c red.'s ZVORYKINA, L.N.,, red,izd-va; HOCHALINA, Z.S.,q tekhn. red.* [Construction'of industriaL Alns,,'fumaces and smokestacks of beat-resistant concretelSt2vitel'stvo promyshlemykh pechei i trub is zharoatoikogo betona, (By]V.I.Bellskii, E.S.Vasillev, i P.I.Tolkachev. Moskva, Gosetroiizdat, 1962. 267 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Industrial plants-Design,arid cohatru6tioni (Concrete constmciion) ;g, ;-Lcb; SERGEYEV, Boris Vladimirovich; BELI.SK37, Vikto 44ov B.P., kand, tekbn. nauk, nauchrqy red.; GORDEYEV, P.A.j, red izd-va; SHEVCHENKO, T.N.j, tekbn. red. (Industrial furnaces and smokestacks]Promyshlenrqe pechi i fabrichno-zavodskie truby. Moskva., Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 270 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Furnaces) (Chimsys) BELISKIY, V.I.,- KUDRYAVTSEVj AS. Transportation of packaged refractories. Ogneupory 27 no.6:249-253 162. (MM 15-5) 1. Inatitut "Teploproyekt,". (Refrantory materials.-Transportation) (Unitized cargo systems) MW AH4007943 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ BellskLy Vladimir LeonLdovLch;-Vlasov, Ivan PetrovLch; Zaytsev, a enrM I S 9 SavelLy Nakhimovich (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor);-KarnozhLtskiy, Vladimir PavlovLch; Kots, Veniamin Markovich; LipovskLy, David YevseyevLch '(Konstruktsiya letatellnykh apparatov) Hoscov, Aircraft design OborongLz, 1963. 708 p. illus.',^ biblio. Errata slip inserted. 6200-copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: aircraft construction,-*aircraft strength, aircraftZ 'design, aircraft rigidity, ai" kd-ft.h~draulics, aircraft pneumatics, aircraft servo aircraft service life,-aeroelasticity, aerodynamic heating PU*RPOSE AND COVER AGE: The book is'inidhded~ f,or aeronautical en ginear-s concerned wi th a L r c a f t d a a i g n ani'-`*anuf ac ture. It may also be ;useful to students of technical schools'of.'hiogr education. T .he :principles of aircraft construction and strength are discussed.; The tprinciples of arrangement are examLnedJand design methods for strengt, and rigidity are given. External design loads are analyzed*and,~other Card IA144007943 f problems in the construction of airplanes, rockets, and'holicopters :are examined. The pneumatic and hydraulic aircraft systems as wells as hydraulic servos -are described. Considerable attention is paid ~-to the problems of acroolasticity, service life, and aerodynamic heat, ing. The factual and numerical data and the schematic diagrams of .aircraft are taken from non-Soviet sources. The authors thank , A# K Ly*n&asky f o r. wr i t ing %.r t i c 1 a .3 o f C h . 2 a n dN-. M. Hi tro fanov who partiepated in selection of material for some chapters. Special appreciation is expressed to A. M. Okulov for illustrating the b o o k . a n d t o Doctors of T echn ica 1 S ciences A. R. Bonin and Profes'sor L. P. Ninokurov and Candidates of Technical Sciences N (;.,I Savusya, L. A. Kolesnikov, A. A. Yarkho and~V, P. Rusanov for their .3 valuable suggestions during the review and revision of the manuscript" TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged]: Foreword -- 3 ilntroduction 5 Card BELISKII, Viktor IseAovich; CHWOV) Aleksandr Vasil I yevich; j inzhop nauchn* red* [Brickwork and assembly of industrial furnaces and smoke- stacks] Kladka i montazb promyshlennykh pecbei i zavodgkikb trub. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 234 P. (MIRA 17-.6) MMITYUKOV, V.I. Relation of the motor cardiac reflexeo in man to posture* Eksp. isel. po fiziol.p biochimo i farm. no.3s135-140 461 MIRA 16M) l* Permskiy maditainski-y institut, BELITYUKOVO Ti.. Prinizali.:1-kabastiyat BUG. V.D.; KULIKOVA, M.M. Effect of vibratidn and muscular tension an the heart* Ekepe iesle pofizioltp biokhime i farm. no*31141-149 1.61 (KM 16:12) 1. Permskiy meditainakiy institut. TKACHEV, A.G., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; DANILOVA, G.N., kand.tekhn. nauk;_.jEL'SKa., V.K., iuzh. labratory experiments in investigating the pipe method of cooling concrete. Gidr. strol. 30 no.9:18-21 S t60. (MIRA 13:9) (Concrete construction) EM, SK3Y, V. X., and DAMILOVA., G. N. .I'Heat Trans fer at Boiling of Freony 22 in a Large Volume under the Free Motion Conditions." Report submitted for the Conference onHeat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, june 1.961. DANILOVA, G.N.., kand, tekhn. nauk;, BELISKIY,..V.K. Studying the heat transfer lp the boiling of Freons 113 and 12 on pipes with various roughness, Khol, tekh. 42 no.4-.24-28 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly kholodillnoy prom.7shlen- nosti. 33915 S10661621000100110021004 1.5--1/ 0 D04l/Dll3 AUTHORS: Danilova, G.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Bel'skiy, V.K., Engineer TITLE: Experimental investigation of the heat exchange during the boiling prooese of Froon-22 PERIODICAL: Kholodiltnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1962, 7-13 TEXT: The experimental results obtained when investigating the heat ex- change during the bubble boiling of Freon-22 under natural convection con- ditions, are discussed. The experiments were conducted at the department of the theoretical principles'of thermo- and refrigeration technology of the Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. (Leningrad Technological Inatitute,of the Refrigeration Industry). The test unit consisted of a steam generator and a condenser connected by a piping system. Brass and nickel test tubes with the following parameters were used; nickel tube: diameter - 2 mm; working length - 156 mm; Card 1/3 33915 S/066/62/000/001/002/004 Experimental investigation D041/D113 wall thickness - 0.15 mm; brass tube: diameter - 2.9 mm; working length - 155 mm; wall thickness - 0.54 mm. After a vacuum was created in the unit, 2/3 of the steam generator was filled with Freon-22, the refrigerator switched on, the required temperature set in the thermostat of the con- denser, and current conducted through thetube. The current intensity in the tube, the voltage drop on its ends, and the electromotive force of the thermo-couples were measured. The current intersity was measured with an astatic, ammeter of the electromagnetic system of class 0-5,comnected through the _VTr -6 (UTT-6) current transformer. The following results V4./ were obtained: (1) Hysteresis was observed in the case of the brass tube at IIqII of up to 5,500 (q - - specific heat flow) and in the case of the rickel tube at "q" of up to 9,500 kcal/m -hour; (2) the brass and nickel tubes had different heat-emission coefficients; at smal,12heat flows, the deviation was especially large, at "q" > 100,000 kcal/m hour, the latter considerably decreased; (3) the ibtained heat emission coefficients were several times larger than those calculated according -to the criterion equations of S.S. Kutateladze (Ref. 1: Osnovy teorii teploobmena.C.The Card 2/3 33915 S10661621000100110021004 Experimental investigation D04l/D113 bases of the theory of heat exchange, Mashgiz, 1957) and G.N. Kruzhilin (Ref. 2: Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, d49, no. 5; Izvestlya, AN SSSR, OTH, 1955, no. 10, Ye. K. Averin, co-author), developed using various liquids especial- ly water. The heat emission coefficient can also be calculated using the V.I. Tolubinskiy formulal~Ref- 31 Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, "Energetika", 1959, no. ; (5) the heat-emission coefficients of boiling Freon-22 are greater than of Freon-12; (6) the validity of the proposed method for measuring the temperature and heat flows was proved by using it in the case of wateri the obtained results correlated well with those calcu- lated according to S.S. Kutateladze's equation. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (Leningrad Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry). Card 3/3 BELISKIY Vladimir Leonidoviohl VLASOV, Ivan.Patrovich; ZAYTSEV, viie-aru xT1x3TRY8VTeb, KAN, Saveliy Nakhimovicho dokt. tekhn.nauk, prof.; KARNOZHITSKIY, Vladimir Pavlovich; KOTS, Veniamin Markovich; LIPOVSKIY, David Yovesyevich; BONIN, A.R.p doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzentl SOKOLOV, A.I.9 inzh., red.; KPZIMINp G.M.0 tekhn. red. Design of aircraft] Konstruktsiia letateltnykh apparatovo By) V.L.Bel'skiy i dr. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 708 p. [ (MIRA 16:8) (Aircraft) Ul., siarshiy prepodavatall; KILUTPAPOV, 'M.A., pref. Chl' or! te ble at; hing of te Lm '- t, fab-1 --I '-~l . I "-'r; o!-r'~c 9 2.4 no. 5:49-51 Ky 164 (KMA 1. teningradskiy LnstituL t6licstillnoy i legkoy promyshlenno-sti imeni S.M. x1rova. BILISKIT, V,N. Iectures for vorkers of the regional coswm~nicatlonz offices, Test. eviazi 17 no.4:15 Ap 157. (KLRA 10:5) 1. Starshiy inshener Tekhniche mskogo upravleniya Ministerstva evyasi SSSR. (Talsoomwanication) BXLISKIY, V.N., otv6tstvennyy red.; GAWMIN, M.Av, red.; SHEM, G,I*,O to-k-hu. red'. [Sawstions by efftoieno7 promotersin,radio cou6mioationso' radio broadcasting xafte installation in towns, and district teloooinunicationZ Ratsionalizatorskie*predlozhaniia po radio- sviazi, rad4oveshchanlius radiofikatelis v=triraIounoI'el6ktro-- aviazi. Xoskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1958. 141 P. 11190) 1e Rmseia (1923- US,S,R,) Xinisterstvo avyasi. Tekhnichaskoye upravleniye. (Radio) (Telecommunioations~ Pi - BILISKIT, T.; VASILIYIV, Po, master radlosporta -------- Mtrahigh frequency radio broadcasting. Radio no.6:13-14 Je 160* (KIRL 13:7) 1. Nachallnik otdola radloveshchaniya radio upravlenlya Ministers- tva. evyast RSISR (for Bellakiy). (Radio, Shortwave) BELISKIYj V.N.~ inzh* Servicing of;shortwave.FX stations with remote control. Vest. sviazi 22 no.3.1s12-13 N 162# (MMA 16%12) Y tS'~,,,R / Microbiology - Microbes Pathogenic to H=ans F-4 and Animals Abs -Jour: Ref erat. Zh. Biol., No. 1, 1958, 734 A u-thor : Be'llskiy, V.V. T i t- 2.: Medication Resistance of Dysentery Causative Agents 0:~,ig Pub: Sb. tr. Kurskiy med. in-t, 1956, No. llo 380- 381 tients and bacteria carrier,,4, almost all exhibited resistanca to phthalazole in corcentra- ;tions of o.4 and 0.6%. Cultures highly resistant to syntomycin were iso'A'.ated chiefly from patients who were administ*ered symtomycin. Cultures re- peatedly isolated from theae patients were 30- 200 times more resistant than cultures obtained At.-st-ract: Of the 566 strains isolated from dysentery a - Cayd 112 BELISHY, V.V. Duration of syntowycin resiotnnce in the external environment In Shigella para dysenteriAs isolated from DAtients. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. I immun. no.1:87-90 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz knfedry mikroblologii Khrokogo meditsinskogo Wtitutn. (SHIGRLLA DYSMMIAS. effect of drugs on, chloramphenicol, duration of resiat. in strains isolated from patients (Rue) (OHLORAMPHHNICOL, effects, on Shigells dysentariAo, duration of resist. in strAins isolated from patients (Rus) BELISKrY., V. V,: Master Med Soi (diss) -- "The pharmaceutical stability of cau- sative agents of dysentery to synthomycin (Based on material form the city of Kurs1c)". KUrsk, 1958. 14 Pp (Leningrad order of Lenin State Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians im S. M. Kirov), 200 copies M, No 15, 1959, 119) EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 4 Vol 12/? Mode Micro. July 59 ESI N 2055. THE PERIOD OF*PRESERVATION OF SYNTHOMYCIN R STANCE 1. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMEN RY BACILLI ISOLATED FROM T BY DYSENTE PA71ENTS (Russian text) - B e I a k I)t V. V. ZH. MIKROB. EPID. I IMMUNOBIOL. 1958, 1 t87-vu) Tiolea I tynthomyc in(chlora mphenicol) -resistant strains of dysentery bacilli retained their resistance to this untiblotl~ for a considerable time under various conditions: cul- tivated on plain agar, Infrequent or daily transfer of cultures in dried faeces or In, fresh and autoclaved tap water, BELISKIY1 V.V. Formation of synthomycin-romistant strains of dysenterial pathogens in the patient's body, Zhur,mikroblol,epid,i Immune 30 no,10:112-117 0 159. (MM 13:2) 1. 1z kafedry w1krobiologli rurskogo meditainskogo instituta. (DT.qWXRT BACUJART there) (OHLORAMFHMCOL there) BELISKU. V.V. Duration of the syntomycin resistance and the capacity for its restoration in dysentery pathogens. Zhur.mikrobiol epid. i imun. 42 no.9%50-55 S. 165. imlM 18:12) 1, Kurskiy meditsinskiy institut. Submitted June 17# 1964. S103216010261061091044 BOIO/BI26 00 AUTHORSi Bel'skiyo Ve Yeep loming 0, Ke TITLEs The Radiometrio Determination of Potassium PERIODICALs Za.vodakaya laboratoriyap 19609 Vol. 26, No. 61 PP. 707 709 ~TEXTt I. M. Korenman and Ye. Is Zorin hpve.established (Ref- 5) that with 'the use of samplest whose thickness is greater than that necessary for the complete absorption of the A-rays of K409 the number of impulses per minute per percent of potassium remains oonstantp that isp independent of the thickness of the sample. This assumption is incorrectq since the self- absorption of the various'potassium salts is varied. On this basis the value (Z/A)effootive (Z - ordinal numberg A - atomic weight) of different potassium compound and mixtures was determined, and it was established that (Table, influence of the type of sample on the activity measured) the number of impulses is inversely proportional to the value (Z/A)eff.* The influence of the type of sample on the activity measured is smallp but Card 1/2 The Radiometrio Determination of Potassium S103216010261061091044 BOIO/B126 special corrections are only necessary when the values (Z/A) off* for the standard sample# and for the sample to be examined are different* When potassium chloride or heavier elements are used as standards on'the analysis of samples with higher hydrogen contentp a correction must definitely be made, A corresponding equation which oontaini the number-of ulses of the sample and of the standardp and both corresponding values of A) eff. is used for this. There are I figure, I table, and 6 referencess M 5 Soviet and I American. ASSOCIATION: Lisichansk.iy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo i proyektnogo instituta azotnoy promyeblennosti i pro- duktov organichookogo sinteza (Lisiobansk Branch of the State Scientific Research and Project Institute of the HitrogenIndustry and of the Products of Organic Synthesis) Card 2/2 VINNIK II.I., BELISKIY, Me.; IVANKOVA, N.L. .0 2.4,6-Trinitroaniline acylation kinetics and the determination of equilibrium concentrations of ions in solutions of boron fluoride in acetic acid. Zhur.fiz.khlm. 39 no.7:16,14-1630 JI ',~5. (MIRA 18:8) 1, Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. BELISKIY, V.Ye.; VIIOIIK, M*I* Acid-base interaction in the system acetic acid - acetic anhydride. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.3.2:2132-2136 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. BELISKIY, V.Ye.; VINNIK, M.I. - Kinetics.and the mechanism of acylation of aromatic amines in the system acetic acid - acetic anhydride. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.1140-45 A 164. . (MM 17W 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. BELISKIY V Ye - VINNIK, M.I. I Kinetic method of the analysis of mixtures of acetic anhydride and acetic acid. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.3075-378 164. (MIRA DO) 1. Institut khim-Icheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. BEL I-SKIY, V.Ye.; VINNIK, M.r. (Moscow) At~id p.-c~perties of borori fluarlda solutions in acetic acid. z0 Udm. 38 no.8:1950-."955 Ag '0'4* (MIRA 181 .1) 1. Instl,tut khtmicheskoy fizikl. AN SSSR. BFLISKIY,~ Y;.:T~~,~ IVANKOVA, N.L., VINNIK, IM.I. ---- ...... _ -,I Kinetics of the aovlation of nitroanilines in boron fluoride solutions in glaoial acetic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.6:1426-1431 Je 165. (MIRA 18ill) 1. Institut khImicheskoy fizAki AN WSR. Submitted March 100 1964. ff? ~C)!R~PL jvxglRm ACCESSION NR: V5019790 UR/0076/65/039/007/1624/1630 AU'rHOR: Vinnik, M. I.; Bellskiy, V. Ye.; Ivankova, N. L.' ;4 TITLE: Kinetics of acylation of 2.4,6-trInitroanilinei;and detemination of equili- brium ion concentrations in acetic acid solutions of boron f 1 ~ `,~~T' I' J e SOURCE: nurmal fizicheskoy khimii, v. ,TOPIC TAGS: acylation, trinitroaniline, acid 39, no. 7, 1965, 1624-1630 I trinitroanilide, boron Quoride, acetic ,ABSTRACT: The acylation of 2,4,6-trinitroaniline in concentrated boron fluoride solutions in glacial acetic acid is a reversible process in which the conversion of 2,4,6-trinitro,a.niline to the anilide depends on the BF3 content of the solution. Conversion can be increased by adding acetic anhydride c,r decreased by adding water. These facts vare utilized to calculate the equilibrium ccncentration of ioTIS in iution5 -containing from 23.5 to 49.5 wt. i, BF3. llh-~ :~o~s M.,ly !~~. f0j-n,,'ed _1Y -,he fol- .LQW~ng processes! cl('Cooll + GH'C'0011 z:t-- C113coolfll- -t:- C11'Coo-, CI.I~COOH + BF2-CHM011 ~;_- MaC0011s' + BFj-C.II'C00-' ,OOH + BFc-CHC00H + ClisCOOliz+ ~~- MsM+ -2'CHsC010H + CHX Card 1/2 + Ws.11,0. L 63467-65 tACCESSION RR.I APS019790 The equilibrium of the acylation procoess is represented by the equation -CH3C00'r',� 2,4,6-trinitroanilide + BF3-'Ii20. From the depen- 2,4,6-trinitroaniline+ BF3 dence of the anilide: aniline equilibrium ratio on the amount of anhydride added. the concentrations of the acylium' ions were calculated. As the BF3 content in- creases, the reate constant of acylation of 2,4,6-trinitreaniline increases faster than the acylium ion concentration. This is caused by an increase in tMe activity coelf-'eient of the L L unionized- foxin,of -aniline4 --- Allowance cannot be made for tho change in the a'cti~Aty coetficient because acylation takes place too quickly in the Tie d i um, studied. The conductivities of boron fluoride solutions in glacial acetic acid were detennined. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables, and 1-1 formulas. ;ASSOCIATION: Institut khimichq~skoy fiziki. Akade-aiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemi- cal Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) ~SUBIMITTED: 10Par64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODF,~ GC S ,NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 'Cord 2/2 `906 ACC NR: AP603 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/009/1654/1655 AUTHOR: Bel'skiy, V. Ye.; Yefremova, M. V.; Shermergorn, I. ORG. Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry im. A. Ye. Arbuzov, Acadeny of iSciences SSSR (Institut organicheskoy i fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) :TITLE: Kinetics of the hydrolysis of bis(chloromethyl)phosphinii acid esters :SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichdskaya, no. 9, 1966, 1654-1655 !TOPIC TACS: herbicide, bischloromethilphosphinic acid ester hydrolysis, hydrolysis Ainetics , hydrolysis, chemical kinetics, ester, phosphin;e acid, alkyl radical 1ABSTRACT: Kinet'ics of 'the hydrolysis of the biologically active esters of -bis(chloromethyl)phosphinic acid in water were studied at 75-95*Co - The experimental values of the pseudomolecular reaction rate constants k are given in Table-1. 13 UDC. 541.127+542.938+661.718.1 AbC -NR, AP-6073B'K- Table 1. Effect of radical R in the eaters (CH2C1)2P(O)OR on the rate of hydrolysis in water at various temperatures A-101. sec-1 No. R go. 80* 750 95 84.5. 1 28,9 21 6 14,3 9 31 6 13 .2 C2116 it 2 8:43 6.36 3:26 2:20 3 n-C3)fr 7:66 5 21 3.36 2,23 - 4 I-GIII 7,14 4:58 3.03 2,00 5 n.C41111 6,13 3 06 - 75 1,08 5 49 3 83 2 50 1: 6 n-C�Hjj 1 53 1.00 7 I-C4111 1:73 1.23 0:766 0,474 - 8 nea-Cilf 0 666 0.449 0,300 - - 11 1 9 phnyl 7:05 6.07 - 2,76 - 00 66.1 10 ally 283 211 142 The re'suits sl;owe'd t~af tija -Tea:ction rate of the ~Ydrolysis depends on che nature of the alcohol radical in the ester and for the alkyl the acid-it, is determined by ~~e steric far-tors. Card 2/3 ACC NRt AP6032906 The Lemperature depenjence of the fiydrolysis is described by'che'' Arrheniu;6 leqt&4~ 1.~V. W:,th the parameters shown.,in Tab%e 2. (WA-50; CBE No. 121 Take 2. Dependence of the activation E observediand preexponential factor A on the nature of the radical R in the esters (CH2C')2p(O)OR cil.& I- cit n-C,It, ClIff I n-CM, -bg -11 - E kcal/m. 21,2 21.8 21,9 21,7 22,0 A.- 8,03 8,02 7.89 7,73 7.84 k n-CIIIII I.C4111. 2-10 C 1111 26 4 phanyl 160 itllyl 6, callm 22.0 22,7 , 19's 7,81 7,74 6,04 4:32 8,04 SUB C'ODE: 07/ SUBM DATE; 14F666/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF. 001 Card 3/3 BELISKIVY V.Z. 'The 7210 double-aided planing machine. Diul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.6;30-32 161. (Planing machines) (MMA 3.4:6) BELISKIY V.Z. The 7110 openside planar, BiulNokh,~-akon.inform. no.8:37-39 161. ~ I I (MERA 14:8) .(Plani g machines) BELISKIYI V,Z. ------- .................... The 7112 single-column planing machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.2t2O-22 162. OURA 15:3) (Planing machines) I c 52- Ag 164, (MIRA 17:11) BELISKIY, V.Z. Manufacturing the 7210-6 universal planing machine. Biul.takh.- 6kon.itiform.Goo.nAuch.'risal.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.lD28-29 N 1~5, (MIRA 18%12) EMLISCLO Te.I., kandydat tekhniohuykh navuk. Investigating the deformation capaoity of carbon tool stools. Vestai AN BSSR no.4:142-149 152. (KM 7:8) (Deformations (Rechanios)) (Tool steel) 15F-L~SKIY, Ye,1- BBLIM , Ts.L. )mndydat tekhnichnykh navuk. Problems of the methodology for finding the coefficient of external friction in plastic deformation., Vestal AN BSSR no.5: 145-153 3-0 132. ' (KLRA 7:8) (Deform tione (Nechanics)) K-T-1 B3L#BKrr, Ye.r.; DANILMffO, T.P.; MIALPM. B.Ya. act 6f heat 'traintmelit on,the mac.MnIcal propertles of 350GSA and 4'04~ steals. Sbor.rAuch.trud.Flu.-tekh.inst.AN BSSR ?i 9 (MIRA 110: 1) (Steel allov~--Ha' fits nt) ~,t tre a. BBLISKIY 1, KAUCMW0K,--T.L; NUMOK., To., redaktor; TRUXWOTA, A., +-ifi-ldc-Lekly redaktor. [Prinieplas of working metals under pressure] Osnovy ebrabotki M.stallov davleniim. Minsk, Gas.-izd-ve BSSR, 1956. 185 P. (MI2A 10:4) Netaivork) Few I I AUTHORS Be1"skiyi-Yev1%V Tomilin, P.I. 32-&-29/61 TITLE On the Method of Investigating the Inclination to Deformation of Metals at High Temperatures. (K metodike iseledovani a deformiruyemosti metallov pri, vysokikh temperaturskh.~ PERIODICAL Zavodskaya, Laboratorlya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, PP. 957-958 (USSR) ABSTRACT The paper suggests the use of a device which permits tests at a temperature of 1*3500C with the employment of a pendulum ram and a allican oarblde furnace. For obtaining tempera- tures up to 15000C a graphite furnace was used here which makes possible a rapid obtention of high temperatures. This speed is assumed aa-~mean value on heating of a standard sample UP to 130000 and amounts to ^,Ot5o/seo in the given case. Higher heating speeds are obtained I= an electric wayo Heating to the maximum of magnetic transformation here yielded the speed of-180OC/seo. (Examples are given). In elasticity tests difficulties in the seizing of the immovable ends may occur. The head seizure proved to be recommendable. A further difficulty represents the recording of the indicator diagrams in dynamic tests. In this case CARD 1/2 a special device is used which consists of a periodical 32-8-29/61 On the Method of Investigating the Inclination to Deformation of Metals at High Temperatures. clamping of the sample head according to the impact of the pendulum.hamer. A. further difficulty is the selection of the material ot.%beaters which can deform at high tempera- tures or whiohp",due to its porosityp permits the penetration of the test metal into the pores. Beaters of thermo- corundum or mullite are recommended here. The beaters of thermooorundum require previous heating due to their in- sufficient thermal stability. In special cases beaters of ceramic, material (static research) ok of steel (in the case of short impact touoh intervals) are used. (2 illustrations) ASSOCIATION: Belorussian Polyteohnical Institute~ (Belorueskiy politekhnicheakiy institut) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 Y/ .137-58-3-5869 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurgi ya, 1958, Nr 3, p 20 1 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Be'llskiy, Ye. I. TITLE: Resistance to Deformation as a Function of the Rate of Plastic Deformation of a Metal (Soprotivleniye deformirovaniyu v zavisimosti ot skorosti plasticheskogo deformirovaniya metalla) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. flelorussk. politekhn. in-t, Nr 57, pp 60-68 ABSTRACT: A survey of modern theories and concepts of the resistance to deformation (RD) of a metal as a function of the rate of plastic deformation (D), and a summaryof experimental methods for the investigation of this relationship. It is pointed out that methods of indirect determination of the RD indices under conditions of high- speed D have come into wide use recently. One of these methods studies the influence of D rates by investigating the "local" effect of plastic D produced by the penetration of a cone into the surface of the metal being tested. Another method, the method of cone- shaped specimens, was proposed for the determination of the relative