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Die-Forging,(Cont.) SOV/4851 Ch. VIL Press Forging 178 26.. Essentials of the process and special features of press forging % 178 27. Designing of impresaXons and selecting the stages 1w5 Bibliography 188 Ch. VIII. Operating the Horizontal Forging Machines 190 28. Essentials of the process and special features of operating the horizontal forging machines Igo 29. Designing the dies and selecting the passes 193 Bibliography 203 Ch..IX. Die Forging on Special Machines and Specialized Processes 204 30. Cold-die forging and cold-upset forging 204 31. Straightening of forgings 216 32. Sizing of die forgings 217 33. Forge rolling [and the special rolling processes] 225 Bibliography 239 Card 5/8 Die-Forging (Cont.) SOV/4851 Ch..X. The Quality of Forgings 240 34. Cooling of forgings 240 35. Heat treatment of forgings 244 36. Defects of forgings, their prevention and removal 257 37. -Quality control of forgings 262 38. Quality of the die-forged surface. Scale removal 2B7 Bibliography 303 Ch. XI. Die Manufacture and Handling 304 39. Materials for the manufacture of dies. Heat treatment of dies 304 40. Manufacture of dies 313 41. Wear of dies and ways of increasing their life 350 42. Reconditioning of dies by 'surfacing 359 43. Handling the die-forging tools 364 Bibliography 370 Card 6/8 Die-Forging (Cont.) SOV/4851 Ch. XII. Equipment of Die Forging Shope 372 44. Drop Hammers 373 45. Mechanical presses 376 46. Crank-type forging machines 379 47. Metal-cutting machines 379 48. -Die-formIng automatic machines 385 49. Other types of die-forming machines 396 50. Rotary-type straightening machines 399 BibliDgraphy- 403 Ch. XIII.: Mechanization,and Automation in Forging Shops 404 51, ftchanization of blank-making operations 404 52. '*Mechanization and autqmation of heating 408 53. Mechanization and automation of hot die-forging 'processes 414 54. 'Interoperational transfer of blanks, semi- finished products, and forgings in hot die- forging shops 424 - 5 Mechanization in the heat treatment of blanks 431 59. Automation of quality control of blanks 435 Card 7/8 Die-Forging (Cont. Sov/4851 Bibliography 440 Ch. XIV. Organization of Work and Safety Measures in the Die-Forging Industry - 441 57. Organization of the work and work place 441 58.- Safety.measures In hot die forging 455 Bibliography 46o Ch..XV. Setting the (Time] Standards 461 9. Setting standards for die-forging operations 461 90. Setting standards' for prodiic'~tion and repair of dies 483 Bibliography 487 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS225,B38) Card 8/8 VK/wrc/qs 3/22/61 BELISKIY,, le.I.; TONILINj, R.I. Durability of ha r and press dies depending on the weight of forgings. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 4 n0.8:3.1-13 Ag 162. (MlU 15:8) Iiieo (MetalvorkLmg)) (Foriing) TOHILIN9 R,I,; BELISKIY, YG*I- Temperature of forging dies. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.9; U-13 S 162, (MIRA 15:9) (Dies (Metalworking)--Thermal properties) BELISKIY Y af I sifoi-ch: TOMILIN, Rem Ivanovich; KASURI M.; MWSHOKp Ye.$ red.; VARENIKOVA., V., tekhn. red. (Increasing the strength of dies for die forging]Povysbenie stoikosti shtampov pri. ob"emnoi shtampovke. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR Red, nauohzio-tekbn lit-ryp 1962, 197 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Die; (Metalworking)) ,-WLISKIY) Ye.I., dots., kand.-ttekhn. nauk; DKITROVICH, A.M.v dots.$ 27i;lchn. nauk; INTYAKOV, N.G., dots.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAZACIOTOK,.V.I., dots,., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHOU, V.A.., dots., kand. cekhn. nauk; BOBRTAKOV, G.L. kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; KHUDOKOIOI,OV) D.N.j kando tekbn. naukp retsenzent (Technology of the hot-working of metals]Tekhnologiia goria- chei, obrabotki metallov. (By] B.I.Bellskii i dr. Minsk., . Izd-vo M-va vysshego..,srednego spetsia.11nogo i professional'- nogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1962. 295 P. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy tekhnologichesldy institut avto- mobilIncy promyshlennosti,'Minskiy filial (for Bobryakov, Kbudokormov). (Forging) (Founding) (Welding) P BELISKIY Yev '99j.IOA-U-IW-R4;,.LEVINA, S.G.,, red. [New materia;s in engineering; lecture course for engineers and technicians of the motor-vehicle and tractor industrival Novye materialy v tekhnike; kurs lektsii dlia inzhenerno-tekbnicheskM rabotnikov avtotraktorostroeniia. Minsk, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 107 p. (MIRk 18:1) 33EL'SnY, YtL,- ~ . - ~, Instill'resolute qualities. Jrryl.rod, 10 no.3:16 Nr 159. , (KIRA 12:4) 1. Instruktor-latchik aerokluba g Stall ada. (Air pilot s-3boat Ion and iraining wst Ul (;Y-!~,-k I-' -1 r. I 1:~ pr,~)~.-Lant, partu.--rt, and ,tr, mi,i, atTer kj~ hr~~. ro4i.., of t-,, ~chmpfi~~ aild P-1 BELSKYj K..- "Experiences iA the Operation of Some Water-treatment Statione.v (To be contd.) p. Z74 (VODA, Vol. 33, No. 109 Oct. 1953) Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 3, No. 49 April 1954.- Unclassified. 01goi-lemes Derived from the Operation of Several Water Purification StatlomsO. 324 06MI,-Vol. 33,9 No, 12# Deauber 1933# PftM,, CsschoslovWa). SO: Mmthly Met of East European Accessibnss, W. Vol. 3. ND. 5# May 1954j, Unclassified ~)Czs~klll /< CZECHOSLOMWIi, / Chemical Technology. Chazical Prod- H ucts and Their i-pplication. 1.7atuer Treatment. Sewage. !.bs Jour: Ref Zhur-nimiya, No 9, 1959, 31792. J,uthor Belsky, K. Inst r Rur umr.- Title Certain Exploitation Data on Water Purification in Tluraacov. Orig Pub: Voda, 1957, 36, No 4, 93-95. i.batract: Water conditions of the station are described, in which (by the decision of the Central ',dmin- istration of Water Economy) the execution of the scientifio investigation operations on water purification is being proposed. -- S. Yavorov- skaya. Card 1/1 BEL'F7, M. !t!~ L 3d Conference on Chemical Engineerirg. p. 84 (Cherticky Pnunysl. Vol. 7, no. 2., Feb. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 SPITALNIK, Zdanek,- STARY, Miloslav; BELSKY, Milan Processing of fluorine-exhalations from superphosphate plants. Chem prum 13 no.9:458-460 5 163, 1. Vyzkumny ustav anorganicke chemie, Usti nad Labem. NEON" 18(5)t 25(5) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICALS SOV/128-59-7-20./25 Antipov, IT.I. and BeA, E,I,, Engineers Using Double and Joint Drag of Pattern in large Se- ries and Yass Production Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 195P, T-Tr 7, pp 44-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To increase the productivity of the plant and to re- duce the amount of shrinkage the Plant "Sibsel-Imash" started the first to produce components of the detail type S-178-U by means of the system to double or join the pattern in one work cycle. Arkhipov, the techno- logist of the foundry department, has suggested a new method. Also a prototype machine had been designed and manufactured. In all foundries, the work is done with different types of star and cogwheel patterns. For mass or series production these patterns are produced by means of die sinking and copying machines. TTowever, this type of production has several disadvantages. To eliminate the latter a new fixture had been attached Card 1/2 to the machine. The introduction of the double and SOV/128-59-7-20/25 Using Double and Joint Drag of Pattern in Targe Series and T"ass Production joint drag of pattern method has increased the produc- tivity of the plant considerably and has improved-the quality of the pourings ,!ACCESSION NRt AT4038390 S/2789/64/000/054/0004/0052 _1 Litovehenko, Ve Po; AUTUOR: Belyayev, Vo Po; Bel t_ad&q,__jAwjG,#_ Lit~vinova, Vo Do; Lomina4_Z6_9__V-Po; PLnus, No Zo; Sofiyev, Ye* Ho; Shur, Gi No TITLE: Some results of experimental studies of atmospheric tur--% bulance by means of radiosondes SOURCE: Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya. observaforiya. Trudy*, no..54, 1964. Atmosfernaya turbulentnostk (Atmospheric turbulence)$ 4-52 .TOPIC TAGS: meteorology# atmospheric turbulence, radiosonde, air route iurbulence 'ABSTRACTS A description is given of methods and equipment for -measuring air turbulence over Moscow, Sukhumi (Caucasus), and Tashkent (Kazakhstan). Ono of the noteworthy features of the method is the-synchronization of measurements of air turbulence with.-.-. Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR; -AT4038390 such parameters as air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind velocity. and wind direction. Turbulence was measured mostly by -balloon-borne!.. radiosondes with an A-22-III accelerometer attached. Sufficient data have been collected (457 radiosonde ascents in 1961-62) to determine a turbulence pattern over the aforementioned localities?,,. Turbulence occurs with the highest frequency in the 1-2 1~m ground layer, it then decreases reaching a minimum at 6-7 km and then reaches a maximum again at 10-12 km. Data were analyzed to deter- mine other turbulence characteristics depending on location, season,-.. altitude, etc. It was noted that turbulence generally depends on thermal and dynamic stratification in the atmosphere.and frequently F, occurs during pronouitced vertical *ind and temperature gradients Two turbulent layers are frequently observed: one above the jet stieam and one below it. Turbulence is minimal on the jet stream level. It was also observed that over Hoscow and Sukhumi the turbulent layer seldom exceeds 200-400 m and only over T 'ashkent at 5-7 km is it evere. more than 1000 m thicke The experimental vork was carried out by the Central Aerological Observatorys Hosoov* Also' Card 2/3 F'ACCESSION NR: A-T4038390 cited are turbulence data for the United.S.tat'as and data collected by E. A. Hyde (1954) for air routes'from London to the Par East and back, and London to North Africa, Orig, artp hast 12 tableng 20 figures, and 36 formulas, ASSOCZATIONs none SUBMITTED:..OO DATI ACQ: IlJtin64!,.'' ENCL: 00 SUB COM NO REP SMI 019. OTHER:, 006 :Card 3/3 7: ACC NRI-jj~1,7006063' SOURCE COM UR/0251/66/043/001/0063-/0069 AUTHOR: Aloksidzo, M. A.; Beltadze, T. G. ORG: Computation Center# AN-MMS RMY'Vislitelinyy tsentr AN'GruZSSR) TITLE: Mathod for checking geological Interpretations of gravity anomalies SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshcheniyaq v. 43,, no. 19 1966j, 63-69 TOPIC TAGSt algorithl, gi~ophyslcs SUB CODE: 08 ABSTRACT: The Computation Center Acadmy*or'Sciences Georgian SSR has pro-* pared a program fo r solving the direct problem in gravimotry using the algorithm M 'o U (m) + k ..dx dy dz. M) (x2-y2+z GJ-R The basis for, and derivation cfthis algorithm are given. This program *1 was used in interpretation of an incomplete anomaly in a rectangular j region* -The triple interpretation method was useds that isp-it was . " assumed that the earth is throo-layored (sedimentary, basalt., granite),J The application and effectiveness of this algorithm is dmonstrated. For example, Table 1-gives the depths of the sedimentary layer at-33 x..-.j 14 points* A 10-km vertical interval and a 25-km horizontal interval were used* The same table gives the corresponding anomalous densitiese Table 2 gives the depths of.the discontinuities of the basalt and grani" lQyerop read from the pjapq _;. --22&5, )qo. .7be table also. gives' Card ACC N R: AP7006 0163 .the. depth.a of the dis''c*ontlitatT~'s'of-tho'-suberu'stal'"Bubstrate and the basalt layers reid from the plane z = -40 kno Table 3 gives a considez,6- able discrepancy between the observed field and the field computed on .the basis of a corresponding geological interprotat.,.ons This indicates,.. a need for a carpXul, use of tAio mAthod -of of .gravim trio interPmta&Aqnsj This paper vas presented by Aca'*''*ician dem V. D. Hupradzo on 5 November 1965. Orig. art. hast 5 formulas and 3 tables* JPRSs 38,6727 BELTAYEV.9 GEORGIY'SERGEYEVICH BELTAYEV., GMRGIY` SERGEYNICH N/5 ' ' 675.25 A TRKHOWGIYA FROIZVODSTVA CHERVYACHNYKH I ZUBCHATTKH PEREDACH V SUDOVOM MASHINOSM (PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF WORM 11D COGGED GEARS IN MARINE ENGINEERING) LENINMWS SUDPROMGIZS' 1956. 178 P. ILLUS.., DIAORS...,TABLES. "LITERATURAII: P. (176) FODOR,O.,oonf.; B"IMUG,7. dr.; FASCU,I.,dr, Observations on ulcer dise"s appearing after the age of 50 yeare. Ked. int.,,Rdcur. 12 no.2:223-232 1 160. (PAPTIC ULCER, In old age) J V. 11~': BELTEKY, L. "Specifications for deep-well drilling and their influence on the duration and output of the wells" p. 78, (VIZUGYI KOZLEMENYEK. HYDRAULIC PROCEEDINGS, No. 1" 1953., Budapest Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. BELTEKY' L. - Barqlszati Lapok - Vol. 10, no. 5, Ylay 1955 Account of the work done in the past five years in the Hungarian wen-boring industry. p. 251 SO: Mohthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept.1955 Uncl. BELTEU, L. BELTEKY, L. Current problems in connection with boring artesian wells. P,430, IVol. 35,, no. UA2, Nov./Dec. 1955 HMROLOGIAI KOZLONY. EYDROLOGICAL. JOURNAL. GEOGRAPIff & GEOL= Budapest, Hungax7 So: East Europeon Acces,sionss Vol. 5., no. 5, MaY 1956 DELTEKY, L. Errors which could be made in selecting sites for artesian wells, p. 819 EPULEMEPESZET (Epitoipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest,, Vol. 50 No. 4. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library, of Congress., Vol. 5P No. 3-1,, Nbvember 1956 BELTEKY. Iajov- Most recent investigations and guiding principles relating to the construction of deep--bored wells. Hidrologiai koz-- lon7 35,no.M287r293 Agt56. BEUEKY, L. Recent investigations and directives on the technique of digging deep wells. p. 287. (HIDRCLOGIAI KOZLONY. MTROLCGICAL JOMIAL. Vol. 36, no. 4, Aug. 1956. BUdapest) SO: Monthly List of East Accessions (EEEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. BELTEKY, L. Standard viewpoints in locating small waterworks and their economic character. P. 179, Vol. 38, no. 2, 1956. VIZUGYI KOZM4C-NM. HrDRAULIC ENGINEERING, Budapest. SOURCE: East European List, (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 6,,no. 1. January, 1956. "Qualitative aurvey of our artesian waters from the viewpoint of drinldnlc,- water needs. 11 P. 1055. HIDROILOGTAI KnZWNY. HYDROLOGICAL JOTPIUML. (YiFynr HidroloFiai Tqrsawg). Budapest, Hun~ary, Vol. 39, No. 2, Apr. 1~1~9. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EU.I), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1951~9. Uncla. BUTEXY,. lajois Irploration of imters of great depth in the Soviet Union* Hidrologial, kozlorq 39 no.51395-401 0159. BUTAY, Lajo3 ........................... Determination of the concept of miniature waterwollm and other vater supply plants, Vizugyi kozl no.1:25-49 159, BELTEKY LaJos Development and most recent achievements in drilling for thermal waters in Hungary. Hidrologiai kozlozW 40 no.4t276-292 Ag 160.4't 1. Orszagos Foldtani Foigazgatosa~4 Budapest. BELTMj Lajos., okl. gepeszmernok.; ORSZAGOS FOLDTANI Igazgatosag, Budapest. , fen years of work of our water' research operated by means of deep boring (1949-1958). Bany lap 93 no. 12:824-833. D160. BELTEKY, Lajoig., okleveles. gepeowwrnok Hungarian water research:by deep boring during the pnot ton yearoy 1949-1959. BW lap 93 no.12s&,~-833 D 160. 1. Orazagos Foldtani Foigazgatosagp Budapesto BEL72KY, lajos Current questions relating to the thermal water exploration in Hungary. Ridrologiai koz:Lony 41 no.6:467-480 D'61 1, Orazagos Foldtani FbigugatosaglBudapeate BELTEKY, Lajos-, N.GELLAI., Agnes; LANG, Gabor ------- --I The No.2 hot-water well at Caepel. flidrologiai kozlony 1+2 no.3:246-254 Jl 162. I MMM)4 ---OfBW-N Newor data on geothexual research in Hungary. Geofis kozl 12 n9.1/293-47 t63 EUTZKY, Lajos- -Teohnioal-and -economic- -signifioanoe., of -the -modernization of the relating to drilled wells. HidrologiiLi kozlony 43 no.3:242- 250- Je- 16.~w 1. Crozagos Foldtani Foigazgatosag,, Budapest, BELTEKY, Lajosp gepeszmernok Up-to-date vater supply of villages and agriculture in Szabolcs- Szatmar County, Vizugyi koal no.3t4l5-431 164. 1. Division Chiefq Scientific Research Institute of Water Resources Development, Budapest. ."jWss1bi;1 ties for exploring therft%l witers with a temperature 4kr~,P'C. Hidrologiai kozlony.44'~t4,U 481-493. -N- 1. Scimxtifio Heiearch Institute 9t Wathr Resoj~rces Development, Budapest. ,BELTEKY, Lajos, inz. -~-i Development of the well boring technology in Hunghry and sinking of wells with fluid mud. Gaol pruzkum 6 no.12065-367 D 164. 1. Research Institute of Mater Conservation, Budapest. ZZLITEM, Ye.B.; ISAXOVA, A.1.1 SATCHWO, A.L; SHALIMOV,,A.I. Now data an the stratigraphy of the centrql northern regions of the,41khote-Alin Range. )Dpil.AX SSSR. 110 no-5-.820-U4 -0 156. (KRA IQII) 1. Vaaaoyusiiyy pauchno-lealedovntal skly geologichaskiy instituto** Predstavleno akadsmikom DVo*' Halivkluvm, (Sikhote4lin Range-Geology, Stratlgraphic) BELITENEVAp,,,Ye.B.; MANSUROV, V.S.; FLAKSp Ya.Sh.; KR1VCHENKO, A.I. ~m,-,,---1-:----, - - -1 Geophysical data on the structure of the Magnitorgorsk synclinal zone of tha Southern Urals and its gas and oil resources. Geol. nefti i gaza 9 no.1:46-49 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Trest Bashneftegeofizika. BELITIKOV, G.I., starshiy prepodavatell; IMMM. A.K.. kand.khim.nauk Use of the adsorption-photGeolorimetric nethod of analysis of quartz in mixtures with silicates. Gig. i ean. 24 no.6:75-78 Je 159. (MMA 12:8) 1. Iz Permskogo sel'skokh6zyaystvennogo instituta imeni akad. D.H.Pryanishnikova. (qUARTZ analysis in mixtures of silicates, adsorption- photocolorimetric method (Rixe)) "Offlifill "Wit 77115 U-C-7 (3 C~ 06 04 ~R ' wilio th e , INCA *4 by =,,--p it za- w tue P ~J-iAg 0 00 S~d st wavated by Onit in -0111~0; IN U+Uj.. Tj extinguishes and- SOV/144-59-7-13/17 Parallel Connection of Valves for Switching Large Pulse Currents the load transfers to T . The exchange process repeats Itself rapidly as shown in the oscillogram of Fig 4. To prevent the anode voltages becoming zero the circuit is modified by the introduction of the 2-core dividers shown in Fig 1. Fig 5 shows a convenient method of firing parallel-connected thyratrons. A sufficiently uniform distribution of current among the thyratrons is guaranteed by feeding their anodes through 2-winding transformers, interconnected as in the equivalent circuit of Fig 6 where the are voltage-drops are represented by different e.m.f's. It is supposed that the latter are independent of current as are also the 9-node inductances. The increase in current in all zhe branches can be calculated as the transient arising from switching the e.m.f's across lossy inductances. ihe basic differential relation is Eq (1) and the solution for a particular current, i1, is E4 (8). If it is required that the unbalanced current through any valve does not exceed agiven amount then the necessary anode Card 2/3 inductance is given by Eq (14). Confirmatory results have been obtained using type TR1-15/15 thyratrons. SOV/,,-4+-59-7-13/17 Parallel Connection of Valves for Swit-1hing Large Pulse Currents There are 7 figures and 3 ref6rances, of which 2 are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatel'sk-y institut, Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy instit"at (Sedentifiv.-Research Card 3/3 Institute, Tomsk Polytet-.1,-&-i%~a-1 Institute); Fiziko-tekhninheskiy fakailtet (Physia,,--Technical Dej:w.tM:atF), Tomskiy politekhni~jhesk.'Ly -Institut (Tomsk Polybachnical Instituta)