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I ". ~ 11 1 k' ~ .. I Urc of slags front orjczt-.ieart'i ai-I clactro-~-clting C~;rnaccs 'Or bInl:n- aril rccl..*..,dng sw--ly I.anl. Lei, k!ioz. no. 1, 1952 S/08 611011100610121014 B102YB138 AUTHORSt Plaksin, I. N., Belyakov, M. A.,_Starchik, L. P. TITLE: Po 210_0-indiced reftoluminescence for analysis of ores and minerals PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v.,11,, no. 6, 1961, 548 - 549 TEXT: As the usual analyzers based on radio- or cathode-luminescence, as designed as the "Mekhanobor" Institute for instance, are too heavy for field conditions and depend on power supply, a new device has been de- signed. Pure Po 210 -a~-radiation (E - 5.3 Mev, range in air 3.8 am) was used for luminescence activation. The device is shown in Pig. 1. Powdered or ground-ore samples are placed on a plate at the bottom of the vessel and luminescence is observed with the naked eye or through a lens. The oti-source used.had an activity of 1.6 curies. The minerals are identi- fied according to color, brightnessl and afterglows Card 1/2 2110_ S/089/61/011/006/012/014 PO a.-induced... B102/B138 Mineral Color Brightness Afterglow calcite red high weak dolomite dull red very high weak fluorite bluish violet very high strong scheelite violet weak very weak beryl light blue weak very weak Intensive radioluminescence is also observed when diamonds undergo 0 ir- radiation and for .this reason it is used, instead of gamma, for grading Yakutsk diamonds. For quantitative analyses a photocell was used. The photocell, a'multiplier of the type OY-1 (FEU-1), was fed via a "Kaktus" radiometer. This experimental setup was tested when determining scheelite with a 70-ILourie Po 210 source. It was then used to compare the lumines- cence intensities of scheelite induced by ~ and *-radiation from emitters of equal activity. o~_radiation was found to'be about four times more effective for luminescence activation. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/2 31020J61113610051011032 B 03/B208 ~.AUTHORS: Plaksin, I. X.t Corresponding Member AS USSR, and Starc~ik, L.,,P. TITLE-- Application of radioluminescence caused by a-particl4i of polonium-210 for the analysis of ores and minerj~la PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 5, 1961; 1165-r116T TEXT:~ The authors suggest-the application of radioluminescence -in ihe analysis of ores and minerals, which offers certain advantages.; Itlinay -replace successfully the cathode luminescen6e already applied fo a ~6 ge extent (Ref. 2). This latter method'requires vacuum and high-frequen*cy. Although the apparatus devised at the "Mekhanabr" Institute ( f- 3)" is a suitable constvuction, it cannot always expediently be dpdrated owing to its high weight and the necessity of current supply. Un the -'radioluminescence method, however, only .a radioactive isotope i1h req'Jaired, 'in this case polonium-2'10 which serves as a-radiation source. This,offere the following advantages: 1) a-radiation gives a much more intense Llumine scene e than the or y-radiation of equal activity; 2) a-radiation SIC20161113610051;031103 -Applicaiion of radioluminescence ... B103/B208 V not accompanied by any other radiation (except one.'y-qua4itim per,,105 a-~partibles); 3) for this reason the application of this radiation sour -simple; 4) the penetrating power of a-radiation is iowp *hioh is rather simplifies the required apparatus in spite of the high activity~of (1.8 curie was applied)., Fig. I shows such a device. 4 4 A, K1 5)* Tfie a-source pay be used to determine elements-on the basis!iot niciear 6) The luminescence of minerals'is obsirved4". :reactions (Refs. 4,5) (in the case' either,by the naked'e;e or of finely divided sub an c C d '2 i7l_~ _X S10201611136100510311032 Application of radiolumineseence,,... B103/B208 by means of a strong lens (4). The following safety measures are necessary; the Po-210 sources aontaminate the surrounding objects by aggregate recoil. To counteract this, the Po-210 layer is screened by a protective film or a thin foil, which dcas not absorb a-radiation, or such a film may be also mounted on the aurfaoo of the a-source. The resultant energy losses reduce the produotion of luminesoenoe, but may be compensated by increased activity of the a-source. The samples in the form of powders or lumps (up to a size of 20 mm) are irradiated on the,~Iate of the mentioned device (3) by the a-source (2)-in a holder The method of analysis resembles that described in Ref. 3. The authors 'studied the luminds'eencd.of the following minerals: calcite, dolomite, scheelitet fluorite, and beryl The diamonds of Yakutiya show a luminescence visible even at dayiight. The luminescence of Tl-204 as P-radiation source'(activitY 70 millicuries) which was.studied for comparison purposes, appeared only slightly in dcheglite and in diamonds, while tMLt caused by the a-souroe of equal activity was visible even at-day- light. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 5 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/4 S/02oj6i/136/005/031/032 Application of radioluminescence B103/B208 ASSOCIATION: Institut gortiogo dela Akademli nauk SSSR (Mining Inatitute, Academy of Scienoest' USSR) SUBMITTED: November 15, 1960 Card 4/4 PLAKSIN, I.N.; BZLYAKOV,-J4.A;; RENTIRGIN, V.L.,-, STARCHIK, L.P.. Use of nuclear reaction (~x,n ) for the determination of certain elements in solutions, Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.2:1+24-426 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Plaksin). (Nuclear reaction's) (Chemfqtryp Analytical) S/02 61/141/004/015/019 B101YB110 AUTHORS: Plaksin, 1. N., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Belyakov, M. A., and Starchik, L. P. TITLEt Application of gamma quanta produced by interaction of .L-partioles with nuclei of fluorine and boron for determining these elements in concentration products PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 4, 1961, 921 - 924 TEXT: In previous papers (DAN, 127, no. 3, 61e (1959); Atomnaya energiya, 9, no. 5, 361 (1960)) the authors applied the (~L,n) reaction for determining F and B in concentration products (flotation concentrates). Be, B, and Li, however, were interfering with the determination of F. B was also determinable by induced radioactivity (DAN, 128, no. 6, 1208 (1959)). The application of nuclear gamma ray spectroscopy facilitates the determination of B and F in the presence of other elements having a high gamma quantum yield on the basis of the (d,,n) reaction. The following data from publications are cited: In the nonelastic scattering of A.-particles on F19 nuclei, 0.09 and 0.22-Mev gamma,~uanta are produced. Ne 22 produced by the reaction F'9(,4,,p)Ne 21 Card 4 S/02 61/141/004/015/019 Application of gamma quanta... B101 X110 22 emits 1.24 and 1.50-Mev gamma quanta. The reaction P19.(*G,n)Na results in Na 22 emitting 0.62-Mev gamma quanta. The gamma ray spectrum arising from the interaction oft4-particles with boron nuclei contains 2.3 and 3.8-Mev gamma quanta. The former are a product of the reactions B 10 (111,n)N 13 and 11 14 10 B (a., n) N, while 3.8-Mev gamma quanta result from the reactiont B (04- 9 P)C The advantage of gamma ray spectroscopy is that the accuracy of recording of the gamma quanta is by one order of magnitude higher than that of recording of the neutrons. For this reason, 4-emitters of low activity may be used. While for determining B and F on the basis of the ($1,n) reaction an ~.-source of 250 me was required, gamma ray spectroscopy could be performed using a P6 210 c~,-source with an activity of only 5 me. The aL-source is oriented directly to the box containing the material to be investigated. For protection against aggregate recoil, the surface of theaL,-source was coated with a heavy-metal film. Recording was performed by NaI(Tl) crystal, YCA-1 (USD-1) attachment, YW -2 (USh-2) wideband amplifier discriminator, Card 2/4 S/020/61/141/004/015/019 Application of gamma quanta... B101/B110 andTr[-10,000 (PS-10,000) scaler. On the basis of the intensity of 1.24-Mev gamma quanta calibration curves were plotted for the concentration of fluorite in feldspar. Al was not interfering with the determination. F may be also determined in beryl concentrates due to beryl emitting 3.43 - 4-45-Mev gamma quanta. It was found: N CaF 2 -R 1.24 - 0-51N 3.4' where N 1.24 = intensity of counting of the 1.24-Mev gamma quanta; N 3.4 intensity of counting of gamma quanta >3-4 Mev. In addition, B 20 3 was also determined by gamma ray spectroscopy in mixtures of ascharite and dolomite by discrimination of gamma quanta 3.4 8/084/62/013/004/007/011- Use of XI-spectroscopy B102/B108 11'ev, ro-,opec tively. Hance the fluorite content of the 'BILMRle is given by. Neap ' 1#7- t, where ',t,is.the,fluorite content of a standard:. The 2 let method of count-rate ratios can also be used for analyzing samples which have more than two componenta,.as is shown here-by the determination of BeO and CaF 'in a 3ample containing ascharite. The boron content P N where C' /11 for pure is Aet2er-Ined from2N B 0, M-C&N3.4' Be - N2.2 3.4 3 beryl.- Fluorite ia determined from H N C N AN where Caf`~ .1.2- B 2.2 3,41-, K - Cie eo GIs N -~Attd, C j; C~eCB-.B Be 1.6/N 56 4 for puts beryl B N1-02 IN 2.2 for pure aschakite. There are -4 figures. SUBLUTTED: March 9,~ 1962 -Card '3/3 PIAKSIN., I.Xj,~~~~STARCHIKj L.P. Use of nuclear reaction (AINY) for-the determiln tion of beryllium in concentration products. Dokl. AN SSSR no*23374,-376 Ja 162. AMM 15:2) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. 'Mcochinsk 0 AN SSSR. 20 Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for PlakeMO (Beryllium-Analysis) (Nuclear reactions) PLAO IN) I.N.; BELYAKOVS M.A.j STARCHIK, L.P, U89 of jr-spectroscopy in determining beryllium, boron, and fluorine :W products enriched bye-radiation accompanying the intera6tion between nuclei of these "4if*ento and cL-rays. Atom. energ. 13 no.4:374,-376 0 16R, (MIRA 15:9) (Ga=a-ray vyotr4wW) Ouclear reactions) PLA Np I.N.; BELYAKOVs_,M4,; STARCHIK# L.P* .1 - .--1; the thickneos of r6ils jhA filig with the aid of the 1 1 -231 4) nucle'ar rea'otion, Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.5s210 - _ %163. -0 (KERA 16&12) -7 ION ACCESS- AP3003 BELYAK .,X.A..,,.inzh. Filtration of alpha radiation for the selective determinAtion of some elements from the variation in the yield O'~secondary-radi- ation of nuclear reactions ny) and (k,, PY).'Nauch.1, ob. IGD 19:5&-66 163. MA 17:2) PLAKSIN, :-ION. MEREVShlYt -E V.; BELYAKOV M.A. IT-ie olf polonium-boron neutro,,,ealtter in the analysis of ores and, .products of dressing for.alumirlim. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.5%1202-2204 165. (WRA 18:8)' I.. Chler-kcrrespondent AN S.SSR (for Plaksin). Elm 0 .*- 10- *- -0 i 0oq00Gow0qo#0* 04. 1 ) I # 1 0 V 0 it m 1# w is " " is j0 lall un up flu 111040 Of 01JO00ACtit It A-A J~LJ6_11_14 r a t. V.1- Q 0 a % A A A 4 0 a -t t-01.1 40c"Ics- 440 1 :0 Re"'of 8"Afiewer oil by. the method of tonjwtod by ' I V_ I1V1 %_ -1 0 drop 0"Withith k4A W $0, A. lvmtw.~Z.. M. ' -. hi= iX "13. 0 U . d. C. A. 30. &W.-rbe prvirimo tontbod of -00 41 OmIrtlcesetion of fundo,tv. oil W" toodified. TMV01 130 patu at on with 19 P" of :0 MR in the pemew of0A-2M,-%1.Co-NIandN1wm Autodaved at 240-M, and I atm. for 3-15 oft~ 0 a this wttw the contest of lillock Arw In Me oil I% p 400 :0 .4rucg4 wW that of okk- wids Is 1wreatiml. The lilleml ad Is QmtW to odiWe olive oil in compti, an4 prop"Urs The wAM r"Idue can he uwd a% Wng fat or in mop mak - Inc. 7U best rmdto weir obtairM with Cas.%'i ratal"t of 2m, for S. IA min., depriull"S 1-0 the anit - of V4141Y41 11"N1. CbA.. "taw roo age & 1 6S 1, A-tT-11VP(-K-t 4,4110444W CtO%SWKAVOCW of t".4h. --. --- We* U -0 OS e. Of in A w we 0 'I ; a a 'i I ~ 5 eig 0 0 0 towe 000 40 0 a 0 00 009 9:0 0 S' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~0 T: Of 9 0 0 0 0 IV 1~ It it if to Is 16 V Is "14, 1 j4j% 1gP)IIJ4 k1f kill Is n b J, 4; 4, v 61 n 0 It a 00 - Q 1 1, 1 as C L a X M 4 414110- M=01 allialte U"t the Polar regfiga at the urlu Nede 11 No ' l 1 i . , -4-h of a s I t I i I r w r f e 6 4. s- I ( I W). 41 l 111, Il fL%Inmi twit the enstem slotts, sit Ilse thal lulKr licAr lite ' lor S101%-11 1. l'"old ol thr ?6-ggs-l Illou"Imin Nars"Illava. I 11% Ortra"Itiv iltilr%v% Age 10. 1.1114M *list .1, - Ltl:salul its bit. it. 1% 1 .33: the iodividual crystals reach a site 44 11.6 cm. The mrstsu. Is Si(Igg CIAO no, 11.1114. A40. 17.414. Fr,l), Cat W Ul tN ( I O 1A 1 FA) MnO 3 N 0 47 M M wee . .4g . . gr . , . %it)Cm,A1,W4Xh#, wlwir' the tath, of Fe hit, MK -Zee : 1 1. A. A. 11-foloiggi, 0 '00 of A 0.0 0 0 0 0 o, 4 0 0 0 0 0 il 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 .00000 0 0 0 f. : 0 :, hading al'UMbe -in th~ hl F k! W~J(j~mjw- "led. '1. 44. 0, 'I it. Poo zoo 400 zoo Zoo wilt I. - Ittoo i- Ala.11LA atIALLUCGKAL LIMMATIAl CLASUFKATOON i 4 ~ .11. - . - 1 11 1 . : - ~ 7 __7 J Ire* -w- I-r-i-T-i --& -it-) x--T' U 0 AT so 11 _!?_ ! ! !!I'L" An a I a S a a 3 9 1 i; ; a air oil Ka It* Itun 110mu " 1 114 of G 0 0 so 0 0 0 * 0 0 sea* a o 0! 0 * 0 0 o 0 0 09 0 0 0 000 a 0 0. 0 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0000*0 00 0-0 0 0 0 0 go 0~ 0 a, see "to F ~ LASWItc from 6 quartz vein In the reltion of Mount " Sura-It In the 01OU-POW UCAIS. flit, - 44 . P1. Frxj. 4r 47. %fad State univ.). Cow 04 121-fiffil MISIM)', Vdkt,sdy Ond. N'4uk S.SAA 47, I27.-1j(1V43)_LatuIi1e furmi Irrrgular inAww -,? arowl, bands in quarts truws cantmmably enclAvled bY ",,it- 00 qclallzitc whilts on M. .143rik, "mr the Surm-11 q1t.1ttj Aptolvd. with lasubtestv Poicite, hem-stitc,r-wk- 00 "Y".1 allot thlaww4rall 19111, I)jl4.j1.Iy "IlilL lit l t t = wi atil e itre K mo (PP11041 data and Chet". w Thr mitt"al 6 lbolught to have ber" rurum'd Ill th, hlich. it ttrutp. phase of hydrothertnal activity (Pe"ttuts'. V., i so i; " I phase IW) ond both the p"Vitate and usmX11. afka (its wricitc) are (if so !;; 041 00 it J N WA C,A, Vol-4o, N-13, io JJ. 46 VUNI 1, Elm It !0. fuel -CLAIWOO -00 -60 .00 -00 use Cool goo goo ;:9 0 zoo 0 via." 44-Ow too too ro U I `V 10 111 ;K, K", BELMOV) M. F. ?A 27rr5o BELYAKOIIJ M. F. "The Original Case:of Weathering)" M. F. Belyakov,, 1 p "Pr1rodave No 8 -1he best example of -this is fo=d In the. polar region 0 the, Urals on the slopes of Mb Laycha) - vhere layers i# slate appear Impaled cwquartz cutcroppings. ?his, phencowni, is due - primarPT to the aroalm effect vind.' 4uthor.explains the reason for this:and ~,btiefllv_ describes the'. force of -the - v-lnd,, thus showim that the explanation -of IhIs phenaieum to the acticn .1nl Isi'not entlr_ely~far fetched, AM T_ 1 140 FS "Eistory of Geothermic Research in the USSRR. Priroda,, No 9., 1946 (70-71). (Hateorologiya, i Gidrologiya, No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) so: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 &-,, 'r, ~ Dec .1947 YAP5 Crystals "Nov Data Concerning the Problem, of the Boundaries w4 Geology of the Southeastern Part of the-Anabar Crystal Motifs" M. F. Belnkov, 2 pp *Dok Aked Nauk SSSR Vol LVnI, No 7 Nova Ser" Geologic saps-of.the USSR '1937 and 1940 (FY 1:2,500. 000),, looated-Anabar or~stal massif. All-Union Arctic instituti-in.194G.'sent an expedition to defifie more' claul -koittherii.-.and- southeastern boundaries. While survoying'boundaries.. expedition records& nev geolog- ical data. Submitted by Academician V. A. Obruoher,,' 17 Jil 19470' 6CT2T 4w BELYAKOV j M. F. "Contemporary Hydro-Network of the Anabar Crystal Body in Connection with the Peculiarities of Its Geological Formation," Dok All SSSR, 58, No 8, 1947 BELYAYOV, M. F. Petroloff The First Findinp: of Apabar-Detritue on the.Water.- Dividei of th6tambria'n Fleld"df the Central SiberIAS Plateau, F. Belyakov, li pp "Dok. Ak Naak - SSSR" ~Vol Ix NO 9 Detritus -of *pro- a~ L ka of Anabar maesive bavo '.6n.vater divides of not been fovAd pie*idusly Cambrian field -which'.stirroandaiiassive. Author dls-~ covered sdWdetrItjw OnA6ft:bank of Arga-sala river in 1946*:..Describee location and discusses reasons for their preeenoe. Submitted 27 b!;Lr 48..-- 6140%8 be"airi Jul.. 9 Ps Standardg Me International RP 1:.1,000,000 Map and USSR, ~nenclature for Maps," M. F. Belyakov, 6j pp Orlroda" No 7 $SR has adopted unit system-of numeration and isignation of separate sheets of maps --ad-on txe~ncmenclature-of the international ietric'~ Map' -j,WO,WO. L, Lists-the scale of a, ~ t~e scale of' 1. MR maps, their dimensions, nv=ber of sheets per ~,'~1:11000,000 m Lap, nomen.clat~re ~(in'letters imd, (Coutd) /Geogripby Al 49, Jul g, ,~ggwes) for the'sheets, 'etq, Neir systei'makes ' to select sheets to bi pastWd togetbir 'or 1;.',-t4 determine the'sCalel-_ should the -map be-t4ziz 6j/49T33, >4 w CO 'Tebtonics "Me Connection of Geological lootbarmale Vith the Pro-Canbrian Contour of the ftsBian ?let- fo- rm, 11 M. F., Bel~akov, ~ All-Mnion Petroleum. Bel Res Geol Prospecting.Inst, 4 pp rDok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol. LM, No 2 -Ponnection between plutonic temperature. Ifthar .',thermal coefficient of , rc>oks and'the fcal of imbauxTaca structures- is' so regular. that S~truotural. diagrams, wq,be t drawn, -from on. a ae 4,meapureMA ~'Ift'BhAL excavatiorm, taliii~.'49fliiiiim~';b' W"nection.;.beivean --g.a.6 V 1A.I'the -'atiuature. of. :~the--,JFt"BIAU ~Platf4orz: established in the Samarokiy Luke, and Bugirms'lin reklon. Submitted 9 Nov 48 25,A9226 ...... . ...... ~U=/Pet ;~i~feot-of Artificial Flooding Upon the Thermal- .4egime of a Petroleum Site,,' M. F. Belyakov., All,,~Tkion Petroleum Sci Res-Geol Xxploratory t 3 'Wok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol LVI, So 3 Present data on results of artificial flooding r,e insufficient. Tabulates results of 2-year 0~ study of one of the Maba deposits according to temperature an& depth. There is urgent need f6r stationary geothernic observations to aebloWe W IVY I ratlonal IwOductlon POtrOleUM. Submitted by Agkd S. 1. Mironov, 28 Yar 49. ~WW/Oeoloa oil, 21'~Oct "Oeothermal Anomalies'of the Emba Salt (Domes)," X. F. Belywkov' A111-Uaion Petroleum Sci Res Geol Prospecting Inst *Dok -4,k Nauk sssr vol Lxviii, No 6, PP 107991080 Uned maximum thermometers to measure temp in more than 50 wells of.depth up to 1 km. Measurements made for several points of each well in intervals of 50-100 M. Analysis of data shoved, at equal distance from the earth's surface, temp was slightly higher (up to 40 17222'r_~ WU/G~ology - Oil (Contd) 23. Oct 49 for wells about 1, 000 = apart, measured at-.'depths t of 100-200 n) over domes of cupolas than at walls. Seasons for this anmmly include: different heat con-.: ductivity of rocks, subsurface waters, tectonic pjro;-' eosesi surface erosion, etc. Submitted by Acad Mironov 17 Aug 49. MO/deophysles.,r A=Wlies~ Geotbarmal, No~., 51 (Depression) "Geothermal Anomalies of tl*,Dnepr-Donets Depres *ion, " M. F. Belyakov VI.Priroda'.' No 11, PP 52,53 Belyakov presents popular summry of his original article'that'app'eared in "Dok Ak'Nauk SSSR, Vol ' ;JXVIT - No 2, 1951. Geol structure of -a locality 'j to have consideribii inf luence on the turns o distribution of bathic (plutouic) beat in the u ,pper layers of the Earth's crust. This has bee confirmed by geothermal investigations conducted 2o7T46 ~UM/Geophysice Anomalies, Geothermal Nov*51,1~ (Deptession) (Coutd) in',various places in the Dnepr-7Donets depression.. Codcludestbat increase of temp per descent into tbe~ groundvaries from 10 - m/o C. to 200 m/oC, in .00t~ast' to the theoretical value. of 33 ac- cepted for the USSR territories. 207T46 Title.; kimaloua dtatribution of heat In the Dnien-or-I'mists dor-r-a-zlon. ...... ...... Journols Doklady A",cadomil, Youk es$Rt 19519, Vol.77, Vo.2's p. 325 Subjebti ~IooloU VASSOYETICH, H.B., prof., doktor geol.-miner.nauk; ANDREYEV, P.P., kend. khim.nauk; B F., )mnd.geol.-miner.nauk; BARANOVA, T.E., V4~YAKOV, M. nsuchnyy sotrudnM BUSHIMsEll, G.I prof.; GMUM, R.F., prof., 0 so doktor biolog.nai*; GROSSGEM4, V.A.,; ITENBERG, S.S., dotsent; PISHTOFOVICH, A.M.; LYUBOMIROV, B.H., kandegeol.-minerosuk; POIWIROYICV, G.S., kand.geol.-miner.nauk; POKROVSKAYA, I.M., prof., doitor ge ol. -miner. nauk; RADMOMOO O*A.9 kand.khim.nauk; RMMIN, L.B., prof., doktor geol.-miner.nauk; TORGOVANOTA. T.B.. gidrogeolog: USPENSKIYI T.Aes kandekhimeneuk; PROLOV, Te.F., kand.geol.-minennauk: FURSHIIKO. A.V.: KHAIN. V.Ye.' prof., doktor gool.-miner.nauk; SMONOV, V.V., prof., doktor fiziko-matem.nauk; YASHCHUR2HINSKAYA, A.B., vedushabiy red.; SOKOLOVA, le.V., (Continued on next card) VASsoyEvrCH, H.B.--(continued) Card 2. [Handbook for field geologists and petroleum prospectors] Sputnik polevogo geologa - neftianika. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nie, 1952. 504 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Groznenskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnc_-o Znarieni neftyanoy insti- tut (for Itenberg). 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen AN Ukrainskoy SSR (for Krishtofovich). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Belorusakoy SSR (for Fureanko). (Petroleum geology--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) WCH, Nikolay Bronialavovich, professor, doktor goologD-mineralogichaskikh nauk, radaktor; Y=CHURMINSUYA, A.B., radaktor; SUFANDV. D.L.. doktor goologo-mineralogichookikh nauk, redaktor; ~WYAVL-", kandidat geologo-mineralogicheakikh nauk, redaktor; KURATOV, V.N., kandidat geologo-mineralogichaskikh nauk. redaktor; SOKOIA)VA. Ye. V., tekhnichaskir redaktor. (Guide for petroleum geologists In the field] Sputnik polevogo geologa- neftianika. 1zd.2--e, ispr. I dop*. Leningrad, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi I gornoi-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954. 544 P. (Petroleum geology) WaA 7:12) vAssoTIVICK, Nikolay Bronislayovich, doktor goologo-mineralogichookikh nauk. obahchlY redaktor; STXUNOT, D.L.. doktor goologo-mineralo- kandidat geologo-zine- gicheakikh-nauk, redaktpr; fBXJ, I bV V. ralogichookikh nauk,'redaktor, 9 J., kandidAt geologo- mineralogichookikh nauk, redaktor; YASRD3URZHIX51rATA,,A.B.,Ive- dushchly redAktor; GEMPITIVA, I.M.. tekbuicheskiy redAktor. [Guidebook for the geologist and petroleum engineer in the field] Spatnik polevogo, goologa-noftianiks. Izd.,2-*, ispr. I.dop. Is- nin,grad, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Azd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol. 2. .195_4. 50 p. ()MRA 8:2) ~(Petroleuz geology) N. AID P - 1135 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 13/25 Author : Belyakov, M. F1 Title : Geother 1 measurements In Belorussia Periodical : Neft. khoz.j V. 321 #11) 50-51, N 1954 Abstract : A study of temperature variation in wells at different depths by the resistance thermometer is presented. Temperature rapidly increases with the well depth. How- ever, mean temperature difference per 100 meters of depth decreases with depth. Two tables and 3 Russian references (1949-1952). Institution : None Submitted ; No date EILYAXOT Mikhail Yedorovich; YARTSHEY, B.P., redaktor; SHCHIKOTOT, P.A.. -YU%Luuhahiy redaktor; GXNNAD'YEVA, I.M., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Geothermia obBervatione in vell boring and their interpretation] Geotermichaskie nabliudeniia v burovykh okvazhinakh i Ikh interpre- tataiia. Leningrad. G,os. nauchno-tekha. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Leningradekoe otd-nie, 1955. 37 p. (MLRA 9:12) (Oil wells) (Barth temperature) 'BILTAKIN014.F.- GMMOTTfS, P.P., polkoynik, redaktor; SROXIS, N.Y., tethnifte iiy redaktor. (Orientation without rALps; material Jbr instruction] Orlentiro- vanie na nestnosti bez karty; materialy k obuchenitu. [Izd.-3-a Ispr. I dop.] Noskya. Voenjzd-vo Ministerstva obor. SSSR, 1955. 68 pe (HLRA 8:11) (Orientation(Topograpby) BELTAEDY, N.Y.; GRIGORITZT, D.P.; SHAFRANOVSXIT, I*I. In memory of B.IA.Oxadchey. Zap,Txas.min,ob-v& 84 n*.4:504-505 155. (MIRA 9:6) (0madchav, Boris IAk*vltsvich, 1912-1954) AIT-YA M 7:PMP29MKI. A.. redaktor-, TRUXHANAVA. A.. tekhalcheekly re.aainor [Orientation without maps* 'Translated from the Russian] Aryoutavanne n& miantsova.sti bes karty. Peraklad 2 rualmha vydannia. Minsk. Dziarzh, vyd-va 303R, 1956. 47 P- (KIRA 9: 10) (Orientation) z / ///, IC,_ KAT013NKOV. Semen Mikhaylovich; BILYAKOVt_MtR~, re"ktor; GABIS. U.N.. .vedushchiy redaktor; tekhnicheskly redaktor [Spectrum-analysis of rock) SpektralInyl analis gornykh porod. Leningrado Gosqnauchno-tekhnAxd-vo neft, i gorno-toplivnot lit-rye loningrootd-nie, 1957.1214 p. (MLRA 10;7) (Rodks--Spectra) KATCHENKCV) Semen Vikhqylovich; PROKOPYKV, V.K.., prof.., retsenzent; KLER, M.M., dots., retsenzeni; KIIOKIII.OVj V.V.p nauehn. red.; F-EDOTOVA, II.I., ved. red.; ISLYAKOV,_M.F,S dots., red. (1,53pectrum analysis of rocks] StAktralinyi, araliz gor- nykh porod. Izd.2., . perer. i dop. Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 271 P. (MIRA 18il) -MTA][Orj-) ".-. I Psychogenic depression in the legal psychiatric clinic, Probl, mid.polkh. 8:167-189 159. (MIRA 13t6) (Depression, Kental) -'? ? ?go* 0 4 ~4 8 A- 1- AA ~N 0 a 004 SIX Stf,$ J-00 AM, 00 1400 A Is* set .46 0 Go 1*40 so sit o 0 1 V= Wa~ d A. G. Ameba and M 1, 00 ir .0 0 i Ileli v U. JAkyl. Chow. MMS.. 1944. It 666-4").-Tbv V~P. 0 00 Of 500a At IU-SW i$ givM by bow" p6"2.51 -wo IL zoo sea zoo 001, roe 00 woo A-24 ~ ; ., see ASA zoo li goo T See U00 0% aloe too t too Ant %NhAa IIIIN IM006 )of ,a It 2101 94199 Ica" UK 0 o 0 o a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 : : : 0 10 Too I 0io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 -LAI MI, lay talp 1;4=QCv,"INa KoIW4 ZAw, 47, 10-17' Ifid Fampolias in CUrs. Wgv 'try, 03I.-The tetup, d trilmdem in the atrettm of hat Alr4lMl* with zlY,eerMvupotvk forced (atacou. val. vdtY_,-' ity) thraugh x v4rda of dz. 4 lota caU atsu. The av. f4lddt'ditt of the Abtea-il f69 thtm pradtAced was veater the XMtCr if,' It WM, CC-, 14AW TWI MM. ftVAI 10 0 (or 60 mm.., IU fog wu mare, polydbvuc at sr"tu WlUrapld, htvw lhea*.atauC(dW4 s gre4t and drcvkt 26. k;;~d,'Tftus. the dcup dlmtti~" to i. mi- dcuatkn (pt ~wbeiirW at ViU. T 1(711, - j k l -. ~ I 1,e w, da L L V C, mae-ha-14 e- SKORIU,, Sergey Aleksandrovich [Skorina., S.O.]; BMAKOV., m.j. [Bieliakov., M*I#], red.1 NEMCHENKO, I*Yu.p (Knowledge of soil is the basis for its correot use] Z"A"Dia, bruntiv - oonova pravyllnobo ikh vykoryatannia. Kyiv., Derzh. vyd-vo seltolkohospodaralkoi 2it-zy URSRI 2961, 48 Pe (14M l5tI+) (Crops and soils) REPIN, A.M.(Riepin, A.M.19 kand, sellkhozo nauk; NAUMMOI 0.1.; nauchuyy sotr.- BELYAKOV M.L[ iliakov, M.I.], red.; -NE24CMKO.l I.Yu"'. LN; o, I.IU.], tekhn. red. (Drying and storing seed and forage corn) Suchinuia ta zbe- rigannia nasirmoi, i furazhnoi kukurudzy. Kyiv, Dersh. vyd-vo silikohospodarslkoi lit-ry WW, 1961. 67 p. WMA 15:3) .(Corn (Maize))-Drying) (Corn (Maize))-storap) KOVAINUSHKO' S.P.; BELYAKOV, M.I., red.; TOGOBITSKAYA, N.V. [Tohobitsti~-'#'V-.j--I-&-"' KOVALRIKO,, 0.1., red.; DOBROVOLISK 3 1 ro ; ij O,A,]$ red.; Dobrovol'alky NAGOPJIYY, A.G.[Nahorrqjj A.H.12 red.; LEVITSKAYA, G.P. [Levyts'ka., H.P.). red.; CHRiEVATSKIY, S.A.[CherevatB'kyi, S.A.], takhn. red. (Manual on production planning and organization on collective and state farmsI Dovidnyk po planuvanniu i organizataii vy- robnytstva v kolhospakh i radhospakh. Kyiv,, Derzhsillhosp- vydav URSR, 1963. 935 P. (MIRA 16-.12) (Ukraine-Farm maragementHandbooks, manuals, etc.) DOIG-KNMA, M.Y.L.; e.LI,YAF6'1, MJ.; Light-Weight portable pump with p.1--atic carts fer cleaning vessels. Sbor. nauch.-tekh. inform. Azarb. ins t.nauch.--tekh. inform. Ser.Maahindstroi. prom. no,40-8 162s (MIRA 18:8) 1. BELYAKOV, M. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Fertilizers and Manures 7- Use of manganese tailings to stimulate growth of trees, Les. khoz- 5 Mo- 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. MB, Petr Pedor'ovich; GGUWA,_X.A.,._ins'h., rateenzent;'NASLITo X.Y8.0 zubores, retsensent;2MOT, P.A., kena.ekon.nauk, red.o MMYAKPJ, K red.; 1)(AGNITSKIY,'A.Y., -red.; ROMWMG: I.A.. kgn~d.eio -M12 2!qd.-,.'SK1RN1TSK1Y. Ye.K., kand.ekon,nsuk, red.; SMATOT, X.I.j insh., redo; DUGINA, N.A.,, (Organizational and technical plan In the workshop] Orgtekhplan no rabochem meste. ~oskva, Mashgiz, 1960. 30 p. (Ssriia *08novy konkretnoi ekonomiki," no.5). (KIRA 14:4) (Sverdlovsk-Nachineryludustry) TROTANOT, Andrey KonstantinovIch; GOIXWA. K.A., insh., retsenzent; HASLIT, K.Ta., zuborez,.retoenzeat;,ZHUKOT, M.N.. red.; DANILOT. T.Li, red. vypusks; BELYAKOT, H.N..-red.; ROZMMMG, I.A., kand. ekon.nauk, red.; SHrMTSKIY,-Ye-r.-.--Wnd.ekon.nauk, red.; SUSTA- insh., red.; DUGIRA, N.A., tekhn.r6d. TOY. -M., ig~ [Or-ganization. of the manufaoture of meahineryl Enk orgnnizoveno proizvo4etvo mashin, Moskyag Haabgiz, 1960, 30 p. (Bibliotaks raboohego mashinostroltelia. Serila; "Oenovy konkretnoi ekono- miki," no.2) (KIRA 14:5) (Machinery industry) BUSHMICH. Ge-man Adamovich; GOLUBWA, K.A.. inzh., retsen2GUt, MASLIY. K.Ta., zuborez, retsenzent; ZHUKOT, P.A., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; URYASHOY, A.Y., red. vypasks; RELTAKOY, M.N., red.; ROZBN33RG, I.A., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; S)#IRVITMCrr.-T6*.K., kond.okon.nauk red.; SUSTATOY, M.I., insh., red.; DUGINA, N.A., [Business accounting is accounting in a buainese-like manner] Khozraschet - sto schat po-khozisiaki. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1960. 33 p (Bibliotekg rabochego ma~hinostroitelis: Seriia "Oenovy koLetnoi ekonomiki," no.11) (MIRA 14:5) (Machinery industry-Finance) (Sverdlovsk-Railroade-Cars) TLASOTA, Antonjus Alskeeridrovna; MUGALRYA, Zinaida Samuilovus; ZHKOTA., Larisa Mikhaylovna; GOLUBWA, K*A.9 inzh., retsen- sent; KASM, K.7a.. suborez, reteenzent; ZHUKOY, PeA., kande ekon.nsuk, red.; SBRAPIKOnCH, B.T.. red. vypuskn;,=.YAXUP M.6 d.; ROZENBERG, I.A., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; SMIRNITS- , Te.K., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; SUSTATOT, M.I., insh., red.; DUGIA. N.A.. takhn,red. (How to increase labor productivity] Kak povysit' proizvodi- tellnost' truda. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1960. 37 P. (Biblioteks rabochago mehinostroitelia: Seriis "Oenovy konkretnoi ekono- mikil-P no.6) (MIRA 14:5) (Machinery industry--labor productivity) RADLKIN, Tiktor Pavlovioh; dOLUSETA, K.A., inzh., retsenzent; KASLIT. K.Ta., zuborez,-re,tsenzent; ZHMOT,,P.A., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; I _44kTAKOY, U.N.. red.; ROZENBERG. TARATKA, TA, red. vypuska; I.A., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; SKERNITSKIY,To.K., kand.ekon.nauk, red.; SUSTAVOY, M.I.. insh., red.; WGINA, H.A., :(Labor organization In a workshopj Orgunizatsila truda na rabo- chem meste. Moskva, Maohgiz, ig6o. 46 p. (Bibliotelm raboche- go mashinostroitelia: Seriia 40snovy konkretnoi ekonomiki,* no.4) (MIRA 14:5) (Machinery industry-Labor productivity) SHIRMITSKIY.'Yevgeniy Konstentinovich; GOLUBIffA, K.A., insh.p reteen- zent; HASLIY, K.Ta.,-zuborez9 retoonsent; ZMOT, P.A., kand. ekon.nauk, red.; SITNUOT, M.A., red. vypusk'a;-.,BETrYAKOT, M-N*m red.; ROMMIMG, I.A., kand.ekon.naWc, red..,-SXIRNITSKIY. Ye. K., Imid.ekon.nauk, red..; SUSTAYOT, M.I., insh., red; DUGM9 N.A., (Nachinery-industry worker and technological innovations] Ra- bochii-,mashinostroitall i tekhnitheekii progress. Moskve, Xaahgiz, 1960, 49 p. (Bibliotake rabochago mashinostroitelia. Seriia: "Oonavy konkratnoi ekonomiki.4 no.1) (MIRA 14:3) (Machinery industry-Tachnologiesl innovations) GLADILISHCHIKOV, Yevgeniy Ivanovichi-GOIBMAt K,A.p lnzb.p retsenzent; MASLIY,, K.Ya., zubor02p retsenzent; SHIROKOV9 N.P.j, red. vypuska,- C.BELYAKOV, M.N., red.; GSRMWp I.V.p-dotaent, red.; ZHUKOVI, P.A.p, red.; ROZEMMG,'I.A.1-kand. ekon. nauk, red.; a4MITSKIrg Ye.K., kand. ek6ho' nauk, red.; SUSTAVOV, M.I., inzh., red.; DUGINAI P.A., tekbn. red. [Let's economize on electric power]-Berechl elektroenergiiu.- Mo- skva, Mashgiz, 1960. 43 p,' (Biblioteka rabochego mashinostroitelia: Seriia "Osnovy konkretnoi ekonomiki," no.10) (MA 1419) (Electric power) Eno" ROZEMMG,-Ivan Aleksandrovich; GOLTJBBTA,X,Aoo.insh.,retsenzent; KA- SLIY. K.Ys., zubores, retsenzent; 2MOT.P.A., kand.okon.nauk, red.; PROKHOROY,Y.P.,rea. vMiska; ART-YAXOT.M.N., red.; ROZIN- BM,I.A.. kand.ekon.nauk, rea.41HNITSUM a.- 0 . kana.ekon. nauk, red.; BUSTAYOY,K.I., inzh.,rea.; DUGINA, .A., takhnored. (From the shift plan to the national economic plan) Ot smen- nogo do narodnogo khosiaistvennogo plane. Moskva, Mashgiz, 196o, 45 p. (Biblioteka rabo'chego mashinostroitelia:.Seriia w0snovy konkretnoi ekonomiki.0 no-3) (MIRA 14:5) (Russia--Economic policy) (Industrial management) GOLIKOV, Aleksandr, Areen! Yevich-, POTWUSHIN, Nikolay Ta sil 'yevich; GOLZIBETA,-KiA., lush., retsensent; MASLIY, K-ye., zuborez, retsenzept;'ZMOT, PsAa, kand.ekon.nauk,.red.; TOLOSATOT, A*Ya*t rdd. v~pasko-,_JXLYAKGY."X." red4 KOWKOT, A.S., lush.. red.; ROZBNMMG, I.A., kand.okon.nauk,.red.- SHIR- NITSKIY, Ye.r,. kand.ekon.'uauk,.red.; SUSTATOT, H.L. lush. red.; DUGMS'N.A., telamred. [How to save petals] Kak luchshe ekonomit' metall. Moskva. Hashgiz, 1960. 40 p..(Biblioteka rabochago mashinostroitelia. Seriia: 00on6vy konkr6tuoi ekonomiki,Q no.9) (MMA 14:5) (Netalwork) (Hatels,'Sdbatitutes for) SOV1110-58-7-2(Y21 AUTHOR: Belyakov, 11I.P., Engineer. TITLE: Electricity supply sources with gas-turbine drive. (Istochniki pitaniya s gazoturbinnym ri~ivodom) PERIODICAL:Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 19587 Wr 7, * PP 71-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of published foreign work describing generators of normal and high frequency, driven by gas-turbines. The advantges of gas-turbines over piston engines for driving small sets are stated. Lists of 12 foreign gas turbines of up to 200 h.p*, and of a further 16 in the range 200 - 500 h.p. are given in Tables I and 2 respectively. Gas-turbines that were on show at the Aircraft Exhibition at Farnborough in 1954 are described2 with special mention of the Rover turbine with BT-H and Rotax generators. The Macfarlane set is also described; it is Illustrated In Fig 3- Characteristics of the Rover gas-turbine are given in Fig 4. Airesearch (USA) gas turbines are described, and characteristics of one type Card 1/2 are given in Fig 5. In April, 1955, the firm announced SOVAIO-58-7-2W21 Electricity supply sources with gas- turbine drive. that it had made 1500 engines that had worked 100)000 hours. The Allen emergency power supply for use on ships is described. Various other French, British, and American sets are mentioned. The list is said to be incomplete. Because of large-scale production7 many of these foreign gas-turbines are relatively cheap and their use is often Card Z/2 advantageous. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. SUMMED: July 2, 1957. 1. Gas turbines--Applications 2. Power supplies--Sources BILYAXOV,,-j4.9., Anshener. I Foreign low-capacity gas turbines. Test. mash. 37 no.7t79-89 JI 157. (KMU NOY (fts turbines) (Gas and oil engines) A RELYAKOV; H.P. Deoign-and experimetal, investigation of the air-ps flow area qf the traction:turbine of.&-gaa-turbine engine* Avtoprom, 29 u0920.7-20 F 163, (Naft 16:2) ,1. boaudarstvennyy,soyumyy ordena Trudovogo, Krasnogo Zaameni nau*UO- icaledovaU110% ivtomobiltr47 aVtOmOtmWY in6titut- (Gas turbineo--Testing) BILYAKOV. H.S. (gorod Kamsomollsk Ivanovskoy oblasti). Study of inequalities in the 7th grade. Kat.v ehkols no.6:59-64 N-D 153. -(MLU 6:12) (Inequalities (MathematLC13)) ,_ t ~IA ee~ tv, ,,, 1, 6, .BILTAKOV, H.S. (Kossomollsk, Ivanovska7a oblast') Tests in geometry in grade 6. Kat.v shkole no.6:37-39 IF-'D 157. (KIRA 10:11) (Geometry, Plane-Study and teaching) r B.7LIMON', ". V, ~ I .. .1-1 ---l ...... VIiyerd-ve meteorolof?ic lie skikh uslovi-r-lia rasiorostrananiya u-I.Itralorztkik--h voin (inflwnce of Meta:)--olo,-4c,-d C~nlition-l on the P.,op-agation o.L' Ult2a-shortl wava:77,-, "~y - , on3 3oviet R-dio, Mosc-37u, 10.8 pages ~,--th iUustraT'.' SO: U--1039, 11 Mar 1,053 RZr,YAF.OV, 11r. Ir. -"I BELYAKOVP He UVIJ "Radar Techniques in Meteorology.," Radio, No 1, PP 17-19, 1953 In discussing the use of radar in determining wind motion, claim is made that wind velocity and direction was determined with a pulsed radar for the first time by Soviet specialists at tha Cent Aero Obser in 1943. Also discusses radar indication of clouds and precipitation. Examples are given of the use of radar in aviation, in the merchant marine, and in agriculture to obtain warnings of dangerous weather phenomena. 253T?o ,77~7 Ibblicirkj. DLC-A popui;;r bfuvht..~z properties Gi tilt d!Im-pbeft, CAMS, fks-,ds, wrv-i~x~, udal V~ m", all"i ifamat:, wrall~ct tiom. are mostly whvniativ. drAi~ingr -ISISSMJ2~mphfeu. 517) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2904 Belyakov, Mikhail Vasiltyevich Pogoda i.yeye predvidentye (Weather Forecasting) Moscow, Gostekhizdat., 1958. 61 p. (Series: Nauchno-prosveti-tellnaya biblioteka, vyp. 19) 50,000 copies printed. Ed,: V.A. Mezentsev; Tech. Ed.: V.N. Kryuchkova. 'PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in the study of the weather. COVERAaE: This is a popular account of the weatherand.the methods and techniques used in forecasting. The author outlines the his- tory of meteorology and discusses the basic meteorological elements and instrumentsb Furtherthe book treats the possibilities of Im- proving forecasting techniques and controlling weather. No re- ferences are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/2 Weather Forecasting SOV/2904 Introduction 3 From Popular Beliefs to Scientific Weather Forecasting 4 How the Modern Forecasting Service Came About and What It Is 6 What the Synoptic Map Tells Us 14 Horizontal Air Movements and Their Effect on the Weather 30 Short-term Weather Forecasting 4o Long-term Weather Forecasting ~43 Can One Forecast Weather Without Instruments? 48 The Possibilities of Improving Weather Forecasting 52 Conclusions. Can Man Control the Weather? 60 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QC995.B388) MM/bg Card 2/2 12-21-59 SHCHUKIN. Viktor Konatantinovich; BELYAKOV, U.V., usuchn" red,; KNUNTSEV, V.A., red.; KRYffOff*0fWm-ql." (Attacking the slql Shturm neba. izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-rve 1959. biblioteka, no.59) (Atmosphere) lzd.2., perer. Koskva# Goo. 62 p. (Nauchno-populiarnaia (MIRA 12:10) ,RXO%XQY4-9Kh~ail Va~l ~c -,-MEZENTSEV, V.A., red.; BRUDNO, X.F., [Atmosphere] Atmosfera. Izd.2., dop. Xoskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 70 P. (Nauchno-populiarnaia biblioteka, no.78). (MIRA 13:9) (Atmosphere) BELYAKOV, M. "Artificial earth satellites and the weather" by V.F.Fetrov and ,A.A.Soch:Lvko. Reviewed by M*V*Beliakov. Meteor.i gidrol no.8:54-56 il (i.e.Ag.] 162. iKMA 15:7) (Artifical satellites in meteorology) (Petrov, V.P.) (Sochivko, A.A.) BELYAKOV, Mikhail_Up _W~R, Ya.M.p red.; ZUDINA, M.P.p .LvichL [Ocean of air (Atmosphere of the earth)] Vozdushrqi akeen (atmosfera Zemli). Moskva, Voenizdatp 1963 129 p. iKW :L6tl2) (Atmosphere) EELYAKOV, M.V. C-~ Scientific and popular literature on mteorology. Meteor. i gidrol. -no.3:55-57 Mr 163. (NIRA 16:3) 1. (Bibliography-Mateorolo&7) ? ..-BBLYAwJII_R., sudlya vsesoyuznoy kategorii; KUUZ, A., sudlya respublikapskoy kategorii . Sports oompetitions: results and conclusions. Voen, znan. 41 t no.10:46 0 165, (MA 18:10) BELYAKOvt N.1, oudlya reopublik4uskoy kategorii Sport ofthe strong and the resolute. Voen. znan. 38 no.10:32 0 162, (MIRL 15:10) (AquAtie sports) BELTAEDV, N. Boat crew training. Voon.snan.31[ios-321 no.5:22 my 156. (Boats and boating) (Km 9:9) BELYAKOV, N., sudlya respublikanskoy kategorii Successes of the participant43 in the combined coMetition of sea sports. Toen. znan. 40 no.12t4l D 162 (MIR& 18i1) 1. Zamestitelr glavnogo sud'i pervenstm Sovetskogo Soyuza po morskomn mogobort-7u. BELYAKOV, N.A. Geology DECEASED See ILC MUMOV. A.Y.; -FMTRIV, I.V.; BELUKOV.. N.A. High-capaotty carding machine. designed by the Ivanovo Scientific Reaearch InstWite of the Textile Industry. Tekst. prom. 18 no.l: 22-23 A 158. (KIRL llt2) (Cardirg machines) BELYAKOV, N.A.; FUZYREV, I.V.; NOSOV, G.I. Some problems of the improvement of the carding machine developed I by the Ivanovo, Scientific Research Institute of Textile Indust N,auch.issl.trndy.1vKITI 25:42-50 161 (MIRA 15:107 Ivanova--Carding machi; 6) BELYAKOV, N.A.; FUZYREV, I.V.; NOSOV, G.I. Shortening the opening and sautching process by the,use of sawlike elements. Rauch,-Issi.trudy Ivff-TTI 26:33-23 163. 1. (MIRA 18:4)