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BELYAKOV, N.A.; NOSOV 1- 1-1 ll-,~ --- 1. , "~ G.I.; FUZYRVI, I.V. Carding machine with bicoll Coilero Naueb.-isal.trudy IvInTI 26435-52 163. - (mia 1814) 1 X.F.1; KOTALZNKO, TU.S., .1.1.1 . dotsent, otv,red,; ALTABIM, X.Z. (Aliabliev, X.2.1. red.; REMNITSFATA, I.T. (Radnytalka, I.T.], tokhn.rod. [Collection of problems in foundation engineering) Zbirnyk sadach s osnov ts fandamentiv. Kharkiv, Tyd-vo Kharkivalkoho 1960. 183 p. (XIRA 13:8) (Youndations) .EELUKOV N-&~Ikov); LYSHKMCH,, V.A. (Kharikov); STCHOZIMMO, A.A. ~~--~Ikov); CIEBOTAREV, D.N. (Khartkov) Concrete piles with a corrugated surface. Oan., fund. i mekh. grun. 4 no.3:17-18 162.' (MIM 15:7) (Piling (Civil engineering)) (Precast concrete construction) BELYAKOV, N. I. BELYAKOV., R. I.: "The use of the method of amperometric titration in the techhical analysis of metals," Moscow State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopial. No. 26, 1956 GMIFGAT, D. B.1 VORONMOVA, N. I.; BELTAKOT, NI, Methods and equipment for testing the strength of noterbas bodies. Avt. prom. 28 no.9:18-21 S 162. (MIR& 15:10) (Motarbassa-Badiso-Testing) IMLYAKOT, N.M. inshener, 6;k vamw-- Strength of solid. flat and inserted, round dowel Joints. Dar. prom.4 nool:6-9 J&135* (RLRL 80) (Joinery) 13F-L~A Y\-O V N, ~/j USSR/Irarm Avimals . General Problems. Abs Tour: Pef zhur-Bioi., No 4, 1958.. 16717. Author ReJM~g= N.M., Mash V.S. Inst Title For Fzdical Improvement of Pedigree Breeding Work (Za korennoye uluchabeniye plemennoy raboty). Orig Pub: Moak. kolkboznik, 1957, No 7, U-13. Abstract: No abstract. Card , -J. - /,,/,a ke-~' -'~ p". #.,) e , MLYAOT N.K _,~Lmd,tekhn.nauk Plywood pipelines. Takstoprom. 17 no.10:49 0 157- (MIRA M12) (Textile industry-lquipmut mA supplies) (Pipe, Wooden) 't ,- B .7 'Y -17 C)", )...... Analy 1.s of laniagge from acci-lental grov,10s ill c,,* 1e netior' - " S, I Klek. sta., 23, no. 6 7 /'?63. 1. BELYAKOV, N. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electrical Po,.,,vr Plants 74 Planning the electrical portion of rural electric plants, Mfekh. i no. 2, 1953. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. BELTAKOV, W. N- NInvestigation of OVOrTOltag* In Are Circuits Grounded to the Zarth-m Cand Tech sci, Moscow Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst imeni V. R. Molotov, Min Higher Iducation USSR, Moscow. 19-e4. (10. No 1. Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) sot sum No. 556, 24 jun 35 BLWWOU, V.V., doktor takhnichookikh nauk; MMTAWV N.N. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauko, KMVMA# H.V. a Investigation of overvoltagee due to vibrations resulting from cutting a wave. Blektrichastvo no.5i2l-26 My '56. .(ML 9:8) 1. Tsentraltnaya nsuohno-issledovatel'skays, elektrotekhuicheskva laboratoriya Ministeretva elektrostantaii. (Lightning protection) ~.BILYAKOY,,,,.#.,Ni,-,.4.inzhener. Designing substations for the electrification of agriculture. Je 1560 . (MIRk 9:9) (Bloctric substations) M Wlr~N A WAV14 IS 610PPED. V.V.B.'Irgaaarf, The corAtlwm urider which dangaraits ascIllAtI=s are 661, UP in Imbstations with indeperdent feeders, when %mves are choppe-4 by cwtdsIon-ty-,e divet~t.;!rs or protective epark gaps were d,~tertnlnxd. S=h cascillattoza aro poa ilbic not =1y If 11ho wavas are choo)ed near the aibstatlarn, but iLlsa al the outLr Lnd rf a prDtected lead-ir or even lurther away. In passing th"ough the evhstattoa the oi4tgolng lines practically damp out azy oscil-caticas sei up at. U%e bueLurs throtugh wivc- choppin. To pi event aatizarcIit oz:cillatiori6 (ram developing on waves beirq cut by expulsion tubt.:5 at the subatation or tha nearest sup: linit Mw- role of aIe prort, It is r to 11 U;I~ tD the pi-atecticn of t'4-- Iine iEolatu !tml ~al cireI.-it- 6re;4kur When a lluc Is from the Suristall"n and not to porm.11 its betore that & the iut,;- valve - tape at rester in ull otei,,r cajes it is ais,~, destrat-le th-at the utter should operAte *zher obl.4ju, ivaves of small zimplitude are chopped by 1~c expuirlor, ILL~- This is elfected 4y 1.1creasing the -,Lttipg Of the Lxlernal g;)P~i of the expkllsl~n tube!; by a specific amaunt- Te prev-,i;t Ughtntr4 suMes frorn srztting up excessive vOlta& a&cillatians at the busbars, tt~~ Impulse resititance of the expul'sion tubes at the far eigi (if the lead-in sliould b4D reifuced to 5 obuis. All these measares cantiot safely e,,ccludo dangerous surges tlr;*-~-cea neutral point and Gutgolq7 hile's whI.-re av, combin'10"a. uf tIM"I. III - VIC F~ric.Mcxists- It mav 1* rx~,3:msry to tuotate from earth the rfutr,,zls of zou%~-, (A trawANWracm a~ through- gubstations, Lut Pot at trxwinal It t1w latter are, hovijaver, also discomicted (mm ttartli, tjit!y must Ue protected by auto- valve-type diverters. AUTHOR BZLYAKOV N. N. FA - 3101 TITLE -A-M-dy-o? Overvoltages During Arcing Ground Faults in 6 and lo kV Circuits With lxwulated Neutrals. (Issledovaniye perenapryasheniy pri dugovykh zamykaniyakh na zemlyu v set- yakh 6 1 lo kV a izolirovannoy neytral Iyu -Russian) PiRIODICAL klektrichestvo, 1957, N~ 5, PP 31 -36 (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The purpose of the work was to establish by mans of ayatematic experiments the properties and behavior of the capacitatively ground connected arc in 6 and lo W circuits and on the basis of the collected data to determine the level of ovarvoltage. The validity of the extinguishing of the alternating ground connected arc and the possible over voltage amplitudes (under var- ious incande3cant conditions) must be sought on the grounds of the analy- sis of the dielectric strength of the arc interval immediately after the extinguishing and also on the grounds of a comparison of the same with the high frequency maximum of the self restoring voltage. The extinguishing of the capacitative arc is controlled by neither the frequency of the oscilla- tion nor by working frequency of the circuit. The extinguishing takes place then when the high frequency maximum of the self restoring voltage is smal- ler than a determined amplitude. The conditions for the extinguishing of the arc lead to the limitations of the neutral conductor displacement vol- tage. In so far as the control experiments which were carried out mder dif- Card 1/2 ferent conditions of arcing agree with.the results of the are investigations, 2T. adidat takhatcheolrikh nauk, rodaktor; SIEVORTBOY, I.M., to nicheskLy redaitor (Transient prqbse~es In electric systems; a collection of articles] Perakhoduyt pt6tsessy v slaktrichookikh satiakh; abornik statel. Pod red, Beliskovas Xoskvs. Gos.energAzd-vo. 1957- 55 P. (KW 1019) 1. ORGUS' trust. Moscow. (Blectric switchgoar) (Transients (Blectricity)) HAYKOPAR, A-S-, kand.takhn.naulc; BBLYAKOV. N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk. Arcing faults on 400 ky lines and means for their atqypression. Blektrichestvo no-ltl9-25 Ja 158. (UM 11:2) l.TSentrallnaya nauchno-isoledovatellskaya elektrotekhnichookaya laboratoriya Ministerstva alaktrostantsiy. (Electric lines--Overhead) IMTAXOV9 N~N-q)uaj)d*tOkIIn#nauk . ...............................................................7 Overvoltages associated with are contacts to ground with simultaneous phase cutoff* Xlek.sta. 29 no.ll:LW)-M N 158. (MA 11: 12) (Overvoltage) (Blectric networks) 130) 5-59-2-1/25 AUTHORS: Burgsdorf, V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Belyakov, N. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Transferring Transmission Lines to a Higher Voltage Level Without Strengthening Their Insulation (Perevod liniy elek- troperedachi na. boleye vysokoye nominallnoye napryazheniye bez usileniya izolyatsii) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 2, pp 1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conditions are investigated for transferring transmission lines to a higher voltage level without strengthening their insulation. Thp ratio of the line in"lation level at normal operation to the possible values at internal overvoltages is of decisive importance. Investigates the overvoltages generated at opening lines at no-load operations at automatically re- closing and at unsymmetrical short-circuits. It is shown that transferring the 110, 150, and 220 kv lines to voltages of 15U, 220, and 330 kv is possible, without strengthening their insulation, at the following conditions: at the use of air switches, oil switches with low resistance shunts and of switches without reclosing action and at autotransformer con- Card 1/2 nections having no switches on the high voltage side. On the Sov/lo5-59-2-1/25 Transferring Transmission Linea to a Ifigher Voltage Level Without Strengthen- ing Their Insulation base cf this statement the electrical industry is reqriestdd to en"re the production of the required number of oil switch types without reclosing action and equipped with low resistance shunts. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 19 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: Ontober 10, 1958 Card 2/2 19(2). SOV/~1-59_9-20/33 AUTHOR: llel~a,~Tv, N,N., Engineer j TITLE: A Simple Foundation for Installing a 35 kv Circuit Breaker PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 9, pp 27-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Until recently, oil-filled circuit breakers V?4-35 and VMD-35 were installed on relatively heavy and expen- sive concrete foundations which required an excavation of up to 9 cubic meters. The author developed a five time less expensive foundation for installing oil- filled VUD-35 circuit breakers, which is similar to that used for the 35/6-10 kv, 3200 kva transformers. A steel-reinforced concrete slab of 2130 x 1470 x 120 mm is placed on a 250 mm, thick gravel bed. The circuit breaker is fastened to the slab by bolts, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. In 1956, the first experimental slab was used for a 35 kv circuit breaker in the Gorl- kovskaya oblast'. Later, such slabs were used also at various other sites. The operation of the circuit Card 1/2 breakers during the past two or three years shows SOV/91-59-9-20/33 A Simple Foundation for Installing a 35 kv Circuit Breaker that a steel-reinforced slab placed on a gravel bed provides a stable support for an oil-filled circuit breaker. Freezing or thawing of the ground has no in- fluence on the slab. The author recommends the appli- cation of such foundations. A note from the editor says that a drainage must be installed in the gravel bed, similar to that used for the transformer beds. There are 2 diagrams. Card 2/2 BILTAKOV, N,N., kand,takh.nauk; SHIRINTSIS, A.N,, insh. P~resent-day surge protecAlon of 35 to 500 kv. switcbgear. Illelctrichostvo no.7:51-56 JI 160. -(MM 13:8) 1. Vaesoyazuyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut alaktroonargatiki (for Selyakov). 2. Toplostektroproyakk (for Sherentsia). 091actric switebgear) (Electric protection)