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TERSKOV, I.A.; GITELIZON, I.I.; SIDIKO, F.Ya.;_ffLYA_~jN,_,j.,N.; KOVR(YV, B.G.; YEROSHIN, 1.S.; BATOV, V.A. Dense continuous cultivation of Chlorella in varying 41lumination. Probl. kosm. biol. 4t683-686 165. kMIRA 18:9) V L 14255-66 EWT(1) CTB ACC, NRi AT~003906 -SOURCE CODZI :UR/2665/65/004/000/0683/0686 AUTHORt Tangkoy.: T_ A Gimellson, I.- 1p;'Sjd1ko2 E. Xg ft1jardnp -YA_& Kovro4 B~*, a. I leroahin L~a.; Ratny- It.a 41 OFO t 'n6ne. ation TITLE t Dense continuous cultivation of Chlor4lla under various illuinin . -conditions SOURCE t - -AN MR.' Otdaleniye biblogicheskikh hauk. Probleqr koamicheskoy.-.1. biologii,, v. h, 19650 683-6 86 TOPIC TAGS1- Chlorena, phai~iiynthesia, biosynthesis,.plant grawth-.:Light~. absorption,,light biologio.effoct ABSTRACTg-,,ExperiMents*were peifdmied with a-themophylic strain of Chlorells s in 6rde' lo etermine opti al lightinj conditions for high concen-'.. vulgari r M J_; trations of cells during Intensive, continuous cultivation. Concentrations 90 ~'~ and .4 x 109 cells per cc were -used. This Is equivalent-, of 2 x 10.% 3 x 10 . . to 20 30, and 40 g of the &y. biomass per liter of suspension. Me alizae Card A' '-L 14255-66 7~ ACC NRs AT6oO908: were 'cultivated in. a, flat' culture-vessel with a working capacity of 1'. 4- Jiters, a dark, .capacity of.0. 25 liters, and a total working surfac e of.0. 6 m2.-~l 'During the *course of the experiment the temperature was held at 361.5 t 0. 7* C, the pH -was 7. 35-1-0. 4j:. and thethickness of the layer was 5 mm. Air containing:50/o. CO 2 was bubbled through the culture medium. PreVicTis experiments. fiidfaeife.ri~ined that in a culture containing 30''g of dry wef&.~of biomdss per liter an optical path 0. 5 mm long through, ~the suspension absorbed about 90i, of all -photosynthetically active white-, V .--.-,,1b&ht radiation., This'meant-that-bubblintr-nl& clul ur e U um~atiid~ de by, - s-dischiqe ayer o t from both wim equa s ga; _y 0L, -1000IRnd NJ) 21-A.Zch pr ed favorable.jilu inatt j' Odue aznps MkL m on or . :photosynthesis. In the experiments, 6 levels of ,illumination intensity were used, ranging from 0.,260 up to 1.202 cal/cm 2 /min.. . As a rule the light n ged-from minimum o'ma itensit :mias chaji d then back to j x1mum an .;m1n1tnunf.', The duration~of 4 to 5 hours. Devi- "ations -from the selected level- of intens t n At eed + 4%. The duration 4. ot excP, of,the %yao Card 2A', 777,77 . . .. . .-1 9 ~ J . :~ 77~ 77, L 14255-66' ACC NR-`AT6PO3908 e- fict of v 1 1* en Th ar ous nt 'sities of illumination.on the growth'of the algae was based 'on the increase in the weight of the'biomass- expressed in grams of dry substance pdr liter of suspension per diern. In all cases the intensitk of production tended to increase with the intensity of illumination Iup to -a certain point.-, After tHat, additional increases in illumination failed to bring about additional Increases In, productivity. , The leveling-off point 2 61 cal/cm./mm !'was reached at different light intensities, ranging Trom 0. 3 for low-de nsity cultupes- (20 g/literi) to.O. 791 cal/cm2'tmin for high-density -cultures (43 g/liter). It is interesting to note that the productivity for different densities was also most Identical: ranging from 36-38 g of dry iweight per. liter of suspension per diern. -The--'a-l"'m"'o"st,"i'denficiil- __iikiiiW~p_ioductivity of the Var'lous cultures' M may, 1 be, the fact that high concentrations of cells -make -the medium ''optically very dense. When the thickness of the -dulture layer is fixed, Ahe. 7 e level f illumination of the cells becomes a. function of 's' averag 0 urface .illumination and culture aensity.' The light falling on'the cells, along.with I 'the Productivity of Individual cells, drops rapidly as culture density increases...: I ;.It was found that the Intensit' of bio6ynthesis of cells at 20'g/liter js neaTly Card 3A .,BELYANIN, V.V., iuzh, Dynamic digging of heavy soils. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.8:141-147 165. (MIRA 18:10) 11 .1 L 14701-066 ACC HRs" AP6003992 Since completely analogous equations hold for-static digging, rolative coefficients..* of effectiveness of statio and dynamic digging are defined-as K -m Rd S~' -P 01 d- _E _ArP_ 'd A Va A ti~~ Y.; P.4 - 'ArP V A6.,qIe.Vd d K2 NrP t' es NA71114 let K, Ya NrP 1 4 -qCT CT d d- for specific resistance, 'specific enerfyg and specific,power, respectively (here,:, subscript at refers to Ihe. static case). -At the-present time, there is disagree- ment among investigators about the relative merits of dynamic and static digging.~ Jkfter a brief discussion of-,the factors which affect these coefficients of merit, the author, recommends t1at the goal of future-investigations should beto define dynamic digging parameters which would optimize these coefficients. This papervas presented by N. G. Dombrovskiyv, Doctor of technical sciencesp Moscow Structural EngineeringInstitute.. 4/ ORIG.BZF:, 00 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM'DOE: I9Aug6 5 Card 313 ZKLITS&RW$ I.H.; BELYANINj, Ye.G. ---------------- Galculating the blAstic elements of the drive of a mower. Trakt*. i sellkho--gh6 33 no,2131-34 F 163* (MIRA 16-3) 1. VaesoyumW nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut sellskokhcsyWtvennogo mashinostroyeniya, (Moving machines) p ~ -,~5 - d~ - -. -t, . . . . . I- --- - _~:T , - . I ~ ---j PISIMEN, M.K.; TIRMMV, V.G.;-Awix. YU.I. . ,. . S^-i4owm" Gasification of oil shale with a solid beat transfer agent. G&z. prom. no.9:21-27 S 158. . (MRA-11-.10) (Gas manufacture and works) On shale;Y BEtYATTv, Yu. I. fit a4 PISIM, M.K.: YERMAKOV, Y.G.; BELYANIN, YU.I.; YARDSLAV, T.Ye. I--------------------- Experimental pyrolysis of mazut and shale tar. Gaz. prom. 6 no.11: 18-22 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Pyrolysis) (Mazut) OTECHKIN, V.R.; BELYANINA, M.V. Werdnig-Hoffman familial spinal muscular atrophy in two brothers. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. Supplement;24 '57. (HIRA 1l-.1) 1. Sverdlovskiy meditsinskiy institut (dir. - prof. A-F-Zverev) i Sverdlovskeya oblastnaya klinicheskaya bollnitea No.1 (glavnyy vrach M.S.levchenko) (MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY) (SPINAL CORD-DISEASKS) LYANINk. N.B Rhythm of seasonal development In plants and plant communities of the southern slope of the Crimean Mountains. Biul.MIP. Otd.biol. 67 no.5.-90-104 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) ~cnmr-,AN muNTAiNs--PLANT COMMUNITIES) NIKOLISKIY. G.V.-, EMYANINk. T.N. Population dynamics in some forms of the Atlantic herring. Zhur.ob.biol. 20 no.3:161-1?3 MY-Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Laboratory of Ichtiology, Institute of Animal Morphology, Academy of Sciences of the UsS.S.R. (NORTH =--HIRRING IFISMIRS) NIKOLISM, G,V,- BUTANINA, T,W, - -1 31ffect of the selective action of gill note on the qaalitative composition of the high population. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol. 24 no*6089-897 W-D 159. (MM 1314) 1. Laboratory of Ichthyology, Institute of Animal Norphology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R, Noncov. (TISHING NITS) (FIBMINS-ENSIARGff) BELYANINA, T.N. Ef~eet of the selective action of entangling fishing gear on the qualitative composition of the fish populationj Trudy sove Ikht. kom. no.33:251+-259 161, 141RA 24:8) 1. Iaboratoriva ikhtiologii Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh A14 SSSR. (Fishing nets) (Fish populations) BMANINA, T. N. Fecimdity of (hoorhynchus keta in the hmr River. Nauoh.dokl,, vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.4t24-30 163. (MM 3.6 M) 1. Rakmendovana kafedroy ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstven- Ilogo'univeisiteta-ime M,V*Lomonosovae OSTROPOL'SKAYA, Ye.A,, kandamed.nauk (Leningrnd, ul. S.Perovskoy, d.14, ky.16); IBELYANIKA, T.S., -1310~ ted''g-netric ulcer in newborn. Vest. kh1r. 80 no.2:102-104 F 48.. I (MIRA 11:3) -1. Is Leningrmdekoy detakoy bolinitey im. Pastern (gl. vrach-A.N. Akeenova, sav. khir.otd.-I.Ya.Podoprigora) (PEPTIC ULM, in inf. & child perf. in newborn (Rua) (I"ANT,MBMN, die. peptic ulcer perf. (Rue) 00AN R* ow-, ~ i w ~ 14L;;"~ I q qil AUZ .00 0 4i w 9, bet sot At NO 0 NO# IM 4 SY0, Ann wasmv 434481 at off Ist A re s a ad a a 8 1 mr of 9a 6.3 0666000 ooooofj 0 0 0 0 110 1 l 6 PLID, R.M.; MUSOTM, I.Te.; SHPICHMTSKATA, L.S*; CHIRIKOVI, I.Ve; BE=, AeP.; 33ARATS, K.I.; IRUPTSOV, P4K.; BERAN191, Te.T. Iffect of alcaline admixtures on catalytic oxidation of prizsY7 alcohols to aldehydes. Xhim.nauk iprom. 3 no.5:683 158. I* Moskovskly institut tonkoy khimicheskoy takhnologii im. N.V. Lomonosova. (Alcohol) (Oxidation) (Catalysts) AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A., Belyanina, Ye. T. SOV/64-58-6-5/15 TITLE: The Producti6n of Eater Plasticizers by Means of Cationites and Adsxbents (Polucheniye slozhnoefirnykh plastifikatorov a primeneniyem kationitov i adsorbentov) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 6, PP 340-342 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the methods of producing plasticizers analyses were carried out regarding new methods of e3terifi- cation in which no additional purification and distillation is necessary to ensure high quality. In order to obtain plasticizers free from resinous substances, a number of cata- lysts were tested. Experiments concerning the production of a colorless dibutyl phthalate (DBF) and analogous plasticizers were unsuccessful. According to the references (Ref 1) on cationites as "soft" catalysts of enterification a number of experiments have been carried out. It was stated that the catalytic activity of cationites increases to the degree to which the ion exchange capacity is increased. However, the cationites contaminated the product so that the quality is inferior to that obtained by distillation. The addition Card 1/2 of bleaching carbon A, "gumbrinen and clay keel (glina kil), S011/64-58-6-5/15 The.Production of Ester Plasticizers by Means of Cation-ites and Adsorbents with sulfuric acid as a catalyst, however, made it possible to obtain a colorless eater. A quantity of five per cent (rela- tive to the acid mixture) of the adsorbent (bleachine carbon A), together with the other components, is added at the time when the original mixture is compounded. A table shows that the polyester plasticizers obtained by the method described are of better quality. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 1 reference, I of which is Soviet. Card 2/2 xv 79-2-3/64 AUTHORS: Lyubomilov, V. I. Belyanina, Ye. T. TITLEt On the Products Forming in the Condensation of n-Butanol in the Presence of Sodium Butilate and a Copper Catalyst (0 produktakh, obrazuyuohchikhsya pri kondensataii n-butanola, v prisittstvii bu- tilata natriya i mednogo katalizatora) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol. 23, Nr 2, pp. 32u"-327 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the production of 2-ethjlhexanol by means of condensation of n-butanol in the presence of sodium butilate and the dehYdratin.- catalyst (reference 1) the hydrogen eliminated in the reaction has the smell of butyric aldehyde. This ald,2hyde was proved by the pro- duction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone. It further became evident that in the division of the reaction products the fraction 100-1,351C which corresponds to 2-ethylhexanol-1 contains unsaturded co=pounds. r L%is is characterized by the bromine number. It must be cuphasized that in an accurate rectification of the fraction 130-185 0C the final fractions show much hi,-1nor bromine numbers tha-n the averaLe ones. This probable the assumption of an occurrence of the second isomer3 of 2-ethylliexanol-1. Prom this fraction the authors sepa- rated an uniaturated alcohol of 2-etbylliexanol-1. It is identiml with the alcohol obtained by Braun and bl,tnts (rol"erence 2) in the Card 1/2 dehydration of octoglyedether. They ascribe to this alcohol the 79-21-a/64 on the Products Fornin in the CondensatL on of n-Butanol in the Pre::cnce of Sodium Butilate and a Copper Catalyst 3tructure of ot -et1iyl- P-n-propylall-lalcohol. Acid products separated from the ~.odiv,-, _'AZ for,_-od ir. the conden3ation of n-butanol and wera, invest!~;atcdl. '2,e acid lyroduct3 collected from a ntimber of axirariuents, 700 ~-, ;Ioro rectiffi(A in a vacuua. The yield and the properties of the fractions c"A"ined are 11-iven in the tu'ule. The fraction with th-, acid nunbei~ zero ropresn-nted a color- lesz; liquid, nore viscous than the precedin., fractions, -.thich -i.3 incoluble in v;at.,r and soluble in or,,,-,,.iic &olvents. On treatment of thi3 fraction with 2 74. aqueous alkali and on sli,-ht heatin- it ,Tradually dissolveS. On oxidation with sulfuric acid it is elimi- nat-ad in an unc"4anZed state. Thua the lactone C H,,O, waa aeparat- 12 2 beuide but:(ric and 2-ethyleapronic acid. There a.~4 I table, and 4 non-Slavic references. SUBMITTED: FebruarY 4, 1957 AVAILIBLE: Library of Con-re3S CV,rd 2/2 ROZENTALI, L*V.j BELYANI ;Prinimali uchastiye: CHIKISHEVA, L.I.; SHIY,?WA.% N.S. Plasticization of cellulose triacetate films. Flast massy no.11: 6-8 161. ?MIRA 44,10) (Cellulose acetate) (Plasticizers) .-I, L 32168-66 A~FRMMX liptc) KNVWN/Jwu 6012137 (A) SOURCE GODES up/0413/66/000/W7/0057/0057 INVENTOR t, -1~rukyeva s I.-A-1 Faydell, 0. J.t Bolyanigap I*.--T-,Lt 2MY-&- ORG: none TITLEi Plasticizing graft #~~l c mejwith rubber. Class 39p No. 180332 SOURCEt Izobreteniya,, promyshlemMe obrastay, tdvarnyye ansid, no. 7# 1966p 57 TOPIC TAGSs plaaticizer, styrene copolymer,* graft copolymer ABSTRACTt An Author Certificate has been issued dencrib&gg a method of plasticising wit Wusing plasticizereP To improve the properties W-12- enters obtain by set erification of synthetic A ure Of monobaric alcohols containing G7-Gq with synthetic monobaito &dd&,oo~&.ainJng..ClO-Gl3' C14-20 in the amount of 0.8-3.0% in suggested as the plumticizer. [LD] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATEt O`7Jan63 Mot 676,069,13, BELYANINOVp Yu.Gsp inzh.; SEMOV,, B.M., kand.tekh.nauk Cemparison of the costs of o:iilding underground and ground level Kura River crossings. Stroi. truboprov. 6 no.4:28,30 Ap 161 (KIR& 14: 6) (Czechoslovakia-Construction industry) ROD10110VA, L.V.; KLIKOVA. A.P,'; INGBMWAX, A.B. [deceased];_;DZLTANIHOVA, 1-2-EaNITSMO, GP., spetared.: VNINA, L.N., vedusiiAii _rea~- (Shopleas organization of the management at the Karat Confectionery Plant in Moscow] Beoteeld!ovaia struktura upravleniia na moakovskoi konditerskoi fabrike im. Marata. Moskva, nauchn. i tekhn. informateii, 1939. 31 p. (MMA 13:6) (Moscow--Confectionery) BMANK,Yu.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk ., Testing tank vessel strength in operating conditions. Rech.tranap. 14,no.9:23-28 3155. (MIRA 8:12) (Tank vessels) 04U-L~Ty T ~17 11~ J, A 4-- 52. POTENTIAL FUM SAVIHOS IN TRANSPORT. Evenko, V. I. and 1 3 BelymAkino A. A. (Za Mmmiyu Topliva (Ywl Scon.)v 1949, Transport is responsible for 30% of the total fuel convmwd In and 80 of,this Is conamed bv atom locasiotives. the U.S.S.R. , The authors exmidne various factors affecting loomotive fwd coa- mption and stress the desirability of introducing mechanical forood dr aught. (L). x9i 00 Vi &)Ik.SLA VICTALLUKICAL L"IlthIMI CLAMCAT0011 Igoe WSW Sam" 1,11,48d Ott dkw oat 41911% U I IA I a Od a 4 0 1 IF 64 0 a a 3 1 w I a i K'AQ a' IR SO pop It a, T **go** Of ***G 0940046*00 I 04 YzV3NKO' V.I.; B1WV' V.7.; . A UMWIMA.; DOLINZENT, A.I., redaktor; DRCBINSKIY, V.A., redaktor; VMIRA, G.P., takhnichaskiy redaktor. (Theory and calculations for steam locomotives) Teoriia I raschet parovosa. Noskya, Goo. transp. zbel-dor. izd-vo 1951. 319 P. (Locomotives) (M& 8:2) '.'7 1... -- ' :' . I . - -A of A 00 A "rhirsyMo4sk" -0 0 A X01 i% phX1114W. It' *hI hA. A MA%. W tht V11VIIII.J. .'uw4m. awl at 34 am. Its (tbA ranp 1-7. tul" it WA. letted). lu rate of dymbC464% pruptx0onal 1.) %1*1r. IV bews tbg wattap *1 the dwhargr. The C4. mixt wA. 00 amlYnd by graduay wwming it aml porAing the jemp%. *I whirh The prrAsurr-tensp. cutyr rhAng"I It. 44w. 00 rA* AAL.! 1:0 0 A" to: -0 to - slow S1.1019". "low .91 ON "I] I 411ill __T - #_A'_T V a IS 0 111 9 a 0 3 1-7- 'v- -v 1. 1 " ~It u * 0 9 A A Ah AI Ah Dan 0 Olt 0 Olt Do& Dow *02 6 0c, *011 000 Do. 066 Do- Do. D0- 016- 006-041-0-9-4-46 -004-000990 Iblbtoo* 41000000 0 N 4 4 A& 1 0 cv~ It IS is Id IF a Q a 41 11 cm AT U IS 00 Ilmutt"-w All M,l loblUIV1,104 All 'JIMIP 14 h "*Pill polls isuambelt Roll 0 of 11011"M 1"MaIlf )a "M Do p 0 of 00 It 00 0 A&-& dh A All I I I AL I -A --U. Laboratory work in physics; a handbook Vlosk-Va, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-r-y, 1951. 614 p. (55-43185) 'I'C37-I9 1951 1. Physics - Laboratory manuals. I. Beliankin, A. G. IVERONOVA. V.I., professor, redaktor; BELTANKIN, A.G.; CHRTVBRIKOVA. Te.S.; TAKOV1EV, I.A. _00"We"dow"M . (Practical work in physics; manual] Fixichookli praktikam; ruko- vodstvo k praktichookim zaniatiiam po fizike. Izd.2.,ispr. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1953. 634 p. (MIRA 7:3) (Physics--Laboratory manuals) Ow BELYANKI;,_A.G.; MDTULEVICH, G.P.; CHETVERIKOVA, Ye.S.;.YAKOVLEV.. I.A.; IVERONOVAj-V.Lj~prof., red.; KUZNETSOVA, Ye.B.,, red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.N.,, takhn. red. [Laboratory manual on physics) Fizicheakii praktikum. Pod red. V.I.Iverno-oi, Moskva, Fizmatgis, 1962. 956 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Physics-Laboratory manuals) EILTANW B 5 .1, akademik, redaktor; VLASOV, Ir*A. q redaktor; APANAS' YAT, -r-e Chij "Ow"Gktor; MY , A.V., redaktor; PUSTOVALOV. L.V., redaktor; STRAIROV. N.M., redaktor; TABLOKOTO V.S., redaktor (Resolution of a conference on sedimentar7 rocks] Reshenie, sove- shchimila po o9adochnyx porodam. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSJRg 1953. 31 p. (Miarofilml (HIRA 7:10) 1. Chlem-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Strakhov) 2. Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye goologo-geografichask-ikh nauk. (Rocks, Sedimentary) 1. MIMMIN, D. D., Corr Memb of Academv of Science. IIIXNOV, B.V. 2. USSR (600) "On Mineral Formation at the Contact of Dines Brick and 14agnesite in Lining of an Oppn-nearth Furnace," IZ. Ak. Nauk S33R, Otdel. Tekh. Nauk) No. 3., 1941. Subm,tted 29 Oct 1940. 9. 40 Report U-1530, 25 Oct 1951 BELYAMCMI, D. S. C,J-Z~j (Deceased) See ILC I 2: BELYANKIV D Sakademik; BETEKHTIN,-A-#Cr;i almdeirdk; BORISYAK,, A.A.p ==Z~4 -IC- akademik; GRIGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; NALIVKIN, D.V.., akadedl; SHATSKIY.. N.S., akademik.-, VLASOV, K.V.; ZHEMCHUMIKOV, Yu.A.; ORLOV,, KA.; FEDOROV., S.F.; KEJ224ETSOV.p I.V.I, red.; MIKMNSKIY) S.R., red,-. KUNETSOVA4MIOIDVA., Ye.B.,, red.; MUCHKOVA., V.N.j, tekb4. red. [Russian scientists; sketches about outstanding workers ix natural sciences and technology; geology and geograpIVI Liudi rusakoi nauki; ocherki o vydaiuBbcbikheia deiateliakb este- stvo=aniia i tekhmiki. Geologiia, geografiia. Moskva, Gas. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry., 1962. 579 p? (YM 3.5:3) le Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSM (for Vlasov,, Zhem~ chuzhnikov, Orlov, Fedorov). (Geology) (Geograpby) R, IN. F. P. Issledovaniia prochnosti drevesiny. (In: Vsesoiuznaia konferentsiia po prochnosti aviakonstruktsii. lst. Moscow,, 1933. Trudy., no. 2, P. 106-11a., i1lus., tables, diagrs.) Title tr.: Investigation of the strength of wood. TL5104-V715 1933 SO: Aermutical Science and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 I- " 00 09 00 -40 00 a V!. .8 00 00 00 09 1~ . ~ ~. ---------- 11 w At is a is At As 0 is *0 a It a a OW I-, to - I" AA u Cc go a i "'#42w -- '00 0 ~Civsal 0 F., b K-1 :_00 On* womAis TWM i4ftt lot copm Ow Alklawslul, VII Mi VAsm. Z#*#f' 194"11- im. 4'. Atm., 1146. 41k MR21-4 In Rummianl, A the rtwfgrfic 36-14 post. Ilia IwWt k c6spetetiad by a vaning rbwgr in the 1whath-ur --f dm- -00 Tcv6 over am& mith wAcW&M un-wiche'l -00 t-t.p6vo of varkvw 14@44kA. mptv". alufulnium. 11-j"Alvalin, And C"t mul. .00 j1W lwrm&lh,nl r1mg6l"I &I I)w ~1-rgrsk-.OAJ 1.411t sm"Int. I., MOO .10 G%v dog -r-w U Ig AT .0 Ali; a C. 1, 61 a a it a it ct It 61 no A I 99,41.0 0 9 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *j 010 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 6 0 4 0 4 4 4 1, zoo =0 0 too r .00 see c* 0 i zoo X*O -m!* 0 U00 71 f bea i w - Ilk A I 00000 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 'k L 00 Go 4 _U -M nulls by 15*041 94)"Al IF 2 a P a" . - - As -J-, L T Z_ I-A.- k_,L RACIMS A.0 "0P941149 -09- IF QGSOA=Sk* R4kft to Matbim ttA N. V. DaTkimhov. V. &M-4 YL & prwmm M. Kill, ISM 12. (3).328-M).-lin RamebwL Repoeu thv an -40 Invyt above to quistiona an Um proppvu for the -def,10imeno .d is.= I-proved amaddom and appantim for the temUng of materish.-N. A. Me* $L& SCIALL411GICAL LFTIDAVM CLASIVICATIft x Idname 1114426) It elf a" 43143 U 5 AT 10 is ~ a V 1,aof of ax a ic K it 4C a mw a 606 0 **so 0 a 40 0*$,*so *so* coo dD zoo so* izo 0 as 0 0 too Ic- 821411 a., &I, An &I a ad 0 a a I If 01 aa:1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 BILYANK GROZIN, B.Do. redaktor; SOMIOVSKIY, L.I., redaktor; KM6~ RA NA, H.P., takhmicheskiy redaktor. (Kodern methods of calculating the strength of elements in wood construction] Sevremannye metody rascheta prochnosti elementev dereviannykh konstruktsii. Kiev. Izd-vo Akedemii nank USSR, 1951. 18 p. (Kierefilml. MRA 9:6) l.Dey%tvitel'Vy chlen AN USSR (for Belyankin). 2.Chlen-kerres- pondent AN USSR.(for Grozin) (Building, Wooden) MAYZIMI, Veniamin Mikhaylovich, prof., dok-tor tekbn.nauk [deceased); doktor tekha.nauk, otv.:red.; MUSNIK, N.I., takhred. (Temperature problem in the theory of elasticity) Tempera- turnaia xadacha teorii uprugosti. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1951. 149 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent ANUSSR (for Kayzel'). 2. Doystvitellnyy chlen AN USSR (for Bolyankin). (Elasticity) I IONONJNKO, Y.0,; ANKDI, F.P., diyezqy ohlen. Parametric vibrations In certain mechanical systems. Dup.AM UM n0-3:212-218 151. (XLU 6:9 ) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Byelyankiu). 2. Instytut budivell- noyi mekhaniI7 Akademiyi nwk Ukrayinalkoyl MM (for Kononanko). V, . (Vibration) VAMERH, D#V.; YANKIN. F.P., diyanyy chlen. lk*7- &-a'W Relationship between the problem of plans deformation of a ring reinforcing a plate and the classical theory of bending circular disks and *long* bare on a linear pliable bass. Dop.AN URSR no.3:219-222 151. (MLBA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Byelyankin). 2, Instytut budivellnoyi mekhaniky Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyl PM (for Vaynberh). (Elastic solids) DRAYHOR, D.A.; BILYANKIN , diyoVy chlen. Resistance to wear and fatigue st rength of steel depending on mechanical &nd host treatment, Dcp.AN UM no.4:264-269 151. (MW 6:9) 1. AkademiyJanauk.Ukrayinalkoyl RSR (for Belyankin). 2. Instytut budivelinoyl mekhanik7 Akademiyi. nauk Ukrayinalkoyi, M (for Drayhor). (Metals-Fatigue) (Steel) 4b VATNBIRH, D.Y.; Bl~ dlyanyy oblen. Construction of a partial integral of a heterogenous biharmonio eqmation of bond in plates under concentrated forces and moments. Dop.AN UNSR no.4:274- 276 151. OWU 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi M (for Belyankin). 2. Inetytut budivelluoyi makhaniky AkademiyI nouk Ukrayinalkoyl MR (for Vaynberh). (Strains and stresses) LEW POLOSUKHIN, H.O.; BBL1!!E!!jZP", diyanyy chlen. Peculiarities of structure In pressure gas-welded joints and methods of demonstrating them. Dop.AN URSR no.4:277-281 '51. NMA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyl RSR (for Belyankin). 2. Instytut budivellnoyi mekhaniky Akad mlyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Polosukhin). (Welding) (Metallography) VAYNBFM, D. V.; 4 - T-M."IN, F.P.. diyanyy chlen. Plane ring disks and continuous long beams on an elastic base. Dop.AN URSR no.5:35,3-357 '51. (MLU 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Byelyankia). 2. Instytut. budivell- noyi mekhaniky Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR (for Vayaberh). (Masticity) ~ SH&TINMR, V.D.; BELTANKIN, I.P.,- dlyaWy chlen. Matrix focal relationship applied to frame calculations by the method of nodal deformation distribution. Dop.Aff UM no.4024-329 '52. WaA 6:10) 1.-Almdeziya n=k Ukrayinalkoyi, RSR (for Belyankin). 2. Daipropetrovalkyy inshenerno-budivallmyy instytut (for Shaftevych). (Praming (Building)) UYNBERH, D.V.; BBLYANKIN, F.P., diyanyy chlen. Stress in a circular plate revolring &round Its diameter. Dop.Aff UMR no.4: 330-333 '52. (MLRL 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi, RU (for Belyankin). 2. Inetytut budivelluoyi, mekhaniky Akademiyt nank Ukrayinalkoyi RSV(for Vaynberh). (Disks, Rotating) DASHXMCH, B.P.; MYKHAYlOV, P.A.; divenyy chlen. Professor V.2.Tir's dlWax, Dop*AX UFM j2o.4:351-353 152. NM 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ulcrayinelkoyl EBB (for Byelyankin). (metalo-Fatigue) KARPMKO, H.V.; ISHOHMO. I.X.; XALYNOVSIKA, I.A.; BBLYANKIN. F.P.. dlynnyy chleni Affect of the cooling medium on the strength of steel. Dop.AN UM no.3:430- 434 132. (XLRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for BelyankirL). 2. Iustytut budivellnoyi mekhaniky Akademiyl nauk Mcrayinsikoyi RSR (for Karpenkof Ishchenko and Haly- novelka). (Steel--Heat treatment) C MAK, H. I.; diyanyy chlen. 1 *3 a &I-NJ-F ~P. Measurement of plastla deformations in the deformation process. Dop.AK UMM no.6:471-474 152. (UM 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Mcrayinalkoyi RSR (for Byelyankin). 2. Instytut budivellnoyi mekhaniky Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Chernyak). (Deformations (Mechanics)) CHEWAIC, M.I.; B Y.OMIN, F.P., divanyy chlen. Decreasing the fatigue limit of St. 45 steel under cold working of slight intensity. Dop.AN URSR no.6:475-478 152. (MLRA 6.10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR (for Byelyankin). 2. Instytut budivelluoyi mekhanik.v Akademiyi nauk Ukravinalkoyi RSR (for Chernyak). (Steel) (Metals--Fatigue) IMAYHOIR, D.A.;~~~, ~F..Pj diysny7 chlen. Fatigue limit of steel-under simultaneous action of friction and repeated variable loading. Dop.Alf URSR no.6;479-02 152. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Instytut budivellnoyl mekhaniky Akademiya nauk Ukrayinelkovi PM (for Dray- hor). 2. Akademiya, nank Ukrayinalkoyl, HSR (for Byelyankin). (Steel) (Netale-Patigue) I-- ISHOBENKO,,I..I.; Iff"7.P., diyanyy chlen. Surface cold working as a means of combating adsorption and corrosion fatigue. DoP.AN URSR no.6:483-486 152. (NLRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinelkuyi RSR (for Byelyankin). 2. Instytut budivelinoyi . . mekhaniky Akadamiyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Ishchenko). (Metals--7atigue) UAVAK, P.M.; #i! n, -N. 7 _-P .. diianyi chlen Akademiyl nank URML Method for the approximate solution of a three-dimensional problem in the theory of elasticity. Dop.AN UASR no.4:285-288 '53. (KIRA 6:8) 1. Instutyt budivelluoyi makhaniky Akademiyi nw, URSR. 2. Akademl7a nauk UM (forByelyankin). Plasticity. etc.) BELYUKIN, F.P. Coefficient of supporting action In bonding wooden beams. Sbor.trud.Inst.strol.makh.AN LSM no.18:52-61 133. OMU 9:8) (Girders) (Elasticity) KORHOUKHOV, N.V., otvatetvannyy rodaktor; ZILIBAH. M.S., radsitor tadatelletva; SHVXDOV, L.K., tokhaichaskiy radaktor (Thastrength of wood out with the grain]Prochnoott drovesiny pri skalyvanit vdoll volokon. Kiev, r2d-vo Akadamii nauk USSR, 1955. 138 P. (MIRA 9~: 11) 1. Daystvitellayy chlen Akademii nauk USSR i Akademii arkhitakt=7 USSR (for Belyankin). 2..Daystvitalla" chlan AN USSR (for Kornoukhov) (Wood-Touting) BELYANKIN.F.P. My impressions of a trip to the Czechoslovak People's Republic. Vienyk AN URSR 26 no.8:33-38 Ag'55. (MM 8: 11) 1. Diyeniy chlen AN URSR (Chechoolovakia--Description and travel) SOV/124-58-7-8176 Translation from: R.6ferativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 121 (USSR) AUTHOR: ' Belyankin, ,F.P. TITLE: A Method of Calculating Wooden Structures With Respect to Their Ultimate- strength Properties and the Problems of Invest- igating the Long-term Rupture Strength of Wood (Metod rascheta derevyannykh konstrukts*iy po predelInyrn sostoyani- yam i zadachi issledovaniya. dlitellnoy soprotivlyayemosti drevesiny) PERIODICAL: V,-sb.: Issledovanlya, prochnosti i deformativnosti drevesiny. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo lit. po str-vu i arkhitekt., 1956, pp 5-20 ABSTRACT: A study is made of the ultimate bearing capacity of wood as a function of the form or type of the stressed object, the nature of the stresses present, and the type of load involved. The pos- sibility is noted of determining the long-term rupture strength of wood subjected to flexural a'tress from its long-term rupture strength as determined experimentally by simple compressive and tensile tests. The view is refuted that one of the unchanging Card 1/2 mechanical properties of wood is a lack in it of a long-term SOV/124-58-7-8176 A Method of Calculating Wooden Structures (cont)).. rupture strength. Various methods are discussed for speeding up the pro- cess of determining wood's long-term rupture strength, though note is taken of the fact that its determination must be based on tests extending over long periods of time. An account is given of the different long-term testing meth- ods used for the different operating conditions in which wood performs. Testing apparatus and test specimens are described. B.N. Ugolev 1. Structures--Mechanical properties 2. Wood--Mechanical properties 3. Wood--Test methods 4. Wood--Testing equipment Card 2/2 V, - IZ4-58-6-7Z41 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 128 (USSR) AUTHORS: Belyankin, F.P., Kolenchuk, K.I., Yatsenko, V.F. TITLE: On `theLo~ng-tim~etrength Properties of Wood (0 dlitel'nom soprotivlenii drevesiny) PERIODICAL-. Sb, tr. In-ta stroit. mekhan. AN UkrSSR, 11956, Nr 21,pp 103- 114 ABSTRACT: .The nature of the problem of determining the long-time rupture- strength properties of wood is examined, and means therefor are discussed. The choice of the time reference base to be used in testing to determine these properties is substantiated, and a method is propounded for estimating them (in a multiple-stress condition) from dataobtained from tensile and compression tests. Experimental verific'ation of the method's workability is de- scribed for a case of pure bending. Experimental rupture- strength curves are given for pine, oak, and beech (tested for tension, compression, cleavage strength along the grain, and pure bending). 1. Wood--Mechanical properties 2. Wood--Test results Card 1/1 B.N.Ugolev A-1 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 26o Belyankin, Fedor Pavlovioh and Yateenko, Vladimir FIlIppovich Deformativnost' I soprotivlyayemost' drevesiny kak uprugo-vy&zko- plasticheskogo tela (Deformability and Strength of Wood u an Elastic, Ductile and Plastic Substance) Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr. SSR, 1957. 198 p. 2,000 copies printed. Sponsoring agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut stroitellnoy mekhaniki. Resp. Ed.: Grozin, B.D., Corresponding Member, Ukrainian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences; Ed. of-Publishing House: .Pokrovskaya,, Z.S.; Tech. Ed.: Zhukovskiy,, A.D. PURPOSE: This book is intended for use in laboratories In the testing of construction and machine-building materials. It may also be useful to engineers working in organixations concerned with structural design. Card 1/6 Deformability and Strength of Wood as an Elastic, Ductile and Plastic Substance 260 COVERAGE: TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ch.I. Results are given of a study of the laws of deformation development and of the strength of resilient, ductile, plastic bodies subjected to external forces over a period of time. The results of an investigation into the effects on a body of a prolonged constant load are studied experimentally and theoretically developed. On the-basis of the study of deformation development and of the strength of materials under a prolonged constant lead, formulae are derived for the determination of the basic mechanical characteristics of materials subjected to forces for short periods in machine testing with given loadin g speed and given rate of deformation. There are 28 references.26 of which are Soviet and 2 Eng#nh. Introduction Texture of Wood, its Deformability and Strength When Subjected to External Forces 1. Interaction of parts of a body during defor- mation. Maorostructure, miorostruoture and submicrostructure of wood 5 15 Card 2/6 Deformability and Strength of Wood as an Elastic, Ductile and -Plastic Substance 26o 2. Idealized wood structure. Deformability of wood under external load 22 3. Carrying capacity of wood. Deformation in progressive machine-stressing 28 Ch.II. Laws of Deformation Development and the Strength of Wood Under Prolonged Constant Load 1. Limits of prolonged resistance. Classification of defoxmations and modules of elasticity 35 2. Laws of deformation development within the elastic limits of the material 60 3. Laws of deformation development within the plastic limits of the material 61 Card 3/6 Deformability and Strength of Wood as an Elastic, Ductile and Plastic Substance 260 Ch.III. Laws of Deformation Development and the Strength of Wood Under Progressive Leading 1. -Progressive stressing within the elastic limits of the material 82 2. Aftereffects in the case of progressive loading and unloading 86 3. Progressive stressing within the elastic- plastic limits of the material go CbL.IV. Laws of Deformation Development and the Strength of Wood Under Machine Testing With a Constant Rate of Loading 1. Machine testing within the elastic limits of the material 98 2. Re-deformation in progressive loading and unloading 102 6 4 3. Conventional limits of proportionality 106 Card / Deformability Wood as an Elastic, Ductile and and Strength of . Plastic Substance 260 4. Bauschinger effects 109 5. Modulus of elasticity 115 6. Elasticity limit 119 T. The elastic hysteresis loop 121 8. RepeAting equivalent cycles of loading and unloading 126 9. Two-way symmetric cycles of loading and unloading 130 10. Critical stress in machine testing 134 11. Deformation diagram in machine testing within the elastic-plastic limits of the material 142 Card 5/6 Deformability and Strength of Wood as an Elastic,, Ductile and Plastic Substance 26o Ch.V. Laws of Change of Stress State Over a Period of Time in the Case of a Given Initial Deformation of Constant Value 1. Mechanics of the relaxation process 150 2. Relaxation caused by a given deformation of a constant value 153 Ch.Vj. Laws of Deformation Development and the Strength of Wood Under Progressive Deformation and Machine Testing W;Lth Constant Rate of Deformation 1. Relaxation process in progressive deformation 164 2. Machine testing with constant speed of deformation 170 Longitudinal bending of a rod'under central compression 182 Conclusions, Appendices, Bibliography 190 /%E: ~&J%k Library of Congress AC/MTL 6-4-58 43 1 t~ k4j, F1 AUTHOR: Belyankin, F. Member of the AN Ukrainian SSR. 3o-11-11/23 TITLE t The Research Works in the Field of Construction JAcchanics (lag- ledovaniya po stroitellnoy mekhanike). PERIODICAL: Vestnik AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 27, Nr 11, pp. 95 - 99 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In 1919 the Institute for Technical 14echanics was established by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciencel later on it was given the name of "Institute for Construction Mechanics". The research works mainly developed in two directions. The investigation of the durability of the material and the machines, occurring in con- struction engineering. With regard to the machine-material the investigation of the dynamic durability of the elements of con-. struotion, of metal-fatigue, the resistance to friction and shook was of principal importance. The real structure of metal as a polyaryatalline conglomerate was assumed as basis of the atati- stical theory of metal-fatigue worked out by the Institute. The investigation of corrosion-fatigue and the reduction of durabili- ty under the action of repeatedly changed load in the ourroun- dinge of surface-active substances was successfully carried out. Much attention was also paid to the investigation of metal-fati- gue under the conditions of a simultaneous action of frictional Card 1/2 forces and repeatedly changed dead load. An extensive working The Reaearch Works in the Field of Construction Xechanics. 30-11-11/23 cycle is connected with the problem of the life of individual maohine-members. In the field of the construction-mechanics of high-speed machines the investigations are to be mentioned which deal with the durability of the construction of turbine-knots. Of greatest interest (in a theoretical and a practical respect) are B. N. Gorbunov's research work& 'Aln the field of motor ana- lysis. A. A. Umanskiy developed a method of the initial parame- ters which may be widely used in the calculation of various te- ohnical constructions. Finally the report mentions the product- ion of some testing apparatus (as for example the apparatus for testing metals under complicated stress). The testing devices for metals produced by the institute dispose of increased speed- parameters (5000-8ooo revolutions per minute)and parameters for specific exertion of pressure Doo kg/mm2). A number of original apparatus, starting from the electron-, optical and pneumatic principles, were created for the measurements of vibration and deformation. At present the main interest is devoted to the questions connected with the problems of the equipment of gas turbines; the investigation of the influence of heat upon ma- ohineal upon metal-fatigue and others is the next task of the Institute. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 2/2 BBLYAHM# redor Pavlovich (Rieliankin, F.P.],' akademik; DRAYGOR, D.A. Dralhori D.A-J~koktor takhngnauk, red.; BUDMITSIKA, P.P., red.; SIVA " I 1 0, ILL. tekhred. [Development of the basic principles of mechanical Oanovni poniattia makhaniky v proteasi ikh rozvytka. lyiv, Vyd-ve Akad nauk URSR, 1958. 30 p. I (MIRA 12:3; 1, Akademiya nauk USSR i Akademiya stroitalletva i arkhitektury USSEL (for Belyankin). (Mechanics) STRFILIBITSKATA, Aleksanara Ivanovaa;-M~TANKIN, F.P., akadeolk, RAX- Bi"' RZWNNIK, T.K., red.ird-va; HLI , 09 Davestigating the strength of tbin-valled beams beyond the alastic:limitj Iseledovasis procbnosti tonkosteanykb aterzbnei sa preaelom uprugoati. Kiev, Izd-vO AkFtd.nauk USSR, 1958. 294 P. (MIRL 11:12) 1. All USSR (for Belyawcin). (Giraere-Testing) (Strength of materials) *a,r,L,fA.w,iN. rip. [Riallankin, F.P.] (Kiyev) History of the dnvelopment and trends of the activiti, of the Institute of Structural Nnginoering at the Academv of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Frykl.mekh. 5 no.2:121-135 '59. (HIRA 12:9) (Engineering-Study and teaching) IMLTANW.,.I.P. Disliankino 7.P919 akademik Plastics as building materials. VIsnyk AN MtSR 30 ja 159. (Plastics) (Building materials) no.1:10-14 (KIRA 12:4) BILTANKIN, Y.F. (Blellanking F.F.Il Skademik Yor our maohl=7 inbetry., Nauka i skqttia 10 no,2-22-23 P t6o. (MIR& 13;6) 1. AN USSR; xaveduyushobly ptdolou prochnoeti konstruktsiy Init'ituts, etroital,luoy mekhaniki AN UM. (Plastics) 3/032/60/026/06/01/044 15'. BOIO/B126 AUTHORs 'kelyankiu TITLEi Discussion of Methods of Examiningend Testing the Physico- mechanical kroperties 9t Plastics. Answers to the Inquiry Published in No'. 1 of the Periodical "Zavodakaya laboratoriya" of 1960 PERIODICALo Zavodskaya, laboratoriya, ig6op Vol. 269 No, 6, pp. 655-661 TEXT: The author discusses the above theme, and oomeaq among other things, to the following oonolusionst Then the test pieces are producedt their shape and size should be similar to those of the finished Product, and the tests should be carried out not,on micro- but on ordinary teAing machines (with loads of 1 to 10 tons). The method and the "Dinstat" apparatus should only be used up to certain limits and for domestic-plastics. Tests carried out in the author's,institute showed that with short-term compressions of Acn (Dsp) plastioa,\9the value of the limit of stability depends little on the micro- and7iaoro-heterogeneities present in the material tested. The limit of stability ohaugesq however, with a rising rate of test stress Card 1/3 Discussion of Methods of Examining and Testing the 3/032/60/026/06/01/044 Physicomechanioal Properties of Plastics. Answers B01O/B126 -to the Inquiry Published in No. I of the Periodical "Zavodakaya laboratoriya" of 1960 increase. Splitting resistance tests (according to CCT (OST) 10110-39) and heat resistance tests according to Martens (ocr wrn (OST NKTP) 3080) should not be regarded as binding. The flat test pieces used in expansion tests (POCT (GOST) 5704-51 and 4649-55) with right-angled head pieces are hot practicable, neither are test pieces (COST 4649-55, graph 3) whose head pieces are hold with a special support (COST 4649-55,11raph 4)- Flat test pieces with wedge-shaped heads are recommended (Fig. . Those test pieces described in OST 10044-38 and COST 5704-51 for shearing tests are con- sidered practicable. Those samples recommended for static bending tests in COST 4648-56 and 5704-51 are impracticable. The author rooommends samples with strengthened support head pieces instead (Fig. 2). The shape and size of the samples for impact transverse bending tests (COST 4647-55) are con- sidered suitable. The optimum rate of increase of stress depends an the mechanical characteristics to be testedp and is explained by the exam Is eb of the determination of the limit of stability of DSP plastics (T is On a lasting effect of constant load, those mechanical characteristics of the plastics, which determine the deformation process and the stability Card 2/3 Discussion of Methods of Examining and Testing the S/032/60/026/06/01/044 Physioomeohanical Properties of Plastics. Answers B010/B126 to the Inquiry Published in No. I of the Periodical "Zavodskaya laboratoriyaO of 1960 with reference to time (creeping), must be examined. Some important facts must be observed here, which the author explains in five points, There are 2 figures, I table, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs Institut stroitelinoy mekhaniki Akademii nauk USSR (Institute for Building Mechanics of the Academy of Sqiences of the - UkrSSR) Card 3/3 .-BELTANKIblp Xedor_byJqXUhj-_XATSWO$ Vladimir Filippovich; GROZIN, B.DO,; TITOVA, N.M., red.izd-va; LIBLIMN, T.R.,, (Strength and deformability of wooden rods subjected to central and eccentric compression and to simple flexure] Prochnost' i deformativnost' dereviannykh stershnei pri teentrallnom vue- teentrennom szhatli i chistom izgibe. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1960. 83 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Grosin). (Strains and stresses) Mastic rods and wires) BILTANKIN J.P.; PANSHIM, B.I.; LUKITAWHIKOV, I.K.; POPOV. G.G.; ASMALZI. TeX; NIXOLISKOT, A.M.; KANAMS, I.Y. Discussion of the methods for investigating and testing pbysicomachanical properties of plastics. Replies to an Inquiry published In Issue no.1 of "Zavodsksia, laboratoriian, 1960. Zav.lab. 26 no.6:655-678 160. (KERA 13:71) 1. Institut stroitallmoy mekhaniki Akademli nauk USSR (for Belyankin). 2o ViesoyuxWy institut aviatsionnykh materialov (for Paushin, Nikol'skor). 3. TSentrallryy nauchno- looledovatellskiy institut zheleznodorozhrLogo transports, (for luklyanchikov & Popov). 4. Leningradekays. lasotekhai- chealmya akademiya is. S.M.Kirova (for Ashkenazi). 3. Hauchno- iseledovatellskiy Insti-tut plasticheskikb mass (for Kanavets). (Plastics) KHMOV, K.K.[Khienov, K.K.), akademik., otv. red.; DANILEVSKIYp V.V. (Danylevalkyi,V.V., deceased], red.; BELYANK0, F.P. Me lie nkjn, F.F. 1, red.; D0B1VKH0T0V-.M-.H-..-rZa-.-. --nTOV B.Ye., red.; SUKHOVEL, G.Y.[Sukhomel, R.I.]' rZ, SHvb7'51, I.T2.) reds; KUCELROV, P.S., red.; 14ESTERENK02 A.D., red.; POKHODZILO, P.V., red. izd-va; YEFIHOVA, M.I., tekhn, red. (From the history of institutes of the Department of Technology] Narysy z istorii instytutiv viddilu tekhnichxgrkh nauk. Kyiv Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSRj 1961. 167 p. (MIRA 15:7~ 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kievs Komisiia z istorii tekbni~y. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Kucherov). 3. Akademiya nauk USSR (for Khrenov). (AcadenV of Sciences of the Ukrainina S.S.R.) TATON9 Yevgeniy Oskarovich; SAVINp G-N.p akademik, otv. red-4-DOB-ROMMOC, N.N.t akademik? red.j EMMOV, K.K.9 akademikv red.;__PE j4fflgVj,,-- _Y.P"-akademikj red.; PATON, B.Ye.9 akademikq red.;RMMIN, T.K.,, red.; KADASHEVICH, O.A.v tekbn. red. [Selected works; in three vobms) lzbramWe trudy; v trekh tomakh.- Kyiv, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. V01.2. [Welded structures) SvarrWe kon- atruktsii. 1961. 418 p. (MIRA 1428) Is Akademiya nauk Ukrainelwy SSR (for Savint Dobrokhotov, M=enov, Belyankin, Paton,B.Ye.) (Structural frames-Welding) PATON,, Yevgenly Oskarovichl- SAVIN., G.N.p akademikp otv. red.; DOBROMIOTOV, N.N., red.; KHRMCV, K.K.p red.; BELY 001,j,- F.P. red ; PATON, B.Ye... red.; REMMUK,, T.K... red. izd-va; -&I2SHi;TIC*Hy 00AS) takhn. red. (Selected works in tbree volumes) IzbranrWe trudy v trekh tomakh. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, Vol.3. (Welding under flux] Syarka pod fliusom. 1961* 557 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR (for Savin). (Electric welding) (Flux (Ketallurgy)) BELYANKIII,F.P., otv. red.1 BEZUGLYY., V.D., red.j GROZIN, B.D.p red.; DRAYGOR,, red.1 GURARIY' M.G.p redo; U)GAN., N.S... red.; MITSMICH,, Z.A... f red.; PESIN, L.M., 'xW.;..R7BqWS4M, Yu.S., red.; CEO"KO, L.D.'t red.; YATSENKO, V.F., red.; hWDRYAV'99;V, G.2 red.; LUPANDINp L, red.; SRAFETA, S.,, tekbn. red. (Use of plastics in the manufacture of machinery and instruments! Plastmassy v mashinostroenii i priborostroenii. Kiev Gos izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1961. 573 p. (K[RA*14:12) (Plastics) (Machinery industry) (Instrument manufacture) B/169/62/000/002/026/072 D228/11301 AUTHOR: Belyankln. P. P. TITLE: Gravitational influence of the moon and sun on tectc- nic processes in the crust PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1962, 23, ab- stract 2A164 (Geologichniy zh., no. 1, 19~1, 3-24) TEXT: On the grounds of the study of the wavelike tidal movement of the crust connected with the gravitational influence of the mo 0 and sun, and also on the basis of investigation of crustal defor-,~O/_ mations due to this effect, J. Darwin's theory about the ebbs and flows of the hydrosphere is applied to the case of wavelike crustal deformations. Proceeding from the theory of thin-walled shells, the character and the regime of force effects in time on a number of characteristic crustal elements are considered. The study of the strain state and its temporal change in different latitudinal belts of the crust under the gravitational influence of the moon and sun shows that the crust's strain state has a complex charao- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/002/026/072 Gravitational influence of ... D228/11301 ter: Various cases of the superposition of tensile, compressive, folding and shearing stresses arise in different zones. In some la- titudes of the crust there are constant stresses acting over a long period of time, as a result of which creep deformations arise in these belts. In other latitudes repeatedly varying forces with different values for the asymmetry coefficient of the cycle of stresses, which cause fatigue destruction as a result of the accu- mulation of small plastio deformations in time, act on the crust. A number of latitudinal zones with their characteristic processes of the genesis and development of tectonic formations, due to the nature and regime of the gravitational effects of the sun and moon in these belts, are distinguished on the grounds of the conducted investigations. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation. 7 Card 2/2 25347 S/021/61/000/007/004/011 D205/D306 AUTHORS: Byelyankin, F.P.? and Dybenko, H.I. TITLE: Regularities of time variation and deformability of plastics at high temperatures PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RBR9 Dopovidi, no. 7, 1961? 885 - 890 TEXT: The authors give as qualitative results of their experiments: 1) The strength of plastics is the greater the higher the veloci- ty of loading in short-period machine testing. If 80 - c>.