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~AT~,~ ~ .~c~ut~rcl dd~-movich~ prod. ~ dvktc~r t~khn.~~eulc, z~~+d,; S,~fiB~Ot Viktor ~leksaudrovich, kand.ekan,nr~uk; I3RYdN5Iii~', t~eorgiy Anataliyevich, kand.ekon.neuk; ~liFJ:i:3KIY, ~ar.;iy Ivanovic;~, kend.ek�n.nauk; dRLOV, t~.~., Prof., ratsenzent; FRtTMI~t, I.I,., inzh.-ekon., retsen2ant; STFLiM~KHOYICH, N.~., kand.tekhn. nr~uk~ retaenzent; B~,Y'~,~V, ~.V., inz}~.-ekon., retsenzent; SOCHIIJSKIX, ~9.H. , "'~`i'~h.'; red. ; S.'~YAN:>xIY, ~.~. , red. izd-va n ~,'gI~rD, Y.D. , tekhn. red. Principles of the technolo~r of production and labor tionJ Osn.ovy tekhniches}~oi podgotov}~�w nroiLVOdstva i organi-- zatsiir~ tzvda. Pad red. E..A.Satolia. Mo;~kva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-v~o mashinostroit.lit-~ry, 1959. ~3Q p. (MIIt~1 1~::?0) (Machinery industry) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ^ 1. 12tS0-dd ACCESSION NR! APS07!k39Y UR/029fr/6S/000/O1S/00?3/0073' 615.372.002.2 AUTHOR; Arkhipov, V. V.; Pilonov, Yu. A.; Nechayeva, L. A.; Khruehchev, V, G.; Perminov T. A.; Shevyrev, N. S.; Zolozov, I. S,; ~C~yA, S,; Noxdrachev, A. ~; evg evakiy, A. A. TIT:,E: A method for manufacturing tuberculin. Clara 30, No. 173381 ~'SOUh".E; byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. l5, 1965, 73 TOPIC TAGS; tuberculosis, iemAmnlogy, allergen ABSTRACT; This Author's Certificate iatroducea a ebthod for manufacturing tuber- culin. The method oertsists of grorirg a tubercular culture on a nutrient medium, removal of the bact.cial matter and filtration M i M F . i ' ti -~; act re and specific sll,ergen is ,.~ produced and labor-~oasuwfag opsratiow xrs reduced by onpoeing the culture t+o Co60 y-radiation. ;~, ASSOCIATIONt mono ��; ~ ~ .. ~ ' SUBMITTEDt 113ua8p ENCGt 00 SUB CODEt~ LS ~',, ~. NO REF SOVt Q00 ~ O'l'HERt 000 ~ _ ;:, , ,, ~ }�~ i --'a.. .~L fir'` - '...... _^' .-,~~... _--�..~.. a.. ~_ _.~J~,: ~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ALB1gS8NDH0V. Bergey 'Ifaeile~revich. iaandidat eel9 skokhozyayatvennykh nauk; BSI+XAY~Y~,,~nt~~~ASernenov_~~h.~ YASYL�Y]~Y, Yaai2iy Luk'yanovich~ kaudidat a~l~ akokhAZya;re~venz~ykh nguk; FA~gOYA. ~ntonina Alekseyevna ~ kandide t sel~ ekokhosya;~atvennykh Weak; $At~A~. Abram Yakovlevich~ kandidat sel~ekokho~~ra;~stvpnn~rkli nauk; S.~CHKAIt~Y~ Rorie Zvanovich~ kandidat sego skokhosya;~etvenz~ylth nauk; BB~Z~IS~'. D.D. , prole saor. doktor sel� ekokho~ya;q~etvennykh n~~uko redaktor; P~TROY, 21.P. Q reldaktor; C~TtiAY~YA. Z.~~T., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Vegetable ~ardeningJOvoehchevodetvo. Pod red. D.DaHrezhneva. ~toekva, Qoe. izd~va eelkhoz. lit~ryo 1956. 472 p. (HLxA 9slz) (Vegetable gardening) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 VOINOV, S.I., kand. veter. Weak; KAitPOVIC}i, M.B., mladahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik~� SHEVYIiEV N.S. � BELYAYEV, A.S.; Y,~LAGINA, V.B.; KR~MENt, G.Ya., veterinarnyy vra~~' '_~. Results a~f a two�-year industrial manufacture and control of the Os A. and S'types of lapinized foot- and-mouth disease antigens. Veterinariia ~.0 no.11tb9-70 N '63. (MIRA i7s4) 1. Goaudecrstvennyy nauchno-kontrol'nyy institut vetexinarnfkh preparatcrv Miniaterstva ael'akogo khozyayatva SSSR (for Voinov~ r;arpovieh). 2. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach Kurskoy biofabriki (for Shevyrev). 3. Nachal'nik nauchno-kontrol'noy laboratorii Kurskoy biofabriki (for Belyayev). 4. Nachal'nik tsekha t9.pospetsific~eakikh yashchurnykh komponentov Kurskoy biofabriki (for Yelagina). 5. Kt~rskaya biofabrika (for Kremen'). APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 . _ ,. TRUBIN, B. G. , prof o ; LUR� YP:, A. B. ; GRIG(3R� YEV, S. M. ; IVANGVICH, E.M. ; MEL � NIKOV, S.V. ; ANTIPIN, V. Go , kand. ta~:t~ aauk, retaenzent,; Vf~LKOV, B,G.~ kand, tekhns nauk, retaeu$,ent; - MULLAYANOV', R.G., kand. te~kbn.nauk9 r~etsenzent; 4VSYUKOV, V.N., kancl. tekhn. nauk, retaenzent; BLL,YAYEV,9 A.S,, st. nauchnyy e~otr., retsenzent9 KOZLOVSKIY, Ye.V., inzhe, retsenzent; TRAK, E.E.p inzh., retaenzent; SIMONOVSKIY, N.Z., .~; red. izd-vex; 5PERANSKA~, - 0� V. 9 tskhn. redo [Agricult~~ra1 maohin�e~ the�ry, design, and calculations] Sel� skokhaziaiatvennye mashiny9 t eoriia, konstruktsiia i raschet. Pod red, 13, G. Turb~ina. Moskva $ Mashgi z, 1963 � 5V ~ ~ ~ 26:5 ~ 1. Nauchn~~-iss].edovatel'gki~~n~evero~~akhd i(~oriAntigin t~olkov, fikataii isel sko~o khozyeys Pa Mullayano~v, Ovaynkov, Belyayev, Kozlovakiy, firak). (Agrioul,tLlral machinerg-~-Design and eonatruotion) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ~W - _ '2`, " - t,.~.-.__- .. _ x+:' '~~ _ - -ice _ . _- -SS~: - .~~.. ',i`ii': .k `,, _ .. -~:f~- a4: - - " ~~: :: ~'~ - - - - ;?jF+u'-~ .c..h:~. ;~:.,:t-y~n~:::t:-hs~:~=c~~.;::tirrn>ss~t~le, In the allays cif tl~t' groups Itiig-AlwA~n and M~-f~l-~I1�~MII A~1.f1.'~, MI.,S, and IviLbj, }.~ e ~tncl NI prc)dl.icc' ri ~;rt'cltC.r harmfill e'fft't t tl7r~r1 t;;tl. in th('se ~tl}c7ys thc~ hrtrnlful c'Ct~c~ t of N~, (.;u, and ;Ij^(, ~)l'('oI11i'ti 17.1(11't` })1'l.ll'lUllnt t'd ~1~+ t11(' 1C~11tC'.llt c)~ Al ].II t}lt' ;1~}())' lnt.'l'('.ri'S('s. l,l'l.'.~l- nically pure Ivlg-A}.-lvln and Mg-Al-7_.n-Mn alloys arc susc.ept>blc to corrc~- s>an cracking under 4tress I-ii~h-purity alloys prnvc~d not to be susceptible to corrosl.on crac~k~n~;. Th(~ practJCal poss>bll>,ties of produc>ng high-})urity alloys (using subl~mat:ed Mg as charj;e material for the production of alloys, smeltzng of Mf; and lts alloys under vacuum without the use of fluxes, etc.) are pointt?d f`,.;; h 1_. M~gnts:ium a:l~.oy:,~.-;ot~z~'osion e~'fects i~UI'.t'US1Ur1~--~1';'.,~t I'i'~;~ii U.; ; . ~~ ~ IC~':i- _ i'I'1'US1V~3 Car;` 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 137-58-f~-12f.384 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, IV'r 6, p 243 (~JSSR) AUTHORS Belyayev, A.P., Gol'sht.eyn, R.Zh. ~~~~ TITLE ReGzst 0.005-~.~ 18% The rorroszon resa.s tanr,e of Ml; refined by sublimation zs considerably hzj,her. It contrazns impurities (ui `z/~z) in arz~ozints less than 0.005 Fo, 0.007 ~:,u, 0.0001 Ni, (? 001 Si, etc.. It is remarked that adzz~i~:- tures of Fe, Nz, a.nd C:u are harmful to M~; alloys, also, but their.� effect. varies depending on the clzaracter of the allay and. the c,o;ntent of b~zszc components zai it. Nz has a more harmful Card 1/2 effect thaaz Fe ~incl Cu ulaon thc~ corrosion of Mg-Mn ~zlli~ys APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 137-58-~-11897 `Tran5iat2on from' 1~lefera.t2vnyy zhurnal, Metallurl;2ya, 19511, iJr b, p 101 (USS1Zj AUTI-iQRS Belya~~ev, A.P., Gol'shteyr,, R.M. _,. ~.. ~.. _ _, e. ~,... _. ~� 'T'ITLE Metallic. Impurltles In Aluminum ~Ivletalllcheslclye pt�Imesl v alyunZ2n2i, PERlOD1CAL 'I'r, Vses. alyumin.-m~rgn. an-ta, 1957, Nr 39, pp 387-390 AT35TRACT Ra~~v aluminum obta2nc~d by t:he, elec trolysls of c ryoltte- a.lumina malts contains ~~ nurr2hcr of meta112c and non2-net~llllc tntptarittes. Tc~ rf~n~ove the nonmetallic and part of thc~ met~tillc. lrnpurltles (Na, La, Yb, Zn and As1, the 1lquld raw n~aterlal is blo�4vn ~vltli C12 a2ld then. perm2t.ted to stand In our plants. Analysis of chlorinated r~l of various ~3.luminum plants dc~n~ort- strates the following content of impurities, deper.d- 121~ upon the grade of prodlic.t ~A00, AU, 141, and AIj Fe 0.09- 0.38, S1 0.07-0.34,Gu 0.003-O.OIo, Zn 0.0024-0.022, T1 0.002- 0.017, Mg 0.0004-a.oo2~, Mt,,004 Na 0.001-0.01, Sf~ 0.000015-0.000017, As 0.0001, Cd O.OODU01, C;a 0.002-0.0085, Tit 0.000004-0.00000b; S 0.0004-0,007 A12,Q3 0.000? -0.007. After electrolytic ret:u~ing of Al (AB0001 Its t2npurltles contE~nts Carol 1/2 arc. a:~ follows, In ~o Fe 0.()017-0.00:3, Si 0.002-(1.004, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 AUTHOR: Belyaev, A.P., Candidate of `technical Scien~c~ 5'_1~~ Gol' shte~~n, R.M. , Eng:ulee r. 33~~ ~f ~ TITT,~;: Electr~.c~~l conductivity of aluminium. (Elektroprovodnost alyumina.~~a. ) P~;I=~IO:DICAZ. "Tsvf~tnye Metally-" (Non--ferrous Metals) 1~5?, No.S, ABS'1.'HACTs Detcr~ninations are reported and results a~ tabulated of the effect of impurities on the resistivity, conductivity, tensile strength and re lative elon~tion of annealed aluminium wire. The following im;~urities i.n the indicated concentrat- ions wex~~ studied: iron (O.OU17 - 1.0 ); silicon (0.0025 - p. 50r~) ; capper (0.002-0.50;5) ; titanium (0.0004-0.10i~) ; vanadium (~ 0.0001 - 0.20~~) ; chromium (approx. 0.00016-0.2'710 � The xasults ar� examined in the 1i~;ht of the require~aents of ("OCT 6l3~?-52 ; 3~~-~5, anr~. of tabulated results of deter- minations of copper, titanium, vanadium and chromium in comm- ercial aluminiwn of quality from AB000 to A2. The electrical and mechanical properties of these: comu~e rcial aluminiums az~ also tabulated. The investigation has shown the electrical Card 1/2 conductivity of high-purity electrolytically refined aluminium (AB000) .t o~ be equal to 3? . ~ m/storm ,the harmfLil effect on the conducti�v~.ty of impurities being; represented by the following APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 Improvement in the quality of aluminiurli over the 2a- ears existence of the alunlini.~uf~ ~.ndust:r~r. (Cont.) ~.~-5-4/14 ~ been a characteristic o:~' the industry and this a.s embodied ir. the latest standard spot;i~' (r OC'~ 35~~9 - 55) which, unlike the international. standard includes four types pf inium with a purity exceeding 99.8;` Al (already mentioned). ~.~he new standard includes a spacifica~ion Si:Fe~ 1 far semi- continuous and continurnls casting. T,he new stan.dax~d specifi- cation also ~ quires the oxide and gas contents of pig alumin- ium to be determined. Determinations by the All-Union Alumin- ium-magnesium Institute and by works staff have sh~wn that gas contents in fact ~,n.significant (~.05 - 0.25 cm /100 g for types A00 A0, Al and A2 and 0.35 cm /100 g for AB000 type aluminium. 2n 1956 analyses were carried out by the Institute of most types of Soviet aluminium for accompanying impurities, and the results era tabulated in the present ax~icle. Although a high quality has been attained further improvements xn ~~ 2~2 quality, leading ultimatel~r to the production of 99.9999-i^Al ie recommended, together with increased mechanisation and auto-~ motion of production processes, There are 4 Slavic refe s~nces . AS`~' CI.ATI01`t: All-Union Aluminiwn--magnesium Inst~.tute. (VA~I) AV.~:~I~.Bl.;E; ~~ -; . APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ~~ ~~Y~ ~E v, ~ - ~~ AUTHOR: Belya�v A.P., and Gokshteyn, ry2.B., Cs.ndic~ates af. l' Sciences. ~.~-5-~/1~ TITT,E Improvement in the quality of aluminium over the 25-years existence of the aluminium industry. (Uluchshenie kachestva alyuminiya za 25 let sushche stvovax~iya alyuznasievoy prozgq-- shlennosti.) PEF~[ODICAZ: "Tsvetn.Ye Metally" (Nen-ferrous Metals} 1957 No. 5, PP� 24 - 2~ (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: After L~rief notes on the improvements which have occurred in the last 25 years in the production technology of aluminium, the purity o~f the product is considered in more detail. From the original, manual methods for the removal from the electro- lyzer of metal, the industry has by now passed to the use of vacuum-ladlels. Refining from non-metallic impurities is carr- ied out by c~il.or~ation, electrolytic ret'ining producing the following grades : ABO - 99.93~~ ~ AB00 - 99.97�~ ~ ABOOQ - 99.99I and AB0000 - 99s996~. Metal is no~~~ cast an to casting machines so~~etimes first passing through ~1,he mixer, Mixers are used for casting ingots for wire, asemi-continuous mE;thod Card 1/2 being used which has appreciably x~duced production costs. For wire, ir,~gnts of type AO and Al are used according to rOCT 4004 - 53. The production of high--purity aluminium has always APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-R~P86-005'138000204600039-6 ���e������4�s~o� ,~~~.; ;������������~I~~ �����. ~ ~ ~ .'~'~�� fJ A flN M~ N p ~����� i � a ! 1 1 t s � r 1 ~ a 1~ t1 ~! N u u ti W N >0 11 b ~ H y! M ~ 11 ?- ; l0 ti 'r .M, ,,.. .' ~, _L ~ M - o ~ 3 t 4 it ~.! �1..T_.i._M .M Ct � tt js !. t +i ~. _. ~ Arf C D L...l G .ti..1_,..IL I , .v� y� ,~:~,a~ _ ~ ���� ,,~,,t,x}~ ,..�i ' '' ~ i � e � ~ _. . ~__.. .� � �� r ~�� � i : '!!w �M~ItnR o! Alut~lplam Ote -a ~-+ ~~ 0] ~, V~tbur !'taiaM. t', .1 14414r+r i4n,{ ;1. i'. !4�I~~rr. 11`rv4fy 6 .�r~g/~t. dtyvni. -� S �O ! .. ,tJ,e ltsal�, IU:t41, tlt)1, :*9i =fit{1� ~1}i f3u+ ian?. "t'lir er�atu~ssyt }f~~rr,+ ~,( -O� ~ ~ ~ E pur~tiratin}i ,tf ttx~ li+lui+i ure in tM+ -niarr 4�ari 1~ attain,ti tM,th b � ehl,aru~., tn�atment +-t-J h}� slluuin� the un� to stand at a high trmp� ""'3`'r s ln~�er "t I �� � �� i W a. i flux or rts�utlite. ~-~. +~ ri � ' ~:: �� 4t : ,.ja3� �� ~ "l :t� , �� a '~-e� aj �� .~ :�� �� 4' ~�� � ~ ~ ~ � � a ~~a� `~ � .i i : , ~' ,t i { ~ t ~ i r[T~lt4}'yK~t Ui(Q~IUMf f i ~)NFlt.~t}Ca , t ,. e,y:ar ~�~ b . ~l, t ~"j ~ . __ .~ s� .F. ..... � e � sir. ~~ wt ~ i14A Y?'t�'� M1t ~ ...s 1 H N 7 1! ~7 ~ ~ ~Ril � sr n u r- u w n w n w n n arc u~ tun ��~~~#`~ x������������11������� � ������;����~el����~�������,���������~� APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 L 45720F~~~i.. -_ .__._ _ ----.----__--____.__--------__-_--_..____._____________-- ACC NR: AP642,5698 r`~ .w: ance of the ~.iquid phase; indicating that the reactions in these systems cannot be ', classified as s61id-phase reactions. Tt was found that the equilibrium in the system 3ZnTi,t~ + Pb~ (Pt~.)2 r 3Pb'~t}~ + Zn (P~,)2 at ~.ow temperatures is di.eplaead toward the formation of 21nc titanat~~ and lea phosphate, and at a00�C to the aide of lead titan- ate and zinc phosphate. 'Orig. art. bast 4 figures and 2 tabl�s. SUB ~ODEs 07~ 3UBM AA'PFs 30Ju16s/ ORIti REFt 4~3/ OOH R~Ft 001 S Card 2~2 U ~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ~~~~,cG~;~a;~~'`i~P6n~~6~~: ~.:,~~~_~_ ~-~.._ ~.~~ .-- ~~i~l~~~~ cc~la~~~ ~x/o~~~~~;oz~/~c~,~/~~~3~~~ ' 1~ttTllt~f~t ~I`I,y'~~rc~v~ ~~ N~; Av~~~�~yarrvva~ .~,_ N.,_..~'~~'aY~'~'~~ In ~~ _ ,,..r.x..a..w.n,r.,�: x,c.a~F.rwx.MA~s~,rRMSrM --- .. _._. _.... ._._. _ .,. r i ~}~j ~~vv I ' ~L1~.7 ~ nand r' ` ~ .. e.l~`~'Lk!;~ aJ+.?~:~.t~^^'~,7r,.~t3t~ !.'t~~~l,'~:'~~~?a' f)~ i`1:~.1~.~.*:Ti~" I~x.~~:t~.l +:~.;~-~.T's?~',9.' i 1 `I.'(?'~~ '~h~ a x ~~l~fi;a~~a~.i:e ~ :~u1.C~Y.~ ~ p#:c~:,~~ti~~tc~ I -� _ , :i1.-4. +n�~{.{t ~yy i ;1. y~r~ � yy?,/if,.'e i14' ~1y r~ 1 Tr�1 t: 4 ~1 y~ r ~ r~~{ ~r 7,t� F,n p y1 }e n~lr'- rt s 7.t `'rA ~ ~�1 ~3,'7~ ~~~~.1'1 ~. N .3.V ~ 1~M.�i.~ 2.L r 'I ~IJ 1 3f.'i~ fv ~e F~l.tll r ~~~~~1 }:_J.~~..~1~~~~A ..i ~7 F~ } ~~~1. )r'.s.. ~..)1,t=7 .b.t~ ! tlz~~ ~rslJe~ms 1~~n`I`I~~ ~,~7~>~,, anc~ T~~t~T~_r,~~,~ ~~~~? ~~, cr~t7st;~~~`,u~l.t~~; ~'1.~.~ an.~. ~~#3cr~.~~~~,i. c;C t~�}~~~ tezAi~�:?~~ z~t~c'.:f.px'~7c`al s~rstc~zrd.r, P;~I,~~a~1'.~~.(~ :a~~'{~�~�)~ whaztt~ ~~ �~:: ~~P& t;a, t:~i,e ~ ~tlt C ~ , . .w~. r 1 r... ~ t ' ~ i fS~ !! ~// ~ holder; -3 �" tl"~t19dLtaQr3 ~ 1 , F - -+~; ~'~ . _ , ~~ \~ ~ ~ ~' piston; 5 `throttling - ; . ~j s1a,t b ~ racordi~n~ .stylus. ^ ~ t ~ . - i F 1 k; f . y~ytwrw + ,, ! ~ ~ _ ~ f~ . ~ . '~' 4 y ~t ti ' ~ ~~ i ~ ~. i �'? {" ~ is ~ - + ' ,e,' ' ~: . , ~ . ~~. y ~ ~ .,. ~~' the; pas~.t3,crn ~f the piston. which .. ' , ~ ~h the w ruing stylus o,~ 3.nt~racts wi .. the- .recorder. Qri g. a~~t~~ has s l ~re+ _ ~ ,. . t; S'UH CODE s 13/ SUDM DJITE's "3Max'6~t , ~ . `' - M,a~h~r~~~g ~ - _ _ 3 .~ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 j},. a ~ 3 ~~ ~. ~~ ~~ra; yam.: ~~ $`~)~~~~~~~~~ft) ~ ~ ;~~ ,, .. AU~HO~t t ' B'el T~TS~Et Dev3.c$ far' csono;~.l~the~ cuttiaag. Aga of ~ cutter during the cutti ' _~ ~ .` ^gproaass Cal ~$ .2i Na,~~~ ~ '__ souk ~ ~ . ,; ~~ E t sobre~an~,ya, ~r;~my~shlennyys obramtsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. !~, 1966, 75-7b a-p - ~-~~TOPIC TAaSt .mewl cutt~,n~~ tool, metalworking -ABSTRACT. This Author Cep^ti~icate presents a device. for contralli~g th� cutting ed e r of s gutter during the ~ui~ting process for ex 1e o~~ 8 � ~ amp ~ large. lathes or boring -. macl~a,nes. The: dev~.ce hr~s~ a >IZ or the air (fluid) flow rate in the clearance bet~reeh the naz~al$ _ ~ working surf$~e, record~,ng equipment, and a transducer�for char-gng t~~o pre . ~e in the a~.saranae ~.ntc signals, cnnneatad to the reco~;dzng equ~pment..`To permit remote-control of the cutting edge a~ the diameter cf the working..p~ecE~,-the nozzle is rigidly connected to the cutting tool ._ holder see Fig, lj. The `transducer cons~ts of a Qylinder separated into tko chargbers by a piston. OneE of the chambers (pressurized from the a~.r supply) is ,connected to the nez~le, and the other ono is vented to the atmosphere through a � throttlin slit artial Y p ~ g .p ly covered b tho stop, Thzs assures self-ad ustn~nt to ~^. ,_; l 2 _ ,_; .06 .b21. a_:-.~. UDC s ~..1.0~ .00 .62 ~}~~. , APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 t fix ;~~'/rj' JI_i~.~~%~~i~~-:I~,i~J','~e.11. i rsrJ:.J/'",~Ji r1Vrl~iiO�:: 3o].yayev, A, N, rn ~' ~ . i.n tl~ ... tl'.il i i ~`y ~ ii:"~�w ~ j':' 1Li'..?t';, rtte~'' . j h- }, ~� r (;:1 ilt,ill.u~-r. i~l.~. a+~~ i1 s. .l ti(.t'la t. 1..t. l~,i :(. c1 v 1':~ PERIODICAL: Re~e:at3vn~rf zht;rnai, ^^.eta.lurt;i;Ja. ::_~. ~, ~c;~_, ~.. :,~'~lc . ~ I L, U b V ~` ~ ~ f JJ `1 ( d."~ V(Jt i,. C . ~ V .1' , .. , ,l I~;oscow-I,eriin4;rau, i-i~~shq;i~, lyal, 3?~-_7'1} ~4...-~~ r .ii.l l~i~ t:lL if.~J(.}:' (: 1~11.J .+iil ~.r~.1. ~"r`~ J.i~ l~�l;. , It is o;.' s,ubst o.' chemical processir~ by hi,her concentrat].on and tetpera~a,.e o:. ~..~ c,.L~ ~._~o..a:. solution; arise of trio work pir?GE: temper, ttiz^e ei~t~{i],s on ti1c; ..r:rra u sharp decrease of thf~ chemical proecssin~; 'time, It is r1~c:o~n-;;enc'.~. tc; ei,l~~l:rr r~roc;esses in which tZ1e wor]c piece temperturG may excee~~ than ai ~i.?c �,e~icm, These processes are brought about by combining the chemical processil~-; (~f tho �ork in a liquid med:iutn w].th thc;ir simulta.nE:ou::~ heating ia;,�- hi~,n or' rai:;c:~:z frequency current. A :scheme of such a cotnbit~atiGn is prescr~~ted a ;~i a Card 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 - -- ~ ~~ ~ , .. ~ ~~ ~ ~ , _- ~.. t-~ L'� p 4 ~o ~~ ~a ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~~ r ~� a h~t9 a, (~a a 1�~ to w n r ttr, n njn I �. ~P1'+ r ~ ~ ~~ ��S~ n ~' ~ ~ ~ Q ray ~i �1 ~ y ;yo i +"~~~n coy ga a� 7t r. 0 7 O O O ~h a40 n 1 H Q A W ~O O u 6 E b y a r or y d . a IC "0 n r+ 6 (+ a . y �Q iii a .r ~ (~ �G N p l*~ � p ~y li > V O ,t1 T. C IF >~A ^F Q p 4 H 01 y . �f i ~ C `~S p 1 o C 7G +~ b b �~ O C �f g O r !~ 4 C" ro j7 h. N > H O ~qP ~ n g O A A A y~ L1+ W .. a M ~ H [I ~pp m 7I e~ � M /4 y t ~ rt ~ ~ w h [: pp to �� F`I r R N W R c ro u h4 n ~~ ~ > ~ a t M~ 1C. n 3miRtu~ ~~ b~ a~alN. r ~ M N � Y ~! fA ~ "i, M `y zC, -i s + rr ~ cl rf o yl � ~ +,;, ~,} F !� ~ ! � y~ H ! Q W , !( ~D~A V� ~~ `N~ ~i1..~1..~ ~~ '.7'� 'tl 1. r3~ Np rytt f 1 y ,d OI ! S� 1. tat ~ ! i� t1 iibbM�� ~ �~ t.t � '' A O ~� ti a r: 7t n W OJ! ~~ A `)~W Q W O ~ ''K h1 N'1 '~~paN ti lag ~0 ~hC~ M~ '1 H C �a 7f C W t ~t !� P1 � ~~ A A +.0 ~ Ly Al A h ~ tip K a aq ~ I n R O in ro v rt a A ~� ri r tq !~ - ;g r O O n d O !+ rr y fy O 1~ U1.7 ~D �f � N O ~ ito d oo ~ A~'r n n ~ ~ rt ~a rt obi ~~ti ~ r�l6l~an o oar o y na O wFI O' C~ a l ron p7 ~ y q +�a O ,7a W r AO .S o!�.. h rr a H W ~+ M a PI rt '~0 ry rt ay (,l �y 7 P7 '1 r. A u ff b 6 S 4 !+ F� 7 y .~ rf p f� 0.R b at+ } !'A y N'! O O ~M, M rl wA o oW !' j pry Oro p ~~a OUO OT C7 !� N n ~1 t�1 'J L� 1�] t9 ff N N n (rl Yi N n n wh r +rrt.a ~ wv roq a� ~ p ~`�~' ~ a i-i n `~w ~nnoan G+a i~,~ oo 0q p ~ r i rt N ;r w t+~ n w f y td o d !~ ~ H N ;+ ~ u i !� !+ ~ td H +i h ~r '7 ~ r* w~ n M o r-� (s n y +~+, u ~w h mit ~ n ro~ ,~~. ^ ~ ~ a a s. uLi .u i~o n ~~a'f:ro rt n !�kro n o r !+ o a o .u G a r. ; w .S .n ty A pi 'X o f x- to n my O r b :f n a ] WO YHN rr~: M O tf !f ct to n ry~ o ~~ i m e ~ u p ~ w� ~ n ~ ~ w~ w~ y !y f f f ti~ ~ o n a N j1 w W !~ :~ a ' y W r m a n W r� tY f- n (r rt Wrru�~ r� t/1 U m :):: c:G :1 1N M ~~ ~ Y � f-. n APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 Investi~~ation of the elastic after-effects ix. the case of a l inea~^ stress tat e (Coat ,) 24-4-:10/3+ is sma,l~ler than that of the direct after ei'fect. Fig.4 shows the development of the after effect defarmation as a f'uiictian of time for various stress values; it was found tksat the individual curves can be described by the relations expressed by eq, (3), Repeated loading reduces appxeGiably the direct after effect and as as example Fig,S shows the dependence o.f the degYree of reduction of the direct after effect on the number of repeated loadings for a specific load of 3 , 9 k~r�/mm? . The relative direct and reversible after effects are proportional to the stress app~.a.ea. to the speci~uer. Repeated ~,oac~ix~; without intermediate annealing leads to a decrease of the direct after effect but no appreciable a.nfluence was observed an the rev~yrsible after effect, Tkii.s is attributed to the occurrence of residual orientated micro-stresses caused by the ~~raaess of micro-plastic deformations during the direct after effect, This relation begins to :manifest itself at load values which are not too low, e;,~:,. obave 3 kg/mm2 in the case of aluminium, Preliminary plastic Card 2/2 deformation increases appreciably the reverse elastic after effect. There are 5 figures, 8 references, 5 of which are Russian., SUBMII-TED: November 16, 1956. AVAILABLE APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 AUTHOR: Belyaev, A,~N'. {Lenik~grad) . ~ TITLE: nvest~tgat3.on of the elastic after-effects in the case of a linear stress state. (Tssledovaniye uprogogo posledeystviya pri lineynQm napryazhennom sostoyanii) . ` PERTOUTCAL: "Izv, Ak. Nauk ltd, TekY~A Nauk" ~ (Bulletin of the Ac. Sc, r e~~a~c en;ces ec ~.on , 7, No .4, pp.7~-?~ (USSR) . ABSTRACT: The results are described of investigations of the elastic' after effects in commercially pure alufninium in the case of simple tension. The dependence was invest;gated of the direct and the revercibdle~o~~~ion,arepeatedeloading the instantaneous elasti to a stress below the yield point and of preliminary plastic de:E'ormation. Simple tensile loading was selected so as to eliminate the influence of non uniform stress distribution, ~ which is quite coo ilie~ted considerably stress .States. However, this c p the measurements since the magnit~dinothehcasetof-purect deformat;ions is considerably Lowe tension than it is in the casemeansoof~a Mari;ensdtype The deformai: ions were measured by The dea mirror strain meter on a standard test specizsen. pendeaace of the relative direct and reversib]. fxomt~ich it Card 1/2 effects on theatttheseffectpof the rever~siblE~ after affect can be :~cen th APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-R~P86-005138000204600039-6 r +! +~ ~ ~ +. - x ~ � , � y w ! - L as w ..a~...a.,-p. .~ w..,.11 .!4 ...~, @... X ~ C l r ~Yn� e~ . '~.~. ~. . li( at~0 ),~ ;; pr66l Ytyli ~b.:4~ ._. ! ~ ,~ l~` � ~' ;i. �O ~i :;, i � ~ 1 '; ii * w �� ~ =`I ~;` � � i i~; �~ ~i ~ , � � d { ~ ` xb+ VN o! Alnmitoium tnA is AlloTr. A,.. N' }~~ ~ � �� ~~"~; ~ ~t c.r.1~A~ .~,aar~>, iaN, t7-, ~x-asp.-..(--~ i~l,�~~~-.~ A ~, �s ~ �� ~ { �� V :~' ~! Y lI i ti~SS ~ ~ ' j i i~l ~},E~~ ~(w~.. 4 r i ~._.....__....~._..._. w...-.____ ._~ _,v x!�0!����0������ Irn u~>t+nx~+>r~w~i nuaa~�� t _ 1. a ~ K ~ ~ ~ ~ ��! �~i �i "i � ~ y� ~� ~/ '~� ~! A x rev ll.~k~t NrGtlla ~~ ~ ~ ;~, ~� ;~~� ~`t�_' ~ � ` ~~ ~~ ~! ~~ '~~ ~~ ~~~ ~i -AfN 1lA NttAL1UR41CAlMl1TtRA1{M! Cl~Si11~-tIOMY` T, .____..._,.^..-. _.__._- si4!u N+1-nr _ __ _.~. ___.... ~~ t)~#;tr~YDara r OYt 1fiu1101i -~- j~ ~1 tf~ M !~ Q ) ~,~r ~ , c?r presaux~~: fr. cxn the radio�ctivity of tlzc< va~~o:r, bas+:d on a proportion~-r1 dcp~:ndc~nct~ of x~ad%o~:ct;.i,vity t~- t1~f quantity of material in the measured volume. Ire the proposed technique only the moles:--~ ular composition of the vapor need ~ known. A sc matic diagram of thet,�~Perimental { apparatus shows 13 components. The saturated va~a~ ressure of selenium'~Ias determinodi__ at temperatures ranging from 3ft0 �i:o 580�C. Quarfiz ampoules with wea.ghed portions of Se~~ wore evacuated to a resstu~e of 1-3.10 6 mm }ig and placed in the apparatus. Cali.-- P bratian curves were obtained by a series of experiments using different weights. Log i__ L'DC: 541.12.034.6 Card 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 L 43105-6b ACC NR,< A1'6014110 .-, t� "� g~hour c ~ Yy so t v~ � z ~ to o ~ ~ t' 1ii�ar n~min ------i Fig. 1. Dopendenc� of the rate of precipitation (curve 1) and yield (curve 2) of titanium di eilieide on the experimental temperature (a), molar ratio (H2: (TiC14 �~ SiC14) (b), and hydrogen flow rate (c). Orig. a~�t. has: 3 table, 4 figures, and 1 equation. SOB CODE: 11/ SUBM D~TE~: 14oct64/ OR1G ~~': 004 O 7/ Card 2 rZ MLP APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 1~_ ACC NR>< APb014110 IJP(c) dD soURC~ CODE s UR/o37o/65/ao%ob/oo5z/oo57~1 AUTHORS; Ps~~lru8eviah, I. V. (Moaao~); Nidel~eon, L._A. (Moscow); Be: ev, A. I. ~~ (Correap4nding member AN SSSR) (Moaoow) �~ ~~----:-- ORG; none TITLE: Synthesis of titanium ailioides by simultanootis ~vdrogen reduction of titanium and silicon tetrachloridels y' - SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvesti.ya. Metally, no. 6, 19b5r 5~-57 TQPIC TAGS: titanium compound, silicon. compound silicide, hydrogen, chemical reduction ABSTRACT: The simultaneous ~ydrogpn%reductio 1of titanium and silicon tetrachlorides wasi,investigated, and the 'effect; of temperature and the ratio of initial reactants on the nature of the reaction products were studied. The reaction was carried out in the gaseous phase (a schematic of the experimental apparatus is presented). The experi- m~ al xeaulta are sucmnar,ized in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It is concluded that it '~s ~aossible in princi .le to obtain ti P tanxum sillcldes by simultaneous reduction of tf~~anium and silicon tetr~~chlorides ~vith gaseous hydrogen. Card 1 2 6 EWT(m)/'E~~P(t)/~~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ' ACC, NRc ~7oo2a62 ...___ _ _ 1g ~ ~ ~ = 0,977 f -{- ],4,57 , xsi -- ~ Kc~ 1 :i~ig. 1. Dependence of effective distribu- t:~on coefficients of Al (a), ai (b), and ~ c~a (c) impurities in Mg on the zone dis- (. placement rate. The three points shown in the graph correspond to the experimental I data of A. S. Yue and Z. B. Clark (Trans AII~, v. 211, No. 6, 881, 1958) of `' qn o ,,, , q6 r~11 ~f a . ~u -~ a,~ r:a9 b , ' .L..,,1,_r...~.,._..t9,C~ ~ 1 ' ~ ~C QS I,tl I,S 1 tl 0 1!,3 I,0 1,.! 1,4 Zone dieplacem~ynt, mm~min The concentration dependence of the effective distribution coefficients of A1, Cu, end Si impurities urea studied in the concentration rangti of 10-1 to 10'~, ar~d the experimental results ar� tabulated. The rate of corrosion of z~ma-refined ~' was compared with that of distilled A>g. :Ct was found that zone-refined ~g was identical in its corrosion behavior, with respect to HGl and KGl solutioni~, with that of fractionally distilled I~g. The experimental results are shown ~pcaphically. On the basis of the experimental raaults and literature data, a scheme is propa~aed for the classification of the effeot os` impurities on the purity of aon~~refixisd fig. Orig. art. bast 2 tables, 6 ~raphet and ~ equations. Card t _~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 ~~ ACC NRc ~_ ~ _AF700286~ ._ __.__ .-~ ~-souxc~; coDE~ ._ tlx/a~4gj6b/OO%o6/~79I~~5, . AUi'~iORS: K~z~icav A. ~ P'. ~ Be]. ~ Y~YeVe A. I,; Vigdoravich, V. ' N. I uG: :Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys, Department of Marnzfaaturo of Pure +,~eta;,g and Semiconductor 13aterials (Moskovakiy institut stall i nplavov. Kafedra proizvodstva chistykh metallov i poluprovodnikovykh materialov,) T:['~:: Investig~>.tion of conditions for zone reGZ'ystallization of magnec~ium SOU:tCE: IVUZ. Tsvetrayaa. mQtallurgiya, no. b, 1966, 79-55 `i't)Pit-, TAGS: ma~esium, copper, aluminum, silicon, metal recryfitallization, metal , puri~ication, metal zone refining f c113ST,~ACT: Tile conditions for zone recrystallization of magnesium were studied, ~ j ::upplementing the resull;s of A. P. Kazakov, A. T. Be (Iuv. tL'~ SSSR, l:etally, No. lyayev, and. Y. r"`+'. Vigdarovich i 4r 92, 1965). The experimental procedure follawed is ' described by V. Dzh. Pf~~nn ~o the effective distributi,an coef~,~tgvo ~A1Meta1lurgizdat, 19b0). The dependence of h~~ wus studied ms a funcltion c- ~ ~~ and Si impuritie~3 in zone-~a~efined ~ f ~e reorrysta].li7t~tion rate. The experimental. results ~. i;~:o presented in graphs and tsbles (see Fig. 1). The follo ` y+.he effective distribution caeffioien,t K snd the c,ystaili,za-Wti~nrratelfn~ epob4e~x�ve,~d I ig ~K-`' i ) ~O,S1 f -~- 0,353, ._ _. ~:~.rti._ ~ ~2 ,. _._..._- ~-,_.....~,...._.,....~._..._..M. .o.........~._---~.~,.._._._..._.._.._ ~IT~Ca _~6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204600039-6 liL~/~J ~{/7 7 Ir ~.l~~~f ~-(,1 j ACC ~~ ~'li't,G:j1`(~o ---- --..._ "1~1i~1~ WsS U~ Trlfi].Cii 15 .1.0~7C!' tlldli L'lIE' y':L t3~Ci if1 tl 1; .Ul;..'L�:LT !'; i.Ci:Cii' '"'i ? {~^r; `, l m � �, � ~� . v. r i i .t;iC x'lr:iU.i.4�aTit u~ C C1.yy~~.i.tLt~lO11 ,�C iii:E; ~" ,,' �' . . 1' d 1 i%=dii(. .1 t. 1't: (l i. ~Ji (.'~J.f'.'t': [1(iit (:` W~.. i. .. ; .l C. ~..~..'t..y ti s. ~i... 'vC1G Iiti:.:ti.i.Ii,lu';1 U_:ti"I(:'T'i:Ilf",1I1..1, y)C~?C:1~).~wt:ili=.1011 1'i).~S(.' 1. t1 :6 ~uUtis.;'ti I'' ) t'; ~ ~ -.' _ _ t,ilci% %(1 P. DiE'.C:i.~1:ii;c7(:10i1 2'~L' �: . ~ .~- , t e. n s t- S L i 1 C i Ci c CI(: j; O S i t, Tn'a .`~.. i Q Zi: ~ Q iIi' ~ ,: "~ ~.1:: ~ ~ 0:': diu.-~eter at a rate of 0.15 g,/cm2 �hr or 0.3 t;:;,1,/'rr nor r~.dial growth r