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UWV, Alsksey Vssil'Ysvich; KUMIKOV, Alaksey Dmitriyevich; '"BMGM, L.A., red.; BOBWA, U.N., [Train shoots] Grafik dyishenlia poesdov. lsd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Vess.isdatellsko-poligr.o~bmadinanis N-va putel soobahchs- nila, 1960. 314 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Railroads-Traffic) 'WMGM, X.A., doktor tekhn.nauk., prof.; BUCHENTAY, M.A., inzh. Automation of the e urr ent planning of train handling in large junction points. Vest. WONII MPS 20 no.7:6-9 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Railro&ft-44&king up trains) (Electronic calculating machines) IBFIRNGARD K prof., dektor tekhn.nauk .. .. Advantages of a concentration of the classification operations. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.12:52-56 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Railroads-Hump yards) TSARENKO, Anatoliy Petrovich; AKMIOV, I.Ya.j, kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzent,-. IBIE4IUuv,GiAAR"D KKAA of., doktor teldm.nauk, retsenzen ;r'd.; USENKO, L.A., tekhn. ICH, .j., ~ red. (A train takes off]Poe2d otpravliastsia v put '. Moskva, Tranazheldorizdat., 1962. 141 pe (MIRA 15:10) (Railroads) PEMOV, A.P.v doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DIATALYAII, S.V., kand. tekbn* nauk; ABADUROVA., Ye.V.p inzh.,,- ZIRIRAVIZV, M.M., inzh.; YdIANDKA'LOVp Yu.S.p inzb.j SMIA-ItINA,N.A.0 inzl~.; ZAVIYALOVp 13.A.j, kand, tokhn.nELuk; -=tNGARD, KLA., doktor tekhn. ncuk,, prof.; VASIL'YEV, G.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; 13IKCaNTAYj M.A.p inzb.; FIROLOV, I.A.9 inzh.; SIDELtVIKOV,, VAL., in2h.; NOWUSOVAp N.L., inzh.; POZAI-WITIR, E.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; GLUZIERG, B.A., retsenzent; 14AKSIMOVICH, B.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PIWE, V.Yu.p lnzh.p red. [Use of electronic digital computers in compiling train sheets]Sostavlenie graftka dvizbeniia poezdov na slaktron- nykh tsifrovykh vychislitellwjkh mashinakh. Moskva., Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 199 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ghlen-korTespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Petrov). (Railroads-Train dispatching) (Railroads.-Electric equipment) ZUBKOVv Ivan Ivanovibh, kand. tekbn. nauk; UGRYUMOV, Arkadiy Konstantinovicb,, kand. tekhn. nauk- EERNRGA!P,_U., doktor tekbn. n&uk,,r*tsensent,- BOGDANOV, X' inzh., retsenzent; ZHURAVLEVO M.M,, insh., reteenzent; KOZAK, V.A., insh., reteausent; RDZENEERG, A.D., inzh., retsenzant; RYAZANTSEVA, Yu.A., insh., reteensent; SKALOV, X.Yu., kand. takhn.nauk, retmerizent; PREDE, V.Yu., insh., red.; KRITHDVA, N.A., takhn. red, .4~ [Traffic organisation in railroad transplrtation]Organizateiia dvishentia na shelesnodoroshnom transporte. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskup Tranasholdorisdat, 1962. 399 P. (MIRA .16:1) IZHHGAHUtAAAj prof., doktor takhn.nauk; VOROBIYEV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KANDELINSKIY, A.M., inzh. (Dnepropetrovsk); KARNOVSKIY, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk (Dnepropetrovsk); NIKULIN, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; (Dnepropetrovsk) "Organization of railroad traffic* by I.G.Tikhomirov, V.A. Buianov, A.V.Vinnichanko. Reviewed by K.A.Berngard and others. Zhol.dor.transp. 1+4 no.8:94-96 Ag 162. . (MIRA 15:8) 1. Zamestitell naoballnika Pridneprovskoy dorogi (for Kandelinskiy). (Railroads-Traffic) - (Tikhmirov, I.G.) (Buianov, V.A.) (Vinnichanko, A.V.) BERNARD, K.A., doktor Ukhuensuk; MZHOVA, R.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Analysis of the p1m for malrb up direct trains on extended haul distances. Veat.TSNIIWS 21 no.7:17-21 162. (MIRA 3-5:12) (Railroad&--making up trains) PETROV, A.P.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TULUPOV.-I...P., kand. tekhn. nauk,- KRYUKOV, N.D., kand. tekhn.nauk; GUNDOBIN, V.N.,, inzh.,- VASILIYEV, G.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRMIN, M.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; MOROZOVA, K.N., inzh.; ROZE, V.A., insh.; LEVSHIN, G.L., insh 'L--BERNGARA. doktor tokhn. nauk, prof., BIKCHENTAY: n.WrF--WUWJLA#j &JIU.LIUIWV, V.A.p inah.; ILOVAYSKIY, N.D., inzh.; MUKHAMEDDV. G.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; MIROSHNICHMO, A.P., insh.; ANDRIANOVO V.P.., insh.; BUTS, V.D., inah.; KAZTMV, A.A., insh.; KIREYEV, O.P., insh.; DYUFUR, S.L... krand. tekhrx nauk; USTINS91Y, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYJAV, S.M., Inzh.; NESTEffiTt Y6.'P.I kand. tokha. nauk, retsensent; LIVSHITS,, VJI., insh., retsenzent; PRKDE, V.Yu., insh.,-red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L F.0 tekha. red. [Control of transportation processes using electronic digital computers] Upravlanie perevosochnyx prots""som 9 primeneniem elektronnykh taifrovykh vychislitelfnykh mashin. Pod obshc~ei red. A.P.Petrova. Moskva, Tranezholdorisdat, 1963. 207 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Petrov). (Railroads-M%nagement) (Electronic digital computers) BAMARDY I.A,, prof., doktor tekhnonauk Specialization of the tank car fleet. Zhel.dor.transp. 45 no.2:"-49 F 16~'* - (MIU 16:21) (Tajdk cars- BERMARD K.A, Review of V.T. Onipovlo book 'Express train shipments and prospects for increasing their efficiency." Izv. AN SSSR. Energo i tranup* no.5:656-658 -r-O 163, (MIRA 16:11) BERNGARD K,.A,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MEZHOVA, R.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Specialization of tank care for the transportation of chemicals. ZMl.- dor.transp. 45 no.1211.1-14 D 163. (MIRA 17,2) -B.ERNGARDI K.A., prof.0 doktor Wkhn.nauk Improvement of the plan for forming tiains. Zhej.d.-z. tremap. 46 nclla 22-27 N 164- (WRA l8a) di schLr-6-w 76 Card 2/3 Card BERNGARD, K.Ao. prof., daktor tekhn,nsuk Reduction of idle timp is thp mnln way for thp intensification car utilization. Zhpl.dor.tranap. 47 no.4:8-13 Ap 1055. (ICRA JE BM*LkRD,, Ii. BFBAURD~ H. Open cowsheds. p. 24. Vol. 8. no, 10, Oct. 1956. DUDOVMICTWO WIFJSKIr-. Warszawa, Poland. SOME: East Zwopean Accessims List (ZEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4,-April 195-, EERMRD,, H.; TUMANOWIGZ, Le BEMOWMj H.; TUKANOWICZp L. Remarks and motions resulting from the Breslau Conference of Rural Buildinge p. 13. Vol* 8p no* 8s Aug* 1956 BUDOWKCTWO WIEJSKIE AGRICULTURE Poland So: East European Accessibus Vol, 6,, No. 5# May 1957 LANCUCKI, Jan; PAWLOWSKI* ArArzej; BERNHARDT9 Ndilia Insulin sub-shook therapy of alopecia areata. Przegl.dern. Warszo 47 no.5:385-392 S-0 960. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatalogiamej A.M. w Warezawie Kierownik: prof. dr S.Jablonaka (ALOPECIA ARRATA ther) (SHOCK THERAPY INSULIN) .. V.w IN M. V'MM. is -M.w 0000000000 00 11 tiollll I s% 4 0 00 *0091W WW lll4tiwlpl4 W-FTIT".- i ,, " " ' " $ It I L u k, m a w Ak ~ L - . C.09.. ar-tsal -- . -ja 9PrM - ZPTIESZET - summ - MCHMCrURE J Tol. xr. - im go, 96-10P Sept.-Oat. 00 00 Ago =0 0 Coo prolffelm 14w file in like 11011,11na In roo GO fill WOO zoo I kso* %LA stIALLU*GKALLC?flhlLqlgCLAIWICATWIf &Sol too OP --4344 S? Im u 5 AV to Is; . .. ...r N a a IF 171 L I I ew I N 14 -3 if I If : it to OP 41a 19 a N a a it of KO a lid 00 00000 1111 00 0 0 00 41 0 0000 VID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,111 0 99 9-0.0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 *,A ro2XI u 3K BERJI-W-M, GYOMY Az ailami szervex nunkavedelmi feladatai. (Buaapest) Nepszava a SzaKszervezeteK Orszagos Tanacsa Lap-es KorlvvkiAdo Vaiiaiata kIY5>) jou p. kTarsadaimi munkavedelmi felugye.LoK es biztonsagi megbizottak iconyvtarR, 4) (Tasics oi state organs in Labor Eafety) SU: monthly List of Sast European Accessions kEEAL) My Vol. oy no. 9p Sep, 1957. Upci. BEWI~WT, Gyorgy OA the.significance of training labor safety specialists* MUZU 13 no.1:32 Ja 1639 I., Ssakes.ervezatek Oresagos Tanaesa Felsofoku Munkaevedelid Tanfolyamanak helyettes igazgatoja. BERNHARDT, Gyorgy Training of labor safety specialists in Hungarian higher schools. Munkavedelem 10 no.7/9tl6-22 164. 1. Higher Course of Instruction of Labor Safety of the Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions, Budapest. JOSFAYp Gyorgy; ERNHW -azakerm)cas, hibamagallapito cooportvezeto, hatvanhetezerei ujito; SPRENUR, Komel,, uzemtechnikus;'PMOK, Jozeef; BAIDGHi Nandor, ujitaai ejoado; KOVACS, Ferenc, ujitasi eloado; KOCS15, Laszlo,, formernok Two questions on the role of television in the field of iimovations. Ujit lap 15 no.17s.10 10 S 163. 1 1. Ceepel Vas- e# Femmek Eromu es Szolgaltato Uzeme. 131 174 IN .,r4. AUTHORS: aftivall'M TITLE: Theoretical.prinef ti plesW-ro ry--, Wanke,~'-' engiiies.,'i PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnali"Wel rtyy U Vyptisk agoranim no. 1, 1963 i. '46; abstraidt' ;,, l,'.,39.'. 12. no. 4 5, 19620 1101 .-T TEXT: The Vank 'I" -operdting,:.principii -of,-e with that of two- and atl6n, fotir-ncycle piston. enginm. rz formulae for computing kinematic., ~~d dynamic par; s'. of- XM typO-. Wankdj -eji-;~ gines:are given.. -A table of 'basic ch~raeterjstiias.~o Ahke1-e-ngin,ei:):?d-Aiy1 NSU and Curtis-Wright is present6d.' Th~ere* aS'e_,A' 'e'L -a" 'I can n& 7_-refei4~' [Abstractert*s note., Complete translation] Card 1/1 BERNHARDT, Josef. inz. Automatic switch tending from a running locomotive. Uhli 6 no.6t213 Je 164. 1. Zavod automatizace a mechanizacej. Ostrava. BMWMDT, M. *The Regentration of Injection Pumps by the Chro$dng of Pistons" p. 212 (ZLWMLk& , Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1953, Varssawa) 801 YAnthly UA at JU& bEgan Aegassims, Vol. 3v No. 2. Library of Congress, Feburary, 1954, Uncle "Two-Dhase Fuel Irjection in Ecdern High-vonprnssirm YrAors", -'. 2zc,.j (IfiT ru 1 -CTCRYZhCI~.7 ILI, Vol. 4, Vo. F, August 1951,--, ',?ar-;aw, -ola-rd) SO.- IF.onthly List of opean Arrcssicns (r1,Aj,), r VI. 110. Ur Mar,h 1955, Urcl. - BEMBkRDT. M. Theoretical and practical problem of hydrokinetic couplings. p.9. (TECHNIKA MOTORYZAGYJXA, 7arazava, Vol. 5., No. 1, Jan. 1955) SO: Monthly List of 4ast Ekwopean Accessions, (EEAL), LCj. Vol. 4. No. 6, June 1955,, Uncl. ~O.MiAiZUT, M. New high-compression Packard motors. p. 156, Vol. 5, no. 5, may 1955, TECHNIKA MOTORYZACYJNA SO.- MOMLY LIJT OF FA.'23T EUROPEAN ACCE53IONS, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9 Sept. 1955, Uncl. BERNHMDT 9 K. Testing feelers of electric indicators. P. 330 Vol* 5, no* no Nov, 1955 TECHNIKA MOTORYZACYIINA Warszawa SO: 14onthly -List of East ""aropean Accessions (EKAL), LCo Vol- 5o n0& 3 March 1956 BWHARDT., N. Problems of adjusting four-cycle gasoline engines. Pt. 1. (To be contd.) P. 340 Vol. 5, no. 31, Nov. 1955 TECHNIKA MOTORYZAGYJNA Warszawa SO: Monthly Ilist of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3 March 1956 WWLkPd9, M. Centrifugal oil filters. p. 302. (TEChNIKA MOTOPYZACYJNA. Vol. 6. not 9. Sept. 1956., Warszawa., Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC- Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957o Uncl. EERNIUkRDTj M. T. Srodulski and M. Zablocki's Gazniki samochodowe (Automobile Careburators); a book review. p- 311- (TECHNIKA MOTORYZACYJ14A. Vol. 6, no- 9, Sept- 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAT) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. BERNHARlYr, M. Some problems of two-piston engines. p. 223. TECHNIKA AIOTORZACYJNA. (Naczeina Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 9. No. 6, Jme 1959. Monthly List of East European accession (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9 September, 1959. Uncl. .RMUT, Maciej, dr inzo; RADZIWILL,, Maciej,, mgr inz. 4E I . Theoretical biLsis of engines with Wankel rot!~ting pistons* Techn motor 12. no. 4/5: 110-1-15 Ap-My 162o BERNHARDT, Maciej,,__dr inz. "Basic measurements in heat-power engineering" by (doe. inz.] F. Kotlewski. Reviewed by Maciej Bernhardt.* Techn motor 3.2 no. 6: 203-204 Je 162. L 18205-63 BDS P/0032/63/010/001/0057/0074 ACCESSION NR; AP3001849 AUTHOR: Berhhardt, Maciej (Warsaw). TITLE.: Geomet ayd maghtning problems connected with the cylinder.form of.-.- the &aincke engine SOURCE: Archiwun budowy massyn, v, .10, no. 1, 1963, 57-74 TOPIC TAGS: cylinder form, Wankel engine, characteristic parameter, incidence anglei- compression strip, piston ABSTRACT: The author considers the basic problems connected with the cylinder outline of a Wankel angina. Equations of a pericycloid of a theoretical outline and of the curve of an actual cylinder outline are developed. Internal dimensions of the cylinder have been determined aa'well as the relationship between the max- imum angle of incidence of the compression strip on top of the piston. on the one hand, and the characteristic parameter of the cylinder contour, on the other. Method of cylinder machining are suggested. These are represented in Fig. 6 and 7 of I Enclosures. The basic geometric problems connected with machining methods, ou' the jump surface and its calculation, are outlined. The con- cept.of swept surface is introduced and its relatio nahip with the characteristic LCord 'Ask ACCESSION NR: AP3001849 parameter ofithe cylinder outline is developed, Notion@ of the theoreticail-and actual degrAz of compression have been.detarmined. 7he' approximate relationship between the theoretical compression ratio and the characteristic outline of.the cylinder has been developed by a graphical method. Orig. arthas 50 formulas, 10 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt none suEmTrED: 00.14162 DATE ACQ: 014263- ENCL: 02 SUE CODE: MD NO RRF SOV: 000 OTHER: 006 2/4 2~, BERNHARDT, Maciej, dr inz.; IESNIAK, Antoni, mgr inz. Method of determining the mechanical efficiency of com- bustion engines. Tecbn motor 12 no. 9: 306-314 S 162. BERNH M To Hadej, dr inz, The Van"i anginot Problmq 19 no.ilt672-682 163. i BERNURDT, Maciej (Warszawa) Geometric problems connected with the oylinder profile of a Wankel-engine and its maohining methods, Archiv bud masz 10 no. 1: V-74 163, BERNHARDT, I-Taciej., dr. inz.j LESNIAX, Antoni., mgr inz. Possibilities of obtaining the optimum characteristic of carburetor. Techn motor 13 no.1:8-13 Ja 163. BZ~NMDT, Maclej., dr- inza Book reviews. Techn motor 14 no. 1:33-35 Ja 164* BERNHARDT, Maciej, dr inz. Graphic demonstration of the interrelation between the Working parameters of a piston combustion engine. Techn motor 14 no. 2:53-56 F 164. BERNHARDT, 14aciej, dr inz. Work of the combustion engine under unstable conditions. Techn motor 14 no.12:365-370 D 164. BERNHARDT., Ma iej,,- dr. Inz. ":--. -, 9 Graphic method of defining the cliaracteriatic working features of a combustion piston engine. Przegl moob 23 no. 5: 129-131 10 Mr 164. 1. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa. BERNHARDT, Maciej, dr inz. Differential equations of operation parameters of an engine. Techn motor 14 no.11044-347 N 164. BERNHART, Josef, inz. Fire protection of belt conveyer drives. Uhll 5 no.8.-294 Ag 163. 1. ZAM., Ostrava. Compustive ealwiments; on the formation of antibiotics by Pealcillism species. K."1144 11C111114110t And lohmill Wtuch (Deutsch. Tech, forich. 4b WA-119(1949).-CAurreliatimis were sinight I- livern mnithiatic fnriu.-t6m and jmtll.-ollit 1-utimix 4 the mvililaglcdl system of tilt 111444 sr.4il' I'folo.111-f by lbe alreak lebt with oliffriem tit witmi4sus. villin. vlas-111*1111H. suit till inill lat-doulinAle lit rcr 1.1111 Klmlln and subsectims while penicillic acid is pruducrd by sintie.% found through the whole PenieXimm elwisificAtion. Snme mccies In all sections and subsections protluced antibiotics. The nutrient medium is very Important in antibiotic for- motion,. 103 out of 376 pealcifflum sped" examd. sh,med acti%ity. IvAu A. %VAAff 4-0 4'. . . I . l.- - - -- -, , -I .- - _ ~., "! I `- : - . 1',, I I- . LAPIS, laroly. dr.; BWICZXI, Mihaly, dr. Clinical and pathological data on breasVc&ncer. Nagy.sebeaset 13 no-5:292-300 0 159. 1. As Oftkop&thologlal lut&to Inteset (weseto Prof. Dre Kellner Bela) as as Orazagos Onkologlat Inteset (igusgato: Dr. Venket Tibor as orvostudomanyok kandidatum, tudomayos vezato: Dr. Wald Bela as orvostudomanyok kandidatum), Sebassati oestalyanak (fooryon: Prof. Dr. Prochnow Parana) koslemanys. (BRWT neopl) BERNICZHI, Mihaly, dr. - IAPIS, l1kroly, dr. ............... Clinical and pathological data on f1broadenoma of the breast* Plaa sebeemet 13 jio.6:359-364 D 159. 1. An Orexagom Onkologial Inteset (Igazgmto: Venkel Tibor dr., as orvostudomWok kwAldatusa tudomaVos vemeto: Wald Bela dr., as orvostudoWaWok icandidatusa$ sebeemetl osstalyanak (Foorove: Prof. Proc Fereno) an Onkopathologlal lutato Intezetenek (veseto: Zellzer Bela) koslemeWs. (main neopl) BERNICZEI, Mihaly,, dr. On retroperitoneal tumors. Nagy. onkol. 6 no.2:95-200 W 162. 1. Ors W o9 Onkologial, Inteset, Sebeaseti Onstaly. (RETRDPEKTONEAL SPACE neopl) BERNICZE (h colonic and rectal cancer, Orr. hetil, 105 no,12t535-539 22 Mr 164. 1. Crazagos Onkologiai Intezetp Sebeszeti Osztaly (foorvost Proc)mov# Foreno dr*) BMEDUB, M. F. wOpq*-;O - ~.-- ~Wmor*. Causes of abiormal dlvlslou on on$ in sturpons, Doklmw Akad. nauk SSBR 83 no.6:941-944 21 Apr 1952. (CLNL 22t2) 1. Presented by Academician Ye. N. -Pavlovskir 31 FebruwT 1951. 2. teningrad State Uaiver%14 imni A. A. Zhdanov. L 40042-66 EWP(k '/EWT(m)/EiVP(e)/ffiVP(t)/ETI IN(c) WHID __A~d_Wk,_j&6Ol7lO6 WjfKE__6ODE_:__UR_/022 61661000100110081100 84- AUTHORS: Katrus, 0. A.; Kovalev,, S. No; Vonogradov,, 0. A.; Bernik, Ye. B. ORO% Institute for Problems of--Materials Behaviorj, AN UkrSSR (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN Ukr,=IN_);_,___Ukraini&n Scientific Research Institute for Super-Hard Materials (Ukrainakiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut averkhtverdykh materialov) TITLEs Manufacture of a diamond tool by powder rolling ,SOURCF,% Poroahkovaya metallur no. 1. 1966# 81-84 TOPIC TAGS: abraeivej, diamond., powder metal compaction//"Q- JIBSTRACT:.4A method for manufacturing a diamondl...el !-tool by hot rolling diamond imd bronze powders is described. The effect of rolling temperatures on the abrasive stability Of the tool Was investigated. Hot rolling at 730--750C increases the z;tability of the tool by 4-5 times compared with the stability achieved by cold rollinge A photograph of the tool is presented. It is concluded that hot ro2ling diamond and metal powders offers good possibilities for the manufacture of diamond abrasive tools. Orig. art. hasi 1 photograph. SIJB CODEW Mjun65/ OTH REF: 001 ,,11/ SM DATEs ORIG Ras 0051 Card BMNIKIR. Ye. 1. Using glues in repair work. Nashinostroitell no-7:16 a 960. (MIRA 13:7) (Gluing) Ofachine tools-1kintenance and repair) BMIKER, Ye.l. Rayless joints. Hasbinootroltell no.6t43 Jo 063. (MM 16:7) (Fastenings) V - i, EERNIKMP Y801# Molybdenum disulfide lubricants used in the machinery industry. Mashinostroitall no.12t20-21 D 164. (KM 1832) .-0 BERNIKUP To.l., insh. -,, Using4tractural steel transformtions for obtaining press- fitted jointa. Mashinostromnie no-3:19Q1 My-Je 163. (MMA 16:7) 1. Ishorskiy zaTod in. A.A. Zhdanova. (Farging) BERNIKER,-_)Lqygqz~iy jqpifqy~ch, inzh.; LOBKOV, L.A., red., TELYASHOV., R.Kh., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., [Modern designs of press fittings; materials for designers and engineers] SovremenWe konstruktsii i raschety posadok s garantirovannym natiagomi materialy dlia konstruktorov i tekhnologov. Leningradp 1963. 35 p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekbnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriiae. Makhanicheskaia obrabotka metallov no.18) WRA 17:3) . -- BERNIKER, Ye.I., inzh. Calculation of fits with fixed tightness. Mashinostroonie no.405- A 37 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17s2) 1. lzhorBkiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod. ACCESSION No" AP4015144 AUTHOR: Berniker, Yo. I. TITLE: Solid molybdenum disulfide lubricant SOURCE: Mashinostroitell, no. 2# 1964, 25 S/0117/64/ObO/002/0025/0025 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum disulfide, lubricant, solid lubricant ABSTRACT: Work leading to the utilization of MoS2 is being conducted by the Leningrad machintj industry. This dry lubricant with grain sizes 0-5-6," is distrib- uted over cutting and bearing surfaces under pressure of 2.5 - 3.0 atm, and may be applied by rubbing or with special MoS2 pencils. Its lubricating property is based on its structure. Each layer of molybdenum atbms lies between twolayers of sulfur atoms, the latter providing the sliding surfaces, Since the action.of MO 2 is not related to its moisture content, the material can be used in a vacuum. It is also resistant to oxidation at -70 to 380C, does not conduct electricityi and does not absorb dust particles. When used on cutting tools this material increases their stability by ~L factor of 1.6 to 2; ittalso priauces good results in stamping and pressing operations. Currently recommended dry lubricant contains 70 9 of molybdenum di_isulfide, 7 g of graphiteli 50 g of sodium silicate, and 60 g of water. Card 1/2 - - - - - - - - - - ACCESSION NO-z AP4015144 Applied to files as a suspension in alcohol, molybdenum disulfide increases their productivity by 50-66%. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACq: 12kar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE,MA NO REP SOVI 000 OTHER- 000 BERNIKERS Y6.1" inzh. Some technological problems in obtalning fits with fixed tightness: survey of foreign and Soviet literature. Vest, mashinostro 44 no.10t 50-55 0 164. (M& 17:11) BMIIKOV, A., inzhenor-polIcovnik New field luggage. 161. (Luggage) (Military supplies) Tyl i anal - '-,~ --- - Voor. Sil 21 no.4,.165 Ap (I-MIZA a4:7) i- 11 e ~ 77 ~ L--~ 1~ 1 .1 P., q . ~, z-- "N, 71;~ ~,' -- - - -- - - - Pl~~ KRASNOV, Vladimir Nikitich; BERNIKOV, G.G., red.; KOROIEV, A.V.p- tekhn. red. [EVes and ears of a submarine] Glaza i ushi podvodnoi lodki. Moskvas Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961. 125 p. (MIRA 15t6) (Submarine boats) (Periscopes) (Foho sounding) W W W W 1W.W w ------ OR a Q 97A . L-L-1-ALJL-QL W gets ~-,L !.T~EtMfif- Plociiiis Awl ~r ---7 'A - it o adwrkld "a an off" =-MnkW -4 uftm-m~j - 7'rems. -"==" owsm!AAM ZD .00 -00 ' Ac'. F"'. . ' TO sct'm Of N tb i O #0rdrfAj D PodW hmizZ, *J>Aj, C"aa ,,W I Wwwwd tlottabjHty *I tb, Mk Mad t i ~ o a ftr a T%tnwtufv in the wl b ext"t 14 t Orison b*AthorWm,bLitWSSWitboUtefftVt d , k,",Ibtb " i B le ,_ hci 6_.( n -- In C a wsm of xjwURrntmdtyn Ib . 4 ~ 00 c . 1 d B horijcm~ H. C A, . see I too see too too J*IALLVW.CA UTUATOR CLASWUIOM filial ame ONV Is. 1 , 01 10 1 XA 4 00 0 0 so 00 : I 9 . - R k gt. A6 -W p w3 n"FOM A, OW10"Wo.- *'W ?'~W' !ig. 7, 7 1 14 1% be A , -4 4 A.-C-A' -dw elect ad each, I=* " 00 47 ban cm= r 00 1: 1 00 11, 19W Kkim. RefWAL Zbw- it scoilm, in the orde 1* or, t Of midation dePm file 4114miAkin and 06, the s g , d r he tructural A, *LI&LLUf.!;KAL LAUNATAAC CLAIS W~A j'j'.j j, -T--T u is AV so 1%;w tv"Jift6f Kit Ogg stilt, let 0 willutit and hydiolon of begiua and rA& its Car - - I;ZiP1i0ft3 n' Nu. 8,44-L icate that the retarding action It < Na < Ca. The intensitY zoo tvaiiijon of ilia wordiuns. art mforg"It" Col the %W1 Ago R. llenn zoo see k* 0 OJL'11 W 0- -Ajo~ j, -J-j 'w v m a A3 4 3 10 41 wwwrwWwwwwwwoll Ott A lL **A Am , - -, lot! 81 -Oib--Mn~ M, is@ 0 0 t-tA7TTTTTn7 #400011 AND 014opf"Its of the State F0i*" It"etwe The Will of Ow One V. wri M. AnaIyv,% and WAIrt im, No. to, -is air xivrn an a Awt of Profik, I-Ift0lic So'le "At" ~Jtl at the bottom of the in ilic ilcpra-~%itnfi and nil tattle irvrl atcAs. The offal mililly" if"lu'l..: I'll. hy(holyin- widily, huinw, N. I' &fill 1-11 CA, Mg and K. J.,(I, L111WATIA1 CL&SUPICATOP 165490 us# a-v ass 0 U a no* a nd 0 a a G If o' 1 ;*; zoo coo too moo V, 169'R /Forestry. Forest Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Blologlya, No. 1, 1958, 1390 Author Bernikovo V.V. K-5 Inat Omsk Department of the Geographical Society of the 'USSR Title Zonal Characteristics of Tree Growth in the Forest Belt Along the Omsk Railroad Orig Pub: Izv, Omskogo otd. geogr. o-va SSR, 1956,~No. I (8): 53-62 Abstract: Research was made Into the forest belt along the Omsk Railroad with the alm of clarifying the state of the plantings there. There are eight separate areas which differ in their soil-cli- mate conditions and also in the complex of forest- C ard IA .-c-q AIPANASIDIVA,A.L., kencl.biol.nouk: BAYARTUYXV, A.A., kand.seltzkokhozyaystveu- rqkh neak; BALICHUGOV, A.V., kand.selinkokhozyaystvamykh nauk; BRUMMOVA, H.A,O agronom; BBIOZMV, A.T., kand.sel'skokhozyaystvea- n.vkh nauk; MAKSIMMIKO, VIP., agronom; HMIKOV, V-V-i doktor sel'sko- khozyaystvenrqkh nauk; BOGOKTAGKOV, v9t4%kokhozyayst van- nykh nauk; VOLTINTS, O.S., agronom; BODROV, H.S., kand.sellskokhozvay- stvenn.vkh nauk; BOGOSIAVSKIY, VIP., kand,takhn.nouk; UMUPPA, I.F., kand.takhn.nouk; VJWZR, A.R., doktor biol.nouk; VOZBIITSKAYA, A.Ye.. kand.sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; VOINOV, P.A., kand.sellskokhozyay- stvannykh nauk; VYSOKOS. G.P., kand.biol.nank; GALDIN. N.V., inzhener- mekhanik; GERASI14OV, S.A., kand.takhn.nauk; GORSEETIN, X.P., doktor nallskokhozyaystvannykh nauk- TELISHEY, A.V., inzhener-makhanik; GIMASKIVIOH, S.V., makhanik tdoceased]; ZHARIKOVA, L.D., kand.selisko- khozyaystvenrWkh nauk; ZHEGAIDY, I.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZIMINA, Te.A., agronom; BARANOV. V.V.. kand.tekbn.nouk-. PAVLOV, V.D.; IVANOT. V.I., kond.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; XAPIAN. S.M., kand.sellskokhozvay- stvanzWkh nauk; X&TIN-TARTSEV, L.V., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykb nauk; KOPMIN. V.I., doktor aellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; KOGHERGIN. A.To*, kend.aellekokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KOZHF1VHIKOV, A.R.. imod. sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KWUNTSOV, I.N., kand. Bell skokhozyay~ stvannykh nauk; 1AXBIHq A.Z., doktor biol.nmuk; LNOUTIM, S.I., kand.seliskokhozyaystvenn.vkh nauk; MAYBORODA, N.M., kand.sellsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk; HAKAROVA, G.I., kand.sallskokhozymystvannykh nauk-, MALINIKOV, G.A., inshener; ZEDANOV, B.A., 1mn&.sellskokhozyay-. stvennykh nauk; MI]GUYIJLNKO. N.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; MAGILEVTSEVA, B.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvsnnykh nauk; (Continued on hext card) APANASIYBVA, A.L..., (continued) Card 2. HIKIFOROV, P.Te., kand.mel'skokbozy&yotvennykh nauk; ITBRASHIT, R.I., lesovod; PJMVUSHIIU, A.H., agronom; PLOTNIKOV, N.A., kand.biol.nauki- L.G.; kand.sel'skokhozy,eyetvanafth nauk; PAVLOV. V.D., kand.tekhn. rauk; FRUTBKOVA, M.G., -kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; GURCHNNO, V.S., agronom; P.OPOVA# G.I., kand. sallskokhozyayBtvennyka nauk; PCRTYAIKO. A.F., agronom; RUCHEIN, V-H., prof.-, RUSHKOVSKIY, T.V., agronom; SAVITSKIT, H.S., kand.sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; BOLDIN, D.T.. agronam-, NESTEROVA, A.V., agronom; SEUPIMOVICH, L.H., kad. tekhn.nouk; SMIRNOV, I.N., kand.callskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; SEMRYANSKAYA, P.L. kand.tikhn.nauk; TOKHTUYXV, A.V.. kand. sallsko- khozyaystvannykh nauk; FALIKO, O.S., iznh.; YEDYUSHIN, A.V., doktor biol.nauk; SHRUYAGIII, A.I., ksnd.eel'skokhozyoystvemykh nauk; TUMOV, V.A., kand.eellskokhozymystvannykh nauk; YAKHTERELID, P.A., kand.seltakokhorynystvann.vkh nauk; SIMBOVSKIY. A.A., red.; GORIKOVA. Z-D., Dandbook for Siberian agriculturists] Spravochuaia kniga agronome S,ibiri. Moskva, Goo. hd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. Vol.l. 1957. 964 P- (Siberia-4griculture) (MIRA 11:2) 22 (1) SOV/27-59-3-10/37 AUTHOR: Bernikov V Deputy School Director TITLE; The Utilization of Agricultural Technical Equipment (Ispollzovaniye sellskokhozyaystvenn6y tekhniki) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 10 - 11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The VorontBOVO-Aleksandrovskoye School of Agricultural Mechanization Nr 6, Stavropol' Kray, possesses over 25 tractors of various types, 13 grain and special combines and many agricultural machines for the training of tractor- driver machinists in a 2-year course. Some of the tractors and combines are located in the workshops for theoretical and laboratory exercises, but the greater part is used for practical training and production work. The author describes the garages in which the vehicles are being kept, and the maintenance they are given. In the mechanical repair work- shop there are more than 15 different machine tools, 4 of which are screw-cutting lathes, 1 planing machine, URD- Card 1/2 VP machine tool for boring out bearings, machine tool BERNIKOVP V.V. Orak city soils and selecting trees and shrubs for Its landBeaping. Izv. OmBk. otd. Geog. ob,-va. no.5s55-59 163. Landscape work history in the vicinity of Omak, lbid.:121- 125 163. (MM 17:5) BMIKOVS y.y. Problems of land Improvement by afforestation in Western Siberiab Izv, Omsk* otd,, Goog. ob-va noo6o53-60 164, (MMA 18 19) ERNKOV~ TROFIXOVA. V.1.; SWIRO, X.B.; SHORIN. G.Y., redaktor; LOBANOT, D.I., ridaktor; NOLCHANDTA. O.?., r4daktor; SUZOINNOT, P.O., redaktor; TKOR, V.A.0- redektor; IATTSHIT. A.M... redektor; KAGANOVA, A.A., veiuxhchiy redaktorl MNIKOVD* Yu*K v, redaktqr; SUDAK, D.K., tekbul"shy rodakt6r--- EA collection of recipes forlabor rese.rve student dining room*] Sbornik retmeptur blivA Ma pitanila ueboahoblkhels uchabnykh savedenit trudevykh resorvov. Kooky&. Uos. izd-vo torgovoi lit-ry 1956. 358 P. (XWA 10: 1 1. Russia (1923- U.P.S.R.) Ninleterstvo torgovit. (Cookery) SHCRIN. G.7., radaktor; LOPANOV, D.L. redaktor; HOLCHANOVA, O.P.. reduktor; KAHTTNOVAO Ys*GP, roduktor.- SIDOHOV. V.A., rodaktor; TINATIOV, V.D., rodaktor; TRCOfINOVA, V.I., redaktor; KAGANOVA, A.A., vadushch17 redaktor; , redak-tor; SUDAK, D.K., takhnichaskiy redakt-or [A conection of recipes for workers, and students' diets] Sbornik reteaptur bliud dlia pitanila rabochikh i studentov. Moskva, Goa. izd- vo torgovoi lit-ry, 1956. 607 p- (HLRA 9:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo torgovlt. (Cookery) /-, ~~i 1 4 ~, ~, , , -r, ;D - ~ ~, i r i - r - AFONCHIMOT, F.A. ~Mlp.; MMMTA, L.I. hiw& StrAdightOulOg the 611TOr On the stand of a oombing zachine, Tekst, prom. ii no.n:25-26 N 156. -(KM 9:12) le Professor ITmovskogo takhnologlchookogo Inaltuta. (coubing maebines) BERNIKOVA3 reeMOS Cand Med Sci (diss) "Treatment of Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis by intracavernous iUMM!"dL of streptonUcine and salujido.11 Simferopol', 1959, 1Y Crimean State Med Inst im I.V. Stalin) 200 copies (hl,, 3h-59., 116) - w - BEMIS, 0. G. BERNIS. 0. 0. - *Investigation of the Operation of--tbe Crankshaft Mechanism of a mower.* Latvian Agricultural Acadev7, 1952 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SD: Isvestiva Ak. Nauk Latylvakoy SSR, No. 9. Sept.. 19.53 COMSTANTJN~, 14. -i - 0 "pe .f'.iation of opqrat-.13na by spntl~al cancepts waft., th o .Ud of spaeoh. Rnv vs1haligi-e 10 nu.?-,217-228 164. 1. Instl-l"Uta of PerfectIng the Teaching Str-ff, Cluj; Branch of rhf; lnst~tute of Fc-dagogic Sciencea, Cluj. BEMOIAK, Bela, oklevelesvegyaszwraolf.; SZIJjAREO, RLalia, okleveles v,egye-szm-ernok Spectrographic analysis of solders and thdir basic materials. Finommehanika 2 no.6:173-176 Je 163. ERDELY, Imre; HAJNAL, Jajos; FERENCZY, Pal, fomernok; TAMAS, Ferenc, dr.; SVEHIA, Gyula, dr.; TRAGER, Tamas; BM-0,W -Bela MOLD , Istvan; KAKASY, Gyu-Ia ; SAJO, Istvan, dr. si* Society life. Epitoanyag 16 no. 2:66 F 164, Epitoanyag 16 no. 2:66 F 164. 1 1. "Epitoanyag" szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja (for Erdely and Tamas). BnNON, R. ... tl"00~---"Division hinders pradpast" no.8:10-13 Ag '57. (lFrance-Trade unions) (mm 10: 8) I BERNOT G SCIENCE PERIODICALS BERNOT~ C. F. Mikuzls*Zlahtnernje rastlin; temeliji in metode; a book review. p. 143. Vol. 6, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA.I) Vol. 11, No. 2. April 1959 Unclass. BERNOT, France Vertical thermal profile pf the-lake at the foot of Mount Krim. Geogr vest 36:69-74 164 [publ. '65). .]~~OT-J- -F- GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY BERNOT ' '. Mioroinversion of temperature. P. 336. Vol. 27/28, 1955/56 (published 1957). Monthly List of East European -Accessions (EEAI) Vol. 11, No. 2~ April 1959 Unclass. BERNOT, -France Climate of Kankan. Razprave meteorolga Ljubljana 4: 20-29 164. L 072~9-67 EWT(m) ACC NRt AP6028410 SOURCE CODE: YU/0020/66/000/001/0002 AUTHOR: Bergog., N. (Graduate Engr.; Research Associate); Gabroysek, Z- (Graduate Engr.; Research Associate) ORG: Nuclear Inatitute "Jozef Stefan", LJ_ubl~_(Nuklearni Institut "Jozef Stefan") TITLE: Building of the TRIGA. reactoria Ljubljana ~SOURCE: Nuklearna energija, no, 1, 66, 2-10 TOPICIAGS: research reactor nuclear reactor technology, construction material, technical assistance ABSTRACT: The*building of the research reactor TRIGA Mark II at Podgorica, 9 km north-- east of Ljubljana, is discussed. The reactor, designed and produced by the General Dynamics Corporation was financed by the US Government and built jointly with several Yugoslav subcontractors. Following a.brief description of the reactor, the search for a convenient location, the preparatory operations, and the establishment of the financing program, the article discusses at length the numerous problems encountered by the Yugoslav subcontractors during their work in this new field under conditions of strict financial and production controls imposed by the main US contractor. Separate sections deal with contract arrangements, new organizational experiences, parts produced in Yugoslavia, the mounting of the reactor, the building of the bio- JR 1/2 L 07239-67 AP6028410 0 logical shielding, the mounting of the auxiliary equipment of the reactor, the mount-,.,!- ing of the electronic and radiologic protection instrumentation, and the test running - of the reactor. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 5 figures. I I SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE% none OT USISR/Nuclear Physics Ketronspectroxnetcra On7d I /I Pub. 43 3197 Authors. Bashilov, A. A. and Bernotas, V. 1. TWA Calculation of electron images in a ketrone Periodic&). i Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 1812, 192-208, Mar-Apr 1954 Abstract t The motions of electrons in a ketrone (spectrometer with heterogeneous magnetic field), and the images of the source obtaine d in the focal plane of the instrument wore calculated. The calculations were based on the general theory of focusing electron pencils introduced by P. P. Pavinaldy. The, principle of focusing electrons by rneans of a heterogeneous magnetic field is explained graphically.- - The image -of a point source can be detected by studying the behavior of narrow vertical electron pencils. The image of a linear source is found by observing the behavior of the narrow vertical electron pencils by means of which it is possible to construct source images in the focal plane. Four USSR references (1944-1954). Table; graphs; diagrams. Institution The A. A. Zhdanov State University, Physics Institute, Leningrad Submitted March 11, 1954 --------------- -- 7~4 411ASTS P ~ lqo BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6333' .Bochkarev,, V. V'*.* ed,,_ Tekhnika.izmeren,*1.,.y,e radioaktivnykh preparatov; sbornikstatey (Tech- niques,for the M-leasurement of Radioactive Preparations; Collection of Articles) Moacdwo Gosatomizdat, 1962. 46bo copies printed. Eds.: A. M. Smirnova and M. A. Smirnov; Tec4.' Ed.: S. M. Popova. PURPOSE:*Thi's book Is Intendea for specialists in nuclear instru mentation. -COVERAGE: The book Is a' collection of on recent developMcnts si in 1)_'ie-~is-urement--of_t,h_e activIty and 2'-*.1 1 '3 of the compo~ tion.of emi,6,alons of The m.-Ithodology and -n 1cferences apparatus us6d in these studles'are desoribed i dotal 1. are given at the end of each article. TA= OF COL*TnTTS: Card 2/5 Techniques for the 16easurement (Cont;) SO7716333. Pre-41a,ce 3 Voroblyev, A. A. Study of a-Emitting Preparations.With the Aid of a Gridded Ionization Chamber 18 V. A. I d*r,odyakiy, N. X.-Semenova, 1: Tup-ttsyn, and 0. A. Filippov. DIrect Measurement d the Activity of Tritiated Compounds 41 Bernotas., V. I., Yu. A. Pirogov.,* and O..A. Filippov. Measurement of the Activity.of Tritiated Thick Organic Films 51 L'vova, M. A. Experimental Evaluation of the Accuracy of a-Zethod for Measurement of P-Emitters, by Means-of End:-Window Counters 56 Turkin, A. D. Measurement of the Activity of,P-Sources in 47E- Ionization Chambers 63 Card 2/5 -EERNOTENAS, A. The living flowers of Lithuarda, Sov, profsolusy 19 no,1538-10 Ag (MM 160) 1. ZkyeduyushoMy kullturno-russovym otdolom Utovskogo respublikanskogo soveta professionallnykh soyusovt Vil,Ws. (Lithumda-Amateur art activities)