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S/081/61/000/002/016/023 A005/A105 The Solubility of Oil Hydrocarbons in Organic Solvents and Ways of the Oil Production Improvement late from sulfurous paraffin-base petroleum by phenol containing IC% water makes it possible to obtain an oil resistant to oxidation and having high susceptibility to antioxidant admixtures. The two-stage deparaffination of wide oil fractions makes it possible to increase the output of oils. An increase of the outp)i. :)f deparaffinized. oils and the filtration rate is also attained by the addi-- 'i~)V. o-.,*' admixtures, in particular, of the depressant A3HVW (AzNII) and oxidized ppt~~o- latum. B. E. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 3/3 J/. 01-YO AUTHORS: TITLEt 36539 S/081/62/000/006/071/117 B140108 Bikkulov A Z Nurayeva, Re A* Inves'tigation of the selectivity of furfuroA in the purifioa- tion of distillation raw materials PERIODICALz Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 532, abstract 6M180 (Sb. tr. Ufimak. neft. in-ta, no. 3, 1960, 221 - 229) TEXT: The selectivity of furfurol~(I) toward various Groups of compounds found in mixtures of sulfur containing petroleum distillates was investijpt- ed. This study was based on the chemical analysis of the refined product and of the extract obtainedl and on the quality of the hydrocarbons in these produpts. A high selectivity of I toward different groups of compound!.,;pw5 revealed. The order-of the extraction of hydrocarbons by I is, determined by the number of aromatic rings and by the length of the paraffin chains in the molecules, whilst the total number of rings does not affect this ordere The hydrocarbons isolated from the extract, have a higher coke value, a lower viscosity index (VI) and a lower oxidation stability than those 'of similar hydrocarbons isolated from oil. There is Gard 1/2. S/081/62/000/006/071/117 Investigation of the ... B149/B108 some overlap of the VI of.the fractions (although the crude components are sharply differentiatediby I). This may be avoided by recycling. The oxidation stability of'paraffino-naphthenic hydrocarbons from oil depends on the content of mono- and bi-oyolio aromatic compounds. Since there is a great variety of aromatic hydrocarbons in the distillate, the solvent chosen must be of high.selectivity to ensure a sharp separation of high grade from low grade products. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 2/2, BIKKULOV, A.Z.; KHLESTKINp R.N.; GROSHEV, B.M.; KHAHffEV, V.Kh.; ZMIXWv A.G. Use of petroleum toluene to obtain terephthalic acid. Neftepi r. i neftekhim. no.803-35 163. (MIRA 17a8 1. Ufimiskiy neftyanoy institut. BIKKI! ~V-,:4.; GROSEV, B.M6 Use of an anti-solvont in the extraction of hydrocarbon fractions. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' I gaz 6 no.1.1:71-73 163. KRA 1719) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy inotitut. BIKKULOV, A.Z. Effect of water on the properties of phenol an a selective solvent. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no. 3:3-7 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. , -) ~ , ~,, - . -1 A I '( ~ ~N N!k ' /~%, I ~,ii I% udi i .11 -.." - ",- - . - I - E!~:-. Z-=, -li: il. " - "- ~M tM BIRULOV, A.Z.; POPOV, V.A.; GROSURV, B.M. Selective solvents for extracting aromatic hydrocarbons from gasoline fractions. Nefteper. I rieftekhim. no.603-34 165. (MIRA 18-,7) 1. Ilfimskiy neftyanoy institut. ~--Ww BIKKI)LOV, Al ~?,,GROSHEV, B.M., POPUV, V.A. Comparison of seleotive solvents. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.6s67-72 165. (MIRA 180) BIKKULOV, A.Z.; GROSHEV, B.H. Glycols as sele,i-viva aolvents in the errtraz~t Ian rif Yqdrcz~arbunp. Nefteper. i neftekh4im. no.1l.;:24-26 164 MIRA iscz" j 1. Llf!mak.-'y neftyanoy instital.0 BIKKIII-OV, A.Z. Phenol and furfural. ais selective solvents. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.1:67-70 165. (MIRA 18-2) l.'Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. .,.,A~o~ go; Groahev, Bo Ho; Popov, Ve A* ORGs Ufa Petroleum Institute (Ufimkiy neftyanoy Institut) TITIE: Selective solvents A)r middle petroleum distillates SDURGEs IVUZ. Neft' i gas, not 7, 19639 39-61 TOPIC TAGS: fractional distillation, petroleum refining, nitromethane, solvent extraction ABTTRWT: ' Fifteein compounds were studied as possible e-eleictiv'e- solvents for -extractive separation of middle distillates. It was shom that the most .suitable selective solvents for middle distillates include dimethy1formamide .and furfurol, exhibiting at operating temperatures quite high dissolving and selective capacity. They can also be regenerated fairly easily. Sulfolan, propylene carbonate,, tnd ethylene carbonate can be used in the extraction of the middle distillates* Ploweverp in view of the high boiling points., these .solvmtB require special regeneration methods. Use of nitromethane and aceto-1 nitrile with sufficient tatperature coefficients and satisfactory dissolving ' !and selective capacity.. can be used toprevent boiling nf solvents at elevated. ipressures in the extraction equipmqnte Oil--- tableo fj'PR-S7 L'_ _ ___- - .- . g. art. has: 2 agurea and 1 suB comst n, o7 suBm DATE: olhug64 mn REFs oo? -1 card :L -OLG- iDl*-A hen t--*] BIKULOVA G,.A., otv. za vyp.; LAVROVA, T.V., otv. za vyp.; LOBIJOYA, - -'Yu. p otv, za vyp. (Nomenclature handbook] Nomanklaturrqi spravochnik. Mo- skva. Pt.lo(Quality and high-quality steels] Kachestven- nye i vysokokachestvermye stali. 2., perer. i dop. izd. In.d.) 279 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Promsyr1yeimport, Vsesoyuznoye importno-eksportnoye ob"- yedineniye. L 44U8-16 /jxT ACC NR& AP6023656 LA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0066/66/000/004/0039/0041 AUTHORS: Chizhov, G.,B. (Doctor of t3chnical sciences, Professor); Didenko, R. A.; Bikkulova.aI, M, ORG: Len~Mad Technological Institute-for the Refrigeration Industry (Leninj~a_dskiy takhnologichaskiy institut kholodi-11noy pronyahlennosti) TITLE: Treating the surface of chicken eggshells to increase their lasting in storage 'SOURCE.- Kholodilluaya tekhnika,, no. 4,, 1966# )9-41 TOPIC TAGS: food preservation,, food technology,, mineral oil, antibiotic / 50SU *ineral oil ABSTRACT: A series of antibiotic~and substances sealing the shell pores was applij to the surface of chicken eggshe3_1s in an effort to determine their ability to lengthen the storage period of eggs. None of the antibiotics tested (bioMrain, nistatine, sorbio acid, and various mixtures of these) has. shown any protective ability. Neither did aqueous solutions of sodium silicate, polyethylene packaging, or 10-sec dipping of the eggs in boiling water. The only promising results were obtained by immersing the egges In 50SU mineral oil,, especially if the latter con- tained 1% of the oil-soluble antibiotic hordecyn, described by No Vo Novotellnov 1/2 uDc: 637.4.004.4 L 44"8-66 WC NRt AP6023656 0 and 1. S. Yezhov (Novyy antibiotik gordetsin, vydelenrW iz yachmennogo zerna. Zhurnal Doklady vysshey shkoly (Biologicheskiye nauki), 1959, No. 3). The treat- ment resulted in a drastic decrease of dehydration, decrease of microbe population, and of the number of defective eggs. These advantages are especially pronounced upon prolonged storage, e.g.,, 3-4 months. Orig. art. has% I table. SUB COM 06, 07/ SUBM DMI none/ ORIG REN 0031 OTH REF: 001 DOIZINP I'm., red.; BIKMVA, R.I., red.; STULICHINOVA,, N.F.,, gTables of observations performed on the drifting research stations "North Pole-6" and "North Pole-70 in 1958 and 19591 Materialy nabliudenii nauchno-issWovatellskikh dreituiushebikh stantaii "Savernyi poliu " " I "Severnyi polius-7" 1958-1959 d Leningrad., Izd-vo "Morskol. transport,," 1962. 627 p. raLngrad. Arkticheskii i antarkticbeskii nauchno-iasledovatellskii instltut. Trudy, no.249). (MM 1624) (Arctic regione-Mate~rology--ObservationB) NIKOLISUIO A.F... red.; BIKMVA, R.I., red.; XOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., tekhn,red, NOW f ,g.researoh stations North [materials from observations at drif tin Pole-6 and North Pole-7 in 1958-1959~and North Pole-5 in 19561 A - -.2 -- -~ -;f~ VAterialy nabliudenii nauahno-insledovAtel'BUkh drejX4 Una staxitaii "Severnyi polius4j" Severnyi polius-70 1958/59 g i *Severnyi polius-5K 1956'goaa, (Lieningrad, Isd-vo "Mwskdi transport," 1963, 910 p, Leningrad, Arkticheskii i antarkt~4heskii nauchno- ia,sledo-vatelfskii institut, Trudy, vol.250),-* (MIRA 16 t 5) (Arctic rogionii-I6nQsphero4.~,,Qbeervations) (Arctic regions-Magnett~sm, Tor strial-Oboarvation 9) 10-10 LAVROV, V.V.; IVANOV,, K.Ye., doktor geograf.nauk, red.; BIKULOVA, R.I., red.; STULICHIKOVA, N.P., (11r'oblems in the physics and mechanics of ice] Voprosy fiziki i makhaniki 11da. laningrad, Isd-vo "Morskoi t 'ransport," 1962. 117 p. Leningrad. ArtUchaskii i antarktichaskii nauchno-issledov,ateltakii institut. Trudy, val.247. (MIRA 16t10) BM(AKATOV- Ih.D.; VINOGRADOV, G.N., redaktor [De:iga and maculations for a venipreamtre mmeade spilIVS71 lonstruktalla i raschet polunapornogo perepada. Pr=ze. Isd-vo Kirgitakogo filia3.& Ak&dguit nauk sssRs 1948. 40 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Spillways) BM:Al,~ATOV 1 JUJI. D. , .- .- .I- . * ' i :, otekhni,~, 1,11. D. osobennost ~Splcat,3tsii kawl0v I FL jdr s', c E, h 'inney el, 36670. Bihmamatov, ), Gidrotekhnika J jrell.oratsJY3, 1949, no. 5, c- 64-69 sooruzhenV V ,orywk1i )slcrviyal,lhe rl SO: Mtopis, Zhurrunllyrkh Statcy, 'Vol. 50, Xoskva, 1949 BIKMAKATOV, Kh. D. . - - -!", Oj "CalculatiAgs for Spillways," Gidrotekh. Itroi, No. 5. 1949 Cand Mech Soi. ' 1. PIKM#ATOV, Kh. D. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Water Pipes 7. Nonfreezing metal sleeve for connecting a wooden pressure pipeline with a reservoir. Gidr. i mel. 4 no. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. SOV/98-59-6-13/20 AUTHOR: Bikmamatov, Kh.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences ---------------------------- 11% TITLE: The Calculation of Ice Formation in Waterconduits of Hydroelectric Power Plants PERIODICAL: Gidrotekbniehesk e stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 6, pp 45 0~ - 47 (USSR ABSTRACT: The author finds that formulas proposed by Engineer A.P. Sengalevich in his article, titled as above and published in Nr 4 (1957) of this periodical, for the calculation of ice formation in water conduits of the hydroelectric power plants give contradictory and wrong results. There are 1 table and 7 Soviet references. Card 1/1 BIFVATOVA, G. G. BIXMATOVA, Q. G.: "Stratified rairs Pedagogical Inst (DTSSMTATTON FOR scrwg) of complexes." Moscow City imeni V. P. Potemkin. Moscow 1956. IMF. DEGRVT OF CARTMTE nT PHYSTC(WkTqEVITIUL Soi Knizhnaya letopis' No 15, 1956, Moscow BIDMMWUMV, M.A. The gray-brown soils of Kxvl-Ojrda Province. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR. pochv, noo2-.3-7 160. (K= 13:8) (Kzyl-at" PrOTIRCS-80115) BIYJtVqA3F.ET0VA, KUL -S- 33589. Alkogolizatsiya Verkhne-Gortamogo Nerva. Vestnik Otorinolaringologii, 1949, No. 5, c. 79-80. Bibliogr: C. 80 SO: Letopislrrjkh Statcy, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 USSR/Humnn and Animal MorphdloV.. Nervous System. 5-12 Peripheral Norvous System Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol.1 No 199 1958, 88402 Author e. Bikmukhmnetova. Kh-,- S,-- Inst t Not Given Title Some Wriants of Anastomosis of the Main Branchos of the Pharyngeal ~brvea Orig Pub: Vestn. otorinclaringologii, 19560 No. Is 68-74 Abstract: It was dumonstratod in the pharynx, in 35 ad-ult mon., that the anastomosos (A'I) of tho main 'branches of the pharyngeal nerves tire numerous$ multiform ind usu- ally inconstant. Constant anastomoBoa were domon- strated only between the tormina -irborization of the internal branch of the superior ph,-!Mpoa1 nerve (Sa!) and the internal branch of the SPN ind the - Card 1/2 posterior branoh of the inferior pharyngeal nerve. 3.3 USSR/Humn and Animal Morphology. Nervous System. S-3 Peripheral Nervous System Lbs Jour: Rof Zhur - Biol,,, Ib 19., 195Bq 88402 Abstract: in constant anastomosas were of various &L-rees, of complication. AmonC 6 inconstant-L of the main branches of the pluaryngeal nerves, simple L wore noted in 46 casase complicated, in 15. 1, of the in- terbal brpnches of the SPN were found more frequently and were ricre complicated than A of other branchos of the pharyngeal norvo4, The variability of ~11 of the main branchas of tho phnrynFoal nervo suVeosts a diversity and variability of the function of those branches, Card 2/2 IIMM2MI~,.Kh.S. (Bashicirskeya ASSR, Ufa, ul. Innine, d.2, kv,39) ~Xiiams forms of variation in the brenching of the superior laryural nerve* Arkheanstegist. J ambr, 35 nool:105-106 Ja-F 158. (min 11-.4y lo Is kafedry operativnor khtrurgii (say. - dots. VA.Rowakevich) Bashkirskogo meditsinskago institatse (TA , innervation, superior laryngeal nerve. extreme forms of branching (RUS)) BMWLILINA, M. M. Bikmullina,, M. 11. -- "The Macroscopic Structure and Innervation of the Muscles of the Posterior Surface of the Lower Leg." Bashkir State IXedical Inst imeni XVth Anniversary VIKal. Ufa, 1955. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). So; Knizhnaya Leto2is', No. 11, 1956, pp lo3-u4 B USSR / Human and Animal liorpholo!~ . Nornpl and Patilolo,, cal. S y Ui Nervous System4 . Abs Jour R Zh B1611 No 21, 1958i Po 97072 Author lukwg"W,~_~ Inst Bashkir He~icanl I~stitutle Title Macroscopic Structure and IlinervWon of the Huncles of the Posterior SurfPce of the Can Orig Pub :Sb..naucbn. tr. Kafodry normalln. anatomil, Bgshkirsk4 med. An-t. Ufa, Bashkirsk, kn, izd-vo, 1957, M-186 Abstract :98 lower extremities of 52 human cadrvers from fetuses of the second half of intra-uterine life to 60 years of age and, for comparison, 30 hind extremities of the do-, wolf,, fox, cat -nd rabbit, were studied. The nuthor concludes thot the powerful development of the muscles (M) of the posterior sutfoce of the calf, and their complicated function, ire specific for min.. Aside from musculus plantaris, all other 1.11 ire better developed in man than in onimpls.. The presence of muscle Card 1/2 "JSSR / human and Animal Korpholorv, Normal and Prtholo;- chl. Nervous System. Abs Jour R Zh ti6l, 21j, 1958j, 140 97072 stations of vnrious length in the Fastrocnemius M of man, as well as V~e complex feathery structure of itv c,-pitul,-, allow it to develop rre~rriter power by dynimic and static contrictions. , Complict-ted structure and pcnicrful development of musculus solous is connected with erect wclldng. Lusculus plcntaris in mvn fullfills only an auxilliary function. M of the deep lpyer of the posterior surface of the calf (C) possess primarily a static function. The muscular pates of m,gpstrocnemivsJ mesoleus and m.tibiolis posterior are distributed in their proximal parts, and m.plantaris and n. popliteus in the middle pert. Entrance of nervas into 11 of the posterior surfvce of the calf occurs usually in the 3-4 brsnches. Final formetion of M of the posterior surface of the calf occurs in the process of their functioning by walk- ing. Under influence of trPction, their tendonous apppr,-tus forms.. and t1my acqiiire the ability for a st,-tic function. Card 2/2 BIMULLINA, S.K., Morphological changes in the lungs fo3loving the action of coal dust from the Yogo'rahino coal mines'. Sbor. rab. po silik. no.2: 3.43-145 160* (MIRA 1413) 1. Sverdlovskiy gosudaratvenpyy moditainskiy inatituto, (WNGS-DUST DISFASES) I S-.- BIKYULLINA-SULEYMANOVA, S. K.--"Morphology of the Healing of Wounds Under the Influence of Sulfanilamides and Penicillin when the Organism is in a Normergic and Allergic State." *(Dissertation for Degrees in Science and Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions.) Sverdlovsk State Medical Inst, Sverdlovsk, 1955 SOtKnizhnaya ketopial, No. 25, 18 Jun 55 * For Degree of Candidate In Medical Sciences -S,- --B 9 Changes in the pbynicomechanical properties of limestones and dolomites in sections of the upper Carboniferous in the Samara Bond. Trudy IDEM no,43.-7-17 161. (NIU 3-4:10) (Samara Bend-Limestone) (Sanua Bend-Dolomite) MSKOVP A.P. [Kreshkov A.P.);-,UXOVA,,_L.N. [Bykova, L.N.); KAZAILIAN, N.A. [Kazaryan, N.A.1; ALDAROVA --W.S.--[Aldarova, N.S-h.) i. Advances ir the field of the analysis of inorganic and organic compounds in nonaqueous solutions. Analele chimie 17 no.4:43-88 O-D 162. is# .10 . BIKOVA, Nq ZIKOIQVA. S*. '~r, ithesis of dicumarol, Farmateiia 4 no.1:23-26 J&,-F 154. 1. Republikeaski uau&no-iss-ledovatelski farmatesytiehan institut. (COUMAIN. prqwation of.) 0 ZHILIAZKOV, L.; BIKOVA. N.; MOLOTA, S.; PSTKOVA, 1. A now method of mynthesis of 1-pherq1-2-sainapropanol (norephadrin and norpseudoophodrin)..]Parmatelia. Soft& 4 no-51-25-33 Sept-Oct 54. (SYMPATHOKDWICS. preparation of phenylpropskoUsine) BLWARIA/Orgmic Chemistry - Naturally Occuring Substances and Their Synthetic Analogs- Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Kkiimiyap No 2., 1957,, 4540 Author Dikova No Inst Title Synthetic Curate Substitutes Orig Pub Farmatsiya (B"lg.), 1956, 6: No 2, 2-1-26 Abstract A review. Bibliography 15 references. E-3 Card 1/1 9 116 - BuixMh/Organic Chemistry. OrGanic Synthesis. G Abs Jour: Ref Zbur-Khim., No 11, 1959, 38592. ;,uthor- Zhelyazkov, L. andDikova, N. Inst Pharmeolorgical Rese-m~r' ~te. Title Synthesis of Ownacatin. Orl[; PWb: Trudi, Hauch Isladomtcl Inst Farmtsiya, 25-36 (1957) (in DaGariwi vith Gmmn and IbAssian suimaries) -bstmct; The authors have synthesized p-Cj.HSOC~-,1qm-1COC1,,; (I) by the reaction schmic: qi'Kola + 1)-IIOC61,~K (11) Esic I., _7; II + TQS + Na.3 p-I1OC6T4M14 (III); III + C11jCOOH ;P ji-;WC1,14MICOCH (IV); IV + C~'T'rSO.Zopps- (+ NaOU) ---71. 11 Is obt2ned in yields of~70-781~; III is oblained in yields of 80~ by Cie reduction of II or by the action of (N11f)A S on a solut,ion of II in conc NI13 (or by ,mssint; a strean of I~S through the Card 1/2 G-22 'BnGLRIA/0rganic Mmemistry. Naturally Ocftrring Substances and their Synthetic Analmgs. G-3 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Kbimiya, No 4, 1958, 11445. Author Zhelyazknv, L., Bikovap N., and Petkrva, E. Inst Title Syntheses Based on Harmin Orig Pub: Farmatsiya (Bulgaria), 7 with a Russian sunmary) - No 1, 29-33 (1957) (in Bulgarian Abstract: Harmine (I) was used as a starting mterial for the synthesis of 9-N-benzyl-I (II), 9-N-dimetbylamint-ethyl-I (III), and 9-N-diethyl-aminoethyl-I (IV), all of which have been syn- thesized for the first time. A suspension of the IvTa salt. of I (from 2.1 = I and C0c;0Na prepared from 0.34 gm Na and abs alcoloZ is refluxed'in dry xylene with 1.9 pps ben yl chloride (10-21 hrs) or respectively, with 2 ml Card l/P BULGARIA/Orgaaic Chemistry. Naturally Occurring Substances and their Synthetic Analogs. G-3 Abs JOUr: Referat ZhUr_yjLjmiya, No 4, 1958., 11445. dimethylaxir-ceth Ich1cride airino cb~,tjride 7sic ~ (10 bra) Cr with 2 ral diethyl- have been isolated ( 1 (4 bra). The f'llwi"8 substances ative, and the PrOdIket, Yield in the melting point given).- 11, 61 Of the -latter Insalt deriv OC are j hydrochloride, 252-254 (from cH3oH); .,LL fate, -"60-265, Oxalate, 155-157, salicylate, 170_173, Picrate 220-222,. 111, alcoh,_,l 73, bydr0chloride, 287-290 (from ); IV, 72-76, late, 277-278, sallcYlate, OxAlate, 219-222, 259-261-5., Picrate, 2P,3-224. Card 2/2 BULGARIA/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 ,Abs Jour; Referst Zhur-1(hinlya, No 5, 1958, 14532 Author Zhelyazov L., Zikolova Sv., Bikova, N. Title Behavior of Cis- and Trans-Isomers Of h-Meth71-5-PhenYl- Cmazolindone-2 Toward Lithium Aluminum Hydride. Orig Pub: Farmtsiya (B"lg.)) 195T) 7.- No 3., 19-23. Abstract: It is shown that cis- (I) and tr.-^ (II) 4-wtbYl-5-PhenYl_ oxazolindone-2 am not reduced over skeleton Ni or Pd/C under normal conditons; on an attempt to effect the reduction with Ma and alcohol, or Na and amyl alcohol, II in converted to norephedrine. On boiling for 7 hours vith an ether solution of 2 mole LiAlH4 I and II are reduced, with almost quanti- tative yields, to pseudo-ephedrine and ephedrine. Card : 1/1 BULGARIA / Organic Chemistry. Natural Compi Their Synthetic Analogues. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhiMiya, No 3, 1959, 842.' Author : _B' ko uLr_Av- Inst : Not given. Title : Synthetio SpasmOlYtic Agents of k~ Papaverine-Like Action. orig Pub: Farmatsiya (B"1g.), 1958j 8, No 1 Abstract: A review. Bibliography 17 referej Card 1/1 BULGARIA / Organic Chemistry. Otganio Synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khiqiya, No 1, 1959, 1292. Author : Zhelyazkov, L~t, Bikova, N., Petkova, Ye. Inst : Not given. "WWOWW'00,01. Title : The Synthesis of Harmine Bases. Orig Pub: Formatsiya (B111g.), Moo 8, No 2, 13-17. Abstract: 9-R-harmines were synthesized (la-d), where uaR is CH3, bR, =-n-C4H,, oR = n-CH3006H4cH,, dR = CH2CH20H)- Upon heating n-xhlylene d1ohloride for 5 hours with harmine in 04"-90H, the diohloride 2-(n-xylylene)- bis-harmine was apparently obtained. Also obtained were tha iodine methylates (IM), 9-benzyl- (M. P. 283-284 C.), 9- 6 -dimethyl aminoethyl- ( m. p. 288:2900C.) and 9- AA--diethylaminoethyl- (m. p. 296 2990C.) - harmines. Two grams of dimethyl Card 1/3 j, APIAR Ilk G lri~;all~o C'ner'll, slry Syntlak!t1c Organic Ch(-:` stry P.P. jr,'-p. P7 rl -. im P NO, 1 10(10 flo, 1267 L, OR Zlhelyazkov, L. Zikolova, S. ; Blhovr, b. 1111MO Sirntheris of 3-Substitiited. Oxazolidones-2 and Their Derivatives lRy". PUB. Farl-ratslya, In 9, 9, No 2j 33-35 !.A B37-,!- CT By the alAvylation of cis- and trnns-' viothyl- uLtad 1 and Il vore s-yr-thesizzod Lla-f Rn-"i llft-~; - .in I everywhere % alkyl = n -C3117 ; b n- Ck, j )1 11 GH2 - 0~1'(G'13)2, d n-C6111~, 0 CH2CH=r.'IIP , f C,9,2T'12N- - through the n1kaline hydrolysis of which cia- and, propanol3 (Ma-f ard IVA-f), interesting GARD: 1/3 G- 35) A B Si 01-T. R77yhim'j 110. 1 1960, No. 1267 AT COX, m 0 21 Wecomp. )3; 1, 57-59 r-2j- ~tld 220; Oxy in ()-2010 )] ; - f, (OX, ,,. C', - 8 - 36, d d ra M.D. 1 11 o d,.)qj yn.p. 10,5-1860) . All of the stibstit--ited 1 niid II (except lo, IIc) do not crystalllLo. St-30 also RZIi-11,1iti-A., No 1~1 --)(CI+-. -- D. it 959 45" Vitkovskly 3/3 G-36 ZiIFJ,IAZKOV) L. ; BIKOVA P IN. --l' I.- Synthesis of simplified structural analogs of galanthamine I the benzylamine derivatives. Trud-Khim-farmatee-A inst 4:5-6 63e Synthesis of the 1) 2.9 2.,6, 6-pentamethy.1piparidble ganglioblocking preparation. -Lbid.:9-U YA-C:A!ij O.F.; AKOVICII., II.V. [Bykovych,, N.V.) Effect of additives on the improvement of the quality of porcelain. Leh. prom. no.3:36-39 Jl-S 164- OURA 17:10) XREYMp M.L.; GAZIZOVp R.Ah.j BIXHIMIROVj F.S.; XHUDAYDATOVA, L#Bo; IIEMBITOVA, R.N. Improving the quality and increasing the recovezy of a 62-850C gasoline fraction for use as a raw material for producing benzene. Trudy BashKII NP no.6:95-101 163. (MIRA 17:5) PAUVEEV, T.j KHRISTOVAO 11.1 DINCHEV, D.; TAKOVA, T.;-Aip, St.~ Introduction of boron fertilization in Bulgaria. Izv Inst "Nikola Pushkartma 4189-131 162o 1 Ole .0* BLOKKIN, M.-AP; BIKS9 V.A. X-ray eyeetroscopic analysis of multicomponent mixtures. Zav.-Iab~2? no.101-34 t61. (MIRA 14:3) l.-Rostovskiy gosudarstvenny uniTersitet. (Systems(Chemistry)) X-ray ipectroseopy) Representation of drumlino on topographic maps* Good. i kart. no.11:5547 N 1-62. (MIRA 15:22) (Topographi4pl drawing) I (I I ki ID 22-0S s/184/6o/ooo/oo4/ooq/o2i A109/AO29 AUTHORSt Bikson, I.A.; Petrova, A.N.; - Graduate Engineers TITLE: Investigations of New Types of Plastics PERIODICAL& XhImicheskoye Mashinostroyenlye, 1960, No. 4, pp. 28 - 29 TEXTs Plastics as substitutes for nonferrous metals and expensive alloys in chemical machine building is discussed and detailed description of tests carried out by the NIIKhIKRASh on polyethylenevd polypropylenel-G given. Con- tinuous stress at normal tempei~A_tu es does not affect the t-e-n-sTle strength and expansion of polypropylenes, whereas It decreVes the tensile strength of lo ,w_ X pressure polyethylenes. The tensile strengthl8of both decreases rapidly at ris- ing temperatures. The expansion of polyethylene increases from 560% at 200C*to 1,300% at 1000C and that of polypropylene from 720% to 1,600%. The tensile strength of both plastics is greater at low temperatures; polyethylene retains its elasticity whereas polypropylene becomes-brittle. Extensive tests in 10% and 30% HC1, 15% and 50% H2S04, 50% NaOH and 85% H3PO4 at 1000C revealed a satis- factory stability of both plastics, whereas 60% HN03 at 10000 proved destructive to both. Tests Included two types of welding: filler rod welding with polyeth- Card 1/3 S/184/60/000/004/009/021 Investigations of New Types of Plastics A109/AO29 with ED-6 resin. This.method ensures a tearing strength of 103 kg/cm 2 and a shearing strength of 111.5 kg/cm2. There are 2 figures. Card 3/3 BIKSON., M. yc~ - d r en , j nr firlidd rotitit. tile Swwflable ~,;413- fo) Stimcc it n cmicil. ir m(pvc,, lown a layer of sork-tit nt the rat Tile ififferro(vit ctfivition or file sort-tion i% 161 is (6, 16x) - (,)n/at) + 1) (01c/0% 1) with a - coucti. of the Solh.1b1c. qlth~wllrv at file given F16th x of the layer, and file coilditintir-11c, .11 x 0, c - C. - const., a - a., &/ar - 0; at I - 0, " - a - 0, 6-10s; - 0. If tile "riltioll Is phy.4, Bild deld. fly diffil'illi, akl/w - 0 [c - C(a)). withe Qf?) - cmicit. M the -ttirfacc in equil. with a. With f - x - 14 (101cre v - latc or c1hplaccinent of the mvp6cm wAve), Intcgratinti wer E gives 1)(ilc1dj) - (it - vie - va, nsid.Shilov's fritnitil-i for the pr-agation ofasorp- tfvn wave, V - raul(n~ + rp), IS111n, ; lion of k gives daldc - ,("-((n4 + COVrOPIC - C001001CIC-0) - a). . Where "tin/sil Is a (11111 L lision le..t.4 cill(eflon. fn the limiting va~w of abscrim of Inrigitudiiial diffusion, G - 0, and a lq linear ill c at tile flout of tile sorption wave, as predicted by 7cfelovich. Aj?jirox, intcgrativii of the alkre equatinn prtivilts calcts. of the di%tribittinit of the concti. along the Inyer, will ths:nce the fejigth 8of tile operating 1.1yer of solvcnt, 6 :to) -- x(r, - et), I.e. A - dintsitice tw- twCul tile x to r, alld in (re - vi), Where cl - colica. of ctxapc. For a J'alignildr-type Isotherill A (c) - A. (I J- whem c,1, - c cor- rekilarlding to linif-filling OF tiLC 50t`114711t, A - VII/ox, + G)12 + hi((ce - cOlcil. The coust. 0 cast he exprvz~cd by t conqts, 01 will ft, of extertint and interwil diffitbion 1/0 - (1/01) + With this stits- Altution, it ran G shown that the ii4tial mr-thrlds Of dvtu~ of 1 /0 arziundij 1-icid n itingt6wele 110" - (1100 + 0 !02) -1- 010). Atom: wifft int,rital diffimion, external atilt loilgituffilml ififfla-,iotl pint. ill! 4-enti-ti Toic ill ItInctoys-opic N. Thwi 131K5011j, Ya. M. "The Role of Diffusive-Kinetic Fattors in the Dynamics of Sorption. 11 Sub 22 Mr 51, Inst of Physical Chemistry, Acad Sci USSR. Dissertatio4s presented for science ~pd enfrineerinr degrees in 1,1,oscow during 1951. F-sr &i(ee ea'!- rkys-N);~Jl". ~';- SO: SUM. No. 480, 9 May 55. BIZSON. Ya. Rozanov's air-vater dynamometer. Fisiol. sh, SSSR 38 no-1:115 Jan- Feb 52, (CM 21:5) 1. Department of Physics, Crimean Helical Institute imeni I.T. Stalin. BlISCly, y&.x.; YJMLXM# V.D.; IFILOOV, A.A. NO DOuo"tr&tjoft of the diffraction 9POctram- liz.v shkole no.6:41-43 153. OMRA 6:10) 1. Xafsdra fl,.vM Krymkogo wiLitslaskogo Instituta imul I.V.Stalima. (Diffraction) Moon, Ya. ht AM/064stry- Adsorption Oct 53-- "Evaluation of the*Iefigth of the BTfective layer of Sorbent in the D~nsmics of Sorption on an Actual Granular Adsorbent," 'ia. M. Bikson, Inst Phys Chem, Acad Sci USSR Zhur Piz Khim, Vol 27, No 10: PP 1530-37 Established that when diffuslorr, agitation of the Wbwbwt along the streas, and phenomena of granula- tion of the front of the sorption wave occur in the charge, conditions of parallel transfer are finally. 2M.11 '7.7 --jq~j c I-- established. Pr6j~os a a a conens of the adsorbed substance along the charge under these conditions. Computed the effect of the actual conditions.enumerated above on the AepOh',Of_Vw e"ective- layer. . Found that the diM8100:40 kinetic resistances of the charge are very nearly additive. UM/ CheTdstry Physical cheirdstry Card Autbors I Bikson, Ya. m. Title I Dynamics of sorption of two components from a mixture Periodical : Zhur. fiz. khim. 28P Ed. 6) 1017 - 1024, June 1954 OBtract t Proof is presented of the existence of an asymptotic solution for the differential equations governing the dymaiTdcs of sorption of two compo- nents from a mixture. The distribution of the concentration of sorption substances, along the batch after establishing the process of parallel transfer, was calculated approximately. A method, determining the duration of the working sorbent layer for such a case,- is described. Fourteen U-1-M references. Graphs. Institution : Aced. of Be. USSR, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow Submitted : July 8$ 1953 69-58-2 -1/2z AUTHORs Biksonp Ya.M. TITLE: The Theory of the Optical Recording of Mixture Compositions by the Inclined Cylindrical Lens Arrangement (Teoriya opti- cheskoy registratsii sostava smesi po skheme naklonnoy tsi- lindricheskoy linzy) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, pp 129-134 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the electrophorotic analysis of proteins , optic-al methods of recording are widely used. Svensson ~_Ref 211 haa d4,,Nej,,- ped a method by which the concentrations of mixtures are easily determined. This methodp however, is not very exact. Troitskiy Z-Ref 2,32Proposed an inclined cylindr.1--al lens arrangement which is simpler than Svensson's method and avoids its drawbacks. A rational application and computing of the constants for designing is not possible as long as a theory for the lens arrangement is lacking. In the articlet a theory for Troitskiy's method is proposed. The analysis of the mixture composition is based on the use of the geo- metrical properties of the curve on the screen in the lens arrangement (fig 1). The influence of the concentration gradient of the solution in the vessel on the movement of Card 1/2 the light ray is shown in figure 2. The resolving power of 69-56-2 -/23 The Theory of the Optical Recording of Mixture Compositions by the Inclined Cylindrical Len8 Arrangement the optical system is determined and a comparison made be- tween the different methods. It is recommended that the optical path of the light be increased in order to obtain more exact values. There are 2 diagrams, 1 graphp and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 English, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Borisoglebskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Bcrisoglebsk Peda- gogical Institute) SUBILITTEDt January 4, 1957 1. Proteins--AiLulysis Op,lical inst~uments--Applica~,ions 3. Lenses--Geometrical pr-..,er.-ies--Theory Card 2/2 PAVEL, T Dr.; BIKSZ-WII�J,.-JAAA'dr.; CHIRITA, P., dr.; DINU. I., dr.; HERNIK, 1., dr. Study of the effect of mercurial diuretics on cardiac decompensation. Ned. int.. Ducur. 4 no.8:1220 1225 Doe 56. I* 1poi4m efectuata la. Clintes, a 11-a. medicals, (Dlr. prof, A. Paunescu-Podeam) I.N.T. - Timisoara. (CONGESTIVE HII PAILUM, therapy mercurial diuretics, mechanism of action, side-effects & resist.) (DIUMITICS. MNCMAL. ther. use congestive heart flallure, mechanism of action, side- effects & resist.) SOV/129-59-3-611~ AUTHORS; Rabinovich, Ye.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Skul'skiy, M.K. and Biktagirov, K.K., Engineers TITIZ: Influence of Residual Aluminium on the Impact Strength of Steel at Low Temperatures (Vliyaniye ostatochnogo alyuminiya na udarnuyu vyazkost' stali pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Termicheakaya Obrabotka Metallov, 19599 Nr 3, pp 25 - 28 + 2 plates (USSR) ABSTRACT: So far, the influence on cold-shortness of nitroKen, oxygen and other elements which are contained in steel in very small quantities has been little studied. The alathors have investigated the influence of alumirlium, which is usually contained in steel in very small quantities (up to 0.02%) and changes as a function of the quality of the preliminary deoxidation, the method of introducing aluminium and various other factors. They also studied the influence of various heat-treatment regimes and of the microstructure on the cold-shortness of st-eal. The inveBtigationc were made on basic open- Cardl/4 hearth steel, 15K, produced by the scrap-ore process in accordanee with current practice applied at the SOV/129-59-3-6/16 Influence of Residual Aluminium on the Impact Strength of Steel at Low Temperatures Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. The preliminary deoxidation Was effected in the furnace by means of ferromanganese and ferrosilicon, whilst the final deoxidation was affected with silleccalcium and aluminium or ferroailicon and aluminium. The _-ontent7 of residual t aLuminium in the steel was regulated by supplementary addition of aluminium into the ingot moulds. The experi- mental ingots were rolled into 40 mm thick sheet and then ^--ut into specimens. The chemical composition of the metal was as follows: 0.14-0.1?% C, 0.16-0.22% Si, 0.78-0.4?% Mn, 0.02?-0.036% S5 0.016-0.024% P. The .0 influence was studied of the aluminium on the impact strength of a non-heat-treated and heat-treated steel. The following heat treatmentsowere applied: quenching from 880, 920 '960 ang 1 000 C in water followed by tempering at 660-680 C; normallsation annealing at the enumerated temperatures; annealing at the same tempera- tures followed by cooling at a speed of 40-50 00/sec. Card2/4 In addition, the influence was also investigated of the SOV/129-59-3-6/16 Influence of Residual Aluminium. on the Impact Strength of Steel at Low Temperatures micr8structure on the impact strength at +20, 01 -20 and -40 0. The contents of residual aluminium were determined by spectrum analysis. On the basis of the results, which are graphed, the following conclusions are arrived at. 1) Cold-shortness of low-carbon steel depends on the content of residual aluminium and the size of the real grain. I 2) The higher the cooling speed of the steel from the sustenitic range, the finer will be the grain and'the lower will be the c8ld-shortness. The degree of over- heating (up to 9bo 0) has less influence on the grain size and the cold-shortness than the cooling speed. 3) After annealing, steel with traces of residual alum TAI-Z has a very pronounced cold-shortness at -40, -20 and 0, C; at these temperatures, the impact strength is negligible, amounting to about 1 kg~;j2. 4) With increasing content of residual &luminium, the critical cold-shortness temperatures decr - F gge. or a Card3/4 content. of residual aluminium, of about0 . the impact strength is satisfactory at -20 and 0 C, irrespective SOV~12~,-59-~-6/16 Influence of Residual Aluminium on the Impac S reng h of Steel at Low Temperatures of the coo4ng speed and of the degree of over-heating (up to 960 0). 5) For reducing the cold-shortness/00fomponents with large c.ross-sections made of low-carbon steel, it is desirable that there should be a residual aluminium content of 0.02-0.03%. There are 7 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 4/4 VORONUVI F.D., prof.; X(RMOVj A.N., prof*# doktor tekhn.nauk; SELIVANOVp N.H.$ kand.tekhn.nauk; SKMOV, Yu.D., kAnd.tekhn.nauk; RABINOVICH., Ye.I., kand.tekhn.naukj OMIOVO 0.1.1 inshe; TKACHENKOp I.A.# inzhe;. ROVIJULO inzh.; FILIPPOV, V.M.p i=h.1- KUSTOBILYEV,, G.G., inzh.' Making St. 3ps capped steel in Magnitogorsk Hatallurocal Combine open-hearth furnaces. Stall 22 no.8-.716-718 Ag 162, (MrU 15.-7) 1. MagnitogorWdy metallurgicheakiy kombinat i Chelyabinshy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut metallurgii. (Nagnitogorok-Open-boarth process) 12 A (-tp- -'I -1 7- -7,-, - Z-A I--!! z-,Trtvllz-er I a 17 1 .-- I 1 1. 1 ~ 6 ~-r, .4 1 7 r.~, ) - j" - I ! T', I ',I , , '. -1 -,A I -! I , ~ - 4 c - p, ~ , ..% . I ~ A ("f-417 ', , u , N; f , i , 4 n c~ I EirfASH&V, A. "OdOwww'- Washing returned packaging materials. Prom. koop. 12 no.6:31 Jo '58. (MIRA 11:6) (fteksging) BIKTAaM, Ch.F. Experienae in-fitting new,pipelines into those already in operation. Transp. i khran.-neftl no- 3t1O-II t63o (MIRA 170) 1. Subkhanskulovakaya nefteperekachechnaya stantslya. Ov.I BIKTASHEV, Ch.F.; T)~IYASOV, A.Ao; Roll. , - ~ . ~-- ---A- ~.. -.. I-. lririovutloa-~ in t4-,~ ',ubkhangullovo Ragioi-,ai Tstrolata~ pipa:Uila Ai3miniit,raticn. T3--j:!I--:I;~-. i klo-an. nefti I nefteprod. no.7: 23-28 (MIFA 17:8) BIKTASHEVA, A.D. pbl7morphiam of supercooled sonochloroaoetic &aid. Zhur. fiz- khim. 35 no.5.-1133-1135 W 161. (MMA 16--7) 1. Bashkirskiy filial AN SSSR Ufa. (Acetic &aid) 1POlMrphles) BIKTASHEVA, A.D. ,;oss~ibi3ity of deteriining the fusion points ot aubstances in solutiono trudy Komanalekhim. 13:59--62 163. (NIRA 16:5) 1. Inatitut organichaskoy khimii Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR, (organic compounds) (Solution (ChwAdtry)) (*lting points) BOBROVAq L.A ~ BATASHEVA,. li,.A., NIGIATULLINA., N.S., red.,: '~Vlb'Rb"7 (molecular si"ver, new adnrbents,~ abstrants of lecturer, to aid .;hemLstry teacherd MolskuliaryWe sita - novye pronWsILleniVe adsorbe:,-Oy~ konspakL Is,3ktsj-.i v pomoshch' uchiteliam khiml-~.. Ufa. Basll~,-ski~. in~ '~ usovershanst-ro-va- nlia uchiteW_ 1461. 99 (PuRA 18,11) KREYMER, M.L.; BORZENKO, V.A.; BIKTIMIROV, F.S.; STEPANOV, N.P. Certain data on the industrial eval:uation of the efficiency of sieve plate with a baffle arrangement. Trudy Bashf;Il h-P no.6: 217-225 163. (MIFLA 170) BIKTIMIROV, S.Kh.; KUNEKIN, Yu.P.; IKJRUSHEV, S.B.; STOLETOV, G.D. Apparatus for studying polarization in high-energy proton scattering. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.1%25-30 Ja-F 164. (MMA 17:4) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. plx!21-~Tl. - U, - 1. (Usan I ) Eradication of mats is an urgent task. ZaBhch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no. 6:14-15 -76 161. (MMA 116r4) 1. Ministr sellskogo khozyayatva Tatarskoy ASSR. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Smuts) USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamicas Thermochamistry. B-8 Equilibriim. Phyzicochemical Analysis. Phase Transitions. ,Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Khimiyao No 3, 1957, 7486 Author : Mikheyeva, L.M.., Novoselova, A.V,, and Biktimirov, R. Title : Determination of the Solubility of Calcium Beryllium Fluoride in Water and in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions vith Tagged Atoms Orig Pub : Me neorgan. khimii, 1956, Vol 1, No 3) 499-505 Abstract : The solubility of CaF2 in vater and in 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and IN HCI at room temperature increases from 0,000205 moles/liter at PH 7 to 0.0363 *oles/liter at PH 0.3- Saturation os attained after 20-40 houra. The solubili- ty of CaBeF4 was determined at HM concentrations of 0.01, 0.1) and IN; as in the previous case the solubility Vas found to increase vith adidity from 0.00093 mole/liter at PH 7 to 0,0974 mles/liter at PH 0.3. Saturation vas reached after 50-300 hours. The solubility of CaBeF4 Card 1/2 log - a OIGROV, R. S. k F 0 Solubility of cesium nitrate in nonaqueous solvents. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.10t2356 0 163. (MM 17:2) __AIKT-1KRQL-1LS-- Solubility of inorganic salts in organic solvents and their mixtures with water. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.U:2573-2576 N163. - (MIRA 17:2) a-- - - - - - I - ---- - -- - v . - I - ~ - -z- 0 - -I ~- , . - 5M 'AUTHORS: Voznesenskiy, S. A. (Deceased), SOV/78-4-3-21/34 Diktimirov, R. S. TITLEt e Solubility of Inorganic Salts in Organic Solvents and Their Mixtures With Water (Rastvorimost, neorganicheskikh soley v organicheskikh rastvoritelyakh i ikh smesyaklas vodoy) PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 623-625 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solubility of Ca 2so4 in alcohols and its aqueous mixtures was investigated at 250. The dependence of the solubility of cesium sulfate upon the dielectricity constants of the solvent was investigated. The solubility of cesium sulfate in water, methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl alcohol obeys the law: 1g S K + 1 A ~-. S - solubility; D = dielectricity constant; D K,A specific constants. This equation also gives the solubility of cesium sulfate in alcohol-water mixtures or in Card 1/2 alcoholic mixtures. It was found that the logarithms of The.Solubility of Inorganic Salts in Organic SOV/78-4-3-21/34 Solvents and Their Mixtures With Water aolubility do linearly depend upon the reciprocal value of the dielectricity constant of the solvent. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut im. S. M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Inotitute imeni S. M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: January 3, 1958 Card 2/2 BIXTIMIROV, R.S.; SHAKHM&MVA, NJ. Effect of nonaqueous solvents on the coprecipitation of cesium nitrate with rubidium nitrate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.2: 460-464 F164. (MIRA 17t2) ACCESSION NR: "4018357 S/0120/64/000/001/0025/0030 AUTHOR: Biktimirov S,.- Kh.; Kumekin, Yu. P.; Nurushevo S. B.; Stoletov, G. D. TITLE: Outfit for polarization studies with high-energy proton scattering SOURCE: Pribory* I tekhaika eksperimenta. no. 1. 1964, 25-30 TOPIC TAGS: proton, proton study, high energy proton, proton scattering, polarization study, triple proton scattering ABSTRACT: An outfit (see Enclosure 1) intended primarily for measuring the triple -scattering parameters in cases where the scattering in hydrogen takes place in a horizontal plans Is described. The outfit consists of two rigid trusses 4 and 5 which can rotate around a stationary vertical column 2 being supported by a common base 1. A hydrogen target 3 which serves as a second scatterer is mounted on the column 2. A number of scintillation counters forms two Card 1/4 ACCESSION gWAP4018357 telescopes which record the charged particles emitted from the hydrogen target at angles Ot and 0,'. in the laboratory coordinate system. The angles can be measured by means of a dial 6. Thus, the outfit can measure the parameters of triple scattering for both above angles. The segments 7 and 8, together with the target analyzers 9 and 10 and with the scintillation counters that record triple- scattered protons, form polarlastars. The segments 7 and 8 can be set either vertically or horimcntally. To reduce the random-coincidence background, the protons not scattered by the third targets 9 and 10 are recorded by special scintillation counters J13A and f13A connected for anti-coincidence with other counters. In a typical triple -scattering experiment. the cross-*ection of a polarized proton beam had a circular shape with a 4-cm diameter. The members 4 and S were so adjusted that the protons scattered in the hydrogen to the left and to the right within a 90' angle would be recorded. Target analyzers of 8. 5 g/cm were used. With a polarized-beam intensity of ZX 107 pr6tonsisec, the count rate of the triple -scattered protons -was about 3 protons hain In each of the four channels. Correlation coincidenc es were counted at & rate of about 0. 1 Cowd ACCESSION NR: AP40183ST eventm/hr. The background in the absence of the third targets was about 16% of the total count rate; the background in the absence of the liquid hydrogen was 1% or less. "In conclusion, we wish to thank M. G. Meshcheryakov for his guidance of the work, We are also thankful to L, V, Buftin, V. L Nikitin, V. M. Pribor. and G. V. Rykov for their help in building and adjusting the equipment. 11 Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (Soint Nuclear Research Institute) SUBMITTED: 23Feb63 DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: PH, NS NO REF SOV: OOS OTHER: 002 Card 314 ACCZSS ION MR s AP4018357 ZML,osuitz -. 01 X Cwd #/41 aft"Wift &ws- POA&rJL"tlcu studi" idth hJ& -um -W'Protoa ---:7- w T- 41 ,z4 - , r I .- ~ -.- - -, t 1- ":,-: Ana -.4. 1 442,~, ;tire BIKTIMIROVA, L. G.: Master Chem Sci (diss) -- "The anomalous reaction oil alpha- haloketones with the esters of phosphoric acid". Kazan', 1958. 13 pp (Kazan' OrdFr of Labor Red Banner State U im V. 1. Ul'yanov-Lenin), 150 copies (KL, No 13, 1959, 100) F AUTHORS: Pudovikq A. N.v Bikt va, L. 30'1/ 73-28-6-11/63 TITLE: The Anomalous Reao ion of a-Halogen Ketones With Esters of Phosphorous Acid (Anomalinava reaktsiya, a-galoidketonov s efirami fooforistoy kieloty) VII. The Reactions of the Esters of Phosphorous Acid With the Chlorine Derivatives of P-Diketones (VII. Reaktsii efirov fosforistoy kisloty s khlorproizvodnymi P-diketonov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp. 1496-1500 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors investigated the reactions of the chlorine- and dichlorine-substituted oompounds of aoetyl-bentoyl-acatone, dibenzoylmethane and dimedone with various phosphites. As was to be predicted from earlier re- aults obtained unsaturated asters of phosphoric acid occurred as intermediate or final products in all these reactions. The reactions of chloro- and dichloroacetylacetone with tri- methyl- and tri-n-butylphosphite take place completely ano- malously: in yields of 6o - 8o ~a (1-methylbutene-l-on-3-yl)- -dialkyl-, or (1-methyl-2-ohlorobutene-l-on-3--yl)-dialkyl- Card 1/3 ester of phosphoric acid respectively were obtained. (see solf79-28-6-11163 The Anomalous Reaction of a-Halogen Ketones With Eaters of Phosphorous Acid. VII. The Reactions of the Esters of Phosphorous Acid With the Chlorine Derivatives of P-Diketones formulae I - IV of the table). The presence of double bonds in these compounds was proved by bromination according to Mak-Ilinayu. In the case of careful saponification of com- pound (I) of the table aoetylaoetone was obtained. It is of interest that after two months thia compound turned brown at room temperature and smelled like acetylacetone. In fact 10 ~6 of the latter could be separated in the distillation, the residual representing the unchanged product. In carrying out the reactions of chlorobenzoylacetone with trimethyl- and triethylphosphite (yield 70 - 80 %) the (1-phenylbutene- -l_On_3-yl)--dimeth,yl- and (1-phenylbutene-l-on-3-Yl)-diethyl- ester ofs~hosphorio acid were obtained (formula V and VI of the tabl . Also in this case the double bonds were determin- ed by bromination and on storing this compound a small amount of benzoylacetone crystallized out, too. Thus all these re- actions take an anomalous course and not one according to the regrouping as mentioned by Arbuzov (Ref 1). Some of these Card 2/3 unsaturated eaters of phosphorio acid, especially those with