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BILYK, A.A. (Folt;,.*IN)' ----06=010 and of the nuree at V,," firot aid otation. Had. 808trIL .11, Ap 158. (Ulu 12: 10) (IRMSMS AIM NIM.;'IIIG) 0. 1. BILYK 2. USSR (600) 4. Botany - Ukraine 7. Stalin construction projects of cummunism and the tasks of botanists. Bot. zhur. 8 no. 1. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 0 1. G. 1. BILYK 2. USSR (600) 4. Botany 7. New plantain species (Plantago Schwarzenbergiana 3chur) in the flora of the 11. 3. 3. R. Dot. zhur 8 no. 1. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. BIM I 4" 61' 04a- Now specie f Atropis, Paocinellia sy"schica. Bilyk sp.u. from aumthern Ukraine. :ot*.Ztmr.[Ukr.l 9 no-3:77-80 152. Off-RA 6:'3.1) 1. Instytut botaniky Akadsmiyi unk Ukrayinolkoyi RSR, Viddil geobotaniky. (Ukraine--Grasses) (Grasses-4ricrains) BILIK, G.I~ Vegetation of small depressions of Bashtaulm District in Nikolaev Province. Bot.shur-Mr.] 9 no.2:62-73 152. OaAA 6:11) 1. Institut botanlkl Akademil mauk Ukrainslkoi MR, Viddil goobotaniki. . (BashtaWm District--Botmq) (BotmW-Bashtanks, District) . BILIX, G.I. 11madows and pastures of southern Varafte, their effloient use and Improvement. -Dot. Ww. [Ukr. I - 10 no..47-13 '33. Oa2k 6:12) 1. Institut botaniki Akadmil am* Ukraluelkol MR, Tiddil goobotimiki. 0kraine-Varage plants) (forage plant, a--Ukralue ) BILIK,G.I. Results of scientific work of the Botanical Institute of the AcadevW of Sciences of the Ukrainia S.S.R. for 1954. Bot.zhur. (Ukr.) 12 no.2:105-109 155. (MLRA 8-10) (Ukraine-Botany) BILIK. G. I. - - - mivjmImwwmw"~'f Plant complexes alony the left bank of the aiddle Dnieper. Bot.shur. Cukr.) 12 no.4:46-65 135. (KLRA 9:3) 1. Institut botanIkI AN MM, viddil goobotaniki. (Dnieper Valley-aotany-1colog7) AFARASITIT. D.Ya.; BILY1. G.1.; BIMS. Ye.K.; GRIN', F.A, Classification of the v999tatiOD Of the Ukrainian S.S.Re Ukr. bot.shur. 13 no*4:63-82 156a WaA 10:1) (Ukraine--Botany-Classification) USSR/Meadov Cultivation. L Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 14, 1958, 63258 Amthor : Bilyk, G.I. I. .St Tit.Le Low-Lyiiir:, Sali-ic Meadows of Vie N-)rther--a Part of the Diepr Fiber's Left Ba-ik ReGion. Orig Pub Ukr. botanichaiy zh., 1957, 14, No 2, 3-13 Abstract It has been ascertained that the nost suitable coapments of cereal &TasBes for soving on low-lyinG solonchak humid meadows with solmetz patches are the oriental and meadow fescues and "beekillaitsa" (Puccinella pseudocoavol-.ta), leguminous (field and yellow affalfa, black medice aud yellow trefoil) and the stratified (nillet, barley and oats). For lov-lyiiig wet aad marshy salii-e meadows, foxtail, slouEft grass, mid red canary Lpmsses sho-Id be sovil. Card 1/1 mom BILIK, G. I. I... Studying the vegetation of the Ukrainian S.S.R. during the last 40 years (1917-1957)o LrIcrobotexhure 14 no-3:27-35 157. (MIRA 10110) (Ukraine-Pkqtogeography-Research) .BILTK. G.I. [Bilyk, H.I.] - - I Geo'botanical map of the Ukrainian S.S.R. 15 no.4:32-36 '58- (MIRk 12:5) Nkraine-Phytogeograpby) BILYN, G.I. [Bilyk, H.I.1 Oecurrence of Zorn& riparis. (Rohm.) Nevski in the Mikha7lov- skWa Virgin Steppe Pi-eservea Ukrob4tozhure 16 noal:57-61 139. (NLU 1213) 1. Institut botaniki AN USSR9 otdol godbotaniki. (Mikhaylovskays Virgin Steppe Preserve-Zorm) W; PANOVA, L.S. BILIK, G.I.-S# ~k .1 Plant complex@@ of the Zameunrye Mogily Reserve. 16 no.6:40-0 159. (MRA 13:5) 1. Institut botaulki AN USSR, otdol goobotaniki. (Volodarokore District-Botany-Scology) BILTK, G.I. [Bilyk, R.I.] "Itvestilaw of the Botanical Inetituts [of Bulgaria] for 1950-1951, 1953, 1955-1956, 1938. 16 no.6-- 110-113 159. (MIRA 13-5) (Bulgaria--Botany--Periodicals) .0 W110, BILIK j 1. IIA Study of Dyes with Asymetric Molecules," Dokl. AN SSSR, 29, Nose 8-9j 1940o Voroshilov Sci.Inst. Organia Semi-Hinufactured Products and Dyes 7 7 1 4 & & " f 1 0 a if III u y 10 lit It A All 10 1% a 11111 11 ~ a t 11 1 J g 1 -- A a 0 -1 A I - A A, o cx 41+1 to, atmp - vot.lit. t 4 00 a Cq,"q(0.u0btWproodvcdou. A. Cloluk"Ilt.Vt Allot _0 I. lfl~&, 4. XW Mi IWJ 1. CL. -r' d f f l 1 h lfi i hi f -00 00 9 ir xt r w m r- ' or t 71til -fixt. t e su A. no . -00 with C.H.. divAtIve exectlyM a Ulf the protlito III 5M tv 11flildrit 114(l SnIf jtr(W"%j all i'41tioll: liel. NxS(t. in -00 Vh tv. 14 1110 wilill, with 11401 find 0 larep orron III Ifill is, t No at tit 141 ve Itor atfilMil A " 4401, ('11.41 oillif ) I,- too 00 ml mmil. AvOll altif 1109111fig with 0-1 N 1 111111 41dith * l I h M -.04 0 .v. y a- In II isix I -AN Allot Na~ the lotion of No, itinAl vuvoiq oil ArOll 11-1 rr.) iv 1ICI And IiII411111 wl;II stamis. anot cotic. NaX), toy tWuclinS thr u- 1.1 N I ausl .0 IN .00 0 .11 tv. ilowilIthe prmiling lilroolitm. To dri - : i - 00 "&lot I" the lost ImAll. an Vto- A N411CO, (1 2 it 1. till , 00 -3 it lot Vl ov Its 00 Allot 11(loir 111111iff wilh 41 t V 0 00 1. tit 11.14, till Willi lik, 00 (4 bCQed Hr(I Atkf WWI! Shlittly while tkld&lftg Willi l JIC1 A l i h i b l h l 00 e amt. oi it A n. t orm v 2S PIC) aga n" P p romuirrd coorwqxwoft to the mlent trA N&OH + C'SMONA 1 i? coo aoo *0 -3 + W-5 Na.M in the w0l. Athl in thr tait wiln. 2 citt" &t! tvirthyl om"ge Anti t1torate fut-ther with ol.1.1 S se 0 00 IICI, the 1ICI trquireol gives, the ftmilent .4 Nit.01, Slithrawlt. Da. I'lialsins Will. "Illple (if the melt toy - (losing (I.A. C. rd "wit with KOH + KNOS. coxidilift; With t l goo er. 4t1 al n. 11:-,. Anil ppfC, With PaCh And fICI. Floor li 00 ith Nflif + K*,IN#lt*rb ,III with lull 110) Anil h-1 4 .4 alivor the Willi. W %III. 1t""1 the dificiflu'r 'd The 14,101 1 1 h %A' - 4 in tworg. 011111-1-4. Th" 11147t I'mir acids anti the 11t. l nisitt of 11-17 flifiri il ith Id h k 4 . ,6 a vc w an a SAI witw v y 4r b*o 0H XIA N&011 114,117, 14.2M, Na,144*1.18 still o 0 00 Alm lid l I,, t if-VaIGNI&II 3 ly"', Chwo Illaw l, t% too 00 i -W 'w0- al ~Ik u 00 ;: : IS, to, '0 4, 0 000060906000 0 0 g 0 O~ 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a i0 a tow 0 to a I a Is 44 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 o 0 0 0 too ; and 0 0, ~,A- Ax I 00 t w ex. -00 1) #b" 10 RZ-Of RIO 44dm to "Go IOD m of s0%" V" i0 .3D ax. of sq. Vr,~ -00 0 a 001 % " *". ood lot, vmw in ~ ;4~ jw tw *00 00',3 Saint see how uw a6s"m bovma am of tba jm Ow-'s 400 in, 0=1 likmwl 00 O.GbWoll eou UjAtem' caffiteat is able. fl- the Aww"ba boweim- low 60mity sea tbo Leo bmLmi&mvg i*50C.C. see of NA of :NW,M at (m) w&a, We* tb* PPL is tob"'Aw 3e WAA. md, mysaw in 400 0. :=N&M_*ddw to a b"tw matko. t6. see of N&O Hp-OKA ilk 400 call-teal to kA njndeps~i go 4 by bngdiiw nli_. IL. T. 6i 01&131 ad avv all so 4 u 0 AV 00 -1; 11 relle: see ,*a- - 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 ~196 A166,66 - -4 00 A",, ,got go east! oe 000 00 00 00 Ailim J-.oo WALWA"L~ 7*%- ilc I , 0 ~ W:, - 1, 1~11t: l;-il,5-,- 11 0_*;~:, -! , -" * Wes ago was woo of 24- Avow 411RIP on- sawl"7-- - -- - - w0 talava .19 0tv 464 *still m Ago v4 a a 2 u *TOO***-0001*00*000000,0.000-"-- -o1q.._goCoooooo 00 0000 go* a 00 9 go 904 of go To a a am* -39- Ly A t ip j t & L 11.4p - - - - A= autpds of vd l1tv. 1. "Ilik. No"Iti iw-Ri,- t e f fi 1 1 16 N 04 Q .- . va r 1 o. j 1 0 . O 4 drt b ebbed to IM admorbeat wasistim of AVh owe"d .04 -00 --likk a byw (avad wm.) el bypowlilte mht. Aftet a sawardm of the dy*. 1.3%, bypm"te San. b ' b h h d -0 e a eat md t e tul= wers on t tis propa. As loom": AV% it 00 1 With UP-water and Mered In a vamin tbftmgbai--- with a lmvous bottom. usid 4III-cm. Jay" : Oladembe blame,tbmitiscon. with2 sha Popw wd 1-2 cv. of 14% byrmotiffile %do. 1. 1%, no alkell Im-pew am ft. so III to (am a kyw " 11 mm. thick. To vat whe, a' dye Is dkw"w 111 'I M, A 0 IM te- - - .6d to 00* and 111tered an POW. A. A. "am, 6*0 ILA MOVLLL~AL LITRIATM CLASINKAIM imsew it &,w aat 4%# ni" ; I v . 1* .6 *. W, a At or OW 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o * q * 00 go 00 ago 00411 Zee was Ues am ~ A, AM A 14 Od 0 A 8 AA Q 3, 0 V 09 00 to g* **go WqU 004 *08 0 000 ools A. Irv and 'O"IM acad. sti. U. R. S. S. 29, W IM, to det. the "do does or don not take pkvv (a -", I"la. ',u' with antipodes of bow (M) an re I MA Ul testing dat amhxAft eawkAted so dif in the rate of im from win, IT on. wool or vegetable fiber. M PF04. from SAIRM11r)m1tainide M. I was prcvd. " Follows- 2. aceftoW.Wolum - 34diro-3-bodutolueor - sit- -2.2'-dhwthYfb4Amf - 1. By Mass of d. lartwic add I was resolved into antipodes with The follow d-rotary form in. 122-3 1; 0.1 S. in 2 Lv. V9HPCrl Me '~- llsO 0 do.). oV - +OAS-; 1c)W +62'. The I40181MY form w. 1224' wit! Atallarly *V - -OAW: 10 62'. Bob d- MW 14 were ; di4soll" and coupM -witb- the &no compooml of a. Thus antipodt of Ul which wyr in agrev"It"t with The formuk Ct.ll.AN&N43tNs% with amptet to N aod 8 contest t e obtained. 11o4h eatipodes of M exhibit amtsmation to sq. sola. Addo. of certain rdyt" a6reted The rate of smitiamuUm. After a as". In aftle of rotation In a dye soft. had been sit, I so addo. of dw&*tes amid change It, the value reamialft cona. S evft lob" coaculation of dyt, 0 rT. tfromid phasit and dbmlv6c to det. wh"ber t toularstation t A I A. 5 L A 9111161.1,411111" LOINATME CLMWICATM sperik to M or whetbrr it waA a pi%erw poebmutIMW was ther dy" were investipird. btst -tit prepti. from N4 disitorti-at -it -I-- (Dwith H &M. fnxn the d4umium mdt of the NIMC *Ptk'OY &dive mine I with j ". vW from (be diatoolum cotapd. of the d-gotat &at*& of the optically *"ive asision- mandelk =ww "D compment of 11. Ulkb an sock dyes. K. and It. oborved cmsiderably lower w1%$ of - istion than tbow obwrvr4 with the dye Prrpd. from I &W azo m pownt of 31. Cnwatlons at bigher cow . of the dye were Mrapered by lack of a powerful waire of 111411116- chromatieflight. Thus the authors were unable t*AxqW the tiuntion rahed above, or to attempt explaining the on. probable reason C"se of the obwr4rd mutaratat I A for the mutarotation. -aigg"ted by K. and R.. 6 the ton- vrv%kM of ril at() coInIN11. into the Iran% tam. which i's ahvioudy ma in dimerrernent with any of the eqml. rb. Wryationg. W. A. cook It" 1111"Osa" - 114"Das a "&I, Mv 60 1151111 4K C46V ist U SAT I it a i I AA k 1 0 IM 0 0 "1 X N I A 0 ZI 0 Sol 0 a 0 111 0 4 0 o 0 0 IN 0 6 0 0 0 -00 00 :04 .00 of loo see "41040 000 434114111 coo slosi goo 400 4** 906 11146411 Woo I -~ ~: - - - - - - ,~' " ~:, ~~ -,- i" 11, .'', .; , MEMPH"flo-5 5r,"RMNS"I"I'll I.- . ~ ~,: ~-.l --.. KIZBER, A.Is (deceased]; BILIK, Is** Alk3"tion of arylaidno derivatives of anthra4uinone with olefins. Kh1m, nauka I prom,,.3 no.2t283-284 158. (MM 11-.6) 1. Nauchno-leeledavatellskly luBtitut orgardebeek1kh polyproduktov I krasiteley im, KeTe. Voroshilava. (Anthraquinans) (Alkylation) KOROUN, 1. 1.; l.' . (1-oi:, filvrr. Cr-,. poIrlivocl. i lzms. .- , . i ,-0." 1!'- ( 2,-, " 1_/i.: 11) . L *. 1? '2 -.1.?.7 1, w (D-fQ:; iall-,,.", . - .:t--*lc fibcrr~ S/191/61/000/003/014/015 B120203 AUTHORSi Bilikp I. M.9 Globus, R. L.f Bruds', V. G. TITLEs Synthesis of diphenylol propane PERIODICALs Plasticheskiye massy, no. 3, 1961, 69-70 TEXTt 4,41-dioXY-diPh$nYl dimathyl methane (diphenylol propane) is used in the industry an initial substance for the production of epoxy and modified phenol resins, polycarbonates, and antioxidants. A common mothod,/- for its production is the condensation of phenol with acetone in the presence of sulfurio acids CH3 OR 3COCH3 + 20 6H5ON HOC>--~~Oos + H20. Ionizable compounds con- CH3 taining divalent sulfur are recommended an catalysts. According to published data (Ref. It US Pat. 2,4689982 (1949)), mercapto acetic and mercapto propionic acid are good catalysts. To attain the required mobility of the mass, such inert solvents as toluene, solvent naphtha, etc., are used. The mentioned method of synthesizing diphenylol propane Card 1/3 S/ 19 V6 t/000/003/014/015 Synthesis of diphanylol propane B124/B203 A. N. Serebryanyy, N. M. Bondartts, and L. I. Grachava assisted in the work. There are 3 ref*rencese I Soviet-bloo and 2 non-Sovist-bloo. I" Card 3/3 BILIK., I.M.; SEREBRYANYY., A.M.; GIDBUS, R.L.; BRUDZI,, V.G. Bisphenolse Part It Condensation of phenol with acetone in the presence of boron fluoride. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.6tl945-1948 -76 162. WIRA 15:6) 1. Veesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovitallskiy'inititut khimicheskikh reaktivor i oaobo chietykh khimicheakikh'veshchestv. (Phenol) (Acetone) (Boron fluoride) 8/1d3/63/O0Q/bO2/OW0O3 AO51/A126 AWHORS: Mikhaylov, N.V., Playboroda, V.I., Voroblyeva, T-V., Bilik, I.M. .......... T=:- Polymer production by the interphase polycondensation method PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskiye volokna, no. 2, 1963, 19 - 22 TECT: A study was conducted to establish production conditions of high- -melting polymers and the possibility of a direct film formation from the cor- responding monomers (with subsequent fiber formation) during the polycondensa- tion process at the phase interphase. Fiber formation during polycondensation would result in high-malting fibers obtained by a simple and more effective r*tkl-- od. A high-melting polyether capable of forming film on the phase interphase was produced. The effect of the concentration of the initial monomers, of their ratio and . the nature of the organic solvents used, on yield, specific viscosity and film formation was established. The monomern investigated were; dicbloro- anhydrides of sebacic, adipic and terephthalic acids, and also hydroquinone and n)-nl-dioxydiphenylpropane (Dian). The melting point was determined according to the differential-thermal analysis method (N.S. Kurnakov). The ability of tho Card 1/3 S/183/63/000/002/002/003 Polymer production by the interphase .... A051/A'26 cc-monomers, to form film during the polycondensation process on the phase Inter- phase was tested at different concentrations~ temperatures and solvents. Opti- mum conditions for the polymer production were found to bei reaction tempera- ture 20*C, concontration (of the triethylbenzyl ammonium hydroxide) 0.2%. The polymer obtained under these conditions had a viscosity of 0.43, a yield of 90% of the theoretical value,'melting range 345 - 350'C. A firris and elastic film was produced. These properties and the rate of formation of the film on the phase interphase were 1bund to depend on the nature of the organic solvent used to dissolve the dichloroanlikdrides. Of various other solvents tested, cu- mol (isopropylbenzene) was fjound to yield the highest rate of film formation. The obtained polymers were tested by x-ray and thermographic methods at the WIM The synthesized polymers wore found to have a crystalline structure. The highest degree of crystallinity was found In the polymer produced from di- chloroanhydride of adipic acid and hydroquinone. X-ray structural analysis showed that heating and cooling of the investigated polymers results in phase shifting connected with melting and polymer crystallization. The highest melt- ing point (345 - 350'C) was obtained for the polymer produced from Dian and di- chloroanhydride of terephthalic acid. There are 6 figures and 3 tables. Card 2/3 S/183/63/0()()/002,/CKWCQ Polyr.)er production by the interphase AD51/Al26 ASSDCIATION.' VNIIV and IRYeA (Bilik) SUM=: May 18, 1962 BILIK, I'alomp inz. Earth dam sealing. Inz stavby no.8:285-288 Ag 163. 1. Hydroprojekt, Brno. BIUKP I.M.; SEREERYANYY A.M.; GWBM, R.L.- RRUDZ' V.G. Bi~phenols. Par-t 28 Condensation of phenols vith ketones in the presence of boron fluoride. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2s487--430 .F 163. (W RA 16 ~ 2) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelIckiy institut khimieheskAL-h reaktivov i osobo, chistykh khirdeheskikh veahchestv. (Phenols) (Ketones) (Boron Fluoride) BMU, Milan, inz. Construction of 4 rock-fill dwa iri the Carpathian Flyoch area. Vbd Loop 13 iio.lls 420-1#31 163. 1. Hydroporojekt., Brno. BILIK, I.M.; SIMEBRYANYY, A.M.; GLOBUS, R.L.; BRUDZI, V.G. 2,2-Bia-(41-hydroxyphenyl)butans (4,41-dihydroiqdiphenyl- mathyleth.vlmathane). Metod.poluch.khim.reak. i prepar. no.7: 12-1~ 163. 3,3-Bis-(41-h.vdroWhanyl)pentane (4,41-dohydroxydiphenyl- diethylmethans). Ibid.il4-15 5,5-Bis-(41-hydroxyphonyl)nonane (4,41-dihydroxydiphonyl- dibutylaethane). Ibid.:15-16 (KRA 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimichaskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. :BILIK I M.- GWBUS, R.L.; BRUDZI, V.G.; SEREBRYANNYY, A.M.; BONDARETS, N.M. ~~~ p Effect of additions on the synthesis of diphenylolpropane. Trudy IREA no.25:191-194 163. (MIRA 18:6) DAVYDOVS.KAYA., Yu.A.; VAYNSHTEYN, Yu.I.1 BI,Lli~~ SEMBRYANNYY, A.M. Conductometri-~ analysis of boron fluoride in reaction mixtures in the synthesis of diphenylolpropane. Trudy IREA no.25:232-239 163. (MIRA 18:6) POLISHCHUX, L.K. [Polvahchuk. L.I.]; BkTRU. A.P.; BILYK, L.G. [Bilyk, L.H.1 Bffect of pbytonoides of the Bnglish Walnut on certain phyto- pathogenic bacteria. Kikrobiol.shur. 21 no-3:25-30 '59- (MIRA 12:10) 1. Z Klivelkogo dershavnogo universitatu, Kafedra fisiologii roslin. (AwrBioncs pharmscol) (MMS) BILIK, L. I. Welding Automatic flux welding of a bicyikike frame joint Avtog. delo. 23, no. 2, 1952 RILIK, Lumir, Inz. Saving metals in rolling mills by making full use of material incentives to vorkers. Praes made. 10 no.12062-564 D 162. 1. Vitkovicke, selezarny Elements Gottwalda, n.p., Ostrava. va -6~ W all Md lofts by mean IlvV P I Khim. Zmhw),.' 290" -Yjl?f7P,54); cf. N. A. Ijilvk-, 1, t., V"ir. im. 1. 1. AlfccJi,-k-w, 7'= (~' F..., Z13, 1 A a aw4g kil~p gcdn. phenyi~rtbmnidlc acid reactf with NO,- to glve. produco rangiril It= phil.-violet to dark-vinlet depending on the =1. of 110~-. Under slmilar mmilition3 NO,- rltldg produ-.13 ranging Ircm yellow to darrk-violrt den,~.,I- Ing on the mrien. cf NCh-, In a strxnS IICI soln. phvnv!- aritbrwifflc ac-ld rmct% only with NOI-. To tet5t for Wh In kh! Pre-IrnCe of el N04- plact, I ?nJ of ~.,ln In a, te-il tube. ald I dn,,, of (1.1 % phrnlylanthianilic RcO r-In -Ax. and ad'I I -Z Mt. C"1 wn0l. HO Al: ng the ~alh af the te5t tub,~ The characterknc ml,, will -Pprar I* 01C point of centazt. Shalking spread3 the mlor tlh,c,ugli.w t~, vAn. In the abstnce v? NC~-. N0,I- vi detect,-t In I: vA it is drslrvy~u with cr)~st. ;NII.Cl kn n AcOll 41n. before flic tLst for No,-~ M. KRAVETS, A,T.; BILIK, N.I. Selecting parameters of the current-aupply system for electric- contact cutting machines, Stan, I instr. 35 no.llgl.3-14 N 164. (MXRA 19-3) BILIK N 1. inzh. Determination of the power losses, maximum power, and cable sizes of electric power tranamlocion linea. Izv, vys. ucheb. zave; energ, 8 nool:6-14 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozbnogo transporta. Predstavlana kafedroy elektricheskikh stantsiy i setay. BILIK, NOIS, Calctlation of voltage unequality "weighed" in accordance to power. Elektrichestvo no.3tSO-83 Mr 165. (MIRA l8t6) 1. Mbskovskiy institut inzhenerov zhelaznodorozhnogo transporta. BILIK, M., inzh. Optimal conditions for voltage regulation in an open power distribution network. Trudy MIT no,199:213-218 165. (KRA 18:8) BILIK, N.I., inzh.; SHENKMAN, L.Z,, inzh, Determiration of power losses In transmission lines feeding traction ioads and consumera. Trudy MIIT no.199:219-225 165. (MIRA 18:8) /Y p BILIK, N*P.;.. GUSWA, L*Te. Accelerated methods of laboratory control. Proizv. smas. mat. noj: 9-10 157. (KMA 10112) 1, Forvyy Noskovskly neftewslo"Yod, (lubrication and lubricante) R -,77)"-JP ~J-- --- - - -- BILIK, N.P. Additives increasing the adhesive proportion of lubricants. Proizv. sms. mt. no.3.'10-12 157. (MIRL IN12) 1. Farr" Moskovskly neftemalosavod. (lubrication and lubricants) I )"k - - --- ___ - --- __ - , ---- - , i V. ~ 9 V.D.: BILIN _- Utilizing the pariffin of high-sulfur crudes In wax compositions, Proltv, ams. wALt., no,3.'12-15 057. (MM 10.-12) 1. Pbrvyy Nookovekly neftemalosavod. (Vaxes) RDMZAYEVSXAYA, V.D.; BILIZO-N 7% Rapid method for determining the resistance of vex compounds to heat and cold. Proisy. smose mat. no.4:29-35 157. (MM U:q) IsPlery" Moskovskly noftemselosavodo (Ceresis) --: 67633 6 '/ 0 0 sov/81-59-14-51145 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 14, p 464 (USSR) AUTHORS; __Bik:~k, N.P., Grebenshchikova, L.V. TITLE: The Improvement of the quality of the Apparatus Lubr.ic,ant GOI-54 PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhn. Neftepererabotka, 1958, Nr 8, pp 20 - 22 ABSTRACT: The possibility of extending the temperature range of the operation capaci- ty of the apparatus lubricant GOI-54 has been studied. Substituting poly- siloxane liquids for MVP oil in the lubricant ensures the production of lubricants with raised dropping points (7500 and creep points W - 800. The viscosity of the lubricant prepared from polysiloxane N3 at -500C is equal to r,,, 4,000 poise, and from MVP 15,400 poise. The introduction of polyisobutylene and vinypol into the lubricants with the aim of improving their adhesion properties did not show any results. Oxidized synthetic ceresin Improves considerably the adhesion of the lubricants to metals. Among the admixtures introduced for Increasing the protective property of the lubricants the beat proved to be IONOL and TsIATIM-339. For use in Card V2 temperate and cold climatic zones lubricants based on polysiloxanes or their 67633 The Improvement of the Quality of the Apparatus Lubricant GOI-54 sov/81-59-2.4-5i145 mixturea wit.,'l MVP oils, spindle AU and machine SU are recommended. Ln r*gior-s of hot it- tropical climate it- is expedient to use as bases of the babricants visevas oils With a low vapor pressure at high temperatures and a good thermal ard chemical stability. A, Shakhov Card 2/2 66563 SOV/81-59-15-549011 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 15, p 431 (USSR) AUTHORS- Bilik, N.P., Vekser,-P.Z. TITLE: The Increase of the Fungus Resistance of Gun Lubricant PERIODICAL: Novosti-neft. tekhn. N6ftepererabotkai 1958,,Nr-9,.pp 15-18 ABSTRACT: Experiments carried out with gun lubricant consisting of 5% ceresin of type 67, 65% petrolatum and 30`% cylinder oil have shown that the addition of a mixture of copper naphthenate and-diphenylamine increasei3 the resistance of the lubricant to-the action of microorganisms. The:, fungus resistance of the lubricant was tested by the method of the Inter- national Standard: the lubricant was artificially Infected by a suspension of spores of fungi and kept at 28 - 300C and a relative humidity of,98-- 10C% for 30 days. 0. Margolina Lokooo' Card 1/1 874h8 S10811601000102210121016 Al"101~',/AOO I Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimlya, 1960, No. 22, p. 425, # 90091 AUTTORS: Bilik, N. P., Vekser, P. Z. TITLE: Detergent Lubricants PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekh~. Neftepererabotka, 1959, No. 1, pp. 13-16 TEXT: A prescription was developed for a detergent lubricant designed in the main for cleaning the gun barrel bores of deposits and for neutralizing the acid products, having formed on the metal at firing; its content is (in %).- 54 gas oil, 20 acidol, 1 ammonia, 10 water, 15 fusel oil. The lubricant forms a stable emulsion with water (in the ratio of 5% lubricant and 9% water) and can also be applied as emulsion to cold processing of metals. G. Margolina Translatorts note: This is the full translation of the or1g1nal Russian abstract. Card 1/1 BIlft. O.D.- SUKMRMY, R.F. Studying lower Cretaceous sediments In the northwestern part of the Dnieper-Donets Zowland. Trudy UkrNIaRl no.1:113-121 '59. (KM 12:12) (Dnieper lowland--Geoloial, Stratigraphle) (%notv Baelw-Geology, Btratigraphic) BILIK, O.D. [Bilyk, O.D.1; KMCMKD, P.D. Development of the analysis of forms in pups of various ages. Visnyk, Kyiv. Ser. biol, no.2:10'7-112161, I (IXIIRA I. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) BILIK, O.D. [Bily%p O.D.] I I . No*lity 6f nawous mmesoex in puppies of various ageaL -Monyk JKV*mn* 'zoe5e"-S,ere)A4* no-AIM-124 162. tMIRA 16 8 5) FMPONSS) ,e, BILIK 0,D6 [Bilykp O.D.] Ontogenic analpis of rbytbmic stimuli. Vianyk Kyiv. un no*4& Sere biole no*2&96-106161o WRA 16-.6i (CCEDITIa= BMPMB) U, 00IMi, A.M.; BILYXo O.V* ITmatigatirg the thiocyanate complezes of cadmium. Report 36.1; Zhur. neorg.'khlm. 2 no.l2r2?23-2?33 D 157. (MM Ilt2) 1, Klyevskly gosudarstvennyy universitet ix. T.G. Shevchenko i Iabo- ratori7a raorganichaskoy khimii. (Cadmium thiocyanate) Owe Z)l /A 15-57-7-9490 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 109 (USSR) AUTHORS: Efros, S. M., Bilik, 0. Ya. TITLE: Verification of the Sintering Method for Decomposition of a Silicate (Proverka metoda spekaniya dlya razlo- zheniya silikata) PERIODICAL: Sb. stud. rabot. Leningr. tekhnol. in-t im. Lensoveta Leningrad, 1956. ABSTRACT: A ground sample of the material to be investigated was prepared vdth a five-fold quantity of the mixture according to Yu. S. Lyaahenkov, V. I, 3akunovs and N. S. Tkachenko 5-naliya (?) zheleznykh i margantsovykh rud. Metallurgizdat, 1954 (Analysis of Iron and Manga- nese Ores. State Scientific and Technical Publishing House for Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal- lurgy, 1954 and carefully placed in a porcelain crucible. i9e mixture from the crucible was transferred Card 1/2 to a sheet of tissue paper (7 cm by 7 cm), made into a 15-57-7-9490 Verification of the Sintering Method for Decomposition (Cont.) small package, and placed in the porcelain crucible on top of a lining of filter paper. The package should not touch the sides or bottom of the crucible to avoid adhesion of the mixture. The sinter- ing was done at 8000 to 9000 in a niuffle furnace for 10 to 15 minutes. The sintered mass was transferred to a 100-m1 beaker. Twenty-five milliliters of water were added and then HC1 in small portions (sp. gr. 1.18 to 1.19). After each addition of HC1, the beaker was covered by a watch glass. The solution was evapora-ted to a small volume in a sand bath for 1 to 1.5 hours (the solution remained clear during this time). It was then cooled to 500. Seven milliliters of HCl (1.18 to 1.19) and one milliliter of one percent gelatin solution were added and the whole stirred. After this, 2 ml more of gelatin was added, and the mixture again stirred. Then this material was diluted by 50 ml of hot water and filtered through filter paper. The sediment on the filter was washed in hot water until there was a negative reaction to chlorine ions and it was then roasted. Card 2/~ K. N. Ryabicheva ZBOZHIKASHVILI, V., kand.tekhn.nauk;jULII1--.z , inzh. A single system controls hundreds of items. NTO 2 no.11:18-19 N 6o, (MIRA 13:11) (Remote control) BILIK, P.G. [Pilykp P.H..). inzh. Repairing milking pails. Mekh. oil'. hosp,. 14 no.5tl6 YT 163. (KIRA 16:10) 1. Chernovitskoye oblastnoye ob*yedineniye IISiIIgosptekhnik&.! glsv~r ~ro4. insh.; SBIMMVIOH, I.T., insh., red.; UDALITSOV, [47911C 4olometering spparstuel Ustrolstvo taikliehookogo tolsismarentle. Moskra, In-t toftalko-skonAnfors, 1956. 19 P. (Infor=tstia a asuohno- lnelsiovatellskikh rabotakh. Tons 30, 1-56-92) (KIMA llt2) (Telimtering) BILIKI R. V. "Apparatus of Telemetry, of Time-Impulse System" (Apparatura teleizmereniya vreaVaimpul'snoy sistemy) from the book Telemedhanization in the National Economr, pp. 315-326, Iz. AN SMR, Moscow, 1956 (Given at meeting held in Moscow 29 Nov to 4 Dee 54 by Inst. of Automatics and Telemechanics) L ilk sk a 14 Ch !a 44%; a .0 c4 0 Wqv H p 0 1 0. a ,4: o a E ORO! OA 'V 40 10, 0 $4 a 1 '6 0 all IWO 21 gi- ow roe nim Sl cv N 0 M 8/194/61/000/003/030/046 D201/D306 AUTHORS: Bilik, R.V.. and Silayev, V.N. TITLE: A complex telemechanical facility for distributed industrial objects PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3. 19619 44, abstract 3 V356 (V sb. Prom. tele- mekhanika, it., AN SSSR, 1960, 198-217) TEXT: The Institute of Automation and Telemechanics AS USSR has developed a complex telemechanical installation for distributed industrial plants. The installation takes into account their speci- fic conditions and combine harmoniously the problems of remote con- trol (TY (TU)) and remote measurements M4 (TI)). The automation of plants is envisaged, located either separately or in small groups along radial series, series radial or overhead communication lines. The installation is used for: 1) Cyclic remote measurements with signalling of deviation of the controlled quantities from their C ard 1/2 /61/000/003/030/046 S/194 A complex telemechanical... D201,(D306 nominal values; 2) Remote measurement on call of any of the control- led parameters; 3) Remote control of plants with tvqo or more loca- tions; 4) Emergency signalling; 5) Telephone links. The commui-tica- tion channel is a 2 wire line of any configuration. The time divi- sion principle has been used. The operational principle of separate assemblies and blocs is analyzed. The main circuits slid time dia- grams are given. 16 figures. f Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation_,7 Card 2/2 91? too S/194/61/000/006/028/077 D201/D302 AJTHOR: Bilik, R.V. TITLE; Remote signal system with polarized relays PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 6, 1961, 47-48, abstract 6 V349 (V sb. Prom. telemekhanika, M., AN SSSR, 1960, 260-276) TEXT: In indirect remote signal systems every terminal set of the transmitting installation has a correspondirg receiving termin- al set in the control room. This method, although fast in opera- tion, has the disadvantage of necessitating a large quantity of apparatus in the control room. The method of cyclic remote signal- ling removes this disadvantage. The speed of operation may in this case be increased by decreasing the time of the signal transmission. This in turn may be achieved by reducing the number of elements op- erating in series during the time taken by the signal series and by an increase of element operations. The main part of the installa- Card V2 ZHOZHIUSHVILIt V,A,o kand,tekhnsnaukl BILIKs R,V-o inshe Over-all remote control pyates for irrlgation vorkso Veste" -"~= 31 no.5s75-77 W 161, (KMA 14z6) (Irrigation) (Remote control) - BILIK$ R.V.; ZHOZHIKASHVILI, V.A.; MITYUSHKIN, K.G.; "TRANGISHVILI, I.V.; SOTSKOV, B.S., otv. red. Econtactleas elements and remote control systems with time division of signals] Beskontaktnye elementy i si- stony telemokhaniki s vremennym razdeleniem signalov. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 415 P. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sotskov). L 2 ACCESSIM MR A-M5 -JUM ~ C. - ~,, 2/2 ',~CC NRv 16002984 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0000165/000/000/0156/0164 V`A-UTHOR,. Bilik, R. V.; Zhozhikashvili, V. A., Kartuzov Y___ _.V - ,j1ORG: none TITLE: Ferrite-diode logical ejemantg. for remote coxitrol narl telemetry -plementam. avtomatiki i -SOURCE: iq_23wphghUixa Ro gjjjLnyipn khnjjSj. _ 2_th, Yerevan, 1963. Magnitnyye tatfrovy-ye elemCh (Magnetic digital elements); daklady soveshchanlya. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 156-164 TOPIC TAGS- logical element, remote control. telemetry ABSTRACT: Several ferrite -core -plus -diode logical elements and switching circuits are described; the experimental elements used VT-2 and K-65, 10 x 6 x Z. 5-mm ferrite cores. A 4-core AND-gate In briefly described, and tho plots of power, current, and current ratio vs. supply voltage for 2-10 inputs are presented. A 3-core NOT gate (inverter) is briefly described. A circuit diagram is shown that carries out the Schaffer operation: f u x-T-y w x V y. Also, a circuit diagram for a Card I I Z BTLIK, SH. M. Candidate of Technical Sciences' "Design and Use of Spiral Reamers of Large Diameter" Stanki i Instrument vol. 15,no. 1-2, 1944 BILIK. SH. M. -___ Tekhno'Logiia obrabotki avtomobilInykh tsilindrov. Dfoskva, Imasligiz, 1945. 71 P. illus- Bibliography: p. L%7- Technique of Ym chining autoinobile cylinders. DIC.- TL210-B37 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congresss 1953- BILIK, Sh.M., kwAidat tekhnich"kikh nauk. Porous chroodum-platIng of Intorml combustion onglao parts. Toet,wob.,27 S092:34-61 p". (MA 9: 4) (Cbroalwo-platlag) (Cylinder@) .0-P, BI LIK ~ SH. H. Zhidkostnos khoningovanie. (Vestn. Mash.j 1948, no. 3t p. 40-41) Includes bibliography. Liquid honing. DLC: TN4.V4 SO: ~%nufacturing and Mechanical Fnginsering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. BILIK, SH. 1-1. Ulucheshenie prirabatyvaemosti, poverkhnostei treniia khim-icheskoe obrabotkoi. Vestn. Mash., 19h9, no. 5. P. W-51 Imrovement of friction surfaces adjustment by means of chemical treaftent. DLC: TNh.Vh SO: Manufacturing 1Wd Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress,, 1953. BIIJKp SH. F. and A. IU. SHAIERWI. Nekotorye tekhnologicheBkie parametry protmesBa zhidkostnoi polirovki. (Vestn. Yeah., 1949, no. 6, p. 54-56) Some technological processes of liquid polishing. DL,C: TN4,V4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. BILIK, Shap Mandelevich. Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based on his defense 18 January 1950, in the Council of the Institute of Machine Study, Acad Sci USSR, of his dissertation entitled- "Macro-geometric Changes of Cylinder Form, The Nature, and Effect upon the Work of a Light Internal Combustion Engine." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SOt Decisions of VAK, List no. 13, 4 June 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 15, Aug 56, Moscow, pp. 5-24, Uncl. JPRSNY-537 P'lloclius 400 Opcervills mull so* 00 Ow Suffares of x1j. It"O' Abe w bw e v4 ! M A M Sh. M. 1111A, Sloski i .4ru: l thine 1 10. ( 7 r goo luminuand (Machine Took and Equ4mumal), v. 21. ScV. 1950. . P. 9.13. 00 Demerit" in detA un of abrulve-liquid blast fur the above. d l Of = 016 Poo ustrate . i1 Diserent ol tquipawwot as deimbed nts to l i f i h i d = 016 tin ca n c ttiou o certa aje t is the a th-v!bkQuuuw in order to jacrow the curromlon resistance of treated Parts. Dom, an tawwad MW Charted. A 5 a. I L A Al"ALLMICAL LMNATAft CLAUMPKATION slow u Is AV 10 "1,, F a 9 SO OF Or a' -ST S I tw a x a I IF $1 9 As 4 2 9 1 0 (0 00000006 **** ISMA11.1-0 0 0-000-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0,0 * 0, & & 'JU-1 "".11 u- 8 a 00 malm- rA Effrfl ON Ow OPIP41ift" of InIrmal G"abstalm Foptim". Ims"sal 4.1 the Anserfivin Smirgy j,j %,atwl Enoarm., (11. Aug. 141). it, lit) ,%Ill. holl, VrOulk A6J.' I NSS11 [Nvwx of Ilse Avatlemy III SOvIttv-st 411 1114, )title RM). p. 1:)u.) Outfines und dix.ubst,.% a dimvlafitm tirrivaed It), Sit. M. Bikk for the hfuddivery Insfifille, AlOR-Ow, U.S.S.R, sqgjjsg,LUWGKA%, tlltl&?L*t CLAUVICAT" '104, .%U-M 4111111090 111 U a 41 go ry, ita ss) 11 It 11 19 U III Igo"gi" it" 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 fie 0 0 0 0 6 0 top 00 0* 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 010 0 a 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 goo too Igo 0 U99 72 TITLE: The Surface Finish and UnIfomity of Metal Removal in Abrasive Liquid Polishing (Kachestvo poverkhnosti I ravnomernost' sayema metalla pri abrazivno-zhidkostnom polirovanii.) of metal removal is approximately proportional to the square of the nozzle diameter. The nozzle and float diameters should be about equal. The duration of the treatment in proportional to the Increase in the depth of the metal removed. With an inarease in the air pressure, both the rate of metal removal and the lack of uniformity increase. The use of the data collected in selecting the conditions of polishing is discussed. Maximum removal of metal is obtained at an angle of 400. The best finish is obtained at angles of 3-70. For Industrial production, one volume of abrasive to four volumes of water are recommended. The effect of concentration on surface finish is small. Metal removal in greater from an initially rough surface. Useful polishing in accomplished In 60-80 seconds. Card 2/3 BILIX, Sh.K., doktor tekhn.nauk Modern ways of timbering stopes. Besop.truda v prom. 1 no-10:3-5 0 '57. (Kim. 10: 11) (Mine timbering) - _T77 Modg= Trgnd in the Field JE2?,PVV BUIl&iTI2 Technology; Collection j Of ~%Ohine 3UII CF Articles) Moscow) k=h9Iz, 15N, 363.P. The author discusses aspects of dimensional andtechnological analysis of machine piece parts in relation to the machine as a whole and as a part of assemblies and mechanisms and as a part of independent machine elements. There are 9 Soviet references. 'Novikov, M.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Present-day Status and Problems in Machine Assembling. 99 Some of the more progressive mass-assembly methods employed by certain Soviet machine-building plants are briefly re- viewed here.' Bilik, Sh.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences. Present-day _ReF Wots -o-iquid Jet" Polishing of Metals, 115 The author presents a detailed description of theequip- ment designed for surface polishing of metals with abrasive particles In a liquid jet. A discussion is included on the technological parameters of this process. There are 13 references of which 9 are Soviet,.2 English, 1 German, and 1 Hungarian. Card--5-AO BILI A Hendailevich OWLEV Anatolly Aleksandrovicho PANDT, Andrey .0 -'Valfriyevienj DWBODOV, Ml~ball Alsksandrovich; IlRiiOBOK, X.P.,; LOMILINk, L.N.,; AIADOVA, Yn.l., (Instrumnto and apparatus for studying mine pressure] Pribory I apparatura dlia Issledovantla prolavlonli gornogo davlenlia; spravochnik. *skwa. Ugletekbisdat. 1958. 363 P- (MIR& 121l) (Kning engineering) (Measuring Instruments) SOV/113-58-2-5/15 AUTHORi Bilikt Sh.M 9-otor of Technical Sciences TITLEi Influence of the Macro-Geometry of Cylinders on the Period of Service of Engines (Vliyaniye makrogeometrii tsilindrov na arok sluzhby dvigateley) PERIODICALi AvtomobilInaya promyshlennost', 19589 Nr 2, PP 17 - 20, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The microgeometry of cylinders changes during operation. After longer periods of work the macrogeometry changes, too. Figure 1 shown the changes at different measuring zones of a cylinder. The distribution of the oval shapes of 6 cy- linders is given in Figure 2. The second and the fifth cylinder show the highest value of deformation being in the central position of each half-blook (Table 19 Figure 4). Deformation of cylinders takes place also during the assembly of truck engines type ZIL. Temperature has also a great in- fluenos on deformation. Unequal cooling causes unequal wear. Figure 5 shows a model representing an engine after 145,000 km of work. The deviations of the radii are 300 times exaggerated. The values for the ovality of cylinders Card 112 at the various stages of the experiments are shown in Figure 6, SOV/113-58-2-5/15 Influence of the Macro-Geometry of Cylinders on the Period of Service of Engines The wear of the same cylinders is shown in Figure 7. It has been demonstrated that the consumption of lubrication oils in a cylinder with an ovality of 0.4 mm is 27 % higher than in a cylinder with a deformation of only 0.09 mm. There are 2 photos, 3 tables, 4 graphs, and 1 diagram. 1. Automobile industry 2. Internal combustion engines-Maintenance 3. Cylinders--Deformation 4. Lubricants Card 2/2 SOV/122-58-12-7/32 AUTHOR: Bilik Sh M Doctor of Teabnical Sciences 'ZITLES The Macro-Geonetry of the Cylinder and the Leakage of Gas into the Crankcase (Makrogeometriya tsilindra i -pr,oryv gazov v karter dvigatelya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Nashinostroyeuiya2 1958, Nr 12, pp 22-25 (USSR) ABSTRACTa. Gas leakage into the crankcase was examined experimen- tally, both in a static position of the piston and in a working-ongine,-as a function of the-macro-geometty of the cylinder* In specially designed static test rigs cylinder liners were deformed by pressure applied to the lower part of the liner, The test rigs differed in the smoothness of the liner deformation, In some cases gas ressure could be measured in each piston groovee amie tests were carried out in a single cylinder unit, M electrically driven, with and without supercharge. Nitrided liquid cooled aviation engine liners were used together with aviation t e steel piston rings, without Card 1/2 detectable clearances, Purves of leakage against liner ovality are reproduced at different pressures. The leakage measured in the single cylinder unit is plotted The Macro-Geometry of the Gylinder and Crankcase SOV/122-58-12-7/32 the Leakage of Gas into the against rpm and power. Some analytical relations between leakage flow and clearances are given* The pressure distribution at each of the piston rings must be known to predict the leakage analytically. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 BILIK _jhjI,,-4oktor tekbn.wok Plastics for friction subassemblies of rolling stock. Vast. TSKII WS 18 no.6:6-11 S 059. (MIRA 13:2) (Plastics) (Railroads-Squipment and supplies) 3/68 61/000/000/012/012 D207YD303 AUTHOR: Bilikt Sh. M. TITLE: Abrasion of polymer materials in the absence of lubri- cation SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po voprosam teorii sukhogo treniya i obra- zovaniya chstitB iznosa pri sukhom trenii. Riga, 1959, 195-198 TEXT: The author reports a study of abrasion of various plastics, ruber and some metals. Three types of abrasive surface were used: (1) Emery cloth (very small contact areas and cutting action); (2) metal grids (limited contact); (3) polished steel (large contact areas). Neither emery cloth nor metal grids indicated correctly the enhancement of antifriction properties of fillers in polymers. In emery cloth tests a drum covered with the cloth rubbed the sample at a controlled rate, e.g. 0.3 m/sec. A fall of the rate of wear was observed during abrasion with the same piece of cloth. This fall was very rapid at first and more gradual later in the Card 1/3 S/686/61/000/000/012/012 Abrasion of polymer ... D207/D303 case of polymers (polyamides, fluoroplast, PT-q (Ft-4), polystyre- ne) but it was much less marked in the case of aluminum, brass or steel. Increase of the applied pressure from 0.3 to 3.2 kg/cm2 clogged emery cloth, especially if it was fine-grained, and redu ced its coefficient of friction. If the same piece of emery cloth was used on one polymer (e.g. polystyrene) and then on a dissi- milar polymer (e.g. fluoroplast Ft-4), the rate of wear of the se- cond material fell considerably, rose to a steady value and then fell again. This "cleaning effect" did not occur when two similar polymers (e.g. two polyamides) were rubbed consecutively with the same piece of cloth. When a metal (brass or steel.) grid was used, the rate of wear remained constant during abrasion tests. Rubbing with polished steel showed clearly the beneficial effect of fillers on polymer properties. If tangential forces predominated in abra- sion, wave-like ridges ("transverse waves") formed at right-angles to the direction of motion of the abrading body. If normal (cut- ting) forces predominated, bands of scratches were produced paral- lel to the direction of motion of the abrading body. The trans- Card 2/ 3 PHASE I BOOK MaWITATION sov/4202 Bilik, Shaya. Mendelevich.. Doctor of Technical Sclencea Abrazivno-zhidkoetnaya obrabotka metallov (Abrasive Wet-Blast Machining of Metals. Moscow, Nwhgiz., 1960. 197 P. 5,000 copies printed. Reviewer: -G.B. Luriye; Ed.: V.V. Sesov; Tech. Eds.: R.I. Dabritsyna, and L.P. Gordeyeva; Mmiging Ed. for Literature on Metalworking and Instrment Mak- ing (Mwhgiz) V.I. Mishin,, Engineer. PURPWB: This book is intended for technical personnel in machine building. COVERAGE, The stuthor examines the process of abrasive wet-blast machining of metql parut.. Types and construction of equipment used in this process are given along with a discussion of experience in operating laboratory and indus- trial units. Results of the investigation of the process conducted by the author and the optimsa process parameters obtained for various purposes of mA- chini4 am presented. The author also discusses the effect of the process on the quality of the machined surface and changes of physical properties in the Card IA Abrasive Wet-B-I&St Machlni.,6 Metals SOV/4202 Ch. 4. Uniformity of Metal Removal In Abrasive Wet-Blast Machining 66 Combining intensity and unifomity of machining 66 Traveling speed of the jet appezatus and parts 74 Ch- 5- Quality of the Surface 82 Finishing operations and surface defect@ 82 Surface roughwas 86 Surface hardening and fatigue strength 90 Resistance to wear and to cor Ion 99 Ch. 6. Types and Coneiriuctions of Equipment Used in Abrasive Wet-Blest Machining 103 Classification of equipment 103 Experimental and laboratory units La Piece-and snall-lot production units 118 Lot production units 122 Units used In mass production and in automatic lines 129 Units without circulation of suspension 141 Tumbling-type units 143 Card 3/ 4