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'0U2 I NTRY 1ATEGORY General Problems of Putho.Lo.7?,', Experimental Therapy M. JOUR. I RZ1.18101., No. 23 195g, No.10?0455 '6V H'11 L M1 ?ITLi ^Vytostatle Therapy of In ChIldrer.. )RIC-. PUB. Bratial, le.tar.listy,19c,~~,2,No.12,720-727 IBBTRACT ACTH and cortisone wart) adm.'tnistcrod in acute leijkamia; i'ull rem-Issinn orms obtmined ::n td In a serie6 of case~i. The ti-Lerapeutia effect of' hormonal !~,Peparatlons- Is explalne6t by their direct acilon -upon the lymphoblastla and lymphoid t1ssuen, Ant-lmetab~-,li tea (amln- opteri-n and arjethopterin, 6--ercaptopurine) were also ndailnistered witn nueoi),-Is, In a series of anses remissions were obtained by a cDmbinatlon of cortisone and therpty with amiropterin; therapy with 6- .,ercan- to~ourlnels recommended with the a-oi2enrance Card: COU11TRY CATLGORY ABS . JOUR. RZhBiol AUTHOR T. T.,-.-L W; ORIG. PUB. A -31ST RA C T rr4rractnr1n-bss. mormonai preparaTions were adminiaterea In large dose6 ( 100 me o--r' ACTF, '00 mg of cortisone or 1 ilg/k;-, of ultracortin daily ). hilinopterin in doses of 0.25-0.5 :is was adminiRtered to patients aftev. remission was obtained. Aleukerile foms of leucosIR did riot appear- as a contlaindication to antimetab-ill-te therapy. Three children suffering froLi chronic leukemia vere submitt'ed so therany with myleran ( 0.06 mg~kg daily ); In orle chili remission was obtained, lasting f,:ir 2/3 COUi4TRY CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. I -.L7hBjoj. , lie. 1958, No, 107rd;,r: INST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. AlBSTRACT ten 'montlis, In ,incAnmr one-foi)r ;.nontlvi. ~;m- .1 ~lci-tld b1chine In dosos of O.lmdkc-, 4-6 t1mies daily with 5-7 day Intervals1was aunlied In the t"'...ticent of generalized forms of lym.Phogran- ~O-atosis ( a total of threc patllentA wa3 obtained in two ch-lidr-on f -)r the -duraticri of four yeqrs. Ribl. 146 IL.i~.lvanav. Card: ADAMOVSKYp Miloslav; BIAHUSKOVA2 Jana Indirect polarographic determination of the diphenic acid. Chem prum 3-4 no.2t89-91 F'64 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro koksochemii, Ostrava. BLAICHER, J. "Microfauna of the Magura so ion in the vicinity of Grybow." p. 385 KWARTALNIK GEOLOGICZNY, (Instytut C-oologiczn#) War3sawat Poland. Vol. 2, no. 2, 1958 Monthly List of gat European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. BIAICHERp Jadwipj SIKDRkv Waclaw . I .. ,. I Attempt at agiga corrilation of the lower border of the Magurskis strata in the northern facies of the eastern part of the Magurska recumbent fold with formations of the extirnal group. Kwartalnik gaol 5 no*4t998JM 161. 1, KarpacIca Staoja TerVGMs%.-JA~tyt:ut Geologiesnyt Warszawa* BIAICHER Ja ; SIACMp Andrzej Problem concerning the red Wiale from 14MOva (Central Carpathians). 14=talnik geol 5 no./#aggg-1000 t6L I# UeP&cImISt&cJa Tere'nowa Instytyt Geologlczny, Warszawa* sz POLAYD BLAICIIERP Jadwiga CarDathian Field Station, Geological In3titute (Karpacka Stacja Terenowa Instytutu Geologicznego) Warsaw, Yovartalnilc geologicmjr, No 3, 1963, PP 545-46. "Microbiostratigraphy of Sledliski Congloiiierates in Siedliski". BLAICHER, Jadwiga - Microfauna correlation zones in the northeastern part of the Magury Nappe. Kwartalnik geol 6 n0-4:799-800 162,, 1. Karpaoka Staoja Terenowal Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. BLAICHER, Jadwiga; SIACZKA, Andrzej *m--mmA%AW Stratigraphic research on the Dukla unit. Kwartalnik geol 6 no./+:801-803 162. 1. Karpacka Staoja Terenowap Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. BLAIN, Alieja Itiology of endocarditis in children. Pediat. polaka 29 noog: 877-884 Sept 54. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych Akademii Mokyemej w WarF%awio. Kisrownik: prof. dr mad. X.Michalowlez. X-ca kierownika: pref. dr mad. T.Lewenfisz-Wojn&rowskA. (INDOCARDITIS, BAOTBRIAL, In infant and child, stiol.) L3WXMSZ-WOJNMWSI[k, T.; MAIN. A. fteraff of rheumstle'fever In view of biochemical examinations. %diat.poluka 29 no.12:1163-1178 Dec. '54. 1. Z 11 111niki Pediatrycznej Akademit, "cznej w Warazavie. lierown1k: prof.dr sod. M. Hichalowica. Zustepes klerowuft: prof. dr. med.T. Levenflus-WoJasrovsks. Waresava, Litewska 16.' (RMKMTIC 32M In Infant and child tbar.cbenother, b1ol.aspects) BLAIN, Alicj&; BORKDWSKI. Marian A case of paratracheal tuberculous lumphadenitis with sub- sequont valvular pulmonary emphysema. Pediat-Polska 30 no-2: 151-154 Fab 155. 1. Z Instytutu Doskonalenta i SpecJalitacji Kadr Lekarskich w Warssawie, Kisrownik: Sekcji Pediatrycxnej: prof. dr nod. T. Lowenfiez-WOnarowalm, Warszawa, Rotbrat 34 m. 14. (TUBVMWSIS, LTM Von paratrachoal, complicated by pulm.emphysems, valyular. In Inf.) (IRPHYSIP4A, PULMDXOW valvular, after paratracheal tubarc. lumphadenitis in inf.) BLAIM, Allcja; SMFINDWA, Romalda. Rormonal therapy of Down's symdrome. Pedlat-Polska 30 no.11: 1017-1030 NOV. '55- I. Z II Kliniki Choreb Dzlecl A.M. w Warssawis. lierownik: of. dr sod. M. Micimlewc1s. 2-ca kierownik: prof.dr sod. Lovenfiss-Wojnarowska Warszawa, Litewska 16. (MON06LI*. therapy. hormones) (HDR4613t,' therapeutIc usis, DIALK, klioja;. LWIOXI. .7A;1slow Totany syndrome and. general underdevelopment in the infant with congenital absence of the parathyrotd. Pediat. POINIM 31 no.9: 823-832 Sept 55. l.-Z Il Kliniki ChorobLDzioci A N w Waresawis. lierownik: prof. 4r. sod. N.Nlohalovics. Z-ca kierowullm: prof.-dr. nod. T.Lovenflax- VoJoatow0ka I z Zekladu Anatonti fttologicauej A N w Warstavie. Kierownik: prof.,dr. mod. L.Faeskiewics. Warszawa, Litowsks, 16. (PARATMOID GIANDS. abnorsalities absence,co4sing totany and growth disord. in inf.) (GROWN in infalat and chold disorde cau-s-id by coiij~n. absence of parathyrAd glands) (TRUNT, In infant and child caue4d, by congen. absence of paratbyroid glands) LIVENFISS-WOJIIAROWSXA, TeofilalBUDI, Alloje r- Clinical analysis of therapeutic procedures in generalized stapby- lococcal infection In children. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.29:1317-1341 20 -TulY 59, 1. (2 Il Kliniki Pediatryesuej A.M. w Warsmawle; kierownik: prof. M michalovics) iSTAPHYLOCOCCAL UWWTIONS, in inf. & child) Clinical observations on Nauriao's syndrome. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.20:758-762 16 My 160. 1. Z II Iliniki Pediatryosuej A.M. v Warasawle; p.o. kisrownik: prof. dr. mod. T. Zovenfiss-Vajoarovaka. (DIABB= WMUTW in Inf. & child) Current views on the obesity in children. Pedits polsks 35 no.11:1363-136?.N 16o. (OBESITY In inf &.child) BLAIN, Aliaja Diagmosis'of adrenogenital syndrome. Pediat.polsks 35 no-12: 1445-1450 D#.160. 1. Z II Xllulki Pedlatrrosnej A.X. w Warazawie, lierownike prof. dr mod. T-Levenfiss~-Wqjnarowska. (ADR - RITAL STMOKS ding) BLAIM, Alicja Aberrations of-the ohromosomal nwnber in some congenital syndromes. Pediat. pol 36 no.7:77 783 161. icHROMOSOQ- (ABNOMALITIES genetico) DEKOW*OKOLOWSKA, A.; BLAIM,_A.,- LISICKA, D.; STODULSKI, J.; URBANIKOWA, H. A case of congenital flaccid bronchi In an Infant. Pediat. Pol. 37 no.5-1513-516 My 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w' Warazawie Kierownik: Prof. dr med. T. Lowenfiss-WojnarowakEL z Kliniki Chirurgii Dziecieeej AM w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Kossakuwaki i z Zakladu Radiologii Pedim- trycznej AM w Warazavie Rierownik: prof. dr med. K. Rowin&i. (BRONCHI abnom) BIAIM, &WIL, A case of pxeud6kvpopmmtbyr*idlvm in a 15-year-old bo7. Fbdiat. pol. 38 no.6:571-577 Je 163. 1. Z Il Kliniki Pediatr"snej AM v Warssavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. T. lmmnM*4ojnarowaka. HUOPARATHYROIDISM) a N MICIUM METABOLISM DISORDERS, (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM DISCRDERS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFTZ W TIAL) BIAIM, A3.icja; XZLLKY, Vincent C.,, Ph.D. p MD. The application to children of a nev test of pituitary reserve. Eadokr. Pol, 14 na-3t223-231 163, 2, 11 Klini)m Podiatry-mna AM v Warszavie Hierovnik: prof. dr T. Lowenfiez-Vojnarowska Department of Pediatrics of Uxi- veroity of Washington, Seattle Director: prof. R.A. Aldrich, I,EWENFISZ-WOJNAROWSKA, Teofila; BLAIM, Alicja; SLIWOWSKA, Wirginia Syndrome of congenital deafness and goiter (Pendred's syndrome). Endokr. Pol. 14 no.6:627-638 N-L 163. 1. 11 Klinika Pediatryczna Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierowniki Prof. dr T. Lewenrisz-Wojnarowska). LB4ENFlSZ-WG-jNAF%CW,SFA, *Teofila; BLAIMp Alicja Studies on the ACTF secretion reserve of the pitu-*tary i gland In rheumatic childrcn, Reumatologia (Warsz.) 2 no.3:219- 223 064. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Pediatryeznej Akademli Medycz-rej w War.;-1-a-de Werowniks Prof. dr red. T. Lewenfisz--4'ojnarowsk&). "Gll i AI SK I, Tra: A licj a; BlAll-' , A I I c I,Tfw~t, of Ue administration of AC'A!l on the corticostercme Invel in bloodl oomlll of the adrenal veln of while rats. A bio-chemical Tleti)rid for the cleter-mination of ACTII. 1,,'iidokr. Pol. 15 no.l: 117- 1.26 ift-1:' 1614. If Klinflut Choro' lr'awnctr,-,ny-.-.h Stwlium Ilok;l7tal-aniL T- arz 0 a , y Akndem] i Medyeariel w ',~'arnzawle (Kicrownik: prof . dr. F. Ruv~ 11o) t'%2inila F'cdiat-,yc-.!,,, JIVrkdeujj; W fir, T. lpwerf-*s--', arcl - BLAIM, Aljcja,- IGNACIUK, Alina Effect of Aerapy on the growth and development of hypothyroid chil,dren.* Fol. tyg. lek. 19 no.36:1367-1369 7 S 164. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznoj w Warszawle kierownik (prof. dr. med. T. Lewenfisz-14ojnurowsku'). BLAIM A1-4cja; FLEBANCZYK-WFASOWA, Frptrr~, Diagnostic problems in subnoimil g,-ri,,;Lh 1T, Pol. 39 no.4%375-383 AP 164. Treatment of subnormal growth In children. 1. Z 1 Klini-ki Pediatrycznej kkadeTl* ~Kiero,dnlk- prof. dr. med. R. BuranaRi) j z 11 ryr.znej Akademli Medycznej w Ir. mad. T. Le-wenfisz-Wojn%ro-wska). BLAIM, Alic4a ..... Meat of androgans an the gruwth of children syndrome. Ehdokr. T'nl. 15 no-5".529-534 2-0 16j, 1. 11 ninika Pediatryczna Akademii M9dyc-.,;nej w lkaravm-wie -- lro'kKierownlk: prof. dr. T. Lawanfisz--:9ojnatovskFt). SLIWOWSKA, Wirginia; LLlil2,.,FI.Sill-'g(.',TNAROWSI'A,Teof Ila, BLAIM A."-,Icj , 0. Syndrome of congenital deafness and goitev. So-called Pendred's syndrome. Otolaryng. Pol. 18 no.3:359-364 164- 1. Z WdzJ-alu Laryngologii Dzieclecej 11 KL! Pajiatxycznu~ Akademii Medycznej w 'JarsznwJf-, (Merownikt dioc. dr. rzed. J. Dentelewlez). SIEDL,'I,'.10'.ISKA-B,'~Zt)31,'Op lianna; BLAIM A] r-denbarg'a syndrome. Otrilar.-YTg. 7Fol. I", no.1~113-3147 165 aa t, I I W 1. Z Kliniki lar~nigologicznej L-calmAi W Wa~szawie (Kicrownik: i)rof. ir. med. 0. Jjorr~~,-rj!k Wid-i-lalu Forliati -Imlego: prof. 4r. rpd. A. Pedlatryr=ej Aadejali. Medycmej w Vars.,.uwlp. J.'rof. dr. med. T. Lewenfin-Woina.rowska). BLADI, Alicja; SUFFCZYNSKA- KOTOWSKA, Maria Hypsarrhythmia in the EEG of 2 cases of phenylketc-nuria. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.2tl99-201 F 165 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierowniki prof. dro med. T. lewenflsx-lfojnarowska). Su"IM, Allacja; STORIISKI, Jaroslaw Sirgical treatment of abnormalities of the external gerital organs in girls affected with adreno-genital syndrome. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no,5.'507-510 W 165- 1. Z 11 Kliniki Pedlatrymej AM w Warszawie (Kierownik; prof. dr4 T. Lowenfisz-Wojnarowska) i z KlIniki ChAmirgil Dzieciecej AM w Warazawie (Kisrownik: prof. dr. J. Kos3a- kowski). BIAIMP Alicja; 1311JECZYNSKI, Eugeniusz A cane of bilateral proliferation of the parotid glands with inhibition of the psychosomatic development and symptoms of diffused osteoporosis. Otolaryng. Pol. 19 na.3-407-410 165. 1. Z Il Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warazawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska) i z Oddzialu lar,)-,lgologii Dzieciecej AM w Warszawle (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. J. Danielewlez). BLAlMI Kazimiars - '-', " 1' Oacurrenco and transformations of nicotine in altp-lold-frea tobaccos. Rocz nauk roln roal 88 no.4017-922 16,4. 1, Biochemical Laboratory.. Institute of Culti7ation, Fertilization, and Soll Science, Pulawye (f - 4. WM Md dw me*$& of dwk P-d"'Ida. 14. gessrAw, (Illial Cbrtnil HtWit'"O. 11.1 .%' - L.- x.wi*&i swtt I -- - -.rwwysi--Rolq-y 4. (,,.W. PuLv,,ga - I I - -1: f MY. 7 Ix. T-121 WC-4ijimm. -A teview- CO I In " town 91 tM OCS. UMA ROII~. "1953, ep."AO.Io. 4. 0-~)-Mi~depeudent journal of the Science of t1w balance twtween the syntbads and hydrolysis of z=1380 in Ow leaves, the proem being pamllet to that of VernAhMUM. Food and Agriculture A. G. FoLLARo. April 1954 Agriculture a~d Horticulture. "v~ IN jw'tcllb~lls iL' gijwmasilij 'p'mg ant', %VIICLJS. N. Phil;) 'WaIcl C-'Mt~'M~f!vl n! umt I III; t%h('wcd E-11 V~lt:vs v itia.0y -~Ar.!~ ti of clr,* Ch-""~ in thc "Irml of Hnnuarefractome'ric and clsemicra m thod ~fCdcil'~',Yiining tLe iodino value fOr Vfg!U!31e Oil$"' X. , ltt-dm in-I Z. T'~-nzlvj. ftomiiki Am,k ZQ 61, of fl:,.K. bvinp, rap.~svcd, uralotref ,eed, medicil,A puilla, aml nlgc, med %vt!re -tudicel. The IcWine n.,%. C)hl aint-~! by th~~ rel-Ictmetric metlind %vere pwim,01at Ir"I thall fl!"Wobtairled by thechm. Im.1hod. Pcfr.tct,, etrr, an,, by the tvrnp, ReMings f-ir the deta of loclinp tr,i. cl,ould 1y,, matle at 225', or cn,reclcd to that I,mp. Blothmistry of germinating trilin of winter 5pring *beat. VazimstrA Illaira. Rv~:riki Nruh RoIrTrzych 4i i 72A, purpo", of the -) ex~laln muflit dific-mm-es takirg place duriuz (he gernflumikin of winter grain wO rptlug warl"t vAth rc- syuct to plivAcoebrin. cbungts. As A tv-~-alt of qtudiv3 r-,-,T- ned out on the dynamics of ctrtgin 1~ reactions dutring the t~'i) gumim-stkm 0 wheat, tests were propo~-,d for Nvorking out.a FeMitaur-C o! Celtal~ o-a Ol'! bA-,Iq of a qtwul Of nation were di erentiated y, Intalumu xzin 4uctioA eAd amylolytic thermic indices 'erull"ang next.^ _eq -G~JAU ky y. Growth and Duv,)lopj-.i,)nt. POL,"D / Plant ,.'hysioloe Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 600a. Author : Blaim- ',K-- Inst :Not given. Title :Biochomical Germination Regulators of 93ods. Part II. Gormination Activators of Soods. Orig Pub: Postopy nauk roln., 1956, 3, No 3-4, 125-130. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 19 14-1 B4AIN, K. OWAINNigo Micromethod for Anglish summory determining coumarts In vegetable satter [with in tusertJo Biokbistis 21 no.6-.689-693 N-D 156. (NLRA 10-7) lo 316khtsichaskays laborstorlys Instituta selektait I okkltmti- satsil rastniy, PUUvy, Fol'shes (COOMIN, determination, steromethod. in vegetable material (Rus)) POUM/CherAcal Tochnoloa. PrcAucts ,-MI ;.ly,jlieation3. rhorizcCutic-als. Vitauins- j..ntibioties. ,',bs jour- Ref 'bur-nin-, No 8, 1959, 28569- notes that whpn 1)ol--.r soivents (r.*-thwiol, ethyl ester, chloroforn) ire used a breakthkouah of I is cbservedjwhereas Vhc Iii ~solutions' of petroleum. ether) C6116 and, especially, CC14 are used, I is completely adsorbed. Mie amount of I remainine in solution (CHM 3) vas measured., On the basis of the experiments nade,:it has beell astAblished,that Rejoviack earth ean be used iii the chrouato'grophic purification of I from mixtures of vegetable materials. For Part I see RzhxhimM, 1957, 6912- -- iL. vavilova. Card 2/2 BLAIM, Kazimiert Effect of cammarin, an the absorption of water by wheat seeds and its influence on the growth of the rootlets and coleoptiles. Roes nauk roal 81 no.Zs401-413 *60. (EM 9:11) 1. Laboratorium Biocho3domw Instytutu Upravyq Nawozenia i Mobotnawetwa v Pulavach. (Poland-Wheat) (Water) (Coumarin) AlKs Kazimierz; MALISZSWSKA.-BLAIMp Halina Studies an the chemical COW03ition of the fruits of buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatux Gibb.) and Tartarian buckwheat (Pagopyrun tataricum Gartner). Rocz nauk raln roal 81 no-3;621-629 6o. (EM 9:10) 1. Laboratorium Blochemictne Instytutu Upravy, Nawozenia. I /r Mebotnawstva w Pulawach. (ftI=&-9uokwh*&t) -RLAIM,4144~rz~ - Outlines of the method of determining nornicotine~in pla.At materials. Postapy nauk roln 9 no.2:109-1-1~ Mr-Ap '62. 1. Laboratorium Biochpmiczne, Instytut Uprawy, Nawozenia i Glaboamwetva, Pulawy, -A BIAIM, Nazimigrz Dr. Rysard Kwiecinaki.. April 3j. 1887- January 30,. 1962. Postopy nauk roln 9 nD.3:157-158 My4e 162. BLAIM, Kazimierz ,The occurrenca~ of betaine and choline in needs. Rocz nauk roln ropl 86 no,3027-531 162. 1.~Laboratariim Biocheaiozne, Instytut Uprawyj Nawozenia i Gleboznawetwa, Pullk*-7- BIADI, Nazimierz Bitter substances and ethereal oils of hops. Postepy nauk roln 10 no.ls8l-U Ja-F 063. 1, Laboratorium Biochomiczne,, Instytut Uprawy i Aklimtyzacji Roalin, Pulawy. BTAIMs K. .Octur-rence on nornicotim in Nicotins glutinosa. Acta soc botan Pol 32 no.2003-312 163,. 1. Laboratorium Biochamieme.. Instvtut Uprawv Nawozenia i Slebo- zwws tva., Pulawye, I 4.r BIA314 - ~ I - ,,, ~"~!r;z, - Glycoalkaloids of cultivated plants; potato and tomato. Postepy nauk roln 10 no-4:99-107 Jl-Ag 163. 1. Laboratorium, Biochemiczne, Instytut. Uprawy, Hawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, Pulawy. ins.; MICHALIK, Janusz, inz.; RESPORDEK, Alojzy, inz. TARNOWSKI, ladyslaw; GIDWANIAL, Edward Increasing the disposable power of the power plant of the Florian Steel Works by 7 MW. Goap paliw 3-1 Special issue no.(95)159 Ja 163. 1. Hut& Florian- kopalnia Poloka. I BLA~A4&,,jAai&i*vAiW inz.; NICHALIK, Janusz, inz.; RESPONDEK, Alojzy, inz.; ~!r-v TARNOWSKI, Ladyslaw; GLOWANIA, Edward Increasing-the diaposable power of the power plant of the Ylorian Steel Works by 7 MW. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95)159 A 163. BLAIM, Kazimierz t&acco alkaloids. Postepy nauk roln 11 no,, I ;.%99-110 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Biochemical Laboratory, Institute of Cultivation, Fertilization, and Soil Science, Pulawy. Plant prptein as biologicalind agricultural problem. Postapy anuk roln 11 no.3t47-52 Yq-Je 164. 1. 91,chemioal Laboratory, Institute of Fertilization and Soil Sqienon, Pulawy. BLAJ, Tr., ing. . Beechwood, a rav material for fibarboam. Pt. 2. Ind lemnului 15 no.10080-386 0 164. 1 BLIJ, v. Repair and maintenance of equipment in the knit-f:oods industry. p.2,96. 11MUSTRD. TEXTIIA. fAsociatia Sti.intifica a InrIncrilor si Tehnivienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Industriei UsoaLre) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 10, no. 7, Ju~y 1959. Monthly list of Eastern European Accegsion Index (ESAI) LC. vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. B"jp v0 I a A single expediter in railroad-motorcar combined traffic. Rev callor for 10 no.10015-519 0 162. ~ - BIAJI Vanile U-~, Tariffsj, important factor for the development of motor transport. Rev transport 10 no.51209-212 My 163. RM"IA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation. Heart, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 19589 97505 Author : Burghele, Th,, Blaja, C., Ciofu, S., Nomiceanu, D. Inst :Not given Title :Experimental and Clinical Data on Ventricular Fibrillation Orig Pub: Rev. med. (RPR), 1956, 21 140 3, 13-21 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 26 CJOFU, S., Dr.; BLAJA, C.., dr.; NDMIOXAW. D., dr. Measurament of the-electric resistance of the blood plasma, objective method of electrolyte balance in surgery. Mod. int., Bucure.8 no.2:316-320 Apr-May 56, 1. I.K.P.-Clinica I Chirurgic&la--Director prof. Th. Burgbels. (BODY nUIDS water-electrolyte balance In surg., determ. by electric resist. of blood plasma) fl,LAS4-~ C, BMHELI, Th.; BIAJA, 0,; MUQUO Vw --WIWWOMMW~ A plastic operation using Intestine for the enlargement of t~e urinary bladder (enterocystoplasty), Rumanian X. Rev* 1 no.3t74-75 July-Sept 57. (BIM=, eurgo' interooystoplasty for bladder enlargement) RU14ANIA / Him= and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21~ 1958~ 97496 Author : Ciofu, 6,; Blaja, C.; Crivda, S.; Vlad, C. Inst : Not given Title : Fibrillation and Electric Defibrillation of the Heart of a Dog Orig Pub% Fiziol. norm. si. patil., 1957, 4, No. 6, 553-563 Abstract: Resistance of heart of a dog at currents of 13-11+ ma and 0.64-0.83 volts consisted of 40-70 ohms, ri. brillations were induced by electric impulses (0,1- 0.5 a), Utilized for 0.5 seconds and longer in order to catch the heart during the period of vulnerabi- lity. Fo2 defibrillation the current with duration Card 1/2 24 RTJ14ANIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Vormal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 97496 of 0.01-0,04 seconds, current 1.5-3 amperes was utilized. If the impulse produced no effect, it was repeated after a certain pause. Short, serial impulses induce inconsequential injuries of the heart and are much more affective than a single, long impulse. -- From author's resume. Card 2/2 /~ ~ 1P, RUWXIA/Cultivated Plants. F-Ait6j jjbj+jes. M Abs, Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol..~ NO 61 1958, No ~4823 Author : BlaJa D. Inst Academy Titla : Hybrid of the Strauberzrias "Croasta do cocos" x "Laxton" mid Its Behivior D=,in- the First Years of Its 0-routh %J Ori.- Mo : Comun. Acad. IRPR, 1956, 6, No 11, 1319-1324 ,%botract : Me experimental station for fruit cultiv-ation of Bystritsa (District of Cluj), by means of the method of se.-ual hy- bridization, has obtained a new hybrid No 1, 1951 (from Varieties Creasta de cocos and Laxton). The hybrid is dis- tinguishad by its high content of sugar, dry matter, pactin and protein in the fruits, and also by its hardiness to frost and drought. In 1955 an average crop of 78 hwt per hectare was obtained. The hybrid possesses a deeply penetrating stronG root system, large foliage, larger than in the parontcna forms; bloomina cruid rij)cning of Card 1/1 fruit occurs earlier than in the parental forms. RUTWIA GLIG)hE, V., Professor; BACH, Tr., LID; GHEXWI, Ur., MID; DWITUSCU, I., MD; GHE)DRGHIEV, I., MD; FbOPXA, E., MD; -q:',AJ'AX St., MD; SAVA E. MD; TRAILA, P., UD; LAPUSAN, id, Hospital attendant; PLITUNUp N., MD. l3ledical Clinic II, Cluj (Clinica a JI-a modicala Cluj) - (for first five); 2. Po3,lalinic No. 1, Cluj (Policlinica Nr. 1, Cluj) - (for next five); 3. Bontida Precinct (for Peteanu). Bucharestj Vista Medicala No 8, 15 Apr 63, pp 513-518. "The Role of Certain Occapational Factors in the Aetio-oathogeny of Ulcerous Diseases of Tiactor Operators and Car Drivers." w ww wwwww see * 0 0-1110-9- O-em a 11 it to to it, x h u a p of 9 1 N (C M tE so joing in tilop 1khr, 1. L. lurdols and 14, No. 2. 09 711110"; qnanollirl Ill 711 all; Ily Site 11VII14mistric OW114111 lmlw%l '"I tile rmctim all$ OW Xpv(e4i., tile dimble jqmton-anw lnrmW produdN a tooorbidi(y. The wn-i- ' l tivirlims a The fewtion Sol IcKleawd by She addit. tif Nat 11w obl. is tictild. by pla w"s Site Ok thfolligh U. I N 11NO, wilk.h j# l1wil vvQp4,I Si r., tip-0,11w to scifimilml in 110; aftet Imilloillh: with N1 l 10111 She Nile **It% inf. dromini it,1 fit. mllml *1111 i l 00 31 oor Ki Willi N11011 a ( h m . t de d. In :01 1 fil 11 ttl ud 41 fie . - l, ciwm e coolorn. Of 20 mum Lv. of &Qu. The opilnum MACI town, 6 (I'A tv. 111 :11 N 3 "a. ilet 30 cc. of fuel win.; lbr miriffily id the [after 1 shoultibirtlittiv. loacv.010. (CN). shouki in tuick-cl. Otlwr Ortnewl -1wold Moo 1w irtoop-mil. Inatswum tit Cu they can 1w witil. will&.N Moll, it umvmary, dic HIS towl" ci~u be u4KA. A. P.-C -of !-so It off r goo woo tt- site t4l"ji'l it 04V a of ami O.v all tA it I't a a Tlvl-~11-11 It 11 01 "0 1 Is* BLAO 1-glan 04b Sta Blood loss in artificial Interruption of pregnancy. Ceek.gyn. 251391 no.9:661-663 N 160. 1. Gyn.porAliniks KU v PlszLi. prednosta prof. dr. Mikolas. (ABCRTION THIRAPSUTIC oompi) (UTERM HIMUDGE atiol) BIAMM# R. Ya. m5clentMc Conf6reme of the UkmUiLin Uptitute of Experimentai Medicine on TZS&VlantAt and Regeneration of Organs and Tismes,," (p. 742) ty Blakher, R. Ta. - SO: Adunces in Contemnoram Blnl-= (uspEma sovm=oi BiouGii) Vol. V, No. 4 1936 DIARHIN, B. From, local materials. Prof.-tekh.obr. 17. no-3:18 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Direktor Bra lavskogo uohilishcho mokhanizateii sel'skogo khosymystva No.;2 (MU). (White %set&--amildiug. Adobe) ,lb I'_'I4 "k /I J, BLESHINSKIY, S.Ve; MMRI#IN, I.G. ABRAXOVA, V.P.; BIAKITHAYA, L.P, Application of fertilissre and means for fighting forest and fruit posts. Trudy Inst.khtme AN Kir.SSR no-7:137-143D 156o Wak 10:3) (Fertilizers had manures) (Trees--Diseases and posts) USS-11 G Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiyap No. 22y 1958.. No 99667 Author : Bleddtnaya, LiP~ Inst : SWIN-ir-azi M"e"u-tific Research Institute of Epidemiology Title : The Duration of the Insecticidal Action of the Prepara- tions DDT and HCCH Upon Insects Under Various EXternAl Conditions. Orig Pab : in-ta epidemiol.pmikrobiol. i gi giywv,, l956jvyp.2t97-107 Abstract : Dusts of DDT (10%) and HCCH (hexachlorocyclobexane 10) and an emulsion of DDT (23%) were investigated experiment- ally in the control of flies and mosquitoes in cattle ?WW-) cellars and other structures. For the treatment of 36m of oily wd vloden surfaces it is necessary toee no loss than 2 a/zi and for a ready surface 4-5 g/m of the active material of the indicated preparations and 60 mi of water., under which circumstances the haMing leaves of the read Card 1/2 IftcroblolojW and Bygiene. 3 3 USSR 0 Abe jour : Ref Zhur - Bioloa~ya, No. 22, 1958., No 99667 Abstract ; have to be treated 3-4 Unee allowing them to dry after each treatment. Uau&Uy one,sVring treatment Is suf- ficient* ad4 it it is nece Pary to repeat the treatment during the sumerp 9.3 g/z have to be applied. --A;P;A&i"Ov. Card .2/2 BIAMO, V.D. "Kiev District Heating and Power Supply," Elek Stan No 11, Engr um, S. mommomwomm The technological equipmnt of our imat comblat is increasing. Miss, lid. &SIM 26 uo.It42 155. (XwA 885) 1. Glavvyy Imliewr LonIndc-lussistskoge wroaakombinsta., (I*uIw*4hzwtsk-41s&t Isdustry) BLAM, S. We are sharing the experience. Miss. ind. SSSR 32 no.4: 12-3-3 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kemerovskly sovnarkhoz. (Kemero'vo Provinc6-Packing houselq-Equipme~it 9* N suppiies) 10- Un7U=A-fA, V. I., DW-WA, Z, T., Th. S., ruroy, B. It., ml Mrr-OT, X. Ir *ApplIcation of PO 4- Vo. &A AC + r-3 mutron so-=oq In report to 'bo samitt&A for tWo Conforewe m luoloar Goopbyalcm, Mmkow, POINA, 24-30 " 19622. - BIANARIG, D. The Budapest Central Research Insititute of Physics. p. 87. STUDII S9 CERCETARI STIVNIFICE. FIZICA SI STIDITETERNICE. (Academia Republicii POPUlare Romine, Filiala Iasi) Iasi, Rmania. Vol. 8, no. 1, 1957. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncl. &LAAIA,f I/ -11 RMWXM/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic Rays. C Abs J.:>ur : Ref Zhur Fizika) No 1, 1960, 587 Author : Mageru, V., B1aaaru.-,-.D-,,AIitonescu, V., Neaga, V. List : - - Title Vie Problem of the Second 14axiiaun in the Traiisition Curve of Cosmic Radiation (Preliminary Data). OriG Pub Studii 9i carectari stiLit. Acad. BER Fil. Iasi, Piz, si stiinte tchn., 1957, 8, No 23, 197-200 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 27 - RUMANIA/fluelear Physics - Installations and Instruments. Method-- of Measurement and Research Abs Jour : Ref 21ur - Yizika, No 5, 1958, No 10019 lot UvZ Crystal Counters for Recording Radiations Orig Pub Gaz. mat. si. fiz., 1957, Aq, iio 8, 413-323 Abstract No abstract C-2 MAGERU, Victor;_814MARMA-Dragosi GAN, Iulian Padioactivity of atmospheric fallouts. Studii fit tehn iazi n 29-37 160. (Ew 1013) 1. Academia R.P,R.9 Filiala Iasi, Sectia do Cercetari Fiticoo 2. Comitetul. do redactie, Studii si corcetari atiintifice, Fizica si stiinte tehnic*,, Secretar stitntific do rodactie (for Blanariu) (Radioactive fall-out) s/169/62/000/003/027/090 1-:202/E392 AUVAMRS 1.,'a.(,eru, V. and'. Blanariu, D_7- TITLE: Radioactive dopos:Ciions in Ia~i durin,-, 1960 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofioilca, no. 8, 19692, 19, abstract 813143. (Studii gi cercet~ri ritiint. Acad. RPR Fil. Iasi. Piz. si stiinte*tehn., v., 12, no. 1, ig6l, 15 - 21) 1 .I .1. TE=: The results of mensuremonts of artificial radio- - activity of the atnosphere in laqi'from 1958 - 1960 are Given. Atmospheric samples of deposits ifer.e collected every 2.4 hours. It was observed t;iat in 1960 there were a fmf 6ases of increased radioactivity caused by the nuclear expiosions in the Sahara (in excess of 1 000 jicurie/lmi and durint,- 'the spring and sumMer Teneral increase of the lon3-life fission products iras also observed'. Toi-tards the and of 1960 the artificia radioactivitv of the atmosphere decreased to 20 - 30 11citrie/Im The dose o Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/0031027/090 Radioactive depositions .... E202/E392 external y-radiation for for population for the period froti January 1, 1959 to Decei,,ibor 31, 1960 was calculated and found to be equivalent to 111 mroent. durinv the last 30 years. :._Abstracter's note: Complete translation.j V~ Card 2/2 S/169/62/000/008/026/090 E202/E392 AUT11025: 'Naveru, V. , Bl~nariu, D. and Chirind; V. TITLE: 1-loteorolo-ical conditions and the shift.of radioactive clouds-forizied as a.rosult of nuclear explosions in the Sahara E. Ileferativnyy zh-urnal, Geofiziha, no. 3, 1962, 19, RIODICAL: I P abstract 3BI47- !(Studii sl cerceta'ri stiint. Acad. 71111111 Fil - Iaqi. Fiz. si 4tiint e t ehn. ,v. 12, no. 1, 1961, 35 - 4 ) TEXT: Displacement of air masses and the meteorolo-ical conditions in the Mediterranean Basin after th~e nuclear explosions in the Sahara in 1960 are studied. Aftbr the first explosion (February 13) radioactive clouds were transferr*od to the central and ease ~erii parts of Europe bfter they were cau-t,ht by the fast eastern stratospheric streams which, in a fortni--ht, circulated the wholo Globe. Ra-dioactive clouds (derived fron. the second, explosion of April 1) did not pass over the Rumanian People's Republic. The products of the third explosion (December 27) ,gain penetrated into the eastern part of the Rumaniar People's a, Card 1/2 s/169/62/000/008/026/ogo Meteorological conditions r,-202/E392 U Republic and the increase in radioactivity caused by these e.,.plosions was noted in Iasi betvreen January 1 and 5, !961. I-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.~ Card 2/21 BLAKARIU, Dragon Plethodo of manuring the natural radioactivity of atmosphere. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 12 no.1:95-109 161. 1. Secretar stiintific do redactie,, "Studli ni oercetari atiiatifioe, Fizica, si stiinte tebnice". S)169/63/000/003/017/042 D263/V307- Au'.Nlull: B14nariu, Dragog TITVZ: The natural radioactivity of rain water ~?%RIODMV,: 1~eferativnyy zhurnal, Ge6fizika, no. -31 1963, 131 abstract 3384 (%'Jtudii Pi cercet9ri Ftiint. vcad. IUIR. Fil IaLi Fiz. Vi q~iiqe tehn. 1961, 12, no. 2, 191-58 ( .: summaries 3.n 1.1us. and Fr.)) The author studied the natural r4dioactivity of rain falling at Yassi (Rumania) in zi"ier 1961. The samples were Collec- ted, over 10 nin, and a'laiotra volume of the liquid was evaporated on. ~ very small- .0. dish. A -activity of RaB and'RaC waG measured with ~ Gci,,~er-luller counter with a small ar)erture. The specific activ- ity for 29 measured samples varied from 0.88 7. 10-11 to 1O.'a X 10-11 curies/mA, with an average of 4.02 x 10-11 curies/ml. 'llic effective half-life was 25-36 min. It was found that the Sr)ecific activity of rainfalls was inversely proportional to their iiitezisit~.. No syste-matic changes of activity were observed during the rain, Card 1/2 The natural radioactivity ... S/169/63/000/003/017/042 D263/D307 showing that the main mechanism of activating, the rain drops occurs in the cloud ISyGtem. _CI~Dstracter s note: Complete translation._7, -Card 2/2 HAGERU, Victor; BAUM., Petro t Correlation between the radioactivity of the watches with Iuminous dials and the corresponding gonadic doses. StudU. fiz tebn Iasi 3.2 no.2:207-214 161. 1. Academia R.P.R.9 Filials. ~-qi, Sectia de cercetari fizice, and In- stitutul medico-farmeautiev,14sil, Clinica, balneologica si reumatologica, 2* Membru al Comitetului do redactie .91 secretar atiintif~,~ 4o reda-U94 "Studii si cercetari stiin~ifice, Fizica si stUnte tahnice" -Fi3isU Iasi - (for Blanariu), BIAKARIU, Dragoe "Natural radioactivity" 1,14. Belousova and Yu. Mo Shtukkenbergo R evieved by Dragos Blanairu. Studii fix tehn Iasi 12 no.2:387-387 1619 1. Membru. al Ccmitetulul. do redactie si secretar stiintific do redaetie,, I'Studii si corcetari st:Untifices Fisica si stiinto tehnice* -F13inla Iasi* MAGERU, Victor;-BIANA.RIU, Dragos Three pars of systematic measurements of radioactive fallouts at Iasi. Studii fiz tahn Iasi 13 no.1:17-31 162. 1. Academia R.P.R.p Filiala Iasi, Institutul de chimie si fizica "Petru Poni". Sectia de aercetdri fizice. 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactic si secretar stiintific de redactie, "Studii se cercetari stiintifice, Fizica si stiinte tehnice" - Filiala Iasi - (for Blana iu). BLANARIU, Diragoo "Applied gamma-ray speatrometry" by C.E. Grouthamol. Revieved by Pragoo Blanariu. Studii fis tehn Iasi 13 no,ltl4O-l4l 162. 1. Membru al Comitetului do rodaotie si secretar stiintific de rodactie, PStudii si cercetari atiintifice,'Pizica si stiinte tehnicau - Fikica si stiinte tahnice" - Filiala, Iasi. I BLANARIU, DragoB "Electronic apparatus of nuclear physics" ~y A.A.Sanin. Reviewed by Dragos Blanariu. Studii fiz tehn Iaai 13 no.2:317-318 162. MAGERU, Vi9toi; BLANARIU I " 1--pMox- Stratospherie residence time of atrontium-g(), Studii fis tebn Iasi 14 no.109-62 163- MAGERU, Victor; BLAN IU MAXIM,, Gh. Study of the surrounding radioactivity medium. Sti;dii fix tehn Iasi 14 no.1:169-192 163. 1. Academia R.P.R. Filiala Iasi, Institutul do chimie 9i fisica "Petru Poniw,, Sectia do corcetari fizice,, Laboratorul do radioactivitatea wdiului anbiant. BLANIRU, Dragos The technique of gamma spectrometry with scintillations. Studii fis tehn Iasi 13 no.2t243-262 162. .0 goal BMUJAII., conf.; NEM,M.p lector ing.; DAVIDEM, Ronelia, lector; _19AN~~.)_R . -pist. ing. Contributions to the classification of the ways of reducing specific consumptions of wool* Ind text Rum 34 noellt507-511 N1,63. AGARBICKkNU, I.I. [Agarbiceanu,, I,]j BLANAIUJ L a DRAGAIESKU, V.; IONESKU-PALLAS, Me (Ionesco ~R.J.J; KOMOICHU, N.; TATV,, V. Determining the nuclear magnetic moment f the isotope Hg199 from the hyperfine structure of the HgI 5/+61 1 line. Opt.i spektr, 10 no,3:297-300 Mr 161. (HIRk l4t8) 1. Institut atonnoy fiziki AN Rum ynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki., BWdiarest. (Nuclear *wnts) (Mercury--Isotopes) (Interferozptry)