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BLtNW Semen Alsksandi-ovichl prof*; IAGUTINAp Ye.V.p red.j BALDINAp rid . [Fight for a g"at'diocovbx7l Borlba ma,velikoe otkrytie. Moskva* Goss izd-vo mW, lit-U Nedgimp,1961, 48 pf WRA-214:7)' (RABIES) (PAST-309 Loulst 1822-1895) BLINKIN, Semen Alekonadrovigh rof.; LAGUTINA.. Ye.V.j, red.; SKORBILINA, T.N., red.; CHULKOV, I.F.', tekhn. red. [People of great courage;_conquerors of microbes) Liudi bol'shogo muzhiestva; pokoriteli mikroboy. Moskva, Hedgix,- 1963. 223 P. MRA 16:7) (HIORDBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH) BLINKIN, ZUYSEV, V.A.$ red.; KOKO, N.M.) tekhP. red. [Methods of rapid bacteriological diagnosis of Intestinal Infections) Metody uskorennoi baktoriologichookoi diag- nostiki kisheebMkh infektaii, Moskva, Medgiz, 1963 290 p. (MIRL 112) (INTESTINW-MIGROBIOLOOY) (INTEBTINES--DISEASES) BLINKIN., S.A*., prof. (Kiyov) Hero.ic dead of a scientist. Werovie 9 ne.54#22 MY163. (MIRA 16:9) (CONJMTIVITISJ GRANULAR) B zasl. deyatell nauki, prof.; --k~~J- 0 Semen AlnkaaLdm-t-ch-t- LAGUTINA, Ye.V.v red. [Search and discoveries; through the pages of imunoloeyl Poiski i otkrytiia; po stranitsam irmunologii. Moskva, Tqd- vo "Znanie," 1964. 70 p. (Narodnyi universitat: Fakulltet zdorovIia, nos-15-16) (F.IRA 17:8) S(7,) AUTHOR: .31inkin S. Sig Docent SOV/105-59-10-16/25 TITLE: Subject: Article 1-3-25 of -the Specifications for the Installation of Electric Plants PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvos 1959j, Nr 109 P 76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Objections are raisedagainst the term "line length according to average current" in article 1-3-25 of the speoifications.for the installation of.elec.trio plantsaThis term is nowhere found$ neither in standards-nor in.instructions for electric-circuits. The complications arising from differentinterpretations of this term are pointed out here,:A formula is written down which permits determination of this average current. It is recommended to complement the above article by some explanations# Card 1/1 BLINKIII, Ya., polkovnik Actuality of visual agitation. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no-7:52-55 Ap 65. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Lektor politicheskogo upravleniya Zakavkazakogo voyennogo Oh-ruga. BLINKINA OPOTINA V.FG; PECHENKIN, N.M.; KOMPANIYETS, M.P. Discussion of S.I.Lainer's book "Alumina productionn at the Bogoslovskii and Ural Aluminum-Plants. TSvet. met. 36 no.7: 91-92 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Aluminum oxide) VOSTIUMOVA, N.F.; BLINKINA V.Ya. 4 Conference of.the readers of *PromWahlennaia Knergetika* hold at the Bagoslovsk Alminum Factorye Fromeenerge 17: no*4951 AP v62, (MM 154) (Karpinsk-Bleotric power-Periodicals) MOS.H.CHICH,, P..S.,; KUZOMENKOp N.D. x aspirant-,-__ILINIMN, R.S., starshiy laborant Serological indexea (ant'istreptolyain-0 titer) antistreptohyaluronidase and Gwreactive prote1n).'1a1XhwmtiP fever and chronic tonsillitis in children. Vop,.okh. mat. i det. 6 rio-5:38-43 38-43 My .161, (MIRA 14:10) 1. In kafedry fakulltetskoy pediatrii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. V.G. Balaban) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudavogo Krasnogo Znameni meditsinskogo inatituta,imeni akad. A.A.Bod6molitsa (direktor- dotsent, V.D.Efrai~99. (MUMATIC FEVER) (TONSILS-ZISME) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (=D PROTEINS) 1- (I BLINKOVP A*Met inzh. I- I - Heat release bv marine diesels in the engine room. Sudostroenie 27 no*4:30-32 AP 161a - OURA 14:3) (M%rine diesel engines) (Heat-Radiation and absorption) S116616010001021101013 AUTRORSt Zyyattin. V.14) and Blin ov, D.I., Blinkova, B. and 1-qb-a-n-q-v-.'-YW-M. TITLE: Negative Photodiode Effeot-in the Prebreakdown Region of Germanium pn-Juncti ons PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekakoy SSR, Seriya fisiko- matematichaskikh,nauk, 1960, Ko.2, PP-84-68 TEXT: The negative photodiode effect consists in the diminution of the back current for a lighting of the crystal. During the switching in of the light there appears a sudden.enla-rgpment of the current intensity, whereafterit becomes slowly weaker and reaches a value sma Iler than the value measured in the darkrese. If now the light is switched in again, then there appears a sudden decrease and a following slow increase of the current intensity. For the firs'. time V.I.Murygin (Ref-5),has observed this effect at selenium cells. The authnrs investigate the same-effect at specially produced germantum diodes D 7 where the crystal surface was not varnished and which were radiated with gamma rays of 0060. Beside of the above mentioned properties of the affect the authors proved a temperature dependence. The authors try to Card 1/2 Negstive-Photodiode Effect in the S/166/60/000/02/10/013 Pr6breakdown Region of Germanium pn-Junctions explain the effect, but the sudden variation of the current intensity is-not explained. There are 9 referenoes: 4 Soviet and 5 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki.AN UZ SSR (Institute f Nualear Physics AS Uz SSR SU13MITTED: January 22, 196o Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/003/050/092 A0611A101 AUTHORS: Zvyagin, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinova, E., Blinkov, D. I. TITLE; Coefficient of visible light reflection from germanium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Fizika, no.3, 1962, 1, abstract 3G4 (Sb. "Nekotoryye vopr. prikl. fiz.", Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 51-54) TEXT: Reproducibility and divergence of the reflection coefficient R of silicon and germanium crystals treated with standard pickling agents were examined on an Cd:)-2 M(SF-2M) spectrophotometer. It was established that "grinding" and "Polishing" pickling agents modify R in individual intervals of the visible spectrum region by more than 20 - 30%. Thece changes are explained by the compo-~ sition and structure of the oxide layer. For some pickling agents and for 17 crystal rotation about the axis perpendicular to the surface considered, the curve R - f wa's found to have a series of maxima and minima, the number of which depends on crystal orientation. Curves R - f (,-,\) were measured for germanium surfaces that were ground and pickled by agents used in the p duction of H20 98 2 and NaOH semiconductor instruments, following irradiation by Co W -rays.; An attempt iie made to explain the results obtained. G. Gorodinskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] ,__Ca- __J A CC FSSION N H A T* -La f plv,; SOURCE- VReFPyld2wye koorddratatonnoye sove-shcharive -)0 alcti-natsin-n-m-, -14", 7-.- r t-lm ciu. thern,-q! riputron, -~,Ilictin other lig'M el"ents) ir."olven the !is-e of the com-Aing pro"rties of sllk,~ !3!nl--Ie ACCESSION Nit: AT,50127011 Card Z, 2 30148 S/608/61/000/000/003/007 B1431B102 AUTHORS: Zvyagin, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinova, E., Blinkov, D. I. TITLE: Reflection coefficient of visible light reflected from germanium SOURCEs Nekotoriye.voprosy prikladnoy fiziki, 1961, 51 - 54 TEXTs The light reflection coefficient R is more dependent on the state of the surface than is the rest of physical parameters. Since R and the absorption coefficient depend on the energy structure of the crystal surface, ffieasuring these coefficients permits to infer the energy struc- ture of the germanium surface. Chemical polish of germanium results in the formation of an oxide coating on the crystal surface. R is not changed by etching crystals with different crystallographic directions. However, the same etching agent lays bare quite definite faces, independ- ent of the orientation of the crystal. This means that either the ratio of the area of faces remains unaltered I or R is not dependent on the type of crystallographic faces. To decide for one or the other possibility, R0 was measured for germanium treated with etching agents of this type. Card 1/3 30148 S/608/61/000/000/003/007 Reflection coefficient of... B140102 Measurements showed that differently worked crystals furnished values for R differing by 20 - 30%. This implies that R is not dependent on the type of crystallographic faces but on the oo6position and structure of the 10 - 50 f thick oxide coating. Some etching agents cause R to be changed when the crystal is rotated around an axis perpendicular to the surface investigated, passing through a number of maxima and minima. if the crystals are worked with other etching agents, R isindependent of the orientation of the crystal. In this case, the correct value of R is obtained. Differences,in the-values of R, occurring as a result of treating the crystal with the same etching agent, are related to the structure of the monoxide film which is gradually converted into dioxide in the atmosphere. Irradiated with shortwave light, this film generates an anomalously high negative photocurrent in the diodes due to the short- wave light being absorbed by the film. Gamma irradiation of germanium in moist atmosphere reduces.the value of R, Apparently~ irradiation of the germanium surface causes the formation of a film resembling the monoxide film. Indicative of this is the existence of the anomalously high negative photocurrent. Gamma irradiation of germanium, protected from moisture, has no effect on R. There are I figure and 5 references: 2 Card 2/3 Reflection coefficient of... Soviet and 3 non-Soviet, The publications read as followsi 27, 1062, 1956; Me. Kelvey I., 1954; Ellis S. G. Journ. Appl. 30148 3/61)8/61/000/000/003/007 B143/B102 three referenoes to English-language Hancock R., Edelman S. Rev. Scient. Instr., Longini R. J. Appl. Phys., 25, 5, 634v Phys., 28, No 11, 1262, 1957. Card 3/3 30149 S,1608/61/000/000/004/007 B143/B102 AUTHORSt Lobanov, Ye. M., Zyyaginp V. I,p Blinkov,.D..1,!_p Blinkova, G. B. TITLEt Effect of gamma rays on germanium diodes SOURCEs Nekotoriye VOprO8y prikladnoy fiziki, 1961, 55 - 57 TEXTs Gamma irradiation causes a negative photoeffect in germanium diodes. The authors discovered this effect in A,7 (D-7) diodes, and reported on it earlier (Izv. AN UzSSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1960, no. 2). They assumed that this effect is due to inhomogeneities in the volume (Frenkell defects). The negative photoourrent depends on the temperature and the spectral distribution of light. It increases with increasing frequency of the illuminating light. In the photocells examined, the in- crease in photocurrent was particularly striking at XokbO.6)w For waves ty longer than 0.8y,, the negative photocurrent is practically vanishing. This means that it is due to the light being absorbed by the oxide coating and not by the surface-near layer. This was confirmed by a series of experiments. Gamma irradiation of germanium in moist atmosphere causes Card 1/3 30-149 5/608/61/000/000/004/007 Effect of gamma rays on... B143/B1O2 the formation of a film on the surface whose reflection coefficient is similar to that of monoxide-coated (etched) germanium. This results in the occurrence of the characteristic negative photocurrent. Thus, the strong change of the diode characteristics is not only due to inhomo- geneities of the crystal lattice but also to the conversion of the dioxide coating into monoxide. Since surface electrons are transferred to the monoxide coating, it is assumed that it is negatively charged by applying a voltage in the blocked direction. This results in the formation of holes in the surface-near layer that provide a channel for excess con- ductivity. Light absorption transmits the electrons from the acceptor levels to the conduction band of the coatingy and from there, overcoming a potential barrier, to the volume of the germanium. The oxide coating' is positively charged due to accumulation of bound holes, which reduces their concentration in the channel and, subsequentlyo the reverse current. This'nodel permitted to find empirical formulas for the excess reverse current and for the photocurrent in a germanium diode. The transient characteristics of the diode were computed, experimentally verified, and graphically compared. They were found to agreq fairly well. After' applying a voltage, the-reverse current increases, whereas it decreases Card 2/3 30111 9 6 S/6 61/000/000/004/007 3f6 B1 Effect of gamma rays on... B143 B102 when the light is turned on. There-are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 3 refer- ences: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as followes Ellis S. Journ. Appl. Phys., 28, No. 11, 1262, 1957; BrattainW., Bardeen J. Bell. Syst., Techn. J., 32, 1, pp. 1 - 41, 1953. Card 3/3 L 9910-0 EW TIN ),b--WP(b) D'11A0/SSJ)/A1*L/A.AM4 JD /IaX ACCESSION NR: AT4046913 S/0000/64/000/oco/oc'04 fnn,7 AJjTPC,R: Z~Lya ~jn , 11 ~-l Zverev B P TITLE* SensIt'vity of the neutron capture method Yor the determ'. ~at Too In Silicon SOURCE: AN UzSSR. I ns t I tut yadernoy f I z I ki . Rad 1 ats I onnyA",e ef fekt y--' v konder- sirovanny-kb s-edakh (Radiation effects in condessed media). T at, ~ e r Nauka UzSSR, 1964, 64-73 TOPIC TAGS: n-p junction, silicon n-p Junction, neutron capture, quantitative anallysis, boron deter-11nation, silicon analysis, 9(r,AI0ia)t' A a S T RA -,-T :After Rev. P-wing the merits I shortc4o,-;ngs and sens;r of method's for rdezermining B in SI, the authors point out t he s en s n-p -iunction of sil;con to charged particles and discuss twO based on tl)e ER'C)(n,a)l- i7 reaction, in cons derable detail, 7~,e use of 479Ke'v"-quanta from the excited Li~ nuclei, while the se-cr~d ~,e' .,ased on the ionization effects of a particles in the n-~ ner oi re-- :' sered L;NKev 6-quanta corrected for the ;pat i;; -$-z>u r~c, i 5 es t 1 ma ' ed that one can detec L a boron concert ,j sil'l~or. sucil a concentration vK~uld be repres ted by 32% 0, '-')e ~-raj-at Card 1/2 9970-65 ACCESSION NRI AT4046913~ Sround whichfcan be resolved. Such a background can be avoided, mont- ing a-particles from the DID(n,cip.171 rebetion. Methods of Ci-particle detection are discussed. If one uses a pho ouraphic plate with Wicon containing iol5cn-3 of boron in a neutron bear-, of IOAc-m-2sec-1, one would have per The other !T',etlioe of .~-Partlcle detection is based on the effec, ~--f 5 1 con. The sens 1 t i vly ,,F 3 ~as, -3 d e-no-;z A S NO REF SOV: 010 Cord ENCL'. U' 0 OTHER: 009 4 6 1 1 9 10 it u U U u W IR T-A 3, A ft ff F a it I a L a It %_1 -ALJI 3 09 4 -00 00 1 -09 00 00 Aratimonts tortnatim by Atollobader. 0. 14. Illinkov 00 (Kilact-gle-Al butt., TorbW. lee iz , by A. thtokiwivin (1) or .4. (Itiv)-uhrrittlon of N111 13 rislrj~odii (11) Inettawit " the culture bernt"" anve 'Apent anti Can be stapT*d by sildint rnih C nutrients or to 0 by a6tifying the triesthun. Alkal zing with KvL%h to. 00 pit 8.4 stinvulatco accuraulation of NHI without altering' the total N balsam. Tite accumulation resulls k0n; re-' see MlvT reacticM of N Mnp4q. In (VIIS of qprnt cultures. Mlesindiva" activity III I or It C'Mirit when the Celli r ateklilril hystlatit(Wittle.but AMItnalal"1111 N,11,14cally 400 Olow"I. "tit Shipped. Ile"re drdnilaklit") Is 11111 lite tally merhanisin of Nils forination in %twist cultums. Tht-re is OOV liftintniaml urew prtMly, perhaps trinted to NII, for- WO rialtina. In "Illut" at I And of It. When tlw ta"llum 1% 00 alkallyrd wilb XJIM, 11*aminnilallim III Nitiladirrvily 00 0 velaird fit pit in the runss, Jul6n P. Nallh go a, 00 .0 tie a too A 10 - S Lof I AMOK it 1,1111ATWE CLASSOKATWO r. jr v% No* via.aa Inv 44#101110 1111,10,J oil O.V 0.9 BUM off "T- I - S a is W W 1* 0 U Isa 00 is C1 P It or 4, K, 9, W, KO 0 1 to 9 M 4 3 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 6 40 0 00 0000 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4,1 0*10MM &IND PROINT116 %Div 09- C- 0 0 4 r"dia of 67i Me&= Waim nitrogen fintion Activity Md . growth - of Azejob&otse. C;. N. Aiph"-l Tomsk. d Botany' P In W TZ19MM).1ittures of 00.1 0 . go 064 004 3 O (11). and A.Aroxwan (M) WM tested in a Utcrose Not". cootc.. per 1. 01 tap water, CaW4 3. M O.D. and Kj1lPCh I S, This medium wives as wSfjPa.%s tbwcmtg. CUC%, 111r,11of Xvill'Ch and KII&PO. (conrIt. ij.a,31) %we Us"I to Vary pilbetwee. Oend& As pit tises from 6 lip ?,3. N-fixatino --tivitY 6-s. 6M raWly and the= mom slowly. From pit 7.3 to 8 the actlyhy is apprM caesL Growth also dific "UP tQ,4PH Up 1130 kveb off to pil & Growth acid md ML mediums, plainly vWbic in I and U. afeconspictiousin M because it anows rotation 1 0 an the 3rd day in alk., but not till tb* 6th day In acid.. Pa' mediums. Tests with U shoited & gneully IIWlu rtl&. tica between pit and JrrSsSmt&tjW r& te F. S. A I a. I L A StIALLU16KAL LITIMAYM CLASSWKAM Ikew Sir*$IrM 14 0 !tD-4 1. toot at -lie age goo U Will goill U* 0 too Isfusi SIMI M on, III I 111A A I PW C If IM , a a U it AT so &I 1 14 4) OdMi ;0 0 0 go goo 00 00 0000600000 **a .T.4 I* go 0 0 go 006 006 0 0 *so 64 a 60 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 A and agwift TimmA grmy tolebolor nm fix ad N lbi , it ;;Ilp 31-1 I-Of adivily is blo 9A. Thr W "I range is 7a-s.j. in &M PH od -fixotion atthl vwd ItL dmftw. in 1" .84 WOM Weil in t am, raftle, N. h 1 the bacteria rain the Past the a ronsr. lut6a M . 4-P zg, BLInOV, G.N. Organie acids as products of carbobydrate metabolism in Asotobacter. '-Mikrobiologiiao Moskva 22 no.109-53,Jan-Feb 1953. (G1KL 25t4) 1, Tomsk State Pedagogic Institute. .420t b~cfci-- cht;O-COCC11 Q Plhtkov(Sutie e-'TN19'M).-Mut1lre tmlturv; (A amins vatied froul A.53 to 3j.N (on dry m.) In pr6tela coutcut, "Phey veri- S.W to 81~ 1-ii, .', .-,. 5, tirtitir in proWil- than youtAl (3- cultur". Thue W.S no deuctnth Telari".1 to gmrimphic .0urce 11ca to 2%14~=Men cal?=ily' Uut 101~ demsr~%t cultur" vere rich~mt in pr,,If In and the 1~vx~est culturc3 were pwiv~f S611 DIuat no npp~';;~a duli~rzuc-; wide varLaiiam might omir in a sirigh soil and fair uniformity in quitt dificrcit `1 stills, juliDul F. st~ilk-j BLIMOVI G. N. Iffect of salting on Az6tobacter chroococcum and Azotobacter gal- ophilum. Mkrobiologtia.24 no.l.-43-47 Ta-lr 155. JaRA 8:4) 1. Tomakir gosudaretvennyy pedagogicheakiy, inatitut. (AZOZ3BACTER. .chroococcum & galophilum, eff..of salting) USSR/Microbiology. Soil Microbiology F-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 562 Author T. N. BI ilikox- Inst Tomsk State Padagogical Institute Title Geographical Distribution of Azotobacter in the Soils of Siberia Orig Pub Uch. zap. Tomskiy gus. ped. in-t, 1955, 149 494-534 Abstract The wide distribution of azotobacter in different types of Siberian Soil was investigated (180 samples gathered at different oints of Siberia were in- vestigated3. Soils without azotobacter were a rare exception, Cultivated soils were found to contain more azotobacters than virgin soils. Card 1/2 USSR/Microbiology. Soil Microbiology F-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 562 Abstract : Azotobacter chroococcum (dark colored strains, with colorless and yellow in smaller quantities) predominated. In very infrequent cases Azotobacter galophilum were found in salty soils. Literary data on the distribution of azotobacters in different soils of the Earth were cited. Bibliography 198 titles. Card 2/2 in t3ratral or a] atarly as udvt the colored 19 list iotorim 110 form 6wcd I" five at tI prMlIttive at I COIX44 (bmwn i xwface, and da i we wrooth, vis Wotla3ter. Oz stablo In atid, inedis. r~,, N. 11,11ink v r4in wils the typicA Mixed fimn of , b4it n MmIcss f0ml coppra in rwine r,&Aogically and in arsd mistatice, re about the tame N-fixtition capacity lia, At pH r4.7 OM c4twit-m fann is xation as in the umial medium, whete- AtpII5.5 1 *2914bam IN 4, ctivcl~. the 4wwtd in both IW=3 proillexation is more RL~ W-23, ,* but smWillatirm of N Is more typlmd cdftii3 ate Ob.", formimeucy, wriv&R-d th~- the colorlem colonies odlmy,:tran~pmnt, and baye only Julia., F. - - , - - - ., ~ 1, --- ... - .. .- . I - . 4i" -Z~~ I . , '7, l, - z ~ ~'. ,- ~ ~,, i~' - ~ 'j I , 'z , . I ~ :oa , , , ?~, ~ -., ; K, ~ - . - , USSR/Soil Science - Dioloc7 -if Bails. Abs Jjur Ref Zhur riol.,,,No 22, Author Dlinkov, G.N. Inst Tomsk State Pedaco~cal Institute Title Morpholo,,Zr of'the',More Widespread Form of Azotobacter of the Siberian SDilsd* Orit-, Pub Uch. zap. Tomskiy Gos. ped. in-t, 1957, 16, 358-388 Abstract No abstract. -prof., doktor biolog*r BLINKOV, G.N. 'auk; aWNTsOV, M.K., red.; OSOVMIY, A.T., [Azotobacter and Its affOct on higber plants] "Azotobaktor i ago swchanis dlia vysshik~ rastenii. Tomsk, Iza-TO Tomskogo univ., 1959. 252 p. (mm 14,-l) :L. Tomskiy pede~gogidheeklYinstltut (for Blinkov). (Asotobacter) BLIWOV, G.X,;- NOVOS310VA, A.N. Azotobactqr inthe Podzolic soils of Siberia. Nlkrobiologlia 28 upe'6011-915.3-D 159. (HIPA 13:4) 1. TomekV osudarotvemV7 pedagogicheskI7 itatitnt. - ISOIL microblolf') (AZOTOBACTIR) BLII*%'OVP I. ... I. Young shoots. Voon. xnan- 34 no.9:23-24 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Sho'oting) t. --p -BLINKOV, I. a target. V00n.znnn. 25 no.6-.9-11 Je 159- (MIR& 12:12) (Target practice) , 1. . ,rfr I ; I I m :ov is ,.~~INKO jj, pjvq oh&mpiono, Voon. anans 1+0 no,32t38-39 D t62 (MIRA 1831) m B ___!L~I~~~odpolkovnik, voyannyy latebik perw0go klassa; STUSYUKALOT, X,P., mayor On the road to military mastery. Test. Tozd. 71. 41 no. 7:20-23 J1 '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Aeronautica43tu'dy.and teaching) (Bombing. Aerial) BLINKOV., I., kontr-admiral The lesson did not turn out vell, Starsh,-serzhe no.4(7)t 8-9 Ap 161, (MIRA 14:7) (Naval education) (Leadership) ZHILINSKIY, Kazimir Yanovich; zh., retsenzent; RAUSH, 0.1., inzh., retsenzent; FAVOROV, B.P.p nauchnyy red.; KUSKOVA, A.I., red.; ERASTOVA, N.V., tekhn. red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. (Heat insulation of ships]Sudovaia teploizoliatsiia. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 404 p (6A 16:2) (Insulation (Heat)) (Shipbuilding materials) PINUS, N.Z., red. ;_.AL-IffKOV+-LJL" _X64,; ZAM9 I.M., teklm. red. [Atmospheric turbulence and the bumping of airplanes] Atmoaf6r- naia turbulentnost',, vyzyvaiushchaia bolthnku samoletov. Pod red. N.Z.Pinusa. Moskva, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962, 166 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. ?SentralOnVa aerolo ichaskaya observatoriya. (Atmospheriq-turbalegimee) (Stability of.airplanes) NJMV. Nje..-tekbuik; GRIGORIM, D9A9., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk, Gentralixed mk~nxifacture of reinforcement bundlas for bridge spans made of prestressed reinforced concrete., Bet.1 Shel.-bet. noe3: 100-163 Mr 256. Mu. 9: 7) .(Bridges,, ConcretO(Prestressed concrete) WMIIKOT N.L ok~mik; GRIGORIYEV, D.A.. kandidat toOmicheskikh &auk. ",&gj Device for making r*iaforcement bundles. Tramsp*strei. 6 moeinll 13 D '56'i (XLRA lOt3) (Prestressed concrete) (Bridges, Concrete) - - - - -- - - - - 97-5,P-1-7/12 AUTHORs BlinkLv~N.Y~e., TITLEt Production of Prestressed Reihforoed Conarete Constructions Using Improved Andhoring of.Batoh Reinforoement.-(logotovienve prodvaritellno napryazheWkh zb-.71ezobetonnykh konstruktsiy usovershenstvovannym zaankerivaniyem puchkov) PPMODICAL: Beton i.-Zhelizobeton. 1958 NO-1- USSR PP 30-33 ABSTRACTs The shortcomings of,.-imple&ents And methods of tensioning are analysed by TsMS of Nintransstroy. The author in 1950 worked out.principles for tensioning and fixing reinforcing batches and the means.of saving 20-30%'of reinforcement by weight. His suggestions are based ozi the -possibility of obtaining the necessary interaction between batches anUooncrete by means of injection of the chanels housing batch reinforcement. This method was worked out by A.P. Korovkin in 11948. During the casting of prestressed reinforced beams by the.above mentioned method (Figure 1) each wire has an alichor at one.end. At the other end of the batch a loop is formed of similar construction to the anchor designed by Yn. Troitakiy. Using the above described method in 1952 4 test beams were prepared as indicated in Figure 2, In two of these beams twisted batch rainforcOment was used as shown in Figure 3. These testing beams varied'in crosB-sectional dimensions. The reinforce- Card 1/2 ment used was-Mark St3. Tests carried out with these 4 beams 97-58-1-7/12 Production of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Constructions Using Improved Anchoring of Batch Reinforcement. with different .refinementgtensioning and grouting and varying water/cement ratios were analysed and obtained values compareaq, During tests deflection 6f beams and deformation of concrete was investigated and graph in Figure 5 prepared. The beams were subjected to crushing tests and disintergration is illustrated in Figure 6. Figure .7 illustrates crushing of batch reinforced beams in the moment of disintergration. There are 7 Figures. Beams--Casting 2. Reinforced concrete--Test methods 3. Re- inforci:ftg,- steel--Test methods 4. Beams--Test methods 5. Con- cre'te--Deformation Card 2/2 BLINKOVI R.T. I Growing select potatoes on the collective farms . Sad i ogg, no. 8, 1952 WNKOVS S 6m0!V*6!1 balliand t with 1.1) ne';Mmrs, I B Rubber 1.70M. t film of "Dupri~e" lacquer sticv~ firnily i. to r u" is well t lolber mur&,-es has high ct"LL-Ity- resh Ri o o a . and 11,0.* h ;A. in Mi. C41t I 01C.11 an --Pa-3 M-Ufa-sTe or odor mid (lots not change I it range - IQ' to +40*. ~ It dries at 19-20* 6 after 8-10hro., stOW after 1-1.8 hm; Ithasaflomewhat lower covering, powet than oil lactitters, a dark color and not enough gloss. "Dupi-M-ro-r-Ta uers is rnixe4 cTentidinc) and with acceleratoft (the best are ZnO Knd Igmenta (aU kinds of rainerni-laft- org. pigments can C c lised) on the rolling machine. - The resulting mixt, is cut Into small pieces and turpentine Is added. At first i tht mixt iwells for IG-12 hrs. and afterward it diswlyeA .1 In h~. The soln. contains 2% of I.Du renc." 71 A 1, BL "Atlas of the dog'.s brain" by O.S.Adrianov and T.A.Me'ring. Reviewed by S.Blinkov. Zhur. nevr. i psikh, 62 no,W57-158 162. (MIRA 15;4) I (BRUN) (ADRWOV, O.S.) (NERING. T.A.) 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV. N IT 11 I'l A P l, l ~Wysift rubber miltuNd with basic d q A jV& - Rum; =3.342. ('let. 31. ltkj and 111i4 nleth,%, elln I .l il In mo n The Intn fiction known as .l "T" Into the ruji1jer milt, loWher with (l ~ h t ll rrm ie pfut y urt obtained nx phenol with millur. 'Go 00 9 60 .3 =00 =00 04111'.4 00 21A 4 00, s t I't I'x'K At Wt oil wit umIFICATIC" boo AM I IF U it to 4 It it go 43 4 9 it it Of 0 If I 'go 0 0 '10 4 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 04 0 o 9 0 0 0 G so 0 r - Czi VJ4 BLVKOV S.1,1. and RUSINOV, V.S. 6291. Blinkov S.N. and Rusinov V.S. Blectrophysiological analysis of the activity of the cerebral cortex in man after deaffer-3ntation of the optical area Problems of Neurosurgery,, M,oscow 1949, 5 (38-49) Graphs 5 EEG's of the occipital cortex were registered from patients in whom the afferent connection between the retina and the optical cortex was totally or partially interrupted. Lurjels ,statement, that in simultaneous registration of electrical activity of both occipital regions of the cortex a certain asymmetry is always found, was confimed. The changes in frequency under the influence of light stimuli occitr simultaneously in the 2 hemispheres. This shows that connections must exist to make such simultaneous changes of rhythm possible. In patients with hemianopsia resulting from interruption of conduction in the afferent optical paths, definite asymmetry of the alectrical activity of thu 2 occipita," cortical regions was always found. Although the occipital cortex on the de-afferented side showed a-waves in addition to pathological slow frequencies, these were fewer than on the normal side. In cases where no a-waves were detectable at the beginning of the rergistration, it was .possible-to evoke these by repeated electrical stimulation. In this way the functional state of the de-afferented cortex is changed by impulses coming from the non-de-afferented cortex. Ten Cate - AmSterdam SO: Excerpta Hedica - Section II Vol. III No. 11 BLI S.M. Variability of the clinical amtom iz elation to, problema of .k r loczaization and of restoration of fu.4tions. Vopr.neirokhir. 15 n0-2:3-10 gar-Apr 1951. (CLML 20-9) 1. Prof essor*.-,,`2. Of the Institute Ifeurosurgery imeni Academician o NeN. Burdenk6 (Director---Prof. B.G. Y6gorov, Correiponcling Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences) oP the Academy 6f Medical Sciences TJSSRv Moscow*' BLINKOV, S. M.;HWOVSKM. F. A.;PUTSILLO, M. V. Correlation of cytoarchitectomice of cerebral cortex and die- tribution of conductors. Vopr. neirokhir. 15 no. 4:16-23 July- Aug 19510 (CLUL 210) 11 Of the Institute of Neuroeurgery imeni Academician N. H. Burdenko (Director - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Profe Bo Go Tegorov), of the AcademV of Medical Sciences USSR. BRAZOVSKAYA,.P.A.. kand4m mediteinskikh usuk (Xoscow); BLINKOV, S.X., pro- fessor, zaveduy#hchiy; YIPOROV. B.G., chlon-korrespondeat a mii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR professor, direktor. Topography of the conducting paths which connect in man the cortical areas of the t emporall parietal and.occipital regions of the cerebral cortex with the pons Varolii. Vop.neirokhir. 17 no..,2:22-29 Mr-Ap 153. OMRA 6:5 1.1rabinet arkhitektonW moz9a Institute, neyrokhirargii imeni. akademika N.H. Burdenko Akademil meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Blinkov). 2. Institut neyrokhirargii imeni akademika N.N.,Barclenko Akademil. meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). 3. Akademiya meditainakikh uauk SSSR (for Tegorov). 4OW, PUTSILLO, H-.V.; BLINKQ 'professor, zaveduyashchiy; YNGOROV, B.G., professor, chlen-korreW emii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, direktor. Connections of the temporal region with the thalamus opticus in mn. Top. neirokhir. 17 no.3:37-43 14Y-Je 153. (MLRA.6:8) 1. Kabinet arkhitaktoniki Institute. neyrokhirurgii imeni akademika NX Burdenko Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Pataillo and Blinkov).' 2. Institut neyrokhirargii imeni akademika. K.K.Burdenko Akademii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for Tegorov). (Brain) ARUTYUROVA, A.S.;-BLTMV, S.M. Simultaneous function of both hemispheres In focal lesions of the human brain, Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat. 4 no.5-651-661 S-0.154.(Km e-.7) 1, Institut niyrokbirurgii im. Y.NsBurdenko AM SSSR. (BRAIN, neoplasms, simultaneous work of cerebral hemisphere's in-focal lesions) BLI40~s H.*; PUTSILLO# X*Vs Ama pedun=laris in mm, Top, neirokbtr. .18 no.4:4&44-Jl-Ag 154. (MM 7110) 1. Lt Inatituta usyrokhtrurgil Imeni akademika N.H.Burdanko Akademll maditain8kikh nauk SSSR, (BRAIN, an"tomy and histologrg *anea peduncularts) BLIMOV, S.X. ---WA-MWAW"" iwo w I", ",-:, - I C=rac=t8rAAics of the structure of the cerebrum in man; the temporal lobe in man and the spool Osobennoett stroantia bollshogo mozga cheloveka; visochnaia doll& cheloveka i obewlian. Mookva, Medgixt 1955, 127 Pe (MM 10:3) (MA IN) AIMISMIKO, N.Yu; BLINKOYj.H. Conditioned reactions to cutaneous stimuli in man in unilateral focal involvement of the parista 1 lobs. Trudy Inst.-wys.nerv.deiat. t- Ser.fixiol. 1:935-246 055. (MI&A 93-8) I.Justitut vyeshey nerynoy deyatelinosti AN SSSR i-Instifut nsyrokhirurgli lVieni akademika N.N.Bardanko AMN SSSR. (CONDITIOM IMSPOBSI) (TQUCH) (IMAIN-40UNDS AND INJURIES) BRY11SOVA, S.S.; BLIffOV, S.M.; KA=L1, X.I. First International Congress of Neurology in Brussels, July 21-28,, 1957. Vop.nsirokhir. 22 no.2:44-52 X-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) (NERVOUS SYSTBX--DISEASES) (BRAIN--SURGERY) (HYPDTHER IA) ]ILMOTs S-Mw 133!Ofo Anatomical conditions for ~a surgical approach to intracerebral fomations in the parietal lobe* Problesovr.neirokhir. 3:29-70 1159. (MIRA 166) (13RAIN--MGEM) (Eum-TUNORS) BLnMOV, S*Mo, prof, R&Vie'w of Max Clara's book *Haman nervous system." Vop.neirokhir. 23 no.609 " 159 (MM 13W Onwou; SYSTM) (CUU. MAX) BLINKOV,, S.M. Changes in the brain atem in neurinoma of the eighth cranial nerve. Vop. neirokhir. 24 no. 3:44-4 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (ACOUSTIC RRVE-TUMORS) (BRAIN-DISEASES) BUNKOV8 S.~~ Prof. (**va) Localization of focal dioorders of the brain stem causing dilp- orders of respiration in tmors of the posterior cranial fosoas Topeneirokbi . 23 no,IM-33,Ja 161. (KM 14s2) 1e Tambno-iseledovatellskiy, ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo M=eni inatitut neyrolhir"rgll- i ak" N.N.-Burdenko AMN SSSR. (MUN._TUMOV (APEOEA) AHUTYUNOVAq A.S.; BLINKOV# SoMe Latent period of a simple motor reaction in focal brain injuries. Zhu& nervo i paikhe 61 nos 1:19-24 161. (MMA 144) 1, Nauchno-iooledovatellakiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokbirurgii imeniN.N. Burdenko ANN SSSR9 Moskva. (BRAIN-MOUNDS AND INJURIES) (MOVEMENT (PHYSIOLOGY)) BLINKOV Accessory nucleus of.the facia-L 'nerve and crossed radicular fibers- of the priteipal nucleus in men. Zhur.nerv. i psM. 61 no.2: 265-270 _161. (NIRA 14:6) 1. Nauchno-issledavOellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Inatitut neyrokhirtirgii imeni. N.W.Burdenko tdir. - prof. BJDO-' Tegorov) ANN SSSR, Moskva. (FACIAL WMB)- BLBKOV, S.M.; MOISFYEEV, G.D. Determining the density of the capillar7 network Ir organs and tissues of man and animals irrespective of the thickness of the microtomic section. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.Z'465-468 S '161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgii im...N.N.Burdenko Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Anichkovym. (CAPnLARIES) MLINKOVp S.M.,, prof.; EMOVSKAYA,, F.A.9 kandmednauk Projection of the lateral ventricle on the maci and gyri of the cerebrum in brain tumoroe Probl.sow,neirokhir. 1+05-9 162. &IRA 3.6t2) (Muni.-TUMORS) OV, S.M... prof.; ERAZOVSKAYAj, F.A,*, kand.mednauk Topograpby of the internal.oapoule In a bealthy man and in a brain tumoro 4015-321 162. (MIRA 3.6s2) (SUn-TUMORS) ELINKOVt S.M.; YEGOROV, B*G, (Moskva) Topography of neuroeatodermal intrazerebral tumors (on the method for surgical interventions in tumors of the cerebrum). Voponeirokhir. 25 no.1:5-9 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Pauohno-issledoratel'skiy ordena Truaovogo Xrasnogo Zhameni institut noyrokhirurgii Imeni akad. N.N. Bu:;denko PM SSSR. (BRAIN-SURGERY) (BRAIN-TUMORS) BLINKGVJ S-M- (Moskva A-57, Loningradskiy prospekt 75A, kvartira Glial index and distribution density of glial cells in the hwan brain stem. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr- 45 no.7:42-77 Je t63. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya neyropdrurgicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. S.M. Blinkov) Nauchno-issl,_4dovatellskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institute, neyrokhirurgii imeni ak~ademika N.N. Burdenko AMN SSSR,, Moskva. -,,,,BLINKOV, Samuil Mikhaylovich; GLEZER, Illya Isaakovich; DYSKIN, a xe) iecro (Hunan brain in figures and tables] Mozg cheloveka v tsifrakb i tablitsakh, Leningrad* Meditsinap 1964. 470 p. (MIRA .18:1) BLTNKUV.t S.M.; IVANITSKII, G.R.. Amount of glial oells in tba,b=an brain. Biofizika 10 no,5t817-825 '65, (MIRA 18s10) 1. Inotitut neyrokhirargii imeni. N.N.Burdanko AMN SSSR i Inatitut biologichaskoy fiziki, AN SSSR, Moskva. ARUTYUNOVA, A.S.,-M prof.; PUTSILIA), M.V. Density of capIllary network In the formations of the dog brain. Arkh. anat., gist, I embra 49 no,8s28-33 Ag 165. (mmA. 1819) I. Laboratorlya neyrokhirargicheskoy anatomil-(Zav.- Prof. SaM, Blinkov) Nauchno-ineledovatellskogo ordens. Trudovogcl. Krasnago Znameni instituta neyrokhirurgii imard akadetiks. N.N. Burdenko AM SSSR, Moskva. BL S M,; MRASEVA, T.A. Aphasia and mirror writing In left-hand-d persons follawing lesion of the left hemisphere. Mi. nx-v,. I ps1kh. ~5 no.22: 1767-1772 165. (MIR A 19: 1) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgii im. Burdenko MAN SSSR, Moslcva. Submitted May 213,, 1964. 2850 Bli-OCOVI V. V. Iseledovanie polzuehAnti betona ,-pri povtornykh dlitellnodaystvuvushilch nagruzlmkh. L., 1954. 12 9. 19 am. (Vuesohus. nauch.losled. in-t gidrogekhniki Im. B. S. VedeDeyeva). 100 Ekz. Bestal. - (54-55?87) M BLINKOV.. V.'V. "Investigation of the Creep of Concrete Under Secondary Long-Acting Loads.w Cand Tech.Scij All Union Sci-Res Inst of Hydraulic Engineering, Leningrad, 1954. (KLI No 21 Jan 55) Survey,of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jmn 55. 124-1957-10-lZZ7Z Translation from: Referativnyy,'zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 10, p 148 (USSR) AUTHOR: Blinkov, V. V. TITLE: Study of the Deformation of Concrete Under Pure Shear (Issle- dovanlye deformatsiy betona pri chistom sdvige) PERIODICAL; Izv. Vses. n. i.Athrta gidro-tekhn., 1955, Vol 53, pp 65-73 ABSTRACT: Torsional shear deformations were determined on hollow con- crete cylinders having an outside diameter of 20 cm, and an inside diameter of 14 cm, and a length of 80 cm. Instantaneous deform- ations were studied on specimens in the course of 340 days by means of strain gauges glued at an angle of 450 to the generatrix, The deformations in the direction of the main compressive and tensile stresses were found equal, while the deformations along a cylindrical specimen. subjected to tension do not surpass the corresponding deformations of a singularly stressed prismatic specimen, This contradicts Freysinel s hypothesis on the possibi- lity of obtaining torsional deformations 30-40 times greater than the deformations due to axial tension. Creepage was studied on specimens in the course of 256 days; the specimens remained Card 1/2 33 days under load, whereupon they were unloaded and observed 124-1957-10-12272 Study of the Deformation of Concrete (cont. for 22 days. The creep deformations under. a stress of 14 kg/cmz did not disappear up to the 33rd day, which Indicatesthe inconsist- ency of the capillary theory of creep, according to which there should not be any creep deformations during torsion. Partial recoverance of the creep deformation occurred during the subse- quent 22 days. The volumetric deformation, shrinkage, and temperature did not influence the results. A. Ye. Desov Card Z/2 BLINIKOV, V.V.. starshly rAuchuyy sotrudnikj kand.teldm,nauk Inveatigating the creep of concrete under repeated sustained loads. Izv. VNIIG 60:103-127 158. WM 13:6) (Concrete--Testing) BLIRKOV, VS., JaWd. tekhn. nauk; PIGALEVA, N.A., inzh. Determination of stresses in the elements of the precast cauponents of the reinforced concrete foundation of a turbogener- ator, Energ, strois no- 4:18-23 165- (MIRA 18-.12) ode YANUS, R.I., kand.fiziko-matematicheski~kh.nauk; VDOVIN, Yu.A., inzh.; BLINKOV V.Ya ' inzh.; POIDVNIKOVAt L.A., inzh. Properties of dbld-ro Iled steel in~reels for use in electric transformers. Vest.-elektroprom. 32 no.c?t62-63 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Electric transformers) (Steel--Maknetic properties) ..B/196/62/000/00'4/002/023 AUTHORS: Lutidze, Sh.I.., ands Blinkov, Y!.LL. TITLEs Calculation.of a:circuit with,saturated choke operating on an inductive load PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetikd, no.4, 1962, 12, a~ztract 4 A64. (Elektroonergetlka.. no.4, 49-54) TEXTt Calculation of a_.three-phase circuit with 'a saturating choke,operatinj under conditions of forced pre- magnet1satlon -is conaldered. Instantaneous values of current and voltage are determined and also, the:relati.onship between the direct component of magnetic induction in the saturating'choke and the alternating component. The calculation reduces'to' calculation of a single-phase circuit (see sketch). This circuit consists of a reactance,. X and the saturating choke with d.c. pre-magnetizatlon connected In series. Using linear represent thermagnetisation curve of the saturating choke, expressions am derived for the direct component,of the magnetic field of thei"turating choke when the alternating induction Card 1/2 ..Calculation of a circuit with S/196/62/000/0041002/023 E194/E155 component is altered. Voltage'and current oscillograms are compared with curves calculated,by the formula. 3 lit.refs. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation-3 BLMOVAIO A.As; WMLERS S,Ye,l LANTSOVS Tk., ~_. I DN& isynthesis in tba proeess of bacterial conjugation. Genettk& no,20,3-21 Ag 1654 (XIM 18110) lo lutituts of High MoUmlar Ompowdep AwAaa7 of Scianose of the U'SOSORGO laningrads 67969 sov/112-59-21-44190 a 0 0 Translation from: Referativnyy zhuinal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Hr 21, pp 90 91 (USSR) -AUTHOR: Blinkova, A.S. The Torque Caloulationof an Fnleot.&ic Measuring Instrument of a TITLE. Magneto-Electric System with Moving.Magnet 4 PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. zaochn. energ. in-ta, 1958, Nr 9, pp 219-238 ABSTRACT: The methods of calculation of the magnetic moment M. of a moving magnet are given. For determining the demagnetization coefficient m the magnet is replaced by an equivalent ellipsoid of revolution with the axes a, b and. c. The formula for the demagnetization co- efficient along the polar axis is M (P2 V 02 1 7 p F -E (dLj?)j where F (d~,T elliptic integral of the fire t kind, E (0L Card 1/3 elliptic integral of the second kind; 67969 sov/112-59-21-44190 The Torque Calculation of an Electric Measuring Instrument of a Magneto-Electric System with Moving Magnet 'a; sinot - _q sin fl -112 p A; q b p V;q 1 q The value of M. is determined by the formula Mm Bd Hd Vm where Bd the 4x intrinsic induction in the magnet material, Hd - intensity in the material of the magnet, Vm - volume of the magnet. Experimental and computed values of mag- netic moments are compiled in a table. For magnets of various forms and weights made of various magnetically hard materials the computation error is 4,_ 5,01. as cov~-,ared with the experiment. Calculation formulas for determining the field intensity of rectangular coils, which are usually used in instruments, are very complicated; therefore the formula for calculation of the field intensity of round coils was applied. The length and thickness of an equivalent round coil is taken equal to those of a rectangular coil. The mean radius of a round. coil is determined under the assumption that the areas of both coils are equal and the same number of turns is taken. The mean field intensity inside the vo- lume occupied by the magnet was determined as an arithmetic mean for three points: the center of the magnet and its cones. The tables supplied show that Card 2/3 67969 SOV/112-59-21-44190 The Torque Calculation of an Electric MeasIuring Instrument of a Magneto-Electric System with Moving Magnet the computid mean field intensity as compared with the measured one gives an ,error of 1-9 - 5%. The scales of instruments obtained as result of analytical calculation and of experimental measurements on models are given. The tables show that the accuracy of calculation as compared with the experiment is 3 - 16%- A comparative characteristic of instruments with a moving frame and of in3tru- ments with a moving magnet is given.. Card 3/3 S116616010001021101013 AUTHORS: Zyyagin, V.I., and Blinkovi D.I#, Blinkova, G.B., and Lobanov, Ye.M. TITLEt Negative Effect in the Prebreakdown Region of Germanium pn-Junations PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSRI Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, No.29 PP-84-88 TEM The negative photodiode effect consists in the diminution of the back current for a lighting of the crystal. During the switching in of the light there appearsa sudden enlargement of the current intensity, whereafter it becomes slowly weaker and reaches a,value smaller than the value measured :Ln the darkness. If now the light is switched in again, then there appears a sudden decrease and a Tollowing slow increase of the current intensity. For the first time V.I.Murygin (Ref#5) has observed this effect-at seleni'um cells. The authors investigate the same effect at specially produced germanium diodes D 7 where the crystal surface was not varnished and which were radiated with gamma rays of 0060. Beside of the above mentioned properties of the effect the authors proved a temperature dependence. The authors try to Card 1/2 Negative Photodiode Effect in the S/166/60/000/02/10/013 Prebreakdown Region of Germanium pn-Junctions explain the effect, but the sudden variation of the current intensity i.s.not explained. There are 9 references3 4 Soviet and 5 American. ASSOCIATIONt In8titut yadernoy fiziki AN Vz SSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uz SSR SUBMITTED: January 22, 1960 mop 30149 S/608/61/000/000/004/007 B143/B102 AUTHORSt Lobanovt Ye. M.9 Zvyagin, V. I., Blinkoys D. I.) J)Iin,2va, G_ B. TITLES Effect of gamma rays on germanium diodes SOURCES Nekotoriye voprosy pr ikladn oy fizikip 1961, 55 - 57 TEM Gamma irradiation causes a negative photoeffect in germanium diodes. The authors discovered this effect In X7 (D-7) diodes, and reported on it earlier (Izv. AN UzSSR, ser. fiz,. mat. nauk, 1960, no. 2). They assumed that this effect is due to inhomogeneities in the volume (Prenkell defects). The negativephotocurrent depends an the temperature and the spectral distribution of light. It increases with increasing frequency of the illuminating light. In the photocells examined, the in- crease in photocurrent was particularly striking at Xoao.6p, For waves LY longer than 0.8~,, the negative photocurrent is practically vanishing. This means that it is due to the light being absorbed by the oxide coating and not by the~'surface-near layer. This was confirmed by a series of experiments. Gamma irradiation of germanium in moist atmosphere causes Card 1/3