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"n A051/AI26 AVMOR-.. Blokh 0 A T=,: Results, of the- third All-Union conference on autonaticn agd Y~echanlzation of major rubber production pro"ases PERIODICAL.- Kauchuk-iresina, no. 1, 1963, 59.- 60 TEXT: The conference' took. place in Dnepropetioveik f-rc= October 2 60-190, It was vxE-anized by..the Central and Dnepropetrovak fteglonal Administration of--- 1) (4he ;A-111 JUnion Chemical .'Association BXO(VXhO) '14m. Xendele7sv; the DMA-11,111ii- _~~ek-co-Technical Institute, im. E. Dzershinskiy and the Dnepropetrovsk TIM- inant.,62'organi.pations,were represented inaluding 9 tire plants, 12 eammemM. rubber institutes, 5. rubber footwear plants, 3 recovery Plants, 5 cable and 2 * ~ mechanical plants 11 ' 4 synthetic leather plants, 9 designing omanizatIms, 7 delm- tific research institutes,'l higher schools of learning, representatives of Ue- ' . State Committee of the UWR Council of Ministers on Ch4mistry, the BUte BacnaW Council, State Plan of the HSFSR, USSR,- Mr.sovnarkhoz, eto. 24 papers uers read on major problems of mechanization and automation of the ti;,,** Industry. Some at Card 1/4 38/&VOOOM Lft4ADD8,' Results of the third.All-Uhlon conference on... A051/A126 the papers weres 1) B.I. Andrashnikov (top specialist on autormtlon at the Reasno- proyekt).- "Principle and Constructive Stations for NechaMtatlon'and Autamtl= of the Major Technical Processes at the Volga Tire Plw.V. 2) A, P, pu&w,, HHHU311 MEMO - on -the processing prinoiplas In vuloanining of caafts uaft computing machines. 3) Employees of the, Dnepr6petrovsk Tire Plant- a) T. -A. borod - on programming and autociation oontrol of raw imaterials, semi-rinishm products and finished product handling; b) V. A, Vasileako - on the introdustUn of conveyor systems -for the production of rubber mlxes.- c) Kh' N. Bured3AW" on the technology features o.f rubber mixtur as prcm: 4qn a the DTP L It Wo t d) Osokin - on cord processing' using a Z-type calander linel e) N. T. YWWMWP- - 4M developing .7ilc'anizing conditions for autowbile 'and agricultural Oasiw - JA for.- mators-vulcanizers, 4) V. E, Vaysfel'd ("KramWy Bogatyrtn. Pla~Lt) - on UW "WM_ zation of mechanized conveyor lines for the -Production of. rubber footwear, 5) .9, ~k ov (Mogilev ~Recovenj Plant) - p~ftittewi'data on mechwAtatice of r*OW"M, pr*.. 109 H duction. 6) Representatives. of the Kursk Cumercial Rubber Institute and the lCaUtp- in Synthetic, Leather Combine - on mechanizir* the produatim, of ecmmmraUQ.%q3bber articles and automation and 'mech~-Ization of the au*or praftcUau pracexiw at synthetic leather. 7) .0. A'. Blold,, '(Dnepropstrovak Chemiloo-Taftical DwUta") .-on the applicatibn of ionizing radiation in the rubber industryj the %= of S/138/63/000/901/008/008 Results of the third All-Union conference on... A051/A.126 isotopes in the construction:of monitoring and measuring units. 8) N. G. Bekin (faroslavil institute of Technology) - on calandering processes investigation and an instrament for the continuous checking of ruhber mix pressure within the zone of deformation. 9) M. A. Polyak, same institute-on the cooperation of the Yaro- slavl' Institute of Technology and the Yaroslavlt Tire Plant for modernizing the PC-2 (RS-2) rubbermixer and strengthening -the production process of rubber mixes. 10) M. K. Mli'vidsHy (NIIRP) - on the investigation of thrust force., occuring in the forming, vulcanizing and cooling of formed articles from ha],~, rubber mixes, and on force calculations of look press-forms. 11) B. K. Gor1kayev (Leningrad Tire Plant) - on mechanizing transportation and storage of tires In the finished products warehouse. 12) L. A, Knyazlkov (Yaroslavl' branch of the Rezinoproyekt) - on designing a unit for cutting sprayed apparatus. 13) S. N. Rozhdestvenakiy (Yaroslavl" branch of the Rezinoproyekt) - on a unit for produc- ing a non-formed foam-rubber plate. 14) 1. Z. Lisogurskiy (Yaroslavl! Tire Plant) on the stepping up of tire production and introduction of new tire models. 15) .1 1. Ya. Dashevskiy (Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant) - on special work features of equip- ment at the plant and the necessity of spreading the experiences of the Dnepro- petrovsk Tire Plant to other plants. The conference called upon the State Chemical Card 3/4 S11 38/63/000/00 i/o68/00 8 Results of the third All-Union conference on... A051/14126 Comr?jittee to organize a summary of Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant technology results, pertaining particularly to automatic systems, Shortcomings In planning, research and information service centers *were empbasiz, d. A special activity group at the Rezinoproyekt was asked to be formed, which would submit yearly plans and results of experiments and designing on 'mechanization and automation. The need for mass production of the P (R) and PC (RS) tires was emphasized. Card 4/4 S 62 000/024/038/0 2 5 B'O"Y 106 B- AUTHORS: Neymark, I. Ye., Chuyko, A. A., Blokh, G. A., Gendler, T. R.,i Chugay, A. D. TITLE:. Rubbers reinforced with organosilioa PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24 (11), 1962, 929, abstract 24P815 (Izv- vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Tekhnol. legk. prom-sti,,no. 2, 1962, 60-67) TEM This is a study of how organo-silicas whose surfaces contain chemically bound organic radicals ( ether propyl, allyl, vinyl) affect the" 'physico-meohanical properties of (~H-26 I iSKN-26), tkil-40 (SKN-40), and (kc-30 (SKS-30) rubbers. Powdered silica gel containing organic radicals on the surface affects the physico-meohanioal properties (tensile strengthi moduli, etc. increase) of rubber considerably. The authors assume hat t the chemism of rubber solidification by organosilica is characterized by a reaction between the organosilica of organic radicals and the rubber M016CU168 yielding complex vulcanization structures. The filler is chemically bound to the polymer either directly or via sulfide bonds. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card., 1 .-percenzage!i-~~etong4T,''To eT, p.Trengzn i. ':~-Card -F it 166116316-0 S 61004164 V651 B156/B180 - e 40 200'0 range. The e.ffect of ixra-- . ~ith;~olyethyleno or.polystyrene is.that i~:,txvo. *polymers, to form substsaices *ith L~-Proper-~Ieas the plasticity is greatly ii;-r.eaist-ance and hbat-resistance are.. X.Omplo.te translation. VASIROVSKATA, M. Aq BLOKHt G. A. Vulcanizing aot$an of di-2-benzothiazolyl diwilfids (altax) inrubber compound s filled with chalk., talo, and kaolin* Izv. vys. ucheb. savol khim. i khime tekh. 5 no.5t8l a '620. (MIRA 16:1 It Daspropetrovskiy kbiniko-tekbnologiabeekiy institut ineni. S. Dzerzbinskogo, kafedra tekhnologii reziny. (Vulcanization) (Banzothiazole) BIDKH G A SHILD, R.Yaj; ~TSIFENM, E.V.; YEROSHKINA, YetA. Effect of benzoie acid, phth*Uo and maleic anhydrides on the isotope exchange of sulfur atoms. Zhur.ob.khim.' 32 no.9:2800- (M3:RA 15:9 2803 S 162. lo Dnepropetrovskly kbimiko-tekhnologichoskiy institut* Isotopes) (Benzoic acid) (Phthalic anhydride) (~aleic anhydride) .MMA~W2 Ch.41 BLCKH, GG.A. tMokb, H*A*lp doktor k3chn. nauk Accelerators for tb~ cold vuldanimtion of rubber. Khim, prom. Nkr- I no.100-33 %Ta4fr'63 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Ihepropetrovskiy khinUo-t%kbnologicbeskiy tistitiit imemi Dserzhinskogo. 811381631000100P,10031007 A051/A126 - AUTHORS: Blokh, G.A.,.Drozdova, A.S. The effect of sulfur, contained in Omsk furnace carbon'black, on j'- the vulcanization kinetics of butadiene-styrene rubber, CR-~O APW (SKS-30 ARM) T-FRIODICAL-t Kauchuk i rezina, no. 2, 1963, 15 17 TEM Soviet active furnace carbon black, ITM-70 (PM-70), produced at the Omsk Carbon Black Plant from liquid raw material, qualifies as a XAO (KhAF) carbon black. It has, however, a high'sulfur content (between 0.66 and 1.1%).- The effect of the sulfur on the vulcanization kinetics of SKS-30 AW and on the i physico-mechdnical properties of its vuleanizates was investigated. The mix h&d the.following composition (in w.p.): MM-30ARM - 100, rubrax - 5, stearin -2p, zinc oxide - 5, altwcc - 0.6, Aor (DM) - 0.76, sulfur - 2, carbon black - 50. Data obtained showed that with an increase in the free sulfur content of the carbon blaok, the tensile properties of the vulcanizates increased and the vul- .0anization,optimum is.reaehed~Booner*.- The vuloanizates containing Omsk carbon 1/2 S/138/63/000/OOZ/003/007 The effect of sulfur, contained in Omsk .... A051/A126 'd of black showee, a tensility higher by 25 37% as compared to the vuloanizate the control'batch. A reduction in the sulfur dosage by 25 - 40% leads to a drop--"' -.-in the rate of vulcanization since the bound sulfur quires time to'dissociate re itself from the carbon black structure and to form sulfur fragments which, in turn, actively participate in the chemical reactions of vulcanization. The al i ':tax and DFG contents in the Omsk carbon black may be.reduced by no more 35 than 40% without sharply reducing the 'rate of vulcanization and the physico-mechan- ical properties of the vulcanizates. Tests with radioactive sulfur showed that..., ..the sulfur contained in the Omsk carbon black participates in the reaction of "Sulfur atom substitution, is mobile, and takes part in the vulcanization reac- tion. Transverse bond formation due to the presence of sulfur proved further that the latter plays ah active part in the struoturizing and vulcanization re- actions. The sulfur bound to the carbon black may possibly react with the mole cular chains of the rubber forming a single space structure. Therefore, t~ UW of the ~ PM-70 requires additional correction of the vulcanizing systems in e compositions of the rubber mixes. There are 4 tables and 3 figures. 'A ASSOCIATIM. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologioheskiy institut i Omsk1y sar, zhevyy zavod (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technolo, and gy the Omsk Carbon Black Plant) Car4 Z/2 doktor Ou ,nauk; BLOKH, G.A. (Blokh, H.A.], doktor Iffect-of...,the.-t%w, of., fixative- OnAhe- PF*partlas-of gals band vmleanizates of polychloroprene latex L-7. Khim. promo [Ukr. I uo*2:2$-2S.--Ap-Ja .163e .(NIRA 16,- 8) 1. Dnepropetrovokiy khimiko-tekbnologiabaskiy institut. BOCHAROVI V.P.0 Imh.1 IIL~~ doktor khimichookikh naukv prof, .E - VulcanIzIAg effect of reaorcin and p7rocatechin in the ion deposition of the neutralized L-71atex. Izv. vys. ucheb zave; tekh. Ug. prom,* no.3s17-22. 163a (KMA 16:7~ 1. Dnepropetrovskly khimiko-takbnologicheskiy institut, Reko- m"dovana kafedroy tekbnologii reziny. (Rubbery Synthetic) (Vulcanization) ..BIDKH. G.A.., doktor khimich. nauk, prof.; NEYMARK, I.Ye.,, doktor khimich. nick, prof.; BORODUSHKINA. M.N., inzh.; BOGUSIAVSKIY,, D.B., inzh.; SHEVCHEM, Yu.(;., inah. Molecular sieves and problems of robber vulcanization. ISVO VY96 ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.4t46-53 163. (MM l6tiO) 1. Dnepropetrc~~skiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut (for Blokh),, 2. Institut, fWcheskoy khimii,-AN. Ukr6SR (for Maymark.) .30 Dnepro- petrovikiy shinyyzavod (for-Borodushkina., Boguslavskiy, - Shevchenko). Rekomendovana kafedro'y tekhnologii reziny Dnepro- petrovskogo khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo instituta. _7~ P6 Nr. 9W-17 31 )by "EFFECT OF IONIZING RADIATION ON THE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN Rut~.'., ~-BER-PLASTIC SYSTEMS (USSR) I_G--A-. V. A. Zhurko, M. A., Vyazankina, M. A. Vaslkovskaya, Melesh6vich, F. V. Bronshteyn, and E. V. Tsipenyuk. Vysoko hm1d&VarrDyesoyedineniya, v. 5, no. 4. Apr 1963, 605-613. 41190/63/005/004/019/020 Structural changes produced by ionizing radiation in doses of 1 to 100 Mr ,in rubber-plastic systems have been studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology. The changes in properties were evaluated from ther- momechanical curves in the range fVom about 60 to 220*C and from swelling data. The experiments were condudted with systems of sodium butadiene (qHB),- butadiene- styrene (CM-30) or natural rubber and low- or high-pres- sure polyethylene or polystyrene (rubber:plastic ratios', 86:20, 50:50, and 20:80) irradiated in air without heating. The thermomechanical curves of individual nonirradiated and irradiated systems differ sharply from one another. Card 1/2 AXD Nr. .980-17 31 MY MM or 10MMM RADUTION (Cont'd) 8/1W/63/m/004/039/020 a given temperature and radiation dose, network'iii~ C_iui'li formation,,' in- F. dicated by a lose of deformability and by the absence of viscous flow, was shown to be induced by irradiation. 7he density of cross links in individual systems, determined by Flory's swelling method, was shown to increase with an increase. of the dose and to depend on the nature of the rubber and the rubber - to- plastic ratio. In polymers containing phenyl groups radiation- induced structural changes proceeded slower and required higher radiation doses. Analysis of the results of the study indicates that ionizing radiation apparently causes a covul- caxilzation of the rfibber and the plastic and is accompanied by a change in the physical and mechanical properties of the system! a sharp decrease in plastici- ty, a decrease in swelling, and increases in hardnegis, tensile, strength, and wear resistahce. It is concluded that irradiation of combinations of rubbers and plastics in predetermined ratios makes possible the production of materials with the desired improved properties. ["01 OiLrd ~/2 E. V.; BELOUSOVA, E. A.; _Aq,,ZHUM, V. A.; TS171514YU 0 MELESHEVICHY A. P.,- VASIKOVSKAYA, M. A. Radiation vulcanization of rubber compounds for soles. Kozh. obuv. prom. 5 no. 12:18-22 D 163. (MIRa 17:5) ACCESSION NR: AP4025265 S/0153/63/006/006/1025/1030 Go A.; MashLneon, Le Z. AUTHOR, Melamed, Cho Lo!,_~I~kh ITLE: Intensification of vulcanizing processes with the aid of the triple accelerator system TaLmat-DFG-Santocure SOURCE: IVUZ. IMLmLya L khimLchaskaya tekhnologLya, v. 6, no. 6, 1963, 1025-1030 TOPIC TAGS: vulcanization, accelerator, Taimat, dipbenylguanidine, sulfenamide, Santocure, Tsimat diphenylguanLdine Santocure system, methyl zLram, rubber, t acceleration mechanism, vulcanization mechanism, free radical formation, vulcani-f zatLon process, tire manufacture ABSTRACT: Vulcanization kinetics were studied at different temperatures and times using double and triple accelerator systems including TsLmat (zinc dLmethyl- mate) rAbstractor's note; Taimat to equivalent to domestic product dithiocarba known as methyl zLram.j The effectiveness of the double TaLmat-DFG (dLphenyl. guanLdine) system and the triple TaLmat-M.-Santocure for vulcanizing carbon black filled wear-resistant rubber mixtures was studied. Introduction of the three-component accelerator system reduces the teWerature (from 143 to 120 C) and Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4025265 time (from 50 to 30-40 minutes) requirements for vulcanization. The effectiveness of the components of the system on acceleration of vulcanization is shown in the figure. Lowering the temperature by 10 C doubles the working time of the triple acceleration system. The mechanical properties of the rubbers- obtained with the three-component system at the reduced vulcanization temperature of 120 G are equivalent to those of control samples. it is suggested that this low temperature- vulcanization be applied to the tire industry as well as to the preparation of other rubber articles. The action of the accelerator depicted as follows: decomposition of the sulfenamide (Santocure).to radicals: i C-S7+ activation of the sulfur by ;he.DFG and-tha amina radicals formed by the sulfeuamide decomposition R% 4 R Card 2/5 ------------ AP4025265 ACCESSION NR: and the formation of the POlYsulfide complex of Tsimat, wbich also gives off. 1! active sulfur fragments which crosslink the rubbert %\ /5\ OR \C (R)2 N IN-C Is-S N INIR N R R R as/ - A~ sit-C DR-CH-CH-P N Ul- Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4025265 Orig. art. has: 3 equations, 7 tables aid I figures ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy khimikb tekhnologicheskiy institut imo F. so Dzerzhinakogo, 1(afedra tekhnologii reziny* (Mmpropetrovsk Chemical Engineering Institute, Department of Resin Technology) SUMLITTEDi 09Nov62 DATH; ACQ: lGApr64 ENCLI. 01 1'. SUB CODE: NO REP SM 006 OT1MR1 .000 4/5 Card ACCESSION ki AP4025265 Fige 'Effect of type of accelerator on tendency of mixture to undergo vulcanization at 110 C (A) and 120 C (B)o Accelerators: 1--Santocuro - DFG (control); 2--Taimat - DFG Santoctire; 3-Taiwat DFQ; 4--Taimto jo A 5/5 IBLOKH G.A. GROYSMANI M.P.; CHERVINSKIY, Yu.Ye.; ZHURKO, V.A.; BULKIII, I.N. Rubber expansioh joints. Gaz. prom. 8 no.8:31-34 .163. (MIRA 17:11) , --.01* ELOKH, G.A. Results of the Third All-Union Conference on the Automation and Mech*ization of the Basic Processes in Rubber Manufacture. Kauch.i rez.-'22 no.L-.59-60 Ja 163. (HIRA 16: 6) (Rubber industry) (Automation) VASIKOVSKAYA, M.A.; BLOKHp G.A.; GORDON, A.B. Accelerating vulcanization by means of totramethylthiuram monosulfide. Kauch. i res.' 22 no.5s24-27 My 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut. (Vulcanization) (Thiuram sulfide) ' KH -BW V-PrAgc~r1y_Abramovich prof -,- ,ZAKHARCHMiXO, P.Lj, red. ZITSER, io,"i. . rea, [Organic accelerators of rubber vulcanization] Organi- cheskie uelcoriteli vulkanizatsii kauchukov. Moslcva Xhimiia,, 1964. 540 p. (MIRA 1831~ 1, Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekbnologicheakiy institut ine F.E.Dzerzhinskogo (for Blokh). SHCHICHKO, Z.V. [Shchyebko, Z.V.1; SIMAKOVA, E.P. [Symakova, E.P.1; RDGUS1kVSKIY, D.B. [Bohuslavalkyi, D.B.); B1-DK-H G- A. LDI-okh,~- E-.A,,,,,doktor khim. nauk; FIVOVAROVAp Yu.v. o irova,-fl-fv,]; 130RODUSHKINAt Kh.N. Increasing the strength of the bonds between the elements of automobile tires. Khim. prom. no.4:21-22 O-D 164. (MIRA 180) ACCESSION NR:.IAP4017159 S/0138/64/000/00e/0001/0005 To R or, AUTHORS: Borodushkina :Kho N jBl Go A.j Boguslavsk1y, Do Bel Gendl Neymark,, TITLEt Vulcanization of rubber compounds in the presence of filled zeoliteo SOURGE: Xauehuk i rezina, no. 2s 1964s 1-5 V TOPIC TAGS: rubber, rabber compound vulcanization., scorch1mg, accelerator, Altax.1 Santocure, phdny1guaddines zeolite, filled zoolite, amwnia., metbylaminej dimethylamina, ethawlamine., adsorption., kinetics of desorption ABSTRACT.- Thel.vulcanization of protective afid brake rubber compounds from natural the SDIS-30ARKM brands was conducted in the and butadiene-styrone rubbers of presence of synthetic zeolites of the NaKh type with pores 10 A in diameter? filled with ammonia metbylamine., dimethylamine, mnoethanolamine, and diethano'- ~Lmina. These filled zeoUtes were used in the capacity of secondary accelerators' of vulcanization- 'Unsteiad of Altax and diphenylguanidine) in combination with the basic accolerator,Santoeures It was found that an increaze of -mr%nia, content in protective and brake rubber compound's to 0.25 and 0.40% (by weight),.respectively,, Card', ACCESnON NR: APW17159 permitted the ~roduotion of mateftals with a higher degree of vulcanization., while The'use of -still prbserving the resi#ance of the compounds to scorching. ammonia-filled vzeolites 'also resulted in a substantial.saving of time,, achieving wit6in 30 minui~es a de ' e of vulcanization for protective rubber eq44-td that.. -.1 attilhed by Alt~z in 5Vgrmeinutes,:' 14etl*qlamine and dimethylwaine exert a similar ed6ct on the viilcanizitio~ of r6bber compounds when used in association with zeolites. While the ethan6lamine's.are known to act as accelerators of vulcaniza- tioh, their dirbet appiication,causes(witl-dn 20-26 minutes at 3.10C) some scorching" of the compounds during the working operation. Howevers when adsorbed on zeolites; monoethanolamine and diethanolamine impart to brake-rubber compounds a state of pla'stic flow wfach lasts Tor 37-39 minutes. It was found that the physical and ~,mechanical properties of these vulcanized r.ubbers were practically identical with those of the vh1canizates produced with the aid of Altax and diphenylguddine. The'kinetics of des 'orption of amines from zeolites at various temperatures was studied, and it was observed that~ a 10-minute beating at IhOC.caused the desorpt-6 tion, of ordy 4b% raonoethanolamine and 18% diethanol ami ne. The capacity 'of zeor!:.' "I liVed to retainthe. amines at elevated temperatures lessons the Unger.of scorchird~'. in the vul-canitation promese Orig. art. has3. 3 tables and 2 charts, i-Card, 2/3 BOCHAROV, V.F.; BLOKH, G.A. (BlOkh, H.A.1 Interaction of mixed electrolytes (fixalivee)-vith synthetic Is-. texes during'ionic deposition. Dop. AN URSR no.2:235-237. 164... (HIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichoskly institut. Predstav- leno akademikom AN UkrSSR F.D.Ovcharenko, kRODIJSHKINA,, Kh.N. [Borodushkina,, Kh.M.]; BLORH G.A. [Blokh, H.A.]; BDGUSIAVSKIY, D.B. [Bohuslavtkyi U-.IF.-JV-NEYRARK, I.Ye. (Neimark.. T,IE.); GENDLER, T.R. [Hendier',, T.R.] Molecular sieves [zeolites) as rubber curing accelerators. Dop. AN URSR no.8tlO84-1087 164. (NIRA l7s8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy kh = xo-tekhnologicheskiy institut; Dneproietrovskiy shinnyy'zavod i Institut fizicheskoy khIM4-i AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR F.D. Ovcharenko. Z viv T/M., vs f) 1) P ~2 Ab5TRACTI 7 In p Iv c, v f n rgan-f c.-vulennizatfon Accelerators a u C- a e n g t b h ap 1) e P-ri s t u d' I p i C, V c: - I v v rz rub*oat exhibit siit-isfpt~tovy bonding strengti, k4.). t-.7~t.w ~F,, h 0 0 ultra-accelerator triethylamitle with t e exce~ii ii; I f :thos'o;-raaa~.Nkth 7. the die thy 1 ditiiocarborn':ate',.:~~i-~c~aus'a in. thi's case the vulcanizing iulfur reacts faster with rubber than with brass. The lowest bonding strength -L .1-5253-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045699 I ~I ', ex e;; W rub I- e r ~n Lhe c.-i-,- d is ~i(-'s strength ~53.5 !,giCM2). most. accelerators do not atiect the bonding trengt' of chloroprene rubber; sulfur increases rhe r,' a, L t o 6 u , 6 1r: g j cm2 t i -q C o n C u d e J bonding s trength is highly dependent on t , x p P- rm e -. t a I r u'- D e r - r.- e t a 1 11 h o c k a b s 9 r D e rL5 On-, ot; epar a v e -c,r-n succe~s-kii:v tested at the Kriv-,-, i, U A S I A T 10 N' Die-propetrovskiv khimi TnSti,Ute j.;cD rope L rov.-~ of Chemical SUB"ITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 001, OTHE R - 002 Card 2/2 C .2T BOGU D. BORODUSHKINA, Kh.N.;_qDXR,j AVSKIY J~ GENDLER, T.R.; NEYRLUI I.Ye.; PIONTKOVSKAYA, M.A. Synthetic zeolites as carriers of rubber vulcanization accelerators. Kozh. obav. prom. 6 no.6:14-19 Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) Y ACC=00 NR-. AM41684 3/64/007/002/03671031i 8/015 "AUTHOR-. Kolobanin, V. N.; Utle op V.;'DemLdenkop* 1. At; Blokhp 0, A. nk Ye TITIZ-. The use of carbon black in cable resins* SOURCE: Ivuz. Khimlys i Ichirnicheskays, tekbnolngiyap v- 7P noo 2 19rA., 307-312 Gist Cej.C TOPIC T&GS. carbon blaekp cable resinj, fillerj, thermal aging re an hazin 1 black$ Imp black*j, furnace black# thermal black.. thermal oxidation, tensile strength, elongation, physical mechanical propertyp insulating tnv resinp electrij c al insulating propertyi, volatilityp stability T ABSTRACT: A study vas made of the effect of'diffe-rent'types of carbon blacks and their combinations on, the thermal aging resistance of' hose and cable reoina. Lsmpp! channelp furnace and tberma3 carbon blacks and combinations of 60 parts lamp$ furnace or thermal black vith 40 parts chamel black were tested In a recipe ShVP-50 (in %: NK-35-0; 809-50R-15; .8-1,0; CvOtax- 0*3% ZnO-2,51 furnace black- I Neozone "D"-0*3* roain-1*5; paraff: ,21,95; channel black-14-70; stearin-20 I'VUlCaftiVition vas at 1430j, resistance to themal, oxidation at 850 u* wia l1w vaa 1/3 -7, ACCFZMCN RRI AP404104 lea.. tested, The resins filled vith'channel black were the least stable to prolo aging at either temperatures The cmbination of 2 different blacks (furnacej, IMP or tharmal) improved the resistance of the resine'to thermal aging'at 85 and,100C as indicated by higher tensile strength and elongation; these-values were much lower when the temperature was Increased to UOC* There seemed to be no correla- betveen the amount of YoUtiles at.the different temperatures and the.mechan- ical properties of - the resino Xxamination of the effect of a combination of channel blackj, mereaptobenzthiazole and,thiuram ofi the physical mechanical proper- ties of insulating type resins showed that addition of 5-10 vt. parts of channel th ~blazak and 3 Vt parts of Captax - increased the strength of . e vulcanizates (from 147 -01" kaofim2) i4thcmt ChaWAng'their',electrical Insulating properties, Origo al and 4 tables. ban: 1 figure ASSOC=OH: Dnepr%*tro-vskLy )d%imJko-tekbno1ogicheok4 inatitut ImP.Pa, It Dzerzhinskogo %hfedxWUkbno1oSi 4:reidn.". (Dnepropetiovsk 10heakcal Tecbnolo #,:ot_Rubber.Teebfi institute.Departmen Ology) SUEMXTTM). -EXCU 4: ca rd q ', i ~ BLOKH, G.A. Problems of raw mal.~)rlals for the rubber ipdustry. Kauch. i rez. 23 no.',:50-51 Apt64 (MIRPI 17:7) MELAMED, Ch.L.; BWKH, G.A.; STRYUK, V.I.; MOISEYEV, Ye.P. ~~.4 Rubber-metal parts in metallurgical equipment. Much. i rez. 23 no.9:22-24 S 164. (MIRA 17.-11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. CHERE19YUKI I.P..L BIDXH.L G.A. [Blokh., B.A.);, MELESHEVICH, A.P., doktor khim. nauk---- Effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of resinous vul,c&nizates of isoprene rubber. Dim. prom. [Ukr.] no-3: Jl-S 164. (MIRA 17:12) CHIJYKOY Ye*A*;-~~lu--Iy--.qiA~,;.,,PVCHARENKOt F.D.; GUDOVICH, N.V.; TSIPENYUK, E.V. Activation of kaolin with the cation-active substance "alkamon OS-2." Kozh.-obuv. prom. 6 no.9:13-16 S 164. (MIRII Yi s 12) GANZ.. Semen Naumovich; YEMELIYANOVI Miney Stepanovich; PARKHOHWKO~ Vladimir Dmitriyevich; PANASYUK, V.G.,, doktor tekhr. nauk., prof. __KH G A doktor khim. nEnk, prof.# retsenzent; retsenzent- BW :A=tA-= 0 1 KOZOPOLYANSKIY,, N.S., dots.y otv. red.; DEREVYANCHENKOy RAp red. (Plastics in the instrument industry] Plastmassy v apparato- stroenii. KharIkov., Izd-vo KharIkovskogo uzdv.,., 1963. 198 P. (MIRA 18%6) L2909m": KOLOBENIN, VA.; BLOXII, r,-,A-. [Blok-h, H.A.), doktor khjm.nauk; TYUTIN, V.A. Effect of anilinaphanol-formaldehyde resins on the Gleatria -properties of SKS-30 rubber. Kbim.prom.[Ukr.] no.1,14-16 Ja-Mr 165. , (MA 18:4) ACC-rL---13N ,P5'M05,:L6 ~e. 'Englneor,; e.h-, lone -,,rc,,7,-: S(JOUF: TTTZ Tokhnologriv JoZko~-!Prcr~,Shiomnosti, no. T"PIC TAGS- --m-Icanization, ethylene, propylene. 7~tnroxi;,- A7' 4:~n"cn perbenzoa~-.~ 4 C tj r, 7 ano mA k 7, !;a,01. Aj 0- lattice s ize 10R A ?,:,,nq Card 1/2 yw 1 AP501373-3 A Irv) 1'l 678. 76 3. 2+67 6.7; 62 ID 4-- KIM'. Kauchuk J. rezina, no. 5o 1965, 14-17 TOPIC TAGS; sll~mmne, rubber, nibber mix, nabber property, vulcanizate: u 1 0 ABST?ACT.- The effect of the OS--2 alknne on -rubbaar vulcanizati -,n w,ii t-hp u-1 in 'h- Flfun,~ Cord 1, 5h82C-655 S 1 C 'N ,~:R noted with ths f""Irther increase. The formation of tilp CrOqS-iinir mtriit-tiir;~ In 'IMC-haXL9--d, At 10OU- -me ftnmvion~of---, woas.;structure was more im;ensive -in -mS m3.W- i tures containin.-F lamj~blaek; the effect, of tha OS-2 on this procc-as, s shc-7- in r. ri -,7' t . h a 24' t a -2 9 lchi-mkr- -vhr - Card 2 '1, ~ACCESSION It-q,- 1.P5013733 zw /60 01 7 'ID z0 ju 40 3-0 kD E- Vulca-Azation time, min. 1. 0S-2 action in SE21-26 mixtures omtaLnln~~ alkane; ----- with 1-5 Wt by weight of alkane. black; 2 iaapbla~.k ll~crd L 51h820-65 A ~7 I~f~ T I z4o. zoo - Cy A Vulcanization time, m,.n. --n L 6 without alkana; --------- Tri th 5 Parts bY welght -'~f black; 2 lampblack Cord 4/5 APW,31733 ,~.kane on C OS 7 es =izatbion temperatwe 100~)- vlith,-~Ut alkPile ------ mixtures ContaLviing 1,3 P,-s carbon black: a-m Card 5/5 - - , - -4 . ~ - -~-. ~ , I - . - -1 . . L !P58'22-(-A RW (m) 1 RWJ" TIMM tM, . ACC-W' -AF90-24330 ( SOURCS COM UR/0021/66/000/004/0483/048? AUTHORs Noonikov, 0,F.-Yoonikov, A, .; B10kho H. A,.--Plokh, 0. A- ORGI DneRrWtr^-Wft1- M~400% Enjaneoring Institute (Didpropetro. W khlrdko-tekbno- logichrW inst7tut TITLE1 Vulo Djz&t4--1'1 'of butadione-nitrile rubber itith hydrogen sulfide in the pros-. once of di-tort-butyl peroadde introduced on zoolites SOURCEI AN UkrRSR, Dopovidi, no. 4,-19661, 483-487 TOPIC TAGS1 vulcanization, synthetic rubber, hydrogen sumdes, zoolite 26 'RA i -nitrile rubbers (SKN- ,~S~)It Is shown that rubber products based on butad one .,y ,K 9~' can be obtained with E28 and admixtures of di-tort-butyl peroxide DTBP (0--0.5-0.5 pts. by wt. per 100 pta6of rubber). Synthetic zoo3Ates were used as carri- ers ( for H23 and NaX for DM). Unfilled rubbersp or rubbers filled with inert N#4 filler chalks etc*) were found to surpass sulfur-cured rubbers in physicomechanical propert asp resistance to theraml agingg and stability toward aromatic hydrocarbons its (~Vlene - The paper was presented by Academician AN UkrSSR Oveharenkop F. D. Orig. ha art.e., si 4 f a and I table. SUB CODRI III SUBM DATM 30YAr65/ ono RsFt ov/ on wt w Crd is L TJP(C) 9M,.66 ACC NK-. -10W5*61-/?T ~7P W/T~-SOURCE CODE! IJR/0413/66/000/00^01'0072/0072 INV ENTOR: Cherenygk. I. P,; Blokhl G. A.; Polyakova, A. A. ORG: none TITLE: Method of curing chloroorene rubber. Class 39, No, 181273- S CE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 72 T C TAGS: chloroprene, chloroprene rubber, curing, rubber curing 01'. ABSTRACT: An Author lCertific ate has been issued for a method of curing chloro- prene rubber with MEPCompounds. To improve the technological properties of the' mixes and the properties of the rubber, monoepoxy compounds are the epoxy com- polifids used. [Translation] [NTJ ,ODE: 11 / SUBM DATE: 11 Jan6 5 1/1 UDC: 678. 7. 63. 2, 028. 294 ~ACC NRi AP6019736 SdURCE-C-O'DE: UR/00b;j/Vj1-_. AUTHOR: Nosnikov, A. r.; Borodushkinap Kh. K ; Bq&uslavskiyj D. B.; Chernukhinas At T.;.!4om~!%y-A. L; Blokh, G-.-A-. i 'o-, ~7 ORG: DneRrop ovsk Institute of &emical Te'Chnology Im. F. E. Dzerzhinski etr _99MURML (Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy-institut); Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant (Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod)-, VNII of Glass ribers (VNII steklovolokna) TITIX - PoroJ silic2n fiber Pacting as carriers of gaseous vulcanizing agents and accelerators SOURCE: Vses khim obshch. Zh,'v. 11, no. 30 19669 348-350 TOPIC TAGS; vulcanization, rubb r silicon plastic ABSTRACT: The effect-of P6rous iliconefibers containing h d' sulfide ammonia, y ro en ,g t and sulfur dioxide on the physicomechanical properties of tirel*abers was investigat- ed. The pore diameters ranged from 2.8 A to 75 A. The' vulcanization temperature was 143-1630C and the vulcanization duration was 10-80 minutes. -The fiber contents in the rubber were as high a~ 10%0 Up to 10 wt %, the*incorporation of the silicon fib- rs affected neither the vulcanization process nor the mechanical properties of the re rubbers. It was found that rubbers prepared using ammonia accelerator Wre qua- i litatively as good ae'those vulcanized with sulfur compounds and dipheny2guanidine ac- UM 666,86+675.5 2 "ACC.'NRj _,&p100bqlO SOURCE CODE: UR/0138/66/000/012/0006/0008 1AUTHOR: f~r`zhenko', T, I.;*Chuyko,*L. S.; Kirichek, A. A.; Blokh, G. A. ORG: Llvov Polytechnic Institute (L'vo'vskiy pqlitekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE:. Synthesis of p~eroxidated.rubbers and nonsulfur vulcanization of, these rubbers SOURCE:. Kauchuk i rezina, no. 12, 1966, 6-8 I-TOPIC TAGS: paxo=!Pdatad rubber,, monomer, butadienep styrenes jK,*eK4,d-a4x,& vulcanization ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the nonsuifur vulcanization of rubbers involving preliniinary intr6dtiction of.side peroxide groups in the elastomer backbone. The. peroxide-group-containing ("peroxidated") rubbers were synthesized by emulsion copolymerization of'butadiene, styrene, and tert-~butyl 2-acrylatoethyl peroxide (AP) 0 I CH&=CH-C-0--CH%-Cji,-00-C(CI4~s! The percentages of the monomers were: bdtadiene, 67.5-73.0%; styrene, 25%; AP, 2.0-7*.5X. The copolymerization procedure is described ih the source. The rubber mixtures wer6 prepared at 50C on,mills using standard recipes for butadiene-styrene Card 1/2 17DC! 678.760.2-139.004.12 FACC--N.R..- AP7000910 rubbers. Vulcanizates with-the best properties-were obtained from peroxidated .'gabber containing 3.5% AP, and vulcanized at 140C for 30 min (tensile strength, 203 kg/cm2; elongation, 543%; residual elongation, 152). The high vulcanizing effectiveness of peroxiae groups, preliminarily introduced in the rubber, is due to their attachment to and regular distribution in the macromoleculest 0,-_~_O-* CHr-CHr-O0-_qCHj)& 0- The proposed nonsu lfur vulcanization method makes it possible: 1) to control the distribution and concentration of crosslinks; and 2) to control the length and type of the crosslinks by using different peroxide monomers. Orig, art, has: I figure and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 07/ SUBM DATE: 09Se'p65/ ORIG REP: 004/ ATD PRESS: 5109 Card 2/2 BLOKHO G.A.; MEIAMEDp Ch.L.; OLISHAIISKIY, L.P.; LEVITIN, Zh,N. Beat-roolstant, waterproofp electrical insulating rubbers. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav; khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no.5:847453 161. (MIRA 14:3-1) 1. Dnepropetrovokly Widleo-tokhnologichookiy institat imeni F,,Eo Dzerzhin kogop kafedra takhtologii reziny)i Berdyanskly zavod "Azovkabel'ma, (Rubberv Synthetic) BOCHAROV, Y.F., inzh.; BLOM G.A.I_qoktor khimicheskikh nauk, prof. Ion deposits of the rubber film made from syntheito latexes, IZV&VYS*UCheb#2aV*;:tekh.log'sprom. no.1:22-27 162. (MIRA 1512) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy.khimiko-takhnologicheakiy Institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy.lekbnologii reziny. tProtective coatings) (Rubber.. Synthetic) MOKHOVA, V.K.,; BLOKH, G.K.,; SNEZHKOVJ, S.Ya., vrach; IVANOVAJV L.A.. v;t-c --- Goiter in Bezhetsk District# Kalinin Province* Trudy KGMI (MIRA 18:1) no.1005-56 163. 1 1, Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. kafedroy - prof. N.N. Vy-sotakiy) i Wedry fakull"etskoy kh:Lrurgii (zav. ke-fedroy - zasluzhemVy,deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. V.S.Semenov) Kalinin- skogo gorodskogo meditainskogo instituta. BLOM, G.M.; BLOKH, Ya.L.; D0111M, L.I. ---~So 0, reaults of calculatione of the expected tipe3t-rruri of varia- - tions In a d~nwdc model of the FurlAi3h eff ect. Izv. AN MaRi $or. f-iz. D 16-1 (illipil- 18;2) BLM G. N. "Three Tears of EVerience at the Stalino IOR Clinic in Dealing with Foreign Bodies in the Trachea and BronchustO Vent* Oto-rino-laringoles No*4,, 1948e Oto*dnolarpWological Clinic, Stalinsk Ned. lot.,, Donbass PP. tt two 1. A. Al!mravkh, P ceramml, -~iloxcm. 14M. IQ, No-' t Rim har calculating ia t%J in't m plastir. mate imd for ddermird-ng-M- v- ~71VTI Vmup-of clay at low inolsturn-C(ment. .Terimeats shawed that the cone ter -L,% sslitawo for detesimining t1w vonsistency of tl~ derm of vmtrivu), A mthAXI (awa iti throictical -baw Z4AVmi%VIn$ the suviace molstum,onvmt And the of products nemsaly for the of tLeArying-schedr, -L, given. The plastomettr dtstriW ii s~mplo xnd M D roducMa PT), r-7 --A- In'- ,P.4 0 Rl~; (r. R/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and 1-10 Their Applications - Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3t 1957, goo6 Author : Budnikov, P., and Ins-: Title The Indirect Evaluation of the Frost Resistance of Construction Materials. Orig Pu7co)".* Stroit. matialy, izdeliya i Iconstruktsii, 1956, No 31 32-31+ Abstract An attempt is made to establish a correlation between data on the direct and on the indirect evaluation of the frost-resistance of construc- tion materials on the basis of an analysis of literature data as well as of direct experimen- tal material. It is noted that a successful solution of the problem requires that the Card 1/3 USSR/Chemical Technology -:Chemleal.Products and I-10 Their.Applications, Silicates. Glass. -.Ceramics. --Binders Abs Jour -Ref.Zhur - KhimiYaj No 3, 1957, 9006 followinglactors be..take into account: n the methodused'-in the-determination of.the ~fio-st-rdsistande.~coeff.icient.,(FRC)- the additional moistur4e,absorption durIng freezin and during thawing; the migration of.moisture on freezing; the evolution of a part of the freezing moisture At the surfacd of the material; and the incompleteness of ice formation during freezing. *It is'shown'that a clear correla- tion between the magnitude of the FRC and the frost resistance 'of the articles, determined by the-direct method can be established only in th6se -cases when ihe materials compared have properties which agree with respect to Card,2/3 BLOM, G.~. PAIAGIN, GrIgoriy Sergeyevich; B hW redaktor; GIADYSENVA, S.As, redaktor; GILIBS971r. jItAelk"Chnoilclobooskiy redaktor (Frost resistance of ceram .ic building materials] Korozostoikosto keramicheskikh strotielinykh materialov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po wtroitematerialamg 19P. 0 P- (KEMA 10.-9) (Ceramic materials) IUNDII&p Miriam. Grlgo03revna;. SIMSUTRO, Peysya Iosifovich.; BL=, INSO, GIL M,qe: GRDMM#, PoNeg red,, iroriv-Semnovich-,j0 tskhna We [semi dry i~-ess process for the mudaoture of bri6kel *oixvodetvo kirpidba metodom jolwmkhogo''pressovanila, Moskva, ffos. izd-vo lit-ry*p,o stroitel arkbit.,* istroit,.zaterialan. 1958 162 p. (Pressed brick) imm lltq) BWKH G. kand. tekhn. nauk; LUA4JfA. Mg- kand. takhn. tauk; ROKRVAMER. To., -9 'tekhn. n-auk kand 1rATSXUU,' Z., lush* Using combined tacb4ologioal 1wooesoes In mking large c.lay- slag-conor'ste wall blocks and panels, Stroi, met. 4 n0.11:32-34 N 158. (MM u: (Concrete blo.okB) XOKH, G.S._L WORTS. R.M.; SOVZTOVA. L.K. Using the method of the reciprocal displacement of liquids for determing the sixe of pores of ceramic products. Stek. i ker. 17 no. 11:30-33 N 160. (MMA 13:12) (0sramics) 'z~~G kand.tokhn.nauk lrrost-veathering~ of bricks in a mild climate, Trudy vir Strolteramiki no* 14tl4l.153 NnulWl) (Bricks-Oold. weather conditions) BLOKH,- G.S--._,__kand, tekhn. nauk; CHEFINYAK,- Ya.N.p kand. tekhn. naukj V.L.0 kand. tekbn. nauk; GAK, B.N., kand. tekbn. nauk; KORDONSKAYA., R*K., kand. tekhn. nauk; REMPELI, A.I.I., kand. tekhn, nauk; ZHUKOV,, D.V.,, nauchnyy red.; YUSIUMVICH, M.0.0 red. tome; SKRXITAYEVp B.G.1 glav. red.; BAUTIYEV, P.L. red.; KITAYEV, U.N., red.; RITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., red,; KRZBDIINSM~ S.A., red.; RORHURGER, Ye.L., red.; KHOLIN, I.I., red.; GURVICH, B.A., red. izd-va.-, 517,MNEVAj, N.V... tek-hn. red, Diandbook on the manufacture of structural ceramicB] Spra- vochnik po proizvodetvu,Btroitellnoi keramiki. Moskvap Goa, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,, irkhit. i stroit. materialam, Volel. (General information and production control] Obshcbie svedeniia i kontroll proizvodstva. Pod red. M.09IUsbkevicha. 2961. 464 P* (14MA -15-2) (ceramics) (Building materials) BLOKE9 G.S.. SHULIK09 L.P.; ROKHVARGERP YS*Lo Mechanized flowains production of facing tiles by casting on conveying units., Stek. i ker. IS no.2:1-5 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Tiles) BIDIM, G.S.; SHULIKO, L.F. Systems for an automated factory for the quick firing of facing tiles. Steks i ker. 18 no,6:17-23 Jo 161. (KMA .14:7) (Ki 3 (Tiles) WOOF G.B., kaMdstGkIm.u&ukj WTMOVp A.N.j, inzb. The durability of OVOcorrupted asbestos-cement sheets of ordbary shape in roofs of public buJIdingB~ Trudy NIIABbeattsemente, no.130-29 t,62. (MnA 150,2) (Boofingp Asbestos-eement) Rapid method of testing alobe4tos cment for frost resistance. Tru4 NIIAsbesttsemezta,'i%o.13%29-50, 062. , (MIRA 15tl2) (Asbestos ament-Thezmal properties) BWKH G*S. oteklm nauk The affect of,freezing and t4mving ccmditions on resi4lts of the deteminatiim of the frost resistance of.,aebestos cement* Trudy MIAPbeattsementa, no*13:51-67 162& *, (MIRA 15812) (Asbestos cement-Thermal properties) and.tekbm.uauk,- ZWKINSONy R.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; A.Nvp Inzhe The ser7ice,of corrug4ed asbestos-oement sheets in the lining of the draw-off towers of cooling towers. Trudy NIIAsbeattsementa no*13S79-97 162o (MMA 15132) (Asbestos cement,) (Cooling towers) BWOVICH, T.M.,*j G.Se., kand.takhn.nauk; HOMEWHVILIP G.A.,, in"; LVICHNA.1 HOMS-q 11160 Effect of t~e operating conditions of a abeet-molding machi4e on t~e frost resistance of iutoelabed asbestos cement, Tru4 NIIA4bQuttvvmev~& nowl3t88--M 16t. : (KM 15M) (Asbestos cement-Thermal properties) BWKH, G.S,, kand.tekhn.nauk; IOUN, O.S,., Icand.~eMn.nauk; ZAGREBWA, AS.., kanditekhn.n*uk; UML'SKIr, E.M., insh. Obtoginin- new.materials Wo of gypewb-coment-pozzolan binding material and organic fiber,on cylinders. Stroi.mat, 8 no.Ils 8-10 N 162. (Bailding materials) (MIM 15 s12) BLOKH. G.S.i DANILIN, A.S.; ELIKINSON, R.Z. Study of the durabiUty and reliAbility of asbestos-cement roefirw on pub3ic buildings. Trudy NIIAsbeattsements. no.16:122-1" 163. (KIRA 161g) (Roofingp Aobestoa cament) SLAVINA, T.M.; BLOKH.. G.S.: SOKOLOV, P.N. Effect of,the additionof gypsum in cement on the frost resistance of asbestos cement. Trudy NIIAsbeettsomenta no.16tl45-155 .163. .(MM 16:8) (Asbestos cement) BLOKH~ 0,S,, kandstekhnsnau-k Study of the mechanism of frost action on asbestos cement. Trudy NIIAsbesttsements, no.12155-79 161. (MIRA 16:8) (Asbestos cement) BLOKH,?-~t_S.j,,IrJDNITSKAYAP R.I.j KIJBICII, A.V. -1; Effect of the voluketric weight of asbestos cement on its resistance to frost. Trudy NIIAabeattsementa no.17:3-13 163. (I-aPA 17:10) -1 Olt BIDKHP G.S.; ZAGREBNEVA, A.V.; TVOROGOVA, Ye.L. Filtmtion properties of gypsum fiber suspensions. Trudy NlAsbest- toementa no.17t90-102 163. (MIRA -,,L7!10) I BLOKH, G.S.; IZVIN, A.Z. Field inspection of soft roofing on industrial buildings. .1 Trudy NNAabeattsementa no.17,,11.7-138 163. (MIRA 17:10)