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ILIEVA, St.l,_ ~ONVA, ~A.
Possibility of the mitivation of Chonopodium ambrosiodides L. and
Chenopodium ambrosiodidea L. var. anthelminticum (L.) A. Gray in our
countr7. Nauch. tr. viesh. mod. inst. Sofia 39 n0-5:159-163 160.
1. Predstavena ot prof. A. Boichinov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po
Study on the two varieties of cassis (senne), raised'dn our c=try.
Priroda Bulg 11 no. 1:90-92 Ja-F 62.
........ ~ -.- ---
The plant bishop's-weed (Amhi visnaga (L) Lam.) in Bulgaria. Priroda
Balg 10 no.6:95-98 161.
~MvAs A.; BMVI P.
Earl Wilhelm Scheele; on the occasion of the 220th anniversary
of hie birth. Priroda Biag 21 noo5tlO6-107 S-0 162o
On the specific 4ntigen of precancerous condition in the zammax7
gland in men. Izv biol zed BAN 3 no.4:107-116 160. (E&AI 10:3)
1. Onkologicheski institut "P.A.Kherteen" (direktor; profs AeN,
Novikov; nauchen rukovoditel: chl.-kor. na, AMN prof. A.I.Savitski)
Virusologicheska laboratoriia (zavezdasht: do1itor na, med. nauki
V.V.Gorilova) Fatologoanatomicheaka laboratoriia, (zavezhdasht:
kand na mednauki Z*V.Go10bert)
Distal hyperergic reaction In radiotherapy of melanoma. Suvrem. med.,
Sofia 9 no.5:102-104 1958.
1, It Okruzhniia oukologichens disparAer v Sof iia (G. lekar:
(NE;ANOMA, ther.
x-rays. distal hypergio reactions (Bul))
(RADIOTMKR. P in var. die.
melanoma, distal hypergic reactions (Bul))
laily (Indirect) proothesla of edentuloun* Stomatologiia. Sofia
No.6:375-379 1954.
l..lz ortopadlehnoto otdolenle pri Okrmshnata stomatologichna
polikliniks. Burgas. Glaven lakma-stomatolog: Iv. Kiumimrdzhiev.
In edentulous)
simaN, Gyorgy; SASVARIj Khroly; BOGA, Balint,- NYARI, Tibom-
Combined effeat of cholinesterase inhibitDrs and vitamin S on
liver regeneration and abolinesterase acti7ity. Acta morph.
aced. sai. Hung. 12 no.4s272-Zj,5 26k
1. Badapesti OrvostudomGn7i Fig~mtem, Kurelattani Intente.
_ __p A, 4oz-sof no, dr.
In a country of Weet Africa. Elet tud 20 no.18t838-843
4i )V '65.
BOGA, Fanajot -
A case of colpopoesio that enabled a woman to bear children*
Bul. univ. shtet. Tirane[Mjek] 3:76-79 162.
BOGA, Panajot
'' . ...... --.- - %.,-,--
Some data on pes equinovarus congenitus. Bul. univ. shtet.
Tirane[Mjek) 4:19-22 162.
"Extending the sleep of children ir, pediatric cli-nics." Tr. frc-m. the Russain p-17
Bucurc sti, R=ania)
SO: East LG, Vol. 2, Pol 12,Dec. 1953
BOGLOR, A.T. [Dowloh, A.T.]
Mating and fertilizing ability of the male perrqi moth as
related to length of time kept at different temperatures.
Pratei Inet,zool,AN UM 16:91-95 160- (MIU 13:7)
BOGACH) A.V. (Bohachv A.V.]
Influence of temperattwe and the duration of pair.-Ing of the
Chinese tussah moth on Uie fartlEnat '~ c:Ti w-.0 r.,tion of eggs.
Visnyk K)-Iv. un. Sero'biolp no.1:137-146 158.- 15.6)
BOGACH, A.V. [Bobach, A.V.]
Repeated use of male tussah motbo for fertilization and rest
periods of males between matings. Visnyk lyiv.un. no.l. Ser,
biol. no.2:151-157 158. (HIRA l6S4)
BOGACH, A.V. [Bohach, A.T.]
I ~ ~-
Effect of aeration and light on the copulationj, oviposition
and activation of egg'~p of the Chinese tussah moth. Visn~zc.
Kyiv. un no.4. Ser. Wol. no.2t87-92161. (MIRA l6s6)
Effect of the conclitions of the,.-onviroment and the action of
biologically active substances on the survival and.-productivity of
the mulberry silkworm. Vop. ekol. 7t165-166 162. (MM. 16:5)
f.Inatitut zoologii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
SINITSKIY, N.N. [Synytskyi'-M.M.1#- _BOGAGH, ~.V. [Bohach, A.V.); KOLYB1N,
T.A. [Kolybin, V.0.1
Ufect of antibiotic substances on the growth, development and
productivity of the-silkworm Bombyx morl L. Pratsi Insto zools
AN URSR 20.13-20 16,4. (MIRA 18:4)
BOGAIlow k NILIXR, Hudollf, inshener.
T6"iii1iosA car inftstry in Czechoslovakia. Zhal. dor. transp,
j9 Aq!*R.30?4~ NY-'57-, Oan lo.-6)
1. Zamestitell'nachallnika TSentrallnogo upravleniya lokovotlynogo
i. vagonnogo khoxpqetva Nizdaterstva transports, (for Tratitishek).
2, Imballnik Lotdols 25satrallnogo upravleuiya lokomotivnogo I
vagonnogi) khosyay.stva Ministerstya transporta (for Miller).
a. F.
Treatmtmt pf POnonary Tuberculosis by Extrapleund Pneumothurax.
VOM-160-M-MASKly '41WAAL (I-LILlikily ll~KDillu JULT.LiAL), 'No 3, 195 ?5. P. By
BOGA,CH, G.F., mayor mad. sluzhlW
#M iA- I
Imng resection in tuberculosis. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6:3~-33 Je '58.
(PNMONMOXVIn various die. (KM 12:7)
pulm. tuberc.. statist. One))
Diagnostic and surgical significance of lobus aqvgos. Vest,,khir.
83 no,9tll6-119 S 159. ()URA 13:2)
1. Ix ftizio-khirurgicheakDgo'otdoleniya voyenno gospitalya. (nachall-
ulk otdoleniya, - L.Ne D.aneker, tauchn" rukovoditell - prof. I*S.
(LUNG, abnorm.)
- ,
Experience In the.use of mechanical suturing in resection of the
lungs for tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 42 no.11:40-45 164. (MIRA 18:8)
USSR/Diseases of Farm Aniiials. Diseases Caused by R-1
Viruses and RickettsiaR
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1, 1958, 2735
Author :Bogach I., Bednarzh B., Vlaznichka F.
Inst :Not giveir'
Title :Nonbacterial infectious Diseases which Comp-
rise the Complex of the so-called "Grippe" in
Orig Pub :Za sots. s-Ich nauku, 1956, A5, No 4, 385-396
Abstract :Piglet diseabes which are clinically manifested
by retarded aevelopment, exhaustion, and infec-
tion of thelorgans of respiration and blood cir-
culation were studied. Occasionally there was
an affectio of the nervous system manifested by
atypical epTleptiform attacks. Greatest morbitity
was observed in piglets during the weaning period
Card 1/3
PSSR/Dlaeases of Farm Animals, Diseases Caused by R-1
Viruses and Rickettsiae
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1, 1958, 2735
Abstract : or three weeks later. The pathologo-anatomical
modifications were localized predominantly on the
serous membranes of the chest and abdomen. A fib-
rous thickening of these membranes was noted in
piglets that had the disease. The spleen was some-
what enlarged and thickened. Hepatic brittleness
was sometimes noted. Pneumonic foci were found in
the lungs. The pulmonary and the mesentery gang-
lia were enlarged and fi~lled with blood. An in-
flammitary process set in in the perioardium. The
heart was slightly enlarged. The intraperituonial
injection of a nonbacterial suspension prepared
from the organs of diseased animals induced a
disease similar to the spontaneous disease. The
causative agent has been isolated but not as yet
identified; it does not grow on usual nutritive
Card 2/~,
"Cooperation of Tractor and Field Brigades," Kolkh. proiz., 12, 1110.5, 1952
NA, P., geray Sotsialisticheskogo Trade. laureat Stalinakoy premil;
geroy SotBialisticb6ikogo Truda; ABROSINDT, V., geroj Sotsfarsims-
kogd Truda; PAYLOV, Me-, ARONOT..L.
Radio network for every machine-tractor station. Radio no.4:6-9 Ap 154o
(MMA 7:4)
1. Briga4ir traktornoy bripdy Staro-Beshevskoy HTS, Stalinskoy oblasti,
deputat Vorkhov'nogo Soveta SSSR (for Angelina). 2..Direktor Staro-
Beshevskoy-MTS, Stalinskoy oblasti (for TSimidanov). 3. Sakretarl rayonp
nogo komiteta IPSS po sois Golobakoy HTS, Volynekoy obla6ti (for Melluft).
4.,Direktor Isetakoy KTS, Tyumenskoy 6blasti (for Myaanikov). 5.-Direktor
Pon'kinskoy NTS, Shadriuskogo rayona, Kurganakoy oblasti (for Yefremov).
6. Direktor lotovskoy HTS, Odeaskoy oblastl (for Pogach). 7. Direktor
Shestakovskoy HIS, Kirovogradskoy oblasti (for Abrosimov). B.,Glavnyy
inzhener Upravleniya sel'skogo khozyaystva StaTropollskogo kraya (for
Pavlov). q..Direktor OlIginskoy MTS, Pgltavokogo rayona, Omskoy oblasti
(for Aronov). (Radio) (Machine-tractor stations)
'USSR/Cultivated Plants Grains. M.
Abs Jour : Ref ZhiUr Biols, 11o 4) 19581 15498
Author : N.F, Bogach,, Ye*Mi Devyatisillnyy
inst : -
Title : An Attempt at the Two-Starm Harvesting of Grain Crops
in Ko M ozes of the Kotovskaya Machine and Tractor
Station Zone.
(Opyt razdellnoy uborki zernovyldi kulltur v kolkhozakh
zony Kotovskoy WS) -
Orig Pub Vestn. s. - kh. nauki, 1957, No 51 27-30
Abstract Wo abstract.
Card 1/1
0 ---"
Gubakha By-Product Coke Plant. Koko i khim. no.8:52-53 '58.
(Coke industry--Iquipment and supplies) (MIRA 11:9)
AUTHOM Bog=hl q1 9 r-4kulova, A.M., Seppart A.M., Shibayev, F.P.
and Khodykin, I.Ya.
'TITLE: Automation of the rjoke Wharf Gating System (Avtomatizatsiya
raboty zatvorov koksovoy rampy)
PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Ar 8, PP 52 - 56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The systems of automatic operstion of the coke wharf
gating system adopted at the Gubakhinskiy koksokhimicheskiy
z,-vod (Gubak.h-a:, - coking Works), Magnitogorskiy,iaetallurgi-
cheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Ltetallurgical.Combine)
and Bagleyskiy ko'-sokhimicheskiy zavod (BaGley Coking
Works) are outlined and illustrated.
There are 5 figures.
1 - Coke--Handling
Card 1/1
Gastric motor reactions to food of varying chemical composi-
tion and consistency. Zhur.ob.biol. 20 no.2:56-62 Mr-Ap
'59. (HIBA 12:5)
1. Is otdola fisiologli pinhahavarenip i krovoobrashchaniya
(say. - dots..P.G.Bogach) Institnta fisiologii. pri Kiyevskom
gosudaretvannom universitete imani T.G.Shevaheako.
(im, effects,
on stomach motor funct. in dogs, relation to
chem. composition & consistency (RUB))
(STOM&CH. Physiol.
motor funct., off. of chem. composition
consistency of food in dogs (Rua))
VORONTSOV, D.S.. professor; BOGACH, P.G., dotBent, otvetotra=yv redaktor
(An outstanding Russian physiologist, N.B.Vvedenokii] Yydaiushchilais
rueskii fisiolog I.E.Vvedenskii. (11syl Izd-vo Kievskogo gos. univ..
im. T.G.Shevcheuko, 1933. 43 p. (HLRA �:8)
(Tvadenskit. Hikolat Ugenfevich, 1852-1922)
/ --; 6) C 14, ("~ 6'-,
ty t
,~~OHAGH, P.H.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. lyiv, Radisualka shkola, 1933. 100 P.
(xiRA 14:3)
(Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich. 1849-1936)
Mutual regulation of motor function of the gastrointestinal tract
in vitamin BlAeficiency. Vop. fisiolo no.6:68-76 153. (MIRA 8:1)
I* 11yevskiy gowdaretyenr4ry universitst
motor funct,,,mutual regulation in various organs in
expere vitanin'Bi defic.)
(VIUM111 31 IWICINIff, merimental,
gastrointestinal motor funct. in, mutual regulation
in various organs)
DevelopmSe OF -r-ft-v%PwMff at Kiev university in the light of th4
decisions of the seventh session of the scientific council on problems
of I.P.Pavlov's physiological theories. Sauk* zap Xiov.un. 12 noo7:3-11
'53- (Kiev-Physiolea-Study and teaching) (KM 9:10)
j 9Wb*taMbwJ tr SO":
riw. Gwb&olj4 tim) Jw, 4
Hity P.G
4onditioned reflex movements of the intestine in vitamin
Oeficiency. Topr.fisiol. noo8x:Ll6-122 154. (KMA 3441)
19 Institut fiziologii Kiyevskogo goaudarotvemogo univeroiteta*
effo on intestinal lability in exper.
vitamin A deficiency)
(VITAMB B1 MICMCY,,' wrperimentall,
off. of conditioned stimulation on
intestinal mobility)
(INTESTI=j, pbysiologyj,
off, of conditioned stimulation on
mobility in expere vitamin B1. defic.
Card 1/1 Pub- 17-5/23
Author Bogach, P. G.
Title Reflex influence of the mechanoreceptors of the stomach on the
motor activity of the intestine depending on its functional
Periodical :Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 7, 16-20, July 1955
Abstract :Author used chronic experiments on two dogs - one with a stomach
fistula and severed intestine, the other with the fistula only -
to determine the effect of the stomach mechanoreceptors on the
motor activity of duodenum and small intestine. He examined the
dogs 18 to 20 hours after feeding and proved that_,with sufficient
irritation of the mechanoreceptors of the stomach, reactions of
the duodenum and the small intestine are obtained during con-
ditions of rest and that the character and size of the reaction
depend on the force and duration of the irritation and on the
functional condition of the gastrointestinal tract and centers.
9 references, 7 USSR, 3 since 1940, graphs.
Institution :Laboratory of the Physiology of Digestion (Head: Candidate of
Biological Sciences P. G. Bogach)p Scientific-Research Institute
of Physiology, Kiev University.
Submitted :19 Nov 1954
Zgr~& b-tleftet (d -1 OLT P-te
-1kh =uk
G. IoEach aucbno-IBsledovatel'7s3-c6A-o ii~atituts fiziologil Kiyevakogo gosudarat-m-mmago
:!WAM.-P,%pj ZOVALI, L.I.
Iffect of prolonged administration of qualitatively different foods
on periodical motor function of the small intestine. Voppit. 15
no.2:5-11 Mr-Ap 156. (MLSA 9:7)
1. Is InstItuts fistologii 11yevskogo, gosudirstrannogo universiterts-
Iment T.G.Sheveheako.
(INIMM, SKAIL, physiology,
aff* of food of various types on motor funct, (Rus))
(low., Offebts,
on small Intestiul sotor funct., off. of prolonged
admino of various foods (Bus))
UMAINE/Human and Animal Physiology. Digestion. T
Abs Jourt Rof Zhur.-Biol., No 8, 1958, 36586.
Author -R2ZjSh,-B-(L,
Inst University of "Jov.
Title The Effect of the Mochanoreceptors of the Rectum on
the Socrotory Function of the Small Dowel.
Orig Pub. nauk. zap. Kiivsk. un--t., 19569 15, No 12, ~5-62.
Abstract: In dogs, with exteriorized segments of the upper
loops of the thin bowel by the Tiri--Volla nothod,
rhythmic stimulation, for a period of one hour, of
the mochanorecoptors by balloon distension to 50-60
of mercury, was followed by a slight increase of socre--
tion from isolated segmonto of the bowol, vrit!hout effect-
ing tho activity of the enzymes in the juice. Stronger
Card - 1/2
UKRAINE/Hunan and Animl Physiology. Digostion. T
Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 36586.
sti-aulation (78--80 m) roducad the protoolytic activity
of tho juice; the volume of the juice docreacad whon the
original level was high and vico-varsa. Very strong
stimulation (100-120 mm) caused very markod disturbances
characterized by irregular fluctuations.
Card '. 2/2
LSSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T
Abs Jour ;,Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o470
Author : Bogach, P. Go
Inst -.XTR -University
Title : Mechanism of Regulation of the ~btor Function of
the Small Intestine
Orie Pub :Nauk. zap. Kievalk. un-t, 1956, 15, No 12, 63-8o
Abstract :In oesophagotomized dogs with fistulas of the stomach
and intestine (I), the apparent feeding (AF) during the
rest period of I caused its movements, and during the
hunger period the movements were first inhibited and
then increased. I was least stimilated 3 - 5 min.
following the start of the rest period. During multiple
repetition of AF, Its effect upon the movements of I
gradually decreased until full rate was effected. The
Card 1/2
UWR / Human arA Aninal 'Physiology (11ormal and Pathological). T
Abe Jour Ref Zhuf - Biologiya, No 13., 1958., No- 60470
introduction of food into the stomach tapidly restored
the reaction of I to AF. The act of eating affects the
movements of I by means of two mechanisms, a conditioned
reflex one (stimulation) and an unconditioned reflex one
from the oral region and gullet (inhibition).
Card 2/2
4A 44-4j UA 58C.'ez voiar"/7- P--Iv.BiocII,-_:n. J,,;ly 5-~
2978. BOGACH, P. G. and KOSSENKO A. F. Instit. of Physiology and the
Dcpt. of-Physiology, She tchenko University, Kiev Implantation of multi-Polar
e1ectrodes in the hypotbalamus of dogs for cbronic experimcntation (Russlayl
text) Fiziol. Z.. 1956, 42/11 (988-992) Illus. 3
A new technique is proposed for appl i a number (4, or more) of elec-
trodes, mounted on a horse-shc - -_ j -yInflexiglas' plate to the basal surface
of the hypothalamus, through a hole in the temporal bone. This allows stimul-
ation and recording of action potentials of different groups of hypothalamic
nuclei. Simonson - Minne4~lis, Minn.
VOROUrSOV, DA., profi, kademik; BOGACH, P.G..[Bohach, P.H.I. dote., red*;
YAIMOVSXA, Z. . NAnkovs'lnM,- iz5,'-MDl.jjj' Fid,; KHOMBOVSKA, T.I.
[Khokbanovalke, T-1-1,
CV.IU.Chagovets, the founder of modern electrophysioloq] V.IU Cha-
hovets' - oanovopolozhnyk suchasnoi alaktrofiziologii. LXyiv] V~d-vo
Xvivalkoho dersh.univ. Im. T.N.Shavahenka, 1957. 51 P. kMIRA 11:3)
1. Akademlya nauk UM (for Vorontoov)
(Chagovets, Vasilii WrIevich, 1873-1941)
Mechanisms of the effects from gastric machano- and chemoreceptors
on the motor function of the small intestine. Nauk zap. Kyiv. un.
16 no.17:25-37 157. (MIRA 13:2)
BOGACH, F.G. [Bohach, F.H.]
Role of the central nervous e7stem in the development of intestinal
motor reactions caused by-the introduction of food. Nauk zap. I~riv.
un. 16 no.18:25-39 157. (MIRA 3,3:2)
BDGACH. P.G. Bohaoh, P.R.]
Mechanism of regulative influences from duodenal receptors on the
motor function of the small intestine and the frequency of rhythmic
intestinal contractions. Nauk sap. Kyiv. un. 16 no.l8t4l-76 '57.
(MIRA 13:2)
WSSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T
Abs Jour :Rof Zhur - Biologip, No 13, 1958, No. 6o469
Author :Bogach P. G.
inst g von
Title :The Oosophagal Effoct on tho blotor Function of the
Smll Intestine
Orig Pub :Byul- okaporim. biol. I moditsiny, 1957, 43, No 5, 31-36
Abstract zIn oosophagotomized dogs vith gastric and jojunal fistulae,
the Irritation of the mochanorecoptors of the oeaophagus
(0) by filling a rubber balloon vith air during the time
of hunger contraction of the intestine (I) did not affect
the motor function of I and produced an inhibition of the
contractions of the fundal part of the stomach during
tho initial and final phases of the poriodic activity.
Tho stinulation of 0 diving the root period of I caused a
Card 1/2
MSR / Human and Animal Physiology, (Normal and Pathological) T
Aba Jour Ref Zhur - Biolo8iya, No 13, 1958, No. 60469
motor reaction in the small intestine. With it the
gastric tone did not change or drop; consequently, the I
contractions were independent of the spread of the
peristaltic waves from 0. The stimulating effect of 0
on the motility of the small I was preserved after 0 was
severed above the spot where intestinal contractions
were recorded. By a multiple daily repetition of the
stimulation of 0 machanoceptors there was a gradual
decr*ase in the motor reaction of 1, which increased
again as the strength of 0 stimuli was increased. --
V. A. Shaternikor
Card 2/2
Country : USSR v
Catecory: PharvacoloGy. Toxicology. Medicinal Plants.
Abs Jour: RWiol., No 6., 1959., No Z7860
Author : Bogach, P.G.; Gorodinallm, V.Ya.
Title :On the Pharnacologic Properties of an Extract of
the Flowers of Sunflowers.
Oria Pub: Fiziol. zh-, 1958, 4, No 1, 107-114
Abstract: The action of a thin extract (I) of the ray flowers
of sunflower, prepared by the method of percolation,
vas studied in experiments with frogs, raice, rabbits
and eats. I in a dose of 4 ml/kg induces the death
of 5 of 10 Mice. In 1:1000 dilution, I dilates the
vessels of isolated rabbit ear and increases the
amplitude of contractions of tired frog heart. In
Card 1/2
-,.~~P~.G. [130hach, PX.3
Stimulators of intestinal contraction rhythm and the gradient theory
of intestinal polarity. Fiziolthur. [Ukr] 4 no.4:567-568 J3,Ag 158
(Knu 11 t 10)
I; Institut fixiologii pri Klyevskom gosudnrstvannom universitets
im. T.G. Shevchenko;
BOGACH, P.G. [Bohach, F.H.]
- L-~
Efferent routes of the motor eoophageal-enteric reflex$ Vie " k
lyiv.un. no.*Sb-r-.dol. no.11123-128 159. (MIRA 3.6 t47
ItftftBRaLC4-, P.!I. [Bohach, P-H-1; KOVAL', L.A. [Koval', L.O.]
Hechaniam of reflex influenoes from the rectum on the motor
activity of the small intestine. Fiziol.zhur. 1Ukr-3 5
no.3:329-336 lfy~e 159. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Ilaukovo-doolidniv institut fiiiologii Kiivalkogo der2huniversitstu
im. T.G.S.hovahenka, viddil fiziologii travleanya i krovoobigu.
Frequency of rbythmio contrad.t Iona of the small intestine. Biul.
eksp. biol. I mod. 47 no.4:6-12 Ap 159. OEM 12--7)
I.- Iz Instituta fisiologil (dir. - doteent.P.G. Bogach) Klyevsk6go
gooudaratvannogo universiteta imeni T.G. Shavebanko. Predstavlena
doyetvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR V.K.'Chornigovsklm.
(INMTDIN, SMALL, pbysiol.,
peristaltic con~ractiono, frequency Urlus))
PBOUCh) P. G., Dr BiO Sci - (Giss) "Mechansirris J'nlr, tht, nerve reiTultion of the
motor function of the smAll intestines," Kiev, 1960, 32 pp ( Department oll Dio-
logical Sciences, Acauer~T of Sciences, UkSSR) (KL, 37-60) 120)
WPM, Tevgunly ledorovich: B_OGAGR*..~. doteent, *, nYASHNIKOV,
[Fundamentals of wascle biochemistry] Oon*.v biokhimil myshts.
Kiev. Izd-vo Kievskogo univ., 1960. 181 p. 44 (MIRA 13:9)
- 4;
.. 11
KMGHMO, Pavel Dmitriyovich; BOGACH F G; MMUK. R.I.,
red.; YUKOVSKIT,''d.~
[Delayed conditioned reflemes] Zopasdyvainshchie uslovnp
reflakey. Kiev, lzd-vo lievskogo univ., 1960. 300 POI
(mIRA 14:1)
BMiGH., P.G. (Bohach., P.H.)
General characteristics of the regulatior V the motor funt;-
tion of the small intestine. Visnyk. K3iv. un. no.2. Ser.
biol. no.2.'59-72t6O. (MIRA 16:8)
BOGAGH, P.G., doteent
Aftereffects of resection of the a=ll Intestlue. Wach,delo
n0.31277-279 * 160. (miRA 13:6)
1. Otdol flniologil PlabehavarOulYa I kroToobrashcheuiya (zav. -
doteent P.G. Begach) Institute. fixiologil pri nyOTakom univerni-
tote imeni T.G. ShmheWw.
Effirent pathways of the motor esophagointestinal reflex. Biul.
eksp. biol. i mod. 49 no. 4:24-27 Sp 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Iz otdeZLa fiziologii pishchevareniya i krovoobrashcheniya
(zav, - dotsent P.O. Bogach) Instituta fiziologii (dir. - dotsent
P.B. Bogach) Kiyevskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta " T.G,
BOGACH4-Wr-ft4Pr4%V1Qbj-K1WCWKOj P.D., doktor biolog. nauk,
prof,., otv. red.j MOTRUK,, R.I., red.; OKOPMAYA, Te.D.,, tekbn.
[Mechanisms of neural regulation of the motor function of the
intestine] Mekhanizmy nervnoi reguliatsii motornoi funktsii tonkogo
kishechni . Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ., 1961. 342 p.
(MM 15:7)
.--..BOCsAPH, P.G_.; YOMENKC, A.F.
Influenze of hypotbalanic stimulation on salivation 4A.,i belfc-re
ar,d ttftkr frontal ducartleation. Fiziol. thur. 4c) to.4-4.2-7--o')"
Ap 163. (MIRA 17:4)
1. ~'rom, the In3t.itutie of Physiology, T.G.Ohevtzher&o 'Int -~-rsity,
Neural and neurobumoral mechanimns of the transmission of
influences from the hypothalamus on the motor activity of
the gastrointestinal system. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.8:935-
942 Ag 163. (MIRA 17-.2)
1. From the Depa~ of DigeSAWAI' d Cii'culatj;)~..'
Institute of Physiology, T.G. Shevchenko University, Kiyev.
Secretary reactions of the aalivarjv glands following sti=lation
of the hypothalamua in relation to the frequency, strength and
duration of the stimuli. Biul. eksp. biol. J med. 57 no. 2s
16-20 F 164, (MA 17:9)
1. Otdel fiziologii pishchevareniya i krovoobrashcheniya Instituta
fiziologii (dir. - prof. P.G.Bogach) Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina
universiteta imeni Shevehenko. Predstavlena daystvitellnym
chlenom AMN SSSR A.V.Lebedinakim.
_-- -
Motor activity of the stomach followirZ liquid diet. Fiziol. zhur.
50 no.2:193-198 F 164. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Otdel fiziologii pishchevareniya i krovoobrashcheniya Instituta
fiziologii pri Gosudarstvennom universitete, Kiyev.
MURCHENKO, A.F., akademik, otv. red.1 BOGACH. P.G., prof., red.;
TROSHMIN, V.A., prot., red.; GUREVICII, M.I.., dolctor mad.
nauk, red.; KOLCIIINSKAYA, A.Z., doktor biol. nauk, red.;
PUTILIV, N.I., Drof., red.; OUIMIK, I.F., kand. biol. nauk,
red.; PREOBRAZHEENSKIY, H.N.p knind. vet. nauk, red.; SNEZHIN,
Via,, red.
(Regulation of vegetative functions] Reguliataiia vegetativ-
Wkh funktsii. KJevp Naukova diunknp 1965. 246 p.
(MIRA 18-,8)
1. Akademiya nauk URSH,, Kiev. 2. AN Vkr.SSR (for Makarchonko).
3. Institut fiziologii im. A.A.Bogomolltsa AN Ukr.SSR (for
/-. v.,
GRIM, A.S., kand.takhn.nauki BOGACHICK, L.V., gornyy lnzh.
Some results of conti=ous work methods In mines of the Tula
Coal Basin. Kauch.truar MGI n0-13/14:217-223 '54. (MIRA 10110)
(Tula Basin--Coal mines and mining)
(Mine management)
BOGACHEK, L.V., inzh.
Selecting the type of consolidated brigades for stoping operations
in the Donato Basin coal mines. Sbor.DonUGI no.20t152-164 161.
(NIRA 15:6)
(Donets Basin--Coal mines and raining)
OILIXRYARN, D.S., prepoda-vatell .; BOGAOHIK, S.Te., prepodavatelf.
"General care of the patient" by S. P. Sallnikov. Fella i akush.
22 no.6:59,Juns 157. (KM 12.3)
Short-circuits to ground protection system based on the current of
the second harmonic in commeated networks. Energ. i elektrotekh.
prom. no-102-53 Ja-Mr 63. (MM 160)
(Electric protection) (Electric power distribution)
SIRMA, I.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: Ostrovskaya, A.V.;
Bogachenko.-A.Ye..; Pitsyk: V.F.
Protection from ehort circuits to ground of the power distribution
networks in minesp peat entOrp,ises,, and the construction industry.
Energ. i elektrotelch. prom. no.2:46-49 Ap-Je 161+. (1-URA 17:10)
Ir,- ~ 11= I
Structure of a ring of cohomologies in a Sylov subgroup of a-
symmetric group. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. mat. 21 no.4.937-942
J1-Ag 163. (MMA 16:8)
(klgebraic topology) (Groups, Theory of)
Academic Degree not given
Affiliations not given
Sofia, Pediatri-v , supplement of Suvremenna Meditsina.
No 3, 1962, pp 16-18.
"Methods for Examining Higher Nerve Activity in Children
of Young Age Under Normal Conditions".
VURBANOVA, Mariya, 11D, Institute for Higher Nerve
Activity and Physiology at the Academy of Sciences, USSR
(Institut za dissha nervna deynost i fiziologiya pri All,
DOGAMMO, L..-[.Bahachenka, L.].
A "nervous" child. Rab,j sial, 38 nosls22 Ja 169.. (HMA 15T4)
Iffect of work on prolongation of sloop in children in pediatric
clinic, Zh, vysshel nery. deiat. 2 no. 2:205-218.Kar-4kpr 1952.
(GLKI; 23:3)
1.,Department of the Pathophysiology and Theripy of Higher Nervous
Activity of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity of the Acadeaq
of Sciences USSR.
Iffect of school day. on conditioned connection of the first and second
signal systems and on correlation of these systems. Zh. vyeshei nerv.
4i&t. 3 no.2:203-214 Mar.-4r 195-3. (CUM 24:4)
1 Department of the Pathophysiology of Higher Nervous Activity of the
I;utitute of Higher Nervous Activity of the Academy of Sciences USM
"Textbook on children's diseases; sections pertaining to the nervous sys-
tem." H.S. Haslov. Reviewed by LeSe Bogacheako, Y.K. Faddeava. Zhur.
rya.uery.daiat. 3 no.2:321-324 Mr-Ap '53. (KLHL 6:6)
(Children--Diseases) (Nervous system--Diseases) (Haslov, Kikhail
Stepanovich, 1885-)
&Iarged session of the
on experimental and clinical sleep
Pa.vlov; he' Riazan' on Yebruary
472 My-Je 153.
of the Academy
of Medicine of the
dedicated to the memory of I.P.
Zhur.vvB.nerv.deiat. 3 no.3:469-
(MA 6:9)
(Sleep--Therapeutio use)
Application of sleep therapy in clinics for rheumatic children.
Xbm-.v7sonervedsiate 3 no,4:33&561 JI-4 133. (XLHA 012)
1. laboratoriva patofixiologii i t1pologii Tysshey nerynoy dayatellnosti
rebanks. Instituts. vysshey nerynoy dayatelluosti Akademii nauk SSSR
(Rheumtion) (Sleep-Therapeutic use)
wkmwmft~ft ..... W.Ww_
Pavlovian theory on sleep and its application in pediatric practice.
Pediatriia, Moskva no,3;28-34 May-June 1953. (OIKL 25:1)
1, Candidate Medical Sciences,
Result of application of the " iratic sleep in pediatric rheur tic
rap -,&
clinic. Zh. vysehel nary. daiat. 3 no.4t536-561 July-Aug 195j,0-
(CLKL 25:4)
1. laboratory of the Pathophysiology and Typology,of the Higher
Nervous Activity of the Child, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity
of the AcadenV of Solences tMe
"Influence of the school day on conditioned interrelation between the primary and
secondary refflex systems." Tr. from the Russian. p. U. (ANALELE ROMANO-SOVIETICE.
SERIA PEDIATRIE, Series a III-a,, Vol. 6, no* 6) Novo/Deco 1953, Bucuresti, Rumania)
SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, L. C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April 195h, Uncl.
pq 0 &,j lq,.r
UsSR/Humaa and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. 7-12
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol,j No lp 1958) 4469
Author : L.S. Boaachenko
Inst : Institute of the Hi(;her Nervous Activity, Academy of
Sciences USSR
Title : Phenomenon of Chronogenic Disinhibition of Conditioned
Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta vyssh. nerv. deyateltnosti AN SSSR., ser.
-)atofiziologiya,, 1956., 2., 21-23
Abstract : Two different motor reactions with verbal reinforcement
to the same conditioned stimulus were developed in chil-
drens With an external inhibition the earlier developed
reaction replaced the later one. Uhronogenic Disinhi-
bition" took place according to the mechanism of negative
Card 1/2
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System, V-12
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 1,, 1958y 4472
Author : L.So Bogachenko
Inst : Institute of the Higher Nervous Activity, Academy of
Sciences USSR
Title : Development of an Antogonistic Motor Reaction (Conditio-
ned) Without Preliminary Preparation in ClUldren.
Orig Pub Seriya Patofiziol.., 1956, 2., 57-66
Abstract Speech reinforcement was used to develop a motor reac-
tion -- the unbending of the elbow -- in children from
8 - 13 years old, Extinction or development of diffe-
rentiation was accompanied by the appearance of an an-
tagonistic movement -- the bending of the elbow --
which was conditioned by a positive induction of the 't
Card 1/2
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. V-12
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Blol., No 1., 1958s 4484
Author : L.S*' Bogachenko
Inst : Institute of the HiGher Nervous Activity, Academy of
Sciences USSR
Title Experimental Study of the Higher Nervous Activity in
Seboolchildreri,in Connection with Some Tasks of Nervous
System Hygiene.
Orig Pub Ser. patofizi6l.., 1956.. 2, 209-228
Abstract Toward the end of the schoolday children revealed a pre-
dominance of the excitatory process along with weakening
of active and development of passive inhibition. More
taxing school programs led to a reduction of the size
and an increase in the duration of the latent period of
reactions along with the appearance of phasic states.
Card 1/2
USS~/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. V-12
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1p 1958) 4487
Author : L.S. Bogachenko
Inst : In~sti u~-eor t~he Higher Nervous Activity, Academy of
Sciences USSR
Title : Experimental Study of the Disturbances of the Higher
Nervous Activity with a Particular View to the Interac-
tion between the First and the Second Stgnalling System
in Children at an Acute Stage of the Rheumatic Process.
Orig Pub : Ser. patofidol., 1956., 2, 263-281
Abstract : Conditioned motor reactions with speech reinforcement
were developed with difficulties and revealed instabili"
ty in 60 children with polyarthritic or cardiac rheun
tism. The latent period increased rather rapidly du-
ring the test, the strength of the reaction decreased
Card 1/2
BOGACHEVKO, L. S., Doe Mod Sci -- (diss) "Experimental StudX of
the Work Of ib* of the Cerebrum of, Sc~ool Children
in Connoction with Certain Probloms of WoUhlorvous System."
Mosp 1957. 22 pp (Acad Sci USSR, Inst of Higher Nervous Activity),
120 copies (KL, 48-57, 108)
- 56 -
J-!) 6 C )-N ~ I I !=-- 4. 1- - I # x I
k'~) "'. t't ~-: r7 ~, '. V i ~ L it '~- - .'
Theory of the higher nervous scitivity in man* Zhuravysenarv6deiats
7 no.6.-794-804 N-D 157- (MIRA 11:2)
higher nervous activity. review (RuB)) . Q-Vi
Some charaoteristics of the formation of oonditioned reactions to
immediate and verbal complex st4-,14 in school children at the end
of-a school day. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. patofiziol.
AID P - 3329
Subject USSR/Aeronautics
Card 1/1 Nb. 58 - 5/24
Author : Bogachankoy.V... Dontsov., K.
-,- wwxmmame~?d
Title : Soaring flights should be organized. (Letter to the editor)
Periodical : Kryl. rod.p 10# 7p 0 1955
Abstract : This is a complaint, about the inactivity of tbe management of the
Aviation-Tachnical Club of Llvovp in vhioh soaring flights are not
organized in spite of the technical possibilities.
Institution : Aviation-Teohnical Clubp L'vov
Submitted : No date
Blectric equipment of cranes and effective electric supp3jr of moorings
daring intensive operation of cranes, Mor.flot 15 no.2:19-22 1 1559'
(Cranen, derricks, etc.) (MLRL 8:5)
Reflection of neural dynamics in epilepsy on the electroencephalogram.
Vop.paikh. i nevr. no-1:27-34 '57 (MIRA 11:8)
1. In pailffiiatriche8koy kliniki Voyanno-meditainakoy ordenFL Lenina
akademii im. S.M. Kirova
1~ 0 P,
USSR Human and Animal Physiologyj Nervous System. T
Electroencephalogram of Man.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol'4, No 22, 19580 102222.
Author a
Bo a
ty or Neurologists & Psychiatrists
Inst Lgn:~Lnrrad~Scien~ttifftio~Soc~e
Title The Reflection of the Dynamics of Nervous Proces-
ses on the Electroencephalogram in Epilepsy.
Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Leningr. nauchn. o-va nevropatol. i psik-
hiatrov, 1957, vyP. 1, 27-34.
Abstract: In patients with a serious form of epilepsy, dur-
ing the interparoxysmal state, slow waves 3-5 osc./
see, with high amplitude and hypersynchronous ejec-
tions were observed on EEG. The conditioned re-
flexes (CR), which were investigated in accordance
with the motor-vocal method, were produced with
great difficulty and were unstable; the motore re-
Card 1/2
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. T
Electroencephalogram of Man.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102222.
Abstract: action had a large latent period. In milder forms
of the disease, slow oscillations and isolated
ejections were prevalent in the background activ-
ity on REG, but there were also irregular alpha-
oscillations, CR formed much faster to simple
stimuli., and the latent period of the reaction was
shorter. After treatment, in both cases, along
with the improvement of the general condition, a
certain normalization of HNA and appearance of reg-
ular alpha-activity were observed. The presence
of hypersynchronous ejections on EEG in epilepsy
is being related to the activity of the congestive
focus of stimulation, the slow waves being regarded
as an expression of inhibition. -- Zh. P. Shuran-
Card 2/2
99407,Mt-MI; VASIM, A.Y.
Hervo-psychic disorders in total freezing of the body. Vop. psikh.
i nevr. no-3:373-377 158. (KIRA 12:3)
1. Iz nafthiatricheskoy kliniki Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordens, Lenine.
almdemil im. S.M. Kirova.
BOGACHENKOJ, V.P", podpolkovnik maditsinakoy sluzhby
Neuropsychic disorders in burn disease. Voen.-med.zhur. no.1:26-30
165. (MIRA IStIO)
Psychic disorders in burn disease. Zhi~-,.
no.11:1662-1666 165.
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (Tchallnik - prof.
kafedra termiclieskikh porazlieniy (michal,111.1,
Voyan-no-meditsinskoy ordena Lenirin akaderdi im.. I gra3.