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ACC NR. AP6011978 SOURCE, CODE: CZ/0057/65/()Oc)/007/0281/0~811! AUTHOR: Bolek, Pavel; Zidek, A~tur (Engineer) a Norks, Frydek-Mistek (Valcovny plechu) ORG: Sh et Polling TITLE: Arrangement of centerin a on the "Kvarto P-1200 bench" g guide SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 7, 1965,281 TOPIC TAGS: cast iron, ball bearing ABSTRACT. The guides were originally constructed from grey cast iron, and designed as stationary plates. Their wear was substantial. The article describes a modification suggested by Leopold-Kozak, in thi NX dification the wear plates are replaced by roll era rev(ilving arinLys. These guides last a-long time and facilitate the operation. K_sii ~ng oT-9-0,000 Kcs per year is expected on the basis of this improvement. The design may be used in the new Iron Works of East Slovakia. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. EJPRS] r__ - - SUB CODE; 13 SUBM DATE: none card L 3~573-66 ENP,~v) /ETI/I,,-,P (k) /94T (h) /E4P (1) LT P (c., J D/W/ DJ r- SOURCE com, i c276-o-W66766-c Act; ftrl~,k j P, tj AUTHOR: Bolek ~vol; Zi#21c, A4!tiT (Enginoor) ORG: . Shoot Rolling Works, Fryde~-Mistek (Valcovny plochu) 61 f; TITIS: Removal of residues of rolling emulsioii'from the surface of sheets on a mill SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 4, 1966. 181-182 TOPIC TAGS: rolling mill, sheet metal. mechanical engineering ABSTRACT: The emLlsion is removed by a jot of compressed air on the rolling mill. Tl~o jets directing the air blast can 'be adjusted to various positions. An evaluation ex.perimontWith 173 coila weieiing 1760 tons was conducted; approximately 94% of the maf Orig. art. hast 2 tableso J-PRs, 36,W_7 ,erial, was cleaned satisfactorily. SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none Card _j, 314-fZ13-VV M-71-k NFzl~' if M a I. -." .-r - - ACC NR: AP6026605 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0057/65/000 012/0537/0537 AUT!jol: Bolok, Pavel; Zidek, Artur (Sngineor) --;~3 ORG: Sheet Rolling Works, Frydek-111istok (Valcovny ple*W) TITIC: Grease removing in rolling of transformer belts by burning of the emulsion SOURM: Hutnik, no. 12, 1965. 537 TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, transformer steel, metallurgic process ABSTRACT: The belts are_ataselwith mineral oils, and the rollers cooled by circu- lation of an emulsion. Both the oil and the emulsion mat be removed to prevent carbonization of the steel. The article describes experiments conducted at various temperatures. Best results were obtained at temperatwes of 300-340OC; at higher temperatures remains of the burned emilsions were sticking to the belt. Orig. art. has: 1 tables CJPRS: 34.5127 SUB CODE: 3-1 / SUBM DATE: none BOLA,S.; SMEKa, 14.; VYKYDAL, M.,, ZIZKA, Z. Antibacterial and antimycotic effects of various antimalarials. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no.8t499-505 30 Ap 165 1. Okresni hygienicko-e idemiologicka stanice v Olomouci (reditel: I-TUDr.V. Burian~ a III. interni klinika Lek-arske fal-rulty University Palackeho v Olomouci, (vedouci: prof. MUDr. V. Pelikan). KOSTRO, WoJelech, mgr inz.; BOLFK, Zenon A., mgr inz. Resistance selection in the rotor circuit of a simplified electric shaft. Przegl elektrotechn 39 no.10:387-391 0 163. BOLEK,--Zenon, mgr.inz. Electric installations on modern floating docks. Joud okretowe Warszawa 7 no.8:260-264 Ag 162. 1. Biuvo Konstrukoyjne Taboru Morskiego, Gdansk. JALUVKA, V.; ROHANOVA, M.;.,BOLT-PILOUCKY-A Z.. Fertility after cesarean section. Cesk. gyn. 26 [40) no.7:523-527 1. 1 gyn. por. klin. UJEvP v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr. L.Havlasek Gyn. por. odd. OUNZ -Vyakov prednosta prim. MUDr. E.Vavrik. (CESAREAN SECTION~ (FERTILITY) kCC- NR, AP6019959 AUTHORs Boleloucky, 1LASvitava) ORG: Psychiatric Department# Hospitalp Svitava.(Nemocnice) TITLE:- Chlorproma-Zine inhibition of ejaculation ffhis paper was pre-ented at the Annual Psychopharmacological Meeting, jesenik 20-23 january AD SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superiorp v. 7v no. 3, 1965, 245 TOPIC TAGS: chlorpromazine, psychoneurotic disorderp biologic reproduction ABSTRACT: A 42 year old patient suffering from a paranoid sehizo-~ phrenle pattern was treated with a daily dose of 200-800 mg of chlorpromazine. After discharge from the hospital In 1963 he was kept on a daily done Of 50-75 mg- In autumn of 1964 he re- .ported that for the Past 3 months he had no ejaculation, al- .though erection and orgasm were normal. Af ter a . brief dis- continuation of the drug, there was a temporary Improvement. ;-Results of neurological and Internal examInablon.were normal., ZO-rig. art. in Eng./ ZiPRS/ SUB CODE: 06/ SUB14 DATE: none, Card BOLELOUCKY, Z.; KUDLICKA, J. On results of surgical treatment of developmental anomalies of the uterus. Cesk. gynek. 27 no.10:702-704 D 162. 1. 1 gyn.-por. lek. fak. UJEvP vBrne.. prednosta prof. dr. L. Havlasek. (UTEMS) TZ NIMM, Tibor; PAPP, Andras; UVEGES, BOLEMAN, Bszter Fate of tuberculotic patients leaving the institute. Orv. Jeno; IIYARADY, Ivan; PAL, Ferenc; treated with tuberculostatics 5 years after hetil. 98 no.30:822-826 28 July 57. 1. Az Orazagos Koranyi Tbc. Intezet (igazgato-foorvos: Seri Istvan dr., tudomanyos vezeto: Sebok Lorand dr.) dzervezesi modszertani, statisztikai es Tudobelosztalyainak, es az. Allami Fedor Jozsef TBG Gyogyintezet (Tgazgato-foorvos: Risko Tibor Dr.) I. sz. Tudobel- osztalyanak Kozlemenye. (TUBICRCULOSIS, PUTI-MURY, ther. chenother., follow-up (Hun)) WILUP, Zenon, prof. inz-.; BOLIESKI, %rian, mgr inz. ~ t--- Subsoil studies with the IT16-ZV- percussive rotary soil trial tool. Inst tech budow inf no.12:40-42 163. 1. Zaklad Mechaniki Gruntaw i Pandamentowania, Instytut Tech- niki Budowlanej, TWarsmawa. SOUP Kataltri, dr.; DOMOK, Istvan, cfr.; BOLFSKEJ, Tibor, dr. Erliderniologic and serologic analytAs of 1st epidemics of ornithosis In Hungary. Orv. betil. 105 no.34:1590-11905 2'~ Ag 164. 1. Orszagos Kozegeszsegligyi Intent es Bacs-Ki-sk-un m.M~eil Kozugeszsegugyi-Jarvan.y-ug--yi Allomas. E'CERPTA MEDICA See 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer Kay 59 '677- Transformation of leucopenia into acute leukaemia in an X-ray technician Pozorovao< zvi-at leiik,,peitic v Aiiiiii 1vokciiiii is rtg praco,11ice. SKI,VNSK'~ 11, BOLESLAVA. Mid Dos-i-An)%-A If. Kiiii. 0ioi% z PovolA111, BI-11o Prar(Ir. 1A. to~)8, 101_17(~ ables 1 11111'% 2 A case of aii X ray t ,eciinician with io)-r. practiceatid expostirc to X-rays lias been describcd. Due to technical itistillicieticics in the iiistaliatiom aiid failtir~ it) observe .'ark-ty ritics, 1111d with all individual increasrd sclisitMly. a gradual drcrease iii lets- (,oc%*Ir rotilit Was discovered in iqF,,l aloiig -witli subjerlive coinplaints. In May MO a 111111tiplicatioll of hilinattirc foriiis iii dic 1cticocyte* sci-ics was obscrvcd, Wili iii die botic. iiiarrow and peripheral blood. By Oc(obcr of flie saitic ),car there was ati influenza-like c1iiiical picture associated with a Itacniatological tratisforiviation iwo an ac-tite parairyeloblastic lcukacniia.The patirm dird in March 1957-The clinical cotine (if the lcukarniia was winewhat dificretit from idiopathicactlic Icukaetiiia. ) 21. Directly coupled electrodynamic loud-speaker8, p. 142s SDELOVACI TECHNIKA (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha,, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 1954 SOURCE: East Etwopean Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. �:j No. 12, December 1955 534.64 p6lelimmintnt of stomtle reiMMUTIL A q SLAIP.-Did) Vbzz~r, 14~, No. 7 -is or -5-, b6d.- Th--.-, Iwo nrffio, SurcmmT,lam& L r tb a~tircrocot or bric rmistaxim coma' OT - and a standard acolusic L priscs two, pressmim -tIm v=xs~ucd qu ntity being carap;sred wjih th~~ standard. Th ipment for the n=3urL- c cqu mcni of mall u-sislawn cumists. of a differential prmum gzup,-I%v ve am %valcr, a =h cont inias smoothing lank ait&uu oil purnp. TM -unknown rrmsniiudc is ddirinind by m=surins tht firre taken for a known quanliiy-~*f u-4tcr to flow bet,.Nurt tbo two yes:-zl.- and noting ibc ples.-Ure- Sornarneasured wlucs=quoted. IL -L SMOROWICZ Q)VJ BOLT-:SLAV, A. IINew systeam of reproducing sounds." P. 332 SDELOVACI TECIDNIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov., 19555 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EMAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959 Uncl as BOLESLAV., A. BOLESLAV, A. Basic conditiona for good-quality sound reproduction. p. 25 -mV-. Prototype of new Czechoslovak television set. P. 25. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1956 SDELOVACI TECHNIKA TECHNOLOGY Praham Czechoslovakia SO: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 BOLESLAV, A. Parallel dual-power amplifiers for lawfrequency amplification. P. 227, (Sdelovaci Technika) Vol. 5, no. 8, ALUM; 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of Fast Eur*pean Acessions (Eftl) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 POLESLAV, A. New trends in sound recort4im, and reproduction. D-318. (Technicka Praca, Vol. Q,j No# 5, May 1957, Bratislava, Czpchoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. (, No. 9, Sept. 1957- Uncl. BOYS'LAV, A. "Electrosbatic loudspeakers." p. 223 (5delovaci Technika, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EMI) Ws Vol* 7. No. 9, September 1958. BOLESLAV, A. TECHNOLOGY Periodical: SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. Vol. 6J. no. 8., Aug. 19589 BOLESLAV, A. Stereophonic recording. p. 291. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. BOLESLAVY A. "The spring Audio Fair in London, 1959.11 p. 250 SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, No. 7, JulY, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) M, Vol. 6, No. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. BOLES1AV, 1'. "Recording responses of phonograph records." p. 253 SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, No. 7, July, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. S/058/62/ooo/6o7/o26/o68 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Boleslav, Franti5ek, Boleslav, Ale~ TITLE: Apparatus for the production of thermonuclear reactions PrRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 73, abstract-7B589 P (Chekhosl. Pat., cl. 21 g, 21/10, no. 97708, 15-12.060) TEXT: An apparatus for the production of thermonuclear reactions with deuterium ion acceleration in an alternating electric field is presented.' It is suggested that the fast ions forming during the reaction be utilized either for the direct generation of electric energy using a collecting high-voltage electrode, or for the D--oduction of jet propulsion in interstellar spacecraft. The patent includes a schematic drawing of the apparatus described. P. Sosenko [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1 BOLESIAV, Ales, dr., inz. Stereophony and its application. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.1 Suppl.'1-4 Ja 162. BOLESLAVO A.; MIXER, F.; MEPJiAUT, J.; NDEC, J.; SLAVIK, J.B. , prof. Report on the 4th International Congress on Acoustics in Copenhagen, August 21-28, 1962. Slaboproudy oboor 2/+ no-3:183-185 Mr '63. 1. Katedra fyziky, Elektrotechnicka fakalta, Ce k k ceni technicke Praha (for Slavik). 2. Vyzkumny., ustavs= e uobrazove a-reprodt;kcni techniky, Praha (for Kolmer). 34- StatL-vy-'zkumny ustav tepelne techi-dky, Praha (for Nemec). -BGL8SLV4-A,les inz., dr, *Loudspeakers; theory.. performance.. testing and design* by N*W* McLachlan. Revieved by Ales Boleelav. Slaboproudy obzor:Suppl.: Literature, 24 no-4-.L29,, L31, 163. S/058/62/ooo/6o7/o26/o68 A061/A101 AMIORS: Boleslav, Franti5ek, Boleslav, Ale~ TITLE; Apparatus for the production of thermonuclear reactions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 73, abstract-7B589 P (Chekhosl. pat., c1. 21 g, 21/10, no. 97708, 15-12.6o) An apparatus for the production of thermonuclear reactions with deuterium ion acceleration in an alternating electric field is presented.' It Is suggested that the fast ions forming during the reaction be utilized either for the direct generation of electric energy using a collecting high-voltage electrode, or for the production of jet propulsion in interstellar spaceeraft'. The patent includes a schematic drawing of the apparatus described. P. Sosenko [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 BOLESLAVY Frantisek, inz. (Gottwaldov, Sevcovska 36/67) A device for exchange of.fuBes on low-voltage lines. Energetika Cz 12 no.10:559-560 0 162. BOLESIAV, Frantise-k. The tasks of'^,,transportation resulting from the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Doprava 163. 1'~, Ustredni vybor Komunisticke strany Ceskoslovenske. BOLESLAV,jrpAtisek, inz. (Gottwaldov); HUBL, Frantisek (Malenovice) A device for dispovering hidden defects of high-voltage cable insulation under operation. Energetika Cz 13 no-4:228 Ap 163. BOILUM&4-~~an-LIiElek , inz. ((;ottw;Lldnv - 'HnIEK., (Gottwaldov - MalenmIca) Devic- for discover-Y of h-*ddpr, de'ects of high vtj-ltage in- sulf-tors during operati-im, Diergetika Cz i,!, no-601-1 -'s '64 FHA-SE I BOOK EXPLOITIATION sov/6431 Viedovvx, Boris lzr&i1evich, Yuriy V&dimovich L&t&sh, Bqles.lav- lv*novich Makeimovicb, and Leonid M~khaylovich Stupalt Elelkl.roshlakovyy pereplav (Electuroslag Malt-ing) Moscow., Metal- lurgizdat, 1963. 169 p. Errata slip Inserted. 2250 CoPles px-inted. Ed. (Title page): B.Ye. Paton, Academician, Academy of Sciences USSR, Lenin Prize Winner; Ed. of Publishing House: G.L. Pazdnyakova; Tech. Ed.: V.V.Mikhaylov&. PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallurgists working in the pz-oduntlor. of 1hig'-Fx-qu&1ity steels and alloys. It may also be use- ful to students at metallurgical schools of higher education, *-nisumers of high-qual:110'y me'.0&l., and workers in various branches bulldiliig, shipbuildIng, boiler makiag, and making. Eleot---oalag Melting (Coat.) SOV/6431 CO'VERAGE: The book desraribeB the electroBlig miting of steel and *-I! oyiq., a new mtthod of pro,01vaing hiei-quallty met-alB. Results eclantifle -.eseaxch work r~tlated to 14-01v! elet~lZroslag melting m-,thod are summs--iZed. I%'u-Lrero--,,s dat& on the qt~&-Ity of metal pz-oducad by this method sile p~-esented, &Ad p-t-aspects for the .-%r~?ther dev--iopmentj of elotetr3slag r d ed. The thamk S.A.Leybenzout., A.F.Tre&rz1banku, M.M.FA,-Uyev,, V.V. i.opillm., V.S.Milty&a., Yu. P4-ofasuo:~- *-Ad Doctor of .~eclhaicall Sclencesp G.A.Ko'i,&V,, o-14-hers ror assistance. Tylty p3kztiCal&r!Y B.Yd.rtton: M6=' 62- 0~* AC&atry of Sciences U'la,allavit-n SSR. The:?s are C". Soviet. TARLE OF COIUENTS: Prom, tht Publisher Fovaword 5 7 Cavd 2/0' CZECHOSLOVAKIA 'CoUstics. Electroaco-.;Z and t.-;Cs. Abs Jour Ref Zhu-r - Fizika No 3, 1957, No 7507 Aw;hor Pole slav, Mak Ti tle llomoi-,ram for the Design of a Loudspeaker wi-Qi an m-r Acoustic Baf fie. Ori- Pub Sdelovaci tecl-in., 1956, 4, No 5, 160 0 Abstract Nonor-r-ams are Given for the design of acoustic systems, in-pro- vin- the oDeration of aloudsDeaker in the low frequenc:., range. In these systems, the rear side of the cone is loaded by an a- coustic circuit Yrith a definite attenuation. Provision is made for Wirea versions of the structural realiza,,ion of the acous- tio aystem. Card 1A - Prczent State of the (Cont.) SUV/5799 Z. Kejval, V. Krauz, F. Kuplka, F. Majer, K. Marmn, J. NovLk, J. Oa~:bn--I' K. Paul, B. S=or, 1-14 Honz, J. ZLtha, V. Und-olEG, and J. dole; Eds.; A. Ncjcpsa mwl M. Vlk. rjIILrC3:',: This book is intenCLed for cu.-incerz cnd scientific p~-rscnnci cencoracd vith the prerWorking of mctalz. CC';Z?ftGE: Pu-bliched Jointly by Mashgiz and. MTL~ the bool~ diacusoua the rractnt state of the pra3aworizing of matala in the USSTI and the Czecho3lov,,J; Socia2ist Re,jublic. Chaj~ttcm wro imittcn by both Soviet and CZOcbo3lovak wrltc~.-s. No personalities are monticned. Thcre e_~o 129 r"forenceat 93 Sov~ctj l&Ln'31-inh~ 8 German, 5 Czech, and 2 French. TABM 07 CC7=-L5: PRESSVwIjMTG M THE USSR Ch. 1. The Characteristics of Forging Shorps in USSR Plants [A.I. Zimin antl Ye.P. Unksov] 5 (h. II. Methods of Calculating the Pressure for Forging in the ProscvorUng Card 21 a Precent State of the (Cont.) SO-1/5799 of Metals (Ye.P. Unh-ncrv] Ch. III. Die Forging on Forging Prances [V.P. VolLovitskiy] Ch. IV. Die Forging on Horizontal Upoocttcra [1.1. Girsh, deceased) Ch. V. Die Forging on Drop, Hr=crz cm-LI [Pc-.ra-xScrw] Parcuzsic:a Prcssc5 [Ya. M. Okhrimcnko and V.F. Shchcalov] Ch. VI. The Making ofForgitgo and ShapdeL Blnnlr in Forging Rol-In [V.N. Martynov] Ch. VII. Dic-Sizing in Squeeze-Forming Presses [V.F. Volkovitakiyj Ch. ~11I. Rolling-Out Annular Blanks [Yu.L. Rozhdcstvcnskiyl Ch. IX. The Manufacture of Metal Hardware on Prossworlting Automatics (G.A. Navrotskiy] 36 1.5 22 31 41 58 77 82 93 Card 3/8 16 Present Slate of the (Cont.) SOV/5799 Ch. X. Bending rand, Straightening of Shects, Sh-a2-za, r-rd Teen [Te-11. Moshnin) 112 Ch. XI. Stamping From Sheets and Strip3 IS.L. Zlotnilzov and G.N. Rovinaldy] Ch. X11. Automatic Pronsvorking Lines JO.L. Zlotnikov3 Ch. XIII. The Equirm-mt of Blmk-FrV-ucing Sholis and Sections in Prensvorking jP.T. Ldbvchov] Ch. XIV6 The Production of Blants for (1:mchinal Parta by Helical Cross Rolling 03.P. GranovalkLy and-le. A., Stonhal Ch. XV. Metal Extrusion on Eydrau2ic Presse3 (A.I. KASsIovskiy- and L.A. Shcfaan] 119 146 159 175 188 Ch. XWI. Parts Forging Frcm Light-Mctal All