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31(5) SOV/25-59-3-23/46 AUTHOR: Bolgarov N. Engineer TITIE: Boats of Plastic ~Suda iZ Dlastmass) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Wr 3, pp 65 - 66 and p 4 of centerfold (USSR) ABSTRACT- Last fall the first passenger cutter made of plastic was tested on the Khimki water reservoir of the Moskva canal. It has room for 10 - 12 passengers and develops a spedd of 27 km/h. In comparison with other material, its weight is reduced by 50% and its durability is equal to that of steel. The cutter was produced by the zavod imeni M.I. Kalinina (Plant imeni M.I. Kalinin) from glass plastic material con- sisting of a mass of glass fibers treated with poly- ethereal resin. The technological process of build- ing plastic boats is very simple. The frame of the Card 1/2 plastic vessel is ontirely formed on special matrices, Boats of Plastic SOV/25-59-3-23/46 There are good prospects to build big ships, e.g. tankers up to 100 tons, etc. from plastic material in the near future. There are 3 drawings and 1 Dhoto. Card 2/2 BOLGAROVP N. (Leningra,d) L.- 54~55 11 "3- (11~ci Pil " , - 12, Futu,re of saraiconduct-)rB. NTO 5 nf).l, 0-~ ) 1. 'Reshtatnyy korrespondent zliuri)Oa "Nauchno-t9k-limichesklye obshchostva "T" Ril . BOLGAROV, N., inzh. (Leningrad) Automation of engineer's work, NTO 6 no.5.-16-18 My 164~ (MIRA 17:8) 2( 3 '_~C--1112 5- _)C) -8- -2 3/4 2, T T ` 10~ R Bolgaroii, W.P. , Engineer TITLE: Trains Cross Vlle I'T r' P.__'2TODICAL: Nauka i zhizn' 9 1('15c) , 1,Tr "', p B T RLA C T The 2~avod "K-rm.snoye Sormovo" ('11-ra-r-iioye Sormow.)" Plant) has star'Gled construction of a ferry boat .Lor the Caspian Sea desj-:-ned by U'or'-!-,iy om7ineers under t,l)- --idance of chief desi--,r-er -i. _-D ~ C1 The ship taA-e aboard trai_,ris rminin,'L fron Tash- kent to Daku or "'all-chachkala. It be 134 m lone 1-9, m '~%,_Jde and will displace :_'~,CGO tons. It v;i'll hold 30 loaded four-,qxle ~;O-'Gon frei,-b-t cars, or 18 -al-1- mebal -asse-nGer cars. It 1~~rill cross the CasDian Sea in 12 hours and reduce the time for transrortation of loads fro-m Tashkent to Ba.'~,u by more three t-Jr.-iiess, thus savin: 40 million rublen per boat The lhi'n peed of 1,6 11mots, au` -J!" be Will have a s, three remote controlled electromoto--s 'Ced ,vith c,)--rea-r froM 4 diesel ;-'r~-erators of a of 1800 b.p. 1/2 J. Trains Cross the Sea each. The ferry boat will be e,-Iuii--,-r)ed -.,-!ith the most modern navi-ation instr-,=.ents. On th~-- --middle superstructure 300 passe_nr,er cabins -,vill "Dle nlaced, In the near future, the ferry boat will cruise re- n-alarly between Baku and Kras.-Iovods'K. U 'lard 2/2 32(4) SOV/25-59-9-27/49 .AUTHOR: Bolgarov, N., Engineer (Leningrad) TITLE: A Sectional Barge PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 9, p 66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first sectional barge was seen on the river paths of Gorlkiy, in fall 1958. The barge, consisting of three sections, was developed by Gor'kiy designers under the guidance of B.V. Bogdanov and built by the Stalingradskiy sudostroitellnyy verf' (Stalingrad Ship-building Yard ). A tug placed at the stern pushes the barge instead of pulling it. The following data are given: loading capacity 8,600 tons, speed 15 km/hr, length 232 m, including tug pusher 273 m, width 14 m, capacity of the pusher 1200 hp. The barge cost about 1 million rubles less than 3 ships with the same load- ing capacity and 130 tons of metal have been saved. The Tsentrallnoye tekh#kokonstruktorskoye byuro rech- nogo flota (Central Teclhnical Designing Office of In- Card 112 land Water Transport) has developed, under the guidance A Sectional Barge of the chief designer S.B. sectional barges pushed by driven. They will be put Seven Year Plan. SOV/25-59-9-27/49 Shur, some variants of powerful tugs or power- into operation during the Card 2/2 BOLGAROV, 11., inzh. 1. . Z-1-- ~ ~Submarines in modern war. Voen. znan. 35 no-8:36 Ag '59. (NI-rd 12:12) (Submarine boats) BOLGAROY. Nikolay Pavlovich; IVANOV, A.P., inzh.-kapitan 2 range, red.; SRIBHIS. N.V.. (Stories about submarines) Rasskazy o podvodnoi lodks. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 230 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Submarine boats) BOLGAWV, X.P.Ye inzh. (Leningrad) Institute in the ocean. Nauka, i zhiznl 27 no-3:65-66 Kr l6o. (MIU 13:6) (Oceanographic research) (Ships) BOWAROV, N.Pv. inzh. (Ioningrad) Diesel-boiler. Nauka I zhiznl 27 no.6:65 Je 16o, (MIRA 1317) (Marine 'gas turbines) - , 3~9WA#OV,N-, inzh. Automatic ship. Znan-sila 35 no.4:45 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Automatic control) (ships) Z10 u, Izz 02 AUTHOR. Bolgarov, N., Engineer TITLE, Gluel'Replacea Weld ng\q V , 5 1960, . $ PERIODICAL: Znaniye.-S:Ll , No~ 6, P. 30 8 6 S /00 4 /60/000 /006/003/003 /xx A 11 j /AO:)()- TEXT- The article describe-c experiment~5 carried out by the Leningradskly inetitut vodnogo transporta (Leningrad Tnstitute of Wat,~r Transport) and the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut."Morskogo flota (Naval Scientific Ip-stitute) czubstit-ates for w,.:~Iding,. on the properti6s of epo:xy resins as A corroded piece of plating was thoroughly cleaned with a portable polishing machine and al" tra-:~es of oil removed with acetone. A mixture of epoi~y =-Q-~in and a number of unspecified agents was fillel into cavitiez and within a tf-w winuteQ, a hard wearIng, corrosion resistant layer had foriped on Oie surface, Th=- same mt-.thod was applied to defect ste6l, omt iron and bronze parts. 1--steact of gaz- and tlectric welding, of sodium allicate and bakellne treatment, epoxy iesin was applied to porous and cracked surface,-, Micro-cracks ware fil-1--dA under pres5ure or reverse vacuum. Surfaces whi-.b have bc-com~- conic or e'~IiptI2 by long wear can be regsnerated wish the h-t~lp of i7-.poxy re~.LnE. A hoil,~w made of sheei. steel. to the s~~me shape a.~ dam-aged objec--t is gli)ed on*,o t),Ii-- latte-- Ca:rd 1.12 661-a_~, Glue Replaces Welding S IOCA 160,100010C 6/00 -,(/0,C) 3/ra P I I JI/A026 4D with epoAy resin and then manhined and T-_ibinCs a:,-;, toge-,h- with fabric otrips soaked in epo-vy reSln, dris~d hoari~ and tftTin wound around carefully cleaned tubes. The %nol.!~ is -.ovEri.d wil.h detachable-, fllr!r,"v fas,tened coupling and heated to 200cC., The !Fearr, ttu5z ottaineul !_~ equ.;U. in Qua-, lity to a welded joint. Epoxy reSln~ have a jzrr:-a-.. pots-n-t-ial p-3.r-IIInL_7a_--Iv forr the gluing of non-metallic mater-1-j! to m~Ital eurfa:es owin.a to th~ e.x,~~.Iient adhesion to both, Card 2_12 BOWAROV, N.. inzh. Builders of plastic boats. Toen.znan. 36 no.8:20-21 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Boatbuilding) (Plastics) BOLGAROVO N., inzh. rom Volga River to the Baltic Sea. lUn.tekh. 5 no-3:30-32 Ar ~ 61. (Canals) (MM 14:6) BOLGAROV '14. inzh. SFGG free-piston gas rpnerator is a diesel playing Ue part of a boiler. IUn.tekh. 5 no.6:42-44 Je '61. MRA 14:9) (Gas turbines) (Diesel engines) (Leninpad) Soviet bathywca10.01, Nauka i zhiznl 28 n0,1124 Ja 161, (Bathyaoa;he) (M3?A .143-1) BOLGAROV, N. - ---------------- New developments on the blue roads, Znan.sila 36 no.7:32-33 ii 161~ (MIRA 14i9) (Barges) (Ships) (Ground-effect machines) BOLGAROV) N., inzh. Steppe giant. NTO 4 no.12:34-35 D 162. (MA 16:1) (Leningrad-Tractor industry) I\ BOWAROV, N.., inzh. It will be near Krasnoyarsk. 7nan.sila 37 no.3:22-25 Mr 162. OMIM 15 94) (Kraswyarsk Hydroelectrio Power Station) BOLGAROV) N., inzh. Ship sails above the water. NTO 5 no.1:60-61 Ja c63. (MIRA 16:5) (Ground effect machines) BOLGAROV, N., inzh. Automatic bor. Znanie-aila 38 no.1:28-29 Ja 163. (AURA 16:3) (Loa&ng ng and unloading) (Automatic cogtjrol) BOLGAROV, N., inzh. Gliding ships. Voen. Znan. 39 no.6:28 je 163. (IaRA 16:8) (Boats and boating) BOIBAROV, 1~.) Inzo. Power plants of the fut-ure. Voen. zn--n. 41 no.4:3,3-34 An t65- ( '.! 18 : 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~Sbt OLE: Eg I d .Pa. _~CC NR, AF6 -4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0300,/65/000/0-10/0017/OC)3-9 AUTHOR: Bolgarov, H. (Special correspondent of "HT0 SSSR", Lnginear) ORG: none TITLE: Freight In transit,.`~ SOURCE: Nauchno-tokhnichookiye obshchostva SSSTI, no. 10, 1065, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS: transportation equipment industry, industrial automation, tran3porta- tion equipment., conveyer tranjortation system, fork lift vehicle, crnpel education, industrial personne I., ' i.1 ABSTRACT: The need for improved mechanization and automation of fre~t 10' unloading, and bandling is discussed qualitatively, and some improved freight handling methods are explained. Over four million laborers are used for manual loading and unloading of rail cars, ships, and trucks. To improve this situation, the freight handling industry is scheduled to receive 2 million containers, 130 000 fork lifts and self-powered carts, 20 000 auto cranes, 27 000 boom, bridge, and cable cranes, 38 000 automatic loaders with internal combustion engines, 500 rail- car unloaders, and many other items during the 1966-70 period. Gosudarst"Vonnory komitet po delam izobrateniy i otkrytiy SSSR (Government Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, SSSR), which received 1600 now technical ideas in 1963 in tho area of freight handling, should play an important role in the modernization program. At ---esent about 70 million tons of goods annually are shipped in packages and 'ard 1/2 ACC NR: AP6000424 containers; by 1970 up to 800 million tons annually will be so packagod. Some estimates have shown that for distances of less than 10 km and an annual capacity of 4 million tonsY conveyer systems may be profitable (4-15 kopeks versus 30 for rail, and 90 for trucks). Development of vibration typo of conveyers, automated carts, and air cushion supported conveyers may oven improve this prediction. The biggest problem appears to be in the education of a sufficient numbor of Industrial transportation experts. In all the universities of the SSSR only nine departments of industrial transportation are presently listed. Since the educational plan for universities has cut the time for teaching of specific dise-iplines in half, such courses as "Industrial Transportation," "Cable Transports,'- etc have been dropped completely. Orig. art. has. 5 figures. SUB CODE03,06/ SUBM DATE: none BOLGAROVA, 0.1. General incidence of disease among the adult population of the city of Frunze in 1958. Report No.3: Malignant neoplasms* Sove zdrav. Kir. no.6:42-46 14-D'62. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii, medi- tsiny (zav. - prof. A.A.Aydarallyev) Kirgizshogo gosudarstven- nogo meditsinskogo instituta. (FRUIIZE-CANCER) BOL&Al',QVA.j, -0-, 1. General incidence of disioase among the adult population of Frunze in 1958. Repo# no.4. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.307-42 My-.Te163- (MA 16.9) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii medi- tsiny (zav. - prof. A.A.Wariliyov) Kirgizskogo gosudarst- vennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (FPUNZE-STATISTIGS, IMICAL) AKII-VVICH, 31.11. ; BOLGLROVA, Yo.S. ~' Moisture cycle in the-,atraosphere ovar the tarritorl of ths Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy OGMI no-W:3-8 '59. (IAIIIA 13-~,) (UkraITIO-Humidity) BOLGARSKIT, A.V.- .. . . I . . I rformance of carburetors In buside air. Trudy UI 22-36-49 149. (Airplanes-lingiues--Carburstors) (RIBA lOr6) 0~0 . a We S~,,, A.V. "4WOO Iffect ot fuelevaporation on the performance of superchargers. Trudy KAI 22:50-61 149. (KLPA lo.W (,Lirplanes--Xngiuss--Suporchargers) Rabochle protsessy v zhidkostno- real 3 - I --C C) Oborongiz, Moscow, Fa-!~h W-Orking Processes in liquid-jet en-ines) .1 953, 424 pp. BOLGAMKIY, A. V. 1he Comittee on Stalin Prizes (of the Cotwail of ginlaters WSR) In the fieldtj of T science and juventims annmmces that the folloiring rzientlflc vorks, popular sci-~!n- t1fic books, and textbookis have been submitted for competitiou for Stalin Prizes for the yearo 1952 and 1953- (SOWtake'va Kulturs, Hoscow. No. 22-40, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954) Nam Bolgarskiy, A. V. Title of Work "The Problem of a Moist Gast# ft-minated bv - ;9- Kazan' Aviation Institute 80; W-3o6o4, 7 juiy 19s,4 020 Ccw2dtte'B On Stalin Prlz*o (or the Co=cll of yAnisters USM) Xn the fields of science and Inventiow OunOUnces that the folloving scientific work3, popular scien- tific bookal and textbooks have b*OU submitted fOr COMetitiOn fOr Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Smt!_" -Mtum MOOCOVO Do- 22-40s P-0 Feb - 3 Ppr 1954) Mae of Work Nmainated by Do1f;ar!;I:fty, A. V. - hChuh Torhing Proces:.;es in Liattid Fuel jet EnCines" Ka z mAv'i ation ~Lnstioate 809. W-30604, 7 Jul, yjq PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 357 Bolgarskiy, Andrey Yladimirovch Raschet protsessov v kamere sgoraniya I sople zhidkostnogo raketnogo dvigatelya. (Calculation of Processes in the Combustion Chamber and Nozzle of the Liquid-propellant Rocket Engine) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1957. 94 P. 5,000 copies printed. Reviewers: Zastela, Yu. K., Docent, and Kvasnikov, A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof-; Ed.: Yanovskiy, G. Yu., Engineer; Managing,Ed.(Oborongiz): Sokolov, A.I., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Petrova, I.A.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P. PURPOSE: The book is designed for the use of students studying the theory of combustion and nozzle flow In liquid-propellant rocket engines at aeronautical institutes, but it can also be of use to engineers working in this field. COVERAGE: The author discusses the problem of combustion and gas flow under high temperatures in liquid-propellant rocket engines. He also presents in detail the method of thermodynamic Card 1/6 Calculation of Processes in the Combustion Chamber (Cont.) 357 calculation of the operating process, along with a series of useful problems and their solutions. He substantiates the possibility of using the graphic method of calculating parameters of liquid- propellant rocket engines, which to a great extent facilitates this calculation. The author also explains in detail the method of plotting such nomographic charts. The book contains an appendix of nomographic charts of two different types of fuel worked out by the author. V. Ye. Alemasev, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, prepared the tablea (tables I, II, III,.and IV); L.V.'Ignatlyev, laboratory worker of the Department of Heat Engines, worked on the calculation diagrams and the illustrations. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Propellant-system Computation 7 1. Chemical composition of components 7 Card 2/6 Calculation of Processes in the Combustion Chamber (Cont.) 357 2. Heating capacity of components 11 3. Specific gravity of components 14 4. Stoichiometric coefficient of the relation of the components and the oxidation ratio 15 5. Weight and volume composition of fuel 18 Ch. II. Equation of Energy in Combustion Processes and the Flow of Combustion Products 21 1. Processes in the combustion chamber and in the nozzle 21 2. Coefficient of heat release 23 3. Chemical energy of elements 24 4. Chemical energy and the heating capacity of the propellant system 25 Card 3/6 Calculation of the Processes in the Combust16n Chamber (Cont.) 357 Ch. III. Calculation of Processes in Liquid-propellant , Rocket Engines 28 1. Basic processes in liquid-propellant rocket engines 28 2. Composition of combustion products 29 3. Equation of energy in the combustion process 34 4. Equation of energy in the flow process 37 5. Analysis of limited non-equilibrium flow 38 6. Analysis of limited equilibrium flow 40 Ch. IV. Examples 43 1. Computing the combustion process 44 a-EN1. = 1 44 b.~k, 0.92 54 card 4/6 Calculation of Processes in the Combustion Chamber (Cont.) 357 2. Computing the flow process 55 a-gwl. - l; extreme non-equilibrium flow process 55 1; total equilibrium flow process b-t,k 56 x~ c.E,4 0.92,JHq=0.98; total equilibrium flow Ch. V. iWebtEgoigs of Plotting Diagrams for Calculating 60 the Combustion Processes and the Flow of Combustion Products 71 1. General method of plotting diagrams 71 2. Calculated diagrams according to 4H,, < I and 9 H,_