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BOLISHAKOV, V.D., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk Prospective development of linear measurements in city polygonometry. Izv. vy's. ucheb. zav.; geod. i aerof. no..",:11-17 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i kartografti. ;ACCESSION NRs AP4=396 S/OW6/&WOW/003/9017/0023 :AUTHORSt Bollshakavj, Y,- D,j Demushking, A* Is; Hikheyedhevs, Ve So :TITLEt Producti6n, trials of the light telemeter ST-61 in 1962 :SOURCE: Geodeziya i kartograftyap no* 3,9 19649 17-23 !,:.TOPIC TAGS: light telenetryi surveying# quartz resonances radio telemetry'R radio "'triangulation,, radio cartography# geodesic instrumentations light telemeter ST 61 ~,ABSTRACT: The authors continued performance trials of the light telemeter ST-619 oditlation band :!Modifications of the instrument were made to increase the frequency m ', 'Ath to 1-5 megacycles and to diminish errors in determining modulation fre- ',wa *:,quencies. Field measurement tests were performed to find the relation of line length and relative mean quadratic error# and the results were tabulated. It was- 4etermined that an absolute mean quadratic error of +2.6 ca of length corresponds .'Ito a-line length of from 0.14 to 4o0 kn. The relati7ve mean quadratic error.for ~linas from 3o6 to 9*0 ka in length was found not to exceed 1 8 39 OOOe Comparisonsi -.1with conventional chaini methoft indicate that the ST-61 is five times faster and,__ ~d~j a productivity fiftew times greater* A student group from XIIZ as well as __ -1 1/2 - I . i 0 i, ,- I BOLfSHAKOV, V.D.; DEMUSHKIN, A.I.; MIKIEMCIEV, V.S. 0~~-, I P r tion tests 0-0 a ST-61 geodimeter in 1962. Geod. i kart. no.3:17-23 Mr 164. (MIRA 1?: 9) SKIDMIENKO, K.K., kand. telklin. nauk, G,A., kani. t-elunm. T-,-a-jk; GAYDAYEFV P.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red. [Theory of errors of observation and the fundamentals of the theory of probability] Teoriia oshibok nabliudeni-i s osnovalpl Luorii ve-rolatimottii, Roskvar Nedrar 1965. !S3 (IMLIA is:10) L 31116-66 EWT(d)/EWT(l) GV/BC Acc NR- Ap6o07687 (4) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/boQ/PQ4/bD67/OO68' AUTHORS: Demushkin, A. I ; Bol'shakov, V. D.; Klyushin, Ye. B. ORG: none TITLE: Electronic-optical method for determining distances. Class 42, No. 176507 fa -aphy nnounced by -Moscow Engineering Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photogi .1 -arid CartoaraDhv (Moskovskiy institut inshenerov geodesiij, aerofotoa"yemki i kartografii)7 i SOURCE: Izobreteniya promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye snaki, no. 3, 1966, 67-6W 70PIC TAGS: distance measurement, optic methodj photoelectric method, 50'00UxM' I ABSTRACT: This Autho ertificateyresents an electronic-optical method for determining dist ances~ by measuringMe modulation frequency of a light s0u& producing a light*beam travbrsing the measured distance.- To utilize high-power light sources amenable to continuous modulation, the modulating voltage is obtained from a photoelectronic converter sensing the light bean coming.from the distance. SUB CODE: Of .10/ SUBM DATE s WW6 Card 1/1 UDG*-- 528.517-- I 2. ACC NRt Am6023691 Monograph Bollshakov, V. D.; Levchuk, G. P., eds. V(Spravochnik geodezista) Moscow, Izd-vo "Nedra", 66. Manual for geodesist\ . illus., biblio., tables. Errata slip inserted. 25,000 copies printed TOPIC TAGS: geodesy, geoaetio survey, geodetic instrument, photogrammetry, stereoscopic photography, data reduction UR B-0 0983 P. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This manual deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of geodetic work, the instruments, methods for measurements and surveys, and with leveling calculations. The basic geodetic works covered are: triangulation, traverses,1 level surveys, radio and light rangefinding, data reduction from measurements, and surface methods for topographic surveys (theodolitic, tachometrio, and with plane tlo.'Zle). The more important problems of aerial photography and photograinmetric survey methods (combined, differentiated, universal, and surface stereophotography) are clarified. Application of geodesy in studies and construction of engineering struc- tures is considered. Basio propositions of spheroidal geodesy, the shape of the geoid and its gravimetry, as well as geodetic astronomy are included. A separate part contains general information on mathematics, physics, and electronics. The manual is intended for engineers and technicians working in geodesy and conducting topographic surveys, and for those conducting studies and preparing layouts of engineering structures. It will be useful for students specializing in geodesy at higher and secondary educational institutions. Card 1/2 UDC-.-52 0 QC_3~ A~6~03691 TABLE OF CONTENTS Zgbridgej7: Foreword - - 3 Part I. Information on mathematics, physics, and radio technology 7 Part II. Yathematical treatment of results obtained in geodetic measurements 123 Part III. Basic astronomic-geodetio and geodetic works - - 283 Part IV. Topographic and photogrammetric surveys - - 729 Part V. Geodetic work in studies and construction of engineering structures 881 SUB COM 08/ SUBM DAM 21Dec65/ ORIG REF: 099 Card BOLISHAKOV,V.F.; SVETLITSKIY,S.M. Screw conveyor for plaster mortar. Rats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.86:16-18 '54. - (KLRA 8:8) 1. Trost Zaporozhatroy (Plastering) (Conveying machinery) V BOLISHAKOV, V.P. ~~: I ~ . I - Worm conveyor for bricklayIng mortar. Rats. i isobr. prodl. v stroi. no.91:20-22 '54. (KLRA 8:8) 1. Otdol isobretatelletva i ratelonalizatell Ministerstra stroitelletva. (Bricklaying) (Conveying machinery) AUTHOR- Bol'shakov, V. F. 31862 S/123/61/000/023/0A/M A052/A1O1 TITLE: Radiometric method of evaluating the quality of machined surfaces PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 23, 1961, 13, abstract 23E73 ("Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota", no. 31, ig6o, 94-105) TEXT: A method of evaluating the quality of machined surfaces by means of measuring the intensity of reflected radioactive radiation Is suggested. Ex- cluding the penetrating (??) and absorbed (c4) radiations and in view of the %ety requirements the rolloging commercial A-emitt -ing isotopes are used; '1136, pm147 %.1 Sr9O, and Erl 9. Basing on the methods of geometrical optics a qualitative dependence was established of the Intensity of reflected radiation on the avera&e size of micro-unevenness and on the density of material. Experi- mental investigations carried out on steel, iron and copper parts with different grades of finish (unevenness from 150 - 200 to 2 - 7 microns) are described. The effect of heat treatment and case hardening of steel parts as well as of the surface curvature has been studied. It is established that 1) the dependence of the intensity of reflected radiation on the roughness of the surface has the Card 1/2 31862 S/123/61/000/023/014/oi8 Radiometric method of evaluating ... A052/A101 form of a down-graded straight line; 2) the slope angle of the line increases to some extent with an increase of the density of material; 3) the hardness of the surface does not influence the results of measurements; 4) the surfa2e curvature is immaterial at R~> r- 5 mm for the described design of the device. The experimental investigation was carried out by means of a pickup performed in two,variants- with CTC r5 (STS-5) counter and with MCT-17 (MST-17) spray counter. Chloride of Sr9U was used as a source. The obtained results and selected conditions of incidence, reflection and registration of P-rays are recommended as a basis for working out a pickup unit for evaluatirig the rough- ness of products in engineering. There are 9 figures. F. G~ M. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 BOLISHAKOVO V.F. Use of radioactive isotopes for the determination of the Shaft horsepower of a ship power plant. Inform. sbor. TSNIIMF no.68. Tekh. ekspl.mor.glota no.11:50-55 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Marine engines) (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) S/263/62/000/010/005/013 AUTHOR: Bol'shakov, V. 1028/1250 TITLE: Characteristics of the purity cortrol in processing of the surfaces of parts by the radio- metric method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 32 lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 10, 1962, 19, abstract 32.10.135. "Inform. sb. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t. morsk. flota," no. 65, 1961, 93-98 TEXT: There are indications that the radiometric method, based on the use of fl-radiation, is especially suited for the roughness control of the surface of largc-si7.c parts. A radiometric device, consisting basically of a radiometric unit and a rougliness-sensing element connected electrically to tile unit, is described. Sr90 is used as the radiation source. The isotopes C41 and C136 can also be used. The radiometric device is connected to the electronic network for control, and tile artificial background of the sensing element is measured. After checking the coincidence between indications of the installation and tile graphical data, the sensing element is established on the controlled suifacc so that the exit edges of the slit are perpendicular to the disk, and the intensity of the reflection of the #-particles is measured. In order to decrease statistical errors, 3-5 experiments of a duration of not less than one minute each must be carried out. During continuos work it is necessary to take into account the decrease in the activity of the radiation source and to introduce a correction according to a given formula. The method is suitable for purity control of surface processing in the range of the first-ninth purity classes. There are 4 figures and 5 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card ]/I BOLISHAKOV V F Use of radioactive rays in the control and measuring devices of ma ine diesel engines.. Liform. sbor. TSNIIMF no.73. Tekh. ekspl. mor. flota n0-13:85-91 162. (MIRA 16--3) (Radioisotopes--Industrial application) (Marine diesel engines) BOLISHAKOV, V. F. Using radioactive rays in measuring equipment. Inform-sbor. TSNIIMF no. 87 Tekh.ekspl. mor.flota no. 20:107-109 162o .(MIRA 17:5) --p_q;~1SHAKOVt V.F. Measuring the thialmess of the carb leposit on the outlet duots of marine dieW ingines by the -ray backocattering method. Inform. obor. TMIIIMF no,96. he ekspl, morf flota no*23t75-93 163 (MIRA 18:1) BOL I SIMOV, -Valentin __~ijjp'po -IIGACHEV, B.S., red. _:K~cb;I [Radioactive radiations in the instrumentation of marine power plants] Radioaktivnye izlucheniia v kontrollno- izmeritellrqkh priborakh sudovykh silo-qkh ustanovok. Mlo- skva, Transport, 1964. 100 p. (MIRA 18:2) ACC NRt -- AT6027162'---C,-~) AUTHOR: Bollsbalcov V. F. ORG: none TITLE: The problem of the quality of DT-1 motor fuel SOURCE: LeninEad. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellsidy institut morskogo flota. Trudy, no. 71, 1966. Tekhnicheskaya ekspluatatsiya morskogo, flota (Technical operation of the Merchant Marine), 97-102 TOPIC TAGS: fuel composition, fuel property, diesel fuel, cetane number ABSTRACT: The article presents a suggestion for improving the quality of motor fuel DT-1, as well as conditions for stricter control by introduction of new quality indicators. The steps for improving the quality of DT-1 are: reduction of the norm for sulfur content in the fuel from 2. 5 to 1. 5% and increase of the norm for flash temperature from 65 to 800C. DT-1 should be normalized as to density and cetane rating: the density norm should be 0. 92; the cetane rating - 40. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 UDC: 662.75:621.43.057.2 BOL'SRAKOV, V.G. Hydraulic removal of slag Tekst. proin., no. 2, 1952 BOLISHOV, V.G. ~ . ~ Experimental study of the thermionic and secondary electron emission of copper and germanium during the tr4neition from the solid to the liquid state. Izv.AB SSSR.Ser.fis. 2- no.10:1128-1134 0 156. (HLRA 10:1) 1. I,,eningTadsk-iy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut Akademli nank SSSR. (Thermionic emission) (Electron emission) 30LISHOV, V.G.; SELKNEV, V.K.- Saco ndary electron emloaion of copper, germanium and tin in thl;-* solid and liquid state. Zhur. tekh.fiz. 26 no.8:1657-1664 Ag '56. (Electron emission) (Metals) (MLRA 9:11) USSR/Electricity - Turbogenerators Jan 53 Engineering - Turbine Blades "Arc Welding for Elh!inating Dangerous Vibration ,urbine Blades," P. N. Shlyakhin, Cand Tech in, T Sci,(!)Engr V. I. Bollshakov Elek Sta, No 1, pp 53-55 Describes are-welding metbod used to eliminate dangerous'vibration in blades of last stage of Siemens-Schuckert 35,000-k-w, 3,000-rpm turbine. Notes compn of alloys used. Work done by Khar1kov Turbogenerator Plant, and by Central Exptl 255T50. Welding Worksh6ps, Glavkislorod, Min Chem Industry. Mentions superiority of arc-welding over silver solder for eliminating resonance in gas-turbine blades. 30LOSWOV, V.I. .1 . , z I , Work experience of Gommunist Youth League and Pioneer organizations in Inculcating schoolchildren with a love for agricultural labor. lot. v Bhkolo no.4:35-40 JI-Ag 154. MRA 7:8) (Agriculture--Study and teaching) BOLISHAKOV, V.I.., inzh. Conversion of a condensing turbine to Energeti1c 9 no.11:21-22 N 161. (Steam turbines) (Heating from central heating operation. (MIRP, 34:12) stations) BOLISHAKOV ? V.I.l inzh.; PLAKHOTNUV, A.N., inzh.; KAULI, R.A... kand.teklin. nauk-;-MOMOV, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Increasing the economic efficiency of the AK-25-1 turbine. Elek. sta. 32 no.8;77-80 Ag 161o (MIRA 14:10) (Steam turbines) KOZHEVNIKOVY S.N.; SKICHKO, P.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; LENSKIY, A.N., inzh.; LOBODAP V.M., inzh.; BOLISHAKOV, V.I., lnzh. -------------------------- Determination of optima conditions of reduction mil-I operations. Trudy Inst.chern.met.AN URSR 16-.70-%77 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Rolling mills-Electromechanical anaiogies) KOZHEVNIKOV, S.N.; FRAZDNIKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; LEKSKIY, A.N.,inzh.; BOLISHAKOV, V.I., inzh. Investigating on an electron model the performance of the main line of a Pilgrim mill. Trudy Inst.chern.met.AN URSR 16:88- 104 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSSR (for Kozhevnikov). (Rolling mills) (Electronic analog computers) L 33113-66. EWT(d)/T/EWP(i) IJP(c) BYZGG ACC NR, AP602AO02 SOURCE Cowl I AUTHOR: lonsidy, Ae N.; Boltshalwv, V. 1. .6-3 ORGI now TITIL: Electronic -modeling of collisions In mechanical sysUms jVV SOURCM IVUZ. El-ftro=Rhinika, no. 2, 19660 213414 TOPIC TAGS: rathomatic a!-- electronic circuit, circuit design, mochanical engineering. model ~9 ABSTRAM A genere-1 mthod is suWated for modeling mchanical systems witli play, based on the usage of a single mathematical description. in oontrast to the previoual used varying mathezatical systems of description for systems with varying types of tasses and varying connections, Accoiding to the rathod suggested, the movement equations for thres-mass mechanical system witli gaps between masses and gaps In the connecting system t;an be described identically, A schomatic diagram of the electroni circuit to ro&3.iw ~he single equation is presented. The cmestion of energy degrada- tion is not discust~edo Orige art* hast 3 fliguress fJ-PR_S7 SuB cODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: 26NOV63 / ORIG REF' 001 Card uDc: 621.' PERSHINY N.I.; ALEKSANDROV, V.I.; ILLERITSKIY, N.Ye.; TABACHKOV, I.F. ~L'pjiAKQV,._V.T.; KANARI, I.A.; YASIKO, A.Y.; KLYUKIN, A.P POLYAKOV, V.S.; FILIPPOVA, N.A.; SMAGORINSKIY, B.S., red.; IZHBOIDINA, S.I., tekh-i. red. [The millionth tractor; on the occasion of the 30th anni- versary of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (193c-196o)] mil- lionnyi traktor; k 30-letiiu Stalingradskogo traktornogo za- voda (1930-1960). Stalingrad, Stalingradskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1960. 94 P. (MIRA 16:9) 1. S+-qlingradskiy traktornyy zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo. (Volgograd-Tractor industry) LFNSKIY, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, kand.tekhn.nauk, HtRruWy nauchnyy spti~udnik; J~p)~1511AKQV, Vadim Ivanovich, starshly inzhener Program control blopk of an electronic model of a reversive rolling mild. I,zv.vyp.ucheb.zAv..; elaktroMekh. 7 no-1:80-85 '64. (141 RA 17: 9) ~4 H K 0 \,t- Fl. 7I'I!LJOIPA-,IT'.AI, T' P7' CALL NO.: AF639674 "A"). OF TVIF. Sci., OF L. ., T"111., STIGN-7711, P., 7"G., DOLIM~-7()IT, V. ", TECK., B"71,71" r 7-ull Title: CTI-INIII TOOLS IdITH F.AT'T)*A7.7,IiV ',UILTI'-=T-' BL~DE I',:S~MS irn~~!Aternt~0 Title: Rn,,hwli,c~ iyn In,3tru-mouty mno4-)1p.-~viynyMj DATV- vstvvk-r-.rII iz ttvnrao~7-) F~iblls':M_n-~ Hou~e: Stptn Scir~.ntlflc PY0 Tecnic-p! '-~ibli-!- in~ House. of I Ir -7-IrI!--!inF Litpr-, tur(i (Me.91,~i7) Date: 19 5 110 of co-iet%* P.000 r"'litirin-11. stp-ff ?Iditir: 11-1. 1., KRn:!. nf Tech. Scl. T7X- nATA Vis nono~-rp-h Is thp collr-.(-.Uve w,-)rk: of vuV-.-)-s ~'ro in,.3114tuit~ of Vhv~ Or~-,--nirslim of tile Autom'),tlle Autono.7-11,i Plpnt im. Mol,3t-)v (ZI11) FrI 1I'os(-.,-)w Av-,t-Inno il m Stp,ir, (ZIS). V,e Pu0,)-- 1.1esc-l-be t~,e Iwal-7in-, of m-)--iern rutting I -))Ir, ime-tt-, resul-to of stu'.7 !n4 ex,)erir~rxp 'Ii~, tools' mittin- rni of j/-I Rezhushchlye ingtrumenty P mnogolavviyj-~vnl AID vst.avIcami iz tverl-)go ~-,-)I.Fva theze tools. Detailed descrirtions of each tool tvT)e are givan, with instructiong for deqign, operation and precticel use. The book cin- tains date on the efficiency of the now tool designs in line produc- tion, and recommendations with reference to the operating conditions of these tools, as well as mangy illustratinns, tables Fnd diaprnms. Of noBsible Interest is 'the descriotion of the electric spark tech- nique an the OUI MSS single-circuit benc)) lathe used in the First State Bearing Plent Im. Kagenovich (Do. 87-88, with mustrations). Tpbla of Contents Pal?:e s Foreword I Introduction 5-12 Ch. I Design of To ls with Hard-Alloy Multinle Blpdp. Inserts 13-58 (Workin g T)rinci-ilts; Shere-. Pnl sizes of Inserts; Design of holders; ZIM tyne cutters; Dp~_-ipn of milling cuttf-,rs) C~i. 11 Cutting, Properties of Tools with Hard-Alloy 1-hiltinle Blade Inserts (Cutters; MiUlne; cutters) 59-79 Ch. III Neral-lon of Tools with Hard-Alloy Multiple '"la8e Inserts 80-09 (Preraring the in2erts for the onorallon; GrindinC the Inserts) Perbuslicl-iye Instrumenty s rnnogolivviynymi 1z 'vorlogo sn-lFvp. AID ~P2-I PAGES C'f . IV -.once In Industrial Use of Tools with Hari- Alloy e!ultiple Made Inserts 90-102 Ch. V :,!fficl ncy of TJsi of toolc-, with Flard-Alloy Multi-nle Blede Inserts 103-109 (EfficiF=y of use of; I) cutte7s with nrismatic ineerts; 2) ZIM cu.tters with Inserted. T.)lptes; 1) Foca millin-z cutters witb cylindrical inserts; Increased efficiency of tools with hollow Inserts) Pur-ose: The book Is Intended for engineers, teci-,nicians and. St~'-hr--no- vites in machine-building plants. Fp-cilities; "Orepvtoprom" (Orranl7ation of the Automobile Industry) Institute; ZIM (Gor'kiy Automobile Plant im. Molatov); ZIS Oloscow Automobile Plant im. Stalin) No. of Russisn and Slavic References: None Available: A. I. D. Library of Congress 3/3 BOL*SHAKOV, V.Y,.; Inzh. Over-all mechanization of plastering Biul. stroi. tekh., 9, no. 3, 1952 Trest Mosgrazhdanuglezliilstroy BOWSRAKOV, V. X. 7534 BOLISHAKOV, V. M. ZASHCHITNATA RESHETKA (?) OKONMOGO BLOKA I NOVAYA KONSTRUKTSIYA BLOKA. M., 1954. IIS. S ILL. 22 SM. (M-VO UGOLINOY PROM-STI SSSR. TMW. UPR. TSEN7R. IN-T. Tmm. INFOIMTS U)-' 3-OW EKz- BESPL. -(55-3583) 690028 SO: KNIZHNAYA LETOPIS - Vol. 7, 1955 UWkiagineering -, Y4tai cutting Card Pub, 12 - 6/16 Authors : Stipeovs, YA., F*;, Felldshteyn., Ro I.; Bol'shakovq V. Kq_and Troitskaya,,, D. N. Title : The use of V. Kolesov's method i~ a continuous production Periodical : Avt. trakt. prom. 7j, 23-26,, Ju3y 1954 Abstract The article deals with higb-speed cutting., and twming of metals at increased feeds on =11ti-cutter somi-automatic machines., in accordance mith metkpds developed by V. Kolesov. Diagram; tablos;. drawings; Ulu trations. Irkstitution Submitted -W~ --- - -- - - - _/ ~. -17 - - IOZIDT, N.Ta., inzbener; BOLISHAKDV, T.M., inshener - . Rolling method of making wall pawls. Mekh.trtA.rab. 9 no.4:21-23 Ap '55. (wails) (KW 8:7) KDZWV, N.Ya., izzhener; BOLISHMV, V.M., ixzhener. Making large gyps= concrete wall panels for rolling mills. Rate. i izear.predl,v 155. (HIaA 9:7) Okils) I I- ~--, .~, ~ - - r, -z _ i , I I e, I , ~L- 1- 1- - - KOZLOV, F., inzh.; Large-panel Ag-S 157. BOL'SHAKOV, V., inzh. - . - rolled partitions. (Walls) Gor.i sel.stroi. no.8/9:10-12 (MIRA 10:12) (Concrete panels) KOZIoOV, Hikolay ThkovIevich,L-izh.4,,3QL q Iv- Hikhq24avich, iazh. _J~;40V I,c KAZARITOVSKTY, Z Irqv iy Joaif ovIch, iw.h. ; BIRGE4. A. 1. riiith---~ nauctknyy red.; IRTUG)6R, Yu.V.. red. izd-va, ; SOUITSEVA, L.I.I., tz.Nbn. red.., BLIKINA. H.M., [Rolled partitions azA' f'aciog Panels'; production an'd use], Prokataye, paregorodochuye i oblitsovochnyet paneli; proizvodstvo i primdnenis. KOskva. Gas. iza-vo lit-ry pa stroit., ark-hit. i stroit. materialaim, 195B. 110 D. .(MIRA 11:12) (Concrete slabs) KOZIOV, IT., inzho; BOLISHAKOV, V., inzh. Rolling construction components. Stroi. mat. 4 no.1:14-18 A 158. (MIRA 11:2) (walls) (concrete block-B) - ~~z --,, T-11-- -, ~ i - 1 KOZIA)V, IT.Ya., inzh.; BOL'SHhXOV, V.M., inzh. New plant prommvcmvro6oviie~(d"i~,w,a-*l-"lboard. Gor. khoz. Moak. N no.1:13- 17 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:1) (Moscow--Wallboard) BOLIS'HAKOV. V.M.: VINOGRADOV, A.M.; DOROKHOV, A.N.; F.AZAhOV, IN.; ~IRTUNYAN, - I - , ROMANOV, A.A.; SEMEMOVSKIY, V.D. Floors made of large rolled gypsum cement concrete panels. Stroi. mat. 7 no.9:26-28 S 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Floors, Concrete) B161,01'.14N) L.A.; KISEUX, Ye.N.; RUSYYI V.D.; '71111TITSMY, S.I.; REKSHINSKAYA T.P.; BOLISHAKOV V.,"I.; Pl-.OVOF-,KOV, V.V. Using compact-grained hard alloys in the automobile industry. 0 Avt. prom. 31 no.2:38-41 F 165- 04IRA 18:3) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tekhnologii avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti, Minskiy avtozavod, Bryanskiy avtozavod, Moskov- skiy zavod malolitrazhnykh avtomobile.v, Gorlkovsk-iy avtozavod i Yaroslavskiy motornyy zavod. MINTS R.P, of vy: r 11 elt, pr~ Gr,- 'k"vskca% ur.`Lversitu~lj~. OGARKOV, I.P.; BELYAYEV) P.A.; AL'I-ffASHEVj,K.Kh.; BOLISHAKOV, V.N. Characteristics of 1957 tularemia outbreaks in the Ural Mountain region. Zhurmikrobiolopid.1 immun. 31 no.9:131-13 S 160, (UR.LL MOMAIN REGION-TULAREMA) t4m a3-;II) I BrVSHAKOV, V.*-,.; SYUTKINAj, K.A. Ectoparasite famana cf nurine rodents in Sverdlovsk Province. Trudy Ural. otd. ITIP no."1:225-228 159. 01,7,2, 14:11) In4&ious and beneficial) (Sverdlovsk Province-Insects (Parasite-o-!~.Rodentia) .BDL!SHAKQV V.N.; SHVARTS, S.S. Taxonomic charaoteriatte's of"the red-backed bank vole Chlethrionomys rutilus from the subarctic areas of North America. Trudy Inst.biol.UFAN SSSR no.29s53-56 162. (MIRA 1632) (Alaska, --Field mice) (Ca*a-Field mice) (Morphology (Animals')) BOLOSUMV, V9N.,- SHVAR75, S.S. I Some characteristics of the geographical variability of rodents in a solid area as exemplified by-field mice of the genus -11 Clethrionomys. Trudy Inst.biol.UFAN SSSR no.2ga2g-" 162. (MrRA 16s2) (Field mice) (Zoology-Zcology) BOLISHAKOV Individual varia-bility of color in two species of forest voles (Clethrionows rutilus Pall, and C. glaroolno Schreb.).- Trudy Ifist.biol.UFAN SSSR no.29tl25-127 162. (KRA 16:2) (Fteld mice) (Color of animals) BOLISHAKOV, VA, New habitats of the red-backed bank vole Clethrionomys rufocanus Sund. in the Southern Zool. zhur. 42 no.8:1272-1273 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Laboratory of Zoology, Institute c1' Biology, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Sverdlovsk. ( Ural Mountains-Field mice) MARTS, S.S.; BDLISHAKOV, VA.; PYASTIOLOVA, O.A. New data on various methods of the adaptation of animals to the change of environment. Zool. zhur. 43 no.4.-483-487 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut biologii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. BOL I SHAKOV, IV. N- , Materials on the comparatiVe Btudy of the geographical variability of internal characters of related vole species. Tructr Inst. biclo UFAN SSSR no.38:53-60 165. (MIRA 18:1.2) BOLISHAKOV, V.N.1 SHVARTS, S.S. Nov subspecies of the red-bac~ed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus tundransis subsp. nov.)& Trudy, Inot. biol. UFAN SSSR no.38t63- 64 165. (MIRA 3.8s22) 0. C 4L - Oa Modsm of "WW Is basadery Layer Now Use ad lefte- amillat of Two Flamm 9. 41. aw$ V. P-MulahAsly. 4 Atos.~, l's*owW'%p# A~* Vuh.;60M."" k"Ami lasMal, 1464y. No Vv, 110% ) V.S.. NATA, IWItsmial urphodw"M NO. I", NOWMIW. MI. 27 PP.. ulmo. I "Iffraict. Forroul4i" ul the problem of the interactim of tl~c bounday, layers near the iniersuctica ol a dibalral ank of fnx )I to IN% solution by the Was Kirmfin-Poklasmas "whod; WS" f2is of The interfeream limits and of the dw caswc I= due f4 The later. KOSTTUKOV, Alekeandr Aleksandrovich; B%ISHAKOV, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk,; HIKHATLOV, N.G., kand.tW"-~ -.n'-a-u'-k,; OSVENSKAYA, A.A., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.K.. [Theory of ship waves and wave resistance] Teoriia korabellnykh voln i volnovogo soprotivleniia.. LeningrAd, Gos.9oiuznoe izd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl., 1959. 310 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Ship resistance) (Waves) ABALAKOV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich [deceased]; TIKHONOV, N., otv. red; LETAVET, A., otv. red. -__P&!~Sl~AKOVJ.P., red.; DOROKBINA, I.N.1, tekhn. red. [On the highest summits of the Soviet Union] Na vysochai- shikh vershinakh Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 489 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Mountaineering) BOLISHAKOV, V.S., Btarshi3r elektromiekhanik. Atuomtic offices need spare parte. Avtom., tolem. i eviaz' 2 no.1.1: 42 N '5 8- (MIRA 11:12) I.Novesibirskaya avtomaticheskays, tolefennaya stantsi" Tomakey dorogi. (Railroads--Telephone) BOL'SHAKO clektromekbanik Wire identification by a single electrician, Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 5 no.12:32 D '61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Novosibirskaya distantsiya signalizatsid i svyazi Zapadno-Sibir- skoy dorogi. (Electric lines--Testing) -,~ " ; - --.. , - -. ,T - - - -- L Dolishakovy V. S. lion a source of error in Lhe calcillatioi,, of SPL-ICV-1 0! t!'c' 'L)Ls4!~ 0. I . rivor5ll, Problemy Arktik-!. , 1~114'--', "o. 2, --j- ill/ SO: 11-280", 12 Feb. :'-'3 Lato-pis' Zhurml In,/.:h Statcy, !!r.). 1.!L(') " . k, C~ -~ - .1 - I-~allov ~'~ 21 ~'. ' 0 kolk~ll 'tvonnol kharakteristL /~CbutactcrlsLIC3 OT gujifttss. fig-, 2 DWB-jVjnd !,In, -ophysical Ob-ity 7fas measu-tj ct t-he 0-j--sa GL V I~N 'he cquation V__ 2 V, 2, -here r. ind Ielr-vty during elltic 'Lt~r' -f 3~-- Xs Z-ns 01' Tnean %ind velocity in i lleadirp: 1. Gustiness mea&uromant 2'jan~dyf-.Iwi j~j fry - BOL'SHAKOV, V.S. Maximum wind acceleration in scales. Meteor.i gidrol. no.9:32-33 S '56. (MURA 9: 11) (Winds) 49-58-4-13/18 AUTHORt Bol7shakov, V.S. TITLE: Contact of River and Sea Water in the North-Western Part of. Lhe Black Sea (0 kontakto rechny.Ich i morskikh vod v seveiv_ --apad-noy chasti Chernogo morya) I PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, 6eriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 554-557 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives details of the contact between river and sea water around the mouths of the Dntprr Bu-, Dnestr~...~ and Danube rivers. The observations were made from an aeroplac-ne during 1954; they were mainly visual, but photographs were taken of the most interesting configurations, It was estab- lished that river water almost completely fills the Dniep-r,.- Bug and Dnest(r- estuaries and the 'hydrofronts' (i.e. lines of contact) follow the seaward side of the Kinburnsk--.estuary and the Tsaregradsk' mouth. The Dn,epr!, -Buf-.;, Dnest r, and Danube fronts were always sharply dtfined. The position of the first depended considerably on the wind direction: with South-West and West winds, the front lay along the line Cape Adzhiyasskiy-Dolgiy island. In North-East and East winds, the front lay close to the Northern shore. The front in the Dnestr estuary always maintained an arc-shaped out- Card 1/4 line. The river water stretched some 2 to 3 miles perpendic- 9 iR 49-58-11-13/18 Contact of River and Sea Water in the Vlorth-'Vlestern Part of the Black Sea, ular to the shore and 5 to 7 miles along its length. The extension was variable - with South and West winds the river water was moved North-Eastwards (and vice versa for opposite winds), but in these cases the boundary remained well-defined on photographs, The Danube front was a good deal more stable. It was always parallel to the shore near the Danube delta and at a distance of 5 to 7 miles: approach- ing closer in East and North-East winds and receding in South-West and West winds. The structure of the fronts appeared to be the same in all three regions, In quiet wea- tfier with little wind, the front travelled in a normal direction with slowly increasing curvature, and was clearly distinguishable. The front itself was generally of finite width, consisting Of 3-5 bands of yellow-brown water divided by bands of yellow-green seawater. With winds stronger than 4 m/sec the bands disappeared and the front developed a scalloped appearance; ihis increased with the wind velocity until the front was completely destroyed in storms, Large scale current eddies did not appear in the fronts, Further investications were made in 1955 from a motor boat. The Card 2/4 49-58-4-13/18 dOntact of River and Sea Water in the North-Western Part of the Black iea, author describes the results which were obtained from different stations in the region, These show that currents can change very quickly in direction and intensity in the estuary and a front can move into the estuary from far out at sea, Such changes cannot be ascribed to wind. A general survey was made of currents in the region round the Danube and a description of the results is now given, Since the measurements only took four days to make, the author is able to describe the exact conditions for which the results hold. The results indicated that the flow velocity behind the front can drop as sharply as 0.3 m/sec in 100 metres, There were indications of the existence of eddies round a horizont- al axis, evoked by the strengthened1underflow of sea water from the depths up to the line of the front, The distribut- ion of salinity and flow of water in the Danube region in- dicates a clockwise circulation of water in the region of sea bordering on the front. The centre of rotation seems to be 5-7 miles to the North of Zmein~y Island,, It can be said that the vertical and horizontal eddies are due to purely hydrodynamic processes stemming from the mixing of ihe two Card 3/4 types of water, In calm weather the front moves seawards -M on I 49-58-4-13/18 Contact of River and Sea Water in the North-Western Part of the Black Sea. with velocities of up to 0.5 m/sec whilst the boundary becomes less well-defined, There Wre 5 figures. SUBMITTEDf May G, 1957~ 1. Hydrology 2. Inland waterways 3. Blaok Sea Card 4/4 ANMONOV, Leonid Petrovich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; BOLISMOT. Tla- dimir Sargeyevich, dotsent, kand.geogr.nauk; TERMCLAYff, Germn Grigorlyevich, doteent, kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; ZOTEM, Yevgeniy Stepanovich, kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; KIRIN. Turiy Pavlovich, starshiy prepodavatell; CHERNIYET. Leonid Fedorovich, dotsent, kand.fiz.-mtem.nauk; aRISHIN, Tu.A., spetered.; MMO, G.S., red.; TIKHOSOTA, Te.A., [Handling of seagoing vessels] Korskos sudovozhdenie. Moskva. Izd-vo QXorskoi transport.' 1959. 381 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Ship handling) BOLISHAKOV, V.S, r---AbpolVti'*u--ndervat*r i2lumination in the coastal zone near Odeasa.. in the northwestern part of the Mack Sea. Nauk.zap.0d.biol.sta. no.2.&85-92 160. (MIM 14811) (LANZHERON CAPE REGIOV--6EA WATER-OPTICAL PROPERTIES) BOLISHAKOV., V., kand.geogr.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Maneuvering of ships to avoid storm areas. Mor.flot 21 no.3:10-21 Mr 161. MMA 14 -.6) 1. Odesskaya biologicheakaya stantsiya. (Navigation) BOLISHAKOV, V.S. Note on the structure of the Dambian hydrological front. Okeanologiia 2 no.4:640-641 162. OMA 15:7) 1. Odesakaya biologicheskaya stantsiya. (Danube River-Hydrology) BOI,ISHAKCYVS: YOSO Fluctuations of the hydrological front of the Danube River. Nauke zape Odobiole stas noo3t3.99-131161. (MM 16:6) (UMEE RrM IMMARY-HYDROLOGY) B01.2-SHMKOVY V.s~ 61.ady %;f the ltyclro:Lov of the upper Odtor-deop layer rA watAr of the Black Sea. Nauk,zap.Od.bloloata.. nc*5,.,63--'?Q 164. (MIRA j8sll BOLISHAKOV, V.5e; ROZENGURT, M,Sh. (Rozenhurt, M.Shj~ B,'i.1,TWJKAYA, PLS. - - .[Balynslk-ag N.S.); TOIMAZIN, D.M. Characteristics of water masses in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. Nauk.zap.0d,biol.sta. no.5~81-99 164. (MIRA 1811) ANDRONOV, L.P., kand. tokhn. nauk, dota.; BOLISHAKOV, V.S., kand. -6- .. ancT' "'-fis. -Imt. geogr. nauk, dots.; YM40LAYEV, nauk; KIRIN, Yu.P., st. prepod.; CHERN'IYEV, L.F., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, dots.: ZOTTzYEVYe.S.,kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; SERKO,G.S.,red. [Sea navigation] Morskoe sudovozhdenie. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 454 P. (MIRA 17:12) AKSYUTIN, Leonid Radionovich, inzh.-sudovoditel';_BqLJISWOY-3 Vladimir Se pyKy PAKOVA, r Aq4,,-kand. geogr. nauk; SIrU Le x red*, red. (Hydrometeorological service on maritime vessels] Gidro- meteorologicheskaia sluzhba na morskikh sudakh. Moskva, Transport, 1961+. 82 p. (11TRA 16:7) L 45331-66 ENT(l) GW AP6024329 (1y) SOURCE COM. UR/0021/66/000/004/0460/0462 AUTHOR: Boll ahakoy, V . ; Bezfamil'na, R. M. -- Bezfamill naya, R. M. A- .Wj Rozenhurt, U. Sh. Roze!ggurt, M. Sh. ; Tolmazin, D. M. ORG: Odessa Branch of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas3AN-VR�R j0d ds'-ke 'Viddilen ya 1-nMytutu* biol6kiyi pivdeiin'ii~kh m or iv A N URSR) TITLE: Water circulation in the central part of the Black S \;, - SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidt, no. 4, 1966, 460-462 TOPIC TAGS: ocean dynamics, ocean current, oceanography, water surface/ 43'Ca e'< ~'3eR ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the dynamics of currents in the central part of the Black Sea. By means of a special oceanographic survey, the authors studied the character of the surface and deep currents and calculated the coefficient*of vertical turbulent diffusion at different water levels. The results of investigations are presented in the original source. The calculations confirm the existence of 1/2 I n T L~j I BOLISBAKOV., V.S., elektromekhanik Shortcomings of different automatic ster)-by-step eyebanges, Avtom. telem. I. aviazl 8 no.9i28 S 164. (14JA 17;10) I.. Novosibirskaya distantsJya Zapadno-SjbArskoy dorogi. BOLISHAKOV, Valentin in the worl of peaks, glaciers and rocks.. Nauka i zhizn' 30 n0-501 My. 163. At the borders of Neptun's Kingdom. 51 (Mk 16:10) BOVSHAK)V.--V-V-, kand.telthn.nauk From the history of the development of Russian science and technology in the field of wooden construction elements. Stroi.prom. 27 no.4:23-3 of cover Ap 149. (MIRA 13:2) Oridges, Wooden) KARlSEII. Genrikh Georgiyevich, 1894- redaktor, professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; BOLISHAKOV doteent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; XAZA . M.Ye., professor., icheskikh nauk; SVRMITSKIY, G.V.. dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheaki)ch nank. (Wooden structures] Dereviaunye konstruktaii. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitallatvu i arkhitekture, 1952. 757 P. (91-RA 6:10) (Building, Wooden) (lumber) The Committee on Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ministers UBBR) in the riAnas o-L science and Inventions annowces that the folloving scientific Vorks, popular scien- tifte books, and textbooks hm been sutadUed for competition for Stalin Prizes for the yeara 1952 and 1953. (�2=t~ Knltu=., Noscov, No. 22-40, 20 1%b - 3 Apr 1954) Nam Title Of Iftrk Nominated by Karlsen, J. "Wooden Struc~ resil Moscow Construction -!',ngineer- Bol I shakov,1. 11. (textbook, 2dueudition) ing Institute immi `7. V. Kagan, M.Ye. Ku,,~,byshev Sventsitskiy, G.V. so: y-3o6o4, 7 jay 1954 BOLISRAKOV, V.V. Brief historical review of the development of wooden structures in the U.S.S.R. Trudy po ist.tekh. no-8:37-63 154. (MIaA 8:2) (Building, Woodenw-History) (Bridges, Wooden) BDLISIUKOV, V.V. The first Russian cable bridges. Trudr i tekh. 7:23-43 '56. (Dridges--Construction) (KIRA 9:9) BOLOSH&KOV, V.V.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. '111~";&t Valuable contribution to the construction science. Strei. rom, 34 no.12:38-41 D '56. (Km 10:;~ (Zhuravskii, Dmitrii Ivanovich, 1821-1891) BOLISHAMV6 Me, dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk Advanced role played by Russian science and technolog7 in the theory and practice of using cantilever systems. Sbor. trud. MISI no.13:5-22 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Bridges, Wooden) (Bridges, Cantilever) :5~~ , -1 BOL'SHAKOV, V. V., Doc Tech Sci -- (diss) "Progress in wooden con- structions in the USSR." Moscow, 1960. 54 pp; including tile cover; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFER, Mos- cow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst im V. V. Kuybyshev); 240 copies; price not given; list of author's works on page 54; (KL, 26-60, 133) KARLSEN, G.G., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; BOLISIAKOV, V.T., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; MAN, MeYe., doktor tekhn.'na-uk, -Pro?-.--,S7iVTSITSKIT, GeV*, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; A SAM(ffSKIY, K.V., dotsent: BOMAM, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent [deceased]; FOLOMIN, A.'T., doktor tok-hn.niLukS Pr'n1Na$~-!W~aPt.U*S'KMQXWI %'P" i"ti ;.LS%LIN, TN'j- doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; PISCHIKOVI V.-G., kaud.tekhn,;auk, dotsent, nauchnyy red.; IVANKOV, P.T., doteent. red.: BORODINA, I.S., red. izd-va; RUDIKOVA, N.I., [Wooden structures] Derevianuye konstruictaii. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit. materialam, 1961. 642 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Karlsen). (Building, Wooden) BOLISHAKOVY V.V. Classification of ... geological --- cross sections according to the difficulty of obtaining representative mid sanples in core drilling. Trudy KGRI 39t!66-168 163. (MIRA 16t10) BOLISHAKOV, V.V.; FILIKO, A.S. Core drilling with the inverse flushing of borehole bottoms for increasing the yield of cores and abtaining guide borings. Izv. vys.,acheb.zav.; geol.i razv. no.2:83-94 F 162. WIRA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy'iwtitut imeni Ordzhonikidze. (Core drilling) VOZDVIZHENSKIYP B. I.; BOLISHAIKOV, V. V. Classification of rocks and minerals based on the efforts needed in core extraction from them. Izv. vya-. uch*sav,- geol. i razv. 5 no.7:115-3-19 J1 '620 (MM 15:10~ 1. Moskovskiy goologorazvedochnyy institut imeni So Ordzhonikidze. (Rocks-Classification) (Core drilling) BOLISHAKOV V.V. Double core barrel drill permitting the feed of pJugging material through drill pipes* Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geol.i razv. 5 no.92 129-131 S 162. (MIRA 16A) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut im. S.Ordzhonikidze, (Core drilling-EquiPment and supplies) 127- 5 8- 3 - 17/24 U TH 0 B S Bol I shakov, Ya. G. and Ne s te x enko, r J nD, Eng, nee rs TITLE: Complex 7.ork ~:rgani?.ation on Section Nr 11 of the Gigant VAne (Kompleksnaya organizatsiya truda na uc,,iastke 17r 11 shrikhty Gigant') _~,R'~DICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1953, Nr 3, P? 73-74 'USSR) LBSTRACT: The authors describe the contract rQrk and .-iece-rate jay organized in section Nr 11 of the Gigant 1,ine of the Krivoy Rog basin, The deposit is formed by martite ores. Such work organization was introduced in October 1956, The wor- kers of the section executed Jobs fixed in advance and in a short time everyone became a sj,eci -alist in his Job, The results achieved by such organization during one year !showed that by this system the ore extraction increased two-fold and the number of workers orly b,,,- 231~; This syster_ of work was introduced in all rema-~ning sections of the mire and, in 5 months, the work productivit.y increased by 13,;'j in con.- parison vith the plarned output and the average daily worker's pay increased by 16110f~ There is 1 t--ble. 1. Mining industry-USSR Card 1/1 2. Personnel-Performance 3. Ores-Production SOV/127-59-1-7/26 AUTHORS: Svinarenko, D. M., Head of Mining Management and Bollshakov, Ya. G., Mining Engineer Reduced Working Day and 147age Regulation TITLE- The Introduction of in the Mine imeni Dzerzhinskiy (Perekhod nn sokrashchennyy rabochiy den' i uporyadocheniye zarobotnoy platy na rudnike imeni Dzorzhinskogo) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal 1959, Nr 1, pp 28-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The reduced working day and a new tariff and wage system were introduced in the mine imeni Dzerzhinskiy during the third quarter of 1957. The quarry and the crushing and flotation plant were ;)ut under a new tariff and wage regulation during the fourth quarter of 1957; the surface mining workers were put under the new tariff and wage regulation in the beginning of January 1958, and the auxiliary mining shops, during March- April 195B. Compound brigades were introduced ten months before the reduction of the working day. Each member of the compound brigade exercises all necessary duties. The reor- ganization permitted the production of 200,00.0 tons of ore in Card 112 excess of the 1958 yearly plan. The author recommends: WR 5P SOV/127-59-1-7/26 The Introduction of a Reduced Working Day and Wage Regulation in the Mine imeni Dzerzhinskiy The introduction of a worker's productivity index for a whole section, and that bonus funds should be included in the wage funds. Some technical improvements are also recommended, namely: scraper winches should be supplied in sufficient number; a supply of metal timbering dnd drilling tools should be secured; 14-ton electric locomotives should be introduced. There is I table and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Rudoupravleniye im.Dzerzhinskogo. (The Mining Management imeni Dzerzhinskiy). Card 2/2 KEiCHATUROV, T.S., Otv. red.Prinimali uchastiye: BOR, M.&I kand. ekon. i istor. nauk, red.; BOLISHAKOV, Ta.A. 3' red- __ DYLEVSKIY, A.A., red.; YaMLIYABOV, A-.D Us red., KRASOVSKlY, V.P., red.; SHUSTER, A.I., red. (Methodology for determining the econoric efficiency of introducing now machinery, mechanization and automation of industrial production processes. Approved by the State Planning Commission of the U.S.S.R. on December 9, 1961]Yetod:Lka oprede- leniia ekonomicheskoi effeektivnosti vnedreniia novoi tekbniki, mckbanizatsii i avtomatizatsii proizvodstvenrqkh protsessov v proxwshlennosti. Utverzhdeno 9 dekabria 1961 g. Moskva, Izd- vo, Akad. nauk SSM, 1962. 45 p. (111RA 15:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.11.)Gosudarstvennaya planovaya korissiya. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). 3. Gosudaretvennyy planov-yy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Bor, Dylevskiy). 4. Moskovskiy oblastnoy sovat narodnogo kho- :,yaystva (for Bol'shakov). 5. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ekono- micheskiy institut Gosudarstvennogo ekononicheskogo soveta pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR po tekushchemu planirovaniyu narodnogo khozyaystva (for YerellyFnov, K-_-arovskiy.). 6. Alu~derdye. nauk SSSR (for Shuster). (Technological innovations) (Automation) PEREVOMIUKOV, B.S.; S'ANNIXOV, S.S.; PASIUNIK, A.I.; irinimali ucha,tiye: FROTOPOPOVA, KORmV, V.O.. TROSTYAPITSER, G.N.; UrITSiJY, G.A.; DETY1,TOV, I.I. Adjustment of low-flash forginG cn a 4000-ton, MTIZ crankshaft hot forging press. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 3 no.8:41-4.3 Ag 161. (MIrA 14:8) (Forging) (Power presses) GALIPERIN., I.M.; BOLISHAKOV, Yu.K.; KRYUKOV, G.S. Snow remover for switches. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.5:0-~ 160. Mu 14,-.S) 1. Cherepoyetskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod. (Railroads-Snow protection and removal) BMI13HAKOV *.Wm ~- mup t9 LLIB - t Lowering and hoisting operations in extra-deep drilling. Izv. vr. ucheb. Sav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.10.13-115 162. (MIRA 16:11) I- _L_A_ft X-L'_ I V._LL L_L_L_L AA . 111- (X W I d P L~ )tn _ , .x U&CUM of 4ibenty1milicury with phenols. IV, M. ,%I.KOtOnAlItIA.A.Ihtl'sluktiva. 1hur.obj&htIKAum (J. Gen. Chent.) 18. 121.01-200414): & CA. 42, lio,134.: -0 Ruuvwv Anti K., C.A. 26, 2719. -11caling (phCHAJ11: -00 00 with pbelmolt at 100' without "vent r-uItt its lilwtmimi f i '00 o n anits. dependent on the phenul tamclurr; free Ifil -generally increased Olt content increaws the rate of tcj--- -00 tion while Jp~ubstitutinn Atowi a prngrrs~jvcly 41CA-Fra%il1r. effect front \0.,. to 011. to l1r. sy-m-Trillitrl,phenol iml =lot give the highem rate. ' : 0 Healing 0.2 X. oI c3ch %m lijkluent 1. 2. 1410 3 hrs. gave the following resulti (";, lilwrmcd Jig): pi,si, j acid, 78, 01, 81.96, p-aittopheitol, 71.7. 76.12. SLKI: pyrogallol. 2N.47, 49.JQ. 70.81; resweirtol. 241A1. 39.3". - tL~b edro uiiitti3e M 04 h 2 J (14 45 tr 71 it 1 l - . . : M-n . t 1cuo . j. .1, . ) . ; q , -15.73, 2.1.5s, 2.4.5; gi-nitropbenol, 2.95. PRA7. 35.57- ' p-broniophenal, 2.40, 14,07; Ph0II6 2.95, 4.N l 1 9 C 1 0 0 I : - to- 1.1 11, 1.9 . 5.3, 13.9 1 2; jymi-tribroultupticuol ; 11. 2,95, 2.95~. IltuAlly the hilh reAl-tivity ii r h i l l f ' I%vit "Vil crab e tar urtuAtion. bearing out thr iuki.Al I 1 UMM6011 0 All 11115tAbIC A111111. C01111-L. WhiCh dMV11111. with Jig litterAtion; the by-products include (I'llCIIII, And Wry oxidiLt"I twoducts of the plielluls. C., Nt. K. me* UIAJ~ (J#*_ kI MLia 41111-ILA j, 01TALLUXICAL LITIERATM CLASSIFICATION ww it 6--c-ar r ------- U u &v 'D 0 a % P DDIT111,14 units Run %is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 oio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 A 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000900 994A