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Publication Date: 
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BONDARENKOp No b. GAZ Tiotor venicius The Gorlkly Motor Vehicle Plant has worked out an awards system whereby 7pOOO rubles to paid for every suggestion which reduces the weight of a GAZ-51 truck by one kg, and BpODO rubles is paid for every suggestion which reduces the weight of the Volga passenger car by one kg. -- N.~Bondarenko,, Chief Technologist, Gor'kiy Mator Vehicle Plant (Ydnsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 4 Jul 56) SOURCF,: CIA, FDD A, 4 Dee 58, Unclassified "USSR Industrial EquiPmertt" ehab C- B-03 The IAN-3,machine for removing joles of electric transmission lines. Tranap. strois 10 no.3-1:53-54 N 160. (MM 13111) (Zlectric linea-Poles) BONDARENKO, N.A. 1, ETN-123 trench excavator, Transpatroie 12 no.3:30-31 Mr 16.1. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Glavnyy mekbardle tresta. Transsvyazlstroy. (Excavating machinery) AQ!M"W,-D, N.A.,_inzh.; RATNER, A.M.. inzh.; WKCLOV, K.A., inzh.; GURANOV, H.P., inzh.; SMIN, N.M., inh.; TARAKANOT, G.P., inzh.; IVANOV, S.M., inzho; HIM, A.D., inzh.; ROVKAKH, S.Ye., kand.tekhz. nauk; FILIPPOV, V.T.. inzh.-, KHAUIS. L.B., Imnd.takhn.naukl LbIBIOU, T.I., lnzh.; VaIGHKIN, Te.A., lnzh., red,; KHITROY, P.A., tekhn.rea. [Handbook for mechanics of a construction project] Spravochnik mi,khanika stroitellnogo uchastka. Pod red. K.A.Sokolova. Monkva, Vsst3.izdatelisko-poligr.ob"editenie K-va putei soobshcheniia, 1960. 6-.Lg p. (MIRA 14:3) (Mechanical engin6erlng) (Road machinery) (Rallroade-Construction) BORDARD40, Vikolay Antipovich; TRZATIUKOV, B.I., inzh., retsenzent; - TIKHOfMICII, B.Z.p inzh., retsenzent; NOVIKAS, red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of work in communications cable-laying opera- tions] Mekhanizatsiia rabot pri prokladke kabelai sviazi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. .15-1 P. kMIRA 17:4) MENIGVICH~ B.I.; BONDARENKO., N.A,; SKIBA, L.P. 41 - e. Complete automation of the testing of coal and products of coal preparation. Koks i khim. no.1:53-58 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dneprodzerzhinakiy kokisokhimicheskiy zavod (for Meniovich). 2. Ukrainskiy proyektno-konstruktorskiy i nauchno-issledo- vatel'skiy institut po obogashcheniyu i briketirovaniyu ugley (for Bondarenko, Skiba). GANDELISMAN, I.M., Inzh.; BONDARENKO, N.A., inzh.; BELOSLYUM, A.B., inzh. ---- I------,- - .' - Programmed, multiple-.position, charge mixture proportioning device. Lit, proizvo no,12'.14-15 D 165, (MaA 18:12)