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BONGART, M. M. "Recognition Simulation on ETsM" Report submitted for the Symposium on Principles in the Design of Self-Learning Systems, Kiev Mw SSR, 5-9 May 1961 POLAJID SAWICKI, F. and BONIEQJU,,-~ of the Epidemiology Department, State Hygiene Establishment (Zaklad Epidemiologii Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny) Prof. Dr. J. Kostrzewski, Head, Warsaw City Sanitary - Epidemiological Station (lUejska Stao,ja Sanitamo-Epidemiologiczna dla m.) Dr. J. Letki, Head, "Occupational Diselises and Poisonings in Warsaw in 1962 and 1963. An f Epidemiologic Anal)~pisll Warsaw, Prze~lad Epidemiologiczny, Vol 20, No 3, 1966, pp 2T-247- Abstract; The pe&er analyses occupational diseases and poisonings in Warsaw for the years 1962-63 on the basis of 446 zreports Prevalent types of occupational diseases and poisonings are broken down by industry type, age and sex of workers. Comparisons with other parts of Poland are made, Contains a sum=7 in English., 1 Table and 6 Figures. No references. 1/1 BMIECKA.S,D-LCII, Helena F17equency of air-temperature Inversion at Krynica-Zdrol., 1956-1960. Przegi. geofiz. 8 no,3/2t37-,44 1163. 1. Polski Instytut Hydrologiczno-14eteorologiczny, Wkrsaawa. BONIECKI, JerzY Poland - well known exporter in textile =whines. PrzegI techn 79 special jsjme:33C6~333.,33~ is 161. Bonifac. S. Bonifac, S, Are you afraid of the League for Cooperation with the Army? p. 571. Vol. 10, no. 18, Aug. 1956 SVET MOTORU TECHNOLCGY Czechoslovakia So: Fast European Accessions'. Vol. C, YaY 1957 No. 5 -1 ~., ~ ~.!_ - -t T7 77 - IT "'! 0!.nl %,~. *Oi. '' ., I . I. - , Dis7 :!rtation, : "Th F, 7-.C~~ISi_-r_~ ~-:~,St--_ .' -CC* -:- :-- C ~ - --- '-, -7 - - 77 ~ -- - 7.1'. V. 7 C)- __ C I .*? ~l C. " -1. SO: "lech:2--m-mra 'Iosi~va, 2 Jul 14.7 )Project ,,"1T'3(!) 9omo=rvrY&vO. ~-I. USSR/ Miscellaneous - Economicij Card Pub. 86 - 32/34 Authors Bonifatyeva, L. I.,j CaYA* of Geogr. So. Title :.'Why are the natural resources of Ceylon not utilized? Periodical Priroda 1, 123-125, Jan 1954 Abstract The book., by S. F. DeSilva., entitled, "A Regional Geography of Ceylon," which deals in the exploitation of the natural resources of Ceylon., is being reviewed by the author of this report, Institution Subnitted *see* BOHIFAT "MVA, L. I. 4WORM"Am 1600W~41 Now developiments In the utilization of natural resources in Ce7lon. lsv.Vess.geog.ob-va 88 no.2:155-163 Kr-Ap 156. (KLRA 9:8) (Ceylon-Sconomic conditions) __7 ; - - - - - -k c rld . I T ~ % I T_ TA ) T~ - . ~_I. _ i j - - , BONIPATI'MVA, L.I. I r_.."bwF_OM1angsG4 in the development and distribution of the Indian steel industry. Geog.sbor. no.11:110-130 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (India--Steel industry) IN IT-/T I - Tl:~ vi74 ,/ [- T , BONIFAVYWA, L.I. -, *mjp,~, Sone features of the pover engineering of India. Izv. Tees. geog. ob.-va 89 no.6:550-553 &D 157. (MIRA l0r12) (India--Power engineering) BONIFITlIfIVA, L.I. , ,,---"r~3rmatlon of economic regions in /,Ill~lt~~ ?0 no-5:453-466 S-0 15.8. (India--*OnOmlO India. lzv.Vs~s.g~og.ab-va (NM 3.1: 11) zoning) BONIFATIUTA L.I kand.geograf.nauk; SEMSKIT. B.H., prof., nauchny7 - R&U-145 L.: -- ri-4 ' - _Z I.Ta., red.isd-va; GURDMIRTA. A.M., (Ceylon; popular study] TGeilon; nauchno-populiarnyi ocherk. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostranoniin polit. I nauchn.znanii IRSYSR, laningr.otd-nis, 1959. 46 Pe (MIRA 13:3) (Geylon--History) (Ceylon--Economic conditions) 3(5) SOV/12-91-1-19/22 AUTEOR: Bonifatlyeva, L.I. TITLE: A Historical and Geographical Atlas of India; the Development of Its Economy and Culture (Historisch-geographisches Karten- werk "Indien"; Entwicklung seiner Wirtschaft und Kultur) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, Vol 91, Nr 1, pp 98-101 (USSR) - jqfj ABSTRACT: This is a review of a historical and geographical atlas on India, the development of its economy and culture. It has been compiled by Professor Dr. Edgar Lehman in co-operation with Dr. Hildegard Weise and published by the publishing house "Enzyklopaedie", Leipzig, in 19513. Card 1/1 3(5) 19(3) O-OV/12-91-3-3/14 AUTHOR: Bonifatlyeva, L.I. TITLE: Impressions of the Journey to India and Ceylon PERIODICAL: Izvestiya VGO, 1959, Vol 91, Nr 3, pp 236-249 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a report on the author's impressions as me.- ber of a group of Soviet tourists, of his travels across India and Ceylon in December 1958. The TU 104-A aircraft took them, in 7 hours, from the Vnu- .kovskiy airfield at Moscow via Tashkent to Delhi. The group spent 11 days in India and 5 days in Ceylon. The toims visited by the group were Delhi, Agra, Benares, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Colombo, Nuvara Eliya and Kandi. They covered about 6,000 11=... Spe- cial concern of the group was the history of India. Almost all states of India are said to have a Branch Card 112 of the Soviet-India-Friendship Society. The group ImDressions of the Journey to an.- ~ - I L, u -- a :z r " -~ 7 / 12 - Q 1- 5-5 / I met some Soviet', engineers in \Colombc wh4ch arri%,red there to help the nntive techndoian-- ~Jn a metal-2-urgical zin;,I ,, plant. Card 2/2 BONIFATIYIUA, L.I.,- YFJIMOVA, Ye~S. "Prance" by I*A.Vitver, A.B.Sluka. Reviewed by L.I.Bonifatleva, X.S.IUmova, InJeoft.geog. ob-va 92 n0-3:2&-286 tt-Je 160. (MIR& 13:6) (Arance-1cotomic oonditions) (Vitver, I.A.) .- -(Sluka, A.B.) BARSOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk; BO11IFAT'Y.-rjVA, Lidiya Ivenovna, doteent, kand.beograf.nauk; W.M'Ko, Serj.-y Fedorovich, dotsent. kand.geograf.nauk; GITLITS, Sf)men Aleksondro- vich, dotsent, kand..ekonom.nouk; GUREVICH, Priam Vladimirovich, prof.; DARINSKIY, Anotoliy Viktorovich, dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk; DCLIIIIH, Aleksey Arkad'yevich, dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk; DOROSHKEVICH, Lyudmila Ivsno,,-na, dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk: YEFIMOVA, Yelena, Se- ,raf.nauk; LAVROV, Sergey Borisovich, dotsent, kand. menovno, kand.geoe geograf.nauk; LEDOVSKIKH, Stepan Ivanovich. dotsent, kand.geograf. nauk; NEVELISMYN, Grigoriy Solomonovich, dotsent, lmn~.geograf. nauk; NIKCLAYEVA, Nad62hda Vasillyevna, dotsent, kand.&Viraf.nauk; OMfESOV, Vladimir Artemlyevich, kand.geograf.nauk; FINIMOSMI, Dmitriy Moiseyevich, dotsent. kand.geograf.nauk; FOSFAOVA. Nata- liya Goorgiyevna, prof., doktor ekonom.nauk; SMVSKIY, Boris Nikola- yevich, prof.. doktor geograf.nauk; SUTY.AGIN, Pavel Grigorlyevich, dotsent. kBnd.geograf.nauk; SMYN, Viktor Moritsovich, prof., doktor ekonom.nauk; YER&MV, I.A.. red.; SHMOVA, N.P., red.; TY1JTM411IK, S.G., red.kart: BORISKINA, V.L. red.kart; KOZLOVSKAYA, M.D., (Economic geo.-raphy of foreign countries; student manuall Ekonomi- chaskaia geograftia zarubazhnykh stran; posobie dlis studentov. Moskvs, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo K-va prosv.RZF5R, 1960. 702 p. .4 maps (MIRA 13:12) (Geography, r1conomic) BONIFATIYI;VA L I ----- ~fif_tj__tf - ~* Urbanization's effect on the formation of economic regions in India. Vop. geog. no.53:147-162 161. (MIRA 14:7) (India-Cities and towns) (India-Economic zoning) BONIFAT "YEVA. L. 1. On Ivan Aleksandrovich Vitver's 70th birthday. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 93 no-4:344-345 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) (Vitver, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 1891-:) PPI'll-F,kT-'IMA*-LidJ,Y-4-.-Ivanovna; YERSHOV, Yuriy Alekseyevich- YAKOVLEV,V.G.,; KOSTINSKIY,D.N.., red.; MAR~YNGVA, V.A.P rLIadshiy red.; GOLITSM, A.V., red. kart; GLT!,YKH, D.A., 1*.Ceylon; geographical study]TSeilon; geograficlieskii ocherk. 110skva) Geografgiz., 1962. 189 p. (19-TU 15:8) (Ceylon-Economic geograpb~r) BONIFATIYEVA, Lj.; KNYAZHINSKAYA, L.A. Some preliminary results of the 1961 population censi~s in India. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 95 no.4:320-329 J1-Ag 163. (MIRA 16-9) (India-Census) T"'NIFtl 'YEYA, i,.Jl TJI-rbanlzatioa c~f V-p. geuC. 1 ~,4. (~Ilpu .1-1,!.Ic)) 'I .6 Mozsh(,v-k.!.y gosuoarstvarinyy u,if.versitca!- im,, ijec,graf.l.crieskiy fakulltet. 302FATIYEVA, L.I. Some characterlutico of t--.,e urrxui i3yotea-, in the and Sautheaetern countrias of Auia. Vop. pog. no,66,11T.-I29 t 0' ~ON r of tlhs~ u:-ban popuh4tion oF Tndla. Tsrv. Voosa geoge c:,'7 rio. '-, ~-276 ~V-je 165, (mIRA 1z:8) MORDAWSKI, Jozef, mgr inz.;~RONIKOWSKI, Andrsej., inz. 1- - Characteristics of sewage from the production of certain chemicals. Gosp wodna 22 no.9:430-432 S 162. 1. Zaklad Ochrony i Uzytkowania Wod,.Lodz. BELISKIY, Vladimir Leonidovich; VLASOVI IvanTetrovich; ZAYTSEV, Valentin Nikolayevich; JKAY, Saveliy Nakhimovictidokt.tekhn.nauk,prof.; KARNOZHITSKIY, Vladimir Pavlovich; KOTS, Veniamin Markovich; LIPOVSKITY, David Yevaeyevich; ~ ~I.A.A.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOIDV, A.I., inzh., red.; KUZIMIN, G.M., tekhn. red. [Design of aircraft] Konstruktsiia letatellnykh apparato'Ve [By] V.L.Bellskiy i dr. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 708 p. (MRA 16:8) (Aircraft) BOVIV, JOzef, #Z, Temperature incremamt of the asynehronous motor stator winding during the diroct-on starting in autmatic reserve switching system in electrIc heatimp power plantP4 Rhergetyka Pol 15 no-12 SuPP1..% 17-3.9 161.. 1. Dzial Elektrycznyp *4nergopcmiar". MICRAIIK, Zbigniew, mr:r.,inz.; BOVIV, Jozef, Inz. Experiences in measurements of the steam turbine blades bibrations. Enetgetyka Pol 16 no.l:Bul energ:8 162. 1. "Energopaniar", Dzial Elektryczny. DOMI! Jo-ef inz., ~ I,- I Aff lication of the asynchronous slip-ring motor driving a coal-dust beater mill for the operation of an automatic reserve-mdtching arrangement. Energetyka Pol. 15 no.9:Suppl.: Energopomiar 7 no.2:11 S 161, 1. Nial Blektrycznys Zaklad Badan i Pomiarow,, Warszawa. BONIII, K.M., inzhener T)o isobretatellstTu fabriki imeni Kalinina. Thread dividing rod on circular knitting machines. Tekst.prom. 14 no.8:52 Ag 154. ("M 7:10) (Knitting machines) BONINA) ------ [Cot-Lon, 5pin, and blenGed zt ia piei-a Tkanl i shtuclinye imic.1i lia kh*t,ii-~,'l'l;itk bilillaz!illyu, shtaptiltnye i smeshamiye. lz~. Xloskva,, lzd-vo standar-Lov, 1964. 351 f. (mw"! l8zll) BONII,P~ ~ 1, Sic..rqtl. 1,~osj-,ya. Izdl-t,~ Standartovv 1965. (~2 p. L (MIRA 18-6) Russia (iW"~, U.S.&R.) Komitet standartov. mer i iz- moritellnvkh prib.-rov. BONINSKT,,,-Tad,ausz, rigr inz.-, ROMAN, Marek, mgr Inz. Economy of draining the sewage from a small siv-, town into a large neighboring purification station. Gaz woda techn sanit 371 no.10! 318-320 0 163. 1. Stolica Design Office of Communal Constructions, Wa-zsav, BONiNSKI,. Ta-acusz, mgr in~,,.; ROI-VIN, Flarek, zg.- iazz,-, RYCHLIK, Sy1wester, inz. Complex construction of the Imhoff tank and corinecti-d reservoir for acti.vated scd1jiients. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.10017-318 0 163. 1. Stolica Design Office of Communa, Cons tructions, Waxsaw. BOITIS, Gyorgy Tbe Spanisb I'Inquisition. Flet tud 17 no. 14:436-439. Ap '62 . -BONIS I _ qyprgy ___ _ Inquisition in Hungary. Elet tud 16 no.12.362-365 19 Mr 161. BONIS, Lajos Chip bnard manufacture by the OKAL method. Faipar 8 no.1/2:50-55 ., Ja-F 158. )/-f / . Smoir. TECHNOLOGY FAIPAR. (Fairpari Tudomanyos -Lgyesulet) Budapest. Wood economy and requirements of Hungary, P. 306. Vol. 8, No- 10 Oct. 1958. Yonthly List of East European ~'ssions ('i.EAI) LC. Vol. 8 No. 3 A4 !'larch, 1959, Unclass. OPITZ,.H., prof.,; MOLL, H., dr. ing, (Essen); BONISCHY W., mernok Automation of individual and small-scale production. Techhika 8 no.10 Ja 164. BONISHKO, Te.M, Accident prevention during operation of tractor-drawn drags. Sakh.pron. 30 no.4:45 Ap 154. (NLRA 9:8) 1. L'vovskiy eakhavoklotrest. (larthmoving owhinery--Safety seasurem) BONISHKO, Ye.K.; ANDRIYEVSKIT. Ys.P,, ~-- - Find ways of inermwing labor productivity In sugar plants. Sakh. prom. 31 no.2:19-20 F '57. (KLRk 10:4) 1. LIvavskiy eakhaveklotreat (for Bonishko) 2e Cheruovitakly sakhaveklotrest (for Anrdi vskiy) (6ucar IndLustry-Aroduction stwAarder BINDIU, C.; BONITA, N. ~bthodical aspects of research regarding transpiration in vegetable ecology. Studii cerc biol s. bot 10' no. 3; 221-227 164. 1. Laboratory of Geobotany, "Traian Savulescu" Institute of Biology. 7 46-12-14/15 AUTHORS: Berlovich, E. Ye. , Gvotovskiy, K. 1J. , Ponits, 11. P. , Breslav, . V. I. , Preobrazhenskiy, B. K. TITLE-i Investi-ation of the Lives of Low Nuclear Levels Excited in Electm U -Captures (Issledovaniye vremen zhizni nii:hnikh urovnoy yader, V0,_- buzhdayemykh pri elektronnom zakhvate) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR,Seriyt Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Ur 12, pp. 1643 - 1652 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The lives of the levels of some nuclei which are produced by means of capture of orbital electrons are investigaled here. All initial nuclei belong to nuclei with a deficiency of neutrons. The nuclei are produced in "deep" separations under the action of neutrons -h ener-ies. The paternal nuclei Tu167 , EU147 and Gd145 were with hi - obtained in the tantalum-target by radiation b,-z protons with 66o MeV in the synchrci7clotron. The thulium-, europium- and Gadolinium- -sources were produced acco*ng to the chromatographic method. The paternal nuclei of Ir19O were obtained by means of radiation of a bismuth target from which they were separated with the aid of an iridium-carrier. The measurement of the life was performed accord- ing to the method of retirded coincidences in an apparatus already Card 1/3 earlier described by one of the authors (references 2 - 4), The co- 48-12-14/15 Investigation of the Lives of Low Iluclear Levels Excited in Electron-Captures incidences of the characteristic X-rays with the r- rays (Xp- and -coincidence) or with the electrons of internaI conversfu (Xe- aVd eX-coincidence) were measured here. The transitions Tu 7-+ __*_Er167 , Gd144 Eu145 , Eu147__,, SM147 , Ir'90--i- 09190 were in- vestigated. It is shown that in the Erl67-nucieus the electric quadrupole-transition is highly accelerated, whereas the magnetic diqie-transition is highly retarded. The former is natural for an Er -nucleus with 17 neutrons over the filled shell and which be- longs to the greatly deformed nuclei. The sound transition belongs to the group of retarded magnetic dipole-transtions (reference 19). The cause of the retardation is apparently connected with the collective nature of the magnetic tranption.,W~e interpretation of the measurement-results for the Gd1 " Eu -transition is not only not ssible because the nultipolarity of the r-transi- tions of EU1460is known, but also because there exists uncertainty in the identification of the )~__rays (115 keV) investigated. The obtained valui for the upper limit of the life of the first excited state of Sm 4 , on the assumption that the transition (E2 +M 1) is a mixed type, for the time of radiation with the taking into ac- count of conversion yvields a somewhat higher value for theupper li- Card 2/3 mit 7-1 < 5-10- 10 sec. It is shown that the result obtaired X_ 4B-12-14/15 ,Investigation of the Lives of Low Nuclear Levels Excited in Electron-Captures here contradi�ts the assumption that E2 +M 1 is a mixed type. 1,2.10 see is obtained from the observed value for the average life of the first excited state of Osigo with the tak- ing into account of the conversion on all shHls and on the assump- tion that OG - 0,71. B. S. Dzhelepov and collaborators, A. A. Bashilov and collaborators, as well as A. N. Murin and collaborators before publication placed data on their experimentswith the isotopes investigated here at the authors' disposal. V. P. Dzhelepov and the personnel of the synchrocyclotron participated in the work. There are 8 figures, and 23 references, 12 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIOR: Physico-Technical Institute All USSR,Leningrad (Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii na?lk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 56-6-38/47 AUTHORS: Berlovich, Es Yeo I Grotovskiy, K. 14. , Bonits, L1. P& 9 Gorodins- kiy, G. M. TITLE: The Life of a 2064 KeV-Level of the Er 167 Nucleus (Vremya zhizni urovnya yadra Er 167 s oner.-iyey 264 KeV) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Lksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 33, Nr 6 PP. 1523 - 1524 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of coincide ce mea3urements the half-life of the 264 XeV-level of the ErM nucleus was measured at T1/2' (2,0+0,5).10- 9s and herefrom a half-life of radiation of T = 1,4 - 10-8 s was com- puted. The quadrupole moment computed herefrom is greater by the factor 2 than the measured one. This discrepancy is probably due to the in- accurate determination of the E 2 and M 1 ratio of this r-transi- tion. There are 1 figure, and 8 references, 7 of which are Slavic. Card 1/2 The Life of a 264 KeV-Level of the Er 167 Nucleus 56-6-38/47 1 ASSOCIATION: leningrad-Pbysico-ftchalcal Insti-bute AN USSR (Leningradskiy fiziko-tek-hnicheski,-- institut Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 8/048/61/025/002/005/016 B117/B212 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Berlovich, E. Ye.,-BouLta-,-X.--E..,(Polytechnic Institute, Dresden, Eastern Germany), Nikitin, V. V. Lifetime medoutoment of *81190- ccd1WWjdw of Tbl 59 and Yb1 T3 by means of a multichannel time analyzer Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 2, 1961, 218-228 TEXT: Present paper was read at the 11th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spec- troscopy (Riga, January 25 to February 2p 1,961). The authors report on a time analyzer built by them, and suggest a method to check their chosen test conditions, i.e., how to avoid the time lag caused by the instrument. It follows from the oirouit diagram (Fig. 1) that the instrument consists of a "slow" and a "fast" part. In the present paper, only the fast part is dis- cussed (Fig. 2). The time and amplitude modulatod pulses A and B, which can be used to measure the time delay, hit the spiral delay line Zo (Refs. 9, 10). The crystal diode D 1 of the typeA2B.(D2V) serves as a rectifier. In Card 1 /7 8/048/61/025/002/005/016 Lifetime measurement of B117/B212 a certain delay interval there is a linear dependence of the amplitude be- tween the pulses A and B at the oiatlet I# which is a function of the magni- tude of the delay. The crystal diode D2 serves as coincidence control model. A positive displacement blocks the cathodes of these diodes for certain pulses. The pulse spectrum is via the amplifier passed on to the pulse- helght analyzer which records the coincidence curves-to be analyzed. The operation of the instrument is the self-coincidence and prompt coincidence curves. A crystal 30 by 30 mm gave the best time resolu- tions, about 5910-10 sec. The resolution decre-ased with larger crystals and lower radiation energy. This is a reason for the deviationsof the madmum time resolution, which are shown on the coincidence curves, that were found d7ftring the determination of the lifetime of the first excited states of Tbl.59 and Yb173 with energies of 58 reap. 79 kev. One o$l the factors, which causes the shift in time of the coincidence curves as a function of the time lag caused by the instrument, is a wrong selection of intensities of the sources tq be compared. This selection and also the form of the spectra in the operation range can be controlled easily by means of the "control of Card 2/7 S/048/61/025/002/005/016 Lifetime measurement of ... B117/B212 single curves". This method is based on the analysis of single pulses which pass through the blocked diode of the rectifier due to the presence of a parasitic capacity (C) and the finitness of the reverse resistance of the diode. The following features must be observed in a proper1reparation of the experiments: 1) The required energy intervals have to be ruughly selec- ted for the source to be examined; 2) The integral intensities to be meas- ured have to be equal to that of the control source; 3) the windows of the side channels have to be adjusted so accurately that position and form of the single pulse are the same for the control source and the one to be ex- amined. .*During tests these conditions have been -'fillfilled. The evaluation of the curves obtained (Fig. 6) lelded the following resultsfor the half- life of the 58-kev level of Tb,5~. T (1.3� 0.0-10-10 see. According 1/2 ' to Ref. 18 this value was: T1/2 < 10-9 sec. The following values have been determined for the half-life of the 79-kev state of Yb173: T1/2 - (3..8 � 0-5)-10-11 see. The two transitions examined are almost Pure- ly magnet:,.c dipole transitions. Table 2 shows a comparison between the authors4 data and those of other authors. It is pointed out that the g- Card 3/7' S/048J61/025/002/005/016 Lifetime measurement of ... B117/B212 factors for the collective rotation are, according to the authors, calcu- lated to be (gR) Tb159 - 0.44 � 0-10 and (9R) Yb173 '0.35 � 0.04- Within the limits of observation errors, these values agree with eBtimationsof a generalized model (gR = Z/A) for a homogenous charge distribution, which is 0.41 for the first case and 0.4 for the second case. There are 7 figures, 2 tablea, and 32 references; 7 Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni A. F. Ioffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Legend to Fig. 1: 1) Source; 2) photomultiplier; 3) tube limiter; 4) variable delay line; 5) converter control circuit for coincidence cir- cuit; 6) cathode followers; 7) amplifiers; 8) differential discriminators; 9) triple coincidence switch; 10) constant delay; 11) pulse-height analyzer. Legend to Fig. 2: A, B-coincidAlllWpulses, Zo-wave resistor of the vari- able delay lines D1 and D 2 crystal diodes of the time-amplitude converter Card 4/7 5/04 61/025/002/005/016 Lifetime measurement of BI 17YB21 2 and of the control coincidence circuit, resp. r time interval between D and D2' C parasitic capacities I, II outlets to the cathode followers. V P-1 Fig. 1 Card.5/7 Lifetime measurement of S/048/61/025/002/005/016 B117/B212 A- a o 6 o o o o o o nr o 6M r I TC r Card 7/7' BONITS, N, F. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate ofPhysicomathamatical Sciences-at the Technical Fh7dics Institute iment A.F. Ioffe in 1962, "Determination of the Liftitime of Excited States of Nuclei in the Nano- Second Range Using a Multi-channel Analyzer." Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 BERLOVICHt E.le.; BONITS., M.P.; GUSEV, Yu*Ko; NIKITINy M,K, h,obabilities of ong-particle transitions in Yb173 naclei. Iz7.AN &ISR.Ser.fiz. 25 no.10:1275-1279 0 161. (MIRL 14:10) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe Akademii mauk SSSR. (Qwmtula theory) (Ytterbium) aMD10VICH.9 G.S.; KhOL, Ya.M.; BONK G.M. .:A_.- - . Clinical X-ray diagnosia of central lung cancer with retro- grade metastases. Vop.onk. 9 no.2zl7-24163. (1-URA 16:9) 1. Iz Ichirurgicheskoy kliniki usovershenstvovaniya vrachey no.1 (nachallnik - deystvitellnyy ch'ift AMN SSM prof. P.A. K-apriyanov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni, S.M.Kirova. (LUNGS--CANGER) (LUNGS--RADIOGRAPHY) (IWASTASIS) Nar, ffENKC, V. 1. ;. BONK, G. 14. g DAVYDENKO, V. A. 0 _-, 31 Fole of X-ray examination in the detection of mitral linSufficiency. Khirurgiia no.10:8-15 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Klinika kbirurgii usovershenstvovanlya vrachey No.3- (nachallnik - prof. A.P.Kolesov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy Ordena Mnina akaderali imeni Firova, Leningrad. F'L',.*,S(DV, A.P., i.rolf.; DAVYD---'NKO, V.A.; DOMK, G.~!' Diagnoris and surgical treatment of ben,.,.-n of and cardia. Klin. khir. no.1:3-6 165. 1. MArtirgicheskaya klinika d1ya woove rts liens tv(;van i ya vrachey No.1 Voyenno-meditsinskay ordena Lenina ah-adem-ii irani Ka-rova, Leningrad. TOLLIZAMT11, V.L. (Leningrad, K-9,, ul. Smirnova, d.8, kv.53); YROL , Ya.M.; DAVYDENKO, V.A.; BONK, G.M. __ . -called cavitary form of pulmonary cancer. Vop. onk. 10 no So -5: 13-10 164. (MIR-A 18:8) I. Iz khirurgiclieskoy klipiki d1ya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey No.1 Voyenno-meditsinnkoy akademil Imeni Kirova (nacliallnik - prof. A.P.Kolesov). T0JzU",-,',KC,'.', --. ,, VcA~; FYOL, Ya.M.-,_F-INI., G-Y. evidences of the inope.-ability of pulmonary cancor. Vop. onk. 11 no.7,,9-17 165. (MIFLA 18;9) 1, T-1, I.Mru;p,,Icheqkoyl~jlnlki dyla amovershanatyovaniya vrachey No.1 Voybpn6-mt-djts-.Lnsk6y ordena Lenina aksdemiJ imeni S.M. KiroVa (na'ehallrik - Prof. A.P. Kolssov% BON,7 _r-Ds`,3 cl Pc~ Clin-4--al X-ray riiaF:. hear-,.. Vest. rent. i r&-i. rl,,,.3:- il% d Icheskaya i-Is.~;-I;et.:3,~~,~.,;,it.,.-,),:!ili~,~i'~-. 71-;.~~'. :-.,f (nac-,,.allnik - pln~f. A..". Kolc-,ov Vor, k dena I j ~! I - . -, I L -, i . ~ 07 or Ler. 4-.a al-aderal I im~nll Nirc,,,- r! i S/137/6P-/000/004/109/201 A052/AlOl AUMORS- Pzhegalinski, S.,-Bonk, R., Voynarovski, Ya. TITLE: The effect of Ni content on the fatigue strength of structural steels PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 117, abstract 41276 ("Ustalostn. prochnost' mater. I elem." Mater. konf. v Varshave 12-14 maya 1960 g., Varshava, 1961, 13-14) TEXT: The fatigue strenth of three Polish-made structural steels was investigated: 35 X M (35KhM) 0 -.15 - 0.4% Ni) , 35 X H M (34KhNm) (1. 3 - 1.7% Ni) and 35XH5MA 3.0% Ni). It is maintained that Ni content does not improve the fatigue strength of steel. For manufacturing machine elements work- ing under variable load conditions it is not mandatory to use steels with a high Ni content, but it is necessary to use them for elements with large cross-;.;:-%'',.) sections, since an addition of Ni facilitates obtaining a-i uniform tempered martensite structure over the whole cross-seotion. T. Rumyantseva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Preparation and fe:A2ng of fedder Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1954. 4C41-~. (V po-moshchlzootel(hnik-u na proizvodstve) 1. F.eedlng and fei,-ding Auffs. SONKA, P.V., vet. vrach. ~ ~,.:: - ~ 1. Iffective agent for controlling Argas persicus ticks, carriers of fowl spirochatonts. Veteriuariia 35 no.6:53 -Te 158.(MIRA 11:6) 1. Xonzavod N0076 Samrkandskoy oblasti (Ticks as carriers of disease) (Benzene hexachloride) DUP 1536 37JO )040 4IAJ 43 44 !1', 0. AT n I 6 c 0 Er G L a ru T LOT -- L_ 1. . - L_!, - 0. aftcupt I?tm .C, -0 T~ IP - . . , in V.11114101 miunii v L 011V got! 0 41P 001 it go 4P 09 09 -1-141mwap ;ur 2111U.)mod '21quoslod liqlavils; pool Aq pmv* MOP110(l Ow 00 - - - - - - v Ir 9 fr T I a W W W T 1 A in r ( it tP It a It it 9 71 IT It It N 41 st a it q et 0 0 0 *0000 0 66060 0 00 a 0 9 0 o 0 0 ;4 ; ~ 40c, 01 - a a a III a It 13 a n IMP RU %IT 0 a w w 1w w w 'W, v v 15F - w ~ v - v ~ 11 C'L c f c dur o i r ', c 7 t i 1. C"I cn~ i s try TIC -.,, r r r , - I k':-- GY '--r- T 'r -7 7 1 V !'(~rtlily List of East Eurcocan Accc-ssicns I-C, Vcl. ]-~-55, -Cm-1. E - - - r 4 41yifls' _01 UM 7777 Ma&ay r 111-114, 2 . 3 tabs~ I t is obviois that in order to remove the water remaining in the Capillaries of doths after the mnvenlion- al mmhanteal spet-6g, lorr-esaimilariotbosewhicb bi d it th t i f d l n on o llary att ry capi e cap i b e used. In textile fin WAng mill- dry pieu. gDD6z which will be subsequently wet-trerted ar,2 employed for OuS Purpose. If the wet clutb and the diy cj%~th are bronght 2 into t1ose contnut with e4ch other ii) an:~de 11 innt. the-capillaxy forces draw wattitito the dq _cqoRi, Aftir--a'11ine the water -the ay4iri. The -initial ivater * 45--' with U. t t oth Can be decre_,s~d by can en or a e1 W3 -Uliea~f Mcthod "n tbus th. th 'Akin ener l , ;yr i. - e a so gy &cress- b E#ttim6ata -'rayried t In tb 3. Most ;,WSCW We~ 9 4 b I F Ei, GOSZTONYl, Sandor; LEHR9 Feren-1, a munaki tudomanyok kandidatuBa; FICliTNM,. Kurt; MARECKI, Jacek, prof., dipl. Ing. (Lengyelorszag), WRESNIOWSKI, Romuald; BURSZTYNSKI, Janusz; HUBNER, Ewald; KIEFERV Erich; BDIE, Werner, prof. dr. ing. (Nemet Demokrati- kus Koztarsasag); BOSNIC, Cedomir tJugoszlavia)- ZILBER' Aleksander (Lengyelorszag); GRUBER, S.M. (Anglia); STANCESZKU, Ian, prof . (Romania); 1~0 ENDRENYI, Sandor; KATONAV Kalman; KOHARY, Lajos Rationalization in power utilization in the field of the light industry. Ipari energia 3 no.1/2-,32-38 Ja-F 162. 1. Konnyuipari Miniszterium helyettes foosztalyvezetoje (for Gosztonyi). 2. Konnyuipari Tervezo Iroda (for Lehr). 3. Textili- pari Kutato Intezet (for Bonkalo). 4. Papiripari Kutato Intezet (for Endrenyi). BOJIKALO , Tamas, dr. Finishing industry automatic devices a, thc'. !,41, Fan-ncfver Textile Machinery Fair. Magy text-41 16 nc.,. "+:'J")',--I1?2 Ap 164. r 12 A). tht ~reactlw OfroubpanDne and toluguinne Uith - F.:Tem N Gri 3nd Pan A - Ir 0109COW S14ti Uell -Na, " --TO 28 Is ldrWUR(JOS41); cf. C.A. 4P, g. znCl, iu g. abs.,EtOll mw Added M C, AtCHsC%Rt. followed by addn. ovEr 5-10 intu. with extirnO heating of 21 g' P-bmro- Aftei Stkring ~'O 3mu. an a I*team bath and stand- quisone. ing vev" bm., At room tmp. the rAd. yielded 70% di- 1, loor save 4.5 g. bmwfura-.1 vrh!6 the zaother L deriv., Bnebe almy f th M 24 IM4 & d L A 1 H !: e na nx, OWS o 1. evy, , R : Y hich If h b 1l id l k N f e dk OH e ac ester w a r e er , w t a , pve t e my i (2 S. heated vrith 4.5 1. qulnoline mA 0.1 g. CuO 2 hrs, at ' 5-Vjd~- 4 240 1 2 I - . gave 1. pure . n of tolu- tio n 14 i 113 f V3011) - . reac n rom fura , pn. ( qubone wlth*Aer_HjC(hEt pvt 60% &E8 2,4,6-trimethyf. i benwil,24, 4,641dilwav-ST-dkisru e, tn. 1120-21. alons with I a. benWUM djl~., tn; 173 (d. above reh.). Hydrblysh *I the ester suft the free Acid which heated with qulnpUu umd CuO s3 abow pvt Irm 0.7 g. acid 0.3 s. 4,541dilwax, M. 76-1.5 (froul GRINEV, A.N.: SON-KHVAR. Pan.; FROSIN, V.N.; TEJUINTtygv, A.P. 0., Resear h in the field of quinones. Part S. Condensation of chloro- and 2,3-dichloro-r -benzoquinone with acetoacetic and benzovlacetic eaters. Zhur.6b.khim. 26 no-2:561-564 P '56. (MLEtk 9-8) 1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvannyy universitet. (Banzoquinons) (Acetic acid) Br,)','YO'.'ICZ, J. Wandering over our n-tive countr.Y; a discussion. p. 10. No. 10, Oct., 1955. TURYSTA. 'Harsaw, Poland. So: "Astern 1-,~Lwopean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1156 P(IjZ,CMZ-;SITVTER, J. Let us get busy with the pulp. p. IZ9 GAZETA CUIMM'NICZA. (Stoviarzyszenie Naukouo-Techniczne Inzynierout i Technikow Przenyslu Rolnego J Spozywczego i Gentrainy Zarzad Przenysiu Cukrownicz,,zo) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 61, no. 4, April 1959. L, Monthly List of European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 18 August 1959. Uncl. Application of the chain system in the buildJng of roadsj a brief excerpt from a report to the 4th Congress, p, 24o Periodical: PUT I SAOBRACAJ. Vol. 4. no. 12, Dec. 1956. TECHNOIM SO: Monthly List of East European Accessime (RE-A ) W Vol. 8., No. 4 April. 19592 Uncl. ABBADIE., Jean (Franta); BONNAURE, Andre (Franta); LUAME, H.M.; VASQUM, Marcos Struggle-of the workers in the capitalist countries., opinions of some overseas visitors in Rumania. Nunes. sindic 7 no.6:55-58 je 063. 1. Membru al biroului Federatiei sindieate-lor din posts. afiliata la Confederatia Generala a Huncii (for Abbadie~. 2. Secretar al Vniunii sindicatelor Force Ouvriere-din regiunea parisiana (for Bomsure), 2. Presedinte al Congreaului sinclicatelor din Uganda (for Wande)o 4. Presiditnte al Comitetului sindicatelor din provincia Valparais6-Chile (for Vasquez). SHEMIAKINA, T.V.; CFMHARINA, Ye.A.; BONNER, R.L. tate of the mucous Clinical characteristics of the function S membrane of the stomach in cancer* Trudy Inst. onk. AM SSSR no.3:103-111 160 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z I khirargicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - chlen-korrespon- dent AM SSSR prof. S.A.Zholdin), 11 Khirurgicbeekogo otdele- niya (zav. - prof., A.I.Rakov) i rentgenologicheskogo o-Viele- niya (zav. - prof. L.M.Golvdahteyn) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR. _B (Z44 7 T,_R-i-- T'Ci RN CIOGY FI~RTOPTCAL: UIDUFTRIA T7~'XTILFY Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1958 BI-T,"NrRT, R. Dimensioning air-conditioning instal.12tions. p. 425 , U of 12at Furopean Accessions (T"~!Al) LC Vol P, M, athly AT)ril ].~*)5~, I,Inci.--s BONOPARTOV,G.I. -~! Now method of polishing the working parts of cultivators. Sellkhozmashina no-5:27-28 Ky 155. (MLRA 8:6) (Gultivators) (Grinding and polishing) W11,011) A. Bonov, A.., Palcheva-Popova, M., "The Perscids ijuring 1951.11 1).135 MAT11,DITIKA I FIZIKA, Vol. 0, No. 1, i-t. 2, .1950151-1951152, Sofiya.) SO- 'Monthly List of Last European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 3, Library of Congress, March 195h, Uncl. BoNov-, i'l 0 "New Vlet'hod for Determining Latitude by Two Observations of a Polestar." p.211 (GODISMY, MAT111ATIKA I FUMI, Vol. 47, no. 1, 1950151-1,95'1152, Solaya.) East European Vol- 3, 140. 3 1954 SO: Month List of Rusekankccessions Library of Congress, I-larch 3:953, Uncl. BONOV, A. Determination of latitude by two observations of a star in unknown moments, p. 87, Sofia. Universitet. Fiziko-matematicheski fakultet. GODISHFJK. MATEMATIKA I FIZIKA. Sofiya. Vol. 48, no. 1 1953/54- SOURCE: East 1kropean Accessions Ltst, (EEAL) Lbrary of Congress, Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956 BONOV, A . Lyriads in 1952. p. 101. Sofia. Universitet. Fitiko-mtematicheski fakultet. GOWS1011K. MATEMAT1KA I FIZIKA. Sofiya. Vol. 48, n0. 1 1953/54- SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress. V01. 5, No. 8, August 1956 j-2 TI 77. MS4, p, And st-siphs tm rcyma P.-~d 5ra,3-gis all 1933 BONOV, A. ------ -- On the 22-year cycle of solar activity. p. 209. GWISHNIK. MATEMATIKA I FIZIKA. Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 50 No. 1 1955/56 (Published 1957) Monthly List of East Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 1 January 1960 Uncl. ROVOIT, Angel starehi aaJotent po.satronomiia What time is it? The hour system., and the line of date change. Nauka i tekh m1adezh no.9:23-21+ S 157. 0 SOV/169-59-4-4042 Translation from-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Oeoftzika, 1959, Nr 4, p 124 (USSR) AUTHOR- Bonov- A.D- TITLE~ On the 22-Year Cycle of the Solar Activity PERIODICAL. Byul. Vses. astrono.-geod. o-va, 1958, Nr 21, Pp 33 - 36 ABSTRACT: The author discusses the 22-year solar cycles for a period starting in 1610 and computes for two events the period T of the cycles, the time t between two maxima and the time T' between the minima; in the first event, the cycle has an even number, and in the second case an odd number. The correlation coefficient T' T t between T and t and T and T' turned out to be considerably. gre&ter for the first event. For example, it is T'T t - + o.94 for the first event and Ic TIt - + 0.59 for the seconh event. Empiric formulae are given fo~ the connection between T and t and T and 7' for the Hale cycles with the first even cycle: 1g T - - 1.178 + 0.015 t, lg T - 1.061 + 0.025 T. Designating by W" the Wolf numbers in the period of the maximum of the second M Card 1/2 11-year cycle in the 22-year cycle, the author found the correlation K 804-03 sov/169-59-4-4042 On the 22-Year Cycle of the Solar Activity between W" and t and W" and this correlation too turned out to be M considerOly.greater for -the first event. The analogous empiric formulae are foundi lg WA - 3.63 - 1.57 Ig t, 1g W" - 4.26 - 2.19 1g T. Based M on the above-mentioned formulae a forecasting can be done for the second 11-year cycle of the solar activity In the 22-year cycle after the termination of the firs". 11-year cycle. Applying these formulae to the present Nr. 19 cycle, the author obtains a duration of 20.'( years for the present 22-year cycle, the end of the 11-year cycle, Nr 19, in 1965, its duration of 10.5 years, and V111 = 134. M T.L. Mandrykina Card 2/2 BONOV, Angel D. The flight to the moon. Spisanie BAN no.4:48-55 159. (EW 9311) (Space flight) (Moon) (Rockets) AUTHOR.: TITLE: PERIODICAL 3 6P 13 S/035/62/000/006/027/064 A00174101 Bonov. A. D-t- Comparison of time intervals between maxima of neighboring 22-year cycles of solar activity Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, 1962, 5.9. abstract 6A443 ~"Solnechnyye dannyye", 1961. no. 3. 56-58) TEXI': The author investigates the problem of the structure of time inter- vals between maxima of two consecutive 22-year cycles. For this purposei 22- year cycles were formed by grouping 11-year cycles into pairs (starting from cycle No. 12 according to Zurich numerationj. These pairs were grouped, in their turn. in pairs by two ways.* In the first way, every 22-year cycle was begun with an even 11-year cycle, in the second way - with an odd cycle. Time intervals between maxima of 11-year cycles comprising 22-year cycles are denoted by t' and t" respectively; then the author obtains that in the first way-of grouping, when every 22-year cycle starts from an even 11-year cycle, the ratio (t'/t")> 1. This means that duration of time interval between maxima of two Card 1/2 P/()-35/62/000/006/027/064 Comparison of time intervals ... A0011AI01 11-year cycles, comprising in pair the second 22-yearcycle, is less than dura- tion of 11-year cycles comprising the first 22-year cycle in this pair. In formation of 22-year cycles, when each of them was begun with an odd 11-year cycle, this rule is not valid. The value of V/t" can be in this case both more and less than unity, whereas in grouping by the first method t'/t" is more than I throughout the entire interval 1610.8 - 1878.9. For the-later 11-year cycles, starting from cycle No. 12,..t'/t" becomes less than unity. The author ascribes this to a ".9upersecular" solar cycle. B. Rubashev [Abstracter's notei Complete trinslationj Card 2/2 DOINOV, Ang. D., starshi asistent po astronaniia Noteworthy astronomical events in 1962. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 1:0-4.0 ja-F 62. B014OV, Angel D. Variation in r-ertain met-eurologir. ~~--lamnte at Soft5 during total solar eclipse of Febmary i5;. -1961. GAI-shnik fl~~ mt 56 no.2.-89-,92 ~61/,',62 [publ. -1631. BONOV, Angel D. Solar activity and observations or the sun during the Inter- national Year of Calm Sun. Priroda Bulg 12 no.,5t 3-5 ~-O BONOV) A. D., starshi naucben sutrudnik Some noteworthy astronomical phenomena of 1963. Priroda BuIg J~ no. 1: 37-39 Ja-F 163. BONOV, Angel D., at. n. sutp. Observation of the full lunar eclipse of June 24-25, 10~6,4 in Sofia. Priroda Bulg 13 no.5:77 S-0 164. I - . ~ ~:~ - . BONOV, Angel D., st. r,, sutrudnik Ingerasting astronomical phenomena in Prl'ro.-4a !~Ulg I) no.6:35-37 N-D 164. PICil"OV, Ts. -- "Basic FertilizatJ on; From the ExperJences of the Cooperative F*-rr.. in the Village of Belene, Svi,,:htov Okoliya.11 p. 21 (Kooperativno Zemedelie, No. 7, July 1956Y Sofiia) Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Voll 7, :o. 11, Nov. 1958 Kil BOMaKOVSKIY, V. F. BonAovskiy, V. F. - "The structure of the earth's crust.." Vestnik Mosk. un-ta, A 1948) No- 11, P. 115-22 So: U-3566, 15 Yakch, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949)