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BRATKOP 1. Yugoslavia (430) General - Serials 0. Zupenclo and our times. P. 32. NCIVI SVET Drzavna zalozba Slovenije) Ljubljana. nthly for literature and arts). Vol. 3, M 1948. Fast EuroMn Accessions Lista Library of Congress, Vol. 1p no. 13, November 1952, UNCLASSIFIFD. ncl I POLARD/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 1-29 Application - Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33117 Author Bratko Jerzy Inst Title USSR Experience in the Tanning of Sheepskins with Sulfochlorides. Orig Pub : Przegl. skorzaa-y, 1956, U, No 5, 121-126 Abstract : Data are presented on the effect upon the binding of sulfochloride, by dehaired hides. induced by pretreat, ment operations, addition of CH20 to sulfochloride, addi- tional after-tannine with CH20, aluminum alum and chro- mium salts; data are also included concerning studies of variation of the temperature of treatment depending on the a un of sulfochloride. The advantages of tan- ning vith sulfochlorides, as compared vith other tanning Card 1/1 a8ents, are set out. SHUGAYLIN, Aleksandr Tanillyevieh; DISHIATIY, F.S., kmd. filos. nauk, vidp. red.; red.; MATTIIMffK, 0.0., tekhn. red. [Soviet Physical science is in the forefront of the fight for a vaterialintic orientation of present-day physics] Fadianelka fizygbAa naulm - peredovyi front borotiby z& materialistycharl napriam v suchannii fiz7tsi. ryiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk UPM, 19m-- VO-1 77 P. (MIR& Ill.?) (Phydes-Philosophy) VIL'141TSKIY, Hoisoy Borisovich [Villnytalkyi, H.B.1; DYSRUVTY, P.S., kund.filosof.nauk,; BRATKO, Z.T., red.; KIL'OKHIN, I.D., - ---- 4 ~-- " X-11W" [;Somo philosophical problems in the special theory of relativity] Deiaki filosofelki pytannia spetsialinoi teorii vidnosnosti. Kyiv. Vyd-vo Aknd.nnuk URSR, 1959. 194 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Relativity (Physics)) RAZNATOVSKIT, Ivan Mitrofanovich [Raznatovalkyi, I.M.1; TARANOV, A.P., kand.yuridich.nouk, BROW, Z.T., red.; LIBOYMS, O.M., (Organization of the national economy and ita management in the Soviet 'Ukrainian State, 1945-19591 Hospodaralko-organizatorelka diiallnist' Ukrainslkoi Hadiauslkoi der2havy. 1945-1959 rr.: Qviv. Vyd-vo Aimd.nauk ORM, 1959. 259 p. (KIRA 13:7) (Ukraine-Industrial organisation) Mraine--AgricmItural administration) SOV/86-58-8-17/37 AUTHOR: P.P. Zarudniy, Col, and A.A&_B1rAt_k_2Yt.Bngr Maj, Candi- date of Technical Scien6-es TITLE: Rocket Engines (Raketnyye dvigateli) 3. The Propellants of Rocket Engines (Topliva raketnykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo riota, Nr 8. 1958, pp 43-48 (USSR) ABSTRACT.'t- The authors class rpoket propellants into solid and liquid propellants. -The rocket engines are also classed aocordl~ngly, i.e.j solid fuel and liquid fuel rocket engines. They'point out the advantages of the solid fuel rocket engine and the disadvantages of the sQlXd propellants. They also point out the require- .ments put on liquid propellants. The article contains the names of.scientists who worked on liquid Propel- lants: K.E,.Tsiolkovdkiy, P.A. Tsander., Yu.V. Kondrat- yuk,, N.G. Chernyshev, V.P. Glushko, G.E. Langemak. Card 1/2 M,IENIDO, Ye.G., prof., doktor tekhn. pauk; MIGLIN, B.A.; PAPOK, K.K.j, prof. doktor tekhn. nauk; ZARUBIN, A.P.; RAGOZO, I~I.A.,- SHIMONAYZVP--Ir.S.; CIIMTKOV, Ya.B.,- LIVSHITS, S.1,11.; BESS~Xni IYY, K.I.; LOSIKOV, B.V.; SABLUIA, Z.A.; ROZEKOV, I.V.; GUREM, A.A.; FATIYANOV, A.D.; ZRELOV, V.11.; ZARUDNYY, P.P.; mxT BARON, I.G.; LEVINA, Ye.S., ved. red.; TITSKAYA, ved. red.; ITDOTOVA, I.G., tekbn. red. (Notor, jet, and rocket fuels) Motornye, reB-ktivnye i raketnye topliva. 4., perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1962. 741 p. (MIRA 3-5:2) (Rockets (Aeronautics))-Fuel) (Jet propulsion) (Motor fuels) BRATKOV, F. TECM1'OLOGY Periodicals: 11IN':0 U-7LO. Vol 13, No. 5 Sept./ Oct. 1958. DRA.TKOV, P. Speedy construction of a vertical shaft with minimum use of machinery in the Rosen-'Airli bria-- State Iiine EnterDrise. p. 57. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1959, Unclass. !, -3ilATYOV - 1 2. USSR (600) 4. Tuberculosis 7. Course of latent forms of chronic mi?.1ary tugerculosis of 'he 1-ings An Gurzuf In different seasons, Probl.tW). no.6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress rV1 -1953, Uncl. BAATKOV, V. 14. , S. P. JI.Kperience I-Ith the i~pplication of Air 'baths During the '-,old Period of the 0 Year. VOYENNO-MED1TSIINKIY Z!ILTMkL (i-dLIMM L)ICAL JOURINAL), lio 12. 195h. P4k BRATKOV, V. N. Dispensary registrat-ion of patients with tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no.3:14P-15 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. ZavedtWuahchiy tuberkuleznym kabinstom Gurzufskoy kurortno- poselkovoy poliklikiki. (TUBERCULOSIS) (HOSPITAL-OUTPATIENT SERVICES) BR&TKGV, Tu.; MORGUNOVA, G.,- SINITSYN,, V. OS-4., 5 grain-cleaning machines Tekhov sellkhoz. 21 no-8:50-55 Ag 161, (MI4A 14:7) - (Grain-Cleaming) DDIITROV, D.; FR4TEV, F.; STEPANOVA, A.; BaTHDVA, M. Some color reactiona of aronatic compounds. Pt-4- Godi-shnik khim tak-b 9 no.2:200,-.219 162 [publ. to3j. USM/Jbtallurgy .- Weldingp Equipment, Oct- 52 Design Cn CV "Calculating the Magnetic Circuit of an Tnduc- tion Spot Welding Machine for Required Energy," Docent 0. N. Bratkova, Cand Tech Sci, MYTU (Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Higher Tech School imeni Bauman) V 0 L, ~,*3 "Avtogen Delo" No id, pq 10-1p A Deals with one of basic problems in desiga of impulse welding machine, accumulating energy in magnetic field, namely, calcn of magnetic 23MI circuit of welding transformer. Presents de- sign chart, which permits one to find values of reduced field intensity, air gap, and mg- netic induction for El steel, when energy density is given. "Contact faachinez- 0. ficid for the point wcldlnf~ USSR. ;-10~~Cotq 01%~er of LenLti Tcciriica.l School imeni -Baiz:-rin. n-,.ree of Doctor in Tech;licP-2 U~, ~- n ~ eurml~atiil~-f ellcrry In zi "M i Ilet LC of lifift -~Iin Hi,-her ~ndvcation and Order of I-~',Ior ~ec' -- amer Iiii-her ','o9 i Oil for ti,~e Seienrcs). S (,-,i r c e lctonisl No. 28 -- ---- -I- - BnTKOU, O.N., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, doteent. Process of a contact machine accumulating magnetic field energy. I1ekt&*ichestvo no.2:43-49 F 1570 (MLRA 10:3) 1. Moskovskoye vyseheye tekhnichookoye uchilishche im. Bsumans.. (Alectric welding) -1 . IL'il, 135-10-2/19 AUTHORSi Bratkova, O.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Nitusov, Yu. Ye., Engineer, and Bachelis, I.A., Engineer TITLE: A New Contact Machine with Stored Energy (Novaya kontaktnaya machina a nakopleni~em energii) PERIODICALt Svarochnoye Proizvodstva, 1957, No 10, PP 7-9 (USSR) LBSTRACTt The new contact welding machine is a welding transformer de- signed collectively, by the three inventors (Authors, certific- ate No.106207) at the Chair "Electrical Engineering and Elec- trical Equipment" of MVTU imeni Bauman. The essence of the design consists of a movable central core rigidly connected with resilient elements (these were springs in the experiment- al unit shown by Figure 1) which contract under the pressure exerted by the core when current passes through the transformer windings. In this way, energy is stored in the magnetic field and in the springs. When the primary circuit is interrupted, the magnetic field weakens and the springs repel the core, whereby a portion of the energy stored in the springs is trans- ferred into the welding circuit. The article includes a mathematical analysis of the system. The work by A.I. Mosk- Card 1/2 vitin (1) was utilized by the authors in their investigation of A New Contact Machine with Stored Energy 135-10-2/19 the processes connected with the movements of the core. The conclusions are made thai the system stores and gives into the welding circuit 1.5 tp 2 as much energy as a transformer with a stable core (at equal mass of material used for building the transformers). it enables control of the welding current im- pulse shape and the speed of energy increase which is converted into welding heat between the electrodes. It decreases con- siderably the arc formation on the contacts being led apart, and results in better uniformity of quality of the welding spots, which eliminates a serious drawback of existing machines which store energy in the magnetic field alone. There are 5 diagrams and 4 references, all of which are Russian ASSOCIATION: NVTU imeni Bauman. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 BRATXOVA, OlIga Nikolayevna -- awarded sci degree of Doc Tech Sci for the 23 Dec 57 defense of dissertation: "Cont-cact machines with accumu- lation of energy at the magnetic pole for precision welding of light alloys" at the Council, Mos Higher Tech School imeni Bauman; Prot No 15, 7 Jun 58. (BMVOI 11-58927) ROINOVICH. Isaak Yakov1evioh;,JB4pLCffA,_0.N., kand, tekhn, nq&, re tsenzent; SHCHITOTA, V.M., kmtl.-fe-khn. nau~ red.; STAPANG N.S., red. ldz-va; MODELS. B.1., tokhn. red. [Avipment -for electric ara welding; curent sources] Oboradovanie d1la 6govoi elektricheskoi ovarki; istoohniki pitanilla clugi. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mehinostroit. lit-ry, 1958, 380 P. I (Mm 11:10) (Electric welding-lquipment and ompplies) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION . SOV/4810 Nikolayev, G. A., A. I. Akulov, 0. N. Bratkov=a?, G B. Yevseyev, N. L. Kaganov, A. V. Mordvintse t-, an-ad--M. T. N~zarov Svarka (Welding) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 106 p. .(Series: Sovetskoye mashinostroyeniye v.. 1959-1965 gg.). 4,000 copies printed. Ed. of Series: 1. 1. Changli; Managing Ed. for L~terature on Heavy Machine Building: S. Ya. Golovin, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: G. N. Soboleva; Tech. Ed.: G. V. Smirnova. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel in plants, Councils of the National Economy, and project bureaus, and may also be useful to students who intend to work in these fields. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the development of welding methods in machine building and civil engineering. The following are con- sidered: automatic are welding, electroslag welding, automatic resista6ce welding, gas-flame processing, automatic surfacing of metals, inspection of welded joints, and modern methods of joining metallic and nonmetallic materials. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. VLADIMIRSKIY, T.A., doktor teldui.nauk; VROBMVSKIY, R.V., inzh.; GLEBOV, L.Y., inzh.; GODIN, V.H., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOOV, S.G., inzh.; GULYAYZV, A.I., inzh.; IMSHOV, L.K., inzh.; KOGMIOVSKIY, N.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; LYMYSIM, K.V,, prof.p doktor tekhn.nauk; PATON, Me., skademik, prof., doktor tekh.~. nauk; RABINOVICH, I.Ya., kBnd.tekhn.nauk; RADASUOVICH, I.M.6 inzh.; RUALIN, N.H., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; SPUTOR, O.Sh., inzh.; KMNOV, K.K., skademik, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; CIMIYAK, V.S., inzh.; CIMOMIKOV, P.L., inzh.; SHORSHOROV, M.Kh., kand.tekhn.nauk; ~MATWYA_. O.N., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, nauclinyy red.; BRIITMG, I.L., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; GMIMAII, A.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; K01MRATOVLCH, V.M., iuzh.i nauchnn red.; IMASOVSKIT, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; SKAKUN, G.7._,.kand.tekhn.nauki nauchnyy red.; &KCLOV, Ye.Y., inzh., red.; IVANOVA, K.N., inz.h., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Welding bandbook] Spravochnik po avarke. Moskva, Goo.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo msahinostroit.lit-ry. Vol.l. 1960. 356 p. (MrRI 14:1) 1. AN USSR (for Paton, Khrenov). Z.,,ChletY-"koVIrespoiidentv-*N SM (for Rykalin, Khrenov). (Welding-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) BRATKOVA, O.N. [Feed sources for electric slag welding] Istochniki pitaniia dlia elektroshlakovoi svarki. Moskva, MVTU 11962. 34 p. (MI RA 16:7) (Electric welding) L-32596-6 6 DIT(m)/EWP(V)/~/WP(t)/~WP(k)/99(h)/,t4P(b)/W(1)/EWA(c) jD)~aj XM -NaAP5018695 SOUR-CE. CODE AUTHOR: Bratkova, 0. N. (Doctor of technical sciencea); Lomov., I..A,(~ (Engineevl~~~~ ORG: MVTU imeni Baumana TITLE: Power circuit calculation for a low amperage arc power source SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 7, 1965, 11-14 TOPIC TAGS: transistorized circuit, electric power source, are weldingi ABSTRACT: The basic parameters of a low amperage power circuit for ar-~, gon arc welding with nonconsumable electrodes are calculated and the usd of transistors as welding voltage reg ulatorsims discussed. Transistors; may be connected (1) to the bridge rectifier or (2) to the rectifier circuit. Despite a slight power loss due to feedback resistance in thei emitter circuits, the bridge rectifier hookup is favored over the rec - tifier circuit hoo up. Transistorized voltage regulators in low am-_ peragearc weldingtve the advantage of holding voltage constant de spite fluctuations in the length of the arc (at 0.3-1.5 mm are lengtb, voltage fluctuation did not exceed 3-4%) and make for a much lighter, more compact power source. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 7 formulas. SUBM DATE: 06Aug64/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 000 SUB CODE: 13/ UDC: 621.791.03 : 621.382.3 C A USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102161. T Author : Karayev, A. I.; Bratko,v.a,.R,.-.S,.. Inst :Not given. Title :The Influence of Stimulation of Baroreceptors of the Gallbladder on the Sugar Content ih the Blood. Orig Pub: Fiziol. zh. SSSR, 1957, 43, No 3, 235-239. Abstract: The bluctuations of sugar content in blood (SCB) in stimulation )f gallbladder baroreceptors were studied on 19 cats under conditions of acute ex- periment and on two dogs with bladder fistula. The significance of initial SCB was noted; SCB in- creased or decreased depending on it. 5-minute- long stimulation of baroreceptors induced a faster and longer lasting effect than did 1-minute-long Card 1/2 BRUKOVE . F. "Ferrites" by R,A.Waldron. Reviewed by F.Bratkovic. BIektr vest 29 no.8/lOs239 161. BRATKOVIC, Franc, inz. Geodesic activity in Slovenia. Geod list 17 no. 4/6: 138-139 Ap-Je 163. MATK 10 France,. ins*. M;A-ISM vmmw~-- , ----"Mqqmw Fifty years of toWmical training in civil enginearingo Nova proizv 14 no.3/4-.227-230 S 163o BRATKOVSKIY) E. I.- Main Veterinary Surgeon, Tlumachevsk Raion), SHNITSER, V. Main Veterinary Surgeon, Galich Raion), SHCHAVINSKUY,. 0. 1. ~Veterinary Surgeon, Stanislavsk Oblast'), KOVATEV,- A. A. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Experiment Veterinary Medicine), and NECHVAL', I. T. (Director of Poltava Oblast' Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory). ''Application of "aminoacriquin" for treatment of bulls infested Vith Trichomonas". Veterinariya, Vol.. 38, No. 2, 1961, P. 32. I I / A 0 te~) '*,(/ / 3 (~.-4 ~ K C~- BRUSOVIUISlayp S'. inch.-polkornik; BRATKOWIly, G,, -Imb.-podpolkov-nik. - Roarrange the technical control system. Tankist no.l-,38-39 A 158. (Tanks (Military acience)--Wntenance and repair) (MIRA 110) 22(3) SOV/175-58-6-32/41 AUTHOR: Bratkovskiy, G., Engineer Lieutenant-Colonel TITLE: Easily and Quickly PERIODICAL: Tankist, 1958, Nr 6, p 50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that much time and effort are necessary to couple the rope of a truck-tractor haulage winch with a tank in water. The length of the haulage winch rope is 200 m and the diameter 28.5 mm. DragginG such a rope is not an easy task. An additional light rope of 4 mm diameter and a corresponding length together with a snatch block may be very helpful. A drawing (Figure 1) shovis three stages of a coupling operation. One to two men can easily perform the task. There is 1 dia- gram. Card 1/1 M-M 9 a as w 6 11 u U $4 is Is ly m '71 Jill; Ad Ill 16 v 34t, Jew an#, it 4:4$ vd~co c I Z AA -Dl Itt u4j- Stop i-00 A 167c 11404utim Of 11MOdillo, 10f patenteral tippliCtstion. R. Kh. Dratkovskil. -00 III 11.4trillmal 11M, mild 111%'% .60 110t C&uw thr-l"I"lly' it is mpidly MZZ~".Ituxlfiudi, '-III 3o Iii'll. Will after h1j" It a Ir.i.t.kill tit metilitdi"ti, -00 go to 0 =00 00 -w0 00 a -00 00 o see itini too to 0 sic,. -dm to Nit it a 1. 1. -111 -,It 19 a a 0 o Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o *10 0 0 o 00 0 0 ego.,0000 0 0 0 104 000 0 0 * 0 0 a * 0 0 a 0 :1 00 0411 00 '00 it 0 I L 11 Uill. l, 1, 9 A -pol,citsit so '0r#101,11 -:I, Mic"doWal"fim of"Wonam"in blood. RAh. 1946. 12. M-O.-Ths: metholl mes; I)urtl,b ~09 colm trartion of 2-n3phthtO on di"otiml sulfosiamide. The bril4itivity I% gootl ~ tjowlt its 0.01 ulg. Sulfallytiallic ill It) ce. ReArmw I I-art ak,. 2-ital-littiol, A parts 210"; aq. NAOIJ und 4 ikutildisid. list) (tht, 9-ills. kcrp. I %mk At Ill ... 0; 1 juil NaNll, mul I IsAirt 7-;~ l[Cl (111.111c 4% UtNtlr%l tilid U-441 withii4 .5 Inin.). StAIMAld- reference s-obis. mir imide from 0.01 And 0.1 N K.Citch 1 illixeil with a 40 7r, Co(NLN)t *u1n. to give a rokir-matching Wt flit Sulloll"Ifilide rullse of 0-20 mlq IM cv. Thc hl~k.i gimple, 0.34).4 cv., is tirrAtell with Nsk ox;illstr; 0.1 ve. of tile pla-lim i,; witlult4twil. dild. Willi (1.1 vv~ lItO, Awl trealtU with O.W cc. dhatutixing solit. Albin it Ill %laad i initi. uthl O.LL5 cc. nalilithol soln., let stand it) miss. aml i;oo timusure ill a colorimeter. The results were ucvuratc ill 1&3.51 , of ca%cfi; the remaining 6.5'~ shourd de"itigms oI OA-1.0 111K."IM cc. of litsislim G. ko-IAI-IT :7 -7- a" U AT 10 As IT "an itsir ;O.T.- 00 oooioo of* 00*00000000000160000 8666060660000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ::o 0 ZOO V& 0 -00 :fee too 14 0 CW ko o An I I I W 0 IS Or I W Im j Aj a i 4 "0 n 1 11, 4n3 go 060008 *00 so O."A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 1Z -1r is '30 v vu m -JD a, UP biliaod"minmi"doto ot bio*d "d uflns fullonamides. 00 pimplAd.andl A. S. KAIROMOCII (IAlningrad 'h =e0 -- I No. 1. 1 o AAR. list. Affil. W.S., '62. =)"61... A twirl dr~1-64141 Of roe IWI-720;447); cl, t 'A. It, Inetigmt not N NO and I RA0111401 T)gtvcti*n Of 141. V. RAtWax. 1jd. 73-4- A Imirf im-ril-I I,"' of t twine( luxt' U~Jng XqNO, and m-napht1mylamine. L. W. vq o a00 ZOO -go A%5-%LA atTALLUS'GICAL LIMATURIt CLASSIPICAT1016 !000 E-Z' 1311 "go 14 0 b IF Joe tc ICNINWA i~UJA A a two Me go, 011 oq we00 0 0 0 0 & 0 4 00 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 go*** BRATKOVSKIY, VA. Initial data for deter"' 4 heights on a stereotopometer. Geod. i kart. no.11:25-33 N 162, (KMA 15:12) (Aerial photogrammetry) BRATKOVSKIY, V.A. Conditions for correct operation of precision stereometers as stereocomparators, their adjustment and verification. Grod. i Imrt. no.10:25-35 0 161* (MIRA 14: U) (Aerial photog--ramaetry) BRATKOVSKIY, V.A. Preparing materials for the plotting of maps. Geod. i kart. no.U.: 40-41 N 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Cartography) BRATKOVSKIY. V.A. Projector for junctions. Geod. i kart. no.5:48-53. MY '62. (MIRA .15:7) (UrUgraphy) BRATKOVSKIY, V.A. Using a large blueprint frame. Geod.i kart. no.6:63-64 -Te 162. (HM 15:8) (Photomechanical processes) BRATKOVSKIY, V. T. -, Azsw~-, , Extensive ressotion of the small intestine. 3drav. Bel. 9 no.72 84 J1163 (KM 1794) 1. IrLyubehanskoy gorposelkovoy bollnitsy Groilnenskoy oblasti (glavnyy vrach T.V. Bratkovakiy)c KOVALEV., A.A... kand. veterin. npuk; NECHVALI, I.T.;~444TKOVS41X, - Ye -' .1.; kii- SHNITSER V.I.; SHCHAVINSKIY, 0.1., veterin. vrach (Stanislavs-ya obl.) Treating trichomoniasis in bulls using aminoacrichine. Veterinariia 38 no.2:32-35 F 161. (MIRP 18:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinarii (for Knvalev). 2. Direktor Poltavskoy oblastnoy veteri- narno-bakteriologichoskoy laboratorli (for bleclivall). 3. Glavnyv veterinarnyy vrach Tlumachevskogo rayona, Stanislavskaya oblast' (for Bratkovskiy). 4. Glavny- y veterinarnyy vrach Galichskogo rayona Stanislavskoy oblasti (for Shnitser). BRATKOVSKrY, Yu.G. Specific and general problems in the qualitative tbeory of differ- ential systems. Uch.ZaP.RGPI 15:88-108 '58. (MIRA 12:7) (Differential equations) S/044/62/000/006/011/127 B112/B104 AUTHOR: Bratkovs~~Yu~.G. TITLE: Some questions relating to the behavior of the trajectories of algebraic differential systems without linear terms as a function of a parameter change PERIObICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 6, 1962, 49-50, abstract 6B215 (Uch. zap. Ryazansk. gos. ped. in-t,.v. 24, 15.60, 11 - 22) TEXT: The present paper is a continuation of a previpus paper of the author (RZhMat, 1959, 4669). As ;Ln the previous.article, the behavior of the characteristics of the system i dx/dt a x yj - P(x, Y) itj-~k ij M n dy/dt ~E.=k bijx Y - Q(x, Y) 1+J (k-->1) at infinity- is studied with the aid of Poincar6's sphere and circle. Together with the fundamental system (Wthe author considers Card 1/4 S/044/62/000/006/011/127 Some questions relating ... B112/B104 the comparison system n dx/dt - t aiix y + Z: -aii XY Nx- A, i+j k i+j-k n n (2) dy/dt - L _ b ijx y + a - sijx,y, ~(X, A, i+j k i+j k ir.,here the degree of the lowest terms of the comparison polynomials NX, Y) and q(x, y) is not lower than that of the basic polynomials P(X,Y) and 'n ij I < lc and ij < E. On the one hand, a represent- i+j =k i+j _k in'gpoirit Pcorresponds to. each system (1) in the space of coefficients of this system, on the other, a certain qualitative representation of the be- havior of the characteristics in Poincarb's circle ~Poincare' map'). The author shows that for each d>0 it is possible to find a S).O such that, if ociis a singular equator point of the multiplicity m >1, 'there is a re- presenting point P in the -neighborhood of P for a definite representing point P. For this point m simple singular points lie on the equator in the E-neighborhood of point,~t If this number m is even, then' the point i* klare. 2/4 3/044/62/000/006/011/127 Some questionzrelating* ... B112/B104 P can be chosen such that the singular point t. vanishes. To improve the well-known concept of rough and non-rough systlems, the author introduces the,concept of a system rough in the large, that of a system rough at infinity, and that of strong roughness at a singular point. A system is called -rough in the large if for any,~, >0 there is afj> 0 such that a system (2) 6.*.-equivalent to system (1) in the large corresponds to ainy'represent- ing point P from the &neighborhood of P, i. e., if there is topologic mapping that ~-transforms the of system (1) into the Poincare' map of system (2). (This will be the case when each phase.point 11 of sys- tem (1) is transformed into a ptase point FA of system (2) in such a way that the differences r-r and f-r of the radius vectorp and-the polar an--- 'gles of points DI and Sk with arbitrarily chosen origin do not exceed the ' modulus t.) If the topologic equivalence holds not for all Poincare' circles but only for those from the neighborhood of the equator, then the system is called rough at infinity. A system is called rough in the 6rigin if for systems (1) and (2) there is a unique number of exceptional directions for any point P from the L -neighborhood of P. Thdsa directions start A.rom the origin, are all unique, and - with sufficiently small change arbitrarily little during the transition from system (1) to system (2). Card 3/4 S/044/62/000/006/011/127 Some questions relating... 4112/B104 No other singular points are separated from the origin. For exam'.)le, in the case of a system rough in the ordinary sense, the focus may be trans- formed into a node, while this is not the case with a very rough system. The system dx/dt - y, dy/dt - 2y - x is rough in the ordinary sense, but not very rough because the origin is a degenerate node whieb is transformed into focus, however small the change of the coefficients may be. In th~is paper the author proves a number of theorems explai'ning the conditions of roughness in the large, of roughness at infinity, and of strong roughness. LAbstracter's note; Complete translation Card 4/!" B.N.; YENJIMYEV, G.Sh.; GZAGOLET, A.V.; KISLOVA, A.M.; NORM", ALXKBBYBVI N.A.; LISOVSKIY, 9.A.; MATKOVSKOY K.A.- SCROKIN, N.N., inzhener, redaktor; KHITROV, P.A., te)01:61 M re'daktor [use of aerial photographs by railroad location parties] Ispoll- zovanie aerofbtoonimkov v polev7kh tr'assirovochnykh partiiakh. Mo- skva, Goa. transp. zhal.-dor. izd-vo, 1955- 130 p. (MLRA 8:6) 1. Moscow. Vesso7uznyy nauchno-issledovate-llski7 institut zhelezno- dorozhnogo stroitel'stva i provektirovantya. (Railroads--Location) (Photograp~q, Aerial) 1973-.. MAMWWA~;4--~ -CKATYS-G6RfDCA`L-.i:_.. HOFFMAN S.,~ BUCZE -afid':UARCINOWSKA-~H~~-~-1,3~~---Ped.~..A,,-.M.:.,~--wroclaw.*-Wojawodzkiej--. - WXVdaW.,'-4R0U -Palec2ki 2 grUPY SaImpnella i: Sh-19ella orax;pgaetzld' W_ etiologli biegunek - dziecipeych.- Th a: lae- nd-Each..,0*11--in-th-e a*' iology tnftntile': Aia'r rhos as PSDIATP 19.55 - 0/11 OL.- (221420) Tables -6 1b" stigations-Wer't tarried *ui duriMAhe-,pbriod from- 23~ S-.19152 to, 7.; IIJID 64.~ 011-Ut- of 150 children suffering froze _dlarrhoe&ift~3-tAs es~bactarl;~ of Salmonella s_?r*'jP, in a cases bacteria of a4ella-group were isolated. Evchicoliof all'as type wr-e- found Ln 25 canes. Zsch.cckli of beta type was found in 23~ in 9 cabes both AyypeT3 of bacteriu coil were found.- 5 cases presented a mixed infertion of Sallmone-Ila ba-.- teria or Shigella and Escb.,coll - One ubildpresented 2 different bacter-la- ct Shigella group. Out of 107 cM-wron from" the iclialcal control group negative resulta 01 c tureS of faecea for Salmonellavid Shigella Ines.were ol ftined in 100%_ L-1 onc- case S. typhora was obtained from thin CSF. Bacteria coli type alpha appeared in th a flaeces in II childr en of thl a g roup, . typ e beta In ]LI, in 3 c a s e -s bu- 1-11 typ e P, of bacteria coU were present, In 50 healthy childrenau cultures froM Tarmes for,15.31monella, Shlgmlla and Rai.- terium culi werie nelatAvej -The- t4w j t:~ Salmone-lb, authms:coUsider: the: ter a of ne ce of both type-a 6f ftateerium-coll In the control group may -indica-lo the spr-ezd!mg of these germirwhere the -research work has been carried out. Authors, summ ary 'r.k ME9I Sec. 6 Vol- 11/1Z Dec- 57 i , I ~A~y 7338,BRATKOWSKA B., OLEARCZYK J, and SCHLESLNGER D. 11 Klin. Chor. -We`wn. A-.ff.-,-'W-roc4*aw; Stacji Krwiodawstwa, Wroclaw. *Dogwiadezenia wtasne nad przetaczahlem krwi w bialaczkach. R e s ults of hae m o - therapy of leukafmia POL. ARCH. NIED. WEWN~T. 1956, 26/12 (1935-1938) Of 40 patients with leukaemia, 30 were given one or more blood transfusions. This treatment was found to have a favourable influence an the general condition of the patients. The 18 patients who showed chronic leukaemia received together more than 50 1. blood over the last year without a single mild or severe case of shock. Five patients had mild pyretic reactions. Patients with lymphatic leukaemia tolerated the blood transfusions just as well as patients with other forms of leukae- mia. (VI, 5.16) 1~xeerpta Yledica see. 6 Interml Meae:IM Vol. 9/5 Yiay 55 3231. BRA*rKOWSKA B. , JANIAKOWA A. and OLEARCZYK J. 11 Klin. Chor6b Wrozt;iw; III Klin. Chor6b wewnetrznvch A.M.. Wroc- taw. Przypadek pitrahoniofilii. A ca s e o f pa ra lin e in o 1) h i I i a 1110L. TYG. 1J.'K. 0-5-4, 'j,33 (10.90-10-52) Graohs I Tabli--s :3 ,rhe case ofa U1.111 Of 28 with eliaracteristic personal and familial anamnesis was examined and descrii)ed in detail. The main finding was deficiency of Owren's factor V and the di:icynosis of parahaemophilia was made. The thrombin genoration test was delaved and the prothrombin consumption was inipaived. The increased proteolysii in the serum is emphasized. Blood transfusions led to the shortening uf the coagulation time for 24-48 hr. Gibifiski - Bytom BRATKOWSKA, Barbara; MIIEWICZ, 2~rgmunt A case of diverticUum of cardial part of the stomach. Polaki tygod. lek. 10 no.9:273-275 28 Fab 55. 1. z ir 11iniki Chorob Wowstr2nych A.M. we Wroclawiu; kierownik: prof dr AgUlkiewicz i z Kliniki Radiologiesnej A.M. we Wroclayiu; p.,o. kierownikai dr Z.Kubrakiewicz. Wroclaw, u1. Pasteura 4. (STOMACH, divervicula, cardiac part, surg.) 'BRATKOWSXA, Barbara A case of Ayerzalo syndrome. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.13-399-402 28 Mar 55. 1. Z Iliniki Chorob, Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wrocl&wiu; klerownik: prof. dr med. A. Fallciewlez. (AV-3RZAIS SYNDROHI) BRA,TKObWU, Barbara; OIJAECZYK, Julian. t> '. C"O of Vesicular pulmonary empbysom. Polski tygodlak. 10 no.51: 1650-1653 19 Doe 55. 1. Z II Iliniki Vownetrzmej A.M. we Vrocbwiu; kJarowulk; prof. dr. sod. A.Valklevicz. Wroclax, 11 Kl. Chor. Wmn. A.M. (IWHYSBNL. PUIMOURT, case report@, (Pol)) BRkTKOWSKA, Barbara Liver function in systemic diseases of the bemopoietic system. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 25 no.6:1067-1080 1955- i. ii ninika Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wroclswiu. Kierownik: T)rof. dr. med. A. Falkiewicz, Wroclaw, ul. Klary Zetkin 71/10. (H M POIRTIC SYSTE4, diseases. liver funct. tests) (LIVER FUNCTION TESTS, in various diseases, hemopoietic dis -) BRATKOWSKA, Barbara; OLW.CZYK, Julian; SCHLESINGER, Danuts. Experience on hemotherapy of leukoses. Polskie arch. mad. wown. 26 no.12:1935-1938*1956. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnstrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. A. Falkiewicz i z9 Stacji Krwiodawetwa we Wroclawju Dyrektor: dr. mad. T. Dorobisz. Wroclaw, ul. Weglowa 5. (LICUK104IA. ther. blood transfusion (Pol)) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, in various dis. leukemia (Pol)) BRATKOWSKA, Barbara; JANIAKOWA, Alina; OLRARCZTK. Julian Case of psoudohemophilia. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.27:1215- 1219 2 JulY' 56. % 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu; kierownik., Prof. dr. mad. Antont Falkiwelez 1 2 111 Klinika Chorob Wownstrznych A.M. we Wroclawtu; kierownik: prof. dr. mad. Idward Steiaklik, Wroclaw, II Klinika Chorob Wown. A.M., ul. Pasteura 4. (HWRRHAGIC DIATHESIS, case reports, (Poi)), 13RATXOWA-S*MOW,'-Barbar~L (Wrociiw, u1. Pasteura 4) of pulmonary oyphilis. Polakie arch. mod. wown. 27 no-7:891-907 1957. 1. Z II Kliniki Ghorop WewnetrzrWch A,M. we Wroclawin Kierownik: prof. dr Med. A. Talkiewics. (SYPHILIS, lungs (Pol)) (LUNG DISMS16, - syphilis (Pol)) EXCERPTA IEDICA See 15 Vol 12/6 Che3t Dis. Juhe 59 1411. PATHOGENESIS OF PRIMARY HAEMOSIDEROSIS OF THE LUNGS - W sprawie patogenezy pierwotnej hemosyderozy pluc (w zwiVizku ze spostrze- ganym przypadkiem) -13ratkowska-Senlbw B. , Dzierikowa W. and K u b r a k I e w I c z Z. 11 Klin. Cho_r_.'We_wnA. M., Wroctaw - POL. TYG. LEK. 1958, 13/26 (994-998) Illus. 7 A woman aged 38, with primary haemosiderosto of the lungs, showed general weakness, dyspnoea, secondary anaemia, subfebrile temperature and progressive emaciation. X-rays revealed densely dispersed small spots In both lungs, especial- ly in the central area near the hilus. A chronic course with periodic remissions and recurrences is considered as specially characteristic. The X-ray diagnosis was supported by bone marrow examination, In which haemosiderosis crystals were found. On the grounds of a lowering of the complement level in the pre-stage of a crisis and during the crisis itself, and because of a direct Coombs' reaction, an Immunological aetiology of primary haemosiderosis is assumed. The lungs should be regarded as shock organs. Cortisone and ACTH are recommended. Warm L6dt (XV, 6. 19) 4-19"-w-le6w s SF~- EXCERPTA MICA See 13 Vol 13/3 Dermatoligy Yar 59 848. ACQUIRLD IIALINIOLYTIC ANAEMIA IN -1-11L COURSE'OF IXPUS 1--'I,',YTIIE- MATOSUS DISSEMINATUS - NivEloki-wistoAt hemolityczna nabyta wpI.ZcbIcp tocznia rumicniowatego trzewncgo - 13 r a t k o w s k a - S u n i e) w 13. and K n a p i k o w a D. 11 KI in. Chor. We,~n. 'A.MW rocf-.-w----I-).OT-,M-G. LEK. 1958, 13/27 (10470 -1049) Illus. 5 A case of acquired hacniolytic anaemia which developed in a 32-yvar-old woman in the course of a Libman-Sacks syndrome is described. Detailed obse rvat ions of the clinical state, as well as the results of serological an(] plasmia protei!11 inves- tigations are presented. BRATKOWSKUPITIOW, Barbara, GRUSZXA, Stanislaw . . . ............j ChWas in blood proteins in Libman-Sacko disease. Polskle arch. medevown. 28 no.2:167-178 1958 1, T II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu lierownik: prof. dr med. A. 7alkiewics. Adres autora: Wroclaw, ul. Paeteura 4,, 11 Ilin. Chor. ffewn. A.H. (IUM 'ERYTIMMATOSUS, DISSEHINATUD, blood in blood prtain changes (F01)) (BLOM PROTBMS. in various diseases disseminated 1upus erythematosue, protein changes (Poi)) RRATV70SKI-SUIOW, Barbara, OLKUIAGZ, Wladyslawa CorTarRtive stvdy of the blood proteins and urine in kidney diseases. Polskle nrchomedowewn. 28 noo2IM-191 1958 1. Z. II Iliniki, Chorob Wewnetrznvch A.M. we Wroclawiu. KierownikS prof. dr mod. A. Talkiewic*. Adres autora: Wroclaw, ulo Pasteurs 4* II Klin. Chor. Wwn. A.M. (BLOOD PROTRINS, In various diseases kidney die. (Pol)) (KIMST 'DISUSSS, phvaiOlOA7 blood vrotein & urine studies (Pol) aCERPTA MEDICA See 2 Vol 12/7 Physio'logy July 39 2690. THE SERUM PROTEINS IN SYSTEMIC DISEASES OF THE. HAEMATO- POIETIC ORGANS. 11 - Badania nad bialkami surowicy krwi w chorobach ukiadowych narz~d6w krwiotwdrczych. II.Obraz bialek surowiczych krwi w ostrej blaXaczce szpikowe) -_jjLa t k o w a k a II.Klin. Chor. Wewn. A.M.. Wroclaw - POL.ARC WEWN~T. 195., 28/10 (1311- 1320) Tables I Illus. 7 A considerable decrease of the albumin level and an increase of globulin. especially of a- andy-globulin levels were found in acute myeloblastic leukaemia. (11,6),. IWIATIOWSKI, Stefan Changes in the osseouB system in chronic manifest IYMPh9ti6 leukemia. Folskie arch. mod. vewne 29 no*6:797-808 1959o 1 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzrqch A. M. we Wroclaviu lierownik: prof. dr mod. A. Falkiewiez. (IZUMIA LYMPHOOTTIC, pathol.) OCNI AND '90IMS, Dathol.) BUTROWSU-SMIOW, Barbara - 91~%Ww-kk~ proteins in diseasee of the hemopoiatic organs. V. Behavior of serum proteins in primary chronic reticulosts. Polokie 29 no.10:1329-1332 '59. 1. Z II Xliniki Chorob WewnetrzTh A.M. we Wroclawiu. (BLOOD PROTSINS (RETIOULOZIMOTHZLIOSIS blood) BRATKDWSKA-SZNIOW, Barbara; IXIJRZKOVA, Wands; GWSZXL, Stanislaw: MBO, Aliejay- limmino-b matologic&I obanges' in Yleceral lupas arythamtoms. PolmkU arch. md.winmetrz. 29 no.12: 3693-1600--'59. 1. Z II Iliniki Chordb VownetrMch A.M. we Wroolawim. Xlerowmik: prof. dr. sod. A. 7alkiewles t z.Vojewodskiej Staaji Irwiodawatwa we Wroolawiu lierowniki T.Dorobims. (LUFM BRITMIPATOGUS I-nol.) BATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara Studies on blood serum proteins in systemic diseases of the hemo- poietic system. VI. Pathological proteins appearing during the evarse of leukemias, maligant granuloma and primary reticulosis. Polskie 30 no.1:49-55 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wrocleviu. Kierownik: A. Talkiewics. (BIOOD PROTBIRS) (LBUXIMIA blood) (HODGKIN'S DISFASS blood) (RITICUIDIROTHNUOSIS blood) MUTKOV -MMI I1Z=ZXOWA, Wanda; GRUSZKA, Stanislav; XNAPIKOWA, Danuta; IMM, Alicjs Influence of treatment with adrenal cortex hormones on immuno- hematological lesions in hemopoietie system diseases and in' visceral lupus erytbomatosue. Polekle arch.mea.wewn- 30 no-3: 337-343 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A.M. we Wroclaviu. Kierownik: prof.dr med. A. Yalkiewicz i s Wojewodzkiej Steicji Krwiodawetwa we Wroclwiiu. Dyrektor: doe.dr med. T. Dorobist. (ADF30" CORTAX HOHMONES tber.) (HRMTOPOINTIC SYSM die.) (1UM RMHEMTORT3 ther*) 9 BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara Clinical aspects of Libman-Sacks syndrome. Polskie 30 no.9:1201-IZ07 160. 1. Z 1I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A.Falkiewiez (LUPUS KRYTH M TOSUS) BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara; DZIERZKOWA, Wanda; KOBER, Alicja Serological syndromes observedduring the course of primary reticuloses. Cas.lek.cesk. 99 no.-,20/21:617-619 20 My 6o 1. 11 interni klinika Lekarske akademie ve Vratislavi, prednosta prof. dr. A.Falkiewicz a Transfuzni stanice ve Vratislavi, prednosta doe. dr. T.Dorobisz (RETICULOENMHERIOSIS immunol) --BRAT-KGWSKk.SMaM4-B&rl&r4- Antibody-deficUncy syndrme. Poliskio arch. zed. vownstrz. 30 no.U:UI9-1426 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorab Wownstrnyeb:A.M. ve Woc]Aviu Marownik: prof. dr. mod. A4---J&IkLmwlrx.-P (AGAMMGLOBUIJNINEMIA) BRkTKOWSKA-SRNIOWt_ Bgrbare-, (M. eNmgels in the aIUnical course and form of malignant granuloma. Polskie arch. nod, wevnetrz. 30 no,12:1541-1550 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: pref. dr mod. A. Fa3kiewicz. (HODGKINIS DISEASE) -BRkTKOWSKA-SENIOW, Studies on blood serunproteins in systemic diseases of the hemopoietic system. VII. Immmo-olectropherstic picture of the blo94 serum in diseases of the hemepoietic system. Palskie, arch. nod. wownetrz. 31 no.1:1-6 161. (HIMATOPOISTir, sysTEm immusol) (BLOOD PROTEINS chem) .,. BRATKOWSKA-SENIOWp Barbara (I --- ---- -- Immuno-olectropheresis (investigation method and clinical studies). Polskis arch. zed. wownetrz. 31 no.2:227-235 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Charob Wownstrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr A. Falkievicz. (EMTROPHORMIS) (BLOOD PROTEINS cben) BRkTKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara; DOKTORCZYKq Henryk; KWIATKOWSKI,'8tefan 6 Malignant granuloma of the respiratory system. Polskie arch. med. vewn. 31 no.4:549-558 161. 1. Z II K11,niki Chorob Wownstrznych VM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr A. Falkievicz. (LUNG NEOPLASMS case reports) (HODGKIN'S DISEASE case reports) BRATKOWSLA,ZENIOV. Barba DZIEMKOWA, Wends; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; SIMON, Julian - Auto-antibodies in thyroid diseases. 1. General problem. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 31 no.6:779-782 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewn. AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkieviez z Wojevodzkiej Stacji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclawiu Kierovnlk: doe. dr med. T. Dorobis:% i z Zakladu Anatanii. Patologicznej AM ve Wroclaviu Kierownik: pror.'Irr med.- Z. Albert. (THYROID OLAND die) (ANTIBODIES) *gKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara; DZIERZKOWA, Wanda; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; SMON, JuLian Auto-antibodies in thyroid diseases. II. Our studies. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 31 no.6:783-796 161. 1. Z 1I Kliniki Chorob, Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkiewicz z'Wojewodzkiej Staoji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclaviu, Kierownik: doe. dr med. T. Dorobisz i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. Albert. (THYROID GLAND dis) (ANTIBODIES) BRATHOWSKA-SENIOWi Barbara; CHMINSKA, Zofta; SZYMANSKA, Janina .9 1=aunoelectrophoretic picture of the blood serum in liver cirrhosis. Polskie arch. mad. vewn. 31 no.7:929-933 161. 1. Z II KlinW Chorob Wownetrznycli AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr mad. A. Falkiewicz. (LIVER CIRRHOSIS blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS) BRATKOWSKA-SFITIOW, Barbam. Raptoglobin. Polskie arch. med. vewri. 3.1 no.8:1119-M6 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob We,,metrznych AM we Wroclaviu Kisrownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkiewicz. (MUCOPROTEINS blood) BRATKOWSKA-SE-NIOW rA- The i=wmoolectrophoretic picture of the blood seram in collagen diaeases. Pol. arch. mad. vownet. 32 no.1:11-17 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob We-anetrznych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr mod. A. Fa W ewicz. (COLLAGEN DISEASES blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (ELECTROPHORESIS) BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara; GRUSZKAt Stanislaw r-,- -- sutem, and serum protein picture in liver cirrhosis. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.2:163!-468 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr mod. A. Falkiewicz. - (LIVER'CIRRHOSIS blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (MUTOPOIETIC SYSTEM physiol) BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW CZ An oni IM I , Barbkre 01, Julian j IDZIERZKOWA, Wanda; FALKIEWI t S The intradermal test"iii-detecting anti-thyroid antibodies. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 n6.2:169;-178 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. FaWevlcri z Wojewodzkiej Stacji Kaviodawstwa we Wroclaviu Kierownik: doe. dr mod. T. Dorob1sz oraz z Zakladu Anatomii Patologieznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik.' prof. dr,med. Z. Albert. (ANTIBODIES) (THYROID GLAND immunol) T~OLAND BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara, DOKT0RdZYK, Henryk, and TAWLAS, Di'seases (II Klinika Cho- rob Wewnetrznych), AM [Akademia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Wroclaw (Direotort Prof. Dr. A. FALKIEWICZ) "Clinical Picture of Pleural Endothelioma. Report of 10 Cases." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski,.Vol 18, No 10, 4 Mar 63, pp 361-3-6-7. i Abstract-. (Authors' English summar yImodified3 Review of the literature and study of )10 *cases, with descri'ption of clinical course and special attention to intravital diagno- sis. Symptoms prevalent ih'diffuse.'form of disease are given, and difficulties in diagnosi~ig atypical course are discussed. Attention is drawn -to the large amount of pleu- ral. fluid and its characteristic oontents. Hyaluronio acid test is helpful in the diagnosis. Proper diagnosis requires chack of both presence of characteristic clinical symptoms ~P.n" plaural liquid examination. Of the 13 references, 7 are Polish, one (1) Russian, 2 English,-and 3 French. L1 / I 49W"*"QvWAw ~ (MUSZKA, Stanislaw Changes of the pex-ipheral blood picture under the influenee of radiotherapy of malignant granulomao Pole arche med, vowne 33 no.3%243-246 163. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob, Wevnetrmych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: Prof. dr mad. A. Falklewiez. HODGKINtS DISEASE) (RADIATION INJURY) UKOCYTES) (ERYTHROGYTES) (ROSINOPHILIA) M (NEOPLASM RADIOTMMAn) A=(1WSKA-SFJIOWj, Bmrbara;.,DZ1*ERZKOWA, Wanda; FALKILVICZ, Antoni; S Julian. Immunological studies In thyroiditis. Pol. 33 no.12:131+9-1351 163. Immunological studies in thyroid neoplasms. Ibid:1353-1354 Immunological studies in toxic adenoma. lbid:1355-1357 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclawiu (kie- rownik: A.Falkiewicz) ; z Wojeorodzkiej Stacji Krwiodawstwa, we Wroclawiu (kierownik: T.Dorobisz) i z Mkladu Anatanii Patologicznej All we 1froclawiu (kierow- nik: Z.Albert). BRATKOWSKA-SULAIISKA Z. karszawa. *Sestawienie pnr&navcze kilku prob czynnosciowych w chorobach watroby. Comparison of sone liver function tests in liver diseases PUSK. ARCH. MED. WEI.RM. 1953, 23/2 (185-2-02) Graphs 11 Tables 14 The Takata-Ara, Weltmann, cadmium and Lugol tests were carried out in 108 cases (hepar venostaticum, cholecystitis, infectious hepatitis, cirrhosis hepatis, neoplasma malignum hepatis). The results oil the tests were found to be correlated not only with the liver parenchyma but also with the functional state of the kidneys and of the haematopoietic system. 7 -man 'E SO: 7,, 7 C, 7 Dj(,rl. - S)nctinn II, Vol. '/, ~jo. lo 4)'CFRFT#'k FTDI` A .3ec 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Yed. Jar, 59 309, ULCERATION oi: 'ritp. MITCOUS MEMBRANE' OF STOMACH AND Dt*O- DLNUM IN PATIFNTS WITH CHRONIC CIRCULATION FAILUCIF - Owrzod- zvnia Wny fluzowej zolpdka i dwtinartnicy ii chorych z przewlekiQL mewy- doinoAcijo kr#enia - Bralkowska-Szklarska Z. I Odd.ChorftWewn. Szpit. Nlipjskiego 957, 121A4 (1688-1691) Tables 3 Clinivians too rarely diagnose peptic ulcer disease of the stanizich anti duodenum in patients with chronic circulation failure (in 26 cases only out of .1,226 patients) while the anatomopathologists frequently fina ulcerations of the mucous membrane of stomach or duodenum at the autopsy of such cases (in 228 cases out of 886). It must lie supposed that the cause of such a frequent appearance of ulcerntions of the mucous membrane of stomach and duodenum in the patients with chronic cir- vulation (nilure lies in a prolonged passive congestion and a decrease of resistance of the mucous membrane of stomach and duodenum. In addition to this is the Ir. ritation caused by drugs administered orally (ammonium chloride, caffeine, ser- pasil, digitalis), especially cardiac drugs and, above all, digitalis glucosides which act on the vagus nerve and produce vasospastic changes and motor and secretory disorders in the mucous membrane of stomach and duodenum. (VI, 9) CH~LZPNO1,11'..-NI, ;mdrml, Andr,zai (ll:arszawa', kemarlrD on the organization ana realizat.~ori ci' the necosvary sii,;,,I,.,r'L,.'Lng bapkground for larpe construe" on workc, s"rzeg' I- budowl i bud ruieszk 36 no. 1~119~-21 Ja r,%; ,140 YIIVI it> fVT k;"O &J Ikol