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.P~~ 4~ Pal, dr.; GEDEON, Andras, dr.; 10MNAIME BALOUGH, Iren, dr; -~L --KERTA-I-;--Pal, dr. Effect of organic iodine on protein-bound and butanol-extractable iodine concentrations in the blood serum. Orv. hetil. 103 no.6: 261*,265 UF 162. 1* Budapest XIII, Tanacs Robert Karoly kordti Korhaz, II. Belosztaly es Orszagos Kozegezsegugyi Intezet. (IODIM~ blood) ' (BLOOD PROTEINS chem) BRAUN, P., dr. On new trends in modern medical science. Ther. hung. 9 no.1/2: 27-30 161, (GENETICS , HUMAN) (COLLAGEN DISEASES) I (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (THROMBOSIS, CORONARY) (EOSIYOPHILA) R.BAIDGH, Iren, dro; BRAIM, Palp dr.; GEDEOF, Andras, dr.; KERTAI, Pal..dr. Examination of the absorption of Enteroseptol in experimental aniTnnls. Orv. hetil. 105 rlo.6:252-253 01 F164 1. Orazagos Kozegeszsegugyi Intezet, Korelettani Csztaly es XIII. ker. Tanacs VB Robert Karoly koruti. korhaz-, II.Belos=taly. ft 69ILLAG, Miklos, dr.; ~ ~IJN, Pa~* dr.; GEDEON, Andras, dr.; FEHEP G. -'aW-!r VATAII Margity dr. The ratio of various urinary steroids in obese female patients. Orv. hetil. 106 no.19:887-889 9 My 165 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II. Noi Klinika (igazgato: Zoltan, Imre, dr.) es XIII. Tanacs, Robert Karoly koruti korhaz, II. Beloaztaly (foorvost Braun, Pal. dr.). CSILLAG, Miklos, dr.; BRAUN, Pal, dr.; GEDEON, Andras, dr.; FEHER, G. Katalin; VATAI, Margit , ifl~0- The ratio of various steroids in the urine of obese ferale patients following ACTH stimulation. Orv. hetil. 106 no-41: 1940-1942 10 0 165. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, II. Noi KlInika (igazgato: Zoltan, Imre, dr.) es XIII. ker. Tanacs, Robert Karoly koruti Korhaz, II. Belontaly (foorvos: Braun, Pal, dr.). BRAUN Peter~-okleveles'villamosmernok, tudomanyos mimkatars; GFRTIER, Janos okleveles villamogmernok, tudomanyos munkatars; KARDOS, Gilbert, o.kleveles matematikus Caloulating-network load distribution by digital computer. Blbtrotecbnika 57 no.7:290-298 Jl 164. L-Eleetr~c'',Power1ndustry Research Institute, Budapest, VI., Rudas L.n.27.(for Braun and Gertler). 2. Electronic Computer .Center, Ministry of Heavy Industry,Budapast, V., Marko u.16 (for Kardos). ROMANENKO, Pavel Nikanorovich; ROYTMAN, Miron Yakovlevich; BRAUN ;:==j. .~ P.M... red. I- [Fire prevention measures for heating and ventilation sy,stems] Pozharnaia profilaktika otopitelliio-vontiliatsion- rWkh sistem. Moskvap Izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel'stvu "Stroiizdat,n 196,1. 251 p. (MIRA 17:6) BRLUN, Peter, okleveles vil-lamosmernok; ZOMBCRY, Emil,, okleveles ---- -r=Mamosmernok High-accuracy electronic measuring device of network models. Elektrotechnika 56 no-4:165-172 Ap 63. 1. Villamos Energetikai Kutato Intezet tudomanyos munkatarsap Budapest., VI,, Rudas Laszlo u.27* ROGOZHIN, Ye.A.; KOSAREV, N.D., inzh.; BABETS, Yu.; STORCHAK, K.; TERESHCHENKO, -N.L A~irovzryvnik; MAKAROV, VAI _PR-AUH,-Lk.j KMIN, A.D. Reader's letters. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.12:36-37 D 160. (MMA 14: 1) 1. Gornotekhnichoskiy inspektor upravleniya Groznenskogo okruga Gosgortekbnadzora RSFSR (for Rogzhin). 2. Rudnik im. Gubkina- (#or Kosarev). 3.'Glavnyy'inshener shakhty "Krasnolimanskaya" tresta Krasndarmeyskugoll (for Storchak). 5. Uchastok No.15-16 Krasnodarvzryvproma (for Tereshchenko). 6. Glavnyy inzhener shakhty OBa-ydayevskiye uklony" (for Makarov). 7. Zaveduyushchiy zdravpm*tom shakhty "Baydayevskiye uldoW (for Braun). 8. Zameatitell glavnogo inzhenera po tekhnike bezop4anosti tresta Kazzoloto (for Kuklin). (Industrial safely) VONDRACEK, Rudolf; MEE,2Atr1w inz. Universal transistorized studio amplifier. Sdel tech 11 no.10-. 380-381 0 163. -L 21597-66 ACC NR--.-A-P-6010945 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0014/65/ODO/005/0170/0172 AUTHOR: Braun, Petr (Engineer); Vondracek, Rudolf ORG: none TITLE: Theory and practice of.using magnetic tape for symetrization SOURCE: Sdelovaci technika, 110- 5, 1965, 170-172 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic tape) electronics ABSTRACT: The article discusses the theory and practical applications of magnetic -tape in symmetrization and indicates a method by which a considerable increase in. sensitivity can be obtained. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, [JPRS] SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE, none ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 001 Card 15ROUN, PN, BRAUN. Ryszard; KASINSKI, Leszek A proposed method of measuring the total cross-sections of some light elements foP '-4 MEW Neutrons. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.9:5-22 161 1. Katedra Fizyki Doswiadczalnej, Uniwersytet, Lodz ACCESSION VR: AT4038890 P/2538/61/000/009/0005/0022 AUTHOM Braun, Ryszard (Braun, Rishard); Kasinski. Loszek (Kasin'ski, Loshek) TITLEi Project for the measurement of the total effective cross-soction in the intoraction of noutrons having an energy of 14 Mov with certain light elements SGURCE: Lodz. Uniworsytot. Zeszyty naukowe. Soria n* Nauki matematyoznc- przyrodniezo, no. 9, 1961, Projektowanio i budowa akooleratora jonowego (Design and construction of an ion accelerator), 5-22 TOPIC TAGS; total effective cross-section, neutron interaction, light element doutron accelerator, nucleon bond, d-T reaction, low-energy deuteron# optimum I thickness ABSTRACTs The Experimental Plant of Lodz University was prompted to build a dou- toron accelerator by the fact that neutronswith an energy exceeding that of the nucleon bond in the nuclous are relatively easy to obtain, e.g. by the d-T roac- tion, an abundant source of monoonergatic neutrons with 14 Mov energy even when the incident deuterons have low energy. The accelerator is to be used mainly to make fast neutrons from a tritium target. lt~ will be powered by a 600 kv Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4038890 cascade generator. As a relatively simple and still timely first test for comparison with the results obtained by others (summarized in table 1), the authors chose the measurement of the total effective cross-section of certain light elements in interaction with neutrons. They review the results obtained thus far, describe the elements of the experimental setup, discuss the optimum thickness of the sample and time of measurement, caloulate the total effective cross-section and discuss the errors. "In concluding this brief description of the experiment project, we thank Dr. A. Zawadzki for reading through it and indicating the points for discussion opened in the papor. We likowlso thm~( All the colleagues of our group who anvistod in treating and discussing the subject.4 OrIg. art. has, nfigares, 3 tables and 17 formulas. ASSOCTIATION: Katodra F'Lzyki Dosw-ladozalnej Uniwersyteta Lodzkiego,Lodz (Chair of Experimental Physics of Lodz University) SUDMTEDt 00 DATE ACQs 18Jun& ENCLt 00 'SUB CODEt NP NO REF SOV3 002 OTHERs 016 Card '2/2 00~1:an~,Sov.- .001 -5z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1v. Diuresis and the function of the anterior pituitary. were. Bach: !*at!7 lira Khroly, Farkate, And IWA 7x,tlj,II4I The h6lool. ofirratims title Iriativiv me phiter ralst erunsiArd of quickly devrloping swid slovily Irms'lills ChIlsixer-I ill thl-Ir kidilryeltilld 1,411iffiry I.A. ~-. 'effimlifts tht IW seltirrior pittlit"ry 1,6v% lk ritiv ill ditim-1, A nmwipti,mi ralt. M%twit th, 111ti,jilo, jj jj~ altlefim 111tuilary selld 111t, Alk. IdItaphillaw Urlivily (it tht. Metal "Withelium. WV&SI Filthly R"UN, S.;KOHOR, K. "-MNWWNAWU Non-bypertensive nephrosclerosis; contribution to the role of adrenals in hypertension* Orv, hetil. 94 no.11:302-305 15 Mar 1953. (GLKL 24:4) 1. Doctors. 2. B Internal Department (Head Physician -- Dr. -Imre Bach) and Proseatorium (Head Physiaian -- Dr. Sandor Braun), Peterfy Sanaor utcai Metropolitan Hospital-Polyclinic (Director - Dr. Jossef Lenavai). Excerpta Medica see 16 3/3 )kr 55 Cancer 853. BRAUN S. Dept. of Path., P6terfy Str. Hosp., Budapest Jamis green B teratological actiod M w"yVffated heWs eggs and embryogenetic and carcinogenic bearings of its mechanism of action Acta morphol. Acad. scient. hung. (Budapest) 1954, 4/1 (61-82) Craphs 4 Tables I Illus. 43 According to a previous paper (see Excerpta med., Sect. XVI, 1953, 1/1, Abstr. No. 79) Janus green B exerts a tumour-generalizing effect, the mechanism of which is now studied under less intricate experimental conditions. Janus green B solution was applied to the internal lamina of the serous membrane of 786 embryonated hen's eggs, which were then incubated under normal atmospheric conditions. In 90% of the surviving organisms, one or more of 27 different kinds of developmental abnormalities occurred. Their character and incidence depended on the embryonic stage at which Janus greed B had been applied. The most severe malformation was amorphous cardiacus, while the most frequent anomalies were those originating from damage to the neural plate. The teratogenic effect was found to be dependent on the complete or partial reduction of the dye into a leuco-base, which then reduced the oxygen consumption of the cell to 1/10 of the normal. This tissue hypoxia develops its teratogenic action between the 48th and 62nd hr. of incubation. Details are given of the numerical changes and the changes in the order of magnitude in the mitochondria brought about by this hypoxia, and of their morphogenetical interrelations. The results indicate that the type of cellular respiration characterized by decreased oxygenation, as described in the cancer cell by Warburg, is not consequential to, but pTecedes carcinoma. Author A07 ADA UJV, S Awa sit VAJDA, Istovan, dr.; MUN, Sandor, dr.; MALAK, ayorgy, dr. Pathologic anatorq and experimental pathology of di-and tri- oxymethylglyearbon therapy of malignant tumors. Ory. hatil. 95 no.30:808~812 25 July 54. 1. A Peterfy Sandor-utcai lorhaz-randelo prosecturaja (NEOPLASMS, therapy di- &'trihydrozymethanediol, exper. pathol.) (GLYCOLS, ther. use di- & tribydrozymethanediol, ther. of neoplasms, exper. pathol.) KOMOR, Karoly. dr.: BRAUN, Sandor, dr. Study on connections between the blood pressure in sclerotic lesions of the kidney and the histological structure of the adrenal cortex, based on 36 autopsies. MagY. belorv. arch. 9 no.4:iog-il4 Aug 56. 1. Fovarosi Peterfy Sandor utcai korhat-randelo (ig&2gatO: Lendval' Jozeef, dr.) B-bel oottalyanak (foorvos: Bach. Imra, dr.) es Pros;cturaJanak (foorvos: Braun, Bandar, dr) kozlemenyo. (NEPIMSCLEROSIS, pathol. adrenal cortex histopathol. changes, relation to blood pressure (Hun)) (ADRENAL CORTXX, in various din. nophrosclerosis, histopathol. changes & relation to blood pressure (Hun)) (BLOOD PRESSURE, in various dis. nophroaclerosis, relation to histopathol. changes in adrenal cortex (Hun)) 111X:':MPT4 -l)WA jvc V Vol C _%nnpr A,w,,, t The connection between the karyoplastic effect of experimental hypoxia and morphological changes in mitochondria Zusatrimenhing (ter karyoplaqtischcri Wirkung der itypoxic nut inorphologischen Ver- flnJertingen der Nlitoch~jndrlien. BRAUN , Eltt)f-A.Vt M. and I IARMATII Z. StMil- Krankenh.-Poliklin,, Pathol.-Anat. Ahl., lludapu~t N61PIMMO J:j (200 2111~; 11111s. 2.t Itwas established in car] ier experi inents tha i ja it us green 13hasatumom-promoting and teratogenic effiect. When Janus irt-cen B atid cai-cinogenic hydrocarbons were sirnultancously administered, reduced Survival %Vas observcd *in allinlat" \,Lill% indticed tumours. Specific change-S \Vrl.e established in tile cytological picture of tile tumovirs. This cilect orjanus green B is termed 'karvopiaslic', in contrast to tile karKoclastic effect of mitotic poison,;. S.c. sarcomas induced %vith Janus green B and carcinogenic hydrocarbonshavean unusual polymorphocellular diaracler. Anlitotic and psetido-amitotic forms of cell division, polyploi iI istur- d title and spiudle-d bances in indirectly dividing tutnour cells are present ii large numbet-s. Thc mitochondria in tile protoplasm are increased, and a picturc of chrol"m"Inal fragmen ta t ion is c1 ui lc common. j anus green Bisassumed lohavendirecthydrogen- accepting role %vith respect to the mitochondria, and only secondarily a damaging effect on nuclei in tile interphase. In transplanted sarcomas %vili'Ch halt been induced \vith Janus green B and carcinogenic hydrocarbon-, the karyoplastic changes in tile tumotir cells described above cotild be observed Over 3 or gene- rations. In later trnnsplantat ions, these karyoplastic Toperties gradl. Av dis. appeared, and the turnours appeared as small round-cepled sarcomas. juhAsz - Budapest t7_- EXCERFTA YEDICA Sec 5 Vol 12/12 Gen. Path. :~-_c THE EFFECT OF JANUS GREEN 11 ON AMYTAL ASCiTES TUNIOURS; IN-VIVO AND IN-VITRO EXPERIMENTS IN MICE - Wirkung von Janus- gr(In B auf Amytalascites-i%lAusetumoren bei In-vitro- und In-vivo-Experi- menten - Braun S. , Erd6lyl M. and Harmath Z. Suidt. Krankenh., Poliklin.-TIMM"2 tr.; Budapest - NEOPLASMA 1958, 5/4 (348-364) Grapha 8 Tables 2 Illus. 24 ~pltiVjous Investigations have shown that Janus green 13 exerts its turnour-promol- Ilig %lid teratogenic effect as a hydrogen acceptor, (lie dye niezinwhile being broken dqWll to louco-base. The present test object was amytal ascites sarcoma (Juhdsz, UjJ6 And Kendrey). This was found to convert Janus green 13 into leuco-diethyl- gtittig1lin under partially anaerobic conditions. The dye-reducing effect of the JUltil)"r cello was directly proportional to the number or turnour cells and Indirect- pr-tiportional to the dye concentration. The step-wine brenkdown of Janus green jig redox dye results from the activity of the Krebs cycle dehydrogenases bound in Jilp mitochondria. According to previous reports, Janus green B Is an Inter- pliggo toxin. Anaerobic Incubation of tumour cell suspension with Janus green B JyLlp rise to a variety of pathological forms of cell division. The morphology of igg changes is described In detail and illustrated by phase-contrast microscopic C findings. Juhdsz - Budapest (V, 2, 16) ..'EACH, Imrop dr.; BRAUN,, Sandor,, dr* ; KCMCRv Karoly,, dr. ------- Regression of diabat"',in Kimmeletiel-Wilson syndrome, Cbrv. hetil. 105 no.29313564~58 19 J1264 1, PatLeffy Sandor ue Korhaz-Randelop B.Baloaztaly es Proazektura. BRAUN, S. Current problemo of experimental teratovenE.-sis. Act-a morph. acad. sci. Hung.: Suppl. 13:1-14 165. 1. Department of Pathological Anatomy, Peterfy Hospital, Budapest. O('A go po"Is"I AW RA ool and b1st- 4 &=hmo:#A I OWMAY Md S. BMAV N b19L,U,XVRj Wi, ". 117-IOU:- of iobwwjm of awyl rraift V" shidied an 126 e9wis *m-Om 19i" k yowS anp Me ex.g. ad showW miss differeeimi In children and adults 43 on the am bald Mid: Okkdy' imp* on the - owr. ::'C' in Ohnam the q-mptoms we tiomwOmos acute sad The effect oit a of hidambse pras dodW on 11 ahiklm and 11 elderly PKINOUL W "wUonv wen mentical In Ths pam both, but -st&rW JWr and Jested longer in the old. T. T. U 9 AV 10 13! It It at it it (I it K -1AM 9-2- N 84 2 A a 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : V: - a A a " a a a a as 0o06000 0 0 0 0 o 0 3Z P I met ago $00 Igoe ZOO we 0 tto no* 9,3 1 1 1 4 1, 1, 1 1 Is it it 11 U If 4 1? 41 to a it v ZI ?a b I* I? a M ! 10 11 U Ii U a k v Is It #j A a -.r a t- R L -a P-Q It- I -T il-v~ -z-L-M. Ps 9 W U44- ) I 1 -8 1 1 b I j a A P.C-rf.f"S , t". The evolutim of the vascular system. IV, 1. 11v1'- 0 Arch, lei. birJ. (11. S. S. R.) 44. nuff and S. Braun. No. 3. 8i-T1122(id English. Mi)(MIM.-The OToct of the so ir inhalation #A arnyl nitrite was studied in children (4- 15 y".). adults (22-Myn.) and old people (61-0 v .)with the aid of an clortracardiocraph. In the Ist 2 came% an 0o a iiierrai3e in the amplitude of the 11 wa%vs wa% found in :171 66 and W% (tesp.) of the tst-min, a decrealic and a smoothing ) I 410 out of the r wave in FA and W- %. and changes in the direction of the ST interval (which falls below the IgLw 08 line) in 5L' and 43%. In the 3rd group these chanitt-4 were le" frequent and consid"uhly Iris pronounced. The 00 al t Changes wt,.tt of "Ircuirly sholt duration. Ilislantille in tlo6cs of 0.5 ce. of I mg. 17D wins. Xi-,Tn subentancously to children and old people canard bylIcteini3 (if idrui ical inwitsity, but in thi- latter troup it lit-gan VoturwhAt Lorf and Listed longer. S. A. K. A S a - I L a U is AV to Is 0 ST1168 0 0 0 0 0 &ITALLUP.GICAL LITIFRAILIME CLASSIPICAY#Ck III a if IS to A - I woo 0 * re 0 j woe V it W 0 11 It OPM! Kit fig "tin it X RW A I in III r 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 gio 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 000000WOO000006000;00soeogoooosooegoosiA BRAUN, Tadeusz On the displacement of coloure& fluids into the middle ear cleft as Investigated on preparations on the petrous bons. Bull.Soc.amis sc.Poznan, ser.C. no.5:77-81 1955. 1. Otolaryagological Clinic of t~e Medical AcadecW in Cracov. (PLOMUS BOM, pbyslology, permeability of stained fluids into middle ear) (UR, HIDMI, pbysiology, permeability of stained fluids into through petrous bone) B RAUN, Tadeusz Spreading of diluted stains in the spaces of the middle oar according on investigations of preparations of the petrous bone. Otolar.polska 9 no.4:315-318 1955. 1. Z Kliniki Otolarungologicznej A H w Krakowie. Kierownik: prof. dr J. Hiodonski. (PRMUS BONE. pbysiology, spreading of gentian violet in vitro (Pol)) (GM4TIAN VIOLET, spreading in patrous bone in vitro (Pol)) BRAUN,Tadsuez Localization of foreign bodies during interventions with the aid of a sound or a metal loop. Otolar polsks, 14 no-1:95- 99 16o. 1. 2 Kliniki Iaryngologicznej A.M. w IL-akowis, Kisrownik: prof. dr J. Miodonski. (ORBIT for bodies) BRAUN, Tibor, vegyesz Simple quantitative paper chromatographic method for clinical laboratories. Ory. hatil. 98 no.9:222-224 3 Mar 57. 1. A Maroevasarbelyl Oryostudomanyt es Gyogyezereszeti Intezet so Fartozobetegeogsk Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Klemen, Lanzlo, dr. egyet. tanar) koslamenye. (CHROMATOGRAPHY paper, quantitative, new method for clin. laboratories (Run)) BRAUN Tomas inz. I __P Improving the transportation in our cities by better organi- .` zation. Doprava. no.11:384-386 162. y -H --Fj C,3 te pry ClIerlical Tochnolopy. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibiotics Abs. Jour Ref Zhur-14hiniya )Ho 14~ 1,-,,eg)No 50724 Author T., Biazek, V. -ote Tltle Interaction Among Aminoacids in Cbxomatography, 1. Investigation of Mixtures of GTyeine and Glutaminic Acid With Hie Aid of "Circular" Drill Nb- Farmacia (Romin.), 1958, 61 NNO 1, 53-513 Abstr3ct Presented and discussed are rosul'us of exneri- mental invoi;tiptions involving mixtiiros of ccrtain ayninGacids witli Ihe aila oi' "circular" chromntograpby on i)aper. They permit, t2h.~ corw1u,non thpi the interaction of' anino- E-vids is reve7ilvd in the "circular" chroma- I'Off.rmphy INE it, (tons in t.he pragrs- sion metliod. M4xtuxv of glycine and glutaminic Chromatograpiny on Vaper i /2 coull tr,- I cDtegory Chemical lechncaoqy. f-bs. Jotr Re-,.f 2hur-Yh:LrAy,-!,!k; 1b, 15-5~, Au C, i o C. Or j.,7 P-. ib . i id) ~ ira c +, -. acid was inveztigated i Cor. I d ~^ard: CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and T 'Pathological). Internal Secretion. Par,reas. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 2685o A:--ithor : Mosinger, B., Bral.i inst : - Title On Hypoglycemic Action of Alloxan Orig Pub Ceskosl. fysiol.) 1958) 7, No 2, 155 Abstract In rabbits, the changes of the respiratory coefficient (RC) was determined in relationship to the change of glycemia after introduction of alloxan. In the phase of temporary hyperglycemia, RC decreases. The blood content of lactic acid and amino-acids simultaneously decrease. In hypoglycemic phase, RC increases (sometim mes > 1); vith this, the content of glycogen in the liver increases, and the concentration of amino-acids and P decreases in the blood. -- V.V. Yazvikov Card 1/1 SZANTAY, J. ;~ BRAUNO To Rapid chromatographic method with round filter paper for the separation of bile pigment derivativea. Kiaerlates orvostud, 10 no,4t433-436 Aug 58. 1. Kolozsvari Orvostudomanyi so Gyogyszereezeti Intezet III. sz. Belklin- W.ajn valamint Maroavararbelyi Orvoatudomrx7i so 0yogyBsereezeti Inteset Pertozo b. klinBmja. (BITA PIGMTS, determ. separation by rapid chromatographic method with round filter paper (Hun)) E::.CFRPTA YEDICA Sec 2 lol 1215 Physiology May 59 EFFECT OF 1111,1101,111"HAIIA ON DEATH 14Y STARVATION - Braun T. .111d Mosinger It. Physiol. D,~pt. Inst. ofliumanNutrit., TURE (Lond.) 1958, 181/4614 (968) Experiments were carried out in 2 groups; Rats were deprived of food, lialf of them received chlorprotnazine and the others were used as control. Chlorpromazine did not exert any influence on the time of survival (control group 6.0 t 1.4 days. ex- perimental animals 6.5 t 1.73 days) and the weight curves were the same in both groups. Young rats were deprived of food, half of them were kept at comfortable environmental temperature (30* C. ) and the other half at 20* C. (under these con- ditimis the body temperature of very yoong rats can be easily lowered to the en- vironinental temperature). The survival time at 30'C. was 98 t 13.6 hr. at 201C. ---------- )/fiE3c/liE3d i t . s D fitnitimis wIt kono -T' e*o", and Ioalatfaviu , ~Inuj Mi m "-deplm cm cq~l tmw . I t Is tit= 34 c C=tg. 4' d1c M, q0t; 47 CMOs Itweim, tfii't*b ire=' - As' - Im's U*4 ;Gmplcxb* Aput aw ~AgqOj b&ci tj&%tj ikj ~W tar tc EXCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 12/6 ftsiology June 59 2466. EFFECT OF CHL011PROMAZINE ON NITROGEN AND PROTEIN AIETA- BOUSM - Der Einfluss des Chlorpromazins aut den Stoff'wechsel von Stick- stoff und Eiweiss - Braun T. , Chaloupka Z. and Neuwirt J. Inst. ffir Exp.Pathol. tlLIF-,Vrc-a.-T-aW.-Karls-Univ., Prag - NAUNYN-SCHhnEDE- BERG'S ARCH. EXP. PATH. PHARMAK. 1958. 23313 (226-232) Graphs 2 Tables 4 Chlorpromazine was given to 15 rabbits in amounts of 2.5 and 6 mg./kg./day for I to 3 weeks. A dose of 2 mg. had no effect on body weight, but decreased nitrogen retention in the organism. Higher doses caused an increased nitrogen excretion, a negative nitrogen balance and a fall In body weight. Chlorpromazine seems to act on deamination processes in liver and kidney. Maurott - Vevey BRAUN, T.; MOSING12, B. Metabolic activity of lipid-mobilizirie, factors. Cesk. fvsiol. 8 no.3: 173-174 Apr 59. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vyz1vy lick, Praha. Predneseno na III. fvaiolo- gickych dnech v Brne dne 14. 1. 1959. (LIPIDS, metab. lipid-mobilizing factors (Gz)) I MOSINGIM, 3.; BRAUN.--,T,.,; WEMMOVA, J.; MAIMA, V. Role of the liver and of the pancreas in hypoglycemic effect of oral antidiabetics (Bz 55 and D 860). Gesk. fysiol. 8 n0.3.-225 Apr 59. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu. Praha. Predneseno na III. fysiologick;ych dnech v Brne 14. L. 1959. (ANTIDIAMTICS, off. carbutamide & tolbutamide. hepatic & pancreatic factorr; in hypoglycemic activity (Gz)) (LIVER, physiol. hypoglycemic mechanism after admin. of carbutamide & tolbutamide (Cs)) (ISIANIE OF LkNGERHAM, physiol. same) 0 C a o Iq I oqo q Oo o4 Goese, I so else Soso* of 6 *10-0 AW 1 own d with o"d too see was ' tie 0 - - 1 - XV, SW"o is a M a J* if A IT 1. it un MIS A -L 1 AA 14 (1 Do V. k L lL 1. a m P a R I I v v L A a us? A."414k all SIX* - - - - . -- . 41 .p ..1, z.. -J., 00 4 ft"kach e ..*aj be Wmats. a B"awyofthe sulfsNActrave earth * " U11cr and A , . rjhf "m fftlf vur. R,-P,.rv J1 to 00 a 41. 1~,20(ljkjl) -A SUI111nat% "(tfi in IN-,, . l as 10 Ili Ille Prlititlk- V lit-littiOn 44 f" v '1111 iorhich ", int t, b"ift "l`IMwl1-l Wim., - cher", n-hc& - deld I -00 . .% and All pulas. WON I d allout equal Taiu. fr 4%11d. 14 Ou" - thmxh a cert "e i -00 a n Iliff gftv Of hydr(4 ' . rfrilltati.111 lie 00 hyd o1 - YSU cwd be 11olk-i'l I Y' Of i" 411111 . vidtujj jiin.. 84xv is M4 a%,rr IAifj,,l I'% ImIjull Inatcrial was fujc V. 1.41 Th- Er "d X . .J. U ze 0 see see NITA111.18OK&L LiTfOATOt CLAMPKATIO f too jot it U It AT N(3 Ll I I a Od 0 9 1 11"(1110F$9 Kit 01% K[I it It III PLO a all s a- 13 A] it 3 1 f- 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 lei 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 a a 0 0 0! i 00 A *0 *a- 004 1f, .11 ALGL! 9 Alip-3 A INITALORMAL UTIUME CWWKAYM 1-71- i- wss -Fr Islas* At 4"T OAK b u u &,# 0 -1,o b ; , ; 11 - " I , 111 ; .1-6 a as **a** 040 0400-0 9~000 as ease *so 0**006-0 WW-0,we: IL-1 Zoo 400 Go 0 zoo Fe 0 woo xoo goo tco 0 coo 41SAll am O%V Ill - M I I I N 0 It 9 '1 W IN 5 A 0 .11 : : 0 0 a a a a 0 a a 0 0 0 41 10-107" 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a *,A-- Als- ,! 9 S L a SCULLWW" LffliUTM CLOWXATM coo X;oo goo SO too Its# lakove W&I OV 221131 OK C- 08 u or-To -t*.w, a, a, a,, a, T AL ja I S v w 6 A v I v IN 0 a a I Roo 06 -0-0 0 0~ of :0009099609090604 zoo a :::Oooa 00000000 so::11n. 00 000600000 0000 fT- 4 The dwatterlaticei of pirssetWIrcululm III'llokko-". j,so III! obtAll I,lUr axi IIIII-m- CIA-- r1w tolIerd tarr mith Nit, riltrates. with It tim" thertr wt. -00 at a mist. of NaNgs ww Iulkh, am tttwd at 360* for some time. All thr Fe sud Or orpd. as FV,(), lott CV(),L The 11ITI. is washed with coned. N114NO, *,III. and III, IdIraw rValml. to dirynem. The midor i, fu"I at 41.'-' whro 100 fix ft.0. expel as a bliwk tosm which I, rtrr from Va. I III: 00 Z:1 at. wt. of Per i% 140M. Girmn Pr,th f,,rm. mlt% With 00 3, acids. PT104 rvolvrs 0s WhIl avilN to 6,tol Imultol Wts. thert-fore it is not a (nic Imrou'14. alld Pr Illost 000 be quadrivaVitt. An oxidr, Prm0t., %m% Owun to Iw coo a salt of the offit-tr two oxicim Ioho E" MIH.-TV use too! 00, 1; t I - 4 L a URGICAL LITEUTURE CLASUFFICAMM MOO 1110~1 wig 0 %A1410 It 0" C&E W__ I~W CIA too A MI L Is u u At -0 A 94 'id 0 is a 11 W n 0 Vol *Is s, 40 *,, r! 0 0 164110N No 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 904:N40064 0 0 off ..P 1.0 040001 it t f t -,f 0 0 AUA)Ydl Of WILIff hm Rabylou In Aumaya. If . tLmqw. Rog wki kad. 39, No. 7. 1 0. Oher. 9, Absuact Th t d e w2 tr am not contain any hamful toderill. it con. lams lame amt4. of K-. N:a- an,j I.j- an,l Tclatively %wall amts. of Ca,- and h1g... Ilantum is 2Cul)(Adill humus Fr. Al. W), and :?s.2 111C.,q. 11C(%- .10 Ivo-ent. A new m"1110d for dd L i n. of & n presmce ~f and. N. i. Riven. 00 of a of 9 A METAtLURGKAL t171RATurf CLASUFKATIOW .Mom* .1 u I we a I a It 11 X 10 0 0 9, 0,0 0 goe** go 0 0 ~ 0 0 * q :*o goo 60 0 *o 0 oo 0 & 0 *T: 41 zoo :o 0 voo IF-T. j a 0, 0 K13 n 24 L 4" 0: Q # :Lo C 0 40 S0 0 0 $0 0 0060 0000 0 a 0 BRAUMUL, B. Z. Studies of Brauner. Caskofarm. 4 no,6:276-280 J1 '55. (BIOGILAPH13CS Brailner, Bohuelav) FIRAUNIERY P. Fight against molds in the food industry. p.98 I-,:,U.','YSL PO"IbIVO (Ninisterstvo I-otravin,,.r~-kelno prmiyslu) i"raha Vol. S. no. 2, 1955 East European ItIccessions List Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 - I ~,, I/_V CZEMOSLOVAKIA/General Division. Histor7- Classics. Perscmnel. Abs Jour: Her. Zhur. Biologiia, No 4, 1958, 14157. Author so Brmuner Bobuslav Inst .%- - Title Concerning Some Physiological-Optical Uperinents of Pror. Bobuslav brauner Orig Fab: Ceskool. of talmol., 1955, 11, No 3, 170-172. Abstract: In 1929) Brauner published his original observations in the A-2 field of physiological optics after 55 years of self observa- tion which convinced his of their regularityj, and which re- mined little-known even to ophthalmologists. The first of these concerned the so-called texporary artificial blindness., the second.. the possibility of observing the internal strue- ture a his own eye. The third observationj, in the words of Brouner, could be called stereoscopic vision without a stereo- Card 1/2 .2B- BRAUMR4 tm av; DLAWLAI Hiroslav; KOLOCI Vladislav Some principles of igtising working conditions an worksites and their application. Tech praca 15 no.2:101-104 F 163a 1. Vyzkumny ustav skla a bizuteriev Jablonea nad Nisou (for Brauner and Dlabola)o 2, Technicko-organigaphi vyzkumny I--- ustav strojirensky, Praha (for Koloc). GYNRGYAI, F.; HADM&GY, Go.; KINU, K.; CAIALB, C.; BRAUM, C.; BUNTKI]RAM, I.; Role of tetanus toxin nnd endotoxins of coli dispepsiae in the mitotic activity of the organism. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.1:77-80 Feb 58. 1. MaroBvasarhelvi Orvostudomanyi as Gyogyazereazeti Intezet Korbonctani Intezete, Btikaresti Onkologiai Intezat as Szekelyudvarhelyi Kozageszoe- gugyi Isboratorium. (ESCMIRICHIA COLI endotoxins of coli dispepsiae, inhib. of mitotic activity in mice (Hun)) (TETANUS toxin, inhib. of mitotic activity in mice (Hun)) (CELL DIVISION mitosis inhib. by endotoxiTiB of coli dispepaiae & teta-am toxin in mice (Hun)) BALDOVIN-AGAPI, Corklia, dr.; FRANCHE, Maria, prof.; BELDIU, Irina, dr.; MICUY I. dr.; O"NESCU, A., dr.; ANDRONOVICI, G., dr.; BRAUNER E. RADULESCU, A., dr.; DIHITRIU, St., dr.; DIMITRIU, dr , RUGINAY N., dr.,- BLINDU, P., dr. Receptivity to scarlet fever assessed by Dick's reaction with fractional doses of purified toxin. Microbiol6gia (Bufur) 6 no. 1:69-76 Ja-F 162. 1. Institutul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" si Spitalul 111zolareall din Iasi. FRANCHIJ~ &VITA, XLa; APOSTOL,, A.; BALTIEj, Ariadna; RATCU,A. DU,P-; lgzm,, Miria (deceasect'l; EMNER E.; CUCIMMM,, Georgeta; DDIITRIU, St.1 FKUZR,H.; HIGO, Is; MIML., 'Alentina; OVAMCO, A.; PAPPI E.; RMXLESGOp Al. Contributions concerning allergic complications of scarlatina witbin the scope of data obtelned by current research. Arab. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no,4009-918 S-Dt63 1. Travail de l'Institut Madico-Pharmameutique, et do Mopital des Maladies- Contagieuses de Jamq. ITICOVICI, M.; BRAUNIR I.- rLISS, A.; OUCrURIM, G.; HIGOLAX, G.; "7' MCRUZI. R~" Two cases of anthrax infection with pharyngeal localization. Rev. igiona microb. epidem.. Ducur. No*2:60-63 Apr-June 54. (ANTHRAX pharyngeal, case reports) (PURYNX, die. anthrax, came reports) M., Conf.; BRAUM dr. -. A)WRONOVICI, Gh., ar. ; Hmn, v., dr.; BLMM, P., M W-,'H,, dr.; VIIJTU, G., dr.; ESMARU, G., dr.; RADULMCU, Alex., dr.; SABARESSI, HURRMOHN, C., prof.; TUDORANU, 0., dr.; SEGAL,, B., dr.-, MARCULBSCU, G., dr.; IURGU, I., dr. ?~-MHTU, I.. dr.; ZAHARMCU, T., dr.; MAIMUS, P., conf.; 131UkT, V., dr. Scarlatinal rheumatism. Med. int., Bacur. 9 no.1:67-70 Jan 57. (RHMMTIC FEM, etiol. & pathogen. scarlet fever, incidence & prev.) (SCAIRM irsy , complications rheum. fever. incidence & prev.)