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BRLZAUSKAS, V. K., Cand of Geog, Sci -- (diss) "Economico-geo;--mphical C; (J'hameteristics of Eastern Lithuania," Villnyus, 195~, 7/2- pp (Vil"Iyus Stnte Univ im V. Kapsuham) (KL, 2-60, 110) BRAZAU , mFkater; KLAUSIS, V.V. I Improving the efficiency of adsorption dyeing of wool and fnbries. Tekst. prom. 18 no.307-40 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Fnbrika "LlteksRs" (I)yes and dyeing--wool) PUMCNAS, A.K.,T)rof.; BRAZAUSKAS, V.V.,inzh.; KWSIS, V.V..inzh. VAt dyeing of wool. 18 no.5:36-18 My 158. (MM 11:5) 1. Knunnaskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut (for Purenns). 2. Hachallnik otdalochnogo teekha fAbriki "Litakass" (for BrAznuskps). 1. FabrikA "LitalmaB" (for Klusia). (Dyes and dyeing--Wool) KAPLAN,V.I.; BRAZAUSKAS, V.V.; TSINELENE, M.A.[Cineliene,M.] O~Lm-l Pressure dyeing of lavean. Tekst.p,-om.22 no.3:69-71 Mr 162. (MMA 15:3) 1. Kirektor Vauohno-issledovatellskogo instituta tekstillnoy promyshlonnosti, g. Kaunas (for Kaplan). 2. Nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut tekstillnoy promyshlennosti, g.Kaunas (for Brazauskas, TSinelene). (Dyes and dyeing)(Textile fibers,Synthetic) TSIPARIS I.N.[Ciparisp I.); SMRIGAYTE, N.Yu.[Smorigaite, N.1; ikPLUSKM .. D. I, [Brazaueldene , D. ---. -,, -1,110 - Physieochemical invowtigati6n of saturated solutions of salts in mixtures of water-~and carboxylic acids. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.2t.142-.149 '63. (MIRA 16s6) 1. Litovelcaya gallskokho:qaystvannaya-akademiya. (Salts) (Solution(Chomistry)) ,BRA.ZIAUSKAS,,Y.V.; MORYGANOV, P.V.; Prinimala ucha9tiye STALERAYTITE, G. Wool dyeing with acid metal-complex dyes of the complex 1:1 type. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekb. tekst. prom. no.1:103- 109 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ivanovgkiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. MAZDA. Josef Autcnatic transmission of measuring instrument data over telephone Lines, Sdel tech 9 no.9:335-337 S 161. -4 -5 - ]Eqpt W t); 507&.6 A-8) Pf, ACCESSION BR: AP_9614326 CZ/0037V64AW/668/0383/083 AUTHOR., Brazda, Josef (Engin aer) ......... TIM ApLmratus for remm~ing ingots'T=~ fo=s Tax. 1AGS bV-t- too, At th rac V ;apparatus- assigno s-46:descr b6d mkb i t Aiy 'a 0 vork 1"Und shomn On iner, tia o'44 the !1-n o-tv- and:lXox~m d'--by. 6ranq~-- to-,, r6~ove the ingot from the !forn. The craxib operator tan:.handle'~tho 'O'ho-1e process without "any outside help, The forrm-are:protocteds and their turn around jintreasedo The *one tion of-rIpma was redueed from 22 kgs ton '~"aaen.'One ASSOCIATION: SUBMITM: 00 INCL: 00 SUB CDDE: Mi, IE w Rw Sovs ODD ow JPRS mkzu, J. Disinfectants in byglenic and epidemiologic regional centers. Geak. nemoo. 21 no. 1:20-22 Jan 1953. (CLML 24:2) 0/9, Dr, j- PWIR. J., prof. Dr; RRAZDA, J., Dr; VANYSEX, V., RM)r Incidence of myocardial infarction. Lek. listy, Brno 9 no.21: 4siJ~84 i. Nor 54. 1. Z III. vnitrni kliniky M.U. a astronomickeho ustavu M.U. Prednosta profo Dr J. Mohr. (MYOCARDIAL INFAROT, epidemiology, in azech., seazonal factors) (CLIHLTE' seazonal variations in incidence of myocardial infaret In Czech*) CE8FTA MICA See.6 Vol.12/5 Int. Hadicine May -58 '405MV BIASIS - Jate 1 -igCESS IN AMOE rnf hlfza pfi amoebiase. Zkusenosti ze Severn( Koreje - B rdzda J. and M el I cha r F. 11 a III Vnitfnf Min. MU, Brno - V ril"I R. I.EK. 195-1, 31 ts (698-703) Graphs 2 In North Korea 17 cases of liver amoeblasis were seen. The presence of an ab- cess without diarrhoea in the past history is possible. There was no eosino- philia in any of the 17 patients, and the therap6utical success of the combination of'emetine and chloramphenicol is emphasized. CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 356-33:616.33-002.44 BRAZ-DA -Jan,- MOSTAKp Jan; Internal vepartment, Military Hospital CiHi' ~ni ~deleni Vojenske Nemocnice), Brno, Head (Nacelnik) Dr Jan BRAZDA. "Duodenal Ulcers in Soldiers Undergoing Basic Training." Prague, Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy,,Vol 35, I-To 6, Dec 66, pp 253 - 255 Abstract: The disease is a result of hereditary inclination and oT -corticovisceral pathogenesis. The hereditftry inclination plays a*decisive role; when this is known to exist,an early diag- nosis of the disease is posssible. this is very helpful when the clinical course is atypical, and when the X-ray picture is not clear. The authors sugvest that military drivers should be selected from soldiers who do not have hereditary inclination to ulcers. 2 Figures, 3 Tables, 9 Western, 15 Czech, 3 Russian ref- erences, 1/1 HORXY, Jq2j; BRAZDAL.; FMLAHA. Jiri Coarctation of It"he abdom~aal aorta successfully treated by an arterial graft. Cesk.pedi4xt. 15 no.9:827-833 S Mo. 1. 1.detsk-a klinika-v Brue, prednosta doe. 1Wr. Zd. Brunecky II chirurgicka klinika v 3rne, prednosta prof. Mr. Jan Navratil (AORTIC COARCTATION surg.) (ARTERIES transpl.) BRAZITA, K. The peaceful use of atomic energy. P. 23 (Statni sutav pro projektovani energetickych zavodu a zarizeni. TEWICKE ZPRABY. No. 3, 1956, Praha , Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of Eafwt Ebropean Acces.-ions (=) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 /'~ e1q ~z D19 A I NAVWIL. Jan, prof. Dr- MWDA L. Dr; MIMICA, Hil., Dr; MAHM, Zd., Dr; VITIK, Zd., 0., Dr Surgical treatment of mitral stanosis. Lek. liety, Brno 9 no.22: 516-520 15 Nov 54. 1. Z IL chirurgicke kliniky K.U. v 3rne. Prednosta prof. HUDr J.Navrattl a z IL vnitrni klinikh H.U. v Brno. Prednosta prof. MUDr J.Polcak. (HITRAL STINOSIS, surgery,) BRAZDA, ladvik., XUDr- Surgical treatuent of carcimona of the lungs. Vnitr. l9k.,.Brno 1 no.4.-277-279 Apr 55. 1. 11. chizurgicks klinika )W v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Navratil Brno, Krizova 17- (IMIGS, neoplasms Burg.) BRAZDA, Ludvik, MUDr.; MUSIL, Jan, MUDr. Dermoid cyst of the lung. Vnitr. lek., 3rno I no.10: 730-732 Oct 55. 1. Z II. chirurgicke kliniky MU v Brne. prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Navratil Brno, Pekarska 53. (LUNGS, cyst dermoid, surg.) (CYSTS dermoid of lungs, aurg.) 4Dr in cure.~Jcnj tj'tr-~'-~Jjt of C--,arct of 35 uo.9:5-~' kltrlil~y 'MU v 21r.i-,~, -'rednot (CC,1123TATION OF AUA PA, surg. D 49 1 _'n - ~ I . - !JJ-jA-':~U1j ~" =rMPT IMIM Sec.18 Vol.1/5 CardiovascUar MaY 5? 1500. BRAZDA L. 2. Chir. Klin. MU, Brno. Prevence komorov6 fibrilace pn* 'tcff~V' TIMM rmH Premnlion ol mdricidar libriltalion by op rations with operac C hypothermia Rozhl. Chir. 1956, 35/2 (98--102) Graphs I As a preventive of abnormal irritability of the myocardial surface and pericardial 't ' Me to a ac I is )SSI ply -1 ml.,of hydergin with I ml. of 0.5% 'percain' (Ciba) s solution. Tn order to eyj minate the spastic reaction of the coronary arteries, tempo- rary pencardial sympathetic block is achieved by the use of 2 % procaine solution. By these measures it is possible to prevent ventricular- fibrillation; but in case the measures mentioned above fail and ventricular fibrillation takes place, it is possible to succeed by electric defibrillation. Thus 18 dogs were operated on without pharma- cological pericardial sympathectomy: 12 dogs had ventricular fibrillation and 8 died. When phaxmacological sympathectomy was used, ventricular fibrillation was established. in 3 cases out of 16, and only one dog died. Koppl - Prague (IX, 18) EXCERPTA YEDICA Sec 18 Vol. 1/11 Cardiovas. D13. NOV 57 3230. BRAZDAL.2.Chir.Klin.AITJ,Bmo.Napostuppfiopcr-ciriiitrL'nisteno:;,y A proce-Jti-re--tn--TF"7-opcratioi; lor initral stenosis RoAl. hir. 1956, 0,35/10 (573-57b) Tables I The procedure and. technique of operation for n-dtral stenosis as developed on the basis of experience with 315 operations at the 2nd Surgical Clinic of Brno, arc de- scribed. Great stress is laid on the prevention of complications, especially of cerebral embolism and cardiac activity. Cerebral embolism occurred in 1.3 0/' , of the patients operated upon NNith prevention as proposed by Bailey. Prevention and control of some complications, such as rupture of the atrium, cardiac arrest etc. are discussed. The anacsthesia employed is neuroplegia combined with endotracheaUy administered nitrous oxide with oxygen and a smaU quantity of ether. (IX, 18) NAVRATIL, Jan; BRAZDA, L.- HRDLICA. Nil.: OLVJNIK. 0.: MAM, Ed.; VIT19, _6 Transaortic commissurotomy in stenosts of aortic valve. Cas. lek* ceek. 96 no.6:173-179 8 Feb 57. 1. 11 Chirurgicim Klinika MU v Brno. Prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jan Nawratil. J. N.. Brno, II. Chirurgicks Klinika. (AORTIC VALVII, stenosis surg.. transaortic commissurotony (Cs)) (COMMISSLMDTOW, In various die. tranewrtle, in aortic valve stenovis (Cs)) L, i721"IVRATIL, Jan; BRAZDA, Ladvik; HRDLICA, Miloslav: OIWNIX, Oldrich; VITIK, Zdenek V- Repair of defects of cardiac septum in open-heart surgery in hyDothermia. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.11:763-771 Nov 57. 1. 11 chirurgicka kliulka NU v Brno. prednosta prof. Jan Navratil. (OMMIAG SEPTUM, abnormo surg., open-heart aurg. in hypothermis. (Cs)) (HYPOTHXRMIA, in open-heart ourg. for abnorm. of cardiac septum (Gz)) PRAZDAL, L,,j OLEJNIK, 0.; SUMBERA, J,,; DLUHOS, M. I-- Y Successful extir?atian of & pu2mon&ry hajwrtia from the paricardim. Rmhl. chir. 40 no.7.,480-482 Jl 961. 1, 11 obir, klinika University J. Ev. Purkyne v Brno., prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Navratil II detakEk klinika Univ~rsity J. Ev. Parkyne v Brme, prednosta akademik prof. MUDr,, 0. ToyachIl II patologicko-wAtomicky ustav v Brne, prednoota doo. MUDr, M. Dluhoe. (LUNG abnom) (PERICARDIUM abnom) MAZELP A.; BRAZDA, L.; HONZA, M. Simultaneous resection of the lungs in tuberculosis with mitral commissurotomy performed dua-Ing pregnancy. Cas. lek. Cesk. 101 no.13; 392-394 30 Mr 162. 1. 11 chirurgicka klinika v Brne, prednosta prof. 14UDr. J. Navratil - The lecebna, v Jablunkove, reditel Mr. B. Urbancik. (PREGNANCY complications) (TUBERCULOSIS -PULMONARY in pregn) (PNEUMONECTOMY in pregn) (MITRAL STIENOSIS surgex7) BRAZDA., L. Transduodenal divulsion of the papilla and its role in suturing after choledochotomy. Rozhl. chir. 44 no.12:800-805 D 165. I. Chirurgicko oddoloni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Hav- lickove Brodu (vedouci WDr. L. Brazda). (Onobqal$)- Sbor - (slital Wit. Omavy pro acuu. Cmc mik (~tAmhw. Ikjd. ZomMiliki 21. 1049).- Ily experijuellfing. minfoin of N'iiAuv W" in)- provett mi that it can be harvcstt%i wvral timcS . Y*ar. and in mg, Butrictits as Erma forage it I& - A-ly with lucerne. The "h 6 lower. in Ca. which 6 twice nA high in luccrucasin sainfoin. Forcutling - p-n tcragc. the twginning of the b1mvining 1wriM 6 1hv t-t. The dizebtibility coeff. of sainfoin hay, cut he- 1,orc full bkosming, ba."I on the cxpts. on ab~. is: mg. 04. total X 7*0 lat W fibcr 49. X-fmc tuatter 71. Dry tualter bass hvding vuluccquiv. toll.Nll,; Inwein and.3 1.81 , starch. )an M-LA ru 8-66 ACC NRt AP6006065 SOURCE CODEt CZ/0053/65/014/004/0305/006 AUTHOR: Mikulaakava, J.s Brazda, 0.; Hava. M. ORG: Research Institute for Natural Medicinal Substance and Second Stomatologic Clinic, Charles University,, Prague (Vyzkumny ustAv )71?Zdnich leciv a 11. Stomatologic klinika KU) ~TITIE-., Cause of reparative phenomena in dental marrow following administration of some anabolic steroids [This pa'per'was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Da s,, Smolenice, 29 Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, v. 14, no. 4. 1965t 305-306 TOPIC TAGS: biochemistry-, endocrinology, pharmacologyp drug effect# rat# experiment animal,, dentistry ABSTRACT: Study of the effect of Imethyltestosterone, i7(-r'methy1-17p- ,hydroxy-2-androstene, 17p-hydroxy-2-androstene, Irv.-17tY.-d1=ethy1-5a- androstane-17S-ol-3-one and 1,2m-oxy--vvv.androstane-3,17-dione in rats; ~topical and systemic nandrolone phenylproprionate In rate and monkeys on artificial caries; forimation of lamellao.of predentine and secondaryl dentine was favorably affectedp especially the latter. [JFRSj SUB CODE: 06 SIJ13M DATE: none OTH REF: 001 card 1A BRAZDAI_pe; Kn7KOVAp E&, MUDr., Me. Tetracycline deposit in children's teeth. Gas. lek. cesk. 104 no.23t630-633 11 J9165. 1e 11, stomatologicka, kliniks, fakulty vaeobsonsho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. F. Urbanp DrSe.); a Detske interni odeeleni Thoma rovy nemoanice v Praze (vedauait MUDr,, E, Kratkova, CSOT BRAZDA, A. "Some Remarks on the Organization of the Distribution of Electric Fower"j P. 341,, (ENERGETIU, Vol. W No. 8., )Lug. 1954# Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions., (EEAL), LCy Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954j Unal. BRAZDA, R., BC11U.-LAII, V., KADEIA, J. Organizat-Jon of the sale of electric power and steam and rates in the decade of 1954-10,55. p.192. ENERGETIKA. (14inisterstvo paliv a energetiky. Blavni sprave elektraren) Praha. Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1955 SOURCE: East Eur~.pean Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol- 4, No. 12, December 19r5 BRAZDA, R. BRAZDA, R. Lines for 220-230 kV. in Western Dirope, P. 329. Vol. 6, no. 7# July 1956 ENERGETIKA TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East Baropean Accession., Vol. 6, no. 5, May 1957 BRAZDif R. "Today's situation and future possibilities of the exchange of electric power between the countries of central and southeastern Europe." P. 566 (Energetika) Vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia 96: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 BRAZDA, Z. ; SOUCEh, J. The I FNO 35 a single furrow reversible plow. P. 41 (Zemedelske Stroje) Vol 2, no 2, Feb. 1957 Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (MAI) LG, -Vol. 7, No-1, Jan. 1958 BRAZDAp Z.; SOUCLK, J. "Agricultural machinery at the Leipzig Spring Fair." P. 158 (Zemedelske Stroje) Vol. 2, no. 7, July 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 BRAZDA . - 14denek, inz. The RP 190 rotary plow. Zemedel tech 10 no.22:685-706 D 164. 1. Research Institute of Agricultural Machines, Chodov near Prague. Director of the Institutet (inz.] J. Homolka. Submitted on September 17, 1964. Brazdil J -i~~ Experiences in technical and economic control of estimates for preliminary projects. P. 347. INZENYRSKE STAVEY. (Yinisterstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 15, Aug. 1954. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 E ;IIAZD ~ LI J. Flann! np indie -tors for temporary b.,ilding.- ~--n the c~ nstructIon site. F. 192. POZE1,24I S'TAV13Y. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) FrLdia. Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1955. ~:OURCE: East ELwopean Accessions Lis4- (ZEAL), Library cf Congresz, Vol. 4 No. 12,1 Decc~mber P5` .1 Braz,dq, J. r *--,-- - Three national conferences the Building Industry. p. technickych spolocnisto pri Vol. 1, no. 7, July 1956. of the Scientific Technical Society for 223. NONFA TECHNIKA. (Rada vedeclrych Ceskoslovenske akademii ved) Praha. Source; EEAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 .1 ' '3qA'."-)Tl,, J. K easurc-s against soil slidin,7 duri nT, the construc'io-- of a on the a ,Iiv-r near Korycrinv. D. 243 fUst-edni sprava vndniho !-nsnnda~ ~Avi) '~e-t . 1956 No. -~) 1. r, Praha, Czechoslovakia ;01'R"": "ast T~,Vropean List .1d.) Library of Congress, Vol. 61 No. 1, January 1957 Brazdil, J. Brazdil3 J, The National Conference on economical building of brick buildings. P. 468. Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1956 POZEMNI STAVBY TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 ,-RAZDTL J. ILUrZDILP J. F-quipment used in moving buildings. (To be cont'd.) p. 16 Vol,5, no. 1, Jan. 1957 INZEMPSY-E STA-VEI. (11inisterstvo stavabnictvi) 11raha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (EEAL) VOL 6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 BRAZDIL, J. BRAZDIL., J. Equipment used in moving buildings. (Concluai-on) P. 73. Vol- 5, No. 2, Feb. 1957 INZR~YRSKE STAVBY TECMIOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: Fast European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 ;j ~n --,- 11 - P. J j ~j , ~* -'.."-- , 1~ BRUaDIL,-j. ; PA1.7LICEE, F. Construction of the first prestressed concrete tanks in Czechoslov-~kma P. 397 (Inzenyi-ske Stavl-ly) Vol. 5, no. F, Aug.1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia So: '.'C'%'-,HLY IINDFX OF ICAST UrROFEMN, ACCESSIONS (E'E-Al) LC, VOL. ?, NO. !, JAN. 195C B%1=111 J. Constructiori of a circular tank made of prestressed concrete. P. 73. (I!-,'Zw-NYRSKE STAVE) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 19.57 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (E7-AI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1958 ]3RAZDUj JaroplaM uam.A_&~ im, Construction of a lentil-shaped reservoir of prestressed concrete. Inz atavby 10 no.1:24-Z7 Ja 162. 1. Stavl~y. silnic a zelezm1c, n.p., Praha, BRAMIL., Jaroslav, inz. Czechoslovak Standard 73 30501 Earthwork. Normalizace 12 no.61 164..165 Je 164 1. Vodrd stavby National Enterprise, Sezimovo Usti. - - - BRAZDTL, S. High yields per hectare are reducing production cost. p. 28 (ROLNICKF HLASY) Vol. 11, no. 11, Nov. 1957, Praha., Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 CP I ri with new oligodynamital preparations for disxKt=l "ter. M. and K-BrAl'Alml (I'llav. 11111(j. Clech.). Osehoslar. 'fd,m. 1. 3rO--,(TWT.TT~Ag Thcc4uujJv% Na-AX chl."Ic. c-All"I I~ag 1, which decamp. in conUct I" ith %~tcr to give fine colloithd ACCI. gave best rmult-. BRAZDOVA, Xvetuse-, ALDOVA-XLBCKOVA. Ike, Experiences with the parasitological examination of the inhabitants of the province of North Hamgen in Korea. Gesk. epidem. mikrobo Imun. 6 no-3:186-187 May 57s 1. Hygienicky a epidemiologicky ustav lekarske fakulty v Brno. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobialogie v Fraze. (PARASITIC DISEASES, epidemiol. in Korea (Cz)) BRAZDOYA, Kve+,use; NEZVAL, Aroslav; TABORSKY, Ivan; Tectm. spoluprace: tb~ffk-,-W~,-Kocumu, j.; zAjicovA, v. Our experienoes with etbylene oxide disinfeotion. Scr. mad. fac. zed. Brunensis 36 no.4-.181-186 963. 1. Katedra hygiezq a epidemiologie lakarske fakulty University JEP v Brno Prednosta prof. MUDro at RNDr. Karel Halacka. (ETHrIM OXIDE) (DISINFEGTION) (BAGIUUS SUBTILIS) (STAPHYMOCCUS) (IffCOBACTERIUM) (TEWEFLATME) BRAZ NMIAL, J.; VELECKY, R. bactericidal effect of spontaneously evaporated peracetic acid on Ps. Aeruginosa, St. pyogenes aureus, and B. subtilis. Ser. med. fac. med. Brunensis 38 no.2/3:107-113 165. 1. The Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Medical Facnilty of the Purkyne University in Brno (The Head of the Department: Professor MUDr. et RNDr. Karel Halacka). -2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA STASTNY, F., MD; BRAZDOVA, R., MD. Protective ? 1. Department of Virus andBye-~44 Materials (Odbor virovyoh a ockovacich latek); 2. Institute of Serum and Protective Materials, Pmague (for all) Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 1, 1963, PP 89-93 "Some Present Information Regarding Epizootology and Imunoprophylaxis of Hydrophobia." STAS7NY,F.; SDMV.,J.;,34Z~Ov~~.. Contribution to the problem,of the of fixed rabies a i~ t~6 brain no*111_7 Gesk. epidem, 1~= J064. 1. Ustav ser.a ockovao ;h latek., dynamics of reproduction of experimental animals. Prahae CHUDOMEL, VI.; JEZKOVA,, Zd.; Technicka spoluprace, V. Mikulova; V. Brazdova Demonotration of substances inhibiting laukoeTtic antigens. Cas.lek, ceok 100 no.20:616-.621 19 My 161. 1. Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. J. Horejoi. (ANTIGENS) (LEUKOCYTES) I-,vljlr,ov.,,,, I.; BRkZDOVk, V. CS -17R ?hpa,macognilstic departanent, i[xii-Ityj Charles University, I ra s , (Katodra farmalcognosic Farmaceu",Alcl,~ faklllt'Y b:0, B ti 1-va Bratisjava3 Farnaceutichy Obzor, !,',o -1, 105-110. "Contribution to the Evaluation of Gl,,,rcyrrhi-:,a Glabra L. (Liquorice) (2) CZECHOSLOVAKIA HAMOVA) I; BRAZDOVA, V. e~ Chair of Pharmacognosis of the Pharmaceutical FacultyUK (Katedra farmakognosis farmaceuticke fakulty UK), Bratislava (for both) Bratislava, Farmaceuticky obzor, No 8, 1963, PP 343-346 "Content Deterimination in Flos and Fructus Dambuci During the Period of Vegetation." USSR/Pbysical Chemistry Crystals., B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 237 Author: 1~ Brazdzhyunas, P. P.~ and Mikailkavichus, M. P. Institution: Title: Some Photoelectric Properties of Antimony Trisulfide and Antimony Triselenide Original Periodical: Lietuvos TSR mokslu akad. darbai, 1956, Vol B2, 31-40 (published in Russian with Lithuanian 91 ary) Abstract: The photoconductivity and absorption spectrum of crystalline and amorphous layers of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se was investigated in the tempera- ture range -70 to 2350 together witg the spectral and temperature de- pendence of the photosensitivity and of the absorption coefficient in the region 400-1,200 m/G At the IR end of the absorption spectrum of Sb2S there was observed an additional absorption band ascribed to eleNronic excitation. A decrease in the energy of optical activa- tion of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 with increasing temperature is explained on Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1,, 1957, 237 Abstract: the basis of an increase in the depth of the barrier region, produced by changes in the interaction between the electrons and the thermal oscillations of the lattice. Card 2/2 b'SSR / Optics K Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10346 Author :.Brazdzhunasy Vishchalws- Inst : N~~ Given '_ Title : Optical Properties of Polycrystalline layers of Cadmium Salenide. Orig pub: Liet. TSR. mokslu Akad. darbai, Sb- AN Lit SSR, 1956, 4B: 21-33 Abstract: ReBults are given on an investigation of the absorption, reflection and refraction of thin polycrystalline layers of cadmik~m selenide in the spectral region from 0.2~3 to 1.34 microns. The thicknzes of the layers varied from 0.1 to 3 microns. The absorption cozistant was determined with allowaree for the reflection. On V2e, edge of the band of intrinsic absorption, at. 0.7 microns, there was obser- ved a slight maximum of absorption, whose position colresponds to the position of the maximum of the photosensitivity of the layers. The energy of the optical activity, as determined from the absorp- tion curve, is 1.67 ev. Two different values are obtailled for the. index of refraction in the spectral region from 0.4 to 1.34 microns Card 1/2 VJSSR / Optics AbS Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10346 K and these give rise to the assumption that the "sux-face" index of refraction differs from the "volum--" index and tha+ at X = 1 Tnicron the value of the former is 2.47, that of the latter is 2-73, card . 2/2 _S USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 238 Author: Brazdzhyunas, P. P., and Mikallkevichus, M. Institution: Vilno University Title: Some Photoelectric Properties of Antimony Trisulfide (Sb2S 3) Original Periodical: Mokslo darbai. Vilniaus valst. univ. Mat. fiz. ir chem. mokslu ser.., 1956, No 5, 57-68 (published in Lithuanian with Russian summary) Abstract: The photoelectric properties of polycrystalline layers of Sb2S3 ob- tained by sublimation in vacuum have been investigated. A layer of Sb2S3 containing an excess of S was obtained by the sublimation of Sb2S5 in vacuum according to the reaction Sb2S5-oSb2S + 2S The curve giving the dependence of the photosensitivity (11~) on, the amount of excess S shows a sharp maximum. The spectral characteristic of the PS was investigated; maxima were found in it for the various samples in the region 6,200-6,900 R, the maxima exhibiting a shift toward longer wavelengths with increasing S concentration. The PS increases Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abet Journal; Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, Vo 1, 1957, 238 Abstract: with temperatureInthe range -70 to 600. The activation energy for dark conductance was 1.4-1.6 ev and is the same as that for large samples, which indicates the absence of a barrier region. Energy levels are proposed. Card 2/2 68945 .21/. ),;?Oo SOV/81-59-24-85079 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. K~iimiya, 1959, Nr 24, P 56 (ussR) AUTHORS: Brazdzhunas, P.P., Shiktorov, N.K. TITLE- Electrical Properties of Zinc Antimonide (SbZn) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Vil'riyussk. un-t, 1958, Vol 25, PP 159 - 172 (Lithuanian summary) ABSTRACT: Hall's constant and the electric conductivity were measured on SbZn alloys of stoichiometric composition. Hall's constant was measured by the method of a constant magnetic field and a-c. It has been shown that the0electric conductivity of SbZn K~ples within the range from -2000 to 100 C has a metallic, and from 100 to 4000C a semiconductor character; the admixture conductivity of the SbZn lattice is masked by the metallic electroconductivity of excess Zn or Sb. The change in the concentration of charge carriers in the SbZn samples has a semiconductor character in the whole temperature range of measurements; the constancy of concentration in the range from -400 to 1800C, which was indicated earlier, is not con- Card ~/2 firmed. The activation energies of the admixture levels & El and A E2 in ~r 68945 Electrical Properties of Zinc Antimonide (SbZn) SOV/81-59-24-85079 SbZn have values from 0.012 to 0.016 ev and from 0.003 to 0.007 ev, respectively. The mobility o:C the SbZn charge carriers within the range from 20 to 4000C varies according to the T-3/2 law, within the range from -2000 to +200C the dependence has a more complicated character. L. Andreyev LK Card 2/2 SOLEYKA, A.Yu. (Sileikat A.]; DR&ZDZHYUHAS, P.P. [Brazdziunes, P.] Temperature dependences of the optical Dro e ties of Sb2se3 layers. Liet ak darbai, B no.4.-31-43 '59 (PA&I 9'-3) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki. AN Litovskoy SSR. (Antimony selenide) VAIATSKA, K.K. [ValackEL, K.1; H P.P. [Bradziunas, Pj The question of photoelectromotive force of the GdSe-Se contact$ Liet ak darbai B no,4.45-55 159 (EMI 9:3) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN LitovBkoy 35R. (Photoelectricity) (Cadmium selenide) (Selenium) SHILEYKA) A*YU* [SileikajA.1;--BR=ZHYUNAS, P.P. (Brazdziunas,P.] Temperature dependence of the index refraction of Sb2Se layers. Liet ak darbai B no,1:99-105 160. ?E~z 9:10) 1. Institut Miki, i matematiki AN Litovskay SSR. (Refractive index) (Antimony selenide) SHIRVAITISv A.I. [Shirvaltis, A.]; DENIS, V.I. [Dienys,V.jpBR=ZHYUNAS, P.P. [Brazdziunas, P.] --- ------ Photoconductivity and absorption of polycrystalline cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide in X-ray spectrum. Liet ak darbai B no.2: 33-46 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR (Photoconductivity) (Absorption) (Cadmium sulfide) (Cadmium selenide) (X rays) (Spectrum analysis) (Cobalt) (Radioisotopes) i7 S/058/62/000/002/039/053 A0011A101 AUTFORS: ~irvaitis, A., Brazd~idnas_, P. T.=L: Electric conductivity of polycrystalline CdS, CdSe and CdTle PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fi-.ika, no. 2, 1962, 37, abstract 2E344 ("Uch. zap. Vil'nyussk. un-t. Matem., fiz.", 1960, V. 33, no. 9, 181-186, Lithuanian, Russian summary) TEM. The authors describe the results of investigating temperature dependences of electric conductivity and photoconductivity of CdS, CdSe and CdTe. The activation energy of photoresistances varies in a rather wide r;ange. The curves of temperature dependence of electric conductivity for increasing. and decrea5ingt~mperatures do not coincide. At the temperatures corresponding to the bends in the curves of electric conductivity. photoresistances of CdS and J'Y CdSe possess the maximum photosensitivity, and inertia of photocurrent sharply drops in both the visible and X-ray ranges of the spectrum. The spread In the values of activation energies and non-coincidence In the mn of temperature curves of electric conductivity for increasing and decreasing temperatures can be explained by the presence of impurities. The sharp drop of photoconductivity Card 1/2 Electric conductivity ... 3/0 5 8/62/000/00 2/0 -3 )9/0 5 3 AOOI/A1Ol at a certain temperature is explained by Rouse's hypothesis (RZhFiz, 19506, no. 2, 4390), and inertia of photocurrent by impurity levels. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] V)/ Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/002/040/C,5- AO01/A101 AUTHORS: Brazd~Anas, P., Valacka, K., 5ileika, A. TITLE: On the origin of photo-cmf in thin film Al-CdSe-Au systems in the infrared region of spectrum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1962, 37-38, abstract..21:346 ("Uch. zap. Vilynyussk. un-t. Matem., fiz.", 19060, v. 33, no.'g, 193-201, Lithuanian, Russian summary) TEXT: Spectral distribution of*photo-emf was investigated in thin.f"ilm: systems of Al-CdSc-Au at room.and low (down to liquid nitiogen) temperatur6si, It was established that at room temperature photo-emf of these systems is, detected already in thexisible region.of spectrum. The red edge lies at 860- 1,000 mp. In the low temperature region the spectral.dist~ibution of photo'-' emf changes essentially:- the.,red.: edge of photo-emf i9 shifted to 2,500--n~u, and s stems in the infrared- its sign is reversed. T~6'~hbt;6sensitivity'of,the.',"y* spectral region, as well as the sign reversal,' 1ndicat6.the existence of two mechanisms causing the or-iginatioh of photo-emf-.'~The results o'f*investigations of the Au-CdSe-Al systemaiid auxiliary systems.AU-CdSe-Au and Al-CdSe-A1 indicate Card 1/2 S/()58/62/000/002/040/053 On the origin of photo-bmf ... .that two barrier layers'*6p6rate simultaneously in the 'Al-Cd8e-Au system,,.-- The barrier layer in the region of tile Al-qlectrode contact contr 'ibutes to emergence of ph6to-emf at room temperature in the visible spectral region.. The ba~7rier layer in the is Very weakly developed at room temperature and. practically does not affect the spectral distribution of ~hoto-enif. In"the, region of low temperatures, the main role in originating photo-emf is played, by the developing barrier'lay6r at*,Au-electrode. Qurr&nt carriers are produced by infrared light in the thin transition CdSe-l .ayer with Au impurity. The last, hypothesis was confirmed by an investigation of spectral distribution of*intern'al photoeffect in CdSe layers with Au impurity prepared by Vekshinskiy's method-, Spectral distribution of photocurrent In these specimens at low.temperatures was displaced into infrared spectral region. At room temperature, the spectral- distribution of photocurrent of such specimens does not.ezsentially differ from the spectral distribution of pure CdSe~photocurrent. A marked absorpti Sn of ,light was discovered in infrared region of 8pqctrum (of the order bf 10 m- -in CdSe specimens with Au impurity. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 BRAZDZIIUIAS Povilas- F ODZIUMAS, U -- ==iagnd. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.~; tekhn. red. A., prof., retsenzent; VANAGAS, V., PETRAITIS, A., red.j LUKOSEVICIUS, St., [General physics] Bendroj~ fizika. Vilnius, Valstybine Politines ir mokslines literaturos leidyk1a. Pt.2. [Electricity and electromagnetipm] Elektra ir al6ktromagnetimas. Redagavo V.Vapagad 1961. 405 P. (MIR-A 15:3) iEiectricity) (Electromagnetism) cmd 212 L-11922~-M EW(1)j9ff(m)/EWP(t)AWP(b) IJP(C) JD -7 ~CCNR~t AT5028697 SOURCE CODE: UR/2910/64/004/004/0537/0541 q AUTHORt Baltrushaytist-Ri At (Baltrusaitis, R,.)-, Brazdzhyunas P* V-;~ (Brazdziunasp P.) LAL\ ORGt -Vilnyus State University In. V~_Xaksukaq (Villnyusakiy Gosu- darstvennyy universitet) TITL.Et Electric conductivity of cadmium oxide in high-frequency elec- tric fields SOURCE:. AN LitSSRa Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik, v. 49 no. 40 19640 537-541 ,TOPIC TAGS: electric.conductivity, cadmium compound, superhigh fre- quency, refractive index ABSTRACT: The electric conductivity and power absorption coefficient of polycrystalfine.heat-tr ated CdO samples were determined as a func-, tion of temperature and frequency of the current by measuring the ratio of transmitted to incident power in a waveguide at 20-4000C, Samples fired at higher temperatures had a higher conductivity whereas the cou- pacting pressure had no appreciable effect. In order to explain the temperature dependence, conductivity was measured with direct current Card 1/2 IM 11922-(A ACC NRs . ATS028697 at 20-400-C. On the basis of the,data it is postulated that the re- fractive index n of the samples studied in the (7000-8900 Mc) frequency range is Independent of-the frequency, and the electrical conductivity does not change during passage of direct or alternating current* Val- ues of the thermal activation energy measured by the superhigh frequen- cy method in the 20-BOOC range are in good agreement with the thermal activation energies of,the impurity.le'vel& measured with direct cur- rent. The authors th nk IS, Kallvenas and 10 Gashke for urseful.sugges-. tions* Orig. arts ha:: figures, 4 tables. SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEt 25Dec63/ ORIG REF: 004/~ OTH REN 004 Cord 2/2 L o44oo-67 ACC NR: AT6012823 SOURCE CODE: UR/Z910/65/005/001/0135/0150 .AUTHOR: Sakalauskas'. K. I. (Sakalauskas, K.); Brazdzhyunas, P. (Brazdziunas, P.) ORG: Vilnus State University im, V. KaRsukas (VilnyuBskiy gosudarstvennyy p unive r sitet) TITLE: Effect of collector voltage on transients in a transistor .SOURCE: AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik, v. 5, no. 1. 1965, 135-150 ,TOPIC TAGS: transistor, transient phenomenon, son-dconductor device I 'ABSTRACT: The resulta are reported of an experimental investigation of the fundamental parameters and properties of P13, P13A, P14, P14B, P15, P15A, ,P16, P16A, P16B, P26 Soviet-made transistors as functions of the collector :voltage; 30 samples of each type were tested. I-V characteristics at various temperatures within -40 + 70C weremeasured, as were transistor parameters !.under negative -resistance collector conditions. These findings are reported: Card 1/2 L o44oo-67 :ACC NR: AT6012823 0 (1) With higher collector voltages, ot and f. increase; (2) The minority-carrier diffusion time decreases when the collector voltage increases; (3) Variation of characterizes the depth of modulation of the base layer; (4) The small- 1power P13, P13A, P14B, P15, P16, P26 transistors have a pronounced negative- resistance rcgion; (5) The available theory of carrier multiplication in avalanche transistors is fairly accurate when applied to the above transistor typed; (6) The above transistor types can operate under avalanche -car rie r -multiplication conditions which may be used for speeding up pulsed and switching circuits. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 25 formulas, and 3.tables. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 16Mar64 / ORIG REF: 0 12 / OTH REF: 008 ard vmb couraw : CZECHOSLOVAKIA H CATEGORY : Chemical Technolopy. Chemicol Products and Their A'w0ications. Leather. Gelatine. Tannin.e.- Materials.* AM. JOUR. : pModn., No 17, 19-,-9, No. G3220- AUTHOR : Brazej, A.; TYSTITUTE T1= : Accelerated Deterrination Method for Cbromium in the Spent Chromate Solutions in the Presence of ORIG. PUB. : Veda a -,,y7k.. v nrumysl . kozedeln. , 19158, 4, 117- ABSTRACT : Develoned is a method in wbich an acidified so- is rsed, as an oxidizing apen-b. lution of lafn04 P20t it"s The oxidr~tion Process 31) a stronr acid medixim (H2SO4) and the formed PnOn is removed with 11C1. The titrntion is mnde ,%itb'the aid Of (NTH4) Fe (S04)2 solution or iodometrically. -- D. Gorin. **Orpe.nic Substances. *Industrial Proteins. Card; 1/1 BRLZEWICZj, Stanislaw Remats of app2ying fiberboard for the production of packIng cases. Frzem drzew 13 no.5&25-27 Yq 162. KHASIN, G.A.; BRAZGIN, I.A.; SINENKO, E.N.; MUNDER, P.L. 1-- ...... I-.--.-~ Garbide phase in R18 steel. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.llt40 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod. 'BRA Ll - D. . -inzhoner: WDOISLOV, V., inshener. Rapid mining of incline.ddrifte. Kast.ugl.6 iio.2!7-8 F 157e (MLRA 10 - 4) (Donate Basin'-Coal mines and mining) MJTSKXY, A'.I.; LRONKOV, A.M.; GBYLIR, L.B,; SLUPYAll, Ya.Yu.; MOSHYNO I.T.; SOBOLW, X.'L; TINYAKOV, N.A.; VOUCOV, N.P.; BOTVIIMIX, Yaje.; BARABANOV, M.Te.; BRAZGOVKA, V.A.: IS. G.B.; KUZOVNIKOVAO Te.A.; KMOMIN, PAMOIY, N.L.; KMSKIT, G.I. G.l. Dobkin; obituary. Izv. v7s,-wheb, zav.; energ. no,4:128 Ap 158. (Dobkin, Grigorii lzrailevich, 1892-1958) (MIRA 11:6) KHARLAP, I.P.; BRAZrXOVSKIY. V.1. Rupture of the cicatrix of the uterus following cesarian section. Zdrav. Belo 9 no.8t87-88 Ag'63. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz khiruzrgicheskogo otdeleniya Svetlogorskoy rayonnoy bolinitsy Gomel'skoy oblasti. BRAZHENKO, A.D., inzh.; DEYASHKIN, K.I., inzh.; GANCHO, V.M., inzh._ _ lVo-step instaUation of a converter substation with mercury- are rectifiers. Prom. energ. 19 no.5:30-33 Mor 164. (MIRA 17:6) VULITSIUY, Z.; BRAZBEVKO, V. From auditing work practice. Don. i khed. 19 no.11:69-72 N 161. 1. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Starshiy kreditnyy inspektor Krymskoy kontory GosbanIft (for Vulitskiy). 2. Revizor Llvovskoy kontory Gosbanka (for Brazhenko). (Banks and banking) (Auditing) BEDROV, G.I. [deceased]; 1401,UGH, V.K. [deceased]; YIJLII.'OITFKIY, K.T.; BRAZIMITSEVA. A F.- PETRCFVA, M.P.; BAILOZHI14A, A.G. =:=~~ Y Intrusion of Toparsk complex in Shetskiy District of central Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Kazakh. SSIR 12:43-73 165. (14TRA 10,:,n) BASMNq L.1.1 BRAMINA.9 G.Ya.. - Course of experimental treponematosis and the Wassermann.reaction in rabbits lightly affected with radiation sickness* Sboronauch*raboBele nauch.-issl.kozhno-ven.inst. 6:83-90 t59. (MIRA 13:11) (TREPONEMATOSIS) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (BLOOD PROTEINS) go'A *0 00 00's **a as; 13 000 2585, GRAM WM DOWAU MWMION. ftphkl~j M. (?A MM. Topliva (Finj Soon.), Jan. 1951, 11-13). "as Boilers of industrial mdertakings an generally fuelled (in Russia) with anthracite, coal and llplte,, vith a large proportion of fines. The ambustion of such fuel on slxple hand-"rated grates inevitably results in mall pieces of unconaumed fuel falling through, - - i LT. Some details are given 9f a grate designed to counteract this. r* AS mi.$ 1~ A09TALLUCCICAL UTEWUNI! CLILISAFKATION 7-a.-, law" NO.InT 040 9 At 40 AS * 10.0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0.0 36063 1 'eX.,-,-rcheskLya topk~~ inzi). Vasi-11'rew. (rilya 'r,otiov ralo,- 4- srer-ney -.oshc',-,nost-.) Tekstil. .7-oi -stv, 1~ 1,4~,, 3 . SO: Letopis' Zhurnaltnyl:h Statey, Vol. 45, 1949 CHBRKIIISKIY, Boris Mendeleyevich; TOKARXV, Dmitrly Georgiyevich; SHAPKIN, Illya Fedorovich; ZOTOV, Petr Petrovich; SIMKIN,M.Ye., redak-tor; PlMANNIKOV,M.11., redaktor; 3AKASTOV,V.N., retsenzent; BRAZHKIN. M.I., reteenzent; MOTORIN,I.V., reteenzent; RATTEL1,K.H.-.-re VMenz~et; "SHMMY.S.S.. reteenzent; BEKRASOVA.O.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Manual of power engineering for the textile industry] Spravochnik energetika tekstillnol promyshlennosti. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhu. izd-vo Ministeretva tekstillnoi promysh. SSSR. Vol.2.[Thermoteohnies] Teplotekhnika. Pod red.M.E.Simkinn. 1955. 510 P. (MLRA 9.12) (Thermodynamics) BR&ZHKIN,,-M. - I I .... ".1-1- - ~- At the Highway Ministerium of the R.S.F.S.R. Avt.dor. 26 no.10t 3.8 0 163. (PMRA 16.11) BRAUNICHEN _YA*qUy_Arv*a!yevIch; KAN, Veniamin Lipmanovich; MIHTSEERG, Benlamin LIvovich; MOROZOV, Valentin Ivanovich; BUTENIN, N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; NIKITIN, N.N., kand. fiz.-mat. naukp retsenzent; ZAKHAREVICH, A.F., nauchnyy red.; SMIRNGV, Yu.I., red.; TSALj R.K... tekhn. red. [Problems on theoretical mechanics]Sbornik zadach po, teoreti- cheskoi mekhanike. Leningradp Sudpromgiz,, 1962, 559 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Mechanics, Analytic-Problems, exercises,etc.) BRaHNIK, A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; GLYARTSEV, A.F., kand.sellskokboz.nauk; ~VdYtBNKO, R.M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Effect of fertilizers on sugar yeildq. Nauch. trudvUkr. nauch.- isal. inst. rast. 9e1. i gen. 2s183-221 158. WRA 14:1) (Sugar beets--Fertilizers and manures) BRAMNIK,-4!~ksandr Semenovich. SHCHEGLOV, Boris Samiqlovich; SLEPTSO", Ye., red. (Manual on accounting in an industrial enterprise] Spra- vochnoe posobie po bukhgalterskomu uchetu v pronyshlemom predpriiatii. Minskt Belarus', 1964. 435 P. (MIRA 18:5) MaHNIK, B.P. Improving the utilization of highway equipment will permit incroaaed tempo of constructiono Avt.dor. 18 no.1:4-5 Ja-4 155. (MUM 8:4) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya stroitalletva No.2 Glavdorstroya. (Road machinery) BR&ZHNIK B P inzhener. Some causes of crack formation in cement concrete pavements. Avt. dor. 19 no.1:17 Ja '56. (Mlak 9:5) 1. Nachallnik stroitelletva No. 2 Glavdoetroya. (Pavements. Concrete) TITOV, Ye.A.; BURMISTROV, S.I.; BRAZHNIKI Me. Alkanesulfonic esters of quinone oximes. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t 2270-2274 Jl t63. (min 16:8) 1. Dnepropetrovslciy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Sulfonic acids) (Quinones) BRAZHNIX, L., inzh. The walls of a four-story apartment house were laid in 20 da78. Na stroi. Moak. 2 no.4:27 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) I.InBtitut "OrgstrO7" Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury USSR, Khar1kov. (Walls)