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BUM doktor takhn.nauk, prof.; GALDIN, M.V., inzh.-, DEMIN. 1.V.. -M2-4--iNekhn.nauk-. ZYA131OV, V.A., kaud.tekhn.nauk; KAPLUNOV, M.M., inzh.; XASHBKOV, L.Ya., inzh.; KOROLEV, V.F., kand.teMn.nauk; J(RASUOV, V.S.; KULIK, X.Ye., kand.tekhn.nnuk; KAKAROY, A.P., inzh.; NOVIKOV, M., kand.tekhn.nauk; NOSKOV, B.G., iuEh.; OLIWV, V.A.,; OSTANKOV, V.P., inzh.; PERCHIEHIN, A.V., inzb.-, POKELVALENSKIY, V.P., kand.tekhri.nauk; SERAFIMOVICH, L.P., kand, tekhn.nauk; SMIRNOV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; URVAC11MV, P.N., kand. teldin.nauk; FADEYEV, N.H., inzh.; FATEYEV, Ye.M.; KRYUXOV, V.L.V- red.; VESKOVA, Ye.l., (Reference book on the mechanization of stock farming] SDravochnRia kniga po mekhanizataii zhivotnovodstva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 678 p. (MIRA 10-12) 1. Chle'n-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyAystvennykh nauk Im. V.I.LeninR (for Krasnov, Fateyev). (Farm equipment) (Stock and stockbreeding) UNU- *doktor- tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; ZE3LIGOVSKIT. V.A.. professor, reteenzent; SILIN. V.S., inshener. redaktor; UFAROVA, A.F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor IS-epa, ratoral W~ios't'nye_seyaraItory. Moskva, Goo. aauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit ry. 1957. 242 p. (MIJU 10:7) (Separators ( REZNIKO bije., kand. tekhn. nauk; BR=t-G.I.; zaal. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR) doktor tekhn. nauk., prof., retsenzent [Silage harvesting combine; theory and design] Silo- souborochrjqe kombainy; teoriia i raschet. Moskva, Ma- shinostroenie, 1964, 446 p& (MIFA 18-.2) ARTYUKHOVA, N.N.; 4FR--T-P ; GRIGORENKO, A.S.; IPATOVA, M.S.; , KOEOV, V.M - KOLYSHEVA, L.I.; KAREY KUCHUMOVA, N.A.; MAKAROVAI M Ye.; PUCHKOVA, N.A.; SEKIRINA, Ye.T.; SOKOLOVA, T.S.; STATIYEVA, V.F.; TYUNYAYEVA, V.V.; KHRAMTSOVA, A.A.; CHURAYEVA, V.V.; FOKIN, D.F., red. (Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. for 1959-1963; a statistical abstract] Vneshniais. torgovlia'Soiuza SSR za 1959-1963 ttor dy; statisticheaki7 sbornik. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdats 1965. 1+83 P. (KIRA 18:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vneshney torgov1i. Planovo-ekonomicheskoye upravleniye. 2. Nachallnik Plamovo- ekonomicheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva vneshney torgov1i SSSR (for Fokin). BREME p G.; KLAVINS, E., red.; DUNAISKIS, Z., takhn. red. .[Production of feed yeast on farms] Lopbaribas rauga razosana saimniecibas. Riga, Latvijas Valsts izdev- nieciba) 1962. 55 P~ (MIRA 16:6) (Yeast) :-XCZ-RPTA MM, 1CA _"ec 6/vol 13/6 lnter-nal ',',:edic4Lne June 59 3240. CHRONIC PROGRESSIVE POLYARTHRITIS (P) AND KERATOCO.NR7,CT- IVITIS SICCA - Polvarthritis chroruca progressiva a keratoconjunctivitis sicca. (Pf-isp6vek It fe.4enl vz.Ij mrfth vztahCi) - Br6m ovI A KaAkovA D. and B a 11 k J. Vlzkumny nt. Chor. Revm-aT7, -P-ra-ffa- 16A LEK. CES, 1958, 97/15-16 (474418) Tables 8 An ophthalmologist examined 250 patients with P. The Bengal red dye test was car- ried out with a provocative atropine test. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca was observed in 58", of the cases, while in women a statistically 3ignificant relationship to the degree of advancement of the joint involvement, the type of functional involvement. and the duration of the disease was found. A group of patients with Marie-Strampell disease showed about the same occurrence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca with simi- lar relationships. The concept that only chronic progressive polyarthritis is an important aetiological factor for keratoconjunctivitis sicca was not confirmed. (VI. 12,19) _W_ BMOVA, Anna, NU Dr. Czechoslovakia Research Institute of ;rheumatic Diseases -- Pra--ue (V~zkumn~ ~stav chorob revmatick~ch -- P.T-ahaT; Director: F. LENOCH, Prof. Dr. Dr. So. Prague, Praktick~ 16kal-, No 22, 1962, PP 946-949 "Differential Diagnosis of Back Pains from Point of View of the -Edieumatolo-ist.11 Q~ AL Ul 2119 A~?m SET M 8/263/62/0~84~66/005/003 .2,1, 60,;0 E194/EI55 AUTHORSt Hatizel, Slavko, and t2mzak._France TITLE% Equipment for continuously recording gamma-radiation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnall otdellnyy vypuBk, Izineriteltnaya tekhnika, no.23, 1962. 65, abstiact 32.23.415. (Avtomatika, v-3, no.2, 1962, 8o-82). (Slov., summary in English). TEXT. A device is described for the continuous recording of y-radiation in a nuclear pile or "hot" laboratories, The radiation detector is a halogen Geiger-l-f~iller counter. At low radiation level (Q.1-100 millirads/hour), 1t operates as a self- quenched counter, and with heavier radiation dosages (up to 10 rads per hour) as an ionisation chamber. The electrical circuit uses transistors, and a signal device operates if the dosage exceeds a preset limit. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 MAVER, H.; GRGIC, Z.; TRENC, S-LBID, MY, L._- BORAS, E.; SKRTIC, A. Energy expenditure in textile workers. Arh. hig. rada 13 no-3:239-24.. 162. 1. Republicki. Zavod za sastitu zdravlja, Odjel za higijenu prehrane i VojnA bolnica Zagreb. (TEXTILE INDUSTRY) (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) MAVERY H.; GRGIC, Z.; TRENG, S.; BREMSAY, L.; BORAS, E.; SKRTIC, A. Energy expenditure in female workers in a textile factory. Arh. hig. rada 13 no.4:299-305 162. 1. Republicki Zavod za a6stitu zdravlja, Odjel za higijenu prehrane, i Vojna bolnica, Zagreb. (ENERGY METABOLISM) (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) INDUSTRY),- (71 BREI. A. [Brun, A.J; PTI. M. [Potit, Mj Atlas of U Geminorum-type variables. Per.zvezdy 12 no.l: 18-20 and inserte 9 '57 [Publ.1959.1 (14IR& 13:5) , (Stars, Variable) -:1, iol; ~ I u'". N. 34046. 3ren, G. 11. i Kazario-vich, Ll. S. islcusstven.-~yy poloval-mater-lal stelek i zadnikov, Prom-stl, 1949, No. 9, s. 1~1-14' SO: Knizhuaya Letonis', Vol- 7, 1955 GkhDLY,VSKIY, M.; BREN, I., prepodovatell Simplified method of journal-voucher accounting system. Obshchostv.pit. no.11:12-14 N '59. 04IRL 13:3) 1. Glavnyv bukbgalter Kiyovakogn tresta stolovyl-,b g.Kharlkova (for Gandlevskiy). 2. Ingtitut sovetskoy torgov1i (for Bren). (Kbarkov-Restaurants, lunchroom, etc-Accounting) KOIA)KOLITSEV, Anatoliy Pavlovich(doceased]; BREN, jqjjL_LqXbQjjph..,-_ KIRAKOZOVA, N.Sh., red.; ELIKINA, E.M., tokhn, red. (Collected problem on accounting and auditing in commerce] Sbornik zadach po bukhgalt4rakomu uchetu i revizii v torgovle. Moskva, Gostorgisdat,, 1962. 309 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Accounting-#mblems, exercises, etc.) Ompaia-Commerce) TUREK, Ftadolf, dr.; BREN,.JAri dr. Archaeology from airplanes. letecky obzor 5 no.22:396-397 D 161. (Archaeology) (Aeroplanes) BREN, Kh.; SYRKIN, G.,- GONIKBERG, Ye. Power steering of the ZIL-130 motortrucks. Avt.transp. 40 no.407-41 Ap 162. (MA 15W 1. Mookovskiy avtozavod im. Likhaohava. (Motortruaka-Steering gear) - innrove the mvization conditions on the Belaya River. Rech. tran-,;,. 24 no.4:45-46 165. (MI RA 18! 5) 1. Nachallnik Bellskogo tekhnicheskogo uchastka puti KamskoRo bassuyna. d)/ -ACCESSION NR: AP4046535 s/oo84/64/oOD/009/0022/0023 B- mt Y4tjClb6Tl~ v pimayev. e ari Ss.,: ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 NO REF SOV, 000 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; GO OTHER! 006 card 2/2 MINKIN, V.l.; NIVOROZIIIKIN, L.Ye.; BREN, V.A. Structure and reactivity of the condensation prc~duct-s of armnatic amines with alip*,atic zildehydes. Part, 5i Synthesis and st.ructure of bis-butyll der earylami nes. 7hur. ob. kh-lin. 35 no.7.1.270- 1275 Jl 165. (~U RA 18 f 8) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. NR: AP7000369 CA) soum cout tiR/o4l3/66/000/022/0156/0156 ~INVENTOR: Gonikberg, Ye. Z. ,ORG: none TITLE: Hydraulic amplifier built into.the steering mechanisia of a transport vehicle. Class 63, No. 188851 [announced by the Automobile Plant im. I. A. Likhachev (AvtomobilInyy zavoci)] GOLMCE: lzobreteniya, promWahlennyye obraztsy, tovarrWye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 156 TOPIC TAGS: vehicle component, motor vehicle, hydraulic equipment APT0003 the end of the control shaft) is greater than thi total area of the reaction plungers acting on the control shaft during the supply ofliquid to the,opposite cylinder cavity. Orig. art. has: I figure. (KTI SIM CODE: 13/ SUBM DATS.: 02jun65/ BRENCHf M.P..... inzh. Effect of the nonsteady flow of fluids on the torque of the turbine of a hydraulic torque conveter. Izv. lrys. ucheb. zavj; energ. 8 no.503-97 My 165. (MIRA 18s6) 1. Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. SKVCIRTSOITA, N,I.; BRENCII, T.A.; BABUSHKINA, M.P., GUREVTCH, A.V. Preparation of methylgeranyl chloride. Trudy VNIISNDV no.6.- 17-19 163. - (MIRA 17:4) 3AKMOV, V., strakhovoy delegat., slesarl., deputat gorodskogo soveta (g.Gual-Khrustalinyyj,'Vladimirskoy oblasti); 14AMNAp P. atrakhovoy delegat odborshchitsa stekla (g. Gus'-Khrustalinyy UP J, ~; Vl~dimirskoy oblasti BRENCHUGIN~ A., strakhovoy delegatp shlifovshchik (g.GusI-Khrus-MVnyy v imirskoy oblasti) Let's hold a council, friends! Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 5 no,7124r26 Jl 162. (Ian 15:7) (GUS I-IMAJSTALI Nn-INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) BRCIC, B.S.; BIGNCIC, J.; SIFTAR, J; Synthesis of calcium metatitanate at low temperature. Pt. 2. Croat chem acta 35 no.2:135-139 163. i 1. Laboratorij za anorgansko kemijo, Institut za kemijo, Univerza v Ljubljani. BRENOTC, Lojze BRKNCIC. Lojze Three cases of adAmantinoma. ZoboscIrav. vast., Ljubljana 8 no.6: 206-216 1953, .(GYST.R, I)INTIGJIROUS *mandible. surg..) (MANDIBLI.-neoplaame *dentigerous cyst, surg.) 13RF.11010, Loj7e BRENCIC,, LojXe, dr. Contact disorders and periodontal diseases. Zobozdrav. vast., I;Jubljana 9 no.;~-2:16-19 1954. (PMIODONTIUK, diei .*caused by contact disord.) (TBWH. die. *contact diaord. causing periodontal die.) BRENCIC2 Lojze BRIMCIG, Lojze, doe. dr. Accidenatal injuries In root carial therapy. Zobozarav. vast., Ljubljana 9 no,1-2:40-43 1954. (ROOT GANAL TAMM", compl,) MUCIC, Lpjze. doo. dr. Paradentophaties and prosthetics. Zobotdrav. vest., Ljubljana 9 iio.4-6:1-95-198 1954. 1. Referat na, sestanku Drustva zobozdraystvanih delaveav Slovenije v Ljubljazi septembra. 1954. (miaDoTIUM, die. dent..proeth,-in) (INNTAL PRWTHI.SIS in perioUntium die.) BRENCIS-1 E. GENERAL PERIODICALS: VESTIS, NO. 61 1958 BRENCIS) E. Effect of sireoptomycin upon infection of the perit- oneal cavity, caused by association of BacteriM coli communet StSDhVlOCOCCUB ftureus, and S&reptocoocus hemolytious. In Russian. p.95 Monthly list East Eurupean Accessions (EEAI) LC4 VOL. 8Y No. 2J* February 1959j, Unclass. -RF.R IVS, T.; BRENCIS' Y'. The importance of cobalt, and their mixtures in the FSR Zinitnu Akad. VIrstis (CA 47 no.l?.-8854 153) copper, zinc, manganese, and iodide salts feeding of hogs and young pies. Latvijao '52, No.4, 65-72. IRnICIS, K.; 111BA, J.; VOLBERGS, K., red.; CAKSS, J., tekbn. red. [Maintaining swine in large groups) CW-u turesana lielas grupas. Riga, Latvijao Valats izdevnieciba) 1961. 27 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Latvia-Swine) PRI"T,'rT. ", 130ZLTI"~ XTAV!, T). Darba metodes sivenu izaudzesana; Cesu rajona kolchoza "Sarkanais Oktobris" cuk,kopejas Mildas Fridrichsones sasniegumi un pieredze. Higa, Latvijas valsts izdevnieciba, 1956. W9 p. (1,,'or'rI- methods in rzadsing farrous; achi-evements and experience ol sedne roiser Ylilda Fridrichsone on the Sarkanais Ok-to',,,ris Collective Farm in Cesis District) DA Not in DLC SO: Monthly Index of East Eurcpe,,m Accession (EL-AI) LC. Vol. 7, ho. 5, 1.958 GUTMANIS, Krists; PETERSOJIS, E., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, retsenzent; BRENCS011s, A., retsenzent; SKLMIKS, G-p red.; PILADZE, Z.j red. [Biochemical composition of fruits of the Latvian S.S.R.) Latvijas PSR suglu biokiirdskais sastavs. Riga, Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijas izdevniecibap 1961. 96 p. (MIRA -15:3) (Latvia-F'ruit) L 64Z~-66 EWT(n)/EWA(h) DM ACCESSION NR: AP5019805 UR/0089/65/019/001/0028/0035- 551-577.7 AUTHOR: Brendakov, V. F Polyakovat To 'V*t .Malakhov, S G.- Sereda, 0. A.; Pervunina=; Svitcheva, V. I.; Churkin. V.-fi. MTLE: Radioactive fallout on the territory of SSSR In 1963 SOURCE- Atomnaya energiyapriv. igy no, .1 1965) 28-35 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive fallout,, radio strontiump cerium# praseodymium, radio- active-decayp radioactive conta~A*tio"n*,, coil behavior ABSTRACT: The article contains summary data on the radioactive fission-product -fallout and its content In the soil of SSSR during 1963- The fajjout~vas gathered on-standard gauze sheets of 0-3:RP area for 24 hours, distributed In 10-20 points In each administrative region) oblastp or republic. The ashes re *sulting from com- bustion of these sheets vere analyzed radiochemically and by.7 spectroscopy. The ce144. 3.41 Ce A. and Zr95 vas -determined by -Y spectrometry vith an Nal(TI) crystal and a pulse-heightanalyzer, 7be Sr90.vas,separated radioebemically. Tables are presented, showing the intensity of the radioactive fallout by quarters as a func- tion of the geograp)Ac latitude, and averaged over the GSSR tervitory,, and the density of Sr9O fallout in SSSR soil compared with other regions of the northern Card 1/2 L 6477-66 'ACCESSION NR: AP.5019805, hemisphere In 1959, 1962.,* and 19638 Latitude distribution of the cobtent of varl- ous isotopes in the SSSR soil and the ratio of CeI44 + prI44 and Sr9O to the total content of fallout in,soil are also tabulated. Plots showing the decrease in radio- activity taking place in 1962--1,964 are included. The contributions of the various nuclear test explosions to the fallout are estimated. It is*concluded that unless new tests are made the average WO content in the SSSR soil will be 60-70 microcurie/kmF. orig. &A. hut 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 20Aug64 EWLt 00 SUB CODE: BP IM REF SOV: 007 on=: 018 nw Card 2/2 BRUDE, V.V., tekhnik Control ng-Work for the A-2050 automaton, Knergetik 9 no.6: 20-21 Je 161, - . (mIR& 16:7) -~pyw~ (Automatic control) (Electric networks) BRMML, Boleslaw --. Barbiturates of abort action in modern intravenous anesthesia. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.39:1758-1760 28 Sept 59. 1.(Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Wojakowego Szpitala Okregowego w Toruniu) (BARBITURATES, anesth. & ans1g.) Boloslaw r7i'ven Namca Poland /not given/- Surgical Section of the District Ivalitary Hospital (Oddzial -Cli-iiurgimny %lojslo,.ego Sz-pitala. Mtreg~uqgo) Torun Warsaw, Farmaacja Polska, Vol M.I, No 14, 25 July 1961, pp, 286-288 "The Chemical Structure of Barbituric Acid Derivatives and its Effect on.Their Pharmacodynamic: Activity." DRE-DZI, Doleslaw Given ro"1=1 Poland j0, d fnot givei-3i Surgical Section of the Military Hospital (Oddzial Chirurgiczny oj~s:-k-oweg&-Sz-pitaS-), Torun I Tarsai r. Farmacja Polska, Vol XVII, No 18, 25 September 1961, -0b 380-381 "Observations of the Action of InaLktyna in Clinical IntXavenous ..".,oplication, MENDEL, BQ].a 1~1~ Observations on the effects of inactin in intravenous clincal application. Farmacja Pol 16 no.18:380-381 S 161. .1. Oddzial Chirurgiczny, Szpital Wojskoiry, Torun. .A- BOMM, Boleslaw Anesthetic procedures in cancer of the esophagus and cardia, in seni.Le circulatory insufficiency.1-liad. lek. 18 no.2: 151-154 15 Ja 165 1. Z Oddzialu Chirvrgic2nego S2:pitala Wojskowego w Tonmiu. ACC NRt AR6033759 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081166/00010181P014/P014 AUTHOR- Chesnokov, A. A.; Ivankina, E. B.; Drendes, V. P. TITLE: Influence of naphthenes on the deparaffination process of residual raffinates SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Part 11, Abs. 18P97 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. n. -i. in-t neft. prom-sti, vyp. 32, 1965, 86-96 TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon, mineral oil, deparaffination, petroleum product ABSTRACT: The influence of na phthene hydrocarbons on the deparaffination process was studied. Residual raffinate (RA) of industrial manufacture (RA density, 0. 883; viscosity, 18. 69 centistoke at 100C) was used as raw material. Naphthene hydrocarbons (density, 0. 8678-0. 8775; viscosity, 15, 18, 17. 38 centistoke at 100C; viscosity index 110-100) were separated from the RA by adsorption and then added to the initial RA in the amount of I to 2016. The mixtures then deparaffinized. It is shown that even an insignificant increase in the naphthene content in RA, increases filtration rate 1. 5 times, while an increase to 10-2016 raises the filtra- Card 1 / 2 AR6033759 tion rate 2-2. 5 times. The yield of deparaffinated oil from the potential content in RA increases by 276. A clearly visible crystal formation of solid hydrocarbons is observed during the deparaffination process. The performance indices improve through the reduction of the concentration of solid hydrocarbons and'tars. The problem of RA deparaffination with the recirculation of -deparaffinated oil is then examined. 'After the addition of 5 and 716 of oil, the RA filtration rate during deparaffination increased by 40 and 6376, respectively. The oil yield remained unchanged. M. Rozhkov. [Translation of abstract] [GC] SUB CODE: 11 ACC NR; AR6033759 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/000/018/P014/P014 AUTHOR:- Chesnokov, A. A.; Ivankina, E. B.; Brendes, V. P. TITLE: Influence of naphthenes on the deparaffination process of residual rAffinates SOURCE: Ref. zh. Ehimiya, Part II, Abs. 18P97 REP SOURCE: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. n. -i. in-t neft. prom-sti, vyp. 32, 1965, 86-9G TOPIC TAGS.: hydrocarbon, mineral oil, deparaffination, petroleum product ABSTRACT: The influence of naphthene hydrocarbons on the deparaffination process was studied. Residual raffinate (RA) of industrial manufacture (RA density, 0. 883; viscosity, 18. 69 centistoke at 100C) was used as raw material. Naphthene hydrocarbons (density, 0. 8678-0. 8775; viscosity, 15, 18, 17. 38 centistoke at 100C; viscosity index 110-100) were separated from the RA by adsorption and then added to the initial RA in the amount of 1 to 20%. The mixtures then deparaffinized. It is shown that even an insignificant increase in the naphthene content in RA, increases filtration rate 1. 5 times, while an increase to 10-2076 raises the filtra- Card 1 / 2 ACC NR' AR6033759 tion rate 2-2. 5 times. The yield of deparaffinated oil from the potential content in RA increases by 2%. A clearly visible crystal formation of solid hydrocarbons is observed during the deparaffination process. The performance indices improve through the reduction of the concentration of solid hydrocarbons and tars. The problem of RA deparaffination with the recirculation of deparaffinated oil is then examined. After the addition of 5 and 716 of oil, the RA filtration rate during deparaffination increased by 40 and'631o, respectively. The oil yield remained unchanged. M. Rozhkov. (Translation of abstratt] [GC] SUB CODE: 1l/ Card 212 BRENDL, Jaromir, inz.; KLEIN, Stanislav, doe. inz. CSc. Some effects on the rehydration of sublimation dried meat. Prum potravin 16 no.2:60-65 F 165. 1. Higher School of Chemical Technology, Prague. Submitted October 23, 1964. BRENDSTED, A.N.,, nauchnyy sotrudnik; MAKKAVEYSKIY, P.A., kand. med. nauk Characteristics of some features of the nervous system in elderly and senile persons according to electroancepbalographic data. Trudy METTIN no.l6tl78-182 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii AMN SSSH i Loningradakiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizataii truda invalidov. -R N r:-:--R , A ~ PODLESNDVA, N.; MEHIR, A* Five locomotives instead of six. Metallurg 2 no.1:39 J4 157a (MLRA 10:4) 1. Zametittll nachallnika slushby dvizheniya (for Podleenova). 2 Starshiy inshener otlela organizataii truda Novo-Tagil Isiogo m;tallurgicheakoge sayoda kfor Brener). (Railroads, Industrial) (Locomotives-Perforwance) ORWI, A.Pv-- BRENER, A.S. (Krym, Alupka) Value of come laboratory investigations in the diagnosis of cancer. Vrach. delo no.8:137 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sanatoriy "Gornoye Solntse". (CANCER) (MEDICAL TESTS) BRENER, D. M. Cand Mod Sci -- (diss) "On the problem of theistate of the gastro- intestinal tract during chronic lead poisoning. (Clinical and X-ray study)." Alma-Ata, 1957. 15 pp 22 om. (Last of Physiology, Inst of Marginal Pathology, and Inst of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Aoad Sci Kazakh SSR), 100 copies (KL, 24-57, 120) _70- BRMM, D.H., aspirant ........ Functional changes in the gastrointestinal tract in chronic lead poisoning. Zdrav.razakh. 17 no.1:33-38 '57. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz Institute. krayevoy patologli AN KazSSR (direk-tor - B.A. Atchabarov), nauchnyy rukovoditell temy - dots. S.B.Balmukhanov. (ALIMENTARY CAUL-DISEASES) (lZkD POISONING) BRMW,, D.M.v (Alma-Ata) Comparative vaho of roentgenological mmptoms in pOmonary emphysema, Klin*med. 39 no*4t74-77 161. (MIRA 244) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii Nav. - prof. S.B. Balmykhanov) Kazakhokogo meditsizwkogo institutao (PUIXORARY EMPHYSEMA) YUS3111.0, F.M. ElUsym F.M.1; LUMOVICH; M.Ya.; CHUMAK, V.S.;, BWMER, L.G.p [Brener, LY.] Froposals of the efficiency pri~moters 6T the Odessa Shoe Factgry No,2, Leb.prom. no.3:59-61 A - Ag 162. (KIRA -16:2) (Odessa--Shoe mgm, acture-Technological.innovatio.ns) BRENER, M. A. Brener, M. A. "Rare cases of ameDiasis,11 (with editorial noles), Med. parazitO10- giya i parazitar. bolezni) 1948p No. 6, p- 562 SO; U-2888, Letopis Zhxirnaltnykh statey, No. 1, 1949 WSR/Medicine - Virus Diseases Feb 52 "fte Chronic Course of Botkin's Disease fEpidemic LI _7," Prof M'. A. Bremer, D. N. Okun', Cand Repatiti~s Med Sci, Chair of Propedeutic Therapy, Yazakh Med Inst "Sov Med" Vol XVI, No 2, pp 9-11 Of acute hepatitis cases, 90~95% are due to Bot- kin's disease, which spread to a considerable ex- tent during and after World War 11: 35,000 mem- bers of the US Army in North Africa bad hepa- titis. The epidemic nature of this type of jsun- dice-(Botkin's disease) was established by USSR authors. Botkin's disease may assume the. 204T37 UMIMedicine Virus Dise"eis, (Contd) Feb 52 following forms: (1) acute epidemic hepatitis '~the, ~zual form); (2) protracted epidemic hepatitis re-' Miulting in; (a) recovery or (b) transition into th.e 1 ,cbronic, form; (3) cbrbnic -epidemic hepatitis with tIL6 following modifications: (a). nomprogres sing viibL possible regression, (b) slowly progressing vith late traniftion into atrophic cirrhosis, (c) rapidly progressing, with direct transition into mixed,cirrhosis. ?q4T37. MOROZOV, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; VOSIGIESFNSKIY, V.Ye.; BREVER, M.I.0 red. ~ --:% i-%.;-'~; ize ~-' X~ , (Small-scale mechanization of the sawing shops of furniture enterprises] Malaia mekhanizatsiia v raskroinykh tsekhakh mebellrykh predpriiatij. Moskva., TSentr. in-t tekhn. informa- tsii i ekon. issl. po lesnoiy bumazhnoi i derevoobrabatyvaiu- shchei proDWshl., 1962. 21 p. (MIRA 17:5) YATSENKO, N.P.; LEPESKINA, (Increasing the output of parts from particle board and fiberboard] Uvelichenie poleznogo vykhoda detalei iz stru- zhechnykh i drevesno-voloknistykh plit. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t informatsii i tekhniko-ekon. issl. po lesnoi, tselliulozno-bumazhnoi, derevoobrabatyv. promyshl. i lesnomu khoz. 1963. 21 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fanery i mebeli (for Yatsenko, Lepeskina). nauchn. red. TRUSOVA3 L. P. ; _MMg~.,j! [Using tools landnated with hard alloys in the wood- working industry] Primenenie instrumenta s plastinkami iz tverdago splava v derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promysh- lennosti. Moskva, TSentr. in-t tekhn. informatsii i ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, bumazhnoi i derevoobraba- tyvaiushchei promyshlennosti, 1963. 45 p. (~'IIRA 17:5) L -ENDLUMKrT. N-K-, TQWMWKrF, L.K., VArNZR, 1. YA., BR9NZR. M.N., LVOV, K.S.P' loononle &"otA of prospecting and deveUpment of oil fields in the MR R"rt to be imbedtted for the 31sth World Pat"Ifts commes, 2646 J=s 63. NAMITOKOV, K.K.; Prinimali uchastiye:,~ ~NER, ~V.N.; KRYTSYN, G.M.; KOVAI-EVA, Ye.V. Using ultrasonics in electric engineering. Avtom.i prib. 1)0.1: 72-76 Ja-,Mr 162. OURA 15:3) 1. NIIelektro. (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Electric engineering) ACC NR: AP7001193 SOURCE CODE:- -UR-10-407/65/000105-/0035/0039 ,A'UTHOR: Namitokov, K. K. (Kharkov);,B oner, V. N. (Khar'kov); ,'Rovinskiy, V. I. (Khar'kov) 'ORG: none ATITLE- Interelectrode-gap regulator for electrospark machine iSOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6, 1965, 35-39 TOPIC TAGS: electrospark machining, metal machining, automatic regulation ABSTRACT: Two new gap regulators developed by NIIELEKTRO are briefly described. In the first model, the regulator drive motor is connected with the electrode-feed mechanism via a differential reducer and friction clutches. The ;regulator is directly supplied from the power source of the electrospark machine. The friction clutches are controlled by voltage and current solenoids containing ithyristors in their circuits. This regulator requires certain remodeling of the I ielectrode-feed mechanism of standard machines. Hence, another mod*el with Ithyristors and a reversible electric motor was developed. The motor positions the Cord.* 112 ACC NR, AP7001193 ,electrode depending on the ratio of voltage to current in the spark. This regulator i ,can be mounted on existing machines without any remodeling. The efficiency of loperation of the above regulators was tested and compared with that of an older' 'thyratron, type: .Average number of To of total work pulses per min. number of pulses Thyratron type 4300 17.9 Solenoid type 11519 49 Reversible -motor type 1ZB34 53 table shows the advantages of the reversible -motor-type regulator. Orig. art. 3 figures and I table. CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG R.EF: 008 I.Card. 2-12 BRBNERt Ye.D. (Moskva) Tasko of labor hygiene in railroad trawportation, Gig, truda i prof. zab. 4 no. 7:33-36 J3. 160. (MIR4, 13:8) (RAILROADS.-WLOVM-DISEASES AND HYGIEEB) EMULP., Ye.D.,; FEDDRUK, A.G., inzh. - - -------- Tunnel ventilation. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.7:43 JI 161. (I,aU 14:8) (Tumels-Venti-lation) BRENER,'fE. V. "Biological Reaction of the Blood and the Activity of Cholinesterase in Typhoid Fever Patients." Sub 18-Jun 51, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. 1 , yk"-) '44-- EPMER,, Ye.D.., starsbiy nauobnn sotrudnik Uprovement of the cab heating system in a diesel locomotive. Klek.i tepl.tiaga 6 no.1211&-19 D 162. (MM 1612) 19 Voesoyuznn naucbno-iooledovatellakiy institut abe3.ezno- dorozhnoy gi iyeny Ministerstva putey soobahabemiya. Resel locomotives-Heating and ventilation) BRE~S.Ye.D., starohiy, nauchrqy sotrudnik; SOSOMCIN, I.Te,,, vrach- ~--- -2rermatolog Skin diaeam and measurea for their prevention. Elak. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.10:33-34 0 163. (MM 1,6::Ll) 1. Vsasoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut zhelez- nodorozhnoy gigiyeny Ministerstva putey soobahcheniya (for Brener). 2. Nachallnik otdel,4,ncheakoy bol'nitsy, Karaganda-Sortirovochnaya Nazakhskoy dorogi (for Sosmkin). NUWEV . Y !, Friction in the slits of a OC' brake. Kuzt-shtam. proin 2 no.5:" (Forging machihe Brake s) ' (Frictioni- BRENEV, G,.Ye. Selecting the basic parameters of disk friction clutches and brakes for forging presses. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 1 no.11:25-30 N '59, (MIRA 13:3) (Forging machinery) Name: BRENEV, I.V. Wrote article on magnetron oscillators. The discussion treats the princrIv of operation of magnetrons conceived as oscillation generators. The follo~'Ing aspects are mentioned: basic elements of magrnetron generators, classificathu 0 - of magnetron generators, induction type generators, convection type generat.-Ir.5, and modulation of magnetron generators. REF: ReFI#13, pg 19, col 2, 1937 BRENhT I.Vl Seventieth anniversary of radio communleatJons. Elektrosviazl 19 no.5sl-6 MY 165. (MIRA l8t6) MIT-147T, T. 17. D-30 Bq7tTEV, 1. V. Puti razvitiya radialokatsii (Net~--.ds of develop,ment or radio location). Lenin.-rad, Vc-9coyiummyc obshchestvo po rasprostrwieniyu politichoskik"n i nauclmykh znaniy, Leningradskoye otdeleniye, 12U. 23p. DIC TK6575.B7; OUM-F No. 192-C. A brief and popular presentation of methods of modern radio locati'cm. PERESADA, Viktor Petrovich; VORONTSOV, A.Ye., retsenzent; PER, B.A., re-__ tsenzent; PANFILOV,, V.G., retsenzent; BRENEVI I,V,,, otv. red.;. AZARMA~.1,.G.0 red.; FWD,. %&- `ftl red. . p -Ei.- (Radar detection of marine objects] Radiolokatsionnaia vidimost' mor- skikh ob"ektov. Leningrad., Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. prorDyshl., 1961. 158 P. (Radar) (MA 14:22) BRENEV,.,-I.V..; ZILITINKEVICH, S.I. Aksell Ivanovich Berg# 1893 - ; on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 6 no.6:149-151 163. (MIRA 17-3) BRENEV, Igor' Vasillyevich; ZILITRIKEVICH, S.I., red. [Invention of the radio by A.S.Popov] lzobretenie radio A.S.Popovyin. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1965. -Ul P. (101RA. 18- 6) BRENEV, V.F. Michael Faraday. Experimental research in electricity Reviewed by Eng. V.F. Brenev Elektrichestvo, no.5, 1952 FREYDZOV, I.R., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof,;--MNEY,--V.F., inzh.; ARKHANGELISKIY,, Ye.A., inzh. Mathematical modeling of a system of electric drives containing a generator with commensurable power. Elektrichestvo no.3: 65-71 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Leningradskiy elaktrotekhnicheskiy institut. FREYDZON, Isaak Rubinovich. Prinimali uchastiye: ARKHOCELISKI-Y, Ye.A.; EgR4EV,.V.F.; FATEYEV, A.V., doktor tel:hn. nauk, retsenzent; TITOV, N.I., nauchn. red., NIKITIINA, M.I., P red. [Mathematical mode2ing of the automatic control syster's of ships] Matematicheskoa modelirovarde uudovykIi si-stein aviomaticlieskogo upravleniia. Leningrad, Sudostroenic, 1964. 423 p. (MRA 28:2) BREN-EV, Ye. K. Aksiomy poryad)-a v sizteme aksiom geometrii Hilbertla. 1--lat-im 3B., 31 (1924), 576-573. SO: hathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Durosh, A.G., Markushevich, A.I., Rashevskkv, P.K. Moscow-Leninc,rad, 1948 BRENEV, Ye. Ye. USSR/Mathematics - New Books 'Jul/-Aw! 51 "Criticism and Bibliography, 11 0. P-., Boyev, N. Ya. Sysoyeva, Ye. Ye. 3renev, L. Ye. Snclovskly "Uspekh Matemat "auk" Vol VI, No 4 (44), pp 232-237 (1) L. V. Kantorovich, "Teoriya Veroyatnostey" ("heory of -Probabilities), Leningrad, 1946. Aiextbook intended for naval and military engineering institutes. It is a small (152 pp) book but contains fundamentals of the theory of probability studied in secondary military engineering schools. (2) N. V. Yefimov. "Kratkiy Kura Analiticheskoy(L-ometrii" (Short Course on Analytical Geometry), Gostekhizdat, 1950, 248 PP, 50,000 copies. Until recently the maintextbook on analytical geometry for secondary schools wqs the t3xt by I. I. Privalox, "Analytical Geometry," 16ti-.i Ed. 1949. 311 pp. Defects of this book are corrected by the reviewed book of Yefimov. 191T88 BREBGAUZ A. insh. Mechanization of earthwork operationa in winter. Na etroi. Mosk. 2 no.10:22-23 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Zxcavatin~ machinery--Cold weather operation) B/033/60/037/03/021/027 E032/E51h AUTHOR: Brengauz, G. Ye. \rY TITLE: On the DetectlM of the Radio Absorption Line of Interstellar CH Molecules W- PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol 37, Nr 3, PP 584-586 (USSR) ABSTRACTx It is shown that it is possible to detect the absorption of stellar radio emission by interstellar CH molecules. The effect is most easily observed in the case of Cas-A, Cyg-A and Tau-A sources. In order to observe the absorption it is necessary to have an apparatus with a fluctuation sensitivity threshold of J~Tf ^-,10K. Such an apparatus can be produced for the 10 cm region. Using the data obtained by Coutrez et al. in Ref 8 for the monochromatic radio emission of comets, it is concluded that the frequency of the radio line corres- ponding to the transition 2between the components of X-coubling of the state trl/21 J = 1/2 of CH molecules" Card 1/2 is -0 = 3450 Me/s. 7,9 B/033/60/037/'03/021/027 E032/E514 On the Detection of the Radio Absorption Line of Interstellar CH Molecules There are 3 tables and 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2 German and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and the Propagation of Radiowave-sT- SUBMITTED: February 15, 1960 Card 2/2 Epum-aK, P. 11-Standexdization, A Progressive Work Method in the Developnent of Heavy Metalworkin.g Machinery Manufacture." P. 59 (Strojirenstvi, Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1953, Praha) SO: I-Ionthly List of East Furopean Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. BRENIK, PremysI, prof., dr., inz.; KROUPA . doe... inz.; HALAY F.; BUDIN, M., J. , Inz. , dr.; BELA': tz.,*, G.Sc, j KACER, inz.; BUKOVSKY, J. prof.; WS, J., inz.; MARCELLI, V. " ar.., inz.; VILD, B.~; FMINGER, Z., Dr.Sc.; SKARECKY, inz.; DRARY,'j inz.; MASEK, J., inz~; DOLEZAL, inz.; WMANES, J. , ~mz. . C.Sc.; JUZA inz. ;'-BE(WAR, Josef, prof., -inz.; inz.~; M.GS, 'inzq KELLAR, JI.; POSPISIL, J., ini. A conference on heavy-duty stsam and gas turbines in Plzen. Energetika Gz 3.1 no.5:259-262 MY-1.61. 1. Vysoka skola strojni a elektrotechnickal Plzen (for Brenik, Bukovsky and Beavar). -2. Mixiisterstvo tezkoho strojirenstvi (for Kroupa); 3. Ceskoslovenska'akademie ved (for Poppisil). 4. 4eninoo zavody, Plzen (for Hala, Ilardelli, Belik, Vild, Eminger, Drahy,,*Masek, Urbahek., Juza,-Kral and boleial). 5'. Prvni brnenska strojirna, Zavody Kle,menta Gottwalda (for Budin axid Balos)'. 6. Statni vyzkiimny WfAV ' tepelne technicky (for Jerier, Kac6r and Skarecky). 7. Glen korespondent Ceskoslovenske akadeibie ved (for Jerie and Juza). BMINA, IyeVna; HJUKOVA. An Grigorlyevna; YASIKOVA, , 'K 9 Pk.~- - " &"Xe'znaa ikhonovna; SVIRDLOVA,I.S., redaktor; GUSN,L.A., redpktor; )MLDISKAYA,L.M.., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [our work practice with Baudot apparatus] Nash opyt raboty na apparate Bodo. Hoskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. 1955. 30 P. (HLRA 9:3) (Telegraph) YAPMEV, M.; KOCMUM.A,'Ai,-,i MAKWSGV, S.-, partiyW rabotnik (pos. Stoyba, Selenshifiskogo raymm Amurakoy oblasti); SOLODOVKKOV, V., Ater (Ri 'a); KBARTSEVA, 0.,, BluzhaBhchayg; BRENIS, A., inzh. (XoskZ; DVORZHETS,, Ye. Frank conversation. Zhil.-kame khoz. 12 no.3:28-29 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Zamentitell direktora gostinitiT Oktyabrlskaya Leningrad (for YartBay). 2. Virektor dvortea kU'tur7 g. Lipetska (for Kochkareva). 3. Ministerstva stroitel'Btva alaktrostantsiy, Moskva (for Kazartaeva). /+-.-Direktor MoBkovnkoy kinostudii- nauchno-popu3,Tarnykh fillmov (for DrorzhetB). (Hotelaj taverns, etc.) BRENK, F. Yugoslavia (430) General - Serials Hamlet in the Slovenian theater 387 NOVI SVET (Drazavna zalozba Sloveni3a~* Lj~hjana. (MDnthly for literature and arts). Vol. 3, 1948. Bast European Accessions List, LibraiT of Congress, Vol. 1. no. 13, Povember 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. RRMK, Stane, ing. Prospective development of the 'Boris Kidric" Railroad Car Factory. Stroj vest 7 no. L-5:150-152 o 61. UKCVIqH,,Dmitriy Logvinovich, inzheaer; DUDIN, Vladimir Georgiyevich, MOM.- A~~GINOV, Alelmandr Niko"yevich, inzhener; RYSIN, A.Ye., inzhener, radaktor; KNITROV, P.A., tokhaicheakiy radaktor [Reducing idle time of locomotives in shop repair- the practice of locomotive repair shops of the JiWbyahav railroadi Sokrashchania prostoivi parov02OV v (lopovskom remonte; opy-t parovo2nykh depo. Xhibyehavokoi zh.dq Moekva, Gos. tranepozhel-dor. izd-vo. 1956. 90 P. (HIMA 9:12) (Locomotives-Rapairs) BIGN]MVICH, D.L. Mwbyshev) Improved adhesion weight Increasers. Zhol.dor.tranap. 37 no.2: 75 F '56. (MI;RA 9:5) 1. Glavuyy inzhener lokomotivnoy sluzhby Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. (Locomotives) Oatatanding work in modernizing loG*!aotives. Zhol.dor.tranap.39 no.2!73-76 7 1570' (MLRA 10:3) 1. Glavnvy inthenor Blushby lokomotivnogo khox7aL79tva. (locomotives) SOSEVICH, N*D.; BPMMCVICK, D.L. Make timely and good preparation of the locomotive system for the new types of traction. Ilek. i tsPl-tisga 3 no-2: 14-16 F '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Nachallnik slu2hby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Sosevich). 2. Glavnyy inihener slushby lokomotivnogo khozyayntva &Wbyahevokoy dorogi (for Brenkevich). (Locomotives) BREWEVICH& -2*-L&----DUDIN, T.G. Antielip system of XB electric locomotives. Alek.i tepl. tiagR no-7:15-16 JI 160. (MIRL 13:8) 1. Glavnn insh. alushby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Kuybyahevskoy dorogi (for Brankevich). 2. Zamestitell nachallaiks, otdels. SyzrarAkogo otdeleniya (for Dudin). (Electric locomotives--3quipment and supplies) BRINKVICH, D.L. Alectric locomotives need reliable electric meters. Ilek.i tepl. tiaga 4 no.2:5-6 7 '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. (Blectric meters) (Blectric locomotives) -BRICH"VICH, D.L. Initiative of EVbyshev vorkers. Flek.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.4:27-28 l6o. (MIBA 13:6) (Kuyb.vshev--Zleotric locomotivea--Maintenance and repair) i, BRENMICH, D.L. Now developments in locomotive operation and maintenance. Zhel. dorttranspe *42-'noo3:58-63: Mr 6o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Glavrqy inzhener slushby Jokomotivnogo khozyaystva Kuybyshevokoy dorogi. (Ku.ybyshevr-LoCoMOt1k ..vei) I