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S/136/60/000/012/008/010 E193/E183 Complex Investigation of a 3-Stand Tandem Mill for Continuous Cold Rolling of Copper Alloy Strip (which are,rolled with no tension applied) can be avoided by reducing the distance between rolls by 0.2-0.3 mm during the corresponding stage. It was shown, also, that by varying the tension in the strip between the 2-nd and 3-rd stands, it is possible, in the case of brass L62, to adjust its thickness by 0.2-0.3 mm during the first rolling stage and by 0.1-0.15 mm during the second rolling stage. The results obtained indicate that by increasing the front and back tension in the strip, edge cracking can be avoided, or minimized. The specific power consumption in rolling brass L62 and L90 was determined, and curves were constructed illustrating the elastic formation of the rolls and plastic deformation of brass strip in the course of the process studied. Acknowledgments are made to S. Alimov, Yu. Reyngolld, and Yu. Uzenev, who participated in this work. Card 3/1+ S/136/60/000/012/008/010 Z193/E183 Complex Investigation of a.3-Stand Tandem Hill for Continuous Cold Rolling of Copper Alloy Strip There are.7 figures, 3 tables and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 English. Card 4/4 on rjg,,.Ljat,-r proiz-v. 17 nc..!:42.,.'3 L 12492-63 S/118/63/000/00h/002/003 AUTHOR: Boguslavskiy, I., M.; Broydo, B. S. TITLE: Automatic tension control between stands of'a cold-rolling mill PERIODICAL. Mokhanizatsiya i av-tomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 4, 1963, 42-43 TEXT: The design bureau of the "Tsvetmetavtomatikall has developed a tension control device for connection between th_e_?1i_st;__dZc1_'ii6d6iid stands of the three- stand type "100011 rolling mill. Tension is measured with the aid.of a three roller pickup mounted in the space between the stands. The mechanical and electrical diagrams are givqn. With the tension device disconnected, the average tension varies from 4.6 to 8 tons (circa 42%), whereas with the device.1n operation, the variation in tension under.identical.conditions is reduced to 15',d. This relieves the mill operator of the need for checking and regulating the tension. The device is recommendedfor use in other continuous cold-rolling mills. The orticle has 2 figures. Card 1/1 ORLIKOV. Mikhail Llvovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BROYDO' kendidat technicheskikh nauk, dotsent, retsenzent; inshener, redaktor; RUDMKIY, Ta.V.. tekhnicheskiy reactor'.*' [Cam mechanisms of automatic machines] lulachkovye mekhanizmy mashin-avtonabov. Kier, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroitell- noi lit-ry, 1955 145 P- (MI&A 9:4) (Camsi (Nachinery, Automatic) 3-5-9/38 AUTHORS: Bortnpvskiy, K.A., Broydo, B.Ye. , Kukibnyy, A.A., Candidates of Technical Sciences- -Dots- I I.S., Assistant ents., and Skripko TITLE: Questions of Instruction Relating to Courses on "Machine Parts" (Voprosy prepodavaniya kursa I'detali mashin") PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1957, Nr5, pp 31-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The actual program for courses relating to machine parts for machine building and mechanical specialities provides a correct 'list of questions to be studied. The author pro- poses, however, to exclude from the program various sections, which may be stDiied in special courses. Some of the part- icipants of thediscussion pointed out that various questions have already been treated in the courses such as "Strength of Materials", "The Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" and "The Technology of Metals". As to the importance of a qualified teaching staff, the author states that assistants occupied with the practical and laboratory work and with courses of planning have as important a part as the lecturers. It is an error to believe Card 1/3 that any engineer with some industrial practice, may hold the 3-5-9/38 Questions of Instruction Relating to Courses on "Machine Parts" position of an assistant to the Chair of Machine Parts. An engineer has to master instruction methods to be a qualified teacher. Designing is very important. The students =ust. be instructed as to the size and content of calculation and graphics (such as to the number of sheets of the designs, their content, the composition Of Specifications, the basis for the selection of the type of structure, the technology of carrying it out, the elaboration of variants, etc). As regards educational literature the author proposes to create a manual for beginners and that directives be issued as to selection of materiais and structures, the method of calculation, the technology of details, indicating the ne- cessary precision of construction and the finishing of the surface. This manual shall explain the sole idea of com- DUting parts for general use on a modern scientific and technical basis. He further recommends to issue summaries of lectures, reflecting the results obtained by the lector in the field of computation and construction. The use of graphic aids for designing and laboratory work is also re- Card 2/3 commended. 3-5-9/38 Questions of Instruction Realting to Courses on "Machine Parts" ASSOCIATION: The Kiyev Technological Institute of Food Industry imeni A.I. Mikoyan (Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti imeni A.I. Mikoyana) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 KOMAROV, Mikhail Stapanovich,prof., doktor takhn. nquk,; BROYDO, B.Y,3., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk rets~ n7ent, ; LEUTA, V.I., inzh., red-.-- 0 p [Determining rated loads of industrial machinery gnl mechanical devices] Oprodelente raschetnykb nagruzok oroizvodstvannykh mekhanizmov i mashin. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-t~khn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 141 p. I (MIRA 11:11) (Machinery--Tables, calculations, etc.) ell BROYDO, B.Ye. Ways of developing- wrapping machinex7 for dry food products. Izv. vys. ucheb; zav;; plahch. takh. noo'1:75-80 15B. OaU 11:8) 1' Klyevskly takhnologicheakly institut pishchevoy prorWahlennostio' Zfedra detaley sashin; (Wrapping machines) GERM, M.M., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; DIKIS, M.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LU-11"YAROV, V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.fdeceasedl: POPCIV, V.I., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SOKOLOV, A.Ta ' doktor teklm.nauk,prof.,- SOKOLOV,V.1.,doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; SulmovU.,doktor tekh.xWuk,prof.; BARANIOVSKIY, N.V.p kand.tekhn.naukdots.;-BRGYDO,_B.1e" kand.texm. nauk, dots.; BUZYKIE, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GOROSHENKO, MI.K., kand.tekhn.naukq dots.; GORTINSKIY, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GREBENWK, S.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dota.; GUSIKOV, K.P., kand.tekhn. nauk., dots.; DEMIDOV, A.R.,, kand.tekhn.nauk., dots.; ZHISLIN, Ya.M., kand.teldin.nauk, dots.; KARPIV, Ye B., kand.tekhn nauk, dots.; KOSITSYN, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, ~ots.jdeceasedi; GEYSHTOR, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; MARSHALKIN, G.A., kand.teldm.nauk, dots.; MOLDAVSKIY, G.Ye.,, kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; ODESSKIY, D.A., kand. tekbn.naukp dots.: PELEM, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; RUB, D.M., kand-teklm.navk, dots.; SKOBLO, D.I.,, kand.~ekhn.nauk, dots.; V.N., kand.tekhn'nauk., dots.; KH4ELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red: [Principles of the desir and construction of machinery and apparatus for the food industries Osnovy rascheta i konstruirovaniia mashin i apparatov pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1960. 741 p. (Food industry-Equipment and supplies) (MIRA 14:12) BROYDO, B.Ye. kand. tek~n. nauk; SUMOY, L.A., inz'-. Testing of a vibratory feeder with eccentric driving for pliece confectionery. Pishch. prom. no.2:202-215 165. (MIWi 18:11) - BROYDO "j. ~ Quarter of a centary in a trade school. Prof.-tekh.obr.12 no.11:9 N 155. (MLRA 9:2) l.Pomoshcbnik direktora po kallturno-yospitatellnoy rabots remealennogo uchi.lishcha No.12 (Leningrad) (AbugoT, Boris Grigorlevich) BRCYDDJ, L.G.; DROZDOV, O.A.; GOLITSBERG, LA. "Agricultural meteorology" by V,I.Vitkevich. Reviewed by L.G. Groido, O.A.Drozdov, I.A.Golltsberg. Meteor.i gidrols no.5:49~-53 my 161. OMIRA 14:4) (Meteorology~ Agricultural) (Vitkerichp V.I.) kul- I i: , *; . . . ) 11 ~ Give better ustisfaction tr, liteds of amateur photographers. Sov.foto 17 no.6:75 in 157. (1-aRA 10: 8) and developers) USSRA:ngineering - High Voltage Dec 49- UN "Review of M. A. Shatelen's Article, 'The High Voltage Laboratory of the Leningrad Polytech- Uical Institute,'" M. I. Radovskiy, 2 pp "Prirodall No 12 SUbJect article appeared in "Trudy Leningrad- sk0go Poly-tekhnicheekogo Instituta imeni M, Io Kalinin" No 1, 1948. Treats history of labor- 8LtorY for three periods: (1) from its found- ing to October Revolution, (2) from 1917 to 1937 when laboratory was involved in develop- ing programs under the plan for electrification USSR/Engineering High Voltage (Coutd) 'L~zc .49~ of the USSR (GOELRO), and (3) functions sli6sequent. to Its merger with High Voltage Lab, Physicotech Inst. 'ShAtelen's :_rticle is authoritative since ILIS: name is synonymous -with the laboratory's. ~4 155TA f< USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and Its Manufacture. Paper, 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Miimiya, No 19, 1956, 63351 Author: Broydo, N. F.., Vasillyev, N. F. Institution: None Title: Adjusting Cooking Acid Expenditure According to Water Expenditure Original Periodical: Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-st', 1955, No 2, 28-29 Abstract: Description of a system developed by Giprogidroliz for automatic regulation of the ratio of water to acid expenditures during hydroly9ic, designed to utilize direct current motors for running the acid pumps. The motor is switched on and off by an electronic regulator. Card 1/1 BROYDO, N.F., inzhener. ... Diaphragm differential manometers. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.prom. 8 no-5:27-29 155* (KEMA 9:1) l.Giprogidrolls. (Kanometer) .-,7 - -"' "'~"Roy'.'.O VANSHUM, R.ra.; I)OLBNIN, A.T. Automation of operating hydrolysis and sulf1te alcohol Plants. Gidrolls. 1 lemokh'm'Prsm-9 n9,2:3-6 156. (MA 9:7) I.Giprogidrells. (W**d-u8-tM9 industries) (Automatic control) USSR/ProceBses and Equipment for Chemical Industries - Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation, K-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1~56, 63993 Authort Broydo, N. F., Neymark, G. S. Institution: None Title: Tests of Radioisotope Instruments at the Leningrad Hydrolysis Plant Original Periodical: Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-st" 1956, No 3, 17-18 Abstract: Report of the results of tests at the Leningrad hydrolysis plant of an out-of-contact level gauge of the lengiprosbakhta system for the de- termi i)tion of the neutralizate level. In the gauge use is made of the-CoOO Isotope. The gauge is connected with a signaling device and an electric drive which closes the valve in the pipeline through which the hydrolysate flows into the neutralizer. A diagram of the inBtru- ment setup is shown. The complete set costs not more than 600 rubles. The instrument was also tested in the determination of liquid carbon dioxide level, umder pressures up to 75 atmospheres, in steel cylinders Card V2 USSR/ProcesBes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation, K-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Ehimiya., No 19, 1956, 63993 AbBtractt at the carbon dioxide station of the Leningrad plant. On the basis of the tests the conclusion is reached that the use of such instru- ments vill provide extensive potentialities in the control and auto- matic regulation of processes of hydrolysis and sulfite-alcohol in- dustry. Card 2/2 ARQ)31q. 11stOR1911 Yogich; LYANDRES, M.B., red.; BELOGUROVA, I.A., LUnified system of pneumatic devices and examples of its application] Phevastichaskaia agragatnala un'fitsirovannaia sistema (AUSd i priviery as prizenanils. leninLgrad, 196o. 28 p. (Leningradakii Don nouchno-tekhnichoskol propagandy. Oboan pers- dovym opytom. no.17. Seriia: Pribory i elementy avtomatiki. vyp.2) (KIRA 14:1) (Pneumatic control) (Petroleum industry-3quipment and supplies) S/115/60/000/06/16/031 BO07/B014 AUTHOR: Broydo, N. F. Ok TITLE: Provisional Selection of Instruments for Automatic Control and Regulation PERIODICAL: Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika-9 1960, No. 6v pp. 30-33 TEXT: The present paper describes the provisional selection of instruments for automatic control and regulation. Provisional selection is much more efficient if the dynamic properties of the respective instrument are known. These are characterized by the time constant T n of the instrument and its delay time rn. T n and -vn depend on both the construction of the instrument and the mode of operation of the object. The latter is shown for devices with which the temperature of the medium is measured. The effect of the properties of the medium upon the characteristics of the device is determan- ed from the surfaoe-heat-transfer coefficient a. Curve I was experimental- 1Y obtained for a glass thermometer with a range of 0-500 Oc (rocT 2823-59 (GOST 2823-59)) (Fig. 3). It was determined by the authort and expresses Card 1/3 Provisional Selection of Instruments for S/11 6010001061161031 Automatic Control and Regulation B007YB014 the relation Tn -f(a). Curve 2 in the same figure was calculated by G. M. Kondratlyev's method (Rbf- 5)- The surface-heat-transfer coefficient a depends on the mode of operation or the load of the object. As it is difficult to generalize this relation, the author studied only a special case, in which the pickup transmitter of the device (a thermocouple, for instance) is housed in the pipe tube through which a liquid flows. Tn and a are determined from the starting curve of the respective device and from formula (1), respeotively. It is pointed out that on an abrupt change of a the indications of the device are not always changed according to the exponential law. In this case it is impossible to use the time constant, so that the settling time of the indications of the measuring instrument or the response time Ty of the controller must be used. Fig. 4 shows such starting curves, which are not exponential. Table 2 lists the values of Tn9 Tn" and Ty for several devices. Next, the author studies analogous problems concerning devices which record pulses of pressure or pressure drop at two points. Table 2 indicates that every type has a certain Card 2/3 MON Provisional SOle0tion of Automatic Control and Reg Instruments for ulation S/115/60/ooO/06 161031 k . Tn Tn B007/BO14 n Tn uL7 K. - _~- which 'varies with a change in T or y When the curves Of k f n T 0 Conclusion: devices from several (a) and ky 2(a) are determinedyfor several a-values" one obtains the values of k and k for any other a-values. This app n 40ilitates the pre "es &ISO to air-press y experimental recor 111minary Selection of ure devices. This method ding devices wit), in Of numerous curves. The ratio the necessity of Yn is also used for mathematical analysis system Of the behavior of a control (Ref. 13)o There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 13 Soviet references. Card 313 BROYDO, Nataniell Fomich; AREFIYEV, B.A.., red.; FOMICHEV, A.G., red. i7zd--ia,-;- BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Dynamic features of the means and system of automating produt-, tion processes] Dinamicheskie kharakteristiki. sredstv i sistem aytomatizatsii proizvodstvenriykh protsessov; obzor. Leningrad, 1961. 89 P. (MIRA 15: 5) (Automation) 27842 '9 05- AUTHOR: Broydo, N.F. TITLE: Approximate calculation system consisting of an PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, s/11q/6l/oco/coq/ooi/oo6 E1911/E335 of the inertia of a pneumatic air line and servomotor 1961, No. 9, pp. 13 - 16 TEXT: The object of the article is to give a mathematical determination of the dynamic characteristics of a system consisting of an air line and diaphragm type servomotor when a step impulse of air pressure is applied to it. The air line contains distributed hydraulic resistance and gas capacity and may be considered in terms of the analoEous electrical circuit consistin,~; of series resistance and capacitance. Consideration of the pneumatic line is simplified by the relatively high resistance of the line, whichirtually daiaps out reflected waves. However, the transient processes are much slower in a-.,I air line than in an electrical circuit and so proper allowance inust be made for the delay time. The total capacity of the servornotor consists of a fixed capacity plus a smaller variable capacity resulting from displacement of the diaphragm; in the electrical Card 1/6 2 704f S/ll5/6l/ooo/ooq/ooi/oo6 Approximate calculation .... E194/E335 analogy the servomotor is represented by a lumped capacitance at the end of the line. On the basis of these considerations the following expression is derived: erdelay T p = pck (l C where: P is the pressure in the air line; p is the pressure impulse applied to the air line, ck -t is the elapsed time; 'rdelay is the system delay tinie; Z n is the systein time constant. C;ird 2/6 Mik T. '06* S NEU w -P~ ISIII M 44 n V Approximate calculation .... 2'7841-91 S/115/61/000/009/001/006 E194/E335 The complete expression for the system time constant is: 1281iL jYd2L V nc 4 + + I Trd 4(p initial + Pck P initial + Pck + Fchc (12) Pck where: Ii is the dynamic viscosity of compressed air; L length of pipeline; d the i.d. of the pipeline; Pinitial the initial pressure in the line; V the volume of the servomotor chamber, FC the effective area of the servomotor diaphragm; hc the displacement of the diaphragm by the Card 3/6 pressure P ck * ~ i642 S/1l5/6l/ooo/oo9/ooi/Oo6 Approximate calculation E194/E335 For practical purposes the delay time may be taken as: L delay w (13) where w is the speed of sound in air = 330.8 m/sec. The time taken for the complete impulse to reach the far end is 3 to 6 times T nc . For simplicity, calculation of the servomotor time constant is restricted to types in -hich the compressed air presses on the diaphragm from above and worR5 against a return spring, For these the last two terms in brackets in Eq. (12) are considered in more detail -to allow for frictional forces, weight of parts and the like and an extended equation is obtained. Graphs of time constants as function of line length -are given in Fig. 3 for the line alone and in Fig, for the line with the servomotor. These graphs are calculated for air at t = 20 0 C with a dynamic viscosity of o.i84 x 10-5 2 2 Rg, s ec/m P I kg/cm d = 0.6 cm and Card 4/6 initial f 7840- S/ll5/6l/ooo/ooq/ool/oo6 Approximate calculation E194/E335 for vorious vnlues of applied impulse P ck ~_ 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 kg/cm 2 and L up to' 300 m. The letters in Fig. It denote the following Nralues of Pck a - 1; 1) - 0-5; 3 - 0.2; 1 - 0.1; a - 0.05; the numbers on the curves denote the nominal travel of the servomotor valm in millit-tietres. There are 5 fi,(,rures and 10 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sovi et -bloc. The English-language reference mentioned is: Ref. 10 - I.E. Samson - Transaction of the Society of Instrum ent Technology, 1958, Lq Sept., v. 10, no- 3- Card 5/6 BROYDO, N.F.; POLYAKOV, L.K., inzh., retsenzent; KALAKbTSKIY, V.Te... red.; MITARCHUK, G.A., red.izd--,ra; SHC~EITITUNA, L.V., tekhn. red.; PETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red. (Devices of a unified pneumatic control system in automatic control cixcuits] Pribory pnevmaticheskoi iinifitsirovannoi sistemy v akhemakh avtomatizatsii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 142 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Pneumatic control--Equipment and supplies) BROYDO, N.F. Organizing the repair of automatic control devices and systems taking Into oansideration the indices of reliability. Izm. tekh. no.10-10 Ja 165. (MIRA l8t4) S11-11NA, V.F. , red. [Tbe younge3t in a fardly of giantsl Madshaia v semle gigantov. Irkutsk, Irkutsk,-)e 11-mizhnoe izd-vo, 1063. 78 p. (XIRA 17:5) PHASE I BOOK WLOITATION 63-1 ~Loydo, Solatmon Moiseyevich r; "a 62-y parallellyu (Beyond the 62nd Parallel) (Irkutsk] Irkutskoye knizhnoye i izd-vo, 1957. 181 p. 2,000 copies printed. Ed.: Stepancheako, A. I.; Tech. Ed.: Sorokina, T. 1. PURPOSE: The book is intended for the general reader interested in the geogml*y and econcmic development of Eastern Siberia. COVERAGE: The book is a journalistic account of a trip undertaken by the author through Eastern Siberia, covering roughly the territory between the Yenisey md 4-he Lena Rivers and parts of Yakutiya beyond the Lena. The author de- scribes the taiga in sumer and wintert his excursions into it, the everyday life of the Evenki, the Yakuts, and other native inhabitants of the area, the towns visitedY and incidents froin the lives of the people he encounters on the way. Some of the towns discussed are Nakowno, on the lower Tunkuska, Inarigda, the northe=ost populated point in Irkatskskaya oblast' and Toktma, Card l/ 3 Beyond the 62ad Parallel 637 Chechwjrsk, situated on the left bank of the Lena 60 miles up-river from Kirensk -3nd from which a highway to Podvoloshino on the right bank of the Lower Tunguska is now complete, thus connecting the Wo great rivers, is also described, as are Nizhneudinsk, from vhich in amner all supplies are transported by plane into "'Llofalariya in the Esstei~h Sayans, and Alygdzher, the administrative center of Tofolariya home of the Tofa or Tuva people. Considerable space is given to the story of an Evenki river navigator and his participation in the construction of the mp-made"'Bratsk See a reservoir one sixth the size of Lake Baykal. The last chapter is devoted to diamond prospecting in this area, specific&12,v the territory between the Yenisey and Lena rivers, known as the Siberian Plateau, whose geologic structure has many similarites to the diamond-bearing areas of South and Central Africa. The author joins Professor M. M. Odintsov, an eminent gqologist whose work has contributed much to the discovery of diamond deposits .a this areaq on a fleld trip in search of diamond deposits. Professor Odintsov, in collaboration vith M. Kuzuetsov, evolved a theory that the prescence of dia- monds may be determined on the basis of their associated minerals, which he nar- rowed down, in case of Eastern SiberiaY to yyrope (red garnet) and mwmesian ilmenite. Studies and exploration indicate that the diamond deposits of the Siberian Plateau may be even greater than those of South Africa. In this field Card 2/3 Beyond the 62nd Parallel 637 of investigation, in addition to Professor Odintsov, the following geologists have dade important contributions: V. Belov, S. Sokoloy G. Faynshteyn, A. Trufanova, B~. Uspenskiy, M. Kuznetsov, P. Shames, Yu. Khabardin, and L. K a. The book is gAnerously illustrated with photographs. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Beyond the 62nd Parallel Northern Encounters Road to Ugryum-reka (Lower Tunguska] In the Blue Sayan Mountains From the Arctic Ocean to the Bratsk Sea (Reservoir] Diamond Prospectors AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (DK755.B83) MM/axp 10-10-58 Card 3/3 3 35 68 98 130 156 MOIDO, Solomon HoLs.~pvich; SHAFIROVI, A.s., red.; KOVALEV, S.R., - [A study of the city on the Vitim River] Gorod n& Vitime; ocherk, Irkutsk, Irkutskoe kni2hnoe izd-vo, 1959. 114 p. (Bodaybo) (KM 14:1) GORDASHMKIY, P.F... kand.tekhn.nauk; BROYDO, TS.I., inzh.; STOLOVITSKAYAJ, M.M.I. inzh. aosphorus anhydrite binding material. Stroi.mat. 8 no.704-35 il 162. (MIRA 15-8) (Binding materials) -BROYDO, Yevgeniy Boriaovich; CHIRKOVA, Z.K., red., SYCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Biogmphy just begins] Biografiia toliko nachinaetsia. Murmansk, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 3.1 p. (MIRA 16&5) . tt (Murmansk-Machinery industr7 workers' I (Women-EmploymAt) GEVAM-Mp V.V.; BMWO A.S. EMat of the dbaraotml~ of an oloctrio drivo m tho twJmaojW of rolling m omtlnww light eacticm mills. I-bto L gwnwud. pm. no.304-36 IWo 965. (I-MIA 18:11) AL 114FN 7 I.A.r inoll.; OpPrAtion of Coolers in light sr~ctlon irdlIs during high speed rolling. Stall 25 no.5t438-441 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy instit-at metallurgicheskogo mashLriostroyeniya i K-ivorozhsldy metalbirgicheskiy zavod. Sl~,,TmNOV, S. S.; BITUK, S. I.I.; DYMSHITS, S. A.; BROY-ViRpl, G. V. Continuous distillation of shale tars and phenols on a pilot device. Trudy V1411T no. 11:134-143 162. (MIRA 17:5) PROSKURYAKOV, V.A.; BROY-KARRE, G.V. Oxidation of Kenderlyk shale with nitric acid. Trudy VNIIT no.12:5-10 163. (MIRA 18M) SEMENCV., S.S.; GLUSHENKOVA, Ye.V.;__4ROY-KARRE,.P.Y.; DOKSHINA, N.D.; TUMANOVA, Ye.s. Obtaining benzenecarboxylic acid by oxidizing the residues of generator shale tar and phenols boiling above 3000 C. Trudy VNIIT no.l2t69-77 163. (MM 18.11) .A", DYW-)HIT,R, S.A.; BITUK, S.M.; PAFOHINA, Ye,P.; ORIXA, N.S.j SEMFNOV, S.S.; BROY-KARRE, G.V. --,. --Z Potential content of water soluble phenoln in generator tar and the optizal conditions for their sepaTauLon. Trudy VN11T no.12ilO2-108 163. (MIRA 18!11) BROYBOV Patr Ivanovich; HAKSIMOV. S.A.. kand.geograf.nauk. red.; ~VSHCHIKOY, Y.Y., otvetstvennyy red.; GROSHAN, R.Y., red.; FIAUM, M.Ya., (Selected works] Isbrannye sochineniia. leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Vol.2. [Agridultural meteorology] Seliskokhozisistvannaia meteorologiia. 1957. 337 P- (MIRA 11:2) (Meteorology, Agricultural) PHASE I BOOK MIEWITATION W8 Shtager, Valeriy Vital'Yevich podavlaniye shmov v k"pLjpkjrh veshchanjyjL (Noise Suppression in Broadcasting Channels) Moscov, Svyazlizdaty 195T. 50 P- (Lektsii po tekhnike svyazi) 8,500 copies printed. Ed.: Broyt) E. M.; Reap. Ed.: Popoyap.N. E. ; Tech. Ed.: Mazel',Ye. I. PURME: The booklet is intended for communications engineers and techni- cians,. It is issued by the Ministerstvo avyazi SSSR, Tekhnicheskoye uprwrleniye -(USSR Ministry of Communications. Technical Administration) and appears In the series "Lektsii po tekhnike avyazi" (Lectures on ccmnmi- cations technique). COVMWE.- The booklet ox-ines the effect of noise and distortion on the quality of transmission In broadcasting chann 1s. It describes nbise abating devices for broadcasting channels and sets forth a theoretical analysis of the operation of instantaneous compressor-expanders. The Card 1/U Noise Suppression in Broadcasting Channels 408 bases.of design calculation.for these devices is given and an indication of their possible application in various broadcasting channels. Besides the compensation methods now used for nonlinear distortions, the booklet describes themethod based on the use of autua.11y inverse potentiometer circuits. there are 7 references, 4 of vhich are Soviet, 2 English, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Forevord 2 Noise and Distortion in Broadcasting Channels 3 1. Noise and its influence an transaission quality 3 2. Music tra--ission characteristics and changes in thm due to linear and nonlinear distortion 5 3. Normalization of electric characteristics in broadcasting channels equipped vith compressor-expander devices 7 Devices Used in Broadcasting Channels for Noise Abatement During Trmnission Breaks 9 Card 2/ 4 Noise Suppression in Broadcasting Channels 408 1. Tapes of noise silencers and their use 9 2. Description of the LORIS noise silencer 11 3- Operating characteristics andL t1ne constant selection of the LONIIS noise silencer 14 Inert-action Compressor-Expanders for Broadcasting gtiannels 16 1. Special features of inert-action compressor-expanders used in broadcasting channels 16 2. Compressor-expander with a aingle-channel control circuit 18 3. Compressor-expander with a double-channel control circuit 23 Instantaneous Compressor-Expanders for Broadcasting Channels 29 1. Special features of instantaneous compressor -expanders and their applications 29 2. Principal characteristics of the inertialess compressor- expander device 30 Card 3/4 Noise Sunression in Broakasting Channels 3. Gain 11, es4Pm&l_ 408 the channel am inerttO-IMOdLee" ratio* Obtained by Intrqd=lng i.t. 4- possibilltv Is'less ecoPres5or-OlUmader delics. a narrow fre, of transoitting instantly I=Preued signals 1, 36 quency spectrtu Bibliography 41 ApPemUces 1-4 45 46 AVA'LABLL': Library of Congress .Tip/mp Card 4/4 June 27, 1958 IMBLAY, Tamara Semenovni,; KARTAKIF, L.I., otv. red.; Horl, E.M., red.; BERMLAYMATA. 1-Sh., tekhzi. red. (Radio forecasts and their compilation] Radioprognozy j ikh sostavlenie. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1958. 38 P. (Radio. Shortwave-Tra. .; ' (MIRA 11:11) .tters and transmission) (Ionospheric radio 4ave propagation) FURSOV, V.A.; . MOCHq K,Gqg tekhnored, #.. rode; X ESM-2-4 voltage stabilizerl Stabilizator napriazheniia SM-2-4. Moskva, Svisslisdat. 19.59. 8p. Oau 14:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hiniateretvo evyezi. Upravlemiye promWahlemVkh prodpriyatiy. (Voltage regulators) (Blectric power distribution) FURSOV. V.A.;. MO=-JLK-,-mmd.,; MARK , K.G., CTIS-4 inlet and testing stand] Tvodno-iopytotellneis stoika TIS-4, KoBkva. Wiazlizdat. 1959. 11 P. (KIELA 14:3) 1. Runsia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Miniaterotvo ovyasi. Upravleniye promyshlonnykh predpriyatly. (Telephone--Bquipment and supplies) FURSOV, V.A.; BROYT, Z.K., red.; KARKOCH, K.r2., (PPA-1 radio station control pannel] Ful't fonicheakoi apparatnoi tipa PY&-l. Koskva, Sviazlizdat, 1959. 12 p (MIRA 13:9) (Radio stations--Equipment and suppliesi MARCHZ14KO, A.F.; NIKOLISKIY, K.K.; RAZUMOV, L.D.; AFAIIASIYEV, A.P., otv. za vvpuBk; KUVSHINOV. 3.P., otv. za vypusk; BROY-T, E.M., red.; SLUT-W , A..A., (Revisions and additions to the *Regulations for the corrosion protection of underground communication cables."] Izmeneniia i dopqlneniia k "RukovodBtVU PO sashchite podzemnykh kabelei sviazi ot korroziil (Sviazlizdat, 1956 g.). Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1959. 21 p. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye mezhdugorodnoy tolefonno-telegrafnoy avyazi. 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledo- vatel'skiy institut evyazi (for Karchenko, Nikollskiy, Rezumov). (Electric lines-Underground) AUTHOR: Broyt, S.M., Engineer. 133-9-5/23 TITLE: The Use of Unfired Ohrome-magnesite Bricks for the Roof of 0 en Hearth Furnaces. (Primenendye bezQbzhiF p ,ovogo magnezi- tokhromitovogo kirpicha v svodakh martenovskikh pechey) q PERIODICAL: Stal', 1957,^110.9, pp. 792 - 795 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An experience gained on the Kushvinskiy Works in the opera- tion of open hearth furnaces of up to 100-ton capacity with main roofs from unfired chrome-magnesite bricks is described. Initially, "zebra" t oofs from unfired chrome-magnesite and ,.15pe r silica bricks (Fi were tested. The roof life was unsatis- factory 180 - 220 heats. In 1955, roofs were made from unfired chrome-magnesite bricks (Fig.2) altogether up -Loo the end of 1956, 8 such roofs were TRade, a service life of 400-450 heats was obtained. The behaviour of rools during furnace operation and the nature of repairs reguired are described in some detail. The output of steel from 1 m of the bath surface increased by 8.8% at practically the same fuel consumption. There are 4 figures and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Kushva '. Metallurgical Works (Kushvinskiy Metallurgi- cheskiy Zavod) AVAILABLE: Library of Uongress. Card 1/1 BROYT, S.Y. ~ T11.11SOV, N.Ya. Ust of highly refractory concrete in open.-hearth furnaces. Metallurg 10 no.4:11-13 Ap 165. (MiRA 18:7) 1. KushvinAiy mtallurgicheskiy zavod. .~ROrfv S.M.j TRUSOV, N.Ya. Fritting of a hearth bottm vith fine-grained magnealte. Metallurg 8 no.ltl7-l9 Ja 16). (MIRA 1621) 1. Xua4chvinskiy metallurgicheskly zavod. (Open-hearth furnaces-Maintenance and repair) BROYTY S.M. Fossibility of increasing the d;Lrability of basic open-hearth fumaca crowns. Stall 23 no.6:516-518 Je t63,, (MIM 16110) 1. Kushvinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. BROY.TMAN, A.A.; DEUVICH, V.A.; SEDOR, AJ'..; ANDREYEVA, L.S., red.; SKOBELING, L.V.,. red. [Load-hoisting machines and arrangements on ships] Sudovye gruzopod'Iemnye mashiny i ustrois-,va. Moskva, Transport. 1964. 298 P. (MIRA 17'-12) 507/81-59-20-37-127 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 10, P 531 (~ISSR) AUTHOR: Broytman, A A TMEt On the Problem of the Laws of Ribber Behavior ir. B-_nding Deformations PERIODICALt Nauchn. Tr. Odessk. vyssh. inzh. morsk. 1j, 1958, Nr 3, pp 149- 59 ABSTRACT: The results are laid down of an experimental inve5ligatlon of -,h& sonnec- tion between the values of deformation and load of srati-~ally determinable girders of rectangular cross section manufactured of robter with a module E ~35 - 40 kg/cm2. The usual. formulae of the strength of maT,erial used for the determination of small deformations are applloa~de -t-;o -~he calcula- tion of-similar simple cases of lop-ding. Rubber oan be '~~_--ed a!E material for modeling statically determinable girders of natliral engineering stric- tures in the Investigation of deformations of the5e Sirderz linder *Jie action of a bending load. For this purpose it is necessary that the ratio of the load to the module of the material of the model. ;*rjc)uld be i~lie 5a_rpe as- in the investigated metal structure, R. Torner Card 1/1 ANDROSOV., B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEGAGOYEN, T.A., inzh.; BERKOV., K.L.1 inzh.; BLINOV, I.S', kand.tekhn.nauk; BROY5774AN, A.A., kand.takhn. nauk; GRITSAY., L.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAVISHA, V.V.J. kand.tekhn. nauk; KUNITSKIY, A.A., inzh.; LF-SHCHINSKIY, V.N.J. inzh.; PASECHNIK, I,V., kand.takhn.nauk; DUBCHAK, V.Kh., inzh., retsenzent; MkTOV., I.T,, inzh., retsenzent; TU~H, I.D.J. inzh., retsenzent [Manual for ship meahanics] Spravochnik sudovogo mekhanika. Moskvaq Transport, 1965. 832 p. (MIRA l8tl2) 1MM=IM VR1- - 04033585'--- #/b1e9/Wbq/bW/boo1/o= .W=CRs Met. she 09oftsee Abse SH 1AUMORI Beginskayas Too Sol Broytoans A* Rot Nessioyanarp Do To I ;TITLE# Present status of study of the Rastem Caucasus Foreland by g1physioal !exploration methods in relationship to the direction or further geophysiocl work int ,this area CITED SOURCEs Sbe Geole I neftegazononnont' Yuga 888R* lavkas* Los Gostoptekhisdatol 1963, 96-113 TOPIC TAGSt geophysics, geophysical exploration, geology, geological structure, 1 refracted waves methods reflected waves method, seismology, electric exploration, 1gravimetric survey,magnetio survey 7RANSLATIOUt The status or geophysical study or the Eastern Caucasus Foreland and I= bits geologioal. structure are discuseode It in concluded that the possibilities of Igeophysioal methoda of exploration are far from exhausted with respect to the Eastern Caucasus Forelande It In proposed that such work be continued in accordance'.-- iWith a uniform plan but on a considerably bro4der scales In this work prinwry !ACCESSIOT MI AR401=5 attention should be given to 6gional geophysical work along the prinoipal direa- ,tions intersooting this areae This should be done by a combination of methods# !but with emphasis on the refraoted and reflooted waves methods, eleotrio oxplora- itien. and gravimetrio and magnstometrio surveyse Rooommandations aro mado for ways ;to loo&te loosl uplift@ and for carrying out a number of systematic investigations* 00 RO M GODEs AS MICLI 00 17-7 nA&kl "A Va,---Br m L.-NAvarlb".4 WDvam rx p!'i - i Vcd~ -N livi El n; 107 -ulu-nit-I of the ur1w: wa~ i~~ 't~ally on tht: basj~ of thc. pr~ op~rt ,f 1h. to [Ity(Iii murize hv.Id&w1ic! and thu- rviluce it; vim-~ociry. Two in a nt :14'. 1."m-h vi-~rO:Idl~i It 2 ~I of o of avid a!"1 0~~- I ~ vitr"!' and Lhe V.0wr 0. a C'. Of th, s-mv ur in, J'r- ;'-'i io arda to dcs~mDy 'ht enz vi,ic~ The ru-,U~. wtre ur-a-I rapkily ar.11 the vi~~m!~ity was dod. O-S fillic, oliri;a~' Tht! IIv:Lt;A uVillt 'C~ vc t ti ~ bhni~ A 1': 54 origiu.d -11i) jj"jn~ In 0", W ~l 1A 't'q'~ 0I ."H[V 'W'!. ...... r r', d, i~ t i . 1, 1 1, ", f! 7f Ml I TiMrc~!, J 01-2 '6111 d1u., 'I, o 7777777-7 XHLOPIN, V.G.; VINOGRADOT, A.*P., akademik. redaktor; GRIBBERG. A.A.. redBktar; GREBZNSHCHIKOVA,Y.I.. kandidat khimichaskikh nauk, redaL-tor; nolmli. V.R *1 kandidat khimishesiikh nauk, redaktor; NIKITIN, B,A.. redaktor deceased]: FASVIK. N.A.,' kandidat khimicheskikh.nauk. redaktor ideceased]; RA*TM, A.P., doktor khimiche'skikh nauk. redaktor lieceased]; STARIK, I.Ye., redaktor; redaktor izdatallstva; FITZ=. R.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [collected works] hbrannys trudy. Noskya, 1%d-vo* Aked. nauk SSSR. Vol.2. [Works on inorganic and analytic chemistry and on geochemistry] Trudy po noorgenicheakoi i analitichaskoy khimii i po gookbimii. 1957. 306 p. (KIRA 10:8) 1. Chlen-korreepondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Grinberg. Starik, Mikitin) (Chemistry. Analytic) (Chemistry, Inorganic) (Geochanistry) KHLOPIN. V.G.; MIXITIN, B.A. Cdeceased] otvetstvennyy redsktor; RATHER. A.P. [deceased] doktor khimicheskiich nauk, otvetotvenny7 redaktor; VINOGRADOV, A.P., skmdemik, redaktor; GRINMG, A.A.. redaktor; GREENNSHCHIKOVA, V.L. kandidat khimicheskikh nauk. redaktor; KLOMUN, V.R.. kandidat khimicheskikh nauk, redaktar-, PASVIK, N.A. [deceased] kandidet khimichookikh nauk. redaktor; STA- RIK, I.Te., redaktor; 3R2UjQ"r A. redaktor lzdatelletva; 'Tr-redaktd-r- PE-VZM. R.S., takhaiches y [Selected works] lzbrannye trudy. Moskva. Izd-vo Aked. nauk SSER. kol..l [Works in the field of radiochemistry] Trudy Y oblasti ro- diokhimli. 1957. 370 p. (MIRA 10:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Nikitin, Grinberg, Starik) (Radiochemistr7) . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - 1 - ~-~ ~,- "\I T\ '~ V BROYTYAN, A.Ya. MMMOMOK F4raluronidase activity of human urine In various age periods. Pedistriia 35 no.1'2:58-60 1) 157. (MIRA *11:2) 1. IE Dedovichakiy rayonnoy bollnitsy Pokovskoy oblesti (HYAWRONIDASS) (URINK-ANALTSIS AND PATHOLOGY) BROYTMAN, A.Ya. (Leningrad) Conference on the toxicology'of high-molecular compounds and chemical raw materials used for their synthesis. Gig. i san. 26 no.-11:97-99 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Ip Goeiidarstvennogo'nauchno-issledavatollskogo instituta polimeri- zatAbnnykh lastmass. fMACROMOLEDULAR COMFOUMS) (TOXICOLOGY) BROYIWP., A, Ya, leningrad) Comparative toxicity of some stabilizers used for increasing beat and light resistance of Polymer materials Gig. truda i Prof. zab. no.3:20-26 162. NIRA 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvenyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut polimeri- zatsii plastmass. (POLDMS) (STYRENFTOXICOLDGY) (MNOL-TOXICOLOGY) (BEITZOPHENOIM-TOXICOLOGY) V - 'A BROYTH", A.Ya.; LAZAREVA, N.P.; OBOLIYAIJINOVA, N.A.. 11UPOVA, G.S. - 9 Relation between the structure, stabilizing action, and to&icity of the condensation products of phenol with styrene. Plast.massy no-4:19-22 163, (141RA 16 34) (Phenol condensation products) (styrene) * BEZVF,WINIY, Sh.A.; BROTTRAII, P.M. First results of ozonometric observationa during the International Geophysical Tear. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.8.-27-31 Ag '58. (ozone) (PaRA 11:10) LX()IiT'TF,V, O.P.; BROYTMA:d, P.M. Xlectrification, of dust marticles In an air flow. Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN XasakILSSR 4:169-176 160. (MIRJL 13:9) (Mine dust@) (Electrostatics) gi GRACTLEV, Rostislav Ivanovich; BROYTIW11, Roman Yakovlevich; VT-1~"SHO!AKO, Igor' Aleksandrovich; ROZENFERE1, flikolay Mikhaylovinh; '-FY!iSCN, M.G., nauchnyy red.; GITITSBURG, V.I., vedushchiy red. [Determining the efficiency of geological prospecting; methodological instructions]. Opredelenie effektivnosti goologorazvedochnykh rabot; rretodicheskie i&azaniia. Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 84 p. (Leningrad. Vsosoitznyi nelftiano; nauchno-is3ledovatellskii geolcgorazvedoclinyi institut, Trudy, no. 229) (K-111A 17:6) FAILAMY, Mikhail [Faraday, Michael]; GOKHMAN, V.S. [tranc3latorj; LLAGO, T.N. Ctraaslatorl; KRAV.:',TS, Torichen Favlovich, jrof.,red. [dereaned]; DORFMAN, Ta.G., prof.,red.; BROTTPAN, Ya.A., red. izd-va; SOZANOV, L.S., red.izd-va; SMI~~Ov, I.-T.-, (Experimental researches in electricity] Eks-perimentalInye issledoveniia po elektricheatvu. Kommentarii i red. T.F.Kravtsa. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Massiki nauki) Vol.3. [Translated from the English] 1959. 831 P. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kravets). (Electricity) BROZ, A. "Problems of Forest Reproduction and of the Transformaticn or 7ir Lonacultures in Mountain Forests" P. 99, (PoLkw., Vol. 0., no. 5, May 1953, Praha, Czecho- slovakia). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. B-ROYYFR , P. ; M, :jI-::1-r'V, i. ~v . ; LW 1; , ~ . i. ; SHP!G! L, . ~,,. I I ti'n--rgy of' interaction be-tweon simple moleculer, and laujasit,-type zoolites. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.4.-95*'.-356 AP 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1, Mo9kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submittel September 24, 1964. I tl~tr zeto - - 5 r*-~ ~ \?) I (A 16 lp,c,t~ R %lev �*b %bl //Jor k0 p 6