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iii A- ACC NRi Ap5026765 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0045/0045 t AUTHOR: But~ D. A.; Bertinov, A. I. ORG: none 6B TITLE: A transverse magnetogasdynamic Hall generator with a two-component magnetic field. Class 21, No. 174288 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy 1 tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 45 TOPIC TAGS: Hall generator, magnetogasdynamics ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a transverse magnetogasdynamic Hall generator with a two-component magnetic field. The design of the generator is sim- plified and its operating reliability in a high-temperiture gas sItream is improved by making the device from two coaxial electrodes with the excitation winding on the same axis. UDC: 538.4:621-313-12.024 Card 1/2 _j 63_77-66 ACC NR, APS021 plasMg,_ SUB CODE: ME,EII,EC/ Card ~ig. 1. 1 and 2--coaxial electrodes; 3--excitation winding SUBM DATEi 07Sep64/ ORIG RM 0001 OTH REF: 000 L 13301-66 EW-r(1)AW(~)/T-2/BWA(M)-2 DPW ACC W AP6001675 SOURCE CODE: UR/0281/65/000/006/0102/u.- AUTHOR: Bertinov, A, 1. (Moscow); But. D. A. (Moscow), Gorbatkov, S. A. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Axisymmetrical linear magnetohydrodynamtc, flow with the Hall effect in a two-component field 'OURCE:- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Energetika I transport, no. 6, 1965, 102-110 rOPIC TAGS: magne togas odynami c a, ~mgetohydrodynamics, Hall effect, Faraday ffec1t, MHD generator, axisymmetric.flow, electrode kBSTRACT: These known magnetohydrodynam c-iinerator (MHDG) configurations Lrebriefly examined: (1) ~~ontinuous -electrode channel, Faraday emf; ' I 2) Sectionalized-electrode channel, loads fed with Faraday emf'sj*l (3) Sectionalized- -lectrode channel, Hall emfl'(4) Montardi scheme. The potentialities of these two . :ombined configurations are considered: (5) A,coa3dal channel with a two-component ---netic field in which the emf Is generated by both Faraday and Hall effects; no to needed, and a amall-size superconducting magnetic system is Mr.- L 13361-66 ACC NR- AP6001675 applicable; (6) Same, but the electrodes are sectionalized as in (2). The latter two. schemes are explored analytically. It is found that* (1) Scheme 5 with continuous electrodes obviates the difficulties connected with insulating walls and inserts in the channel, however, its *specific (per unit volume) electric power (ma)dmal at 1-2) is only I/1Z to 113 as high as that in other MBDG schemes; the specific power can be stepped up considerably if a higher temperature - and, therefore, higher gas conductivity - be used; (2) The characteristics of scheme 6 approach those of scheme 3; however, scheme 6 has no advantages stemming from the absence of insulating inserts, (3) The axial symmetry of.the working flow and the applicability of simple torus superconducting magnetic systems are the two advantages of magnetohydrodynamic flows using the Hall effect and two-component field. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 38 formulas. SUB CODEZ~/0,.7/ SUBM DATE: zomay6s oRiG.REF: 001 OTH REF: 001 fly' I L" 10027-67 E1qT(l)/EV1?(~n)_ __ IJI-)(c) 7PG034577 SOURCE CODE: UR/038:,/GG/000/003/0029/0038 AUTHOR: Bertinov A. I. - But D. A. Gorbatkov, S. A. 011G: none TITLE: Conical m agnetogas -dynamic flow with the Hall effect in an axial magnetic field SOURCE: Magnitnayagidrodinamika, no. 3, 1966, 29-38 TOPIC TAGS: magnetogas dynavnics, magnetogas dynamic flow, Hall effect, a-xial magnetic field, transverse magnetic field, Faraday effect ABSTRACT: The authors analyzed a conical magnetogasdynamic flow of an ideal incompressible conducting gas with the Hall effect in an axial magnetic field. The power supplied by the electrodes is produced through the Faraday and Hall effects. The magnetic Reynolds number is assumed to be much less than unity. Analytical relationships have been derived permitting an estimation of the basic electro- dynamic and power energy characteristics of flow. Optimization is carried out or I output power relating to various parameters. It is shown that by tile specific power~I the above-mentioned flow, is less than that of MHD flows in a transverse magnetic Ccud 1/2 UDC: 533. 95:538. 4 L 10027-67 46&_N_k;_ APGO-3,1577 field with power takeoff. However, there is no need for insulated duct walls when the above-mentioned effect is involved. It leads to an increase in the permissible temperatures of the working medium simplification of duct design, and increased reliability of the device. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 55 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 16Feb66/ORIG REF: 0021OTH REF: 001/ r-.,1 919 ank. ACC NRs r5- SOURCE -CODE: -UR/9369/65/001/005/0516/05il P Is AUTHOR: Dmitryuk, G.N.; Gorokhovoldv. G.A.; But, G.P. ORG: Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineed(kiyevskiy institut inzhenerov grazhdanskoy aviats1i) 45 TITLE: Quantitative evaluation of the durability of a metal to metal-polymer compositiog friction couple SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekbanika materialov, v. 1, no. 5, 19G5, 516-521 TOPIC TAGS: friction, wear material, wear resistance, metal property, polymer/~/ ABSTRACT: The authors present several formulas for the quantitative evaluation of the durability of a friction couple'lmade of a metal and a metal-polymer composition (ggLy::_ tetrafluorethyl~ne)J-~, It Is noted that the following procedures should be performed-irn--o-ra-e-r-lo 15--Ui__f 6-- e mp y e rmuldg-'obtained: 1) evaluation of the effect of the metal base, th chemical e composition, and the relative content of the polymer on the wearability of the metal-polymer composition; 2) investigation of the effect of the force on the wearability of the metal- polymer composition and the metal roller in contact with it, taking the time factor into consideration; and 3) mathematical processing of the data obtained for the determination of the coefficients in one of the formulas, and evaluation of the dispersion of the test results by methods of probability theory and'mathematical statistics. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the wear intensityl/of a metal-polymer composition with an optimal content of Card 1/2 IM71-66- ACC Nki APS028365 the polymer and a metal roller In contact with It at the initial period of operation, as well as in a period of stabilized wear as a function of the time and the coupling mode, taklng into account the quantitative and the qualitative mechanisms on the boundary of the friction couple. On the basis of principles of the wear process of the metal to metal-polymer composition friction couple, a method is developed for calculating the durability of metal-polymer coupling Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATE: 04Dec64 / ORIG REF: 006 card 2/2 _029A-4-67. . EWT(m)/E'~IP(W)/E".,jp(j)/T/EtIP(t)/ETI IJP(C) JD/?'7i/DJ/W" Aell`~. AiP6032717 SOURCE CODE: UR/0374/66/ooo/oo4/0560/0584 UTIL A 'OR; Dmitryuk, G. N.i But, G. P. ORG: none fV TITLE: Wear resistance metal-polymer bearin surfaces*V -1 t"If -A SOURCE: Melffianika polimerov, no. 4, 1966, 580-~84 TOPIC TAGS: bearing material, slider bearing, metal polymer ccmposite, solid aubricant ABSTRACT: The feasibility of using antiseizure polymer-metal composites in slider type bearingshas been studied. To preserve the antiseizure properties of polymers and at the same time to take advantage of the high thermal conductivity'And mechanical strength of metals, bearing insertAand PuRhLin.&s\6de of composites)"consi sting of bars of polymer imbedde4 in a metal basXwere developed and tested, The po3,vmers used were flo 1.~ ro last- p '~i hylenel, low-pressure polyethylene, poly(vinyl chloride ( d eboniteA5 The metal base was B20F7-02T(br) bronze or Armco iron. In this desigfi the polymer bar protrudes so that it rubs against the steel 45 shaft. The polymer interacts with the metallic surface of the shaft to form non- metallic structures (sic] which prevent immediate contact of the metals. Study of the effect of service conditions on the wear of the friction couple composite-metal Card ,_-L-0296 _A7 ACC NRt Ap6o32717 showed that the principal factor is load. The shaft/insert wear ratio was 1/3.5 (dry friction) and 1/5 (heavy regimes). It is noted that the manufacture of the porous metal-polymer composites in use outside the USSR is complex and that their construction is not always reliable. In contrast, it is claimed that the poi~mer- metal composites proposed are relatively simple to make and are more vear-resistant. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 17Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5099 -.rA 2 /2 7 C, MAGDA I J.1.,, prof.; VORONIN, I.T., dctsent,- BUT, I.F., as~-irari t Use of syntbatic irnterlal:~ In veterimiry surgory., V---ter'n-Al-iia /,I no.12.413-47 D 1641. k '.la -RA, I R -, ')'i 1. Yharlkavskiy zomreterinarnyy Institut. Bm, I. V. "Shower Inversions of Temperature," Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, Issue No. 1, 1949. Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 30/35 AID P - 3867 Authors But, I. V., G. I. Perelet, and L. I. Sakali Title Pavel Ludvigovich Tomashevich Periodical : Met. i. gidr., 6, 62, N/D 1955 Abstract : An obituary of the oldest Ukrainian weatherman, Tomashevich, who worked in Kiev on meteorology and climatology, was a professor at the Kharlkov Hydro- meteorological Institute, and died in June 1955. Institution None Submitted No date LIT,) 1. V. USSR/PhyBice of the Atmosphere - Dynamic Meteorology, M-2 Abst Journall Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 36oB3 Author; But, 1. V., Perelet) G. 1. Institution: None Title: Concerning the Problem of the Dynamics of the Dry wind and the Possible Role of Vertical Velocities in the Development of the Dry Wind original Periodical: Tr. Ocleask. gidrometeorol. in-tal 1955, No 7, 23-29 Abstract: The appearance of the dry-wind effect (sharp reduction in the relative humidity during daylight hours) at very initial period of the anticyclogenesis may be due to the effect of the down- ward motion in the lower 1-5-km layer of the tropoaphere. During night hours this effect is masked owing to the radiation cooling of the surface layer. Upon further development of the anticyclone, the role of the downward stream in its influence an the field of the relative humidity is completely blanketed by an intensive transformation under the influence of the underlining Card Vi surface. BUT, I.Y.; HIROGHNIK, S.F. Celebrating the 25th annivereAryof the-Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute. Meteor. i gidrol. no.9:58 S '57. (mm lot:9) (Odessa--Meteorology) BUT, I.V.: GRINVALID, D.I. -- Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute. Trudy ODMI no.11:3-5 157. (MIRA 11:3) (Odessa--Hydrometeorolog7) BUT, I. V. Rise and drain pbenomena in the lower DnieBter River and synoptic conditions producing tbem. Trudy Uk-rNIGMI no.11: 71-92 '59. (MIRA 13:3) Oniester River--Hydrology) BUTY I.V. f - Relation between the general circulation of the atmosphere and the present-day distribation, of-1~4ciers in the Northern Hemisphere. Inform.sbor.o rab.Gqiog.fak.Mosk.gos.un p0 Mezhdunar.geofiz.godu no.9tlO-39 162. iMIRA 1`42) (Glaciers) (Atmosphere) BUT, I.V. of effective modification of frontal cloud systems in mountainous regionn. Meteor. i gidrol. no.4946-47 Ap 162. (VJRA 15-5) (Weather control) ~ BUT) ve ":r&#Ung specialists in meteorology. Yeteor. i gidrol. no.4.-34- 36 4 163. (MIRA 105) 1, Odesskiy gidrometeorologichesk-iy institut. (&tereologiots--Education and training) TTTLF: An operative, qu,."I-f~oostrophic, five-leve!, shot., - rar.:-f- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. no. TOPIC TAGS: short range weather forecasting, quasigeostrophi-c weather forecasting, westher forecasting algorithm, multilevel forecaE-iru~, numerif-p! ABEFFRACT: The devedopment of nonge-ostrophir xvpathpr fnrep:;~F~tiri~ th,3 solution of the co=lete set of hvdrodN-namic equations st-em; to ufl;~7 nf 1 52557-65 ACCESSIONNR: A-D5009231 material-i7ed, a cievelopea aT trie vvcrllsUtel'n~-Y tSentr Z50 AN bSSH (Computer Center AN SSSRII cirnul- S~Cr T ACC NR1 AP7005 466 SOU.R.G-E- GIOD-7: UR/005 0/66/000/0G8/00i 6/0022. HOR: A UT, But, 1. V. (Professor) OIRG: Co,-.ip er Center, Siberian Department, AN SSSR (Vychisliteltnyy tsentr, Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of foehns on ablation of mountain glaciers SUJRCE: 'Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 8, 19066, 16-22 TOPIC TAGS: atzospheric wind, atmospheric circulation ABST~M The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent there cEuin be an increase in the ablation of a glacier under the influence of strong and persistenz. f~ehns. Such a case occurred in Kirgiziya during the period 8-14 July 1958 when -,,here was a Vangengeym type-C circulation and the Tien Shan mountain system pertixred l1ar-e-scale atmospheric flow. The study is based on meteorological and glaciological 6oservations made on two glaciers in this area, as well as sys-uematic observatlons of other years made in various places. Orig. art. has- 3 tables. 1JPRS: 39,1801 SUB CODE: 04 SUM DATE: 130ct65 ORIG 11EF-. 004 Card UDC; 5 1.324- 33-551-555.3 'ACCESSION NIR;. 1,71_501095P Mi /02136/65/0000/00t/01 33'3/01343- ;AUMORS, Dobrov, Ye. V.. But, L. I TI'LL:-:: Mu !tip! ie.r-divider device./ Class 42, 'No. 169,8813 SOU'R..'E': By-alle've-z' ';-zobreteniy tovaT-,lykh makov, no. 7, ,TQPTZ; TAGS; multiplier cl.rcuit, divider circuit, Hall dev-ioe ABSTIA."-~: 7h' s Autlhr)r Corti fi cate preparnt a -t A 110 R-1.7 SOY IOW 0= 1 000 Card 1/2 --------- -- J 37 = ii Fig. 1. I&iltiplier-dividex device 1 and 2 Hall emf detectors; 3 - amPlifier AZNAURYAN, M.P., inzh.;_BU2,-N.D., inzh. Pulverization of catalyst salts. 14ael.-zhir.prom. 27 no.1:39 Ja 161* (MIRA 14:1) 1. Saratovskiy zhirovoy kombiziat. (CatalysW Lmle-m-1 04n I 60 A r 00 *o_ [AUN-m-O a sea on*& OiW; a 0, a a 0 "v 4-if IS Id a b R yjk i, it v Z if 444~ J 0 90 A ALY. is c. Aadvity (and ;,Fvol=j of two sww gl#AWis. N; Ulk f(j ia I Palchl. ims .; nm& on 90 pa 17 W" Yflcme ta ftffeling fiew P,6y. bmwj* aw 2 with baumdo newitla of tak cw IA WA 20d, awbiom of aw W. lembW NeW MW bakw of 6a fackl nw,e, of blum"WY Of *mmAk dd0n. was gt"W In t6 tU PWmtg th UOW PJdw AM tripmW neml. r*o xi" t6 ~~ f nwe abumbacatbe afawd " noWyma inwou giviag a. "01 MAMM of dqmwsi4m The awrbb abowed a k*miw b t6me jibe a bm Zoo to ran $0 0 how nem and "a law tM DWIPhMi -pit W)M 14 diviWom =- tr*mbwl iirre. T. T. A I a - S I A "TALLUROKAL LITER&TWE CLASSIFKAW011 110.1 SIVIII&W. - IM1003 MID OkW Ott U 9 AV 00 IS" :1. K 0141 0 0 00 00*00 000000*00 Osseo I,.Ow a S v tw 0 of v -3 w Im 2 a a LW 4 1 X& 000000 so 00004 go@*** IN' MR, mi R USSR / Morphology of Mhh and Animals, Nervous System. S-1 Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958S No 21656 Author : But, Inst : Not given Title t On Fomation of Cerebral Sulci During Humm Intra. uterine Developments Orig Pub t Nauc" zap. Uzhgorodsk un-t, 1956., 19; 64-73 Abstract t It was determined on 236 fetal specimerr%si, 1-10 months (of gestation), that the Bulci originate as depressions or impressions. During the 2nd month a depression appears which later develops into the Sylvian fissure. During the3rd month-there is an initial appearance of the olfactory sulous of corpus callosum, the parieto- occipital and calcarine. fissures# During the 4th month., corpus oallosum, parieto-occipital and carearine fisaires begin to appears During the 6th month, the appearance Card 1/2 G a L Oral Bio'Logy. GenerRI Histojogy. AbS. Jour RiZhBlol., jZo. -3, 19-519, No. 962c: Author but I-r T j .Ph C; I'l II itO Orl!7 Pub. Abs'r c B Dokl- IC67, NoS.L., Craxi 3M f~rl~."Iochondr,.Cl ossificat-1--n of vertebrao st-, (" ' I A."If"a on '7'*btainod from 11.7 b:'fJ r3ohuims of h)lnl~in cmbr-josy !"_'Imitsr' F'.11(; n e-v'-Iorn balbi,?~5 t -,-as beDri o,,~ qbI s_-ied Phn.-~ ew,vin~~ tho of rmliochon..;`rei c:.' - tion of. wjrf.~~brae 'not pill. C"C' v. C 0 -w i LI-1 nr o,~ e q st~ ~i r !n ~, Ii i n as W61! as (3C v i. e r. tro y ed, j~ r o to z~anz (I C. al~": t -LI IV j_qirm of S j f f .3rentxav~- t i BUT, N.I. (Zal-arpatskaya obl., g.Uzhgorod, u1. Grabarya, d.6, kV. 1) Davelonment of intervertebral disks in embryogenesis of the human. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 36 no.3:30-35 Mr '59. (MIRA 1-9:7) 1. Kafedra anatomii (zav. - dots. N;I. But) meditsinskogo fakuliteta Uzhgorodskogo universiteta. (INTERVARTSBRAL DISK, develop. in humans (Rue)) BUT, N. I. Doe Med Sci - (diss) "Problem of the intra-fetal development of the spinal column in the human being. (Anatomo-histological study)." Kiev, 1961. 27 PP; (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Medical Inst imeni Academician A. A. Bogomol'ts); 250 copies; price not given; list of author's works on pp 26-27; (KL, 5-61 SUP, 199) Subject Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical USSR/Mining AID P - 3828 Pub. 78 - 16/25 : But, P. P. : To speed-up the use of volume meters of oil products Neft. khoz., v. 33, #11, 80-82, N 1955 Abstract : The advantages of volume meters as compared with weight meters for oil products distribution are emphasized and a list of such meters of different design manufactured in the USSR is given. Institution : None Submitted : No date Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 2105 Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 18/24 Author : But, P. P. Title - : Speed-up the production of valves with packing rings made of vinyl plastic Periodical: Neft. khoz., v-33, no.4, 83-85, Ap 1955 Abstract The author suggests making packing rings for valves in pipelines not from non-ferrous alloys like bronze or brass which are scarce, but from vinyl plastic, a non- metallic material made from polychlorovinyl resin. . Packing rings made from this material withstood all the required tests. Tables, diagrams. Institition: Glavneftesbyt (Main Administration for Oil Distribution) Submitted : No date 3UNCHUK, V.A.; BUT, P.P. 14 Nwwwww~xwjw The state and methods for improving storage facilities. Neft.khoz. 34 no.10:59-64 0 156. (MM 9:11) (Petroleum--Storage) AUTHORS: TITLE: 9'e 11 r /~ /11," BQn&'k. /V.A., and But, P.P. 93-57-1-14/22 Decreasing Oil Losses Due to f1waporation (Rezervy snizheniya poter' nefteproduk-lov ot- ispareniya) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1957, Nr 7, pp 47-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: PKhV-l white coloring on oil tanks is more effecttve in minimizing oil losses due to evaporation chan AL-177 aluminum paint. Table I shows thar for aluminum paint, oil losses are 1.3-1.5 greater thar. for white enamel. Tables 2 and 3, and a diagram. show that the annual losses of stored gasoline are smaller for white coloring than for aluminum paint. Annual losses were calculated with the aid of a formula worked out bv N.N. Konstanti-nov of the All-Union Scientific Research Inst,~~_ce for +-he Processing of Petroleum and Gas and for the Product-ion of Synthetic Liquid Fuel (VNII NP). The temperature range was Card 1/4 Decreasing Oil Losses Due to Evaporation 93-57-7-14/22 determined by the attenuation of thermal waves, a method developed by V,A. Bunch-uk of the State Institute for the Design and Planning of Structures, TranspDrtation and Storage in the Petroleum industry (Ciprotransneft'). The coefficient of sunray absorption was deter-mined using the method devised by M.A. Mikheyev, the author of "Principles of Heat Transfer" (Osnovy teploperedach), Gosenergoizdat, 1949. on the basis of these findings the State All-Union Productioa office "Lakokraspokrytiye" under the USSR Ministry of the Chemical Industry recommended the testing of whiLe perch.1-orvinyl, gasolineproof enamel PKhV-1 (VTU MKhP No. 2701-51), and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Lighcning Engineering (VNISI) under the former USSR Ministry of the Elect-rotechnical Industry recommended the testing of white photostable enamel consisting principally of zinc aluminate pigment. The latter enamel is highly resistant to light and moisture and its coefficient of sunray reflection is 0,815~-0,9. As it. is Produced in limited quantities for special industries and is quite expensive,, #he authors suggest using P-h7V-1 ename' which is L Card 2/4 Decreasing Oil Losses Due to R.vaporation 93-57-7-14/22 produced in large quantities by'-.phe plants of the USSR Ministry of the Chemical Indusf~'--,-~'- The authors also recommend the 11'hSL-1 white enamels and the' chemically stable PKhV-101 enamel produced in large quantities by the plants of the sa-me ministry. For met-al tanks exposed to the atmosphere the "Lakokraspokrytiye" office recommended: a) one layer of base paint, No. 138 cos'r 4056-48, and two layers of AL-177 aluminum paint, or b) oyie layer of base paint, No. 138 and three layers of PKhV-l white enamel. Tables 4 and 5 give the results of applying enamel in this sequence to 5,000 cu. m. of oil tank surface. According to Table 5 the white enamel will reduce oil losses due to evaporation by 25-30 percent and cover the capital investment of the painting job in several months. The 1956 petroleum output is expected to amount to 135 million tons. If the average annual output in 1956-60 amounts to 10 million tons of petroleum yielding approximately 50 percent of light Card 3/4 Decreasing Oil Losses Due to Evaporation 93-57-7-14/22 petroleum products, the loss of light, Petroleum products due to evaporation in storage will amount to 0.5-1 percent, i.e., a minimum annual loss of 250 thousand tons. This loss can be compensated for by coating the storage tanks with white eniamel costing 50 million rubles, the price of 70 thousand tons of petroleum products. Therefore, the authors suggest that the tank farms of the M6in Administration for Petroleum Marketing (Glavneftesbyt), and first of all the tank farms in the Southern regions, be adequately supplied with PKhV-1 white enamel and that the USSR Ministry of the Chemical Industry develop and organize the production of tank coatings which will be more durable and more stable than PKhV-1 enamel. There are 5 tables, I diagram, 2 Soviet references, and 2 English references. ASSOCIATION:Giprotransneft' (V.A. Bonchuk) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 1. 011-Evaporation AUTHOR: But, P.P., Engineer 92-58-3-23/32 TITLE: ordinary Fireproof Fittings for Gas Conduits in Storage Tanks of Tank Farms (Obychnyye rezervuarnyye ognevyye predokhraniteli dlya gazovykh obvyazok. rezervuarnykh parkov) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1.958, Nr 3, pp 24-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To prevent evaporation losses in petroleum products stored in bulk plant tanks, the tanks must be equipped with a gas-equalizing system composed of gas conduiCs which connect the various gas-containing sections of storage tanks. This system usually consists of equip- ment such as gas meters, gas holders, various steel cylinders, adsorbers, absorbers, etc. (Fig. 1). Gas collecting equipment draws the excess of gas from gas-containing sections of a sLorage tank. From an economical point of view, the installation of gas- equalizing systems is highly advisable and the cost can be amortized within a short period of time. In Card 1/2 Ordinary Fireproof Fittings for Gas (Cont.) 92-58-3-23/32 spite of this fact, the bulk plants, pipelines, ptmp stations and refineries hwve delayed installation of such systems. The main reason for this delay has been the lack of fireproof fittings designed to protect groups of storage tanks from fire and explosion if one tank in the group woul6 catch fire. To solve the problem it has been found necessary to check the adequacy of ordinary fireproof fittings manufactured by the Armavir machine building plant. For this purpose fittings were tested in July 1957 on a special stand (Fig. 2), and the test results were satisfactory. Consequently, the Glavneftesbyt organization authorized the use of the fireproof fittings of the Armavir plant for gas conduits for storage tanks provided that a selective testing of these fittings on a special stand is .arranged from time to time. There are two sketches, one showing a .gas-equalizing system, and the other, the special stand with an extended pipe used for testing fireproof fittings suitable for gas conduits of tank farms. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 BUT, P. Oil tank equipment. Neftianik I no.12:29 D 1-58. (MIRA 12:3) (Tanics) __BUT, P.P. Volumetric meters for measuring the inflow and outflow of petroleum and petroleum products are not yet in general use. Neft.khoz. 36 no.2:50-54 F 158. (MIRA 12:4) (Flow meters) 11(0) AUTHOR:- SOV/93-58-11-13/15 TrM: The Improvement of Auxiliary Tank Farm Equipment Must be Given More Attention (Bolshe vnimani~a usovirshenstvovaniyu rezervuarnogo oborLidovaniya) FERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystva, 1958,d wr n, PP 65-67 (USSR) AWTRACT: The increase in petroleum production to 350-400 million tons per annum in the next 12-15 years will require additional storage facilities and efficient equipment. But the auxiliary tank farm equipment was not improved in the past ten years. The only improvement was made by the Giproneftemash Institute in 1957 when it designed KD breather valves and RPS safety valves of P-00 mm water-column pressure. However, the maximum diameter of these valves is only 350 mm and the through-put capacity 600 cu m/4r. The industry requires valves of larger diameters and throug4-puts of 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 CU. m/hr suitable for operation under fall and winter con- ditions. The available tank cleaning equipment does not satisfy the present day requirements. The design of universal tank cleaning tools must take into.account the experience of individual scientific-research and. planning institutes as well as of the Glavneftesbytfs tank farms. The new storage tanks, such-as the tanks with floating or breather'roofs designed for a Card 1/2 The Improvement, of Auxiliary Tank (Cont.) SOV/93-58-1.1-13/15 pressure of 0.3-0.4 kg/sq cm will require new types of auxiliary equipment. The Giproneftemasb Institute was entrusted with the responsibility of devel6ping these equipment, but it failed to carry it out. This Institute was assigned the staff of the former VNIITneft' Institute as well as the assignments of the Giprotrananeft' and Giproneftezavody institutes but it only succeeded in developing breather and safety valves of 200mm vater-column pressure for vertical tanks above the ground. The national interest requires that the Gosplan of the USSR and the Giproneftemash Institute gi-m this matter their immediate attention. Card 2/2 TITKOV, V.I.; BELINSKIY, K.L.; BUNCHUK, V.A.,;_ BUT, P -VINOGRAWV, A.F.; .9, KOFMAN, S.R.; KUKUSHKINA, R.N.; KATSKIN, L.A.; MOSKALIKOV, I.I.; HISHIN, B.Y.; NADEZHDIN, M.D.; OLWAV, N.M.; ROUN, S.N.; NOVIKOVA, vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.V., [Handbook on oil tank equipment] Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu neftebaz. Moakva, Gos.nsuchno-tek1w.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry. 1959. 463 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Petroleum--Storage) 14(o) SOV/921-59-2-23/40 kUTHOR: But-, P.P.,1 Staff Member of the Giprotraboprovod TITLE: New Mazout Gages (Novyye mazutmery) PMIODICAL- Neftyanik, 1959, Nr 2, pp 2360-4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Kharlkoy Instrumentation Plant started- to turn out piston-type mazout gages (Fig.1). These gages are designed to count, the amount of liquid consumedS and particularly the amount of dark petroleum products transported by pipelines. Gaging units of this type are able to record a flow from 500 lit/hour mte~o 4000 lit/hour, as the highest rate, 'and from 75 lit/hour to 6oo lit/hour as the lowest They can be used when the pressure in the pipeline does not exceed 10 atm and tem- perature 1000C. The weight of the gaging unit varies between 36 and 78 kg. The piston-typ,e ga e ar ,ge is provided with a hydraulic motor. Ther e several types of mazoixt gages, namely the metering gage, totaling gage, registering and recording gage.and a package gage. Gages under discussion will, no doubt, find a wide application in different branches of t~e Soviet industry. ASSOCIATION: Giprotruboprovod (State Institute for Design and Planning of Pipelines) Card 1/1 BUT, P. P. Fire preventing device. Neftianik 5 no.10:22-23 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Sotrudnik Giprotruboprovoda. (Petroleum Industry-Fires and fire prevention) - BUT, P. Combination pressure vent valves. Neftianik 5 no.11:23-24 N 6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Valves) BUTp P. P. Technical and.economic indices for the detexcination of the optimux paramet6ra of main petroleum and petroleum product pipelines. Trudy NINKHiGP no.45.,19-3.", 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Petroleum pipelines) BUT, P.P., inzh. Study of specific technical and economic indices of pipelines for petroleum and petroleum products. Trudy VNIIST no.143 14-2-163 162. (MM 16:12) I. ~,-P.P.; YELISEYEV, M.Ya. Optimum parameters of petroleum and petroleum products.pipelines. Transp. i khran.-nefti no.9:3-7 '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu magistrallnykh truboprovodov. BELINSKIY, M.L.;-BUI,-P.P~.; UNTOROVICH, Z.L.; IMLOV, Yu.V.; VLADIMIROV, P.F.; ZAYTSEV, B.Z.; KOVEL', 1.l.; LESHCHIESKIY, M.P.; KOTIK, V G.1 LEPFKHII,%*, S.F.; RATS, P.G.; SERIKOV~ S.S.; KRAYTOVICH, M.,;. deceased); TSVEIKOV, N.Ya.; hUIAKOV, A.A., red.; MATSKIN, L.A., red.; HYALISKIY, N.A., red. [Handbook on petroleum-p4-peline equipment] Spravachnik; obo- rudovanie magistrallnvkh truboprovudov. Mosk-va, Vatira, 2965. 610 p. (MIRA 18:6) BUT, W tank oLorage equipatei,-L Tran,,2p. i khrar. neft. i J ma, Gosudarstvenn,,~,r pc, -~rc,,,-! c trubovrovodov. BTJT, S. Transfer to a seven-hour workda7 and the regulation of wages in river transportation. Rech*.transp. 19 no.1:20-23 Ja 160. (NIRA 13:5) 1. Zaveduvuohehi7 otdelom truda-i zarplaty TSentrallnogo komiteta profqoyuza rabochikh morakogo I-rechnogo flota. Inland water transportation--Employaos) Houra of labor) ~ EM. S.M.; IAKMZVL=IY. I.G. (Automatic electric welding with rivets in ship building and ship repair] Avtonaticheakaia avarka elektrozak-lopkami v sudostroenii i sudoremonte. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva recbnogo flota SSSR, 1951. 24 p. (MLRA 6:7) (Ship building) (Ilectric welding) an Vie zlumb~'t uf Tv f-,H-0 USSR/-Chemical Technology. Chenical Prodwbs and The--'r 1-9 Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour Referat Zhur Rhimiya, No 4, 1957, 12505 Author But T.S., Fadeyeva V.C., Sirotkina N.L. Inst Kazan r-Piliate of the Acade:qy of Sciences USSF Ti 61, e Use of thc- Burehe of L,G. Berg in the Investigati.on of Ceramic Materials Orig Pub Tr. Kazansk, fil* All SSSR, SEr. khin. n., 1056, No 3, 89-95 Abstract The method of L,G. Ber[; for a quantitative determination of gaseous phase evolved on healuinG of substances, by neasuring iLs volume, ivas utilized by the authors to O.e- ternine hydration -%-rater of clays and kaolin, and also the air content of the raw materials. Determination of water by this method is not affected by the presence of carbonate, on and or,,-,anic vtdril.xtures, and is effected by neasuring the volunu of hydrogen or acetylene formed Card 1/2 - 59 - BUT, T.S,,- VINOGRADOV, B.N.; GAVRILCVA, T.L; GO-PSHY.OV, V.S.; DC--LGC1FOWV, N.N.; MYAGKOVA, M.A.; SIPDTKI!'fA, N.L.; FADEUVA, V.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; GURVICH, E.A., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., takhn. red. (Modern methods of studying building materials1Sovremwmye meto- dy issledovaniia stroitellnykh materialov [By] T.S.But i dr. Pod obshchei red. V.S.Fadeevoi. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 238 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Building materials) BuT, V.P. Soil algae in some districts of Surkhan--Darya Province, Uzbek S.S.R. U%b. -biol.-zhur. no.2:34-39 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1-.Inatitut botaniki AN TadzhSSR. (Surkhan-Darya Province--Algae) (Soil micro-organisms) - BUT . V. P. Effect of additional ultraviolet radiation on the development of algae in soil. Uab. biol. zhur. 6 no.2:30~-33 162. MMIA 15:4) 1. J~otanicheskLy institut AN TadzhSSR. (ALGAE) i (PLAWS, EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET RAYS ON) BUT, M. Algae of meadow soilB in the ventern Pamir6. Dev. Otd. bf.a2. nduk kN Tadzh. SSF no.].-29-33 163. (MIRA 17t10) 1. DotanIcheBkiy institut AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. ~ General characteristics of the communities of algae in some soils of the western Pamirs. Trudy Pam. biol. sta, 1:274-275 163. (MIRA 17; 10) BTJT,,Yu.S.- Dynamics and conditions of underground waters of Miocene sediments in the convergence zone of the Galicia-Vblyn'-syneclise and Carpathian piedmont fault. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk All URSR Ser.gidrogeol.i inzh. Col. no.8:46-31 162. (IIIIk 15.7~ (Ukrainian, Western-Water, Underground) BUT, Yuese~ inzhe Hydrogeologic characteristics and drainage features of sulfur deposits of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Nauch.zap.Ukrniiproekta no.5:83-88 161. OMIA 15 R ) (Ukraine-Mne drainage) 22050 S1 I B1/61/003/004/016/030 51.W (/003/ //44/ IS I/ 11Zq) B102/B214 AUTHOR% But. Z~ P. ---------- TITLE% Effect of the method of surface treatment an photoelectronic emission from germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 4, 1961, 1137-1143 TEXT: The author reports on investigations of the spectral and voll.- ampere characteristics of photoelectronic emission from n-type Ge single crystals whose emitting surface, the (111) plane, was subjected to different treatments. The investigations were made in the system of a spherical capacitor. A glass sphere with gold coating having a diameter of 120 mm served as the collector. The emitter was irradiated by a mercury arc discharge through a quartz window. The ghotocurrent was measured by an electrometer having a sensitivity of 10-1 a. The measurements were made in a vacuum of -,10-7 mm Eg. The samples were in the form of small disks of 8 mm diameter. Their resistivity was 30 ohm-cm. Other shapes were also investigated, but no effect of the shape of the emitter on the results could be found when account was taken of the ratio between the Card 1/9 22050 Effect of the ... S/181/61/003/004/016/030 B102/B214 sizes of the collector and the emitter. The samples were treated in the following manners grinding with electrooorundum, polishing, etching in perhydrol and etching in CP-4 (SR-4), Germanium films as well as surfaces obtained by splitting the crystal in air were studied. After polishing and etching the samples were washed in twice-distilled water and then dried at about 1000C. Otherwise the samples were not exposed to thermal treatment of any kind. The Ge film was obtained by evaporating, Ge pieces on a gold-plated glass sphere at 10-6 mm, Hg. The base was not heated so that an amorphous hole-type Ge film was obtained. The measurements were made 6-10 hr or 3 days after the preparation. The volt-ampere character- istics were taken in the wavelength region of 2700-2200 A. To compare the characteristics for different samples at a given quantum energy, the photocurrent was referred to the saturation current. The reverse currents amounted to no more than 2-4 % and were taken into account in the usual manner. The results are shown in diagrams, and the numerical values are collected in a table. Fig. 1 shows the volt-ampere characteristics; the upper arrows indicate the saturation potential Us. For the same emitter, the spectral characteristics of the quantum yield are shown in Fig. 2. Card 2/9 22050 Effect of the ... S11 18 1 A 1 /00 5/"00.-1 /0 16/0 30 B102/B2:14 4 These can be analytically represented by Y - a(hv - % ) .where %F~ is the photoelectric work function, and a is a conntant. The values given in the table are the mean of at least 5 values. Besides UO 9theg-values, and 14,, the table also gives ~xr (thermlonic work function), Al. (band curvature at the surface), and if, (surface potential). From the electron concentration (determined from'conductivity and Hall effect) the ponition of the Fermi level was determined (0-31 ev below the bottom of the conduction band). From this and from the energetic distance h between the Fermi level and the highest energy band, A%fo und V. were determined. Further results aro shown in Figs. 3 and 4. From the results it follows that a mechanical treatment of the surface causes defects on the Ge surface with close energy spectra. Etohing with SR-4 and perhydrol leads to a filling of levels which are situated in a similar manner in the forbidden band, The maximum lowering of the photoelectronic work function is obtained 1jy etching in perhydrol and polishing. For high densities of the filled surface states. the participation of electrons of the surface levels in photoelectroni'-. emission is high. It is possible that the emission of electrons from surface states leads to a narrowing of the photoelectron energy distribu- Card 3/9 2205U S/I 8 1161100 3/004/016 /030 Effect of the ... B102/B214 tion curve at high energies. Professor P, G, Borzyak,, Professor V. 1. Lyashenko, and 0. G. Sarboy, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, are thanked for having read the manuscript and for a dis'cusriion of the results. Thoro are 4 figures and 17 reforencest 7 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: July 26, 1960 (initially) November 30, 1960 (after revision) Legend to Fig. 1: Volt-ampere characteristics at 2302 A. 1 - ger- manium single crystals, surface-ground; 2 - polishedt 3 - etched with perhydrol; 4 - etched -with SR-4; 5 - split off; 6 - germanium film; 7 - gold. Abscissa: Collector potential, volts; ordinatei photocurrent, relative units. Card 4/9 Effect of the ... -.T cx Card 5/9 -7b -vi 511611611003100410161030 B1021B214 1 4 f, 3 f I I A-W 6 a II&i Qj 0 0 0 -,L, /it cae. Effect of the... Legend to Fig. 2- abscissa: photon energy, ev; ordinate: logy (relative units). Symbols as in Fig. 1. Card.6/9 S/1 8161100 3/004/01(./030 B102 B214 ey Effect of the... Legend to Fig. 3: Energy spectrum of the photoelectrons for a ground ger- manium surface. A(in A); i - 2652 A, 2 - 2399 A, 3 - 2302 Ao 4 - 2259 A, 5 - 2216 A. N(E) - number of photo- electrons (relative units); Eph - energy of photoelectrons. Card 7/9 ME) 16/63o Ef.fect of the... Legend to Fig. 4: Energy spectrum of photoelectrons for different surfaces (at 'X- 2302 A) s* 1 - germanium film; 2 - ground surface; 3 - poli8hed: 4 - etched with per- hydrol: 5 - with SR-4; 6 - split off. Card,6/9 /016/030 I-K Effect of the... S/18 61/0-03/004/016/030 B102XB214 Legend to the Table: 1) Surface, 2) split off, 3) ground, 4) polished, 5) etched with H 20 2 , 6) etched with SR-,I, 7) film. U'. a I a, .. I v C., Q CXOAOTBR . . . . . . . . . 0.32:t0.02 0.58:!-0.04 4.69:L-0.04 4.11:�-0.03 0.21 0.25** . . . . . . . 0.53--0.02 MS,�:0.02 4.48=t0.03 3.93~L-0.02 0.18 OM noll'Por, 0.53:L-0.02 0.42:L-0.06 4.4 --,--O.1 3.94~tO.02 0.05 0.09 Tp....,:Y1 H.02 . . . . . Tpatvmia 'q CP-4 . . . . . 0.35:!-0.06 0.13--0.02 0.40:L-0.03 0.42~L-0.02 4.45:!-0.08 4.73:tO.04 4.10:!-0.04 4.32:t0.03 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 MCHKa . . . . . . . . . . 0.38::tO.01 0.53--+-0.02 4.54:LO.03 4.00itO.01 - - Card 9/9 30338 S/185/61/006/005/017/019 ~,,Vl 60 6 /C* D274/D303 AUTHOR: But, Z.P. TME: On the frequency dependence of the work function of semiconductors PERIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. &~ 1961, 709 - 710 TEXT: Experiments Ore described which had the purpose of ascertai- ning whether the work function is frequency dependent. The results obtained for germanium show that the work function is independent of the frequency of the incident light. If the photocurrent is ex- cited by a source with line spectrum, the intensity of the various lines is ~Iiff'jrent. Hence, the accuracy in determining the retard- ing potential'7m varies from frequency to frequency. As a light- source, the mercury-quartz lamp flPK-4 *TRK-4) was used. In process- ing the results by the ordinary method (Ref. 7: P.I. 111kirskiy, 0 fotoeffekte, Gostekhizdat, 1933) an increase (by 0.2 - 0.3 ev.).kn Y the work function (calculated by Einstein's equations) was observed Card 1/3 30338 S/185/61/006/005/017/019 On the frequency depenWence of D274/D303 for germanium emitters over a relatively small spectral interval. For metallic emitters, practically the same values of the work func- tion was obtained with spectral lines of higher frequency (hV rang- ing from 5.28 to 5.60 ev.) whereas for longer hV, the observed va- lues were lower. It can be assumed that the larger values of Vm for the long-wave range, is Lie to the prevence of scattered radiktion with higher energy. The uFe of a high-sensitivity electrometer per- mitted intensity measurements of very weakAlines. It was found that the intensity of the lines of longer wavelength exceeds that of the lines of shorter wavelength tenfold to a hundredfold. The current- voltage characteristics of metals and of several germanium emitters were processedg account being taken of the intensity of radiation. The values of Vm, determined by parabolic extrapolation, turned o*t to be smaller than the earlier obtained values for strong long-wave lines? and larger than those for weak short-wave lines. The values of the work function were the same for all hY, for metals as well as for semiconductors. The results for gold and germanium, are lis- ted in a table. The results show that the work function for germa- nium, obtained from data which took into account the intensity of Card 2/3 30338 S/18 61/006/0Q5/017/019 On the frequency dependence of D274YI3303 radiation does not depend on the frequency of the incident. Hence the conclusion t1pat the changes in the work function observed by other authors, were due to the experimental method used. There are I table and 7 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Inetytut fizyky ANURSR, m. Kyyiv (Institute*of Physics AS UkrSSR,:byyiv) SUBMITTED: May 31, 1961t Card 3/3 AFFTC/ASD/ Pz 4/Pab-4 JJ)/AT/IiP(CYJG-~"- A CESSION NR; AP3000563- 8/0109A63/008/005/081410820 CI 7.14?4 AIN buts ZZ. P. HOR t TITLE: Photoemis'siton from' Ce exposed to electron bombardment SOURCHi RadiotAhnika I e lektronika v .8,, no. 5' 1963, 814-820 TOPIC -TAGS: germanium, photoemission, quantum yield ABSTRACT: Changes~in photoemission4rom Ge whose surface has been cleaned of adsorbed f Ilms and subjected to various heat treatments hive been investigated. An evacuated glass vessel whiose working portion.consisted of a spherical capacitor.130 am in.diameter with a collector formed by a layer of gold was used.'~_ Disk-shaped Ge a pended from a wire track in the vessel,,so that i amples were sus they could be positioned over a spiral tungsten emitter for annealing or bombardment, and then slid into the-spherical chapber for room-temperature photoemission tests. These tests were conducted ibrough a quartz window in the sphere, using an EMR-3 monochromator and an electrometer. A voltage of 315 Kev between the 9 le and the tung1ten spiral during electron was applied amp bombardment at a pressure approximately 10'7 mm Hg. Samples of both p- and ~Card L U990-63, ACCESSION NR; AP3000563 n-type Ge were tested in a general sequence-,of bombardingo cooling, and n on of quantum yield showed ashift of anneill S. Subsequent spectral distributi the aactral characteristic into the long-wave region After electron, p bomba rdment, followed by a slow diift back to ashorter-wave stable state; the drift could,be hastened by radiant~heating or annealing of the sample. The cycle WAS repeatable. An analogous change In the photoemission volt-ampere characteristic occurred,-indicated by a lateral,ohift and distortion of the urve In the vicinity of the emission threshold. The conclusion that changes in the sample surface structure bombardment were responsible for the observed photoemission shifts Is apparently justified by the fact that direct Joule heating of a si=ple,to the seme temperature did not yield either of the above shift phenomena. ItThe work was carried out in the laboratory under the direction.of P. 0. Boylyak, to whom the *uthor expresses his sincere thanks for placing this possibility at his disposal and for valuable instruction. The authorlalso expresses his thanks to 0. C.-Sarbey.for useful advice in conducting the experiments and for participation in the discussion of the results.11 Orig, art. has-. 3 figures.. ASSOCIATION t. nowa Cc d r 4-L" --- '-~UTA I.; SANDULACHE, A3. -7- -~ Lakes of the Ludus River Basin. Probleme geog 8:499-509 161. SANDULACHE, Al.;_~UTA1_1. Some hyArologic data concerning the lakes Sintejude and Stiuca ih the lower basin'of the Fizes Riverp Transylvanian Plain. Problems geog 9:307-314 162.' (publ. 163) 't'!N. ~4-d -. FUT. , hiia Some, (:. msirkvit- or, hydr-loC.' , I I " C. . in tl-o, Ma r e D, ~n in ,SLudia lfxill , - I i " . :' t ' 5 -4,' 21 r~,3 v" B-B S. 0~ " - - I ~ BUTA, S. Recent injuries of the ligaments of the knee. Acta chir.iugosl. 7(8) no-3:227-Z35 160. 1. Traumatolos-ka bolnica u Zagrebu (Ravnatelj prim. dr. M.Grujit) (KNEE wds & inj) SUIDULESCU, R., ing.; BUTA, T., ing.; RADU, N., ing. Growing tobacco seedlings under plastic film covering. Ind alim veget 13 no.3:78-85 Mr 162. 1. Institutul de cercetari alimentare (for Sandulescu). BUTABAYEVA, M. Pathogenio protozoans of fishes in,l)egrozekoye Reservoir, Vop. biol. i kraev. mod. no.42275-218 163. (MIRA -l7s2) BUTARAYEVA, M.; ALLAMURATOT, B. Two new species of Hyxosporidia from the gall bladder of Varico.- thinus capo'eta heratensis natio steindRohneri (Kessler), Uzb. b1ol. zhur. 9 no. 603-55 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut zoologil i parazitologii AN UzSSR. Submitted April 12, 1965. PATRULIUS,D.; CONTESCU, L.; BUTAC, A., Research on'the-Cxietaaadus Flysch in the upper valley of the Trotus River and the 'Burroundingi of the city of Miercuires, Giuc, Eastern Carpathians. Studii-c6rc geol 7 no.3/4:409-428 162. - PI.FYUSANDIRLT, ~, t~"exaridru, L.] (BukhRrest)- Bl,TACIW,-,I,'. ~Buiaciu, F.1 I -- I (Ruk-roq-est); B-ALINT, I. (Buklare--11~ 14, of polyvinyl acetate to pol,\,v-nyl alcohol by the con- tInuca.9 method. Plaat.inassy no.9~6-6 164. (MIRA :L7s!,O) T,9--c- IS. bE2c(jX'-" man V PMM_qM in the * utsicture of P_W vjnA 11C PA *1 Clob qnu, Ekat. iowere'xtent than inori. mits: The soly. of p6ly(vLaYl ak-.) fibers fit mild sall solns (used for the rinsing of the frnbi Y Alm I n Est. forCiiiind R67' g oric Butactu and ~ _ - - ' T ~t O . ; pptil. fiber) Is lowest with low coi~cns., sit low truip, anti /4"'P 1 c Q. t a). Fd siFfm 7 (1960).-The relations between certain manufg. operation% with contact periods not exceeding 1-2 min. The soly. of ~/ V ~thc fiber in water increases with increasing temp. and (or) and the liroperties of the resulting fibers were studied, Th~ bath with increasing conen. Increase in viscosity of the pptg increasing exposure duration and decreases with an ircreas- . js sharpest in the 18-20% conen. range. Filterability de- ing degree of stretch in the fiber. During heat-setting the Initial er3itallinity of the fiber will increase from 40-50% to - creases with increasing polymer conen The viscosity de-.. * i 7&-6%' this causes a redn. in shrinkage and hot-water soly. n the 20-W temp. creases sharply with incread g temps. ' -e ofacetalization, underidentical acetalizingemidl- The deire temps, NarSO4 has high coagulat- range and slowly at higher tions. depends upon the crystallinity of the fiber. The ing efficiency, however, to achieve a homogeneous coagula- SIC011111116011 is considered to be confined to the fiber surface tiou throughout the entire fiber cross-section, the addn. of d to the amorphous portions only. Conversely. the W-30% ZnSO4 is uecessary; this will somewhat reduce the: - -efficiency of Nn:.SO.. To avoid the crystn. of the salts the; : d 45* b b 4 degree of acetalization c dn I~e used to establish the degree of 0 an tCM of the tg. ath must be kept etween . 1) owin SO 2F ihe GI l a) however Ivln t (NN crystallinity, Hesit-settin the relaxed ccindition causes U . d j s , g P ) pp y to Its low efficlenc additives will serve no useful Purpose. ty than setting under stress. a IdAer degm of crysta b l M . -Baths contg. ZnS(~" My will .. no pptn. even at high ower temps. stallinity is achieved by prma igin ax. err , . (220-W') (1" ) followed by setting at higher tem oncns. Owing to the tact that the soly. of MCI In water without stress. Fibers with a high degree of- r is Limited, this saft Is not practicable for use as coagutint.: acetalizatJon and a low degree of crystallinity show the , Acetone, cycloh"anone, ELM, MeOH, MOM. and cyclo-:, highest shrinkage in hot water, while fibers in which only kl!~V;_howevef, to. a. much Y1 of the OH groups am acetalized will not shrink even at a high, . . I- degree of crystallinity. G. AMEL-*. , L. ; BUTAGN , F. Synthesis of polyvinyl alcohol. Note 6. Inverse hydrolysis of polyvinyl acetate by polyvinyl alcohol. Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.2:80-83 F 162. BUT-ACIU, Flori2a-, TANCOL F-ractioning polyvinyl alcohol. Rev c.Amie Min petr 14 no.11/129643-646 N-D'63. 1. Institutul de Cercetari Chimice al Ministeralui Industriei, Petrolulul. si Chiniei (for Tanco). BUTACIU,, norica; AIEWMIU,L. Separation and purification of polyvinyl alcohol after the hydrolysis operationo Rev., chimie Min petr 1/+ noolO&596- 599 Of63, R/003/60/011/008/001/005 A125/A026 AUTHORS:. Moldoveanu, A.; Butaciu, I., Engineers TITLE: Development of the Synthetic Rubber Industry\10 PERIODICALi Revista de Chimie, 1960, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp~ 442 - 446 TEXT; SubJect article deals with the development of the Rumanian synthetic. rubber indqstry. The following installations will be established: The Petrochi- mic Combinat (Petrochemical combine) in Borzesti, which will be put iqo operation step by step starting in 1960; a new Petrochemical combine in Ploesti-;'Yand a new synthetic rubber plant, the constructioh of which will soon be started. The ca- pacity of the existing plants will be increased. Natural gas and casing-head gas will be used for the production of synthetic rubber. The construction of the first Rumanian Combinatul de cawiuc sintetic pi produ.~p petrochimice (Synthetic Rubber and Petrochemical Products Combine) in ~ ~e t~V'4Kas started with Soviet help in 1957 - 1958. The combine is to produce 50,000 t synthetic. rubber, 18,000t phenol and 11,000 t acetone yearly. The synthetic rubber will be a product of the copolymerization of butadiene ando(- methylstyrene produced by the same Combine, The raw material i.e., butadiene, butane-butylene fractions, propane-propylene Card 1/2 B/003/60/011/008/001/005 Development of the Synthetic Rubber Industry A125/AO26 fractions and benzene, will be mainly supplied by the Refinery in Borzepti. Re- ference is made to the cold and warm copolymerization of butadiene andO( - methyl- styrene. Production of soft r-abber with a deformazion index "Defo" of approxi'mat- ly 600 - 800 Is planned. For production of tiresythe Rubber Combine in Borzesti I?er mixed with natural rubber, The will produce soft divinylmethylstyreni.c ru~ production of butylic and isoprenic rubberv'Ls also considered to be advantageous for Rumania. The authors briefly describe these two types of rubbers, mentioning the Soviet methods of M.O. Farberov and M.S. Nemtov, worked out for the production of isoprene. Card 2/2 ~rw -7. ~BUT*CHU-,-Yu. [Butaciu, J.], inzh. Petroleum chemistry. Nauka i zhizn' 25 no.5:53-55 MY 158. (MIRA 11;5) 1. Takhnichaskiy direktor instituts neftekhimii "Petrokhim," Ploeshti, Rumynekaya Narodnaya Resmublika. (Rumania--Petroleum industry) BUTAKOV, A. Calculation of the hydraulic ju4p. Rech. transp. 21 no.2:48-49 F '62. 1 (KRA 15:3) (Hydraulic jump) _BIA,AK O-G-; ROZHINA, L.I.; KLUSS, Yu.A.; SIWJF-VA' V.M.; IRKHO, AKSYIJTICII, Yu. As- Confw~ehce 6f the rdaders'of the periodical Plasticheskie massy. . Plast. massy no.4.-79 165. (IaRA 18:6) N jD'U-2 and UEI--2 level ----es Neffte, -Dreribotka nof tekh; ."iscuss some of the d_!_qaI-Ivan7'-ger h a a i~bc u -'ne puiley, and this too r, cc '-i e a s ur ~7 7 e '_ r: t_ange4 a fter 1 A 71, L ASS DC !AT 10 N none SUBK~, , E7 -DO 110 MT c-00 Card 2A Z, 0 21 OTHER: 0&0 a- SE)Tq,-, -T',- :jCeTTnd -9 ! Plill-, ;j .1 IIDT PITT q4 7W' J ITO u jc, w4n UG o"I Fi E,,-M fjc~-4 aoj dn~,E)Ei