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BUTAYE-EVA, T. M.: Buster Vet Sci (dies) -- "zxperimental-clinical data on the --- ....... .'. ~-.1----~:- effect of nourotropic and eaturogenic preparations on t1ho contmctive activit~y of the utenas of covs". Le-ning-nad, 1958. 14 pp (Leningrv.O. ITCA TnSt Min Agric - Ll 'USSR), 150 CcPies (EL, NO 5, 19'59, 15)1) ,-LUTA~~ Effect of carbocholine and estrogenic preparations on the uterus of cows in experimental and clinical treatment. Dok1. Akad.sel'khos. 23 no-11:34-37 158. (MIR& 11:12) 1. Leningradakiy vaterinarW institut. Predstavlens. akademikom H.G.Belenlldm. (Choline-Physiological effect) (Estrogens-Physiological effect) Cuterus) MAMN!XOP -0. [Makhyn Iko, 0. 1; BUTICHWO, F. Evex7 hectare works for the harvest, Nauka. i shyttia 12 no.2: 36-37 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Frednedatell ko3.kbosa "Pobeda" 14aloviskovskogo proizvodet- vennogo kolkhozno--novkhoznogo upravleniya Kiravogradekoy oblasti (for Makhinlko). (Kiravograd Province-Field crops) ---?ACC NRi AP6010271 SOURCE CODE: UR/0381/66/000/001/0024/0034 AUNOR, SamBonoV, YU. I.; TeVe skiy? V. I.; Anikeyev, Ya. F.; S Vnik' V. rov i Butenko, *,,I*; Vit ko,-P4-l* ORG: Ukrainian Scientific Research 'tube Institute (Ukrainskiy ti.auchno-iseledovatell- skiyTiubnyy institut);-Nikopol' Southern Tuve ant (Vikopollskiy yuzhnotrubnyy zsvod) 'TITLEt quality control of thin-uslied tubes, SOURCE: Defektoakoptyap-Ino. It 1966, 24-34 quality control/UDT- tal tube TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic flaw detedtori'flaw deteation, me :b1trasonic flaw detector." IDTs-!3M,u1trssonio flaw detector ABSTRACT.- The article presents tre results of the research and development work on UDT-4 ultrasonic flaw finders at the Ukrainian Scientific Research Tube Institute and compares~their performance with that of the !DTs-3H ultrasonic flaw finder.14The UDT-4 pulsed ultrasonic flaw finder is designed for the quality.cont-ro- of thin_w~lied tubes through the excitation of no rmal waves in.their walls. it consists of an electronic unit and a mechanical-acoustical parts Thb inspected,tube is drawn through the device# If a flaw is present, a lamp glows on.the,panel of the electronic unit and at the same time the tube-drawing mechanism.halts.* The defective spot is pinpointed and subse- Card 1/2 UDC: 620#-l ACC NRs 'AP6010271 quently metallographically examined. The UDT-4 reliably reveals defects of the scale, film, scratch, crack and other types. Compared with the IDTs-3H the UDT-4 has a slower tube-drawing mechanism. On the other hand, the IDTs-3H is inferior in that it cannot be used to inspect bent or curved tubes and it involves vibration of the tube, which San crates spurious-signals. This comparison implies that a new flaw finder embodying the advantages of both devices.can be developed. The UDT-4 in its present form may be used for high-speed flaw detection in shops fabricating a broad range of thin-valled precision tubes if the, device is so modified as to use several ultrasonic pickups aligned along the tube axis. Thus,.e.g. if 5-6 pickups with beam width of 10 mm each are used to inspect tubes rotating at the rate of 200 RPM,.a productivity of.approxi- mately 600 m/hr or more than 4000 m~per shift may be achieved. In masa production of tubes of a limited range of types* on the other hand, it is best to use ultrasonic I,flew,fiuders with aL series.of pickups mounted over the tube perimeter. Orig. art. has:, .t'5 figures, SM DAM" '27Oct64/"'ORI(; PXF-. .001 SUBCODS:~,-" 0/ 131" b. 2/2 Card WP(C)/EViP(v NRt AP6007706 ell) AUTHORs Butankp N ORGi none, TITLE,.- Ultrasonic flaw Plivsics and Technolowv. SOUICE CODEt 9 Lquass 42, No* 178559 Cannounced by Institute of i (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkxG~SR--- SOURCE., Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsyj tovarrWe znald', no. 3, 19669 84 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic flaw detector, metal tube ABSTIMCT: This Author Certificate prcz;ents an ultrasonic flaw detector for monitorinj,7 cylindrical products,, e.g., tubes) by a differential method. The flaw detector contains a radiating and two receiving heads sensing the ultrasonic vibrations passing through two parts of the product under investigation. To increase the sensitivity of the flaw detector to surface defects by irradiating the product along chords in the plane of its cross section, the receiving heads of the flaw detector are placed symmetrically relative to the axis of the product at equal distances along either side from the radiator (see Fig. 1). The radiator has two slotted dighragms for the separate direction of the ultrasonic beams to P(kI)/EWP(h)/EWP(l)/ETG(M)-6 jjp(c) Card 1/2 TTMI - L 23836-66 ACC NRs Fig. li Slotted diaphragms for Separate direction of ultrasonic beamsi~ !J. each of the receiving el ements.. Orig- art, has; 1 diagram. BUTC=4KO, F.P., a onom; CLMMOV, M.P.. red.; NEMCIUNKO, I-Yu-, tekhn. .Hr - GHEWATSKIT, S.A. [Cherevatalkyi, S.A.], (Green follows open up possibilities for increasing the feed supply] Zainiati pary - velykyi rezerv kormiv. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo sillsikohospoderolkoi lit-ry URSH, 1960. 94 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Fallowing) Q-!!~~~Onom Creators of monospermous sugar beets. Naulm i zhyttia 10 - no.6:16-19 Je 160. (HIRA 13:7) (Sugar beets) BUTGHESKO, re, agronom Myev) We follow Michurin's path. Nauka i zhiznl 27 no.6:40-42 Je 160, (Ukraine-Fruit culture) (14M 13:7) BUTCHIM0, Fjagronow Invisible friends of farmers. Nauka i zhyttia 10 no.8:28-31 Ag 160. (Bacteriology, Agricultural) (MIRA 13:8) BUTCHENKO, F.P., agronom I-plant breeder. nauka i zhyttia 10 no. 1-1:33-35 11 160. (MM 14:4) (Ukraine-Wheat-Varieties) 2. KAVUN, Vasiliy Ydkhaylovich. Prinimal uohastiye BUTCHNNKO, F.P. CHXRIIOV, M.P., red.; NZMCHZNKO, I.Yu., feEWn-.-re7-. [Great stride of the seven-year plan of a collective farm] Shyrokyi krolc semyrichky kolhospu. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillo'k-ohoopodaralkoi lit-ry, 1961. 100 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Predsedatelya kolkhoza imeDi Stalina, Bershadskogo rayona, Vinnitskoy oblasti (for Kavun). (Ukraine--Gollective farms) BU'XQHENKO, F.Pot a onom, -~V People i3ubdue natures 1,,Luka I zhytti.-a 1-1 rip.1:29-32 ja 161. ('-IIIU 14n3) (Ukraine-Collectivo farms) '-------jLLTCHENKO, F.., agronom Mariia Kharitonovna Savchenko's school. Nauka i zhyttia 11 :po.7:37-38 Ji 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Tokari-Dairying) BUTCHENKO, F.P.- TIRENKO, G.A.(Glefirenko, H.A.], red.; , OLY CHEREVATSKIY, S.A.[Cherevatolkyi, S.A.], tekhn. red. (Increase the speed of tractor-driven machinery] Traktor- nym agregatam - pidvyahcheni shvydkosti. Kyiv., Derzhsill- hospvydav URSR, 1962. 72 p, - (MIRA 16:5) (Agricultural machinery) RCTIEIL- 1. 4u II I LIO A. 2. U-31"t (600) 4. Hcsoirat4 on 7. I-Lespiratbor7 function tests during medical examir)ation of adoleocent athletes. Vop, pediat. 21, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -April 1953, Uncl. BUTCHENKO. 1.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. Bffect of athletic training upon arterial blood pressure in adolescents. Pediatriia no.1:36-38 Ja-F 154. (MIRA 7:3) 1. Iz otdalemiya vrachobnogo kontrolya Leningradskogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo instituta fizicheakoy kulltury. (Physical education and training) (Blood pressure) BUTCHENKO, L.A. Alectrocardiographio examination during pbysical exercise. Fisiol. zhur. 41 no.6:834-837 N-D 155. (MM 9:3) 1. Sektor vrachobnogo kontrolva Leningradskogo nauchno-iseledavatell skogo institute fizicheakay kulltur7. (WACTROCARDIOO.Mff. during exercise) (EMCISR, RCG during performance) LESSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Noirmal a4 Pathological). T7 Blood. Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 603o4 Author : Butchanko, L. A. Inst : , "o grv'ed Title : Functional Investigation of the Cardiovascular System Orig Pub : Terapevt. arkhiv, 1956, 28, No 7, 26-29 Abstract : Electrodes were placed at the juncture of the 3rd right rib and the sternum, and in the region of the apex beat; a frequency filter:of an electrocardiograph manufactured by Simmons was used; the amplification usedwaB one-half of the usual; the EM were recorded during physical exertion in 4$ athletes and in 32 cardiovascular patients. Iii 12 cases, the EM displace- ments were most acute, particularly when the load exceeded the functional capacity or the organism. Ventricular Card 1/2 BUTCHENKO, Lev Alekse nauchnyy sotr., kand. med. nauk; ff"evLch TARTAKOVSKIY, M.B., red.; KHARASH, G.A., tekhn. red. (Electrocardiography in sports medicine) Elektrokardiografiia v sportivnoi meditsine. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 206 p. (MIRA 16:7) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHI) (SPORTS MEDICINE) L.A. k VOL INOV, (L--nini-rad) ~'~he Use of "i'tatistical. v-ethods in to;e ievelo,,Lient of f:-,r jw luation of Ll-~:ctric Systole of tile ne,:~rt. 11 report pra~ented at the '5rd Conference on tilie use of ~Iathevatics --n i~-;oloEy, iemni;rad University, 43-28 Jan 10,61. (Primeneniye materaatiche~.ikikh 1-:etodov v 3iologii. A, Lenin-;rad, 10~63, PP. 5-11 O~Ioscow Agricultural lAcademy --Iwani- ~Timixyazev-) BUTIOMMKO, L.A. ,- *7 ~, ~J. - . Electrocardiographic investigation during muscular activity and its diagnostic significance. [TrudYl GIDUV no.35tUO-124162. (MIRA-16t6) (BLECTROGARD10GRAPHY) (SPORTS MICM) (EMCISE) BUTCMKO., L.A. -1- Chenges in the electrocardiogram caused by overtraining and overstraining. [Trudy) GIDUV no.35:125-135162.(YJM 16:6) CK = TROCARDIOGRAPHY) (SPORTS NEDICIVE) BUTCHENIKO. L.A. Diagnostic sigWicance of electrocardiograms with changed T waves in lead III jp case of the deviation of the electric axis of the heart to.'the right in athletes. (Trudy] GIDUT no. 3 5 2136- 14'~ ~2. (14IRA ly (ELEMOCARDIOGRAPHY) (SPORds' MUMM) BUTCHENKO, L.A.; VOLINOV, N.I. Statistical methods used in working out norms for the evaluation of the electric heart systole. Prim. mat. metod. v biol. no.2:196-201 163. (MIM 16: 11) CIRSTBA, M.1 BUHAGIU, G.1 BUTCULESCU, loans Evaluation of the role of bradykinin in anaphylaotic shook. Stud. ceroot. do finiolo 10 no.2:165-177 065. BT Tr,"17SOU, M. New solutions for linnInous signal lights at P 220 R-;V-T,STA TROspompnop. (Asociatia Stinitifica a Inuinerilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si I-Iinisterul Transport-urilor Rutiere, Navale si Acriene) Bucuresti, Romania. Vol. 6, no. 5, I~by 10,59. Monthly List of East Acc-sions (rrAI) LO. Vol. -1, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl, i 1 ~ ; t ;',' I r _ : ~ ~ .a , F I t . , ., : f % r , -~, . I , ~ 1 , -: t - ; . . I I . - . , : a -_ t , - , . :- 1 ~ ; ~- - .1 ( ~, ; T3UTE, C., coresp.1 PAULJU-,C, M., Ooreqp9 The Front of the People's Democracy. Constr fluc 17 no.7880 13 F 165. INEGRFANU, M., BUTE, Constantin, coresp. - ~.-- '-.' - The enthusiasm of socialist competitions Consti, Buc 17 no.798- 1 24 Ap 165. BUTELAVA, -M.-JI., A. A. KALTITIYAK and L. A. KAIIIWO "The First Utilization of Electron~-Optical Transducer in PhotograblAng Mars in the Pulkovo Observatory. " Paport pmSented at the Plenary Owtiag of the Cowdttee of Planetary Pbysics, CcuncJLL of Aotmnomrs,, Kharlkov., 2D-22 MY 1958- (Yest. Ak Xauk SM, 1958, No. 8, P- 113-114) ZLVOYSKIY, Ye.l.; M~K.M.; PIAKHOV, A.G.; SHOLKIN, G.Te. 'WaNK, Luminescent chamber. Atom.energ. no.4:34-37 '56. (KM 9:12) (Scintillation counters) ..~ ( j j I- t ~'~ 1. 1 ~~V) , j , f ~, - /-t, /. /I/ f-2) / BUTKEVICH, V.G.; BUTEIDV, M.M. Investigating the secondnry electron emission on the exit side. Rndiotekh. i elaktron. 3 no.3:355-370 Mr 158. WRA 11:4) (Ilectron emission) BOGUSZ, Jozef; BOZEK, Piotr; BUTIU.S-KI, Wlodzirrdrrz; SYCH, Marek Roa-ults in the chemotherapy of malignant neoplams-using the apparatus for extracorporeal circulation. Pol. przogi. chir. 35 no.10/11:1150-1152 163. 1. Z!I Mniki Chirurgicznej AM w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Bogusz (ISOLATION MiRFUSION) (MECHLORETHAMINE) SARCCHA) (LEG) (HEART, MECHANICAL) MELANOKA) (NEOPLASM THERAPY) ~ BOGUSZ, Jozef: OSZACKI, Jan; BARCZYNSKI, Marian; BOZEK, Piotr; ,BUTEWKI,-W1odzimierz; SYCH, Marek Attempted local nitrogranulogen therapy of leg sarcoma with the use of the apparatus for extracorporeal circulation. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.23:893-895 5 Je 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr J. Bogusz i z II Kliniki Chirargicznej A. M. w Krakowie; kierownik: doe. dr J. Oazacki. (LEG neoplasms) (SARCOMA ther) (PE M SIONS) (NITROGEN MUSTARDS tber) t4L; BAK,"9~efan; BOM, Piotr; BUTELSIKI, WlPdz,imierz, KRUPINSK&, Maria; WASOWICZ, Stefan Studies on Hoyer's arteriovenous anastomoses. Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.4:339-348 Apr 574 1. Z I Kliniki ChirurgiO2nej A. H. v Irakovie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Bogmsz. Adres auterow: Krakow, ul. Kopernika ~~, 1 Klin. Chir. WOOD VAMIG, anatomy and histology, Hoyerla arteriovenous anastomoses (Pol)) NI.IG, Jai.i;ISZHAJM, Wlodzimierz; BUTXIfiKI,..WjqdzImier~; WASOWICZ, Stefan duodenal ulcer. Remote results in partial gastrectomy in gaztric and Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.7:663-670 July 57. 1. Z I. Kliniki Chirurgic2nej A. M. w Krakowie im. prof. H. Rtitkowakiego Kierownik: prof. J. Bogusz. (GASTRECTONT, in various diseases, peptic ulcer, remote results in-partial excia. (Pol)) Tul. P. gutenas, Yu. P. "Investigation of the form of pine trunks groim in the forest's of tne Lithunnim SSIR.,and the develot);rIent of +ables of Idn Hi--licr 11 X - (1;-. 'i USSR. I-loscow orestry Engineering Inst. Eosco--., 11;1;6 --s~:ertA-'-cn for the de-"ree of Candidate in Ag-ricultural Sciences) Knizhna,va letovis No. 15, 1956. llo"ccrw VASILIYEV, P.V.., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; PONOMAREV, A.D.; SOLDATOV, A.G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MOTOVILOV' G.P., doktor sellkhoz. nauk; NEVZOROV, N.V... kand. ekon. ;;a; IDSITSKU, K.B., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; RODIONOV, A.Ya.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk: GHARKINA, A.P.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LUTSEVICH, A.A.V kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KOZEEVNIKOIT, M.G., dots.; ALEKSEYEV, P.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZORIN, A.V., aspirant; BARANOV, N.I... kand. sellkhoz.nauk [deceased]; NAUMENKO, I.M.., prof.., doktor- sellkhozamLk; ILIIN, A.I., kand.sellkhoz. nauk; MOISEMKO.F.P.p kand. biol. nauk; ZAKHAROV, V.K., prof., doktor sell- khoz. nauk; GECHIS, Yu P., starshiy nauchrWy sotr.;--ERJTENAS., Yu.P. kand. sellkhoz. nauk; WUBIJS, K.A., aspirant; KAININISH, A.7a., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZVIYEDRIS, A.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SUKACHEV, V.N., akad. red.; ZHUKOV, A.B.., prof.,, red.; PRAVDIN, L.F.J. prof... red.; MAKAROVA, L.V., red. izd-va; LOBANKOVA, R.Ye.., tekhn. red. (Problems of increasing forest productivity in four volumes] Pro- blenW povyoheniia produktivnosti lesov v chotyrokh tomakh. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. Vol.4jEconomic probl 'ems of increasing forest productivity and accelerating ripening and cutting ages]Ekonomicheskie voprosy povysheniia produktivnosti lesov, vozrast-y spelosti i vozrasty rabok. 1961. 253 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Aka4pmiya nauk SSSR. Institut less. 2. Nachaltnik Glavnoy inspektsii po lesuomu khozyaystvu i polezashchitnomu lesorazvedeniyu Ydnisterstva sel'skogo khozyaystva, SSM (for Ponomarev). (Forests and forestry-Economic aspects) f dy V 0 el M. V. Boatents, '"Migastratel dynamic systems con- Sider ed w0h the h0p of tho 'Jump'-hypotheals" (tit flit-inn), App? illith. Aboh WriAl. Not. MrAh.i, .1no.-Feb, 1111M, v,J. 12. Ill, :1 ZI I'll(, palter drain with (he paradot a( P. Paink-0 IC. U. AMI. .14-1. Parm, IM, val. 121, flit. 112 -1115: "bvnw Pur 1,- frolfr- rnent." lirrinnnn, Parip, JFMJ, arropling (it which reirtain prilli- lenvq of 41%-Tlzrlli~ With ictandard tvlv~ (if initiml "Ifillitintim and 'A ith n high m-flirivint of friction (acrin-ding W Oallmith'- l4w) do fuel n4joil wiv milollon at nil -or admit rumv thmn mw -dulkin, At lilit flu' 11"llif"It willch urr Xhrro In avoid 1164 par-uWx IF. 10-in, It. Vol) Mi", Q Hamel, F., Prall4ti, 7. Aflith. Phy... 1101,vill.5. 1111.11J11-1071 I he author rlosp4A film( fine which Admil.-I infinite ronfart fomx with a con"luent inrirofencn*raf~,n and rvllnph~xrr di- Co."A in dvi ail in t N- lil.logrotph plzo,. siqu-nring in the tit Ir insli-at" syslemn % ith nprlikihi,- inertia gir vlaxtir forre. 1. Olsainwidti. USA USSR/Mathematics - Servomechanics Jan/Feb 50 Auto-Oscillations The Theory of 'Resonancc I in a Mechanical Auto- Oscillatory System With Gyroscopic Members," N. V. Butenin, Leningrad, 12 pp "Prik Matemat i Mekh" Vol XIV, No I Behavior of mechanical auto-oscillatory system, close to linear conservative) with gyroscopic members acted upon by external sinusoidal forces (one of normal frequencies of linear conservative system is assil d to coincide with frequency of externa.2 force). Con- siders mechanical system with gyroscopic stabilizer 157T44 USSR/MathematiCB - Servor-e!hanics Jan/Feb~50 (Contd) as practical example. Shows that, when external sinusoidal force acts on mechanical auto-oscil- latory system with two degrees of freedom, steady- state depends strongly on amplitude of this force. In the system considered, which is unstable when there is no servomoment, stable harmonic and bi- harmonic states are possible when one of normal frequencies of linear conservative system coin- cides with frequency of external force.' For cer- tain value of external force, stable harmonic and biha=onic regimes in the system are impossible. Submitted 24 Oct 49. VIM 157~44. BUTENIN, N.V.; KOVALEVSKIY, G.G. Vibrations of a gyroscopic instrument dependent on dynamic unbalance. Vop. prikl. gir. no.2s25-17 160. OIM 15:4) (Gyroscopic instfuments-Vibrations) 83463 S/146/60/0037004/003/010 /ap~)_ B004/BO56 AUTHOR: Butenin, N. V.- TITLE: The Action of the Forces of Dry Friction Upon the Motion of a Pree GyroscopeFirmly Connected With the Earth PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Vol. 3, No- 4, pp. 29-36 TEXT- The author writes down the equations of motion for a gyroscope firmly connected with the earth: Jebz + H(* + gearth sin Mefi jny - H(4 earth c Os Mnf (1) (e - east, n - north, J - reduced moment of inertia; H - kinetic moment of the gyroscope; ~ - deflection angle between inner frame and meridian plane; I$ - deflection angle of the inner framej M ef, Mnf - moments of force of dry friction; -Qearth = angu- lar velocity of the earth; Y - latitude . By the substitution of u _7 ; V f -1 T; X H/11TT' L - LnST (2) Pe y n e n ell FJe' m2 1v n n H 0 in T I"FJ n, - Up' oos T/i (3), where L L denote earth e earth n e n I'a rA I / ~ X 83463 The Action of the Forces of Dry Friction Upon S/146/60/003/004/003/010 the Motion of a Free Gyroscope Firmly Connect- B004/BO56 ed With the Earth the maximum values of the moments of force of dry friction, the system of equations (4) is obtained,: U-+ At + n 1 - -m 1 sign a; V kfi + n2v m2 sign ~r. By introduction of the variables x - Xf1 n2V; y - X. 2 2 where A1 A + n 29 this acquires the form i - -Aly - An, - Amlsign(x+y); ~ = X1x X1m2sign y; -~ - Y/Al (6). In the rectangular coordinate system Oxyy the space is divided into four phase spaces by the planes y = 0 and x + n 2v - 0. For the phase space y >0, x + n 2v > 0, the solutions for x, y, v are written down (7). The motion (phase trajectory) of an image point, the coordinates of which are given by (7.)9 corresponds to the motion of the main axis of the gyroscope. By means of the solutions give in (7) for x, y, v, the following relation is obtained: ~X (X - m 2 + [y + (A/,X,)(n, + m1)]2 - A2 (8). (A, is the integration con- 2) 1 stant). Equation (8) represents,- a family of concentric cylinders. the axis of which is parallel to the v-axis, and which is formed by the lines of intersection of the planes x . m 2 and y - -X(n, + ml)141. Analogous Card 2/3 83463 The Action of the Forces of Dry Friction Upon S/146/60/003/004/003/010 the Motion of a Free Gyroscope Firmly B004/BO56 Connected With the Earth equatibna were obtained for the remaining phase spaces. On the assump- tions,that n,> ml, L e < H gearth sin T, the author discusses.the transi- tion of the image point from one phase space to another (Figs. 1, 2) and obtains equation (14) for the motion of the gyroscope, proceeding from I the conditions t - 09~& - 0, 4 .-V . 0, M 2 > (x/xl ) (n, - m, m2< (A/Y(n1--'mj). For-comparision, Fig. 3 shows a cross section through the space-Oxyv parallel to the plane v . const with lapking.friction. x For the case in which n 1< m (Fig.'4) the"'author proves that the gyro- scope becomes immobile. Mention is made of V. A. Pavlov (Ref. 2). This paper ias recommended by the kafedra teoretioheskoy makhaniki (Chair of Theor-:~tjcal Mechanics). There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet.reference. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoznamenskaya voyenno-vozdushnaya inzhenernaya akademiya im. A '. Fe Mozhayskogo ("Red Banner" Military Aviation Engineers' Academy imeni A. F. Mozhayskiy SUBMITTED: April 4, 1960 Card 3/3 86 S/146~660/b03/005/005/017 B010054 AUTHOR: TITLE: Effect of Dry and Viscous Friction on the Axial Movement of a Free Gyroscope Mounted on a Fixed Base PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostmyeniye 1960, Vol. 3, No- 5, PP- 34 - 43 TEXT: In this investigation, the author proceeds from the equation of motion of a free gyroscope Iv4+ Hj. M v Ia 0- M s where Iv is the moment of inertia of the gyroscope referred to the rota- tional axis of the inner frame, I s Is the moment of inertia referred to -'he rotational axis of the outer frame, H is the kinetic moment of the gyroscope, 'T is the angle of rotation of the outer, andr%) that of the Card 1/3 863W Effect of Dry and Viscous Friction on the S/146/60/003/005/005/017 Axial Movement of a Free Gyroscope Mounted BO19/BO54 on a Fixed Base inner frame, Mv is the moment of all forces referred to the axis of the inner frame and M the same referred to the axis of the outer frame. On s the assumption that dry and viscous friction exists, the author gives the following relations: ~v M +M vt and M. = -P'V+ lists where Mvt L vsign and ~st - Lssign~ , a and P are friction coefficients, Lvand Ls are the maximum moments of dry friction on the axes of the inner aud outer frames. Thus,.the author obtains: IvJ+ I* Lvsign%'~+ M 1 4 L si gn 2 s By introduction of new variables and with the use of an idea by Ye. L. Nikolai who had studied a similar problem in the velocity planethe author obtains expressions for families of integral curves in the velo- Card 2/3 86345 Effect of Dry and Viscous Friction on the S/146/60/003/005/005/017 Axial Movement of a Free Gyroscope Mounted B019/BO54 on a Fixed Base city plane which describe the movement of the gyroscope. These integral curves are thoroughly studied and discussed with the aid of graphs. D.M. Klimov (Ref-3) is mentioned. The publication of this article was recommended by the Kafed-ra tooreticheakiy mekhaniki (Chair of Theoretical Mechani,s). There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskaya Krasnoznamennaya voyenno-vozdushnaya akademiya imeni A.F. Mozhayakogo (Lenin rad "Red Banner" Air Force Academy imeni A.F. Mozhayskiy~ SUBMITTED: April 6, 1960 Card 3/3 PAVLOV, Vsevolod Aleksandrovich;RIVKIN, S.S.., doktor tokchn. nauk, retsenzent;,BUTENIN, N.V. doktor tekhn. nauk.. retsenzent; PONYRKO', SS., -nau--SW- red.; AZAROVA, I.G.,, red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhn. red. [The wroscopic effect, its manifestations and applications) Giroskopicheskii effekt# ego proiavleniia i ispolIzovanie. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. prornyshl... 1961. 163 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Gyroscope) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6063 Butenin, Nikolay Vasillyevich Elementy teorii nelineynykh kolebaniy (Fundamentals of the Theory of Non- linear Oscillations) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 193 p. 5000 copies printed. ,Scientific Ed.: S. A. Ponyrko; Reviewers: D. R. Merkin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, and V. A. Troitskiy, Candidate of Physics and Mathe- matics; Ed. 1. A. Shaykevich; Tech. Ed.: R. K. Tsal. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific and technical personnel and for students in advanced instrumentation courses at schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: The book is an attempt to present the fundamentals of the theory of nonlinear dynamic oscillations as well as methods for the solution of some specific problems. Autonomous and nonautonomous systems with one and Card 1/1 , a.o_ Fundamentals of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations SOV/6063 two degrees of freedom are reviewed, with special emphasis on natural oscillation systems. It is stressed that the book should be considered only as an introduction to a more detailed study of the theory. There are 61 references: 54 Soviet (including 2 translationsl 3 English, 3 French, and I German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Ch. 1. Methods of Investigating Autonomous Nonlinear 3 Systems With One Degree of Freedom 5 1. Phase plane. Phase-plane linear systems 5 2. Singular points in general-form linear systems 16 3. Lyapunov theorems on the stability of the equilibrium state 25 4. Methods of plotting phase-plane integral curves 27 5. Method of adjustment. Concept of natural oscillations 58 6. Method of point transformations 64 Card 2/#,~ BRAZHNIGHENKO, Rikolay Areenlyevich; KAN, Veniamin Lipmanovich; KINTSEERG, Beniamin LIvovich; MOROZOV, Valentin Ivanovich; ..gqTENIN,..N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; NIKITIN, N.F., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, retsenzent; ZAKHAREVICH, A,F,,, nauchrWy red.; SMIRNOV, Yu.I., red.; TSAL~ R.K., tekhn. red. [Problems on theoretical mechanics]Sbornik zadach po teoreti- cheskoi makhanike. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962 559 P. iMIRA 16:1) (Mechanics, Analytic--Problems, exercises,etc.) BUTENINJ. Nikolay Vasilly!! yich- OVSYANNIKOVA, Z.G., red.; VORDNINA, ~r--K-l tekhn. red. (Theory of vibrations) Teoriia kolebanii. Moskva, Vysshala shkola, 1963. 183 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Vibration) KRYLOV, Nikolay Alekseyevich, zasl. izo~retatelt RSFSR, doktor tekhn. nauk; GASTEV, V.A., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekh- niki RSFSR, doktor takhn. nauk prof.., retsenzent; __ PI;41 ,BUT- N.V., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, prof.1 nauchn. red.; VORONETSKAYA, L.V.j Ted.izd-va i tekhn.-red. [Electron-acoustical and radio measurement methods for testing materials and structures] Elektronno-akastiche- skis i radiometricheskie metody ispytaniia materialov i konstruktsii. Leningrad$ Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 239 P* (MIRA 17:1) BUTENIN, N.V.; LUNTS, Ya.L, Motion of a free gyroscope in case of a uniform rotgtion of the bass. IZV. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 6 no-5:?5-83 .163. (KtRA 16::Ll) 1. Leningradskaya voyemo-inzhenernaya krasnoznamennaya akademiya imeni A.F. Mozhayskogo. Rekomendovana kafedroy teoretiabaskoy mekhaniki. BU j N.V.; IAJNTS, Ya*L. (Leningrad) 111onlinear problems of the free gyroscope theoryn report presented at the 2nd A3.1-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,, Moscow., 29 January - 5 February 1964 ~ . or ! I . n C na IXD~HOV, VasMy Vasillyevich.; N.V., &.) ~ ', z -!r . uk, nauchn. red. [Practical application of electronics in the constinuction industny] Prakticheskoe prin.enenle elektroulki v strol- tellstve. Leningrad, Stroi-hxiat LenizCr. ot6-nie. 1964. 285 P. (Jil ".~ 1?7.0) T. ACCESSION NRt AP4043563 S/0146/64/007/004/0096/0102 AUTHORt Butenin, N. V.; Lestev, A. I. TITLE: The theory of the semigyrocompass.,, SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye. v. 7, no. 4, 1964, 96-102 TOPIC TAGSt gyroscope, free gyroscope, gyrocompass, navigation instrument, precession equat.ion, gyroscope precession, Cardan mounted gyrocompass ABSTRACT: This paper is a continuation of a study of the precession, equations of the free gyroscope.and the semigyrocompass carried out : in 1952 by A. H. Letov. The authors have investigated theoretically. and in great detail the motion of the semigyrocompass, as well as that of the dry-friction azimuthal Anschuetz gyroscope with spinning, disk mounted in gimbal rings. The semigyroscope was rigidly fixed with respect to the ground, and the axis of the outer gimbal was positioned vertically, Orig. art. hast 4 figures and 12 formulas. ASSOCIATIONi Lentngradakiy inatitut aviataionnogo priborostroyeniya (Lattingrad ln%tutite of Airciift Instrument Desi*gn) ACCESSION M AP4043563 SURMITTEDt 19Nov63 SUB CODEs NG- ATD PRE.SS: 3089 NO REF SOVs 005 ENCLt 00 OTHERt 000 ACCESSION NR: AP4037469 S/0146/64/007/002/0099/0106 AUTHOR: Butenin, N. V. CTITLE: Astatic gyroscope with dry friction in the two-gimbal axles fixed on the Earth ISOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 7, no. 2, 1964, 99-106 TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope, gyro, 2 gimbal gyro, gyro dry-friction, Earth fixed ;gyro ABSTRACT: A theoretical investigation of the effect of dry friction on the# behavior of an Earth-fixed astatic gyro operating at various latitudes and with various relations between friction momonts is reported; a qualitative analysis on I the basis of the precession theory is offered. Equations describing the gyro jmotion are set up, with the angles. of deviation of both gimbals described by i Lagrange's equations of the second kind. An investigation of the equations shows Card 1/2 ,A CCESSION NR: AP4037469 that the dry friction causes dead bands where both deviations are zero. The Jormulas -for the dead bands and dii integral-curve equation permit evaluating the a parent motion of the gyro axis on the bas" of the latitude and dry-friction p 1.8 ,moments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 15 formulas. !ASSOCIATION: Leningradskaya Krasnoznamennaya voyenno-vozdushnaya inzhenernaya akademiya im. A. F. Mozhayskogo *(Leningrad Red-Banner Air-. Force Engineering Academy) SUBMTTED: 26oct63 DATE ACQ: OSJun64':.7 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; AC NO REF SOV: 011 OTHER:'000 Card 2/2 :ACCESSION NR: AP4037469 that the dry friction causes dead bands where both deviations are zero. The 'formulas -for the dead bands and ih~ integral-curve equation permit evaluating the :apparent motion of the gyro axis on the basi's of the latitude and dry-friction moments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and IS formulas.' ASSOCIATION: Leningradskaya Krasnoznamennaya voyenno-vozdushnaya i inzhenernaya akaderniya, im. A. F. Mozhayskogo (Leningrad Red-Banner Air- Force Engineering Academy) SUBLUTTED: 260ct63 DATE ACQ: 053un64*: ENCL: 00 !SUB CODE:. AC NO REF SOV., 011 OTHER: 000 Card Z/Z BUTEV314, N.V.; DOERINSKAYA, R.V.p red. [motion of a material point in the earth's central force field; dynamics of a b.Qdy of variable mass; lect1iies) Dvizhenie materiallnoi tochki v tsentrallnom silovom po- le Zemli,- dinamika tela peremennoi massy; lektsii. le- ningrad, Leningr. in-t aviatsionnogo priborostroeniia, 1964. 45 P. (MIRA 1?:11) AUTHOR: Butenin,. N. V.; Lestev,'A. M. 4641B URY(4467-651008/006100( ORG: Leningrad Institute, of Ayiation Instr~ments (Leningradakiy institut aviatsionnogo priborostroye~iya) TITLE: Motion ofinil-rIctio- integrating gyrqs.c2p?~l SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8, no. 6, 1965, 98-104 TOPIC TAGS:_ gyroscope, integrating gyroscope 10104 62 ABSTRACT: The motion of the axis of the figure of integrating gyroscope having two I degrees of freedom and dry friction in its gimbal bearings is theoretically considered; the gimbal is mounted on a base that vibrates about the measuring axis. Differential equations describing the motion of the gyroscope figure axis are set ?ap and solved, determining types and conditions of the motion, as well as the errors of i! the instrument. It is found that the dry-friction forces introduce certain peculiarities- into the gyroscope motion. The base angular velocity may take on a critical value; if the angular velocity w (t) is lower than critical, for all t, the motion comes to Card I /Z UDC: 531.383 L 18543-66- ACC NRt AP6002178 rest.. With certain relations between the gyroscope parameters and vibration parameters, the dry friction brings about motions with prolonged rest periods. Asymmetry in the dry-friction forces causes systematic deviation of the figure axis from its initial position; in this case, the dry-friction forces cause maximum errors. Orig. art. has. Z figures and 22 formulas. SUB CODE: 17 SUBM DATE: 08Mar65 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 001 I Card Z/2 --)A SI*S BUTE'N%I), !., in-,bonei-polkovnik I -I---- * Q~~ P. P1614 . joward Dew flights into space. Tekh. i vooruzh. no.4:9-11 A. (~gllut 17 - 9) BU Make efficient use of permanent machine operators in machine- tractor stations. Sote.trud no.2:70-76 F 157. (MLRA 10:5) (Machine-tractor stations) DENISCYV, A.A.; BUTENKO. A.A. Vacuum forming of thermoplastic parts. Mashinostroitelt no.12: 26-27 D 164, MRA 1W) BMNKO, A. F. [Central and local economic councils and planning agencies; 1917-i932; compilation of dopuments] Sovety narodnogo )choziai- stva i planovye organy''v tsentre i na mestakh,1917-1932, sbor- nik dokumentov. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1957, 231 P le Russia (1923- USSR) TSentrallnyy gosudarstvennyy~ arkhiv Oktyabrlekoy revolutaii i goteialisticheakogo stroitel'stva. (Russia--Economic policy) YEGOROV, K.D., kand.ekon.nauk; TROSHINA, A.P.; KOVALEV, P.P.; NOVIKOVA, A.A.; LAGUTINA, H.V.; VCLUINA, N.A.; MMSTAKOVA, R.V.; AKIHCHMiKO, O.Te.; KULFMKIN, V.S.. akademik, red.; VEYTS, V.I., red.;-BUTMO, A,.F., kand.filosof.nauk, red.; RYBIHSKIY, M.I., red.; CHASHNIKOVA, M.V., red.; HIZHffAYA, S., red.; VOSKRESRNSKATA, T., red.; CHKKHUTOVA, V.,-red.; RKbITSKAYA, A.D., red.; CHKP=VA, 0., [Works of the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia; documents and materials] Trudy Gosudarstvennoi komissii po elektri- fikataii Rosaii GUMO; dokumenty i materinly. Red.komissiia: V.S.Kulabakin and others. Moskva, Izd.-vo sotniol'no-okon.lit-ry, 1960. 306 p. WBA 14:2) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gonudarstvannaya komisaiya po elsictrifikat8ii Rosaii. 2. Chlen-korreanondent AN SSSR (for Veyts). (Blectrification) - - - - - - -- - - - ree- k--4vkAm.L;-LUZL;sjJAY-3 -zAlb thin wa I led pipe A BB S in Df t1h e f a i 1, ir eo f v I 't 7 IE7R non -C htlo S. F, eacivA BUTENNO, A.K.; STEPANOV, S.I. Permanent self-contained units for current measurements in shallow regions of the sea. Trudy AANII 210:9-12 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Oceanographic instruments) SOV1119-59-6-6118 Testing of Wire With the Ultrasonic Detector of Defects with a flawless standard sample. The method permits the testing of wire down to a diameter of 1 mm. The construction is graphically depicted in figure 3. The wire runs through with a velocity of from 50 to 100 m/h. Experiments showed that pressure points with a diameter of 0.8 mm,or scratches with a width of 0.1 mm as well as pointo of irregular hard.- ness are determinable by the procedure under review. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.~7 7-- L 12769-66 EWT(m)/EWP(v)/T/I~WP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(b)/EVIA(h) (c) JD/41' ,ACC NR, AP6002533 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/023/0037/0037 (/V) INVENTOR: Butenko, Ai N.; Gordiyenko, Ya. 1. ORG.: none. .TITLE: Mandrel.for resistance butt welding of tubes. Class 21, No. 176649 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobretenty i tovarnykhrznakov, no. 23, 1965, 37 TOPIC TAGS: welding, resistance welding, tube welding, butt welding ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introdu Ices the use of wire made from heat-resis- tant material,rauch as nicbrome, as a mandrel in resistance butt welding of small .tubes of any shape, including multichannel tubes. [ND) SUB CODE: 13,_ 1l/ SUBM,DATE: 03Apr6l/ ATD PRE! 3: UDC: 621.791.762.039 IJUTENKQ,-,A..N.; GIJ14ENUYK, V.S. Acoustical device for ultrasonic testing of wires. Zav. lab. 31 no.11:1407-2408 165. (AURA 19:1) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut, AN UkrSSR. BUTENKO, ANATOLIY PAVLOVICH Voyna I Revolyutsiya. Moskva., Gospolitizdat., 1961. 47 P. Bibliographical Footnotes.. CHALYY, G. V.; BUTENKO, B, M. Automation of tomato processing lines. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.9: 45-67 '62. (MIRA 16:1) (Tomato products) (Canning &zid preserving-Equipment and supplies) (Automation) DIKIY, G.F.; BUTMO B M - TVASHKEVICH, Yu.K.; IVASHCIMNKO, B. ~-V-*. k [Automation of production processes in the wine and brandy making factory in Tiraspol] Avtomatizatsiia pro- izvodstvoruVkh protsessov na Tiraspollskom vinno- konliachnor, zavode. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno- tekhn. informatsii pishchevoi promyshl., 1964. 32 p. (MLILA 17:11) 1,C)MAKIN, V.F.; BUTENKO, B.M. Long distance transmission of informaticn cn praduction Jtn`ices by ri-eans of light signals. Khar. prom. no.2:10-210 Ap--Je 65. (MIR-A 18j5) MUKHIN, Petr Vasillyevich;- Bj~TPIKO, Drnitriy; SVYATNENKO,Vasiliy Filippov'ic'hi;' YM.',AK, Viktor Ivanovich; GOLOSHCHAPOV, I.M., inzh.-polkovnik, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. (K-750V motorcycle; its construction, maintenance and opera- tion] Mototsikl K-750V; ustroistvo, ukhod i ekspluatatsiia. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 225 P. (MIRA 17:1) (Motorcycles) BUTSNKO F.F. Hydraulic trap. Kona. i ov. prom. 14 no.8:9 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:9) I.Kraplvenski7 ovoshcheaushilinyy zavod. (Potatoes) IBIJTENKO P P. P. Device for a-Ignetic water treatment. NOW. i ov pron. 16 no.11:12-13 N '-61. OIi4 14 -- -U) 1. Krapivanskiy ovoshchesushil'nyy zavod. .(Feed-water purification) BUTEMOP FIF., Improved processing line for the preparation of potatoes for drying. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 no.6:44 Je 162. OMIRA 15:5) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Krapivonskogo ovoshcheaushillnogo zavoda. (Potatoes--Drying) BUTERKOP F.F. Consultation. Kons.i ov.prom4 17 no.12,:39 D 162. (MML 15 :12 ) 1. Glavnyy 3.nzh. Yef~*movskogo (Tullskaya Al.) konservnogo zavodae (Cookery (Cranberries)) BUTENKO, F*I.j, mashinist teplovoza Method for testing certain electric relays of the TE3 diesel lomaotive. Blek.1 tepl.tiaga 6 no.1202 D 162. t (HIU 16:2) 1. Dopo Bryunsk. __ ' tin. ) (Diesel locomotives-Testing) (Electric reja7o-Tes 9 ZAYKO# Noll., prof.$ UJIJVIKO. p*M& Paviow of "Current PrObloms of morpholoff, prqtjioloa wA Pat',IOIOU*" Pat- figiOl- i okaps to=p, 8 noo5t9l-W " 164o (MIRA lot 12) Ln SHOUNIO, 'y ~~AIKRW, ~.L; BUTXNKO, G.A. Hatural tests used in the furniture industry. Der. prom. 7 no.1:12 ja 158. (MIRA ll*.l) 1. Llvovskiy lesotekhnicheskly inotitut. (Chairs-Testing) 00 - WICItfill Abe AVVIIII'll woo, Adow,-- w--- n 7m. A. ~,* w I 19M. ft "? -TVs of SO b"Adw W"16" i0f OA tapw," me L Tj !1! SL A 141ALLURCKIL 111160WO CLAUVICATOON *two "WIN949416 it v 900*00*00900000# 0 too woo U*6 E'00 00 xk---$C VIEFORALN 0 aft 91 ?W J-tp LvIrta we it U 4W n IT CIO f'SOINS f. a 004 WHO* 1-011 *On 0 OZZ Z" Zan'ko, M., and lNennk -Now Mat-110D or - *00 GYWrNMATIC ANALVUS KAOLIN QAVS. Zarodskaya ' Ub.. 4, 1188-04 (1935).-By bmting 0.5 Cm. kaolin at - * * f 0 S , o 7 0 to or 1.5 to 2 hr. and treating the melt with 100 to 120 cc. of 2 N 110 on a water bath ior s to o hr.. the 00 get, insoluble bvsWue Is redu,~d to a minhourn of 1.4r3c;, The " C, 00 filtrate is Analyaccl by the "atin metb,-A as usual, Ilac residue. containing SiOe. qwtz. feldspar. mk-a and TiOu 00 is ignited. vrrighed and Mpomted wilb JIF and ll~%, and analyzed as usual. it to v to 31 00 go 0 so- 00 00- 910. W Oe Sol I R] cc xM) a'TV 7 1 A-" 19 a It g IT a of F K a ext- U4 1 Is * 0 009* 0 0 0000 0 0 0 9 0 is 0 IF ~W IF W is 1 0 it .1 1 - V-V -A-I-I-AA 10-M WU42 C-4010. ... Iq T Detend"dos W Im. tilaialum and aluminum In a A Mhaffe With *9 aid, of a quitioline. A. M. Zan'ko and 0 AIWOfiko Ihz= ol 1:~ "kayo Lab. S. 415-18 -641 ad of 7-sinbers 99 by Zbukunkars and -60 MrAui (t. A. W7V) Is b&W rMAY on the UN 44 00 ammut Acoll Amity tam betweirn =& t1dulte ba Nth , saint.. making a complete 410 wpm. ol IN and Al with 8-hydroxy-quinoline-Acoll (1) 04 A7: posiblk. 7be method Is shown In a rpd. win. of FeA, 00 AIA and M. To I W: go 81 .3 a. NHOAc and I g. tuto* add neutralist with NH.0H ;ad IIIUU- 0 duct 20 cc, of 80% ACCIII and a slight t1cm of 2% 1. -60 DrW the soln. nemly to boiling, disnt on a water bath, Zoo filter off Fe cxLine thnmgb a glim flier No. 4. wash the ppt. :00 with 1% AcOH said water. dry it at 110* and weigh. 00 Evap. the filuste to 150 cc.. add 4 S. NIL OIW&te, Den. tralite the soln. with NILOH to litmtn, add 3-6 drops of 00 AcOH. beat to 60'. ppt. with 1. boil 10 min., filter off ri 00 -a oxine. wash with hot water. dry at 110* and weigh. IMI. 4141 the filtrate to SW cc., withdraw 100 cc,. add an exem 9 of N [LOH and 1. and proceed with tke of Al 0 ~01 a** 00 2 above. The o3tines can be dinolved =tYbuy"X 0 40 0 go Betz method, or preferably by the pottntiometric method of Atanaxiu and Velculewu (C. A. 28. 4XV01- r. 11, 0 R I 00 ~0 " zoo !'09 to LIIjQAj!!I CLASSIFIC010" ofTALLUPWAL S il 04 i a.c IJI L S 0 it; tt tj it @I KW ft i U a al 00 ic, - D it g 00 o. o- 0" OK 6 0 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 4 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0:0 0 - 0 Lit 19 $1 w . U a 1. 1. 3k .1 1, j. A. a fie L it X P j I I I ' ' go Sax go so Determbial4on of small smo=ta of iron by njows of quitaULLlik *Ad. Q. A, BuTrNvo and it. A. Vittian (J. Appl, Illi4; IDV "10.1ft? I MI 3) of SUbstance, vont4nintz 1-5"' Al, is .0 fr"'d git, Iron, 0 the residue is dinolved, anti mado tolk Vol. (if 2?p6-:5(X)m1. 00 up on, IDIOM to '00 nil., mado ukdral milli A41 Nit 010 3 mt. of 51,',, NII 011,110.0 111), ttf 0* 1-130% Nit quinaldate, 2 m). of 101,~ K(.,N, and 11,0 =*0 0001 to too ml. an added, and the coloration Is comral-I 'th that Oven by a standard solution. Should a pt. of AJ(JH). form after addition of KCN, a furthrr wrwl. of 100/. KCX are added. and the smilullon io coo l filtmA. Should M hydmide apparatt% after addition -10*0 of aq. NHAI 4 mi. of N-IICI am added, and the amount so 0 of KCN is ralwd to 6 ml. In preoellm of PO,"' 3-5 mt. of w-H(I anil. 4 nd. of KCN am taken. 1::* 0 R. T. SO 0 tylp 0 ZZ tie 0 31. ~~Inw Ice .141;1 aw~.' U a -0 a n, it 0 K a 4[ a rf is n ltogwn I1.h1L Sk %d0 e elm 0.,341 a 3 1 v-IM I dho, '0 io 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 0!; ~44: : 00 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .9 0 0 9 9 o e Oe 0 0 Ot, OOA son 4 a a 41 "fik ciad iron and a'" by numm of IWIMIS&MIc Mid. ~A. M. ZAMKO MA 0.(Zf*VW. IA., IM, G. MS-MR).- Ifni v. of Yo or owd In to ml. of I : I HCI builed with 2-4 ML LIHNO, the mQution the Pw"W 00 d1neraftbe " exto'seW with H 0 extrut futered am 91% mmovrd fmm 9.1 remilduc in t1be unw, way. 6 of tartaoric told am added to the filtmtot,+ the gowtV -4 t6 midw fmm trmtment of the 8106 1". with HF-H,80 &Dd tyl 4. 1 KHOis added toitim" ty tmdnb. lowforvumjt~. foWwrd by 10 nd. of =2% No qu - date is added to the WW4 "Um. The ppt. is oMft*d aftw 18 hr.. wanited with hot H,O, &W dried at ?a' 0 g. of ppt. 0-1494 .g. of OU). R. T. AT 'I'AAA:61 1640 at 0 0 a Is I a a 3 1 T use coo so* 110141411 -,go COO moo 7 V ' I. IA fA A I 1 9-0 1 ho I if"Itt a 7 ""bution of CaWr In cast Iran and 10 '11101111 with ticid. A. M. Zon1l, anti 1111tellko. Per. N R: 0 Ak d 11 A k C" . o . . , NO. # yi4 ., o0. ; Kki.. Ryfiral. Zhu?. 2, M). :1, 73AMI-19).- 09 The method is based an the relative unstatAlity of the tar- laric complex of Cu at a definite acidity of the %01n. and a on the fact that the quituddate of Cu is less tol. (halt arc .0 i the conr.Vorlding comptis. of the other elcrornts in Alrrl and cast iron. For the atudym -Ave I g. W the mciAl 1,00 in 15-210 cc. of 6 N HCl, acidify with 2,4 cc. of coned. . .00 110 ill a 11NO.. bod for some time, tvikp. the soln. to dr)-nexi porcelain dish and step. the Si(h by the usual nicthod. .00 Filter off the residue, Imst it, (".At it ill a I't ctucchle with lift + llulio, funtil while Imurs aillw4t i. rxi. with water and add the %,In. it) t he original fill rut c. Addlit)(hentilti. go 6 g. of tartatic avid, neutralize its nittatine yclhjw 11AIX-T 00 j with NHjOll, add 15 cc. of 4 N lIrSO#, hrAt to ixitting oW lipt. (by stirring) with all excr%sof a 2~' , soln. of Na -00 041 quinaidate. Let the mist. stand omal %.,). Ill) J-W V,,.) 06 a for 18 by%., filter through a glass crucildc N,,. 3 or 4, wa,h goo d 00 ~ejczl uc with hut water, dry at 125' and weigh. one ppi. - 0.1494 It. of Cu. 1( the arnt. of Cu in the Sample it less than 0.05 0.00% take twice as much sample and twice the quantities of twtaric acid and of 4 N WSO.. '4 0 The Cu values obtained are accurate %%ithin O.Q.1% cd the wt. )A &-tulple. IV. R. licrut %8146.3 .40 4.V got I U AV v 0 0 0 9 To 0 000 00 0 * tj* 0 T An S 11 13 1-1 1 P * 0 6 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9, 919 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~j 0 A ilk 0 '40* a 41: 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 X31 Ijbids bps x a a) a 0 ONP911I .00 lee -00 Pho,t"olWi6ji~dc-& tion of Pbosphoric acid in -00 C*.A,,jlujcuVAjInd NA. Kush. Z.jIiqjkf1)w L~b. 9, 1 9- Of 1110 f'"'I't"T all" it toW)ml. Dil. 2m1. of theiii,ju. torornl, add 6tifl. I dil. of monotucthyl-p-4uttinophenot%uUatc. 10 1,11. of MOIYb- date. let stand 3D min., add 21) ml. of NaOAc. (]it, to RXT r*0 tid and exam. in a photocolorinitict. Thr 1110, ii CaI4 from a calibration curve showint I lic v-ff s. of ah- sot .lition. It. Z. Kamicl. goo ASS-SLS* MIETALLititricAt UTEXATURF CLASIVICATION %law, 1611noll- - - - . ~ - W045 -4 aw 0 U U if No all; W V IF 4 a K It a It K A *0 so 0 0 0 0 0 00 : : : :I: : * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 I 1 11 Q U 11 111 It 4 n a 0 a 11 U it in? a b I M I IL L JL-h a I !if A!,P ??!p PRQIOS 00 see X00 bee. t! 0 0 :1:0: M "V VL, n_ An L t 0 1w a wit " N 04 a to a 3 1 000 0 0 4; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 000 0 0 0 0 0 USSR/Metals - Steel Alloys Jun 50 Chemistry - Analysis 10 I-Amperometric Determination of Manganese, Chromium., H ..4 and Vanadium in Alloy Steels and Cast Irons," G. P64 A. Butenko, G. Ye. Bekleshova, Dnepropetrovsk Chemicotech Inst "Zavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 6, pp 650-658 Describes rapid, simple, sufficiently precise method which may be used for simultaneous ampero- metric determination of manganese, chromium, and vanadium in alloy steels and cast irons. Ampero- metric titration results in more precise i AATC; I USSR/Metals - Steel Alloys Jun 50 (Contd) determination as compared to ordinary titration, where change in indicator color is camouflaged by solution coloration from accompanying elements. 163T5,1 tor G A AM i-UR. ra nbt~L em. Technol,, Dortiropet- Z11 tovsk. U.S.E, 1r, 21 Kkim. 3. 145-WO9,50). .-TIQ tlecMide rotathig Sit 1000 r~p,ui. Cousists of 0-8 Imn. Pt ItIte (4 0.5 "um Shafts. sold"ed intu a d 1111a. SIASS tiltW haVilig a hVtI( fill, TO (let. Z11, 1114M, a Mr.0 - ur-rd vul ut ZuSt)a solm*into the d(t.tkut IwAti. md.1 y6, .1 In"t C IS =, U d ". to 1(k) Ild. with, 0. the and the agar bridge. StArt Inotor to rotate the clect"Od" and "'Tre" a P'd' r7 v. Start addinX standard Ue(CN)o whi.. and watch the rAvanotorkr readhip. Upon reaching the end i % n escem of titmut Increases thr current p ry" A; inert Lt,.Iyt. 11,SO,. JICI, IN.O. KCI, = Na,SO,. and KSO, were tested. The best results were obtained with acids or without Auxiliary eleamlytes. NA. and K salts gave too high results. Without auxiliaty electrolyte the equil, was delayed; In the prinicam of acid. the equill. vms reached rapidly after each adda. of titrant. The coitca. of acid used can be 0.5-1 N. The conen. of Zu shmid be 0.1-0.05 N. High curictis. were difficult to titmte becau C of the heavy p t. NL llowh . I ~ I . . . - P