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BUTOVSKIYP V-0. [Butovolkyi.. V.0.1j"coased]
Peculiarities in the medical study of children and adolescents in
connection with physical training. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no.!:
10-14 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovate:L I skiy institut dithrany pate-
rinstva i detstia (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova).
Discussion on the number of channels and sound quality of
stereophonic films. Tekh.kino itelev. 4 no.10:61-67 0160. (MIRL 13:10)
1. Kinostudiya "Lenfillm."
(Motion pictures) (Stereophonic sound systems)
AUTHORSt Butovskiyy Ya_. L., and Gollshteyn, L. 0.
TITLE: Remote control of motion-picture cameras
PERIODICALs Tekhnika kino i televideniya, no. 8, 1961, 30-38
TEXTs The authors review basic requirements for the design of remote-contiol
systems for motion-picture cameras and describe the remote-control units de-
signed by the Lenfillm studio. This studio has been developing remote-con-
trol equipment for motion picture cameras for several years. The first
scenes shot with the aid of remote-controlled cameras were filmed in 196o.
Engineers I. Blutskiyp E. Drukh, and A. Pliner of the Technical Department,
and'engineers A. Alekseyev and L. Dukhon of the Exposure Technique Depart-
ment have actively participated in the development program directed by engi-
neer L. G. Gol'shteyn. The basic desi6,m requirements for the camera remote-
control system are: (1) switching off and on of the camera motor; (2) visual
monitoring of the photographed picture; (3) anning and camera tilt control
within a wide range of angles and speeds; (45 lens focusing control; (5) lens
aperture control;, and (6) film footage control. Moreover, the Temote-control
Card 113
Remote control of motion-picture cameras D053/D113
unit should be of light weight, easily transported and serviced, and contain
the maximum possible number 6f standard parts. Three versions of remote-
control units have been designed for (1) the "Ekler-studioll synchronous
motion- icture camera; (2) the -Askania" motion-picture camera; and (3) the
I--- KCP MOR) "Konvas-Avtomat" light motion-picture camera. The visual
monitoring of the photographed picture is obtained with the use of a PT')/-OMi
(PTU-0MI) industrial closed TV unit. The video receiver of this unit con-
+aining a 35JIK26 (35LK2B) tube is mounted on the control stand while the
cam-era tube, an 01423 (L123) vidicon, is mounted together with the motion-
picture camera on the panoramic and tilting head. This head is driven by
HA -501. (ND-501) synchro generators and HC -501 (NS-501) synchro repeaters;
the lens and diaphragm are driven by HA -404 (ND-404) synchro generators and
HC-404 (NS-404) synchro repeaters. For the"'Ekler-studio" motion-picture
camera, an industrial 12 WC(12ShS) cradle head was used. The camera unit
can also be mounted on a special light crane with a 9 m. jib, designed by V.
Baranikov. The control stand can be dismounted, and it containsq apart from
the video monitor, switches for the camera motors, synchros, and film foot-
age counters. These counters are driven by CA-2 (SD-2) synchronous motors,
The 1-KSIR motion-picture camera can be synchronized by using a special
C., -ni ~~ /A
Remote control of motion-picture cameras DOWD113
system with a r-31 (G-31) synchronous motor. This system was proposad by
the film operator 0. Kukhovarenko and engineer A. AlekS-ir-,r. The entire
remote-control unit is supplied from a 220 V industrial power network, or
from the KX (KES) field po-wer plant. The remote control of the motion-
picture camera enables filming to be carried out in difficultly accessible
places, eliminates acting hazards, and facilitates the training of film p-ro-
ducers. It can also be used for shooting scenes from an airplaneq in which
case the panoramic head with cameras is suspended under the wing and the
f~ontrol stand placed in the cabin of the airplane. There are 9 figures.
Card 313
BATURO, Piotr, mgr inz.;-P7qqqp,-,Jerzv., inz.; LEWANDOWSKI, Hubert, inz.
Now designs in the Wood Machine Tool Factory. Przegl mach 23
no.15:4AI-4" 10 Ag 164
1. Wood Machine Tool Factory, Bydgoszcz.
Given Namea
CO'Latry. Yugoalavis.
Acadzmic B-cCme3: Dr.
Affiliation: /not given,/
Source: Belgrade, Veterinarski Slasnikj No 5, 19619 pp 417-419.
Data: Portrait4 'Alija Talic, Assistant Secretary In the Secretariat
for Agriculture of People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.'
BUTOZAN., Vaso, dr,
The origin and development of the partisan medical services. Med.
arh. 15 no.6:37-42 N-D 161.
V. BUTOZAN [Affi liation not given]
"Ten Years of Activity of the Federation of Veterinarians' and Veterinary
Technicians' Societies of Yugoslavia."
Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 2, 1963; pp 131-135.
Abstract: Rapid raview of the development of veterinary professional
and organizational activity in various states and on the federal level
in Yugoslavia, 1957-1962; names of principal leaders, main activities,
direction of association work on the national and international level,
brief su=mary of key laws.
L~/i --j
AF60D1378 SOURCE CODE: UR/0376/65/001/0()9/1-1
AUTHORS: Vasillyeva A, B,; Butozov, V. F.
-ORG:-Moscow-Statio monoso -P 04~
verB ty-: & M.N. 16
gosudarst-7ennyy-universitat, fizichoskiy fakul'tat
TITLE: ProblemsIon eigenvalues for integro-differential equations with small param-
eter for higher derivative
SOURCE: Differentsiallrqye uravneniya, v. 1, no. 9t 1965, 1190-1203
TOPIC TAGSs differential equation, intqral equation
ABSTRACT: The Cauchy problem for a first order integro-differential equation Is
considered# I jI-]((-x, 0 V (t) di,
vith 0 initial condition Y(O)=G (2)
Here /k > 0 In a small paramotor, ia 'a compOwx paramotor. The relation betwoon
tho olgenvalues and eigenfunctions of
A (x) y K (x, 1) y (1) dt
ol CoM 1/2
USSR/Soil Science - General Problems.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 8669o
Author Butozova O.V., Chekalova, M.I.
In5t Central Museum of Soil Science, AS USSR
Title Exhibttion of Agricultural Districting and Reclamntion of
Lands in Various Zones of USSR
Orig Pub Sb. rabot Tsentr. muzeya pochvoyed. AN SSSR, 1957, vyp.
2, u-26
Abstract No absti~act.
Card 1/1
PA 17/49T39
UM/Engineering jul 48
Springs, Leaf
Alloys, Nonferrous
"Procedure for Mechanical Testing of Nonferrous Alloye
for Flat Springs," A. But~-a, 1 p
"Zavod lab" Vol XIV, No 7
Chief nonferrous spring ailoys are bronze and German
silver. Wating range is adequate but more stringent
specifications are required.
BuT[Up A& P*
Dissertation: "Investigation of the
Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Polytechnic
Moscow, No 14, Jul 54.
Electric Strengtn of An Oriented Polystyrene Film."
Inst, Leningrad, 1954. Referativnyy Zhurnal-Ehimrmya,
SO: SUM No. 356, 25 Jan 1955
ussil;~~;ics-Electric resistance of porcelain FD-1218
Card 1/1 Pub. 153-2/22
Author : Butra, A. P.
Title : Electric resistance of porcelain
Periodical : Zhur., tekh. fiz. 24, 1561-1567, Sep 1954
Abstract The effect of duration of applied a.c. voltage on the electric resistance
of usual insulating porcelain was tested. At a prolonged potential ;reach-
ing 7o to 8o% of breakdown voltage a decrease of resistance of 20-30% was
found. It should be ascribed to ionization within the pores. A test for
resistance to high-frequency pulses showed a drop of resi stance with de-
creasing frequency of pulses per second. Indebted to N. P. Bogoroditskiy
and V. T. Renne. Three references including one German.
Institution :
Submitted May 21, 1953
- - - % -k j~ -; ~' -- ~f --~ Z ~ ~ , - ---
~.-X3 -X7A
PI'JM64CZ4k &L, b, Lvcvsk $VwJ Tilprop Itesistuarv Tc-sig,
j kopalnlak6w ? grochodir7cmu". (pruce Inst.
-Bad) Tift M:- 931, Warsa",va, 1033, PW[tlt,,'39 pp., 27 (I.P., 0 tab3.
The Iv;or',c 15, 4 SUr"Y Of studies; over the triefulness of locust-wood
(Rol~tnh p3tudoitcacia W for the 'product' --n of pltprops, supports!
Ircrn 10CUSt-vood are characterised by; a) a marke-Ily qrtater curva-
Poliah 'Tcohnical Abet.
lure locust-vrood up to 2.5 cm/m, p1newcod I cmirn'. b) a markedly
, 1 1954 locust-voDd up to J.0 cmim. pine
greater tap-.ring - up tn I twin.
AgriClilttire, Food Pr-oCaSsing c) :a greater slendemess - locus-%vood up to 133, pine up to 101..Sup-
Inddatr F~rest ~Jvheries
F) ry -ports from locust-urood showed a lilgher maximum reslL-ztiuc,~ to del
20/o of the results Wing within the 150--775 k-z,cm-' d
whiLe the Eecionigth of pine-wood suppoes fell -,hr-.Tt of this limit. Ilte
-t frequency as regards resistance of locust-wond supporb; Calls
*UhIn the 125-150 kgicW- dIvIsIon and reacbeis 2311o ol.the.tWial num-
Mr of rmlts, -as agabist'445/s for prIncovood, ThIs frequcncy L%,ithin rme
division as -regards the resistance of pine-wood supports vowtitutei their'
:gmat advantage from theipoint of view of statics and safety.
I all is Ll 1) ka itl a h is is' so as Il 1) a pa a a It mi 0 a of v 41 0 di
I -A- a-, 4 L~ - v 0
A-4 0
e- cA--
J. Ttih. Pykj. (U. S. S. R.) 10,
Fe oxide - mirried out separately for the
ray stud
'Do I mricilLate and internal oxide layers. The
external tazvr of oxi4ic, fugirl"I tin Fe Oxidi" in the air at
111110-lax) . shows the texture of grulath. (71le plan,-
(I 11) ul mulpic lattive 2-Ft-,O. is located lWtAllrl tip the
exActuall outface.) The ll-way libuttivalphs pil the mirt- -00
ISO 0 .11
mirdiate Layer show &A pittring "Irtitan, Wgr grains of
9 Fel,04 and sirls of Debye's rings, 'rile italt-Inal layri
44 lalge ItImills of FrO. Willi-11 do %%,.I pill"w aliv
IrItuir. No ailctiq 44 amelim.1 wrle b"In't R
00 W
t: 0
slow 1-1 fall". ------
tolass, it 04, 444
n--, I--, #.I
it III W rl I to a rw a it 11; goo
9 0 0 0 9 as , &
iii, 0
-090000 06 096 0
. % I ? ..
-cs of Ural Affil. Acad Sci.
NUI.-Al V.P ) Inst. Physi L
. Mbr., Molotov State Univ., im. A.M. Gorluiy
1948, "The Texture of the Oxide Layer of Iron," Z:nw. Tehh. Lis. I. Vol 18, No. 2,
Taxture of Iron Slag; IV. Research at 'Internediatel Zone of 'Ile mperatize, "
00 %1
L-W -1W-W
14110,11 4 IS16 till "30
r-A I r
U-N 35-X
C Stracturv of Iron Scalv6 IV. Investigation at
Trmpeisturr Ranp (in MIsslati.)
v. r. Arkharov and F. 11. Butre. 'All riml rrkh"i-
rhe;koi PNzikj ',Journal of-TechnicAl Physics), v.
18, Feb. 1948, p, 211-214.
Above investitration showed that the scale formed
at high tem has a structure directly de-
endent on M=rOhanism of oxidation. This mt--
c anism was studied between 500 and 8.1,0'C., an
the basis of the different scale compositions and
structures formed.
- --- --- low so.Ow
aw cKv III
U 0 AV K a, ill a, zt It a kW n I NA M1 I I I W 0 N IF Is 14 0 A a 3 1 T
T~90 I F
WO 0
24(2) SOV/69-5--5-15/27
AUTHORS: Konobeyevskiy, S. F. P.
TITLE- The Diffuse Scattering of X-Rays on Irradiated Crystals of
Diamonds, Corundum, Silicon, and Germanium (Diffuznoye
rasseyaniye -tentganovykh luchey Y obluchennykh 1kristallakh
alma-za, korunda. kremniya i germaniya)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya onergiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 5, PP 572--573 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The crystals me sub4e-ted to the action of a fast neutron
, n/om
in the reactor RPT at a temperature
flux of 5~5 10
of up to 80 C (E n > 1 MeV). The Laue diagraim were made with
the same orientation of the irradiated and non-irradiated
crystals with Mo-radiation
The X-ray pictures of an i,_Oradiated diamond which was cooled
by means of liquid ni+rogen showed no noticeable modification
of the intensity of soattering maxima.
The Laue-diagrams of irradiated and non-irradiated silicon
shored diffuse scattering maxima of the same intensity.
If a not irradiated crystal is cooled with liquid nitrogen,
Card 1/3 the maxima vanish, which was not found to be the case with
The Diffuse Scattering of X-Rays on Irradiazed Crystals of Diamonds,
Corundum, Silioon'~ and Germanium
irradiated. crystals.
The lattice spacing cif the diamond increased after irradia-
tion from 3,559 U to 3~,592 kX, i.e. byoqce..
The lattice spacing of silicon and germanium is modified
by not more than M ~-.
The modificativn oi the lattice spacing in the case of a
diamond causes the double scattering in the X-ray picture
to vanish. In order to find out whether this vanishing is
of permanent duration the crystals were annealed. The fol-
lowing results were obtained:
Diamond: After annealing at 5000C for 725 h, the lattice
spacing decreased from 3,592 kX to 3,574 kX. The intensity
of the diffuse scattering maxima did not change noticeably.
l'Ifter further annealing at 900 00 for 1 hour: 3,566 kX; the
intensity of the maxima becomes noticeably lower. In the
course of a further treatment at 12000C for 1 hour the-lat-
tice s-oacing decreased still more. The initial value was,
however, not attained~
In corundum the diffuse sqattering caused by iE radiation
Card 2/3 vanishes afte.- four hours of annealing at 1200 .
The Diffuee Scattering of X-Rays on Irradiated Crystals of Diamonds,
Corundum, Silicon, and Germanium
In the case of silicon the corresponding values are 10000C -
1/2 hour.
In germanium no modification of the lattice spacing and no
diffuse scattering was observed.
Irradiation of the crystals was carried out by K. P. Dubrovin.
There are 3 figures and 5 references, 0 of which is Soviet.
SUBMITTED: July 129 1956
Card 3/3
12 //J o E091/E435
AUTHORS: Agapova, N.P., Butra, F.P. and Votinov, S.N.
1% -~I 717
TITLEs On the Nature of E ess Phases in a Chromium-Nickel-
MolybdenumA4iobium%tainless SteelIv
PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 31
pp 422-425 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The steel investigated by the authors, the chemical
composition of which is shown in the Table on p 422,
belongs to the group of stainless steels having a
stable austenite structure which does not undergo a
y -) a change even at consIder-able degrees of cold
compression and prolonged soaking at temperatures of up
to 7500C. However, it exhibits excess phases in its
structurel the quantity of which varies in relation to
the heat treatment given. The authors have investigated
the nature of these phases 0 Specimens of steel were
austenitized at 950 to 130; C, followed by water-quenching
and subsequent soaking for loo, 400 and 1000 hours at
temperatures of 500, 600 and 750*C. Fig 1 shows the
change of impact resistance, specific electrical
Card 1/4 resistance, hardness and grain size with quenching
On the Nature of Excess Phases in a Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-
Niobium Stainless Steel
temperature; Fig 2 shows the change in UTS,
% elongation, impact resistance and hardness in
relation to annealing temperature (ageing temperature)
in 1000 hours. After heat treatment, the specimens were
dissolved electrolytically and the excess phases
liberated; the latter were investigated by chemical
and X-ray analysis (Ref 1). In Fig 3 and 4, from the
results of chemical analyEis, the change of alloy
element content in the electrolytic deposit and the
total weight of the deposit in relation to the quenching
and ageing temperatures is shown. By means of X-ray
structural analysis it was found that the electrolytic
deposit of the excess phases obtained from specimens
quenched from 12000C and above, consists primarily of
NbC (Fig 5a), having a lattice parameter of 4.42 kX.
As the quenching temperature is lowered, the % carbide
in the deposit decreases (Fig 3) and the q-antity of
the intermetallic compound (MoNb)Fe2 increases (Ref 2);
Cavd 2/4 the latter has a MgZn2 type of structure with lattice Ir
On the Nature of Excess Phases in a Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-
Niobium Stainless Steel
parameters of a = 4.77 kX and c - 7.80 kX. An
inflection in the "total weight" curves for the %
element content in the electrolytic deposit can be
observed at 1050 to 1150 aC. This is evidently associated
with solution of the intermetallic compound at these
temperatures. The transition of the alloying elements
from the dispersed phases to the solid solution in this
temperature interval is accompanied by some decrease in
hardness and increase in specific electrical
conductivity and specific impact resistance of the metal.
The electrolytic precipitate of specimens, quenched from
1150*C and subsequently annealed for 100, 500 and
1000 hours at 750*C and for 1000 hours at 6000C,
consists primarily of an intermetallic compound of the
same structural type but the lattice parameters decrease
to a = 4.755 kX and c = 7.738 kX; in the X-ray
photographs of such specimens, lines corresponding to
large reflection angles are widened considerably due to
Card 3/4 changes in the unit cell dimensions (Fig 5b). The X-ray/
On the Nature of Excess Phases in a Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-
Niobium Stainless Steel
photographs were taken in K-Cr rays. Lengthy
annealing at 5000C does not lead to separation of
excess phases; at 6oo0C the process proceeds much
more slowly than at 7500C. The chemical analysis shows
a sharp decrease in Nb and an increase in Mo, Cr and Fe
in the precipitate. These results enable one to assume
that the intermetallic compound must correspond to the
composition Mo(Fe,Cr)2. The molybdenides thus
separating cause some change in hardness, UTS,
% elongation and impact resistance of the steel (see
Fig 2). There are 5 figures, I table and 2 Soviet
This is a slightly abridged translation.
SUBMITTED: November 91 1959
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Butra, F.P. ) C/
TITLE: Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Structure of
Nolybdenum V
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 196o, Vol. lo,
No. 2, pp. 223 - 225
TEXT-: Changes in properties of molybdenum have been reported
to be produced by neutron irradiation (Refs. 1-4). In the
present work, molybdenum lamellar single crystals 0.03 mm thick
and polycrystalline wires, 0.2 mm in diameter, were irradiated
in a type RFT reactor. Irradiation was effected at up to
0 20 2
100 C with 1.23 x 10 neutrons/cm , of which 350% were fast.
A great increase in diffuse scattering of X-rays was produced
by irradiation (Fig. 16 compared with la). Laue patterns were
obtained with a molybdenum anode. The lattice spacing increased
from 3.1404 to 3.1414 +.0.0003 kX during irradiation. Specimens
were subjected to stepwise annealing at 100, 2M 300, 350, 4oo,
450, 500, 6oo and 830 0C with holding times of 5-1 hours.
Laue patterns of single crystals and Debye patterns of the wires
Card 1/2
Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Structure of Molybdenum
were obtained fox, each stage. Measures were taken to ensure
that the diffuse maxima and Laue spots were on the straight-line
-part of the film-darkening curve. For photometry a type mF-A
microphotometer was used. Fig. 2 gives photometric curves for
spots from the (200) plane and the corresponding diffuse maxima
for various anneal~ing temperatures, without annealing and
without irradiation. Lattice disturbances were removed by
annealing at 830 0C but not below. Fig. 3 shows oLaue patterns
of an irradiated single crystal annealed at 830 Ctaken at room
temperature and with cooling to liquid-nitrogen temperature.
The author concludes from this work and from his previous work
with Konobeyevski.y (Ref. 5) that the effects observed in the
irradiated crystals are due to the same combination of defects
that produce hardening and embrittlement. Acknowledgments are
made to S.T. Konoboyevskiv for discussion of the work and to
--K.P.-Dubrovin for irradiation of specimens. There are 3 figures
and 5 references. 2 Soviet and 3 English.
SUBMITTED. February 29, 1960
Card 2/2
Konobeyevskiy, S. T., Corresponding Member, Aoademy of Scienoes
USSR, Reap. ~,4.
De3rstvive vadernvkh izlucheniv na materlaly (The Effect of
Nuolear Radiation on Materials). Mosoow, Izd-vo AN SSSR,
1962. 383 p. Errata slip inserted. 4000 oopies printed.
Sponsoring Agenoy: Akademiya. nauk SSSF. Otdeleniye tekhni-
cheskikh - nauk; Ot dolen' ye fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk.
Resp. Ed.i S. T. Konobeyevskly; Deputy Reap. Edq 3. A.
Adasinskiy; Editorial Board: P. L. Gruzin Q. V Kur-dYUMDVh
B. M. Levitskiy, V. S. L~Vashenko (Dece&sedj,,Yu.*A. Martynyuk,
Yu. I.-Pokrovskly, and N. F. Pravdyiiki Ed. of Publishing
House: M. G. Makarenko; Teoh. Edst T. V. ?olyikova and
1. N. Dorokhin&.
,Card 1/14
The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV161T6'
PURPOSE: Thi -a book Is intended for personne concerned with
/C 0
COVERAGE: This is a collection of papers presented atithe
Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiatio6 on
Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects
certain trends In the work being conducted in the Soviet
scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are
devoted to the experimental study of the effect or neutron
irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys,
molybdenum, avia2,graphite, and n1ohromes). Others deal
with the theory of neutron Irradiation effects (physico-
chemical transformations, relaxation of internal stresies,
internal friction) and changes in tAe structure and proper-;
ties of various crystals. Special attention is given to
the effeot of Intense Y-radiation on the electrical,
magnetioj and optical properties of metals# dielsotrics,
The Effects of Nuclear Radiation Nont.) SOV/6176
Pravdyuk,,N. F., Yu. 1. Pokrovok:Ly, and V. I. Vikhrov. Effect
of Neutron Irradiation on Internal, Motion i-n- bb~o- and
Polyarystalo of Zinc 235
akharov, A. Effect of Neutron lr~radlatlon and Plastic
Do orma on on )roung's Modulus and Internal Friction 242
Konoboyevskiy, S. T., an Radiographic Effogto
ft ~
in Nautroh-XrradVated Crye
s 251
KCo2ontsova,_YaA_Y. Radiation and Deformation Disturbances
:En- Crystals 257
~olontsova and V. V. ZubenkaL. Radiation
_A_L_y Ye V.
Distqrbanoes in,Crystals, of Lithium,tiuorids 264
N. Qt_lialltws and L. F. Vorozheykina.
6es on MochaniZ~il-a-nd-OPtIout:~-
Effect of Lattice DlstiLjl~6
Properties of Potassium Chloride Crystals- 268
Card 10/14
EVIP(e)/El~k';.~.i)~Q/EtIT.(m)/EPF(c)AWP(I EPF n)-2 GGYjtS4,VH
ACCESSION NR. AT5023804 UR/00001/6/0 01000/02 l/ 56
AVMOR: Konobeyevskiy, S.__T. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Butra, F. P.
TITLE: X-ray diffraction effects in neutron-irradiated crystals
SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po problems Deystviye yadernykh lzlucheniy na materialy.
Moscow, 1960. Deystviye yadernykh izlucheniy na materialy (The effect of nuclear
radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniyai. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962,
TOPIC TAGS: x ray diffraction analysis, diamond, t-olybdenum, corundum, silicon
ect, x ray scattering
germanium, aluminum, fast neutron, irradiation eff neutron
ABSTRACT: The effect of fast,neutron iryadiation in fluxes of (0.5-1.23) 1020
n/cm2 was studied in diamond corundum, ~~si 1 icon,
germanium, aluminum, and
molybdenum bombarded at temperatures up to 100C, Diffuse scattering of x rayn
was studied on single crystals, and changes in lattice spacing were followed in
polycrystals. It was found that neutron irradiation increases the lattice
spacing and causes the appearance of a temperature-independent diffuse scattering'
on the radiograms-of tha irradiated crystals. Annealing leads to a smaller
increase in the lattice parameter and to a gradual attenuation of the diffuse
-Card .. 1/2
1" 2731-66
ACCESS1014 14R: AT5023804
scattering effect. In many cases, however (diamond, corundum, molybdeviLtm),_
dif f use scattering remains -stable- up to high temperatures. A comparison of
experimental data on the temperature dependence of diffuse scattering and chdnges!
in mechanical properties and electrical resistance induced by neutroa bombardment
I of molybdenum leads to the conclusion that all these phenomena are caused by I
groups of defects which cause the formation of prismatic or annular dislocations
that are stable up to temperatures close to the recrystallization point. An
explanation of the abnormally high increase in the unit.cell of neutron-irradi--tted
diamond is proposed: because of the rupture of the bonds in the lattice and
a change from tetrahedral to trigonal coordination of the atGm* the cello of
diamond are converted to graphitelike cells6 Orig, art, has: 5 figures and I
SUMMED: 18Aug62
TITLE: Structuralvariation ifi:a1pha.-uranium monocrystal deformed by 'stretchinF,
to the ruptu're point
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 15, no. 6, 1963, 873-879
TOPIC TAGS: stretching effect, alpha-uranium, structural variation
ABSTRACT: The ::~\-uranll)14 monocrystals obtained by the phase transitions
and recrystallization in the c-< -phase were deformed by stretching at room temper-
ature. X-ray photographs showed structural variations in monocrystals with
respect to deformation degree. Small defonutions caused extension of all the
spots on the Laue diffraction patterns. Further stretching caused the disappear-
ance of the Laue spots and the appearance of separate maxima of the characteristic
radiation located Irregularly on the Debye rings. Still further deformation
caused an orderly arrangement of the maxima. The maximum deformation (close to
the rupture point) produced the appearance of an axial texture with L6017 axis.
6 614~ 41`11~ tbcc;~.e aceura with-' it: W'As
at i -:-de c4-uraymum a room
:temperativre-~r6ceeds main
:7 ast c
y,-gl id ng-~ al:6ng -(010) by vwinnixtg ~13 01 < X Orig. art. has:
8 figures.
L 3466-66 EtrT(m)/EPF(n)-2/T/EWP(t)/E~ip(b)/aiA. (c W if C) E31JJD1JGA-,e1
'ACCESSION NR: AP'016929 ul~/Od89/65/61'8/6b6/co-0-1/060'8~
AUTHORS: Bochvar A. A.; Kuznetsova V. G.; Ser eyev, V. S.;
~Butra, F. F.
'.TITLE: Self diffusion in the alpha and beta phases of
4, zovkInVE; Atomnaya energlya, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 6ol-6oB
ITOPIC TAGS: metal diffusion
uranium, metal phase system, activationi
___~ABSTRACT:-This is paper no. 333 presented by the SSSR at the Third
~Geneva Conference in 1964. The authors Investigated by an autoradi-
!ography method the dependence of the rate of self-diffusion on the
crystallographic direction in the two low-temperature phases of
.'uranium. Earlier data on the self-diffusion in these phases are con-
Itradictory. Apparatus was developed in which the self-diffusion
icoefficient was calculated from the-rate of change of the a activity
!on the surface of the sample during the course of annealing, as well
L 31s66,,66
ACCESSION Ma -"-AP5016929
!as by autoradiograpby of the surface of the sample. The investiga-
:tions were made on singlecrystals, polycrystalline samples with large
~perfect grains
and polycrystalline samples with imperfect grains.
.The test procedure and the method of calculating the self-diffusion
coefficients from the change of a activity and from the autoradiogram5'
!are described. The results for a-uranium are listed in Table 1 of
Ithe Enc-losure. The results~for-P-uranium are similar to those for
:a-uranium, but the experimental conditions did not make it possible to
lestablish the directions with the maximum and minimum self diffusion
:coefficients. The coefficient obtained for the temperature ran e 700
~--750C from the variation of the a activity lies in the range ~2-6)
'-l1 2
~X 10 cm see. The results demonstrate convincingly the presence
~of anisotropy of self-diffusion in the a and P pbases of,uranium.
~;Orig. art. has:~ 7 figures, 4 formulas, and 1 table. 4
OTHERt 010
NR REF SOV. 001.
ca:rd 2/3
Table 1. Values of the self-diffuuion coefficients in
different crystallgraphic directions in alpha-uranium.
I Cry3tallogr. Self diffusion
Grain nuaber ', I
Coeff. CX2/S'*.